The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-28, Page 3• . ..TYGUST 28, 1874.- It1IIRDICIA/4. • M. D. &en, Phyaician, Surre-73:174 n SeafOrth, Ont. Office and rest. of, ocaiterielt Street., firat door rian Chatelt. 84a leafortk (late of Ca-word/Mu* the. County of Perth. °Zee and Anson Brothers' Hardware store, tt DR ZING'S office will he at- otaight. 24 E, xt, D., C. Physician, Sur. Owner for the County of Huron., ence, corner tvf Market and High Ire Planing faratlarateulill.neuLniver- eal,) Coroner nar the County ot -Next door to Calder Brothetet :Ind opposite 31eCallumni Rotel, forth, near the Inailway StatiOn. nt, 1). Physdeittn, Surgeon ad. n • Grahnate of the Medical De- rin VIA\ erty ; r13- of the v Yor-k and Tanaltna. Linn; visited la in Paris, Edinbargh fun' Gifts- ! -,Brucefield. 34g Ct. BULL, 11.ritoxo;,Dentist.n:c.,Softforth, tIntaticf. Plate work, latest neatly executt tt. All sup. aatI operatitins 1Ued with itutle< Fee:, as Itra- aa earl be ob. Office horns frozu AL to a - Mr. An ti. McDouL.faIi`s Store, • 270 PiT, L. D. S.. Sttrgeon Dentist, '..itatierielt On the rnaat 1, 1 ESDAX L'..tY of ettint month, at the Cot- - 350 • I.14, V. S., Litt ntizUii end Prize- rnell University, Lilian, tario Vetertnany Ctolege, Toronto, enenti,y in Venni, win -relit. will be 1.Lrialing torattenti to z-ai kinds of turailtif4 is 'taxa excepted) natner, and at all hours. _Kest. n two, doors Last of Cook's Tent- !, 319 i* atC-i-EON.—.D. 21cNAUGIIT, Iturronnen inhabitants of arroundix.n yea! utr,, flutt he has diploma of lin tint:trio Veterin- uulv praran C, 44) treat diseasea tieant all dorm. stieztuirmalS. He h.teintaectiott with his hearse- nre be nantal retub to•at- -1--eases of the 1- et speeially at- nolee, office and shop in the rear [nun new stores Alf kinds of Vet- Vg.f kept constantly on hand. tde. • 229 LII.L,Veterinata nor -neon, (mem- natario Veterinary College,) begs has returned to the practice of Seaforth, and may at all tine s be diseases of Horses, Cattle, &c. Lines eontantiv n hand. All a:tended to. Office, at Mansion 273 aeia L Goltai.ALLY, Barristera and Chancery, Ooderich. 348 tietiOTAT,,,r,y. Barristers, Attorneys, Cbacery, &c. Oftiee on West St t Office, Gederich. , 346 F< Wingharn, has been ap- 't Tor the Coionial Securities Com - he is also Agent for several pd. A Toronto, -tvIto- loan Money at rates. Interest payable yearly tte. Also Solicitor for the St. 15,1871. ' 213 n HOLM -ESTE -I>, Barriaters, At aw, Solicitors in Chancery and, tries Public and Conveyancers. L _ C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for assurance Company, to lend at 8 per cent. learn's, for sale. 53 JIB, Barristers and. Attorneys tors in Chancey; and Insolvency, stories Public, ele, Offices—Sea- ;n23,000 of Inmate Fonds to Eight per °era. Interest, payable 53 4 W.< IIEZEIt._ in Barrister, Attornev fix Chime- . oderich, Ont. Office—over 3. C. tporinra, Market Square. 25 .31cD64tuthi, Attorneyaniolicitors in Chancery Ont. Offite--two doors north of DANIEL 3,IcDONALD, Inaissels. riOTELS. L'EL, SEAFOUTH. — Thorne o state to his old friends and pu.blie, that he has leased the vied by Mr. and ts the DOS HOUSE, and t continuance of the patronage wed upon him during his many 1 business, Every comfort and ae provided for traveller. The crud Cigar only kept in the Bar. adehostler alwaYsixi attendance. rsteatas KNO.i, Proprietor. TEL, WALTON.—John Winter, This hotel is situated on the riles north of Seaforth, and pos- nuodtation &Eta comfort for tray- aunds of li nnara and cigars kept careful and attentive hostler in 1 stabling irt connection with 35O :4IVERY ANDSALE STABVKS. Urrafs Rotel, bettfortn. Good ss Convey tracei-4always on hand. STABT.T4S,,SEAFORTH, Ont. Ind etamfortable Veitieles, always, ble :Arrangements made -with iers, All larders left at fiNG4X'-g naptly attended to. Lusa—South of the Carmen% treet. HOMAS BELL, Proprietor - t itrodie, C.- E., 'AND SURVEYOR, Seafartlx. at the Mansion House with Mr. reeeive itumediftte attention, 'Inman and Dr. King-. 