The Huron Expositor, 1873-10-03, Page 17
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O41` .E NO. 30..1
{tat t01, *At.
in good
rom ;;e!
FARPtd F R SA.L1.-
C half of Lot 0, Cori, b, :H. ]t. S., Tucker-
, consisting of 50 acres ; 377 Cleared and
eultivatiOn; h, use,. 1Gx'20;. two 'miles
forth; three o floaters of a mile from
Apply to the j r prietor, l T
OTZ9, Con. 9, Hallett ; 100 nerds ; 50cleared
Lind in good cultivation:;' withiin 40 rods .of
w mil' and grist mill ; one mile from Bandon
P. 0. aryl school house ; new Uaxt built this sum-
mer, 86.56 frame house, x24; good bearing
Orchard good. well. For f rther particulars ap-
ply to tLe proprietor, personally. or address,
304:#4 • Th ndon P. O.
on he A siniboino Rier, 3 miles from the
ty Of . iunipeg, containing 95 acres, 6 chains
frontage on the most beautiful river in the Nor'
West, 5 'ores has been cultivated, about 40 acres
is timbc ed with Poplar, the br1ane in. prairie.
This lot is very dry, being the hi hest on • the
river, 'h. s a beantiLul appearance, , d for soil,
cannot 1 e surpassed. From its cloyproximity to
the City his farm is admirably well ad tpteel for gar-
dening,: t which business a fortune an be made
by any € ne who nnderst lids it Fold d terns and
further articulate apply at this ofhee, or address,
$03 Winnip0g, Manitoba.
Road Ma
R 5:
= conte
100 ACRES, being Lot 7,1
ship of Flay; 80 acres clef
hardwood; web fenced,
fence in front; good lion el barn and
rigs, and never -failing spring; the farm is
} miles of Exeter, anti 14 from Gravel
-Hay- P. 0. School house 40 rods : and
hree-quarters of a mile fr • m the farm.
ROBERT MOWLDS, on ho premises..
on. 2, Town -
red; balance
With board
LE north part Lot 20, Cou. 2, M'1c%illop,
Ming 40 acres, with a good frame bank
harp, 30 -50; stable tt;ud shed 20x45; hewed log
house,:b arced on the outside, with stone foun-
dation at cl cellar. new kitchen ; young orchard of
about 70 trees, about half of.them b axing; some
4repevine.; au excellent well; it is al corner lot
Lind a go .d Toad leads from two sill s into: Sea-
; w• aid be very nice for an old, couple, or
`rwild In convenient for raising ve gtabies for
arket, i s it i' only about `2 miles from Scaiorth.
o, five t half Lot 7, Con.' 3, Meliillyp; 50 acres,
bout 1 cleared; remainder vait-4able timber
I d; 51 mile: from Seaforth, whe ei there ire
The annual Fall Sh
and TJsborne Agricu
held at Exeter, on 11I
last. The weather o
and disagreeable, but
cipal day,: was one of pleasant as an
attendauce of visitor
there being present
three .thousand peopl
$300 were taken for t
It is almost unnecees
show was a success, f'
are always successful.
however, it was super
mer ye rs, and in tot
hind. But, taken up
show was fully up to,
those of former years.
being the Riding sho
ahead of this. , In
the display wk's good.
was most noticeable iu
The colts, both re
quality, were in adva
shows, and the gre
has has for some time
this department of st
beginning to show its
draft teams the displa
as we have seen. ther.
teams entered for co
class Ma. James L
showed a very superi
draft three year old
some reason were ri.
not' judged. The o
were also good, altho
better exhibited at E
era' purpose class the
coinpetition, and sev
teams. The show in
horses was moderat
buggy class the hors
third prize at the Itii
took the first this yea:.
ase 1I E.
