The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-07, Page 4t W AUGUT 7, 1-874. ITOR. TH HURON EXPOS 7 IE In Mines, of Spanish River, of our p one of the most pleasant idents of the some buildings, nwstly built, not for pres- NLEAT ADILEWMSE J udge Toms in 6reased the: personal prop;. FROM TORO TO TO DULUTH, 3 a deep, nar- through the beautiful islands ap aggr west but with regard to th i . pro -egate Of the 10 ent requirements, e trip, The Kaministio.jula.1 acv. erty of the foiir villages last named on J ble for large ing Spanish hiver,—the fin Now, M r. FA h stream, l3avii A —The est scenery Tixc Beautiem oqLake, Saiperior expected grextries., of the future: There row, sldggi Jenaers Auction Sale—Henry Schaeffer. th, nd on our trip, —of th 111di, 11 who C41ne by the abo ve notiae the list in the same proportion as he id 2pleattlik City o the Unmitited S ens "— is 110 builditig going on now, of any ae- vessels for two miles from As mou i e Boy Wanted—I'Villiam. Elliott. _111g,43—P011111114 and the townspeople say their for small ones for over 10m lea. Asbort down to.the -landing places a -Ad Pitchad 'Stated ibat te-nde-rs ar'O U that of the Wivnahips, his equadization The Rettirto Ve -of Inter. count., tim-e.ajilowed for ma Card-Camerou & Gormally. tbeh "wigWams in anticipation -of he m t oil the Ur. &C. place has made no progress id the lt distance up stream. from. the Fort rises ',the bden complete. However, Y 0 1 1 - - t Dr entapil not lalk 'ood, years. Passing along the streets, t in height. visit of the (loyernor G limited to Dry —W. Hi114 wo ld have two McKay Mouiltain, 1,100 fee who was -4. Farm fcvr �xle—.Benson & Al eycr. I up6n. the whole, with the'slight exception Correponolence ol the .11ition Eupositor. arance from expected to pass upward by the, -01hi 187 How one 1' rised at the number of lager- presei?:ting a picturesque appe anRouseto et—John B. CpltalD. above named, 4 more correct or just ver. TORONT6, JU1Y 31, 1874. beer saloons everywhere , conspicuous, the river, which winds amund it, pre- and of any pther places, objects and e Horses Wnted—J. M Simmons. -from.t iree different matters of interest on our -return trip bound by these r-e%trictii diet tb a*t by the udge could 0 an th n Xy last letter was written �6om the nd I orbed to the conclusion that either sentin a view of. it trenie len -tractor is per., List of LeAters—S. Di,�kson. -the river, b Lit the ex is letter Presen con e e ultithians must, bea 11 0 miles i ip th which 'tbi Mobr's Anodyne—R. Lunisden, not have be ni desired aud it wolild be North Channel, u the upward v6yage. th ver bil' -s sides. Aboi t bw J) t has already attained warlis me The first at ppiig placo in the North peop, e, or tht conilietitioA in that branch " at the head of navigation a town plo tender by telep 0 totice—A. G.. McDouivall. Well for the C�unty Council to adopt his -nd it that desist. the ther tnt hannel is Kil rney, on. the North of b siness must b usly ptrong. I Situation llied—J. f4e'nderson. I e ruillo h n u a is said On the. last day of the trip the Press. too. after fr4 Bay anti o now Shore; then . this spot has been selected as the ter- in to figuresasabasishereaftO. Inthisco LiWe Current in the said o one of - the, officera of lour boat, ext, Govern- Me ti tr Veil Slicep D,,Llr- F g1IR011'. nectio-ii we might refer to k�ie senseless ('Xi -eat Manitoldhi. These' places are "Seeing that -there is such a oor coun- ininilsof thePacific Railviay. gang held a 0 iiig -and passe eordial Surely htre issomethlnZ To Ada lis i votes of thauka t6 the officers of the ingwhat Inele. fishing vilAges and wooding sta- try about Duluth, and not cultivated at -ment surveyors were at work at ti P-11. nd-frau _01 place., Voters Li� ts--Wm. M cConli duleTit valuatioiis adopted '3' 0 im a, each havi i g but a few houses, a that, and that there cannot yet be much point, locAting the Railwa it was said. Cumberland foi, their courtesy during ism in b B., t Voters Li,�rs—jolhi O'Sullivan. al assessors. If by are alre. say that i� after year b� miumicip. rits. railway traffic, how do the p ady the trip, and also made a handsome Y, tole and a feir dozen inhabit �ople live ; Town Iota of this erftbryo ci , Bay�a - Voters Li ts—william. Elliott. "100 entation to C.�p long as the tener was rc- I assessors coub1 be induced o make their About Little C n't there seems to bea is th-1 lake traffic sufficient to mitain inSEcond hands, and are held at 5, tain Parsoils. u e The excursionists reached Collingwood payers receive the bent0t valuations as.,the law directs, they would coil �iderble far ing country, and we themall?" "Well,"saidhe a great and upward each. The f ituation is a on Thnrsdav af ternooi, and were ag he fallacy of this -nme-use deAl of wet e informed Vat there were now three inany of them live just 13Y pre ing ou. the fine one, and well adapted for-. a lail fe in Toronto aill Show certainly aate n it 'about 10 oclock Thursda the� aboi �4 ri- towni but why this place should be cary =tepayer read gri": t Illills on diff �rent parts of the island, traveling cominniiity.�' Tie expe 'of the woods to be the terminus' n g i ht, having been gone 'ten days of.. trouble in e4tializing their ' rolls- and wh;ch shows thit considerable grain is ence of a gentleman. of -okir p4rty ivould ed ou16- and then - J I 'when the ready estab. '11_17o�e. 6 -event thoam'elves fromithe disgrace ed., But I x, 11 riot weary my red- see tober out -this. He critto the of the railway, enough to make the journey to ston now being put pi of qlr I FitIDAS, Aurn 7- 1.; -------- 87� 1 urio -incipa� hotel, nd lishedto nof Prince. Artl Lur'sLaadirig, gels bridge-, and the deliberately i4olting the instructions so ers by noticiig our . v us stopping Bay View House, the pi w J ier of ni Bay and the Bridges. eaver" W1 asse -even. a clearly-aid-dpwil for their guidnce in Places, or with a Aetailed descriiption of cille J. for four gl, . a of ale, �or himself eas access,.Vith harbor and positio ce -that in it The JLpp.roacliing Electiofl,,. our journey., Are not -these. set dowo and friends accompnying him. The equally good, is -only three miles distant, [At the special request of r. Alitchell see at a.glan III to any of oil ar are the staitute. ',How Assessors can reoou- in the guidewbooks, to which the i ale , vas beought in by walter, (Ind a, did not appear r p ty. The being grossly, - i nquirer we copy the following letter from the Public6"chool. teachers who des , i - ei- te fpa I detailed i Brusselb . Post of the 30th ult.] ken h it' 101 cile their vdu'ations Witi, th, ir oath of ftex accura ilfoin�ation dolli bill endered in pdymei!Iit. When valley of the Kaministiqufli is one of the Dy having money & vote for a person to fepr6soant them in: i I and giveNto pez v ffi i than we c�a conceive, and ii ie apply ? From Killarne change was asked for the veii�leman. was few spotsn the North Sb ore capable of ets ina at any t n P - o cIp, s mor9 y SIR: Some. time since an article ap. iidered no comme, "the Cou-ndil of Public Instruction., sho�ldl to the Sault St, �)Iarie the voyage is like informed that that the correct cultivation. Man -thousands of acres! re Just c y - I we timat thatithe lessonE of the past will lit be con- I peared in the Post, under the heading, The specilications, as -will -,,e through a broad river. On alino lint. Ile is now tr3dfig t solve the on the banks of this river g i's iirld that t1i n -were verted into fertile farins, which Favoritism and Incapacity in � High r i - votincr- p�p� be suffiGient to induce them in future to the north is thd mainland- oil the prob would I distinctly state that the be, ieii em. as to whether the diinks should be. forwarded -to' the Education 1 Places and-overthe signature "Rafe. asoni-Y shall be rock r4 perform theirAuties in ccordance with South series f beutiful so 20 eqnts each and thol waiteWs services form base of supplies for the extensive I in more, or whether they were 25 mining regi payer, commenting the on action of the -the bedsnd joint Department t Tor6nto, not previous 1p; n nts of the aw -Ind *f. closely si.tuate(fas to present the appear- 20 c(nts ion surrounding faced, the raquirei o their County Engineer in the case of fliej3en fectly trae, so as to fo the lltlipf August, -rid not later thlan' ance �of a contijiuouIi shore. The seen- cents. and the water thro*11 in, or PRINCE ALXr_RUR!S L Miller Bride. It was conclusively shown made to toileh in oatb. In thei ffiatter o tmluatious they ulade 11 fl e P of the transparent 'Whe tier the ex9rbitant chargid wag sort -every pz the 18th. -As rnany teachers re now. The village of Prince A th-ar's. La lid- by I Ratepayer" that the County had eorzes of not less th-iiiJ should receive' no instruIctions or dictar the numerous isl nilifs, the bigh. bluffs of of fi ie rightibously imposed UVU him in tb I at Ing is -about three miles east of Fort suffered a lose of $1,000- by that one act bentfrointhe sections to which t ey is simply &Re niblioun country"for: e , ri ocratic thicknm, with fwur� fe� tion from the CounciN; �Llt' 81101ild coil _* the shore covered with folia-ge, Wiftiam, on Thunder B . It has a of Mr. Ba ; yet, strange to say, the sp&ll no -s or small 0 belong, l id distnt froill the Post afli S nia -,rni eicen t. As We pproached' the proclivities which preveaitedlhim from y scientiously 01- fearlessly perform their ation of five or 9ix hu dred, There County ouncil, instead of diSinissing alp POP 1. apon Sat Lit, we pass fi om. the wters of Lake goinl� to tile public bar. 1.9 -any part of the to whi6htheir voting p, are t%,,o large hotels,'bu-t n ither of them the. delinquent, merely appoint' com- perceiw� that very Ad - duty, uumindul.of what, either C Ouncil Huron to the St. Marie River, the outlet' THE I�AHNNONITc, r.,0SEN ERS. has the reputation of bei mittee f rom among. their number to as. addressed, and oil this may ncti LIE very we oil people m4 say. If i they have not of Lake'S'uperioq into Lake Huron, and mquared and dessed pm! l' - kept. This is unf . tunat -for the. vil- sist Mr. Bay-to,let the coliitracts,believ- Duluth we parted vy ibli, our Men receive ti ("IM in time, we may. state tbg t � .1 co I the courage t4 do this, ley should not the bo,�ndary between the State of Mi- noni e friends, We were, on e whole, lage, as with good hotel accommoldatiOn i, ing, no doubt, by this means to be able bed. their v6tE s will be valid even if sent o olli-pi and. Canida, The settlement of . I w, accept the po4ition. Tlie law distinctly not E ort for this, for thoulz hiay were Prince Artbur's would soon be- to prevent him from. spending the hard.