The Huron Expositor, 1873-05-09, Page 8••••°"---- t,t7t s. • itroicOttiodtot., , DISTRICT MATTERS. A EINE STOCK, of Fresh Garden Seeds just arrivba 81E. MONSON & 0o. . Go To R Hickson& Co.'s, if you want to get a good set ok Nickle Silveri' Tea or Table Spoons.. PUOTOOVATIIING.—There will net bo any Saturday, Sunday, MondaY or 'Tuesday in Seaforth, as FRAIRK PA/am-morn, Phdtographe.r, 18 goiug to Toronto, and. will not be home for busi- ness until. Wednesday morning. Please govern yOurselves accordingly. 1 A•GRAND ENTERTAINMENT may be ex- pected at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening next. Mr. Gibbs, as manager, has spared no exertion to render it, if possible, the most pleasing and. popn, leer one of the kind ever, given Seaforth, Among the rattsicians who take part in 'the contert we may mention the names of Miss McDonald, Miss Campbell, find other popular honie talent, assisted by Mr. Stevenson, Miss Stevenson Mr. Newton, Miss Holmes, and Miss Bay, of Clinton and neigh- boring towns. Miss Lizzie Powell and Little Inez La Mont, the wonderful child of song, only eight, years old, will aid greatly to the rouged enter, tainment. To say that the costurae and scenery prepdred for the tableaus is bewitifta will mit feebly express its appearanen. The magnificent pie -tare of 'Min DAY SiJoaTs rs Ainnitin ENG- rann " and' the touehingly beautiful tableau of "The Angers Whisper" are alone worth more than the ptiee of admission, which is placed at the low fiirtire of 25- cents. Itis hoped that this home en- tertoinment will:receive the patronage it merits. NEW Sussoensnas.=The EXPOSITOR will be sent to New Subscribers from this date until Jan. 1, 1874, for 871 cents. minuentiosaMINIMIIIV remainder of the, names on the convietion listnot included in—the above classes, are those ef litigants from other parts of the Comity, who, being aware of the superior intelligence and integrity of our Justices, voluntarily resort hither to have their little difficulties adjusted anc1 their disputes settled. r MORE SALT WORKS. — The Messrs. Carter, of this village, have commenced the erection of a large salt block. This block is being constructed on the Carter property, on the south aide Of the railway track. The brine will be supplied from the Sperling well also learn that ..Mr. Marshall, the proprietoe of th" Red , Mill'," has completed arrangeme ts for the erection of works on his prperty, adjoining the m41. We believe Mr. Marshall does not intend to sink a well at present, but will get his supply of brine from the well of the Merehants' Company. THE SCIENCE OF BILL- POSTING. —The cardinal ganef the village boy Of the pm riod is his penchant for tearing down bills. *This particular form of vice Mani- fests itself in the male infantat a very tender age, and does not cease t exert its baneful influence over him until he is well advanced. in his teens.' Many plans have been adopted or ,proposed to eradicate this mania from the youthful mind. For instance, the local newspaper, at stated intervals, has solemnly warped. and. threatened; -ctilprits found. in the commission of the, overt act have been arrested and. initialled, and it has also - been proposed to hitve a Twelfth Com.. mandment, "Thou shalt not tear down, posters," taught in all Sunday Schools. But all these have failed to effect the de- sired. result. The freshly posted bill, with its startling antiouncements, has not become in the smallest degree mere sacred to the village youth on account of these pains, penalties or precepts.We do not conae forward, at present, with any new scheme for the prevention ot this grievous and dangerous crime. We fear it is too firmly, rooted in the juvenile mind to be removed. by any plan we could suggest for working upon and quickening the juvenile conscience. What We want to protest against just. now, is the way in which merchants and others aid and encourage the boys to tear down their own bills by the flimsy and imperfect manner in -which they post them' up. •How seldom' Minstrel bills or show bills are torn demi. There are circus bills on fences and learns* arouud town and throughout the ptiucipal coun- try thoroughfares that have kept their places for months, and are lieely to keep them until the next circus man comes along and covers them over. • This is be- cause they were properly posted. . The show. men understand the science of bill -posting. When the average mere chant or tradesman gets his posters froni' the printer, he sends his shopboy around_ to stick them up. The shopboy, when he don't throw away the bills entirely, is extremely careful tu paste the centre of the sheet securely to the wall, but he rarely fells to leave a corner hangine loose, so that the first juvenile who comes clays, and that his medicel attendants along may have a good handle to tear it have but slight hopes of his recovery., CHANGE OF Glaton.