The Huron Expositor, 1874-06-05, Page 3JUNE 5) .1874. _ .. la that waa, and you get only tate small (pat. .vf oils, whieh they rimy contain!. S. N. THOMAS, Pinatas tuORTEtROP & LYMA.N, TOrouto our _ . a Agents. fo • Domittion. j t a, Crri..1.—M trie—Selected and Eleetrized. aut ta eaorth by E. Ricks° : ta.. Co atrid3a. ustleu. a FOrrI, GONSUMP ION ea a!! diseases that lead tor it, such aa 'alas, tataaaaatina corms, Batas :tirrra, Pam , citesT, AND I.T.T. DIsEASEs 0 THE L..LEN'S LUNG ALSAm Is the Great Modern. Remedy. is warranted to 'break up the 4'ough in a. few hour's time, tiding. It is 'warranted to give. a even iu the most confirmed aption. It is warrantel ma; mess (which is the case with mo :et the head, as it contains a ea. It is warranted to be perfec moat delicate child, although potvetful reidedy for restorit _.re is ea real necessity for so x taumptton„ when Allen's Lung t it, it only taken in taste. erica ,5.1 per illet Wel by ail druggists. tine 5, ieta. ost disareasing. ot O. too long ntire sAtisfae. eases of prOduce coa. reniediesa or Opium ta 1134„ ly harrulesa to tisan active the sYstem. any deaths by sant will pre. " le. 094 T If E iEAT tHGLISII EMEDy. BR. IMAM CRAY'S dor-e Taking, Merlizatt. liPECIFIC MEDICINE ;s &U Nevous Diseases, such aS Tremors, - ty, Proatratien &c. which, in taany cases are. auced by over inituigauce in the use of to'hoz- aut. alcoholie 'pint., but the Specific Median° more especially recommended as an unfailing e for Seminal Wealmess Sperruaterrhea, *aucy,arat all diseases th:t follaw sa asequerate Uf abuse, as Loss of Mamma-, Vaiversal Lass.. a, Pain in the Back; Ditartesa of Viaion, Pre-. ture Old Age, and many other diseases that a to Insanity or Constunption and a, Pin. atatee, cal ea Which, at a ruleare first caused iat frora the path of nature and over algence. le Specific Medicine is the result a a., life dr and malty years of experienee in treating se &pedal diseases. Full partieularS in our aphiet, which we desire to send free by mail ta ry one. he Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists „al per package, or it paekagee for $5, or will be t by mail onreceipt of the raonaa, by address -- WILLIAM GRAY I Co., Viadsor, Ont. bid inT Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., X. S. Oerts, R. Lumsden„ and by all DruggiS'ts. anrermeoP & LYMAN, Toronto,‘ Wholesale Was. 335eow '10310112MERSZelliii MEDICAL :R. KING, Seaforth, (late af Carronbrooka Coroner for the County af Perth. Office and Caence Over Johnson. Brothers' Hardware Store, in-st. Calls at DR. RING'S office will be at- ded to day or night. 28T - L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physic:fan, Bur- eau, etc., Coroner for the County of Huron. .ce and Residence, corner of Market and High ffets„ next to thaltlaning It. CAMPBELL, (Graduate of McGill Univer- sity, Montreal ' Coroner for the County of . ton. Office—Next door to Calder Btothezat [ rble Works, and opposite McCallum's Hotel, tet, Seaforth, near the Railway Station. .- 'illRGEON,Dentist,&e.,Seitforth, Ontario. Plate work, latest styles, neatly execated. All Etuaa _ gicai operatious perforated with, (e and promptitude. Fees as low as can be eb- bed elsewhere. Oftlee hours from 8 A. M. to 6 M. Rooms aver Mr. A. G. McDougall's Store, in-st. 270 „. M.. C.A.MPI3ELL, V. S., Licentiate and Prize - man of Cornell University, Ithaca, NS, and aduate ef Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, F settled permanently in Varna. wherehe will ha readv and willing te attend to all kinds a itt all kinds- of animals (man. excepted). all Mad& of weather, and at all hours. Resi- ice and oilice two doors east of Cook's Tem.- auee 319 'TgICINARY SUILGEON.—D. McNAUGHZ, begs to announee to the inhabitants ot 'torth and surrounding country that he has u awarded the diploma of- the Ontario Veterin- College, and is now prepared to treat diseasea Corse!, aud Cattle aral all domestic artiraula. Ha opeued au ()aloe in counectiou with hie horse - Ding shop, where he will be found ready to at- to.calls. Diseases of the feet specially at- * led to. Residence, office and shop in the rear Utoran& Ryan's new store. All kinds of Vet - Su Medicines kept conatautly on hand. rges reasonable. 