The Huron Expositor, 1872-11-01, Page 3te, 1, 1872. 045tter RNDG It tedteee attar _2 at the tta SUISeqUent en` - nee. Oa ao • .. t 20, 0 -- - 12 00 12 00 . 80a .12 00 a,at year.. 4 00 rsG-St Found, &a., rdlte $1 ; tenet- first REAL ESTATE st rootath,$1. 60. tise te directions will derdinglye, OTHERS, Publishers. roluato of Vito. anon,• etc, ete -ttdatts of Eaten. & Stanley's. L. Gretiaate of PhYsiciaea, Sue. cefield. Ph.yr,1aisc r13. Sur. deuce, corner of he Planing Mill. ts County. office riser store, Main km, 11 to 4, each tea teed sarrounding wing been called it amend business Pleasure in an- egh a kilid Pro - return to the over ADr A. G. here he intends a pteased. to see nes as may favor 'domed eccord- a fees asIcivr a 5 P. Mt 224- u, has been ap- Secnrities Con/ - for setera.I prie Joan Money at payable yearly 213 Baerieters, At - • Chancery and Conveyancers. rth. Agent& for Ye • cent. Fames, 53 and Attorneys and Insolvency, Oftices—Sea- iyate Funds to aterest, payable 53 w. c. METER. [Wien SIMON subscriber has furnished the etood accommo- 'Choice liquor s supplied with tabling and. an. 251-1y ille, Ont., Wbit lotel ia under been thorough with, the beat .; and attentive ennection. 22S ,Clinton, Ont., Er. First-class le Bar is slap - t cigars. Good es this House. 204-4t r.F. STABLES. eafortle Good ,lways GILlaand EOTELt Good hides always o Commercial THOMSON. Leona -se Ont. eldeles, always ritoade with left at Kerox's D. ioor North of 1 Proprietor. rs. SURGEON nary College,) le of Seaforth ets opened an ;ousulted per- Cat- il Horses , t awl practical the Diploma r. J. Chusebill raCtiOIX to all inoipal Onto - land,, Dr. if. D., & V. El. hand. [to. 182-2121 lleNAUGHT uhabitants of :that he has aria Veterin- treat diseases animate. Ile Ae, his horse - ready to at- " specially at - in the rear kinds of Vet - r on hand. 229 rmissioaer in. eneral Agent, Building and yes are as hew nada. Applie to, ✓ Shop, .merchant TH„ he County of ar attention nuetioneer. ie County of parts of the k*SITOR Office 198 L'e County of parts of the will be pime- ; 11, Coat 11, auctiouter. TONT. 1, 1R72. - GAIETIES. ..—A new and profitable branch of business, it is said, has. been invent- ed and put into praetioe in Georgia. There is an enterprising man in Whitefield mintY who sprinkles salt on tbe yailroad to allure cattle ontheItitek. The animals are kill - •ed by the trains, and the railrOad company has to pay for tliem. The owner has the beef and hide for his profit. • —A miserable boy in Hamilton, found Roman candle in the house, Monday, 'and chalking it perfectly -white succeededin palming it off on his aged grandmother a a genuine tallow article. When that excellent lady came; to light it, the deception was• soon apparent, but by retaining ber presence of mind she fell over two chitim without seriously hurting herself. The author of the mischief now sits down with a crutch. —Ther Detroit Pose publishes the following notice :—Gentlemen and - ladies. contemplating suicide by drowning will confer a favor upon the- Harbor Master and Coroners by leaving word at the Central Sta- tion what dock they intend jump- ing from. The Harbor Masteris now provided with a handsome new drag and set of grappling hooks, and is prepared- to bring up; dead bodies witn neatness and dispatch. —There is a story going the rounds that M. Thiers's tailor sent hirn a dressing gown some inches too long. Madame niers, ber sister and a lady friend were present at the try- ing on„ and noted the number of • inches necessary to shorten it. Al] three ladies, severally and unknown to eaoh, ocher, effected the altera- tion, and when the Head of the State next essayed -it he found it bad been improved into a jacket. —Not long ago a cobbler belong- ing to the town of Ai fell into the river, and, was with considerable difficulty rescued. The usual resto- rative measures were adopted, in- cluding of course a decent quantity of brandy, which in his inserAible state the knight of St. Crispin ab- sorbed in a remarkable manner. After a fourth glass of cognac had been poured down the cobbler's throat, a bystander, observing that the poor fellow wore a pair of long ellington boots, which to some ext nt impeded the operations of the ood Samaritans who had taken the 4Se in hand, produced a knife, and vas about to cut the boots from the legof the drowned min:' But this movement had an electric ef- fect. Jumping to his feet, the eob- bier mai ed. No, I'm sure ye'll no cut the boots; they're no mine; they belong to a castomer.' -or* • 40. Fitting Shoes and Boots to the Feet • Whenever one procures a. pair of new boots or shoes which ao not fit the feet uniformly, let the part or parts of the upper leather which set uncomfortably- tight be thoroughly saturated wit'a warm water, while the boots are on the feet ; then let them