The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-21, Page 6etes 6 HE HU 1 An the a . Califs to b bushe this y and are 1 prairi it is bush acres. arm Nem and Notes.. 5 _ id gander was reeentl killed it la said; of 90 yea , in at lr- e product of - the wheat cropiof nia the present year is'declar d. over-estimated, ley 10;000, s; - hundred reaping machines hate ar been sold in Abilene, Kans is, e old buffalo trails anal wallows s of yet grassed over upon the s. ; farmer iu Ford County, Ill., will, said, - this year gather 11,000, 0 s of corn from one field !of 20,0 0 hog in the County of`` Norfol , Ont., weighs 1,100 pounds.- The anim 1 has been purchased -by a joint -Stock co pany for the purpose of discovering ho fat he can be made. It is p oposed t make 9 im weigh 1,500 pounds this fall. T ere is no such disease a `•` awe: ney." The shrinking of th muscl: s of the Shoulder is due to som other cause than a disease of thos muscl: s. The cause of -the lamenes must s e sough elsewhere, and this i also t e cause f the " sinking of th shout r." It ay be - in the, foot o the le;;, or a deep-seated affection of the joint o the shoulder, and an examination should be made by a veterinary surgeon to dis m over exactly where the trouble lies. —0 3 io fleeces are packed for market.I by spr. ading-thea upon. a table, turning! in the a ead and tail, then the flanks, and rolling them and tying the; roll with two .st+ ings around it and one across length se. These fleeces thus! put up bring hree cents a pound more than Michig. n fleeces of the same i quality, for the reason th et in Michigan} wool is not so arefully packed for market. N one unless he be more than usuall ambitious of questionable die- tinction desires the onerous office of . Judge 3 t an Agricultural Fair. That the aw, rds of prizes partake very much of the haracter of a lottery is generally known, but when .it comes to the fact, as recentl at some `English Fairs., that a horse tat es the first place at two Fairs, the thisd a. another, and is passed .without notice t two others, the owner: may be excuse in remarking that the person who sa s it's absurd to differ with the judges,'' is a " miserable fraud." We have he rd some such sentiments'.express- ed near r home., 4e� Dai]�y� .Maxims Crea from a farrow cow's milk will not all .orae if chu;�rned with cream from new inn h cows. The mixed. cream will make in �re butter than the cream from new mil `,1 cows alone, but not as much as if the cream is churned separately. If -I vere receiving milk from low, swamy rounds,.or from pastur s filled with w eds, or from prairies, 1. would scald it. By heating to 150°, it would drive a ay the taint, but the scalding would a so drive away the arom E of , the timothy clover or June grassy Create can be raised by freer ng, but this is not practiced in this country. • If mil . is kept aft a low temperature, the Crea rises slowly. e The e' est of a sudden change in milk. or cr is to injure.thekeeping quality of butte]. Whey as it comes from the factory; invariably has a b� effect, whe fed to caws. 1 ' fed whill fresh and sweet, it is tionable. cream by freezing does not, ex nineal odor:• Neither does it erms in milk. am which rises first makes a not obje Resin pel the destroy The c better q rises las The time it 11 Toe av pressure churn ._ b makes kinds of worked The lad( le or w drawn ross the down up n, it. Milk, hile bein should ' : stirred. Result: deep setti ality of b tter than tliet which ore aroma in butter, the less keep. o with chef e.. id greasy butter, chu>�n with - instead of friction. The dash ings butter by pressu -e, and tter butter than most other churns. Butter should also be y pressure instead of friction. rk]er should not be butter, but pressed scalded for taint, favor 8ballow setting instead of g. The amount of cream seems larger sometimes from deep setting, but it is owing_ to the fact that in deep set- ting the Marge globules carry with them considerable milk. The amnount of but- ter from deep Betting will be les than from sha low setting.