The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-28, Page 801P000011. DISTOCT MATTERS,. 1 , . NICHOL'S VLCID ANNATTO, the est : made, in half -gallon jam, $2 25 each, or $24 per dozen. to Cheese Faetories, at HmaSON's mg &time. ' OHEAPSIDE --.-Stone Cream..Croc -s, I Stone Batter Crocks, Stone Churns, Stone e- • serve Jars with Corks, FIat Milk Pans, -&c. he largest stock in .town and cheapest et ALL1!'S Grocery. * CRICKET alls and Bats, Base B lls and Bets, Croquet Seta, Rubber Balls, hard temA soft, at R. liteaspea's Drug Store. J i Opposmols Is THE I.JIPE OF TR: Le -- WALTER SCOTT intends opening a Fn itUre Wareroom in his premises opposite the M ti et *Where he will be prepared to furnish all kin ls of house furniture, tither wholesale or retail at he -very lowest prices. - * 1 t SEE HICKSON'S ADVERTISEMENT for prices of Cheap Fruit Jars and jelly Tunibletse 4. . e„. SOMETHING VV (MTH LOOKING T The Clothine and Gents' Franishing Departmut at the 777,'Seaforth, can now boast of the a d - Boniest assortanent of CLOTHS, and HAT nd CAPS ever offered in Seaforth. Call and see hpm whether you leave your, order or not. !The Fe s well worthy of inspection. The peaterns and sty -les are all ne . Look out for advertise eat giving full partio ILTS nextweek. ; COM(RIER LAL HOTEL, I Sea. orh-. t This house is the best in Seaforth for comm re al travelers and farmers, as its accomraielati n is first-class, while its prices are as low as the c e p-, est hotels. The rooms are large, vrell furnis ecl and perfectly cle n while the best attention is given to all who pAronize the house.- There is I, • large stabling in onnection, and attentivt lers. Below are t c prices, which commend tlie selves to the tray ling public: Farmers, with 14'o horses, hay anddi ner, 35 cents; over mght, with sapper, bed and. b eakfast, and hay for horse, $t1; single meals, 25 ents.—ALEXANDER Dev S N, Proprietor. ee. TurOXERsmiT shall commetice t AND TROPICAL commencing in th ships of Tuckers leaving home wil their family or ne be delayed, for I ing September -- AND MCKILI.OP. I deliver my orders for " P0LAn onens ",on MONDAy, Se t. 7, Village Of Seafortle and pwli- 'th and McKillop. Anel one please leave the money with rest neighbor, that I niay not ave some 400 orders to 1111 .dur- B. CARHAA. N R „..t.TBSC IBERS„.—The ExPostacia will be supplied t new subseribers from now t ran1,1875, for 50 ants. - e FALL AssizE .—The Huron Fall A sizes Will open t Goderich, On Tuesda Nov. 3. Hon. Mr. Justice Strong w preside. DISTLNGUISH D INDIVIDUALS. —At the Vice-Regal Ball at. Goderich On Friday evening blast Lord Dufferin danced with Mrs. Horton,' Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. B. Seymour , Miss EIWood and Miss Horton, and Lady Dufferin with Col. Ross, Dr. McMicking and Mr. Hayes. STAGE LINE —Mr.- John CamPbell, late of the Co ea OA ercial Hotel, Selgort , has purchased the stage line 'between Brussels, and seaforth. The travelina e public may rel that, Under Camp mana.genient, this old and popular line will be kept fully up to th,eimar14 and that nothing will be left unchine fo the comfort and accommodation of pas • sengers. ford, the champ on harclle rider of the world, and many ther well-known names. A special feature of this circus is their splendid brass met band from New York City, ruldei Prof: Manahan, which will discourse s eet iiisic through our streets on the day the show. -For further particulars se advertisement in another column. - DESTRDOTIvE IN3ECTS.— We wler shown, a day or two ago, three monste tomato grubs or slugs, which had. be captured in the gardea of Mr. Cordetee o this village. The largest cif these woul measure ,over an inch around, aad a.bou six inches in length, and the other tw were nearly as large. They were ver repulsive looking, and it is said thatl their bite is poisonous . - THE HERD LADDIE.—Mr. James Wyllie, of Leven, Scotland, better known as the "Herd Laddie," and world-renowned champion checker' play- er, will give an eithibition of his skill m Seaforth, on Friday and. Saturday- -to- day and to -morrow, --in Knox' s Hall.. All who wish to witness this game ekill- fully and scientifically played shauld not fail to attend on either of the above days'. Suck another opportunity may • never again offer.. eTOURNALISTIC. —By the last issue of the Huron Signal, we learn that it has again changed proprietors: Mr. Bell has disposed of the office to Messrs. Allen & DickAan, two practical newspaper men. We regret the cause which has led Mr. Bell to sever his connection with journa- lism, and trust that in whatever new oc- cupation he may engage, his heath will speedily be entirely repaired.. 