41In'52.. LE LIT:Mat alase-eait fur the County of ttend,a in ailparts cf the Gonn- e pc rsonafin or sent to Seaforth. "rkautptly Ittlended to. 327 BRIP'airE5 TIONE1-3: for the County of atn-nded in ell parts of the left at the EneosITOR Office ura1nd to. ,r.Feanns...a=zenirtnannang...nasizen.man 'WE To THE - puBuo. 6. Europe, br the Allan Line, T GAR R Y he Northw-est, by BEATTY'S 1.4INE,t-ither by 'Duluth or the tickets to all park- of the td Western. States at c.'nuetjc,n, tu be had 011 ,-1441,en ighoi t aforth natation cla ertanv given to :ERA(11:* FARES, ctr Londcaulerry, by Mail ty Glasgow Inne, re re - red, Derry, GI a...-nown ...$22.90 itt's'LP fah 1 1'140bl. Derry ntek to S. ant -la 44 SU ot•rtiticr.t.c.s---Lictxpeui, to Scannell. it. B. MOODIE, Agent. SEAFOB,TIT IF it YARD . e AGDON .A_LD e pubile That they have re her Yard to the lot between Company's "Works and gar- ,tatith- on hand a good assort - S *LUMBER, dressed and ATII AND sIIINGLEs,all . red, to sell at the lowest possi- : Also. on hand any quantity rs ilI arta it to their advana stock, and ascertain GM -ewhere, at we are in a position. ental to cash purchasers.. MABEE & MOAID. 11 1 AUGUST 28 . •1874. GAIICTISIS I An experienced old, gentleman _says that all that is necessary in the enjoy- aient of love or sausages is confidence. ....-.“ If I should die, dear, where would . you go ? Go? Go after your insur; it ,, ante money," was the reply of a fond wife. —Teacher—" Peter, y.ou are such a bad boy that you a e not fit to sit in the Oorapany of good boys on the bench. Come up here and. sit by me, air." —It is' a startling mystery how the prbsenee of an old 'laid aid a bald -heads ea man will cast a: , loom over a pie-nic party which even p ekled. clams can only partially dispel. --A Kansas farm r solemnly declares that a grasshopper at on the gate post and threateningly asked : " William Bryant, where in. th order is the balance of that cold meat ?" —" Who asked f yer wanted any- thing ?" said. a Lew 11 peddler to a lady who said she did no as soon as he open- ed the door. " Mi. d yer peezness, and don't refuse to buy ill you are asked!' - —Terre Haute Eapress—" Look 'ere, I now, Salusha," yel ed . a Clay County woman to the olde t girl, " don't bend over that well so ur. You'll fall in. there some of thee lays, and then we'll have to carry water !" , —Two young Prix ces of Austria en- tered. into a violent c uart.el, when one of them said to. the ot er, "You are the greatest le4s iu Vien a." Just then the Emperor, their fatli r, entered, ind said indignantlhe " Com , come, young gen:- tlemen., ydu forgot t at I am. present ' It wal mentione one day to Presi- dent Lincoln that t o young ladies of his acquaintance ha( quarreled and load- ed each, other with a use. "Have they called each other tigl. ?" asked. the Presi- dent "No, sir.'" ' " Very good ; then I will undertake to r concile them." r. ---.1t Kansas man . ho was fatally shot in a row recovered Consciousness just be- fore death and aske what, kind of a weapon did the busn ess. On being in- formed that it was a silver -mounted seven -shooter, he „iasped, '" G-lory ! I was afeared it was o a e of those -hos pis , tots !" and then died happy. —" Busted ?" excl imed al bewildered. darkey, ; "0U don' gwan' tole nae flat Freedman's Bank bu ted ?" , " Yes • it's gone up." "Done el ar gone ?" "Yes" Evidently the old man con dn't -under- stand it. He mused. deeply and sadly, and with a' last, sorr 0 wful look into the open but vacant ro I an, turned away, muttering as he wen ' ` Dat's what al- ways made me 'spise a bank," I The English Spo swan and his hag from the end, another does the s on the sicle, and the third rounds o rim. A r�und .steel rod, clipped i and press (1 upon the surface, gives lustrous 1 olish. Then a little, revol steam wheel, whose edge is a rare o ment, held against the ievo1vizig bl prints that ornament just outside rime A secoud wheel prints a diffe ornament around the centre, r whil third wheel with sharp points lmake indentati ns on the lower half and en