The Huron Expositor, 1873-05-16, Page 1__al illas0A11111111.-,..
i1iiOleg NO, V44, t
IlielLEAN SMOTHERS, Publishers.
50 a Year, la advance.
doiate tor 0$4;
LETTER FROM ENDLAND: Presbyterian Synod of -London
101) cession, Tnekenuaith, two miles from Sea- I LoNDON, April 26, 1873. t assembled in Knox Church, Strafford' on
aeadon., one and one-quarter miles fanm Eg- ,
Tom Caetro, the claimant the fa -•Tuesday' evening. _ The Synodis complos-
' a awes cleared; hOuse frame ; barn I
ham, Stra.tford and filiron, andsnumbers
sandy loam.; new board fent.e in front , xely
, Rev. Dr. Prouclfoot, of London, the
next, and the trial will -be proce.eded with
Aril tot 140, London, ont, 284.4
--Annual Meeting.
The Tiehborne Case—Preparing for The Synod of London, in connection
Ian, 'being Lot No. 10, in the 5th Con- . the Elections. with the Canada Presbyterian Church,
11) 860; be erc 7 I mous Tichborne case, will be put on his ed of four presbyteries—London, C at-
ritonadile;. b d od well- lain'
trial for forgery and perjury, in the
Court of Queen's Beneh on Wednesday
- Tent farm din a good locality. For
about 150 members.
c° -ate% app v to WM. M. MOORE, Real Es -tate
FOR stu Ili mcauxop.
.k-IX,4 good Farm, composed of North,
lot liana the west balf of lot 14, Con.
entierentopieentainina 100 acres, 60 cleared and
11 ns in. good cultivation; balance wen
-ft-5 - di h s
limbered hard-wcttla' a 17:°° rl.thnri .°t11 -..e by the proseclition that they will prove
ag. wale good bearing , 1\7.0
mug and 0, J151111.0111 & good gravel road, on es that Castro is Orton. If they can pro V°
this unmistakeably and conclusively, of
teen the village et Seaferth; there are two steam
— et ranee- convenient to churches, course it will settle the question at once e
but if they; oan nnly-show a probability,
they will have unnecessarily complicated
their case. , All that has to be shown is
that he is not Roger Tichborne, and at
this stage of affairs there cannot be inuch
eye the Huron Road, near Seaforth, west half
r 85•Con. 1. lioKillop 50' acres, all difficulty in showing tha,t. Castro's own
- retiring Moderator, preached an eloquent
continually until it istfinished. It is ex- .
pected to be a very long one, but there ant unP
gregation, bating al; his 'text, enesis
are many rea.sons why it may perhaps
come to an end femme than ie antici- xviii. t 17-33.
pated. It seems to have been decided, opening servio lerk
After the es, the c ,
Rev.__Dr. Waters, St. Marys, read the
roll, a limited number only responding to
their name, and the Synod. then, pro-
ceeded toelect a moderator for the ensu-
ing year. • •
Rev. John Ross, of Brucefield, moved,
seconded by Rev. John Gray, of
Windsor, that Rev. N\ m. King of Bux-
ton, be elected' Moderator. Both the
inovela,nd seconder expressed themselves(
in terms of high laudation of Mr. King'
nese for the position, and of his long
and valuable services to the church.
The motion was carried by acclamation
amid applause, and Rev. Mr. King took
the chair and addressed. the court.. He
feelingly expressed his acknowledgments.
for the honor conferred, Saying the posi
tion was uncoveted and unsolicited by
him ; but it was the friendly feeling man-
ifested by those with whom he had ahted
for about a quarter ofi a century that
cheered. him. (A.ppla.use.) The modera-
tor-elec't then alluded to his efforts in
coneection wit1el3uxton misSion and. the
emancipation ofithe slaves, his remarks
being greeted with sins of approval.
On the motion of Zit. Kr. Goldsmith,
seconded:, by Ilev. Mr. Becket, the
thanks of the Synod were given to Dr.
Proudfoot for .his efficient services as
moderator, and for his excellent sermon
delivered that evening.
The follow;ng Coinmittees were ftp -
pointed to examine the Presbytery rec-
ords : London, Rev. Allan Findlay, Rev..
John Gray, and. Mr. A. L. Argo ; Chat-
ham, Rev. John Scott, Rev. Jelm W.
Bell, M. A.. and Air. Alex. McCallum ;
Stratford, Rev. Thomas Goldsmith, 'Rev.
J. B. Duncan, and Mr. George Welker ;
Huron. Rev. J. Becket, Rev. J. W.