229 J. CHURCUILL, Veterinary Sargeon,(mera- ber of the Ontario Veterinary College,) begs( tiniate that he as returned to the prattice of nofessioninSeaforth, and may at all timesbe ulted on the diseases of Horses, Cattle) &e. pinery medicines constantly on hand. AR k promptly attended to. Office, at Mansion se, Seaforth. 273 ; itaraes-Alta Solieitor„ Wingham, has boon ap- (dated Agent for the Colonial Semitic& Core - of England, he is also Agent fur several pri- Onpitalista of Toronto, who loan Money at reasonable rates. Iuterest payables yearly aca moderate. kngham, Dec. 15, 1971. -213 iCAVGIIET & HOLIIRSTED, Itarrjsters, At, torneya at Law, Solicitors in Chancety and. tvency; Notaries Public and Conveyancer& it-orfor the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for antala Life Assurance Company, B.-00,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Parma, .eaLswati Lota• for sale. - 53 rtZSO.'al & MEYER, Barristers and Attornaya Law, Solicitors in Chancery and InsolvenaY• eyanceis„ Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea- . 'atm/ Wroxeter. $23,000 of Private Fuuds to R itt auce, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable 'Ts 58 nataeort. 0. 3IBYDR- ,it. SQUXER, Barrister, Attorney fa Charm-. e err &e Goderich, Out Office—over X. a. taa's Emporiura, Market Square. 289 _ *quiet&a allitell'ottatld, Atterney.s, Solicitors inChanceryt Brassels, Ont. Oftice—two doors nalth of 'oat Office. SQUIER, DANIRT. McDONA.LD, • Goderich. Brussels. IROWELS. 'OX'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. Tlaomaa ,c*aaix begs to state to his oId friends and the tar, ening public, that he has leased the lately uceapied by Mr. MURRAY, aud srly known as the DOWNEY HOUSE, and to receive a continuance of the patrouage Orally bestowed arson him during his mart in the hotel business. Every comfort Faiieutte will be provided for travellers. The est Liquors and Cigars only kept in the Bar. qui and reliable hostler always in attendance - THOMAS KNOX, Proprietor. FOSTER'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH. WAS FOSTER begs to inform his co& iends and the traveling public that he has al his new hotel, adjoining the Poet Office _ rat, ra he has the very beet accommoda- 'or man and beast. The best of liquors and, ▪ at the bar. TII()MAS FOSTER. SHALT'S LIVERY AND SALE STAHLES. )ffiee—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. 0004 .% and first-class Conveyances always =hand. LIVERY STABLES, SEAPORTII, Ont.- -clod Horses and Comfortable Veldeleslalwaki lud- Favorable Arrangements; made F414"1 iercia Travellers., All orders, 'Oft at NtioX.'S will he promptly attended to. aSC s Alan dOor North st - aBstetialain Street. THOMAS BELL liroprietot, JUNE 5, 1874, gpopplza THE HURON EXPOSITOR The. .•vg-ing.' HereElY Gas The trial of Rev. Da id Swi ft for heresy, before the Presbyt ry of 0 reap, has resulted in his acqui tal. e ap- ie.1, Which the prosecut r threa ened, Las been summarily a,rr sted by Mr. Swing's withdrawal from t e Preebyteri- an Church. For the pres nt, therefore, ao fat as this case is oonce ned, tbe con- trovetsy is at an end. The excitement caused. by the whole affair in Chicago has been extraordinary. The newspapers reported t e proceedings in full as they went on. The church in whieh they took place wa crowded day deer day with, both womenj nd men of ' high social standing, who ould not re- frain from expressing th ir respective sympathies for the parties to the contro- versy. Mr. Saving was ev'dently the fa - s earite -with .the majorityHidefence, . which he.deliverecl in tie on, was fran- tically applauded, and. th . vote of the Presbytery, 46 for his acqi ittal to 16 for his conviction, probably re resents fairly the division of public opin on in regard to him. Nominally, Mr. Swing's lleged Offence *was that he had not beet zealoue and faithfal in maintaining the truths of the Gospel., and that he did n� sincerely re- ceive and. adopt the Wes inster Con- fession of Faith. Really,t was t at he .;Ihad departed froth - the - oId-fas 'oiled interpretation of Presbyte ian doctrine, and taken_ up views