The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-28, Page 1{
T1T 21,4
afts A number of aecome
passed and ordered. to be paid,
"oiinci:l adjourned to gleet at
ea Craabrook, on Sept 1.
A. HUNTER, Clerk.
1LW:AY GI.`Et\'AX( E.—.A tt ost
e await -lee attended by a.large
the moot influential citizene of.
nd vicinity, w ass held in Brace's
lay evening last, to take into
,n the , best means of compel..
V ellington,. t=rey and Bruce
unpany to open the Southern.
and to urge upon the Govern-.
icessity of taking action ill the.
er, B. Willson, Reeve, wcas pp_
airman. Mr. 3. Al Leet was
1:, and in an able speech, ,re-
• history of the railway cama
ei=txg horn- the people .had been
t bontrues. He denounced, in
st terms the shameful nnanher
Le municipalities along the line
•eatect, {< nd concluded by mini
tion condemning the action of
tlllpaily, and affirming there-
• of the Government in the
[e adviaf : the appointment of
:t to la.) their grles antes before
ment,: and fill. the event of i no
being' obtained, to seek ad.
K ei.eser to-f.emmenelrlg legal
i. Addresses were also dol;rv-
fessrs. Thos. 1-lolmes, Pester
tregory,. Drs. McDonald , d
Al. Osborne, and others. A
:saes also .moved appoint g
L ,•eot, Pe Willson, P. IF iah-
kreggory as members of the said.
A vote of thanks was thea
i. the chairman, and the meet -
ed with three oheelsfor the
4 yliie, better known as the
Idle,"' the champion draught
fie world, has been giving
€ his skill in Toronto and
S. In Toronto he easily c c n-
crack players, the only o-
who ho stored a victory agaiest
David Walker, of the Waller
he following; are the names of
is best known opponents, and.
c f the play : Messrs. Cara li-
y,, Harris, Dean, }ticdd 11,
:ooney, Drydon, Ferguson 1 of
cordon' of Whitby, and M
',mitten'. A large number
Its filed en appearance fr
vets of the Province, bu a
encounter' with the Scottsh
tatisted them, and in m y
',hem back home by an early
ter repeated efforts and an
Jay of several hundred games
awe have so far been record eel
c hampiora,: and these were
o• owa Mr. N. Rooney,
n, 2 ; $r R. Ferguson, of
and Mr. Gordon, of Whit -
hit:r. Wyllie is 53 years of age
trli at Kilmarnock, Ayrshire,
raduatecl as a herd laddie Jt
e he- 4lisplayeci great skill at.
and before he was 16 yeas
played 'utd ,defeated most of
.ayes of the neighborhood:.
years. past : lie has lived at
eshire, where his family carry.
ckery business. Mr. Wyllie
enee a quiet, pawcvkr Scotch-
Nho when ;playing a game ape
wrapped. up in its mysteries..
rasses a remark, but occasion
he has an officious or conceited
are old ma works. him into. a
rx =a -quietly chuckles over
DoH SixoWs,
14 04 Clinton, Sept. l5and 16;
.-rauich,;at Seaforth, Oct- sand 9.
:haat 13aa ield,.Sept.25.
Haroxi.i Blyth, Sept. 17 andl&
eh Branch, at Belgrave, Sept. 30.
Huron, at Exeter, Oct. 6 and 7.
.lace, at LiatooeI, Oct. 7 anti 8
:6and 7. "
at London, Sept.. 20 and. 3o c
nibition, at : Toronto,: Monday, See it..
follo-:ing days.
ition, at Guelph, Sept. 15, 14, I`t
uci Trit k .Railway.,
Sea/Oath and. Clinton; Stations,
Seaforth Glinte0a,
, ...., 7:57 A. N41 7:35 A.11.
...... 10.40 A_ M. 10:20 A. M,•
ted .. a . 2:25 P. M. 1;25 P.
a 5:10 P.M. 4:30 2. bf.�
oarno WEST.
d.--<.«...., 7;50 A. M. 8:30 A. M.
185 P. M. 1.25; M.
Fe 510 P. M 5:50 I' M
8:57 P. M. 920 P. M..
i .
-y D[ T
1E (, U ,S O
, A UG U' --r 2
rain will abate
� Z I be run on the
ffationg as follows
5 A. Mt
L,53�& M.
I15 45 A. M.
6.16 E1 M.
7 r&
AT 6,3a P M
train gill pass over the
•t.LO, and thence to Niagara, 1'a11183
;tetra Railway.
ing tet remaireover at intermediate
r so}
and take the train au return.
arۥ front Clinton, S.eafortb
!brook„ 3 74. Front Mite
►rgcille and Stratford, : X33 54
had ts.t,the (t T. R. ticket offices-
animal :holidays of Clinton and
ou the above ve day.
'War, :
tun�irs t IA 1874.