'e wel- come the new journalists to iluren, and wish thein a large degree of presperity while directing thedestinies of theSignea. ' . • , NEW INVENTIONS. —We understand that Mr. -George Forsyth, of Seaforth, . Itas invented and. obtained a' patent for a grasshopper net. •By means of this in- vention, Mr. Forsyth claims tha the ) grasshoppere, ean be cleared offany rops onewhich they may settle, and. le des- troyed. before they have an, opportunity of doing any damage.—Mr4 F. Seegmil- ler has also iuvented and had patented a useful and ingienious apparatus for. drying oats, so as to render them fit for grinding. We deist that both these gentlemen may succeed. with their., inven- tions, and that they may prove useful to the public and. profitable to theMselves, . 2. IN HIS NEW PREMISES.—Mr. 0. C. Willson, the enterprising and go-ahead Agricultural Implement, Sewing Ma- chine and Musical Instrument Agent, has removed into his new and eoramOdibue premises on Main street. Mr. Willson was, in his old. stand, very much cramp- ed for room, but now he will have ample scope for his la,rge and continually. increasing business. He has his tale and ware rooms very tastefully fitted up, and his stock, in the various depart- mentS, is something worthy of inspection. His old friends will hardly eecognize him in his new heme, so great iF.L the improve- ment. OLD FAsato'NED Ciucus,—Ort Monday, Aug. 31, our citiaens and country friends will have a rare treat, as Taylor's &Ines- ourriCulum and. World's Circus will give two grand performances, in the after- noon at 2 P.M., and. in the evening at 8 P.M. Front the praise bestowed upon this troupe, ever smce their advent in Canada, gby our exchanges, we can safely promise that this organization is ' a first-class one in every respect, and wiTi fulfil all they promise. Aniong the dis, tinguished artists, uthose names are given on notice we find those of Mr. Sara E. Stickney, well knotvai to Cana,dians as the Queen's Jester, a clown who is witty without vulgarity ; Mlle. Ida Maire, the beautifulequestrienne from the Alhambra, London; the eelebrated French Rosario family. four in number, who perferm the most thrilling feats on the flying aud. balancing trapeze; Mr. Joseph E. Sand- PERsoNAL.---Mr. W. B. Porter and family, who have been spending a few weeks visiting friend in the United States, returned home n Saturday last. • —The Governor-General and party passed Seaforth by .e iecial train on their way from Godert to Stratford on Saturday forenoo 10. The train did not stop until it reach d. Mitchell. .At this , place it halt for a few minutes,' and the yor and Town °mined p esente his, Excellency with an addres , to which he made a suitable reply-. 1 1 THE HOLIDAY. 1 We observed as the a , 'Mal stores anrother usine were closed' and the went -off. foe amu erne Some went pienieking ing and fishing. Th ii time, horever, w th. Falls. About one hun selves of the opportuni eheap trip to vie th ara. The party I ft M., and got honie a following morning, e passed. off pleasantly. esday last being ivic holiday; the s places in town people generally and. recreation. and some shoot- rincipal attrace xcursion to tire ed. availed theni- afforded by the cinders of .Niage at 6 o'clock A. in about 2 the rything having I B ' THE PREAIIER' A tirday last, when the s the Governor-General t Stratford passed S afo gregated at the St tio tation of .catching a Vice -Royalty as it spe hour. One gentlernar late, anxiously inqu seen Lord Dufferin. that they had not _bu kenzie's baggage h d on the platform." Be' regards even the " inc pertaining to gr ati 'ence, he urgently be pointed- out to 11i shown a set of stone m were in charge of the man. The gentle...nan and at his invitatio journed to Sharp's. 1 68 • AGE.—On Sat- cial train taking oni Goderich to , a number con- ith the expec- ing glimpse, at y at 40 miles an arriving rather d if they had was informed hat "Mr. Mac - n left, and was,. a person who idered trifles" with rever- uested that it when he was. n'stools, which ation baggage- aw the " goak," the crowd ad - Brusse [C. R. COOPER, Br sscas Posnon Newspaper an Job P BASE- BALL. — A am played here on S tur the Doncasters of ro lands of this *Meg , victory for tae D nc the score being 50 o 1 of Brussels, acted as u ACQUITTED. —The breaking Mr. Breker's quitted, their guitt proved. NEIGHBORLY ,Askse. Prout, Con: 4, Morr his sincere thanks to hi friends whose assistance s from being destroyed h the late fires. ACCIDENT. —A son of Agent for the Ex- inting Office.) f base ball was last between r and the Mait- h resulted in a rs of 38 runs ; Mr. Hamilton, re. ies accused of doves were ac - being clearly E.