the thim le. The inside is brighte and polished in a similar way, tliO thi being held in a revolving mon d. that rem ins to be done is to boil thimbles in soapsu , to oil, brush them up a d be: trade. the Pharisees; coming of our Lord th Ph the most prominent aiul ii or party of the Jewish peo g their origin we have no ledge. They are refer. d t in connectioii with th pri onathan about 150 year .be Christ; a d it is not improbable that may hav taken their rise soon: ter Babyloni h captivity. The w ,rd Pharisees signifies e era and seenth to have been either ch se themselv s or applied to them by ot as a designation of their auste an( cetic manner of . life. They affcte great sanctity of morals and h11l th selves quite aloof from the m s of the people. ifheir real character, howe er, was vain and hypocritical in t e ast d ve- gree. 1 hile they made -an ost n os •s- play of their heart they were g os ly or- nipt. They were ambitious o exei ing a controlling influence both in ch rch 1 and state, and they appear to las e eeen regarded by the mass of their c hu ry- men with deference. The c r ful ess with which they observe the f i:in of their religion gave them a rep ta io for piety. So far. as related by the tejtchin s of the Old Testament Scriptures thir loc- trinal views were in the main orr et. They have been represented as hol ing that all things were controlled by te, but they recognized the freedom; of the of the will, and it is probable h t . hat has been understood as fate was !sjply the Scripture doctrine of the d'vi e ov- ereignty.It appears from the New 'tes- tament that their views of the r sur ec- tion ancl the future life were e s nti fly orthodox Their views o. f the la of complete( move the them for At the sees were ential sec Respecti tain kno Josephus hood of Highland G. 1.. An English spot tsm, nenga,ged a strong, powerful, red-headed JElighIander to act as game -keeper on his English estate. The Highlander having been a considerable time at his post belere there was any prosecution of -peach rs, his master be- auar to suspect that after all the North - Countryman was not such. a gOod 'hand at catching poachers as he had. been led to believe. Determined to find out whether he was vigilant, or not the gen- tleman one dark night disguised himself, took a fowlina-piece' and went out to poach on his own gr und. He had not tired above a shot' or two when he was suddenly pounced up la from_ behind, the gun wrenched from is hand, his preci- ous person subjected o a perfect hurri- cane of kicks and cu. s, hard blows, and harder Gaelic epithet, whereby he was knocked down and re dered half insens- ible. On being able o explain who he was, the gamekeeper evinced great sor- row, asked a thousan 1 pardons, and ex- plained to his honor. "Ye see I likes aye to send -Us teevils ha ne wi' a sarkfu' o' sair banes, an' they di na, come pack in a hurry ; because, ye ee, they canna., for some o' them, yer ho or, are inaistly for a coffin be the tim they get haute, an' syue they dinua gie us onie mair bother ava," The nglish sportsman went home, took to Ifs bed, hovered be- tween life and death or a fortnight, re- coVered at last and. ra- ed his game -keep- er's wages 50 per cen Sandwich Isl nd Women. . A lady writing fr discourses upon the their free and easy women are erect, wid and carry their heads of thera are truly their hair falling over earls, midis u rnaounte hats, garlainded with native flowers: They modestly and prettily, to cover neck and loosely from the sho the feet, which are oft ing civilized like us, t enlightened into corn with iron and. whalebo disturb and torture t tight shoes ; nor to their heads running aud artificial flo the ears at the mercy o to make up forty-five into cages and fasten - them ; nor -to carry an dress stuff bravely a,f pavement through. thi these women have th for are we not forced of custom, when we c garments upon any imp way, to shut our eye teeth and rush blindly as those Kanaka woe even. of a spot of wat garments gingerly-, an a;nd unsullied from