The Huron Expositor, 1872-08-02, Page 94
BUSINESS1st 0110E. — Messrs. J. Dun-
e= & Co., having made errangements to go lute
other business, will commence from this (bite
tsti sall off their mare stook ofboots and shoes, hats
(mpg, and gentsfurnishings, at and nutter (met
They are also prepared_fee treat with parties for
the sale of their stook, either inpart or in whole,
also the good -will of the business. The stock is
tiU new and hi ao0a order, aucl the business done
large and -profitable, and affords an excellent op-
'portunity fbr tiperson desirous of going into busi-
nese in Seaforth.
- POTATOES Dowet.—About 200 bushels
of old potatoes for sale in bulk, at Mats. per bush-
el. I large gook of smoked hams, shoulders, and
sidea, for sale proportionately eheapi at Strong ct
rairley'e, Seaforth. Oat and cornmeal as cheap as
Fall Slipws•
Western Fairt at London, on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Octo-
ber 81h, 9th, 106h, and llth. .
South Theron, at Exeter, on Thursday
and Friday, October 3i ti and 4th.
North Huron, at Blyth, on Tuesday
and Wednesday, September 17 and 18.
Tuekersmith Branch, at Seaforth, on
Thursday and. Friday, S.eptember 19,th
and 20th.
Hullett Branch -at, Clinton, on Thurs-
day and Friday,' Se ember 19 mid 20. -
Stan -le Y Branch, at Baylield, on Wed-
nesday, October 2nd .
Political Meetings,
Mr. Horton will address the electors
as followa :
Wall's School House, Hallett, Fri-
day, Aug. 3.
Londesboro, Saturday, Aug. 3.
Ainleyville, Tuesday, Aug. 6.
School -house, Sec. No. 4, Grey, Wednes-
day, Aug. 7.
Town Plot, Grey, Thursday, Aug. 8.
Ethel, G-rey, Friday, Aug. 9.
Meetings will begin at -8 P, M. The
raeetings for Colborne, Seaforth. Me-
Killop and Tuckersmith will be ao-
nounced in clue time.
,RETURNED:—Mr. P. Hayes, manag-
er M the Seaforth Agency of the Royal
Canadian Bank, with Mrs. Hayes, return-
ed home on 'Wednesday evening lost
Mr. Hayes has; for some mouths, been ab-
sent on a trip to Europe, and returns
looking hale and hearty.
Thomas, a magician and illusionist of the
very first rank, worthy to rank with t
Beattie, $5
- delegations
Tho Comic
)(slimed ti
50,. for expenses -ern railway'
J. H. Benson $1.65, for
connected With the same.
1 ordered a new rope to be
r the bell. Council then ad -
August 13.
Too Leas —Mr. Charles Wilson's ad-
vertisement announcing the • arrival of a
large consitrinaent of good,fresh and
cheap groce ies has been received too late
for insertio this week,
Bast:: Baafe—A match will take place
hero to -da , between the Stars of Sea -
forth, and he Maitlauds of Goderich.
As this is t e first match played by the
Stars in Se) iorth, those desiring to see a
good game would do well to go to the
CRionsT.-1-The married and single
men of -the County of Huron will play
a match, on Saturday, which, no doubt,
_will be one f the best games ever played
in the County, as all the -best players
will be Urea ht together in this match.
We tinders and that Col. Ross, of the
married aid a and He IN. C. Meyer, of
the vere the parties to procure
this match. The match comes off on the
Goderich gr
POOR Dee --The foll,owing paragraph
appeared in he Toronto jlictitof Tuesday
last: "On hursday,last a man named
Daniel Mora , while harvesting in Hib-
bert, near :romarty, fell On a cradle
scythe, and came near .severing -his head
from his-. bed . In his .haste to keep up
with the er filer Moran reached for the
last wheat nt, and ;stepping sideways
along the sw th, stepped into a plowed
furrow, falli over against the cradle.
His recovery is doubtful."
