The Huron Expositor, 1873-05-16, Page 7k and e s k of ulturat A Consisting of ON AND Woo» PLOws .th he aneet imetroved Steel 7,NItneld Beare-, GANG PLOWS, LTIVATolIS, LAND Rol, ARROWS, SCITYRI,Men, eke. wonla beg to tall speci&l attention to tat celebrated rARMERS'. PL [eh has given universal satisfactien to which is now athiefl a, Thistle If revised in this part, Also, to Some UTE-DR-CST LAND ROLLERS From to $8,5. Also; few First -Class Wagons; for $pring nee, warrante4 o very lett EASONED TIMBER, All of which will be sold, at the very "EsT riticEs FOR (1,AS.0 Or approved credit, R wrLSON. avsseig, Feb. 12, In& 271ey TO DAIRYMEN. K CANS AND PAILS, MRS. WHITNEY aid state to Dairymen that she has commeaked to mama:lame • lk Cans and Pails, Mall kinds,: and can supply them ' ; AS GHEAP AS ANY Mr THE re and Tinwaye au hand as' itettat. .10AL. OIL tor sale Wholesale and 'Irene. pairing and Eave Troute•hingpromptly 'attend MRS. WHITNEY; Main -street. Seafeethe T B PUBLIC AT LARGB. fiw OLIVER, .ariiess, Saddle and Tr MANUFACTURER, SLIFORTIL 1 § sIox or THE SCOTCH COLLAR. cheieeassortment of light and heavy Hamar Aps, Bells,Horse Clothing &e., kept constantly load. * Repairing ptomptly attended; t6,uI - tinge moderate. Remember, the place, sign of y Scotch Cellar. W. He OlerV"Fill• EIVIOVED. REIVIOVED. _ROBERTSON 5 • Cebinetemalcer and Undertaker, [AS REITOYED his ware -rooms to JOH]ISON'S_ OLD STAND, Main -street, Seafeith, Ler e hahas on. hand a superior stock of Furnie e true of every dedetiption. CALL AND SEE IT UNFIEETAXMO; Iten'ineepurchased Ir Thoma i Belin H KARSE, na prepared to attend Amends on, the shortest nee,. either in to-wn or cerintry. Coffins, .A11 Sizes, pt constantly on hand. SHROUDS! •SHROUDS ROBERTSON, ABINET leTe Knit AND U-NDERTAFTIR, Johnson's Old, Stand, Iu etreet, Seaforth, hag now on hand a good assortment a srnoirn lett he ca furnish cb,eaper than they Oen be- got elsevenere. 2O5 - ILLINERY AND DRESS *MAKING. - ALM GRAY.. - •reeetved her Stook of SPRING: WM she begs to dined the attention. of the es of Seaforth and vicinity. For variety awl Ees it will be found satisfactory. artienlar attention paid to IMME8S ilhEAUJING. eilerenticee wanted. • enteraber the place -tepee -net& Corby's Far- e' Store, Maira-streen Seaforth. 27941 ;MUM MUSIC LE UNDEItSIGNED is able to furnish those - will favor hira with their patronage with ! Ante lest 'en went cif Any Jlake. Also, Agent for 4.-N.SEYS& HANILIN. ORGANS., iett cannot be, excelled on the Continent, fof !less end richness ef tone. U. A.IZAISTItONG, Telegraph Book Store. V J., P. BEIM E., 'CENSED AntOTIONEElt an the Comity of [Harm, Sales attended in ttll pants of11 LnuT, AM orders left at THE Exeoeinoa Oftlee. be promptly at tentled to. 198 • BOARDING. COLIAD.A.Y has leased the large and corn 3 11.10(1i0U1; hpitie, cat the Salt Works Geound6r nel nee the Itailway Station, an a has fitted it uft Lboardirteehouse. Geod. table and eoenfortabin e nes Persons wishing a, pleasant bonne -fn -0 se should apply, as there are at present a ew iuexes Traweent boarders accommodated an than hotel rates. 228 NOTEQE. E.; I .tiE BRIDGE on the Tewnline, between eMeKillop and Hallett is in au untafe statee fersons are forbidden to travel thereonex°eP` leir own risk. • H. SNELL, Reeve of 'lunette SHANNON, Reeve of moriu0P- vtir3 11573. 281-4 Tyndtiilrt °only leetur. anstitution, London, on Anrerfean experiences Speak - of Niagara, he said that. the general description of the deafening roar near tb.e Falls was exaggerated, asyneente as the noise experienced at the -Devil's Bridge, Switzerland,. where the ReettSS made its plunge, wall far greater. This was due to the surroundi4 mountains, ,whereas the greet American coar- se has no such acoustic advantage. 