Mitchell, M. A., and Mr. W. II. Stain:.
eforth. _
Rev. Finlay McCuaig, Rev. Lachlan
schools end stores. Fo partialtilars. apply to the
proprietor on the preTises, or, if by lett,er, to
"lirmthrop P. Co
ttleared; new barn; new driving shed ; good.
}louse, good fences, and fine orchard. Terms
easy. Apply on the premises. or to
in° 7 GEORGE GAGEN, Seaforth P. G.
ANy PARTIES wishing to emigrate to the
El- South can obtain full information from the
undersigned, who have - beau appointed agents for
sof 'arida itt Southern Virginia, the most
fertlie portion of the South. Further particulars
and lists of Lands wilt be furnished. shortly. AP -
Ise or address
E. HICKSON it CO.,-Seafortb.
- oft sat.E on TO RENT, on reasonable terms,
Lot S Coneessdon 8, Hullett, consisting of
-mod cultivation, and well fenced. There is a bring up the publishers for contempt,
Iteetranue barn. 6040, turd suitable sheds, also postponed the hearing of it till after the
a genesis orchard; well watered; one and a-halfextraordinary. part of
milesfrom the village of Rioburn, mud within half trial* ,The moat
Castros history is the way in which he
L rade Of a good gravel road; there are 30 acres
1111 plowed; immediate possession `will be given. procured the means •not only of previa -
For further particulars apply to tuts proprietor on for his own livelihood, but of feeing law --
4) - JOHN STEPHENS, Proprietor. Srera and other advisers and agents.
the premises c_fr address Constance P. O.
hopelessness is evident from the tone his
counsel are now taking in trying to ex-
cite compassion- for him as a poor man
run doWn by this newspapers. His
counsel applied to the Couet of Queen's
Bench a few days aie to have Messrs.
Rotitledge & Sons. the publishers,
brought iip for contempt of court, in
having last year published a report of
the former trial, with an introduction
summing up the case against biro. It
was proposed that the trial of the claim-
ant Should begin with the triat of Maser&
Routledge, but the Judges . saw through
,the dodge, and, while granting a rule to
'100 acres, taof which are cleared and in a stare o
T GT No.)..2 and part of LotNC- 11 in the 18th
-L4 Concessinn of Grey, consisting of 78 acres,
60eleared and in good cultivation; 2i' miles from
Gravel Road. 12 milea from, Seaforth. A.pply to
276. ANGUS MoMILLAN, on the premises.
v011 SALE, the Morse and Lot on North Main -
a: street formerly, occupied by Mr. T. P. Bull.
Terms reasonable. For parti.-alars apply to
278 A. G. VAN EGMOND, Seaforth.
VALUABLE FAItM, 100 acres, First Con -
He has passed through the hands of I
don'teknow bow many different 3ets of
attorneys, financial ag,:ents, and hackers
of one kind and another, gradually sink-
ing lower and lower, It is understood
that Messrs. Itose & Norton lost heavily
by him, and. that the counsel received
only a small part of their fees. Still a
great deal, of money twist havebeen sunk
in one way and. another, for at first the
fellow lived extravagautly and even wildr:
lv, and those Who professed to Felieve
that he was nay a baronet felt bound
to enable him to kee up something like
2d. The Synod would most respect-
fully overtufTe the General. Assembly to
take' steps in order that a Sabbath school
paper mafbe founded in connection with
the church."
The motion was carried.
it WaS reeolved that the next meeting
of Synod be held at London, on the
first Tuesday of May, at half -past seven
P: M. • - •
The report of the committee on :the
state of reli&rion was received and adopt-
ed. .
Rev.- Mr. Nesbit, of Saskatchewan,
being present, was requested to address
the Syriac'. This he did at some length.
giving a, variety of interesting informa-
tion regarding the state of the country
and the progress. of the work of chris-
tianizing the Indians. From the state-
ments made by Mr. Nesbit, it appeared
that cheering progress had been made,
and that many of the Indians weie favor --
ably disposed towards Chriatianity who
had tot made any public profession of
their faith. They only received. those
into the membership of the church who
appeated. to be truly christian.. Up to.
the time when he left, twelve pure In-
dians and fifteen half-breeds were on the•
communion roll, and the number in the
school was twenty-five. Mr. Nesbit made
strongtappeal for more laborers in the -
mission 6eld.
The Synod reassembled at 9 o'clock,
and after devotional exercises. an animat-,
ed discussion took place regarding evan-
gelistiq ,services, in which Revs. Dr.
Waters, Mitchell Macpherson lof Strat-
ford), Hamilton, 'McLean, gOrd.011, ROSS,
Drummond, Mr. D. Waters i and others,
took part. Eventually, the -subject was
remitted, on motion ot Dr. Waters, to a
cninmittee of which Rev. J. W. Mitchell.
