The Huron Expositor, 1874-08-07, Page 29.
. r
Au �T 71, 1874.
AU Gv.Tr 7,
er�jug, without throwing any obstacle in his. dow� Broadivay, At Houston Street lie 1�,uh packet is. labelled
was forced.f row his hand, at) d stagg Co., Rolkiwopathic. (1hemists, London."
THE FOUR FUGITIVEIII' 1-( ressod, young J. was 14ccosted by it wel I back. three
I es his foot slip- nd
or ur pac, *OA. INN' e wi
I Ael ved as was by his man -with 'Iffoixr are on, I'VIr. T onder- MANUFAUMXE, Or' CocoA. . I Of J019
pin�, he fell 0 orth 4101W, Houth slile of Oodlerii;h 8treet, fir,�t door sayings
at, however shor "UP thestrAnd. row qa-
j tl� U. Son? How areithe pe le of low give all account of the 13FOCeSS ad
The m: . i Last of Premb*Aei hureb.
press(d,', forward, but Rose. sold e ed it, not pr
I lie, jers, Cromwel. d'em ley, 4rd i ime is V10",
away, aw � then the keen eye of to fford conduct of which ven?)) Mr. Sprintrield. o (I tt- young ed by Messrs. James EPPS K -,'Co,, 7111,111! j T
I f ti gentle hold of Richard deAt openly to pi is pin rom
detected'his boat dose to the vessel-. u be c d'bring n( certain proof, gentleniaa tl ist ell, and uftacturers of dietetic. abicks, at thir DR. KING, )GafofLb,A hite of fheir debts , with it.
.je-11 rsesile rward d ca oul
-ingfl,A of To- worl�$ in tile Road London"— 'i Coronerfor otil
his X6 U13d e is the wet'
In fact, he had not commenced t his at retired to added, Ignorall
III duldst thou. d6-. Sel-worth left ' Ddon, and u residenot, oylar Johji.,on rol Hold, mons 4 !
turn, to tl e Shore, his f ather rontpj a met ber of tbe boini i�!)ii Par- Household all'itle. cI q;,; thG estate which tne death of f lien a vetsary -_eDs[V is
lie young ii ii. r 2b7
We re too late, madam," Said G. StU ;session of. liain lit. B j t y A AFE1,18, (the r Cat 1)ublic tenilwi to davornight- ede n t for me, Roselle, I
ffected tone can had left. him in po,,
ford, sp .king still in his &� �nnd l o ogics for his ke, ver ------ -----
e, Here the recollmtion of Roselle haunt- p i rcinc(ly,) have i)o
w been in use 0
n tie resigati of get -t- [lu-tirellof
of voice"anconcealing his features as sav e you, yet—d ie vilial !" alld he drew I%I 'A few f irther oil ciniot be sai(I the 4liscom
a pistol front hii i belt, al). ol, presented it ed his inind, ai'Ld on of his w, ed av twenty yeaig, i i, I
sible without a3tuall3t x- llother Ili l, 3iot so y have boen
much as� pos. col aillission, which speedily occurred, -as that they aro oil ti Th
citing suspicion e Colonel has riiha�h- at Cliffon o with hard, ci nel features, snidotb face, Bell
the boat I� ' Aalother moment W'OuIII have seen him immediately followed by his marriage t tiloroughly tried, and pronot need (on the I streets, nvxt to tile Mill.
ed the all ii� ; but fear not, S oil 01 of his aftectiolls. and the free nd� easy niArter of, 111thority of those whose liv�s and heilth of
ele -,poll die ground, bad thy id PeOpIc Of good !wri lquickly l eturn and convey to ough confidelico operator, 4*-oached, bve- pre.served) to be. Iij cure, i�trm�
And, a ration of Iiis' not Ric -hard, w o had Closely followed ie14 ty, poroner for lio County (if mirl:
in corrobo 0, I'LlcOril- I opilliODS ag
s though Niae years aft Z3 nti. in t1un. cau hl his venging Lrl Cyarles returned the I alil� tur'111119, scellied 'iti.dolonly ion, 0 01
-words Hans Molkeu. jumped into the, Roselle, 9 nize ll old friend in :A1 illulluld. ol i,lvariabiy Marblo I'Voir-s, all't FAce thing-,,,
0 -wledged so vIrel911. nd if taktal it)
arm. boat &lid bega*u to row toardg the. ackno -T.e raspe st t li's face.
e uneasiness to (Ithe hand title colds, ilit
at, ion, to a Ina
use, Sir, iiiause ill 'hiln )'011 seek'j This event gsX som -71 ,) I
tF ir tril -will
P, t, I VVIlay
shore. - 1 i a I mall nd shook it so liat tile Passion il
I I IA youf king. Se Lworth, who f, i ed tb a;t a recollectidn ffectiolls. J. G. BULL, LD.S., DiRichl d discovered a, broken and. to clestroy-r-b6li shakeii hardly knew what to Of it. ;
on this- a cl trio . se&ted themselves all "I scorn," said CbrTesL:fo"r it waft, of the rough ex-po,ure of his'sentinients i convirice the most keptic Sold by- ei
.h of Torotito," says ail jileiicinu, dulers t 25 cei ts per b ever tfli-13--y that eve I- thoughtless a�n d vicious still lurked- in th J)reatst 'of Charles'; I G orge Roberts-, Style Y t
le al You lit: a Of not neatly little
awaiting. witb_ equal anxi t tI ival indeed, you All iiu
-e Y. to 6we Iny life to my itaille. his larnis we lit,wever, without It Vl,,*yly.y*,,vi-ci�.ki..-Wliei-i person has of the t-dy bcatnitin. inonarch- from my father about tbq4o erri tobertl s8cd� Fire Sir - an' y miss nie, your life pay fOlLudticin.j y proved an rticle and found it -ood, and. ith
Our st)ry uw returils to 1, the gHow did he.suit you 9 1()'%Y' its eailbcob� Cbristialls and wid'e-
�Vith . inconsistency, ilfor� w, iielh, it is iw. Ople wil
tailied 11 to
worth. the forfeiture." said Selworth, ris- king (with goille '81 ght exceptions) like I yoll,coine to town 9 For.ollee It; 1 .11 There, -0trt PC
,I own no king, telided, lie Nvill Ijot 'madil bandon it t cro
The ounss of the Cavalier, th,%4 tru 01. ecaaqe of th4-
:bi� -Lill the Banco niall' tolil the hell b
no, iri his friens or p was 1 very posed f i om the iroi nd, %till low- :Occtod to row
sleep -Ziyuld last two'. hours, iv)g unop lu isu 1* his encluies, btt with unpardonable Springfieldbad bonght a (If one fo., one of doubtful -reputat 011, or col�i people are like.
-foutth-li ering his pistol, f'and if ye be Ch. cel-iiiiii, -%vilicii lie knows nothing. and pel. -ves V) bolt' near the trutli ; in ron, heaped Roberts about tHree r Ile un -
about three
yanr! present Con- folly, to -give it o harsher te y re led to to 1-1. 111931 (if C017130 I I'lliTUSiLy, I I i)VA. -N.Y-, and tbemsel
of that t[ine, lie bec=e� slo,.Nrly con�cion� Sturt, I can7l)t t ay 0
L,,,ven m
those benefits Nvith which lie should have questionably had met I, fellow Candian, I - up, al is tin -it -116 Oradulite. of Ontario CwUege, I orunto
-s yo b froill '1� 6
duct countenanue I I I C) lie, ti
of and, nolses h, he -%Till
these Pealms." hOil those and his heart waraic-;l to hilli (Lt once. have used that celebrated lan't truly f I grotesqu
him somewhat, before the f Lill po", r: 4 inotives, chantgr- -Ail-, Sprinfrtield bad colne to "t, foUild I'll't Wiffing to tO 611
el Isted111is ides "Tis w' 1, si bit- Wilio Nvith no u)- cohill'On by or -din printi,
ow i as Dar�
iin idl lailJs of excel, -,ed)
pow er lia, ell exhatt r reptiedl
k wastir edtfrom vowed Goiturnuoirs of the exiled! tropolis to Qcri .4 for the htIt is liqtle troubl4a to t
for evera minutes Iwlild and. :,,u n terly "your p" stols m -9 you ley's Uolyditiou Powdo,r8 a id Arabiaii, in rol kin, of weatilvA., all -I Al ail were S I his old t ill 1 flatterer of tile oa
of 'my person, until your followers ar 8hixt, to vella cinedy. 11 All so well ple.%scd denceimilw1lietwo cloors c-a-st of CooVs Tein. be PZti,cn
frielld join hiln in i4lss (if bow, 0 Id -e contiectE 11all.
with. it that they will not as(. any other'.
The di,)or to flie. inner cb.:M4 rive, and then on will, .1 1 presume, de- B king.
that ot my Thus the peace And harmony of Sel- A f fer drin Ullg tile �Nj r. i Roberts rbeuatism-
ber waq open, and%11_e S'Ound, of -se rai liver me to a death similar to to pringfield - 1 so:mictlines I many have Nvaited sterl until worth and I I . . the agent could Obtin al i e%v Is upply. i VP ti) aunounex to flie ijihabitaL-tf; 10�1
-Rosell-le Aeniained undisturboO, said � f
d him witl!i royal f, 1 ) Seat ill mimaudiin,
oarse v ic, I 11) , colintu. that he has but Roselle And he pointc d to bout zt, dozen inen. (M. There is nothin equl to it as a -ort h w
ail(' )a boug] it dr prize of Ca Wheat is a srial. I
fear i. the st oi3e 1wou owartied flit- of lh�! On,
rn t for h ta-ill, Yterin.
while'ahlan with para, ed -who were (yot t some distance) d -vane-, Gettiriffl., a Free Pass. CO-1-1&4i.oit medicine, or for ny' Coin- $100. Nvillflyo� go with illej-while I
p' ing long. the coast from Brighthelm- aint the wind. Of f fior,,v., anti Cattliaa lie
oilly a lijUle way I P1
bafore the -door leadin to tile. draw tlIe uroney ? It is than matter, of pr I
pafentl� for the Purpose of - Pr The clerks at thE Providence and Bov- e ilame and Sk that tile I hu-� an oll"co in connectitill. with his
ve i . I Remember tit
down street. nian i
Ile firimil to Adversit If ye -weKe, i o perish oil a scffold, Boston looked up Hurd & CO.- is <)it �each pack- I I,
from the ft toll, lLalroad of ice in Mr. cons 't t, tell(i to C.iffls. of the ft!t-t speeiaily at, -Irilist. It reduces LU!
egre s of ani one a two. p
the enterl, n(� U
it wolild be, well for England, -throp & Jyinan, Toronto, Qiit.�,.
froin their:book at d accounts and saw a *19e'�
Setworth was far froin havin recover- pert Not tell(L-It to. rk the rear wtigh
wclt to tit retell Li ous -1001611 g -brick
0: Vur§utA the It 1. ublican office r - but it ?f Killonin nvo tore. All Vet -
of tit enus, New England )y a
ed from tile stupefitig effect specitrien the. itikoleflcor, in- I Pleasure is like trl�vl
C) hous oln LD -4s t not. Y).ukee, Since the ay of railroad enter- _5tie- for evi
diciting that he oconpant was a dealer 229
dinstead. Of 8prin gill or be throttub, Selwortli. Into edicilic dealers. -Ire t evivitiitly oil chaud.
etors for Canda, 8old'l
u, a' -sl
druz pi -brly gettill scarcer. An 'Old man t It 11 TO �r y it -spoils the ta
lose I I 'N - is the 4
itioa In Isc%cmill r yonder boat, Sir. I will dvance to ti ise ye. T e proprieto i 9 ach wi I know them ilob, but. in r6al est. 01. -h r was up-
-the ti 'HILT bu pAlent Rizidit
el, as wit 11, usual. proirip ti, w h o ppro, of 67 or 70 of age whose face con- , tip Mr. Roberts and TREIR. FLTt,1HT.—_Jf you have�% good bead - C I -the:
1 -h is year, stairs, id. T. 'lfullf, e lay vill eit it er by -%v ) rds or actions, fo r a few r of till- Oiltario Voterhiftry I I y ) re to the sun ia browned y 98 tude he would have (lone, It tipued exposu . I bis fri6nd f0ull(l. short, 0but u 11 be- of hir take care Of it ;' once gone and Ditl ever bear
Moments 0 %bogan c6or, whose thin iron-gry
-in chair. delV ;i:jej.r coniing. Alt] Ligh to in, � I to illtill)Ate that he has to the linictice of
conedale d bNr the old l y hiii� a.desk, to � hom the forme - Eided -A, e realize its loss far niore t han we av- I his ill Seaforth, Anti In-qat all timesbe sing ?
it frotu the. inner cb L... er I dislikeyout' princt e tr rom undera felt hat a is the i preciate izi Thu Bearine is ,,On.sulted on thd of A loul, shm ud hii s aggled ol it f bis lottery tiblict. iv�
of the Man w i
cc 01, 1 y collimprit
&d much, towards awakening, bi d sylupthize-witl. misfortunes." little tile worse ft r wear, whose store f2ollistantly on'band. All
deal �,r's oi and I takintheplaceof ll.other hair drcp�� eteriij I y
WO re%l eAtia Hes not Sei rth, let us calls proinlitiv att(-nded -to. 0 coT at mnirsion
Selworth, 1 - r' in fashi ings, t-ra
ppdahranc6 of noble-looki I cl Ahes" were dc ze a years old 1 covii e; to the_ll. -273
'on, he q�rexv a rol of reenbacks at jecause, it ii healthful li!r
of middl e ge Ngho rushed from. V a y (1, Roselle, lie7 9 House, Seaforill.. wit, b jec b ily hands and
liaste ai axpaw vast C -X- 2 - us whose r out $100 to been made A'h
ell hald th� who now approaches, comes to teal, _N�r. Till-. rize Ila and delightful to
in, ill h s hand el bracclet whL teut; of wrist --f roj cted far beyond the
1101, -told rbe ciold do lar was gro 11 to ty. or evel ly father l; --Pitts fi C It
precedimr, eveniDg asunder f t coat cuff, ud broad square brigans tied vaiTto Mr. lioberts by ti _Mr. as. 1. Fel- ders as to the rest (if ckdt for tlld a -Is Rejoice, sire, rejoce, shouted Rich I
claspin, the w6st of with leather stri naq Xud guiltless of black- Aultow Burrisiers, Atto e
I I'll r ilextdr-mving.1 "Oi-pf-,l-li-,tl),,iypiL%Aouldlike I 10%vs, Dear Sit iDuring jJast two G 35ee fatten low ill tributed much -to rouse his faculties. 1 ard, ryhey wai )0 och. are friends Solicitors in�Chanct-Yy, Ike. Offits on
the ends of his to try your luck at the gal-ne sa� �otir boiipound. y- oppo.*i the 11�ost Offlee, �Godsrith� can't hxke'on reliz
ict, Sir irg Stuck far t, arRo or
it is vour lovin 9 lyrs Pantaloons. 9i vei,
She has been. helrel Slie ha the es -tate de ler, as lia-drew wird from I rup of Hypophosl�pbitcls it fair though . a'. (;rmlnow. here hs trac t6 CUY exclillif4d t 2t ton. and his iiitt dants. 0 cials, inaiiswer -to theln- nco y out.. soinewbt se-verel trial i -n my practice -cheats tUe, lclt
la ps 0 s el One of t. -he a table oil w�ich 'was al.).
sonae, Valzilly oil the bracelet. F0- Robert Sek�vo �th c le in his I V, pointed xv�rd a desk,�where smt et1i i ir S! eedily Mv Roberts triol his luck
eudeavo and am able to SP �vith confidence of of f 1 -4)
low ME, friends she' qatilhot be fi-vt arinh, and red to soothe her ll a lert-looking, cl�eau-cut, all alive -sort pointedAjqvilt for'thocolonit &W hall his doaon the table., its effects. In r storilify p sollf; suffer- 'n, nd servt ill the habilimcuts; J
i agitatioj4, and C harles 0 f ter A moment's I Sir, is Mr. jf ol-. pamy of E gl -, hi, is I -or several prj�;
ay 01 mail, and said, "I'Thatl Thitty More- atld ybu c'__ win ing froin onlaiatic)n ndothe �ebility fol� yate Capitah,,ts of Toronto, xho loan Money -it Thre are so� :
ut !land two of heinitation,' a essed hiia. t estatc.
He ti isbed from the . h 2 very reasoable ratm Intoresi pavable Tearl
$250," said t I lowing diplitheria, it'
three attendants, who had lik-ewise i Selwo th,qiu Harnsome?" said th has do e wonrlers. tha
ssul. Colon attemptinc, to e old fello ' 0 Charges - Also for the t. t they won't set �3 -gt
'Wl Roberts betvl!" In, st ceut oil the table, I co ntIV recoi6nielld its illse in a � tile hall the icarth nidic
le an' separate yy It ar d that ady, I wronge'd list Bank.
ed fro�m, the hiner ahatuber, and tt yaas, so, so bult praise to the face*is
turued-_ to Mr. j8prittgfield and begged
ff-,ct, I
i - 01. 8 t,.Ie �jl
; I ' q � ly reiparatioll in Ili Dee. iii, 1871.
who had (marded the door - quickly is: you both ace:)t the OD open disgrace, as Aunt Jerusha used to him to.lend llinil$30. The crood- cases coillsiolered hoy eless it; has Whn lanis ished af ter tb eir leader. my power'; the passae for two persons 8-y. 1) 11
gelltlemnbd liot be-t'a, centin I his HOWMSIED, At
fie i is secured in yo ader to Not day?$ given relief, and he patients -ire fast re- become �s The d isappearance emed the s Wh,%t can I do foi- you' to. life, nd was I)& kward iii lendiiig money torm at Law, Solicitoi
for"Selworth's becorninu perfectly this boatman wIl take you on board, and coveriDg. Ain o, � these re consumptive Inolvenvy, Public m -a C timeut Oat of t-bein.
sked the Supe intendent Curiously eye -
even to savc! Iiii old frie-nd's son, but at and old -Subjects, -%vbose dis- Heaven speed your pass , e IIM ILL
I liLg the visitor tat stood before 4 ngth he pt,�t it -nbther '�.ast of eses have resiste.1 other modes of treat- -he Canada Life Assuraneu Company,
u p. He rose now, %-lid, pressinc, his barnL Sire, wh�i will becol e of you ?"cle ie midst of a subdued snicker- from the The LigL- tU*L
n - I f --- the diee) all(I the real estte man said to 1011d at 8 liar cent. Far=,
'ling forebead, tie ahoated-:� i -I manded Richmid. Mel -it. For imp i e(l digestion, and in i 11ousesand Lot for sale. Th -ere it iust now i derks.