The show of cattle ivas not large,
thele were a number of good ani
of the Stephen •
ral Society
lay and Tut,
inesday, the
eautiful sun
f the season The
Was vely large,
n Tuesday over
e and upwar of
kets at the gate.
to say tha
shows at E
In some res
rto those o
el the whol
not superi
That of last
was, of co
The improve ',tent
!the young he rises.
ee of former 1 cal
past been pa to
a -raising is. low
was not as ood
etition. In this
olts, which
d out, and
g we "have
good. In
which too
g show fast
graCle were in good coldition, and ai
ornate:tam a, Hamlet, containing '00 acres, 6fi
which te cleared, well fenced al a state of them were a illiMber f fine.animals.
aai ivation; the balance is Vial timbered, • . SHEEP AN
d en . portion of it there s. .ionsiderable In sheep and pigs- th
*Rock I Im and. Codar ; there is noti" a foot of not \rely larae, was g
a aste Ian I. on the cleared portion ; there is a genii
frame ho ise with. cellar sike of btu ding and a
krtchen attached; also, a Iog barn -and stable;
there is a so a good. bearing orchard; 410 fa..ria is
TWenililitgai;1 litt-ih(•loettihtgIshoritii,tlite,1:racti'llidiiss tf.'111:1 leitZi.c:ers11-fieat its.Ftiegill‘lt.rictehioanula-"
2 miles of n good gravel road, and is NV t 'in 8 miles
s • tion of the London, Huron and Br le Ilailwaz;-,
' d is we I adapted tither for grai growing or
pasturage For further particulars a ply to pro-
prietor on the premises, or to Breech qa r. 0.
BING clomposed of Lot 1. Con. 10 of the Town-
e oellent land, upon which there is a new frame
rn, 3tix60 feet, and also a good orchard. tOr
t nes,. whiuli are easy,iind other information, ap-
said TownFlaip, or to the vendor, WALTER BEN -
OR SALE, Lot 11, Con. 1, Township 0 Hallett
County d Huron, cyntaining 100 ae,eV90 of
w ich ale cleared and free from stump4, the re-
relaintler is well timbered with hardwood ; well
fenced and inderdrained, and in a high state of
mil ivetioxi good log house and first-class frame
b •m, staid and sheds and other outbuildings ;
g DU VOTED orchard -. the farruois well watered,
there lain::: three living springs, one do. e t9 the
tile house ; li• tulles from Mahan), 9 fr m Sea-
.• rt ds. Foi further particulars apply to ,the pro-
p -e:.or on t e premises Or to Constance P. 0.
LOT No. 5, Concession 4, Hallett ; 140 acres,
.1.-' more oi. less, SO acres eleared. Plenty of water,
n4id the noi "1 branch of the. Maitland Ri-ver ten -
mug throw It the 18 neve bush ; good fenees. Al>:
ady 071 the 'remises to thtt proprietor
290 or a Idress ,constanee P. 0.
Tuckers lath, containing 100 acres, of which
a e cleared Ind in a first-class state of eultivatiou:
The timbe laud. is all hardwood, and "metaled;
there is a 4trge brick Imam" with kitehen; a good
. trigs; also,la good orehardi; a spring (week runs
through thlt farm, poising ear the buildino•s; it
is situated on the Horan toad, three miles°from
Seaforth al (I. five from Cli ton. , For further par -
289 Seaforth P. 0.
100 acres,
good Nati
VW frame
a splendid
miles from
a mile of a
fall plowed
For farther
the premist
ConcessiOn 8, fullett, consisting of
of which are cl %red and in a state of
'atiou, and wel fenced. There is a:
barn 60-x40.1011 suitable Sheds, also
rehttrd; well watered; one and a -half
he village of Kb burn, and within half,
immediate possessiOn Will be given.
<4 or address Col stance P. 0.
gravel roac to Goderieh ; 8. acres cleared and: free
from stumlps ; acres pl 'wed, the rest ander
grass; well watered and.. fe iced, with large frame
barn,stabhimiderneath; log arm house boarded oil t -
title good and terms easy. For furthei- particulars
aPPly to
272 LUDWIG. MEYER, Seaforth P• O•
many very true lookin
try, eepecially in hens
often that large a n
aro shown either at a
There was a veryigol d show in in p e -
display of double an 'Single carri, s.
and neatly finished lu her tVa,,gons: n
chelb aw ere the princiT al exhibitors.
rotary harrow, show"- by Mr, Thom o
of Clinton, the agent, ttraoted consi er-
and. Which looks as if it wduld be e y
useful and effective he work for w h
it is desigened. Thes harrows are e
believe, manufactured, in Beams v e, an d
g en-
lthe littered io 1873, Hugh Oke Aged- sow,
the must have pigged iu 1873; John Hay -
year wood. Sow, lit ered in 1873, Will.
Aged boar, 1st m. :Penbale, ,2d John
itlicL3�;11.N 1111 DTUERS, Pubiiimhers.
$1 50 'a Year, ifl ad •puce.
