The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-28, Page 4-7- 4 4. THE HURON:, EXPOSITOR. AuGu 28, 1874.
ENV VERTISEMENTS. oXily tend to make thein the too Is of Sellers 1has one after more negroes.: spoken to for some minutes priorl to his the occasion of their hasty m .50- TIiiey were goi
9 I - 9 to Mancey town to work, olitical partizans and dosigring officials rho. w1lites have ah9c sent for reinforce- shot. There is a similiar dista4ce be- he tarried in London to rail himself. a -ad so was Mr. hn8ton—after the haa
FarmforSale--R Goverilock. ments.. A perfect reign of terror exists. l0n y
I tween the performance uf " Golasmith One nigh t at the opera his att, -nti was told him their destination. h ( 'green
4 compel them to take 4 neutra Po. 12
Farm for &-ile- –Wm. -Mustard. rhere no law nor order here, and the Maid," when she is reducing her", speed attracted to a be%utifuLyoung ady in the d confiding youtba sho UI -1 'lot be ai.
or Sale Wm. Dinniu. sition At elections, 'as ma�y have i been citizens fear the - tomn. may be burned -lowed to far away from t1leir mothers.
Farm f the least fraction of second, andthe or- boxes. Who is that ?" he . sked of a
Iolvetiev Notice—J. 13. Bosted. compelled to do on the wlefit occilision. rwo hu adred militia arrived at the scene' dinary use -of horses, even as cciuriers. gentleman beside him. "You'mustbea T40y. will, however, gain
Teacher lVanted-1Z. PAtison 11-1alton. jft'Siin� ay and b
quelUl d the disturb1tuce' In Short, what we want to know i.$,*Does Stranger in Londo, wthe i eply, not erience ere they travel far.
t e1T
G. NicDougall. xplains. oi- the )reseiit. New Godds—A. Mr. Rykert he constant elevation of the *igbest to know the toast of the town, the beau- i Property for 8 e—J, S. Po�rter. t� Rrsw OFTERrmit KRN'TUCKY. —Ill; trotting and running speed raise th speed tiful Ladyr�March." The Earl went The Short of a Lolag St om
Fresh Arrivab—, ago p dy of nounced himself,
We last week Published a letter if _O' ToddCountyafewnights, a artyof� of that portion of the *wbole bt straight to�tht, box, an 0 From Me Treasurer's f or, Taxes. r. N.-AV� Nloore, of.,qt. 'Ehomas, ich 111asked men murde ed Isham Link,. horses whose utility is in their ispeed and claimed his bride. The wo fe),1 in. Commercial Davidson. colored,. -and also his. qon. There. was al whether for business or pleasure If it' love with each other. oil -the spot, and' The. least said is truly the soollest
spated that )Mr. Plykext haa ackno ledg- mdrided. Decenf people, Nvho find life
Polar and Tro pica AV orlds—A. B. Cr- fracas a Monterey, Ky., growing out of' does there is utility ill these' co�tests. lived long and -,happily toge her; -and too' short to wa e4 in the presenee of ;% nutilber of gentle- de through the filtil Of the
hart. it figb t (in election day, -between Willis Tf it does not, they become an exbi�bition, when the husband di d she als) died Of a Br1ooklyn seandal ma Le y like to have the
en in- that town that 1�lle and Ja,,. Russell and some otherS, who' in s6ar as they are'llonest, of a p4re art, i of the case laid before them in its
Taylor'sEqu Gurriculumnd0ificus.1 I broken heart within a few mor tbs. — The ..Sloory was. Jalae,'! 11.1ld- entirel an ttacked one Greenbarr. Tile Russells. theArtof traininga horse for apped,.as Ga1aXY- for foar cardinal points, -now .111 in evi,l-ence
were. rt-ested 'an. bound over for ex -i as an6ther class 'of experts would ;train ivention of his owuima1clinition. Mtr. aila fatally correlated by the dtes I vkert, in'reply , to that let - e mination. They throatened the County' him to stand on a barrel, or dance to the Sangster vs. Smith ---The Vote. Tilton to Moulton—D-cc., SIX
To Ott , i
V, publishes Attorney with death. if lie prosecuted music of a hand -organ. te following in the -,SL Callierines r-1174- thein. That officer called * upon the The follo-wing is a correct'staternerit of months ago I learned f rorn my wife that
the votes cast for the Public School H.1 W. Beecher hail disholloreld my home. SEAFORTH'. FRIDAY,ug. 2% 1874. I'l al i 8heriffffirprotection, ii A�erl- Teachers' candidates for Repr entative a id the latter with Germany Matches the ar it nio, loner Ilim to
I call be, "I notice that p4rag' C ph is bing a guard nd the Attc rney went to Mon- i' oan'Scandal. in the Council orf Pnbliclustr ction: mdi that I may mention it to)Iim.
terey. Tbeywerea ackedb Russell's� y The. Gieat Western Railway. the rounds of the G'rit��( n, to th',el ef- k singularly Close parallel to I Silnitb. Sangster. I- � r party, and one of the guards was killed.'; bbe t f ct that stated to it part of t%vibnty-. Brant .......................... 28 NoultontoBeecher—Jan., 1871. At the annual mi�eing of the share-, - I I The Government IIS Drdered soldiers to! Beecher -Tilton scandal, in its Present Bruce ...... i ... .......... 27
11 T h tory of the I to# thinks you have, ruined his bnsir�p
fl. c, i St o -ms, that tU I Carleton. .. .. I 88.
holders of the Grea� Western Railway, Mouterc �ha,.,e, is interesting-Germanyat ptesent. ...... I ........... 44
pleture, of the little M6,da 'Was y ION OF T# , ri. 0 UTH .—The co lev Dundas .... .21 80 Pbve yourself his friend 'Wd it will. be
L. I joke, an d that I :ect. .................. 46 31 aD right. You can on tile t th.
tat tlie report of the t it iM for eo ndi-j . held oil VVednesday 1, CON DFr August Kapff, an eloquelft and ; ru
ticnofeertainportlion3 of the-Soutbern' famous preacher of Stuttgart, pre- Investigatiiiig' Committee, mention of -1 state Most PositiV61Y, ld: defy. contra- J i 8 Elgin .......................... 27 82 Beecher to 'Yloulton—My. pay
f i I - States aceites graire apprehension in the' iding divine of ll the Subian Notest- Essex .......................... 14 19 . P I diatian, that the Province i.xiid for" the 1irontenac...... i ............... 6 F. 'D. Moulton for the beile,fit; of
which was mi :e joirle time ago, -%I-as ' . -Mind of the Attorlic) --General, who be- alit dioceses, is accused by Freilerick 69 Theo -
Pi cture to which I refe0,ed,iiji the House Gleagarry ........................ 6 40 a4e Tilton 3 5. 000.
adopted. Thi� report sron&ly condem lieves that the issue of the ne>;t election Amanii, one of his parishioners, ag hv- Grenville ........................ :19 12 wid I further state that thib, accouxit in I I 1-R. ing seduced Amalin's wife, f requ en 41y co- Grey ........................ 6s 88 ed the present -nalann of the road. which. the. picture is hba ged will will turl into a qu stion of race. Thei I be Grovernment is ppe led to by both sides! liabiting with ber duriaz her hus�aud's Raldimand ...................... 37 Tilton to 187:3. To As a residt of the aclaption of the rep fe und t pa,ge 33 of thell Pit lie Accounts Halton ......................... 39 5 H.j W. B.., grace, inercy all1l. PCACe� ours for protection', bUt, ide from instruct- .abscrtce,,and being.the tber of � child
of 1872--E wing& Co 'IS22 15. Hastings ........................ 12 87 L
by the sh'areholderi, the old directors t Illy) iDcr AtUrneyS a;nd L%4arsbals to exercise� boin four months ago. Amaliil� thU8 Huron ........................... 66 39 T. R
r J; C. 11YKEX-r. nigning Ili pstor, takes es�jjecial- Kept ............ : .............. 570 14 ever `r' -G TRADE. resigned, nd tAe me6ting adjourned Un- y precaution. to prevent violence, the. ' The. reader,will notic tht'.\,Ir. Rykert Governi: ie Lai)2bton. ....................... r)4 19 ntispowarlass. Tbefactsare, Plinal hice Thesiodare Tiltoii,'to exoterate instance of the depession
ly h truth of tight to h-, tteutioi his wife from moral responsibility. 11y tilthe9th, of �eptei�aber, - , at whichdate 1,;1 , to- be li ro of tile' Lanark ......................... 45 25 —A remark able
the new Board of Directors will bei� C. es not attempt to a lie- says, "is Leeds .......................... So 87 of the shipping interest oil the now.
Mr, Moore's sttemene, I ffiat state- Cabinet at its next lEeting. w poor, rel�igion- Lennox and Addington ............ 11 27 so long continned, was reccatly- chosen. An entire change in the Cana -1 Lincoln ........ . 80 10 qven at
would be a 'very Niwk) MAF3.4ACRk ' iN struck *creature., who fell not knowing Middlesex ................. 98 42 Chicago; in the offer of all owner of three I mant were incorreei, it what she was doing have reluotant- anagem is contemplated. nd; -A number of uearcu,,
dian m' v matter fo I . t Pickettsville, Northumberland.... 9S 86 goold vessels to a prominent ol)erator oil
r him. to give A,,, simple de- Gibson 0oulity, - T' ly asked ' or a div�rce- from her. She Norfolk ..... ............... also the abolition of �he Canadian Board. elin., threatened a riot; .... 29 23 'Change, to let bim hve the Ilse of either
but instead of doi th6b be makes last Satr rday and S -lay' 9 subrait^.to Kapff throi her Ontario .......... I ................ 88 46
manifesting j 11, lea to orld of tJ).e vessels on a round tri to Buf T
religious confidence in him but t Oxf(,rd ......................... So 80 a positive at, strong desire to \,vo or three citizensl 4e re- atement, bouV. '�,ome Other Peel ........................ ; ... 40 i.6 falb,. for just nothing beyonil thp expenses
andtofireandsack. hetown. 'don Mrs. Tilton subseq' 9
The Pi-Lblic So ol Teachers' itatter entirel r forei,gmio tit cont 'ined on I UQ11tIy Peterborcl ................ ...... 11 of -running,-- the person tking her to Put
Represe tative. 3 (lay sixteen. ringle,ders were arrested' fails, in that Frau Ainann is now'in a Perth ..................... 80 88 iiii for
Prescott .... 12 a r. 11 bes nA as- -et)ton jail for safe keep- 1 him, where Shp_ fqncies his,own clerk on board, anilucertL
AP fr. ''Moord's lettia and taken to Ti Swiss insaric asy h I self the net cost of the trip. -The
The election A a I i herself at once a virgin and the wife of Prince Edward ................. s5 29 im. mpinber.of the'Coun- s4t tll�at Air. McKellar bac, in his ed- Ing. A out I o'cloc Tuesday morning,, enfrew .......... ........ ..... . 18 _10 reasoll'of the offer wal . . af te'rwardt stated
'Martin Luther. Prelate Kapff, lik6 Mr. Rpsse)i '5 6 75 oi 10 i n entered the town 1 picture of ail aA, ret S'' hich 'lad to 'be simply the fact tha.t the vessel
cil of P blic Instracti, n to represent the ro+rn P I ' T
i I I Beecher maintained silence Simeo and demaded and CO'E)pclled the heriff as Iong as e ..... ..................... 57 45
Public School tecbers has t I n for out of the public fu s, or that to deliver 7 8 ti, wo Id de-terior te less when deep in the
ength b 6 Stormont ... U up the keys of the jail. , They Possible. but, at the urgent 'entre&0 Of Victoria ........................ 16 46 wat;er than when lying iniloa,ded at the
33 49 ta,ken place. Ihelabpr of co-anting the he 4ad Stich a - picture at, A He a,,ban-. then took. the si �e an ' negroes f rom members of his church, denied Amami's Waterloo X dock. papers was concluded 1 id, after killing four ud mortaIr a tion, which voting by the ch rge itnd. asked an investiga .22 84 do s 'the orional. story,.'bu ould still Pr Sol', a I - Wellington ................ .... 6o `48
scrutinee,rs late Ik woun(ing two on! the.confines of the is now proceedmg4 The
on Thursday nicfht of lik to leave m e min a , papers dii7ide, an impression h d -town, r some championing Kapff to tbe'utq'lost, Wentworth ............. .... 87 6 A NOVEL UIT.—The Bershire I;ife o lie ining 18 Insurance . Co pany has an odd case in
last week, and tile result: was made � I off with -�tj ie rein, ten Yor ............................ 112 -of those who read his letta. that the. afte � proc6edinfy� some distance from I otherscond6nining him as a h oqrite,. known, thronli the To yp Colirt. S. MT. Cooper, a farmer of Stock- o,Dto dailies of ven. -American press treats Bloch- sta emen�bs of Mr. Moore incorrect, t6wn, shAthern, all. Both blacks and' L as the 1,194 bri
Friday. The t different from whites er and there are those who, like i the Hamilto CITIES4 4e, Afe., died under peculiar ickicni.- w1h, la he cannot or dare no ein min an a conflict between ': n .......... 11 3 Stances.' His father and grandfather had what wIl -ted. assistant minister of Plymouth ch Kingston ........... *"**
the two.. arties is ho rly expec h, ... I ..... .... 4 anticipated. Pro- Air Rykert had better.have le the mat- I -believe in the Prelate's guilt London ......................... die(l at the age of 41, and � he foretold
MIJU.U.'ON'S STLTEK NT.—Moulton has would riot 27 0� -
fessor Smith has been elected by a con- Ottawa ......................... 5 18 that' be should die at the same aae. Al -
In tat ent in' ter e. Bis-notetotlie, i rnal d.oes publisb& 1* along a response7 though an angel fro Heaven sho.uld Toronto ......................... 43 1 I-�ho gh apparently in gound he7alth. he
siderable mojolity. The vote -polled, not improve his position, b t ak6s, him to Beed er's testimo4y, bu It t cont ins; proclaim it. I al Incorporate d . Towns.... . ......... . 142) 92 pre. ared. m
however, was a very small one; scarcely -out varimoredishongstndi r incl ed nothing.-jew, and no4ing which in any' I reW ne d ar, and, a few days before the half of the teach way wea tens the- foren of -Beecher's de- Marshal Baz Total ...... ............ 232 141
,era of 'tb e Province ha'v- to q ibble than his Ft. Th6m, cor fes- ainb's Escapa.- The total was, tim.6 when lie exTected to die, he went
fence. Smith ................... to 'Pittsfield, had his -will M. ad, a -ad
ing voted at all. Fr6m Eitiron there sion showed him to be. A C' rl� mpo, The following particulars relating to Sangster ...................
