The Huron Expositor, 1873-04-25, Page 7PRI • NS AND .P 7.117TaVE gram VIM; alit has CO Inatnahtettna ms and la, and raft supply S ANIX THE TRAlva trare »i /Land vaaut. for sale Wholeatticand aleut4, ave Taaagaingproraptlyaa-taaaa MRS. aviaterNrit. arlatestaeat.. seateste, a. STEWART, tka to his numerous friends in the past, takes pleastuala at his Photographic GullerYVilt, teaday, the 18th of rebmary, LA- the new Preslayterisirt Oh net again with his old Melee LS many new ones as- naay 8%14 .eala 'Otrare.% kept Conta 011 Ilan& as (lone hitlds Gallery oat ANIRT, STEWART, Artist; ERIES, NTY GLASSWeaa% be had at the II FEE STORE eaowest prices.' our well -selected dwelt or AR COFFIES, (C:c‘ _ Lt,..ters, Salmon Lobsters attd constantly on inuad. 4 do well to try Simpson's -Haw he finest and cheapest Condi- Vorld. Co.' a (late W. A. Shearson )..t celebrated Y FLOt/R en the Rhos notice. et Price paid for all kinds or Produce. id SHINGLES, still on hand TH OMAS LEE' Di REMOVED..• DBERTSON ON, aker and Underta.ker, hi ware-rooras ta TS OLD STAND, Arcot, Seaferth, • ¥ superior stock of Fara. ,every description. et.VD SEE IT. Mr. Thomas Bell's H PARSE., tend funerals on the shortest ri2 or country. [us, M1 Sizes, hand. )Ser. SHROUDS! YRF;RTSON, ER AND. UNDERT VF,11, >fa's- Ohl Stand, =01, lift now on hand & good' asortrnent of ao-r3-1-)s dsh cheaper than they can be- et elsewhere. 205 TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. • . "'"'7"&_":N L. D. S, Surgeon Dentist nth, at Knox's Hotel, the first day of each month; u Clinton,. otel, on the foflawing Xlittra- he remainder of the time at ew teeth are requested to calla uton,ou tae first days of ate r 500 patients who have had. by the nee of the Gas, may n Stratford. he most substantial and ime &c., in a manner which. can- 267 - PLANING MILL. PLDBUND*FACTORY leave to thank his numerous' liberal patronage extended to ig business in Seaforth, and favo.red with a continuance' build would do -well to giv' Coatinue to keep on hand a, NE LnIBER, .841Es_, WS, MOULDINGS, LATIr, ETC. f giving satisfaction to those filth their patronage, asnone: u are employed- t.ion paid to Custom Planing, IIIWADFOOT. i.•; able to furnish those h their patronage with itt £J Any Make. Agent for '-‘11,IN'S ORGANS, ;Iled on the Continent for' yf tone. 41116T.P.ONG. Telegraph 1ook Store. YECat COMITS;SION MER - Pte, Seeforthaw ill attend to r nave, Lin liberal terms. ealea of Farm Stock, &c." C. YEC, Auctioneer. BRINE, JNELsit for the County of tended in all _parts of the ft at THE EXeJIIT0Z Office Led to., ig& P.:D11%1G. !cased the large and com- p the Salt Works Grounds, 4tatiun, and has fitted it UP ood table and. comfortable' ling a pleasant boardincr- there are at present a ferv't boarders accommodated at s 228 111111.111110111111111.11.111111.11.1111.1.1111.111.111.11"r llirting as alae Art. The science of society -amounts to little true art unless a eertaila gnus gee with the knowledge ; and who' will deny that there isia certain nat- ural gift for soeial influence, as therefor ell beautiful arts? SDlne persoifs hav,sta rare sactial witchery. who have not any other 'forrn. of mulls, and some women,, of very Moderate u,i1itis in other respect -et live an art of pleasing that amounts to fasfnation. One woman in faa n'irnis laire will 'gather a eruwd of notables. in ti. grand house, and give, them a, great supper, and all shall tat and dull ; while -Some' Witsonie little body, without any flashy cos - tote 0,F parade, and even without rare beuty, will entertain her cir- ele of guesta in a charming way of her own, and make' them all at home with her, end each other. She plays upon their various tern Kers and traits and associations as a master baud plays upon the harp or piano. I have sometimes thought that w» manly charm, and perhaps even what in the best sense is called flirt- ing, could be made one of the fine arts, and consearetted to oharity, and even to religion. That bright girl 'takes that half dozen of striplings in hand, and touches each in turn with playful grace, until they are willing eaptiees to her spell, and teddy to buy her pincushions or watch chains • s-,"--las':-.a--S-1,--,aa-raaassaaassalleittaaasg‘,,m-assaelwaaaaalata-,4s-assia,„ „ . t•, and destroyed-nevly everything _he laid his hands upon, and, having waited on nearly every officer at the post, each in turn, after giving hitt the beefit of some Ward swearing for his atupidity, turned him adrift; It happened that Lige was a wit- ness in a case that Came betore a court-martial, and, •being called to give testimony, was objected to on the -part of the defendamt, who stat- ed that he didn't believe the, nigger was of stituad ceinci; ' Stand up, Lige,' Said the court. Do you un- clerstana the nature of. an oath I' Lige scratched his wool for a mo- ment, .and then, turning up the white of his eyes, replied, Look a- yeare, marse, ,dis nigger has waited on 'bout half the ossifers since they cure to dis place, tied if be don't un- derstand the nntyetoe an oaf by dis time, den dar's no virtue in oilsaing." 