The Huron Expositor, 1874-06-05, Page 27 THE HulkoN EXPOSITO 2 sho� Let Her husband not seeming uite to en. the child called by any special name t hlisband Isay settled the e ? bettei half as-determixied that her Un- what oo lot the'plian )t -the nearest railway chose to forget that she'had UNCLE408 OR UNRE "A ISTHI u o irse ve -ac t' into her views us t a in Ilia pl e. NVe don er cle Ariatioles, her late fathe'r's. brother) being a mile away from matter a week before. Bat that unaf uite A ature shook his head, and said' station th blustering, loud-voie6d, boast- like Should be selectec I latilda Jane, be it � abode-. and opinionated old hum* Brown. 'their Jrs. Highfly impatiently fectedcre a noted, believed in h6- uncle. who had f u�� he- thought simple nam Well, Harry, - b b mu4t have n es were the best and' turned towards their visito. is; and pro Bed some years in Australia, but was jo n ; but then, he's prosperous, ided, to doret see- why pm missing so, st moment, it wams d a other god-fath an rtues of the at thWl' 'Uncle Ali noi'be asked. now_ an oilman in the jorough, a bache- basn't a relative but ourelvesl On the ceeed to extol thevi call6d "Harry, and stidas s other hand, we do like that goo(I-natured, one. Suffering from his sp Be s loquaci have the infrit He. will, I know, sure to lor; and, by reason of his colonial ex- & ept, and is T1 ence lest nothing else. t, and sifnple-hearted olld angel, ty, and the.anxiety he exp -o-vitnjohD was not periences, c- imed to be a very clever mcdea uncheon OIL! bi remember the child. Thus spoke Foozle, by reason of his ridness for At I and eman, Job Smi fib, and we know how proud he'd h er the tea* pract* at man. , This gentl f' t but port, W Highfly to her hu4, and, as ov ould have to reMark at home, and missed, for Uncle Job was in s4ch hig betto stand sponser to'the in �n c surviving parf dote, church uJouse, and as with i10 small de- pir table they concert a arrangements for like Matil'a Jane's t, its, was so rich in humorous a1nec r and be put to bed, it w, .. y the christe n- of Y) onsidered him as tli�n, be's as; poor as.1 ,ree of satisfaction. that Earky heard the and, tinally, ool- ning of -,it first�born. nabbed H ir uttered. Such a pret ittle lneed i much inferi)r to them intellectual and pe6ple say he's rapidly driftin for the p Mr. Highflyapp' tantlypaid-1 as he was in size ; so, fourth time -towards that fatal m1strom, son-nd of rat -tat. est speech, when he propued. th: hm Ith and was about to &oYal aUrl ir pasg- to his wife's remar K ssembled company are eagerly of the infant, that -the whole ffa* again lass the tomst, altogether,, a, v�ry pro ty,family quarrel the Bankruptcy Oourt. As thAt far -see- The a ask -her to him proath of footsteps, ed off in the most a�greeable malilier. 'matter of ing Matilda Jane says,,we al? must not let listening for the, y's seemed to* I e brewing werthe now when, glancing upv r, X'd towaIrd the lad, Higlifly. our owndesire8 interfere with Ithe inter- and when the door opens, 11Xpect to see To Harry's delight, Job SmitIT-is I Ldicatios of a in. the christening of the..nfant face, he perceived ii the maje�tic forni'of the grelt Aristides. a constant visitor, nd he alws rp-- III -oni Matilda. -esent ing storm. He cou" d t rom cemain On the p occa 3ion, the irritable I ests ON r own offspring. ellil welcome h Q ead the moGid-servant ; ceives g ew how it Mrs. Highfy allowed ker spouse an 'Of I hour course Matilda ane ku There enters inst outward and visib�,,e signs a t h is Ma- w b o, - in turn, The great Aristides doe� not collie to nd sa&e anry, er'e 3he returned to, re )uld e ; she ill solemn t she whispers to H an -led it -a m tilda Jane meditate C. a SUdd6n,*SwOOp, d a hi�lf'h purmers to 'his agitated wife - I'm them very.often, and diriplay�ltothem -riter, he re- new. the attack. Harry, bqing in The cooldlav3 with:her mother setb nerving himself for the enao.� aid, dear, there is some mistake;" and none of that bombast wbioh %vasin- former pover 1 'tl - his a 'W'e' ought calm enjoy drit of a cigar and the I test f0ftIllgilt atrO, and the 't*on with afr sponded in a mild bone: a c both leave the room. times chare teristic. novel, was nolisposed to resume i.crely a sort promise hostiii Harry was n not, dear, to forget Uncle J 'is it is �aken to wi!th her a er �8hould it . In as brief a space, res d T6 The tempest bro c ighfly had ties; butt], Le lady wa,, not to be defeat- onscience, for nev -he passage. Be- be mtronitht she this line, they were in t The ed in her object. She b usIbled abou� the said of that -young SP been aipecting it, - it'not s sc,on A. 4 I r the chairs, etc., h, ol broken the vow made LOO ove, hen- fore them, atired in a -.suit f seedybat ECL&L! NOTICES lightning was flash i q in his wi e,7es, place,noisly arranging ig to be well -brushed black, with his hand g6ntl The only thi y -Epps Coco.A. GRATH- sava ely st rrifig the i. e ana'ringing the or,'and obey. BREAKPAsT. d the thunder c Rer majestic vince. sly shiiiy hat, stood b i is ears i a a coup] 6 of hand -bell or the servant with such. dc cided -on was the day, and na�io. Tues- smoothing a suspiciou FUL 1-N3DCOA1FoRrnTa,. - �'By a thoroitgh a fain & y woi ild suit ev 41�. What %he discarded Job Smith. Well ou t H knowledge of the natural - laws which W" rtaliter e ba; orybody ni( secon f h I spoke4, The,rdfet. vehemence that at la arry as n arry (out Harry, said the new -comer, perceiving i1da's husbau ovel Ynd content him-,� diti M d Bay t6z govern the operations of digestion and once -Uncle Job lid it' 'to put asid his n, ning to inent, to himself), Ar stides (in their confusion,- "what's th me& nutrition, and by carefu I al�)plicatioil of Uncle Job ind , �,d exlamed the self with s king an staring into, the of compli ate Maild ; 61 S. Mrs.' Higli v was au hc nor of rli6- Borourrh ti,Ltde�rri in), Hor- of all this ? I the christellil) a Over ir , Japa, every fibre' of her blaing co n the fine properties of well-select6d, co,=, 0 0 da s the Id Did-didnit you receive Matil iiidept in all those petty feminine devices aUo (as a sort of sop in p Mr. Epps has provided our breqkfast ta- body seeming to* quiver w rh pas8ion, ore the name), Aj Ix (class- letter? gasped Harry. I bles with a elicat6ly flavoured beverage. Who next would you like to stand tol for an-noyl the malel sex which seein to F�oz�e, who'b I got one from you, and here it is.' ic A which may save Us many heavy doctors' your child?" be born in some wouieri;so, when she I disiingue, my dear), anl Brown L j suceeedeti in malcing o�n must- have a family rame: 9 Whati Bo,fore the eyes of the bewi1dered Righ- -,ivil Hig� b9ssed her Saw that sb e had Servioie' Gazette. Made When Mrs. dy rrvi fl B exciting narrative wbuld. be more mellifluous than " H. , there flutered the epistle which had and thus indicated supreale contemDt her busban forego thi Aristid Bt hn Hig�-!' -'been intended fot old Brownjoln In Simply with Boiling 'Wter or Milk\ b had solaced him in her, absence, S.Uoratio Ajax own] elled-JA3in,i B PPs & for her husband's a:3 lection -c f- a spon6�r, whi6 t lest.so M%lil of. Each p�acket is lab cc I da said. the hurry occasioned by t arrival With Un.cle she began to make co ments about the fly? Tfuthitig; a Co., Hoilice-opathic Cheirbasts, London." hs teply was as* fol I)ws �llina when the 1ptters gar,.aiid the disacyreeiv Having yielded so uch, it was not visitors on the eve 0 J'Ob,. my dear, 3M� have the rquired num- ill -savor -of. his ci iNUINUFACTURBov. CocoA.-" We will urslie� t1ie able conse s Iik Ly to ensu to the worth wbile making I urther resistance ; had been written, they hd got into the ount of the process adopt. ber, and. we need #(t farther. P q aence i now give an ace Ly uncle subject, unless NN Mar mind's winter cu�tains, on�y that morning- so, Harry allowed That Philistine of a wrong envelopes , and the bat ed by.