0 TILTOZ - 'Gor,.s To AW.—Tilton has were only 105 votesi given, m ver correctly remarks: "Like iltoi , he taken steps tobring a egal action against stepping into the insurance office, applied
'hereas the manner in Which Marshl Bazaine, -ighborbood of 230 based his case upon a stra: Beecher, for criminal intimacy nijkde Majority for Smith ......... 277 for a $5, 000 policy. He was prollounc-
.there are in the ne and con- the French commanding officer, ed -sound by the Comipai..xy's doctors, paid
erite prisqTre
teachers, -alid o* versation with his wif , Tilton has also his escape from- St. MargL Of the votes received, 103 were struck tiler couttties ake even te nical use of h4riguagre, lit he alims 0 ibuizib and If in ' his
sued tile New.York given b�! a French paper off, the names not'appearing 'h In- remium aucl took his Policy. The
rorld next day he was tak,en sick with some
a po e , 'b t. I or ore xhi tancE at game -too fair a;bo e spectors'lists. Th'e votes.of th L
insi, from ve him for th shot and the Bropklyn for libel. The apartments occupied by the oddl
ae and PO ulou shal. opened upon a. terrace which was chool. teachers, a' kind of fits, and lbeing taken home, died
-a !County of Wel- to ave any effect." —There is. now a sl lid one from Al orna, soon in
Ight lull in the built Upon a lofty and precipitous cliff, District,- were also stru6k off on t e same
11 tiler, -Nv ere I o 1 log tea' and geecher-Tiltoli scandal! which appears to after, i his forty-first . year,: as he
e had predicted. �Iis administrators ap.-
from the Coant u vo� South Perth be very acceptable to. e;,erybody. A Sentry was grounds. One vote froni Norfolk tity 7 of '11. This overhanging the sea. IOU* plied to the insurance company f6r the,
oil the terrace, with order liatilated the name - -hav" been P c, ians in South. P'r ave Al- �SPAIN posted. s�to was i J clearly one of two things—eitber Watch :the prisoner's. eve mount of the policy,. but paymentbeing
Eyhows c O iti DELAX RY RECO(�iifTl )N_ —The Russin ry rnovcme�it. erased and rewritten in blue in-, wid a
both of the cndidat rea,dy, commenced Preliminary ire During Sand the Marshal there fore was not allowed. refttsed, they have brought suit. cei s refuse Ik Xy evening, 0 -Pull- Governm tit has refuse to recognize the- es wereex adi(TIX unpopular, or th. ,- teaCb, rs were prevent- �r�par approac , rig 166'al Spanish Repti-blic. In . consequence of w �a on the terrace -with C61. tl- lefte, his aide-de-camp, and at 10 ocl I ck Swindling Advertisements. Jeff. D�vis. is -visiting New Ramps -hire elec4on. It is 'not likIel hat 141r. this, the other P o-wers delay a complete ed by intimdation fibm. exercising their sea -'side resorts.
the nonenit who ii I ow�r retired as usual, apparently to le Some short time a -go a profess —A man in Portsmou franchise in accordance recognition, but, it is - reported that the But before daybreak lie had effected lig e4 ienii-, tb, Va., hais eloped
ith ther wishes Guest Y )resents Governments of Alustiia nd Germany nent firm in.Montreal honored the news- WA4 h mother-in-law 6nd d the be escape.. He must have crossed the t -,r. Lesixes. 'Wpl are clined, to think �nstituency, will again 1. I ca.ridi- have sent credentials: to their representa- paper offices With a Circular setting forth --IGov..Dix has received oer i,"000 ap-
that bo date, and considerable specillatt n is in- tives at Aladrid. race in the dead of file night,.. and elud: ag the advantaes they possessed for Opply plic4tions for pardons oftonvic th these influennes were in no the sentinel, gained the edge of the pr(� ci- ing their " con n try cousins " with 1cheap Jan.1 1, ts ince small degree responsiblE for the sma, dulged in by both political s as t;o,. TFt,te ERY. ----�Urgel has been surren. dered to lie Carlists tl rOU& the treach- pice, nd thence by mean's of a knot d bargains, and enclosing tickets for and has gxant�d sixty-one. who 1will be the coming' me*ii. The i0ne outh Carolina mall waled ten
ness of thevotc polled. Dr. Sngster rope be, deseerided to the sea. He e, ri,gh t ery of pa -ties- within the -city, wh by his deceptiN v- o are aently' to plarchase at twerity-five cents each mile4 to register nd thirty.miles to v-otd,. 'forfeited e rep t to be f riends to the B i�-hop of Urgel, the chap- tore h..- _e course, t�h Col's�r ative party are �r e i slipped during the descent, & There was also a long list; of pierson� ,who aid Jie cast the Demcratic ticket at -that. I ' ably scarce of silitab aterial lairi of Don Carlos., General Tristally 1.8 the 6011ifidence. '('if many,.of hose who e i� hands, s the rope was fou, (I had done business with the hotise, lid ex- ---I�Ohio barbers are eDgaggig in hair- n Refo cr h captured the entire garrison, 485 men, stained, with blood in several P'lao' a. were at first his . warmes'� f riends, and to hile' tiler Side a i Under the cliff, in pressed satisfaction with the result. I Not C -tttng m- atches at $100 a side. Nen. Lipp 0 with 32 and shot the commander a hire bot, -vve�e caring to be the agent or tool of Stich a volis " custom- ers " must enjoy it. li a, great. measure is' due- his.defeat. _r Un ance, and the ggr at es �Lp Bazairie's wife and cousin.l They rle- this i b 3 d n of the citadel. t cc I questionable affair, an(l doubting" the —A man in Richmond, Va., adiertises t 'h the rith I hem will b re ail we ceived him as he reached tile' wat 'd
Had beat i-Irs Ged fr�nk]V wit e 10 w CONISCREPT10Y.—Tbe coDscription is er, ail pohey of encouraing sa h �h, for' that' he will pay twlenty-fi,ve ej ts per' hu t which one of bein� eforced throughnit tile countr I madame teachers, ad toll the m the whole tvuth *'et a man e w,� on y taking the -oarB herself ro-Nv�d business, if otherwise 1111 Bal IS we hu Iredfor confedierate notes, sm4l or
atel nd
0 directly. to a strange steamer which luld burnt paper and tickets le gIt and nothing but the truth, they would many' availble and suitb.1 a irali S pposition. To doubt 6tber largq- GR RAIj 4 Y been- lyincr off the island si In2e the hve discarded hm. -entirely or will w accept ?" If ra NOT TO INTFRFEr—The pre- newspaper publishers received aftnilall ---�According to the corre�poidterits, eitber� Mors ar to be German G-overn ent I vious evening. lklarshl. Ruaillo)s Wife. documents,"and two weeks since -we no- Qu a still entertaillB -bopes of
. I . . I n as formally no- th�y would have stuck- to him and secur- relied' upon, Mr. - e4n Effm 0 s,that nned her husband's e6caPe six
_KoDou f e tified the ower' I b will not int pl, 9 I er ago. weeg"' ticed a large doilble column adv tise- Ousting Kalialtan as Kig of tile H a fere in t At first he refused, having giveh a-wai-
ed his election. He saw fit, 'however, firm- of Jones & 14cDogall Ba ister' h, internal affaitis of Spain. ment in -quite auniber of our exchf ngei ian islands. DIF I has crop. his word of honor not to leave the isTandy and, for'lim'-self I' ed VTRGL�Ms "i 4
to take a -different, of St. arys is t present Z . upon but, finally, failina. to obtain announcing that " Cleremont, Daniels & '—The Richmond (Va.) En 7 has
pedupgiiii. titppe:SULTY . 0 some modi- q I that Spain is fie, Co." had a grand sabsc ' tion $a 'Le of. asee tained that. whenever a in an "knows
very unwise e T se_ He coniiiiied in as bic""ry the mostlikely pers n t6 calTY demandiug, reparation frolin the United of his sentence, yielded. Hie rip I fall and winter goods, at 60 and 1001 per anyt4m.g " n ow, in Brooklyn -they make gal the contest, without the conficteuce of tile Re orm banner triuinph-,u tly t vp'jc - States for filibustering dalway in the Italian steam yacbAJ, peditions flitted 1 cent. cheaper thn the same goods I ould up a parse and send him to 'Europe, a -ad -were ill Ld tory. Mr. McDougall is , rfe'ntl( en of alit against her territory, nd that the 1 be bought for at
those who -Baron Ricasoli, lie refusing toomplo ined to be his friends, I French vessel. -the retail stores. In that, thus (16 we 'spread ilitelh-genee American His whereabouts are is a overnment a Imit no liability. and the result is that he h, much. ure than 6rdinrybbilil most cases tm.editorial also appeared in ab d s, been. de conjectured, but Brnssels'
GRlr,-,Vr BRJuJAN. or the same sheet. certifyin to thehonor. Brid
feated. Of ih Successful' candidate d fluent speaer lo C, Chiselburst, seems the - more pr rot Je logical of man, who C6LL1EAY ACCIDKXT. —A� colliery ex obab4 the firva e ex en , qua ity and cheap- startod flo West ten dys acro, 10 th 't t port' (Conn.)
r e
comparative been a ealous nd useful �coler � n the p Sion, vilich caused t te death of e;ght termination of his present journey. Th6
ly lit ;e was known, except' De.4 of t6 goods, and patron ge. tending to Settle there, has re'turne dis.. in so far as h1a litar, p ranks ol 'the party. Sbottldh�lbesflected Occurred onTUesdy,at Ham- Journal'des D-ebats argues that the criru(�, It 'now' turns out the urging gu .
%ry �ttaillinets could as convicted whole affair s a istidd. He gotas far as Knsas City, suit- by tbe'Reformers- of South I ertl th ley, Staffordshire. Ili the mining dis-. of which Bazaine w renderi iluge swindle the firm b * gas an all and 1found 100 law I era there, a -ad the
recommend him. He may make'a' 7 him to extradition, and Franc( y tricks -the second day of the week is sales made a coi will hve in him 'a strolir, id 'I p4ow e for.the Vablic School a nplete I 1seL? The orl. ther*ometi�r 11" in the shade. The
able representati pretty generlly made a holiday, under Should donland his surrender. a
treal Post Office is detaini' all letters combiilati6n was too mchforhim, and
ate. the name of ",Saint Nlonday," and to candid. Ing
tea,cliers, andhe may represent Goldwin all d remittances to the con clern, which is h right home aaiu. e came
Good Advice. . t I Smith, and lone, ad-Jeave the this circu istance-is to be ttributed the the best proof of the roguery attempted. —1�residerrt Geo. B. j�ocelyn. of Albion
fortunt ircumstalice of -go few liv In tbia.Bfonctary Thnes of last in*terests to taJce TriF, J XPEAt a�gillSt the elei, tion C f e week, It is also stated that he same patties College has declined the probibitioniste
teachers and es I 31
being lost. we notice the follow' carried on a similar game at Buffalo, but nomination for
for t te ing paragraph which Governor of Nlichigau.
of themselves. owever it - is vhyays I XcGreor, the sitting m6m6; u lie says tb at -with, the ordination vows of
TifF RAPvi,_�T. j,,� Euiu'PE.—The New contains a bint which many would do were rooted out.—Ifaindtion 21imes. preferable to hopel for the best, nd we, Co nty of Essex, �vas_ tried bE fore:Jud well to bea in mind! an i erant minister of the Iethodist -refore, -,it �Y,indso e present York Com, ner ys the r, during �h cial a, the favorable ac- A Prominent dvertisemplit recently What the Royal Commissi E'pis�opal Church upon him-, he feels that .trust, that' when Professor, week. A large number of witnesses counts con i�ig daily to b and relative to appeared in the papers alluo uncingy a as no rig Smitli's term expi tea he will have gven the harves; in Europe have within a day' balloon CoEt. he h rht to become a candidate lwereex%mined. 'Theeviden(e-,weat to ortwo Past mat Scent and free champagne hillch A return to an address of 'the Housi for a�y position to which he cannot be
such good satisfaG ion, as to entitle' him I eriall, r depressed the in connection With at recent sale of town of' appointed by the p'op
I show thit lavish expeditures of inoney d ted Ilth of May 1874, has r er authorities of to remelectio by a delam ation. price of flo x and wheat, the former show� lots in Stratford. Along with this were an- Commons, a the church. had 1) n inted and distributed ep-111 Mide, in the interests b' bh of ing a decline of 25 to 50 cents per We believe there is good ground; barrel, 1 nouncedredticed rtesiof traveling to and .1 U aKilduff, who has lately
�'i the ' atter five taining tb e f ollowig attatement of all
Mr. McGregor al:4 his opp0nenZ M -to ten cents pi�r fro on! the Grand Trunk. To bho Uer twenty -three years' service
suispicion that ir . th resigned aft
.for. teachers. bushel. penses conae any I O'Connor, by their friends. 110 perjohlfi' no obed-tion, call be made ; but, the bl- cx cted with the issuincy of -as engineer i:ntbe employof the Facifie
on both sides, 'were prevented from TYPHOON.—A very Severe typhoon oc- loon asb:ent, and still inore the free the Roval Commission entrusted tion. "vith Mail Steam'ship Company, has sailed
bribery or objec able act- con I V curred at Ngasaki onAug. 20 the ex�nirlation of ebarges voting, throu,gh fear that their Great champagne lunch, recall Ominously the inaLle by _`ln 1,786,000 miles, rilakinig. roulicl trips dniage wis done to property on the worst d of our mad speculative era., In - PLn.,
proven �gainst Atir. NKCGregdr hi iself. -a Hon. L. S. Huntington ag A the late between San Francisc-0: and , , � i '
91 interest �y 9 na, two
'the harbor. A 'which came to a crisis in, 1857 a person might suffer. They shore lad Shipping ill Administration howin
The Judge, consequently, Ae lare, tho considerab Every- aa more to and'fro m Oregon-, and
Itt shoul they votf, t time of de- eersons to -whom p,,�id: near13 - a icore to iad fill
were afraid th electionVoid, and at the same 1 -ime ated. e number of natives lost their body who cango back toth p�Lid and th oni China. More- an lirious folly, can rem -ember how these Ron. Mr. Justice Day, for services.. ... -.,,K,625 00 OV.r for one candidate or the other, partizi, lives. e , he never met mishap.
that there had bedii no evi enc� pro- .do CIO expenses....... 385 oo
said " champagne lunches" wele mong, do 30C. oo �n
TrusteQs or InSPECtOs inght take 're, .4. year or two a01O a NLe-%v Ramp-
Jis chE g them from duced to disqualify Xr. -INIOG -egol TOM Horse Speed. the commonest inethods Of gulling thp udge Crowan,-for services 1,62,� 00 -armer sned filroad corporation vencre oil th shiref
em by feGr e Yor's unwar 'into buying worthless lots. their sittiations, arain being a candidate. Thd Am -ican turf 'has already outdon' I y do ............. 3 91� 0 0 for darm%ges. He pleaded Ili own rertisino, to employ th P1111 , ., i e lyl. any a man carried a load of obligations 8 - J. Vank-oughnet, for services as Clerk.. 1,40( 00 0 __ majority!. at the last election was 745. itself inspaed,-this yer. Goldsmith (10 expenses ..... 44( oo that he wag a bopeles:s'tripple, with both
or otherwise da agging their prosp�cts, I I on his back for years after 1857, and T. & lt- White, printing 2,000 copies of legs b"roken and (lepend
votes ad that even yet I Maid trotted a mile in 2.14 -If and ! ent upon bis dily
Air. O'Co�nor's Ultimately snk under them, which he report ...... . ....................... TD 50 1 labor forbre�ad.
and consequently refrained from voting Belmont's " Gry Planet " has tun a mile He Ot '�I,0,000. Last
DaernLy & Co., printing Yreneh odition U
6 chnces �or th*e seat are not the ffiogb en- in 1. bd coutircted. 9
(like it fool that he was,) week he was seell chasing a rL
421-. B)tli times bein e fastest on of report ........... .................. -frctory
altogether. Ili faA, the Toronto Globe 12 g th 78 28
The. constituency wi- be under tb* influence of free cha pagne. Stationer supplied ............. cow broug, one of his fields, nd ap-
counragin record in. Amei -ica. It is not so very Th ree6liections of tbat timem too Advanoodto Ron. C'. D. Day, on h
went so far Its to reten-to publish the -pu b- to i e many year.9 since a o e re 88 72 parently havincrolse-:� for a crutch, ex -
names of those tea, -;hers who should vote ; account disbursements .... ss,000-oo c and incoliven:erice of at P 1.%r str��Et song bitter to:be thought of ; but, unfortun ssibly toz'beat her therewith.
celebrated deed uf 2.40 as some, I do 8'. . Vank-oughliet .... 1,500 00
new election, nd Mr. McGreg,qr %iLl be the si alrea ately, a:liew generation. is around us, cept 1 o for Dr. Saligater, We are glad, however, re-electe'd by, probably, even a gic-ater thing quite remrka"ble" nd dy this who may be.caughtin the same snare. Total ................... . —J)ho Hzle, Q e perpetrator of the that although ate has b rly half. a mi' it in lisc r e n reduced n ... 84,500 00 late -Shooting tragedy at-(-,uelpb who reetly'and wrong- majority, than he had before. ate. tr the benefit of such we take. notice of Less refunded ............... 1,299 81 Was X TeSted, in Oshawa last week, -was
fully made the it has not yet had Ithis tratford business, with its ugly as- 3,200 19 ; I
I . . �_4 It is all interesting question, what is ! - - t n brought -up on Weduesday for examina- the 'indiece nicy to put it into exe ution. z8ociations., , d warn the un -wary of the Total ................ NE,,WS OF THE WdEg: the limit of horse speed, but it is a mere tion tefore, ,the polic
$10,9 L8 64 e magistrate, and Comm; ted for trial
The law in this r4e.ct should be altered. matter of -6-uriosilk 00 ared . with the danger they are incurring. Wheneviler a ---------------- 1W at the fall assizes.