M. A., was appointed convener, to report
at next meeting of Synod.
The Synod closed at 11 o'clock with
the doxology and the benediction.
There were no a.ppeals from Presbyter-
ies presented, and tbe business before the
Synod Was purely of a routine eharacter.
-44,0 Or
Montreal, and during next year it, is ex-
pected that the gauge to Portland and
Quebec will be changed.
—The Sarnia Obssrver says : A year
or two ago, what is called the "Kansas
fever" prevailed somewhat extensively
In some townships in thiti coaay, but it
more generally took the form of an in-
rtention to remove thither, than to put
the intention in practice. A -few families
did go, however, but several Others re-
solved to obtain additional evidence of
the advantage the country was. said to
possess, before selling their farms And
from all we can. gather, it is well they
did so. Several persons F.ho went to
Kansas from the County of Waterloo,
baying returned to Ontario, after having
given the West a* fair trial. One Of
these, a Mr. Woodward, retained late-
ly, after an absence of eighteen months.
He says Kansas is a very undesirable place
to live in, the people being very rough
in their habits and manner of life, and
the country very sickly. He says after
a person has returned from such a place,
he will be sure to be a true British sub -
Selialot Asa Burnham, of Coboure,
died at 3ttawa., on Saturday morning
last. The deceased gentlemen contract-
ed a severe cold a few (lees since, which
filially resulted in inflammation of the
McPherson, Rev. John Lees. mil -Messrs.
gravel road to Godericla ; &reeves cleared and free the ignite of the position. tOpirnon is
'd. Thomas Robson and Itfielia.el Ballantyne
ld ' in his sixty-fifth year.
lungs andterminated fatally-. He was
ces.sion. Misliailop. near Seaforth, on
weie appointed a -committee on e ers
from stumps ; 85 acres plowed, tlie rest under still a good. deed divided as to his idea- —Over 700 ;hares in the " Cornish "
eats; well watered and fenced, with lanTe frame
j4Il I f
le generaseems to. be °°mulissions.
larri,stableunderneath; logfarm house boarded out- 1 Y. Rev. dohn Scntt, 11,ov. Thomas Mac- -------- ine, Thureler Bay, ere held in
sea, ant good orehlird ; possession immediately that he is an invoker, but Caere are not
Gldsmith, and Messrs. Keimeth Urqu- —The latest ,21evvs from Thunder Bay
TA.,1)1,‘ 16_ mE-i-ER. genforth p.. (.t. sho-p-keepers a.nel wk•kingmen, who are ,
plierson, Rev. Robert 17re, Rer. ,T. 73.
. BerlinVaterloe Village aud Galt. The
a 0,7"olz,v3 to Duncan, Rev, John Renete, -Rev. Thos. stock. is now worth $40 a share.
tt tlevood &latrine cam-- For forther particulars a few persons especially among the small
. .-. -
Donald Waters were appointed' a coro- had been formeci. of the mineral richness
long -lost Roger. • It is yot-clifficult to the t ,
trace this disposition, in soLee cases, to
mittee on the etate of religion, to consider ri of that • locality. The milie of Silver
_ a notion that he is re1udiat(4 as e bar -
the report' from congregations and re- Islet had fairly outdone itself, the prrnn.
acres, all cleared, with good. barns and stables,
butcher, which would, of course, be an P°r I " ' •
ar fellow but he is Ver y far from being land, be asked to sit as corresponding value of.$650,000, which will be Shipped
uct in a, sine day having reached. the
onet because he bas the manners of a
ea feints, Apply at the store of
ORE TO RENT OR SELL IN SEAFORTH. j' t Webeter D D. Wilscn, and more than eece ds the expectations that
disposed to put their faith in him as really
RAT old and favorably -known stand, the MAN-
CHESTER HOUSE, lately occupied by Mr.
DUN LOGAN' willbe sold, or rented on reason -
it is supposed that while walking along
the sidewalk in this state, be lost his
balance, and falling into the entrance,
dislecated his neck, producing instant
--i-The recent failure of Messrs. Grif-
fith & Co., wholesale grocers,' Toronto,
has let in a number of city firms. It is
said. that Cramp, Torrence & Co. have
lost ten thousand dollars, Tuttle, Dale
& Rodden's liabilities' amount to two
hundred and forty thotesand dollars.
The trade of the city is in a critical con-
dition. The -credit of many houses is
stretched to the utmost; and, berrowinig
money at 8 aud 10 per cent. to meet pa-
per. they cannot much longer stand the
pressure. Should the harvest provepoor
a crisis mutt result. '
—In a saw mill owned' by. Measrs.