I (T1 IT, 1'�. Ia. S , Surgeon Dentist,
Gederich .an the first TUESDAY
FLAY of each month, at the Cal -
X. L., Physician, Surgeon anis
lir, Graduate of the Medical De-
.toria University; formerly of the
rar York and London, Eng.; visited
ass in Paris., 14.1dinburgh and G l'
W1101.E No. 3511. )
RIDAY, AUGUST 28, 18 7 4.
BOTHER rub] ishers.
a Year, in advance.
Kcal gotatc toy G$alc:
3R SALE, Lot No.33, Con. 3, L 1:. S., Tacl:-
1 ersmith, eontainiug 10[1 acres, 75 of which are
(awed, well fenced, and in a state of good. culti-
vation. a good new frame HOUSE and
e cellent frame barns, shads and staples, also a
good bearing orchard. ' The farm is watered by a
Taxer -failing spring and well. This farm is situ-
ated within one mile and a half of Brucefield, and
within abetit six miles of Clinton and Seaforth,
with good gravel roads naming to each of these'
places. For further particulars apply to the prop-
rietor on the premises, or to Brucefiold P. 0.
VOR Sale, Lot 25, Con. r, Usbor e, containing
1 71acre4. 55 of which e cloarcd sod in a state
a good cultivation. Ther is a goo( frame BARN
k d STABLE. Tho fan is locatal on agood
gravel road, is convenien Iy situat d to schools,
churches and post office, and is within 13 anises
from Seaforth and 7 fro Exeter. For further
particulars apply to the pr a priotor on the premises.
351 Lumley P. O.
T OT 39, Con. 4, East awanosla Huron Conn-
ty containing 100 "oar s of excellent land ; 80
acres cleared. There are good Buildings, a bear -
inn' Ordinal and a never -'ailing SPRING on the
farm. TEEMS—One-fou h cash ; the balance in
time to suit the parches •. For further particn-
1ats apply on the premise , or to
WM. MUS ARD, G•lammis P. 0.
Victoria''ISirls, Aug,. 20, 1574. 351*8
-19tEHCO east half. of 1» t 4, Con. 6, Gey, about
three miles frons Bru s,els, $0 Teres in all ; 35
cleared, remainder cout:ti ing good hard and soft
wood. Also, a good bear ng orchard. The owner
is giving up fan=ning on ccount of entering into
the saw mill business. ' ossession given imme-
diately, with or without the crop or implanents.
Title indisputable.( Ap ly to OLIVER S'MI'TH,
Lots 5 and 6, Con. 5, Gr , of to JAMES c1IITH,,
on the premises. 3504'4
T OT 18, Cop.. 6, Hett; 1o0! acres, 65 acres.
L Cleared, remainder wooded_ with beech and
maple; frame dwelling; River Maitland and a
good spring on lot; 2 n iles from. Kinburn and 6
miles from Clinton.
For particulars apply to
On the morning of Friday last, the o -
ple of Goderich were early astir in
ticipation 4f the visit of the Vi e -P yal
party. Tlie town presented a eta ` ni -
cent appea ance; the leading street ae-
ing crossed by tastefully constr het d
arches an the business places ncl p s-
vate raid nes in themore lonl'n:nt
sd�c U
parts of the town beldecked \vi h a s
banners, mottoes and other embeili
nlents. At an early -hour in the
noon, much to the chagrin awl d
pointluent of visitors and citi�*ens
rain commenced to fall, and ebnti
at intervals until moon, when there
a regular down -pour, which Ief:, of
a clearer atmosphere and more .pie s'
weather. In many places the. stle
after so heavy a rain, would have b
in a wretched condition, but -here, that
to our li ht soil and airy. breezes,
.� �
roadways and sidewalks were soon
and pleasant. The Vice -Regal pa
were expected- to arrive about 2 o'co
erms to. suit purchaser. •
L. MEYER, Harpurhey,
Seaforth. 343
TOT 13, Con. 7, Rini
L cleared, reminder
goodframe barn 66x40,
horses and cattle, snu
failing spring near the:
ing orchard, 7 miles fr
ett, 100 acres, 80 acres
good beech and maple;
xcellent stables for both
frame .house ; a never-
ouse ; 4 acres good bear -
m Clinton, 8 from Sea -
forth, from Ninbarn gravel road. passes the
farm ; farm in high sta e of cultivation ; splendid
dry clay soil, free of stone or sand.. For terms
and further particulate .pply to the proprietor.
849-1'x13 HU H BELL, Cons.tnice P.O.
Con. 6, Grey, coat
cleared and in good con
house and good cell •
water close by ; there i
and attached; this pro
miles from Brussels, a
(trey and Bruce Rail.
reasonable term;:, pons
1575. For further
proprietor on the pre
Brussels P. 0.
g West r of Lot NN. 4,
fining 50 acres, 35 acres
iition; .frame barn, frame
; a never -failing well of
also a fine bearing orch-
crty is situated about 3
tation on the Wellington,
say; and will be sold on
sion can be given on Jan.
particulars apply to the
sea, or, if by letter, to
ng to retire from the Hotel
sale his hotel known as the
--Mug Village of Brussels.:
ous with good stable and
nd is situated in the. centre
the village. Satisfactory
' n
. For farther particulars
fins, to the proprietor on the
OPER & Co., BrusselsP. 0.