... .. t. .. .ta...•J .'.r •.N .. !-v'. ... •-..a9t .01. r{ is •.d.-ri'!4Y _..
Bugg lorSe, 1st Dr. andnian, 2d
Thou s Fitton. Pair d ingl horses
ines Pickard.
Ines pickard,
eh ow,
ickard. Two
itianning,i 2d
old heifer,Ilst
aines Oke,' 2d
ola steer, ;1st
as Shepton.
as Shepton,
or steer, lst
icleard. Pat
ed ram, 1st
rooka, 2d R.
Wm. Penbale,
ewes, having
lrooki. Pair
Brooks, ° 2c1
One year 'old
Win. Lewis.
Shepton,i- 2(1
or breed, Ilst
r, littered in
, littered
1st R'chard Hunt er, 2d J,
Two ear old heifer, 1st J,
24 Richard Hunter. H
Jame Pickard, 2(1 °Ric
Bull calf, Richard.Hunter.
S. II ggarth, 2d James 1
year ld heifer, let Riehari
Jame Pickard. One yeaf
Jame Pickard, 2d Jan
Heife calf, 1st S. Hogart
Mann ng. Bull c.lf, 1st
Jame Pipkard. 'wo veto
Jame Pickard, d Tho
One at Ohl steer, 1St ThO
2t1 a es Thom. Fat o
James Pickard; 2e1 Sanwa
Richard Davis. ;
One y
2d iti
Wm. enhale. Pair of e
Ccar t,voiats.—A Ted -ram
Marti a 2d James Miller.
ram, 1st Wm. Poi hale, 2
Pair o
at old ram
rig. Ram h
hard Manni
lamb, let Thomas
Bissett. air . of
lambs in 1873, Jt
thy sex
s. So
- fat sheep,
Val. Woods
ls,. Hicks. Boar, lit ered in, 1873, Silas
k- Balkwell. Aged ow, must have pigged
.ed Creech Sow, tered in 1873, Wm.
he Blair.
ong PoitaTerv.--LHou lanai 1st John Trick,
display, alth Ugh George Sainwells. Grey do gins, George
o 1, and comp] Samwells. Black polands; 1st George
animals. Samwells, 2d Diehard. Shia dock.. Col- Down. Moss mats, 1st Miss Sanders,
ra. den .polaaids, 1st Gettig° 'ainwellsa 2d 20 ;Mies .Down. Sampler, let Jessie
at display of o James Down. Spangled homburgs, .1st- 'Down, t?.(1 Mary Sanders. Book mark,
i In' fact it i. James Down, al George Sanwells. Sit- 1st, Matt- Sandersy 2d. Mra. Specimen.
Silk. pat' h sof:t cushions, Mrs. Harwood.
Wool safe cushion, Wm. Cann. Wire
'minty or town hip
basket, 1. Hunter. Netted. toilet cloths,
Mts. Bailey. :Netted tidy, John Strang.
Doll; Miss Gordon. Bag mat, lst Miss
Emma Hicks, 2(1Mrs. Bodden. Woolen
mats, Richard Hunter.
butter not less than 50 pounds, 1st Robert
Bell 3d Jaines Balsdon. • Cheese, not
less- t Ian 50 pounds. 1st A. Malcolm,
2d Jo n Strang. Home-made bread,l
MA.• UFACTURES. —Ten yards. domestic
cloth, tobert Bell. Pair blankets, Rob-
ert -Be 1. Set; of siagle harness, Wm.
Fans° . Doable, set of farm harness,
anson. Three pieces of cooper's
work, ohn Gould. Collection' of honse-
hibitor ist . Sohn Drew; 2d. .E. Drew.
by the exhibitor, *Wm. -Bissett. Sewing,
machine, not known. Organ, Merrill
THE E-'1IIIiiiroft.---,Water color dr a Wing,
Geo. i
Col leet
LAD ES1 Woaka—Patched quilt, 1st
work, et Wm. Bodden, 2d Wm. Ham -
Wool. 2d Mrs. Wm. Thom. Crochet
ace. Painting in oil color, Geo.
Crayon sketch, Geo. itt ace.
ion of photographs, Chas. Senior.
McEwen, 2(1 William Hamlin.
aised or Sewed on greuod -work,
regory, Tatting, lit Mrs. Wm.
ist D.