be worn until the leather has be: come quite dry. If by wetting once the upper.. leather does not/ stretch so as to accomodate itself to the for 'nation of the feet, let the process be repeated. In some instances it will be well to wet all the upper leather. But, let it be remenioered that if boots or shoes are allowed to dry when not on one's featthe°leather will &brink, so that it will some- times be impracticable to get them on the feet until the leather has been wetted and stretched. When -one has a pair of rather heavy boots, before the leather is oiled or blacked let the upper part be soaked for a few minutes in warm water, then let the boots be worn until the leather has become quite dry. after which oil and black them, and they will fit the feet far more satisfactorily khan they can ever be made to fit without wetting and drying while they are being worn. To prevent the soles from shrinking they should be well saturated with linseed.oil be- fore they are worn. The writer once wore a pair of light calf -skin boots ;n the wet before the soles were Giled, and in drying they shrank endways more than half an inch, and.during the year the soles shrank more than three-fourths of an inch. The present is a proper time to prepare boots and shoes for the claming Winter. ik Mr. Greeley on Tomatoes. - By the way of variety in the spice of Mr. Greeley's agricultere, we give the story which some of the irreverent Western papers are circulating. As the truth of the story is said to be properly authen- ticated, it will do to tell, just once. It seems that the Sage attended the Minnesota State Fair, and was re- sented with a very ripe prize tom- ato, weighing three pounds, which he wrapped in his red silk haetlIcer- chief, rnd placed in his coat-tail pocket. He then walked around for a while, sitting on , various benches here rind there, and then riding in a lumber Naagon up town. When he got to theiliotel the crowd callei upon him foit a speech. He -went on to the porch, and felt for • etteetteetteeetteetteetteetee eee his banderebief to wine his brow. When.he had inserted his band in his pocket a thought appeared to strike hint.. He grew red in the face, he looked mad, be turned away and went tIp' to his: room to think up some suitable language whieh to express his feeliegs. A Clergyman Turning a Mangle.- • I have the greatest admiration for one Brixton clergyman, and this is based entirelyupon a single cir- cumsthuce. He stand a higher in my estimation than any clergyman I know, and- that because the other day he was seen turning a mangle! Not a dignified °munition, you will say. No; but Christianity knows very little about -dignity, and a great dealr about duty, and more still about charity and levying kind- ness. The mangling came about in this tykes The clergyman, going his visiting rounds, called on a poor woman who kept a mangle, and who was her wit's end,' Peeing that her hnsband was ill, anfl she could get no onel to 'take a tune,' so that she could get her work borne in time, so as not to lose her custom- ers.' The kinily clergyman listen ed to her tale, saw .her -difficulty, and said he supposed' turning a mangle required no particular skill --could he do it? The woman pro- tested that such a thing waaimpoa- sible ; but in spite of her remon- strances the Rev. gentleman insisted on trying his hand, and continued at the work far into the night, until the clothes were ready for delivery next morning. This was a tine muscular Christian, of the Apostolic type ; and if ever a memorial win- dow should be raised to him ;n his church, it should represent him in the most glorious action of his min- istry --turning tne mangle.—South London Press. -411 • IN Railroad Signals. One whistle of the locomotive means down brakts ;' tOto whistles, off brakes;' three whistles, back up ;' continued whistles, danger ;' a continued succession of short whis- tles, is fie cottle alartn. The con- ductor's signal, given by a sweeping parting of tbe hands on a level with the eyes, 'means, go ahead.' A downward motion of the hand, stop.' A beckoning motion, to back.' A lantern raised end lowered -vertical- ly, signals starting ; swung at right angles or across the track, to stop ; swung in a. circle, to bark. A red flag waved on the track is a signal of danger ; hoisted on a station is a signal for stopping ; stuck up by the roadside is a signal of dangei on. the back ahead ; carried unfurled on an erudite, is a signal that an- other engine is om its way. EDWARD CASH Will pay the highest PRICE IN 1\10-YEY For Good • FALL MADE DAIRY BUTTER. Also, for Sheep Skins and Furs Of all kinds. COlDPIERICH STREET. Seaforth, Oet. 14, 1872. Seaforth Agricultural IMPLLMENT WARDROOMS. 