�Kessrs, James Eppt; & Co., an. tless received the issive t] ap and slisPitrided for the en- 'w�fe to shear his looks apol bind him hqd doub eye-Shakespeare,:(i tar likelihiood brought o ufacturers of dietetic articles, at thei with cords until he was positiv e� help- had been meant for the desl. ised Job ly of other christenulks; to* come, you I are suing seas works in the Easton Road, London.- mds When a else fai d to arouse the less. Cold drops stood upon t le forehe aiing a list of elgible pe rscins to keep Caqsell's RoitseAold trep, :it you M -invariably Now, everything is settled,i' said the of both husband and wife is they saw. r iglifly plaecid Hai su&ose we the mistake tha had been ade ; th fto.�qcnin$-Unless. arrested' will ter - fly; Highfl�, mai n f6ll back ou the aity their te e-th; minate in consuni�tion, An almost is remark i of his cigars, jabilan ; Poor.'Mr. Mrs. igh tongues seemed looed with eir nd the which she ueralousl proceeded to dis- whte th Uncle Aristides, and.� acquaint his softest little si per -failing cure -for this complaint is thdir lin -rare him with whcif lie c1noluded would m'! wi- h the result 9 ibs appeared deprivA of motion "ever parage.. . . 9 . . anion, is u o the woi in Alleii!s Lang Balsam, which addrment found made it apparent t any brii that he was Oh, th i's your o ib? Wefl, - On; of courtesy we .Ought- also to and th s they stood, t can be had of a t, price one utter e. to a tim e. look heire you seem of unsitspecting Uncle Smitl. Ily Z-18 Oy giving id j Dknow a lot about w�ite to Uncle Job?" dea,r,'i ak9 daStately Mrs. ig, Ily, how ve, did not tobacco but I don t know how 'you O' certainly, my -responded Why don't one of you spe per bottle. -u r in, hfly. Will, I ? Isn't th e a baby ? Loss oF APPETE IN Hoiis ses. lady used to have Mrs. ig i you write both What's happenec ES.i-Hor choose to accept it! as such, bat, t a shoula un.'ess the ol� al Ld etters Or are you so delig'hted to see me that. lose their appetite frm various causes Savagely upon hor husband, poured aut hers on tb e quiet, puff it up the. I tters., CdW some scathing ren. -B rk.s. P waing t. P see chimney." By the J'old lady.." Harry i M&tilda Jane I tbiak you might yovve gone stark staring mad! Are but most frequently by the approach of you"— What further interrogator-- this' �circumstance ought what would be tbft -effect upon. Harry alluded to the respe able person who drop a line to Uncle Job ; it would come some disease) riO. as her daughter. fror to- be overlo W unconcern- J, n you with rather a better grace than the mazed Job would ave put Will not.- oked! by thos�e "ho own -ig and observit that he wa 5 9,wned. Matilda. s 'Lit should be imneliately at- botse , b tedily sipping his tea, she bounced �IrOML Certainly, it was ghly improper re- from me; that its to say, dear, a letter never be known, inasm a a at that a "im ediately be- 'terided to as by so doing the- disease may the room, noisily 'Iyanging the doo f- markto'make but hl was- so -acoaded al be a species of alve for moment the street door by�.frorri,yoawo d ter her. his wife's ineers, th'; he was not dis- his disappoiritnient." The tr th. was hind him was heavily smittl by mean be checked,' and the. life of the horse illay 'h)is rr lailve be To do w1ifich we are positiye.. wbilst the good�ady of I he -hous' has posed to st ck. at sue: a trifle at re- Harry, after half -inviting hi to 'of the knocket. The persoi who with tr -tin fili ed scarciily be a d that at stand godfath'er,' When he met im a few out a word of inquiry, str de into 1bb e gone to vent her sp[te upon the dom stia Spect. It ie there is nothifig eq . Ito " Darley's Con -eave Rem� �twixt t e Highfli xabian 11 re, and stood �twixt t es dition Powders and A [da Jariei- flood -gates were days before at a luncheon bar i4'the city, passag below stairs, the 1 opportm lity may be once Mati t, . 'Mr . Vf opened, a Opious shcl Pvier of tears burst was ashamed to back oat of the matter.; and Yob 'Created as much Surprise to e bl od, a 1 ects all taken of introdu ift.g and . rs. edy :." it purifies th 0 Or r * AS she managed to but, he knew if Job Smith got a. note Harry's relative as he had occasioned but Highfly in a more satisfac ory manner. forth., but rdid he 94 derangements of the digestive organs, From his youth np ward, B ffy, utter stic Was it for 'from Matilda Jane, he would pretty ac- a few miutes previously. phrasqR , 8 and as a necessary consequence the arry Hii b, bo you thi t 0. Uncle Brownjohn, exclaimed appetite is restored, the �kin be- had beena- clerk in Cashit & Bullion's' this T marr td you ? nk my urately guess the reason why his aid a the' christening was dispensed with. Matilda Jane, suddenly -To overing her IBank in. Threadn comes soft, and. the coat'l assumes e-,dle street, and from indther is an old hish woman? MY Imm one.of the lirst Mrs. Higbfty immediately brought :peech a soft and shnin being one of the jurdorsi had risen lib a mother, wl o comes gir appearanee. and rushing into his arms, " I'm t posi lthough she cannot Dow forth her writing inaterialsi can be Remember the name, allid Sep, rthat the 1 confiden at and in ortan tio. He Scotch fam ies, . o- __And the re youve corne! Now, all i to conciled coup e proceeded with their epia- explained. ii -rd & Co. 'is on each pack - owed none, of his a(' varicem boast of a stral estates," &a. I I si-anature of H S at Matilda Jane wrote Brownjohn firmly.withdr %v from his tial relatives: since his'parE ats hid �een­ Hairry was exceedingly fond of his tIes. his i wh Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., huble country-fo k who had died soon wife, despIe her *a)gravating temper, to Uucle- Job: niece's embrau6, and gazing sternly at proprietors for Cnad SqIc1 bv all in a -tone evidently mearlt to medicine dealers. after their Bola c e to the niarop).lis. and knew i hat she M rked hard to in- DF," UNCLE'. You know how well her, said, He Was an 0-aly G.. Holt a4d knew of no sure the c)mfort ani preserve the re pleased we should have been for you to penetrate from the cellar to the attic of 1% LLOWS" H�YPOPAO-S PkITES. T1 " Yes, -if you spectabilit�, of his ho' ie. He could not be one of the god -fathers to our'darling semi-detached villa: blood relations bit ari�.. nole on his CAMPBELUXON, N. B., Jul 1873. In ther's -side. UJ cle e -her cry ; so, impatiently treasure, but unfortunately Harry has a please. An explanation, b all means. O Job Smith, how- beiLr to s James 1. Fellows, Esq.! -Dear Sir : In sort of nobody -that i to flingia2y his cigar into the fire,'he ap- f dend whom it would be very ir ipol-ite to First of -all c how is.it that you, Matilda, the fall f 1865- William Young, Esq., ever, was a say, he bad tried good inan thiags, 'proached, nd at e 0 row oil offend, aiud,-under these circumstances and your, mother, made me promise to merchant, Caraque; Glonceste,, - Coulity, r not -asking Stand god-fatber . and that, after -gettin an( -.I always faile a bachelor aptin the ti coubled wat ers. I amure you will excuse on d he wa. y - - 9 'was ill with lyphoid fever. lijimediate- but liked company ; Uncle Job was, in Well, atilda Jane, perhaps I -did yoU next Tuesday.- Best love, &a. up the details of the import- t cere .. 