—Mr. Wm. egs to tender, neighbors and ed his property the ravages of fell from -a beard that 1 to a new building. 1H slight cut on the chin ANOTHER A CCIDE a little daughter of of thia village, met dent. She fell off her elbow. • PROPERTY CHANG lot adjoining the Ota street, has recently b Fraser, lately from A very fair price. WICKED PRANKS. some of the. evil disposed are in the habit of phyla prank of the following de every ev-ening : A rope Cord is fastened acro s th pedestrian passing danger, trips, and i the ground. Somet is raised so as to catc the chin, and drop evening this tick ferent parts of the vill ly, no serious 'accide boys who follow this ga of being fined from §1 endangerineg the limbs !of tv't a .John Cormack tom the street caped with a n Sunday last ter Thompson, painful acci- lo and dislocated e cottage and Hall, on Mill old to a Mr. ell,- for $750. h Post says that ds of Brussels a dangerous ription almost - r stout piece of sidewalk. A , uticonscious of en I sprawling to es e obstruction s practiced in dif- he unwary under im On Sunday ge, but, fortunate - t ccurreda The e run the risk o $20, besides edestrians. Ho It. THE DROUTH.—W re tensely dry time. B sh come altogether alar g• damage has been do a stances the grain has bee fields. One man in th ea ea ship has lost both he se is reported that one f .t been burned. Great da done to standing ti ber fences. We had son, which mitigated. the till' enough did not fall t pulp eying an ina res have be- Consid.erable several in - burnt in the of the town - CI barn. It e bridges has ge has been and to the last week ewhat, but ut the fires. • 1111 • • 319/T1S. BIG CRADLING. —A Lan Fraser, a few clays !ago acres of wheat in 14 hours, of Mr. James Kelly. We I h young man named Barker, age, who cradled' five !acre -The Morris people don t ne Ian as they can have -their I 41.own... at this rate, in the o eva.y. BEARS. —Mr. Jame K Fifth Concession, Obs eyed. ancl two cubs on his far ornina last. Hunter ha in quest of these animal hus far, failed to get h sigh Reaping Machine amecl Wm. radled nine on the farm iso learn of 18 years of rone day. reapers, so rain hewed el. fashioned , A contest between two raowera, the Johnsto sing reaper and Cayuga Chief Jni as manufactured by lessa Williams, of Mitch 1, ail lane combined. machine, as d by A. & A. Cochrane, ook place on the farm ef Williams, Twelfth 0 ncess during the latter part of Jil I . Strong, Paisley, gent Thomson & Williaaas, lid rane were .present; al 0 a 1 ance of farmers, it beii g •agr prize awarded should ibe t df the machines adjud ed th Cordingly, after havin bee tb every manner of cu ting, Of wheat, barley and • grass Mower and Johnston ,self carried off the palm, a d wer y Messrs. Fisher & Willi ekl. These machines, as so trong, of Paisley, ar gai ly, of the a she bear on Sunday since been but have, of them. • Test. eapers and e self rake ior mower, . Thomson the Coch- and actu r - f Durham, ssrs. Fisher on of Brant, y. Mr. J. or. Messrs. r. A. Coch- rge attend- ed that the e purchase best. Ac- • submitted ii the shape the Junior ake reaper purchased ms in the d by J. L. ng a ,tvide ' E HURON EXPPSITOR, spread reputati i n, which they deservedly merit. --Paisley Advocate. tan PERSON AL. -- Manitoba, o weeks' trip o benefit of his h nay return t improved. Trnrr.—OikThursday four young lads made an entra 'cc into Mr. 13. L. Doyle's Asidence, and nade away with several jars of preset s. The thiaving party were speedily ea tured and lodged ut gaol. Four CAUSHE . —While moving one of the cannons hi() the Market Square to the front, in he preparations for the Governor -Gene al's visit, a youag lad. n med John Is, oI an got his foot beneath t e wheel of th gun carriage and had. it b dly crushed ESCAPED.— Ir. Crabb issued a warrant o Monday foe he arrest of a mannamed. B inlet, on a i arge of insulting some L dies in the et eet on Sunday evening, a d Mr, Harry teed started on hi S track. eiucceeded i arresting him, and was o nveying him to jail when the fellow b lted. Mr. eed drew a bead. on him t ice, but miff d him both times, and. he s cceeded in eking good his escape. SOlVIEWHAT o JOIC.E. —The jail of- fi ials are pret y witty. On Friday; for as -ons we wilt eave our Feeders td judge, ose gentleme hung out a flag, bearing e word. "wel ome, ' over the main m- ance to the p iscal. We do not know r whom thi was meant, but putting is and. that • gether, we conclude His cellancy mu have been favorably irn- e moral condition of the was necessary to solicit .