�, the iston at present ustA I y FM plaxin, paer, duly Signed,. so long as the I SAUL7 ST. MARIE. omable and well- beha ved,'- well u a comea favoiite resort foi- ummer tour - orders tha pii�ppertyr sbl�il be as! earned money of the ratepayers among tion of the abntiments -04 is (ne of the old(. A in America, thees- P se form ggive In tile act is adhered to. I . littlg amusing in their 'Way, Jhere was ists .Ind seekers after health and pleas- his pet contractors in future, as -weli as its actual Mslli yalue, is; it would pass uit fathers havin 3, established a mission lridg Tare in accordauce�, .As'is lready generlly known, the The village a pungent odor'atteriding thein, perhaps ure. From the Wharf, the ground slopes furnish an excuse for retainin him in Anellsionis that there is 1i heie about 200. rears go. i from a solv�ent debtor o -a creditor, nd acquired on shipboard,, which was so upward, the villge haviDg its site on the! office, which, by, the way, they seem- quared as requied ; andi only candidates in the field. are Dr.' on the Cauadian dole does not bear much the assessor is required to �make oath I -fill that it not only ran riot on the face of the hill. - From the elevated -us to do. How 'far this -are aDa -ter and Prolessor Cloldwin SmitV1, i I of the pperan ,e � of -kge, nor does it Powe rather anxio and small stones that he has.'sat assessed, No instructions, lower deck, but even invaded the sacred 'ground in the rear of the illage,'a mag- scheme of the C O-uncil has succeeded, so this is (lone under Mr!rBoi I seen to have I.-rospered much in the The Merl is and demi�rits of these gentl 11 wi jw rs since its settlement. There precincts of the cabin and at -rooms. nificent view of. Thurder Bay maybe' far as putting, a check- on the jobbing of notwithstanding hi6 sser' therefore, froi-d his (;Oil My Ion � ye, 2 � They were' met ait Ahe harf by agents obtained, with ThvWder C'ape and the dimeutions givell the u men hav'd already boac:. -so thorot�ghl( their 14,jiginer is concer, ed the few 111M ill assessing properky a onei-hlf its are a few fine reienceg, several churches of the. No�rthe..-A. ?Pcitic, Rai way and islands "looming in the distance. This facts which I ain about to state in con - discussed through the public press� a,11,1 value, and then mkino, oath that lie has __Cne of which is real1v handsome conveved to the comfortable oltyirters-pro- is - the castern termi-iiiis * o, � the Dwson utracts- for adhered to, rj=dliass 0 at it is stone structure, built in the (T'othic nectionwitlithe lettincrof co 0 would prefer to bave f tb, v ide(l by that road forern 19 rall t I lassf-Tig ute,' and, if the new own o by the 'Public School teachers, it at A4 full. v',diie. Tifis is :-rs. R o f Fort the Brussels, Clinton and Exeter bridges, abutments. The ost iof ssessed I _. style—and a few stores and hotels. We 'From this they wouldaik6 their depar- William ba not stolen t e distinctioll I! will enable the ratepayers to jud(ye. And d. ur�:, aspessors in is Onuty have cross to,,the &iDE rican side, in order that to specification, NV scarcely neces.sary to add one wor what many ' t eordi ture on 2\foudaS, for. Moorehe-,�d, whence from it, it will also be the terminus of i liere in order that your readers. ma er. Ap�ltrtfrom their private chxract h 1 therto been Iin the* babilif, of doing, and. the Steamer mai - take the Salt Canal, they would pass dow r to Win-' tl�e�Pcifie Railway.: �i I � y $00 m, ore than it is -at pre either Of i he candidates is 9rapy quaLli about which so i auch" has been said of inore fully understnd the matter, let ed. -Theref,-re, as I b ISLET. me insert the notice issued by 1r. we trust that LIONV, having, been so plain-' nlywk. By the time the i !-,ire print- that amount was -taken late, in,tbe discussion of theWashington ed to fill the position creditably. It i 0 eof, there is no doubt our ennouite LeaviAg Prince; Arthur 1 Ba ing for ten, era for the , id -ein they liave erred, they Treaty. The ra)ids which necessitate ly shown wh6 F, Landing be call, d sai of the ratepayers, by howev6r uport the.private charaetpr'o. brl-thren will be. safe,134a,171( c mfortably bind us and sailing direc�ly bridges. The following is a true copy placed in that of his fa�voj will err no more. the G, .1 can noi be passed by stea'mers esta lisbed on the faring wbic moral flitness Of the candidates that th or I arcre vessel, er any circumstnces, h have been bay, wer'ound Thunder Cipe, 1,300 feet, -�\-OTICE. unless it be -that there is laidout for' thern, in. the Prairie Province. high, and soon reach the famous Silver elect" n vill be decided. So alt iougli. tbey.:arc not nearly so long nor _,eineut between them. - 101. far as,, WE telegivaph from St a "Sealed tenders will be received by LRA RN Duluth, Islet. The Steamer touches at the main-, by 0 sund leav,,' 1 y morning we I -spoll. NYben such' is til so langerous looking -%a those of the St. the Coun-tv Surveyor on the part of the er is concern, ',NfcDou Ill" I.Our e land, but bout -a m ile from the shore I Brussels bridge, we may, I I mWas that r.. gall, the"Re- La vronce.' The kinerican town is larger Mnicipal , Council for the County of Saligst ed, he hs noL P It", Tho be return trip. All day w %I( g the North shore, Opparent I we see the celebrated islet. On thel� the prese at ti m e, cleared up , IbIle ve' didae,-was y4terdav elected thtj tt_,,th# on the opposite side, and licis ly ably presume that a rU form can al -ee I miles al- mainland there is -Huron, untir 6 o'clock P. M., on the' -x n ;1a distance4 of to or thi 1), small v e, _ with a One in the constr� serious Gliarcres which hve beei -pre, some fillia buildians a d ln,e hotel ling two A abu- cribbed for East Elain 1by largle majority. 6ukh the officers of the boat tell us re a M 2411 inst., for bnil: t Cai'd passes vessels number, the Clinton ��nd' Exe Th of -- 12 we sto , hotel and houses, ll - ferried g,,diist his maral c ality 15 or 0-0 miles I off. The I menta to each of the following, brides, owned and controlled by the Mining' uld slteb 1 fee; dralLigbt; I now one of sufficient shio be -the, et appa re 'bas been shown t IeW �r 10 lit nearness of distant 0ibJects is Company. A small tug co: stantly plies] viz. - Brussels, Clinton and Exeter- "file tbe ratepayers of th# Cou NEWS !OF THE&WEEK.. depth for'vessels 16 feet draught is in between. the island nd the ainland, for . I . I Z 0 one A the wolirlers of ake puperior stone for Exeter and Clinton to come Hon. : ff. Cameron, thvvt his foirm'6, prccess of coils Lie ion. :It lies side by least- 1$-f,-200. 1 might iml .. I I I - Often we are told an object is ithin four the conveyamee of pssenge a. - No one from Hibbert Mid the' Base Line re - i There are nol new developments in- the side with the ol one, onsiderable I wife obtaned a diivorce-1 rom him. 4 nd a c* reference to the -notice voi 'y I spectively, and from itchell"s Quarry 'is 50 bowiever is ermitted to vi it the island: those coptraicts shoillld-hi The Committee or fin miles of us, N%'Il- chh in re Beecher Tiltor. ffai r. nuinber of men i re now employed upon 'ell befor nolv. has thi-is fr, failed to show L n "al or -'height to without special, permi to the Brussel bridges. The eharacter of plted long uPo 60, milies away. The gr -it ssio a from the are sit P fr. Beechar has riot it. After passirg the Canal, we soon lle m,xsoiiry shall .g.rOURds:t1iat divorce wa obtained... fr which the shores, niountains nd other itb be rock- dressed or i manaaei%. A force of about 300 men is e t yet triade his ftill staement to the Com- fin(L ourselves in e -hat the Brilissels�br objeoits rise and the clearness if the at- emplo' q uarry faced. The beds and joints dress. M LAKE SUPEFTOR, yed, including miners and work- menced, nd 1 1 amoral p int of view �a divorce shouilo� mitl�ee. , I i U inoipticroa account for this illasion.. A ed perfectly true soas to form close joints men above groLund. Them: ners are gen-J eter -will be attended. to only be obtaned for adultery. 'Dr. A steamer ibelonging. to Cincinnati and soon experiencer -a decided, but not I 1 4 n iiunilx-r of nev., passsengers Joi�ed us at erally importations from the mining re- mitle to touch in every part, and laid in as burned tb the %vaters edoe in. the altogether.unpleamit, change in itulta wi, the teniI distant ft There aii 0 0 Sangster has, thefeforo, be,,,n guilt ture of the e Duluth, of whom several were f�roman- gions of Europe, and, are courses 8f not less than nine inches in -n - Othio River, -nehir Aurora, Ind., oil Wed- p atmospher . The air, ni.- inly conipos- J had intoandtil to touli this ci, m�e or' he has been f ralidulen itob.i. Among these was ed of Cornishmen, Germans and Swedes. thicknes:s a -ad four feet area of bed. In 'have lready trespassea t1Y nesday last. There were over 1100 wh ch had hitl rto been warm - and e th rend MR. S. r. D-kiwiow Allithe employees arekept un erverystrict elerY cas ta stbaes shall be' -ered div'orced f rom his first wife.. If tl,,e lat- sengers On.boattfl.11,20 of w6m. are report- ba -I ny, now beco � ies bracing and chilly. yourspace, f shall ileck'have recourse, to the engineer who contructed I he Daw. discipline, the Company being absolute to proper beds and joints before they are jobbery it would -ter, he his had aniple o oribunity to ed aslost, most -of them bein ladies. Promenaders on I -brought on the wall., and laid in full beds P p id eiifo i Tile Ger OVErcoats and or retire to the son road, and after -whom A took its —making their own rules al reing too loing Winked at by tile Man Goverainont has se:nt a I of coament mortar, and grouted with prove it to thi,,e satisfaction of the Lpub- INdr. IJawsoll is ge, B tle an 'about them byfines andpenalties. Until recent - he as not even e moteto vermil s, pittestialey against the shelter of the CX' In. It is likd a change lyno intoxicating same up to'higril ater mark. The ma- Cil, ',1D,d it ii� hiah time fo-T ate' M Pt d to CIO Pyrenees being made *. a Carlist I arsenal, froin June to ctober, . inside of two 40 years of a(re hndsome, in: h �s appcar� to cry Out raillst it Y6 liolaor was Owed tobe i sonry above hih water maxk inay -be 119 this, and, consequently, the oinly cQll-! noldeclaring.t.hat, unless Frame. malii- hours. Still, it vas-fi6f_'iiii&6JbfortabIy svice, pteasalt in his conversiation, and sold eith,er on tbemairiland o - on the islet. -aliti in the uestion, coldy and durin; -ou'r' w1iole j6iirney, engaging I -T-all 28 aclusion, we cau arrive at s tht he the re, lt'r!'g wil -water lime. The stretchers in each tains rieuti Spiish. Hehad Thisproduced great dissatisf Letion am laid in quick hme mortar and pointed he wind w s !iot.too vio In pectioxk.of the the men, and, after berillf 81 ric- 'er 41 C4- many will sk other powers Ito inter-. an t lent, with just- eeturne(L fro n ins been 5r of the f omer, and. is, thpre- I f (, I course shall have breadth of bed equal awsun route, to which he Ila(! been p tion for a while with ba'd grace, they a little -extra' wripping tip, the deck was D, to -it least twice the depth of the cour�e," The Brown 'Sill and de fore, mOrC9 Ilyl, -Iinfitued for the positon to' ve aud much frequerlited by pointilld by the Ottaw Government, to came at length to open reb lion, 'hicb, be asp . ires, and'should. inot re4 A Gloomy t, ook-Ahead in Mani- imei I- gro The Co rapany yield-' w I howe riot its exact d' �1. I Miotn lie will report. In, repl., r to qtfes- nianded thei and the breadth from. front to -rear of A few Nvneeksgr, the a the-beaders shall be equal to three times but everybody h ows tious regarding the working oi the route ed to the de so far"as to establish ceive. te support of the Pubhie School toba� sious at h b the-olepth of'tlie course. One-fouirth of paper publislied in Tort LflzeSuperior tc be'a Onsiderble.body and the complaints which b4ve been on the island a bar-rooni, wi ere each! anti gay, e insertion to he 1 teachers. he followin- sad and. 6100my picture made against its management, Daw- man is allowed to purchase breehorns ai,� eael-i course shall be composed of head - of A-ater. From the ault to Dulu Paxaggrapli t leative. e and no more P nce Sc(Ircelv sa ediAnnii- H sid a lisfied the 1 We nice y that we:re�,et of piospects inj Manitobai we take f roin the two extreme�: it occupied our steamer Son- was very era, so arranged tl t the perpelldiC t,the area, th th present miners n each course Shall fall between Dr. ziaug.ster marr I Oil "With 9' us arm �4 01 -his ponclosi 0 hole days - trouble wi 11.11d things proceedi 0 -.]Joint being, foced to t the 11 rer Presg, �f the 25thiult. Total "'ore t%v W stopping aS.L their -ine.,perience. ly �roved i I only for a short time at Silver Islet aina 0 11 f, W ly once more. Originlly 18ilver Islet" the headers of tho course immediately un -fortunate rpponeut.si destrac. v the course purstled by his tion Of the ryrolving'.crops, in this actors o� be C? T e a witho t bavin cr was a mere -ock -in tbe lake, bove nd below. Each colirse 4- at.Ll7ince Arthuy's Landing, It -is riot had no "S muahy. The virulent, Province by U e arsshop' era UON%r seems grouted before another is commenced, his home miBerble. 11-ta easy to realize t j e extent and mgnifi. ever - passed over -the route, ol, p- by 70 feet in extent, and wh ni the'rewas' her as any self-respecting I: C no! seas, without actu.- -el I Aly, I(I a 0 t avol no spalls or smail stones u,,�ed in aiy mardy %no 'uncalled for tcks made -On in minent. It is. more thap cence of these in] p,%i t the least *1 f h high se the -wafer washed ��-eritirely, one, and. hen she haa tude of the work tb'_y h ,I over it. It calne i 7-1 of the wa 11, The walls must also be hn� by his prinaipa ceus s, led u&,to week since the pests carne within the lly seeing them I d sailing over them. magni ( engage nto - the 1. ossession of pa w� e I . a` . 0111 voree anil anotiller husba.0 3� 0 Wh xe sprin. kept perfectly clean and free from dirt, , but already they Here we have been . on a water trip' of to ppirform. ell th pened, the Montreal 'Milling C Jily who sympathiz a with him, anT(I to give boundarieg of ly and tha stones i properly -wet. to receive freedom iiLd re -M Over 1,000 miles ind return, occupying Carl. enter & Co. had oril . bot 20 -w-cre aware of the richness of its silver; _(h(l rry, 11e f' nothe belle 6 of every doubt. But, 0 have destr6yed by fa th 6 greater. por. the mortar. _17h. work muist also be car- eig it days making a distnce nearly as hers a , nd 50 men in -their §ervi e, -%%,lien de�posit, but believed tbt it was impos-. tion. of the grON ring Crops and still the Ji 11 5 - I ried up in regular'course and in no case I illicit ollineetion -vih- a matter wlia. our sympathies nd fedings gre s crossiri t e ubic,-and yet they ould have laat le�st 1 0 hollses sible to work it, owing to the water flo w- si worit. froes oil.. So fa s Nve call l6mili, in ing in shall there be more thn one unfillishel chilren by him, anol N0103 may be, we cannot close our eyes to the we have only P I th '0 h the (4eor. nd,200 nien'. Besidi ey co they therefore sold i to the Am- eeam tired -Of her, C-l"'t b P-p',a r. t lo fu T a k e H L roil an Uornpany which noNjr works iit. course "Oil' at the time of m any of tb e set- Bay. % smar. 11 initted tb-e'f.).tal inistite UL LU Chai,Ling eric, g on at a tinie. The cement facts before u1s, nd th�ezc facts, as we t1(.Meu . (Jutely cleaned out, and 'n -ior. des ho'had This Compny has -used shall. I)e the best quality ofhydraulieL �old shoe, -anil married anc i WICL thG- e tire h n of. Supei Be- the trained boatmen . nd gui construct cribwork most hate aready shown, are suich that to ad -1 nearly ll the �thcrs are undergoing the it'L eement, manufactued liot.m, ore than four -of tile two has'acted Sidi's its vast EX;eJ the traveler as PrevIously been employed 'on tie road, ll round the originl rock, and filled it 1: n thwe (Ilctale8 of mora��, 1i molith prior to being used. The stnile vise h is G so high and impor- Process. ffitrel� does tilell a al and nexperie icodme up N -ith eartli ud stones dug from the 1, t, e, 0 Arlick with the. n? m-nery of the Lake Z3 Jill Ini'T uality of' hinestone, Mas am UPon a coinmun- pure atmosphere, its t If, 1 ior e an ly so th4 now the island 'Is abolit one. tant. po,,� ition would be I to. commit i - ity fall so S1.1-ildenly i ts %ir, its'bricing rtti ib eai nil shllbe the best�q 1 ity, nuiacrons islands and its high and rocky - Om. f Saw as -we 'have. Imet ,A�ith by -these grass- the Season, nd ill 13ruch voll- acre in extent. The iniiie is about .3601 taken fr the quarry ii ge blocks, Brown made the gna:ve acral public mor, lit t, few dys-acyo, all(] erfectly sound and free from all defects. nst at A shoves, w-hich oftin -rise to le dignity of u "hecon- feet deep, and extends in drifts " in' 1) The work to be fin ished on or before the ring I lid In the Prov- '9, Th' is the light in we view the' Y10101tIOTU11(ill 81, 1 1 linki - that du is ever' ivatcd l ino.intain helght��. It b pened that on 11 eqXicu was that the rolite' Was linost difYcrent directions. It:is waxy difficult p -illy' to State the ince was coveied with' ;a luxuri matter. Othcxs rulay view it diff-crently, oln journey up UE Ial�o the most inter- I immiaditelyblocked up. Thei 'were no to -work, Vat the ore product. d is unpre- 21stday of next. Tenders price per cubic growth the oroi�ps, never i1a the histor ard for completim, tile y temil's by NvIiich. 'the passeDgers could cedentedly rich so that the mine is ex. and we st -ould. be sorry to ctill- cs were pass 0 6 - I. plac ed in the night, - I of the countrylwoire mor 11 abutnient!�. c, proiMSIlig the portages, and was no treniely-profitable. The Company -in the so, in this sketICIL (If Our trit), I Will Skil) iinak�, J . olemin ar nLa1i,,n.--tboz;F1 since re ad never was-�� foodi-for therli to A. BAY, ere so, large an area, un- tlllt port I Subsist 11 On WILile t1ley I last three years has taken out nerly:1 �P' ion of.our upward Jqurney froln . 1 1) t And fto-(1ai, we find matters aric ly tke 1: ffe'eut view., Mid who may der crop. rhe to Puffilh, lid refer to it in waltpd. 'Parties of iminigrants -were 4,000,-000 worth of silver County Surveyor. newspapers, with ag;�rav I fro I has made 11 -,7 are U, as indicaed.. wonder, then, th4tt " County Surveor's Office, ,or - gly. spe...1king of our rethru. trip. r 20 to 30 days on. the'r6ate, some divi(lends to the of $660 000 be I I act acc,,o begiii-ning Uo Thuy a tetirible dejeet-, n 11 werc nearly st;Lrved, all ex pendhig vas t am o-unt 3 in eniarg: Clinton, J, s possessioll an- 7, - 1874. of the pe -h fl Coil' ry has )�Tp at Euliitli Saturo-ly even- lyre - y from. working;of Well, fter rea ' dinir the above notice, I tions, without 6ple ? Thoug ) 1i be ing the isl 1, inipi 31('Ltbe I e nt exposure to tt be oath cr lovi a to very �,el.' :�c been, frequently 'visited w1th 01rasshp- I was ilut I and from the ttclw of the, flie 1 This Cie mine, nd in works,on the shore. concluded ing, uly 25. 1, lere is) Perhaps 110 to tender for the Brussels lhave becu publicly 1, -efcri-ed and repe&t- pers the L%vorld that hq been N%. it cond: Oil S(�i rk is mry severe if my til to ts r iti011 Of tkill S., I r, (1,110 1 For itbeirliners, tiliewo ill 'MY sillipli ity sll-ell currillons strie was r so ei eral as it bids fair to be ben ill)" so mu isted. 8uffi 'c n 1 -.,3 until eviening la,,il ed. 110 JJ10(;IJ of beine, be -L ch Ls this " Zenith City of l0nt,11 r ex cl lit teal S 11AILITe an( 1-11 lea hy. It is a so i n(yerous -as tenix or was - ip, okvc.;t I be s tiois were instantAN" 91N.'el this yetv. Fron. pr(!Sent iddidations, We Seak." -�inceltwsseittled hu pplies thoy re to be crign �ed at any 1- liki;ly to get the contract, and as of ni, OrS to Prf)se�� altl alliSf al_y liever in, alid te"cher ill M. qett] justly I -)s iihle for cinent hvlite upcin as tile termilals oi tbe Northern wen,e at han,l, 'tiati water, or to it, -is aily other, especially as th �nl canliot see it p, o, inmigrants could tiln'c, bysildden leaks of entiiie and lie lum alSo I)coii of be-ing toesca)c. litly circulli etirrent. Padific Railroad, a)out 1869, tile pl-os- be, 1,ased thiouh in t il ii c, s they are called in iining arlance. 