6 1 - the players li4llIq t put up �',100 o take older but tLe de- fact from debility frODI ftny Cause,, I j
m -a very, fi e day. ch an ce at r. pringfiel. Do f (ire, so loudly.. that it is I must aw"i it in y Don't erSV crl forwArd as I
e to surmise why , illej parture of anotlier 'boat. Day ? Yaw Put Out kn�ow of nothin a e(jidihl, to it. i Its direct & Brristers ind A,,ttoYney8
�Litterly e )ose you relne,labiar me, do ye ?" E-NSON non-iltilit;of tht: lightilia
his haDd to gra p the nioney It lready effect in eilin, at Law, olicitor-i in Chailcerjy nd Insolveney,
aft," sail I Selwokth� de- ;treliA -r the �ierrous sys-
us t left did n6t hea the (-,Y-- aies Stu 1 0
Your n, _2 -
ho ha( j me I �'nust have forgotten. hall on tile -board, but tile real estate I Conveyancers, Notaries Pulibc, etc,. �)ftices-Sea. ceive not yourself ; youl disadise and re- nders it suitable for fhe ML&joriLt
iV1 ustapha 06tton ? Thu nd�r, no man told him to hold back- y �orthaud -_A:1.3,o(o of Privatu Funds to, to prove their utility is
Ain I awake ?" ULI'Silled the' *V'rEtC. treat- are digeov ared, an.([ long ere youder Colto game of dinses. I a, Sir, your� truly, W -m. I livest at ome, at Eight V n
pi it was the feller what did the grad- I _ Perc '11t. I _tel_ -St, llftyale position of - a Man ed lovei, its he burst into ;the roib-h Run. sinks in We west, the cot will be hs won that'] said lie. "The only S. H 0,,vE 1). 58
T, ill I only furnished the sleepers." chalice %v(. to got yourilionny back Ovea, IL d e brve soldiers "JAS: U. pr . . lt:) , Ve. We lZ
which his Mistress had reposed, ad. ocuir surrounde � 'by of -the ou -UI1TING1 F Fran -li 11.1
What.graffin (16 oil mean said PROSTR.MON ES ROX TBE rst tauglit th
.9, y is �to put ill) another huildre 1. " Mr. la�-r demonstrtion fatally co*illviuce�a h -in" commonwealth.?" tile Superititendbut. effe�ts of the iateuse. heat bf the suinnier. in Cha -w- aw the I : d -the king-" if p6ngfield hesitted, but Mi oberts �of so manyof d
1 have Gradin' done inball ? Gosh, all he in * t- cry, &e., Goderich, Out. Oflive-over J. 0.
she had disappeared. spo cen sal mouths, is the pre-ilit posing cause W not to parley Is ud. so hard. h( landed the diseases . peculiar to hot weather. The stom- 'Detlor & do,�-s Emporium), �ifai�ket Bijuilm '26.E
vn( -I sh'Ould ill
Roselle ! Roselle soea. you -t�ould esci pe, lock ild -K it was. Or!
Bot in I I over all hisl DMIle Ro ty dol- ach partakimg of the losii of viValit pervading the
Y n
-from. distraction. entp ton whole RyStAM, is Ull plete digestion;
me r the boat ,lid J., Its The I It �e wer I dropped right aou 11ble to uorn
No vcicE; responded to his� Dguishe d5 Never !-' er �ed Sel%v ortb firmly - big lars NNIX 11). rit'sh cold. e
II-Ailhat contract are you talking of, cast and th real e -state nin ,r5ed the food p.asHilIg 1lIldJjg01VCd - t ' he gh the bowels
2 (It irrit(ttestlieliuin',,,iii�.mbrRue,and�� Jarrh
-Lt d not permit him t d' Y OIL Want Of Me i.aid 0 Chancery cry, an he east him, sef On the 4rbund proud oul wo ;o - re'- B -111t
Ont. Offico-two door.,; noAll of.
si r, and what we., Bri ceive saety f roi n one w Ii tle. nettled. in triumpli, " By* Jove, live wo and entory, Cholera =4 w ell prevuiling,
hom. his principles t I the Post Mice.
i Litter despair*. fie official, a Ii As41fic Cholera t I
raked i 11_1 excited.1 Attention to as savo -iii-of litolubvi,
n the W. R, SQITII-.,R, D-UNIEL A very few -rninttes,'homrever. be eld tatialit-him to despise. money. _n I :
0 Who do I i &tit to see V -7 -why yew, diet., niolexute exerei �o, bathill g aii d regular hab- 'him risE fi�om the grround to'all qjpeaf� Yqtir obstil Lacy," sa A Charles, "de- I iMr. iehl take ac- its ninst Ile observed. To niaiiitain the vital 271 Goderich. of lightili
il yew air the tip rintendent. Yew air,
st the swindlers, ail(' they in forcer, and pre. xhanstion, Dr that in solile. ttues t1lev.
tion acr,Lin vent 1jissitnile and
an altered we a.� serves punishihent, a4 -here are they lilt ye.,)'. b
tu -it threaebed to bave hini for Wheeler's Compoun 1. Iraimmir of hospbstes avd protc
dig Idi t ! fool that I a, V�ras it not who wilt administer it."i Yes," said the railroad officer, with a calisaya is untinesMnabl
T lAift le, at; stroke, and liere teyN
orderly culiduct, 'and he was &,)out to
almad the voice it I
�eVidklt the inhabitnts of the placewere "Seize them, all orates the argalls, ad TEL, SEAFORTI-T. -homaz
oer- thcise who,z
nod) go"out, -whel tile real estate inan offered frener
a 1 KN10X'S 110
Cavaiers ? wliat- could 1, exj)ce� -voich Selworth had heard in the cottAge. Wll, you 3ee I tin a little. deaf, an' atin nerve iforce Jiuox bgs to state to his oldtrieuds all
if be' would sign . recei )t for the and the travelling pub e, that lie has leased tbe cntrivan"s,
said her faher ad- I used to fiJornish. eepers f Bearin fo Hkir -by
fromroyalty but decei)tion aud tre le eful Zi ur this road, hit r the Hotel lately occupied -Hr �and One- obtain a, list of instt
remainder t' the money. Tie took the
ly post,
n4 sin the in serale Roselle "but I forinerI known s -tho
ery ? I have Slumbeed on E� dres In ney 216LEPNUED FROAK THE Fuull� r1rUlEASE OF TRE Y HOUSE, atid r(KI 1111S SaV'Acd tbC tdifice�
did. Sold nigi 6,00, an"only 40 thrown gne they ha ire protited by In y f ollv.; but let will. not repr6, ch you eternl separa- nd i d the receipt ; but the hopes tio raceiyo a coutimmuce of the liatrouuW �proceedinj 8 �Igalast the ll bc -%yell up is manIr t
from the presum amt." lay to( Ile so liber, o on him during hi, men have no &ubt
. I I next -k
them bE Ware-Rabert Selwortb is tion ptaous R-oundhead I it you must be, mista;ken," said the do -It produce-, tv lumiria it tnTe which low lifts iu
$'%Vill lersan -recover ned tI e f Lill. q I, LI.,theus an, 13 10 tilig into his . vi,4itor's
er ahild nor churdim-a a, calmlyto rq- who.hasdared to love the daughter of r� I MOunt- It beautifies (-.onN ilence Nyil) Ile provideti for The beavn would lollgl
ceive am. Myrston, prove year punishment." ear "we It makes the Hair sofCand pliant. 01113'hi-lltintblalMr. but for tliv iroll wre
havii't iade any contracts for It i inparts to the Hill' r It ric
h losss- finish.
Let A nut be Suposed that he stoo4l 6 1 That I fotbld Sir said Chrles, in A careful UhA r(!li-1b1ebo.,"ler a] %-vays in ttendatla.
o it- is perfect] y himul, o I t
MAA;, or unclean. 291 THOMMS lQN-OX, Proprietor. letrie llaiil to ran Aselt
I. -N 13.k -D LudK..-1-T,.ecentl ne:al G erman-
-ven- Y. I -
unoccupied while thus giving ve inb to hi� his assumed 'Wall, darn it llp 'twas to, vn, a wom.1: n was scoolp?o. up� b v It stinluin teii the roo Ls of the !Tair Av are Ilot bnvvover
nam thecow-
feelings. ar f vom it he Littered th4 ' "You ! and who reyotili"; Ifenliyens brashy al A i oak 11air.
I GX Rk -isties to gu-
longer ago li'thht. I made trade with ;cher.of a, I ocomn ti ve.- "Plie tr.111 Could It prolongs vitality. thi -e statj
-sentenc * coo1v -ith intervali bq- Ghles drew' 6ff the fidze berd which
-tin b,- Ili a mile. Sold b., all aim Leed'�e remember RaYmun not be stoppcd lintilithd rull", where �cojo
sentenc and iv twee, tiring which time he hadjadornect his'chin, aild-then address- 0( per bott)e.
Lee -little feller, not SO tall as Yew- T asnnhurt. . When the story A. SHALPS' LIVERY AND hALE STABLES.
Nvoinall TiSe any�
himself in Ghrging his pistols &lid. llav� ed the' knight in his natLLi:al voice. a mart ez er ste� 1 trap. PBRET it- oN, ole Proprietors. T
of � escpe. was told to henbusb%nd, lie Office -At Murray's notp.), Saaforth. Good -where evey wdl in his belt, he dre* Do you know me Yes 8,77 T. PAUL SRE AL, P.:Q.
miember him, he w aLorsesiijitlf.�rst-cltis,,Couy.e mncesalwa�sonlaud,.
1111(y rep] ced them re _yi IW I I I It be darned if wimmen -a conducto�r in its IV,_yj
hove 1,* Sir 1 8 uperin tendent of tile road twenty years -tit t hard to. August 7., 1874.
his swo nd rushed. from, the Ro,re�ll bent the ktice of reverenc& Tliere. was My finest uppnes 116
He Surveyed the quiet waters which nd his followers, forgebtil)cr the precau- ELL'SLIVELY STABLE'S, SEAFORTH, 011t. -
ago. D rham. Be BGood Rorsys ull. Cowfortable -Vehicles. al, shouted loudly, Twenty y a,,o Yaas, yaas. loc omo ive rudic hirn , and thei e 6vas 110 on and. Favorable ments nla-de with
:spread; anruffled before him, as thlytic, ton whi essenti. got on the track id the larknegs' Hair 113alm.
mockinir his impatience, -Lid- the saills Loug Live Kil ig Charl es all, I in o ved Eas't more'n ten year ago. t The best preparation: in use foe restoriniT, presery. ConiluerejalTravelier.q.- All o'r(!ders left fttliNoX�s allee -.311 yea
utifvjug the hair, and Y� lightaing, ender- f)
DOurrh left in blin to supply muiin; Ltion to in;,, and bvi
oniptly Listen, Sit. Roger X .1 was farmin' ihorse ran away v. ith the X; led the of the Smugler's vessel speedily c, ight yrston=ere five then upbackof At f . And iny ing i0oft anti glossir. HOTEL, Will Ile IV'
have cteor
-berry own of the Comme! -
his eye. 4-ii-autes have passed, I shall bid a i' e and up there gi. This invalable pre paration we would rreselit tp
d ��
pie a of 1,
and the, tr4ltin caqie alol)g, id bit the public. kuming, it to possess 511 the vir cial Hotel, )1ain Street. -with nd -witlio-tit rotls )N
cliff and sbcr on sheers wit I ,Toe arbink-him V hit lid the borse was k il led nd Claim for it. 13cin IT erfectly free froin till itijin-j- aml. they re eol)vinced q
adv meed to the t�he Ibng farewell to the es of England,
He tue'we
221 THOYA9 ELL. Pyopriletoir-
sound of voices belo hrrer in the W'idder th It, r all Composed solely of nutri-
w excited iiis.' atteli. andit is my Ist. inju�iqtion that you b roke his leg ii L_ al re Wasn iece of the gig left big ous ing- edicilts, coadn-etors; The Ii .11
e It -mat over we civil colithlouilly conjulinill it jig 0, safe
lizzy J -ie gh�, uaite these two in holy ��edldck. What ol-told him the enough to mi plug for th i6ot hol� Samuel Mirodfle, C. power onthe point tio the (I BurVS field=d xned fo p
i I I (Isnrerenell-i-fo! he "Flffling.of the airYes-
and the forra of his beloved- Roselle. ie,� say ye steers would t t,, and he might hev of 4 barrel. jillfe�i ell)n�Ine is of ItIouring grey hid' 4 Ori there, is unildia
0 ��T w, that wife
ike� Sire, you com r to,it, giniil color, rnpartinr� a !PROVINCIAL LAND his gazt, .1 1 1 vise those of Clilfor�l
mand Is afre law.
r al jyS healthy ton(., and vig)r to its roots, an�
itlmown- no account, �0& she escapes. 1 , w I callEin it l orders left t the-MansionHousewith -ML trating material, the ilau
Is compnion. t my ye, aster Selwor
and h And wit Well, wel said the railroad of- th Sam tf Yin lj,%Vb two eg, S in your to grow -1 uxuriantly. As it Cosinefic alone, even 4ohn 'Murrav wreceive inflineiiltb attentiolL Tkey were nxiously bOCq t "I thank y)u heatily," replied the f cer, imptiently what is your bas* where the hair is str ing and bealtb3,, it is invaln- Roferencesbr, Colemanand Dr. King, 41P.152
Ila cl nd oyici,
bad and tbeotr good� able, ar, it imparts it ah'glossinesq and flke where tw �storili brolte whiclo rapidly neat -ed . the sho e, n I colonel, " but by ccel; ting your inter- 2 _U &p
r ess nil you 1 pearance, which no cnewho ldves b Nvith an which N �- rowed by a ,,vb o a e' - -lerece I must sacrifice,,or at least coinz. et eat rop, it s invai,,bly the eau ty call fa il M Iss WATSO9
as .0; Wall, I lie bpen runnin' a thrashin' -ed to admire. Prepare, ' only -T)Y� 1 tiry beeause,
good oije th it llrakev." And he looL
Ina 0: promise, wh 0 call ace in - his I,, -: �N I �s ORGANIST of 19t. Thomas' Church, willreceive there to recelv
din) Pharnaeouti, ;ql C�enl� pupils file imstilictiou in Yoeal nd Ilustla-
I scorn: to accept T laine, ten a saw mill till last week; motkth, nd ,orritted on the str mental dif worth mcoullized as be' Ile Of t e-b.e at s derert' me�th ' Lady r. iachine. last fLI daown ter Agusty; sad, nd -trned his tob
had seel, ill the cottag'e. �osellemy h)nor. t London.
0 1 Ige in- I P iCIllar att-011tiO31 paid to the
the eclae of e lb assistance front the m6n who -but DO lumber it Dim D. For sale byT. S. 1 UBERTS and R. LU31SDEN le
fie rushed long ain so quick ez it used to, co sistencie,, of accidents; ertindoi of the, voice. of TIA-legraph and aurveyedit with the keen 0": -matter, fare,ye well, sive., Scitforth, and by Dr7ggists general 845-26 1. i ly. 80*4
ed eye of ,ioldier, endeavorill", PO Fare ye W1 11. thost Pot miacious, " re- lllllle� - pols were targets 'Or U_
What is yc ur business here, I mean? Whe 'U'reai seenle(I +,0 retlaT.4
'Cove,17 SO e p,,V.h by In eari s of wl L plied Chavles, galy. Remember, Sir- What do Tlis, HA-.\']). -Profound Stud y has led Fejaia4�c lawled the 8uperintendelit. I E. LUSBYJ
to the conclusini that JOB . ES 13=10DICA, PILLS. 3ED AUOTIONE Ell for the County of Mght d escend to the beach.' Roger, my corni ands. IV]Ien this Rotor!& )Ott waut y 4D
1, I invalitable medicine is unfailing iir th a,"'wirt't Nor was it long ere. till,- laitinG ara n' head colonel, M hose ir6n heart "even l0_V_ L, Want? Vl7hy I W the bands represent three types. Those THIS tinfulauddang rousdi Huron� liales attendc4l in till parts oftheCoun- -r
%lit to go to At- eiixe of all those Ili e seases 1 ich I whose filwers -have Pointed tips re pos- ty. All orders made
.attradc.d hi attention. cannot soften, iiI Ilear reasQu ; thtis? t leberry. to -%vhich the feluale constitutio is subject. It Post office will be I)roll]ptl3' a-itClided to. 827
. I I tills sx-as He p 811ed it sli�qhtly, nd it M, 0' (11 will remain ne.i ter in tills struggle (I do sc5ised of a r4pidnsiht into tbll gs ; are moderates all excess anti removes ail obstructions,
i ; . _ I., whir don't you go ? there's [Ld a stleedy pure mil -1v be mliod on. i.,facfory t
he forced it �udely rom its p6si.. iod, not expect him to beco e. Cavalier) give the station, a ' exti,a senitive and pious, impulsive.
1141thetrain, leaves in ten Tonlarriedladies, tispecoluarlysitited. Itwill, Jill P. BRINEx To this clss belong the poets, udartists. in ,, a i, and the caref ully concealed path be( rde him thy fair do u ghter- -but n t till then. lilinutes." hort tinle, brin" on the monthly period with I' Conut
-SED AUCTIONJ�,Er, for the of shhout IA g -is
T 'IQ_ gv-visible. Now, Hans Mclken, show th� loyaty in en ef T6 tile sq.l,%I,e tops" belong S lentific regulftritv. i � - . Wall, I hain't got no ticket-- 1 -Al Huron. Sales attended in all parts of tb8 Webe 'Pills shouli. not be taken by Females
Dow 'Ile Sprang, and with dexterou�, -the strength of thy art -As, ".and hesprang people ; se tine I charac- on could give me a free pass-" coil I orders lef t at the Exl)oslTon Office
durimIg the first threl 1, illouths! at Pxemacy,as they I k
yet speedy step- he, san-rht - the S t ters, profess� onal ineu. The sp ic e-sh will bl�- proulpQV attended tO4
into the bosit. " Faq-well Richard, he -I AV P - are sure to briu- on � gisearriag�e, but at any other i
P, by sho ld I pass yqu free ? I call
& ")r where stood bipa �elovcd Roselle. said, leaning I ac-, a giv�ing -him big see no reason." I ed flops-thi,,k ips, with litth -)ads -of t e they are sa
The t, tolac, In all of el on,,; an(l Spinal' Affections, TO RENT. aasor wate
oat Dow tied the lore, xnil hand, which tile latte, entbusiastica.11y 9 p- flesh on e i side of the wtils.-Mye ma-
I'"'hy, -you know, I sold them slae� 01 1 � . s in the back ani L 1hubs, fatigue on ulight ex-
bv far the mory Hans 'Njolkea hviag noddeli issent to kissed on beniled knee I sl!411 not for- )o terilists ecinlipercial, practical, with a 8T01',E under od Fellows' Ran, (now ])I ]ding).
ers to Raymun Lee cussed sight 'tc PiLlpitation nd I. ertion ail
i i. )f the heart, hysteries, F * purticulaTs-onaph-catin To Secretary the iiiqUil-ing looks of Clifford s tol le get thee." i 11 higher appr4ciation of ll that tends to
1)w, an' U said"_+_ whites, the.w 1)Ws w 11 effect ti cure -when all otaher I of Ceninlittee.
success of his placeoll a b ar. 1. sperated of- bodily ese jan�t comfort. Ea(h finger, means have failed' an(T aith (I
The Doltolim. ii,. wholad been listless- What 810uted the exa ough a powerful 346 JOHIN PAYNE.