Douglas &Bannerman, in the thWnship of
Esquesmg, in five Successive hours, one
day last week, 16,000 feet of lumber was
cut with one saw.
--Aparty is being formed in Toronto
to go to Manitoba to settle permanently.
• —Mr George Disher, of St. Catharines,
I at the 400 yards range, madesevensucces-
-The effect of the energetic exertions
. . eine bulls -eyes and one centre, out of eight
being put forth by the Ontario Immigra-
tiou Department, is evidenced by the
large number of immigrants arriving in
Toronto weekly. Last week over 1,000
tshots: ,Can airy of our fIuron sports beat
this? If they can, let us hear from
them. .
.--A. la.rge number. of Torontonians are
arrived, and ,all were rovided. with suit- . . .
by Mr. Donaldson, Immigration agent at
Toronto. In addition to the above,
Mr. reraing, immigration agent foi the
Ontario Government, despatched, on the
15th _of April, a party of 200 emigrants
from Dundee and the northein parts of
Scotland, chiefly farm servants, blaek:
smiths mid domestic servants, all for On-
`taitio. They were to leave Liverpool oe
the 23(3. of April, by the Texas, one of
the Dominion Line, and their arrival is
now daily looked for. This is the larg-
est party ever sent by one agent and. one
steamer from Scotland.
—A few days ago a youne man, an
employee on the Air Line of 6the Great
Western Railway, met with a severe and
painful accident, and had a narrow
eseane from. a terrible death. At Wel-
land station, while attempting to jump
on a gravel train which was passing at
full speed, he missed his tooting .and
investing in mineral lands on the north
elite employment without a day's delay, .
shore of Lake Superior, and a quantity
of machinery has been ordered. for min—
ing, purposes. These lands are now be-
coming a source of considei able interest
to Canadian capitalists.
—Lord George Compbell, son of the
Duke of Argyll. is now on his way to
Ottawa, to visit Lord Dufferin. His arri-
val is looked for daily.
—The members of the Canada, Presby-
terian Church, Goderich, have recently ,
a,dileil $200 to the stipend of their minis-
ter, .Rev. Mr. Tire. The salary now
paid. is $1,000. Few are more deserving
of liberality on the part of , their congre-
gations than Mr. 11re. ,` ,
—Rev. Dr. Punshon delivered his
farewell lecture iu Toronto, prior to his
departure for England, on Tuesday even-
ing last: • His subject was "Florence,
and Her Memories." .
—There came' into the possession of
fell between the cars, but caught and Mr. S. It. Clarke. exchantre broker, Lon -
held on in. such n way that be was drag- don, a clay or two ago, alit) bill of the
ged over a hundred ru-ds with .his back Bank or -Upper Canada, (fated 1822.
on the rail, and thus kept himself from which was issued at Yeria in 'Julie of
under the wheel of the car until the that year. The paper was very thin,
train could be stopped. His clothes and the bill, although distinct, had ap-
were torn completely off, and his baek so parently changed bands frequently. It
terribly lacerated and torn that his back was found among a lot of old papers lie -
bone was -visible. Ho is likely to re- longing to the late Col. Talbot, the pio-
cover. - neer of the London district. W.- Allan
—The Synod of London met in Strat- was the President of the Bank at that
ford on Tuesday of last week. and. con- time, and T. G. Relout the cashier.
ferred on Rev. Mr. King, oft Buxton, the
ft was rgreecl that Rev. John value of over $6,000 from the labor of
TEAK SAW MILL AS•ID FARZT FOR SALE. - as to sav that they are not tit to be bar-
.. Fotheringha,m and Rev, Mr. Johnston, twenty-five men, The Company has
- insult to butchers generallynand. as much
Imo larchards in full bearing - two never -foil- ' . embers. dawn upon the opening of eaviAntihn.
_ of the Union Presbyterian Uhurch, Scot- on had ore raised last winter to the
Et.NO Lot 84, Ce7n. eontaioing 104 onets. Ile is certainly an ignorant, vul
g springs which supply the null. Also, ot 5. a cOmMOn butcher. Th
• ere is a 'certain m .
