The Huron Expositor, 1874-12-11, Page 4-T DEC 18, 1874.- 4 HE HURON -EXPOSAORa: DEC. i8l 1874. W NE, W ADVERTISEME IN TS, Co -ses .4.0m, tke ne'gh- p litician8 who are willing to aom.ino- Jen gro, ing Jighter every year, -is vil� mpany have consented to on - &lid judging by the Applauso it received hoi -are also missing f 0 anpus, will lage -property i a v-aliie in afar eal of torawoo(I the House Would be willing to hear f r6m bothood. (Late themselves to circunist I co ter into n greement with the London in not answer. tbaa farm property. Holiday Preaeuts—.M. III. Counter. Mi.. Bishopofteuer. 13111TIly PARLIAMRNT.—The Bi�jt- L one such need pply to greater ratio MaThetis. rathe-r (lull In Jastitifl!' also says that 'withont the Company to take ..the whole thing off ent will re-aseluble oil Feb. r). the electors of tile gein, .'Of the w Cleariiig Sale —G. Dent. CdMIFUMORY VOTING. ish -Parliain 'first -Class WOOdbli,398 63 per to . Stoves.—John. Kidd.. their hands and coiistrtlGt and run the Air. Bethune, the - nieuiber for Stor- —The Bish'o of Lolidoli e want & repre3entative for our now additionl $5,000 of from tbf, two, tr rs Blytli. Further thani,his, mout, introduced his compulsory bill lat not )lave reeciv- qujDte Crosscut Saws—Joh-uson Bro. road is h �has prohibited Bishop 8olenso fron Itidii)g of sound common sense, of would —Roffman Bros preaeldlify in that district. (1, if ed a ceilb on account of W elli (new),, 90 Christmas & New Years howrever, they refuse to go.! Wily they . ilight, not, as he said, with the intention known stability and firmnes an ngtoll, 4.0 ''his at, per 'rey and "Bruce bolin. 'J smere Cheap Dry Go'ods—T. Kidd. of prosing it at present, but to evoke : CUAN CRIJUM—A privato letter' possible, one ac�luainted with our intuii- (x Oats fnew) perbuBbe)... ... Norrti Hurou Uefo-rm Association. -should stoplat Blyth nd1re1fuse to con- fie attanied big object, for from Cuba states thut s&ven slaves ei ffairn. aud also, ofie who is sure to ssertion and carries a con tradiction 3?,eaq �nvw) per bughf.1 Cheese Factories for Sale—W. S. Rob- struct the ioad to Wiligham, is some- 'very lively disoussion ensned and the recently flogged to death near Cardenas. win. 8nch -w-e, have in Wm. 11 oling t tnem'! per hmlaj he face Of it, as the two ischeines we're Butter,N-0� 1, ortsoll., thing that oats iders' cannot see into. E-XPOSITOR will be glad to learn that the AN E XGLIM M. P.., UVIS13ATEp );,Ol-,. Esq,, Warden of Ifurcill, If e would be rival ones nd had no connection.tbe 01W place, with the other. Ile ibill-flit as well Butter in tabs. To Cheese �Kakers—John Etliot.' -feeling of both sides of'the- House as Rin'rmy.—Mr. Brand,1iberal member truly the right Man in tile rig] C) tay ...... But such is the-, cas&. This off6r- was 0 W see- 0 MI Electors of Usborao—Jas.. Elder. stronAv in favor of the ineasnre. t'Mr. 'of Parliament for the Borough of Stroud, and no mail has a better claim oil the thmi; we would not have got it if ......... made on the coditions only that ll the Alow' t -1 ..12- fit Estray Otittle—Charles 11"obb. -ry h. d not iven a s ctio ppiioved of the principle I;nt at has been unseated for bribery. cleeto 14. lie settled in- the �NN est R -ion of Turnhoi 71f .............. at Estray Co—Archd. McKay. bonuses granted along the route would resent could not' s6e h is way clear -to its - ame of Ing when there wa.4 not even a cow pat I al bonus of $5,000 to the Toronto, Grey BLLTAIR-D 9 'Veall tall, per- pound... ii d Cattl,6—James Sproat.. be fortlicom-ing, wit -b the exception of practical o eratio;u especial] as the* bab b illiarda for the c ham p1bliship of tlle world wittlin, itsbouncla, He has grown wi a Bruce Pailway. also thinks Sheep ....... V,, P y bby. Deroche, Mr. at the three -ball game, was played on the. country Ii -ed hin elf -to a P ail) per barrel..-, Estray'Steer-19. ls a that if one iii(lividital pays three times Salt frei lot was still iiew. Mr. 'ill I -a P $1.5,000 from the bonns voted by the Salt (wh0v.!,alv1pt-r baj-rvl_ d Mr., Monday night t Tammany Hll, New sition of esteem and importalice, and, in s much au another to a specific�l object, Scott (Petc'rboro),iV.1r. Alere(b 11 - - - - -1, 'City of London-. The London Company wishes I he is entitled to a coi-resp9nClii)- am:ount Potatoe , jwirbusht Listof Letters—S. Dic,kson. Prince slipp�orted the principle of the bill, York,' between A. P. udolph and Alburt doing so, he is secilret the good t+ brI.. ....... 10 'W ........ ....... Boy �Vantect�\V. Elliot. have given their consent to thisropovi- even the immaculat� I'V1. C. Cameron Garnier. The game was 600 points, nd of aHe i.j well acquaiiiLed ith our of benefit. The villge- do receive IV Farm for Sle—Joh NIesser. iion, and the London Council have.agreed gave itbut very slight opposition. I rnay was won b Ituilolph in 41 innings, Gar- municipal affairs, and- his character, pub- corresponding amonnt of benefit over . . Y Gordon. it not only to rail- Farm for S add that compulsory voting is -nnly.o-ne of nier's score being 387. lie and private, is w . bout blot or. stin. the farmers, ill to give the $7 5, 000. The formal agree- foggin,, L s religious anuniber.of "ad.v,,vticedido,%s-"that.,tro FAILURE OF WALKIST. —'..'Prof essor" There is neither petty_ r, q I ac, lery way but other nwvtters, su ment wasto have been entered into wid ever.), da�y-icreasing in favor especially Judd, wo has been attempting ill Ntew nor siiobbery about biln. Moderte, peo- au(I orl that justly entitle them Wheat, per wol k commenced t once, bu� thus far mong �the younc,or members of the Lib- York to walk 50 to pay for those privileges, of which 0 miles in 6IJ days, failed ple of all parties and nationalities will .9pring 17 -heat, pe)rbus)iel ...... 09f Oats, per 01:clof the 368ti support hiiii, --jio c be i d -he recipients, nd although 1, at the ave not learned that the eral r4l. SAturday ni,,ht an n aced to i they'are t We b e I If Barley,, -per completed, although we think estand, big election. is certain. For a its a farmer, am not very apt to. howl phas been THE CAN)LD4 SOUTHMN.—An ssoci- cotchmn, he is'unlisnally and r 3, ....... 0 2! SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. is, "1874 there'is no doubt but Political. em rk- bout anytbing, I intend that my vote that it will be. ...... ated pres� telegrin affirms that Vander- ably modest, an(.1 he certain] * will not I upon. the first -Monday of * ann ry shall Y 0 R Sir John Mcdonald is again the,.Gon- bilt'has obtained a c6ntrolliii,()t iterest I rudely intrude himself on the' electors. be my protest against the anwarrantable Huy, Per toil ........... Reomn Conventions. tive candidate for the cousti ti;iency the Canada Southern Va"Iroad, proposing But I believe his loyalty to party, DOINGS IN'TORONTO. §erv. and abuse of power exercised by the Howick of Kingston. His old opponeilt,' Mr. I to make it a through line, wo.rking-it i big desire for the welf are f th A Convention of the Refo'rmcrs of the C. Riding, (10111161 of 1874, and I sincerely trust Tf rom Our. 010a Carruthers, is gain in the field against connection with the NeW York Central. will induce him to stand, if requested to thatmy fellow farmers rise in, their D East Riding of Huron, will be held P iI t s one man, n (1, b 's weeping the will likL -it hot UMMOINED TO (10 so I)V,a Convention. I -believe lie 1,11f I a y 0 ToRONT0, D C. 16,1:874.. him. Thecontest -ly be TuE CARL114T.8 8 White Wbeat, Deihl, per Brussels, on. Tuesday, the 29th of De- C14 55 to l 60 White 'ire A rumor has been rife in the -city for "One. DER WIHIN EIGMT DAYS.—Gen. Lom is will be the first person tho-ught of by ev Councilors out of office, proveto the a4aW —Mr. Mackenzie. the unseated Le- 'preparing a I to inter. $1 D cember, for e pitipose of organizii )roclamatio-ni summoning the cry nieniber of the Convention in A -Vest public that they are not so devoid of ?3 191 ome weeks past that nother morning form represeiltati�,e -for Moutreal,111'est, -Crlist insu-i-gents to sorrelider within 11-aron. Let Young, then, be our stnd- common sense as JuBtitia" supposes - -g NVlieat, �$l .50 to and, if deemed prad-ni-A, to select a can- --pap about to be established here. has been re-elected by it mjority of 6 eight days, and threatening to devastt' on. our nd that. the votes then recorded shall er was ard bearer and victory Will settle 12 to Al 13 - P .1 20 didatt, to conteat'the constituellcy for Mi have the effect of beilicy a terror to evil I was before unable tolefa -the amount votes. White, his opponent, has the country occupied by! them in- case of flag. lots, per Aoz., 20! Eggs, Farrnr,-�, 22,G ;W the Local Legislatitre A convention for" of truth in the runibr, b -at now it is, -1 be- n rly unfortunate in his further resistance-, Ax ELE(;TOft Or �VEST HURON. doers, the - i that -, do 'and 9, praise to -n the same purpose wilbe held at A,, -Ian- attempts to gain a seat in Prliament. VON AR-mm.—The court trying Count well. Crock, '22-c to 25c ; Butter, 1W lieve, estalished'beyond doubt that the S — _. I - t c dheseri, in the West PUding, on Wednes­ ome years ago le -contested one of the Von Arn-imwas in -secret session two hour: s you, for your kindness, l- o.28 Firki, 20c to 25a Poi "The Howick Council- and the enterprisiog firm of Jhn Catiaerol) & Co., Wentwortbs, and was defeted by a Ina- on Sturday, when' the most important low in(,. to sin, myself'one of those stig- day, December 30. Full p of the Londor. AdveTli8er, intend, agout jority of one Inst year be contested Villares." ot the documents mIiich have been with- niatized as ToRWRTO, Dee. garding the composition, of both these the middle of January-- next, issuing in rescott and vias defeated by two, and -beld from the p&bhe were read. The Po the o the., J-htron _&posilor HOWICK "HOWLEIL."' Conventians will -be found hi a notice this city- a Refoir ini newspapei now he has come within six of being, suc- prosecutio ii -a that a;Dy person llowim, Dee. 14, 14874. There were in to-dAy alielat -n gave. watni Inder theabove caption of wheat, at 81 for white, 95c i� DEAR STR L