-Room Kay, t e popular elocutionist, gave
a reading in he Town Hall, Seaforth, on '
the evening of Wednesday last. The
entertainmen was such as to fully sus
tale the high reputation which Mr. Kay
has attained 11. this country as an elocu
tionist df gr t merit . The attendance
we are eon- to say, was very small.
Should Mr. 1 ay favor our citizens with
another sinn ar _entertainment he wil
draw a much larger audience.
Strout has b en appointed Agent .for
Seaforth and , vie,inity for the . Agri
cultural Inve tanent Society and Savings
Bank of Loud. n, Ont. -We believe that
the inducente is offered by this Society
to parties des rous to borrow Money on
real estate.a.rcJ as• any doing
asides money can be bor-
re or town property, an ad-
ffeeed by other loaning
advertisement r
umbra will he published
Signor Blitz or Heimann, or the most
celebrated slight of -hand performers that
have travelled the country, gave several
entertainments here this week. Capt.
Thomas is also an excellent veutrilequist.
His performance wasthebest of the .kmd
ever given in Seaforth.
of reaphig machines were shiPped from L
Newcastle, on Saturday morning last, S
per Grand Trunk Railway, to Mr. Oliver th
Wilson, Agricultmal Implement Agent fo
of Seaforth. Mr. Wilsou received- the en
machines here on Monday morning,' and
had them delivered -to his euetomers
fore ten o'clock, and did not receive the
telegram from the manufacturers, inform-
ing him of the shipment for some hours
afterwards. Thiswas certainly quick
work, and.i the Grand Trunk continnes
to transact- business thus promptlfr our
business men will hare cause of thankful -
uainess, and
rowed on villa
vantaee . not
Societies. Ai
nec6ssa1'y par
next week.
_ ELEetraost
meet -lie; of th
O. of G.
eaforthe on.
e follewhig
r the enarte
ding Ootobe
—During the past week we have made
onnsiderable enquiry regarding the crop
prospects in these two townships. In
the rear of McKillop and in 'Ai:orris Fall
wheat is generally a Died crop, although
in some parts considerably ruited. The
, early sawn Spring grains are good, but
those whicia have beet t SOMA later in the
season are light and short, and. the ,Oata
are not filling well and twill be a meagr
crop. Hay was a fair crop, and has bee]
well saved. Sp/di-1g wheat oeneral ly look
well: The straw of the later sown is
short, but the heads are good sized an(
well filled, and the berry plump am
sound. Ai:together. we think there Will
be over a fair average crop in these town-
asFietnis..—At a regolar
Huron Temple, No. 308,
held in •their lodge room;
day evening. July 26th,
flicers were duly elected
commencing August 1st,
31 st
'W; C. T
Sister Latimer, W. V. T. -
Slater Mrs:, William; W. T. -
Brother 1%741 ilfm Badge, .W. F. S.
Sister R. CI itterhaan, W. M.
Sister et Aro mar, W. 1. G.
Bi other .11. Lay -cock, W. Q. 0.
Brother A Shantz, W, A. S.
Sister M. Pi Imola W. D. M.
Sister E. Sp- rling,-W. R. II; S.
oile, W. L. H. S.
e Beattie, 'W. C.
liifi; P. W.o T.
edge, T. D.
Sider E. 're
Brx;ther Jain
Brother N.
Brother' W.
- Airbus' Pins-.
now to be at it
scarcely walk
without stain h
er aboutoevery
for trying, to k
e yarda and °the
1 • impossible. T
e the gate a and f
Iowa creep thr
.any -day, and
or aixa may be s
ing abont in *th
nioaa—On Saturday morniug last an ex-
cursion train.composed o -f stone -eighteen
car, laden with 1200 people, pasetal up
to Goderich. The excurai(3n party com-
prised the &rand. Trunk Ilailway em -
'it Stratford, wiLli their friends.