A. SIMI.'SON, Proprietor.
rplIE sabsciiber wig
business, offers for
Victoria House, in the
The house is comma
cattle y arde: ttached,
of the business part of
reason given for sellin{
apply, if b letter preps
premises, or to C. R. O(
�a of e
Accordingly, at . th..t hour, an imme:ise
concourse of people assembled at he
wharf. The ` lake, however, was,ota ter
the. heavy rain, very rough, an the
steamer in which His. Excellency
party were making their passage 1 f
Sarnia was, consequently, consider
impeded: i n its progress. ,About 3 o c
the loin looked for and welcome
was at 1 gth sighted some di tante out
in the lake. :N o sooner was he ord
giveli{ that the party were co ing han
a ' number of smaller steamers, wh
were in waiting to form an escort, s art -
ed out to meet the visitors, and : ach
carried a serge number of the Citi ens.
About a smile from the wharf, the
hojf, the isteamer which had onboarl •' the
,Vice -Regal party, was inlet by the i od-
erich escort, and conveyed back to the
wharf. 'Immediately on the arriv 1 of
the. party, the guns of the Go eric,h gar-
rison, placed at wide intervals ale the
high cliff in front of the town, than ered
out from that commanding posi in a
Vice -Regal salute. The emincue was.
of a
FOR. SALE, that esirable and handsomely
situated private re. idenee in the Tillage of Eo-
rnondville, known as the Egmondville Manse.
The house is pleasan•ly situate.. and .is commo-
dious and eomfortab e. There is a good well,
woodhouseand other.
lot contains one acre
with bearing fruit t
further particulars
OTTIon, Seufo th..
LOT No. 5, Con. 4,
less. 80 acres plea
north branch of t
through the 18 acre b
the premises to the roprietor,
308, or address Constance P. 0.
ecessary conveniences. The
i land,. and is well planted
es of various kinds. For
apply at the ExPos134B
uliett; 140 acres, more or
ed. Plenty of water, and the
e Maitland River running
sh ; good fences. Apply on
flEING Lot 34, Go 7, McKillop, containing104
acres, all cleared, with good barns andstables,
two good orchards in full bearing; two never -fail-
ing springs which an
Con. 9, containing 48
is situated 6 miles
gravel road thereto.
on the preiitises. If
SON ,Constance P. 0>
ply the mill. Also, lot 35,
ores of bush. The property
from Seaforth, with a good
or further particulars apply
y post, to JOHN THOMP-
Kinbnrn, Ont. 260
at the time covered with people, a
other large crowd was down a the
When the Governor-Oener• ste
ashore a guard of honor, cons'stin
detachment of the 33d Battal' on,
presented arms, and the God rich
played the National Anthem.
Mr. Horace Horton, M. P., M
the town, then came forward- an 1
sented His Excellency with the. fell
address : ,
- We, the inhabitants of t _ e too
Goderich, are happy to have this
tunity of welconning to our town
Exce'lle cy anal Lady Duff rin, a
expressing our continued loyalty a Her Majesty Que n Vi
and on>� admiration
individually, and as her (listing
LOT No. 22, Con.
acres, 85 acres ole
of a mile from the
bank barn, with stab
houses; large new co
a good never-failin
well ; the Iand is Die
aores of orchard of
ing. For terms and
premises, or address
340 AN
representative in this Dom
have been pleased to observe
ever you have been able to
the Deiminion, you have been r
with the like demonstrations of lei
which we are assured- do but_e
the unanimous feeling of Hes Ma
subjects throughout the 1)onkinion
trust that dulln
a your r � isit
- here
Excellency and Lady Dufferin m: y en -
Joy yourselves, and that not the least
pleasing reminiscence of yoer exit:nded
tour lay be the few hours spent) n the
" City of Salt." Signed on behalif of the
General a1
elusion of
entered c
which we
the court
Esq., wh
rhanufact Iring
manifeste+ th
explanati ns
Showed a 1 all
Before qt
invited t
which ha
eto san
puny of
pany to
which t
this visi
lency o
satisfied the
trust to hien t
turers, : s co
those in crest
which t e pro
works, vas t
partto ave
trade elatic
across tl+ e'lin
they wi•:bed
ent na lona]
or nven
it was
be no
on a fa
est wit
haps o+
by ftrea
bi;t no
ing pr
ment 'f
and th
by the
wing ma
d L dy Dufferin. At the con -
the reception, th party re-
rriagis and were d iven to the
e tas efully decora ed for the
The party were h re met 'by
ons President, M P. Hayes,
esco ted them ove the works,
expl, iniug the enti e process of
salt. His Excellency
greatest .int rest in the
Th.ich -were given, and
iety to obtai 'all the'in-
rela 1 ive to this in portant ; in-
ich ould possibly e gleaned.