-Prof..L. B. A Hold. Marketing Eggs. There 1: so good a lesson in the follow- i.ng story told by a correspondent of the American, Far,n_Journal, of the manner in which_ { e made a market for eggs, that we ve it space here. It ontains the secre a of success of market g any class of p oduce. Have someth' g good to sell, ave it uniformly and reliably good, an o get a reputation therefor, and there is n e danger but one can sell! at good prices all he can produce. But "here ; is the. story : My old o ens laid plentifully during July and Aug st, and though. the :price ae not large here was a good market for ell the eggs i could spare. I did not sere to ha,iirk, . round anything I had fors e, aid I sou • ht a dealer who hada geed trade, an proposed to him that he shoiild have all t e eggs I -would have. "At hat price do you propose to sell ?" he o • ked. " At th market price," I answered.' " Who' . going to decide : •' . " We'll both decide. I will nave a pass book and enter in it the:nuinber of dozen I se + d you. When you have count- ed thein y eau acid the price ;on the book,' incl in that way there can be iio mistakes r misunderstanding." I "All riht," said he"I'll do i " I wo d like to have you bar one thing in incl," I added, " and tllnnat is. that I guarantee you shall never find 'a bad egg ar olig those I send you. If you will keep hem separate and ever find me I wrong in his -I, -will give you t' o' eggs l for every bail _ one you find in my bas- kets." Do yo n mean all that ?" he asked, somewhat doubtfully. "Every word of it,"I answered. All rte ht ; see that you do it, for I shall warr nt every egg ": The mei chant must hate told of our bargain, for the inert time I met our neighbor h reined .up his -hox'se as if he had somt;t ling important to coninuni- cate. 1 `` say 1 i "' he began, "gone into the egg busine son a big scale, ain't you ? " Why, . o ; not any larger seale than a good Inas y others." But y u warrant your eggs, don't n ?" you I saw a winkle in his eye, but[ was not going t• back down. • 'es," 1 ansW redf to carry any butgood ket. "- _ E` Jes' so ! So I hear that you must h ve a confidence in your hen "Not so muchcon rufi as in care of the egg_ "Jes?se 1 it's as god as t ranted 200 yards !• W do egg Tim ed* d nQ ie day, gs sec ossibi ys o rcha ;,her e, mi ggs g epee If your name on eao " I may, by an "Jos' so I don't see why you shouldn''t."> Ana ' i ve o,o . But after all I h - do a so foolish a thing as you ma th y 20 hens averaged 15 eggs a nd made it a rule to send the e t m rket-every third morning. I i hin+ nest eggs, so there was no ity of any egg being over three d. It was not long before the nn t began to ap- preciate the fact th : _waa,s a constant supply of eggs. that ht,depend upon as being all right. I carried a bask t of :ggs to him one morning, and, after he h taken them, he said: ",Tim, supposing I she ld agree to give you one cent a dozen mo than the mar- ket price, 'what effect wo d it have on you? The best effect :n thb wor'ld," I an- swered, " Well, it is just like 1 i s ; when you told me to warrant our eggs all sound, 1 thought you was a confou ed fool. But g Y I warranted the eg s, a d 'found- they were always good. ()Wei have a class of trade that would will' : gly pay more for eggs if -they could be a re' they were good, and I propose to ask two cents a dozen more for the eggs ou'; bring me, and this t will divide with yon." This was certainly ;ncou aging, and our arrangement holds to this + ay. I habit- ually receive one cent a doz n for my eggs more then my neighbors di . It is an in- significant sum, but it con . is . up at the end of the year. CONFESSION OF A TREE PEDDLER. -- {l Every Winter a set _ of se : awegs swarm I through the country offering great induce- ments to farmers in the wa of fruit trees to bear the next year, and to farmers. wives rose bushes bearing even=various- colored roses. These trave ng nuisances are generally men possessed of little or no conscience.. Armed.with a • sok: of ,high- ly colored prints, they go f oni house to house and will usually sit itli you until in sheer desperation you oety some of their wares, just to get rid of them. I " travelled " one Winter fir a Syracuse nursery, but soon left the b siness, find- ing it unsuitable for an ho efit man to engage in. I found that t agents with whom I solicited orders hada io regard for the truth ; their only 'obje t was to :sell large bills, they receiving certain .com- mission. _ Woe to the local) ty where the sales were so light that it oeld not pay to canvass there again. 