0 ly after his recovery he becan�e affected prepa-ring a long lida!t mean to hurt Yours, very ffection,ate -to say nothing of lai�ed by!miieh ex - fact, a choice ap I rit 4 3 friends go a little t oo far. !y. with a cough accol-ar, M. J. HIGHIELY." speech for the luncheon�­Pni told I'm O�r o r Qb L ways welcomed hi L when I hey wa 41, your feelings." pectoraion. Residing �t thd time in od, ial, irth-cre' y m that. neighborho my Oh. o' i'treat mQ cruelly," exclai This is how'Harry addressed his pros- not 'wanted ?" afte&io was bright, jov iting & low it was all over. Henceforth, among th he same good pe) edthe sobling lady you try my love perous relative in the Borough Als ! em.; but le 0 called to his casei the usual tonics and DEAR, OLD UNCLu:- Excuse thig fam- the Brownjobn property was to be divert- 0 'Job when i Iey too m invariably- cut" or' uch, indeed you- do. But, since expctorants were admilli'stereof without met himlext day i l,a crow led thorough- you retractl and ire so, -ry for what you've iliarity, but we want yon to act in official ed from the Hig4flies and their succes- any perceptible - benefit. Having busi- I fare. * -It *as all v ry well to know M -in done, w-hy,1 I forgive 'y Oli. aat the christening on Tuesday sors ; by an unlucky acci t, their fu- ness in Montreal, Mr. Young. consalted in nrivate but in m1blic it as a *ery Matilda Wane drica her eves -it was next. Don?ti, trouble to answer this, be- ture hopes were �lighted. The dissap- different matter. ob was a good -heart- wonderfat what -con'irol, she had over a, Be we hre determined to enlist . ...... .... pointed parents saw al this staring, them sever e non p ys clans there, in- eluding Dr. Campbell, of 4kcGill 091lege., sou. ed, generous 1, ead to leitol his 11a,st those water -spouts—' A'd in a brief space syn;pathies on behalf of our boy n a pra - a ia the face as plainly as tbough old who advised resien6e in a southern to %By One 1h 0 ed him 4 in she brought her work o the fire, ain d be- tical *t nn'er.. Tilly joins in love and I rownjohii. had written it u on the wall cliniate, s -his iight. lung was very Be_ act,'howevo,-seldcm wit7hi; �is po' er, 'gau etitchitig away at baby's first pina- am— ourp ever. Of the passage in which a stood. Ere riously,affected with a tubular (leposit he was ciffen: inasmuch a -er compelle to fore, a! 3 though nothing had occurrdd to HARRY HiGHi Ly. MatildE had concluded a blundering at- an d greed with the�' pre - borrow thn ,be to� le'd. Of c9t -se, disturb the marimonial harmony. HarrY Scaar ely had these had imporl ant com- tempt' at an excuse, the loud -voiced -opinion'Illad viouslyformed. H6'speot theJollowing rp pe Ople with all utation �ob 't ub- ouldn't once more ook up s novel, and was munic been penned than ion r a loud Brownjohn roared Mad a�y 1 no more7; winter in.Savannah., On his retULrn, lit- lialy recognize mith,forh 7 THE HulkoN EXPOSITO 2 sho� Let Her husband not seeming uite to en. the child called by any special name t hlisband Isay settled the e ? bettei half as-determixied that her Un- what oo lot the'plian )t -the nearest railway chose to forget that she'had UNCLE408 OR UNRE "A ISTHI u o irse ve -ac t' into her views us t a in Ilia pl e. NVe don er cle Ariatioles, her late fathe'r's. brother) being a mile away from matter a week before. Bat that unaf uite A ature shook his head, and said' station th blustering, loud-voie6d, boast- like Should be selectec I latilda Jane, be it � abode-. and opinionated old hum* Brown. 'their Jrs. Highfly impatiently fectedcre a noted, believed in h6- uncle. who had f u�� he- thought simple nam Well, Harry, - b b mu4t have n es were the best and' turned towards their visito. is; and pro Bed some years in Australia, but was jo n ; but then, he's prosperous, ided, to doret see- why pm missing so, st moment, it wams d a other god-fath an rtues of the at thWl' 'Uncle Ali noi'be asked. now_ an oilman in the jorough, a bache- basn't a relative but ourelvesl On the ceeed to extol thevi call6d "Harry, and stidas s other hand, we do like that goo(I-natured, one. Suffering from his sp Be s loquaci have the infrit He. will, I know, sure to lor; and, by reason of his colonial ex- & ept, and is T1 ence lest nothing else. t, and sifnple-hearted olld angel, ty, and the.anxiety he exp -o-vitnjohD was not periences, c- imed to be a very clever mcdea uncheon OIL! bi remember the child. Thus spoke Foozle, by reason of his ridness for At I and eman, Job Smi fib, and we know how proud he'd h er the tea* pract* at man. , This gentl f' t but port, W Highfly to her hu4, and, as ov ould have to reMark at home, and missed, for Uncle Job was in s4ch hig betto stand sponser to'the in �n c surviving parf dote, church uJouse, and as with i10 small de- pir table they concert a arrangements for like Matil'a Jane's t, its, was so rich in humorous a1nec r and be put to bed, it w, .. y the christe n- of Y) onsidered him as tli�n, be's as; poor as.1 ,ree of satisfaction. that Earky heard the and, tinally, ool- ning of -,it first�born. nabbed H ir uttered. Such a pret ittle lneed i much inferi)r to them intellectual and pe6ple say he's rapidly driftin for the p Mr. Highflyapp' tantlypaid-1 as he was in size ; so, fourth time -towards that fatal m1strom, son-nd of rat -tat. est speech, when he propued. th: hm Ith and was about to &oYal aUrl ir pasg- to his wife's remar K ssembled company are eagerly of the infant, that -the whole ffa* again lass the tomst, altogether,, a, v�ry pro ty,family quarrel the Bankruptcy Oourt. As thAt far -see- The a ask -her to him proath of footsteps, ed off in the most a�greeable malilier. 'matter of ing Matilda Jane says,,we al? must not let listening for the, y's seemed to* I e brewing werthe now when, glancing upv r, X'd towaIrd the lad, Higlifly. our owndesire8 interfere with Ithe inter- and when the door opens, 11Xpect to see To Harry's delight, Job SmitIT-is I Ldicatios of a in. the christening of the..nfant face, he perceived ii the maje�tic forni'of the grelt Aristides. a constant visitor, nd he alws rp-- III -oni Matilda. -esent ing storm. He cou" d t rom cemain On the p occa 3ion, the irritable I ests ON r own offspring. ellil welcome h Q ead the moGid-servant ; ceives g ew how it Mrs. Highfy allowed ker spouse an 'Of I hour course Matilda ane ku There enters inst outward and visib�,,e signs a t h is Ma- w b o, - in turn, The great Aristides doe� not collie to nd sa&e anry, er'e 3he returned to, re )uld e ; she ill solemn t she whispers to H an -led it -a m tilda Jane meditate C. a SUdd6n,*SwOOp, d a hi�lf'h purmers to 'his agitated wife - I'm them very.often, and diriplay�ltothem -riter, he re- new. the attack. Harry, bqing in The cooldlav3 with:her mother setb nerving himself for the enao.� aid, dear, there is some mistake;" and none of that bombast wbioh %vasin- former pover 1 'tl - his a 'W'e' ought calm enjoy drit of a cigar and the I test f0ftIllgilt atrO, and the 't*on with afr sponded in a mild bone: a c both leave the room. times chare teristic. novel, was nolisposed to resume i.crely a sort promise hostiii Harry was n not, dear, to forget Uncle J 'is it is �aken to wi!th her a er �8hould it . In as brief a space, res d T6 The tempest bro c ighfly had ties; butt], Le lady wa,, not to be defeat- onscience, for nev -he passage. Be- be mtronitht she this line, they were in t The ed in her object. She b usIbled abou� the said of that -young SP been aipecting it, - it'not s sc,on A. 4 I r the chairs, etc., h, ol broken the vow made LOO ove, hen- fore them, atired in a -.suit f seedybat ECL&L! NOTICES lightning was flash i q in his wi e,7es, place,noisly arranging ig to be well -brushed black, with his hand g6ntl The only thi y -Epps Coco.A. GRATH- sava ely st rrifig the i. e ana'ringing the or,'and obey. BREAKPAsT. d the thunder c Rer majestic vince. sly shiiiy hat, stood b i is ears i a a coup] 6 of hand -bell or the servant with such. dc cided -on was the day, and na�io. Tues- smoothing a suspiciou FUL 1-N3DCOA1FoRrnTa,. - �'By a thoroitgh a fain & y woi ild suit ev 41�. What %he discarded Job Smith. Well ou t H knowledge of the natural - laws which W" rtaliter e ba; orybody ni( secon f h I spoke4, The,rdfet. vehemence that at la arry as n arry (out Harry, said the new -comer, perceiving i1da's husbau ovel Ynd content him-,� diti M d Bay t6z govern the operations