----The change of smarm, on the Buffalo and Lake efiuron. Branch. of the Grand Trunk, between Stratton -1 and Goclerich, was effected on Sunday lase. The switch tracksshai all been • changed on Saturday, and the spikes for the inside of the rail on the new guage ilriven in, so that the only work which temain,ed to be done oteStin- day was to loosen the rails on the main track; remove them to the new bed and spike dem firmly in their plates. 'The first narrow guage car passed over the road en Sunday afternooia, about half - past 5 .O'clack. No THOEOUGHFIE.E. --- It was bad enough, a fee/ weeks ago when the school-. boys monopolized the SideliralkS to play marblee on, but now that, every evening, "children of larger growth" are pre- empting Mairestreet to play balrin, we feel celled upon to protest. Is there no country road or vacant lot in the out- skirts where these athletic youths may inoffensively practice their manly sports? If they can't find any better place than Main street to develop their Muscles and. get rid of their surplussenerey, they had , better go home and go to sawing wood ie the back yard• . AerteEetteare. —We are being pretty - well supplied with amusements of the show and concert order just now e A weekly entertainment Of this sort is about as much a s a small town can expect, and that is whet we have had for some them. — with te continued. prospect. Grace Ea -erten,' the week before last, had a treraenclous Itouse;ancl pleased nearly everybody, we believe, exceptthose weo \ealined acting as pound -keeper. Council djourned, to meet on Monday, 5th May, paid for reserve seats and couldn't see Antenstrereeme—Mi. John Eason, of Bayfield, has been appointed a Notary` Public for Ontario. e LEAL ESTATE CHANCE. —Mr. Thomas Coventry has purchased from Mr Samuel Johnson the three blending lots 'facing the square opposite the residence of Mr. D. MeNaught, and adjoining that of Mr. PRIVATE SALE.. --,-Miss Trott offers by private sale a quantity of very- superior household furniture. Parties desiring to purchase such would- do well to ca.11 on Miss Trott The property to be sold is advertised in this issue. THE FGErXDRY Soete—The foundry preperty in Seaforth .was brought under the auctioneer's hammer on Monday last. The upset price was $2,700, but not be- ing able to ebtain that sum for it, -it was .withdrawn. The property was afters wards disposed of by private bargain to Mr. Thomas Foster, for the sum of 52,600. Mr. Foster intends increasing the plant of the establishment and: carry- ing on the bueiness as men he can get his arrangements to do soi completed. PE,IISONAL.—We believe that Mr. De - Cosmos, one of the British Columbia M. Ps, was in town on Monday last. He was on his way to Clinton, to visit Mr. Lowe. — The many friends of Mr. William Marconi, eage merchant of this village, will regret to learn that he has been prostrated from severe illness for several down by.. Or, he is careful to select as a place for posting a wall with large cracks, so that the enterprising bill -des- troyer may have no trouble in.. splitting up and tearing off the poster, in frag- ments to suit his taste. -Thus it is that neuch .of the money spent by advertisers in. the use of printers' ink is'thrown away. -Let every man who advertises by posters or hand -bills remember that in their proper posting up and distrib- utina lies melee' than half their efficacy. We "'fully believe in- the modern ren- dering of the old saw, " He who would thrive must advereise," but would add, if you advertise in' a newsioaper, choose • a good mechum ; if by handbills Ser post- er& personally elver in teud their circu lemon and posting. Tlie (itrey Tragedy. - It is our painful deter this week to re- cord the sad 'details of a tragedy, in which a mother drowned• three of- her own children: • It appears that Dorothy Ridley, wife of Joseph Ridley, who lives on Lot 29, Con. 3, Grey, had been for SOMC time past in a melancholy state of mind, and at times showed signs of in- sanity. She was at home on Thursday, 1st May, as usual. Her husband wes • mit on the farm, ancl two of the children had gone to school. During the fore- noon she.took her youngest child, a boy thremyears old, and went to . the'school- house, a distance of three-quarters of a mile te where -the other two children, girts, one six and" the other aboetstwelve $ years old. were at school. She took theand. Widow Cahill were voted 10 eac/ for charity. The Clerk was instructed two aildren from school, and went to to write to Mr t Bay, surveyor, te have the river, about inquarter of a mile fur - road surveyed on side line 15 and,16, ther on, where She 'deliberately drowned con. 2. The Council adjcurned to Meet the three children. Of the drowning of the'youngest two nothing is known, nly at Chambers' Tavern, on the last Satur- o that they were found day in May. drowned. But JOHN O'Screarveta Clerk. there was evidence of is desperate strtig- and, 31, coh. 1, and also on sad 26, con, 4, and have it ready for t June meeting of County Council, T ie bonds of Solomon Shan non, Treasurer, were presented. and. ac- , cepted. Dr. Coleman was allowed the timber on 8th and 9th con. line, from lots 31 to 35 inclusive, provided that he shall grub the road 16 feet wide in the centre of swains, and