0., 0. WILSON, Agricultural /mplement Agent, Seaforth, has at his_Wererooms a number of Maxwell's celebrated STRAW COTTERS AND GRAIN CRUSHERS. Thee Implements hate given stiah universel satisfaction to all who have used them that it is unnecessary to say anything in their prairie. Also, cm hand at all times, a frill assortment of Atrrieniturai Implements of eery description, with all the latest improvements and from the beet manufacturers. IMPLEMENTS MADE TO ORDER IF REQUIRED. SEWING MACHINES. Mr. Wilson has also on hand the largest stock of Sewing Maohinee west of Torento, of the following manufacture: Florence, Singer; Lockman, and others. The 'Florence being the only machine - making four different stitches, with reversible feed, is perfectly noiseless, and in every ease where tried has given PERFECT SATI6FACTION, As it will sew from the lightest Cambric to the heaviest Leather. Warerooms immediately in rear of T. KIDD'S Store, on Market -street, Seaforth. • O. Ca WILSON. Seaforth, Oct. 3, 1872. 252 The Reason Why DB. WHEELER'S COMPOUND Elixir of Phos- phates and Calisaya is called a Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic because Phosphates consti- tute more than haft the material of the human body, and are absolutely essential to the growth of Bone, Muscle, and Nerve, which cannot attain full development without them. They promote a good appetite, perfect digestion, create pure, healthy, vitalizing blood, and supply the waste constantly going on in the system as the result of mental and physioal eeedion. Being combined with Calisaya, the Peravien Bark, the only specific for Chills and Bever, and that condition of Nervone Prostration and deneral Debility arising from low vitalityand exhaustive diseases, it forms an elegant end agree- able, invigorating Tonic purely physiological in its action, that may be take;n safely under all cir- cumstances end all diseased conditions of the body, as it builds up the constitution in theksame rammer as our daily food. Sold by all Drnggiste at fel. • • -1- THE •HURON i.XPOSITOR. FALL GOODS! -A-rr CAMPBELL'S CLOTHINC EMPORIUM. COMPLETE STOCK OF WOOLEN GOODS, Embracing Every article required for a FIRST-CLASS MER- CHANT TAILOR'S business is now ready. 1- vionld -now inform my numerous customers that I am ready to show theta • A STOCK OF GOODS 1 THAT CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT THEM And gets them up SUITS in first-class style, On short notice. Assuring them, at the same time, of my gratitude for peat favors and every effort on. my pad to en- sure its eontinuanco. WM. CAMPBELL I Merchant , Tailor, SEAFORTH. I.P.TOLV- WANT A .000D Organ or Melodeon, CALL ON FRANK PA LTRIDGE, Photographer, Agent for e11 & Co., Guelph, who take ALL TB YIltST PRIZES. Don't bny bny a tioor ORGAN. If you want A cheap musisal instrument, bay a JBWSHARP, but if you want a firet-elass one, buy an Organ from Frank Paltridge, Photographer. ' Not being at any expense, Frank Paltridge can sell you an organ from the best flrat-prise maker, on better conditions than any other man. SEWING MACHINES. I A NEW SUPPLY OF The Howe and the Osbotn SEWING MACHINES, With all the latest improyementa, just received at W. N. WATSON'S, SENFORTIL Call and see them, Their well-established reputa- tion renders it unnecessary to particularize their superior qualities, further than that they are the hest and cheapest made. 223 WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth. CASH and GRAIN, JOIIIN LOGAN Begs to inform all those indebted to him, either by Note or Book Accouut, that they must call and settle the same, on or before thd ist of Tannery next, and save expense or trouble. The accounts and notes are in the hands of Messrs. Logan & Jamieson, who are authorized to receive money and grant receipts for me. JOHN LOGAN. GRAIN. On and after 3.10NDAY, Sept. 23,]: will be pre- pared to purchase all kinds of Grain and other Farm Produce, for which I will pay the highest market price in cash, with fair play, for any quan- tity delivered at my Store -house, at the Railway Station. Seaforth. 250 JOHN' LOGAN. • TREMENDOUS RUSH ' —AT— HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash Store, .A.1•TID GOODS AND PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FULL STOCK IN MILLINERY AND MANTLES, &C. GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES ." At THOS. LEE'S CHEAP FLOUR & FEED STORE. Don't forget that THOS. LEE'S is the place for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICK al3M.:11111, Don't forget to try THOS. LEE'S 60 eent Tea. There is nothing to equal it at the price. FRUIT of all kinds, fresh and ()heap. Don't forgot that THOS. LEE keeps Shearson's XXX FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, COARSE GRAINS, and Feed of every kind. TWO AND A HALF TONS OF THE CHOICEST BACON, ONE DOZEN BARRELS MESS 'PORK, With a full stock of everything in the general provision line P. S. Lots of No. 1 SHINGLES and CEDAR POSTS Constantly on hand at the lowest prices. LARGER PREMISES AND INCREASED BUSINESS. 