6. ....- Sewing on Buttons. It is 'bad enough to see a bach- elQr sew on a button, but he is the embodiment of grace alongside a married man. Necessity has com- pelled experience in the case of the former, but the latter has,always de- pended upon some one else for this service, and fortunately, for the sake of society, it is rarely he is obliged to resort *. to the needle himself. Sometimes the patient wife scalds at the fair; or go to her church and her right hand, or runs a sliver un- der thehail of the index finger of that hand, and it is then the man clutches the needle around the neey, and forgetting to tie a knot in the thrdad, conanences to put on a but- ton. It is always in the morning, and from five, to twenty minutes af- ter he is expected to be down in the street. j He laps the button. exactly' on the site of its predecessor, and pushes -the needle through one eye, r and carefully draws the thread after, leaving about three inches of it stick- ing up for the lee way. He says to himself: Well, if women delft have the easiest Lime lever see." Then he comes back the other way; and gets the 'needle through the cloth well enough, and lays himself out to find the eye, but in spite of a great deal of patient jabbing, the needle- point persists in bucking against the 'worship by her prayer -book. There is a line, indeed, beyond-. which this -flirting ceases tobe a fine art, and becomes quite busiaess-like and util- itarian, a. practical operation in mak- ing market and bagging a husband --a useful but not always ideal re- sult. Yet, as the world goes, a great deal of true missionary work is done by charming women in mana- ging men in an artistic and legiti- mate way, and the Virgin Mary has net all the work. of such interces- sion in her hands or in her. eyes, al- though Henry Heine naughtily called her the counter girl of the Catholic Chnrch, who won over the .Goths and Ya.ndals.—HSrperts Hag- . tam. -.•• • What Ken Have Died For Colonel Montgomery was shot in a duel Atiout a dog ; Col. Ramsay in solid part of that button, and final- oue about a servant; Mr. Feather- ly, wheh he roses patience, his fin - stone in one about a recruit ; Ste- ger catches the thread and that rone's father in one about a goose ; three inches he had left te hold the .and another gentleman in one about .an acre of anchovies ; one officer was challenged for merely asking 'a4-iis opponent to enjoy a sFond gob. let; and another was cotapelled to button slips through .the eye in a twinkling, and the button rolls leisurely across the floor. He picks it up without a single remark, - out of respect to his fight about a pinch of snuff; Gen, children' aud makes ranother at - Barry vas challenged by a Captain tempt to fasten it. This time when coming back withthe needle he keeps both the thread and but - from slipping by covering thew cause he refused admittance to a with his thump and it is out .of re - club cf pigeon shooters. In 1777 a gard for that part of . him that he duel occurred in New York City be- feels around for the eye in a very tween Lieut. Featherstonehaugh, of careful and jedicious manner, but the Seventy-sixth, and Capt.,,Mc- eventually loses his philosophy as Pherson of the Forty-second British the search becomes more and more Regiuient, in regard to the manner ; hopeless, he falls to jabbing about in of eating an ear of corn; one con- a loose and savatte manner, and it is tended that the best was4rona the just then the needle finds the open- -.cob,- and the other that the grain sng and comes up through the but - should be. cut offfrom the cob before ton, and part way through his thumb .eating. Lieut., Featherstonehaugh, wit,h a celerity that no human in - lost his right aim ; the ball from his genuity can guard against. Then antagonist -1s pistol shatterred the ' he lays' down the thihasi with a few limb dreadfully, so much so that it familiar quotations, andepresses the had to be amputated. in j ured hand between