clear the whole road. The following a,ccounts were or- dered to be paid : Joseph Kidd $8 74, for lumber, certified by the pathma,ster ;, Donald McGregor $71, for services as asseeeer and stationery ; Samuel Stnith $3 50, for surveying side line 15 and 16 con. line; the Reeve $8 50, for expenses to Goderich and postage. James'Kenn gle between the insane mother and the ,ehird child, a girl of twelve years, she 'being old ehough to make a strong resis- ta,nce. One Bennett, who was returning home along the road, when crossing the bridge, a short distance from the sad scene, saw the woman and child in the water, strugglitig together. Insteecl of goina to render any assistance, he very foolishly ran off to the next Leigh- bor's house, whibh was about half a mile distant, to get help, and . on return- ing, the mother had accomplished her ob- jeet, and the three children were dead! When Bennett and his assistanoe arrived the insane woman was still in the 'water, and had drifted some few rods down the river to a jam of brush, where, in •a very short time, she would have been drowned too, for when 'taken from the wafer she was quite insensible. On the mother and the eldest girl being teken out and brought home, the othetchildren were at once missed, and search was made for them; ,when in a short time they were both discovered a few rods below where the mother had been taken from the water. On parties going to the house a slate was found on the table with the following written upon it, "There is no one to litame for my. „actions, only, mY own bed management ; I have a good kind husband ; farewell, dear Joseph and my poor children." It seems that she .had attempted before to try and get the children to go to the river witli her. One, night she tarted, and. the children, with --• Exeter. COIL MEETING.—The conueil , met on the 28th of April. R. Sanders, Wm. Sanders and Ilic.hard Davis gave bonds for the proper discharge of the duties of the office of Treasurer. Mr W. Sanders was appointed Inspector of Licences. Mr. John Gill was appointed' Ifealth Inspector; and a. by-law drafted defining his duties. A by-lesv was drafted and submitted to the council, prohibiting riding,, &lying or leadirig cattle or horses the skillful treatment of the physicians plaintiff and ten for the defence. The on the side -walks of this village, Moven rt is now abating. case occupied. two whole days, and the Bustemss. — The larae and varied Jury were out all Wednesday night, re b' W. H. Verity, seconded by John t" spring stocks which our merchants have tumble on Thursday morning ; verdict Trick that by-law be drafted and sub - been receiving for the past week, are at; for the platutiff with 75 damages. Sin- -milled to this council reaulatina -licences after the followina order: faveim Li- tractieg numerous' Custenters. clair for plaintiff, ; Doyle and Garrow for • Walton. GOOD TEMPLARS.—At the last regular meeting of Star Lodge, No. 161, Walton, the following were installed as officers for the ensuing &ear : • Brother Peter McDOetald, W. C. T. • 'Brother Alex. McKibbin, W. V. T. Bother Alex. Shaw, W. S. Brother John Cowan, W. T. Brother R. Pattison Jr., W. F. S. Brother Archibald Scott, W. M.' Brother John Swallow, Jr.,.W. I. G. Brother George Brooks, W. 0. 0.1 Brother John .Ritchie, W. C. - Brother John Scott, W. A. S. , Sister Jessie:Brodie, W. L. H. S. Sister Elizabeth Ritchie, V. R. H. S. Sister Margaret McDonald, W: D. M. FALL WHEAT.— The appearance of fall wheat du this neigborhood is, very encouraging. It looks green and healthy, and does not appear to be much hurt by the late frosts. - niIIANCE OF REAL ESTATE. —Mr. Wm. Smith, who has, sold.' his farm of 100 acres in Stanley, for $5,000, has pur- chased the preperty in this place owned by Mr. Farquharson, for $500. Scllooa Kierreas.—The trustees of Walton school have purchased another quarter acre of ground, for school pur- poses, and have let the job of fencing the whole, in order to fulfil the requiremehts of the school law. her, but her heart semes to have failed THE QUEEN'S -BIRTHDAY.—An yet, it 1 t 11 them that the should ismat definitely settled in what manner er, ant she o go to the river some other time,—that it was too dark that night., On the fol- lowing day (Friday) Coroner Holmes, of Brussels held an inquest on the eemains offthe. children; when the jury returned a verdict " wilful murder" against Dorothy Ridley, and found that the children, Joseph, Mary and Margaret Ridley, Were drowned by their mother, while laboring aed.er a fit of insanity. The prisoner. was - committed for trial, but the constable wa,s instructed not to take her to jail for a few days, as 'she -was then not in a fit.state to be removed. ANOTHER ItElPORT. On Thersday afternoon of last week, a womma the wife of Mr. Ridley, who lives on the boundary line ef Grey and Elma, took her little boy, aged five, .and proceeded to the river about one mile and a half distant. On her way shentopped at the school house and asked the teacher for hertwo other children, aged respective- ly 7 and.9. These she led along, andun- suspecting