of chain agne lunch is 'advertised, a wise P g eir Money. sad accident occurred about half
TI-te tech es -be s%llowed to vote STATF,. more vital question wha;", (toes it Lost th man Will take care to avoid the place as he� THE NI[A.-R Or, RtCr�..s.—A des ��atcb Irora amoulitto. What has been the effecton -north of'sinicoe, On Avethiesiday
by ballot. Theykhould havetheprivri- 4 would a -pestilence." riday eveninglast, two young Gerrad I County, _Ug American ILorse-flesb, and What is to be 1 yoling, nian named yp - . I I et
Kentuck 2c fti on, by whicl
lege of recordin(r teir voteg secretly, SO men, who gave their names as 'Williams PeriiiV, lost life The eeadin
says - I'Ve are having tierrib:e w4v b the effect in the futa re, —t iese are serious I who stated th his that it would not b within. the power tii.; whitds an(P �Iacks. A Romance in High Life. and Thompson, aal(
!ig�tin questions tc which wa see very little at- CY W(TO conapa;iiy with a omp be going on at in 1, tention addressed. At the ganiin table the Duke of Rich from Fayette Co, M ichigan, visited the shoot and iii passil:i anio was out ter a a inc We see a chain of ' through a ble
partizan journals, Inspectors or other. A . 9 - Police Station t London, and laid co n- k 1, 'D
Wed esdy., On Friday m6mii ' th great turf meetings, at wh ich, every year, inond incurred a debt of honor to Lord plaint gainst a mani nam ed Johnston, I- in a p � et fen -cc Ile pulled his af ter
school oclials to inflneU6,e them in one a
tie oes shot Fred. Yeals-,ey,' - Thi Tc e the fastest horses successively appear, Codogaii, which we was unable to pay, when tb nimer
gr a him I y the muzzle, leging that he had stolen $400 in green- I caught, causing the gun to (lischarge its wayoranother. 'Ibefranalliseisa-trust asperated "the whites that they [took p0q, first at one, then at anotlie-r. 'We have lid it was agreed that his son. a lart of backs,3 from them while they contents under his chin, killing him oil session of'- the town this moiiiincy an& raised up a I raveling eircus of fast horses, fifteen, -Who bore the title of' of trav�Iliiig on the Canada Solitheril the sp6t. forthe proper use f whicli every Man 01 I I should be responsible to his own firincr b" been goin n ever �'lnce. It which are taken from one part of the �Iarch, should marry the still' youn er 'between 1alden. and 8t. Thom onservative pic-nic was held at
is thoughb two of the negroes w are killed. country to another, and which, -rather daughter of Lord COCIOgaD. The b,3o young Am i ans said that they met I' Clifford. on AlTednesda- science and to that alone, na'he sbould, This Rey coll- I
eve ing several wounded illitess set' than the be� y eric t local stock, absorb the in- was sent for rom School and the girl from with Johnston on tile train, and that the -at which ad -
were delivered,,] ) -Messrs. Ryk- y ltteradvised. them to pattheirmoneY ert, Lauder and- -Boultbee. It is said consequently, have �be Privilege of exer- fire to a thouse car Selleit" for the terest t cach meeting. s sport nd a the nursery; a clergyman was in atten dress 0 oil cising it freely and !untrmeled by fear purpose f burning the blacks out. he game for befting it is undOUbtedly a first- danc'e ; and the children were told that * t h' whites ve the neroes stl�rounc.ed. class entertainment, although the open they were to be. mrrieJ Upon the spot. In 0 is valise for safe keeping. TIds that there were abolit 3, 000 persolis
of the wrath of those who may be in a United States troops the " greellies 11 did, and soon after ds present. This statement should, ho-w-
marche into the jockeyi�g h a thrown Suspicion on the The girl ha1 n6thing to say; the boy fell asle'ep,- ( position to injure h1m, should he� not use town to quell 'the riot, and mly awakingfroin their
wer63 fired on whole bipiness as an honest trial of speed. cried out: " They Surely 8111 ever, be taken with a onsiderable de -
are not going hers to find Johnst' bs* T e gree of allowance. Three thousd peo-
on a 6nt� it in tile mannar thl'y may ,4csire. This by botb. aties. The fire w- as returned, Bue-for Itd, c- ffect on the honest utility of to marry me to that dowdy! Butmar- sharper* had, however, in order to d s- is a change in the 14w wliich� is required and several were wounded'on b6th si es. the horse as a domeatic allitnal, We �on- iiedtheywere. Apost-cliaisewasatthe arm suspicion, left his valise with the 1111, ple mae a pretty large crowd,
I . .1 ec i —Tlie Internationat'l Boundry Com -
The Loui ville Courie?-JoUqwai %red fess to la n -A very clear apprehensio door; the bridearoom. was packed off- with I U) and the youths Dever tboug and which the Pub�ic School teachers as -the following telegram from - th a t Of much less C6 . lit of opening mission, eng
victiom. A -London paper, his tutor to make the grand tour, a -ad it to see if the money was safe aged ill surveying the boul-
a body should demai� d. n until th BY dary bftween tile United 8tates
Until this change hostilities - in Gerrard ISGUSsing recently the prize shooting the bride was sent ack to her mother. -reache t. Thol as. Avrheri thev d�d, lqount Skir- in d- b and the o clock. at on I �ents of the satchel com ed fLa the 49tih parallel 6f north latitude 'have- is made, and the teachers are allowed to rnishing has been going en since, Wimbled' , denounce i it as being Lord March remained abroad for several the cont North west Territory, lon
vote by , ballot,, thE granting them the this afternoon. It is reported.that Va, -utterly valudess to the my, s far as years, after which he returned to Lon- prig I
old pair of- pants, nd one or two dirty arrived at the Rocky Mountains, whence
negroes have been killec;l. a LC' , Several efficiehey in �battle was co cern'ed. The don, ai well-educated handsome garments, but no pocket -book or money. Capt. 06meron nd his deta6liment of �ers I Uc young en fe, a It ied t hat tenderness t1hat he must not even be whom he had never -seen except upon ohnston, but did not of course find him. their -way ba,ck in September. -them, will be the very reverse, franchise, instead of being a. benefit to wounded.: Sellers' house ro OtI, competitor h1ad to be trea bed with s h man, but in no haste to meet his wi They came on to London in search of Mr. the Royal Engineers will start to m"Ork and will b ve be burned. a a0
aRY, iU
h, g. Jh L In
AUGUST 28, 187
story of Lmi
1eipgo paper publish
.;Ob pervaded �Y an 4
3.s undonbtdly truse
,testhe poverty in which t,
�iermany AIM.
earning dAbout 10 In,
patron of the 66'ence,$ Tie arliu.,offered Prizes amount,
� each for the best essay"R
tory 'Of the n3idill ages, ast;6
Vgy, Poetry and Metahysics _.
V85 ��mh for the best romauf
best POeUL A committee (if �
svealaward th priz�
,)oi,nted t
wwle a short lar'� -number of persons eo��
the work flerd. hail a large ,n.t materia -1 amongit. -jvrii; ,of the ers wm, inclosed .Velopos, on the Outside of Whi<
w1nes -were inscribed. T11e prize br the essay 01
5jes -Was awarded toa
Markmann, who had Zllrl
..,u-uder the na�me of "' RaWS VA%
When , -mann's liamevas.,
a pale, poorly elad, ed -looking young man Stepp(
and was greeti-A with a h�art
app I lanse. -His hai -was thl
ikled witli aray, -,anA
-ready spri
appearance,ex-cited tf;� sympk
returned to his seat� ZRother'. as thetitles of the J,
-were announced, the acco velope disclsed Markiimnn al
,or, aud the applause, grew t
as the 'YOUR- man., loob--
weary every ltiinc, st.?pped The excitement among the Istj
.so -great that :a, suggestion. ,cau I sed tire = to carry him off lThe essays allxarniiiied, thie -next in and -the Y_r1Ze Then the pne ror
mann's. found to be INris entit
vgeAuerbacb, who ws one Of the pronounced itone of theost
ries he hail e,Mr r
written sto
was- tht- last prive dvvard�-a had the fovtunate� ompetitoi
go and ieceiw A whn he fell the floor. A Aeatblike stillno
in the hall, whA6 they carriei
young man into an adjoilng v,
the ph ysiciians smaceedea =
him to ,c-onseiousiles butt ha
for four hous af terwards J
corpse. His death was th.r_e�
years of Ael-rivation; he hUral
to death.
PP.ICES -Or NOEX) A -,-The following aTesorn ,01 I
paid for American horses, 1
$40, 000 Norfolk, $15,000 S1_5000- Kingfisher, $1_ uggler, 00
OiO , - m
wood, $30,000; Jay Goud,.::
Dexter, $33, 000 -, Lady Thorpe
Jim Irvin,g,, sb0,0oo ; -(mis in]
V-0 000 IStaTtle '-8,20 �000.)- I$20,00 0 - Rosalind, "A290000 WO,;, Happy M- ediam, Z25,0
G., S30,000; Pocahontas, $M,
waTd Everett, $20,000 ; Anbf,
$13,000; J�a� Fullartoll, alambrine Bertie, $1,0,.�000 -620,000 George Palme'r, Mambrino Pilot., $12,-000; <-,
Daniels, �:�8,000 ; J� -G� 13WW"�
Flora Temple sold, when $8,000, for brood mare -offered and. rehisea for Tom Ba,
s I uminer was -offerea 4.
ed. f or Bssett bd his three-yeer
-$26,000 will not buy "Bv
Asteroid; 40,000 was -offered,
fused for ON for T horlidale. —X. Y. M�6
CALLOAVAY.�At,C'arleton P14ii
Is, the wifeof Joshua -daughter. HiL. —In Hallett, -of �Nfr. D;via of asoll�:i
CARDEn-, Delhi, -on Avg� 17
-of Dr. Carc-ler, L of 'a &
Ext -ter, the wifie. of Nfr_ NN'm 4Cravvl
t1augliter. Em -ter, on Ang,
Wife of Wln. Brooks, of I
QmNDY.—Ill Luall, on Aug,
wife of Mr. Wm. Grundy" . I
LOGAN.—At of John Logan,:
(;,rey, on Aug. 25,L
of )&r. Ja mes Hill, of -a SOM -Grey., on A-4
wif e of Roberf Dougl", i
the wife of r. If. INT. N_-, AT, Bart
tion oil Au- 16 by Rev, J t>1 ; -
gins, Nilr_ SparlillL!, of lowa, formerly 'of .
WEGATHS, Ca,a, on of -Nlr years., 5 Me,
Winghain, n _-ku
tid obles, infaut daughtier I
Scott, ged. 7 B A L K W I L L. — Ill A v
TNTary Ann Balkivill, of cousl
Nelly, yungestdaugliter,Ai
Exeter, (in- Aug
ert _Nfelton, son f 11i'allar
aged on soil of r. Jx)hn L
16 years. 'N ottiAe, dall!_4i ter 61
ve'ar, nyoUngust of r. THr, hurt-tofore obeen I)y mutual 'Will lieri-after be by 11. 'W111, pU3,.1,
-will reecivf- q11 41rvo the 12i IIENRY
1�1. C. vil
TE' will 1)v, by adi*'i-A.!-�Vd t Eu,mondville P. DA'Y, 14th septem1wri for the ereem.,
across ver m - if he iderpad ol,)
vid Catup-hells furnii, in the TovxW
Enlith. 1'ho bridge will nol. requi,
pletedr.-ntiltlieisiiinmr-.rofl$15. P
ficatio-nt C;In be f;xell on appluicatio
-signed, or to Mr. A. BAY, CountxSu Reeve lal
-7- 4 4. THE HURON:, EXPOSITOR. AuGu 28, 1874.
ENV VERTISEMENTS. oXily tend to make thein the too Is of Sellers 1has one after more negroes.: spoken to for some minutes priorl to his the occasion of their hasty m .50- TIiiey were goi
9 I - 9 to Mancey town to work, olitical partizans and dosigring officials rho. w1lites have ah9c sent for reinforce- shot. There is a similiar dista4ce be- he tarried in London to rail himself. a -ad so was Mr. hn8ton—after the haa
FarmforSale--R Goverilock. ments.. A perfect reign of terror exists. l0n y
I tween the performance uf " Golasmith One nigh t at the opera his att, -nti was told him their destination. h ( 'green
4 compel them to take 4 neutra Po. 12
Farm for &-ile- –Wm. -Mustard. rhere no law nor order here, and the Maid," when she is reducing her", speed attracted to a be%utifuLyoung ady in the d confiding youtba sho UI -1 'lot be ai.
or Sale Wm. Dinniu. sition At elections, 'as ma�y have i been citizens fear the - tomn. may be burned -lowed to far away from t1leir mothers.
Farm f the least fraction of second, andthe or- boxes. Who is that ?" he . sked of a
Iolvetiev Notice—J. 13. Bosted. compelled to do on the wlefit occilision. rwo hu adred militia arrived at the scene' dinary use -of horses, even as cciuriers. gentleman beside him. "You'mustbea T40y. will, however, gain
Teacher lVanted-1Z. PAtison 11-1alton. jft'Siin� ay and b
quelUl d the disturb1tuce' In Short, what we want to know i.$,*Does Stranger in Londo, wthe i eply, not erience ere they travel far.
t e1T
G. NicDougall. xplains. oi- the )reseiit. New Godds—A. Mr. Rykert he constant elevation of the *igbest to know the toast of the town, the beau- i Property for 8 e—J, S. Po�rter. t� Rrsw OFTERrmit KRN'TUCKY. —Ill; trotting and running speed raise th speed tiful Ladyr�March." The Earl went The Short of a Lolag St om
Fresh Arrivab—, ago p dy of nounced himself,
We last week Published a letter if _O' ToddCountyafewnights, a artyof� of that portion of the *wbole bt straight to�tht, box, an 0 From Me Treasurer's f or, Taxes. r. N.-AV� Nloore, of.,qt. 'Ehomas, ich 111asked men murde ed Isham Link,. horses whose utility is in their ispeed and claimed his bride. The wo fe),1 in. Commercial Davidson. colored,. -and also his. qon. There. was al whether for business or pleasure If it' love with each other. oil -the spot, and' The. least said is truly the soollest
spated that )Mr. Plykext haa ackno ledg- mdrided. Decenf people, Nvho find life
Polar and Tro pica AV orlds—A. B. Cr- fracas a Monterey, Ky., growing out of' does there is utility ill these' co�tests. lived long and -,happily toge her; -and too' short to wa e4 in the presenee of ;% nutilber of gentle- de through the filtil Of the
hart. it figb t (in election day, -between Willis Tf it does not, they become an exbi�bition, when the husband di d she als) died Of a Br1ooklyn seandal ma Le y like to have the
en in- that town that 1�lle and Ja,,. Russell and some otherS, who' in s6ar as they are'llonest, of a p4re art, i of the case laid before them in its
Taylor'sEqu Gurriculumnd0ificus.1 I broken heart within a few mor tbs. — The ..Sloory was. Jalae,'! 11.1ld- entirel an ttacked one Greenbarr. Tile Russells. theArtof traininga horse for apped,.as Ga1aXY- for foar cardinal points, -now .111 in evi,l-ence
were. rt-ested 'an. bound over for ex -i as an6ther class 'of experts would ;train ivention of his owuima1clinition. Mtr. aila fatally correlated by the dtes I vkert, in'reply , to that let - e mination. They throatened the County' him to stand on a barrel, or dance to the Sangster vs. Smith ---The Vote. Tilton to Moulton—D-cc., SIX
To Ott , i
V, publishes Attorney with death. if lie prosecuted music of a hand -organ. te following in the -,SL Callierines r-1174- thein. That officer called * upon the The follo-wing is a correct'staternerit of months ago I learned f rorn my wife that
the votes cast for the Public School H.1 W. Beecher hail disholloreld my home. SEAFORTH'. FRIDAY,ug. 2% 1874. I'l al i 8heriffffirprotection, ii A�erl- Teachers' candidates for Repr entative a id the latter with Germany Matches the ar it nio, loner Ilim to
I call be, "I notice that p4rag' C ph is bing a guard nd the Attc rney went to Mon- i' oan'Scandal. in the Council orf Pnbliclustr ction: mdi that I may mention it to)Iim.
terey. Tbeywerea ackedb Russell's� y The. Gieat Western Railway. the rounds of the G'rit��( n, to th',el ef- k singularly Close parallel to I Silnitb. Sangster. I- � r party, and one of the guards was killed.'; bbe t f ct that stated to it part of t%vibnty-. Brant .......................... 28 NoultontoBeecher—Jan., 1871. At the annual mi�eing of the share-, - I I The Government IIS Drdered soldiers to! Beecher -Tilton scandal, in its Present Bruce ...... i ... .......... 27
11 T h tory of the I to# thinks you have, ruined his bnsir�p
fl. c, i St o -ms, that tU I Carleton. .. .. I 88.