his knees, then holds it under the ther arm, Anecdote of Dr. Lawson. and finally jams it into his newith, We have seen various anecdotes and all the while he prances about Smith for declining wine that in- variably made him sick; and Lieut. Crowther lost his life in. A duel be attributed indifferently to Dr. Law- -son, of Selkirk, " Wattle " Dunlep, .of Castleton (afterwards of Dum- fries) and Mr. Shirrs of Kirkcaldy. The following we lave heard at- tributed to the first, and it is as good as is original. Walking one day along the High Street of Edinburgh, the worthy old Doctor .chanced to forgather with an ac- cittaintance of his early days who bad spent a good many years in In- dia, and returned to his native country with a large fortune, but with the reputation of being, a miserly nabob. After cordial inter- changes of greetings, Dr. Lawson accepted an invitation to dine with his friend—said invitation being backed with a piornise that he should share in a. bottle of wine of rare age and generous flavor. The bottle was duly presented at table, when it proved to be a pint, and the Doctor was pressed to partake of it, and express his opinion on the guar- • ity. Eyeing first the diminutive black imp of the cellar, and then his host, Lawson pithily remarked, "The wine may be guid. Indeed, its verra fine ; but, 0 man, is lit tle o' its age." A arkeY Who Understands the Nature of an Oath. The other evening, at a meeting of the Grand Arniy,'several good, stories:were told around the camp- fire- Captain Jesse Taylor told. the following of the times when our forces were stationed at Beau- fort, South Carolina : " There was all old darkey by the name of Lige jackson, who, deserted by his -mas- ter, Was left to take care of himself as best he might. Lige was ex- ceedingly awkward in. his attempts 'fa Play the servant. Ile smashed the floor calling ;upon heaven and earth to witness that there_ never has beenanythinglike it since the world was created, and howls and whistles, and moans, and sobs. Af- ter awhile he calms down and puts on his pants, and fastens them to- gether with a stick, and ,goes to his bitsiuess a changed man.—Dan- bury Hews. Howick. COUNCIL MEETING.—The Council met at Gorrie, on April 16, pursuant from adjournment from last meeting, in Mr. Gilmore'p Inn. The Reeve in the chair. embers 41 present. Minutes of ;last meeting were read and approved. Ap- plication. of Mr. Gatkie and -Mr. Mc- Gregor to have their bea:k. altered -back from the change at last noleeting, receiv- ed, and agreed that the applicants bring a petitionfrorn the parties interested or give it to Mr. Gregg to lay before the COuncil. _Robert Mosgrove and_ others applied to have the pathmasters divisions changed on the 6th and 7th consessions, when changed as follows : Archibald. Sterling to be pathrnaster from sideline 5 and 6 to sideline 10 and 11 ; T.homas Walker to be pathmaster on sideline 10. and. 11, in concessions 5 and 6; John_ Ashton parthmaster,,concessions 6 and 7, from sideline 10 and. 11 to sideline 15 and. 16, and south on sideline ; John Sotheran, -from 16 to Fordwich, ancl north on sideline. Moved by Mr: Gib- son, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, that lots 3 and 6, concession 15, perform their work with Wm. Finlay -Carried. Mr. Jamieson's account rendered $35, the balance of pay for the erection of gord- wich-bridge, ordered to be paid. ,Clerk directed to get 100 copies of by-law No. 3 printed. Application of Mr. Hossack received, complaining of want of a pro- per culvert across the street in Wroxeter to carry the surface water from his place, he sustains a great damage frtim freshets, when Messrs. Gibson, Wier and Wig- gins, were instructed to view the place, and see how the ,grievance could be re- moved. Application from Geo. Snider., to have a road opened through George Hyde's farm—posponed to next meeting. Moved. d seconded that the Court of 1 Revision be held in Mr. Johnston's Inn, 1 Wroxeter, the second. 'Wednesday in Maycne*t. Mas Thema* Walker with- draws his application of last sitting, to be removed froin school section No. 10 to school section No. 8. Council ad- journed to meet in Mr. Johnston's on the second Wednesday in May, at 10 o'clock A. M. ° GEORGE DANE, Clerk, Tin and Furniture .Shop, BRUSSELS, gni .