1� I prepared to give tbe necessar se - y Both these stalices CO cc papers. That 11016V 11 sceptic elig ous ineitters nspirci I to the destruc- I" ,illbiectel )m .5(,o tOL h 110 t the all( contract. J a thm, note, on) v bce!j do reatness of Duluth has been pro. witliput dangcr ol'beir to ex- They r eive-fr( $1CO aiontli, 14 curity for the proper f alplinie. t of the pars invad- any,kind. li rs day. In this expectation, I went to acGlisati MAG been 111ade publicly a d C � -elYP -IN" 11 tion 00,71 climed throng 1most every newspaper til 1), ers, t I work but eight ho ed, Us f roln. twoisid�-s. Awing-ofthose L!ei (I for ti�c -24, nd ies of on the globe, and volunies hve been rcpaba�tion 0� 1011roft(I 111%d ljow )e -L so 13ording - houses Are provi(ji' (1,linton on repeatedly even attenillt be iiut_ cred—peo that litivo becli such I Imol so lost collfidence Single 111cl, oil the Islet, while those with conversation with -Nin Bay aboln't the written ill lmost every language setting i dani ed- to deiLV theni. NVe ire, therefore-, Xiinnesot cane;lin froir-L the outli, and for -1h the ni.tgriliftemiec of the country 'I ill it that but Colli'lartively fie vould families have houses, -oil the work. to be done, I sugrg,ested that the . e swept ne I I rr M� Is'74. justified in litheviag them ta be true. y everyt jing ill tll(,.,ir qu was ToltONT0, J111V whwb woultl seel, i --s ontlerb throuali t1e 6f it. About (0) Per- 'No ininer llowed to lea-ve the iland s IG I to i � re 1red by the way between 0, internatio*al-hol.17V 6ver tli(i route sc- NA-ithoilat chouilzing his cloth,111, entirely, Lord -Go Th6 teachers thins li-ft to deo"le "ry flit ire metropolis vastness ­of the sons lbave rtlier-large, and -0hat the Work CollIdLbe line and the As$' iiboille; ts which wouild visit its poA. The so", it 8 lould so that he may not secrete ally of tile (lone t considerably IcAs expense, if the ille tillio 11TIIIII(Illse sw%c Ulle into It wi'l be chose between I)r. tile sa fl e L hile, if p'ro� I ,io far, of all tll;,q blowill is Ile competent tliro:i(Ai 1 0 qi1ver bo-ut his person. The su-ccess of dialonsiolis given h, the specifications 9 slet &lid the western setl1lo-l-rient �1*0111 Our own li Prillille I rth u r's the. 'Silver wreslightly modified. _11r. Bay replied .Y. of bo t!-),000 in- ons a day. I'M -age, billi-Jf 4 .11 - Company lin s )utside territoiy whicli 1IN: e becil Mov- '�he Landing to 460 alillic n (I f(reat impetus to willing on . blie- North th'at the Stme Must bt, of - the size re - The do -L Stedily alcniii,,, pac I �y .- 1_� ific ulompany wil the of tile this distance wasi, ni+ Ea-Lialization. inadc last fall *11110ilt I Sbore of Lake it i said that that rather than allow- any )ublisll the ed, lie would pre- -1 every foot of land ild every i-Ilet in tht smaller tone to be Us is (�ays hs beel tlie.ghortest �iijie of I region been prospected, and fer to t�soil ill the 11,etl River VA nearlycon_Mlete�d their -work State Of tile town, have frame or. ce(lar abutments, zl1rc�a(lY roail are, no -(Ioul �t, greatly to for difliclulty, ill S'X ays ;- tliis� 117 oi the present b diet of Judge in the case of tbe. in �11 the sel north -of the As- )lit even mider zbo, inost fa-vorable cir- pa 8 e Mr. doos not 4e�rr_ t(f -where, indications of silve-1. Or cl pper have and added that I hd better make my - was nrrv.,tvt1 l)-.- Anwri appeal of Codurich ad Clinton agrainst i1boin(, nd ti) lle� W"t of tile PC(l J�Livcr. cun sanc(cs, it iuiy je doubted whether T'e tliat-t e*c 11tractors havil iteted beell found. the land has been 1111111e­� telider ccordingly. WelI tendered ty he e(irili.aLion of the COuil �ollllcil. tAi.1 striking coilicidende ocurs ;. th(,,' nguitie f ormed regard- dislioestly i th�) matter. They- I -were nin the Gcvernment. sel" count of the. t the s, fi for the Bru-, ])I idge, nd eiio� I are.- forming l junction inc, Duluth could be realized. It Simply inexl ci iedecd nd wero� �Ver_ when I would be Wo oral mines been put in oper- We-ail,io pubji6h l, tl)fe sbowin- the! likely to Aily nifor- mation as to the result but Mx. Bay oil. tion, ell the Enterprise, Thi -e A, t tile 0 tho ty.,o by .;I, poo) country e\-- at, iere, 1% - til, ol�eliiitg by the uneix ect- c1lan(yes whic-Ii the Jud!401 has iliwic ivars But liitt�lc. of the �011 t now - f o I, Mn � ii1es back. but none Of th: I ]lave so 9,1,ve Do atisfaction oil tbis point, but n., lid the ed larganess of the immigratiol t hewoobl-bc 11 VV He Corni,�b, &c., the equil Fqr to BY this W)le *t will C furtil'. rdgi ally I( far yielded paying With theJ �iunlbledsoething abouthiving it be - for their f1f.l. lid tp- thinks they must be finnci. Says that two I 1j.. as trZI&C of th Oil beyo he situation is 01i I ood.1 st be pro- ped by several othet lines, which divert a cotsid6rble extent, even if they are '.he day e whoe him -.it hi-, exception of joulity Counc be seen that he has increas 'd the T I . . liv (Tr I A, fore the if T . e 10,000 �Pople; .,in about hlf r4lav Lst, id d for 2 by th� profit- 11 was -equliztian over 60 per eel -Lt., and, ie tri Uce td ot'll el Lak ports and to the llow'ed the -573,000 bonus 'o v- on tile All has been. n far advalwed I left but not, itoba, on atu hat number witfi nione�r tol pay for it- he� _�11�sissippi -'thml, f n t ro greab ob- i ernniient� whicIi their mismanagemont able It my be re,�oiilably h )ed, how- bo-Nvuver, until I had, becom-a impressed maLk-es cadi ber nerliv !In Ve see but one s0arce' of 11'et, and that stdles in the way of e fliture greatness has rendered thiam lible to forfcit� evertbatth futilre�-willshhow di4Terent with the ide that Bay preferred dak� 111eiS to gl) with tf equal proportion of the increase. The 1 the Doirliuion� ("roverlinilent. They of 1)uluth. 8till, th -Ligh it may ne'ver I FOI�T NVILMANI. they �vmiltl rio), take In result, and that the:, -'-\.',,-ort;h '881'b re mining,i niess to ligglit in the matter of opening c�in tide us ov (ir triou.blie'� and tb at -o n next sto�piilg Place, fter Dt.�'uth, become 01 most im-;9i tenders. tStaties, awl mul r prett., Ile 01 f 11 't at the Court of Ap- er o rivK Chicago or St. Louis, it is 0 u? literest, may ev ence silbinitt, -% ileI-ithaat loss to We Dominio� at rge. tile hatt rl outlet and tile, was vort Will n,' which is sitti4ed Oil portant nd lucrative in the J) :1 heard no inore oil n3after Iroin pead, went to show, in the first LitlIage - 1). irlion. ney L we. r be way of doingr a� million the mouth of t This ­vk'�Is but a lit) his: Hal necgest Point to tio. ewater for very Thunder Btsy, atti he[,Raw,- him but I aftcrwards learned that be - that the. ral m unicipalities ,Is lje�\A n dollars worth of niployment, upon the larnet, e y, and. wh�n the inistiquia V #4tion From. Silver 1. fore, the tenders wer authoritit-s off xtent of coun I iveri ire th ere is. a let the steamei takes i e,laid before the ompaily, -%Tere themselvel had been fairly e(li y r niust be . alven th _'ortbern Pacific 'a of the Hudqon's By to River Committee of the Couaicil they of sightf the 04 -he �hi I Ile se coil i ts lalized truction of the With wa� Nepig on. The -Nepigi on his life by blo-wiln- out 0 ce and the (Iro ernment u A bring resd d, as it un oul tedly -will be at Do neatly kept groWnds, residence, &c., !pre- I is famous the world over for ts trout- opened by Mr. Ba. I the Countv CartrIcil, and thc_ town. and - i um- mc -in also Ieari�ed that fo o the n disdnt day, it may me a very im.- I - it food revolver. eco Sided 0 V er by h ospitable old Scotci h: fac- fishing. Hither resort yearly hundreds the tenderinade by me forthe Brussels P -for rhich portant an d thri ity. Viewed from tor, Mr. McIntyre, whO has been in r the of tho� disciples of fsa p, -,r-: bridge was the lowest of any of t1I c Villacre in-anici alitics as betweem, them- bb of people 0-,iNr Tu� car, i xqua ized selves hd lso been 'fairly f od shall be sold 4t cost pric , oir tri e the lake, it standg on the face of -A hill, Company's service over 30 ye There I su. f r few w el t1a ainuse BI F.T. 'c 'a and, in the second place, tlia tliI6 sutite 0 er. Unlessthisibe-done i e ii r �! ® e ed tenders. But what astonished Some I I -upon ,rId it seems, to 1. e e itirely surrounded is als� a large saw mill, Owned. by Qliver " ment. Here our partv was joi ed by a i of the members of the Comm, ittee, Will a, large scale must COQ+rity equalization, was Very rqueli too tow to IF0111 some with the 9tunted trees which are Davidson & Co., -who have purchased a' large, number of sportsme ai ing from aso astonish many of your tract' several thousand acres in th source, or wholesalla s ' tarvatio 1 -will come Decilliar to the ocli4y shores of Lake of i; vi- Cincinnati, -O'hicago, Y r and the facts %re 'known. For will it uOt of r, Wni. Grigg, & meet the��-- quirements a year." h aforth, 44 of the law -J. The w1thin irts of Ontario, on tbei every honest perion to learn ior. From he w arf back for a cinit�. This firm, the senior member of from different p Super rl surprise M r. E. W. of the Judge, therefore, is -strict. 11"iderable distaij ice, the &,round is very Of , I decision I co which. is Mr. Aclam. Oliver, - I'VE P. P. for return from fighing excursio, I�. The- I that the contract wa4s awarded, not On aancewithth6 evidende siub- The b�lloonitri' r much of it appearing to be 8outh Oxford, ery kindly invited the Nepigon regin -is rocky; barren wast�, the merits of a sealed tender at ily in accor 6 t T f oin St aford on low. and flat,. v ))lit ednesd-a3 su te n a� de of th f Nlr. Ephur the where even Indians cannot find subsist- t6 a tender which cine'by tele mittedtobial. Ile, has retained bqtween r re Musse usion to a filled in or madeland, then just at the Press excursionists to, a trip up e ivi­, of I Fishing parties for the' Nepigo I`- I r the time 9pecitied 413 !height of 13,000 fee6, afterwhicha, West- baSE Of the hill -lies the principal street, river in th ir steam yacht, the J;ennie ence. for the rec Son. the varioul municipalities neaily the same e I nn( offured er y current was struck, and a landing runidi had expired. an( .,g upwara from and parallel to Oliver. The invitation was accepted, hire their guides and canoes at �ault St sealed tender. proportioD.,1 and has raised the wiluaion -,V, s affected aboutt�&6�m4es from the which on the si e i , is the remainder and this little excursion will be remem- Marie on the way up. to coustract the three brid-�s, under Due wife of M -r. Win. A110 lb lit Cr asis. Had pl of starting. of the to -win. There ai e some very hand- oared by all who participated in as M to about itsi proper or lega b I might tell of Bachewar. ung, of Bruc. n tly r'. oseph U Wife Of 31 J IfTo;nl Au I al.