holders of the Grea� Western Railway, Mouterc �ha,.,e, is interesting-Germanyat ptesent. ...... I ........... 44
pleture, of the little M6,da 'Was y ION OF T# , ri. 0 UTH .—The co lev Dundas .... .21 80 Pbve yourself his friend 'Wd it will. be
L. I joke, an d that I :ect. .................. 46 31 aD right. You can on tile t th.
tat tlie report of the t it iM for eo ndi-j . held oil VVednesday 1, CON DFr August Kapff, an eloquelft and ; ru
ticnofeertainportlion3 of the-Soutbern' famous preacher of Stuttgart, pre- Investigatiiiig' Committee, mention of -1 state Most PositiV61Y, ld: defy. contra- J i 8 Elgin .......................... 27 82 Beecher to 'Yloulton—My. pay
f i I - States aceites graire apprehension in the' iding divine of ll the Subian Notest- Essex .......................... 14 19 . P I diatian, that the Province i.xiid for" the 1irontenac...... i ............... 6 F. 'D. Moulton for the beile,fit; of
which was mi :e joirle time ago, -%I-as ' . -Mind of the Attorlic) --General, who be- alit dioceses, is accused by Freilerick 69 Theo -
Pi cture to which I refe0,ed,iiji the House Gleagarry ........................ 6 40 a4e Tilton 3 5. 000.
adopted. Thi� report sron&ly condem lieves that the issue of the ne>;t election Amanii, one of his parishioners, ag hv- Grenville ........................ :19 12 wid I further state that thib, accouxit in I I 1-R. ing seduced Amalin's wife, f requ en 41y co- Grey ........................ 6s 88 ed the present -nalann of the road. which. the. picture is hba ged will will turl into a qu stion of race. Thei I be Grovernment is ppe led to by both sides! liabiting with ber duriaz her hus�aud's Raldimand ...................... 37 Tilton to 187:3. To As a residt of the aclaption of the rep fe und t pa,ge 33 of thell Pit lie Accounts Halton ......................... 39 5 H.j W. B.., grace, inercy all1l. PCACe� ours for protection', bUt, ide from instruct- .abscrtce,,and being.the tber of � child
of 1872--E wing& Co 'IS22 15. Hastings ........................ 12 87 L
by the sh'areholderi, the old directors t Illy) iDcr AtUrneyS a;nd L%4arsbals to exercise� boin four months ago. Amaliil� thU8 Huron ........................... 66 39 T. R
r J; C. 11YKEX-r. nigning Ili pstor, takes es�jjecial- Kept ............ : .............. 570 14 ever `r' -G TRADE. resigned, nd tAe me6ting adjourned Un- y precaution. to prevent violence, the. ' The. reader,will notic tht'.\,Ir. Rykert Governi: ie Lai)2bton. ....................... r)4 19 ntispowarlass. Tbefactsare, Plinal hice Thesiodare Tiltoii,'to exoterate instance of the depession
ly h truth of tight to h-, tteutioi his wife from moral responsibility. 11y tilthe9th, of �eptei�aber, - , at whichdate 1,;1 , to- be li ro of tile' Lanark ......................... 45 25 —A remark able
the new Board of Directors will bei� C. es not attempt to a lie- says, "is Leeds .......................... So 87 of the shipping interest oil the now.
Mr, Moore's sttemene, I ffiat state- Cabinet at its next lEeting. w poor, rel�igion- Lennox and Addington ............ 11 27 so long continned, was reccatly- chosen. An entire change in the Cana -1 Lincoln ........ . 80 10 qven at
would be a 'very Niwk) MAF3.4ACRk ' iN struck *creature., who fell not knowing Middlesex ................. 98 42 Chicago; in the offer of all owner of three I mant were incorreei, it what she was doing have reluotant- anagem is contemplated. nd; -A number of uearcu,,
dian m' v matter fo I . t Pickettsville, Northumberland.... 9S 86 goold vessels to a prominent ol)erator oil
r him. to give A,,, simple de- Gibson 0oulity, - T' ly asked ' or a div�rce- from her. She Norfolk ..... ............... also the abolition of �he Canadian Board. elin., threatened a riot; .... 29 23 'Change, to let bim hve the Ilse of either
but instead of doi th6b be makes last Satr rday and S -lay' 9 subrait^.to Kapff throi her Ontario .......... I ................ 88 46
manifesting j 11, lea to orld of tJ).e vessels on a round tri to Buf T
religious confidence in him but t Oxf(,rd ......................... So 80 a positive at, strong desire to \,vo or three citizensl 4e re- atement, bouV. '�,ome Other Peel ........................ ; ... 40 i.6 falb,. for just nothing beyonil thp expenses
andtofireandsack. hetown. 'don Mrs. Tilton subseq' 9
The Pi-Lblic So ol Teachers' itatter entirel r forei,gmio tit cont 'ined on I UQ11tIy Peterborcl ................ ...... 11 of -running,-- the person tking her to Put
Represe tative. 3 (lay sixteen. ringle,ders were arrested' fails, in that Frau Ainann is now'in a Perth ..................... 80 88 iiii for
Prescott .... 12 a r. 11 bes nA as- -et)ton jail for safe keep- 1 him, where Shp_ fqncies his,own clerk on board, anilucertL
AP fr. ''Moord's lettia and taken to Ti Swiss insaric asy h I self the net cost of the trip. -The
The election A a I i herself at once a virgin and the wife of Prince Edward ................. s5 29 im. mpinber.of the'Coun- s4t tll�at Air. McKellar bac, in his ed- Ing. A out I o'cloc Tuesday morning,, enfrew .......... ........ ..... . 18 _10 reasoll'of the offer wal . . af te'rwardt stated
'Martin Luther. Prelate Kapff, lik6 Mr. Rpsse)i '5 6 75 oi 10 i n entered the town 1 picture of ail aA, ret S'' hich 'lad to 'be simply the fact tha.t the vessel
cil of P blic Instracti, n to represent the ro+rn P I ' T
i I I Beecher maintained silence Simeo and demaded and CO'E)pclled the heriff as Iong as e ..... ..................... 57 45
Public School tecbers has t I n for out of the public fu s, or that to deliver 7 8 ti, wo Id de-terior te less when deep in the
ength b 6 Stormont ... U up the keys of the jail. , They Possible. but, at the urgent 'entre&0 Of Victoria ........................ 16 46 wat;er than when lying iniloa,ded at the
33 49 ta,ken place. Ihelabpr of co-anting the he 4ad Stich a - picture at, A He a,,ban-. then took. the si �e an ' negroes f rom members of his church, denied Amami's Waterloo X dock. papers was concluded 1 id, after killing four ud mortaIr a tion, which voting by the ch rge itnd. asked an investiga .22 84 do s 'the orional. story,.'bu ould still Pr Sol', a I - Wellington ................ .... 6o `48
scrutinee,rs late Ik woun(ing two on! the.confines of the is now proceedmg4 The
on Thursday nicfht of lik to leave m e min a , papers dii7ide, an impression h d -town, r some championing Kapff to tbe'utq'lost, Wentworth ............. .... 87 6 A NOVEL UIT.—The Bershire I;ife o lie ining 18 Insurance . Co pany has an odd case in
last week, and tile result: was made � I off with -�tj ie rein, ten Yor ............................ 112 -of those who read his letta. that the. afte � proc6edinfy� some distance from I otherscond6nining him as a h oqrite,. known, thronli the To yp Colirt. S. MT. Cooper, a farmer of Stock- o,Dto dailies of ven. -American press treats Bloch- sta emen�bs of Mr. Moore incorrect, t6wn, shAthern, all. Both blacks and' L as the 1,194 bri
Friday. The t different from whites er and there are those who, like i the Hamilto CITIES4 4e, Afe., died under peculiar ickicni.- w1h, la he cannot or dare no ein min an a conflict between ': n .......... 11 3 Stances.' His father and grandfather had what wIl -ted. assistant minister of Plymouth ch Kingston ........... *"**
the two.. arties is ho rly expec h, ... I ..... .... 4 anticipated. Pro- Air Rykert had better.have le the mat- I -believe in the Prelate's guilt London ......................... die(l at the age of 41, and � he foretold
MIJU.U.'ON'S STLTEK NT.—Moulton has would riot 27 0� -
fessor Smith has been elected by a con- Ottawa ......................... 5 18 that' be should die at the same aae. Al -
In tat ent in' ter e. Bis-notetotlie, i rnal d.oes publisb& 1* along a response7 though an angel fro Heaven sho.uld Toronto ......................... 43 1 I-�ho gh apparently in gound he7alth. he
siderable mojolity. The vote -polled, not improve his position, b t ak6s, him to Beed er's testimo4y, bu It t cont ins; proclaim it. I al Incorporate d . Towns.... . ......... . 142) 92 pre. ared. m
however, was a very small one; scarcely -out varimoredishongstndi r incl ed nothing.-jew, and no4ing which in any' I reW ne d ar, and, a few days before the half of the teach way wea tens the- foren of -Beecher's de- Marshal Baz Total ...... ............ 232 141
,era of 'tb e Province ha'v- to q ibble than his Ft. Th6m, cor fes- ainb's Escapa.- The total was, tim.6 when lie exTected to die, he went
fence. Smith ................... to 'Pittsfield, had his -will M. ad, a -ad
ing voted at all. Fr6m Eitiron there sion showed him to be. A C' rl� mpo, The following particulars relating to Sangster ...................
0 TILTOZ - 'Gor,.s To AW.—Tilton has were only 105 votesi given, m ver correctly remarks: "Like iltoi , he taken steps tobring a egal action against stepping into the insurance office, applied
'hereas the manner in Which Marshl Bazaine, -ighborbood of 230 based his case upon a stra: Beecher, for criminal intimacy nijkde Majority for Smith ......... 277 for a $5, 000 policy. He was prollounc-
.there are in the ne and con- the French commanding officer, ed -sound by the Comipai..xy's doctors, paid
erite prisqTre
teachers, -alid o* versation with his wif , Tilton has also his escape from- St. MargL Of the votes received, 103 were struck tiler couttties ake even te nical use of h4riguagre, lit he alims 0 ibuizib and If in ' his
sued tile New.York given b�! a French paper off, the names not'appearing 'h In- remium aucl took his Policy. The
rorld next day he was tak,en sick with some
a po e , 'b t. I or ore xhi tancE at game -too fair a;bo e spectors'lists. Th'e votes.of th L
insi, from ve him for th shot and the Bropklyn for libel. The apartments occupied by the oddl
ae and PO ulou shal. opened upon a. terrace which was chool. teachers, a' kind of fits, and lbeing taken home, died
-a !County of Wel- to ave any effect." —There is. now a sl lid one from Al orna, soon in
Ight lull in the built Upon a lofty and precipitous cliff, District,- were also stru6k off on t e same
11 tiler, -Nv ere I o 1 log tea' and geecher-Tiltoli scandal! which appears to after, i his forty-first . year,: as he
e had predicted. �Iis administrators ap.-
from the Coant u vo� South Perth be very acceptable to. e;,erybody. A Sentry was grounds. One vote froni Norfolk tity 7 of '11. This overhanging the sea. IOU* plied to the insurance company f6r the,
oil the terrace, with order liatilated the name - -hav" been P c, ians in South. P'r ave Al- �SPAIN posted. s�to was i J clearly one of two things—eitber Watch :the prisoner's. eve mount of the policy,. but paymentbeing
Eyhows c O iti DELAX RY RECO(�iifTl )N_ —The Russin ry rnovcme�it. erased and rewritten in blue in-, wid a
both of the cndidat rea,dy, commenced Preliminary ire During Sand the Marshal there fore was not allowed. refttsed, they have brought suit. cei s refuse Ik Xy evening, 0 -Pull- Governm tit has refuse to recognize the- es wereex adi(TIX unpopular, or th. ,- teaCb, rs were prevent- �r�par approac , rig 166'al Spanish Repti-blic. In . consequence of w �a on the terrace -with C61. tl- lefte, his aide-de-camp, and at 10 ocl I ck Swindling Advertisements. Jeff. D�vis. is -visiting New Ramps -hire elec4on. It is 'not likIel hat 141r. this, the other P o-wers delay a complete ed by intimdation fibm. exercising their sea -'side resorts.
the nonenit who ii I ow�r retired as usual, apparently to le Some short time a -go a profess —A man in Portsmou franchise in accordance recognition, but, it is - reported that the But before daybreak lie had effected lig e4 ienii-, tb, Va., hais eloped
ith ther wishes Guest Y )resents Governments of Alustiia nd Germany nent firm in.Montreal honored the news- WA4 h mother-in-law 6nd d the be escape.. He must have crossed the t -,r. Lesixes. 'Wpl are clined, to think �nstituency, will again 1. I ca.ridi- have sent credentials: to their representa- paper offices With a Circular setting forth --IGov..Dix has received oer i,"000 ap-
that bo date, and considerable specillatt n is in- tives at Aladrid. race in the dead of file night,.. and elud: ag the advantaes they possessed for Opply plic4tions for pardons oftonvic th these influennes were in no the sentinel, gained the edge of the pr(� ci- ing their " con n try cousins " with 1cheap Jan.1 1, ts ince small degree responsiblE for the sma, dulged in by both political s as t;o,. TFt,te ERY. ----�Urgel has been surren. dered to lie Carlists tl rOU& the treach- pice, nd thence by mean's of a knot d bargains, and enclosing tickets for and has gxant�d sixty-one. who 1will be the coming' me*ii. The i0ne outh Carolina mall waled ten
ness of thevotc polled. Dr. Sngster rope be, deseerided to the sea. He e, ri,gh t ery of pa -ties- within the -city, wh by his deceptiN v- o are aently' to plarchase at twerity-five cents each mile4 to register nd thirty.miles to v-otd,. 'forfeited e rep t to be f riends to the B i�-hop of Urgel, the chap- tore h..- _e course, t�h Col's�r ative party are �r e i slipped during the descent, & There was also a long list; of pierson� ,who aid Jie cast the Demcratic ticket at -that. I ' ably scarce of silitab aterial lairi of Don Carlos., General Tristally 1.8 the 6011ifidence. '('if many,.of hose who e i� hands, s the rope was fou, (I had done business with the hotise, lid ex- ---I�Ohio barbers are eDgaggig in hair- n Refo cr h captured the entire garrison, 485 men, stained, with blood in several P'lao' a. were at first his . warmes'� f riends, and to hile' tiler Side a i Under the cliff, in pressed satisfaction with the result. I Not C -tttng m- atches at $100 a side. Nen. Lipp 0 with 32 and shot the commander a hire bot, -vve�e caring to be the agent or tool of Stich a volis " custom- ers " must enjoy it. li a, great. measure is' due- his.defeat. _r Un ance, and the ggr at es �Lp Bazairie's wife and cousin.l They rle- this i b 3 d n of the citadel. t cc I questionable affair, an(l doubting" the —A man in Richmond, Va., adiertises t 'h the rith I hem will b re ail we ceived him as he reached tile' wat 'd
Had beat i-Irs Ged fr�nk]V wit e 10 w CONISCREPT10Y.—Tbe coDscription is er, ail pohey of encouraing sa h �h, for' that' he will pay twlenty-fi,ve ej ts per' hu t which one of bein� eforced throughnit tile countr I madame teachers, ad toll the m the whole tvuth *'et a man e w,� on y taking the -oarB herself ro-Nv�d business, if otherwise 1111 Bal IS we hu Iredfor confedierate notes, sm4l or
atel nd
0 directly. to a strange steamer which luld burnt paper and tickets le gIt and nothing but the truth, they would many' availble and suitb.1 a irali S pposition. To doubt 6tber largq- GR RAIj 4 Y been- lyincr off the island si In2e the hve discarded hm. -entirely or will w accept ?" If ra NOT TO INTFRFEr—The pre- newspaper publishers received aftnilall ---�According to the corre�poidterits, eitber� Mors ar to be German G-overn ent I vious evening. lklarshl. Ruaillo)s Wife. documents,"and two weeks since -we no- Qu a still entertaillB -bopes of
. I . . I n as formally no- th�y would have stuck- to him and secur- relied' upon, Mr. - e4n Effm 0 s,that nned her husband's e6caPe six
_KoDou f e tified the ower' I b will not int pl, 9 I er ago. weeg"' ticed a large doilble column adv tise- Ousting Kalialtan as Kig of tile H a fere in t At first he refused, having giveh a-wai-
ed his election. He saw fit, 'however, firm- of Jones & 14cDogall Ba ister' h, internal affaitis of Spain. ment in -quite auniber of our exchf ngei ian islands. DIF I has crop. his word of honor not to leave the isTandy and, for'lim'-self I' ed VTRGL�Ms "i 4
to take a -different, of St. arys is t present Z . upon but, finally, failina. to obtain announcing that " Cleremont, Daniels & '—The Richmond (Va.) En 7 has
pedupgiiii. titppe:SULTY . 0 some modi- q I that Spain is fie, Co." had a grand sabsc ' tion $a 'Le of. asee tained that. whenever a in an "knows
very unwise e T se_ He coniiiiied in as bic""ry the mostlikely pers n t6 calTY demandiug, reparation frolin the United of his sentence, yielded. Hie rip I fall and winter goods, at 60 and 1001 per anyt4m.g " n ow, in Brooklyn -they make gal the contest, without the conficteuce of tile Re orm banner triuinph-,u tly t vp'jc - States for filibustering dalway in the Italian steam yacbAJ, peditions flitted 1 cent. cheaper thn the same goods I ould up a parse and send him to 'Europe, a -ad -were ill Ld tory. Mr. McDougall is , rfe'ntl( en of alit against her territory, nd that the 1 be bought for at
those who -Baron Ricasoli, lie refusing toomplo ined to be his friends, I French vessel. -the retail stores. In that, thus (16 we 'spread ilitelh-genee American His whereabouts are is a overnment a Imit no liability. and the result is that he h, much. ure than 6rdinrybbilil most cases tm.editorial also appeared in ab d s, been. de conjectured, but Brnssels'
GRlr,-,Vr BRJuJAN. or the same sheet. certifyin to thehonor. Brid
feated. Of ih Successful' candidate d fluent speaer lo C, Chiselburst, seems the - more pr rot Je logical of man, who C6LL1EAY ACCIDKXT. —A� colliery ex obab4 the firva e ex en , qua ity and cheap- startod flo West ten dys acro, 10 th 't t port' (Conn.)
r e
comparative been a ealous nd useful �coler � n the p Sion, vilich caused t te death of e;ght termination of his present journey. Th6
ly lit ;e was known, except' De.4 of t6 goods, and patron ge. tending to Settle there, has re'turne dis.. in so far as h1a litar, p ranks ol 'the party. Sbottldh�lbesflected Occurred onTUesdy,at Ham- Journal'des D-ebats argues that the criru(�, It 'now' turns out the urging gu .