‘ JACKSON & HOLLIDAY, Manufacturers of all kinds of asaa; TIN AND .1 COPPER WARE ARE • Dealers in FURNITURE AND. STOVES Of all description. THE'DSBORN SEWING MACHINE Always on hand; The above Machine is acknowledged to be the best family Sewing Machine in the market, and. was awarded the Gold Medal in France in 1872. THAIN & ELLIOTT'S CELEBRATED PLOWS, Gang Plows, Root.and Straw Cutters always on hand. .A. large stock ef COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS. Produce' Taken in Exchange. Cash for Hides and Sheep Sin. Shop opposi0 'Armstrong's • Hotel. A CALL .SOLICITED. JACKSON & ITOLLTDAY. Brussels; Feb. 11, 1873. 2'1cy PUBLIC NOTICE. itl yoTicE is hereby given that the undersigned -LI have this :day entered into Partnership as Millers and Produce Commission Merchants in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firm of JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Signed,] JAS. P. KENDALL, MARTIN CHAiiLESWORTH. JAS. P. KENDALL & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, Produce hlerchitnts and Dealers of the County of guron that they have purchased from Messrs. SHEARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seaforth Mills, and will hereafter carry on, the same. All Hinds of Grain Purchased, As formerly, 'And the Highest CASH PRICE Paid.. FLOUR exchanged for WHEAT. Farmers desiring to exchange can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 Flour. FLOUR DELIVERED .in any part of. the Vil- lage free of charge. " The undersigned, having had the entire working management of the Mill for the past three years, patrons may rest assured that they will receive the same satisfactory treatment and as good work as* *f ornaerly. JAS. P. It ENDILL4 CO. TN REFERENCE to the above, the undersigned would beg to thank their numerous customers for the extensive patronage accorded to them for the past four yeare, and trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended to the new firm whorn we have pleasure in being able to confident- ly recommend to our old patrons. All debts due us, in connection with the Mill must be paid to Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all debts due by ne, in connection with the same, will be settled bythe said firm of Jas. P. Kendall & Co. W. A. SHEARSON & CO. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY 1-1-As.Bel\=SS 48z0_, Cheap for Cash at J. WILSON'S. NO' MORE COMBINATION PRICES. Tills is NO FICTION. GALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES, Make no delay, but come and secure excellent bargains while yen can. Best Material Used, AND MADE BY GOOD WORKMEN. Everything in his line such as HARNESS, VALISES, SADDLES, t CURRY OOMBS, . TRUNKS, WHIPS, BRUSH CARDS, &c., &e Repairs done with neatness and despatch. Remember the place- Opposite KIDDIS Store. 273 JAMES WILSON. SEAFORTH CARRIAGE WORKS. THE SEASON CHARGED. WILLIAM GRASSIE Has sold all bis Sleighs and Gutters, and is now busy making up BUGGIES AND WAGONS. A few Buggies and Wagons left over from last year, 'which will be sold cheap. Any person wanting a substantial Wagon or handsome Buggy should call at once and make ar- rangements, as a large number of orders are now in, and. those who wait too long will probably not be able to get their orders filled: Repairing and horse shoeing promptly attended to as usual. WILLIAM GRASSIE, Goderieh street, Seafortat. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD. MABEE & MACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand. a good assort- ment of ALTA KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SMNG-LES„all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble price, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasingelseWhere, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. hi.A.13EE & MACDONALD. 160 • IMPLEMENTS 'EOR SPRING WORK. WILL6ON WISHES to direct the attention of Feria- '' era to his Stock 01 IMPLEMENTS For the coming Season's operations. In PLOWS he has eight different styles, includ- ing MASSrE'S No. 13 THISTLE CUTTERS, .Gray's Iran Plows, a(Imported,) R.I01140111D HILL PLOWS, OSHAWA Na. 4s, Watson's Celebrated Trill's Patent Plow and other patterns. COLTON'S PATENT IRON HARROW. ti",t • GANG PLOWS -two styles. REAPERS AND MOWERS. MASSIE'S well-known Machines, including Wood's Patent Single - Reaper, joinison's Patent Single Reaper,Wood's Light Mow-er, -with irtm frame, Wood's Light Mower - with wooden frame, celebrated Buckeye Mow- er --iron feeane, HUBBARD MOWER,- . Hubbard Combined Reaper and. Mower. Implements of all' descriptions on hand. SAMPLE MACHINES on exhibibilin at the WAREHOUSE. COLSON)S"PATENT CULTIVATOR. SEWINC MACHINES. - The best selected Stook of Sowing Machines West of To- ronto, comprising the Florence, Singer, Lockman, Venus, Raymond eta' other makes. Onhand a large stock of Sing- er'ff heavy Mactbi uts for manufacturing purposes. Sewing Machine Needles For all kinds of Machines Kept Constantly on Hand. SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. -.