the:,' 'sad fate which awaited them. they walked by her side prattling in childish innocency. They inached the bridge. The rest is soon.told. - She precipitated 'them headlong int . the river, -and they , were all drowned, and. when discovered eeme ten or fifteen min- utes afterwarde by a man who wee paten ing. the woman was trying to drown her - The court did not . close till Sat - self. He ran off for assistance arid, soon. week. utday, some of thte cases' being very long, returning, she was rescued from self - and even.then.thb 'sittings were protract- destruotione - The marks of violence ed. to midnight' on several eveninos. . found upon the body of the eldest afford the 24th of May will be spent by the in- habitants. Nc doubt, some of the lead- ing sportsmen Will take the matter in hand, and errange a programme for the occasion. Brussels.. [C. IL COOPER, 13russeni, Agent for the Ex- POSITOR Newspaper and Job Priuting Office.] ACCIDENT. —On Sunday last, as Mr. John Kippers, wife and child, of Brus- sels, were resurnin,g home from the coun- try, ,whee. within a mile of the vil- lage, their horse took fright at a cover- ed buggy ahead of him, Mr. Kippen was unable to keep Inmate the road, the horse only running a short distance when the buggy was upset. throw0g all of them tont. with great violence. Mrs,' Kippeal had one of her ankle bones frac- tured. i, Mr. Kippen and the child came off unhurt. The. horee•at once got loose from the buggy and ran home. The par- ties in the ceyered buggy brought Mrs. 1iippen to the village, when Dr. Peters was at once called in, and set the frac- tured limb. Mrs. Kippen is doing well. • Spring Assizes. The following is a report of the re- maining cases on the Assize docket, which were trie,d„ before Judge Toms last evidence that it was not without a great Buchanan yn. Young et al. —Aaion for struggle that she succumbed to the greater strength of the cruel mother._ _ Cranbrodk. SPINAL DrsEASE. —There has been a number of cases of this disease in this vicinity, in some instances fatal. `Under damage caused by defendants putting out fire leet summer, which spread to plain- tiff's land, doing considerable damage to the land and destroying a ,quantity of firewood and bark. The farms of the parties adjoin each other in the township of Colborne. There was a large number of witnesses examined, fifteen for the de- defendant. The Judge granted .0ertifi- cenee, 560, inclading Government fees.; BeTree.--eWe believe it has been shop licence; $70, iudading Government °idea that all butter purchased by oar -.. , cate for full costs. fees ; circus cm menagerie, . eke auc. t merchants shall be bought only after in - due on contract to build a house in God - Little 1)8. it/WU—Action for balance tioneer, $5-; side shows, S5, livery sPection, but owing to the small number 1 erich township. The defense was that stable, $10. Mr. Thomas Staddon de„ of dealees in the village it was thought advisable not to employ an Inspector, put tin work was not done according to con - that evety enerchant should inspect for tract, and was badly done. The case oc- himself. cupied nearly two days and resulted in a as possible—Carried. Council adjourn- ed, to meet on the first Saturday in June. SatetntaeP. HALLS, Clerk. St nley. Coulgen, Ai BEM' G. —The Council met pursuent to aditeurntnent, at Drysdale's Hotel, ion Saturday, the 26th of April, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All, the members .present. The Reeve in the chair. Min- utes of last meeting read and. approved. A petition. signel by William Evitt a,nd. 84 others read, preying the Council to submit a by-law to a vote of the ratepay- ers, granting a bonus of $15,000 to the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, A petition read from John Essen and 23 others asking the Council to grant aid to a Poor widow named'Mre. Keegan. A letter read from the Clerk of Hay, em- bodying a resolution of the Council of Hay relative to the boundary line of Hay and Stanley. Moved. by George Ander- son, seconded. by Thomas Simpsonethat the by-law now read be submitted to the ratepeyers of Stanley for ,a bonus -of $15,000 to assiet beilding the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, from the Oity of London tO the Villa,ge of Clinton, and be published according to law—Lost. Moved by Dr. Woods, seconded by George Castle, that we confine ourselves to the grant originally made for improve- ments on the south. boladary line for 1873—Carried. Itl eyed by Dr. Woods, seconded by George Anderson,' that 520 be granted to Mrs. Keegan towards im- proving her house in asecord.ance with the prayer of the petition in her favor, to be expended under the inspection -of the Deputy -Reeve and Dr. Woods—Carried. Moved. by Thomas Keys seconded by George Castle, that the trustees of school section No. 3 receive the sum of $1 for for the use of their school louse for nomination fist. the year el872 --Car- ried. Moved by Geefige Ander- son, seconded by George Castle, thet we adjourn to meet again at the same place at 6 o'clock—Carried. The Coun- cil