%ry �ttaillinets could as convicted whole affair s a istidd. He gotas far as Knsas City, suit- by tbe'Reformers- of South I ertl th ley, Staffordshire. Ili the mining dis-. of which Bazaine w renderi iluge swindle the firm b * gas an all and 1found 100 law I era there, a -ad the
recommend him. He may make'a' 7 him to extradition, and Franc( y tricks -the second day of the week is sales made a coi will hve in him 'a strolir, id 'I p4ow e for.the Vablic School a nplete I 1seL? The orl. ther*ometi�r 11" in the shade. The
able representati pretty generlly made a holiday, under Should donland his surrender. a
treal Post Office is detaini' all letters combiilati6n was too mchforhim, and
ate. the name of ",Saint Nlonday," and to candid. Ing
tea,cliers, andhe may represent Goldwin all d remittances to the con clern, which is h right home aaiu. e came
Good Advice. . t I Smith, and lone, ad-Jeave the this circu istance-is to be ttributed the the best proof of the roguery attempted. —1�residerrt Geo. B. j�ocelyn. of Albion
fortunt ircumstalice of -go few liv In tbia.Bfonctary Thnes of last in*terests to taJce TriF, J XPEAt a�gillSt the elei, tion C f e week, It is also stated that he same patties College has declined the probibitioniste
teachers and es I 31
being lost. we notice the follow' carried on a similar game at Buffalo, but nomination for
for t te ing paragraph which Governor of Nlichigau.
of themselves. owever it - is vhyays I XcGreor, the sitting m6m6; u lie says tb at -with, the ordination vows of
TifF RAPvi,_�T. j,,� Euiu'PE.—The New contains a bint which many would do were rooted out.—Ifaindtion 21imes. preferable to hopel for the best, nd we, Co nty of Essex, �vas_ tried bE fore:Jud well to bea in mind! an i erant minister of the Iethodist -refore, -,it �Y,indso e present York Com, ner ys the r, during �h cial a, the favorable ac- A Prominent dvertisemplit recently What the Royal Commissi E'pis�opal Church upon him-, he feels that .trust, that' when Professor, week. A large number of witnesses counts con i�ig daily to b and relative to appeared in the papers alluo uncingy a as no rig Smitli's term expi tea he will have gven the harves; in Europe have within a day' balloon CoEt. he h rht to become a candidate lwereex%mined. 'Theeviden(e-,weat to ortwo Past mat Scent and free champagne hillch A return to an address of 'the Housi for a�y position to which he cannot be
such good satisfaG ion, as to entitle' him I eriall, r depressed the in connection With at recent sale of town of' appointed by the p'op
I show thit lavish expeditures of inoney d ted Ilth of May 1874, has r er authorities of to remelectio by a delam ation. price of flo x and wheat, the former show� lots in Stratford. Along with this were an- Commons, a the church. had 1) n inted and distributed ep-111 Mide, in the interests b' bh of ing a decline of 25 to 50 cents per We believe there is good ground; barrel, 1 nouncedredticed rtesiof traveling to and .1 U aKilduff, who has lately
�'i the ' atter five taining tb e f ollowig attatement of all
Mr. McGregor al:4 his opp0nenZ M -to ten cents pi�r fro on! the Grand Trunk. To bho Uer twenty -three years' service
suispicion that ir . th resigned aft
.for. teachers. bushel. penses conae any I O'Connor, by their friends. 110 perjohlfi' no obed-tion, call be made ; but, the bl- cx cted with the issuincy of -as engineer i:ntbe employof the Facifie
on both sides, 'were prevented from TYPHOON.—A very Severe typhoon oc- loon asb:ent, and still inore the free the Roval Commission entrusted tion. "vith Mail Steam'ship Company, has sailed
bribery or objec able act- con I V curred at Ngasaki onAug. 20 the ex�nirlation of ebarges voting, throu,gh fear that their Great champagne lunch, recall Ominously the inaLle by _`ln 1,786,000 miles, rilakinig. roulicl trips dniage wis done to property on the worst d of our mad speculative era., In - PLn.,
proven �gainst Atir. NKCGregdr hi iself. -a Hon. L. S. Huntington ag A the late between San Francisc-0: and , , � i '
91 interest �y 9 na, two
'the harbor. A 'which came to a crisis in, 1857 a person might suffer. They shore lad Shipping ill Administration howin
The Judge, consequently, Ae lare, tho considerab Every- aa more to and'fro m Oregon-, and
Itt shoul they votf, t time of de- eersons to -whom p,,�id: near13 - a icore to iad fill
were afraid th electionVoid, and at the same 1 -ime ated. e number of natives lost their body who cango back toth p�Lid and th oni China. More- an lirious folly, can rem -ember how these Ron. Mr. Justice Day, for services.. ... -.,,K,625 00 OV.r for one candidate or the other, partizi, lives. e , he never met mishap.
that there had bedii no evi enc� pro- .do CIO expenses....... 385 oo
said " champagne lunches" wele mong, do 30C. oo �n
TrusteQs or InSPECtOs inght take 're, .4. year or two a01O a NLe-%v Ramp-
Jis chE g them from duced to disqualify Xr. -INIOG -egol TOM Horse Speed. the commonest inethods Of gulling thp udge Crowan,-for services 1,62,� 00 -armer sned filroad corporation vencre oil th shiref
em by feGr e Yor's unwar 'into buying worthless lots. their sittiations, arain being a candidate. Thd Am -ican turf 'has already outdon' I y do ............. 3 91� 0 0 for darm%ges. He pleaded Ili own rertisino, to employ th P1111 , ., i e lyl. any a man carried a load of obligations 8 - J. Vank-oughnet, for services as Clerk.. 1,40( 00 0 __ majority!. at the last election was 745. itself inspaed,-this yer. Goldsmith (10 expenses ..... 44( oo that he wag a bopeles:s'tripple, with both
or otherwise da agging their prosp�cts, I I on his back for years after 1857, and T. & lt- White, printing 2,000 copies of legs b"roken and (lepend
votes ad that even yet I Maid trotted a mile in 2.14 -If and ! ent upon bis dily
Air. O'Co�nor's Ultimately snk under them, which he report ...... . ....................... TD 50 1 labor forbre�ad.
and consequently refrained from voting Belmont's " Gry Planet " has tun a mile He Ot '�I,0,000. Last
DaernLy & Co., printing Yreneh odition U
6 chnces �or th*e seat are not the ffiogb en- in 1. bd coutircted. 9
(like it fool that he was,) week he was seell chasing a rL
421-. B)tli times bein e fastest on of report ........... .................. -frctory
altogether. Ili faA, the Toronto Globe 12 g th 78 28
The. constituency wi- be under tb* influence of free cha pagne. Stationer supplied ............. cow broug, one of his fields, nd ap-
counragin record in. Amei -ica. It is not so very Th ree6liections of tbat timem too Advanoodto Ron. C'. D. Day, on h
went so far Its to reten-to publish the -pu b- to i e many year.9 since a o e re 88 72 parently havincrolse-:� for a crutch, ex -
names of those tea, -;hers who should vote ; account disbursements .... ss,000-oo c and incoliven:erice of at P 1.%r str��Et song bitter to:be thought of ; but, unfortun ssibly toz'beat her therewith.
celebrated deed uf 2.40 as some, I do 8'. . Vank-oughliet .... 1,500 00
new election, nd Mr. McGreg,qr %iLl be the si alrea ately, a:liew generation. is around us, cept 1 o for Dr. Saligater, We are glad, however, re-electe'd by, probably, even a gic-ater thing quite remrka"ble" nd dy this who may be.caughtin the same snare. Total ................... . —J)ho Hzle, Q e perpetrator of the that although ate has b rly half. a mi' it in lisc r e n reduced n ... 84,500 00 late -Shooting tragedy at-(-,uelpb who reetly'and wrong- majority, than he had before. ate. tr the benefit of such we take. notice of Less refunded ............... 1,299 81 Was X TeSted, in Oshawa last week, -was
fully made the it has not yet had Ithis tratford business, with its ugly as- 3,200 19 ; I
I . . �_4 It is all interesting question, what is ! - - t n brought -up on Weduesday for examina- the 'indiece nicy to put it into exe ution. z8ociations., , d warn the un -wary of the Total ................ NE,,WS OF THE WdEg: the limit of horse speed, but it is a mere tion tefore, ,the polic
$10,9 L8 64 e magistrate, and Comm; ted for trial
The law in this r4e.ct should be altered. matter of -6-uriosilk 00 ared . with the danger they are incurring. Wheneviler a ---------------- 1W at the fall assizes.
of chain agne lunch is 'advertised, a wise P g eir Money. sad accident occurred about half
TI-te tech es -be s%llowed to vote STATF,. more vital question wha;", (toes it Lost th man Will take care to avoid the place as he� THE NI[A.-R Or, RtCr�..s.—A des ��atcb Irora amoulitto. What has been the effecton -north of'sinicoe, On Avethiesiday
by ballot. Theykhould havetheprivri- 4 would a -pestilence." riday eveninglast, two young Gerrad I County, _Ug American ILorse-flesb, and What is to be 1 yoling, nian named yp - . I I et
Kentuck 2c fti on, by whicl
lege of recordin(r teir voteg secretly, SO men, who gave their names as 'Williams PeriiiV, lost life The eeadin
says - I'Ve are having tierrib:e w4v b the effect in the futa re, —t iese are serious I who stated th his that it would not b within. the power tii.; whitds an(P �Iacks. A Romance in High Life. and Thompson, aal(
!ig�tin questions tc which wa see very little at- CY W(TO conapa;iiy with a omp be going on at in 1, tention addressed. At the ganiin table the Duke of Rich from Fayette Co, M ichigan, visited the shoot and iii passil:i anio was out ter a a inc We see a chain of ' through a ble
partizan journals, Inspectors or other. A . 9 - Police Station t London, and laid co n- k 1, 'D
Wed esdy., On Friday m6mii ' th great turf meetings, at wh ich, every year, inond incurred a debt of honor to Lord plaint gainst a mani nam ed Johnston, I- in a p � et fen -cc Ile pulled his af ter
school oclials to inflneU6,e them in one a
tie oes shot Fred. Yeals-,ey,' - Thi Tc e the fastest horses successively appear, Codogaii, which we was unable to pay, when tb nimer
gr a him I y the muzzle, leging that he had stolen $400 in green- I caught, causing the gun to (lischarge its wayoranother. 'Ibefranalliseisa-trust asperated "the whites that they [took p0q, first at one, then at anotlie-r. 'We have lid it was agreed that his son. a lart of backs,3 from them while they contents under his chin, killing him oil session of'- the town this moiiiincy an& raised up a I raveling eircus of fast horses, fifteen, -Who bore the title of' of trav�Iliiig on the Canada Solitheril the sp6t. forthe proper use f whicli every Man 01 I I should be responsible to his own firincr b" been goin n ever �'lnce. It which are taken from one part of the �Iarch, should marry the still' youn er 'between 1alden. and 8t. Thom onservative pic-nic was held at
is thoughb two of the negroes w are killed. country to another, and which, -rather daughter of Lord COCIOgaD. The b,3o young Am i ans said that they met I' Clifford. on AlTednesda- science and to that alone, na'he sbould, This Rey coll- I
eve ing several wounded illitess set' than the be� y eric t local stock, absorb the in- was sent for rom School and the girl from with Johnston on tile train, and that the -at which ad -
were delivered,,] ) -Messrs. Ryk- y ltteradvised. them to pattheirmoneY ert, Lauder and- -Boultbee. It is said consequently, have �be Privilege of exer- fire to a thouse car Selleit" for the terest t cach meeting. s sport nd a the nursery; a clergyman was in atten dress 0 oil cising it freely and !untrmeled by fear purpose f burning the blacks out. he game for befting it is undOUbtedly a first- danc'e ; and the children were told that * t h' whites ve the neroes stl�rounc.ed. class entertainment, although the open they were to be. mrrieJ Upon the spot. In 0 is valise for safe keeping. TIds that there were abolit 3, 000 persolis
of the wrath of those who may be in a United States troops the " greellies 11 did, and soon after ds present. This statement should, ho-w-
marche into the jockeyi�g h a thrown Suspicion on the The girl ha1 n6thing to say; the boy fell asle'ep,- ( position to injure h1m, should he� not use town to quell 'the riot, and mly awakingfroin their
wer63 fired on whole bipiness as an honest trial of speed. cried out: " They Surely 8111 ever, be taken with a onsiderable de -
are not going hers to find Johnst' bs* T e gree of allowance. Three thousd peo-
on a 6nt� it in tile mannar thl'y may ,4csire. This by botb. aties. The fire w- as returned, Bue-for Itd, c- ffect on the honest utility of to marry me to that dowdy! Butmar- sharper* had, however, in order to d s- is a change in the 14w wliich� is required and several were wounded'on b6th si es. the horse as a domeatic allitnal, We �on- iiedtheywere. Apost-cliaisewasatthe arm suspicion, left his valise with the 1111, ple mae a pretty large crowd,
I . .1 ec i —Tlie Internationat'l Boundry Com -
The Loui ville Courie?-JoUqwai %red fess to la n -A very clear apprehensio door; the bridearoom. was packed off- with I U) and the youths Dever tboug and which the Pub�ic School teachers as -the following telegram from - th a t Of much less C6 . lit of opening mission, eng
victiom. A -London paper, his tutor to make the grand tour, a -ad it to see if the money was safe aged ill surveying the boul-
a body should demai� d. n until th BY dary bftween tile United 8tates
Until this change hostilities - in Gerrard ISGUSsing recently the prize shooting the bride was sent ack to her mother. -reache t. Thol as. Avrheri thev d�d, lqount Skir- in d- b and the o clock. at on I �ents of the satchel com ed fLa the 49tih parallel 6f north latitude 'have- is made, and the teachers are allowed to rnishing has been going en since, Wimbled' , denounce i it as being Lord March remained abroad for several the cont North west Territory, lon
vote by , ballot,, thE granting them the this afternoon. It is reported.that Va, -utterly valudess to the my, s far as years, after which he returned to Lon- prig I
old pair of- pants, nd one or two dirty arrived at the Rocky Mountains, whence
negroes have been killec;l. a LC' , Several efficiehey in �battle was co cern'ed. The don, ai well-educated handsome garments, but no pocket -book or money. Capt. 06meron nd his deta6liment of �ers I Uc young en fe, a It ied t hat tenderness t1hat he must not even be whom he had never -seen except upon ohnston, but did not of course find him. their -way ba,ck in September. -them, will be the very reverse, franchise, instead of being a. benefit to wounded.: Sellers' house ro OtI, competitor h1ad to be trea bed with s h man, but in no haste to meet his wi They came on to London in search of Mr. the Royal Engineers will start to m"Ork and will b ve be burned. a a0
aRY, iU
h, g. Jh L In
AUGUST 28, 187
story of Lmi
1eipgo paper publish
.;Ob pervaded �Y an 4
3.s undonbtdly truse
,testhe poverty in which t,
�iermany AIM.
earning dAbout 10 In,
patron of the 66'ence,$ Tie arliu.,offered Prizes amount,
� each for the best essay"R
tory 'Of the n3idill ages, ast;6
Vgy, Poetry and Metahysics _.