-ind� hag remedy, do not conta iron, o4lomel, antimolly; or
from to share to the. boat,t nd ith ly gazin Oil th. scene, now prQceeded to er, "Do you. mean to come to me for no matter- -%�hab'the kind of Ii. I - ivnythi�ghuytful to tie constitution.
tile oplonel b e'_ so one joint Pus,
on shillent did . I exercise his o rs, auct Charles, waving a free pass Over this road because twenty I al hat which is n amst the Full dixectious in the paniphlet around eaeb L holct Lady 11 selle sitep ou ft iiig the body nother package, which, C. WITTSox, of Senforth, hfu-been appoint -
not 'In- his hand, excla, ued- years ago you E o . Mr f An Gan
14 Lee 450 worth o P houl I be caretul1v pregerved.4 0
willingly, but wilh. joy. --the mId(I1 - e mind )- anc. Job Aloses, N awYo rk, Sole Proprietor. Q100aud ed ole agunt for the celebroted'Alathnshek B"
-k kind f, , well to 911. sleepers? Thi4is�toomiieh." 12.1 cents forpostage Truly, flivre na-thir
II I mclosud to'Northop in the County of Haron,and thisinstrunieut ciln
'Ile ! Rosel No, Sir, yew- could Lman, alio -SL
R n, le he shotited A loud shout answei�ed him the fit'- Tew mucl _n't I th(� 0111- E toil of these divisio s corres' Toronto, 0 t 1 geut.4 chamed thron-, n -enei a
TJ for the Dominion, Only be pur gh him or his dill author -
Would yool. leave ine uy them air Sleepers liaow for double Iiond with o e the tapes abo e iven. will insur ized areuts. Or(lersgiven to others than lityagento
e boat in whic h lie Sat swiftly cut the P_ outainbag over 50 pills 4by A loi: d sGrea-ul esc;iped her, and, tUrnMRil. ''ormy-gelf-%Yillixotbei'ill(-tl. Thefollowill'T
y gentl
s iver waves ai d carried him from Eng-. the money, an(L Ra mun Lee be wan't tE�R' Sold in Seafor lit in slie 1),--li6ld her lover spliol hby E. Hickson & Co. jand men have be(In iippoiiiteil to acta-, ury age
t-1 r sses, fur when ly tui r O o close of his pa cum I. R. Luinsdon. the County of Huron -
1 nd ; and, in - the evening -GOILI-NIVIii Smith assailed �le suf- 197 Thos. U- P� rier'n 111104AI ing fro -ii crag to with dang rons' e " d settled with him an' got I er y
(-own her an whiffen awl li� C. Doh t tn six,
ridity %lid violently avil his �d, accompan1d by Lord Wilmot a -fid. fra'gists and ect ured. women in 11acmil- 77
him, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, Clinton; and L. S,. AVilfson, (�oilerieb. to akin' with he told me if I'd only
y landed at 31, t
C lonel Gunter, Charl�s safel. tl- it Ursula AK r ght re -
sword, whicli glecaled. b I- i rill tl y ti ni I. - 320 WILL�W.'N, Seafioyth
the n p to Attleberr' he'd gin me a IT WEIGHT IN' GO
go y WORTH TEN LD. 'DO YOU fruill. sultri*
Fecalup, on the'0oast Of Normand plies in the ondoll w t I sharR
-rising Q, un. Y.
eyes of C -, L is The boat wa., follAed by the riticism, an( tells him this ere are TUNIE Yol; DID. INCORPORATION kOTICE.
80,000 mo women than men Great There tire but I(Av prepar, tio s of med c e Me rc:fu.l _11cavent 1 how -is itl� "Good gracious !" sid Folsom, sink Vanity of She exclaiiiied. al until it -reaG ied the: vessel, &lid then i n, back in his chair, hoarse and exhaust- r i in ha1f1ta.'nv,I to
La y, " answered Clifford, wb!p now Sir Roger said to Sel,%vorth- Britain, an thdt it is p ticular cruel which have withs'.00(l the linpartial judgment of lKnuicipill Cfuneil of t�ho Tilla�e C -f SEA4�
f d -with shouti ag, with the great drops the pe9ple for 11,111, reat lenzAh of thile. One of THE As wns never that women shotild be taunted i Con- I F ORTH -hereby give iiotico din� they will apply
perceived that Speed or force aon� could. You heard my promise, Sir; when of perspiration on his forehead, " so wial these is TimmAs'EL CTRIC 01L, purely a prepar- to theGovernor-in-Council after thee iriLtioncif but this, " A 4, I Xp
tenipt for matrilmony by a inan who has
.Secure iiis prize; " I catinot pinde to atioll of six of tionleo the best oils thidare known, three months from the first iriqertjollf thi notice
you fulfil the annexed condition, my 1. if you'll only go - Mr. S., buy him a himself doDe lidthing to reduce Even by �'cach one po it come With dano lisellsin rtlleR of its olwn. 1.3cientift to ereet the Villagm of Seaforth into a Towul uW
-answer questions, you. muE hter be�co S your bride." ticket for the next train, and charge it her 50 or 6o one, the oveiW4�ellnillg number,,z f those Phy�sicians know that luedir;ut-, mitv be formed of i der the nalne,)f %,,--aforth, and the following limAS
ellb, till 1) op
me, ax, seizing her in his arm be, - r ortiolis of are inteinle(I to be inclufld therciu arFarewell, then, 'Roselle, f arewell to my account. I won't write him condemned ly )I goveralingvedients; ir cer in fixed b
-attempt ed to bear her into the boat. ter power, anti prAucinty effeetti which could S. AV. corner of Lat 24 Con, 1, MeN13101)
forever," and vrith a last embrace the pass he may lome back here on it."
'110p; I � fl"t
her screas were echotd, and But this is o* the beginning' of oldwM' never result from the' Se of ny olle of them, or in acres, being S.- half i)f Lot
Ag '25 Con. 1, me
. . i lovers parted. mith's deserved chastis, differentealubinatiolis. Thus in the preparation 25 acres, W, ornier'of Lot !25, Con. It- <A to .-she 6tr igted so violentl WeIt' he
y, Wit, forced adian'M. P. P. in "Gotham." of this oil a cherilical hauge- takes place, f ornling S-rexiliop i R) iuerv,, being Lot 26, Con. I XON1" to, Telinquish her, lest the fragile board .1 The reception of Colonel elworth at Can means to bit him again.
a compound whicb co ild not by any possibility be F Con. 1, let. o
lop; 50 acres, halt Lot'_)"�,
the court of Oromw611,was far from be- on. which they stood should give way, The follovvii ig 'Qod story of a Can- ation or
9 made froni any other c6mbiu. proportions lop; 25 a eres, bein N AV. corner of Lot 1), coo' Ill
g. cordia, Ii - ILM Reef 1;1 of four or live poui jL";3
he snat-,hed the sword which I�icliad DI it ... as well known that he adian M. P. P. a troubles and tribulationg of the game ing-redie its, or aily othpr ingredients, Tuckersmith, extending to itilroa
and entirely different f roni. a
loved. the dau, Yhter of a Cavalier, and while on a recc nt visit to New York SPE IAL NOTICE Inaflant. n
had drawn. uythhig ever before being Lot 10, Coil. I Tuckennulth; 1-00 acres, be -
made, one Nvhi(:h prod u ce-, the most astonishing re- in Lot 11, Coll. 1, Tuckersinith - 50 acres) being
t so, �r lo when it was dis-,overed that Charles had The gen- BREAKFS' veils a lit h'
the Sic'of that city. EPPS'S COCOA.— 9 1
Sin.;e you will have i, yo told by �ORATE sults"and having fl. wider range of application N. half Lot 12, Con, 1 25 a-resi ba- ei nd,� and had embark- t1eniall'alluded to 'is -Mr. Moes Springer, FU -L A�tq)) CO FORTIXG.-"By a bhorough.1, thatlany- diimovered. Itcon- in- S. E. coriler Lot 12, Cou. I Tucke
,er dies," arid he r1ushed to meet iSel 3c�ped from E:lgla 50
ed at Brighthylmst(jhe�-a place from knowled e f the natural la s tains no alvhol or other volittile liquids, conse- acres, being E.half Lot, 11. Con. 1.), Tucerswit1i has got hr Wa;14-A worth, ho, panting withrage and ire, c f Waterloo: which quently loses nothiurrbyeraporat Tuck -
,y of b! -i whence I ion. Wherever 10 acre -F, being S.W. c-orner Lot 11 Con- W .. ; t
Selwoith ha1posted direct to
et ex.h usted. by the rapidir s:des- The 8wn says that on Tuesday evening govern t e perations Of ddi g e tian and applied you Lot 10, ocn-
t! I get the b wellt of ey �i y drop-; wberf-as (Arstuith; 50 aeres, being )N*- lulif coald. Lonclon-iii spi;e of pals't services, strong cne-o et by a tall, nutrition, 'an by a. carefl app, cation of wit ratlons '�earlye *' conlel. Lot
Cent, coiul_a scarce summon §uffi 'en f the re ters was, ni h other preps all the alcohol hs Tnekerginitb; .130 acron, J)ejug X. E.
�strengbh to defend himself agaixst the suspicion was attached , to him. D VINOO blit, was obli..ed t,
ly-wbalsker d individual, who looked the fine prop rties of well-selee d eo,�Oa lost in that way, anti �ou get only the small qqan 11, Con. 8, Tackersinith, extellin-east ti
Ban( I P tity of oils whi . ch the� may contain. o soTth 96 Todfl; 30 to All) tile fierce and masterly attack of Clifford, These ms Cr16mwell hesitated very much lik the victim of a Swindle Mr. Epps It s provided our bre �'fast ta. rods, and eldending north t Itokex-
sus Lp S THOMAS, PlrFmrs, N. Y. acres, being N. W. corner Lot 14), Con. 3,0 inste-ad of prbliti
who fou a determination which not to noticT him-, aiLd Selworth- hav- J:nown a dianc(. The strAnger turneil out bles with a elicately, flavoured[ boverage And NoR &- LY)U.N, Toronto, Out., slulth, exten dingwest east to 16'A rods, and -,-,bop busiiess. Ail
showed Vi mt wallik'le sessed of wil� t re- ing indignantto rebutted the charge of t D be James S � ringfield, of- Toronto. He wych may ave us many heav� �.Oetonl Sole.Age RbNp In
P yvl mis IToYlTe oininfn. tending north to sout4 96 rods.
NOTE-Electrie- alectod and Electrizeid. -taid. an I skill to his prize.i having chan hig opinions, acknowl- had been in 2 a city for-, a few days, and bills. "-Ovi Service Gazette Made lqSON, Res"- fallitig-off ill the woolh
9- a 9A lk Es Boiling Wa Sold in Seaforth y E niiihou & Co and R. WY. ELLIOTT, Clerk. As nothing but -wli
ItL a w. passes, the sword of -Selworth edged that he ad seea Charles dep�rt fter dinner On Tuead y h wa ed �r foj Milk. Lumsden. 1874. W-38
Dated the 4th da ot 1une A. D. down with these bile la
The tralisformation o
te 11
smart urbi
. r
Au �T 71, 1874.
AU Gv.Tr 7,
er�jug, without throwing any obstacle in his. dow� Broadivay, At Houston Street lie 1�,uh packet is. labelled
was forced.f row his hand, at) d stagg Co., Rolkiwopathic. (1hemists, London."
THE FOUR FUGITIVEIII' 1-( ressod, young J. was 14ccosted by it wel I back. three
I es his foot slip- nd
or ur pac, *OA. INN' e wi
I Ael ved as was by his man -with 'Iffoixr are on, I'VIr. T onder- MANUFAUMXE, Or' CocoA. . I Of J019
pin�, he fell 0 orth 4101W, Houth slile of Oodlerii;h 8treet, fir,�t door sayings
at, however shor "UP thestrAnd. row qa-
j tl� U. Son? How areithe pe le of low give all account of the 13FOCeSS ad
The m: . i Last of Premb*Aei hureb.
press(d,', forward, but Rose. sold e ed it, not pr
I lie, jers, Cromwel. d'em ley, 4rd i ime is V10",
away, aw � then the keen eye of to fford conduct of which ven?)) Mr. Sprintrield. o (I tt- young ed by Messrs. James EPPS K -,'Co,, 7111,111! j T
I f ti gentle hold of Richard deAt openly to pi is pin rom
detected'his boat dose to the vessel-. u be c d'bring n( certain proof, gentleniaa tl ist ell, and uftacturers of dietetic. abicks, at thir DR. KING, )GafofLb,A hite of fheir debts , with it.
.je-11 rsesile rward d ca oul
-ingfl,A of To- worl�$ in tile Road London"— 'i Coronerfor otil
his X6 U13d e is the wet'
In fact, he had not commenced t his at retired to added, Ignorall
III duldst thou. d6-. Sel-worth left ' Ddon, and u residenot, oylar Johji.,on rol Hold, mons 4 !
turn, to tl e Shore, his f ather rontpj a met ber of tbe boini i�!)ii Par- Household all'itle. cI q;,; thG estate which tne death of f lien a vetsary -_eDs[V is
lie young ii ii. r 2b7
We re too late, madam," Said G. StU ;session of. liain lit. B j t y A AFE1,18, (the r Cat 1)ublic tenilwi to davornight- ede n t for me, Roselle, I
ffected tone can had left. him in po,,
ford, sp .king still in his &� �nnd l o ogics for his ke, ver ------ -----
e, Here the recollmtion of Roselle haunt- p i rcinc(ly,) have i)o
w been in use 0
n tie resigati of get -t- [lu-tirellof
of voice"anconcealing his features as sav e you, yet—d ie vilial !" alld he drew I%I 'A few f irther oil ciniot be sai(I the 4liscom
a pistol front hii i belt, al). ol, presented it ed his inind, ai'Ld on of his w, ed av twenty yeaig, i i, I
sible without a3tuall3t x- llother Ili l, 3iot so y have boen
much as� pos. col aillission, which speedily occurred, -as that they aro oil ti Th
citing suspicion e Colonel has riiha�h- at Cliffon o with hard, ci nel features, snidotb face, Bell
the boat I� ' Aalother moment W'OuIII have seen him immediately followed by his marriage t tiloroughly tried, and pronot need (on the I streets, nvxt to tile Mill.
ed the all ii� ; but fear not, S oil 01 of his aftectiolls. and the free nd� easy niArter of, 111thority of those whose liv�s and heilth of
ele -,poll die ground, bad thy id PeOpIc Of good !wri lquickly l eturn and convey to ough confidelico operator, 4*-oached, bve- pre.served) to be. Iij cure, i�trm�
And, a ration of Iiis' not Ric -hard, w o had Closely followed ie14 ty, poroner for lio County (if mirl:
in corrobo 0, I'LlcOril- I opilliODS ag
s though Niae years aft Z3 nti. in t1un. cau hl his venging Lrl Cyarles returned the I alil� tur'111119, scellied 'iti.dolonly ion, 0 01
-words Hans Molkeu. jumped into the, Roselle, 9 nize ll old friend in :A1 illulluld. ol i,lvariabiy Marblo I'Voir-s, all't FAce thing-,,,
0 -wledged so vIrel911. nd if taktal it)
arm. boat &lid bega*u to row toardg the. ackno -T.e raspe st t li's face.
e uneasiness to (Ithe hand title colds, ilit
at, ion, to a Ina
use, Sir, iiiause ill 'hiln )'011 seek'j This event gsX som -71 ,) I
tF ir tril -will
P, t, I VVIlay
shore. - 1 i a I mall nd shook it so liat tile Passion il
I I IA youf king. Se Lworth, who f, i ed tb a;t a recollectidn ffectiolls. J. G. BULL, LD.S., DiRichl d discovered a, broken and. to clestroy-r-b6li shakeii hardly knew what to Of it. ;
on this- a cl trio . se&ted themselves all "I scorn," said CbrTesL:fo"r it waft, of the rough ex-po,ure of his'sentinients i convirice the most keptic Sold by- ei
.h of Torotito," says ail jileiicinu, dulers t 25 cei ts per b ever tfli-13--y that eve I- thoughtless a�n d vicious still lurked- in th J)reatst 'of Charles'; I G orge Roberts-, Style Y t
le al You lit: a Of not neatly little
awaiting. witb_ equal anxi t tI ival indeed, you All iiu
-e Y. to 6we Iny life to my itaille. his larnis we lit,wever, without It Vl,,*yly.y*,,vi-ci�.ki..-Wliei-i person has of the t-dy bcatnitin. inonarch- from my father about tbq4o erri tobertl s8cd� Fire Sir - an' y miss nie, your life pay fOlLudticin.j y proved an rticle and found it -ood, and. ith
Our st)ry uw returils to 1, the gHow did he.suit you 9 1()'%Y' its eailbcob� Cbristialls and wid'e-
�Vith . inconsistency, ilfor� w, iielh, it is iw. Ople wil
tailied 11 to
worth. the forfeiture." said Selworth, ris- king (with goille '81 ght exceptions) like I yoll,coine to town 9 For.ollee It; 1 .11 There, -0trt PC
,I own no king, telided, lie Nvill Ijot 'madil bandon it t cro
The ounss of the Cavalier, th,%4 tru 01. ecaaqe of th4-
:bi� -Lill the Banco niall' tolil the hell b
no, iri his friens or p was 1 very posed f i om the iroi nd, %till low- :Occtod to row
sleep -Ziyuld last two'. hours, iv)g unop lu isu 1* his encluies, btt with unpardonable Springfieldbad bonght a (If one fo., one of doubtful -reputat 011, or col�i people are like.