comm lily regarded as those of Unitarians antI other hereti- cal Christians. No quest n of morality or personal character was niac1e, bui only naked pointe of doctrinal o hocloiey. For example, the Carafe sion of Faith declares that sinners are s yed "by im- puting the obedience and st isfaation of Christ unto them, they e4eiving and restiug on him and his rig1it ousness by faith," the ground of this s lvation be- ing 'that " Christ, by his b dience and sacrifice of himself, satisfi (. the justice of his Father, and. purcha de not only reconciliation bri1 . an ever]. s ing inhera. tance in the kingdom of h a en for the elect.* 'This is the well- owncloriiie of salvation by faith alone hiei uther borrowed from the Ito an .Ca holic Bishop, Anselm, and mal e the attle pr 3 of the Protestant Refo nation. . But Mr. Swing admits that in preachi g on this subject he has used. the foil wi.ng words, and still adheres to the views they express : "In the financial department of life a debtor can be saved by haviag his debts paid. Condemn- ed to death, a eximina1 eau be saved by a latter of pardon having up, n it the seal of a king ;Ibat in morals salvation i • not simply it diseltarrge Irani a debt or an esoape frorn a penalty, but a change. in the spirit, a trans' 'on front Tice to virtue. I • Again, the Gonfession of Faith teaches that men not professing the Christian religion cannot "be saved, inany' other way whatsoevee, be they ever s dili- gent -Le frame their lives according to the light of nature and th4 law o that religion they do profess ;" 1wherea Mr. Swing has the temerity t asser that Socrates and Penelope ankl othe good heathens will be admitted into h aven, and. that, too, mare readi y than such Christians as the profli ate E press Catharine II. of Russia. I his defence, he argued that this is the c octrine of the New Testament, but he id not main- tain that it words with he Con ession of. Faith. . The Confessian of Paitlj also . ffirms the inspiration of the bo ks co rised in the Protestant Bible astjhe very Word of God. But Mr. Swin , read' g the curses imprecated by Dafrid up n his enemies in the 109th Psa1ri, has come to the conclusion that this psalm was in- tended only for temporary use, and is t Ii t not to be regarded as a pression of the Holy Spin accuser founded a charg and denial of the inspiratio ermanent ex- . On this his of infidelity of the Bible, which Mr. Swing met , y citiLg the Mosaic law of divorce, and asking lath- er that was of a temporary nature or in- tended to be a rule of Christian .-c nduct for all time. On the subject of the Trinity, which the Confession of Faith declares t Con - twice, charg- book sistof " three persons of eine subs poWer and eternity," Mr.Wing is ed with teaching Sabellia ism in of his called " Truths fo ' To -da which he says : "The doetrine of the Trinity as form ed, can not be experienced. Zi an has power to test° the threeness of. ne, nor 's 'good.' a of thre ear in! ness of. three . and see that it Christianity bears readily Wield and permittathe one God. to .ap in Son, or in Spiaita' . ki.0* Mr. :Swing defend. -does not precisely appear from t port of the proceedingay ,bi t he evi satisfied the PreSbytery: 7 iegard It. is- plain, however, -al t : he - s quite another doeltrine thaln that ized. by the Presbyterian 'c I eed. Other specifications agai i st him were: Misrepresenting Preebytelians as fatal- ists and as believing in th derma '-on of inf. ate; favoring the Darvinian heory he. Ger pel is . a... jumble of insist on the Wicked ; say- rofeseion, like as, grown up . through the requirement of circum-, stances and not by special oedinat .ora , of God e depecciating the im ortance of in- ' fant baptism ; and, genera y..syrall'athize . mg with -Unitarians, and on one occa- eiou led -teeing in . behalf of ,. a Unitarian chanty. All these charges seem to have y. :his .j).iclg, . . es, therefore, of the Pres- Ormally put this la 1.1 y stet- ot the he ene- Hence offices, ther, or guage le re - Tartly to it.