0,lyi the rub- bish would be sent :there The unin- itiated have no idea of all the ins and outs of the tree business: y advice is, purchase your trees either at `: nursery for else order of a responsibl heal agent, but don't buy of a tree " , ; dd1er 't on't intend, o the mar - ears to me ty sight of in my hens read : war- i't you put THE AGRICLJL k.ssurance Assoc]. Canada. HEAD OFFICE, - LON Public will please note tha tion, formerly -the Count of Mi s not consented to advan e of ra he Mutual Insurance Com • inatio nce.during its existence unreel f amount of Premium N , e for is andt 1. heat being ngatat a�vhe as young and the count baptis hawing by careful managem nt and policy holders been enabled to ;pas several fiery ordeals of the past to levying any special assessment on Ind having, after the late sever minces caused by.the excessive 0,1871 and 1872, stili at he Me - e sh reserve (January let, 1 74,) of $10,04 nth a total Capital" of nand of Directors have doc] fess successful Companies t In the face of a strong and ii tris old favorite issued for 0 n 251., ined t adva ucreas 878 di 13,068 Policies, maki the +w in force over 37,0 U. P surance on farm property, chees tached dwellings and their utbnil acrd villages will be waited o by t o one of his duly y authorize ropr addressing as below. The su scribe to visit Huron periodically, and ci-operators the same nobl patro been given to the AGBICUL URA and more particnlarly to self, a during. the past two years a d a ha 1, J. B. VANTASSEL, Cli ton, A Londesborough—Represent twig i AL ion of t is Aasoeia- dl Eder Mutual, ea by entering . Having only re.than.halt a i hree years' t e Company d ; in fire, and • 11 erality with hrough the y ars without i s members, rain on its $'e losses of ers'credit d. 7'' 12, our e 1. vertures of our rates. competition 1' rge number t tal number t os desiring stories, de- s in towns= ndersigned tatives by i11. continue sits for his e that has n the pain, its agent, TAYLOR, tiron. e 8 0 MOTTO--`` Merit Command CHAS. T. DOYLE, Bex A, 0 844 District Agent Grey, Bru e c ecess." Sound, and Huron. DOMINION SHAVING & NAIDR :SSINC SALOON ANI) BATH R '� OMS. . NEWMAN has pleasure • that he has fitted np aver his i f convenient and comfortable BATH R�OO Where a clean and comfortable b at any time. SHAVING AND HAIR kttendod to as usual. Also on ha !LADLES' CHIGNONS'A Of the latest styles. He is also pr LADIES' HAIR COI I f • And leave them - straightened a Braids, Belts, Swiches, Charges reasonable. GENTS' WI Furnished on the shortest notice prices. A eall'is respectfully soheited. 1389 1 PSYCHOMANCY, CHARMIN TTOW either sex may fascina love and affections of any pe instantly. This, simple mental can possess, free, by mail„ for 2 With a Marriage Guide, E yeetian Hints to Lathes, &a. queer, 100,000 sold. Address T. WI.LLI Eighth Street,-Philadelphi , Pa. n nnouncing h p a number th ay be had R SSINC d a ice stock of D RAIDS pard to take in BI GS, d w rked into urn , &c. l s t les than city T. Ni Whra N. R SOUL e and gain the son titbey-choose cquir anent all cents, together Oracle, Dreams, exciting book. & Cjo., South e w info f .:EXPOSITOR. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF HAYING TOOLS. OAR ,LOADS BEST AldiERICAN CUT HAILS Direct from Pittsburg, 'Pa: MICHIGAN C ULTIV ATOR HOE, - The Best in Use. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WELL-KNOWNI ELEPHANT WHITE LEA] BU Y NO OTHE : A CAR LOAD AMERICAN CALCINED PLASTER ` irec from G'i•an d Rapids, _Michigan. WM. .ROBERTSON & o. REPAIRS GOING ON AT DUNCAN &. Sale CALL E DUNCA N'S. Continues. RLY AND ECURE - BARGAINS, I DUNCAN SE & DUNCAN, AFORTH. • SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. MES1SE7 (Lat Wculd intimate to general public that orders for Monuments, H M Granite Montane Work of the best surpassed in this pa call res f ll 4 peat a y Cinder's old Stand E. MFSSEY[. c BROTHE of Hamilton,) eir numerous frien s and the they are prepared to till all . r adstones, Table Tops, ties, tee, Imported t " Order. tyle and art, and cannot -be of Ontario. elicited. - - opposite McCallum s Hotel, STREET, SE ORTH. H. Mtn SErr. 