16 &seabed hs explorations be - math the so called Horseshoe by far the most formidable of the two generally cOmprised under to name of the Niagara, Fails. WripPedt in. several woolen 'glar- mentsrbe had to cross torrents of water, and to pass over the slippery pound whence he had a view of the green masses overhead, the conten- tion of which gave him. one of those agreeable emotions whieh he bad been told liberated nervecyr- rots and assisted in the ittirbulat: ino of the system oetter than -the" ch'emieal preparatiOns used for tile - piling bodily discorafccrts. He said that; except the gorge through IvIrich the river rushed, the country avian& was a, table -land as far as Queenston ridge on the one side, and Lewistbn ridge on the other side. of the river. Here the table -land suddenly descended into .the plain toward the Ontario, and he drew attention to this fact because it ex- plained to him the existenze' and history of the Niagara Falk' Many thousand years ago the river , prob- ably ran ablag that table -land, and the falls then were exactly at the escarpment of the table -land. The erosive ,power of the sand and bowlders carried by the river, how- -aver, excavated and cut the extreme end, and Ibus caused a retrocession. of the locus of rhe.fall. The centre ofthe river, having the greatest ex- cavating power, managed to keep ahead of the sides -that is in going baawards-,-and thus the horseshoe foal was produced. The extraoi- dinary 'Whirlpools and - upshots of masses Of water at one of the bends he ascribed ,to the interfer- ence of the central and latitudinal currents. In five thousand years iecple would be able to see plainly this theory were correct, and he predicted that in time the American Fall would be abolished, leaving a whirlpool, and the Horseshoe Fall would have receded still fIrther 'back, at the dame time narrowing the bed of the iiver behind it. The tumbling - over of the barriers had been and wduld be hastened by the disposition of the strata of the table-land,.in which limestone rest- ed on soft 'shale. • The lecture was illustrated-, by photographic and other views, and by experiments, showing the erosion cursed- by a Mast of sand impinging on a•glass. plate. Some stones resembling flint iraplements were shown, the finish of which was due to the same in- fluences, and it was mentioned that the cut on the neck of the Egyptian Sphinx was probably owing t� the action of' sand. An artificial rep- resentation of what - h ad ha ppened in the history of the Niagara Falls was also exhibited. Pro-fessor Tyn dall concluded by saying that; dur- ing his recent visit, he had' received a hearty and almost affectionate welcome from the .people *of the United States, and in lecturing and living among this other English- speaking nation he had felt no break of continuity. ceremdnial and of the servile honors paid to the nienarch, the new rOgulatIona about haikes, Areas, bathinit, and:public women, reaching everybody and. 'nearly every relation of life'',have been accepted with a *post astonishing readiness aid cordiality, 14 the common people at least. -Salt Francisco Alta. ' THE LATEST i' -EXCITEMENT. J LEG K E BRUSSELS, 148 Just receieed and opened Out OVER $10,000 WORTH OF • SPRING' AND SUMMER GOODS, CO 217/S' 71.?i,VG F DRY GOO SI - (Fancy and Stainee): MILLIVERY, ' READYMADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERiks, The stook is the largest and cheapest ever of- fered tb the nubile, having been purchased onthe very closest terms, in the voey beet enteketseand compreliagniver 020,00 ot Goods. Speciin itARGAINS in Prints and Dress Goods, Selling at -usual wholesale cot peice. MILLINERY in great profneion. Goode made up and trinnned to order on the shortest notice. - Goods df all lands w.11 be, sold at Prices that will defy competition. . Special diseounts for CASH. Call and see tne pods and prices before pur- chasing elsewhere. . JOHN LECKIE, _ BrU8418. BEEPLES! BEEPLES! A General Complaint of High Heels. In the a.nnual report of the militia for 1872.we find that theMedical effixers re- lied that the high heeled boots which the men bring to camp with there . "are • the cause of many blistered feet!' Now we have always concurred with Sir Fran- cis Bond Head. in regarding European, as contrasted ivith Oriental costume, as hideous and ungainly,,but