SECOND- DAY. ' 'Three A mine ' has also given indica-
—Captains ef vessels Which have ar-
hip,hest • position within its gift, by
rived in Gdde-rich harbor report that
tmaniinously and with marked cordiality
there are still fields of ice'lloatine. about
choosing him to .preside over it clelibera-
in 'Lake Huron. The American shore is
tions as Moderator. Perhaps no better
still much obstructed, and vessels have
answer to the Elgin Association Frauds
been ob'iged to lie up at Sarnia on ac -
slender could be given than this action of
count of the ice on the lake.
so eminently disting,uished and honor-
-The Niagara Conference of the
able a body. 1 'Church has just
Methodist ,f4! p i §c o p. a ,
—A few days ago, deputa,tions of the
held its annual session et Ingersoll. Ihe
7 kt. onere-
Con.% containing -48 acres abash, Tilt property style, even. iu his vulgarity, and he is
• The Synod was opened. at 10 o'clock. tons of lasting richness, and in other Elute Cen e aa
el-ay.:71uated rood thtireto. For farther partionIsrs apply a eineuler adroiteees a him- gations (Presbyterian, ) 'waited upon &elf. following appointments were made in
is sit6 miles from Seaforth, with a good -exceedingly shrewd and plausa.ble, with
A. At. The first hour was spent in de- directions experience shows flint -well-
SON, Constance P. 0., Kiriburn, Ont. 260 self to the tone of the company among pastor, Rev. Robert Reewicle, and this district :--Goilerich, M. A. Wright ;
Oa the premises. If by post, to JOHN THOMIL " votional exercises, 43°11(1T:tea by ReV. directed. fabor is all that is needed to de -
whom he is thrown. Assuming him to pretented him terith a handsome - sum of _ Maitland. J. Miller ; Seaforth, B.
I Messrs. ,Drunarnond, Graham, John velop host extraordinany mineral
• the Presbytery of Bruce, • and Bev. study of the eclitnrial.pages of our lead-
lield; and the attachment subsisting be- roY•
be an imposter, he has certainly proved Scott, and the Moderator. wealth. . money ($113,) together with addresses, Palmer ; -Stanley, J. A. Dark. The
CONTAINING- 813 acres, at per acre, sito-
hiraself to be no ordinary man„ both in expreesive of the eeteern in which he is next Coeference will be held Strath-
thotiOn, Rev. Duncan Cameron, of —The Buffalo arpre,s4, aftet a careful-
ated Vermillion County, State of Indiana, his dexteronaplayine of the perteand of
• • ' b • country we eyer heard of." Well, thet
in e o p y Charles Viialker, of tiie Baptist church. m_ dailies says,
ethere is more
mites - 223 acres of this farm is rich. bottom land, Stratford, were invited. to sit as corres- the - acre in Canada than any other
on the -Wabash River, a navigable stream. for 850
th f rtitude. and ersistene with which
vbi:%', with fair cultivation, will prodwye 75 he has k.ejit it up for some six years now.
• " t - • 1 ti embers of these —The Steamer L. Pound which has
He is sai, to be much thinner than when ponding mem era.
• • Messrs. Donald Waters and Miebsel depends on whether' you reckon our whole
buslu7ls of corn per aere; the remains ei h I
lanai. good for all kinds qf small grain; 165 acres
of this farm is in a good state of cultivaticm, the
balance good hardwood; a large frame house 14
two orchards and an abundance a good water. , Rev. Messrs. Scott and Drummoed thick, but take in the whole uorth-west
This farm, is sitriad. three miles -south of the PR.EPAB.ING FOR. TILE ELECTIOS. were ppoiuted to introduce the follow- 1. territory, clear up to the north pole, and
thriVing taWil of Clinton, Indiana, an the Evans- The Easter holidays- have been spent illa sp. iect : • ' The means by which our they would have to be beaten out pret-
,eille. Terre Halite and Chicago Railway, 160 by Liberals and Conservatives in holcliee - • .
0 people may be made better acquainted ty thin, to cover the who e sur ace.
of Terre Haute, Ind., a city of 20,000 inhabitaarts ; 'nee -tinge ma i
n'ttiug P with the general working of the church." 1
eechea with an —An advertisemeut of L2 B. Lent's, that day for the change, and it appears . ros ng
=met south of ofetago, nie Iola 10 miles north r
,Ont. Address JOHN E. RYAN, Clinton. 7er- yea,r. . lcdetther side has ad. yet ventured of family worship and catechetical in- .. cPotsgt of this would not be less than $1,000 on Saturday evening a. telegram WAS re- i were on board, but fortunately, al -
aurae comity, 111,11state-or c. R. coornn, on a. distinct cry. Lord Is..miberley, :the struction.
. speech, chiefly devoted,to a review ci
BRICK YARD To RENT. the past policy and conduct of the Gov-
't -ft -CT th Bria Yard "II the Seeend Genets- ernmerit, and this would suggest a cry
he was last in court and this, of course,
Ballantyne were appointed to open the territory. bpieva over the
, will Tie so\ much. in his favor as tegards
stories, one log house, log, stables and corn en s, his , reseniblance to - Roger Tiehborne. subject of an increase of stipends. Provinces, our politics would come pretty
ween. ma
congregations. The reverend gentleman run between Coeuwall'anil Montreal for
is on the eve of paying a visit to his ninny years, was wrecked in the La- 4
native land.. chine Rapids, on Monday evening last.