i this be barbarism? m Honolulu, thus ative women and manners. "The in the shoulders, ike queens. Many andsonae, wearing their shoulders in with little straw wreaths of lovely clothe themselves wearing the dress rms, and falling ders th the top of n bare. Not be- , ey have not been ressing their ribs e corsets ; nor to eir feet with over- ut bonnets upon p into. turrets of vers, and. leaving titter wincla ; nor cards of steel wire liemselVes within extra half yard of er them over the k and thin. Yes, advantage of us, by the ' exigencies me with ur long reties of t , epath- and Ilei ch our over thena, f kere- ] ien, at t -h sight r, lift theirlight pass over, clean s contact ! Can Row Thimble are Made. The manniacture7 of • Simple, but singularly silver is mostly used, parehasino7 dollars."' thimbles is very nteresting. Coin. nd is obtained by ence happens the oil t a g na- uke the ent 'a the of ed'' ble All the re- ack ri- flu- le. er- by st- ore • ey the fists by ers as - a m - salvation 11 or on the question, Hov s matn be just with God ? were altre erroneous and grossly perniciou . It on 'account of their false notio s en ptio subject, their mo to; reject ut in tot less than the corr al character, that they were led Christ. addition to the law of If thely held to a multitecle of prece which they maintained had c me , f hina by tradition. They regar ed t ano less • sacred than the wr' teu T o s views and of the corruptio of t 1 one great cause of th ir Orr is was ' cliaractei. The Scribes were the official or .pr sional leaders of the sect of the Pharjs not a distiact body. They were oc or teachers of the law. They ti an4c1 and expo nded the Scriptures, andtau the (loot es, of the Jewish religion. addition to these duties they min the schoois for the instruction bf yo Tbeir profession of coarse gave great all her as his of ses te, orn em aw. ne- eir 0 finance aiitla the people—an mflu w!tich they exerted to the utmest, es ia, y during the latter part of his m tr against Christ and his gosp 1. 1 soass eis . aiisaxtia-DAY SETOGESTIONS.1-3i a,n is one in whomboth worlds " do Mee; his b dy par icipates of the lower, hi out of the uper world, hence it is Ulm he iii ds such such tugging and pullin this w fes - ors bed ght In ted. th. nce ec- is- y and that way, upward and own - ward ; th worlds as it were centem ing for this invaluable prize, the , prc ous soul. . `—The freligion of the next genera ion raiast be Such that the scientifici mai, and add the usy man, and. the little c ild, the reasolinable man, and the li era an; and the profound philosopher, may is eet in its simple, sweet light. It is to lig ten every man that .cometh into the Iv a rld. It -will not dare to be a complex theist i gy, but a fruhidship for Christ and a v' ue. Theology' will exist, but only its a as oral science a study of God, not I a p a of , salvation --David 'Mag. 1 —Men are not made 'duly religi I .. by performing certain actions which - .o. ex- ternally- ood ; but men must have . ht - eons principles in the first place, an1 hen they will not fail to perform vi tuo ac- tions. —T,litleer. —The oodness of God to inankin is .no less evinced in the chastisement 'th which be corrects his childrpe-tha ' in the anvils of his Providence ; for the .Lord will not cast off forever, but though he cause grief, yet will be have coraas- sign according to the multitude of his mercies.--LBallau. GOOD PROSPECTS A COOD HARVEST EX ECITED. JOHN KID Has just received a large stock of Ha such as vest ools cyt es, 01 CS, IA lie 1 SNATHS AND HAY FO KS. that the profits of the usiness are affect- Which he will sell as Cheap as al -13- iii the T ade. ed instauteously by al the variations in NO SECOND PRICE. JOHN 11) the nation's greenbad- promises to pay-. .1 The first operation s rikes a novice as almost wicked, for it it nothing else than r , putting a lot or . brio. t silver dollars, • fresh from the mint,_ milt° dirty crucibles, and melting them up into solid. ingots. - These are rolled out - to the required STOVES & TIN