---While the Vice -Regal mbarking at the 'dock, a, was provided for those ee the centre, attraction. bank adjoining the re- ck suddenly gave way, umber of men and boys is heap of humanity, mucl sight of the struggling hom were hurt, caused a. riment, and one country- ould be darned if he see that than the Vice - CHARACTER. —An itine- a visit to Goderich on managed to get himself 'lite going through the alms, a number of chil- him. Exasperated at the old fellow suddenly am, with an open.knife 1 seizing a lad named him pretty roughly. f the boy, it was found oderich.- X THE RIGNALJ °v. Mr. Ure left by the Wednesday, on a four Lake Superior, for the lath. We hope that he a With his health greatly a a p •essed with t c untry when t b arders. AN INCIDEN rty were dis tle side sho w io could not A portion of th irs to the • ecipitating a o a promiscu a d chips. T wd, none of od deal of me n said he uldn't rather gal!" A DA.NGEB.0U t beggar pad ednesday, an o trouble. eets solicitin n followed th attentions, pu lied upon f in his hand, an Bi ooks handle U on letting go_ th t his foreheall. had been severely cut, a flesh wound e tending from above the ve the ear. The fellow placed. in custody. On $50 were found on his PI in cr • ra in at • ey w. be back to "ab s arrested an ng searched, Person. II1 de kn hi. of te le 1,7a, • by es st pe, - w an br th ca ex V a f in rn cal tla ad to Pi an in as be so [max i.EVERE ACC ming, a son o ilst working Mr. Ransfor itally got his fe, When: it right hand. ALL CORN. Clinton, has asured nearly 12 feet high, and " this sn't a good ye r for corn either." The st of the cor , growing in Mr. Rat- bury's lot, m asures fully 10 feet in gth, and is of the HorseTooth iety. ORTUNATE E. CAPE. —A young man, the name of aker, had a fortunate ape from a se ious accident, if not in nt death, on. Monday last. it ap- rs he was b aking On the last car de shunting a the station at Clinton, while so doi g the rim of the brake was thereby thrown to itig the rail, but as the slowly he had sufficient .of the way by instant se he would most like- linton. HE NEW ERA.] ENT. —On Tuesday f Mr. Howe, of Clinton t the cutting machine 's stave factory, acci- hand too close , to the -vered three fingers of Ir. Wm. Rattenbury, stalk of corn which ke off. and he ground, sun s were moving e to move.. ou rtion, otherwi aye been kill d. 10 las of ch Pi an ro, til th we su pa ov Sh an CO le AIR'S MILL. w weeks, for • new boiler, re in operatic) Is to labor an t replaces th ke, and is the an use. Inst ass through, es, united at le of about $ which the s ends into boil a great econ angerous as NOTHER A.CC After a suspension of he purpbse of putting r. Fair's mill is once and again its whistle to rest. The boiler old one is of unique third one built for Can - ad of flues for the fire here are a number of he ends, leaning at an 'degrees over the fire, earn is generated, and rs above. It is said to mizer of fuel, and not he old-fashioned boiler. DENT. --On Wednesday , as Mr. Wiliam Sheppard, gr. cer, driving his Wife and 'enough home from the y met a load of lumber, the n rro wness of the t proper, to get out un - ear. The back, seat of Clinton, was Id and Miss nic ground, th on account o d they thoug the way was c wagon was loose, and while they 1 e getting in den jerk, wl d, the child ✓ the back ppard and th serious inju sidera.bly hur gain the horse gave a ich threw Mrs. Shep- and Miss Donough out of the wagon Mrs. child escaped without y. Miss Donongh was ;011N0LL MEE nicipal Conn Hi llett, was h • g. 15. All Mi utes of form fir ed.. A nurr pa sed and order by Mr. Stiver; s th t a by-law b au horizing the ti o, 2, to borro 8 er cent. inte bulcling a new s be epaicl inthr me • ts, first payn pa by tei pa 81, eaa iiuc co Sec le the 2.& pos as Th • ullett. 'INC, —A meeting of the il of the township of Id at •Londesboro, on he members present. r meeting read ancl con- ber of accounts were d to be paid. 1 11.1ovecl conded by Mr. 13ritton, prepared and i passed estee.s of SchooleSeetion the sum of $1,200, at est, for the purpose of hool house, said sum to e ,equal annual install - eat to become due and The Co again w mil then adjourn d, to meet"' n called by the Re ve. JAS. BRAITHWAI Clerk. -The G vernor Goner ,. forth. To the A litor of the Huron. leposttor : Ou my arrival at the rant ay station, last.Sattl 'day morning, to wi ness the re- ception o the Governor Gen ral, and to add my presence to that o the manny who wished to do honor to Her Majesty s representative, I was