UpoIt arriving a b Goderich, the excur-
sionists, headed by the Grand Trunk
band, wended their way, to the groan&
of the Maitlaud Hotel; where -a pro-
gramme of games arranged by the com-
smittee was entered upon. The ractes end
other games were engaged. ,in With tereat
zest, aud affordell much amuse:in-ant
Music for dancing was furnialted by a
taring bands and the dancing platfOrIll
WAR a great centre of attraction. After
enjoying a Very pleasant day, the part3
ae.embarked ou heard the train about six
o'eloek. They arrived: at Seaforth sta-
tion altnit eight, and were detained here
a considerable time waiting until the
• nine o'clock train came np. They were
The pig nnisance seems
height. A person cab
ong any of -the streets
ing ever a monster perk -
ten. or fifteen yards. As
ep than' out of gardens
enclosures, it is next to
e large -ones -smash open
•nces, -had the small fel-
oigh the holes. Almoet
any time of the day, five
.en wallowing and splash -
gutter on _North Main
Street. This sort of thing may be eon-
tal by our tOW.0 fathers,
it is not very. agreeable
We believe there is a
sidered ornamei
but we are sure
to • passers -bye
village by-law iving!' powers: to prevent
pigs ±roin ruiiii ig at large, but it seems
to he a dead le.ter, and might just as
well be oblitera ed from the Cede, as our
aotheritiCts :teen quite indifferent about
putting it into f n•ce.
The Clinton
Reports ha%
-throughout the
Cameron, the ea)
terest 11i South -
preesion of the e
SeW.Era, of last
111 justice to Mr.
concerned, to gi
the uufortunate
few of the Medi!.
ton ask -ed Mr.
eAreic Jette to pr-
rect reports of
remarkably tell igen b-loOkitig and being lield )
ing the fahm report became- et:whited,
andsome of them fell jute the hands of
resid.ent. Reformers of the village. These
gentlemen, as may well be imagined,:
were surprised and. annoyed to tind in
their own Reform pape.r such a garbled
report, and they: at once repaired to Mr.
Holmes' residence. to get an explanation.
Mr. Holmes accompanied them to his
office, explained the whole affair, and af-
ter consulting with them, acted upon
their advice, and allowed them to destroy
the entire edition, or at least as much of
it as was rem.aining,—none of the papers
having at the time been circulated by
mail to subscribets. These parties -took
the remaining papers with them and de-
stroyed them, thus causing Mr. Holmes
to publish half a sheet, as there was -not
time to -get out another whole sheet.
This is the whole affair, and although so
much noise has bean made about it, and
a vile attempt made to create political
capital against kr Cameron by connect-
ing his name with it, we are informed on
the best authority, that that gentleman
knew nothing. of what had ocourred until
the next Morning. -
\Ve deeply synipathizo with.111r. Ff elm es
for the loss he has sustained, and the an-
noyance he has bowl subjected to through
the officiousness of over -zealous friends
and the duplicity of au employee.' The
destroying of the entire edition wasan
extremely ill-advised step, and we are
astoniehed that a number of sensible mon
could entertain the thought for a moment
of advising so foolish and suicidal a
course, milch less assisting to Carry it out.
If these gentlemen, *after receiving full
and free explanations of the whole trans- -
action from Mr. H-olm,es, had advised
him to distribute the editiop as it was,
acdompanying each number with a sup- .
plenaent giving -a full and honest explana--
natiou of how such al report •gained pub-
lication, they would have 'done him a
service, and would: have brought, sure and.
speedy condemnation upon those who
perpetrated the' dastardly trick ; but by
doing as they rashly did, have done
him inestimable injury, and have made
a laughing -stook in the conim-onity of
both him-a.nd taemaelves.
County of
print. Thle crop will, oi the whole, be
a. voiy good' one. We noticed some very
heavy crops -of Fall wheat the other day
between this place and, Harriston.
Turnberry' and Motris too, the crop is
very fair.