- ts up thor- of/ volittion ; saying that "a, mode of virtue and nO doctrines ;" neglecting to eternal punishment Of the ing that the ministry is a law or medicine, -which been treated as frivolouS or as not sustained by ptoo As the matter now sta Mr. Swing and. three-fourt byteriane of Chicago have themselves on record. as 1to longer ad- hering to the Westminster Confeseion of Faith in its plain and obvious meaning. Indeed, an eminent membdr of the Pres- bytery, Dr. Patterson, in ,xplaining his vote and that of several of his assOciates Lor Mr. Swing's acquittal,- said clistinct- lY : "A Man may not ac ept the entire Confession, i 1 mi$., i ini$ verbi,;., and q -et be a good Presbyterian." Tat is t say, they claim the liberty Of so construing this ancient instrument, wij.ieli was fram- ed. nearly 230 years ago, tl at it shell not touiliet with what they dsteem ke the enlightened reason of the .)resent age. In this they mav show th raselve good Christians, but they are not goo1 logi- -clans , and they only add nother to the instances daily multiplyin arm d us, .in which formal creeds ai found to be too narrow for their prates 'eel adh rents. ___ ....._ Baclebitin Ba('reetatere---that's jue, the tern ex- actly 's These blood -sucking insects which asten themselves on the enderest spot along the vertebral co1unn—yoii. can neither see nor reach theiil, and, 1 ke all cowardly and despicable enemies they. atways strike behind the back. , Call it not a fault, ratheSchrand it as a Crime YOU pick my poet and "you take the earnings of perhaps a' week— yon pick at my reputation 'oiled beak of slancleke and dot?—you take away ray thorns in my midnight pi every man I meet look u EMS per ag It for by ha ore 110 on the pois- t do yon dit ; put w; cause me with isible, all- iosphere, tI myself. than disease, kill and can Hippiness e tie bieath his power to the mouths lathe entire mon ; you let liease all Inv vading taint into the at inst Which I cannot de en roduces something worse it can be cheaked by no be eached by no medicine. flies from the househeld. befo of the slanderer, and it i 'n snatch the very bread ou of hungry children, and tu fam nisi ilyout. f all the faults which t human nature, this rev worst phases of spontaneou wickedness. We can look n the deeds of a man w onally swept away by can find a kindly spot the killer who, madde ted provocation, strikes . blow—me can pity the r .who has been enticed upo cas We for tea one ard do int and tar- als the very malice and -ith charity o who is oc- is passions. in our heart d b a ro- y p he mUrder- eling.drunk- and drawn ,n from his self-control b thoughtless, conVivial companiond—we can almost ex - cue the thief wh ' has been elnven by the hungerewolf to appropriate the goo sr of his ereiaLtb r—for life is sweet; but ° ransack, as we may our whole museum. of charit and we cannot findi a solitary patch or rag herewith to sh4le a solitary. spot of the moral loath- soraeness of the slan erer. He is an en- emy to God, to m n, to" society and himself. ' His talk is a poiso ed str am without a fountain, for hi slancl rs have no starting point, in fac There is no concea ing the ruth; it has its entire origin in bad eart. And then, how aborninati n is m nified when the oily tongued d' amer launches his poisonous insinuaticins under the pre- text of his jealousy fo the hon or and purity of the chuA and th goocl f society! If he were tet come .. ut and confess the truth as to his rea motives, we might mitigate our wrath. ' Why does he pot say. it gives joy to his bad heart to hea and to repeat, with unmeasured. additio s, all the insinua- tions and suspicions which ire breathed against his neighbor? Why does he not. own, that he feels rel tively little higher if he can only •dep ess th level upon which his neighbor tands ? Why can't he acknowledge tha there i a malignant spi it in which he lo es to fest upon the des oiled reputation of others? cornpar- ed vith which the ruelty f rude, an- tra necl boys in stoning fro es, cats and dos is a saintly pastime. , 1 e wonder not t at the honest and. ho orable of all ag s have put slander among the unconver ible furies. Thom- son4calls it : "The tongue that -licks tis dust But, witen it safely dar la as pro pt to sting," Sometimes the haoit in t e malignant slanderer is so esta iliehed that it ° does 