Pair of
raiding, lat Duncan MeEweri, 2d
trang. Fancy knitting, 1st Jas.
Bnchanan, Taro pairs of
socks, ,lst D. McEwen, 2(1. Jas.
_Two' Pairs of woolen stoekings,
IcEwen, 2(.1. Johu .Kirkpatrick.
woolen mitts, 1st Sep.- Hogarth.
2C1 Jas.' Thona. Pair of woolen gloves, 1st
Sas: T1 oin, 2c1 Sea. Thom. Geats' shirt, -
ade, 1st -Alex. Buchanan, 2(1 Wm.
d Win. Woods. Paper flowers,
es Thom, 2d Elizabeth Lewis.
wreath, let John Strang, 2(1. R.
lg. Berlin wool Work, 1st, M-ary
2(1 Mary° Sanders. Rag mat or
lat Mts. S. Tteble, 2d William
. Honey in comb, 10 pounds,
Dimiia, 2d J..Zimmer. Jar
h and.
1st Ja
Bo wdei
. of clear' honey, 6 pounds, Johp Zimmer.
A s. —Log cabiu 1st _Miss
icks, 2(1 Geo. Boswell. Velvet
quilt, miss Emma Hicks. Cot-
ton watrp counterpane, 1st Mrs. Bailey,
2d. Sep.. Hogarth. Knitted quilt, 1st
Mrs. Gregory, 2d Mrs. Bailey. °mullet
°quilt, lst Mrs. Gee. Kirkpatrick, 2(1 Wm.
-Daisy Mats, lst Miss Sanders, 2(1, Miss
Game, lat Isaac 'Carling, '2d George
taunter, 2(1 Leonard Hunter. Black
tipanish, 1st Janits Down, 2d James
The unpleasant and stonly weath
Monday had an injufi us effect upon
department, inasmuch is roany who w
have • exhibited were pretented by th
weather from comin , forward on th
first day. Yet, not •ithstancling, th
display in almoat all departments w, s
good. In roots and v ctetlIblcs the di -
better this year than t Or ere. last. 1 i
this 'department there- •ei - some par
larly line turnips, car ott
In dairy produce the lisp
deficient. - There is no./
quantity pf butter sho via
Was last. This is owi
ly to the scarcity of p
to the factthat a MUG
the milk is this year, s
tories than formerly.' r
was good..• The wile
particularly good, whi
wete not fat behint
kinds the -display was
est for years. The ap
excel those °shown at t
ladies' department, aa
at Exeter, was well
attractive and hand
substantial. There w
collection of photogr
crayon dtawings, an
house plants. There
exhibited deservin a of
space permit, but all ich
in the following
and mangcld.
ay was rath
ing like Lth
his year lh
fi e
9 doubt,
st re, and p
aiti Co cheese
t el oats b
arley and
ill best lind
le were saa
is ways the ea
lie *ith art cl
, pencil
rae very
cial notic
will be f
2(.1 Riclutrd Stara
duck, 1st Isaac C Irling, 2d
ning. Geese, 1st Thomas
Joseph Case. Turkeys, Ei
patent -arm, 1st J,
Downs.. Double
buggy, lst John
Brooks. ., Wooden
Iron beam plea%
Horse hoe, Willian
Thomson' & Willi
rows, J. Kernick,
Set horse shoes, Is
wheat,. 1 t Henry
Ewen, 'wo bus
William °Ston.eniaa
Two-bitsh.ds bark:
2c1 Robeit Anders
bushels large pea
bushels small pea
Roberti ndersoo.
'our name
ch, 1st A
e Thom.
t five of e
ke, Rouen
Silas Balk -
chard Mau -
le° wagon.
buggy,: 1st
k. Single
H. Verity.
Gang plow,
me Ker
arriage or
John Tri
ump; George Bolton.
ac Hanford.
two bushels of fall
els spring wheat, lst
, 2c1 Robert Cooper.
n. Two bnshels bats,
, Robert Bell. Two
,bushel flax seed;
inter a
1 varieties
es, ftve of
2e1 James
fall applet,
u of apples,
Rani Bodden,
III 1st James
ter. Three
2(1 'NA illiam
1st Wi
f 2c1 J. Zimmer. hree na
named arieties of . fall
Rogers. Three named varieties of plums*,
five of c ich, 1st John Zima er, 2d Alex.