-foutth-li ering his pistol, f'and if ye be Ch. cel-iiiiii, -%vilicii lie knows nothing. and pel. -ves V) bolt' near the trutli ; in ron, heaped Roberts about tHree r Ile un -
about three
yanr! present Con- folly, to -give it o harsher te y re led to to 1-1. 111931 (if C017130 I I'lliTUSiLy, I I i)VA. -N.Y-, and tbemsel
of that t[ine, lie bec=e� slo,.Nrly con�cion� Sturt, I can7l)t t ay 0
L,,,ven m
those benefits Nvith which lie should have questionably had met I, fellow Candian, I - up, al is tin -it -116 Oradulite. of Ontario CwUege, I orunto
-s yo b froill '1� 6
duct countenanue I I I C) lie, ti
of and, nolses h, he -%Till
these Pealms." hOil those and his heart waraic-;l to hilli (Lt once. have used that celebrated lan't truly f I grotesqu
him somewhat, before the f Lill po", r: 4 inotives, chantgr- -Ail-, Sprinfrtield bad colne to "t, foUild I'll't Wiffing to tO 611
el Isted111is ides "Tis w' 1, si bit- Wilio Nvith no u)- cohill'On by or -din printi,
ow i as Dar�
iin idl lailJs of excel, -,ed)
pow er lia, ell exhatt r reptiedl
k wastir edtfrom vowed Goiturnuoirs of the exiled! tropolis to Qcri .4 for the htIt is liqtle troubl4a to t
for evera minutes Iwlild and. :,,u n terly "your p" stols m -9 you ley's Uolyditiou Powdo,r8 a id Arabiaii, in rol kin, of weatilvA., all -I Al ail were S I his old t ill 1 flatterer of tile oa
of 'my person, until your followers ar 8hixt, to vella cinedy. 11 All so well ple.%scd denceimilw1lietwo cloors c-a-st of CooVs Tein. be PZti,cn
frielld join hiln in i4lss (if bow, 0 Id -e contiectE 11all.
with. it that they will not as(. any other'.
The di,)or to flie. inner cb.:M4 rive, and then on will, .1 1 presume, de- B king.
that ot my Thus the peace And harmony of Sel- A f fer drin Ullg tile �Nj r. i Roberts rbeuatism-
ber waq open, and%11_e S'Ound, of -se rai liver me to a death similar to to pringfield - 1 so:mictlines I many have Nvaited sterl until worth and I I . . the agent could Obtin al i e%v Is upply. i VP ti) aunounex to flie ijihabitaL-tf; 10�1
-Rosell-le Aeniained undisturboO, said � f
d him witl!i royal f, 1 ) Seat ill mimaudiin,
oarse v ic, I 11) , colintu. that he has but Roselle And he pointc d to bout zt, dozen inen. (M. There is nothin equl to it as a -ort h w
ail(' )a boug] it dr prize of Ca Wheat is a srial. I
fear i. the st oi3e 1wou owartied flit- of lh�! On,
rn t for h ta-ill, Yterin.
while'ahlan with para, ed -who were (yot t some distance) d -vane-, Gettiriffl., a Free Pass. CO-1-1&4i.oit medicine, or for ny' Coin- $100. Nvillflyo� go with illej-while I
p' ing long. the coast from Brighthelm- aint the wind. Of f fior,,v., anti Cattliaa lie
oilly a lijUle way I P1
bafore the -door leadin to tile. draw tlIe uroney ? It is than matter, of pr I
pafentl� for the Purpose of - Pr The clerks at thE Providence and Bov- e ilame and Sk that tile I hu-� an oll"co in connectitill. with his
ve i . I Remember tit
down street. nian i
Ile firimil to Adversit If ye -weKe, i o perish oil a scffold, Boston looked up Hurd & CO.- is <)it �each pack- I I,
from the ft toll, lLalroad of ice in Mr. cons 't t, tell(i to C.iffls. of the ft!t-t speeiaily at, -Irilist. It reduces LU!
egre s of ani one a two. p
the enterl, n(� U
it wolild be, well for England, -throp & Jyinan, Toronto, Qiit.�,.
froin their:book at d accounts and saw a *19e'�
Setworth was far froin havin recover- pert Not tell(L-It to. rk the rear wtigh
wclt to tit retell Li ous -1001611 g -brick
0: Vur§utA the It 1. ublican office r - but it ?f Killonin nvo tore. All Vet -
of tit enus, New England )y a
ed from tile stupefitig effect specitrien the. itikoleflcor, in- I Pleasure is like trl�vl
C) hous oln LD -4s t not. Y).ukee, Since the ay of railroad enter- _5tie- for evi
diciting that he oconpant was a dealer 229
dinstead. Of 8prin gill or be throttub, Selwortli. Into edicilic dealers. -Ire t evivitiitly oil chaud.
etors for Canda, 8old'l
u, a' -sl
druz pi -brly gettill scarcer. An 'Old man t It 11 TO �r y it -spoils the ta
lose I I 'N - is the 4
itioa In Isc%cmill r yonder boat, Sir. I will dvance to ti ise ye. T e proprieto i 9 ach wi I know them ilob, but. in r6al est. 01. -h r was up-
-the ti 'HILT bu pAlent Rizidit
el, as wit 11, usual. proirip ti, w h o ppro, of 67 or 70 of age whose face con- , tip Mr. Roberts and TREIR. FLTt,1HT.—_Jf you have�% good bead - C I -the:
1 -h is year, stairs, id. T. 'lfullf, e lay vill eit it er by -%v ) rds or actions, fo r a few r of till- Oiltario Voterhiftry I I y ) re to the sun ia browned y 98 tude he would have (lone, It tipued exposu . I bis fri6nd f0ull(l. short, 0but u 11 be- of hir take care Of it ;' once gone and Ditl ever bear
Moments 0 %bogan c6or, whose thin iron-gry
-in chair. delV ;i:jej.r coniing. Alt] Ligh to in, � I to illtill)Ate that he has to the linictice of
conedale d bNr the old l y hiii� a.desk, to � hom the forme - Eided -A, e realize its loss far niore t han we av- I his ill Seaforth, Anti In-qat all timesbe sing ?
it frotu the. inner cb L... er I dislikeyout' princt e tr rom undera felt hat a is the i preciate izi Thu Bearine is ,,On.sulted on thd of A loul, shm ud hii s aggled ol it f bis lottery tiblict. iv�
of the Man w i
cc 01, 1 y collimprit
&d much, towards awakening, bi d sylupthize-witl. misfortunes." little tile worse ft r wear, whose store f2ollistantly on'band. All
deal �,r's oi and I takintheplaceof ll.other hair drcp�� eteriij I y
WO re%l eAtia Hes not Sei rth, let us calls proinlitiv att(-nded -to. 0 coT at mnirsion
Selworth, 1 - r' in fashi ings, t-ra
ppdahranc6 of noble-looki I cl Ahes" were dc ze a years old 1 covii e; to the_ll. -273
'on, he q�rexv a rol of reenbacks at jecause, it ii healthful li!r
of middl e ge Ngho rushed from. V a y (1, Roselle, lie7 9 House, Seaforill.. wit, b jec b ily hands and
liaste ai axpaw vast C -X- 2 - us whose r out $100 to been made A'h
ell hald th� who now approaches, comes to teal, _N�r. Till-. rize Ila and delightful to
in, ill h s hand el bracclet whL teut; of wrist --f roj cted far beyond the
1101, -told rbe ciold do lar was gro 11 to ty. or evel ly father l; --Pitts fi C It
precedimr, eveniDg asunder f t coat cuff, ud broad square brigans tied vaiTto Mr. lioberts by ti _Mr. as. 1. Fel- ders as to the rest (if ckdt for tlld a -Is Rejoice, sire, rejoce, shouted Rich I
claspin, the w6st of with leather stri naq Xud guiltless of black- Aultow Burrisiers, Atto e
I I'll r ilextdr-mving.1 "Oi-pf-,l-li-,tl),,iypiL%Aouldlike I 10%vs, Dear Sit iDuring jJast two G 35ee fatten low ill tributed much -to rouse his faculties. 1 ard, ryhey wai )0 och. are friends Solicitors in�Chanct-Yy, Ike. Offits on
the ends of his to try your luck at the gal-ne sa� �otir boiipound. y- oppo.*i the 11�ost Offlee, �Godsrith� can't hxke'on reliz
ict, Sir irg Stuck far t, arRo or
it is vour lovin 9 lyrs Pantaloons. 9i vei,
She has been. helrel Slie ha the es -tate de ler, as lia-drew wird from I rup of Hypophosl�pbitcls it fair though . a'. (;rmlnow. here hs trac t6 CUY exclillif4d t 2t ton. and his iiitt dants. 0 cials, inaiiswer -to theln- nco y out.. soinewbt se-verel trial i -n my practice -cheats tUe, lclt
la ps 0 s el One of t. -he a table oil w�ich 'was al.).
sonae, Valzilly oil the bracelet. F0- Robert Sek�vo �th c le in his I V, pointed xv�rd a desk,�where smt et1i i ir S! eedily Mv Roberts triol his luck
eudeavo and am able to SP �vith confidence of of f 1 -4)
low ME, friends she' qatilhot be fi-vt arinh, and red to soothe her ll a lert-looking, cl�eau-cut, all alive -sort pointedAjqvilt for'thocolonit &W hall his doaon the table., its effects. In r storilify p sollf; suffer- 'n, nd servt ill the habilimcuts; J
i agitatioj4, and C harles 0 f ter A moment's I Sir, is Mr. jf ol-. pamy of E gl -, hi, is I -or several prj�;
ay 01 mail, and said, "I'Thatl Thitty More- atld ybu c'__ win ing froin onlaiatic)n ndothe �ebility fol� yate Capitah,,ts of Toronto, xho loan Money -it Thre are so� :
ut !land two of heinitation,' a essed hiia. t estatc.
He ti isbed from the . h 2 very reasoable ratm Intoresi pavable Tearl
$250," said t I lowing diplitheria, it'
three attendants, who had lik-ewise i Selwo th,qiu Harnsome?" said th has do e wonrlers. tha
ssul. Colon attemptinc, to e old fello ' 0 Charges - Also for the t. t they won't set �3 -gt
'Wl Roberts betvl!" In, st ceut oil the table, I co ntIV recoi6nielld its illse in a � tile hall the icarth nidic
le an' separate yy It ar d that ady, I wronge'd list Bank.
ed fro�m, the hiner ahatuber, and tt yaas, so, so bult praise to the face*is
turued-_ to Mr. j8prittgfield and begged
ff-,ct, I
i - 01. 8 t,.Ie �jl
; I ' q � ly reiparatioll in Ili Dee. iii, 1871.
who had (marded the door - quickly is: you both ace:)t the OD open disgrace, as Aunt Jerusha used to him to.lend llinil$30. The crood- cases coillsiolered hoy eless it; has Whn lanis ished af ter tb eir leader. my power'; the passae for two persons 8-y. 1) 11
gelltlemnbd liot be-t'a, centin I his HOWMSIED, At
fie i is secured in yo ader to Not day?$ given relief, and he patients -ire fast re- become �s The d isappearance emed the s Wh,%t can I do foi- you' to. life, nd was I)& kward iii lendiiig money torm at Law, Solicitoi
for"Selworth's becorninu perfectly this boatman wIl take you on board, and coveriDg. Ain o, � these re consumptive Inolvenvy, Public m -a C timeut Oat of t-bein.
sked the Supe intendent Curiously eye -
even to savc! Iiii old frie-nd's son, but at and old -Subjects, -%vbose dis- Heaven speed your pass , e IIM ILL
I liLg the visitor tat stood before 4 ngth he pt,�t it -nbther '�.ast of eses have resiste.1 other modes of treat- -he Canada Life Assuraneu Company,
u p. He rose now, %-lid, pressinc, his barnL Sire, wh�i will becol e of you ?"cle ie midst of a subdued snicker- from the The LigL- tU*L
n - I f --- the diee) all(I the real estte man said to 1011d at 8 liar cent. Far=,
'ling forebead, tie ahoated-:� i -I manded Richmid. Mel -it. For imp i e(l digestion, and in i 11ousesand Lot for sale. Th -ere it iust now i derks.
6 1 - the players li4llIq t put up �',100 o take older but tLe de- fact from debility frODI ftny Cause,, I j
m -a very, fi e day. ch an ce at r. pringfiel. Do f (ire, so loudly.. that it is I must aw"i it in y Don't erSV crl forwArd as I
e to surmise why , illej parture of anotlier 'boat. Day ? Yaw Put Out kn�ow of nothin a e(jidihl, to it. i Its direct & Brristers ind A,,ttoYney8
�Litterly e )ose you relne,labiar me, do ye ?" E-NSON non-iltilit;of tht: lightilia
his haDd to gra p the nioney It lready effect in eilin, at Law, olicitor-i in Chailcerjy nd Insolveney,
aft," sail I Selwokth� de- ;treliA -r the �ierrous sys-
us t left did n6t hea the (-,Y-- aies Stu 1 0
Your n, _2 -
ho ha( j me I �'nust have forgotten. hall on tile -board, but tile real estate I Conveyancers, Notaries Pulibc, etc,. �)ftices-Sea. ceive not yourself ; youl disadise and re- nders it suitable for fhe ML&joriLt
iV1 ustapha 06tton ? Thu nd�r, no man told him to hold back- y �orthaud -_A:1.3,o(o of Privatu Funds to, to prove their utility is
Ain I awake ?" ULI'Silled the' *V'rEtC. treat- are digeov ared, an.([ long ere youder Colto game of dinses. I a, Sir, your� truly, W -m. I livest at ome, at Eight V n
pi it was the feller what did the grad- I _ Perc '11t. I _tel_ -St, llftyale position of - a Man ed lovei, its he burst into ;the roib-h Run. sinks in We west, the cot will be hs won that'] said lie. "The only S. H 0,,vE 1). 58
T, ill I only furnished the sleepers." chalice %v(. to got yourilionny back Ovea, IL d e brve soldiers "JAS: U. pr . . lt:) , Ve. We lZ
which his Mistress had reposed, ad. ocuir surrounde � 'by of -the ou -UI1TING1 F Fran -li 11.1
What.graffin (16 oil mean said PROSTR.MON ES ROX TBE rst tauglit th
.9, y is �to put ill) another huildre 1. " Mr. la�-r demonstrtion fatally co*illviuce�a h -in" commonwealth.?" tile Superititendbut. effe�ts of the iateuse. heat bf the suinnier. in Cha -w- aw the I : d -the king-" if p6ngfield hesitted, but Mi oberts �of so manyof d
1 have Gradin' done inball ? Gosh, all he in * t- cry, &e., Goderich, Out. Oflive-over J. 0.
she had disappeared. spo cen sal mouths, is the pre-ilit posing cause W not to parley Is ud. so hard. h( landed the diseases . peculiar to hot weather. The stom- 'Detlor & do,�-s Emporium), �ifai�ket Bijuilm '26.E
vn( -I sh'Ould ill
Roselle ! Roselle soea. you -t�ould esci pe, lock ild -K it was. Or!
Bot in I I over all hisl DMIle Ro ty dol- ach partakimg of the losii of viValit pervading the
Y n
-from. distraction. entp ton whole RyStAM, is Ull plete digestion;
me r the boat ,lid J., Its The I It �e wer I dropped right aou 11ble to uorn
No vcicE; responded to his� Dguishe d5 Never !-' er �ed Sel%v ortb firmly - big lars NNIX 11). rit'sh cold. e
II-Ailhat contract are you talking of, cast and th real e -state nin ,r5ed the food p.asHilIg 1lIldJjg01VCd - t ' he gh the bowels
2 (It irrit(ttestlieliuin',,,iii�.mbrRue,and�� Jarrh
-Lt d not permit him t d' Y OIL Want Of Me i.aid 0 Chancery cry, an he east him, sef On the 4rbund proud oul wo ;o - re'- B -111t
Ont. Offico-two door.,; noAll of.
si r, and what we., Bri ceive saety f roi n one w Ii tle. nettled. in triumpli, " By* Jove, live wo and entory, Cholera =4 w ell prevuiling,
hom. his principles t I the Post Mice.
i Litter despair*. fie official, a Ii As41fic Cholera t I
raked i 11_1 excited.1 Attention to as savo -iii-of litolubvi,
n the W. R, SQITII-.,R, D-UNIEL A very few -rninttes,'homrever. be eld tatialit-him to despise. money. _n I :
0 Who do I i &tit to see V -7 -why yew, diet., niolexute exerei �o, bathill g aii d regular hab- 'him risE fi�om the grround to'all qjpeaf� Yqtir obstil Lacy," sa A Charles, "de- I iMr. iehl take ac- its ninst Ile observed. To niaiiitain the vital 271 Goderich. of lightili
il yew air the tip rintendent. Yew air,
st the swindlers, ail(' they in forcer, and pre. xhanstion, Dr that in solile. ttues t1lev.
tion acr,Lin vent 1jissitnile and
an altered we a.� serves punishihent, a4 -here are they lilt ye.,)'. b
tu -it threaebed to bave hini for Wheeler's Compoun 1. Iraimmir of hospbstes avd protc
dig Idi t ! fool that I a, V�ras it not who wilt administer it."i Yes," said the railroad officer, with a calisaya is untinesMnabl
T lAift le, at; stroke, and liere teyN
orderly culiduct, 'and he was &,)out to
almad the voice it I
�eVidklt the inhabitnts of the placewere "Seize them, all orates the argalls, ad TEL, SEAFORTI-T. -homaz
oer- thcise who,z
nod) go"out, -whel tile real estate inan offered frener
a 1 KN10X'S 110
Cavaiers ? wliat- could 1, exj)ce� -voich Selworth had heard in the cottAge. Wll, you 3ee I tin a little. deaf, an' atin nerve iforce Jiuox bgs to state to his oldtrieuds all
if be' would sign . recei )t for the and the travelling pub e, that lie has leased tbe cntrivan"s,
said her faher ad- I used to fiJornish. eepers f Bearin fo Hkir -by
fromroyalty but decei)tion aud tre le eful Zi ur this road, hit r the Hotel lately occupied -Hr �and One- obtain a, list of instt
remainder t' the money. Tie took the
ly post,
n4 sin the in serale Roselle "but I forinerI known s -tho
ery ? I have Slumbeed on E� dres In ney 216LEPNUED FROAK THE Fuull� r1rUlEASE OF TRE Y HOUSE, atid r(KI 1111S SaV'Acd tbC tdifice�
did. Sold nigi 6,00, an"only 40 thrown gne they ha ire protited by In y f ollv.; but let will. not repr6, ch you eternl separa- nd i d the receipt ; but the hopes tio raceiyo a coutimmuce of the liatrouuW �proceedinj 8 �Igalast the ll bc -%yell up is manIr t
from the presum amt." lay to( Ile so liber, o on him during hi, men have no &ubt
. I I next -k
them bE Ware-Rabert Selwortb is tion ptaous R-oundhead I it you must be, mista;ken," said the do -It produce-, tv lumiria it tnTe which low lifts iu
$'%Vill lersan -recover ned tI e f Lill. q I, LI.,theus an, 13 10 tilig into his . vi,4itor's
er ahild nor churdim-a a, calmlyto rq- who.hasdared to love the daughter of r� I MOunt- It beautifies (-.onN ilence Nyil) Ile provideti for The beavn would lollgl
ceive am. Myrston, prove year punishment." ear "we It makes the Hair sofCand pliant. 01113'hi-lltintblalMr. but for tliv iroll wre
havii't iade any contracts for It i inparts to the Hill' r It ric
h losss- finish.