1 something to cure it elf. •I'‘ e °ace knew a an of is sort, and we made up our minds to b lieve partic- alaely well of all t4 men e particular- ly landered. If all the • rualicio is back iters, he is ge erally the worst who h once been of especta,ble position and association, an who, through s own loss of man - 11 ho d, has fallen iron his high estate. It giv a him pain to se any Man still re- taining the respect and honorable posi- tio from which he los fallen; and so he ve ts his spleen upon all who are better .., thanhimself. Far the g eatest amount of evil, how- ever, is don in the community by those wh can hardly be classed. ainong the de - lib rate and malicious backbiters. The n ber of those who meraik throw stoles over the garden wall, and boiling wa er out of the wi dow, without look- iug to see what dam ge may be done be - lo or on the other side,. is very great. He e, as Artenaus sed to say, "most me ha.ve hincl-sioht but not fore -sight." They can see the mischief and sorrow they have occasioned after it is done and cannot be undone; but why could the not have taken a nye minutes' look through the con icie ce - leh s b eforch au de " th horrors -which hey vvere about to (1.. an have anticipate and so prevented, perpetrate? • Want of thought • ere is not a whit better than deliber e malice, when we consider how seldo there is really any excuse for either sta ting or repeating a slander. Scott, in his usually happy style, puts it theis : " oh 1 many a sha-ft at r ndom sent, Finds mark the archer little meant, And mo.ny a word, at ran mu spoken, May soothe or wound a eart thatis broken." We have had freq ent occasion to trace tuany a serious troll le to it seurce ; and in Well-nigh every c se we have found it originated m either some Wholly invent- ed 'slander, or some thoughtlesslyrepeat- ed-elefamation, whidh, like the ever -roll- ing! snowball, gathered bulk, and weight at every turn, until it crushed. the spirit of him on whom it fell.. " There is no cure fot this all -ravaging disease in the community, except in the thdrough arousing : of conseience, until thd slanderer is ranked among the thieves an4 robbers, unless it be -that listeners *ilfl refrain utterly from ev4-hearing. -gases. ' StANTLY. STRUCIC. DUMB.—The Leav- enkrorth Kansas) TF.172,68, of:May 23, re- lates the following : "A remarkakle oc- cuerence took place n Salt Creek Valley daY before yesterd . Mrs: , Chapman, wife of Samuel C apman, of Pleasant Ridge, went into e pasture adjoining the house for the p rpose of catching a horse which she d sired to drive into town with. In les than half an hour she was seen malei g her way back to the house waving rer arms above her head, and making .11 sorts 'of ludicrous gestures. Her hus • and, who was stand- ing onr the porch, ti ought it remarkably straage that his wif e ordinarily so staid and. dignified, sho ilcl be acting so strangely, but took o furthtr notice of her, supposing she was making fun of Inn. But when -sh' finallyreache1 the house, a very seri us matter was de- veloped, a.ncl-all!the strange' actions fully explained. The wo an had by some un- accountable means b en struele speechless, and has not, up to last accounts, been able to speak a-wor.� or make known. the cause of her naisfort me. It is the gen- eral opinion that th spell was brought on by a fit, or some terrible fright which the woman receivi d whu1e in the pas- ture, and the.natur • of which her friends have as yet been u ble to earn." SAMUE1-1_ TROTT Mantifaattuer of Machine ,Turned Butter Packages I Of a Superior Quality. All Orders, either Wholesale or Retaill Promptly Filled. SYlarORTH, ONT. 836 0 THE 11EMBERS OFT AG ICULTURAL MI:TTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. TELnndersig ed beg bo announce that owing to thel suddei disappearance of his representa- tive in. Patron, h has returned to , r • °LINTON For a few iweelcs to take renewal applications from those of the me bars whose policies expire dur- ing MAY,JUN and JULY. Owing to circum- stances over wit' eh he had no control a few policies have been allow d to expire, these, however, will be first attendo4 to, and all policies' soon expiring