=-----7' AG ENTS.-The following gentleiten have been sP- pointed Agerte= for the Floren cat Sewin faMachme, and none itaaa--caaa-,157;a others have the privilege of selling: LAWRENCE MURPHY, Seaforth; Tyniscr9 ,ORS Spaforth ; LOCKMAN S. WILLSON, Goderich. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. 'WILLSON is Agent for Musical Instruments el the followitig makes!, PIANOS- . Mathushek, Labelle, J. & C. Fisher, Steck, Weber and others. ORGANS -Prince's, of. Buffalo, and others. MELODEONS-Piince's and. others. Samples of the above instruments can be seen at the Warerooms, - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, MARKET -STREET. OLIVER C. WILLON, Seaforth, - Ont., GENERAL AGENT FOR THE DOMINION. 2,000 KEGS BEST, MONTREAL. GUT NAILS, 117-111CII BE OLD UNDER PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. PARTIES BUILDING ILL MAKE MONEY BY PT,JRCHASING TH-TR, NAILS, &C. FROM US. SPECIAL TERMS TO 1VIERCHANTS 11 WIVI. ROBERTSON & CO., SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE MERCHANTS, SEAFORTH. .4•1111111414.••444.1.1■00111M014 HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY, Buy your GROCERIES at Wholesale Prices, especially the following articles : SUGARS, • Which we offer fioni 10c. per pound' upwards. Sold with or without)genera,1 order. - TEAS; _ From 50 cts. to Very Finest. No House, either` i» or.ont of SEAFORTH, can beat us in this article, or in COFFEE; Which;.for real quality and flavor is unsurpassed, Only requires to be once` tested to secure a con- s tinnence. In - GENERAL GROCERIES OUR STOCK IS .A_INTL) JAMES C. LAIDLAW. 14•1111111■141414% •GARDN ER SEWING-MACIIINE Is a Strong, EASY RUNNING MACHINE; WELL ADAPTED FOR FAMILY SEWING, AND Light Manuf6cturing Work. At ;the Fairspield thronghont the Dominion, this Machine was put to some very severe tests by the BEST JUDCES THE COUNTRY COULD PRODUCE, AND BY THEM AWARDED 13. Prizes in 1871, and 26 Prizes in 1872. Its simplicity of construction, strength and durability recommend it to all classes. It has a complete set of attachments, and. does all kinds of work. INSTRUCTIONS IN a TJ, THE ATTACHMENTS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. Gardner Sewing Machine Company, Hamilton, Ont. 268 PETER'GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, Agent for the County of Huron. 0 0 CO 0 0 0 -o z co co rim rn z0 (i) FROM ONE POUND TO- A OAR LOAD. FLAk! FLAX!! FLAX I!! To the _Farmers of the Heighborhoodif $edfol-th. THE SOBSCRIBER offers for Spring sowing 600 -1- bushels of RUSSIA RIGA FLAX SEED, Screened and guaranteed perfectly clean, at 1.7.5 per Bushel, on Credit, ' Until the Flax is deliYered. TITE RUSSIA RIGA .FLAX SEED Has been akoved to be much superior to the com- mon Canada Flax Seed, and will grow fully nine to twelve inches longer than the common Flax Seed hitherto sown in this country, yielding as high as three,tons to the acre on good. elean ground. Printed pamphlets with fnll instructions raise Flax, arid when to harvest, &c., willbe furnish- ed on application, free of zharge. NO MARKET FEES. 4 WANTED, To rent, 200 acres of good clean land, in fields from 10 to 20 acres, saitable for sowine Flax, for -which the highest price will be paid. °Farmers having such land should. make inimediaka application to the undersigned, that early arraitements may be effected. B. SHANTZ, . 270-13 Seaforth*Flax Mill. - FOR THE CH FIJAP EST AND BEST FURNITURE; GO TO 'JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE. • Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 2.37-t2 CABINET-MAKER WANTED. WANTED a firsclass Cabinet-maker, to work at piece -work; good wages. J. STAUFFER, Ainleyviile. SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, SEAFORTH, ONT. MR. THOMAS STIPHENS Takes much pleasure in informing his numerous customers that lie has recommenced. the Pork - Peeking business in his Old Stand; _Worth Main -street. - Having seciared the service's of a Practical SAU- SAGE-MWRISR, the public can rely on getting a vrasT-CLASS ARTICLE in either SAUSAGES OR SUGAR -CURED HAMS. Those in need of such would do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.. All orders promptly attended to. THOMAS STEPHENS, . 264 Main -street, suicidal.. • • • • •