V85 ��mh for the best romauf
best POeUL A committee (if �
svealaward th priz�
,)oi,nted t
wwle a short lar'� -number of persons eo��
the work flerd. hail a large ,n.t materia -1 amongit. -jvrii; ,of the ers wm, inclosed .Velopos, on the Outside of Whi<
w1nes -were inscribed. T11e prize br the essay 01
5jes -Was awarded toa
Markmann, who had Zllrl
..,u-uder the na�me of "' RaWS VA%
When , -mann's liamevas.,
a pale, poorly elad, ed -looking young man Stepp(
and was greeti-A with a h�art
app I lanse. -His hai -was thl
ikled witli aray, -,anA
-ready spri
appearance,ex-cited tf;� sympk
returned to his seat� ZRother'. as thetitles of the J,
-were announced, the acco velope disclsed Markiimnn al
,or, aud the applause, grew t
as the 'YOUR- man., loob--
weary every ltiinc, st.?pped The excitement among the Istj
.so -great that :a, suggestion. ,cau I sed tire = to carry him off lThe essays allxarniiiied, thie -next in and -the Y_r1Ze Then the pne ror
mann's. found to be INris entit
vgeAuerbacb, who ws one Of the pronounced itone of theost
ries he hail e,Mr r
written sto
was- tht- last prive dvvard�-a had the fovtunate� ompetitoi
go and ieceiw A whn he fell the floor. A Aeatblike stillno
in the hall, whA6 they carriei
young man into an adjoilng v,
the ph ysiciians smaceedea =
him to ,c-onseiousiles butt ha
for four hous af terwards J
corpse. His death was th.r_e�
years of Ael-rivation; he hUral
to death.
PP.ICES -Or NOEX) A -,-The following aTesorn ,01 I
paid for American horses, 1
$40, 000 Norfolk, $15,000 S1_5000- Kingfisher, $1_ uggler, 00
OiO , - m
wood, $30,000; Jay Goud,.::
Dexter, $33, 000 -, Lady Thorpe
Jim Irvin,g,, sb0,0oo ; -(mis in]
V-0 000 IStaTtle '-8,20 �000.)- I$20,00 0 - Rosalind, "A290000 WO,;, Happy M- ediam, Z25,0
G., S30,000; Pocahontas, $M,
waTd Everett, $20,000 ; Anbf,
$13,000; J�a� Fullartoll, alambrine Bertie, $1,0,.�000 -620,000 George Palme'r, Mambrino Pilot., $12,-000; <-,
Daniels, �:�8,000 ; J� -G� 13WW"�
Flora Temple sold, when $8,000, for brood mare -offered and. rehisea for Tom Ba,
s I uminer was -offerea 4.
ed. f or Bssett bd his three-yeer
-$26,000 will not buy "Bv
Asteroid; 40,000 was -offered,
fused for ON for T horlidale. —X. Y. M�6
CALLOAVAY.�At,C'arleton P14ii
Is, the wifeof Joshua -daughter. HiL. —In Hallett, -of �Nfr. D;via of asoll�:i
CARDEn-, Delhi, -on Avg� 17
-of Dr. Carc-ler, L of 'a &
Ext -ter, the wifie. of Nfr_ NN'm 4Cravvl
t1augliter. Em -ter, on Ang,
Wife of Wln. Brooks, of I
QmNDY.—Ill Luall, on Aug,
wife of Mr. Wm. Grundy" . I
LOGAN.—At of John Logan,:
(;,rey, on Aug. 25,L
of )&r. Ja mes Hill, of -a SOM -Grey., on A-4
wif e of Roberf Dougl", i
the wife of r. If. INT. N_-, AT, Bart
tion oil Au- 16 by Rev, J t>1 ; -
gins, Nilr_ SparlillL!, of lowa, formerly 'of .
WEGATHS, Ca,a, on of -Nlr years., 5 Me,
Winghain, n _-ku
tid obles, infaut daughtier I
Scott, ged. 7 B A L K W I L L. — Ill A v
TNTary Ann Balkivill, of cousl
Nelly, yungestdaugliter,Ai
Exeter, (in- Aug
ert _Nfelton, son f 11i'allar
aged on soil of r. Jx)hn L
16 years. 'N ottiAe, dall!_4i ter 61
ve'ar, nyoUngust of r. THr, hurt-tofore obeen I)y mutual 'Will lieri-after be by 11. 'W111, pU3,.1,
-will reecivf- q11 41rvo the 12i IIENRY
1�1. C. vil
TE' will 1)v, by adi*'i-A.!-�Vd t Eu,mondville P. DA'Y, 14th septem1wri for the ereem.,
across ver m - if he iderpad ol,)
vid Catup-hells furnii, in the TovxW
Enlith. 1'ho bridge will nol. requi,
pletedr.-ntiltlieisiiinmr-.rofl$15. P
ficatio-nt C;In be f;xell on appluicatio
-signed, or to Mr. A. BAY, CountxSu Reeve lal
-7- 4 4. THE HURON:, EXPOSITOR. AuGu 28, 1874.
ENV VERTISEMENTS. oXily tend to make thein the too Is of Sellers 1has one after more negroes.: spoken to for some minutes priorl to his the occasion of their hasty m .50- TIiiey were goi
9 I - 9 to Mancey town to work, olitical partizans and dosigring officials rho. w1lites have ah9c sent for reinforce- shot. There is a similiar dista4ce be- he tarried in London to rail himself. a -ad so was Mr. hn8ton—after the haa
FarmforSale--R Goverilock. ments.. A perfect reign of terror exists. l0n y
I tween the performance uf " Golasmith One nigh t at the opera his att, -nti was told him their destination. h ( 'green
4 compel them to take 4 neutra Po. 12
Farm for &-ile- –Wm. -Mustard. rhere no law nor order here, and the Maid," when she is reducing her", speed attracted to a be%utifuLyoung ady in the d confiding youtba sho UI -1 'lot be ai.
or Sale Wm. Dinniu. sition At elections, 'as ma�y have i been citizens fear the - tomn. may be burned -lowed to far away from t1leir mothers.
Farm f the least fraction of second, andthe or- boxes. Who is that ?" he . sked of a
Iolvetiev Notice—J. 13. Bosted. compelled to do on the wlefit occilision. rwo hu adred militia arrived at the scene' dinary use -of horses, even as cciuriers. gentleman beside him. "You'mustbea T40y. will, however, gain
Teacher lVanted-1Z. PAtison 11-1alton. jft'Siin� ay and b
quelUl d the disturb1tuce' In Short, what we want to know i.$,*Does Stranger in Londo, wthe i eply, not erience ere they travel far.
t e1T
G. NicDougall. xplains. oi- the )reseiit. New Godds—A. Mr. Rykert he constant elevation of the *igbest to know the toast of the town, the beau- i Property for 8 e—J, S. Po�rter. t� Rrsw OFTERrmit KRN'TUCKY. —Ill; trotting and running speed raise th speed tiful Ladyr�March." The Earl went The Short of a Lolag St om
Fresh Arrivab—, ago p dy of nounced himself,
We last week Published a letter if _O' ToddCountyafewnights, a artyof� of that portion of the *wbole bt straight to�tht, box, an 0 From Me Treasurer's f or, Taxes. r. N.-AV� Nloore, of.,qt. 'Ehomas, ich 111asked men murde ed Isham Link,. horses whose utility is in their ispeed and claimed his bride. The wo fe),1 in. Commercial Davidson. colored,. -and also his. qon. There. was al whether for business or pleasure If it' love with each other. oil -the spot, and' The. least said is truly the soollest
spated that )Mr. Plykext haa ackno ledg- mdrided. Decenf people, Nvho find life
Polar and Tro pica AV orlds—A. B. Cr- fracas a Monterey, Ky., growing out of' does there is utility ill these' co�tests. lived long and -,happily toge her; -and too' short to wa e4 in the presenee of ;% nutilber of gentle- de through the filtil Of the
hart. it figb t (in election day, -between Willis Tf it does not, they become an exbi�bition, when the husband di d she als) died Of a Br1ooklyn seandal ma Le y like to have the
en in- that town that 1�lle and Ja,,. Russell and some otherS, who' in s6ar as they are'llonest, of a p4re art, i of the case laid before them in its
Taylor'sEqu Gurriculumnd0ificus.1 I broken heart within a few mor tbs. — The ..Sloory was. Jalae,'! 11.1ld- entirel an ttacked one Greenbarr. Tile Russells. theArtof traininga horse for apped,.as Ga1aXY- for foar cardinal points, -now .111 in evi,l-ence
were. rt-ested 'an. bound over for ex -i as an6ther class 'of experts would ;train ivention of his owuima1clinition. Mtr. aila fatally correlated by the dtes I vkert, in'reply , to that let - e mination. They throatened the County' him to stand on a barrel, or dance to the Sangster vs. Smith ---The Vote. Tilton to Moulton—D-cc., SIX
To Ott , i
V, publishes Attorney with death. if lie prosecuted music of a hand -organ. te following in the -,SL Callierines r-1174- thein. That officer called * upon the The follo-wing is a correct'staternerit of months ago I learned f rorn my wife that
the votes cast for the Public School H.1 W. Beecher hail disholloreld my home. SEAFORTH'. FRIDAY,ug. 2% 1874. I'l al i 8heriffffirprotection, ii A�erl- Teachers' candidates for Repr entative a id the latter with Germany Matches the ar it nio, loner Ilim to
I call be, "I notice that p4rag' C ph is bing a guard nd the Attc rney went to Mon- i' oan'Scandal. in the Council orf Pnbliclustr ction: mdi that I may mention it to)Iim.
terey. Tbeywerea ackedb Russell's� y The. Gieat Western Railway. the rounds of the G'rit��( n, to th',el ef- k singularly Close parallel to I Silnitb. Sangster. I- � r party, and one of the guards was killed.'; bbe t f ct that stated to it part of t%vibnty-. Brant .......................... 28 NoultontoBeecher—Jan., 1871. At the annual mi�eing of the share-, - I I The Government IIS Drdered soldiers to! Beecher -Tilton scandal, in its Present Bruce ...... i ... .......... 27
11 T h tory of the I to# thinks you have, ruined his bnsir�p
fl. c, i St o -ms, that tU I Carleton. .. .. I 88.
holders of the Grea� Western Railway, Mouterc �ha,.,e, is interesting-Germanyat ptesent. ...... I ........... 44
pleture, of the little M6,da 'Was y ION OF T# , ri. 0 UTH .—The co lev Dundas .... .21 80 Pbve yourself his friend 'Wd it will. be
L. I joke, an d that I :ect. .................. 46 31 aD right. You can on tile t th.
tat tlie report of the t it iM for eo ndi-j . held oil VVednesday 1, CON DFr August Kapff, an eloquelft and ; ru
ticnofeertainportlion3 of the-Soutbern' famous preacher of Stuttgart, pre- Investigatiiiig' Committee, mention of -1 state Most PositiV61Y, ld: defy. contra- J i 8 Elgin .......................... 27 82 Beecher to 'Yloulton—My. pay
f i I - States aceites graire apprehension in the' iding divine of ll the Subian Notest- Essex .......................... 14 19 . P I diatian, that the Province i.xiid for" the 1irontenac...... i ............... 6 F. 'D. Moulton for the beile,fit; of
which was mi :e joirle time ago, -%I-as ' . -Mind of the Attorlic) --General, who be- alit dioceses, is accused by Freilerick 69 Theo -
Pi cture to which I refe0,ed,iiji the House Gleagarry ........................ 6 40 a4e Tilton 3 5. 000.
adopted. Thi� report sron&ly condem lieves that the issue of the ne>;t election Amanii, one of his parishioners, ag hv- Grenville ........................ :19 12 wid I further state that thib, accouxit in I I 1-R. ing seduced Amalin's wife, f requ en 41y co- Grey ........................ 6s 88 ed the present -nalann of the road. which. the. picture is hba ged will will turl into a qu stion of race. Thei I be Grovernment is ppe led to by both sides! liabiting with ber duriaz her hus�aud's Raldimand ...................... 37 Tilton to 187:3. To As a residt of the aclaption of the rep fe und t pa,ge 33 of thell Pit lie Accounts Halton ......................... 39 5 H.j W. B.., grace, inercy all1l. PCACe� ours for protection', bUt, ide from instruct- .abscrtce,,and being.the tber of � child
of 1872--E wing& Co 'IS22 15. Hastings ........................ 12 87 L
by the sh'areholderi, the old directors t Illy) iDcr AtUrneyS a;nd L%4arsbals to exercise� boin four months ago. Amaliil� thU8 Huron ........................... 66 39 T. R
r J; C. 11YKEX-r. nigning Ili pstor, takes es�jjecial- Kept ............ : .............. 570 14 ever `r' -G TRADE. resigned, nd tAe me6ting adjourned Un- y precaution. to prevent violence, the. ' The. reader,will notic tht'.\,Ir. Rykert Governi: ie Lai)2bton. ....................... r)4 19 ntispowarlass. Tbefactsare, Plinal hice Thesiodare Tiltoii,'to exoterate instance of the depession
ly h truth of tight to h-, tteutioi his wife from moral responsibility. 11y tilthe9th, of �eptei�aber, - , at whichdate 1,;1 , to- be li ro of tile' Lanark ......................... 45 25 —A remark able
the new Board of Directors will bei� C. es not attempt to a lie- says, "is Leeds .......................... So 87 of the shipping interest oil the now.