SMALL Pox.—We hear it reported that
there is a case of this 4isorder in Tees -
water. 1
BAsE BALL—A match is to be played,
at Lucknow to -day, (Friday) between the
Shoo Fly club, of this piece, and the
Lucknow club. The score will be given
next week,
CHANGED HANDS. — Mr. W. Barker,
of this 'place, has sold his largo tannery
to Mr. IV.: A. Manson, ! who will carry
on the business in future. We under-
stand that Mr. Christopher Hiunphreys
has sold hiis property, but :we aro unable
to give thelname of the pUtchaser.
Kenzie & Co., the contraetors on the line
between Mount Forest • and 'Wroxeter,
are advertising for sub-eontractors, and
WO believe it is their intention to push
the work forward immediately. This is
good news for our businees men.
[C. R. Coornit, 'Ainleyeille, Agent for the
rOSXTOn Nowspeper and Job Printing Wee.]
-CtruRCID Or tiuutto.—The new Pres
terian Chnrch in this place *as- ope
for Divine service on Sunday last.
may not be out of piece here to giv
short description of the new chur
The basement is built of stone, 11 f
high. The! walls of the , church. are
, red brick, made Ainleyville, by IN
T. Ainley, and are 21 feet in heig
The tower is of Nvood, enianounted b
fine spire, 115 feet from the base to
top. The inside is vety hands=
finished. There are four ;rows of sea
and the two aisles are laid with hal
some matting. The platform aron
the pulpit iS neatly carpeted. 'The bo
of thetehnrch will Seat 400, and the g
lery, which runs' along the two si
and across the lower end,! will seat 2
more, makieg a total seating capacity
600: • In building the galleries the
chitect seems to have looked more
tly6lceilleheIy( aeidatt:
al -
on Teachers' Ex- obtaining a large amonnt 'of sitting room
in -
la -
tine of tho, buillling, heVing .only pro.
ended ventilating facilities.; at the bctto
of the windows in the body of the.churc
while,. on account of the large gallerie
there should be ventilation from the t
of the windows and also in the Ceilin
The building, in all, is a 'handsome se
and an ornatoent to Ainleyville, and X
fiecte great credit on the pastor, Mr.
Ferguson, and the peoplu :for the exer-
tions .they' have put forth to complete it.
The contractor Was Mr. T. Brown, of
Grey, Who certainly done himself
There were velve candidates for sec-
ond-class certificates, and seventy for
third. The following parties obtained
certificates of the •
Ferenson, Robert • Grade A.
SU therland, Martin
A nderson, John A. it
\Filson, John
William J1.
Grade B.
Mitchell, Lizzie Be Scott, _MagginE.
Baird, George . Cameron, Henry
Hicks, Riehar(1. Isbester, M. P.
Case; Elizabeth B. Cowan, Agnes
Dobie, Sybellaal. Duncan, Barbara
Elston, Dinah Fergneon, Margaret
'Hoare, gaYriet Hall, 'Elizabeth
Kirkbeide, Mary Miller, Marian C.
Mustard, Chrietina, Prondfoet, Anna
Roy, Barbara M. cott, 'Elizabeth
Spicer, Julia A. • leturgeon, Eva
Allia, W. N. Collins, Richard.
Campbell, James Craig, Wm. -
Caswell, A. K. Ferguson. j. B.
Finlayson, D. • :Moldier, Peter
-Gallaeher, John D. • Johnston, Gorge
Lockert, Matthew Lawrence, Wm.
McKenzie, Win. '111.enatcy, Thos. S.
Mustard, Thomas _Middleton, George '
Miller, Alex. . Mowliray, James
McKelvay, Alex. Naismaith, _Alex.
arke, James F. Swenerton, &'j.'Simmons, Wm. - Shaw, Wm.
Treleaven, R. I.. Whitely, Thos. a-
Wrielitm an, G. E. Whitin; r iGh a. rd.
. ,
William R. Miller obtained a a ecial
for a aper on natural history,
botany and agricultural chemistry.