ittiu the works th party were
par -ake of
bee s+ provided.b the propel -
to hich a consic erable colo-
entle ++ en, other ;th . n those who
the Tice-Begalpa ty, had been
The President as ed the com-
join •ith . him in rinking the
f t e Governor- eneral and
of 1 ufferin, and doing so he
his high sense • the honor
eir . xcelencies h d done the
rs of the works by paying them
. H said that th : eloquent re-
hich + ad fallen, fro His Excel -
a lat- occasion in Chicago had
all that if t ey could en -
I eir interests as manufac-
mercial men, s Canadians,
would be saf:. The name,
rietors had a opted. for the
pical of the esire 011 their
he freest and :+ ost intimate
ns with the'r neighbors
, while at th : same time
to preserve in act our pres-
status. W 'atever treaty
ion might be adopted.
their desire that there should
merg' g of our n, tional rights.
died a was to a ave a free
e of roducts with ur neighbors,
r and equal footin:, The inter -
which he was conn cted-was per
e ofhose most di (ectly affected
ies with the Unite States. At
the 'alt manufact rers were la-
uncle •' numerous isadvantages,
withs aiding these hey were do-
tty w ll, and hoped by encourage
om t e Governmen to do better
or oft
n of on be
poor mysel�
your the ki
you h
d de;.*toast
toria„ have c
r you;, metro
ishedIt is t
we have 1
here- mass
-thin mann
wed mark
alty, thank
press derne
esty's appea
NVe articl
y our eualit
to an
can 0
McKillop, containing 104.
=red; 41 miles from Seaforth;
Torthern Gravel Road; large '
ing belovr; also, other out-
erete house, well finished ;
spring creek; also, a good
n and of good quality ; three
ery best fruit trees, all"bear-
ther particulars apply on the
RREW COWAN, Seaforth.
FOR SALE, a goo
half of lot 15 and
12, IvlebiYlop; contain
well fenced, and in g
1 Farm, composed of North
the west half" of lot 14, Con.
ing 100 tiered, 50 cleared and
god cultivation; balance well
timbered ;with hart wood; a, good frame house
.and new log barns_
miles and a half fro . a good gravel road; 10 miles
from the vill(Tge of ^eafortb ; there are two steam
sawmills within 31 ++ iles ; convenient to ehnrchea,
schools and stores. For particulars apply to the
proprietor on the . remises, or, if by letter, to
Winthrop P. 0.
FOR SALE, 150 a res of land, - being composed
of Lot. No. 93, C' ��n. 5, McKillop, and west half
of Lot No 22. Thi property is eituetel within
3 miles of Seaforth A good gravel road inns
pas t the place. ThT re is a school house within
half a mile. There are 135 acres cleared,, well
fenced and mostly
amid in good order.
good frame barn, d.
the 100 acre farm. t
frame bards with u' derground cellar, and a large
orchard. The farm is well watered. These farms
will be sold separat ly or together to snit purchas-
ers. For further pa, ticulaas apply' to the proprie-
tor on the pretnis s, or to WALTER COWAN,
Seaforth P. 0, or to S. G. McCAl ern r, Sea -
forth. 1;41
good .bearing- orchard; two
ret from stumps, and clean
On the 50; acre lot there is a
ening lipase and orchard. On
ere is a good frame house, 2
L0T 2, 6on.1, Sta
' gether with east
ing 50 acres; sit, a
.quarter: of a milec
acres cleared and i
'barns and stables, a
in full bearing; ab
through a eo>ner o
good: wells. Term
purchase money
mafnder in equal a
Apply to
Also, a HOUSE a
the Village of Kipp;
frame house, 11 ro
and cow house; co:,,
omee.. Apply to .
e ley, containing 100 acres, to -
half of Lot 2, Con. 3, contain -
d on the London Road, one-
rth of Kippen ; upward. of 100
good Cul tivation , good frame
d frame house; two orchards
anck of the Hayfield river runs
the faun ; there are also two
reasonable, one-half of the
ill be required cash; the re-
ual installments for 5 years.
F I`M. 13LAIR, Kippen.
n; good orchard auct garden ;
ms ; two wells ; frame stable
yenientto churches and' post
WM. BLAIR, Kippen.
E i
His (Excellency replied as follow:' :
Mr. Mayor and - Gentlemen :: I n the
t you
hour glad
ritim6 ccnna
e that
he ap-
nt for
u lies have.
signed Press
now ;I glen
oppor- these
nding tours
nte, I also
to ob-
th the
y the
s very
me, is
+ ere in
ur ad -
I can
e feel-
he day
y own
gh th
of bar-
er sri
lied a
first p ace you must allow
my regret that we should h
waiting some little time beyo
at which we were due, but as a m
population you are doubtless awa
there is nothing so uncertain as
pointments of those who travel by
Unfortunately,. we had a les pros
passage than we might h ve e
when we started, and not.any u
tuality upon our part mast accoi
the delay. It gives me gr at p
I assure • ou, to find that I 'am
come Ito this locality. Your to
outside the route I .originally rl
taking, and had I not visited. i
should not, perhaps, have had a
tunitylI. of doing so again ; but
he a and continuing nay journey h
a en bled to see a portion of t1i'
tr of which I was most anxious
Iain s me knowledge, and at th
ti a make"'some acquaintance w'
in abitanits of a community
pr sperity I ani ;very much inn�e
I ave been very much pleased
ap eaeance of your harbor, which
plc�turesque, and which, 1 prey.