__The Stratford Beacon, referring to As She was approaching Lachine Rapids
the chane of guage on the Stratford and she struck with her bow on a sunken
Goderich section of the Grand Trunk, rock, bounded free of the obstructicia,
remarks : Considerable has been said but immediately afterwards, unsettled
about the disrespect of Sunday eviened in her course, dashed upon another one,
byethe Grand Trunk authorities in using where she remaieed firm, the water
. . t 1 • ehtle
good roads; good school ; good markets and a eye to the approaching general eleetion, Rev. itlesSia. McCuaig and McKineon circus and menagerie oecupied an entire that Mr. Beydges was influenced by ! and shortly afterwards filling, she eank
goad neighborhood. Terros•—or f will trade Which must be held next 3, -ear if not this were appointed to introduce the subject e of the CHAP on Friday laet. The some . representations made to him, for to ber guards. .Abont 150 paesengers
for land eitherthe Cour7ties- of Huron or Droee,
at least. The sliow is not advertised ceivecl from headquarters, to the effect though. they had a narrow. &cape, all
Brussels, Ont. 275-'1-0 COloni i;
_er, has made a lona The Synod then proceeded to consider to ceme further in this direction than that the work Must be postponed were saved. There was a large number
" the most efficient method of managing stela:feel the next clay It was too late, however, of horses and cattle on board, and the
congregational affairs." Lev. Mr. Hall —All the temperance lodges in the for the track had been prepared, all the ! boat was also heavily laden, wit other
and Rev. Gra,y introduced the sub- taeunty of NVellington will convene in rolling stock removed, and the section freight. The boat, together with the
r. d • from Stretford. to Buf- entire cargo, incluclinu the live stock,
sion of inekersmith, at Eviondville, the .pro-
of gratitude for the pest end confidence ject, and Rev. Messrs. ' Gray, Macpher- the town _ of Guelph on the Queen s u e , .
. . . : iiig will be held. . -postponement dangermis, owing to the , a company in Aleareal.
• I
Klemm. and George Calibertsont took
part in the discussion. The discussion —In the town of. Brantford for the withdcawal of the trackmen from their 1 —Mr. Arthur Campaigne, of Malt -
was of 3,11 exceedingly itteresting nature past year or two, the municipal elections proper 'posts for so long a Period-. So 1 landville, near Goderich, has invented.
and well fitted to have- a beneficial E3. f- have been conducted on strictly political . the Work bad to go forward to its com- and has had patented a very ingenious
feet. principlea. The Datural result of this is pletion. . ! 3.1141 useful arrangement for coupling
The home mission work of the churchI Thsoinvention does away with all
now becoming evident. The principal —V' hat next l T. M. Daly, M. P. for oar&
was next considered, DY. Proudfoot and thoroughfares are deacribed as quag- :North Perthis said to have delivered. an 1 necessity of going between the ears to
Rev. Mr. Warden deliverine addresses miresand largesums of money are Int- addi-ess on temperance, in. Ottawa, nn• I either couple or uncouple, thus doing
on the subject, as did also leev. Messrs. mg expended in improving the private Sunday last. The temperauce eenso : away with a fruitful cause of accident':
apoloaise for the Northfleet having got Duucan, Dr, -Waters, Drummond, Scott, properties of Councilors and. their sup- must indeed be becoming popular, when ; on railways. lhe Coupler is selfeit, Me..
ia elie way of the Murillo, and, if the of London,! Macpherson, of Stratford, porters, in the sult*rbs of the town. 'Tom Daly has espoused. it. 1 the cars simply requiring to be backed to
a large yard, with low large ruins, and toe the future: On the other hand, the son, B,obert Scott, Daniel Gordon, R. H. Birthday, and join in a grand cleenon- falo, as well as other arrangements was lost. Theboat was valued at $40, -
ea bank. of splendid clay tight feet thiek, Conservativea are rallying ronnd the Warden, Thomas Goldsmith, Neil Mc- , stration. In the evening a public meet- made, which would have rendered a i 000 and was uainsured. It bdonged to
perty of Mr. Thomas Goverdook, tKillop. This
a never -failing .eupply -of water; the -.7aa as u-
,nished with every couvenienee and facility for
.nutunfacturing. HOUSE and STABLE on the
vard will be sold o also, to 'he •sold, ths carts, bar --
_Constitution with most . enthusiastic
vagueness. One member has preached on
the text that in -polities, as on the turf,
• •
rows, and other implements urea heretofore in e there is nothing like ''a bit of bloo
yard, and about 6,000 feet of good lumber. Rent . to,
of Tard fk100 a year. The honse and stable will be meaning.. apparently, that it would be
sold for 1U0 cash ; the other articles will also be well to I the House of Commons -with
disposed of very low. This is an excellent chance yOun tr rains' ; while another, more
business, as bricka are 1.3.0'ff selling at from ,S6 to happily suggested that the Marquis of
for any one Niiatin,r to engege in the Brickmakiug • ?.-
6•74-ei per 1,000, and o-ood obtainable at $2 5'0 a 1 -ii )ori- should be sent to Madrid to
cord. For further partienlars apply to
s5-1(3- JOHN BOWDEN, Egniondville .P 0
Rpaniards did not charge riaore tha,n Such results irneariably follow the suici-
de ) y —Recent adnices from Manitoba state ,
each other for it to take effect, and the
LUMBER! LUMBER! a million or two, that .