( th h a�l lite e 1v r ne ,i 0. t tri r a it Jd awe h _'p t n c ei i 1,J p g Xi Y F LT mv R It t d `4 A �0 4, 4 AUGUT 7, 1-874. ITOR. TH HURON EXPOS 7 IE In Mines, of Spanish River, of our p one of the most pleasant idents of the some buildings, nwstly built, not for pres- NLEAT ADILEWMSE J udge Toms in 6reased the: personal prop;. FROM TORO TO TO DULUTH, 3 a deep, nar- through the beautiful islands ap aggr west but with regard to th i . pro -egate Of the 10 ent requirements, e trip, The Kaministio.jula.1 acv. erty of the foiir villages last named on J ble for large ing Spanish hiver,—the fin Now, M r. FA h stream, l3avii A —The est scenery Tixc Beautiem oqLake, Saiperior expected grextries., of the future: There row, sldggi Jenaers Auction Sale—Henry Schaeffer. th, nd on our trip, —of th 111di, 11 who C41ne by the abo ve notiae the list in the same proportion as he id 2pleattlik City o the Unmitited S ens "— is 110 builditig going on now, of any ae- vessels for two miles from As mou i e Boy Wanted—I'Villiam. Elliott. _111g,43—P011111114 and the townspeople say their for small ones for over 10m lea. Asbort down to.the -landing places a -Ad Pitchad 'Stated ibat te-nde-rs ar'O U that of the Wivnahips, his equadization The Rettirto Ve -of Inter. count., tim-e.ajilowed for ma Card-Camerou & Gormally. tbeh "wigWams in anticipation -of he m t oil the Ur. &C. place has made no progress id the lt distance up stream. from. the Fort rises ',the bden complete. However, Y 0 1 1 - - t Dr entapil not lalk 'ood, years. Passing along the streets, t in height. visit of the (loyernor G limited to Dry —W. Hi114 wo ld have two McKay Mouiltain, 1,100 fee who was -4. Farm fcvr �xle—.Benson & Al eycr. I up6n. the whole, with the'slight exception Correponolence ol the .11ition Eupositor. arance from expected to pass upward by the, -01hi 187 How one 1' rised at the number of lager- presei?:ting a picturesque appe anRouseto et—John B. CpltalD. above named, 4 more correct or just ver. TORONT6, JU1Y 31, 1874. beer saloons everywhere , conspicuous, the river, which winds amund it, pre- and of any pther places, objects and e Horses Wnted—J. M Simmons. -from.t iree different matters of interest on our -return trip bound by these r-e%trictii diet tb a*t by the udge could 0 an th n Xy last letter was written �6om the nd I orbed to the conclusion that either sentin a view of. it trenie len -tractor is per., List of LeAters—S. Di,�kson. -the river, b Lit the ex is letter Presen con e e ultithians must, bea 11 0 miles i ip th which 'tbi Mobr's Anodyne—R. Lunisden, not have be ni desired aud it wolild be North Channel, u the upward v6yage. th ver bil' -s sides. Aboi t bw J) t has already attained warlis me The first at ppiig placo in the North peop, e, or tht conilietitioA in that branch " at the head of navigation a town plo tender by telep 0 totice—A. G.. McDouivall. Well for the C�unty Council to adopt his -nd it that desist. the ther tnt hannel is Kil rney, on. the North of b siness must b usly ptrong. I Situation llied—J. f4e'nderson. I e ruillo h n u a is said On the. last day of the trip the Press. too. after fr4 Bay anti o now Shore; then . this spot has been selected as the ter- in to figuresasabasishereaftO. Inthisco LiWe Current in the said o one of - the, officera of lour boat, ext, Govern- Me ti tr Veil Slicep D,,Llr- F g1IR011'. nectio-ii we might refer to k�ie senseless ('Xi -eat Manitoldhi. These' places are "Seeing that -there is such a oor coun- ininilsof thePacific Railviay. gang held a 0 iiig -and passe eordial Surely htre issomethlnZ To Ada lis i votes of thauka t6 the officers of the ingwhat Inele. fishing vilAges and wooding sta- try about Duluth, and not cultivated at -ment surveyors were at work at ti P-11. nd-frau _01 place., Voters Li� ts--Wm. M cConli duleTit valuatioiis adopted '3' 0 im a, each havi i g but a few houses, a that, and that there cannot yet be much point, locAting the Railwa it was said. Cumberland foi, their courtesy during ism in b B., t Voters Li,�rs—jolhi O'Sullivan. al assessors. If by are alre. say that i� after year b� miumicip. rits. railway traffic, how do the p ady the trip, and also made a handsome Y, tole and a feir dozen inhabit �ople live ; Town Iota of this erftbryo ci , Bay�a - Voters Li ts—william. Elliott. "100 entation to C.�p long as the tener was rc- I assessors coub1 be induced o make their About Little C n't there seems to bea is th-1 lake traffic sufficient to mitain inSEcond hands, and are held at 5, tain Parsoils. u e The excursionists reached Collingwood payers receive the bent0t valuations as.,the law directs, they would coil �iderble far ing country, and we themall?" "Well,"saidhe a great and upward each. The f ituation is a on Thnrsdav af ternooi, and were ag he fallacy of this -nme-use deAl of wet e informed Vat there were now three inany of them live just 13Y pre ing ou. the fine one, and well adapted for-. a lail fe in Toronto aill Show certainly aate n it 'about 10 oclock Thursda the� aboi �4 ri- towni but why this place should be cary =tepayer read gri": t Illills on diff �rent parts of the island, traveling cominniiity.�' Tie expe 'of the woods to be the terminus' n g i ht, having been gone 'ten days of.. trouble in e4tializing their ' rolls- and wh;ch shows thit considerable grain is ence of a gentleman. of -okir p4rty ivould ed ou16- and then - J I 'when the ready estab. '11_17o�e. 6 -event thoam'elves fromithe disgrace ed., But I x, 11 riot weary my red- see tober out -this. He critto the of the railway, enough to make the journey to ston now being put pi of qlr I FitIDAS, Aurn 7- 1.; -------- 87� 1 urio -incipa� hotel, nd lishedto nof Prince. Artl Lur'sLaadirig, gels bridge-, and the deliberately i4olting the instructions so ers by noticiig our . v us stopping Bay View House, the pi w J ier of ni Bay and the Bridges. eaver" W1 asse -even. a clearly-aid-dpwil for their guidnce in Places, or with a Aetailed descriiption of cille J. for four gl, . a of ale, �or himself eas access,.Vith harbor and positio ce -that in it The JLpp.roacliing Electiofl,,. our journey., Are not -these. set dowo and friends accompnying him. The equally good, is -only three miles distant, [At the special request of r. Alitchell see at a.glan III to any of oil ar are the staitute. ',How Assessors can reoou- in the guidewbooks, to which the i ale , vas beought in by walter, (Ind a, did not appear r p ty. The being grossly, - i nquirer we copy the following letter from the Public6"chool. teachers who des , i - ei- te fpa I detailed i Brusselb . Post of the 30th ult.] ken h it' 101 cile their vdu'ations Witi, th, ir oath of ftex accura ilfoin�ation dolli bill endered in pdymei!Iit. When valley of the Kaministiqufli is one of the Dy having money & vote for a person to fepr6soant them in: i I and giveNto pez v ffi i than we c�a conceive, and ii ie apply ? From Killarne change was asked for the veii�leman. was few spotsn the North Sb ore capable of ets ina at any t n P - o cIp, s mor9 y SIR: Some. time since an article ap. iidered no comme, "the Cou-ndil of Public Instruction., sho�ldl to the Sault St, �)Iarie the voyage is like informed that that the correct cultivation. Man -thousands of acres! re Just c y - I we timat thatithe lessonE of the past will lit be con- I peared in the Post, under the heading, The specilications, as -will -,,e through a broad river. On alino lint. Ile is now tr3dfig t solve the on the banks of this river g i's iirld that t1i n -were verted into fertile farins, which Favoritism and Incapacity in � High r i - votincr- p�p� be suffiGient to induce them in future to the north is thd mainland- oil the prob would I distinctly state that the be, ieii em. as to whether the diinks should be. forwarded -to' the Education 1 Places and-overthe signature "Rafe. asoni-Y shall be rock r4 perform theirAuties in ccordance with South series f beutiful so 20 eqnts each and thol waiteWs services form base of supplies for the extensive I in more, or whether they were 25 mining regi payer, commenting the on action of the -the bedsnd joint Department t Tor6nto, not previous 1p; n nts of the aw -Ind *f. closely si.tuate(fas to present the appear- 20 c(nts ion surrounding faced, the raquirei o their County Engineer in the case of fliej3en fectly trae, so as to fo the lltlipf August, -rid not later thlan' ance �of a contijiuouIi shore. The seen- cents. and the water thro*11 in, or PRINCE ALXr_RUR!S L Miller Bride. It was conclusively shown made to toileh in oatb. In thei ffiatter o tmluatious they ulade 11 fl e P of the transparent 'Whe tier the ex9rbitant chargid wag sort -every pz the 18th. -As rnany teachers re now. The village of Prince A th-ar's. La lid- by I Ratepayer" that the County had eorzes of not less th-iiiJ should receive' no instruIctions or dictar the numerous isl nilifs, the bigh. bluffs of of fi ie rightibously imposed UVU him in tb I at Ing is -about three miles east of Fort suffered a lose of $1,000- by that one act bentfrointhe sections to which t ey is simply &Re niblioun country"for: e , ri ocratic thicknm, with fwur� fe� tion from the CounciN; �Llt' 81101ild coil _* the shore covered with folia-ge, Wiftiam, on Thunder B . It has a of Mr. Ba ; yet, strange to say, the sp&ll no -s or small 0 belong, l id distnt froill the Post afli S nia -,rni eicen t. As We pproached' the proclivities which preveaitedlhim from y scientiously 01- fearlessly perform their ation of five or 9ix hu dred, There County ouncil, instead of diSinissing alp POP 1. apon Sat Lit, we pass fi om. the wters of Lake goinl� to tile public bar. 1.9 -any part of the to whi6htheir voting p, are t%,,o large hotels,'bu-t n ither of them the. delinquent, merely appoint' com- perceiw� that very Ad - duty, uumindul.of what, either C Ouncil Huron to the St. Marie River, the outlet' THE I�AHNNONITc, r.,0SEN ERS. has the reputation of bei mittee f rom among. their number to as. addressed, and oil this may ncti LIE very we oil people m4 say. If i they have not of Lake'S'uperioq into Lake Huron, and mquared and dessed pm! l' - kept. This is unf . tunat -for the. vil- sist Mr. Bay-to,let the coliitracts,believ- Duluth we parted vy ibli, our Men receive ti ("IM in time, we may. state tbg t � .1 co I the courage t4 do this, ley should not the bo,�ndary between the State of Mi- noni e friends, We were, on e whole, lage, as with good hotel accommoldatiOn i, ing, no doubt, by this means to be able bed. their v6tE s will be valid even if sent o olli-pi and. Canida, The settlement of . I w, accept the po4ition. Tlie law distinctly not E ort for this, for thoulz hiay were Prince Artbur's would soon be- to prevent him from. spending the hard.