of digestion and once -Uncle Job lid it' 'to put asid his n, ning to inent, to himself), Ar stides (in their confusion,- "what's th me& nutrition, and by carefu I al�)plicatioil of Uncle Job ind , �,d exlamed the self with s king an staring into, the of compli ate Maild ; 61 S. Mrs.' Higli v was au hc nor of rli6- Borourrh ti,Ltde�rri in), Hor- of all this ? I the christellil) a Over ir , Japa, every fibre' of her blaing co n the fine properties of well-select6d, co,=, 0 0 da s the Id Did-didnit you receive Matil iiidept in all those petty feminine devices aUo (as a sort of sop in p Mr. Epps has provided our breqkfast ta- body seeming to* quiver w rh pas8ion, ore the name), Aj Ix (class- letter? gasped Harry. I bles with a elicat6ly flavoured beverage. Who next would you like to stand tol for an-noyl the malel sex which seein to F�oz�e, who'b I got one from you, and here it is.' ic A which may save Us many heavy doctors' your child?" be born in some wouieri;so, when she I disiingue, my dear), anl Brown L j suceeedeti in malcing o�n must- have a family rame: 9 Whati Bo,fore the eyes of the bewi1dered Righ- -,ivil Hig� b9ssed her Saw that sb e had Servioie' Gazette. Made When Mrs. dy rrvi fl B exciting narrative wbuld. be more mellifluous than " H. , there flutered the epistle which had and thus indicated supreale contemDt her busban forego thi Aristid Bt hn Hig�-!' -'been intended fot old Brownjoln In Simply with Boiling 'Wter or Milk\ b had solaced him in her, absence, S.Uoratio Ajax own] elled-JA3in,i B PPs & for her husband's a:3 lection -c f- a spon6�r, whi6 t lest.so M%lil of. Each p�acket is lab cc I da said. the hurry occasioned by t arrival With Un.cle she began to make co ments about the fly? Tfuthitig; a Co., Hoilice-opathic Cheirbasts, London." hs teply was as* fol I)ws �llina when the 1ptters gar,.aiid the disacyreeiv Having yielded so uch, it was not visitors on the eve 0 J'Ob,. my dear, 3M� have the rquired num- ill -savor -of. his ci iNUINUFACTURBov. CocoA.-" We will urslie� t1ie able conse s Iik Ly to ensu to the worth wbile making I urther resistance ; had been written, they hd got into the ount of the process adopt. ber, and. we need #(t farther. P q aence i now give an ace Ly uncle subject, unless NN Mar mind's winter cu�tains, on�y that morning- so, Harry allowed That Philistine of a wrong envelopes , and the bat ed by.�Kessrs, James Eppt; & Co., an. tless received the issive t] ap and slisPitrided for the en- 'w�fe to shear his looks apol bind him hqd doub eye-Shakespeare,:(i tar likelihiood brought o ufacturers of dietetic articles, at thei with cords until he was positiv e� help- had been meant for the desl. ised Job ly of other christenulks; to* come, you I are suing seas works in the Easton Road, London.- mds When a else fai d to arouse the less. Cold drops stood upon t le forehe aiing a list of elgible pe rscins to keep Caqsell's RoitseAold trep, :it you M -invariably Now, everything is settled,i' said the of both husband and wife is they saw. r iglifly plaecid Hai su&ose we the mistake tha had been ade ; th fto.�qcnin$-Unless. arrested' will ter - fly; Highfl�, mai n f6ll back ou the aity their te e-th; minate in consuni�tion, An almost is remark i of his cigars, jabilan ; Poor.'Mr. Mrs. igh tongues seemed looed with eir nd the which she ueralousl proceeded to dis- whte th Uncle Aristides, and.� acquaint his softest little si per -failing cure -for this complaint is thdir lin -rare him with whcif lie c1noluded would m'! wi- h the result 9 ibs appeared deprivA of motion "ever parage.. . . 9 . . anion, is u o the woi in Alleii!s Lang Balsam, which addrment found made it apparent t any brii that he was Oh, th i's your o ib? Wefl, - On; of courtesy we .Ought- also to and th s they stood, t can be had of a t, price one utter e. to a tim e. look heire you seem of unsitspecting Uncle Smitl. Ily Z-18 Oy giving id j Dknow a lot about w�ite to Uncle Job?" dea,r,'i ak9 daStately Mrs. ig, Ily, how ve, did not tobacco but I don t know how 'you O' certainly, my -responded Why don't one of you spe per bottle. -u r in, hfly. Will, I ? Isn't th e a baby ? Loss oF APPETE IN Hoiis ses. lady used to have Mrs. ig i you write both What's happenec ES.i-Hor choose to accept it! as such, bat, t a shoula un.'ess the ol� al Ld etters Or are you so delig'hted to see me that. lose their appetite frm various causes Savagely upon hor husband, poured aut hers on tb e quiet, puff it up the. I tters., CdW some scathing ren. -B rk.s. P waing t. P see chimney." By the J'old lady.." Harry i M&tilda Jane I tbiak you might yovve gone stark staring mad! Are but most frequently by the approach of you"— What further interrogator-- this' �circumstance ought what would be tbft -effect upon. Harry alluded to the respe able person who drop a line to Uncle Job ; it would come some disease) riO. as her daughter. fror to- be overlo W unconcern- J, n you with rather a better grace than the mazed Job would ave put Will not.- oked! by thos�e "ho own -ig and observit that he wa 5 9,wned. Matilda. s 'Lit should be imneliately at- botse , b tedily sipping his tea, she bounced �IrOML Certainly, it was ghly improper re- from me; that its to say, dear, a letter never be known, inasm a a at that a "im ediately be- 'terided to as by so doing the- disease may the room, noisily 'Iyanging the doo f- markto'make but hl was- so -acoaded al be a species of alve for moment the street door by�.frorri,yoawo d ter her. his wife's ineers, th'; he was not dis- his disappoiritnient." The tr th. was hind him was heavily smittl by mean be checked,' and the. life of the horse illay 'h)is rr lailve be To do w1ifich we are positiye.. wbilst the good�ady of I he -hous' has posed to st ck. at sue: a trifle at re- Harry, after half -inviting hi to 'of the knocket. The persoi who with tr -tin fili ed scarciily be a d that at stand godfath'er,' When he met im a few out a word of inquiry, str de into 1bb e gone to vent her sp[te upon the dom stia Spect. It ie there is nothifig eq . Ito " Darley's Con -eave Rem� �twixt t e Highfli xabian 11 re, and stood �twixt t es dition Powders and A [da Jariei- flood -gates were days before at a luncheon bar i4'the city, passag below stairs, the 1 opportm lity may be once Mati t, . 'Mr . Vf opened, a Opious shcl Pvier of tears burst was ashamed to back oat of the matter.; and Yob 'Created as much Surprise to e bl od, a 1 ects all taken of introdu ift.g and . rs. edy :." it purifies th 0 Or r * AS she managed to but, he knew if Job Smith got a. note Harry's relative as he had occasioned but Highfly in a more satisfac ory manner. forth., but rdid he 94 derangements of the digestive organs, From his youth np ward, B ffy, utter stic Was it for 'from Matilda Jane, he would pretty ac- a few miutes previously. phrasqR , 8 and as a necessary consequence the arry Hii b, bo you thi t 0. Uncle Brownjohn, exclaimed appetite is restored, the �kin be- had beena- clerk in Cashit & Bullion's' this T marr td you ? nk my urately guess the reason why his aid a the' christening was dispensed with. Matilda Jane, suddenly -To overing her IBank in. Threadn comes soft, and. the coat'l assumes e-,dle street, and from indther is an old hish woman? MY Imm one.of the lirst Mrs. Higbfty immediately brought :peech a soft and shnin being one of the jurdorsi had risen lib a mother, wl o comes gir appearanee. and rushing into his arms, " I'm t posi lthough she cannot Dow forth her writing inaterialsi can be Remember the name, allid Sep, rthat the 1 confiden at and in ortan tio. He Scotch fam ies, . o- __And the re youve corne! Now, all i to conciled coup e proceeded with their epia- explained. ii -rd & Co. 