The Board desires to call the attention
of mteoldisig ;candidates to the neceSeity
of ithprovetnent in. the spelling of proper
namef, stye of composition, use of cap-
ital letters, proper comprehension of the
question akt -ed, -and attention to syste-
matic stud.
than to the general app(le.rallee of t
aadience hall,—tben the flat ceiling,
stead of an arched, has a 'bad_ effect
,the appearance of the gallery. T
BuildingCemmittee, to whom gre
credit must` be given fot the way
which they have had the. work carri
out; have rather overlooked the venti
AdemENT.-=-On. Wednesday of last
week, Mr. Alexander Itliaay, of 'the 8th
cOncession of Ttickersznith, mob with a
severe and painful accident. It seems
that he was coming to Seaforth, MOM-
paalied by his daughter, with a span of
spirited horses, which took fright at some
object on the road, and. becoming unman-
ageable ran away, throwing Mr. McKay
and his daughter.violently from the wag-
on. The ttoung lady escaped with but
slight injuries but Mr. McKay himself
was not so fortunate. Several of his
ribs were fractured and his back bone
injured. When assistance_ arrived he
was lying insensible, and was conveyed
to his home in thie condition. Medical.
aid was at once zummoned, and we are
glad to learn that he is now recovering.
er part of the fall wheat and peas in this
township are now cut, and a consider-
able portion safely housed. The fall n
wheat can scarcely be considered an av-
crape crop, although it has turned out
much better than was at onetime expect -
i •
AUGUST 2, 1872.
under him, and falling on top of him,
broke both bones between the Shoulder
and elbow. Wood's friends endeavored
to make out that the arin was not broken,
but Dr. McLean, of Goderich, haying
been sent down on Tuesday found that it
was. The other accident happened to
Mr. John Esson. He was driving in
company with another person who en.
deavored to pass v. team in front of them,
when Mr. Essen, fearing their vehicle
would be upeet, jumped out while the
horses were going very fast, and failing,
struck his lead and shoulder violently
on the ground, breaking his collar bent
We are glad to learn that he is recover-.
g, —AV ;geol.
ed. some places t was cons (1 exi a I sly
injured. by met. The peas are turning
out well. Springwheat and oats are also
going to give a good yield. The late
rains have also done much towards bring-
ing on the root crops, and it is now
thought there will be a fair average yield.
of these,
ABOUND AGAIN.—The many friends of
Mr. Alexander Broadfoot, 8r., of Tuck-
ersmith, will be pleased to learn that he.
has so far recovered from the injuries re-
ceived, A few weeks ago, as to be able to
be about -gain. Mr. Broadfoot was as-
sisting to put a can full of Mill* npon the
stand at his gate, and in doing so got
upon the stand. When walking forward
to step down from the stand, he tripped
and fell head foremost, his head striking
the ground, severely straining and injur-
ing his neck. Mr. Broadfoot being an
elderly gentleman and pretty stout, he
must have fallen very heavily. and it is
a wonder that he was not even more
eeriously injured. He was in town on
'Wednesday evening last for the first time
since the adeident, and although yet suf-
fering somewhat is improving rapidly.
FIRE. ---We regret to learn that on the
night of Thursday of last week, about 10
the dwelling house with contents
of Mt. Graham, on the 11 th concession
of McKillop, were completely destroy -ed
by fire. The loss is estimated at $1,000,
and no insurance. The building waa not
,The of nnich value, being a log house, bat
P, contained valuable furniture and cloth-
s, ing, Mr. Graham having pretionsly
0P in a large well -furnished house in the
g- County of Oxfoad. A_ sum of money--
ne we have not. heard how much, -was also
0- destroyed. Mr. Gm rahahad. sold the
farm and Was about to remove to the
township of Wilmot, Wateiloo County,
and had clothing, carpeting, &c., packed
in large boxes which conid not easily be
removed, and hence were consumed.. The
'fire proceeded, we believe, from a stove-
pipe passing through a wooden !partition.
credit by the workmanshin and the way
in which he has carried out his contract.