'Buchan, 4_ Named co4e tioa ofi ripe
grapes, bree clusters of each groWn in
dusters f grapes, one or n
John Zii mer.
grapes, hree dust rs each
glass, Jollin Zimusei. Plate
n ot ca tied fruit, 1st
half bus el of each , John \ illis. ;: Four
William Brock. Six gh lie mangolds,
teorge 'Willis.
1st Bid
Six Swe
caatots, 111.
Isaac It.
Mann in
t ears of
I 8: Balk yell. Thr
e John _Z miner, 2c1
of cauliflower, ist
-Jory. eck of re
ning, 2( I. Carlin
Yellow nions, 1st
an, celery,
old .PtaN
brood .mare, 1st Pet r
' geldiu James Logan.
Jame LOgan.
• James Pickard. Two
lures, II Cleared,. with good bnrns Iola stables,
17(! r400,1 0 Owl rit 14 full bearing ; twO never -fail-
ing Fpriam which supply the Mill. Also, lot 85,
eon. 0, von tinting 4S acres Of bush. The property
"" half of 1 t sud the west half of lot 14, Con.
11•MtEillt p, voutaining 100 'wren, 50 tdeared and
vtimellblerneede• and in otiod. cultivation; balance well
sg alum; good bearing- orchard; twO
proprietor • thin /; miles convenient to churches,•
store•Z For partienhuS apply to the
half from a good gravel road; 10 miles
schools an
50 cleared
Gravel Ron
on the premises, Or, if by letter, to
12 and part of Lot No. 11 in the 1Sth
ion of Grey, 'insisting of 78 acres,
1, 12 miles from Seaforth. Apply to
- NO -ITS McMIL AN, on the premises.
1st James Thompson,
One yeareld colt, 1st'
Thomas Werry.. Spa
1st Robert Bissette
Special prize by,W. 1-1 d
horse foal .got by the
A. Bishop, .2e1 John
prize, by W. Hodgson
foal gat hy the Scotch
Mowbray, 2d Alex. In
c Phillips
lst Bis
ee year
hree yea
year old
ames Pie
draft he
2 Daniel
on, Esq.,
ph Miracle
okint. Sp
tq., best
acle, 1st
Enter, PUR
are foal,
ing; Hugh
,Two year
HoRSES. —Best Broca
1st John Mowbray,
Three year old gel
Three year old filly, 1s
2d Thomas CucimOr
ore varieties,
ection al ripe
grown tinder
Nate oU crab
cl, -John
aril Manni ig, 2(1
lish turnip-, 1st J
e wate
filly, 1st Henry Kers), ke, 2c1 A. Bis op. asters,
Two year eld gelding, oh Brock. Two collecti
year old filly, 1st D
John Horton. One y
James Cave, 2d And
of general purpose or
lst Henry Kerslake,
Span carriage horses.
Ititthew Ste
Richards 2d
1(1 geldin let
Hicks. pan
John Hu ter.
ter, sal
Five "p
r. Pee
R. Man
dt. Peck of toma
oho Trick.
Coxcom s,
ed fOr ta use,
unds butt r, wit
Wood in the Hamilton market rangee '
in price from $7 to $9 per cord-
• —The next Provincial -Exhibition is to
be heldiin Toronto, during the last week
—CoSectors of - Customs throughout
the Demitinion hate received instructions
that fish of all kinds; in all states, aTheth-
er driett salted ot canned, are to be ad-
mitted. free of duty under the Washing -
Woods ock, and brother oftlutpc7ailsilt: i
elected. a member of the State Legislna I
of the .iagersoll Chronicle, was recently ,
ture of California, for Alameda,
by a large majority over his opponent. I
—An old resident of the town of Perth,
County of Lanark, Mr. Walter Lawson,
was at work in his father'sdiam when
cormecting. bolt M•the rod canght in the
leg of his pants and drew' him backaon to
therod. - Had it not been.for the timely
interference of one -of the hands, Who no-
ticcd the accident, the lad would; have
beea twirled around the rod, mid' very
severely injured.
— The dead body of a man waa found
on the Great- Western Railway [track a
few miles west of . London earlY Friday
morning. It was afterwards recataniz-
ed as Mr. Fergusen, blacksmith, Glen-
coe. It is supposed he fell off one of the
trains during the night, and was killed.
The body was mangled so as to be abnost
unrecognizable, five trains having passed
over it durina the night.