cessful. from the President in �notbtr column. HE AfORXIiNG ADVERTISERY r who published or cause to be published a letter was- published in your last issue 2 - '2(9 well, an 93c for Spring � --rbe Deform Convention for the these documents would be consideredguil- that was ev2ently calculated to accom- t $1 12 to $1 14 ; ZDC We tru-st that these Conventions will be Briefly, stated its platforni,. will, it- is North Riding of Perth was held atil- ,County Court. Barley, a osed, repi, vanced ty of high tre4soll. supp eset; the mQ're ad plish two thing, —the first and moist im- The December sittigs of the County Peas at 78c to 80c 300,bwq largely ttended, and that not one see- verton oil Friday. All the iuniciPai- A �VARNING TO -SCHOOL Win ,, of the Liberal partY;.,,*ho -acknow- portant being `7o , whitewash the R-owick Court and Gencral - 8essions took place tion of any municipality wilf -be unrep- ties in. the riding were- represented, 38 �A,41c to 4-5c. Hay sold at edge TNI r. - Blake as their- leader. Mr. A warning to school teachers Who still re- delegates being -present. N11'. James sort to co, rel punishment is the case of Council, the second to injure, as far as t (4oderich last week, His Honor Judge Hogs ranged from $8 to 68 50� 1. resented. Tyner, late of the Raindtoh Times, is to possible, the reputation of the Hoick Toms presiding. The arnount of busi- 0 Iare in fAir cmand, selling at be the ch�ef We also notice that a meeting of the editor,. and. -he `W'illbe sup- 1 Hills, of Logan ; Mr.. D. D. Ray, of Lis- John H. '17hite of Caiialitowliabip, Ven- farmers -ill regard to common sdilse. ness before the court was not large per Tb forGeese, a -ad 7t to & ported by a large, stff of editors and r - Penn., who died on Nov. (t utitia, " in common with o ur Conlicil tnere ivas no crim. inal busiaiess. The% -,keys. In Butter and.ggs ther Reformers of the-Souh Riding lias been. .1 Mr. James Corcoran, of Stratford, werO 26, after having been confined to big bed e towel ; James Fisber, of Stratford, and ango, County, porters.' seeing to have -a very lim'ited-idea of the followiliggentlemen. composed the (4rand change, called far Tuesd ne.vt, at Brneefield, at nominaed, but after addresses by 8eve, for a period of 13 years, with disease Of du b ve bee i1nusu- ties of municipal represelitatb ay -0 _+ Ili the II t;se things res for ury :,W. XV. Connor foreman. Tbos. a tal 01 the delegate8, llwitbdrew exe .9 - which 'also: A is. m ost desirable there ally dull for the past week. During a M ept the spine. The affliction arose from instead of attendiDg to the interests of Ballatyne, J. Cumming, Donald Carie, BUFJFALO L IVE STOCK 1% r. Hayt whose nomination was'made s arge atteudance� disatission on the item in'the Supplenien tile' municipality in g nefal, whicbe hould be a 1. severe punishment he received from a ei. ver Gleo. Chesney, W. Wine, 111m. Hill, R. Btrm-Aio, Dec' IT unanimous. Mr. Hay was not present. school teacher when he was but 12 years. way they'look, t6cirvisibn has beell ob- _V 0-iTTLE.—Receipts to-aay 61 tary -Esti -mates for charitable institu- —The Guelph 31e)-cary, one.of the mos die, D. _AcCartney, Thos.. Park, tious, r.- Lauder took 666"ion to make t of age. T Row-, J. Ross, J. R. Short- akilig the total supply f or . th The Election Law. respect[Lble anti r�liable papers in Onta- THE GRASMOPPEit DisTRim — Col, scured by Vie of Goriie and Thos. -H. Taylor. an attack on the Hon. Fiast_r, accu.s� Wroxeter. Whatever was the cause, ing, P. Tho thus far, 5,1066 head, or 298 =s rio, speaks thus of Professor McCand- Whea the Government, measure to ing hiin -of - Remick, the agent sent out by the Neb- -was Bau-n- the sametime 1&, whether it was the number of votes poll- i Thefirst civil case trierl 414 cars for less In all our experience we never raka State Aid Society, has returned to ed iii anuary -that loomed tockv's. Godon—An actin onaccount. further amend the laws laZecting the WIELDING TOO MUCH POAVER Inark came across a man so unscrupulous ui) before . s The wt, with a scarcity 4, election of mernbers to the Local -Legis- In the by rea-son of big riel J -90 i 0mal)a from -the grasshopper district, them in portentions shape, the 'possible Verdict by consent for the plaintiff$1206. ruled an J�e better than last A I - -A, e e * ion. unjust, and such. an acteptat misrepre- $1 having carefully visited seven con If e said i 11, A that the Roman Xth sinfluence of villagers in the to�nship, or Mr. Cameron for plaintif. pim,b, and �commonnd Uo_ht h lature and the trial of such elections, olic cbrit�ble institurons were getting sentaution as this discbarged Professor His report shows that 2,300 peol)le will the property 'interest of our Keag vs. Gordon�_kn action on, &C- rs' stock full at Jc has proved himself to be. Ignorant, ar- need daily rations and clothing till �teeve�and wbich we referred to last week, came lip too much, though all these ingtitutions they Dept-ity, I cannot say - but true it'is that count. Verdict by consent for the N he. Priq 4 prised. about 1,300 on ire p, m ill -proportion to their work— rog�kut, conceited nd tyrannical, he can raise something to subsist upon in the township funds 6xp"ended on' 13-6ilding plaintiff ',-4121. Cameron for plaintiff. fom'$4 25to $6. for a second reading in the House sought to be the autocrat of the Institu- the spri . There have been no cases of Protesant anci. Roman' Caholic. , ,r. U19 road, &c., generally tended in that di- %Vatson -vs. Alcxander�Afi a�ction on &1EEP AND Tuesday, Mr. XIow'at nnounced iere.every one AVOUIdCriDke.to persons starving to death. lied in on of the Thr people recticiii. OUT municipa institutions apromissory -note. Verdict by consent z,2oo head, maiugg the total si that he Fraser re,p e ablest.. tion, -Vvl 'hev were big slave Qs him as if t had added a clause providng that if m is- spee h s f th e. ion, sbowiny the i s' When are not inactive. They ]lave. been and copied from the 4ncienb Rojaian. Ciivil for plaintiff $205. Glarrow & AValker7 -e the week, thus f avl, 10, OW Yead they refused to do that, he mark d them p tak-3s are made, by whi the property tolerance and bigotry of the 1jarty who, are yet plowing- and getting ready. for Code, have recognized from time 'im- fa - -1 ntiff. I I �6 5 0 head f or th e s ame thii-a 'h out.. as big objects for revenge; he set s ring planting, hopinj that seed will be inemoriat as one of the fundamental prin- Russel vs., Gordou—Action on prom- -The market was active for Can in respect of which voter is entitled to- if, they had their would reduce his p co- d position of -political 'very few -and principle., of issorynotte. Verchctforpl iltiff $1244- at to 9-7 Canada sheep $5 t re-lizi �nists to a SL)ic's to watch their every- footstep, and in some way provided. But, vote is wronly stated,, as, for example, pursued tberw ciples, in fact as the gi ai with hate that was'little- serfdom.' He stated thatthere was not a people are leaving the district. all- municipal overn&ent, equal rihts 62. Garrow & Walker for plaintiff, 8hort of devilish. An upstart A the. 9 Ny'estera sheep at $3 15 to:$5 54 if, thepropety is starte e north less influential man in the - Cabinet than. NAT 'AINST BISIAIARCK.—An to every citizen, from the highest to the Squier for defendant. a argen:nnibe of pr� a .d as tb IND1W MN, M, 'a lot whe it should be the soath had aIWRYSf0L1nd big Royal Canadan Bank vs. W- ilson— Ch�ristnlassheep ai half of -he -wag, but that he best, his head got turned by the influ- intense feeling has been aroused it'. France lowest and thm our Council, in appro- A lailibs in tl eude he thought -be could wield, and: he by: some of th colleagues willing to (10 justice,to'those e papers read in the Vo the Land Improve- i Ali "action to recoverthe value of certain f 0 half, the vote sha . n priatitig $2,000 of nv Whch Que drove berepreiented. -He traced the history triedtoriderough-shod over every one Arnim trial. One despatch especially in nt Fund to pur In- American coupo ns which defendant sola o chase sectional debe was eciasiderahe best, alause -was lso, added repealing che withwhom'be cairte in contact. ]Row- me of the Conservative- party in the past, which Bismarck says he cannot but wish the two villages�of Gorrie and totheBank. Tbeywerelostormilaiti, UP to -caad;a prices was offere� clause in. th else can we ccount for his unpopularity, e present election'law which showing that thougli very prodigal of to see France weak, and deems it ina& Wroxeter, have acted in direct violation andtbe. Bank sought to Make def�ndant fused. preducles,'depuy 2,eturni OM and for the feelhig of utter contempt that ble to strengthen herby contrib for t11 ng ce 8 rs promises to 1heir Roman Catholic gap- utillg of this grand old m%im, is a,truth that responsibl �elll et e NTer(,li for de- to purters they was felt for him even by.those who were HO Poll derks ad ao, s from voting. had always refused them pointed on his special recom to the' establishment of the 'iklonarch� inust be, -patent to every. unprejudiced f end' t. Benson &. Pleyer foi- plailiti" f Ment The aiA& -0g), the total supp y 4'r V V mend- causes'profound inGarro-w &- Wlker for defendant. fhus far,. 19 7,00 head, agailul. that position to which their numbers and ' maki forim of oath wa:s alt ed- so that a voter ation, some of wh m Nv midd that is in any de ee- coversani; 0 ere the first. to _,r influence, entitled them. He said he- SAD OCCURRENCE.