the worst of its many bad features, in the eyes of Sir Francis, was the Stovepipe hat. fn our view the European boot, particularly on_ the foot of infancy, is far the Worst ar- ticle of clothing in our modern life. High heels, especially, are an abomination, particularly if worn by persons while yet grawing, They are, it is not too rntic'h to say, exactly calculated to produce de- - foots little short of defOrmity, as -well as to induce a most ungainly walk and ungraceful carria,ge.Will no great genius arise to give .tlie world. a model boot, combining the grace of the scandal with the completeness of the Welling- ton? -Quebec ilici-cury. SHTOP BEEPLES! LEMiliE! HOT 1 YO V DELt, H MUDDER ? LL? R PORTER- K&ebs lots FUNNYTURE, .IInt SCHILD'S Un hant, tan ,Py8L,15): N9T10E. VO- TTP As hereby given that tha nadersignea ; .33 ti I I 3.3 -LI JAYA this day enteind into 'Partnership as miners and Prodlice Ce -thrilissionMentilituite in the :Village of seaorsh, "under the name, style and firm a JAS. P. KENDAL; & CO. [Signed,] JAS. P. KENDAL'', MARTIN CH1.11LESWORTH. JAS,P. KENDALL- & CO. gito, state to the) tnnners,Prfichice Merchants and Dealers of the Oottlity of Huron that they have perebasect from.ltlesept. SHEARSON' & 00. the Millfennown as the; .8catorth Mills, and will hereafter cam on the syn. , All Rinds of-Grain.Purchased, AS fOPIROY4's And the CASE1 PRICE FLOUR exchanged. forIKIIEAT. FLriners 'desiringto exchange can rely' upon getting for their Wheat No. 1. Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED in any pelt of the Vile loge !free of charge. - - The nedorsigne4, ba. ing had tale entire working management of the MIll for the past three years, patrons may rest assurod*that they will receive the IMMO satisfactoreetreatneen.t and as good work as formerly. SAS. P. KENDAILL & CO. 1 JN REFER,ENCE., to the above, the undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers for the extensive patronage aceorded to them for the past fonr yearfa and tifist that the sanae lib- eral patronage will be extended to the new firm whom we have pleasure in being able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts due us, in connection -with the Mill must be pain to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., arta all, debts due by us, in connection with the same, will be settled by the said firm of ans. P. liendell &0o. „ W. A'. SifEAISOic & CO. • WHO WANTS MONEY? , -.-etweson01,0emnsm. We are now prepared to show a 4flost Attractive Stock of MIT-41-111\TM134'42-. _Straw, Chip, Palmetto, Marseilles, BRILLIANT JEAN AND PARIS PRESSED HATS AND BONNETS, In all the new shapes for Ladies, Misses and Children. .OUR MANTLE DEPARTMENT Ceraprises the largest stociiin town, and made from the newest matefials in all the fashionable styles. 11/JOURNiNG AND WEDDING ORDERS Are executed from one to three days notice, in style and elegance equal if tiot superiofto any city production. We have on ekhibition the latest novelties in Chignons, Switches, Cornet Braids, Puffs and Fade Curls, • Also a rich.lot of Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, and Dress Caps, &e. Our Stock is Unrivalled in variety, and our prices speak for themselves. An in- spection of our departments will convince ladies of the inducementswe are offering. THOMAS -KIDD. A. STRONG,SEAFORTH • - Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTER- EST, either Oft Farm -or Village Property. k Parties requli,inglmoney should apply to him. INSURE YOUR PROP* ERTY AND YOUR LIVES. . r A. Strong, - Seaforth. IS ALSO. /GENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Inixnaance Company, - Fire and Life. The Western Insurance Comnenn, of Toronto - Fire and Life. The Isolated Itisk Instiranee company, of Canada. Terms, as reasonable as offered by. any 'other agent doing Intainfers for reliable Corapanies. i OFFICE -over Strong & Flirley's Grocery Store, Man Street, Seaforth. t 252 I. • Iodized Cod Liver Oil. THIS 'Preparation is a -solution of Iodide of Iron -1- in perfectly pure Cod Liver Oil. It