Let A nut be Suposed that he stoo4l 6 1 That I fotbld Sir said Chrles, in A careful UhA r(!li-1b1ebo.,"ler a] %-vays in ttendatla.
o it- is perfect] y himul, o I t
MAA;, or unclean. 291 THOMMS lQN-OX, Proprietor. letrie llaiil to ran Aselt
I. -N 13.k -D LudK..-1-T,.ecentl ne:al G erman-
-ven- Y. I -
unoccupied while thus giving ve inb to hi� his assumed 'Wall, darn it llp 'twas to, vn, a wom.1: n was scoolp?o. up� b v It stinluin teii the roo Ls of the !Tair Av are Ilot bnvvover
nam thecow-
feelings. ar f vom it he Littered th4 ' "You ! and who reyotili"; Ifenliyens brashy al A i oak 11air.
I GX Rk -isties to gu-
longer ago li'thht. I made trade with ;cher.of a, I ocomn ti ve.- "Plie tr.111 Could It prolongs vitality. thi -e statj
-sentenc * coo1v -ith intervali bq- Ghles drew' 6ff the fidze berd which
-tin b,- Ili a mile. Sold b., all aim Leed'�e remember RaYmun not be stoppcd lintilithd rull", where �cojo
sentenc and iv twee, tiring which time he hadjadornect his'chin, aild-then address- 0( per bott)e.
Lee -little feller, not SO tall as Yew- T asnnhurt. . When the story A. SHALPS' LIVERY AND hALE STABLES.
Nvoinall TiSe any�
himself in Ghrging his pistols &lid. llav� ed the' knight in his natLLi:al voice. a mart ez er ste� 1 trap. PBRET it- oN, ole Proprietors. T
of � escpe. was told to henbusb%nd, lie Office -At Murray's notp.), Saaforth. Good -where evey wdl in his belt, he dre* Do you know me Yes 8,77 T. PAUL SRE AL, P.:Q.
miember him, he w aLorsesiijitlf.�rst-cltis,,Couy.e mncesalwa�sonlaud,.
1111(y rep] ced them re _yi IW I I I It be darned if wimmen -a conducto�r in its IV,_yj
hove 1,* Sir 1 8 uperin tendent of tile road twenty years -tit t hard to. August 7., 1874.
his swo nd rushed. from, the Ro,re�ll bent the ktice of reverenc& Tliere. was My finest uppnes 116
He Surveyed the quiet waters which nd his followers, forgebtil)cr the precau- ELL'SLIVELY STABLE'S, SEAFORTH, 011t. -
ago. D rham. Be BGood Rorsys ull. Cowfortable -Vehicles. al, shouted loudly, Twenty y a,,o Yaas, yaas. loc omo ive rudic hirn , and thei e 6vas 110 on and. Favorable ments nla-de with
:spread; anruffled before him, as thlytic, ton whi essenti. got on the track id the larknegs' Hair 113alm.
mockinir his impatience, -Lid- the saills Loug Live Kil ig Charl es all, I in o ved Eas't more'n ten year ago. t The best preparation: in use foe restoriniT, presery. ConiluerejalTravelier.q.- All o'r(!ders left fttliNoX�s allee -.311 yea
utifvjug the hair, and Y� lightaing, ender- f)
DOurrh left in blin to supply muiin; Ltion to in;,, and bvi
oniptly Listen, Sit. Roger X .1 was farmin' ihorse ran away v. ith the X; led the of the Smugler's vessel speedily c, ight yrston=ere five then upbackof At f . And iny ing i0oft anti glossir. HOTEL, Will Ile IV'
have cteor
-berry own of the Comme! -
his eye. 4-ii-autes have passed, I shall bid a i' e and up there gi. This invalable pre paration we would rreselit tp
d ��
pie a of 1,
and the, tr4ltin caqie alol)g, id bit the public. kuming, it to possess 511 the vir cial Hotel, )1ain Street. -with nd -witlio-tit rotls )N
cliff and sbcr on sheers wit I ,Toe arbink-him V hit lid the borse was k il led nd Claim for it. 13cin IT erfectly free froin till itijin-j- aml. they re eol)vinced q
adv meed to the t�he Ibng farewell to the es of England,
He tue'we
221 THOYA9 ELL. Pyopriletoir-
sound of voices belo hrrer in the W'idder th It, r all Composed solely of nutri-
w excited iiis.' atteli. andit is my Ist. inju�iqtion that you b roke his leg ii L_ al re Wasn iece of the gig left big ous ing- edicilts, coadn-etors; The Ii .11
e It -mat over we civil colithlouilly conjulinill it jig 0, safe
lizzy J -ie gh�, uaite these two in holy ��edldck. What ol-told him the enough to mi plug for th i6ot hol� Samuel Mirodfle, C. power onthe point tio the (I BurVS field=d xned fo p
i I I (Isnrerenell-i-fo! he "Flffling.of the airYes-
and the forra of his beloved- Roselle. ie,� say ye steers would t t,, and he might hev of 4 barrel. jillfe�i ell)n�Ine is of ItIouring grey hid' 4 Ori there, is unildia
0 ��T w, that wife
ike� Sire, you com r to,it, giniil color, rnpartinr� a !PROVINCIAL LAND his gazt, .1 1 1 vise those of Clilfor�l
mand Is afre law.
r al jyS healthy ton(., and vig)r to its roots, an�
itlmown- no account, �0& she escapes. 1 , w I callEin it l orders left t the-MansionHousewith -ML trating material, the ilau
Is compnion. t my ye, aster Selwor
and h And wit Well, wel said the railroad of- th Sam tf Yin lj,%Vb two eg, S in your to grow -1 uxuriantly. As it Cosinefic alone, even 4ohn 'Murrav wreceive inflineiiltb attentiolL Tkey were nxiously bOCq t "I thank y)u heatily," replied the f cer, imptiently what is your bas* where the hair is str ing and bealtb3,, it is invaln- Roferencesbr, Colemanand Dr. King, 41P.152
Ila cl nd oyici,
bad and tbeotr good� able, ar, it imparts it ah'glossinesq and flke where tw �storili brolte whiclo rapidly neat -ed . the sho e, n I colonel, " but by ccel; ting your inter- 2 _U &p
r ess nil you 1 pearance, which no cnewho ldves b Nvith an which N �- rowed by a ,,vb o a e' - -lerece I must sacrifice,,or at least coinz. et eat rop, it s invai,,bly the eau ty call fa il M Iss WATSO9
as .0; Wall, I lie bpen runnin' a thrashin' -ed to admire. Prepare, ' only -T)Y� 1 tiry beeause,
good oije th it llrakev." And he looL
Ina 0: promise, wh 0 call ace in - his I,, -: �N I �s ORGANIST of 19t. Thomas' Church, willreceive there to recelv
din) Pharnaeouti, ;ql C�enl� pupils file imstilictiou in Yoeal nd Ilustla-
I scorn: to accept T laine, ten a saw mill till last week; motkth, nd ,orritted on the str mental dif worth mcoullized as be' Ile Of t e-b.e at s derert' me�th ' Lady r. iachine. last fLI daown ter Agusty; sad, nd -trned his tob
had seel, ill the cottag'e. �osellemy h)nor. t London.
0 1 Ige in- I P iCIllar att-011tiO31 paid to the
the eclae of e lb assistance front the m6n who -but DO lumber it Dim D. For sale byT. S. 1 UBERTS and R. LU31SDEN le
fie rushed long ain so quick ez it used to, co sistencie,, of accidents; ertindoi of the, voice. of TIA-legraph and aurveyedit with the keen 0": -matter, fare,ye well, sive., Scitforth, and by Dr7ggists general 845-26 1. i ly. 80*4
ed eye of ,ioldier, endeavorill", PO Fare ye W1 11. thost Pot miacious, " re- lllllle� - pols were targets 'Or U_
What is yc ur business here, I mean? Whe 'U'reai seenle(I +,0 retlaT.4
'Cove,17 SO e p,,V.h by In eari s of wl L plied Chavles, galy. Remember, Sir- What do Tlis, HA-.\']). -Profound Stud y has led Fejaia4�c lawled the 8uperintendelit. I E. LUSBYJ
to the conclusini that JOB . ES 13=10DICA, PILLS. 3ED AUOTIONE Ell for the County of Mght d escend to the beach.' Roger, my corni ands. IV]Ien this Rotor!& )Ott waut y 4D
1, I invalitable medicine is unfailing iir th a,"'wirt't Nor was it long ere. till,- laitinG ara n' head colonel, M hose ir6n heart "even l0_V_ L, Want? Vl7hy I W the bands represent three types. Those THIS tinfulauddang rousdi Huron� liales attendc4l in till parts oftheCoun- -r
%lit to go to At- eiixe of all those Ili e seases 1 ich I whose filwers -have Pointed tips re pos- ty. All orders made
.attradc.d hi attention. cannot soften, iiI Ilear reasQu ; thtis? t leberry. to -%vhich the feluale constitutio is subject. It Post office will be I)roll]ptl3' a-itClided to. 827
. I I tills sx-as He p 811ed it sli�qhtly, nd it M, 0' (11 will remain ne.i ter in tills struggle (I do sc5ised of a r4pidnsiht into tbll gs ; are moderates all excess anti removes ail obstructions,
i ; . _ I., whir don't you go ? there's [Ld a stleedy pure mil -1v be mliod on. i.,facfory t
he forced it �udely rom its p6si.. iod, not expect him to beco e. Cavalier) give the station, a ' exti,a senitive and pious, impulsive.
1141thetrain, leaves in ten Tonlarriedladies, tispecoluarlysitited. Itwill, Jill P. BRINEx To this clss belong the poets, udartists. in ,, a i, and the caref ully concealed path be( rde him thy fair do u ghter- -but n t till then. lilinutes." hort tinle, brin" on the monthly period with I' Conut
-SED AUCTIONJ�,Er, for the of shhout IA g -is
T 'IQ_ gv-visible. Now, Hans Mclken, show th� loyaty in en ef T6 tile sq.l,%I,e tops" belong S lentific regulftritv. i � - . Wall, I hain't got no ticket-- 1 -Al Huron. Sales attended in all parts of tb8 Webe 'Pills shouli. not be taken by Females
Dow 'Ile Sprang, and with dexterou�, -the strength of thy art -As, ".and hesprang people ; se tine I charac- on could give me a free pass-" coil I orders lef t at the Exl)oslTon Office
durimIg the first threl 1, illouths! at Pxemacy,as they I k
yet speedy step- he, san-rht - the S t ters, profess� onal ineu. The sp ic e-sh will bl�- proulpQV attended tO4
into the bosit. " Faq-well Richard, he -I AV P - are sure to briu- on � gisearriag�e, but at any other i
P, by sho ld I pass yqu free ? I call
& ")r where stood bipa �elovcd Roselle. said, leaning I ac-, a giv�ing -him big see no reason." I ed flops-thi,,k ips, with litth -)ads -of t e they are sa
The t, tolac, In all of el on,,; an(l Spinal' Affections, TO RENT. aasor wate
oat Dow tied the lore, xnil hand, which tile latte, entbusiastica.11y 9 p- flesh on e i side of the wtils.-Mye ma-
I'"'hy, -you know, I sold them slae� 01 1 � . s in the back ani L 1hubs, fatigue on ulight ex-
bv far the mory Hans 'Njolkea hviag noddeli issent to kissed on beniled knee I sl!411 not for- )o terilists ecinlipercial, practical, with a 8T01',E under od Fellows' Ran, (now ])I ]ding).
ers to Raymun Lee cussed sight 'tc PiLlpitation nd I. ertion ail
i i. )f the heart, hysteries, F * purticulaTs-onaph-catin To Secretary the iiiqUil-ing looks of Clifford s tol le get thee." i 11 higher appr4ciation of ll that tends to
1)w, an' U said"_+_ whites, the.w 1)Ws w 11 effect ti cure -when all otaher I of Ceninlittee.
success of his placeoll a b ar. 1. sperated of- bodily ese jan�t comfort. Ea(h finger, means have failed' an(T aith (I
The Doltolim. ii,. wholad been listless- What 810uted the exa ough a powerful 346 JOHIN PAYNE.
-ind� hag remedy, do not conta iron, o4lomel, antimolly; or
from to share to the. boat,t nd ith ly gazin Oil th. scene, now prQceeded to er, "Do you. mean to come to me for no matter- -%�hab'the kind of Ii. I - ivnythi�ghuytful to tie constitution.
tile oplonel b e'_ so one joint Pus,
on shillent did . I exercise his o rs, auct Charles, waving a free pass Over this road because twenty I al hat which is n amst the Full dixectious in the paniphlet around eaeb L holct Lady 11 selle sitep ou ft iiig the body nother package, which, C. WITTSox, of Senforth, hfu-been appoint -
not 'In- his hand, excla, ued- years ago you E o . Mr f An Gan
14 Lee 450 worth o P houl I be caretul1v pregerved.4 0
willingly, but wilh. joy. --the mId(I1 - e mind )- anc. Job Aloses, N awYo rk, Sole Proprietor. Q100aud ed ole agunt for the celebroted'Alathnshek B"
-k kind f, , well to 911. sleepers? Thi4is�toomiieh." 12.1 cents forpostage Truly, flivre na-thir
II I mclosud to'Northop in the County of Haron,and thisinstrunieut ciln
'Ile ! Rosel No, Sir, yew- could Lman, alio -SL
R n, le he shotited A loud shout answei�ed him the fit'- Tew mucl _n't I th(� 0111- E toil of these divisio s corres' Toronto, 0 t 1 geut.4 chamed thron-, n -enei a
TJ for the Dominion, Only be pur gh him or his dill author -
Would yool. leave ine uy them air Sleepers liaow for double Iiond with o e the tapes abo e iven. will insur ized areuts. Or(lersgiven to others than lityagento
e boat in whic h lie Sat swiftly cut the P_ outainbag over 50 pills 4by A loi: d sGrea-ul esc;iped her, and, tUrnMRil. ''ormy-gelf-%Yillixotbei'ill(-tl. Thefollowill'T
y gentl
s iver waves ai d carried him from Eng-. the money, an(L Ra mun Lee be wan't tE�R' Sold in Seafor lit in slie 1),--li6ld her lover spliol hby E. Hickson & Co. jand men have be(In iippoiiiteil to acta-, ury age
t-1 r sses, fur when ly tui r O o close of his pa cum I. R. Luinsdon. the County of Huron -
1 nd ; and, in - the evening -GOILI-NIVIii Smith assailed �le suf- 197 Thos. U- P� rier'n 111104AI ing fro -ii crag to with dang rons' e " d settled with him an' got I er y
(-own her an whiffen awl li� C. Doh t tn six,
ridity %lid violently avil his �d, accompan1d by Lord Wilmot a -fid. fra'gists and ect ured. women in 11acmil- 77
him, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, Clinton; and L. S,. AVilfson, (�oilerieb. to akin' with he told me if I'd only
y landed at 31, t
C lonel Gunter, Charl�s safel. tl- it Ursula AK r ght re -
sword, whicli glecaled. b I- i rill tl y ti ni I. - 320 WILL�W.'N, Seafioyth
the n p to Attleberr' he'd gin me a IT WEIGHT IN' GO
go y WORTH TEN LD. 'DO YOU fruill. sultri*
Fecalup, on the'0oast Of Normand plies in the ondoll w t I sharR
-rising Q, un. Y.
eyes of C -, L is The boat wa., follAed by the riticism, an( tells him this ere are TUNIE Yol; DID. INCORPORATION kOTICE.
80,000 mo women than men Great There tire but I(Av prepar, tio s of med c e Me rc:fu.l _11cavent 1 how -is itl� "Good gracious !" sid Folsom, sink Vanity of She exclaiiiied. al until it -reaG ied the: vessel, &lid then i n, back in his chair, hoarse and exhaust- r i in ha1f1ta.'nv,I to
La y, " answered Clifford, wb!p now Sir Roger said to Sel,%vorth- Britain, an thdt it is p ticular cruel which have withs'.00(l the linpartial judgment of lKnuicipill Cfuneil of t�ho Tilla�e C -f SEA4�
f d -with shouti ag, with the great drops the pe9ple for 11,111, reat lenzAh of thile. One of THE As wns never that women shotild be taunted i Con- I F ORTH -hereby give iiotico din� they will apply
perceived that Speed or force aon� could. You heard my promise, Sir; when of perspiration on his forehead, " so wial these is TimmAs'EL CTRIC 01L, purely a prepar- to theGovernor-in-Council after thee iriLtioncif but this, " A 4, I Xp
tenipt for matrilmony by a inan who has
.Secure iiis prize; " I catinot pinde to atioll of six of tionleo the best oils thidare known, three months from the first iriqertjollf thi notice
you fulfil the annexed condition, my 1. if you'll only go - Mr. S., buy him a himself doDe lidthing to reduce Even by �'cach one po it come With dano lisellsin rtlleR of its olwn. 1.3cientift to ereet the Villagm of Seaforth into a Towul uW
-answer questions, you. muE hter be�co S your bride." ticket for the next train, and charge it her 50 or 6o one, the oveiW4�ellnillg number,,z f those Phy�sicians know that luedir;ut-, mitv be formed of i der the nalne,)f %,,--aforth, and the following limAS
ellb, till 1) op
me, ax, seizing her in his arm be, - r ortiolis of are inteinle(I to be inclufld therciu arFarewell, then, 'Roselle, f arewell to my account. I won't write him condemned ly )I goveralingvedients; ir cer in fixed b
-attempt ed to bear her into the boat. ter power, anti prAucinty effeetti which could S. AV. corner of Lat 24 Con, 1, MeN13101)
forever," and vrith a last embrace the pass he may lome back here on it."