reassembled at -6 o'clock. All present. Mbved by George Anderson, seconded. by Thomas Keys, that Williana Logan be be required to open up the road allow- ance granted by him, in lieu. of an original rbad allowance in range AI of this township, betvveen lots. 5 and 6, and that the clerk serve a copy of this motion on. Mr. Logan —Carried. Moved.by George Anderson, seconded by George Castle, that the amount asked to be granted at laat meet- ing of Council to :lid the London, Huron and Bruce Raaway, viz., $15,000, be re - ducal to $10,000, and that calculations in said by-law be made aacordingly, also that the vote on said by-law be taken on Saturday, the 31st day of May, also that the necessary changes be made, and that the by-law so cha.nged be and hereby adoPted—Carried. Moved by George Castle, seconded by Thornes Keys,' that this Council do now adjourn to meet as a Court of Revision, and for other general business, at Varna, on Monday, the 26th. of May, at 2 o'clock, It' M. Wet. Pannmerr, Clerk. very wen after all.—The New Orleans at 77.3° P' M* Minstrels performedthis week, to an Moose DeEDI—An excellent mare, be audience sach as is rarely accorded to - loeging to Mr. David Miller, of Usborne, s ' minstrels here, and gave. good setiefac- died a few days agoValue notless than $150. VETERINARY SURGEON.—Mr. Sweet, of Stephen, attic; recently receiVed his diploma, in Toronto, has set up business, in Exeter, next door to Dr. 13. B. Win- an's ding store. • ' SItOOTINO- MATCIL—A grand shooting ing match will take place in Exeter'on the 23th of May, by company 6, -33d Huron betellion. A large munber of prizes will be, given. Ceptatu HeWard presents a valuable silver cup and 85 for iirst prize. tion. The excellent order which they -Maintained, is a feature worthy of imita- tion by the promoters of other entertain - m ents.- —Next Tuesday -evening, the con- cert and. exhibition of tableaus, under the superintendence of Mr.• Gibb.se will botne off. It will be remembered that Profes- sor Samuel, his pupil, little Emma., and. a number of exec:II:cot amateurs assist in the musital part of the programmema, We understand a concert will be givelia sliortly by Professor Samuel, himself, but have not learned the date or other par- tlettIars.—Then there is the dramatic entertainment for the evening. of 'the Twenty-fourth which, of course, will be e Q ft AN G OCC LI EN CE—Mr Hol - attended by alLost es,erybody. lingshead, of the township of Hay,in- fertos us that he had a ewe .which gave ROWD 1.--T •3 e a forth Ex POSITOP, Lerring to rowdyism in the County Town, suggests that birth to p, lamb on Friday the 25t1i of the Conney Seat be renlOT ea to Senforth, `, it town April, and on the following Friday; a of virtue awl repute, where rowdyism ilourisheth week after, it crave birth to a second. Both not." Yet it is a Most remariceble thinq that "" • lambs are living and in a healthy, thriv- Seaforth farnishes more magisterial eonvictions and supplies more inmates An Coonty Jztil ing condition. than ator other section of the nutty ; indeed, , OUrr ov JIM -Mine --rile court of 'o et quarters it farnishesa-{ ninny ns all the rest . ' „ ' • _ of the County. Will the Exi'0:411;0.antrt this ? 1c' ibion for tee to wenn) of By, as. per —Croderich Star.. ' • -notice, was hal in the Town -Hall, Zu- Certainly, we note the. falt. We are I rich, on l'uesday. the 6th of May, J873. well aware of the distinguished position I The Reeve presided, and all the members occupied. by Seaforth on the- quarterly of the council present, which composed . co -evict -Joe lists. and 111We every reason the court. There were DO direct appeals . . to be prottd- of it. The fact is, the I from assessmeets. After .heaain a a few quelity of Seaforth justice is such that compreints and going over the Rolla it no Wrongdoers escape . Dead beats, blokes f was moved by J. .13. Geigher, seconded and bummers who come here froin God- by 8. Itennie, thet the following alter- crich aud other places. are immediatuly ations be made in the assessment roll for taken in, evemhanded justice_ is meted. 1873 llenry Walper, to be redueed out to them, and they Me promptly re- :350 •; Daniel Faist, to be put on the roll turned to the County Town, to the cue- for villa,ge Lot lt•to. 2, Vauthiers' survey, tody of Mr. Campaigne. Seaforth ie tines einatne es zeriele instead of Justice Road - a danonrous place for geildoers, The ing , and that Robert Moore be assessed for the east half of lot No. 20, in the 14th. numerous • mutates of the County jail • Coficassion, instead. of Messrs. Piper & supplied from. Seaforth being entsiders . . . of this desmiption. itbehooves our friends VanstonC—CarriedMoved by JB. of the Ster, and Goderieh people general- (higher, seconded by Samuel Rennie, ly, Vs be circumspect in them demeanor that the Court of Revision he closed.— when they -wander in this direction. The Carried. H. Love, Sr., Clerk. 7 • Hay, verdict for plaintiff for $175. Sinclair RAILWAY.