may be used in all oases where the simple Oil is orderen, and will be found greatly superior to ie; This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- sttreption, Scrofulous Complaints, Chronic Skin Diseases, and, for all chronic disorders arising from defective,digestima, assimilation or nutrition. It IB else highly useful in Chronic `Rheumatism and Gout. Price tn.. - Compound Syrup tur fikypophosphites. , 1 THIS is an agreeable Preparation, containing the Hypophosphites of Lime, Soda, Potash and Iron, with free Hypophonaleorons Acid. Tis Sefrap is a certain reinedy for General Debility from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly useful in diseases of CARRIAGES the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient . e Consumption. Price $1. if she :ants any tinks, she gits The above Preparations are of standard medical d m fur MOOST NODDIN' Dere. He gibs dem eneost all avay. He keebs a gribble o deliber dem to you euse un gits dere afore he shtarts a,vay mit dem. His eletore is vere Minster Hatt yeust to spite his tether, un MAIN-SHTREET, SEAFORTH. NOT1 BENA - BICEITERS wat yen call by PORTER'S in town. en you don't got any non% like to hey framed, t bin der Mealiest blace SEAFORTH AND H1TRON MARBLE .WORKS. M L. MESET & SON, - (Late 1 Hamilton,) Would intimate to th ix -nnmertItts friends and the general public that Ithey are. prepared to fill all orders for - Monuments, He stones, Table Tops, Ma teLs, lee. Granite Ilfonterne /Is Imported -to Order. Work of the best s yle and art, and cannot be surpassed inthis partof Ontario. ' A call respectfully s lieited. Next door to Pcrter's Furniture Store, N-SREET, -SEAFQRTH. 71 The Rapid Radical 'Changes in japan. - The , socia1 % and rpolitic a 1 el -gip -us re- , forms made in Japan in the present reign are more comprehensive than those ever • effected elsewhere peaceably, within the limits of a single life, and we must give the Tenn° and his 'advisers the credit of having shown. Much practical- sense in what they have done. Not enough time has yetelapsea to enable us to determine whether their action wil be accepted per- manently by the nation. ; but, so far, all appea,rs well. The ministry have, no doubt, spent some money foolishly, and appointed some incompetent and injudi- cious foreigners to high office, but the mistakes have been remaikably few un- der the circumstances. Even slight changes cause a great outcry in our coml- .:try, but the overthrow -of the Federal system, the deposition of the Tycoon, the clegrAdation of the Boodhist religion, the deelaratien that all the, people must be educated, the abolition of the strict court M. L. MESSET. MESSET. SEArFOCTH MARBLE WORKS, MAIN- STREET, Opposite the Waterl o Honse, near the Station. MONUMENT HEADSTONES, And; work of all kinc s in American •and l'Oreign Marble, designed and executed in the hest etyle, and at most reasonaltle prises. anaes of Vari US Colorecl Marble sup: plied o Short Notice. Granite Moulin:1mA and Headstonfe imported to. order. - CALDER BROTHERS. 277 ANDREW CALDER, Agent. . MORTGAGE SALE. BY virtue of a pow 1r of sale contained in a morn that gage, there -will b sold by public auction by J. P. BRINE, at, Da.vi son & Campbell's Hotel, Sea - forth, on FRIDAY, the 23rd day of May, at 12 o'cloek noon, an aria singular at certain parcel or tracteof land.situ , te in the flings of Seaforth and forming part of,Lot 12,1st Con., Tuckersmith, and more specially- aeseribed in mortgage being two --fifths of an acre of land and adjoining Mrs. SPARLING'S residence on the Huron Road, Sea - forth. Title perfect. Tenns cash. i MoCAUG Y & HOLMESTED, 2814 Solicitors for blortgallee. Insolven In the County Co i'01t. Canada, Province o Ontario, County of Huron. On Framer, the 30 of 12 o'clock noon, the judge of the sal the said aet. MeCA 281-4 Act of 1869. trt oft/ii- County of Ha- ) In the matter of August &Tie and George Carter as individuanx and as members ) of the firm of Zapfe & Carter. h day of May _next, at the hour he undersigned will apply. to Court for a .dischozge under - PFE & CARTER, by GHEY & HOLIESTED, Their Attonaeys reputation, and containing no secret ingredients may be prescribed by physicians without hesita: tion. Prepared by , JOHN WILL!' AMS, • • London, Ontario. For sale by -ft. Limsden, Seaforth; J. It: Grant, BrusselsG. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggiste generale:. 235. Insolvent Act of 1869. In the Matter a TRE UNDER -1-e Town of Goder have been appoin Creditors are requ me within One Mo Dated at Goderi 283-2 Thomas Kirk AllderS021, Insolvent. IGNED Dixie Watson, of the eh, in the County of Huron, ed Assignee in this- matter sted to the their claims before tin : • , this 6th. day of May, 1873. DIXIE WATSON,Assignee. Tin and Furniture Shop, BRUSSELS, ONT. JACKSON.& H9LLIDAY, Manufacturers of all kinds of TIN AND COPPER WARE, Dealers ni FURNITURE AND STOVES Of all descriptiOne. THE OSBORN SEWING MACHINE Always on hand. The above Machine is acknowledged to be the best family Sewing Machine in tfte market, and was awarded the Gold Medal in Fiance in 1872. _ THAIN & ELLIOTT'S CELEBRATE!? .`PLOWS, Gang, Plows, Root- and Straw (hitters taways on , , hand. A lexge stoek of COAL OIL AND COAL • r OIL -LAMPS. Produce Taken in Exchknge. Cash for Hides.and Sheep Skins. Shop Opposite .Armstrong's. Hotel. A CALL SOLICITED. JACKSON & HOLLIDAY. Brussels, Feb. 11, 1873. 271ey MORE CROCKERY AT ICKSN & CO.'S EMPORIUM. Another Large Constaninent of Crockery (rust Arrived,- and AT OLD PRICE& A Good Pair &English Glass Preserve Dishes for 25 cts. A :No.i STONE TEA SET FOR 1,2 75. A Hand§orne'Set of Gold Band French China Victoria Compowid Syrup of Hypophos- phites. The only Syrup prepared from Dr. Churchill's Fonnula, and certified to be Chemically pure. For the prevention -ano °tire of *Pulmonary Consump- tion. Also, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, loss of appetite, general debility, &c. CERTIFICATE AS TO PURITY AND EFFICACY. Laboretorn University College, Toronto, Dec. 4, 172. To the Victoria Cheraical Company, Gentlemen, -I have examined the artieles em- ployed in the Victoria Chemical Works, in the -pre - potation of the Victoria- Syrup of Hypophosphites. The several Hypophoephites used are chemically plea, and the flyrup is alao finite free from any im- purity. Your Syrup of Hypophosphitee will un- doubtedly sprove a very valuable medicine_ ' e HENRY H. CROFT, w Professor of Chemistry, U. C. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Victoria.Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu - • and Uva Ural. , A specific remedy for all diseases of the bladder and kidneys, dropsical swellings, complaints inci- dental to females, and all diseases, cif the Urinary Organs in `either sex. Try it once for any of the above desorders, and _ you will be fully convinced of its pre-erament virtn ea. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by au -Druggists. - Victoria Electric Liniment. "The Xing of all Liniments." For rhentnatism, gout, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, wandering • pains, stiffness in the limbs or joints, sprains, bruises, numbness, swellings, headache, earache, toothache, &c. BUY ITt TRY IT 11 PROVE -IT ! !I Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Victoria Carbolic Salve. "'Worth its weight in gold." A specific for cuts, wounds, bruises burns, scalds, boils, piles, pim- ples, &c., and chionic diseases of .the fikin of every description. Price 25 eents per box. Sold by all Druggists. i• Victoria Carbolated, Glycerine Jelly. "Eminently the lathes' favorite." For beatitify- ing the complexion, and for removing tan sun- burn freckles, pimples,' &c. also, for chitpped hand's, chilblains, frog bites, and sore lips. Price ,25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Victoria Toilet Soaps. - en "Celebrated foreeheir -uniform purity and excel- lence of quality." Victoria, Carbolic Soap, Victoria Sulphur Soap, Victoria Glyeerinedlon.ey, Rose and Windsor.onrbyall Druggists. „ for $8 50. The Goods were bought before the rise, and at low figures, consequently can be sold accordingly. BIG RUSH AT TRONG FAIRLEY'S, FOR eed Potatoes Seed Corn, Western Oats,. LAND PLASTER, &C., &C. No time to mite Advertisement this 'week. COME ALONG TO STRONG AL FAIRLEY'S AND GET YOUR WANTS SUPPLIED. 