—A sad occurrence with the facts of -tho case, which re'as Foster s. Whiteford --An ac#011 on WeA e�poge his, incapacity, and to protest happened at Preakne ti, last i 'lead for the same me is not required to indentify the partiGular', was just as well pleased to bave one of 88, N. ., a smll llr 13laintiff wasati-ve slight -at property for - e near Patterson. Five children of Wyoxet nus of Mr. Ca -mer -Leavy and a �corre ad -1 the Opposition leaders nnounce his gainat Iii.i tyranny. I -low is it that he The villages of Gorrie and common counts. Verdict fo which Ile 18 assessed er voted. a sectional be (in forplaintiff, -Mr. spoll bigoted -1 and, intolerant views, as had not a single friend in the place here a dairyman, named.dolin Dolterich, four' $5 0.00 to the Toronto, Grey in& Bi-tice 8eager for defendant. t that of -hich he is still in possessi he lived, or in the section surrounding; girls ged 16, We rquo- e � ,or Yorkers. Lauder had done, ii it would show his a 15, I3 and 8 Years resPeC- Railway, ' Gorrie �5,1,500 and Wroxeter to 57 15; hogs in respect of which 'he claiins. to. vote. co�religiouigts whi ridthat among ll'classes, and people ti Watson 'Ks. Willing --Undefended c- :95 15� iirt they might expect vely, and a boy:six 'ears old, ventured ; - I Y ,3,500, and even . ".Justiti" would tion on a note. Verdict foi- plaintiff ot all shades -is looked w 2, 00 head we d of politics, he w. re pThese nada, He -which scarcely insinuate that theillgers; -wen '�-_2,030.66. Garro -w- & 'Walker for with the provisions we m entioned, i frw the Tory party of G ith a sleigh upon a smal I pond in' sid be bad lir, hesitation in giving his upon as,an upstart, ail incapable, nd al- ice, ail inch thick haal formed. Thepond last week, form the in ited to do this by a spiri f pure I Plaintiff. more _n1aortalit togetbe�* unfit for the position he held?" t O UVE STOCK R Ronvul Catholic -friends ibe -advice he was ne�tr their house, and the mother of', benevolence, and philanthro desire Thefollo-wing is the pre.�entment i Tapo-VTO., changes Which this bill makes in —And stilt notber victim. Mr. Crow- pfc had adways (Ylveii them—that if ever the children was watching their sport I to beiiefit their rural neighbors, the How- the Granclury:­- th ey ep. e c -et hag passed last sessio*L ell Willson 2A. P. for East idd] wark U ted t3 crct justice it would not esex, from a window. when the- ice gave way duriog the -past wegl 1 ick farmer�. Nyj veril -they voted County of Hilron, The Jurors of oar as I gap,) ',be by supportin the Opposit�lon leaders h been unseated by the Utlection0owrt. edl the chililren. were drowned b 9 and for bribery -by gents., The charge of 'd 0 r o that money.pare aud sinlple because they To- 8overeill-.11 Lady The ts jue Y fa . ceip. InIkling a good Inan who only made them. tbeir tools to assist their mother's eyes, in spite of all effor..' i tought it -would pay thein to do so, by Queen beg Nave to .present that ibey olida personal, bribery was not stistained. A Cumpulsoy Voting, them, - to place*. and power. Lande. to lity for the h r save them. new election was ordered. increasing their bitKines tacilities and have exmined the- Jail amd flud only f ni-edium and inferir On Tuesday laaf, _Mr. -Bethune, _'P\ T. P. ',triecl.to sooth thins over —Ata meeting held by the CoDserva- enhancing the �valuef their real estate, three persons confied therein, one only ��r �o P. for s C. Calm, leroft. - tn"i ed to he] p him to" d'o so, having been �comp 'Storm, out, his Bill pro- I I � [In but,the result �vas that both felt that it tives of Lincoln, oil lVednesday last, it The Division of the County'of d that it- is doing so I will prove to -.is prisoner, and learn with satisf�actioii 'TKed-emwaa has beeA aclive,. viding for coin-paIsoy voting, a demonstration. Our Reeve, Mr. Per- that one of them (a lunatic) -will short] I -to. the I was filially, decided to again protest the i Huron and the Co c y ices bave' -would have been a wise thilig if* Mr. beeupai1 Wleq%� ming Ele s, n -emoved therefrom to a place where mium cattle from _�6 to Gibson be i 3abject. tion. consideration of the L islature, il an,): Lauder ll�Lcl kept quiet on the F electibil of ;Captain LN-orri' member for kin d Deputy Reeve, -Mr. A are both property holders to lar-ge hi' pbysial ailmout will hara proper Pe ages of Gorrie and Wrox- care dttention. nd also recommell(I able nd covincing speech. - He stated, CLOSE OF T117. the dommons. A protest baslso been I To the Editor of the teiit in the vill, bs b- to Last 1%11ondiy� in order to. burry. enter6d against the re"turil of 16. A. F. -)5 -to $4 �50, ind howeirer, that it was not his inteni ible some provision Uon to Macdonald, recently re-clected for Corn- The County of Huron is now divided etei, and, although I would not inisin.11- that s soon as poss se determined 4� through busin6g, tile Hou to 3, fbr elec'oral purposes aiad at length we. ate for -moment that - 'ma; press his measure at the present. -on all,'ancl it 'is said th.it the election'of elther oi these shotild be Ae for the poor than jail 50 FEP.—A-10 esessli S11 on holding two', sessions er. cl�iy, one e ded- the justice of more gentlemen would use hi 1 ]on. &ssociations. P -Montreal es that he had only brought it rw, Mr. Mackenzie, fo� t, public posit week, Nvith stready fo ird for cominencing.at­3o'dodk ' nd the'Jother reptesentation. in tbe Le,gdslturc, to is a lever to give his priva We also find that the jail is well at wIdoh took p.1 ace other day, -&is also to e interests the purpose of the opinions of i it 7:30. be Premier has an6unced ing f romS.5 to * One C -et we j ust eltiquire as to be protested. Nvbic'h we have been so long and o just- boit, !.that heexpects to get who cleanly kept, reflectino, credit ci the Warden's care members as to tile principle upon- which through b usiness 70 lbs.