Mr, Moore's sttemene, I ffiat state- Cabinet at its next lEeting. w poor, rel�igion- Lennox and Addington ............ 11 27 so long continned, was reccatly- chosen. An entire change in the Cana -1 Lincoln ........ . 80 10 qven at
would be a 'very Niwk) MAF3.4ACRk ' iN struck *creature., who fell not knowing Middlesex ................. 98 42 Chicago; in the offer of all owner of three I mant were incorreei, it what she was doing have reluotant- anagem is contemplated. nd; -A number of uearcu,,
dian m' v matter fo I . t Pickettsville, Northumberland.... 9S 86 goold vessels to a prominent ol)erator oil
r him. to give A,,, simple de- Gibson 0oulity, - T' ly asked ' or a div�rce- from her. She Norfolk ..... ............... also the abolition of �he Canadian Board. elin., threatened a riot; .... 29 23 'Change, to let bim hve the Ilse of either
but instead of doi th6b be makes last Satr rday and S -lay' 9 subrait^.to Kapff throi her Ontario .......... I ................ 88 46
manifesting j 11, lea to orld of tJ).e vessels on a round tri to Buf T
religious confidence in him but t Oxf(,rd ......................... So 80 a positive at, strong desire to \,vo or three citizensl 4e re- atement, bouV. '�,ome Other Peel ........................ ; ... 40 i.6 falb,. for just nothing beyonil thp expenses
andtofireandsack. hetown. 'don Mrs. Tilton subseq' 9
The Pi-Lblic So ol Teachers' itatter entirel r forei,gmio tit cont 'ined on I UQ11tIy Peterborcl ................ ...... 11 of -running,-- the person tking her to Put
Represe tative. 3 (lay sixteen. ringle,ders were arrested' fails, in that Frau Ainann is now'in a Perth ..................... 80 88 iiii for
Prescott .... 12 a r. 11 bes nA as- -et)ton jail for safe keep- 1 him, where Shp_ fqncies his,own clerk on board, anilucertL
AP fr. ''Moord's lettia and taken to Ti Swiss insaric asy h I self the net cost of the trip. -The
The election A a I i herself at once a virgin and the wife of Prince Edward ................. s5 29 im. mpinber.of the'Coun- s4t tll�at Air. McKellar bac, in his ed- Ing. A out I o'cloc Tuesday morning,, enfrew .......... ........ ..... . 18 _10 reasoll'of the offer wal . . af te'rwardt stated
'Martin Luther. Prelate Kapff, lik6 Mr. Rpsse)i '5 6 75 oi 10 i n entered the town 1 picture of ail aA, ret S'' hich 'lad to 'be simply the fact tha.t the vessel
cil of P blic Instracti, n to represent the ro+rn P I ' T
i I I Beecher maintained silence Simeo and demaded and CO'E)pclled the heriff as Iong as e ..... ..................... 57 45
Public School tecbers has t I n for out of the public fu s, or that to deliver 7 8 ti, wo Id de-terior te less when deep in the
ength b 6 Stormont ... U up the keys of the jail. , They Possible. but, at the urgent 'entre&0 Of Victoria ........................ 16 46 wat;er than when lying iniloa,ded at the
33 49 ta,ken place. Ihelabpr of co-anting the he 4ad Stich a - picture at, A He a,,ban-. then took. the si �e an ' negroes f rom members of his church, denied Amami's Waterloo X dock. papers was concluded 1 id, after killing four ud mortaIr a tion, which voting by the ch rge itnd. asked an investiga .22 84 do s 'the orional. story,.'bu ould still Pr Sol', a I - Wellington ................ .... 6o `48
scrutinee,rs late Ik woun(ing two on! the.confines of the is now proceedmg4 The
on Thursday nicfht of lik to leave m e min a , papers dii7ide, an impression h d -town, r some championing Kapff to tbe'utq'lost, Wentworth ............. .... 87 6 A NOVEL UIT.—The Bershire I;ife o lie ining 18 Insurance . Co pany has an odd case in
last week, and tile result: was made � I off with -�tj ie rein, ten Yor ............................ 112 -of those who read his letta. that the. afte � proc6edinfy� some distance from I otherscond6nining him as a h oqrite,. known, thronli the To yp Colirt. S. MT. Cooper, a farmer of Stock- o,Dto dailies of ven. -American press treats Bloch- sta emen�bs of Mr. Moore incorrect, t6wn, shAthern, all. Both blacks and' L as the 1,194 bri
Friday. The t different from whites er and there are those who, like i the Hamilto CITIES4 4e, Afe., died under peculiar ickicni.- w1h, la he cannot or dare no ein min an a conflict between ': n .......... 11 3 Stances.' His father and grandfather had what wIl -ted. assistant minister of Plymouth ch Kingston ........... *"**
the two.. arties is ho rly expec h, ... I ..... .... 4 anticipated. Pro- Air Rykert had better.have le the mat- I -believe in the Prelate's guilt London ......................... die(l at the age of 41, and � he foretold
MIJU.U.'ON'S STLTEK NT.—Moulton has would riot 27 0� -
fessor Smith has been elected by a con- Ottawa ......................... 5 18 that' be should die at the same aae. Al -
In tat ent in' ter e. Bis-notetotlie, i rnal d.oes publisb& 1* along a response7 though an angel fro Heaven sho.uld Toronto ......................... 43 1 I-�ho gh apparently in gound he7alth. he
siderable mojolity. The vote -polled, not improve his position, b t ak6s, him to Beed er's testimo4y, bu It t cont ins; proclaim it. I al Incorporate d . Towns.... . ......... . 142) 92 pre. ared. m
however, was a very small one; scarcely -out varimoredishongstndi r incl ed nothing.-jew, and no4ing which in any' I reW ne d ar, and, a few days before the half of the teach way wea tens the- foren of -Beecher's de- Marshal Baz Total ...... ............ 232 141
,era of 'tb e Province ha'v- to q ibble than his Ft. Th6m, cor fes- ainb's Escapa.- The total was, tim.6 when lie exTected to die, he went
fence. Smith ................... to 'Pittsfield, had his -will M. ad, a -ad
ing voted at all. Fr6m Eitiron there sion showed him to be. A C' rl� mpo, The following particulars relating to Sangster ...................
0 TILTOZ - 'Gor,.s To AW.—Tilton has were only 105 votesi given, m ver correctly remarks: "Like iltoi , he taken steps tobring a egal action against stepping into the insurance office, applied
'hereas the manner in Which Marshl Bazaine, -ighborbood of 230 based his case upon a stra: Beecher, for criminal intimacy nijkde Majority for Smith ......... 277 for a $5, 000 policy. He was prollounc-
.there are in the ne and con- the French commanding officer, ed -sound by the Comipai..xy's doctors, paid
erite prisqTre
teachers, -alid o* versation with his wif , Tilton has also his escape from- St. MargL Of the votes received, 103 were struck tiler couttties ake even te nical use of h4riguagre, lit he alims 0 ibuizib and If in ' his
sued tile New.York given b�! a French paper off, the names not'appearing 'h In- remium aucl took his Policy. The
rorld next day he was tak,en sick with some
a po e , 'b t. I or ore xhi tancE at game -too fair a;bo e spectors'lists. Th'e votes.of th L
insi, from ve him for th shot and the Bropklyn for libel. The apartments occupied by the oddl
ae and PO ulou shal. opened upon a. terrace which was chool. teachers, a' kind of fits, and lbeing taken home, died
-a !County of Wel- to ave any effect." —There is. now a sl lid one from Al orna, soon in
Ight lull in the built Upon a lofty and precipitous cliff, District,- were also stru6k off on t e same
11 tiler, -Nv ere I o 1 log tea' and geecher-Tiltoli scandal! which appears to after, i his forty-first . year,: as he
e had predicted. �Iis administrators ap.-
from the Coant u vo� South Perth be very acceptable to. e;,erybody. A Sentry was grounds. One vote froni Norfolk tity 7 of '11. This overhanging the sea. IOU* plied to the insurance company f6r the,
oil the terrace, with order liatilated the name - -hav" been P c, ians in South. P'r ave Al- �SPAIN posted. s�to was i J clearly one of two things—eitber Watch :the prisoner's. eve mount of the policy,. but paymentbeing
Eyhows c O iti DELAX RY RECO(�iifTl )N_ —The Russin ry rnovcme�it. erased and rewritten in blue in-, wid a
both of the cndidat rea,dy, commenced Preliminary ire During Sand the Marshal there fore was not allowed. refttsed, they have brought suit. cei s refuse Ik Xy evening, 0 -Pull- Governm tit has refuse to recognize the- es wereex adi(TIX unpopular, or th. ,- teaCb, rs were prevent- �r�par approac , rig 166'al Spanish Repti-blic. In . consequence of w �a on the terrace -with C61. tl- lefte, his aide-de-camp, and at 10 ocl I ck Swindling Advertisements. Jeff. D�vis. is -visiting New Ramps -hire elec4on. It is 'not likIel hat 141r. this, the other P o-wers delay a complete ed by intimdation fibm. exercising their sea -'side resorts.
the nonenit who ii I ow�r retired as usual, apparently to le Some short time a -go a profess —A man in Portsmou franchise in accordance recognition, but, it is - reported that the But before daybreak lie had effected lig e4 ienii-, tb, Va., hais eloped
ith ther wishes Guest Y )resents Governments of Alustiia nd Germany nent firm in.Montreal honored the news- WA4 h mother-in-law 6nd d the be escape.. He must have crossed the t -,r. Lesixes. 'Wpl are clined, to think �nstituency, will again 1. I ca.ridi- have sent credentials: to their representa- paper offices With a Circular setting forth --IGov..Dix has received oer i,"000 ap-
that bo date, and considerable specillatt n is in- tives at Aladrid. race in the dead of file night,.. and elud: ag the advantaes they possessed for Opply plic4tions for pardons oftonvic th these influennes were in no the sentinel, gained the edge of the pr(� ci- ing their " con n try cousins " with 1cheap Jan.1 1, ts ince small degree responsiblE for the sma, dulged in by both political s as t;o,. TFt,te ERY. ----�Urgel has been surren. dered to lie Carlists tl rOU& the treach- pice, nd thence by mean's of a knot d bargains, and enclosing tickets for and has gxant�d sixty-one. who 1will be the coming' me*ii. The i0ne outh Carolina mall waled ten
ness of thevotc polled. Dr. Sngster rope be, deseerided to the sea. He e, ri,gh t ery of pa -ties- within the -city, wh by his deceptiN v- o are aently' to plarchase at twerity-five cents each mile4 to register nd thirty.miles to v-otd,. 'forfeited e rep t to be f riends to the B i�-hop of Urgel, the chap- tore h..- _e course, t�h Col's�r ative party are �r e i slipped during the descent, & There was also a long list; of pierson� ,who aid Jie cast the Demcratic ticket at -that. I ' ably scarce of silitab aterial lairi of Don Carlos., General Tristally 1.8 the 6011ifidence. '('if many,.of hose who e i� hands, s the rope was fou, (I had done business with the hotise, lid ex- ---I�Ohio barbers are eDgaggig in hair- n Refo cr h captured the entire garrison, 485 men, stained, with blood in several P'lao' a. were at first his . warmes'� f riends, and to hile' tiler Side a i Under the cliff, in pressed satisfaction with the result. I Not C -tttng m- atches at $100 a side. Nen. Lipp 0 with 32 and shot the commander a hire bot, -vve�e caring to be the agent or tool of Stich a volis " custom- ers " must enjoy it. li a, great. measure is' due- his.defeat. _r Un ance, and the ggr at es �Lp Bazairie's wife and cousin.l They rle- this i b 3 d n of the citadel. t cc I questionable affair, an(l doubting" the —A man in Richmond, Va., adiertises t 'h the rith I hem will b re ail we ceived him as he reached tile' wat 'd
Had beat i-Irs Ged fr�nk]V wit e 10 w CONISCREPT10Y.—Tbe coDscription is er, ail pohey of encouraing sa h �h, for' that' he will pay twlenty-fi,ve ej ts per' hu t which one of bein� eforced throughnit tile countr I madame teachers, ad toll the m the whole tvuth *'et a man e w,� on y taking the -oarB herself ro-Nv�d business, if otherwise 1111 Bal IS we hu Iredfor confedierate notes, sm4l or
atel nd
0 directly. to a strange steamer which luld burnt paper and tickets le gIt and nothing but the truth, they would many' availble and suitb.1 a irali S pposition. To doubt 6tber largq- GR RAIj 4 Y been- lyincr off the island si In2e the hve discarded hm. -entirely or will w accept ?" If ra NOT TO INTFRFEr—The pre- newspaper publishers received aftnilall ---�According to the corre�poidterits, eitber� Mors ar to be German G-overn ent I vious evening. lklarshl. Ruaillo)s Wife. documents,"and two weeks since -we no- Qu a still entertaillB -bopes of
. I . . I n as formally no- th�y would have stuck- to him and secur- relied' upon, Mr. - e4n Effm 0 s,that nned her husband's e6caPe six
_KoDou f e tified the ower' I b will not int pl, 9 I er ago. weeg"' ticed a large doilble column adv tise- Ousting Kalialtan as Kig of tile H a fere in t At first he refused, having giveh a-wai-
ed his election. He saw fit, 'however, firm- of Jones & 14cDogall Ba ister' h, internal affaitis of Spain. ment in -quite auniber of our exchf ngei ian islands. DIF I has crop. his word of honor not to leave the isTandy and, for'lim'-self I' ed VTRGL�Ms "i 4
to take a -different, of St. arys is t present Z . upon but, finally, failina. to obtain announcing that " Cleremont, Daniels & '—The Richmond (Va.) En 7 has
pedupgiiii. titppe:SULTY . 0 some modi- q I that Spain is fie, Co." had a grand sabsc ' tion $a 'Le of. asee tained that. whenever a in an "knows
very unwise e T se_ He coniiiiied in as bic""ry the mostlikely pers n t6 calTY demandiug, reparation frolin the United of his sentence, yielded. Hie rip I fall and winter goods, at 60 and 1001 per anyt4m.g " n ow, in Brooklyn -they make gal the contest, without the conficteuce of tile Re orm banner triuinph-,u tly t vp'jc - States for filibustering dalway in the Italian steam yacbAJ, peditions flitted 1 cent. cheaper thn the same goods I ould up a parse and send him to 'Europe, a -ad -were ill Ld tory. Mr. McDougall is , rfe'ntl( en of alit against her territory, nd that the 1 be bought for at
those who -Baron Ricasoli, lie refusing toomplo ined to be his friends, I French vessel. -the retail stores. In that, thus (16 we 'spread ilitelh-genee American His whereabouts are is a overnment a Imit no liability. and the result is that he h, much. ure than 6rdinrybbilil most cases tm.editorial also appeared in ab d s, been. de conjectured, but Brnssels'
GRlr,-,Vr BRJuJAN. or the same sheet. certifyin to thehonor. Brid
feated. Of ih Successful' candidate d fluent speaer lo C, Chiselburst, seems the - more pr rot Je logical of man, who C6LL1EAY ACCIDKXT. —A� colliery ex obab4 the firva e ex en , qua ity and cheap- startod flo West ten dys acro, 10 th 't t port' (Conn.)
r e
comparative been a ealous nd useful �coler � n the p Sion, vilich caused t te death of e;ght termination of his present journey. Th6
ly lit ;e was known, except' De.4 of t6 goods, and patron ge. tending to Settle there, has re'turne dis.. in so far as h1a litar, p ranks ol 'the party. Sbottldh�lbesflected Occurred onTUesdy,at Ham- Journal'des D-ebats argues that the criru(�, It 'now' turns out the urging gu .
%ry �ttaillinets could as convicted whole affair s a istidd. He gotas far as Knsas City, suit- by tbe'Reformers- of South I ertl th ley, Staffordshire. Ili the mining dis-. of which Bazaine w renderi iluge swindle the firm b * gas an all and 1found 100 law I era there, a -ad the
recommend him. He may make'a' 7 him to extradition, and Franc( y tricks -the second day of the week is sales made a coi will hve in him 'a strolir, id 'I p4ow e for.the Vablic School a nplete I 1seL? The orl. ther*ometi�r 11" in the shade. The
able representati pretty generlly made a holiday, under Should donland his surrender. a
treal Post Office is detaini' all letters combiilati6n was too mchforhim, and
ate. the name of ",Saint Nlonday," and to candid. Ing
tea,cliers, andhe may represent Goldwin all d remittances to the con clern, which is h right home aaiu. e came
Good Advice. . t I Smith, and lone, ad-Jeave the this circu istance-is to be ttributed the the best proof of the roguery attempted. —1�residerrt Geo. B. j�ocelyn. of Albion
fortunt ircumstalice of -go few liv In tbia.Bfonctary Thnes of last in*terests to taJce TriF, J XPEAt a�gillSt the elei, tion C f e week, It is also stated that he same patties College has declined the probibitioniste
teachers and es I 31
being lost. we notice the follow' carried on a similar game at Buffalo, but nomination for
for t te ing paragraph which Governor of Nlichigau.
of themselves. owever it - is vhyays I XcGreor, the sitting m6m6; u lie says tb at -with, the ordination vows of
TifF RAPvi,_�T. j,,� Euiu'PE.—The New contains a bint which many would do were rooted out.—Ifaindtion 21imes. preferable to hopel for the best, nd we, Co nty of Essex, �vas_ tried bE fore:Jud well to bea in mind! an i erant minister of the Iethodist -refore, -,it �Y,indso e present York Com, ner ys the r, during �h cial a, the favorable ac- A Prominent dvertisemplit recently What the Royal Commissi E'pis�opal Church upon him-, he feels that .trust, that' when Professor, week. A large number of witnesses counts con i�ig daily to b and relative to appeared in the papers alluo uncingy a as no rig Smitli's term expi tea he will have gven the harves; in Europe have within a day' balloon CoEt. he h rht to become a candidate lwereex%mined. 'Theeviden(e-,weat to ortwo Past mat Scent and free champagne hillch A return to an address of 'the Housi for a�y position to which he cannot be
such good satisfaG ion, as to entitle' him I eriall, r depressed the in connection With at recent sale of town of' appointed by the p'op
I show thit lavish expeditures of inoney d ted Ilth of May 1874, has r er authorities of to remelectio by a delam ation. price of flo x and wheat, the former show� lots in Stratford. Along with this were an- Commons, a the church. had 1) n inted and distributed ep-111 Mide, in the interests b' bh of ing a decline of 25 to 50 cents per We believe there is good ground; barrel, 1 nouncedredticed rtesiof traveling to and .1 U aKilduff, who has lately
�'i the ' atter five taining tb e f ollowig attatement of all
Mr. McGregor al:4 his opp0nenZ M -to ten cents pi�r fro on! the Grand Trunk. To bho Uer twenty -three years' service
suispicion that ir . th resigned aft
.for. teachers. bushel. penses conae any I O'Connor, by their friends. 110 perjohlfi' no obed-tion, call be made ; but, the bl- cx cted with the issuincy of -as engineer i:ntbe employof the Facifie
on both sides, 'were prevented from TYPHOON.—A very Severe typhoon oc- loon asb:ent, and still inore the free the Roval Commission entrusted tion. "vith Mail Steam'ship Company, has sailed
bribery or objec able act- con I V curred at Ngasaki onAug. 20 the ex�nirlation of ebarges voting, throu,gh fear that their Great champagne lunch, recall Ominously the inaLle by _`ln 1,786,000 miles, rilakinig. roulicl trips dniage wis done to property on the worst d of our mad speculative era., In - PLn.,
proven �gainst Atir. NKCGregdr hi iself. -a Hon. L. S. Huntington ag A the late between San Francisc-0: and , , � i '
91 interest �y 9 na, two
'the harbor. A 'which came to a crisis in, 1857 a person might suffer. They shore lad Shipping ill Administration howin
The Judge, consequently, Ae lare, tho considerab Every- aa more to and'fro m Oregon-, and
Itt shoul they votf, t time of de- eersons to -whom p,,�id: near13 - a icore to iad fill
were afraid th electionVoid, and at the same 1 -ime ated. e number of natives lost their body who cango back toth p�Lid and th oni China. More- an lirious folly, can rem -ember how these Ron. Mr. Justice Day, for services.. ... -.,,K,625 00 OV.r for one candidate or the other, partizi, lives. e , he never met mishap.