�, the iston at present ustA I y FM plaxin, paer, duly Signed,. so long as the I SAUL7 ST. MARIE. omable and well- beha ved,'- well u a comea favoiite resort foi- ummer tour - orders tha pii�ppertyr sbl�il be as! earned money of the ratepayers among tion of the abntiments -04 is (ne of the old(. A in America, thees- P se form ggive In tile act is adhered to. I . littlg amusing in their 'Way, Jhere was ists .Ind seekers after health and pleas- his pet contractors in future, as -weli as its actual Mslli yalue, is; it would pass uit fathers havin 3, established a mission lridg Tare in accordauce�, .As'is lready generlly known, the The village a pungent odor'atteriding thein, perhaps ure. From the Wharf, the ground slopes furnish an excuse for retainin him in Anellsionis that there is 1i heie about 200. rears go. i from a solv�ent debtor o -a creditor, nd acquired on shipboard,, which was so upward, the villge haviDg its site on the! office, which, by, the way, they seem- quared as requied ; andi only candidates in the field. are Dr.' on the Cauadian dole does not bear much the assessor is required to �make oath I -fill that it not only ran riot on the face of the hill. - From the elevated -us to do. How 'far this -are aDa -ter and Prolessor Cloldwin SmitV1, i I of the pperan ,e � of -kge, nor does it Powe rather anxio and small stones that he has.'sat assessed, No instructions, lower deck, but even invaded the sacred 'ground in the rear of the illage,'a mag- scheme of the C O-uncil has succeeded, so this is (lone under Mr!rBoi I seen to have I.-rospered much in the The Merl is and demi�rits of these gentl 11 wi jw rs since its settlement. There precincts of the cabin and at -rooms. nificent view of. Thurder Bay maybe' far as putting, a check- on the jobbing of notwithstanding hi6 sser' therefore, froi-d his (;Oil My Ion � ye, 2 � They were' met ait Ahe harf by agents obtained, with ThvWder C'ape and the dimeutions givell the u men hav'd already boac:. -so thorot�ghl( their 14,jiginer is concer, ed the few 111M ill assessing properky a onei-hlf its are a few fine reienceg, several churches of the. No�rthe..-A. ?Pcitic, Rai way and islands "looming in the distance. This facts which I ain about to state in con - discussed through the public press� a,11,1 value, and then mkino, oath that lie has __Cne of which is real1v handsome conveved to the comfortable oltyirters-pro- is - the castern termi-iiiis * o, � the Dwson utracts- for adhered to, rj=dliass 0 at it is stone structure, built in the (T'othic nectionwitlithe lettincrof co 0 would prefer to bave f tb, v ide(l by that road forern 19 rall t I lassf-Tig ute,' and, if the new own o by the 'Public School teachers, it at A4 full. v',diie. Tifis is :-rs. R o f Fort the Brussels, Clinton and Exeter bridges, abutments. The ost iof ssessed I _. style—and a few stores and hotels. We 'From this they wouldaik6 their depar- William ba not stolen t e distinctioll I! will enable the ratepayers to jud(ye. And d. ur�:, aspessors in is Onuty have cross to,,the &iDE rican side, in order that to specification, NV scarcely neces.sary to add one wor what many ' t eordi ture on 2\foudaS, for. Moorehe-,�d, whence from it, it will also be the terminus of i liere in order that your readers. ma er. Ap�ltrtfrom their private chxract h 1 therto been Iin the* babilif, of doing, and. the Steamer mai - take the Salt Canal, they would pass dow r to Win-' tl�e�Pcifie Railway.: �i I � y $00 m, ore than it is -at pre either Of i he candidates is 9rapy quaLli about which so i auch" has been said of inore fully understnd the matter, let ed. -Theref,-re, as I b ISLET. me insert the notice issued by 1r. we trust that LIONV, having, been so plain-' nlywk. By the time the i !-,ire print- that amount was -taken late, in,tbe discussion of theWashington ed to fill the position creditably. It i 0 eof, there is no doubt our ennouite LeaviAg Prince; Arthur 1 Ba ing for ten, era for the , id -ein they liave erred, they Treaty. The ra)ids which necessitate ly shown wh6 F, Landing be call, d sai of the ratepayers, by howev6r uport the.private charaetpr'o. brl-thren will be. safe,134a,171( c mfortably bind us and sailing direc�ly bridges. The following is a true copy placed in that of his fa�voj will err no more. the G, .1 can noi be passed by stea'mers esta lisbed on the faring wbic moral flitness Of the candidates that th or I arcre vessel, er any circumstnces, h have been bay, wer'ound Thunder Cipe, 1,300 feet, -�\-OTICE. unless it be -that there is laidout for' thern, in. the Prairie Province. high, and soon reach the famous Silver elect" n vill be decided. So alt iougli. tbey.:arc not nearly so long nor _,eineut between them. - 101. far as,, WE telegivaph from St a "Sealed tenders will be received by LRA RN Duluth, Islet. The Steamer touches at the main-, by 0 sund leav,,' 1 y morning we I -spoll. NYben such' is til so langerous looking -%a those of the St. the Coun-tv Surveyor on the part of the er is concern, ',NfcDou Ill" I.Our e land, but bout -a m ile from the shore I Brussels bridge, we may, I I mWas that r.. gall, the"Re- La vronce.' The kinerican town is larger Mnicipal , Council for the County of Saligst ed, he hs noL P It", Tho be return trip. All day w %I( g the North shore, Opparent I we see the celebrated islet. On thel� the prese at ti m e, cleared up , IbIle ve' didae,-was y4terdav elected thtj tt_,,th# on the opposite side, and licis ly ably presume that a rU form can al -ee I miles al- mainland there is -Huron, untir 6 o'clock P. M., on the' -x n ;1a distance4 of to or thi 1), small v e, _ with a One in the constr� serious Gliarcres which hve beei -pre, some fillia buildians a d ln,e hotel ling two A abu- cribbed for East Elain 1by largle majority. 6ukh the officers of the boat tell us re a M 2411 inst., for bnil: t Cai'd passes vessels number, the Clinton ��nd' Exe Th of -- 12 we sto , hotel and houses, ll - ferried g,,diist his maral c ality 15 or 0-0 miles I off. The I menta to each of the following, brides, owned and controlled by the Mining' uld slteb 1 fee; dralLigbt; I now one of sufficient shio be -the, et appa re 'bas been shown t IeW �r 10 lit nearness of distant 0ibJects is Company. A small tug co: stantly plies] viz. - Brussels, Clinton and Exeter- "file tbe ratepayers of th# Cou NEWS !OF THE&WEEK.. depth for'vessels 16 feet draught is in between. the island nd the ainland, for . I . I Z 0 one A the wolirlers of ake puperior stone for Exeter and Clinton to come Hon. : ff. Cameron, thvvt his foirm'6, prccess of coils Lie ion. :It lies side by least- 1$-f,-200. 1 might iml .. I I I - Often we are told an object is ithin four the conveyamee of pssenge a. - No one from Hibbert Mid the' Base Line re - i There are nol new developments in- the side with the ol one, onsiderable I wife obtaned a diivorce-1 rom him. 4 nd a c* reference to the -notice voi 'y I spectively, and from itchell"s Quarry 'is 50 bowiever is ermitted to vi it the island: those coptraicts shoillld-hi The Committee or fin miles of us, N%'Il- chh in re Beecher Tiltor. ffai r. nuinber of men i re now employed upon 'ell befor nolv. has thi-is fr, failed to show L n "al or -'height to without special, permi to the Brussel bridges. The eharacter of plted long uPo 60, milies away. The gr -it ssio a from the are sit P fr. Beechar has riot it. After passirg the Canal, we soon lle m,xsoiiry shall .g.rOURds:t1iat divorce wa obtained... fr which the shores, niountains nd other itb be rock- dressed or i manaaei%. A force of about 300 men is e t yet triade his ftill staement to the Com- fin(L ourselves in e -hat the Brilissels�br objeoits rise and the clearness if the at- emplo' q uarry faced. The beds and joints dress. M LAKE SUPEFTOR, yed, including miners and work- menced, nd 1 1 amoral p int of view �a divorce shouilo� mitl�ee. , I i U inoipticroa account for this illasion.. A ed perfectly true soas to form close joints men above groLund. Them: ners are gen-J eter -will be attended. to only be obtaned for adultery. 'Dr. A steamer ibelonging. to Cincinnati and soon experiencer -a decided, but not I 1 4 n iiunilx-r of nev., passsengers Joi�ed us at erally importations from the mining re- mitle to touch in every part, and laid in as burned tb the %vaters edoe in. the altogether.unpleamit, change in itulta wi, the teniI distant ft There aii 0 0 Sangster has, thefeforo, be,,,n guilt ture of the e Duluth, of whom several were f�roman- gions of Europe, and, are courses 8f not less than nine inches in -n - Othio River, -nehir Aurora, Ind., oil Wed- p atmospher . The air, ni.- inly conipos- J had intoandtil to touli this ci, m�e or' he has been f ralidulen itob.i. Among these was ed of Cornishmen, Germans and Swedes. thicknes:s a -ad four feet area of bed. In 'have lready trespassea t1Y nesday last. There were over 1100 wh ch had hitl rto been warm - and e th rend MR. S. r. D-kiwiow Allithe employees arekept un erverystrict elerY cas ta stbaes shall be' -ered div'orced f rom his first wife.. If tl,,e lat- sengers On.boattfl.11,20 of w6m. are report- ba -I ny, now beco � ies bracing and chilly. yourspace, f shall ileck'have recourse, to the engineer who contructed I he Daw. discipline, the Company being absolute to proper beds and joints before they are jobbery it would -ter, he his had aniple o oribunity to ed aslost, most -of them bein ladies. Promenaders on I -brought on the wall., and laid in full beds P p id eiifo i Tile Ger OVErcoats and or retire to the son road, and after -whom A took its —making their own rules al reing too loing Winked at by tile Man Goverainont has se:nt a I of coament mortar, and grouted with prove it to thi,,e satisfaction of the Lpub- INdr. IJawsoll is ge, B tle an 'about them byfines andpenalties. Until recent - he as not even e moteto vermil s, pittestialey against the shelter of the CX' In. It is likd a change lyno intoxicating same up to'higril ater mark. The ma- Cil, ',1D,d it ii� hiah time fo-T ate' M Pt d to CIO Pyrenees being made *. a Carlist I arsenal, froin June to ctober, . inside of two 40 years of a(re hndsome, in: h �s appcar� to cry Out raillst it Y6 liolaor was Owed tobe i sonry above hih water maxk inay -be 119 