� sold ait IV entitled. The division may not give this' 2,'000i6goingtobefiefit. 18'itnottlle chiess, Mr. Wallace the Conservative call- and �in ear. to this week, .nd tbere seems to b&_ otbing &ess go W dida;te for IA was based.. Mr. BetIlu 8outh orfolk, has been elect general satisfaction, for no possible d ivis, large property holders i as We ho �io­tice with satisfaction that, one p ne)s Object was to prevaut a fulfilment of ),is p�rlo­rnlse,, a$5 rize sheep 1011 this resp -ninio Parliamen -it the sllic time, 111) to the mllproprietor it almost amounts Messrs. lxo�ertson & Jm ieso o t ed for tbe Do llya,ce would; but, omplisbed, andfl'-private bill, legislation and committee t by a :�25. ,work be y of 132 overlhis Pteforin oppoll- Y. X. C. A. tire majorit der. all the circumstances, I believe it is 2 to nothiiicr, The benefits aecruincr to town, -members of the - be e-c-ceed about as good as could be made, except them LAMBS. —There, were not luor FeIrcruson, the Op- ailway facilitiesbeing small, ull-ren-litting in their attention as visitrs .ons expressed m t, � - the opini wor iig_xbout the suin. total of' the ell Nir .1 _. dpri. k to be done. - The -course of,tbe Stuart. Dr 0 from r. in tha-A,were required Y i ,Iy gi tifying, not oul -to Ilim but to 101, and Turnberr and, coil Sequent] Y, their taxes are smll to t11 -candidte, ilas .also been re- perhaps, that Wingliam Y e inmates. 1_NVE.STIGkT1O_X- ' .- - I at up to $6 S. i proportion. We will, 130AV see -what firlu -0 ls, elected for Xorth Leed ouglit to be in. the East Riding. The di - In We also desire to congratulate His. 'car to Aress Z one the e who: have -advocated- this im-',.' so -far te ds to convey the''impression vision is signl for some. w ait! ity- ,ho the villages get ill lien of their the decrease of ary, Reform. TI161 that loss to the Opposition will - be the 0 0 0 Honor on the evidence of divess *2 Jbq� crillio on the ",5 38 ione car to of tb result of Cllierou's ction. Th bungry for Parliamentary bonors to sti (-rorrie for $1,500 has got a fact that we b ave po bill to -dress 4S lbs., At V one car, to nment, altbo-.1igh he i e NEWS OF THE WEEK und. Foi yuars back we have 4ia(l strange coincidence, part,of _tIlat pres:ent this session. 0 e e so far shows that the leader of ur p itician to dmss,65 lbs., at 5,36 5 - did not express himself favorab I ainate ol s, burnin�w with aii-xier sidino, runs through priya�te property be- COX -_\-OR-, I to con'- the Opposition has good reason "to be ty to Ca&1 � G ERMAN u -,- BoIrs.—Two Germa:n serve -y in IorigiiIg to our rZ ee've, increasing its pulsory voin(,; raised no object' -their counti shi med of the alliance, offensive, fknd gun -boats have been witlidt ions,' to as It awn from and fancying that without tbeir valuable four fold. He has , storehouse built oil _F LakeOnt, the principle, but founded his objections I has formed ith the ex- Spanish waters. BI LTH'is, 1 , I aiio tlwre h ege aid and counsel, everything would ooa it, and has sold sites for two more for eason rof -11 l of tl in McKillop, On Dec. 11, ea dvrimthe past Princip, ie Coll Tile latter ap STEA"AtFt LOST. —It'is feared that the go to ruin rid rpid, (I ay The coun- 4 0 o is correct. Call er ni tily oil the detls of the bill. 84ve- pers to be a conceited, snobbisli indi. steatner liel' ec. if my informati th e wife of Mr. John 30�0' essels, )A -den ,vith lumb ral m embers on both icn f rom Cardiff for Cork try is f till of suell. characters. Q,use� i vidual, -who was possessed with re posts rw. the idea has b lath) oed-n`r- 3 sides of the 11 Like the lie say that the ine * ast(l value of big oN,%u bip Clerk f aon, cOn lost with -ill on board. HEr pa6- potato bug or the Canada, thistla , they i property bas not paid his share of the y and agrjeultu:,ral Produce for eaforth, on Nov. 29, -the, aepressed, themselves strongly Ill favor I that big position as head of the'. iiistitu- all. are to be found everywhere, *ready to sectiona"I'lionus? ; 1 think not. -Wrox- wife of r. R. H. Yming, of a tion, entitled him to lord it over every ports, of the principle of compulsory voting'. I N Fiv GOLD DiscovE, special to serve iinder any - ki - lipy, provided Ahe eter for �3,500 has a station Within easy hter. i one else connected with it. He apa.