'is on each pack - owed none, of his a(' varicem boast of a stral estates," &a. I I si-anature of H S at Matilda Jane wrote Brownjohn firmly.withdr %v from his tial relatives: since his'parE ats hid �een­ Hairry was exceedingly fond of his tIes. his i wh Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., huble country-fo k who had died soon wife, despIe her *a)gravating temper, to Uucle- Job: niece's embrau6, and gazing sternly at proprietors for Cnad SqIc1 bv all in a -tone evidently mearlt to medicine dealers. after their Bola c e to the niarop).lis. and knew i hat she M rked hard to in- DF," UNCLE'. You know how well her, said, He Was an 0-aly G.. Holt a4d knew of no sure the c)mfort ani preserve the re pleased we should have been for you to penetrate from the cellar to the attic of 1% LLOWS" H�YPOPAO-S PkITES. T1 " Yes, -if you spectabilit�, of his ho' ie. He could not be one of the god -fathers to our'darling semi-detached villa: blood relations bit ari�.. nole on his CAMPBELUXON, N. B., Jul 1873. In ther's -side. UJ cle e -her cry ; so, impatiently treasure, but unfortunately Harry has a please. An explanation, b all means. O Job Smith, how- beiLr to s James 1. Fellows, Esq.! -Dear Sir : In sort of nobody -that i to flingia2y his cigar into the fire,'he ap- f dend whom it would be very ir ipol-ite to First of -all c how is.it that you, Matilda, the fall f 1865- William Young, Esq., ever, was a say, he bad tried good inan thiags, 'proached, nd at e 0 row oil offend, aiud,-under these circumstances and your, mother, made me promise to merchant, Caraque; Glonceste,, - Coulity, r not -asking Stand god-fatber . and that, after -gettin an( -.I always faile a bachelor aptin the ti coubled wat ers. I amure you will excuse on d he wa. y - - 9 'was ill with lyphoid fever. lijimediate- but liked company ; Uncle Job was, in Well, atilda Jane, perhaps I -did yoU next Tuesday.- Best love, &a. up the details of the import- t cere .. 0 ly after his recovery he becan�e affected prepa-ring a long lida!t mean to hurt Yours, very ffection,ate -to say nothing of lai�ed by!miieh ex - fact, a choice ap I rit 4 3 friends go a little t oo far. !y. with a cough accol-ar, M. J. HIGHIELY." speech for the luncheon�­Pni told I'm O�r o r Qb L ways welcomed hi L when I hey wa 41, your feelings." pectoraion. Residing �t thd time in od, ial, irth-cre' y m that. neighborho my Oh. o' i'treat mQ cruelly," exclai This is how'Harry addressed his pros- not 'wanted ?" afte&io was bright, jov iting & low it was all over. Henceforth, among th he same good pe) edthe sobling lady you try my love perous relative in the Borough Als ! em.; but le 0 called to his casei the usual tonics and DEAR, OLD UNCLu:- Excuse thig fam- the Brownjobn property was to be divert- 0 'Job when i Iey too m invariably- cut" or' uch, indeed you- do. But, since expctorants were admilli'stereof without met himlext day i l,a crow led thorough- you retractl and ire so, -ry for what you've iliarity, but we want yon to act in official ed from the Hig4flies and their succes- any perceptible - benefit. Having busi- I fare. * -It *as all v ry well to know M -in done, w-hy,1 I forgive 'y Oli. aat the christening on Tuesday sors ; by an unlucky acci t, their fu- ness in Montreal, Mr. Young. consalted in nrivate but in m1blic it as a *ery Matilda Wane drica her eves -it was next. Don?ti, trouble to answer this, be- ture hopes were �lighted. The dissap- different matter. ob was a good -heart- wonderfat what -con'irol, she had over a, Be we hre determined to enlist your pointed parents saw al this staring, them sever e non p ys clans there, in- eluding Dr. Campbell, of 4kcGill 091lege., sou. ed, generous 1, ead to leitol his 11a,st those water -spouts—' A'd in a brief space syn;pathies on behalf of our boy n a pra - a ia the face as plainly as tbough old who advised resien6e in a southern to %By One 1h 0 ed him 4 in she brought her work o the fire, ain d be- tical *t nn'er.. Tilly joins in love and I rownjohii. had written it u on the wall cliniate, s -his iight. lung was very Be_ act,'howevo,-seldcm wit7hi; �is po' er, 'gau etitchitig away at baby's first pina- am— ourp ever. Of the passage in which a stood. Ere riously,affected with a tubular (leposit he was ciffen: inasmuch a -er compelle to fore, a! 3 though nothing had occurrdd to HARRY HiGHi Ly. MatildE had concluded a blundering at- an d greed with the�' pre - borrow thn ,be to� le'd. Of c9t -se, disturb the marimonial harmony. HarrY Scaar ely had these had imporl ant com- tempt' at an excuse, the loud -voiced -opinion'Illad viouslyformed. H6'speot theJollowing rp pe Ople with all utation �ob 't ub- ouldn't once more ook up s novel, and was munic been penned than ion r a loud Brownjohn roared Mad a�y 1 no more7; winter in.Savannah., On his retULrn, lit- lialy recognize mith,forh hadt ree a e -getting dee)ly intere ed in a loe-scene, kn'ock was heard at the frot door - I shake your dust from off feet, Ex- tler or no improvement could be! observed Itimes figure -din t Gazette, 15 Is that —three es Tht whe'n his was Yes ffife, notie, - red. g that -his - tem- rOturned.to the hastil) L gathering up' the lette cbupId of envelopes, Mr. High -8 into a pect nothing from im." During andin ashort timefreqIieurt 4n pros- in years. not stiocking? per jo gai 'to placed this convers#ioil, Job had trating hemorrhage'. froni e lun first occasion -was -,hen he was in p vrt- charge. them his *pocket, ready post the been attentively examinin ry Matilda' i expe night swe ats, and naucl ex )e oration, to th nershi with S t, the g pp ocer in Uris- 'Harry dear, 's said, "'I don't next morning whilathis wife proceeded uncle—gazing at him from p to toe, an i, causing great einac _ttorl, ha reduced tol. A r.oble est, blis,billo'elit -they had" I wish to be troublesome but, remember tb the 3tair-head to ascertain who, I were eyeing him from b rig t to '14 -ft. A t the him to a very feeble 8-Vte (i alth. f he too. Thre Shop yo�', 8 bll)Gkad With �ea -we have no j. yet. settl ail about the christ- their vIisito re. It proved to be only Mr. moment w�en the great Aristides was Ascertaining the ingredients of Fellows' chests, but, unfori unatel y were emty. 'The pitrtner the p exi ening. Her. served that. hsb Ad lthu . tranquilly ob- I he was then in A and Mirs. Foozle, who had called aquietchat; 'and in their pleasant to have com- about to depart, Job was,witb u oil his knees, intent upon p his bands a minute ob- Com,) ound 8yrup of Hypoph I bites'. I OSP resolved to iv for six moriths, a hd then t Steppit ran mosteriti I-portiou'-ol ening, rop the b d using the " Syrup, and the novel he was Ca pany, 1 we, for that ev servtion of the burly oil,m 's boots. He commence leavirigJobi settlealitheclai'lls- quite ready to talk about wha was So curt ii upon Harry and: his wife. Brownjohn lookeddown. aud Job I a -way, ook- in much less ' 'time tban i could Gxpect "A good many pe de aver eol Job 1,had to At last came the eventful da.y. Won- e 0 near to b & Matildi Jane's heart d up -the resdlt being than their eyes began to improve, the, pr6grebs of the been swirldled, bu,'It h6 himself did Iot which his abouse an . swared Th's derf ul �preparations for the great occasioll met. Then Harry aud Mat Ida saw the disease s e -be t Ie ming o arres ed almost say much about it. By tlie -%-%Y,� You dear good fellow; i il Harry�s- himself had b,een made by Mrs. Ifighly (who Sturdy Brownjohn tur4 p, le, and the immediately. Ile'ha' d ib return -of the uld not have uld, for again.." The rtful I b -s. highilty h hemorrhage. - His appetife hasreturned, wo ex: eoted �db wo ad an V�as really an.excellent housekeeper) and hitherto submissive Job adc t a defiant 'ob StoPPit, and his cough ha' the re�ult as never know i td u ter an -e ; Waal that Mr. and. Mrs. he w, TRI ind idea that, by a ftirtliq xhibition of tem- air, as he said: 0, Mr. saw awaiting them en the I' s. abated. He was at I ' -any me. Ha'� �r FoozIel I or ifl-na-tured word of yl per, she