this, and, consequently, the oinly cQll-! noldeclaring.t.hat, unless Frame. malii- hours. Still, it vas-fi6f_'iiii&6JbfortabIy svice, pteasalt in his conversiation, and sold eith,er on tbemairiland o - on the islet. -aliti in the uestion, coldy and durin; -ou'r' w1iole j6iirney, engaging I -T-all 28 aclusion, we cau arrive at s tht he the re, lt'r!'g wil -water lime. The stretchers in each tains rieuti Spiish. Hehad Thisproduced great dissatisf Letion am laid in quick hme mortar and pointed he wind w s !iot.too vio In pectioxk.of the the men, and, after berillf 81 ric- 'er 41 C4- many will sk other powers Ito inter-. an t lent, with just- eeturne(L fro n ins been 5r of the f omer, and. is, thpre- I f (, I course shall have breadth of bed equal awsun route, to which he Ila(! been p tion for a while with ba'd grace, they a little -extra' wripping tip, the deck was D, to -it least twice the depth of the cour�e," The Brown 'Sill and de fore, mOrC9 Ilyl, -Iinfitued for the positon to' ve aud much frequerlited by pointilld by the Ottaw Government, to came at length to open reb lion, 'hicb, be asp . ires, and'should. inot re4 A Gloomy t, ook-Ahead in Mani- imei I- gro The Co rapany yield-' w I howe riot its exact d' �1. I Miotn lie will report. In, repl., r to qtfes- nianded thei and the breadth from. front to -rear of A few Nvneeksgr, the a the-beaders shall be equal to three times but everybody h ows tious regarding the working oi the route ed to the de so far"as to establish ceive. te support of the Pubhie School toba� sious at h b the-olepth of'tlie course. One-fouirth of paper publislied in Tort LflzeSuperior tc be'a Onsiderble.body and the complaints which b4ve been on the island a bar-rooni, wi ere each! anti gay, e insertion to he 1 teachers. he followin- sad and. 6100my picture made against its management, Daw- man is allowed to purchase breehorns ai,� eael-i course shall be composed of head - of A-ater. From the ault to Dulu Paxaggrapli t leative. e and no more P nce Sc(Ircelv sa ediAnnii- H sid a lisfied the 1 We nice y that we:re�,et of piospects inj Manitobai we take f roin the two extreme�: it occupied our steamer Son- was very era, so arranged tl t the perpelldiC t,the area, th th present miners n each course Shall fall between Dr. ziaug.ster marr I Oil "With 9' us arm �4 01 -his ponclosi 0 hole days - trouble wi 11.11d things proceedi 0 -.]Joint being, foced to t the 11 rer Presg, �f the 25thiult. Total "'ore t%v W stopping aS.L their -ine.,perience. ly �roved i I only for a short time at Silver Islet aina 0 11 f, W ly once more. Originlly 18ilver Islet" the headers of tho course immediately un -fortunate rpponeut.si destrac. v the course purstled by his tion Of the ryrolving'.crops, in this actors o� be C? T e a witho t bavin cr was a mere -ock -in tbe lake, bove nd below. Each colirse 4- at.Ll7ince Arthuy's Landing, It -is riot had no "S muahy. The virulent, Province by U e arsshop' era UON%r seems grouted before another is commenced, his home miBerble. 11-ta easy to realize t j e extent and mgnifi. ever - passed over -the route, ol, p- by 70 feet in extent, and wh ni the'rewas' her as any self-respecting I: C no! seas, without actu.- -el I Aly, I(I a 0 t avol no spalls or smail stones u,,�ed in aiy mardy %no 'uncalled for tcks made -On in minent. It is. more thap cence of these in] p,%i t the least *1 f h high se the -wafer washed ��-eritirely, one, and. hen she haa tude of the work tb'_y h ,I over it. It calne i 7-1 of the wa 11, The walls must also be hn� by his prinaipa ceus s, led u&,to week since the pests carne within the lly seeing them I d sailing over them. magni ( engage nto - the 1. ossession of pa w� e I . a` . 0111 voree anil anotiller husba.0 3� 0 Wh xe sprin. kept perfectly clean and free from dirt, , but already they Here we have been . on a water trip' of to ppirform. ell th pened, the Montreal 'Milling C Jily who sympathiz a with him, anT(I to give boundarieg of ly and tha stones i properly -wet. to receive freedom iiLd re -M Over 1,000 miles ind return, occupying Carl. enter & Co. had oril . bot 20 -w-cre aware of the richness of its silver; _(h(l rry, 11e f' nothe belle 6 of every doubt. But, 0 have destr6yed by fa th 6 greater. por. the mortar. _17h. work muist also be car- eig it days making a distnce nearly as hers a , nd 50 men in -their §ervi e, -%%,lien de�posit, but believed tbt it was impos-. tion. of the grON ring Crops and still the Ji 11 5 - I ried up in regular'course and in no case I illicit ollineetion -vih- a matter wlia. our sympathies nd fedings gre s crossiri t e ubic,-and yet they ould have laat le�st 1 0 hollses sible to work it, owing to the water flo w- si worit. froes oil.. So fa s Nve call l6mili, in ing in shall there be more thn one unfillishel chilren by him, anol N0103 may be, we cannot close our eyes to the we have only P I th '0 h the (4eor. nd,200 nien'. Besidi ey co they therefore sold i to the Am- eeam tired -Of her, C-l"'t b P-p',a r. t lo fu T a k e H L roil an Uornpany which noNjr works iit. course "Oil' at the time of m any of tb e set- Bay. % smar. 11 initted tb-e'f.).tal inistite UL LU Chai,Ling eric, g on at a tinie. The cement facts before u1s, nd th�ezc facts, as we t1(.Meu . (Jutely cleaned out, and 'n -ior. des ho'had This Compny has -used shall. I)e the best quality ofhydraulieL �old shoe, -anil married anc i WICL thG- e tire h n of. Supei Be- the trained boatmen . nd gui construct cribwork most hate aready shown, are suich that to ad -1 nearly ll the �thcrs are undergoing the it'L eement, manufactued liot.m, ore than four -of tile two has'acted Sidi's its vast EX;eJ the traveler as PrevIously been employed 'on tie road, ll round the originl rock, and filled it 1: n thwe (Ilctale8 of mora��, 1i molith prior to being used. The stnile vise h is G so high and impor- Process. ffitrel� does tilell a al and nexperie icodme up N -ith eartli ud stones dug from the 1, t, e, 0 Arlick with the. n? m-nery of the Lake Z3 Jill Ini'T uality of' hinestone, Mas am UPon a coinmun- pure atmosphere, its t If, 1 ior e an ly so th4 now the island 'Is abolit one. tant. po,,� ition would be I to. commit i - ity fall so S1.1-ildenly i ts %ir, its'bricing rtti ib eai nil shllbe the best�q 1 ity, nuiacrons islands and its high and rocky - Om. f Saw as -we 'have. Imet ,A�ith by -these grass- the Season, nd ill 13ruch voll- acre in extent. The iniiie is about .3601 taken fr the quarry ii ge blocks, Brown made the gna:ve acral public mor, lit t, few dys-acyo, all(] erfectly sound and free from all defects. nst at A shoves, w-hich oftin -rise to le dignity of u "hecon- feet deep, and extends in drifts " in' 1) The work to be fin ished on or before the ring I lid In the Prov- '9, Th' is the light in we view the' Y10101tIOTU11(ill 81, 1 1 linki - that du is ever' ivatcd l ino.intain helght��. It b pened that on 11 eqXicu was that the rolite' Was linost difYcrent directions. It:is waxy difficult p -illy' to State the ince was coveied with' ;a luxuri matter. Othcxs rulay view it diff-crently, oln journey up UE Ial�o the most inter- I immiaditelyblocked up. Thei 'were no to -work, Vat the ore product. d is unpre- 21stday of next. Tenders price per cubic growth the oroi�ps, never i1a the histor ard for completim, tile y temil's by NvIiich. 'the passeDgers could cedentedly rich so that the mine is ex. and we st -ould. be sorry to ctill- cs were pass 0 6 - I. plac ed in the night, - I of the countrylwoire mor 11 abutnient!�. c, proiMSIlig the portages, and was no treniely-profitable. The Company -in the so, in this sketICIL (If Our trit), I Will Skil) iinak�, J . olemin ar nLa1i,,n.--tboz;F1 since re ad never was-�� foodi-for therli to A. BAY, ere so, large an area, un- tlllt port I Subsist 11 On WILile t1ley I last three years has taken out nerly:1 �P' ion of.our upward Jqurney froln . 1 1) t And fto-(1ai, we find matters aric ly tke 1: ffe'eut view., Mid who may der crop. rhe to Puffilh, lid refer to it in waltpd. 'Parties of iminigrants -were 4,000,-000 worth of silver County Surveyor. newspapers, with ag;�rav I fro I has made 11 -,7 are U, as indicaed.. wonder, then, th4tt " County Surveor's Office, ,or - gly. spe...1king of our rethru. trip. r 20 to 30 days on. the'r6ate, some divi(lends to the of $660 000 be I I act acc,,o begiii-ning Uo Thuy a tetirible dejeet-, n 11 werc nearly st;Lrved, all ex pendhig vas t am o-unt 3 in eniarg: Clinton, J, s possessioll an- 7, - 1874. of the pe -h fl Coil' ry has )�Tp at Euliitli Saturo-ly even- lyre - y from. working;of Well, fter rea ' dinir the above notice, I tions, without 6ple ? Thoug ) 1i be ing the isl 1, inipi 31('Ltbe I e nt exposure to tt be oath cr lovi a to very �,el.' :�c been, frequently 'visited w1th 01rasshp- I was ilut I and from the ttclw of the, flie 1 This Cie mine, nd in works,on the shore. concluded ing, uly 25. 1, lere is) Perhaps 110 to tender for the Brussels lhave becu publicly 1, -efcri-ed and repe&t- pers the L%vorld that hq been N%. it cond: Oil S(�i rk is mry severe if my til to ts r iti011 Of tkill S., I r, (1,110 1 For itbeirliners, tiliewo ill 'MY sillipli ity sll-ell currillons strie was r so ei eral as it bids fair to be ben ill)" so mu isted. 8uffi 'c n 1 -.,3 until eviening la,,il ed. 110 JJ10(;IJ of beine, be -L ch Ls this " Zenith City of l0nt,11 r ex cl lit teal S 11AILITe an( 1-11 lea hy. It is a so i n(yerous -as tenix or was - ip, okvc.;t I be s tiois were instantAN" 91N.'el this yetv. Fron. pr(!Sent iddidations, We Seak." -�inceltwsseittled hu pplies thoy re to be crign �ed at any 1- liki;ly to get the contract, and as of ni, OrS to Prf)se�� altl alliSf al_y liever in, alid te"cher ill M. qett] justly I -)s iihle for cinent hvlite upcin as tile termilals oi tbe Northern wen,e at han,l, 'tiati water, or to it, -is aily other, especially as th �nl canliot see it p, o, inmigrants could tiln'c, bysildden leaks of entiiie and lie lum alSo I)coii of be-ing toesca)c. litly circulli etirrent. Padific Railroad, a)out 1869, tile pl-os- be, 1,ased thiouh in t il ii c, s they are called in iining arlance. 