- and -the leader of th e Opp ' the Ohicago Tbnes,.fr8ul Sion' retly tried to pply this -role to Mr., Me- says . advices direct, c X City, Ii., only gain the ilarling- object o i r' ':-access for the cconiodatioi,'of mir Depii- MPARR,IAG1,]C_- To TRE ELEVTORS f tile* wiliagness to. sp"ort onfirm the �cport lives. Some of those einbryo.statesmeli. ty-Reove and other business ni-en, Als a 'wroug p -'ire Kellar, the tlien Commissioner of Public that quite a large I? dy of miners 'the resideiice, JiDl arejare now on the war path, flying around will doubtless also get siding -when oc. t). -A -v duty - - . ,,ad all f ounde d Vrarks, -but not finding, him sufficiently working in.the Blaclt hills, and that electioneering with Might'and main �asion re(luires. Coan they say that their D c. 1 5, b y ",Pon tile DrinCilyle- Only one 'IN of the bride's father near Seafoith, Oil ember expressed himself unfavorable liable for 'i's Purposes Impudently - pre- they are well fortified, and have found With apparent artlessness -they paini 110 ro tended to ignore the head of the De increased fiteilities is not p,%yinty their to compulsory votinrf Part- gold in payii)g quantitics., )ent of St. . Thomas' urhnttlitioD of beiU9 A 19W From the. �ee iheir varied qulifications to unsophisti- share of the sectional bo -us ? orgm At the e p - -, n1eDt to w1liell Ile was properly rospon- :REDUCTION OF FRETil TO, Take it William ITspeler, Fort the Reeve �or j0onei3l, s measure, it 0 eave le 1111- or a in ie o e transacti tion, accorded Mr. Bethune' sible,- and to, transfer big llegiance en- cated electors, oil has Le electors Of or of IRAILIVAYS.--2flic Wes�ern Bureau of lbression that toba, to eldest da-ughter of jorthe hon eiatwg they alone can do the State suspicious look, and our public ineii ;1ju"Sours xmlpet- apolis cr6od setvice. Oh!' pJ�A & I is not dif Icult to see that tbe -principle fir'ely to the cautious and ldhdl'y Prelpi tlu% road Commissioners.niet at Indian, 1,11dwig Meyer, Esq. I rem -upon- which it is based is The latter endured the disurbaucts lie on 'Tuesday, andordered a -'reductio c my country- how 011911t to -be like Cwsr's wife, "al_)ove the Bible Chri-;' s becomill,or-more if. oftenhs the most H bse� and sordid ob� sfispiclon. Bitt the villag -s say neith- %7 created tfntil forbearance had long tian Patsonage, Ehinville, oil Dee. HE -SE MA" ceased seven cents on the Nvinter schedile for ject been sought in thy name. Bettor if or Mr. Perking nor In _,ei t 0 suen. rlatns had the decency and the motion. Oh, no! Mr. (4rei(y, worthy TO 0 bp�position to it ill to take decided' action ih� the be the beginning of' wal. gainst the good taste to wait 11 to _Miss Hrriet Fellwick, boitli of the last vestige Of �.E popula day by day, and that before Iong to be v irt-ae, but at last he was forced madby P, ev. 11T. C. Beer, Alr. tienry- Herii, eastboundfreigbts. This-issuppose,it I cb' w -have dizappeared. util they ire invited man, made motion oil 8ept,. 16, that ion - also au so ga-lon We have every- con- McCdless? perance is decidedly Baltimore and Ohio for their re- borne. i tol_stai�d. sl I I . Imore like that of -an d vance agent of iould be on their '�,2,000 be granted to the villages. idence o�, fideace, that ere the close� of the next fusal to join the Sar, the re' irl, 9(ra compact. d against those Wbo are too e er to Weir seconded the -da gUT knall circus. than �tbat of a learned Pro- motion, Mr. .11,1xrells bride's mother, aBN VILA R-U881AN-8 IN Cl,��NL-TRAL ASTA.—Ne,ws offer their services, for they alWays lave gave sil(-,I)G assent and the motion wag there will be a law e C vance pos f367 0 1-1 t �essor. He dresses and acts like a i has reached the ad 91 on Dec. 2 1 saitute, book Ell ts of the a per Beer, Mr. Ja;ines 11 --- �-f' rt, t will c inan ankee�well, solial ml selfish objeco in view, and carriedgiew on. Between meetin's Mr. erbe ompe-I every Y -and is so. excessively i , C I Russian Army in Cent ,al Asia of -the safe ough't not to be co A-liss Mary Hogg� both of Sy, jrkCTORIES 'POP' P ian has f re- arrival in J�C , N;JS�I,ftoRy._�A -,11,(; -f - for. unt6nanced, by ny,1 Greig hears the muttered curses of the Usborne. who possesses, the franchi3e, ,tn who is erthient tilit the chairn horas5 o� the first 11'a Of not prevented by suffici �Iue.intly to take him to task for his ill trading caravan whief Sian party. Self with 'them is everyt if��HF, 1jinburia C1 epaers, nat lou( -a t deep, -,pid n- be tivnSul ent re ever penetrated The general feeling among all t asolls ru(� Biernes, on Dec, 12, by Rev. from -Lp of -the mail may e, ableto face the storm be evokZi ne exeraisag it, manners. The stan in 0- 01 the best farinilig'Pud oill to at le thateountry. lteportg�received fro the forniers is that- J. Biernes, to % L Ov. 18, be moved,. seconded 1igs Ile- by M r. caties lu -the country. It ig) *6134 ast attend the polls bQ inferri-ed from the faQ.t that he state([ I caravan complain of illostile agitations divided or bioken oil jin all of AICK'll the.party must ot j); N 'OP. Order, 4 solt-bea and d osib his ba11 r y account. WUL Evans, that'the.forilier motion be res- iho'cavollb e -P ot, and thus have ef- i evidence the otbeil day that he con- Ilian, 14 0 1 - 1, I NNG 11 N A 1) ha amongthenative tribes caused by the must go to tille polls united on good cinded and., that the villages get noth- W. e sidlered it beneath the dignity of mr. intri f atualy closed the* last door through & n stigations of British duly scleoted and then the result Nvill ingi This moti 1'-,.Ippci), -oil Dee. 2 by Ilev� 11. Cain- I%IeKellar's position to be engaged to the on was ,ow IL B67 which deetbra corruptio nd bribery aents. croij, Mr. 8alnllel