411 11 jr•- • -, -r . 4 tetteet • et.; Ot 3 Itij A •AA -1 t "7 1- '11.717'1747i1r_PV '010 •• • t, e• ad aeteem.- . teat.= -o-eneeee HANKS for past liberal patronage, and a contact:L- ance of similar favors so- licited. 11111.140 eINTYRE & WILLIS' business has grown so rapidly that they have been oompelled to remove JT L into larger premises. They will now be fonnd in Thomas Bell's old stand, next door South of their former shop. Custom work receives careful attention. A good fit and good ateek is their motto. Boots and shoes of all kinds, either home or factory -made, in great variety. Just call and see. 14d/4 -TYRE & wruis,1 Boot and Shoe Store, Mai -street, Seaforth. e The ViotoriaChemical Company, Solo Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbone Preparations. Laboratory and Works, Vietoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. • The following Genuine Preparations are Bold by all Druggists. Btesure and ask for the TeoroatIA PREPARATIONS, and see that yon get them. Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly. This JELLY is highly recommended to Ladies as most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the SkineSoft, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unlevelled. It will quickly mellows ill Redness, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other im- perfections. For ChappetlHands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot by surpassed. Plies 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This TOILET SOI.P possesses all the well-known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbone Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action oa the skin, ptevents irritation,' removes tbe effeets of penipiration, and should be regularly used by families. Cholera) Smallpox and Fever Patients should be washed with this Soap; and its use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread. of disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salve. This SALVE is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases, Cuts, Wounds, Braises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Ring- worm, Tetter, ECZOMS, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, &a. It possesses all the cleansing and healing virtues of Carbolic:2 Acid, which has been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not discovered in any other ohemical preparation. Price 26 cents. Victoria Carbolic Garga.rys.ma.1 This Gentian is the most reliable and efileacious Remedy in all cases of Sore Ttuoat, Hoarseness, Dititheria, Bronehitis, Irritation of the 13ronchial Tubes so connnon in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated Gums, and all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speaker; and Singers it is invaluable. The ingredients en- tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and for the euro of the Ahoye disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most ,popular in the MATERIA MEDIOA. Price 25 cents, • Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This DISINFECTANT is a BUDS preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fections diseases. It -will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains), Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter- houses &c., and for destroying nauseous e.ftluvia from whatever cause wising. It will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, Cockroaehes, &c. Meat, Fish, &o., can be preserved from putrefaction by its use. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other products, as the best Visinfeetant for the preven- tion of infectious diseases. Price 25 cents. Victoria. Sharpening and Polishing Paste This PREPARATION 15 unequalled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and Podketlenives,Razors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knives, BMW. DWI and Chisels, zte. Noth- ing has ever been discovered which has sprung into pepularity more quickly, or become of se much value in every houtehold and workshop for general usefulness. Price 25 cents. 