'ODD -QW TI CROWD AND YOU WILL RE SURE TO FIND US. STRONG & FAIRLEY. " SPEAK NOW," BUT DON'T ALL SPEAK AT ONCE. WILSON & YOUNG, §EAFORTII, Have on hand a large and complete stock of 7A NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY Tani.A-Bel\eirMs s, e3c0 ' Cheap for Cash at J. • WILSON'S. NO MOR.E COMBINATION PRICES. THIS IS NO Fiampic CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Make no delay, but coriie and secure excellent bargains while you cart. FIELD AND G-MMEN SEEDS Of all kinds, which have been purchased from the most 'reliable seedsmen in the Dominion', and. are warranted good. Groceries and Crocke7, as I) sbal. LIQUORS. Be.st Material Used, A. MADE BY -GOOD WORKMEN*. • Everything in bis line such as HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, - SADDLES, BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, CARDS, &c.., &a Repairs done with neatness and despatch. Remember the pl;e- Opposite KIDD'S.. Store. 273 JAMES WILSON. SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. THE SEAS& - CHANGED. WILLIAM GRASSIE Has sold all his Sleighs end tatters, and is now busy methting up - BUGGIES AND WAGONS. few -Buggies and Wagons left over from -last year, which -will be told. cheap, ' Any person wanting a substantial Wagon OT handsome Buggy should call at once and make ar- rangements, as a large . number of orders are now in, and those who wait too long Nail] probably not be able to get their orders filled. Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended t� as usual. • WILLIAM GEASSIE, Goderich street, Seaforth- . Jnat received, one car load of CARLING'S PALEAND AMBER ALE. in barrels, half and quarter barrels, which will be sold either wholesale or retail, at peices which will' be an in- ducement to customers. Also, Bass' Ale in bottles, Youngers' Ale in bottles. Several varieties of Choice Porter. Superior Wines for Medical Purposes and table use, in wood and bottles. FT.JOITIR, PED , Always on hand, and delivered to tewn customers free of charge. WILSON & YOUNG, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. i.,0Q1•<- HERE JUST .Npvv. WILLI SEAFORTH L HAVE *GOT AS GOOD, FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES AS CAN BE FOUND IN THE COUNTRY. -Fall lines in Ladies' and Gents' Prunella Wear for Summer. CIUSTOM WORK PROMPTLY ATTEN-DED TO. Just give us a call. Yon will find ns opposite W. Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store, Seaferth. Seaforth, Marcia 27, 1873. 277 SEED OATS AND CORN FO InsolventAct Of 1869: in the Hatter of Thontas Kirk Anderson, .t an Insolvent. A LL PERSONS indebted to the above Insolvent -c-1- are requested to make immediate payment to Messrs. BENSON & MEYER, Barristers, Sealorth. .283-4 DTXTE WATSON, Assignee. 334333,=.334443.4344434,4.33,44,44-4=43.3.443443334...'" 12.000.000 ACRES. CHEAP FARMS-. ' The cheapest Land in inarket for sale by the UNIONTACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY , On the Great Platte Valley. -- 3,000,000 Acres in. Central Nebraska, Now for sale ill trusts of 40 &OTOS and upward, on rrrs AND TEN YE RS' CREDIT AT 0 PipR CENT. No advance interest r quired. Mild and healt climate, fertile soil, an abun- dance of good wa r. nri TIN THE 'WEST I The great mining regions of Wyoming, CoioradolUtalt, and Nevada being supplied by farmers in the Platte Valley. Soldiers entitled to a homestead of 160 acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PERSONS OF -FOREIGN BIRTH Are entitled to the BENEFIT OF THE HOMESTEAD LAW On declaring their intention to become eitizens of tiqie United States and may avail tbeneselves of this provision inaniediateln after then -Arrival. FREE:HOMES FOR ALL 1 Ithilions of acres of choice Government Lands open for entry under the Homestead Law, near this Great Railroad, -with good markets and all the conveniences of an old settled country- Free passes to purehasers of Railroad Lend. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of descriptive pamphlet with new maps mailed free everywhere. Address . O. DA.VIS, Land Commissioner V. P. EL R.. 282-12 Qatena, NEBRASKA. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. CCARTWRIGHT, L. D. 5,, Surgeon Dentist • attends in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the rust Tuesday andlnednesday of eachanonth; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested te call, if at Seeforth and Clinton, on tae firertlans of at- tendance. . Teetimonials of over 500 patients who have had their teeth extracted by the use of the -Gas, may be seen at my office in Stratford. Teeth inserted in -the most substantial and im-. proved styles, Filling done in gold, &e., in a manner which can- not be surpassed; 267e R SALE F. SEEGMILLER. Has OR band and for sale, at his Mills, a quan- tity of CHOICE 'WHITE NORWAY OATS, for Seed, from the State of Ohio. Price, 55 cents per bushel. Also, SEED CORN, at 60 cents per bushel. Call early befare ail is sold. 2.81 _ F. SEEGICILLER. 4333344434-11--4,333_343-----3344 The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. THIS- invaluable medicine is unfailing in the -1- cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to -which the female!, constitution is subject. 't moderates all excese and removes all obstruction, and a speedy enre may be relied on. ' To married ladies, it is peculiarly suited. It *will in a short time, being on ate monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken by Females during tne first three rrionthe of Pregnacy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other . time they are safe. In all eases en Nervous and spina Affections, palm; in the bank and limbs fatigue on slight -ex- ertion, palpitation of the 'heart, hysterics, and whites, these.pills wilieffect a cure when all 0tiler means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain 4en, calomel, anthnony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. • Full directions in the pamphlet aronad each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00and 12A cents for postage, enclosed to Northop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills by return mail. Solin Seaforth by E d.. Hickson & Co., end R. Lumsden. 197-9 Til0Mafii Eclectric Oil, WORTH TEN.TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. DO YOU ILNOW ANYTHING or IT IF NOT, IT IS TIHE YOU DID. There are but few preparations of medicine which have -withstood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. Otto Of these is Tnoetes' ELECI'RIC OIL, purely a prepar- ation of six of some of the best oils that are known, each one possessing virtues of its own. Scientific physicians know that medicines may be formed of severe) ingredients itt certain fixed proportions of greater power, and proflueing effects winch could. -never result from the use of any one of then), or in different cambinations. Thus ui the preparation of this oil a chemical ebange takes place, forming a compound whieh could not by fray possibility be , mane from any other combination or proportions of the _stem ingredients, er rely other ingredients; and entirely different frora anything ever before • made, one -which produces the most astonishing re- sults, and lenving s, wider range of application than any medicine ever before diseovere.d. It con- tains no alcohol or other voletile liquids, conse- quently loses nothing by evaporation, 'Wherever applied -you get the benefit of every drop, -whereas with other preparations nearly ali the alcohol is lost irt that way, and you get only the small quan- tity of oils which they may contain. 5. N. THOMAS, Plineats, N. Y. Ana NORTHROP & LymA.-N, Neweastle, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. Nem -Electric -Selected and Flectrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. flickeon & Co. Ana% Lumsden. 343.444-