very Commodious ; and I look f
with pleasure to the obta111i g o
ha os
infolnlatson in regard to t m
say mineral which you pr dine
sunh large quantities. I h e . to
yqu for the loyal expressions in
dress, and with regard to then
Only say that here 1 find file sa
of devotion to the Crow , of
nt ! Inde
du all
• pc-
re the
e to •
ve ke
nd th
you i
is wt
few. r
and Lady Dufferin's 'indiv
for the kind and friendly fe
you have evinced towaids 1
The Vice -Regal party wE
into carriages and driven
to the institutions
ve, as T do elsewhere.
aring late, T .will co
marks by simply acic
[s Ci
otl r; 1i
On their way they
a dozen or more a
of welcome and other ap
ptions, one arch cons stip
f the great natural prbduc
salt, piled up on.ea h o
ul manner. Burin the
ir drive the process on.
toast was receive with cheers,
singi g of "God Sa a the Queen"
comp ny.
xcel ency replied follows :
resit ent and Gen
alf of the Countess
to r -;turn you my 1
d ant cordial mai
ve ben good enqugl
'hick has just beer
erivec the greates
tion rom my visit
e firs occasion in
ad a opportunity
, by ctnal inspec
r in . «hich salt is p
t, anc
to tl
th o
s to 1
, anc
sy 9,
possible future alt
whica might rent
.'atween this con
d Sta es• freer that
ly s that I sho
f th wishes of
cted with this int
ed i that respec
ial in erest in Can
aced it would only
etiol to the Gov
, ho ever, that a
ss tl rough other
ry I may meet wit
not be disposed t
the same opinion a
hear l fall from
ent "o -day. If I
expr ssing differe
my eply will be t
be rery glad if th
e fur hered. As f.
the question
must refer y
ers. Howeve
remark, the
onvinced of,
b? fully imp
are interest:
f this countr
the English
gard by gent
11 to write on
ently a very
vhat are th
people. I a
latter . how' c
rcial ties wh
th the Unite
timate may 1
f the two cot ntries, no matter
may be the egard and affec-
ing_ between the two people,
.+y opinion, i cannot be too
at nothing ' ill ever in the
egree-relax t + e devotion of the
Canada to and the Mother
nor diminish heir+contentment
institutions u icier which they
ivert into anther channel the
hick they no feel toward the
r make the + in the slightest
ss enthusiasti members of the
pire than at , r sent.
rty then re -el tared their car-
d were drive to the beautiful
of Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. P.,
sts they wer: during their stay
After dark 'ere was a
the c ildren of which sank to
" Go Save the Queen" a son g
come specially composed or
sion 1 y J. R. Miller, Public S
s ect r.. His Excellency as a
ante with an address, on behdl
S holars, to which he made a s
ply. After leaving the se • ool,
proceeded to the Court :ou e
their Excellencies held a ley
large number of ladies a + d
*ere formally presented to the
e air o
of wel
odea- nea
ool In- squ
o pre- uat
of the of
Leman—I beg,
f Dufferin and
rest thanks for
tnee in which
to receive the
( proposed. I
pleasure and
o these works.
my life that I
�f acquainting
ion. with the
epared for the
I am glad' 'to think that,
e bounty of Providence, un -
e feet there should lie what
e inexhaustible mines of that
that, too, of the finest
d so situat 'd as to be
obtain d. I
am still
s obtl
easily Y
ed to think that this Com-
ithstsnding those invidious
which are imposed, should
elves in a po ition to trade.
United States. With respect
erations in the
s' the trade in
ntry and the
at present, I
filo be only too
the gentletnen
rest should be
. If every in -
da could be ac -
be a' matter of
rnment. I am
I pursue my
ortions of the
interests who
entertain ex -
that which. I
he lips of yolr
o meet gentle -
opinions to
at I should= of
ir views could
r as the political
are concerned, 1
+u to my respon-
, your President
ruth of which I
nd should think
•essed upon all
d in the future
, more especially
apers that very
are entertained
emen. who . have
Canadian affairs
mperfect know -
feelings of the
perfectly cer-
oee may become .
dismay connect
States, no mat-
e the mercantile
aspects of
am a raid.
let fa 1 on
those who
desti ies
gray mi
in t at r
with evi
ledg of
Cara cliau
tain no
the omm
Cam da w
relat ons
how warn
tion exis
slig test
witl the
live, nor
Brit sh e
resi ence
ning, also, a band played through a
gramme of excellent m tsic on the
are. A torchlight procession took
ionor of the
ufferin was
residents of
There were
o quite a number of Americans, who-
esent. lie -Drill Shed. had been fitted
specially for the occasion, and. was
autifully and tastefully de orated. The
pper., provided by a Loi don caterer,
s a sumptuous one,. and. well served ;
nd of,,the Seventh Batta ion, Leaden,
s declared by all the best altzers to be
ee, on whom
uch an :affair
and active.
ven o'clock. Lord. and
were present and. took
he ViceHRegal,
-They arrived
lost everything, and had t borrow
enoigh clothing from the mil hands to
cover his family.