Hollingshead, of -not be doubtful. In the East RiAiig, commenced tb e wrangle over th e d i vision Hay, to Nancy, third da -ug, hter of can be practised. For his efforts to tr�n'e a public institution ! He did 'A SUNTDAY SCHOOLTEA-CM-ER AREESTED.. Gibson appears. to be the favorite. Boy WANTtZ pro� lbowever, consider it beneath hi- I of the s oil, and Evans vowliny an -1) a boy to lea""' a iii, ailley e this result, Mr. Betlkune is 'nity to act the spy, aild. to listen to Frederick Hilker-, Sunday school teacli.k nominee of a Convention, and there e and --)vlr. Perkins moving thein s 0, the Manse Win. s'_Yle, Esq., of 8-1 T cur entitled �At, St. Paul, Minn amed 'ikve.no doubt he'will be the unanimous tbey u n nent, consented, to the thanks -of the' the gossip of his servants in ord' 1 1 n Luthern Ir"burch, wag an entire people of er, if er ill the Germ, be no quostio po., sible, to ,et up scandal. against his u. as'to his election. Ie- teriously as a juggler would inake b -is Kippen, oil Dee. 162 by Rev. 1-1. XOTXIE� eron, earn this Proviaae,- and -we tra arrested on' T iursdxy ion the ehtrke of garding the South Riding, you know ll puppets (lance, makes the division no t ochan., to WILL t)te PartY '11'hO was seen ff LID t hewill con- I n, suil�_�ior officoe-r. -Liching six of hisi ldy f)-upils guoD, both o" Tu ker- robe ITOW rts till i deba on, etnill EIRSTRIBUTIO kLL tween the ages of eight and 15 Years.' in point of fact ssess- turaky Afterno tinae, to persevere i" his -effo TH E R be- about it. In the West Ridipg, -which, in relative 'proportion either to a Blizabeth Fer inithi is the new. Riding, the ment or amount of bolius p (1, but jx,r t -rouble? they are cro u In this c4t, I e up for its s econd read in cr last Mon Hilker co'nfep,,4ed his driwe nd applied to Reformers, of course, will select -a can- capit( i- 1874 t, according to -population. if suci d) if the completne failure of 'a la r to defend bi quitable, where ZSTUY VATTL'g- e- will JU, nd broilght a bible and a meet. Fortunately there are plenty of is the amount that ought to go to Lake- IH MARKETS. movement be has the sympathy of very ht, and w y C, ni. his wife visit.� (lid -ate ata Conventicip. whicl, will, soon E large nu-mb&r of the people, and h the Oppositio.n to make a poitit agaili,st it ed Ili division is inst, and. e inq be considered an evidence that the packag� of tobacco to. console him. remisps of the UD kut into At -be 13 have the assistance of a larg-e'portion of seb alne is- a fair o' good ineir in the Riding to -choose from. let, to -Newbridge and to Behilore Vil- C L U.S., SEAF ORTH, Dee. lie then the Govern.ment CATIliESTEAUNG iN� Lo,,,,o IqLAND.— There are h e every cause to can the Press Gn both sides of polifics. 111-aturate many in Goderich'and other la es in Howick, who pay for the rail- 1 Tbere steer a)1a one 7enT 119 them- The f 9 armers of Loncy Island have missed parts -of tile is ot much change to note ill The Only good spee iding -who have strong wa , mid as villages,- receive no direct � market quotation& Grall of all all oil the cattle forallionth past. Ithasat last clai Y rque14,ted tO Prove pro ms and could be- caily elected, nd aa take thm sway- olprsiiion side was that of 11 X lietit ftom it ? Or to Pordwich, thar, I AMES leredith been discovered that they were stolen and whose el:' be remains firm at nearl $67*4 The London, Huron and Bruce who took a stand ii ection would reflect credit on contributes its share of the railway debt, Y old prices. Pork. l. general term a again is slau litered for their hides. Oil Monday the- constftuelic t Railway. any inerease.in tb y. While we have thu! -EsTRAY �UIVLZ- 8 is certainly entitled to its share per bead ONVer. Dulling the psst week e -memberbip� ciff -thc tworTunters found a pilel of beef carcases plenty of -good men it would be is a tri-fle I Judin- from current reports, there is House. One of the best speeches oil the in the woods near We mpat� of the 82 and. an from or**. cidlawn. The. hides unwise to select a' man of doubtful NATroxeter ne amount of produce has been 'S., a P respect that this long talked -of enter. Go , vern ment side was made' by and hindquarters w dr who elter VZintaril IV ere gone, and from ap- datuaged Political reputation.. It woula the debt,,'w tiraes the bout July last MR. 131�[Hor ­ into deli' ered ixL Seaforth. -several -id doOtless, expectin(y tort .11. the - prie is shortly to be -proceeded with. menLber.for South Huron. perances 50 head bad been killed there. be like invitin a defeat. VjtU is ipeech The true wis- tobe Inarket ni. 19�"ue, c Dtres and to the point, also str -ad - e Of We believe that the Gre'at W6stem was gensible, iioro6 Near 4y two more canmses were found, dom ix to. get' Le best and tjle most. un-', colne lakge-. V'1149'5s' a grcfti 1,4. have been cram-Lmed so ipped of their hides. everal ob ectionable man eivilizatiqn� would naturally with­ztheir fUll-Of t4ins as to make it ahnoit impos- aae& we can. Thiselus of, growth'm" proeiesg'of time findthe 14jr- sible to get o There is a 'good