'CLINTON - MAR•BL WORKS, HUB e N STREET, I - Next door west >f the Commercial Hotel. • 11IONUMEv Ann work of all kin Marble, designed an and at most reasons Mantles of l'c',r pltcd 07 •. ', HEADSTOfNES, in American and Foreign executed in the best style, le prices. us Colored Afar Short Notice. le sup - Granite Monumon i and Headstones imported to order. W . H. COOPER, Jr. 277 T. CALDER, Agent. SHROUD M. RO ABINET MAKE SHROUDS ! Johnse Ma street, Sealed SHE Jee can furni go ERTSON', Ei AND UNDERT R, is Old Stand, . i, has now on han a -good ortment of OvIDE h cheaper than they can be elsewhere. REMEMBER f THAT ALTHOUGH THE SALE • OF G C ODS ,DURING JUL W1AS VERY GREAT, - There still remains a large amount of Stock to dispose of. SP CIAL LINES OF - DRESS GOODS P PLI 0 IS, FLANNELS, CLOTHING, CA PETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SELLING .OUT A L L T THE ENTIR E CLEARED OUT: STOCK AT W. • HILL'S ; SEAFORTH. A..MATTER OF IMPORTANCE FOR THE PUBLIC TO KNOW, WHERE THEY C N GET THE BEST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. • WILSON YOUN-G, SCOTT'S ,JLOCh SEAFOI H, Give as GbOD ,V A UE as can be got in Huron. TEAS OF 6741 H C QICEST BR ND S. SUG4RS BRIGHT T .AND PURE. GROCERIES OF EYF DESCRIPTION FRESH AND NEW. CROCKERY-1/HE BEST CHOICE IN TOWN. ' - O 9 MIXES, A ES, PORTERS AND Llq DORS; Are already too well a d favorablykion td re o special qRu pec 1 mention. For qualitythere is pothing to i► ass them made. All Kinds cf f Produce (glen as Cash. WILSON • YOUNG. MAR V.EILLLO US pl, go.VERY FOR TOO • ;i MOHR'S SILVR . GRAIN AND r- l MAa I TETIC COIL r HA - ii HE. AUGUST 21, 1874, MEDICAL,. G. say.'T,111,Physician, 8nr ttozi Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Offices $ deuce south side of Goderich Street, est tom-. east of Presbyterian Church.:nootene tnt DR, KING, Seaforth, (late of Conceals Coroner for` the County of Perth. OAlceaidS) residence ovor Johnson Brothers' Hardware Std Main-st. Calle at DE. KING'S office b tended to day or night. • L. VEle00,1;; Al. 13., -C. r.T Physician, 8>e. geon, ate,, Coroner for the (county {Allmon, Office and Residence, coiner of Market memo streets, next to the Planing Mill. • Tilt. CAMPBELL, (Graduate o Mf cel sity, Montreal,) Coroner for -the, County of Huron. Ofiiact-Next door to Calder Broth, Marble Werke, and opposite 31cCalluren go Main -street, Seaforth, near the Railway Station' J. G. BULL, L.D.S.,` URGEON, Dentist,&,c,,Scafottyp Ontario, Plate work, eaten styles, neatly executed. h11 sure gicsl operations Performed with care and promptitude. Fees as low as can be ab. tained elsewhere. Office hours from 8 A. M. ton P.MaM. Rooms ovor Mr. A. G. McDouga l's t re A• M. CAMP�33ELL, V. S., Licentiate and • man of Cornell University,IthacaN.Y., axe. Graduate of Onntario VeterinaCollege, o into - has settled perp anently in Varna., wherein wiilbe' found ready and willing to attend to all kinds of diseases, in all kinds of .animals (man except in all hinds of weather, and at all hours. iteld.1 dense and office two doors meet of Cook's nen. penance Hall. an VI<;T RIIvTA Y SURGEON.—D. McNAUGInn V.. 8., begs 'to announce to the inhabitants ( Seatorth anti surrounding country that he . ee been awarded t1 a diploma of the Ontario.Veterria.. ary College, andl,is now prepared to treat d ee asea of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals Re has opened an office in connection with .his hots shoeing "shop, where he will be found ready to at. tend to calls. Diseases of the feet specially at- tended to. Residence, office and shop in the nen of Killoran & Ryoin's new store. All kinds of eriaary Medicines kept constantly •on leen Charges reetsonable. 22 r1- J. CHuIiCETTT,L,Veterinary Surgeon, (eaten ber of the Ontario Veterinary College,) to intimate that he has returned to the practice his profession in Seaforth, enamel at all times be consulted on the diseases of Horses, Cattle, &e. Veterinary medicines constantly on hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office, at Mennen 272 LEGAL - CAMERON & GORMALLY, -Barristers and. Solicitors in Chancery, Goderich. 848 es. C. CAiIER01,7. J. J.'GoBMALL1'. G.ARBOW di WALKER, Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Oiliee on Weetgt., opposite the Post Office, Goderich. - :846 T, T.'GABROW. P. F, W.ALitB. M. LEET, Solicitor, Wingham, has beent' pointed A.gent for the Colonial Securities Com- pany of England, be is also Agent for several pri- vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very reasonable rates. Interest payable yearly Charges moderate. Also Solicitor for the 8t. Lawrence Bank. _ - Wingham, Dee.15,1871. 213 cCA.UGHE Y & HOLMESTED, BairistereAt terneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery :end Insolvency, Notaries Public and 'Conveyancers. Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Life Assurance Company, N. B.—$:30,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Fate Houses and Lots for sale. PENSON & Mn;YEB, Eaixisters and Attorne at Law, Sohcators in Chancery and Irisolven Conveypneers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—See: forth and Wroxeter. ,w'`• 28,000 of Private panda to lnnest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 58 JAS. R. BENSON. R. W. C. )Bergh. B. SQU.IE%I, Barrister, Attorney fn 'Chain V ery, &c.) Goderich, Ont. Office—over 1'.•0. Detlor & Co.'s .Emporium, Market Senate, IN Squier & ttcDonald, ARRISTEBS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Channel &c., Brussels; Ont. Office --two doorsnottbof the Post Office. W. R. SQUIBB., DANIEL McDONkT.iI, 271 Goderich. Brussels. HOTELS. NOX'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. Th Knox begs to stats to his old. friends and the travelling public, that he has leased the Hotel lately occupied by Mr. MURRAY, and formerly kiiow,n as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and hopes to receive a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him during his mini years in the hotel business. Every comfort and convenience will be provided for travellers. The choicest Liquors and Cigars only kept in the Bard A careful and reliable hostier al ways in attendance. 291 THOMAS .KNf)X, Proprietor. TA. SW A RP'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. • :Office—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Goal - Horses and first-class` Conveyances always onband- $ELL'S LIVE1tY STABLES, SEAFORTH, Ont. Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicledealways on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with Commercial Travellers. All orders left at Minnie Honnn, will be promptly attended to. OFricz AND STABLES: :South of the Coinmer• tial Hotel, Main Street. - 221 THOMAS BELIJ, Proprietor. Samuel Brodie, C. E. D1OVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Seaforth. All orders left at theMansion House with Ms John Murray will receive immediate attention. References—Dr. Coleman and Dr. Sing 911 -*5 E. LUSBY, - T ICENSED AUCTIONEEB for the County of Huron. Sales attended in allparts of the Conn- ty. All orders made personally or sent to•Seate th Poet Office will be promptly attended to. WI - J-. P. BRINE, LICENSED AI7CTIONEER for the Countyof ttt Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the I Conn y. All orders left at the ExrosiTon 'Office I will be promptly attended to. THE PHOENIX I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NODYNE { Is an instantaneous and lasting cure for 'Toothache, rendering the pain tion unnecessary. This Truly wonderf t remedy differs entirely from th to introduced to the pubid. It acts by the aid of a magi nl -operation of extrac- many nostrums hither-. etic coil, WHICH PRODUCES A MAGNETIC EFFECT ON THE NERVE- AND CUM. ' I s, Relieving instantaneously, without pain, the most agonizing Toothache. Sole Agent for Seaforth, Brits4e ]T,s, TYroxeter, Bruce geld, taifielcl i'ar za &e R. LU 848-4 SDEN,. RUGGIST, SEAFOBTH. COME 0111E, COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM WARD, - SE I beg to state for the information of farmers and the public generally, t] Harness on hand as' any in town, and I am determined not to be uncle went in the County. BELLS and HORSE BLLNSETS, aL kinds, constantly on hand. A Furnishings. • 818 C°2v"E1VIM ,A TRI J. FORTH. t I have as good a stock of' old by man other establish.' so TRUNKS and General' ARDI Main -Street, Seatorth. OF. LONDON, ENGLAND. W. 114. WATSON, A GENT AT SEAFORTH. This old derided . Company wide established in 1'782, does bast'. nets in all parrs Of the world,. does the second largest business ' the United Kingdom, paysfte claims ;with prom titude and 'liberality. Its stet are moderate. stittl OP- NED OUT. rOSTER OLD STAN D JAM S WRIGHT AS opened i the store next the Seafortlk Foundry and adjoining -Foster's Hotel, a lilt and complete STOCK 01? GROCERIES.. IVA Teas. are Good, His &gars Cheap; And his Spices iStrOnge Call and give there. a JAMES WRIGIEre if1/1-10 WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG, SEAFORTA Loan Money -at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST. either on Farm or Village Property. Parties requieing moneyshoula apply to INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR ! hecaInsaodlaat.ed Risk Insurance Compel/1 ' Terms as reasonable as offered by sun otb° t OFFICE—over Strong et Fairlo • A VG ST 4 The set passed last eession et.l.e, it Le importa,nt for —Notice of the pro st orw its provisions, weippurlool y bill of exchange jobyable in Canada, th eri4;ir te: Yre i°af autdchdherbepisll 8a. ei eo( el; ti°1 linirdeerishaaes t'esigdnI autunirees,s oannYsti801 aesitgloiaitnen211,aiiniothaneer ptilareneei tic et ep ia ,0 es laa.:Iniedlu:S;e1lalifilitiliClOoleutingethesiYtsgihoevael wee of such party be other --VeCTIOn111 ef2t1:21-1e)Satiittateeed7 ad passed in the :31st year helre2b._y p:inyle).4,431:::dr otfliesuoi -Lion is substituted fer the mo, 4sPYtoeri al:11 eraatYe nilaht7rabe .0:esf p,3r tbooYr t double the sum by which the xe e tis rti agemtd.i pn sgal:alwahsnihts, t es1 .huar t affixed; and a7here in any Sul such instrument is questionet the proper dutv thereon not 1 paid at all, Or llot paid by party, Or ae the proper time, 9 xnality as to the date or e stamps affixed having been 'wrong date placed thereon, pears that the holder theree tecame such holder, had no such defects, sueh inetrume held to be legal and valid, if pear tiiat the holder thereoo duty, as in this section Inentio .as he acquired. Buell knowled though such knowledge shall aegaired only duriag such ,- and if itsball ap such suit or proceeding to the of the court or judge, ae the that it was through_ error or take, -end. without any inten late the law on the part of instrument, er 'endorsement thereof. shall be held legal e the ,bolder shall pay double 4; as '80071 as he is a,wa,re of so, mistake, but no party, who on paid duty thereon. shall be r the Penalty by him incurr saite-)N' otwithstandinganythin „Before mentioned. or m,this ac after the first dav etegust thr eo kpears atkheiss,eatr,aawily, negotiates, presents fer pays, or takes, or receives, the holder of any insttumen stamped, either as'a d.eposit, went, or as a security, or for or otherwise, knowirg the be -duly stamped, and who a inediately on making, drawl -negotiating, or presenting for or paying, or taking, or reedy -coming the holder -of euch - ME* theret-o and cancel the pro within the meaning of the first Victoria, ehapter s penalty of t3900 fof- every f3uel and shall not be entitled. tO r -such instrument, or te make available for any pur and of no effect law or awilla any such instrument acts before mentioned or ie tained, li0 bill of exchange payeble outside of the Domini ada shalt be invalid, aor shall t or any owner, or holder -of n be entoject to any -penalty e of no stamp Ot stamps of this being" affixed. to zilch bill. Lost in the Wood.: -could not be expected the out many persome being lost in, Many of those who wandere found their 'way out, or were by their, friends, but a mdanel -est attaches to the memory of -have mysteriously disappeare great forest and have nevet A heard of. Even in this Count undiscovered skeletons, whose could they speak, would tell atory of weary wandering tb- gleom, while death., hie present, wa,tiked by the side of t one, coming oleser as the lost , came weaker, —removing to a tance as the strong inan ate etiort to escape, until, at worn out -a ith hanger and f- ghastleenreseece came nearer I his hand" on the now powerle.s.. Some years ego the skeleton these luckless wanderers was ft where in the Indian Iteniueul of his clothme remainede found beside the bones. 1 suffered will, of eoursc, never In the early days of the s young man named Pearce, County of Grey an d never heal the Shanty where he and. hisf N a doubt, he lost his way a in the interminable ferrest. named. Bell also disappeared hi ship, of Greenock, when that the country was being eettieds not far to g0 to reenn his holm carrying a chair which he, had , Neither he nnr the chair Were, e taaanneyd:,tnhtoh1 doubt, the great swame village, once became lost . keep secret the story ef hie couAralgaed-Yas' oe:irn arreksaidbi.111: ansolti ef1111' he made his death bed, will el; and. the place oof. his grane. was astonishing,. ehe 'wander= bad beeialibliceog.t:°e:iadsliligiwatirotlaolofnumetilig81.11111: .itgeedaaftreorantr .iyhoefretshiele found by some okt her Mende," of whom had been searehing. In a large swamp, across path led, a 'woman, named. Me_ 411-V.° allP4d1riTg IfIreoYm.wtallye hsedamreee "IfT;