—Two young girls, aged. 6 and. 19
years, residents of TilSonleurg and well
connected, ran away from her and join-
ed heir fortnnes with some cal d.ymen
th r apprehension had. to be sworn out
an( the two girls arrested before they
emild be got away from "their unprinci-
pled enticers.
—Messrs. Wm. Allcbin and Robert
Oremay, of Paris, were fined $9 each and
leoSts, on Saturday last, for a violation Of
th 'fishery act, they havin caught a
ber of speckled trout out of season.
The train conveying th Governor -
;General from Detroit to Chatham on
1Vednesday of last week, made the (lis-
ta ce between these two places, 4.5.
mi es in 55 minutes. This i pretty fast
It is stated that Mr.
Tiirnberry, had about five am
sh fires in the early pert of
e Wm. Va,nstone, of Mor
acres of grain destroyed,
lby, 10 acres in the same
—Mr. Hector -McLean, of
e 2d inst., gave birth to
three pigs, and in two week
!1.). th to seven more, -making
e pigs are all alive and th
' —There is this summer a
Parkhill. The resident
!u. on the corporation fathei
Isity of boring a Well for
which will be a sufficient de
t supply at all seasons of the
I elm. be got, before the o
reached. The following
sjaow to what straits the
a Wage are subjected on ac
couple of little girls callec
Vheleu, of
s of wheat
last week.
is, also had
the Fourth
w which on
a litter of
after gave
ten in' all.
are utging
the nieces-
generall use
th to giee a
ear, if such
her side is
cider* Will
eople of the
mint of the
at the resi-
mice of Mr. 'John Noble cl asked for
. jag water.
with them,
ve ceuts in
se ot a quart
a reaper and
and set up,
ve cents' worth of drill
hey had it quart pitcher
--Oue day last week, M
tosh, with the assistance of
ne hired man, cut, bound
n his farm, near Ingersoll, 2,030 sheaves
f ()ate in 8 hours and 15 m
--A correspondent writ ng from the
wnship of Bicldniph s. ye that - one-
third_ of the spring wheat t ere has been
—Mr. W. Smith, flour and feed mere,
a , destroyed by the midge, bile' some of
taut on King steeet, Toronto, wes matte
the later samples are much rusted. Peas,
e victim of a pretty sharp confidencet
oats and. barley he reports ootl, but pe -
heed to the remark, when the lad, thhak-
ing the gan would only snap, drew the
trigger and the weapon exploded, lodging
the entire- contents in the head of his
sister, killing her iustantly. An inquest
was held on the body, and a verdict of
" accidentally shot ' rendered by the
jury. This is another terrible Warning
to those in!the habit of sporting with, or
carelessly handling lire -arms.
—One d4ty, last week, as a young man I
named Welsh was riding .on horseback at
a rapid_ rate down. the steep hill at Bel -
grave, on ! the Clinton and Wingham
gravel road, the horse stmaabled and fell,
throwing hull over his head and causing
severe internal injuries. The horse in
its fall bro e one of its legs,in two places
and had t killed.
seat Carling, of Exeter, has
Au accideilt Occurred in the Globe
a gentleman M a buggy outside wi Office on Monday naorning, hich delayed
t speak to Smith about a purchase of
the printing of the paper, . nd .was ne3trly
m heat. Smith went out, and during his! attended evith serious cons quences. The
a sence the stranger stole $100 out of the
t'll, together with valuable papers, andi
e Venter' the
re in
d be
ver4 of the build
—Mr. Jolin J. Campbell, of the town4
s this year threshed 1,400 bushels ofi
heat from 39 acres. he wheat is.
e, Diehl variety, and is said. to be large,
imp and clean.
—The annual general meeting of the
areholders of the Tot onto, Grey andi
ednesday, Sept. 9.
—A woman named
as killed by lightning while working in
e harvest held. near Li.
— A stool of oats g
alem, of Newburg;
s'ir feet and threeinches
unty of Lincoln, a ve
o 1812 and 1813, who w
ndy's Late, and too
suppressing the rebel
38, died. at his reside
lle, on the evening o
ed 80 years..
will be held in
at Toronto, on
'own by PhiliP
tit., containing
ains, measured
in height.
p, one of the
ship of Grimsby,
eran of the wara
s present at the
Chippewa, and
an active part
ion of 1837 and
ce, near Smith; -
Aug. 20, 18741
ists near Bahl -
Brunswick, fof
ezing them. In
an be earried.
y, and will coni -
as when. newly
have thus been.
and other eitieS
the Window facing the large
which the Court House is sit -
ng ablaze wit light, and many
having a ca clle behind each
t House wa also very fine.
anterns were uspended at short
all around t fence enclosing
House Squa , and in the front
ings. During the
- An establishment e
n st, in northern New
p eserving salmon by fr
t is frozen state they
ti ue as fresh and goo
p .epared in the course
tities are sent to Bostoi
further south.