1� I prepared to give tbe necessar se - y Both these stalices CO cc papers. That 11016V 11 sceptic elig ous ineitters nspirci I to the destruc- I" ,illbiectel )m .5(,o tOL h 110 t the all( contract. J a thm, note, on) v bce!j do reatness of Duluth has been pro. witliput dangcr ol'beir to ex- They r eive-fr( $1CO aiontli, 14 curity for the proper f alplinie. t of the pars invad- any,kind. li rs day. In this expectation, I went to acGlisati MAG been 111ade publicly a d C � -elYP -IN" 11 tion 00,71 climed throng 1most every newspaper til 1), ers, t I work but eight ho ed, Us f roln. twoisid�-s. Awing-ofthose L!ei (I for ti�c -24, nd ies of on the globe, and volunies hve been rcpaba�tion 0� 1011roft(I 111%d ljow )e -L so 13ording - houses Are provi(ji' (1,linton on repeatedly even attenillt be iiut_ cred—peo that litivo becli such I Imol so lost collfidence Single 111cl, oil the Islet, while those with conversation with -Nin Bay aboln't the written ill lmost every language setting i dani ed- to deiLV theni. NVe ire, therefore-, Xiinnesot cane;lin froir-L the outli, and for -1h the ni.tgriliftemiec of the country 'I ill it that but Colli'lartively fie vould families have houses, -oil the work. to be done, I sugrg,ested that the . e swept ne I I rr M� Is'74. justified in litheviag them ta be true. y everyt jing ill tll(,.,ir qu was ToltONT0, J111V whwb woultl seel, i --s ontlerb throuali t1e 6f it. About (0) Per- 'No ininer llowed to lea-ve the iland s IG I to i � re 1red by the way between 0, internatio*al-hol.17V 6ver tli(i route sc- NA-ithoilat chouilzing his cloth,111, entirely, Lord -Go Th6 teachers thins li-ft to deo"le "ry flit ire metropolis vastness ­of the sons lbave rtlier-large, and -0hat the Work CollIdLbe line and the As$' iiboille; ts which wouild visit its poA. The so", it 8 lould so that he may not secrete ally of tile (lone t considerably IcAs expense, if the ille tillio 11TIIIII(Illse sw%c Ulle into It wi'l be chose between I)r. tile sa fl e L hile, if p'ro� I ,io far, of all tll;,q blowill is Ile competent tliro:i(Ai 1 0 qi1ver bo-ut his person. The su-ccess of dialonsiolis given h, the specifications 9 slet &lid the western setl1lo-l-rient �1*0111 Our own li Prillille I rth u r's the. 'Silver wreslightly modified. _11r. Bay replied .Y. of bo t!-),000 in- ons a day. I'M -age, billi-Jf 4 .11 - Company lin s )utside territoiy whicli 1IN: e becil Mov- '�he Landing to 460 alillic n (I f(reat impetus to willing on . blie- North th'at the Stme Must bt, of - the size re - The do -L Stedily alcniii,,, pac I �y .- 1_� ific ulompany wil the of tile this distance wasi, ni+ Ea-Lialization. inadc last fall *11110ilt I Sbore of Lake it i said that that rather than allow- any )ublisll the ed, lie would pre- -1 every foot of land ild every i-Ilet in tht smaller tone to be Us is (�ays hs beel tlie.ghortest �iijie of I region been prospected, and fer to t�soil ill the 11,etl River VA nearlycon_Mlete�d their -work State Of tile town, have frame or. ce(lar abutments, zl1rc�a(lY roail are, no -(Ioul �t, greatly to for difliclulty, ill S'X ays ;- tliis� 117 oi the present b diet of Judge in the case of tbe. in �11 the sel north -of the As- )lit even mider zbo, inost fa-vorable cir- pa 8 e Mr. doos not 4e�rr_ t(f -where, indications of silve-1. Or cl pper have and added that I hd better make my - was nrrv.,tvt1 l)-.- Anwri appeal of Codurich ad Clinton agrainst i1boin(, nd ti) lle� W"t of tile PC(l J�Livcr. cun sanc(cs, it iuiy je doubted whether T'e tliat-t e*c 11tractors havil iteted beell found. the land has been 1111111e­� telider ccordingly. WelI tendered ty he e(irili.aLion of the COuil �ollllcil. tAi.1 striking coilicidende ocurs ;. th(,,' nguitie f ormed regard- dislioestly i th�) matter. They- I -were nin the Gcvernment. sel" count of the. t the s, fi for the Bru-, ])I idge, nd eiio� I are.- forming l junction inc, Duluth could be realized. It Simply inexl ci iedecd nd wero� �Ver_ when I would be Wo oral mines been put in oper- We-ail,io pubji6h l, tl)fe sbowin- the! likely to Aily nifor- mation as to the result but Mx. Bay oil. tion, ell the Enterprise, Thi -e A, t tile 0 tho ty.,o by .;I, poo) country e\-- at, iere, 1% - til, ol�eliiitg by the uneix ect- c1lan(yes whic-Ii the Jud!401 has iliwic ivars But liitt�lc. of the �011 t now - f o I, Mn � ii1es back. but none Of th: I ]lave so 9,1,ve Do atisfaction oil tbis point, but n., lid the ed larganess of the immigratiol t hewoobl-bc 11 VV He Corni,�b, &c., the equil Fqr to BY this W)le *t will C furtil'. rdgi ally I( far yielded paying With theJ �iunlbledsoething abouthiving it be - for their f1f.l. lid tp- thinks they must be finnci. Says that two I 1j.. as trZI&C of th Oil beyo he situation is 01i I ood.1 st be pro- ped by several othet lines, which divert a cotsid6rble extent, even if they are '.he day e whoe him -.it hi-, exception of joulity Counc be seen that he has increas 'd the T I . . liv (Tr I A, fore the if T . e 10,000 �Pople; .,in about hlf r4lav Lst, id d for 2 by th� profit- 11 was -equliztian over 60 per eel -Lt., and, ie tri Uce td ot'll el Lak ports and to the llow'ed the -573,000 bonus 'o v- on tile All has been. n far advalwed I left but not, itoba, on atu hat number witfi nione�r tol pay for it- he� _�11�sissippi -'thml, f n t ro greab ob- i ernniient� whicIi their mismanagemont able It my be re,�oiilably h )ed, how- bo-Nvuver, until I had, becom-a impressed maLk-es cadi ber nerliv !In Ve see but one s0arce' of 11'et, and that stdles in the way of e fliture greatness has rendered thiam lible to forfcit� evertbatth futilre�-willshhow di4Terent with the ide that Bay preferred dak� 111eiS to gl) with tf equal proportion of the increase. The 1 the Doirliuion� ("roverlinilent. They of 1)uluth. 8till, th -Ligh it may ne'ver I FOI�T NVILMANI. they �vmiltl rio), take In result, and that the:, -'-\.',,-ort;h '881'b re mining,i niess to ligglit in the matter of opening c�in tide us ov (ir triou.blie'� and tb at -o n next sto�piilg Place, fter Dt.�'uth, become 01 most im-;9i tenders. tStaties, awl mul r prett., Ile 01 f 11 't at the Court of Ap- er o rivK Chicago or St. Louis, it is 0 u? literest, may ev ence silbinitt, -% ileI-ithaat loss to We Dominio� at rge. tile hatt rl outlet and tile, was vort Will n,' which is sitti4ed Oil portant nd lucrative in the J) :1 heard no inore oil n3after Iroin pead, went to show, in the first LitlIage - 1). irlion. ney L we. r be way of doingr a� million the mouth of t This ­vk'�Is but a lit) his: Hal necgest Point to tio. ewater for very Thunder Btsy, atti he[,Raw,- him but I aftcrwards learned that be - that the. ral m unicipalities ,Is lje�\A n dollars worth of niployment, upon the larnet, e y, and. wh�n the inistiquia V #4tion From. Silver 1. fore, the tenders wer authoritit-s off xtent of coun I iveri ire th ere is. a let the steamei takes i e,laid before the ompaily, -%Tere themselvel had been fairly e(li y r niust be . alven th _'ortbern Pacific 'a of the Hudqon's By to River Committee of the Couaicil they of sightf the 04 -he �hi I Ile se coil i ts lalized truction of the With wa� Nepig on. The -Nepigi on his life by blo-wiln- out 0 ce and the (Iro ernment u A bring resd d, as it un oul tedly -will be at Do neatly kept groWnds, residence, &c., !pre- I is famous the world over for ts trout- opened by Mr. Ba. I the Countv CartrIcil, and thc_ town. and - i um- mc -in also Ieari�ed that fo o the n disdnt day, it may me a very im.- I - it food revolver. eco Sided 0 V er by h ospitable old Scotci h: fac- fishing. Hither resort yearly hundreds the tenderinade by me forthe Brussels P -for rhich portant an d thri ity. Viewed from tor, Mr. McIntyre, whO has been in r the of tho� disciples of fsa p, -,r-: bridge was the lowest of any of t1I c Villacre in-anici alitics as betweem, them- bb of people 0-,iNr Tu� car, i xqua ized selves hd lso been 'fairly f od shall be sold 4t cost pric , oir tri e the lake, it standg on the face of -A hill, Company's service over 30 ye There I su. f r few w el t1a ainuse BI F.T. 'c 'a and, in the second place, tlia tliI6 sutite 0 er. Unlessthisibe-done i e ii r �! ® e ed tenders. But what astonished Some I I -upon ,rId it seems, to 1. e e itirely surrounded is als� a large saw mill, Owned. by Qliver " ment. Here our partv was joi ed by a i of the members of the Comm, ittee, Will a, large scale must COQ+rity equalization, was Very rqueli too tow to IF0111 some with the 9tunted trees which are Davidson & Co., -who have purchased a' large, number of sportsme ai ing from aso astonish many of your tract' several thousand acres in th source, or wholesalla s ' tarvatio 1 -will come Decilliar to the ocli4y shores of Lake of i; vi- Cincinnati, -O'hicago, Y r and the facts %re 'known. For will it uOt of r, Wni. Grigg, & meet the��-- quirements a year." h aforth, 44 of the law -J. The w1thin irts of Ontario, on tbei every honest perion to learn ior. From he w arf back for a cinit�. This firm, the senior member of from different p Super rl surprise M r. E. W. of the Judge, therefore, is -strict. 11"iderable distaij ice, the &,round is very Of , I decision I co which. is Mr. Aclam. Oliver, - I'VE P. P. for return from fighing excursio, I�. The- I that the contract wa4s awarded, not On aancewithth6 evidende siub- The b�lloonitri' r much of it appearing to be 8outh Oxford, ery kindly invited the Nepigon regin -is rocky; barren wast�, the merits of a sealed tender at ily in accor 6 t T f oin St aford on low. and flat,. v ))lit ednesd-a3 su te n a� de of th f Nlr. Ephur the where even Indians cannot find subsist- t6 a tender which cine'by tele mittedtobial. Ile, has retained bqtween r re Musse usion to a filled in or madeland, then just at the Press excursionists to, a trip up e ivi­, of I Fishing parties for the' Nepigo I`- I r the time 9pecitied 413 !height of 13,000 fee6, afterwhicha, West- baSE Of the hill -lies the principal street, river in th ir steam yacht, the J;ennie ence. for the rec Son. the varioul municipalities neaily the same e I nn( offured er y current was struck, and a landing runidi had expired. an( .,g upwara from and parallel to Oliver. The invitation was accepted, hire their guides and canoes at �ault St sealed tender. proportioD.,1 and has raised the wiluaion -,V, s affected aboutt�&6�m4es from the which on the si e i , is the remainder and this little excursion will be remem- Marie on the way up. to coustract the three brid-�s, under Due wife of M -r. Win. A110 lb lit Cr asis. Had pl of starting. of the to -win. There ai e some very hand- oared by all who participated in as M to about itsi proper or lega b I might tell of Bachewar. ung, of Bruc. n tly r'. oseph U Wife Of 31 J IfTo;nl Au I al.( th h a�l lite e 1v r ne ,i 0. t tri r a it Jd awe h _'p t n c ei