'110p; I � fl"t
her screas were echotd, and But this is o* the beginning' of oldwM' never result from the' Se of ny olle of them, or in acres, being S.- half i)f Lot
Ag '25 Con. 1, me
. . i lovers parted. mith's deserved chastis, differentealubinatiolis. Thus in the preparation 25 acres, W, ornier'of Lot !25, Con. It- <A to .-she 6tr igted so violentl WeIt' he
y, Wit, forced adian'M. P. P. in "Gotham." of this oil a cherilical hauge- takes place, f ornling S-rexiliop i R) iuerv,, being Lot 26, Con. I XON1" to, Telinquish her, lest the fragile board .1 The reception of Colonel elworth at Can means to bit him again.
a compound whicb co ild not by any possibility be F Con. 1, let. o
lop; 50 acres, halt Lot'_)"�,
the court of Oromw611,was far from be- on. which they stood should give way, The follovvii ig 'Qod story of a Can- ation or
9 made froni any other c6mbiu. proportions lop; 25 a eres, bein N AV. corner of Lot 1), coo' Ill
g. cordia, Ii - ILM Reef 1;1 of four or live poui jL";3
he snat-,hed the sword which I�icliad DI it ... as well known that he adian M. P. P. a troubles and tribulationg of the game ing-redie its, or aily othpr ingredients, Tuckersmith, extending to itilroa
and entirely different f roni. a
loved. the dau, Yhter of a Cavalier, and while on a recc nt visit to New York SPE IAL NOTICE Inaflant. n
had drawn. uythhig ever before being Lot 10, Coil. I Tuckennulth; 1-00 acres, be -
made, one Nvhi(:h prod u ce-, the most astonishing re- in Lot 11, Coll. 1, Tuckersinith - 50 acres) being
t so, �r lo when it was dis-,overed that Charles had The gen- BREAKFS' veils a lit h'
the Sic'of that city. EPPS'S COCOA.— 9 1
Sin.;e you will have i, yo told by �ORATE sults"and having fl. wider range of application N. half Lot 12, Con, 1 25 a-resi ba- ei nd,� and had embark- t1eniall'alluded to 'is -Mr. Moes Springer, FU -L A�tq)) CO FORTIXG.-"By a bhorough.1, thatlany- diimovered. Itcon- in- S. E. coriler Lot 12, Cou. I Tucke
,er dies," arid he r1ushed to meet iSel 3c�ped from E:lgla 50
ed at Brighthylmst(jhe�-a place from knowled e f the natural la s tains no alvhol or other volittile liquids, conse- acres, being E.half Lot, 11. Con. 1.), Tucerswit1i has got hr Wa;14-A worth, ho, panting withrage and ire, c f Waterloo: which quently loses nothiurrbyeraporat Tuck -
,y of b! -i whence I ion. Wherever 10 acre -F, being S.W. c-orner Lot 11 Con- W .. ; t
Selwoith ha1posted direct to
et ex.h usted. by the rapidir s:des- The 8wn says that on Tuesday evening govern t e perations Of ddi g e tian and applied you Lot 10, ocn-
t! I get the b wellt of ey �i y drop-; wberf-as (Arstuith; 50 aeres, being )N*- lulif coald. Lonclon-iii spi;e of pals't services, strong cne-o et by a tall, nutrition, 'an by a. carefl app, cation of wit ratlons '�earlye *' conlel. Lot
Cent, coiul_a scarce summon §uffi 'en f the re ters was, ni h other preps all the alcohol hs Tnekerginitb; .130 acron, J)ejug X. E.
�strengbh to defend himself agaixst the suspicion was attached , to him. D VINOO blit, was obli..ed t,
ly-wbalsker d individual, who looked the fine prop rties of well-selee d eo,�Oa lost in that way, anti �ou get only the small qqan 11, Con. 8, Tackersinith, extellin-east ti
Ban( I P tity of oils whi . ch the� may contain. o soTth 96 Todfl; 30 to All) tile fierce and masterly attack of Clifford, These ms Cr16mwell hesitated very much lik the victim of a Swindle Mr. Epps It s provided our bre �'fast ta. rods, and eldending north t Itokex-
sus Lp S THOMAS, PlrFmrs, N. Y. acres, being N. W. corner Lot 14), Con. 3,0 inste-ad of prbliti
who fou a determination which not to noticT him-, aiLd Selworth- hav- J:nown a dianc(. The strAnger turneil out bles with a elicately, flavoured[ boverage And NoR &- LY)U.N, Toronto, Out., slulth, exten dingwest east to 16'A rods, and -,-,bop busiiess. Ail
showed Vi mt wallik'le sessed of wil� t re- ing indignantto rebutted the charge of t D be James S � ringfield, of- Toronto. He wych may ave us many heav� �.Oetonl Sole.Age RbNp In
P yvl mis IToYlTe oininfn. tending north to sout4 96 rods.
NOTE-Electrie- alectod and Electrizeid. -taid. an I skill to his prize.i having chan hig opinions, acknowl- had been in 2 a city for-, a few days, and bills. "-Ovi Service Gazette Made lqSON, Res"- fallitig-off ill the woolh
9- a 9A lk Es Boiling Wa Sold in Seaforth y E niiihou & Co and R. WY. ELLIOTT, Clerk. As nothing but -wli
ItL a w. passes, the sword of -Selworth edged that he ad seea Charles dep�rt fter dinner On Tuead y h wa ed �r foj Milk. Lumsden. 1874. W-38
Dated the 4th da ot 1une A. D. down with these bile la
The tralisformation o
te 11
smart urbi
. r
Au �T 71, 1874.
AU Gv.Tr 7,
er�jug, without throwing any obstacle in his. dow� Broadivay, At Houston Street lie 1�,uh packet is. labelled
was forced.f row his hand, at) d stagg Co., Rolkiwopathic. (1hemists, London."
THE FOUR FUGITIVEIII' 1-( ressod, young J. was 14ccosted by it wel I back. three
I es his foot slip- nd
or ur pac, *OA. INN' e wi
I Ael ved as was by his man -with 'Iffoixr are on, I'VIr. T onder- MANUFAUMXE, Or' CocoA. . I Of J019
pin�, he fell 0 orth 4101W, Houth slile of Oodlerii;h 8treet, fir,�t door sayings
at, however shor "UP thestrAnd. row qa-
j tl� U. Son? How areithe pe le of low give all account of the 13FOCeSS ad
The m: . i Last of Premb*Aei hureb.
press(d,', forward, but Rose. sold e ed it, not pr
I lie, jers, Cromwel. d'em ley, 4rd i ime is V10",
away, aw � then the keen eye of to fford conduct of which ven?)) Mr. Sprintrield. o (I tt- young ed by Messrs. James EPPS K -,'Co,, 7111,111! j T
I f ti gentle hold of Richard deAt openly to pi is pin rom
detected'his boat dose to the vessel-. u be c d'bring n( certain proof, gentleniaa tl ist ell, and uftacturers of dietetic. abicks, at thir DR. KING, )GafofLb,A hite of fheir debts , with it.
.je-11 rsesile rward d ca oul
-ingfl,A of To- worl�$ in tile Road London"— 'i Coronerfor otil
his X6 U13d e is the wet'
In fact, he had not commenced t his at retired to added, Ignorall
III duldst thou. d6-. Sel-worth left ' Ddon, and u residenot, oylar Johji.,on rol Hold, mons 4 !
turn, to tl e Shore, his f ather rontpj a met ber of tbe boini i�!)ii Par- Household all'itle. cI q;,; thG estate which tne death of f lien a vetsary -_eDs[V is
lie young ii ii. r 2b7
We re too late, madam," Said G. StU ;session of. liain lit. B j t y A AFE1,18, (the r Cat 1)ublic tenilwi to davornight- ede n t for me, Roselle, I
ffected tone can had left. him in po,,
ford, sp .king still in his &� �nnd l o ogics for his ke, ver ------ -----
e, Here the recollmtion of Roselle haunt- p i rcinc(ly,) have i)o
w been in use 0
n tie resigati of get -t- [lu-tirellof
of voice"anconcealing his features as sav e you, yet—d ie vilial !" alld he drew I%I 'A few f irther oil ciniot be sai(I the 4liscom
a pistol front hii i belt, al). ol, presented it ed his inind, ai'Ld on of his w, ed av twenty yeaig, i i, I
sible without a3tuall3t x- llother Ili l, 3iot so y have boen
much as� pos. col aillission, which speedily occurred, -as that they aro oil ti Th
citing suspicion e Colonel has riiha�h- at Cliffon o with hard, ci nel features, snidotb face, Bell
the boat I� ' Aalother moment W'OuIII have seen him immediately followed by his marriage t tiloroughly tried, and pronot need (on the I streets, nvxt to tile Mill.
ed the all ii� ; but fear not, S oil 01 of his aftectiolls. and the free nd� easy niArter of, 111thority of those whose liv�s and heilth of
ele -,poll die ground, bad thy id PeOpIc Of good !wri lquickly l eturn and convey to ough confidelico operator, 4*-oached, bve- pre.served) to be. Iij cure, i�trm�
And, a ration of Iiis' not Ric -hard, w o had Closely followed ie14 ty, poroner for lio County (if mirl:
in corrobo 0, I'LlcOril- I opilliODS ag
s though Niae years aft Z3 nti. in t1un. cau hl his venging Lrl Cyarles returned the I alil� tur'111119, scellied 'iti.dolonly ion, 0 01
-words Hans Molkeu. jumped into the, Roselle, 9 nize ll old friend in :A1 illulluld. ol i,lvariabiy Marblo I'Voir-s, all't FAce thing-,,,
0 -wledged so vIrel911. nd if taktal it)
arm. boat &lid bega*u to row toardg the. ackno -T.e raspe st t li's face.
e uneasiness to (Ithe hand title colds, ilit
at, ion, to a Ina
use, Sir, iiiause ill 'hiln )'011 seek'j This event gsX som -71 ,) I
tF ir tril -will
P, t, I VVIlay
shore. - 1 i a I mall nd shook it so liat tile Passion il
I I IA youf king. Se Lworth, who f, i ed tb a;t a recollectidn ffectiolls. J. G. BULL, LD.S., DiRichl d discovered a, broken and. to clestroy-r-b6li shakeii hardly knew what to Of it. ;
on this- a cl trio . se&ted themselves all "I scorn," said CbrTesL:fo"r it waft, of the rough ex-po,ure of his'sentinients i convirice the most keptic Sold by- ei
.h of Torotito," says ail jileiicinu, dulers t 25 cei ts per b ever tfli-13--y that eve I- thoughtless a�n d vicious still lurked- in th J)reatst 'of Charles'; I G orge Roberts-, Style Y t
le al You lit: a Of not neatly little
awaiting. witb_ equal anxi t tI ival indeed, you All iiu
-e Y. to 6we Iny life to my itaille. his larnis we lit,wever, without It Vl,,*yly.y*,,vi-ci�.ki..-Wliei-i person has of the t-dy bcatnitin. inonarch- from my father about tbq4o erri tobertl s8cd� Fire Sir - an' y miss nie, your life pay fOlLudticin.j y proved an rticle and found it -ood, and. ith
Our st)ry uw returils to 1, the gHow did he.suit you 9 1()'%Y' its eailbcob� Cbristialls and wid'e-
�Vith . inconsistency, ilfor� w, iielh, it is iw. Ople wil
tailied 11 to
worth. the forfeiture." said Selworth, ris- king (with goille '81 ght exceptions) like I yoll,coine to town 9 For.ollee It; 1 .11 There, -0trt PC
,I own no king, telided, lie Nvill Ijot 'madil bandon it t cro
The ounss of the Cavalier, th,%4 tru 01. ecaaqe of th4-
:bi� -Lill the Banco niall' tolil the hell b
no, iri his friens or p was 1 very posed f i om the iroi nd, %till low- :Occtod to row
sleep -Ziyuld last two'. hours, iv)g unop lu isu 1* his encluies, btt with unpardonable Springfieldbad bonght a (If one fo., one of doubtful -reputat 011, or col�i people are like.
-foutth-li ering his pistol, f'and if ye be Ch. cel-iiiiii, -%vilicii lie knows nothing. and pel. -ves V) bolt' near the trutli ; in ron, heaped Roberts about tHree r Ile un -
about three
yanr! present Con- folly, to -give it o harsher te y re led to to 1-1. 111931 (if C017130 I I'lliTUSiLy, I I i)VA. -N.Y-, and tbemsel
of that t[ine, lie bec=e� slo,.Nrly con�cion� Sturt, I can7l)t t ay 0
L,,,ven m
those benefits Nvith which lie should have questionably had met I, fellow Candian, I - up, al is tin -it -116 Oradulite. of Ontario CwUege, I orunto
-s yo b froill '1� 6
duct countenanue I I I C) lie, ti
of and, nolses h, he -%Till
these Pealms." hOil those and his heart waraic-;l to hilli (Lt once. have used that celebrated lan't truly f I grotesqu
him somewhat, before the f Lill po", r: 4 inotives, chantgr- -Ail-, Sprinfrtield bad colne to "t, foUild I'll't Wiffing to tO 611
el Isted111is ides "Tis w' 1, si bit- Wilio Nvith no u)- cohill'On by or -din printi,
ow i as Dar�
iin idl lailJs of excel, -,ed)
pow er lia, ell exhatt r reptiedl
k wastir edtfrom vowed Goiturnuoirs of the exiled! tropolis to Qcri .4 for the htIt is liqtle troubl4a to t
for evera minutes Iwlild and. :,,u n terly "your p" stols m -9 you ley's Uolyditiou Powdo,r8 a id Arabiaii, in rol kin, of weatilvA., all -I Al ail were S I his old t ill 1 flatterer of tile oa
of 'my person, until your followers ar 8hixt, to vella cinedy. 11 All so well ple.%scd denceimilw1lietwo cloors c-a-st of CooVs Tein. be PZti,cn
frielld join hiln in i4lss (if bow, 0 Id -e contiectE 11all.
with. it that they will not as(. any other'.
The di,)or to flie. inner cb.:M4 rive, and then on will, .1 1 presume, de- B king.
that ot my Thus the peace And harmony of Sel- A f fer drin Ullg tile �Nj r. i Roberts rbeuatism-
ber waq open, and%11_e S'Ound, of -se rai liver me to a death similar to to pringfield - 1 so:mictlines I many have Nvaited sterl until worth and I I . . the agent could Obtin al i e%v Is upply. i VP ti) aunounex to flie ijihabitaL-tf; 10�1
-Rosell-le Aeniained undisturboO, said � f
d him witl!i royal f, 1 ) Seat ill mimaudiin,
oarse v ic, I 11) , colintu. that he has but Roselle And he pointc d to bout zt, dozen inen. (M. There is nothin equl to it as a -ort h w
ail(' )a boug] it dr prize of Ca Wheat is a srial. I
fear i. the st oi3e 1wou owartied flit- of lh�! On,
rn t for h ta-ill, Yterin.
while'ahlan with para, ed -who were (yot t some distance) d -vane-, Gettiriffl., a Free Pass. CO-1-1&4i.oit medicine, or for ny' Coin- $100. Nvillflyo� go with illej-while I
p' ing long. the coast from Brighthelm- aint the wind. Of f fior,,v., anti Cattliaa lie
oilly a lijUle way I P1
bafore the -door leadin to tile. draw tlIe uroney ? It is than matter, of pr I
pafentl� for the Purpose of - Pr The clerks at thE Providence and Bov- e ilame and Sk that tile I hu-� an oll"co in connectitill. with his
ve i . I Remember tit
down street. nian i
Ile firimil to Adversit If ye -weKe, i o perish oil a scffold, Boston looked up Hurd & CO.- is <)it �each pack- I I,
from the ft toll, lLalroad of ice in Mr. cons 't t, tell(i to C.iffls. of the ft!t-t speeiaily at, -Irilist. It reduces LU!
egre s of ani one a two. p
the enterl, n(� U
it wolild be, well for England, -throp & Jyinan, Toronto, Qiit.�,.
froin their:book at d accounts and saw a *19e'�
Setworth was far froin havin recover- pert Not tell(L-It to. rk the rear wtigh
wclt to tit retell Li ous -1001611 g -brick
0: Vur§utA the It 1. ublican office r - but it ?f Killonin nvo tore. All Vet -
of tit enus, New England )y a
ed from tile stupefitig effect specitrien the. itikoleflcor, in- I Pleasure is like trl�vl
C) hous oln LD -4s t not. Y).ukee, Since the ay of railroad enter- _5tie- for evi
diciting that he oconpant was a dealer 229
dinstead. Of 8prin gill or be throttub, Selwortli. Into edicilic dealers. -Ire t evivitiitly oil chaud.
etors for Canda, 8old'l
u, a' -sl
druz pi -brly gettill scarcer. An 'Old man t It 11 TO �r y it -spoils the ta
lose I I 'N - is the 4
itioa In Isc%cmill r yonder boat, Sir. I will dvance to ti ise ye. T e proprieto i 9 ach wi I know them ilob, but. in r6al est. 01. -h r was up-
-the ti 'HILT bu pAlent Rizidit
el, as wit 11, usual. proirip ti, w h o ppro, of 67 or 70 of age whose face con- , tip Mr. Roberts and TREIR. FLTt,1HT.—_Jf you have�% good bead - C I -the:
1 -h is year, stairs, id. T. 'lfullf, e lay vill eit it er by -%v ) rds or actions, fo r a few r of till- Oiltario Voterhiftry I I y ) re to the sun ia browned y 98 tude he would have (lone, It tipued exposu . I bis fri6nd f0ull(l. short, 0but u 11 be- of hir take care Of it ;' once gone and Ditl ever bear
Moments 0 %bogan c6or, whose thin iron-gry
-in chair. delV ;i:jej.r coniing. Alt] Ligh to in, � I to illtill)Ate that he has to the linictice of
conedale d bNr the old l y hiii� a.desk, to � hom the forme - Eided -A, e realize its loss far niore t han we av- I his ill Seaforth, Anti In-qat all timesbe sing ?