—A lame force of men and for plaintiff, s G ,arrow for defendant. teams are again at work on the railway .21./orri,son *PS. Morri•5091—Action on 'Lc the lahe bridge across the. itfaatlanl ,count. Tried without a jury. Verdict is beinte rapidly constructed, and in a for -plaintiff for $133 25. Benson for short.time will be completed. • Hol m es ted for: de fen t DIME CLASS. --Rev. Mr. Thomson, has organized a Bible class, which - is' ages for breach of warrautry of a horse. held in the Presbyterian Church evelm Vet for plaintifffor $102 50. Garrow Sabbath at 10 o'clock A. ...K. It is for plaintiff ; Sinclair for defendant. nuinziAeLeLousAlly4ritt.:t:11!..clecil.t Awas thought for off until the ,County Court sittings in dams:ea Davis—This case was put some time that the- fall wheat was seri- June, on payment of cohts. The defend ous 3. eji res it le I e ros s, Ina tee ant who was a material witness eva,s d.an- are glad. to see that such is not the casee gerously ill. Doyle for plaintiff ; RenTn The eppearances are at present that it; for defendant - will prove a good. crep. - . •• 190bert801? Fi. earrieon—Remanent by --. AceIDENT .. A , sem of Mr. Robert Gartow for plaintiff, AlcDou- Ffeines, 4th Concession, Grconsent een, was galla of St, t 1 arys, her defendapt. .- Pope vs. fleartmeltecord. withdrawn. . G Lilies vs. McGowan—Action for dam - leading a horse Friday last, when the animat took fright and rail upon him. His parents, not thinking him seriouely - injured, did not call medical aid. • until four des s afterwards Usborne. when Dr. ' Peters - was called in 'an(l faned one of his lege the limb, and the boy le in badly fractured. The Doeittfore,,itclzeasyseodf recovereen In such asee medical aid shonld be celled imniediately, as delay greatly impedes recovery. COUNCIL MEETtN(1.—The Connell met at Berwick's Temperance House. en April 10. Members it1l present, teee_ utes Of last meeting read and Confirmed. The Commil having examined the- As-. stamen t roll, it was on motion received. John Stenzel WAS allowed. the timber on: side line 15 and 10, con: 13, 150 rods from cleariug on north end, ptoviding he clears. a waggou road, and crossweika wet place thereon, to be completed 1873 Mr. Bell and Mr. Kerr were ma; pointed. to examine the E. T. line, to re. pair bridges, &c., provided the Reeve of Logan pay equivalent of expenses. The Clerk was histructecl to draft a by-law and -give the necessary publication for the sale of the original road allowance on the Thames Road bridge be built as soon Cotemie Megrime.-.--The Court of Re.. vision met on Nay :1 The appeals f Messy. Donpe, R. Delbridge, R. Bell and. J. Itlowbray, were dismissed. J. Balk will, aseessment reduced, $100; tt. Moir, assessment reaucal, 8100 ; Treble, aseessment reauCed, $50. The appeals -of Al essrs. Heywood asid J. Del - bridge to lie over to nextmeeting f Court and the Court adjnurned, to meet ou :the first Saturday in June.—After the adjonamien of the Coert of Revie sion, the Council met. All the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Moved telty Willis; seeorided by R. Creery, that 518 of the tavern licence collected ftoin Ex- eter, be returned to said 7corporation— Carried. Itloyed by.G. seconded.. by W Brock, that Mrs. -Clack . receive 85 relief Carried. Moved by W. Brock, seconded by E. Creery, that the Rem - SATIN. STRIPES AND CASHMERES. NV3MflG TV —A few evenings fgo, a merchant of the city of Handlton, rejoicing under one thousand drops of joy, ran against a hydrant while homeward bound. He happened to mistake the hydrant for a colored boy. " Skuse me, sonnie," said . he, pattlitg the hydrant patetaalty ; "didn't mean to run you down because' you was black. Grow up (hic) and. be a useful man. Imitate. (.me) my example," awl here be laid a quarter on its -.nozzle and went on with a lighter heart and the satisfaction that he had made one poor soul hapry. —A number of dogs have recently be- • come rabid, in Tfon•bridge and vicinity, andhave bitten- others. A dog belong- ing to. Mr. McLean. ot that vicinity, showed signs of approaching hydropho- bia for several days, but !mistaking tbe symptoms fer distemper, he was allowed his freedom until Tuesday last, wheu lie was seized with a fit, and ran into the house and came nearly biting several members of the family. He was speed- ily destroyed, —On Saturday evening four suspicious looking characters were arrested _at the te Grand Trunk Railway station at Park- hill, on sespicioa of being the parties who broke openthe safe of Messrs. r• 0 0 REAL LLYONS, BLAO , GROS C44•4 12) 44, Gst tC. • 44) le4j •SSNaD ti os t c ninialanallelEnn1111111MINI 'OD .NOS3IOTII Pierce & Polley, Strathroy, on the even- b ing previous. After they were arrested '-- they were searched, and a number of burglars' tools, consisting of different styles of skeleton and safe keys, cold. e Fe4 ohieels, 'wooden plugs, a flask of powder tee and a number of loaded revolvers were found on them, together with about $50 in bills. On Monday they were examin- „Ze ed before a beach of magistrates. A number of witnesses were called, the gist ot whose testimony went to prove that the prisoners had been in Strathroy with Messrs. Willis'and