ceittainly very much ple ised with the man et in which our potly Reeve and his wor- thy colleagues acquitted themselves, as well as with thle • spirited address, which, in pur 'own, they presentedj to His Excellency, The ad- dress full set forth the pleasure that the people of this village felt in. having the opportuni y to testity their loyalty to the Queen, and the respect and esteem in which they held Her represe sonally. It also contained sion of regret -that the nume mets of His Excellency did, him to inspect personally the terprises in which our citizens are engag- ed, more especially our salt works, which may truly' besaid -to be second to none lin the DoYn. lion. His Excellency seemed to be much pleased w th his reception nd . express- nd improve - ,de since the ularly with He also ly paying a cality when p the Mare od humor. for Carron - large crowd. worthy re - es retired. to have a quiet sies- lvongratulate each lather on the vent which seldont ha,ppees to aries during their, term of of- , Mr. Editor, I had conjured imagination as about to take hen the train, ciarrying the party, rushed past with light- - the illusion was rudely dis- thus our rulers lost the only to do honor to the ' Queen's ive that is likely to occur again are in. office. R 0. : I a,t Sea- ntative per - an expres- ens engage. not permit various en - ed. surpris ment whi last gube respect t avowed hi more exte at the progress h the place had inc iatorial visit. parti the water tanks intention of shor ded visit to this 1 he hoped o find His Worsh at home.aa d in his usual g The Vice- egal party then lef brook, ami the plaudits of a of spectat rs, after which ou preaentati ta, and to, auspicious civic digni fice. Sucl up in my place, but Vice-Rega ning speed pelted and opportunit representa while they I notice POSITOR a was any su the cause o ing of the s elsewhere of the shou leg. • Iv I take he liberty of a rming that there is su h a disease as s eeney, and. that it is co fined entirely to the muscles of the sho lder, being, in 4ost cases, a severe spr in, sometimes o the antea and someti es of the pos ect spinatus muscles, aid sometimes of both; and sometimes ther scapular mulseles are in- volved, suc as the teres ani. subscapu- laris. The e being injure1, they are thrown au of use, and. so st atrophy takes place from want of e ercise. In pure sween y, the lameness!, if any, is very slight Standing in front of the horse and h ving him walk tewards you, it naay be ssible to detect a "rolling out" of thel shoulder. In eery case of foot disease f long standing there will be found atr phy of these mascles, still, it is perfectly easy to tell the difference, as in the latter case we have the decided. foot lamene s, while in the former we have very often- not the slightest lame- ness, and in the worst cases only a sort of rolling movement. A. M. C. . rl Sweeney. • in a late copy of the Ex- aragraph denying that there h disease as sw eney—that the lameness an the "sink- oulder " must b sought for an in disease of Ithe muscles ders—probably ii the foot or 41 0 T.,(!nadesborough, BASE BALL.—A return match of base ball, between the Shoo Fly Club, of Blyth, and the Jolly Dog Club, of Londes- borough, was played on the grounds of the latter, on Saturday lastAug. 22. The weathee was favorable, and the ground in. exeellent condition. The Blyth menced. at 3 o'clock. The Shoo Flies club arrived at 2.30 and pl ying cons - exhibited some very good pla , but were unequal to their " jolly ." jopponents,. who won an easy victory br 19 runs. When the game was over, tie Londes- borough club entertained teii opponents at a dinner, got up in Mr .Lasham's usual good.style, after which they separ- ated in a friendly spirit, to meet again at Blyth, on Sept. 5, when th third and. decisive game will be played. • Hay. CouNon, METING.—The Court of Re- vision, under undet •the Drainage act, ' • to hear and decide complaints as to the as- sessment made in connection with the proposed drainage scheme, was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, ort Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1874, All the members of the Council. were present, ancl ltormed the Court of Revision; the R eve being Chairman of the same. Mov d by Mr. McAllister, seconded by Mr. Geiger, that the appeals of Jelin Lahg, George Broderick, Solomon Martin, Samuel Ren- nie, Wm. Cald-well, Daniel Bell, john Gallman andJoseph Smith, against their assessment under the drainage by-law, be laid oier until next meeting of the Court of Revision for the som --Carried. The drainage Court of Revisi n then