it frotu the. inner cb L... er I dislikeyout' princt e tr rom undera felt hat a is the i preciate izi Thu Bearine is ,,On.sulted on thd of A loul, shm ud hii s aggled ol it f bis lottery tiblict. iv�
of the Man w i
cc 01, 1 y collimprit
&d much, towards awakening, bi d sylupthize-witl. misfortunes." little tile worse ft r wear, whose store f2ollistantly on'band. All
deal �,r's oi and I takintheplaceof ll.other hair drcp�� eteriij I y
WO re%l eAtia Hes not Sei rth, let us calls proinlitiv att(-nded -to. 0 coT at mnirsion
Selworth, 1 - r' in fashi ings, t-ra
ppdahranc6 of noble-looki I cl Ahes" were dc ze a years old 1 covii e; to the_ll. -273
'on, he q�rexv a rol of reenbacks at jecause, it ii healthful li!r
of middl e ge Ngho rushed from. V a y (1, Roselle, lie7 9 House, Seaforill.. wit, b jec b ily hands and
liaste ai axpaw vast C -X- 2 - us whose r out $100 to been made A'h
ell hald th� who now approaches, comes to teal, _N�r. Till-. rize Ila and delightful to
in, ill h s hand el bracclet whL teut; of wrist --f roj cted far beyond the
1101, -told rbe ciold do lar was gro 11 to ty. or evel ly father l; --Pitts fi C It
precedimr, eveniDg asunder f t coat cuff, ud broad square brigans tied vaiTto Mr. lioberts by ti _Mr. as. 1. Fel- ders as to the rest (if ckdt for tlld a -Is Rejoice, sire, rejoce, shouted Rich I
claspin, the w6st of with leather stri naq Xud guiltless of black- Aultow Burrisiers, Atto e
I I'll r ilextdr-mving.1 "Oi-pf-,l-li-,tl),,iypiL%Aouldlike I 10%vs, Dear Sit iDuring jJast two G 35ee fatten low ill tributed much -to rouse his faculties. 1 ard, ryhey wai )0 och. are friends Solicitors in�Chanct-Yy, Ike. Offits on
the ends of his to try your luck at the gal-ne sa� �otir boiipound. y- oppo.*i the 11�ost Offlee, �Godsrith� can't hxke'on reliz
ict, Sir irg Stuck far t, arRo or
it is vour lovin 9 lyrs Pantaloons. 9i vei,
She has been. helrel Slie ha the es -tate de ler, as lia-drew wird from I rup of Hypophosl�pbitcls it fair though . a'. (;rmlnow. here hs trac t6 CUY exclillif4d t 2t ton. and his iiitt dants. 0 cials, inaiiswer -to theln- nco y out.. soinewbt se-verel trial i -n my practice -cheats tUe, lclt
la ps 0 s el One of t. -he a table oil w�ich 'was al.).
sonae, Valzilly oil the bracelet. F0- Robert Sek�vo �th c le in his I V, pointed xv�rd a desk,�where smt et1i i ir S! eedily Mv Roberts triol his luck
eudeavo and am able to SP �vith confidence of of f 1 -4)
low ME, friends she' qatilhot be fi-vt arinh, and red to soothe her ll a lert-looking, cl�eau-cut, all alive -sort pointedAjqvilt for'thocolonit &W hall his doaon the table., its effects. In r storilify p sollf; suffer- 'n, nd servt ill the habilimcuts; J
i agitatioj4, and C harles 0 f ter A moment's I Sir, is Mr. jf ol-. pamy of E gl -, hi, is I -or several prj�;
ay 01 mail, and said, "I'Thatl Thitty More- atld ybu c'__ win ing froin onlaiatic)n ndothe �ebility fol� yate Capitah,,ts of Toronto, xho loan Money -it Thre are so� :
ut !land two of heinitation,' a essed hiia. t estatc.
He ti isbed from the . h 2 very reasoable ratm Intoresi pavable Tearl
$250," said t I lowing diplitheria, it'
three attendants, who had lik-ewise i Selwo th,qiu Harnsome?" said th has do e wonrlers. tha
ssul. Colon attemptinc, to e old fello ' 0 Charges - Also for the t. t they won't set �3 -gt
'Wl Roberts betvl!" In, st ceut oil the table, I co ntIV recoi6nielld its illse in a � tile hall the icarth nidic
le an' separate yy It ar d that ady, I wronge'd list Bank.
ed fro�m, the hiner ahatuber, and tt yaas, so, so bult praise to the face*is
turued-_ to Mr. j8prittgfield and begged
ff-,ct, I
i - 01. 8 t,.Ie �jl
; I ' q � ly reiparatioll in Ili Dee. iii, 1871.
who had (marded the door - quickly is: you both ace:)t the OD open disgrace, as Aunt Jerusha used to him to.lend llinil$30. The crood- cases coillsiolered hoy eless it; has Whn lanis ished af ter tb eir leader. my power'; the passae for two persons 8-y. 1) 11
gelltlemnbd liot be-t'a, centin I his HOWMSIED, At
fie i is secured in yo ader to Not day?$ given relief, and he patients -ire fast re- become �s The d isappearance emed the s Wh,%t can I do foi- you' to. life, nd was I)& kward iii lendiiig money torm at Law, Solicitoi
for"Selworth's becorninu perfectly this boatman wIl take you on board, and coveriDg. Ain o, � these re consumptive Inolvenvy, Public m -a C timeut Oat of t-bein.
sked the Supe intendent Curiously eye -
even to savc! Iiii old frie-nd's son, but at and old -Subjects, -%vbose dis- Heaven speed your pass , e IIM ILL
I liLg the visitor tat stood before 4 ngth he pt,�t it -nbther '�.ast of eses have resiste.1 other modes of treat- -he Canada Life Assuraneu Company,
u p. He rose now, %-lid, pressinc, his barnL Sire, wh�i will becol e of you ?"cle ie midst of a subdued snicker- from the The LigL- tU*L
n - I f --- the diee) all(I the real estte man said to 1011d at 8 liar cent. Far=,
'ling forebead, tie ahoated-:� i -I manded Richmid. Mel -it. For imp i e(l digestion, and in i 11ousesand Lot for sale. Th -ere it iust now i derks.
6 1 - the players li4llIq t put up �',100 o take older but tLe de- fact from debility frODI ftny Cause,, I j
m -a very, fi e day. ch an ce at r. pringfiel. Do f (ire, so loudly.. that it is I must aw"i it in y Don't erSV crl forwArd as I
e to surmise why , illej parture of anotlier 'boat. Day ? Yaw Put Out kn�ow of nothin a e(jidihl, to it. i Its direct & Brristers ind A,,ttoYney8
�Litterly e )ose you relne,labiar me, do ye ?" E-NSON non-iltilit;of tht: lightilia
his haDd to gra p the nioney It lready effect in eilin, at Law, olicitor-i in Chailcerjy nd Insolveney,
aft," sail I Selwokth� de- ;treliA -r the �ierrous sys-
us t left did n6t hea the (-,Y-- aies Stu 1 0
Your n, _2 -
ho ha( j me I �'nust have forgotten. hall on tile -board, but tile real estate I Conveyancers, Notaries Pulibc, etc,. �)ftices-Sea. ceive not yourself ; youl disadise and re- nders it suitable for fhe ML&joriLt
iV1 ustapha 06tton ? Thu nd�r, no man told him to hold back- y �orthaud -_A:1.3,o(o of Privatu Funds to, to prove their utility is
Ain I awake ?" ULI'Silled the' *V'rEtC. treat- are digeov ared, an.([ long ere youder Colto game of dinses. I a, Sir, your� truly, W -m. I livest at ome, at Eight V n
pi it was the feller what did the grad- I _ Perc '11t. I _tel_ -St, llftyale position of - a Man ed lovei, its he burst into ;the roib-h Run. sinks in We west, the cot will be hs won that'] said lie. "The only S. H 0,,vE 1). 58
T, ill I only furnished the sleepers." chalice %v(. to got yourilionny back Ovea, IL d e brve soldiers "JAS: U. pr . . lt:) , Ve. We lZ
which his Mistress had reposed, ad. ocuir surrounde � 'by of -the ou -UI1TING1 F Fran -li 11.1
What.graffin (16 oil mean said PROSTR.MON ES ROX TBE rst tauglit th
.9, y is �to put ill) another huildre 1. " Mr. la�-r demonstrtion fatally co*illviuce�a h -in" commonwealth.?" tile Superititendbut. effe�ts of the iateuse. heat bf the suinnier. in Cha -w- aw the I : d -the king-" if p6ngfield hesitted, but Mi oberts �of so manyof d
1 have Gradin' done inball ? Gosh, all he in * t- cry, &e., Goderich, Out. Oflive-over J. 0.
she had disappeared. spo cen sal mouths, is the pre-ilit posing cause W not to parley Is ud. so hard. h( landed the diseases . peculiar to hot weather. The stom- 'Detlor & do,�-s Emporium), �ifai�ket Bijuilm '26.E
vn( -I sh'Ould ill
Roselle ! Roselle soea. you -t�ould esci pe, lock ild -K it was. Or!
Bot in I I over all hisl DMIle Ro ty dol- ach partakimg of the losii of viValit pervading the
Y n
-from. distraction. entp ton whole RyStAM, is Ull plete digestion;
me r the boat ,lid J., Its The I It �e wer I dropped right aou 11ble to uorn
No vcicE; responded to his� Dguishe d5 Never !-' er �ed Sel%v ortb firmly - big lars NNIX 11). rit'sh cold. e
II-Ailhat contract are you talking of, cast and th real e -state nin ,r5ed the food p.asHilIg 1lIldJjg01VCd - t ' he gh the bowels
2 (It irrit(ttestlieliuin',,,iii�.mbrRue,and�� Jarrh
-Lt d not permit him t d' Y OIL Want Of Me i.aid 0 Chancery cry, an he east him, sef On the 4rbund proud oul wo ;o - re'- B -111t
Ont. Offico-two door.,; noAll of.
si r, and what we., Bri ceive saety f roi n one w Ii tle. nettled. in triumpli, " By* Jove, live wo and entory, Cholera =4 w ell prevuiling,
hom. his principles t I the Post Mice.
i Litter despair*. fie official, a Ii As41fic Cholera t I
raked i 11_1 excited.1 Attention to as savo -iii-of litolubvi,
n the W. R, SQITII-.,R, D-UNIEL A very few -rninttes,'homrever. be eld tatialit-him to despise. money. _n I :
0 Who do I i &tit to see V -7 -why yew, diet., niolexute exerei �o, bathill g aii d regular hab- 'him risE fi�om the grround to'all qjpeaf� Yqtir obstil Lacy," sa A Charles, "de- I iMr. iehl take ac- its ninst Ile observed. To niaiiitain the vital 271 Goderich. of lightili
il yew air the tip rintendent. Yew air,
st the swindlers, ail(' they in forcer, and pre. xhanstion, Dr that in solile. ttues t1lev.
tion acr,Lin vent 1jissitnile and
an altered we a.� serves punishihent, a4 -here are they lilt ye.,)'. b
tu -it threaebed to bave hini for Wheeler's Compoun 1. Iraimmir of hospbstes avd protc
dig Idi t ! fool that I a, V�ras it not who wilt administer it."i Yes," said the railroad officer, with a calisaya is untinesMnabl
T lAift le, at; stroke, and liere teyN
orderly culiduct, 'and he was &,)out to
almad the voice it I
�eVidklt the inhabitnts of the placewere "Seize them, all orates the argalls, ad TEL, SEAFORTI-T. -homaz
oer- thcise who,z
nod) go"out, -whel tile real estate inan offered frener
a 1 KN10X'S 110
Cavaiers ? wliat- could 1, exj)ce� -voich Selworth had heard in the cottAge. Wll, you 3ee I tin a little. deaf, an' atin nerve iforce Jiuox bgs to state to his oldtrieuds all
if be' would sign . recei )t for the and the travelling pub e, that lie has leased tbe cntrivan"s,
said her faher ad- I used to fiJornish. eepers f Bearin fo Hkir -by
fromroyalty but decei)tion aud tre le eful Zi ur this road, hit r the Hotel lately occupied -Hr �and One- obtain a, list of instt
remainder t' the money. Tie took the
ly post,
n4 sin the in serale Roselle "but I forinerI known s -tho
ery ? I have Slumbeed on E� dres In ney 216LEPNUED FROAK THE Fuull� r1rUlEASE OF TRE Y HOUSE, atid r(KI 1111S SaV'Acd tbC tdifice�
did. Sold nigi 6,00, an"only 40 thrown gne they ha ire protited by In y f ollv.; but let will. not repr6, ch you eternl separa- nd i d the receipt ; but the hopes tio raceiyo a coutimmuce of the liatrouuW �proceedinj 8 �Igalast the ll bc -%yell up is manIr t
from the presum amt." lay to( Ile so liber, o on him during hi, men have no &ubt
. I I next -k
them bE Ware-Rabert Selwortb is tion ptaous R-oundhead I it you must be, mista;ken," said the do -It produce-, tv lumiria it tnTe which low lifts iu
$'%Vill lersan -recover ned tI e f Lill. q I, LI.,theus an, 13 10 tilig into his . vi,4itor's
er ahild nor churdim-a a, calmlyto rq- who.hasdared to love the daughter of r� I MOunt- It beautifies (-.onN ilence Nyil) Ile provideti for The beavn would lollgl
ceive am. Myrston, prove year punishment." ear "we It makes the Hair sofCand pliant. 01113'hi-lltintblalMr. but for tliv iroll wre
havii't iade any contracts for It i inparts to the Hill' r It ric
h losss- finish.
Let A nut be Suposed that he stoo4l 6 1 That I fotbld Sir said Chrles, in A careful UhA r(!li-1b1ebo.,"ler a] %-vays in ttendatla.
o it- is perfect] y himul, o I t
MAA;, or unclean. 291 THOMMS lQN-OX, Proprietor. letrie llaiil to ran Aselt
I. -N 13.k -D LudK..-1-T,.ecentl ne:al G erman-
-ven- Y. I -
unoccupied while thus giving ve inb to hi� his assumed 'Wall, darn it llp 'twas to, vn, a wom.1: n was scoolp?o. up� b v It stinluin teii the roo Ls of the !Tair Av are Ilot bnvvover
nam thecow-
feelings. ar f vom it he Littered th4 ' "You ! and who reyotili"; Ifenliyens brashy al A i oak 11air.
I GX Rk -isties to gu-
longer ago li'thht. I made trade with ;cher.of a, I ocomn ti ve.- "Plie tr.111 Could It prolongs vitality. thi -e statj
-sentenc * coo1v -ith intervali bq- Ghles drew' 6ff the fidze berd which
-tin b,- Ili a mile. Sold b., all aim Leed'�e remember RaYmun not be stoppcd lintilithd rull", where �cojo
sentenc and iv twee, tiring which time he hadjadornect his'chin, aild-then address- 0( per bott)e.
Lee -little feller, not SO tall as Yew- T asnnhurt. . When the story A. SHALPS' LIVERY AND hALE STABLES.
Nvoinall TiSe any�
himself in Ghrging his pistols &lid. llav� ed the' knight in his natLLi:al voice. a mart ez er ste� 1 trap. PBRET it- oN, ole Proprietors. T
of � escpe. was told to henbusb%nd, lie Office -At Murray's notp.), Saaforth. Good -where evey wdl in his belt, he dre* Do you know me Yes 8,77 T. PAUL SRE AL, P.:Q.
miember him, he w aLorsesiijitlf.�rst-cltis,,Couy.e mncesalwa�sonlaud,.
1111(y rep] ced them re _yi IW I I I It be darned if wimmen -a conducto�r in its IV,_yj
hove 1,* Sir 1 8 uperin tendent of tile road twenty years -tit t hard to. August 7., 1874.
his swo nd rushed. from, the Ro,re�ll bent the ktice of reverenc& Tliere. was My finest uppnes 116
He Surveyed the quiet waters which nd his followers, forgebtil)cr the precau- ELL'SLIVELY STABLE'S, SEAFORTH, 011t. -
ago. D rham. Be BGood Rorsys ull. Cowfortable -Vehicles. al, shouted loudly, Twenty y a,,o Yaas, yaas. loc omo ive rudic hirn , and thei e 6vas 110 on and. Favorable ments nla-de with
:spread; anruffled before him, as thlytic, ton whi essenti. got on the track id the larknegs' Hair 113alm.
mockinir his impatience, -Lid- the saills Loug Live Kil ig Charl es all, I in o ved Eas't more'n ten year ago. t The best preparation: in use foe restoriniT, presery. ConiluerejalTravelier.q.- All o'r(!ders left fttliNoX�s allee -.311 yea
utifvjug the hair, and Y� lightaing, ender- f)
DOurrh left in blin to supply muiin; Ltion to in;,, and bvi
oniptly Listen, Sit. Roger X .1 was farmin' ihorse ran away v. ith the X; led the of the Smugler's vessel speedily c, ight yrston=ere five then upbackof At f . And iny ing i0oft anti glossir. HOTEL, Will Ile IV'
have cteor
-berry own of the Comme! -
his eye. 4-ii-autes have passed, I shall bid a i' e and up there gi. This invalable pre paration we would rreselit tp
d ��
pie a of 1,
and the, tr4ltin caqie alol)g, id bit the public. kuming, it to possess 511 the vir cial Hotel, )1ain Street. -with nd -witlio-tit rotls )N
cliff and sbcr on sheers wit I ,Toe arbink-him V hit lid the borse was k il led nd Claim for it. 13cin IT erfectly free froin till itijin-j- aml. they re eol)vinced q
adv meed to the t�he Ibng farewell to the es of England,
He tue'we
221 THOYA9 ELL. Pyopriletoir-
sound of voices belo hrrer in the W'idder th It, r all Composed solely of nutri-
w excited iiis.' atteli. andit is my Ist. inju�iqtion that you b roke his leg ii L_ al re Wasn iece of the gig left big ous ing- edicilts, coadn-etors; The Ii .11
e It -mat over we civil colithlouilly conjulinill it jig 0, safe
lizzy J -ie gh�, uaite these two in holy ��edldck. What ol-told him the enough to mi plug for th i6ot hol� Samuel Mirodfle, C. power onthe point tio the (I BurVS field=d xned fo p
i I I (Isnrerenell-i-fo! he "Flffling.of the airYes-
and the forra of his beloved- Roselle. ie,� say ye steers would t t,, and he might hev of 4 barrel. jillfe�i ell)n�Ine is of ItIouring grey hid' 4 Ori there, is unildia
0 ��T w, that wife
ike� Sire, you com r to,it, giniil color, rnpartinr� a !PROVINCIAL LAND his gazt, .1 1 1 vise those of Clilfor�l
mand Is afre law.
r al jyS healthy ton(., and vig)r to its roots, an�
itlmown- no account, �0& she escapes. 1 , w I callEin it l orders left t the-MansionHousewith -ML trating material, the ilau
Is compnion. t my ye, aster Selwor
and h And wit Well, wel said the railroad of- th Sam tf Yin lj,%Vb two eg, S in your to grow -1 uxuriantly. As it Cosinefic alone, even 4ohn 'Murrav wreceive inflineiiltb attentiolL Tkey were nxiously bOCq t "I thank y)u heatily," replied the f cer, imptiently what is your bas* where the hair is str ing and bealtb3,, it is invaln- Roferencesbr, Colemanand Dr. King, 41P.152
Ila cl nd oyici,
bad and tbeotr good� able, ar, it imparts it ah'glossinesq and flke where tw �storili brolte whiclo rapidly neat -ed . the sho e, n I colonel, " but by ccel; ting your inter- 2 _U &p
r ess nil you 1 pearance, which no cnewho ldves b Nvith an which N �- rowed by a ,,vb o a e' - -lerece I must sacrifice,,or at least coinz. et eat rop, it s invai,,bly the eau ty call fa il M Iss WATSO9
as .0; Wall, I lie bpen runnin' a thrashin' -ed to admire. Prepare, ' only -T)Y� 1 tiry beeause,
good oije th it llrakev." And he looL
Ina 0: promise, wh 0 call ace in - his I,, -: �N I �s ORGANIST of 19t. Thomas' Church, willreceive there to recelv
din) Pharnaeouti, ;ql C�enl� pupils file imstilictiou in Yoeal nd Ilustla-
I scorn: to accept T laine, ten a saw mill till last week; motkth, nd ,orritted on the str mental dif worth mcoullized as be' Ile Of t e-b.e at s derert' me�th ' Lady r. iachine. last fLI daown ter Agusty; sad, nd -trned his tob
had seel, ill the cottag'e. �osellemy h)nor. t London.