might" mak her husband ob- e found -you at'last have Halifax a few days go, and is now at - how -ex, ceremony should be over, a repast in rer stuak to lis uncle amid his stin ate ; the end sh iiad in view was Could it be possible? Brovnjohn, the ti-: s. - I Ideem, it/a, wen tdilding to his usual du le and his other reia ses" for the re - alore likel to be atti ed by, -a' show of every ay enticing. There fowls; a pr6sperous tradesman of tl e Borough, duty to yo y y u -and the public ag well -to brance of his former -1kindaess h n conciliation and wifEl,r obedience. She huge joint of beef, meat pasties, u sue was no ot er t an e man' who 'many give -yon the above facts.' YO eat - memory. Wh JE11ar was is a profusion of tartlets and custards, that yeam ago, had- so disg"raceful y defrauded fully -A. N-irria Mj D. I uts r Sp the lu resumed "Of coli,Ee, if you would 30th year, and had obtai-ne I a good po- prefer' Uno�le Job to* Uncle Aristides, I'Ars. Foozle began to thin whether.she that good-hearted, trusting Job cert f introduce into the The doubt wbich dweltin the mind of above. to be correct, y siton in the bank';.g eSt�)lishrrient, he- oug�7 ould riot manmavre to v�hy-we'll-send the 1 to Uncle NVHXE LE RIS 10031PUOND omentary. Who Amum 01? looked - a -bout him Bir a w fe. He I Va& Job at once 'only--�-y 0 won't be -angry, house, lere the day was at an end, a select the Highflies *as but in DR`PHOSPHATES &NI) O -A -t, ISAyA. - e, an r very small of sttur d, follo Vi e few. of her own numerous brood. Harry th i�ill you, ary, �f I tell you why I could resist the evidencii afforded by the SANDY OREBIC, Aug. 31, IS74. 1D ,6s indeed proud of the managerial cap. The Componud Elixir ol Phosphitteg' and Calis- example of rilost little men, fell I Ve would rat er have -Uncle -,Aristides9 sudden change in Brownjohn's ce' the f, aya prepared by you I have been for two years With a lady who was xboye the average p Tha ailities of his wife, as he gazed from end all le roulise� yo won .]low, dear air of, abject submission with whi I y practice, and I �&Bsure you using LAIIGEL� in. m t end'of the well filled table, and could Brown- jusi height of her sex. Matilda Ja, nuatina. 0 Oman, ap though-aaye by . 0 begged Uncle Job to speak in a more'sub- that in niy jadgwent, there is no preparation of aa uncontrQlable 1 false of affection d finally,the prouiise he john, hL-e her Sitor, had li few re not refrain fro m: enlarging upon her mer- dued tone., an ere a itg kind that can compare with it wh it Is p- e its to C4 oozle as they stood together be- gave that howould make restitution. feeble, amfenimic 'women, of ng -a, mother tives lin' (I an 111)"31 suddenly tl rust -baby's pinafore aside plioable. With whom we have so njunT, aiid in scs c 6n-yaleseing Ths was t the opi set a w Driderful rec - and.pullin'cr her gaurt figure up. to- its fore the mantel- iece waiting the arrival p Come into this room, where we can- from p' rostrsfin- diseases I should Urdly know daion, but t was not the he lother sponser. not'be heard," said th how to get aloncg' without it. ommeR full height, clasped 1,er husband's head 01 -t e discomfited brag In Dyspepsia it Rots one. M. J. Brou njohn- had mone, r- between h� two-hanis, and gave him a 'Virs. Highfly was to rNrous yet to gart, leading the way to the ack parlor like a charm -in fact in 'any of the I ng list of one You. also, Harry an d Mati Lda. ", They "exhausbive diseases it is Tnz ren�edy... noting k and erappearance ; she wab very busy Yours truly, f.1,500in round numbers, let-her'by sou ss Whit IdVing husb make deceaaed copneetion 3, in ad ion to X� 100 could do: h :ss 'than sinile benignantly, up-sta#s preparing baby for c complied; and the J. Ly arch; that u Uncle I riBtides ex. ArAw �3ucxLxy- X. D. dur g dr' a fresh- plained, that having quarreled 'With more saved by caieful ecdnomy aw a sto6 to his s e, and invite the young imp, with his face as re� as The Great Fes"Stle Icepiedy. the 29 years of hdr.existeriele. -exhibiting the greatest some of his relatives, they w re unaware JOB MOSES, PRIttaiaciL PIL Los. I I e i 7as partuoir of his life to � ii�' tbereori? Thus, boiled lobster -pt exactI3 , t h invaluable- medici - ne is � untaii�ing in the r ood-166king wlien Ha,ry comfortAly hus- disi a ion "to be dressed in a becom- of -his being in Bri -- I osed, Al *a da and her sto t ey aginedhe THIS p n Uncle Job , or ing. aor but it married her, audha3 not im ovedsince; band- 'do)ated whethdr n4 n man and i6uaiy, proclaiming the had departed for Ausi cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases Un was -titution is subject. but ra any peop,le I �now ive rathe7', a ale Akstides7was carry the day. f -tet by a confiniled' serieg of the most not unitil two years af to which the female eoub it ad bidden moderates aU excess and removes an obstructions, preference for Sharp feat ires, a IuFid Now Harry," resumed Airs. Highfly, discordant ye,110. The anxious,mamma them farewell that lie left EnIgland. The and a speedy e to the ay be relied on, ne(k- and a b we can't blind ouisclves fact, and uqrse were doing their utmost to a eppit tinge ih the haii, a� long doption of the name St To -axiied lure m y precluded adiesitispeetill&rlysuited. Itwill -ed that there!s 1 vaBt.dif67, -ence in the Social prcven�t the noi ebing the t�'io clown discovery. Of course, he had heard Har- in a short time, bring on the monthly period figure. Harry, for! e4amp�e, conside with Be rea regularity- lier a very fin did Gi aa- p speak of his Uncle Smith ; but never a warn a -n,, --�-a "i plea, OBition Of 0 ir uncles Aristides Brown- stairs ; but you mi lit as well1have at- rY These Pills should not bb taken bv Females ild he backe I Viis opi nion by mn Lk- O'hn is having met the latter when ture a a thriving tradoesman, and bas no t6mpted to quiet a town -crier or:a street- visitino, the (luring the first three months of Pregn6y, as they ing her Mrs. Higlifly- The lady 4ad on to lea' are sure to bring on Miscariageir it was the but # any other ve his money to - but -ourselves singer. They. might shut the door, but Ealing villa, he little thou h time they are safe. itle some fif4e taken reat fancy to our Ahe voice of HArry's offispring predomin- 9 borne this honorable t' Sam* man he had 'o injured He Con- In all cases of Nervous -and Spinal Affections we know he a g months when an hi6ir qame to shae the boy, and e �asked. If b ug else, and caused gged Jo x�,ects to be. e isn't, ated over everythi fesed his misdeeds, and b b's Pains in the back and limbs, faii6e on slight 6;- operity: Harry,... it nded perhaps he'll take of F& ise, and leave all the two gerifem6n. below to cesise their forgiveness he felt the n of the hewA, hysterics, aud family pr only ecoinpense ertion, palpitatio 'whites, these pills will effect a cure -when all other -Scarcely be sld, was immensely proud his property'to a ho,, pi tal or something. debate upon the pfobabilities of rise or im half his meoinfi; h . ave failed; au4 4.14bOugh I a powerf.ul in his power was to offer of his offspring,, who was reported'�by Do you see t1lat. Har - fall in t1lie bank: rate of dicoun�,'and the present thriving business. B t Job had remedy, do not contain iron, 600nel, antimony, or y is head. So ospects of the; new Pawangalo loan, un. had enough of partnerships, , ipeci anything hurtful to the costitu6ion. every one to lie ex-acty Ii e his fathtr- Her husba4d nodde far, pi ally in Had the opinion vice. v rsa, pi6r- put connection -with Brownjohn so, ulti- Fall directions in the pamphlet around each Matilda's w4, of r L, tb e m ater was tit a -mote fitting opportunity. een- package, which should be carefully iireierved. haps R a�rry would I Lot have bee; so 'u; certainly serioible, an -lisplayed a. pr mately; s this effect -ed. OP Sir," rem:arked Foozle, helping