Hackney,. be Committee -to let the building of the bridges over tne Sauble Miler. and. that 1. oe• ••• so, 011 tli'e night of the burglary, that they stt were seen ., walking on the road to Park- - hill early in the morning. and. that they gave a marked dollar bill to a tavern- . keeper which Messrs. Pierce & Polley's - cashier swore positively he had placed F.? in the safe the evening previous. The prisoners etated their names' to be - Charles Wilson, Frank Murray, H. a Leroy, and F. E. Willard, and were hard -looking customers. After a careful exanfination of thetestimontr, the magis- trates decided to commit them to London jail for trial. EGGS FOR HATCHING. THE Subscriber has some HOUDAN EGGS for -1- solo and also some Spanish. The Houdana never sit, and their laying qualitiea are of it high order; they are also hardy and stand the cold weather well. Amiens, $2 1,6 dozen ; Spanish, .$1 per dozen. A. SMITH, 283-4 Eginondville. EGGS FOR HATCHING. tttte 4•41 0 0 0 41 THE undersiorned, having a emperahundance of ; 0, 'J EGGEshas decided to part with a few -11011(11111 I L.) or Bleak Spanish ---at the following pricer;: Hou- - obt2n8,9$-: per dozen ; Spitnish, $1 per dozen: 0 r.. H. STARR, ; The Personage', Seaforth. ; trj OBSERVE. • , tt • THE SUBSCRIBERi, being about. to leave Sea- lel -1- forth, offers by private side the steme Of the W by Prince, Buffalo ; 1 set arftWi ll''' room Furniture I Household Furniture, consisting in port of one tei Melodeon, rosewood ease, all improvements, ninth which consists of 1 wo Mut hair-sented chairs, 2hee." walnut oozy chnirs and 1 walnut hair -seated sofa ; parlot: centre table, (walnut parlor stove parlor hoop and pnrlor carpet. All the above are - nearly new and first-ebots in every respect: Also, W 6 can e-eeated Chairs, n eane-seated Rocking n, 1 dming-ronm rable, 1 Sidelionnl. 6 dining Chairs, 1 excellent Clock, 1 Cookine Stop, 6 e omjnoii (emirs, 1 splendid henter Drum, 8 Bedsteads, 2 - feather Beds with pillow., 1 walnut waShstand, ce-e. enclosed, small Tables, Washstanda, dressing ta- bles, bedroom Ceniets, &c., 2 Sewing Machines, (I nearly morn and many minor artieles. The sale to cornmenee on TUESDAY, May 13, and _to — coutinue until the whole is disposed of. HOUSE. AND LOT is Olio for pole. The 2 lot is a most desimble one, baying a 'rootage on, 1.- tivo streets, and. being stocked with choice fruit- • trees just beginning to, bear. For enquire uOin the Premises, Goderich-atreet, 283 Seaforth. JOSEPHINE'S CELEBRATED FIRST CHOICE. KID„LADIES' D;•- OnessexamessornesenonsannannnrCE • - st:CTII`YEAR. • wootfikt NO. :13$4.4 4at dtat for $1r9 1 LE sr.anni..cycilecirt)papriernilziwoaiawdmboardi,i. 1.1relt:imegeoolinantitfur,coanni e aitt y; . n.F2F, tet; : ii.e 0, :roi a. un tir tInfna.casT:: sax,56; zapitai bearing Tirebard; good. well ; land mous erno InonavutilF1 sE,A:1:abliffix.esing,1:1:::N:S'n1010:81LiIelEfitallliaell; ,Cllina: , pelea.0111 .iti.,!, forth Station, one and one-quertiT miles from Lg._ cession, Tuckersinitb, two miles fro284m S..:- -3.--, ----_00 — . — next, ane I'be Ti i giaj I ;writ,illaae:maglin:Itilfue'teAlluShb4)(11:16-4141:1::01 tlo:Eltrit, IZPiig,b a r nOde:Rilt:to'nalf:°g-ts;SiloteAlEtgicallbsgoldeoali%llen.0':e'hOsbI(tt;ae)ilirlut,i1t1:17.:einiflis,or,:eunslaf:04r;le-ctoa:41hItilew;illnlor:4e-est;I:C.weotoiltn:um.1101; Cait)hir.ylemitsteemid_u::::.1 , p, good Farm, compoaed tif North sawmills within Similes; eonvenient to ehrirches,., twh,e,y... Iwi-i: smilonbe:aenda :Itt:ifiefrotruidwatioga00; it agil:ONt:e0larefardam„e0kin)(iii:es i Ittobbnaebtir.iciea4at:13. sch0018 aTia. Stores. For particulars apply to the 7 Ithkart:::',., proprietor on the prenn jrilEors, if by INe,ItteLDr„,,to ' lnV____29GiTNit'rlil:e1)PPHA.*Itll°rT:InE_Sit_°wiad_ s'_13.11inea, gr.. t_i3aefIrtighlvteettoh'.11.7.111e .ilithBewilllialleeSiteletiall 131CIN' undersioned, svho have been oppointod agents for l• VAIII'lea South can obtain full information from the 3 ,,,, 4,4 ,. FARM FOR SALE. N.-, of Lot 85, Con. 1, MeKillop; 50' acres, all difficult.) zesa.ed; new barn; new driving shed; good 'easy. "PlY-"GtEheORP1GenlEifiGeAs'150E1Nt! Seaforth P. O. 1 dee P-Onti toose,, good lexicon fala. illiC orchar.l. Terms. ii counsel /SO ' - VIRGINIA. lehOrteaStil:e vioOrturndo7 ttleSsoonutthe.ruF\u'irrtginhetiap,athrteicult ii ahDronavutishonggh:j end lists of Lands will be furnished shortly. Ap- -1 E. HICKSON & CO., Seafortb. 1 Surn1111.13 1 the fil-r' 4 .- s 31.75'8 dfr ARadaildesTs OB. BALE OR TO RENT. VOA SALE Olt TO RENT, on reasonable terms, 1 Routleil Jr Lot 8, Concession 8, Hullett, consisting of 1 o 1 100 acres, 80 of whieh are cleared and in a state of 1 the -1%04 •good cultivation, and well feneed. There is a i. bring 111 _good frame barn 60x40, and suitable sheds, also i postDoE a splendid orchard; well watered; one and a-liall'ni wileitesfroofma tuhoeoavillagragle,a0frKioundb;titrnhe,raendarni.e tshoinneharelsf •,,,, Z.,j„:0-;:s:sso:rc2,, 'the premises or eddrese Constance P. O. ,ysli plowed; irainedi_ate posissio_n_w_111:bel_vton 11_ pHro::: 276 JOHN STEPHENS, Proprietor. 