—The firsetrain of Grand Trunk Rail-
way freight carp made its :appearance in
Hamilton the other day, coining from,
Caledonia, over the.Hamilten and Lake
,Etie Railway. Hamilton now possesses
what it has long neededa-communication
with the outsid.e world by other lines be-
sides the Great Western.'
—Nearly all -OA proprietors of refresh-
ment bobths on the fair grounds at Lon-
don (luring the Exhibition week, were
brought before the police magistrate on
Saturday, charged with unlawfully sell-
ing liquor. In (lath case a fine, of $50
and costs was imposed. This will slight-
ly diminish. the profits. °
—On Tuesday eVening of laet. week,
Miss Smith, daughter of Mr. Archibald
Smith, Of Downie, died. under dietressing
circumstances. lt appears that she had
been ill for some timewith typhoid. fever,
and ulceration having taken phice, a
large blood vessel was raptured,. and the
unfortunate young lady Med to death in
less than ten minutes.
generally supposed that he was one of the
robbers above referred to, and that the
woand was caused by a bullet from the
revolver of cr of the watchmen.
—The Kingston New,s says : " We re-
cently saw a valuable old Bible presented ,
to Mackenzie Bowell, Esq., of Belleville,
by Captain W. Madden,. of Monoghau,
Ireland, The Bible was published in I
the reign of King William III., and. was
one of a few of a special edition printed
by order of His Majeaty., It is in a splen-
did state of preservation, and is one of
the largest volumes we ever saw. It is a
valuable- present.
—The contract for the erection of the •
large salt pans to be used in the exten-
sive salt works at Goderieh of the Inter-
national Salt Company of Seaforth, has
been awarded to the Messrs. Fisher, of
Kincardine. There are to be four pans,
each pan to be 120x88.
—Rev. D. McKay, paster of the Cana-
da Presbyterian Church, Port Elgin,
County of Bruce, died suddenly on Sun-
- day ei last week. The burstina of a
blood vessel was the cause of deatra
a -Dundas claims to be the lowest tax-
ed town in -Ontario. The rate this year
is one ceut in the dollar. For many
years the usual rate has been two and a
half cents in the dollar. The people of
the Valley City have the settlement of
the Municipal Loan Fund to thank for -
their present i_appy finaneial condition.
—The total 'receipts of ' the late Pro-
vincial Exhibition, from entries, refresh-
ment booths, horse stalls, turnstiles, &e.,
is estimated at $20,000, and the expendi-
tures are roughly guessed. to amount to
about f.:330, 000.
— Mr. Dunean McAllister, of the 4th
concession of Minto, purchased from Mr. ,
Russel, of Markham, at the" Guelph Fair,
- Willimn Hooper, of the town-
thtee sheep of the „pure Cotswold breed,
ship of Stephen, has threshed a. 'field of
and two etVes, for -which he
fall wheat of the Treadavell variety and :0ne ram
marketed the saine. Be states that the Paid $300 -
graM sold from it realized. $44 per acre, —A Englialt traveler, just arrived.
from Central Africa, reports that in June '
which -was more than mon& to pay for
last, Dr. Livingstone wae in perfect
the land it grew upon, he having pur-
Per health: His brother, Mr. ,Telm Livina_
chased the same last- year for $41
stone, of Listowd, in the County of Perth'',
acre. Who says farming don't pay ?
expects him home -the end of 1873, or
—Hon. Archibald McKellar, who late- early in 1874.
ly made a tour of inspection up the Kana
—Prince Edward Island piers report
inistiquia River Valley, above Fort Wilt- that the wheat er op through() t the Pro-
liam, represents that tract of country as vince is better than it . has iteen for Some
being one. of the best for farmingtpurpos- years. Oats are a fair crop, and potatoes
es anywhere along the width of Lakes and other roots good.
Huron and Sapermr, and. will most prob-
ably be found before long urging the con- ness of Lutz & C'o., Galt, 11:.1..s\ recently
struetion of a railwiy through that sec- changed hands, and Mr. Tintz has retired.
tion from Fort William to iNanitoba, after an honorable business career of
which must become the gredt through forty years.