0 1 Ige in- I P iCIllar att-011tiO31 paid to the
the eclae of e lb assistance front the m6n who -but DO lumber it Dim D. For sale byT. S. 1 UBERTS and R. LU31SDEN le
fie rushed long ain so quick ez it used to, co sistencie,, of accidents; ertindoi of the, voice. of TIA-legraph and aurveyedit with the keen 0": -matter, fare,ye well, sive., Scitforth, and by Dr7ggists general 845-26 1. i ly. 80*4
ed eye of ,ioldier, endeavorill", PO Fare ye W1 11. thost Pot miacious, " re- lllllle� - pols were targets 'Or U_
What is yc ur business here, I mean? Whe 'U'reai seenle(I +,0 retlaT.4
'Cove,17 SO e p,,V.h by In eari s of wl L plied Chavles, galy. Remember, Sir- What do Tlis, HA-.\']). -Profound Stud y has led Fejaia4�c lawled the 8uperintendelit. I E. LUSBYJ
to the conclusini that JOB . ES 13=10DICA, PILLS. 3ED AUOTIONE Ell for the County of Mght d escend to the beach.' Roger, my corni ands. IV]Ien this Rotor!& )Ott waut y 4D
1, I invalitable medicine is unfailing iir th a,"'wirt't Nor was it long ere. till,- laitinG ara n' head colonel, M hose ir6n heart "even l0_V_ L, Want? Vl7hy I W the bands represent three types. Those THIS tinfulauddang rousdi Huron� liales attendc4l in till parts oftheCoun- -r
%lit to go to At- eiixe of all those Ili e seases 1 ich I whose filwers -have Pointed tips re pos- ty. All orders made
.attradc.d hi attention. cannot soften, iiI Ilear reasQu ; thtis? t leberry. to -%vhich the feluale constitutio is subject. It Post office will be I)roll]ptl3' a-itClided to. 827
. I I tills sx-as He p 811ed it sli�qhtly, nd it M, 0' (11 will remain ne.i ter in tills struggle (I do sc5ised of a r4pidnsiht into tbll gs ; are moderates all excess anti removes ail obstructions,
i ; . _ I., whir don't you go ? there's [Ld a stleedy pure mil -1v be mliod on. i.,facfory t
he forced it �udely rom its p6si.. iod, not expect him to beco e. Cavalier) give the station, a ' exti,a senitive and pious, impulsive.
1141thetrain, leaves in ten Tonlarriedladies, tispecoluarlysitited. Itwill, Jill P. BRINEx To this clss belong the poets, udartists. in ,, a i, and the caref ully concealed path be( rde him thy fair do u ghter- -but n t till then. lilinutes." hort tinle, brin" on the monthly period with I' Conut
-SED AUCTIONJ�,Er, for the of shhout IA g -is
T 'IQ_ gv-visible. Now, Hans Mclken, show th� loyaty in en ef T6 tile sq.l,%I,e tops" belong S lentific regulftritv. i � - . Wall, I hain't got no ticket-- 1 -Al Huron. Sales attended in all parts of tb8 Webe 'Pills shouli. not be taken by Females
Dow 'Ile Sprang, and with dexterou�, -the strength of thy art -As, ".and hesprang people ; se tine I charac- on could give me a free pass-" coil I orders lef t at the Exl)oslTon Office
durimIg the first threl 1, illouths! at Pxemacy,as they I k
yet speedy step- he, san-rht - the S t ters, profess� onal ineu. The sp ic e-sh will bl�- proulpQV attended tO4
into the bosit. " Faq-well Richard, he -I AV P - are sure to briu- on � gisearriag�e, but at any other i
P, by sho ld I pass yqu free ? I call
& ")r where stood bipa �elovcd Roselle. said, leaning I ac-, a giv�ing -him big see no reason." I ed flops-thi,,k ips, with litth -)ads -of t e they are sa
The t, tolac, In all of el on,,; an(l Spinal' Affections, TO RENT. aasor wate
oat Dow tied the lore, xnil hand, which tile latte, entbusiastica.11y 9 p- flesh on e i side of the wtils.-Mye ma-
I'"'hy, -you know, I sold them slae� 01 1 � . s in the back ani L 1hubs, fatigue on ulight ex-
bv far the mory Hans 'Njolkea hviag noddeli issent to kissed on beniled knee I sl!411 not for- )o terilists ecinlipercial, practical, with a 8T01',E under od Fellows' Ran, (now ])I ]ding).
ers to Raymun Lee cussed sight 'tc PiLlpitation nd I. ertion ail
i i. )f the heart, hysteries, F * purticulaTs-onaph-catin To Secretary the iiiqUil-ing looks of Clifford s tol le get thee." i 11 higher appr4ciation of ll that tends to
1)w, an' U said"_+_ whites, the.w 1)Ws w 11 effect ti cure -when all otaher I of Ceninlittee.
success of his placeoll a b ar. 1. sperated of- bodily ese jan�t comfort. Ea(h finger, means have failed' an(T aith (I
The Doltolim. ii,. wholad been listless- What 810uted the exa ough a powerful 346 JOHIN PAYNE.
-ind� hag remedy, do not conta iron, o4lomel, antimolly; or
from to share to the. boat,t nd ith ly gazin Oil th. scene, now prQceeded to er, "Do you. mean to come to me for no matter- -%�hab'the kind of Ii. I - ivnythi�ghuytful to tie constitution.
tile oplonel b e'_ so one joint Pus,
on shillent did . I exercise his o rs, auct Charles, waving a free pass Over this road because twenty I al hat which is n amst the Full dixectious in the paniphlet around eaeb L holct Lady 11 selle sitep ou ft iiig the body nother package, which, C. WITTSox, of Senforth, hfu-been appoint -
not 'In- his hand, excla, ued- years ago you E o . Mr f An Gan
14 Lee 450 worth o P houl I be caretul1v pregerved.4 0
willingly, but wilh. joy. --the mId(I1 - e mind )- anc. Job Aloses, N awYo rk, Sole Proprietor. Q100aud ed ole agunt for the celebroted'Alathnshek B"
-k kind f, , well to 911. sleepers? Thi4is�toomiieh." 12.1 cents forpostage Truly, flivre na-thir
II I mclosud to'Northop in the County of Haron,and thisinstrunieut ciln
'Ile ! Rosel No, Sir, yew- could Lman, alio -SL
R n, le he shotited A loud shout answei�ed him the fit'- Tew mucl _n't I th(� 0111- E toil of these divisio s corres' Toronto, 0 t 1 geut.4 chamed thron-, n -enei a
TJ for the Dominion, Only be pur gh him or his dill author -
Would yool. leave ine uy them air Sleepers liaow for double Iiond with o e the tapes abo e iven. will insur ized areuts. Or(lersgiven to others than lityagento
e boat in whic h lie Sat swiftly cut the P_ outainbag over 50 pills 4by A loi: d sGrea-ul esc;iped her, and, tUrnMRil. ''ormy-gelf-%Yillixotbei'ill(-tl. Thefollowill'T
y gentl
s iver waves ai d carried him from Eng-. the money, an(L Ra mun Lee be wan't tE�R' Sold in Seafor lit in slie 1),--li6ld her lover spliol hby E. Hickson & Co. jand men have be(In iippoiiiteil to acta-, ury age
t-1 r sses, fur when ly tui r O o close of his pa cum I. R. Luinsdon. the County of Huron -
1 nd ; and, in - the evening -GOILI-NIVIii Smith assailed �le suf- 197 Thos. U- P� rier'n 111104AI ing fro -ii crag to with dang rons' e " d settled with him an' got I er y
(-own her an whiffen awl li� C. Doh t tn six,
ridity %lid violently avil his �d, accompan1d by Lord Wilmot a -fid. fra'gists and ect ured. women in 11acmil- 77
him, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, Clinton; and L. S,. AVilfson, (�oilerieb. to akin' with he told me if I'd only
y landed at 31, t
C lonel Gunter, Charl�s safel. tl- it Ursula AK r ght re -
sword, whicli glecaled. b I- i rill tl y ti ni I. - 320 WILL�W.'N, Seafioyth
the n p to Attleberr' he'd gin me a IT WEIGHT IN' GO
go y WORTH TEN LD. 'DO YOU fruill. sultri*
Fecalup, on the'0oast Of Normand plies in the ondoll w t I sharR
-rising Q, un. Y.
eyes of C -, L is The boat wa., follAed by the riticism, an( tells him this ere are TUNIE Yol; DID. INCORPORATION kOTICE.
80,000 mo women than men Great There tire but I(Av prepar, tio s of med c e Me rc:fu.l _11cavent 1 how -is itl� "Good gracious !" sid Folsom, sink Vanity of She exclaiiiied. al until it -reaG ied the: vessel, &lid then i n, back in his chair, hoarse and exhaust- r i in ha1f1ta.'nv,I to
La y, " answered Clifford, wb!p now Sir Roger said to Sel,%vorth- Britain, an thdt it is p ticular cruel which have withs'.00(l the linpartial judgment of lKnuicipill Cfuneil of t�ho Tilla�e C -f SEA4�
f d -with shouti ag, with the great drops the pe9ple for 11,111, reat lenzAh of thile. One of THE As wns never that women shotild be taunted i Con- I F ORTH -hereby give iiotico din� they will apply
perceived that Speed or force aon� could. You heard my promise, Sir; when of perspiration on his forehead, " so wial these is TimmAs'EL CTRIC 01L, purely a prepar- to theGovernor-in-Council after thee iriLtioncif but this, " A 4, I Xp
tenipt for matrilmony by a inan who has
.Secure iiis prize; " I catinot pinde to atioll of six of tionleo the best oils thidare known, three months from the first iriqertjollf thi notice
you fulfil the annexed condition, my 1. if you'll only go - Mr. S., buy him a himself doDe lidthing to reduce Even by �'cach one po it come With dano lisellsin rtlleR of its olwn. 1.3cientift to ereet the Villagm of Seaforth into a Towul uW
-answer questions, you. muE hter be�co S your bride." ticket for the next train, and charge it her 50 or 6o one, the oveiW4�ellnillg number,,z f those Phy�sicians know that luedir;ut-, mitv be formed of i der the nalne,)f %,,--aforth, and the following limAS
ellb, till 1) op
me, ax, seizing her in his arm be, - r ortiolis of are inteinle(I to be inclufld therciu arFarewell, then, 'Roselle, f arewell to my account. I won't write him condemned ly )I goveralingvedients; ir cer in fixed b
-attempt ed to bear her into the boat. ter power, anti prAucinty effeetti which could S. AV. corner of Lat 24 Con, 1, MeN13101)
forever," and vrith a last embrace the pass he may lome back here on it."
'110p; I � fl"t
her screas were echotd, and But this is o* the beginning' of oldwM' never result from the' Se of ny olle of them, or in acres, being S.- half i)f Lot
Ag '25 Con. 1, me
. . i lovers parted. mith's deserved chastis, differentealubinatiolis. Thus in the preparation 25 acres, W, ornier'of Lot !25, Con. It- <A to .-she 6tr igted so violentl WeIt' he
y, Wit, forced adian'M. P. P. in "Gotham." of this oil a cherilical hauge- takes place, f ornling S-rexiliop i R) iuerv,, being Lot 26, Con. I XON1" to, Telinquish her, lest the fragile board .1 The reception of Colonel elworth at Can means to bit him again.
a compound whicb co ild not by any possibility be F Con. 1, let. o
lop; 50 acres, halt Lot'_)"�,
the court of Oromw611,was far from be- on. which they stood should give way, The follovvii ig 'Qod story of a Can- ation or
9 made froni any other c6mbiu. proportions lop; 25 a eres, bein N AV. corner of Lot 1), coo' Ill
g. cordia, Ii - ILM Reef 1;1 of four or live poui jL";3
he snat-,hed the sword which I�icliad DI it ... as well known that he adian M. P. P. a troubles and tribulationg of the game ing-redie its, or aily othpr ingredients, Tuckersmith, extending to itilroa
and entirely different f roni. a
loved. the dau, Yhter of a Cavalier, and while on a recc nt visit to New York SPE IAL NOTICE Inaflant. n
had drawn. uythhig ever before being Lot 10, Coil. I Tuckennulth; 1-00 acres, be -
made, one Nvhi(:h prod u ce-, the most astonishing re- in Lot 11, Coll. 1, Tuckersinith - 50 acres) being
t so, �r lo when it was dis-,overed that Charles had The gen- BREAKFS' veils a lit h'
the Sic'of that city. EPPS'S COCOA.— 9 1
Sin.;e you will have i, yo told by �ORATE sults"and having fl. wider range of application N. half Lot 12, Con, 1 25 a-resi ba- ei nd,� and had embark- t1eniall'alluded to 'is -Mr. Moes Springer, FU -L A�tq)) CO FORTIXG.-"By a bhorough.1, thatlany- diimovered. Itcon- in- S. E. coriler Lot 12, Cou. I Tucke
,er dies," arid he r1ushed to meet iSel 3c�ped from E:lgla 50
ed at Brighthylmst(jhe�-a place from knowled e f the natural la s tains no alvhol or other volittile liquids, conse- acres, being E.half Lot, 11. Con. 1.), Tucerswit1i has got hr Wa;14-A worth, ho, panting withrage and ire, c f Waterloo: which quently loses nothiurrbyeraporat Tuck -
,y of b! -i whence I ion. Wherever 10 acre -F, being S.W. c-orner Lot 11 Con- W .. ; t
Selwoith ha1posted direct to
et ex.h usted. by the rapidir s:des- The 8wn says that on Tuesday evening govern t e perations Of ddi g e tian and applied you Lot 10, ocn-
t! I get the b wellt of ey �i y drop-; wberf-as (Arstuith; 50 aeres, being )N*- lulif coald. Lonclon-iii spi;e of pals't services, strong cne-o et by a tall, nutrition, 'an by a. carefl app, cation of wit ratlons '�earlye *' conlel. Lot
Cent, coiul_a scarce summon §uffi 'en f the re ters was, ni h other preps all the alcohol hs Tnekerginitb; .130 acron, J)ejug X. E.
�strengbh to defend himself agaixst the suspicion was attached , to him. D VINOO blit, was obli..ed t,
ly-wbalsker d individual, who looked the fine prop rties of well-selee d eo,�Oa lost in that way, anti �ou get only the small qqan 11, Con. 8, Tackersinith, extellin-east ti
Ban( I P tity of oils whi . ch the� may contain. o soTth 96 Todfl; 30 to All) tile fierce and masterly attack of Clifford, These ms Cr16mwell hesitated very much lik the victim of a Swindle Mr. Epps It s provided our bre �'fast ta. rods, and eldending north t Itokex-
sus Lp S THOMAS, PlrFmrs, N. Y. acres, being N. W. corner Lot 14), Con. 3,0 inste-ad of prbliti
who fou a determination which not to noticT him-, aiLd Selworth- hav- J:nown a dianc(. The strAnger turneil out bles with a elicately, flavoured[ boverage And NoR &- LY)U.N, Toronto, Out., slulth, exten dingwest east to 16'A rods, and -,-,bop busiiess. Ail
showed Vi mt wallik'le sessed of wil� t re- ing indignantto rebutted the charge of t D be James S � ringfield, of- Toronto. He wych may ave us many heav� �.Oetonl Sole.Age RbNp In
P yvl mis IToYlTe oininfn. tending north to sout4 96 rods.
NOTE-Electrie- alectod and Electrizeid. -taid. an I skill to his prize.i having chan hig opinions, acknowl- had been in 2 a city for-, a few days, and bills. "-Ovi Service Gazette Made lqSON, Res"- fallitig-off ill the woolh
9- a 9A lk Es Boiling Wa Sold in Seaforth y E niiihou & Co and R. WY. ELLIOTT, Clerk. As nothing but -wli
ItL a w. passes, the sword of -Selworth edged that he ad seea Charles dep�rt fter dinner On Tuead y h wa ed �r foj Milk. Lumsden. 1874. W-38
Dated the 4th da ot 1une A. D. down with these bile la
The tralisformation o
te 11
smart urbi