will receive In attention before expiration thereof. Trusting to be favored -with a continuance of the noble patro age hitherto given to the " Ag- ricultural, ' I tm, gentlemen, Yours faithfully, CHAS. T. DOYLE, Oweia Sound, Ona, 336 Disbet Agent Grey, Brume and Huron. The su scrib enstOmers(rnero patronag durin by strict i tegn to merit tjheir Having greatl the winter, he is H1G For any (Ipianti at the EMPORIUM. r hereby thanks his numerous ants and others) for their liberal the past seven years, and hopes, y and close attention to business, nfidence and trade in the future. enlarged his premises during now prepared to pay the ET CASH PRICE Wanted: by th clean W H MAT 3, of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG E?.d1PORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth, subscriber 25 tons of good, dry TRAW. D. D. WILSON.. SEAFORTH, et rah 18, 1874. 328 THE HURaN PLANINC MILL. .111.4MR . GRA Y & SCO TT 'REG to anno nee that they have commenced busatess i the shop lately ocaupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared to fill orders for Sashes, Do 9's,. Blinds, Mouldings, And all llnda o planed Ituater. CHEESE OXES AND SETTERS, FARM GIA.TES, RAY RACKS, &c. A good. stock cf Seasoned Limber on hand. Factory and umber yard on Goderidh street, near Main stree . Jig Sawing and Custom Planingneatly done. A. GRAY. 1 W. H. SCOTT. . . THE FARMERS' FRIEND! • WIILLIAM GRASSIE, Of the Seaforth I Carriage Works, having sold off all his sleighs tnd cutters, is now busily manu- facturing WAGO S. AND BUGGIES. His Wegons are strong and durable. His Buegies afre stylish, and, being made of the very best material, and by first-class worlonen, are guaranteed to gare satisfaction. He is ia a porlition to sell on as favorable terms as any in the trade. NO LONG CRIEDIT. Mr. Grassie is determined to sell cheap, and will hereafter give oily short credit. , Repairing an General Blaeksmithing attended to as usual. - WILLIAM GRASSIE. MISS BORLAND, (Frail Miss Young's, Toronto,) DRESS AND MAN.TLE MARER Two doors South of the Commercial Hotel, MAIN' STREET, SEAFORTH. 813 THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. , HAMS AND BACON Thoroughly eled and of eicellent quality for sale wholesale nd retail. The Trade a berally dealt with. All orders a promptly :attendled to. THOMAS STEPHENS, 327 I "TRUTH I MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL." „Proprietor. THE GEt UTNE AMERICAN E IAS HOWE SEW! G MAC'HIN TRIUM 'HANT OVER ALL! • VIENN4 PREMIUMS. THE HOWE EWING MACHINE RECEI At the ED FIVE MEDALS rienna Expoeition, viz.: CRAND MEDAL OF PROCRESS DIE Eor Su THREE ; For supenior ex AL OF 171ERiT exior Workmanship, and ALS OF CO-OPERATION ellence of productions. See ex- ct of letter below: EXTRACT." VIENNA, August 22nd. The Howe Mac me Co., New York: GENTLEMEN We have been successful in ob- taining five medals from the Exposition, viz.: Grand Medal of arogress, *Medal of Merit for su- perior work, audi three Medals of Co-operation for superior excelle4ce of productiOns. *Yours truly, G. W. HO WE. The &have spelaks for itself, and no twithetanding the false claims of some firms in the Sewing Ma- chine business, the HOWE still keeps the lead. A fresh supply j st receiTed at W. N. WATSON'S, 308 Insurance Agent, Seaforth. MONEY ADVANCED ON M°dgage sucI peri as the ap Hcant 322452 1 Security, in such sums and for , and repayable in such manner may desire. Apply to A. G. MoDOUGAT,TI, Seaforth. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN PA Li: K. MONTREAL CUT NALLS1, One Car Load American Waterlime, ON.E CAR LOAD TWO TONS -AM ANNEALED FENC WHITE LEAD, PAI P.ADES AND SHOVELS, RICAN T HINGES 'G WIRE, Oiled and Galvanized, TS AND LINSEED OILS. Complete Stock of evvrything in our line. JOHNSON BROTHER: MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. TO THE FARMERS We have much pleasure in informing you McLEOD, Kippen, a The KIRBY! Reaping OF HURON. 