—A proposar is on the top'is ti) erect a
•als impor- large summer hotel at Port Elgint Colmty
on of Mr. of Bruce, on the joint stock principle. It
t Western is believed that the water contained in
hat road. 1 the test well upon the shore :a the lake,
increased possesses Medicinal virtlieS ;Mil tlii 'S Will
Strellf.,;t11, and as a necessity - increased be turned to profitable aueount, by at -
carrying capacity a noo-liabili y to "sag" ttacting invalids to th.e spot. -;
in the centre ; the doors bein r placed in —The town of St. Mart's, W11.01. IRS
the extremities of the sides,- Mows thie for some time been separate from the
largest length of lumber nr 0 her goous :- County of Perth for municipal puiposes,
to oe loaded with advantage, hus doing 1 has made application to the Co4.-ty to
away to a great extent with th ., necessity I be again united. to it.
ronte for immigrants, •
—Aanew box -car, ,with save
taut improvements, the My=
Joseph Taylor, of the Ore
Railway, is new running on
The advantages claime-d are
of having both box and platfo cars. I
—Duriog "the Central Fair at Guelph
—On Saturgay last a brickl, yer named ! quite a number of robberies were coin -
Philip Raw was precipitate( from the, mitted. $300 worth of agold rings were
op Of a three story buihlina in course of stolen from ao jeweler's shop -ea tvatch
ruction in Berlin, by the &caking 0f a and chain worth $250 from a t one
cafrold. Ile fell a dist8110° of s°711O frnt31- Of the bade ,• and the cash ,box . f the
eet, but luckily falling on some two- Maple .Leaf Base Ball Chile containing
nch planks projecting from the end, of s the sum of $500, from the residence ot
vagon laden with bricks, the force of Mr. Coulson, the Treasurer el' the Olub.
ns fall was -weakened, although the, --On Saturday last a, young nom nani-
ilo -was sufficient to smash the planks.
(id Alfred Boyd, aged 18_ years and the
Law wad at once picked. up, awl te the
only support of a widowed motlier,, %A -as
stonishment of all \Nilo witnessed the killed on thc the Grand Trunk Ra4way
, ccident, it WaS found that beyond a while coupliug, cars and. after being ihurt ' .
ontusion or two he was unhurt, and a ,
be came out from the cars ciol saild he
ew hours afterwards he was -walking
011. got a bad blow and died almost direaly.
C b 1(..e b. i correspondent of . the Stratford
was married ' sixty-four years ago ; and 1 i ---T,he Goder.ich Star of last week says: I --A
both huaband and. wife are yet living. ! .1` On the arriv-al home last Saturday eve.; a Beaton says : " Mr. lingli. Love, el Hilla
They are paw • eighty-seven years ola. ! *Mg, of Judge Toma and lady, the God- i Green, township of- Mier, - bas madb an
Also, Mr. Thoinae Cuddie and wife, who i 4rich prange Brass Band. was at 'the sta-
will no doubt prove to be a great benefit
; 4i0117 and no somier had the train stopped .
were married sixty-two yeats ago. Both favor_ ; to the farming community in thatseetion
/hail they struck ap the old and:
are living, although growing infirm.
—It is stated that Lotd and Lady Duf- tbe tune of " -Welcome Home," and then 1 of the colintrtr, and. for which /le (lest es
i the thanks and also the euppott . of ithe
ilayed six or seven different pieces al the , ..,
ferin leave their summer, quarters
in Quebec for Ottawa, about the 17th
at ltisr
has he
has thi
laitland House, -where 'the 3-ntigo eat farmed s, s toe impoi m a as o
lows : two two-year-old stallions,
canne engaged. The Judge treated the
1 bred Clydesdales, one bought from (Oa
ly fel. the very courteous manner inwhich Mep°11galat (4allowaYshiret 1.3c4laried ;
Cathelie: Bishop of Hamilton, dna lady on , the other from Mr. Willima Kerr, .pen
(aed r bey had received himself
been illaiiir several weeks, ti
lieir return to Goderich," . , ' House, Atrrshire,. There ie also °a one-
sidence, ill Hamilton, on Friday ;s: year-old filly, and fit -e shearling , COts-
c was born in the _year .1820, and , --During the last few wee.-ka a number: wold rants, the best that could be. gal
a his. late . high position since if bears, liave been prowling the wmiis. from four. of the best bree.deas on the
. . aol fields in the- townehip of laithertneat. i Cotswold Hills." We believe -a that little
John Hannali, of St. Thomas, Arthur village. Air. J ohn Steph enson , Robert Brown, Reeve of Hay, isi intereist-
year L.,Trown radishes -which m .Thursday last killed two of them in ed with Ma. Levet M this excelltait
pick order, but not Without' miming. stook.
two feet m length and one foot I
inference, . The seed was received *teat risk of losing his, (atm life. A few . I -
+—II Reformers of the Comity of
'Waterl o intend having a grand political
9th of October. ° Mr. Alexander Mac-
kenzie laid other prominent members of
the- pa
tiptured one in a trap, Another bear
favror Of the London,- Huron and Brace
Railway, -was defeated on Tuesday last
oonnitted suicide by shooting herself by 38 for to 410 against. . i
vith a set gun he had fixed in the bush.