he should be made •
a and others.
At the eeening.session. . the first bum- 1 clic of allowin politics to inter -
g, P that a person sent into the interior by i turning of a smell •wheel either at the
nonsideration of an overture the local authorities , a few weeks ago, side or top of the car uncouples them.
a. duke. There is still some talk .oess was the c
f fere in municipal elections.
Disraeli persuading his followers to do froM the Presbytery of Huron regarding —Richard. Farrell, a telegraph opera- to in e -tigate the Indian situation; re -
V b I.
VICTORIA STEAM SAW MILL samething meant to the reform of the
L. and laws. " He educated es out of our the examination of students by Presby -
seg.. tor of the Great Western lealln ay, while turned on Saturday, and reports evere-
• . The Bayfield. Heirbor.
d Ton;`, " and ' Rev. Mr. MeOrtaie moved,
ste mo. on. board of a movin train at thine in 8, MOSt satisfactoi state, and !
g 1 7 o the Editor of the Huron, ito2
.principles," one ol , onded by Rev. Mr. McLean, that the - 0I e
it noon station, missed his footine and not the slighteet , cause for the least ap- 3
ow he wante to educate US ()lit of our overture. be adopted. and transmitted.
GOT ENLOCK & 'GRAHAM estates." The opponents of any imita- it was .moved in amendment by Rev. , fell between the ears with his head on prehension of difficulties.
. `Have now,got their new -.7';`-tearn Saw Mill„ on the
DEAP.Si: I am of opinion that all
-Rev. Dr. the rail. One of the- wheels struck it public men should act with the strictest
1 b fl. t. th •
—On the day previous to the increase
• ithpartiality. The township of Stanley
tion of the Irish Laud law in England Mr. Drummond. seconded by
t 1
"11 bt strengthened by the -demand. Waters, than the evertuee sin3ply ,
has spent of her own money aboub $30, -
ale pus ec aside. in ie ing eeor duties on spirituous iquors impor .
forth 1 It' It
Road, •srx miles no. - .a " GO up insensible. His escape from instant ,
our eep scalp wouncle. He was picked into Manitoba. corning into force, a,
000 on the Bayfield harbor. The powers
ant -rig 71.. fall blast, ant are p palm o
have rents fixed at a fair amoutet, with lied.
whieh Irish:tem-Lets are, now rei transmitted. The amendment was car- „ . . was almost mira,culons. tons of " foity-rod," all of which was
steamboat arrived, carryino- about 300 ,, T. ,
at Ottawa, appeare, wont tete us any
—A Silver. . assistance until such time as n'e send. a
f Aii d
urner o in. S.5 - to se delr
power to themselves either to remain ,or
11 mcupaucy to the high.est The Synod then entered:into- a confer-
ence on ..-iabbath school work. -'•
settled upon Oshawa a.s its place of bum- . a few millutee before 12 O'clock on the m
Works Coinpany has finally safely idea inside the custom house
ernment, notwithstanding the fa,ct that
an down there to support the Gov -
AND bidder, just es they choose. . At present Thomas Macpherson, by appointment of
nese. Piens and speccations a,re bethet ni-f the day 011 which the increas-
• there is just about as many supporters
the -y can obtain compen Sation for being synod, introduced the subjea and. de,alt
t;racei - • north f - 1171
of prepared tor the works to be erected. ; ----------
-,aletook' effect It is estimated , f that body in Stanley; as there are
WILDING MATERIAL tnrued out, but what they want is the
in an effective manner with a variety
'This little town seems bound to become that the merchants those interested '
tv,n•v - rielit of selling the terianey at the heghest useful end importent topics. and Was
- ,it them, and the greater part of
Thee, one of e largest manufacturing centres will save . over $10,000 by tneir ex-
= the . Government :supporters he in the
priee of the open market on their own ac- follovved. by Mr. Donald. Watert, .