thickness, and cut by stamp into cir- ' 1 eular pieces. of any ensured size. A °' all kinds, and ill endless Vali 1 solid metal bar of the size of the inside MR, S . .WHITN of the interded thimble, moved by Carmichael's Block, Main street, S powerful machinery u and down in a bottomless mould. of he outside of the same thimble, bends e circular disks into the thimble sha e as fast as they can be placed under th descending bar. • Once in shape, the wo k of brightening, Polishing, and decorat' is done upon the lathe. First, the b ank form is fitted upon a rapidly-revolvii g rod. A slight touch of a sharp chisel akes a thin shay - COAL OIL, A. ty at aforth Pure, good 4nd cheap; wholesale and re ail at WHITNEYIS. CUSTOM WO K Of all kinds promptly attended to and neatly euted. B08 MRS. TNE E a. exe- J IF THE YOU N R. 3 ANT OOD COL RO OPPOSIT_E BUY ]DS?E BERTS THE MANSION H JUST ARRIVED, FRESH, A MdUer, Mdier Co F sti C3 Al MI Lac Dye, pound, RS 0 srr-o-FPs FIRST T 1.-DROG STO TEL, SEA.FORTH, LARGE 'QUANTITY OF Indigo, Indigo Com Cudbear, IAL 'Cochineal, • ound 5 'Cream Tartar, Magenta Crysials, Turmeris. Th re is RS, umber in MeKillp, at the, VICT RIASTEAM MILLS, And HN GOVENLOCK Is te man to supply it.* t A LWA 18 on h nd a large stock of all kinds of "L'IL Lulu er, wh ch will bo sold at prices which cannot be millets ed in this County for cheapness of price. Draini g a Also SH builders' large Qua will find i d .Fenci9zg Lumber in abundance. GLES,, LATH, and every description of ateii41. Parties befitting or buying tities will bo liberally dealt with, and to their profit to give the 101fORIA MILLS • a trial bef re purfhasing elsewher. ORDERS CUT AT A DAY'S NOTICE. All orde s left t the Mill or add :essed to Win- throp P. 1. will receive prompt attention. Re- member JO 325 • 11 N GOVENLOCK'S Victoria Mills is the place. SE 1 FOR H PLANING MILL, SASH, 0001 AND BLIND FACTORY THE sn soriber egs leave to thank his numerous ,Gusto' ters for. he liberal patron age extended to him since conime ting business in Seaforth, and trusts tha he Ma be favored with a continuance of the sit e. - Parties utendi g t build would do well to give him a call as he't ill toutinne to keep on hand a large stoe ef all lind ef DRY PINE LUMBER, DOO 5 He feel who may but first -o r. Par 201 5, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, INGLES, LATH, ETC. confident of giving satis action to those avour him with theirpatronage, as none ass wok en aro employed. ienlar a tention paid to Custom Planing JO N H. BROADFOOT. F iES NE ARRIVALS OF STY OF GENTS' COATINGS, 0 CAMP oys Ti? ELL WSERIN LES fS A.ND V STINGS AT CLOTHIN STORE. A L. LIGE STOCK 0 and Youth's 1 lothing n hand and will be sold at a SM LL A VANCE 0 COST. • From Wear will 's date goods intende • for Summer be sold t Bargains. eatorth, uly 28, 874. W. CA 4. I i PBELL. LOGAN & ,JAMIESpN SILL SELL (IF THEY GET THE CHANCE) THE FOLLOWIN 1N 1 /I •T A . INT ' 11 S - . 5 Dress. Goods, worth 50c, at 25c. Dress Goods, worth 40c, fax 20c. Ilarestia Goods, worth 30c, at 15c., &c. Tweeds, worth $2, at $1 25. Tweeds, worth $1 75, at111. t Tweeds, worth $1 50, at 1 Tweeds, w rtla $1 25, tat 90c. Tweeds, wf rth $1, at tiOc, ,Liae. e_ . 1 _ - FLANNELS, GOODS. MUSL1N$ SHIRTINGS, &O., same ratidia above. Alto some se e very fine Regatta hirts, worth $2, for $1, &c. We havelalso several lines of g •1•11111111•111•M=M1•46 ocls we wish to clear ut as above. i CALL!, AND p E THEM, I I , 1 1 AT LOGAN & JAMIESON'SJ J-CthrT IR,CI-NTID SIX CASES OFt DRY GOODS HOFFMAN BROTHERS'CHEAP CASH STORE r CaLVSISTUG OF PLAIN WINCEYS, FANCY WINCEYS, RED FLANNELS, rWHITE FLANNELS, COTTON SHIRTINCaS, FANCY PRINTS, DARK PRINTS, TOWELINGS, 'TABLE LINENS, FEATHER TICKIN( STRAW TICKINGS, BLUE DENIM, ROWN DENIM, 'WHITE COTTONS, 1 ATTINGS, - WHITE BED SPAR_ DS, , ALSO THREE BALES 0 COLORED BED BLACK LlUSTR THE HURON PLANING MILL. .MESSRS. GRAY EC! SCOTT 101tEG te announce that they have commenced -5-5 business in the Shop lately oeettpied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared to fill orders for Sashes, D009'81 _Blinds, _Mouldings, And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH A;17..0 SHINGLES. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATES, FAY RACKS, ece. A good aback of Seasoned Lumber on hand,. Fedora, and LumberYard on Goderieh street, near Main Street. jig Sawing and Custom Planing neatly done. A. GB.AY.' W. H. SCOTT. THE GREAT REFORM: • TP/Pf 4') 4 r .alpf.r.9": . , 14 ,JA .1 The Greatest Reform that has ever been Made is in the prices of Furniture and Undertaking. A • T. JOHNS & Have redtteed the prices one-half, and have done a -way altogether with extortionate prices,. Is it • not to your interest to patronize them. ALL KIW .D S OF FURNITURE - IMPT IN STOCK. They are also prepared to Furnish Funerals With Evexy thing Re- quisite, And to att na personally with their Hearse. T. JOHNS & EGO 'EMPORIVIVL • Tho subscriber hereby thanks 211111.1C1-0118 customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity and close attention to business, to namit their confidence and trade in the -future. Havinnbgreatly enlarged his premises during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the H IGH -EST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth_ Wanted bythe subscriber 25 lona of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. D. D. - WILSON. SEAFORTIT, Ittreh 18, 1874. 828 JaHN. S. PORTER One-horse Banker and Exchange Broker. MAIN 'STREET, SEAFORTH. CAPITAL, 1 — $9,000,000.01. This is no blow, but a fact. . pUS Greenbacks and American Silver at ear- =1--• rent rates. Lends money on good farm prop- - erty. Shaves notes without lather. Receives latency on deposit, and pays 20 pet cent. interest —when you fleet it. Buys and sells Houses and Lots; parties leaving town and wishing to sell quick -will find me ou hand like a thousand of Melt. Buys Bide3 Sheep Skins, FI1TS and TirorA at:the highest prcs. All this is done with the above capital, wonder- ful, is it not ? -.Hand in your wants, wishes and expectations, dim% be afraid, he won't bust. 341 ,.."PREADS, GREY LUSTRE,' BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILK YAK LACES, BLACK REAL 1 ACES, WHITE REAL 4AOES, DRESS BUTTOS, TRIMMINGS, SILK FRINGES, RIBBONS, RUFFLINGS, RUSHINGS, BELTS—Ladies a d Boys, HAIR BRAIDS, 4e. - DUNDAS .COTTONS ITIOFFMAN! BROTHER, SE FORTH.1 CA011NT C4 -01\E.. A GENUINE SAL4. NO HUMBUG nN MONDAY, JULY 13th, . DENT will befrin Selling Out without reserve. His heavy Steck of Choice DRY GOO IS AND WILL 'BE SOLD. MUST BJ SOLD This st p is rendered necessary a he is about buildiii g an extensive Show R om for Millinery Fancy ¶oods, and must have roo m te do it and on to do it with. EMEMBER DEN 'SGREAT S4TiE OF C14 -KAP D Y GOODS. DOMINION SHAVINC& HAIRDRESSINC SALOON AND BATH ROOMS. WM. NEWMAN has pleasure in announcing ' that he has fitted up over his shop a ramnber of COnlvOniealt and comfortable BATH ROOMS Where a dean and comfortable bath may be had at any time. SHAVINC AND HAIR mussing -Attended to aff usual. Also on hand a nice stook of , . LAMBS' CHIGNONS AND BRAIDS 01 the latest stiles. Be is also prepared to take in LADIE' HAIR COMBINGS, And- have then straightened and worked into Braids, Belts, Switches, Curls, &c. Charges reasonable. - GLNTS' WIGS Furnished on the shortest -notice at less than city prices. A. call is rspectfully solicited.. 339 NEWMAN. • SAMUEL TROTT, Mariufacturer of Machine Turned _Butter Packages Oif a Supillperieodr. Quality. All orders, either Wholesale or Retail, Promptly SEAFORTH ONT. MARRIAGE LICENCES CiEKTIFICATES, (Under the new Act) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, Under authority of the Lientenant-Governor of Ontario. THE PHOENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP -LONDON, ENGLAND. W. N. WATT -SON, A GENT AT SEAPORTS. This old standard •CJI• Companyas established in 1782, does busi- ness in all parts of the world, does the second - largest business in the United. Kingdom, pays its olaims 'with promptitude and liberality. Its rates are moderate. e 84646 4 • '" •