1 hat we have secured the services of Mr CHARLES 4enora1 Agent for the sale of ! Andf ) , 7 . . .ttk. - 1:109-„Ftcee;oriesi., atams 1.5r47 5 The KIRBY Machines have not yA been fu Farmersavho were present at the Tappan Rea as to the merits of our Machines. The 'Kirby machines are simple in const equate) any machines made, and are positiTe make and can supply to Farmers for the co REAPER, the BURDICK INDEPENDENT WHEEL MOWER. Mr. MoLEOD will supply Farmers Who have usqd the 'Kirby. We true supply them with first-class Machines. -Your truly, CHARLES MeLEOD, ICippen P. 0., Aftek ". JAMRS MARTIN, St. Helens P. 0., f t' BRANTFORD, March 1, 1874. Mowing Machines. Uy introduced into the County of Huron, but those ing Match, in jaly, 1878, can form their own opinions ction'easily managed, very durable, will do their work Ly the lightest running machines in the Dominion. We ning season the KIRBY COMBINED MOWER AND 'ELF -RAKING REAPER, and KIRBY'S NEW TWO - pamphlets, giving all information and certificates from the Farmers of Huron will sustain us in our efforts to A. ICARRIS, SON 6: CO. 526 GARDNER SEWING MACHINE • IS A STRONG Easy Running Machine WELL ADAPTED FOB FAMILY SEWING, AND SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL !MPH Sewing Machine, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 11) CD .bt 1T_T _ 'SEWING MACHINE DEPARTMENT., I take pleasure in stating to thcpublie, that shall at all times have it stock of all the different kinds of Sewing Machines, with their varied. pre- tentions to merit, that the purchasers may be able to suit themselves at one establishment. without inconvenience. The whole face of the country has been, and still is, frequented by traasient persona. My object is to oaution the nubile against buying anything but Standai4. Maehines and of Regular Established Agents, who can al! ways be found, and whose warrant and guarantee can be relied on, and if the purehaser is not suited with the )diad they think they want, they can have the privilege or enanging it for any other. Wig - have at all times a Rep, and fresh stock of the Florence and Webster Machines, as well a.s all the ether standard makes, which can- be paid for oit very easy terms, or if not satisfactory, can be changed for any other that may be desirel. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. WILLSON Can defy the world on Musical Instruments, both in Price and Quality, he cannot be surpassed. The menufacturers of Instruments which he sells have it reputation that dare net be questioned. He sells foraio second-class firms. The Mahn- shek nil Steinway Pianos .atince, Mason & Ham- lin, and Estey Organs and Melodeons. AGRICULTURAL IfELEMENTS. Such as Straw Catters, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters, Sewing Madhines and Horea Powers, all of the best, always on hand. IRON HARROWS. Now is the time to purchase 111111111W1 0 The Best in use. A few on)y on hand. Call and get one before they are all gone. In the year 1870 I sold 30 of these Harrows; in 1871, 50 were sold by me; in 1872, 1 1 sobland in 1873 my sales reaclued over Lig1').t. Manufacturing Work. of 40. Tliis is the best proof that eau be offered the satisfaction -which the Harrows give. At the Fa to some BEST JUDGES THE AND BY 13, Prizes in 1871 a held throughout the Dominion, this Machine was pat ery severe tests by the , . O. C. WILLSON,. Market -street, Seaforth. 326 OUNTRY COULD PRODUCE HEM AWARDED - THE SEAFORTH and 26 Prizes in 1872. PLOW FACTORY. Its simplieity of eonstruction, strength and d abilityreconnnend it to all classes. It has it complete set of attachments, and 4ocs all kinde of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THE AJ TA MENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. &ardner Sewing Mach/me Company, Hamilton, Ont. PE ER .GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, 286 Agent ior the County of Huron GODERIGH FOUNDR-Y,„ The Goderich Foun STEAM ENGI.N3EgSthei.VB2811r SAWING On hand—IR0.1•4' AND WOO GANG PLOWS, SUGAR AND POTASH KE COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX SALT PANS IRON AND BRASS' CASTI fry & ManufacIturing Co. that they are prepared to contract fO'a S; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS MACHINES, &c. EN PLOWS, with steel boards ; CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. TLEs, GRATE -BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. TOVES, of various kinds. MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, GS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS AND SALT PAN43 REPAIRED ON 8EtORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO THIRTY -HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale, rta.: All orders addressed to the Compoiny or Secretary will receive prompt attention. A. .EI3DGE, Secretary and Treasu H. HORTON, President. R. RUNCIM N, General Manager. 