—Railway *carriages o the Value df
v60,568 were imported nto Canada froM
the United States durina the 15 monthS
eviou to April, 1874. importations of
a outhited to $21,448. To these -sums p.
d. ty of 15 per cent. ust be added tO
give the total cost.
tl e Third Concession •f Saueeen
Pert Elgin, was struck by lightning .ladt
ntained about 200 b ishels of wheat
h y, of which none 'WI saved. Insure
f r 5400. Several barn in the same es -
&laity have been destro ed. by the buSh
fires that have been rag ng far some timf
e --Arrangements are
for the changing of t
Grand Trunk lines o
Montreal to 4 feet 8!
change will probably t
tember, and. all the co
then be of the standar
—Rev. Dr. ,Ormisto
ton, preached twice
—A lake propeller,
wood. tat a port near
1 ursday Of last week,
o fire.. The. fire oec
the evening, when
b ard, were in bed, an
s rapidly that passeng
lY escaped with their 1
entire effects behind t
passengers were comp
their night clothes.
-With his family, eight in all, from the
tewnship of Arran, was removing
.chigan, taking with him his househ41
ects, stock and implements. He
purchased, from Mr. Wm. Saunders 45
acres of land adjoining. Exeter for the
sum of ON. Consiclermg that there are
buildinga on the property, we shonid.
say that Mri Carling has 'paid a pretty
high price,* it.
—One day hist week,Mr.Peter McMil-
lan, an old man 77 years of age a farmer
near Stratford, ascended a ladeler into a
mow in his barn for the purpose of tramp-
ing downi peas which had been stowed •
therein, While thus engaged, and when.
near the edge of the mow, he tripped and.
fell the barn floor, a distance of about
15 feet, breaking his neck, and causing
instant death.
—A strange blight has seriously af-
fected, if not completely ruined, • the
fruit treee in the vicinity of Galt and in
many parts: of the townships of Dumfries
and. Bienheim. Whole orchards look as
if a fire had run through them, the leaves
being dead and the bark of the trees
withered aael dried up. The injury re-
sembles the unaccountable blight that so
often attacks the pear trees in Ontario,
and which it seems to be impossible to
Shard against.
—On 'Wednesday afternoon. of la,st
week, Mr.: Poole, of St. Marys, had a
splendid field of wheat, containing be-
tween fenr, and a half and. live acres, en-,
tirely destsoyed by fire. Tt is supposed.
that sparke from the enaines set lire to
the grass alcaig the railroc'ad, and that the
fire spreadifroru. that into the field.
--The two wickedest places in all the
Dominion are Barrie and Winnipega-at
least according to the Young Men's
Christian .1 Association. These towns
were the Subject Of special prayer at the
recent ccieVention at poll hope.
—At the recent examination of teach-
ers for the County of Lanark, one can-
didate appeaml for a second-class cer-
tificate, and thirty-eight third-class. The
candidate for a second-elass certificate
withdreeebefore the completion of the
examination. Of the thirty-eight Who
applied for third-class icertificates tive
engineer neglected the boil r, ()Minting to succeeded -in obtaining , one. At this
supply it with water, au 1 as a come- rate the 'ireed of teachers will soon run
(pence it became red hot. Then in his one m Lanark-.
fright he attempted to let n cold water. —A man, named Hugh Robinson, got
Had he succeeded. in this e would. have into an' altercation with the wife ot a
Hanailtonta,vern keeper named McCarthy
a few days ago, when the woman picked
tip a carving knife and struck her antag-
onist with it on. the left cheek, inflicting
a frightfut gash, cattitg from the inner
angle of the left eye, aboat three inches
downwards, laying the cheek open to the
bone. Some women are dangerous an -
lanais -when they get their, " backs up."
—A year old boy, named. Lee,
whose parents reside in Hamilton, be-
ing left in a room alon€,, got possession
of a brandy bottle which was kept in
the house for medicinal purposes, and. be-
fore bis little hand could be -stayed,
swallowed four °Ames of the fiery
spirit. 1 He was in a state of domo from
4 o'clodk in the morning until 2 o'clock
the. afternoon, when, under skillful
medical treatment, he so far recovered
as to be considered out of clan eer. •
—Ma. John Hicks, of die Mitchell
livery ;and. sale stables, hired a valuable
horse and buggy to an. American nearly
three Weeks ago, to- go iuto Hibbert, and
has not since heard anything of either
man or property. The supposition is
that they have been stolen.
member of Her Majcety's Privy Council,
formeay M.P. for the Tower Hamlets, is
at preee.ut visiting Ottawa. Mr. Ayrton.
is a Liberal in politics, and in 1869 he
held 'the appointment of First Commis-
sioner lof Works and Public Buildings,
in succession to Mr. Layard„ •
a:On Saturday last, as a workman in
a planing mill in Napanee was attending
a shaperi his left band. caught the knife,
which cut off his third linger and split
his second and. fourth, He was not
aware; of the accident until he hoticed
blood :on the boards, so swift was the
knife in its work.