a compromise wa Tob Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1,00 and lat -for he bad diii overed (cow e clos r or cons 'e future prosperity himself to a third glass of port, " it's a cents forpostage, enclosed to.Northop & Lyman, ide-rat LO11 f r Old Brownjohn (who, in his penitence, thi �dear reader, that I may hisper Toromo, Ont., general xgenta f6r the, Do of -their offsping. shone with far greater lust�re than he minion to )e a father; magnificent I insure a bottle, containing' over 50 pills by arri,.e A "'deuce of a 01, and �hing to 1, wil Now, let a look. t the other side. Aelihgl, Sir; gives a man.such i'sense of b f1i that he had m had ever done in his life e re gave return mail. �e per,," as well as a magnifiaent w0m�ll- Uncle Job—, ear old-�Ifl low as he is Cbroughout 18016mil. promise that u d at once Sold in Sealorthby B. Hickson i & Co., and -sponsibility f. ily, the little man was not eas�l rc an� experi- pro R-Lumad I eu. a 197-9 Happ (Harry was a ewhax urprised to hear ceed to his solicitor n7do ke a will bell, she ba tired, Iiis his wife.spEak of his sole relati've'li, f4�thor who was not a good Tuari. And let T110inas' E'clectric 04 elice ot many years, I never n0v a good aroused and, w entirely in favor of Harry an Matilda. indisturbeol aild there a "is little else lie same 'reCA-rlt WORT11'rEN TX31ES ITS WRIGHT IN GOLO. 3)O YO good humor remaii�ed t —w ffectiorlate terms t 11 you, Mr. Highfly, in t As for the christening twinkle of hie eye 1w, me e. U the wonted merry but a waif and -stray. Everybody knows events had somewhat upset him; so, it KNOW ANYTRI nd varied experience NGOPIT? XF-�iOTJ�ITIS -lerigthy f many not in the slicrhtest -degree dimine. it's not his fault, -but w'hatever he t a . . Uncle Job would not taking MS TIME YO10 DID. ouches h 1-13 mind -4. years, 11 have always found that e who of moat When theinfiant w a o le* he's Sure to,niake a mes3 of. Now, isn't place, he should be obliged. There are but few. preparations of medicine has �ao; at children is also the bes, which have withstood the old, the subjeiat of e r I t udgment of impartial j �ening- arose, it so Harry, glancing at his wateb, looked Matilda looked appealingly t Job, and the people for any great length'of time. One of and many a battle -Oyal w S faughtov6� To this' olyvious truth, Harry again ig- hoped her dear uncle (it was wonderful these i8TXOXA8'ELrCTR1C from, the window, but failed to ee Ar OIL, puriely a prepar- hen he had the choice of SPODE ors. , W tion of six of some of the best oilsha�are know3a, as comelle, I to nod: his bead. tides Brownjohn approaching, a d was how suddenly he had risen in her esti- a each one poss a essing virtues -of itsOwn. Scientifte married, Harry had tiken asm 11 sei I - "We are sorry to disappoint Uncle with ncreaseol mental perturbation, pre- maion. !)would pardon the neg,lect with physicians know that -inedicines may be formed of 4etached villa. juSt uteid Ealitig, and ie Foozles, Job, but neither you nor -.I wouldlike paring himself for a renewal of his neigh- which she had hitherto treated hi!R. several ingredient,; in. certain fixiaq proportions of the(r next neighbol, :; being tI the taint of - isfortune o attach to our or'i pr6By argument, when Matilda She was about to make a leriphy apl)ell greater POwer, and producing effect -ohich could an intimacy soon arose. Mrs. Foozie never result from the use of tiny One of them, or in but he sto ped her wi boy. Uncle, -ob would Jane, �blushing with maternal pride, and th a, having been summoko�d� to e bedside 0 give him some- p iSS and, -diff-�,entcambivations.- Thus in'the preparation f thing if he. c )a1d, -but then he can't acc;Orlapanied by her mamma and baby, giving Harry a hearty shake a the hand, of this oil a chem icalchange takes place, forming . Matilaa ne a%,t a periopd, cri Uncl Aris dei is sure to bring entered the apartment. whereas inquired whether the -clergyn�an would a compound which could not li� any possibility be Witb L.' , Fooz �e, exkesse�d made from any other combinullon or proportions and b him a -fork an I spoon, or a silver mug at 64 W, claimed Mrs. ighfly, not be impatiently waiting them. -na ,en hat, ex, of the same ingredients, or any other ingredients as IS to t4e a desire to act god . in and entirely different from anTthin- ever befor -Air. has Uncle Aristides not arrived? -I-do -ive minutes after the cresilfallen and least. vVe can't ask bo;h, because F y, was 1. youthful Aighfl POSSible to e 1�rownlohn hxs nevelr'met Ar. Smith, thi h , happened to the dear repen taut B rownjohn had de arted, the made, one which produces the mostastonishing ra- re nink hope no Ing as balk their wi Bults, and having-& wider range Of Applidation aad they migI t be jealot a of each'otber, soul. If he on't come in a few minutes rest of the Party were on th lir Way to than any medicine ever before discov6re nLe Ptlo� g n"d straggle d. It eon - 'the sponsor ree d never do. Now, Harry, all walk up to the station,! 4arryi the church. That artful Mr�. Highfly tains no alcohol or other volatila liquid eonse. ked his Uncle Jo� which. woul yqu 8 Harty would have Ii if any accident has occu!rred ou took occasion, while proce quently loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever allowe how is it to Ix and ask edW thither ((whom- Matilda Sane 'Seldom 31 applied you get the loduefit of ever drop; whereas ument as this, the line. to ask- Unole Job* whether he ' After such specious a rg 170111d like with other prepirations, nearly &U tl�e alcohol is within thelhouse) but his I if --not kr9or XT-rwio A -7 )st in that way, Slid "mil get only the jj,�nall 4,U i at [by -of oile which they may contain. & N. TI -10 MAS,� P X. Y, And NORTHROP &. LYMAN Toronto, 0rot, ole Agouts for the Dominion. NOTE. --4' leetric-80ected and E'lecti-17,ea. Sold i -a Beafort by -E. Ilickson & co -ana it, ,umsdeu. FOR CONS. MPT101PM And all dw.ases thnt lead to it, sleh 0116M, NHG LnCTZD COLDS, B110NIC!, ITIA, TRU CHEST, A) ALL DISLASES 01� TITE, Ll --NGS kLLEN'S LUNG BA LSAM 1 Is the Great Modern. Romedy. [T is-warrauted to break up the 'no.,it distrelssi., Cough in a. few hour's time'u. Dot (if. too long tanding� It is warranted to give Wifire sjtisfa,� e ion, even in the most confirm d cases f co utnption. It is warrantotl uot tu. Yroduee 008. ivwie5s he case with Most rejk,,edies-) or ffeet the head, as it contains lie Opiu in. 2 rly 1 cirm. It is warranted to be perfctly bariql"s he most delicate child, although it is an a to A POWetfill rcidedy for Testoriug the System, .,here is no �,eal tteessity for so many deathp bl ,onsumption, when -Allen*s Lung Balsam Vill I'M -ent it. if only taken in tihic. Price, 51 per Rot -tic. Sold by all druggists. .Tune 5, 1874. THE U. Y, )REATENCL H R-ElVik", -1 WIWAMBefore T334ng- Ei SPECIFIC MEDICIN 'u'rer, an N ervous Diseases, such as Trembrq, D dlity, Prostration &c.,which, in many cases. al irodaced by over indulgence in. the us- . I L, of tobad. o and alcolielic, spirits i -but the SpecPho Afediei s more especially recommended as an ure for Seminal Weakness, Sperjuat44)-rfrhea, �etency, andll diseases that follow av,:a scoluenob if Self Abuse, as Lose of 311emory, 'Universal Lassi. ude., Pu -in in -the Back, Dimness of Vsion, PX4- aatuxe Old Age,and, roany other diseases tha* ead, to Insanit;y- or Ociiisumption and a Ricws� ure Grave, all of which, as, a rule, are first cau4 �y deviating from the path of nature and ovdr The Specific Medicine is the esult of a' U4 tndy and inny years of e�cperieloce in tredlij hese special diseaises. Full particub).rs in our iamphlat, which ve desire to send free by --mail W very one. The Specific Medicie is sold b'Y all.Druggists $1 per package ' or 6 packages fr S5, or will be cut b�r mail oureceiptf the money, by dilrew ag WILLIAM- GRAY'& Co,, Widsor ' out. Sold in Seafrth by E.