'-the -
LARD WOOD, count, while the landlord is tied down to
M r. Drummond, Rev. Mr. Gray. and in Canada. pedition.
cescrao,atm, em raving a quaniity of .
western side of the township, and con-
- The Insolvency law tO contin- ; —The friende of Ktiox's College, To-
., tixed rent. tet mee . Rev. Mr. Warden. Rev. Dr. Waters
,ap k Ehn, Dix cis, Basswood, Oak " that mg( a • .s tsequently must be interested in the har-
awl Elul, A. stotkof ' this week at which resolutions to thisi then . mewed, seconded by Rev. Mr, !
' Parha,ment, when the Gevernment will . nesirable, propose to raise $00,000 to-
ued till the next Session of the Domienon - iontoe feeling tha etter cco 1 tion i
! bor improvements. This harbor shoal&
ItEN ctn. (1 k-,0 Dr. m1---,,T-T-T effect weit passed, it , 11 -RS mention
L. _ , , . e. it t Drummond, that " the Synod. of Lou-
introcluce a measure on the subject, be improved, irrespective of party, and.
_ i wards a new building in Toronto. Al- .
Kept couotantly on hand. that in one district, where a landlord agg 'navine- earefulle, considered -the
cosy ao etio be had elsewhere.
Lmnber deiivered in Ceaforth. if required.
GOV ENL0C-f.: & GRAHAM. . the leud if any new tenants
AGthfi W-- ANTE- b: -
Suehr,„ .
ready inore than one-third of that amount . pis as soou as we have men
eo it eid
. has been contributed in TorOtito, $2,000 nt power Whogwill give ifs fair pla,y. We
h ,c been tiven by the Grand Trunk 6TAN LEY .
tion •
quesdon o aetbath school work finds as —Witlun tee east two weeks orders
ea, -and follow- •
would not pay the rent he ask
• •
1 had tamed_ out tenants because they e• -fs',,
1st. The Synod desites to recoanize enthorities for the inenufacture of rolling in Guelph, $1.o00 ta, , - [lett uo more.
where they. had obtained eompensa, „
(1.7.sern000n can be. supplied frOnl nble suins in other places. There seems
* STANLEY, May 14, 181.).
/0 to 2..s. the great importance of Sabbath school stoclt for use on their road to the follow- .
full confidence that the money will be
for havne been disturbed., they had sub -
work aid woeld especially urge upon ing extent : int) narrow gauge (4 ft. 81
sequently ameng themselves to
SI1(4GIZIBE11 rt-qtamt4 a IOW 0001)
AGENTS in the County of Huron. to "II
Vft.,54 fn.r all- Hat, of FIUTIT mid ORNAMENTAL
Ted -1% for a tirat-eiwo; American Nurser:,1 ib
tfd COnnuiss4ion alluArea. Address
CA.11PBELL, General Agent,
280-4 Goderich..
ay was
gas. rneaes in owlet tha,t. the Sabl?a,th school
Tete "koricultural," of 'London,
the offiee-bearers . and Members of the in.) engines of la,rue power ; 500 narrow • , raised- in a shert tirne.
came in. BC1W ol Urch the • necessity of- USITIcr all right
. _
• 1 irrIFs RFQU1RING :POTA.,,TOES for Seed
. may be made not only attractive to the
tigfaction of claims, hos neexiy 40,o00 pnhoies y01111g, but a true nursery of the church, Paia te policy'-itolders over half a rmIlton c .
by lightning tho field without extra rat.e. Texits, pass from the Sabbath school into the . lst of October, wheu the gauge will be 1in that village., \'benseen_ alive on. Store and Tea Depot.
inn. sfaorce, and pays all losses on -.Live &took killed so that the children of the church may thi,s rolling stock. is to be ready by the 1 the entrance to the basement of an hotel
T. Dovo..F., Agent, Clinton or Wroxetei. A3ms
active membership of the Church." ehanged over the -whole line west of 1 Thursd.ay night, .he was intoxica,ted, and I
gauge box: cars , 200 platform. cars; 100 —A respectable farmer nemei osep i
cattle cars ; 2,000 tracks tor freight 1 Hunter, who resided in the Gore of Itlast ' ana node use can find all the best lands, end
cars, 1,000 trucks for platform cars; 20 ' Garafaxa, near the‘village of Orangeville, 1 at.t t.113w Pc!xiiiefte8annt,t7. ed s ere
i. 1 cars for emi ents. .,M1 , was foend dead on Friday mornime, in "e ----.- - - 1 - - aud T4cit DeP°1.
Also, the beSt varieties ef .
•ELLIOTT, AsSistant Agent, Brussels.