that there had bedii no evi enc� pro- .do CIO expenses....... 385 oo
said " champagne lunches" wele mong, do 30C. oo �n
TrusteQs or InSPECtOs inght take 're, .4. year or two a01O a NLe-%v Ramp-
Jis chE g them from duced to disqualify Xr. -INIOG -egol TOM Horse Speed. the commonest inethods Of gulling thp udge Crowan,-for services 1,62,� 00 -armer sned filroad corporation vencre oil th shiref
em by feGr e Yor's unwar 'into buying worthless lots. their sittiations, arain being a candidate. Thd Am -ican turf 'has already outdon' I y do ............. 3 91� 0 0 for darm%ges. He pleaded Ili own rertisino, to employ th P1111 , ., i e lyl. any a man carried a load of obligations 8 - J. Vank-oughnet, for services as Clerk.. 1,40( 00 0 __ majority!. at the last election was 745. itself inspaed,-this yer. Goldsmith (10 expenses ..... 44( oo that he wag a bopeles:s'tripple, with both
or otherwise da agging their prosp�cts, I I on his back for years after 1857, and T. & lt- White, printing 2,000 copies of legs b"roken and (lepend
votes ad that even yet I Maid trotted a mile in 2.14 -If and ! ent upon bis dily
Air. O'Co�nor's Ultimately snk under them, which he report ...... . ....................... TD 50 1 labor forbre�ad.
and consequently refrained from voting Belmont's " Gry Planet " has tun a mile He Ot '�I,0,000. Last
DaernLy & Co., printing Yreneh odition U
6 chnces �or th*e seat are not the ffiogb en- in 1. bd coutircted. 9
(like it fool that he was,) week he was seell chasing a rL
421-. B)tli times bein e fastest on of report ........... .................. -frctory
altogether. Ili faA, the Toronto Globe 12 g th 78 28
The. constituency wi- be under tb* influence of free cha pagne. Stationer supplied ............. cow broug, one of his fields, nd ap-
counragin record in. Amei -ica. It is not so very Th ree6liections of tbat timem too Advanoodto Ron. C'. D. Day, on h
went so far Its to reten-to publish the -pu b- to i e many year.9 since a o e re 88 72 parently havincrolse-:� for a crutch, ex -
names of those tea, -;hers who should vote ; account disbursements .... ss,000-oo c and incoliven:erice of at P 1.%r str��Et song bitter to:be thought of ; but, unfortun ssibly toz'beat her therewith.
celebrated deed uf 2.40 as some, I do 8'. . Vank-oughliet .... 1,500 00
new election, nd Mr. McGreg,qr %iLl be the si alrea ately, a:liew generation. is around us, cept 1 o for Dr. Saligater, We are glad, however, re-electe'd by, probably, even a gic-ater thing quite remrka"ble" nd dy this who may be.caughtin the same snare. Total ................... . —J)ho Hzle, Q e perpetrator of the that although ate has b rly half. a mi' it in lisc r e n reduced n ... 84,500 00 late -Shooting tragedy at-(-,uelpb who reetly'and wrong- majority, than he had before. ate. tr the benefit of such we take. notice of Less refunded ............... 1,299 81 Was X TeSted, in Oshawa last week, -was
fully made the it has not yet had Ithis tratford business, with its ugly as- 3,200 19 ; I
I . . �_4 It is all interesting question, what is ! - - t n brought -up on Weduesday for examina- the 'indiece nicy to put it into exe ution. z8ociations., , d warn the un -wary of the Total ................ NE,,WS OF THE WdEg: the limit of horse speed, but it is a mere tion tefore, ,the polic
$10,9 L8 64 e magistrate, and Comm; ted for trial
The law in this r4e.ct should be altered. matter of -6-uriosilk 00 ared . with the danger they are incurring. Wheneviler a ---------------- 1W at the fall assizes.
of chain agne lunch is 'advertised, a wise P g eir Money. sad accident occurred about half
TI-te tech es -be s%llowed to vote STATF,. more vital question wha;", (toes it Lost th man Will take care to avoid the place as he� THE NI[A.-R Or, RtCr�..s.—A des ��atcb Irora amoulitto. What has been the effecton -north of'sinicoe, On Avethiesiday
by ballot. Theykhould havetheprivri- 4 would a -pestilence." riday eveninglast, two young Gerrad I County, _Ug American ILorse-flesb, and What is to be 1 yoling, nian named yp - . I I et
Kentuck 2c fti on, by whicl
lege of recordin(r teir voteg secretly, SO men, who gave their names as 'Williams PeriiiV, lost life The eeadin
says - I'Ve are having tierrib:e w4v b the effect in the futa re, —t iese are serious I who stated th his that it would not b within. the power tii.; whitds an(P �Iacks. A Romance in High Life. and Thompson, aal(
!ig�tin questions tc which wa see very little at- CY W(TO conapa;iiy with a omp be going on at in 1, tention addressed. At the ganiin table the Duke of Rich from Fayette Co, M ichigan, visited the shoot and iii passil:i anio was out ter a a inc We see a chain of ' through a ble
partizan journals, Inspectors or other. A . 9 - Police Station t London, and laid co n- k 1, 'D
Wed esdy., On Friday m6mii ' th great turf meetings, at wh ich, every year, inond incurred a debt of honor to Lord plaint gainst a mani nam ed Johnston, I- in a p � et fen -cc Ile pulled his af ter
school oclials to inflneU6,e them in one a
tie oes shot Fred. Yeals-,ey,' - Thi Tc e the fastest horses successively appear, Codogaii, which we was unable to pay, when tb nimer
gr a him I y the muzzle, leging that he had stolen $400 in green- I caught, causing the gun to (lischarge its wayoranother. 'Ibefranalliseisa-trust asperated "the whites that they [took p0q, first at one, then at anotlie-r. 'We have lid it was agreed that his son. a lart of backs,3 from them while they contents under his chin, killing him oil session of'- the town this moiiiincy an& raised up a I raveling eircus of fast horses, fifteen, -Who bore the title of' of trav�Iliiig on the Canada Solitheril the sp6t. forthe proper use f whicli every Man 01 I I should be responsible to his own firincr b" been goin n ever �'lnce. It which are taken from one part of the �Iarch, should marry the still' youn er 'between 1alden. and 8t. Thom onservative pic-nic was held at
is thoughb two of the negroes w are killed. country to another, and which, -rather daughter of Lord COCIOgaD. The b,3o young Am i ans said that they met I' Clifford. on AlTednesda- science and to that alone, na'he sbould, This Rey coll- I
eve ing several wounded illitess set' than the be� y eric t local stock, absorb the in- was sent for rom School and the girl from with Johnston on tile train, and that the -at which ad -
were delivered,,] ) -Messrs. Ryk- y ltteradvised. them to pattheirmoneY ert, Lauder and- -Boultbee. It is said consequently, have �be Privilege of exer- fire to a thouse car Selleit" for the terest t cach meeting. s sport nd a the nursery; a clergyman was in atten dress 0 oil cising it freely and !untrmeled by fear purpose f burning the blacks out. he game for befting it is undOUbtedly a first- danc'e ; and the children were told that * t h' whites ve the neroes stl�rounc.ed. class entertainment, although the open they were to be. mrrieJ Upon the spot. In 0 is valise for safe keeping. TIds that there were abolit 3, 000 persolis
of the wrath of those who may be in a United States troops the " greellies 11 did, and soon after ds present. This statement should, ho-w-
marche into the jockeyi�g h a thrown Suspicion on the The girl ha1 n6thing to say; the boy fell asle'ep,- ( position to injure h1m, should he� not use town to quell 'the riot, and mly awakingfroin their
wer63 fired on whole bipiness as an honest trial of speed. cried out: " They Surely 8111 ever, be taken with a onsiderable de -
are not going hers to find Johnst' bs* T e gree of allowance. Three thousd peo-
on a 6nt� it in tile mannar thl'y may ,4csire. This by botb. aties. The fire w- as returned, Bue-for Itd, c- ffect on the honest utility of to marry me to that dowdy! Butmar- sharper* had, however, in order to d s- is a change in the 14w wliich� is required and several were wounded'on b6th si es. the horse as a domeatic allitnal, We �on- iiedtheywere. Apost-cliaisewasatthe arm suspicion, left his valise with the 1111, ple mae a pretty large crowd,
I . .1 ec i —Tlie Internationat'l Boundry Com -
The Loui ville Courie?-JoUqwai %red fess to la n -A very clear apprehensio door; the bridearoom. was packed off- with I U) and the youths Dever tboug and which the Pub�ic School teachers as -the following telegram from - th a t Of much less C6 . lit of opening mission, eng
victiom. A -London paper, his tutor to make the grand tour, a -ad it to see if the money was safe aged ill surveying the boul-
a body should demai� d. n until th BY dary bftween tile United 8tates
Until this change hostilities - in Gerrard ISGUSsing recently the prize shooting the bride was sent ack to her mother. -reache t. Thol as. Avrheri thev d�d, lqount Skir- in d- b and the o clock. at on I �ents of the satchel com ed fLa the 49tih parallel 6f north latitude 'have- is made, and the teachers are allowed to rnishing has been going en since, Wimbled' , denounce i it as being Lord March remained abroad for several the cont North west Territory, lon
vote by , ballot,, thE granting them the this afternoon. It is reported.that Va, -utterly valudess to the my, s far as years, after which he returned to Lon- prig I
old pair of- pants, nd one or two dirty arrived at the Rocky Mountains, whence
negroes have been killec;l. a LC' , Several efficiehey in �battle was co cern'ed. The don, ai well-educated handsome garments, but no pocket -book or money. Capt. 06meron nd his deta6liment of �ers I Uc young en fe, a It ied t hat tenderness t1hat he must not even be whom he had never -seen except upon ohnston, but did not of course find him. their -way ba,ck in September. -them, will be the very reverse, franchise, instead of being a. benefit to wounded.: Sellers' house ro OtI, competitor h1ad to be trea bed with s h man, but in no haste to meet his wi They came on to London in search of Mr. the Royal Engineers will start to m"Ork and will b ve be burned. a a0
aRY, iU
h, g. Jh L In
AUGUST 28, 187
story of Lmi
1eipgo paper publish
.;Ob pervaded �Y an 4
3.s undonbtdly truse
,testhe poverty in which t,
�iermany AIM.
earning dAbout 10 In,
patron of the 66'ence,$ Tie arliu.,offered Prizes amount,
� each for the best essay"R
tory 'Of the n3idill ages, ast;6
Vgy, Poetry and Metahysics _.
V85 ��mh for the best romauf
best POeUL A committee (if �
svealaward th priz�
,)oi,nted t
wwle a short lar'� -number of persons eo��
the work flerd. hail a large ,n.t materia -1 amongit. -jvrii; ,of the ers wm, inclosed .Velopos, on the Outside of Whi<
w1nes -were inscribed. T11e prize br the essay 01
5jes -Was awarded toa
Markmann, who had Zllrl
..,u-uder the na�me of "' RaWS VA%
When , -mann's liamevas.,
a pale, poorly elad, ed -looking young man Stepp(
and was greeti-A with a h�art
app I lanse. -His hai -was thl
ikled witli aray, -,anA
-ready spri
appearance,ex-cited tf;� sympk
returned to his seat� ZRother'. as thetitles of the J,
-were announced, the acco velope disclsed Markiimnn al
,or, aud the applause, grew t
as the 'YOUR- man., loob--
weary every ltiinc, st.?pped The excitement among the Istj
.so -great that :a, suggestion. ,cau I sed tire = to carry him off lThe essays allxarniiiied, thie -next in and -the Y_r1Ze Then the pne ror
mann's. found to be INris entit
vgeAuerbacb, who ws one Of the pronounced itone of theost
ries he hail e,Mr r
written sto
was- tht- last prive dvvard�-a had the fovtunate� ompetitoi
go and ieceiw A whn he fell the floor. A Aeatblike stillno
in the hall, whA6 they carriei
young man into an adjoilng v,
the ph ysiciians smaceedea =
him to ,c-onseiousiles butt ha
for four hous af terwards J
corpse. His death was th.r_e�
years of Ael-rivation; he hUral
to death.
PP.ICES -Or NOEX) A -,-The following aTesorn ,01 I
paid for American horses, 1
$40, 000 Norfolk, $15,000 S1_5000- Kingfisher, $1_ uggler, 00
OiO , - m
wood, $30,000; Jay Goud,.::
Dexter, $33, 000 -, Lady Thorpe
Jim Irvin,g,, sb0,0oo ; -(mis in]
V-0 000 IStaTtle '-8,20 �000.)- I$20,00 0 - Rosalind, "A290000 WO,;, Happy M- ediam, Z25,0
G., S30,000; Pocahontas, $M,
waTd Everett, $20,000 ; Anbf,
$13,000; J�a� Fullartoll, alambrine Bertie, $1,0,.�000 -620,000 George Palme'r, Mambrino Pilot., $12,-000; <-,
Daniels, �:�8,000 ; J� -G� 13WW"�
Flora Temple sold, when $8,000, for brood mare -offered and. rehisea for Tom Ba,
s I uminer was -offerea 4.
ed. f or Bssett bd his three-yeer
-$26,000 will not buy "Bv
Asteroid; 40,000 was -offered,
fused for ON for T horlidale. —X. Y. M�6
CALLOAVAY.�At,C'arleton P14ii
Is, the wifeof Joshua -daughter. HiL. —In Hallett, -of �Nfr. D;via of asoll�:i
CARDEn-, Delhi, -on Avg� 17
-of Dr. Carc-ler, L of 'a &
Ext -ter, the wifie. of Nfr_ NN'm 4Cravvl
t1augliter. Em -ter, on Ang,
Wife of Wln. Brooks, of I
QmNDY.—Ill Luall, on Aug,
wife of Mr. Wm. Grundy" . I
LOGAN.—At of John Logan,:
(;,rey, on Aug. 25,L
of )&r. Ja mes Hill, of -a SOM -Grey., on A-4
wif e of Roberf Dougl", i
the wife of r. If. INT. N_-, AT, Bart
tion oil Au- 16 by Rev, J t>1 ; -
gins, Nilr_ SparlillL!, of lowa, formerly 'of .
WEGATHS, Ca,a, on of -Nlr years., 5 Me,
Winghain, n _-ku
tid obles, infaut daughtier I
Scott, ged. 7 B A L K W I L L. — Ill A v
TNTary Ann Balkivill, of cousl
Nelly, yungestdaugliter,Ai
Exeter, (in- Aug
ert _Nfelton, son f 11i'allar
aged on soil of r. Jx)hn L
16 years. 'N ottiAe, dall!_4i ter 61
ve'ar, nyoUngust of r. THr, hurt-tofore obeen I)y mutual 'Will lieri-after be by 11. 'W111, pU3,.1,
-will reecivf- q11 41rvo the 12i IIENRY
1�1. C. vil
TE' will 1)v, by adi*'i-A.!-�Vd t Eu,mondville P. DA'Y, 14th septem1wri for the ereem.,
across ver m - if he iderpad ol,)
vid Catup-hells furnii, in the TovxW
Enlith. 1'ho bridge will nol. requi,
pletedr.-ntiltlieisiiinmr-.rofl$15. P
ficatio-nt C;In be f;xell on appluicatio
-signed, or to Mr. A. BAY, CountxSu Reeve lal