- Hick -so Go., toberts, R. Lumsden, aud'4y all Druggiots. NOXITHROF & LYMA-11Z, Toronto,,-AVholesale )Calcr6. -335eow- R. Seaforth, (Ute of Oarronbroox) Coroner for th.e county of Perth., Oftice and , I esidenceovex Johnson Brothere H-ardware Store, �'ain-st. Calls at DR. XIN(V8 office -will be &C Rnded to or night. 2&7 :1. L. VERCOE, . D., 0. M., Physician, Sur- geon, etc., Coroner for the ('ounty of Huron. 1111ce and Residence, comer of Market -and High breets, next to tile, Plauing X M-1. )R.. CAMPBELL, (Graduate of McGill Univ6r- sity, Montreal,) Coroner for the county of luron. Offiae—Next door -bo Calder Dwthers' larble Works, and opposite MiXallum's Hotel,. [sin-Htrcet, Reaforth, nearthe Railway Station, J. G. BIU1 L, L.Ws.,. rpmw-4-mv. STJRGEtO'-\',D.entist,&'e4.,Sealoi,tb, i Ontario, Plate work, lgtesi styles, neatly executed. - All sar- gical opelitions performed with we and promptitude. Fees as low as can be oi)- tined elsewhere. 0111ce ho=s from 8 A, M. toS - X. Rooms over MT. A. G. 11cDougallis toro, lain -St. 270, 31. CAMPBELL, V , S Licentiate and 13,nw- man of and rraduate of Ontario Vete all settled permaumtly i Varna, -%Vher-�be will Yund ready and willing to attend to all kinds cf* imtses, iu -aR kinds of animals (man excepted). 1 all kiirds of weather, and at all hours. Rest- euee� and ollice two c1loors east of Cook's Tem- 6ranee Hall-. )1cNJA'TJG1iT, V. S., begs to Runoulice to the inhabitants of. eatorth and surrounding country that he has een wwax(led the diploma of the Otario Veterill- ry Colleac, slid is nov, prepared to treat di.seases 7 f Horses find Cattle and all domestic aniraal% 118 as opened at office'in. conection Nvith hi-fi herse. ioeing shop, where�he will be folmd ready to at- 5nd to calls. Diseftses of the feet specially�st- mded to. Resilence, oilice and sholi, in the Year KillOran& 11T-an's 'new store. Allinds of Vd- luary Medicines kept constmtly n hand. harges reasonable. 2929 J. OHURCHILL 1. Veterinray 18mgeen, (ivemi; ber'of the Ontario Veteiin`ai�y 'college,) bego intimate that he has retni�aed to the praetite.6f is profession in Seaforth, ii;md iiiii), tit all times b�a )nsulted on " the diHeaZ of H'0'rses, Cattle, &a. eterinary 1110dicinCs con'tantly on hand. All als pronpt4 attended to, 0-ffice, at Mairsion iouse, Seaforth. 273 X. LEET, Sdlicitor, Wingham, har, been up- Pointc(l 1gerit for the Colonial Securities com- rny Of Lu is also Agent for several Lte 0p1taT1i,stnsd0f Toronto, who loftn M"ney 6t Iry reasona , I rates, Interest payablo yeaxlT iarges moderate. V Wingliam, Dec. 15, 1671, 213 1CCAVC-HET & AOLNIIESTED, Barristey­,2 At, torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chance)�y­ana- 'solvency, Notaries Public and Conveytifteeis. Aicitors for the R. CBauk, Seaforth. Agentsfor Le Canada Life As6rancei Corapany, N. B.—. V01000 to lend at S per "nt. Airing, odses and Lots for sale. - �JMNSON & lityRit) Bw-risters and -Attorey-ol at Law,' Solicitors in Chancery and liar my-eyancers, NotarieB Public etc. Oflicos 'Sea- rth and Wroxeter.� $23j000 01f Priyate Fads to :vest at Once, at E!Zht per cent. Interest, paable �axly. , - . . a I � 11. W. a. R. SQUIER. Barrister, Attorney In Chau& ery, &a., Godexich, Ont. Office—ovr J� V. etlor & Co.'s Emporium, Mgaj�ket siluaj7e. 269 �ARRISTERS.,At-toi-ney,la,,Soli,citorr,inCbfLnoory# &. , c-,Brussels,Ont. office—twdoorsnoitbot ie Post Office. - r. R. SQ-VIL?R, DANIEL McDONALD, Brussels. C-xox's HOTEL, . SEAFORTH. — Thon:10 Knox begs to state to his old friends and idthe travelling public, that he has lawied tb6 otel lately occupied by M'(WAY, an(I rmerly known. -as the DOWNEY HOUSE, StA )pes to receive a continuance of the patronsw i liberally besto-wed upon him. during his inanY 4ars in the hotel business. Ewry comfort and Mvellience Avill beprovidc-d for travllers. The toicest. Liquors and Cialra only kept in the Bar- careful and reliable ho-stler a) in attendance- 291 THOMAS lQ1,0-X, Prcipritur-� FOSTER'S HOTP.L,, sEAFoRTH. "HOMALS POSTER -begs to *inform his old . friends and the travehug public that be has )ened his now hotel, adjoining - the Post Ofte -aforth, whem he hair the'very bept acrounnoft' cm for man and beast. The best of liquors and gars -at the bar. THOMAS POSTER- A. SHARPS LIVERY AND SALE STABIZS'- OMce—At Murroly'e Hotel, Seaforth. 0004 orses and first-class Coriveya-b-cesalways onlijiud, . ELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SEAFORTHT-Xit- Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, 81WI&YO L hand. Favorable Arrangements made nn-ercialTravellers. All orders left at OTEY, will be promptly attended to. 'i AND STABLB13-.—Third door N01" -h Of aoVa Hotel, Main -Street. 221 TII031AS VELL, Fropr!4019- Swing He] Rebefofe the PrSb b 38 resulted in his *hich the proseic I)een Summarily withL(IraWal fr0l ,Chirrch - For the P . so far as this case is a(). tro.,�,orsy is at an en,d- Theexcitement caiLli in 1 'hicago has be The newspapers reporto, W-trit on in full As tle.y thy took Place h -woi a�Wr -day with boll ocabig frain f 9 mpabies for ihe parit, versy. Swwg wali , be in- Vorite wit" t ,vVhic-h he�-dilivcred y pplail-oled, proBL,ytery, 4ii fbr hi I]' his convittion-, .tho ai-visio. of pnbli�'<ii tG that he bad nOt faithful in M-lin:t1i 47; fb-al, he 41111 &Lloplt the. . ha,d oleparted- from't iAerpretat in f 13, rest ana taL uP vieWs -as those 2Of An$; -calalriztiaus- -,�Z flu< ,or p, ersonal &aracter W, 11 I sked points o f Joetrili For ex,ample, the C� ,ae.clares that inuers ai pliting the obedionee aX resti �on him auii hisn fai�,th,l the round of t ing -that by 11, SaCrific4e Of binlSelf SW 4 hi llloeoon6liaition but an o tance ia the ki gilom d elect.)* This is the of satvation byfaithal( boowed froin the ,of the Protestant Mr. SNviug ;Ltbrlitz thal this s�bject lie has they express ,,,In the 40P.SrI-A cau be Paved byhavig hig A ed to x1C,-dh, aeliminal pfiT--d,rjn bliving upon it f he 4� is not sim� debtor un'eseape from 41 Pei -tile spirit,.& tra�lguon from Again, the Con&ssio, hat riien. not profe�W be S�' way whatsoo�-v-e-, be tb gent to the liglit of =turre, All -d theyd-0 profe�, Swill1c, has th teweril, 8001-�Ites and renek�k heathens will be adi-I and that, too, nlore X., Catharine 11. of he It that this ist, New -Testament, tain that A accor& Wi of Faith. TheConfessian 'of - the i11RPiTfttlD11 Of in the Protestant Bible �of God. But M r.- 1 llnpre,,atea by -enemits irl, the 109th - .1 the eoncl6on that th. terld,ed nnly for temp, -not to -be re-arde(l a�B pression of the Holy Sj delli-a Of the inspil which Mr� S ing Ill Mosaic law Of divome,;; er t1lat -was of acitempb. enide(l to be a, rle-of I -for all time. On the -subject f t111 the Confessionf Fait) th, sist -of ree perso )g of his called " TrntW Arhith lit, says Tht docirinef the -ed, can not be expeneAc0i 19ower to taste- the threezi4m ness of three, =d see that ity tears readily -d Christiant anti pdmits te one aod i in Son, or iii iSlt L w -Mr. Swirig,AOP port Of -the praceedi satisfied the Tr It is pinin, ized by the Presb yteri Other Spechications Misrepreseiitig Yke�l ists anit as believig 0 infants, ; favoring -the of evollition; say -a mo(le of virtue au eternal punish -ient of. Inig that the ministry i law Or nieoliein% *W through t1w reqin-ire') and ipot by SPI baptism ; alul. ge) Tilig In beha All thL-%,,.eb reated as friv-011C or -az not sustained bv As tb-e matter nov. Mr. tbree-91 byterhans,of hering to the bYtery, Dr. Vs-)te for Ilr wing- - 1; i'n 6 is ly - . lan may goo(l llre.sbyterian., iebtiln the libert�l tuicielit illstrilmd, ed nearly ),,I( ­ ) y r s a T11 tbis may ho blit 'they alliol the -only T mul. f4iYulal cretfi�; harr6l'or for thOr BMIX Ill-rl_vio; the vertebral Inor strike bebind pall it not a fault, trime, Y,6u -pick m7 take the earilings of I