ad- journed, to meet in the own Hall, Zurich, on the 1st of Septe ber, at 10 A.M. . After the adjournment of the Court of Revision; the Council met for the des- patch of business. All the members of the Council present; the Reeye in the chair. Minutes of the previous meeting read -and approved, when it was moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Geiger, that the following sums be raised , and levied upon the real and. personal prop- erty in the township of Hay, to meet current expenses for the year 1874, viz., for special school rate, as per application from school trustees, 56,226; for County purposes, as per statement from the County (Meek, $3,748 28; for town,ship purposes, $1,200. Moved by Mr. Mc- Ooll, seconded by Mr. McAllister that -able on Dec. 31, 1874-CarriedMoved that the sum of $7 87 be paid to James Mr. Warwick seconded by Mr. Mon- Workman, being the half of the cost h, that a b be prepared and Of bridge between Usborne and Hay— sect a,uthorizi g the trustees of School Carried. Moved by Mr. McAllister, sec- tion No. 5, ts borrow the sum of onded. by Mr. Bathe that a certificate 20, at 8 per pose of build' sum to be r 1 installment e due and pa arried. Mo uded by Mr. ed on all the nship for the dollar for Col el cent., interest, for the g a new school house, paid in four equal an- , first payment to be - able on Dec. 81, 1875 ed by -Mr. MOnteith, Britten, that there be ateable property of the resent year 24 mills in nty purposes, and also ills in. the cl. llar for township pur- s'and that a by-law be prepared and ect authorizing the same-eCarried. by-law was then.• read and passed. - . for a shop license be granted Elmbaima & 114 1, of the villag - Frieclsburg, for th4 sum of $22 50, t • paid to the Corp 'pendent of Govern The following acc be paid, Viz.: Sam $13 66; A. Bay, f 5120; Henry Fel $26 42 • .T. A. Oa on soutil boundar for gravel and plank, $14 46; john. Cochrane, for c1earng out gravel pit,' $2; C. Lair, repairing crapers, $1 10. IThe to of be ration. of Hay, incle- ent duties—Caraiecl. mats were ordered to el Rennie, for pl nk, r surveying SwaIaps, er, repairing rods eron, for work done 524; T. J. Wilson Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday, the 1st of September. H. Lov, Sr., Clerk. HONE AGAIN. ---Messr DUMAN have just returned fro kale whore they hair° made h Seasonable Goods. A portion already commenced to arrive, few days to have it complete worthy of examination. The their store being now nearly c have more room, and much bet ing business. Of all thee° adv termined to give thir customer . DUNCAN ekTe the Eastern Mar- avy purchases of their Stook has nd they hope in a It will be well improvements in mpleted, they will or facilities for do- tages they are clo- the benefit. Fall Show Hallett Branch, at Clinton, See t. 15 and. 16. TuckersmithBranch, at Seafortii , Oct. 8 and 9. Stanley Branch, at Bayfield, Sept. 25. 1 North Riding Huron; at Blyth, Sept. 17 and 18. '1 East Wawanosh Branch, at Belgrave, Sept. 80. South Biding Huron, at Exeter, Oct. 6 and 7. Elma and Wallace, at Listowel, Opt. 7 and 8. Miteholl, Oct. 6 and 7: • Westetn Fair, at London, Sept. 29 and 80 and. soot. 1 and 2. Provincial Exhibition, at Toronto, Monday, Sept. 21, and four following days. Centeal Exhibition, at Guelph, Sept. 15, 16, 17 and 18. , Hibbert Brandi, at Staffa, on Tuesday, Sept. 29.: Howitsk Branch, at Wroxeter, on Oct. 7. Groy Branch, at Brussels, on Oct. 6. 1 Turnberry Branch, at Wingham, on Oct. 2. • THE • BEE HIVE GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE AUGUST 28 1874. Nallingem COMING! COMING! EQUESCURRICULUM AND WORLD'S CIRCUS t NO PLAYED OUT MAIN STREET, S AFORT • MENAGERIE, IS THE PLACE IYELLeRE W1S0 WANT BARGAINS GO TO GET TREM. THE TE AT TITPI BEE HIVE GR Are the Best.Value in o CERY Business is always brisk et the BEE HIVE GROCERY/ And the Public fully appreciate o Goods, and know that in purchasing them they get the worth of their money. STRONG- & F RLEY. LOOS OUT FOR YOUR OWN INTEREST. ALEXANDER OAM RON, -trip taTifillsraitalt and Jeweler, 4itchefl, while thanking his numerous friend4 and custom- ers in the County of Huron and en minding dis- trict for past favors, would respect ally intimate thathq has removed to that beautiful tend west end of Hicks' Hotel, where he has open d a beautiful selection of ladies' and gents' jeweIr of the latest novelties. Also, clocks the largest a d most van- i ed in Western Ontario. My watches are acknowl- edged to be the.cheapest and best ' the market, every one being thoroughly regalat d and teeted. before being offered for sale. A. Special .A.gencytor the EIIn.1iVatch• . • REPAIRING. Having been successful inobtainin4 the services of MT. FRASER, who has had long p ctice in the Cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, cus,- tomers will find that in no part of tie Dominion 41111 they have their cloaks watches and jewelry better done up. • ALEX. CAMERON, Practical Watchmaker. Mitchell, Aug. 21,1874. 