,—An gentlentan named W. G. But-
tery, who has been a resident of London
for over 25 years, was walking along the
track of the Great Western Railway on
Tuesday night after dark, and being deaf,
failed to hear a train which was approach-
ing behind him. The engine struck him,
throwing him. lengthwise on the rail, and
the whole train passed. over him, literally
cutting him into pieces.
'blown up the building, lault the pipe re-
nothine for it
now in progre4
ie page of the
railway east- ief
inchhee. This
Ite place in Se
pany's lines w 11
late _of Hamil-
While tal..-ing
Owen Sound,.
was noticed to
ost of the passeln-
the flames spre
rs and crew ba e
em. Most of the
lled to escape !in
ne man was butn,,.
fused to act. Ihele was
but to wait until the bo
This took some time, so
not up till 7 o'clock, an
mails were naissed and
distributed in the city till
---A. melancholy accid.en
London on Saturday night
three persons lost their lives. A farmer
named V. S. Jenkins, wi
and sister-in-law, attempt
River Thames with a h
wagon. Shortly after the horse had en-
tered the stream, it stunt.) led. into a deep
that the occu-
11 drowned.
ceding cap -
be the largest
The reptile,
measutes four
and five and a
r, and when
g will squeeze
it immediately into a shae eless mass.[
—Four papers, the L
Brant MUM'', Ottawa ei
cardine 1?eview, have bee
writs for libel by Hon.
ler' was cool..
int steam waa
1 Meat of the
he papers not
past ten.
occurred near
last by Which
h his nephew
el to: ceoss the
:rse and. light
hole, and the result was
pants of the wagon. were .
—On Friday last, Mr.
farmer near London, suc
ever taken in Canada.
which is not venorimus,
feet eight inches in length
half inches in circumfer
most powerful constrict
folded around a lamb or
izen, and Kin -
served, with
eorge Brown,
for copying certain .slanderous accusa-
tions against the character of that gen-
timer' frona the Tome to National.
What is most surprisin is that the
originator of these charge has thus far
been allowed to escape s ot free, no ac-
tion having yet been. take against him,
and he continues week after week to.
hurl repetitions of the charges, each
time in more insulting an offensive lan-
guage. The proprietors of this paper
may not be responsible 3 en, bnt if the
etatements they weekly repeat are li-
bellous, they are certd y to
law, and. should be prosec ted criminally.
It is not right to prosee ite those who
have simply copied the o ensive accuse-
tione and allow the author of them to
continue repeating them week after
week, unchallenged. The following is
but a mild specimen of what is weekly
sent forth to the world thtough the
se -
thousand_ dollars was the figure
" by Hon. George Brown as '
money ' te the friends of the girl h
" duced in Bothwell, in order to
" the thing kept quiet, and all in
e'd for after a long career of disgra
" rascality and hypocrisy this sa
Since the above was in type,"w
tice that Mr. Brown has entered a
inal action against the proprietors o
ational for libel. These, gentl
will now have an opportunity of sho
what they are made of.
—A young lady, daughter of Rev
win Day,Rector of Holy Trinity Ch
Toronto, was aceidentally shot an
stantly killed by her young broth
Sunday night last. The brother
sister were in a room together.
latter was engaged in making a
There was a gun, belonging to an
brother, in the room, The lad
knowing that the gun was loaded,
it up, ande pointing it at his siste
in jest, " How would you - like
shoot you ?" The young lady p
rim -
in -
e to
id. no
—The counting -room of the Globe in
Toronto: was burglarized on Tnesday
night; and $175 in cash, besides money
orders and postage stamps, carried off.
Whitby exchange records an ex-
traordinary birth which occurred. in that
town: recently. A young woman, who
got off the cars at Dufferin's Creek and
walked frpra there to Whitby, and being
observed loitering around the Grand
Trunk • , Railway station, was asked
to • leave, and directed to an
hotel. 1 On arriving there the pro-
prietor and help were abed, and she was
unable to obtam a,dmission. 4e took -
refuge in a buggy m rear of ' the hotel,
and during the morning her groans awoke
a Mr. Pole, who arose and administered
stimulants, and did all that his .experi-
ence and intelligence sugeested in the
predicament in which he °found himself
placed, until the arrival of Dr. Canon,
immediately after which the NVOM2,13. was
delivered of a healthy male child.' The
woinan is about 23 years of age quite
good-looking; and it is supposed ti;at she
came from the neighborhood of -Gan.-