—A very successful Reform demon -
'he animals have done considerable
stration was held in th.e County of Wel-
lamage in destroying grain and
land, on Tuesday. last. • Addresses were
dehvered. by 'Messrs. Mackenzie, Blake,
and others.
-.--Bold and. desperate attempts were
wice made at an early hour last Friday
Trivitt, of Centralia, a rising
norning te rob the safe eantaming the
unds of the agricultural association at
ondon. The safe was in a temPorary
tructure on the Fair grounds attached.
o the Secretary's office, and three men
loot -of the building, was burst in and
our ot five shots from, revolvere -were
lischarged into the building, evidently
imed at the Only watchmen. visible, for-
unately, without taking- effect. The
re was returned by the watchmen, and
he burglars, finding they were armed,
ed. It appears there were five of them
ngaged in the attack.' They were 101 -
owed down the street some distance and
several shots fired. at them, but it is not
thought any of them were injured.
About an hour after the first attack a
gentle knock was heard. at the outside
gate. One of the men on guard drew
the bolt and. opened the gate sthartly,
when a large log, which had been stood
up against it, fell upon him, knocking
him down. Footsteps running away
were distinctly heard., but in the dark-
ness the parties were Tairecognizable. On
Saturday morning e. suspicious looking
character was observed leaving -the city
by a Great Western Railway tram„ This
person was lame from the effects of a
wound on the leg, which he said. was'
canted by a stab with a knife, bat it is
village in -the township of Stephen, offers
the right of way through his property to.
the London, Huron and Bruce Railway
Company, if they will locate the station ‘
convenient to Centtalia,
Mate:Mind threshed for Mr; Andreav
bushels of oats, iii the. short time of ttao
hours- ' nu ten Minutes. The machine
is. Twelve
carrots, 1st tuaed was maimfaatured by Mr. Haggert,
Brampton, and. has been running eleven
Socks, 2d
nelona, '1st
llis. Three
of white or
ng, 2d Geo.
reots of
Collection of
and largest
obert Belt
—A riunor comea from Ottawa about
negotiations being begun for the amalga-
mation of the Grand_ Trunk and Great
Western Railways. Should- thia take
etlace we may look out for exorbitant
—The Dumfries totteishiti Council
have appointed two .Canada Thistle In-
spector', whose duty it ia to see that no
Canad thistles are allowed. to blossom,
mat( liring to jastice careless farmers
and inidifferent pathmasters. There is
much nieed. of some action of this
manneipal Councils in. Huron. •
of the . owuship .of Hay, had a very nar-
row e's ape from being seriously intared.
He was passing along side of a tum-
bling rod of a threshing machine which
Toronto, Grey and Bruce Ra).1--
Steady progress is being ina,de in car-
rying out the exteru3ive programme to
which this Company is com.mitted.
With the branch to Owen Sound which
was formally opened. on the 9th of Aug-
ust, „and the section of 10 miles from
Mount Forest to Harriston completed,
the Company -will have a -total mileage
of 165 miles. The accounts show ex-
penditures amounting to $2,727,054 or in
round figures at the rate of $16,500 per
mile since work was June,
1869'. If we take out such items as in-
terest and. diicount paid on bonds, cord. -
wood in stock, directors' fees, &c., it will
be seen that the total actual expenditure
on the line is at about the rate originally
contemplated, namely, $15,000 per mile.
The ordinary working expenses for the
year ending 30th of June, 1873, were 66
per cent, and with the miscellaneous ex-
,penses included, 69.6 per cent, a rate of
expenditure which it is believed. can be
xnaterially reduced. The light class of
locomotivesfirst purchased. was found to
be unsuited to the requirements of the
• traffic, and. a heavier class with the
weight well distributed has been sub-
stituted with great advantage to the
Company's Interest. —.Monetary Tilte&