1 Yers a For further particulars apply to thin proprietor on 1 n to , T OT NFoAR.pmanid()patatSoAlif L'Hot7o!Rll'EVin.the 18th I, lial)t0t4t --1-i Concession of Grey oousisting of 18 acres) I of one 1 ,50 cleared and in good cialtivation3 tli• miles from , . ', 1 Gravel Road. 18 miles, from Seaforth, Apply to 1 Ing ION,,,‘i -276, ANGUS MoMILLAN, on the premises.! that Ni ii ' -I- street formeArl.y.ao.evenAliedElr:ym:11:-D. ,Ts,e:. rBth,711. ',11 tnf:huaetw.-114:, T27esions 'reasonable. For 1)nd:tale:is opply to VOR SECA°LUBS, tElte"Dilonsel'a7(1:1;oo°33t'o,i'NT.;Ert.h -11'7Janl...ie-r il,; ().synlitei'la:1:.' gravel road to Goilerith 3 85 acres cleared and free . tile di A TALITABLE FARM, 100 acres, First Can 1 ,_ , --"- cession, MeKillop, neer Seaforth, on the main 1 IA) ntlail FARM FOR SALE.,e,,t. ---- - 1 lvs est ! -111 One ' from stumps; 35 iterne plowed, tile grass, well watered and fenced, with hirge flame : . , . baru,stable underneath; leg tom houne boarded oat-t:11h:Yoli)).043s side, and good °retard ; possesaion iromediatelY „that hi title good. and terms easy. For further particulars i `-i„ apoly to LI7DWIG METERSeaforth PC STORE TO RENT OR SETA", IN SEATOE„TH. 14 long -Ir THAT old and favorobly-known stand, me MAX- I trace 1 CieLESTEB HOUSE, lately' occupied by Mri a iloti i .10IIN LOGAN will be sold, or rented on reason. i „,„,st able terms. Apply at the store of 1 1111'n 270 LOGAN & :famiEsoN, i :tniteb ---- 1 IIISIIlt STEADT SAVT MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. • as to 1 TIEING Lot 34, Con. 7, MiKillop, containing 104 ' onetso- e" sures, all cleared, with good. barrio and stables, l „tar two good. orchards in lull beering; two never -fail- ' .', , n, Ing springs whioh supply the mill. Also, hit 35, Con. 9, containing ,ni acres of bosh. The property Il style,,, is situated 6 miles from So:aortal, with a tzood i ev::: gray el road tht.reto. For further particulars -apply on the premises, If by poet, to JOHN THOMP- i "-,;,* SON, Constanee P. O., Kinburn, Ont. , 260 1 Ben :TA by him FARM FOR SALE. r aNTA1N114:43- 818 acres, at 12-.25 per acre, Sitn-- at.eal in Terinillion County., "State of Indiana, On the Wabash Inver, a navigable stream. for 1350 miles ; 223 acres of this farm Is aieh bottom land, which, with fair etiltivation, will prottnoe '75 bushels of 00r11 per acre the remainder is /IP - lentil good for all k.inds of small grain; 165 acres of this farm is in a good state of cultivation, the balance good hardwood; a Lorne frame Mime 11 stories, one log lumen, lag stables end eorn cribs, two oral -iris and an abundonce of good water. be an This farm is situated three miles eoutb of the thriving timlf-of Clinton 'natant, -on the Evans - biome his th the if he ha He is he eve wifl vinT e, erre Bente end Chicago Itsilwa:'%; 160 b Li miles' south of Chimp°, Ill., fold 10 miles north me: -of Tone Haute, Ind., a eitol of 20,09.10 inhabitants; 4- gi3goorooalnerleosing,11:s1;:gh000(a),Lsehirclol ,'sg:1,nyl......nontrilieNts.illattirtitie tcyle3i, for land in either:the Counties of Huron or Br'i't, , , rillionAACdoruen88tyj,arudionE.o. —r-inTrAd. '111in.Ct(120nir*T1E04-ilr-, 1.1', j cje_eineootlInol_.i*il_ e i SPee i ernin otlfiep • fir. 81 i v i t itinhearer; i Nvtil : _ 0 BRICK YARD TO RENT. TO RENT, the )3ricit Yard on the Setond sion -(4 Tuckersmitb, at Eginerolville, the pro- . perty of III.. Thomas GOV£13lock,Xeliillop. This ie a large yard, with four laree mills, end a bank of splendid clay eigbte' feet thick, a never -failing supply of water: the yard is for- , nished with every ronvenicoee end Inciiity for ;manufacturing. HOUSE and STABLY, on the yard will be ,old,. also, to be *old the carts, bar- rows, and other implements uaeaheretolore in the • yartl, and about 5,000 feet of good lumber. Rent ofoyard $100 a year. The honee and -stable Will be sold for $100 cash, the other articles will also be dispomed of very low. This is an exaellent chance -for any 0110 Wishing to -maltose in the Ihickmakino -Sbe Tol'iissiii'31.0161sF'8eo'rrillsitn01)00rtihal: idarialrrte u111°118:11):11113gtnilliinpulybajtote l'ar°t ul':-560t4)a 26.3*26 JOHN B0 DEN Ego:lovas-ilk .3? 0 .1111.1Milnarern ;Rpal, LUMBER! LUMBER 'Nortitern (laurel Road, nix miles north of Sep.- Will '11:3':eilow,,zot their new :e'cleana Saw Mill, on the forth, runto'ng at full blsot, ana -axe prepared to /.9r7.1i e$1.2- , CiV3j VICTORIA STEAM SAW MU. GovENLooK & <:411 A IT A:Al Lumber of An Kindso AND thn SUHDNG MATERPAL ta:1:1 Of every deseinotion, embraeing a onentity of ; • • prx et)tv Tim :such as nlople,Iltent Eh,Bile.* 13 and Elm. A stotioof rENCII':(1 AND IttlAIN JXN113I;II 11110 Kept e0ze4tantl3 o11 han.a. hitt' Items ns 4..asn as etoi be hall eleewberto Lmnber ilteiYerea inileaforth. if required. Luosber of any description can be s341161"1 fro 10 to 8S feet in I. -north. (; ()A" EN 11.0( & G11AHAMt. ssneed, 4)n1 c AGENTS WANTE P. TnE A.G.E'RViT'firelc',„:.,7)tyquif:fsIT:roir.rt:(),(g 280-4 WM. CAMPBELL, Genera) rkocut„ T11: 8, 114' Kat: ei ,ritft;101:1,1vglel‘ 1A.1- Tx_ n _eA IA% c3.1(1- La :t n r • .