10.11•001Mbr. SEED! SEED EDWARD GAS HAS STILL PLENTY 11 TARES AND COON AT REDUCED PRICES. OLD SEED STORE, 337 1 Goderich Street, Seafarth. Insolvent Act of 1869. TN the matter of LOUIS CALDER, as welt, hi- dividuaily, as it member of the firni tradiag under the name. style and firm of CALIPER BROTHERS. The Insolvent has made an Snip:in:tent (4 his Estate to me, and the creditors are notified ;to meet at the place where the Insolvent lately car- ried on business, in the Village of Seaforth, in the county of Huron, On the 8th Day of June, Next, At 12 o'clock, noon, to receive statements of his affairs and to appoint an Assignee. DIXIE WATSON, Interim Assianee, Dated at Goderich, this 18th day of May, A. D. 1874. • 686-8 BURST OPEN, Ono night last week, John Logan's Old Stand. CAUSE—A LARGE NEW STOCK QF FRESH GROCERIES. TAMES REDMOND has opened out in Jorn " Logan's old and well-known stand a lake stock of Fresh GROCERIES, comprising everythingwhichshould be found # it first-rate Grocery Store. FLOUR and FEED on hand. He solicits a call, and will guarantee satisfae- tion. 319 J. REDMOND. BACON AND HAMS FOR SALE, THE undersigned have on hand at KIPPRN about 25 tons of Superior Smoked Haxas and Side Meat, Which they will sell by the ton or in smaller quantities on reasonable terms. JAMES SI: GEORGE PETTY, 300 Kippeu P. O. it rfturon Q'vxvoitor IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAFORTH. TE1IXS.—$1. 50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Rates. First insertion, per line, 8 cents, subsequent in- sertion, 2 cents each time, per line. Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c., not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1; after flint month, 50 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 15 lines—first month $1 50; each subsequent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, and Deaths—Gratis. 1 Advertisements without specifie directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Advertisements measured by scale of solid nonpareil. McLEAN BROTHERS. MONROE & HOGAN, SEAPORT'', Beg to direct the attention of the farming com- munity to their Superior PLOWS,' THEIR IRON PLOW Has become a general favorite, and with improve- ments made sine last season, they have no hesitsa tion in guaranteeing it to be at least equal to any other plow manufactured. THEIR IRON BEAM PLOW, With -wooden handles, is one of the best and most useful plows, for general use, manufactured. MONROE & HOGAN Now manufacture the celebrated THISTLE CUTTER PLOW With Wrought Iron Beata. They are the only manufacturers who supply this favorite plow with a Wrought Iron Beam. this plow is sold for $17, the same prig() at vrhieh other manufacturers sell the east iron beam. SCUFFLERS, Both in ii -on and wood, made to order on the shortest notice. REPAIRING of every description promptcy attended to. None but the very best material, both in ham and wood, used, and partiea purchasing from tie may rely upon getting a good and durable article. MONROE & HOG -,AN,* Plow Manufacturers, Seaferth. 1 N. B. --Gray's Mould Boards kept on hand for repairing. 826 - TO THE PUBLIC AT LAB,GE. W. H. OLIVER, I Harness, Saddle and Colla cif s.a 4:4 N MANUFACTURER, LAT-ASIT., SEAFORTII. SIGN OF Ti -3 al SCOTCH COLLAR A choiceassortraent of lightand heavy Harness, Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, r&c., kept constantly on hula. Repairing promptly attended tra and charges moderate. Remember the placeatign of the Scotch Collar. • W. H. OLIVER. BRICKS, BRICKS. JOHN & JAMES SPROAT AVE now their Briek Yard in full operation, et miles east of Earaoneviue, where they have now Thoztecitzds of Brick * Already reouided of a superior quality anetalze. 885 4&. SMUT.