850-52 PROPERTY FOR SALE. F° t on SALE, CI Cheap, that desirable operty situ ate d opposite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, at present occupied by Messrs. J. S. Rob rts and Bel- fry & May. The property draws an annual rental of $300. It is well worthy the attention of capit- alists. Offers will be received by the undersigned until the let of October. 1 851-4 J. S. pORTEE. _ FARM FOR SALE. 1 VOR SALE, Lots 24 and 25, Come. 81 and 4, Me- -'-' Killop, containing 175 acres, 150 acres are also two cleared and in a first-class state of cultivation, and thoroughly imderdrained. There is a large' two-story brick house, good out -buildings, large frame barns and sheds. There is a large bearing'orchard. The farm is watered by a nerer- failing spring. It is situated on tile Northern Gravel -Road, within two miles of the village of Seaforth. For further particulars seiply on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0. 342 . - ROBERT GOVENLOCE. FARM FOR SALE, THAT well-known Farm. owned by ugh Mus- -1-; tard, adjoining the village of Bructefield, com- prising 145 acres, 100 acres cleared an in a high state of cultivation, 35 acres =culled bush of hest quality, all well fenced; good frame hOuse 44x80, frame .bam, shed, granary and clew house, all in good state of repair, one-half nearly n w ; present in insurance $1,600, in the London Mu al ; also a 'very good orchard.and 8 wells on th premises; gravel road running along side and front, conveni- ent to churches, schools, stores, cheese factory and market. Any person wishing to far for profit or pleasure can hardly find a bette situation. For particulars anply to the propri tor on the premises, or if by letter to Brucefield . 0. 843-12 HUGH M STARD. • HOUSE TO LET. THE undersigned, .wishing to retie from the Store basiness, offers to lease 1 r a term of years his premises situated in. McK" op, on the -Huron Road, about 4 miles east of Seaforth. . There is an orchard, with various bearing , fruit 1 trees, a 'well, stable and other buildings attached 1 to it. A church and school house is about 5 min- ! utes walk from the place. Terms liberal. For ; farther particulars apply, if by letter, to Seaforth ! P. 0, or to the proprietor on the premises. . 848 ,JOHN I B. CAPITAIN. , i NOTICE TO DEBTORS., SEAr i ORTH FOUNDRY.—The accounts duo to Kerr, Wilkie & Co. aTe in my hand 3 for collec- tion, and all those that remain unPaid on the First of AUGUST next • 1 be placed in Court for collection without an' fhther netice. 844 •JOHN S. PORTER. SELF-ACTING HAND LOOM. TCNOWN as the EXCESIOR LOOM, made and -L."- furnished with healldles, reed, shuttle, bob- bin, also five yards of warp in the loone to start it working. Made and sold cheap for allele, and on reasonable terms credit. D. STEWART, 850-4 Bluevale, Huron Co. BUT A FIRST-CLASS, OLD FASITIONED CIRCUS] WILL EXHIBIT AT smA_Popaa--i, ON .MONDAY, AU -GUST 31. Two Grand Performances, Afternoon at 2 P. 1Y.C., Ni.ght at 8. Mr. TAYLOR takes pleasure in announcing to the Citizens of SEAFORTH and the County that this Circus was organized for the express pupae of traveling in 'the Domhiien, 8.114 110 OXIRIRS011n been spared to ma.ko it without exception the - BEST CIRCUS ever in Canada. THE FINEST BRASS AHD STRING BAND. THE MOST DARING RIDERS, BOTH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE FUNNIEST CLOW la The Largest Troupe of Gymnasts, Acrobeig, Tumblers, Oontortionists, ever assembled under one Canvass. THE HANDSOMEST LADIES. Particular attention is called to the large MI of Beautiful Trained Thorough -bred Home; the Lilliputian Ponies and the Comical Muleionaklag the whole a WORLD'S CIRCUS, as the Artiste, llave been carefully selected from all parte tile world. DON'T FORGET THE DAY OR DATE. SEAFORTIa MONDAY: Aug. 31. MITCHELL, TUESDAY, Sept. 1. 'STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 2. A. G. CAMBRIDGE, • General and Contracting AgeSt• sE VENirn lag Ala: 10911.011R No. 342. 