230 CAUTION To the Publie of the British. Prdvinces of North America. JBEG most rtispectfully to acquaint the publis of the British North American Provinces that in May, 1871, Icaueed the business at 80 Maiden- . Lane, New York, for the sale of Holloway's Pills and Ointnaent, which were up to that time pre- pared by William Brown, now deceased, to ba closed, I regret to say that I have reason to know that the management of the late business had for some yours, in ninny ways, been most cor- rupt, and it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the cave I have alwaya de- sired. Thong who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, whieh arellOW likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere, to possese themselves of the genuine Holloway's Pills- and. Ointment, -manufactured by me in London, Eng- land, will do -well to see that eaoh pot and box bears the British Go'rernment etamp, on which is engraved the words, " Helloway's Pills and Oint- ment, mai that the address on the label is 538, Oxford -street, Loudon, where only they are MAIM - !flawed, aud. in no oilier part of the world. The retail prices are ou the labels in British currency, and not in dollars and cents. No representative of mine will ever travel through any part of the Britieh-Prorinees or the United States, either to sell or to take orders for my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to believe that attempts wilt probably be made todeeeive the public in this way by person* upon medicine vendors, falsely representing that they are acting for roe and with my knowledge and consent, 1 deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such de - captions. I most earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased, in the public intermit, to communiexte the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing, perhapse worthless imitations of the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment. 1 would ask, as a great favor, that, shonid it earn. to the knowledge of any per - Hen that spurious medicines are being made or sold in nty name, he be pleased to tend me all the par•• tioulars he can eolleet respecting the same, that is to say, the name and address of the vendor who is selling the epnrions medieines, and likewise the name and address of the House in the United States or elsewhere, which may have supplied Meta so as to enable me, for the protection of the pub- lio, to institute proeseedings against such evil- doers, and I engage to remunerate very handsome- ly any person who may give inc math information, the informant's name never being dkrulged. Should any person have reason to believe that ke has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of those ertedicinesahe will do well te send 1328_, in a letter, to the address et feet (whieh he oan do at a eost of six eents In poetaget), ane of the books of instruction vettioh are axed to the same. 1 prom- ise to examine it and tend a reply, stating whether the medicines are genuine or not, se that, if spu- rious, he may apply to the person from whom he puroheeed them to have his money returned. Chemists end Drrtggieta who desire l,12 obtain the medicines; elm be supplied at the lowest wholecale prime+, in quantities of not less than $20 worth— vie., 8s. 611., 22s. soul 34s. par dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, net, without disoonnt, toe which remittance mast be sent in telesnee. 1 have the honor te be, 'With great respeet, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 558, Oxford street, (late 244 Strand,) London, W.C., Oct. 1, 1871. 240-26 DANIEL McG-B.EGOR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seafarth, ETAS just reeeived a large Stork of the materiels need in the burliness, and is now fully prepar- ed to siesta*, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all order,' he niey be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS 411; BLANK BOOKS, Al ANT EINE, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and et prices whieh defy eompetition. Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancy Casee Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Betuid•and repaired at city pries& Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the "Signal" Book Store, Goderieh, er, ate the "Expositor" onto, Sesforth, or al 1. R. Grent's. Ainleyyille, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. All commanieations addreesed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL MeGREGOR, Seaforth, (Ilarparheye) THE !MAYOR= LUMBER YARD. MABEE tit MAODONALD .REG to inform the public that they have opened Jet a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearsosats Mill, on the ground. formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL RINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Ale°, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our primo before purchetingelsewhere, as we are in a position to eller good inducements to cash purchasers, 180 MABEE & MACDONALD. D. STEWART'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Is removed to William street, Near the New Presbyterl.an Church. A FTER MONDAY, llth of August, Vile (t d- will be citified on Tuesdays and Fridays further notice'those two days of each week being employed in taking views of homeeteads, farm buildings, scenery, &e. All part -lee wanthig SW* work done Please call and leave their orders. Cloaks carefully cleaned and melted. 2434V- 74 '74 4 4-, 7.4