11111011. Ant #J'Ititte FARM FOR SAI2 t 1io. aj_Vere008B.,fsgorla.,01ifoc,1 vo nhe oee ha Iplai ril iotyefc steel within five miles of the tleinigebeorfea.Paias,lheeyr.e i'srhiteisuenuelse through the place,. It For further particulars ape Box 24, Seaforth P. O. 352 FARM FOR, VOR SALE. Lot No.za, ct ersmith, containing 101 ele.ared, -well fenced, and in vation. There is 113004 ne-, excellent Irma barns, sited good, boning orchard. The never -failing spring and wel ated within one mile and a h within about six milts efC -with-good gravel roads runn places. For further particub rietor on the premises, or tol 351 1C.FNNI FARM FOR -I roR Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, -2-• 74 acres. 55 of which are of good, eultivation, There and STABLE. The farm gravel road, is eonvenientlyJ -churches and post -office, au from Seaforth and 11 from particulars apply to the propri WILLI); -351 FARM FOR, I pb;3c90,nCtoaxtilliz. 4g, r1 00 t.no\rNe87). acres -cleared. There are gori ing Orchard and a never-LIM farm. TERMS—One-fourtb. time to suit the purchaser. hits apply on the premises, OI WM. MUSTA.P. Vittoria Mills, Aug. 20, 187; FARM FOR ilistEUCG east hail -of Lot 4. -1--P three utiles from Brussels elearea, remainder -containing wood. Also, a good bearing 4 is giving up farming:on accou the saw mill business. PoRSe dis.tely, with or without the 4 Title indisputable. Apply to Lots 5m - on the premises. FARM. POR OT 16, Con. 6, Hullett; -'4 :cleared, remainder 'wood maple; frame dwelling: Rivi -good spring on lot ; 2miles 11 enfles from Clinton, Terms For particulars apply to L. 1.1 or BENSON & MEYER, Seafo FARM FOR SALE ni T OT 13, Cori. 7, Hallett; 1] cleared, remainder good good frame barn 66x10, tactile] •horses and cattle, snug frau failing spring near the house ; ing orchard; 7 miles from Qth forth, L from Ri' nburn grave - lam ; farm in high state cn di v clay soil, free of stone or and.further particalaes' epply 849-192 Hztril BEI FARM tOR S1 VOR SATA, Lots 24 4nd 25,e -12 hiliop, containingJ 175 at cleared and in a ilrst4sss stl and thoroughlyunder ned. two-story brick house, ed out large frame barns and shedo. bearing orthard. The lun» is failing spring. It is jiituatei Gravel Road, within twee miles Seaforth. For further pal -Men premises er to Saaforth.1). 0- 342 • FAR IA JR THAT well-known Farm. own tard, adjoining the prising 145 acres, 100 acres cleae state of cultivation, 35 acres ae quality, all weli fenced; good fr frame barn, shed, granary and good state of repair, one -halt er insurance $1,600, in the Londe very good orchard end. S wells r gravel road runniug alongside* entto churches, schools, stores, maeket. Any person wishing L or pleasure can hardly find ar For particulars apply to the premises, or if by lettet 1 Brute 34S-12 . TARN FOR SA -r OT No. 5, Con, 4,Hu11ett ; 14 ' less, 80 acres eleared. Plentj north branch of the Menial through the 18 atm bush ; good the premises to the proprietor,- - 3 -Am 208 or addre STEAM SAW X= ANDFJ BEING Lot Con, 7, )4KM acres, an cleared, with good two good orchards in fullbeerie ing springs which supply the Con. containing 48 ecru 01 bei 113 situated 6 miles from Se4 gravel road thereto. For birth* on the premises. If by post, SON , Constance P.O., Kinburni rmuti Falt LOT No. 22, COD, 7, Menlo' acres, 85 acres charedOt !i Of a mile from the Northern G bank bean, with stabling below; houeeso. large new eoncrete bon a good never -failing spring te well; the land is dealt endof g< acres of orchard of very best fee ing. For terms and other partii premises, or address 340 A N FhaOltif,70A, 11:3Eti 5aangdooSALEfl.I CT1 FARM FOR A-! 12, McKillop, containing 100 eel web fenced, and in good: cultive timbered with hardwood; s. and new log barn; good beet dthFeaur-e_st le nle' t iirniwawilne:shialian.osid3warit,.hahobil.18f14:21;esg;00:10: from. the village of Ses.forth; 4 schoola and stores. Forparthe proprietor OT1 the premises, o: 243044 = 3 -AME FARM FOR 54. von -sALE, 150 aeres of land -A; of Lot No. 9.3, Con. 5, MeNi Of Lot No. 22. This property 3 miles of Seaferth. A goo') past the plate. There is a still haif a. mile. There am 135 a' fenced and mostly free from and in good order. On the 50 a; good inuAo barn, dwelling house the 100 acre farm there is a goe frame barns with underground e orehard. The feral is well went will be sold separately oe togetin ers. For further particulars apj tor 011 the preroises, or to W. Seaforth P. 0., or :10 5. 0.3! forth. FARM FOR SA1. ea 2'Con. 1, Stanley, eontaii get/e'er with east half of Lot Ina, 50 are; situated on the L quaeter of a mile north of Kippe acree cleared and in good cultiv barns and stables, and frame Ian in full bearinr,; a. branch of the through a, corner of the farm.: t good -wells. Terms reasonable purchase money vrill be xequi rnainder in equal manual instalb Apply to W11.