The total cost,- we understand, will be
rlbout $4,000. The opening services,
both morning and. evening were con -
di -toted by Rev, A. D. McDonald, of
Elora, who opened. the service by giving
out the 100th Psalm. The' lesson ehosen
for the day Was the tith chapter of the
First Book of Kings,—the Feast of the'
Dedicatioe of the Temple. The sermon,
which was delivered in the very impres--
sive and elociuent manner for which the
everend-gehtlernan • is 'so well known,
vas -founded 'ou the 3d verse of the 87th
Psalm. ,The chercb vas well filled, aud
good collection taken up in aid of the,
building fund. in the evening the num-
ber present was ngt so great, but the
general 'Opinion is that the sermon.
which was taken froth the first elause of
the 42d verso of the 2c2(1 chapter of St.
Matthew, was even mote eloquent and
impressive than that of the morning.
The collections at both services amount -
(.1' to $1,13.
Ratawatoe-Mr. Hendry, the con -
'actor ou the Southern Elictension-of the
Fellington, Orey and Brue„o
'om Liatowel to Wingham, On, Wednes-
ay last, took all -his hands'. employed on
hat section Away on' to the main line,
ear Port Elgin, to complete a piece of
the road. there. They are to be away for
bout three weeks. -
Perth- C unty Teachers' Exam-
ination fi
I t;
. .
. (1
The follo4ing teachers It ere au ardad. t
-certificates atithe late examination in the n
County of Perth : • -
'Second _A. -- Alfred Goodbow, a
James White.
Secon,1 B. ---Moore A rinetrong,
John Dixon, Jelin 1 -fir ale
Lucy Agees Fthel, Georgp 8
iloberb George Roberts, Samuel o ills -
ton, James Lynn, George A. Somerville.
i • / ' S
Freeman, Daniel lfrancis, :Annie Ken- h
nedy, Louiea illtUormaelt, David M..
Newspaper SUP- Clad, Donald nitro, Anit. Ogilvy, Mar-
ression. Oliver, Janet E. Itoberta, Mary A1111
Grey. i
San AND FATAL ACCIDENT. —11 is with
°row we haee to record. intiiseme.
le Wadden death of _Mr. James Arm
rang, carpenter, of the Town Plot Of
rey; t appears th at Mr. A rint tron
ad nearly liniehed the erection of
large frame driving -shed, barn, for
r. _Alexander Sletninon, Townshil.
Councillor of whozie form adjoiee
the Town Piot. It wile intended to have
stemewalle under the building, for sta-
bling purposes, and the building was
Teised, in the : first place, on blocks ce.
posts Smite seven feet from the. ground.
A3 the building approached cempletion,
(it Was almost finiehed when. the ac-
cident toe': -plece,) Mr. Slemmen and
r„. Armstrong ceneluded -that it was
yet too low for stables underneath, aod
agreed to raise it about a feet higher,.
and, accordingly, laet ?I-May.126th inst.,
thye,set tO Work with a few 11;111(14 and
co-ile of jack-ecrews. At about 3
o'clockin the afternoon, when they had
nearly finished the job to their -satisfac-
tion, through-. kiln() cause entirely un-
known, the: petits tinderneath toppled
over, launching the buntline sweeten or
twelve feet en7iways, the'wholo thing
uomine to the ground in a moment, with
t 7 t arah troeeph
mg gehied carrency
titinfiry that Mr. M. C.
ultdate in the Reform in-
liiroo, paused the sup-
atire issue of the Clinton
Telt, deentit proper,
Cameron and all others
-e the correct Yeraion of
affair. It semi that a
g (aoneervatives of Clin-
°lama, proprietor of the
xeure an d .puMish cor-
the political meetinge
Messrs. Cameron and
-we tat ec poop e, and. we almost Grow way iu the South Riding, .and offer -
env our prosperous neighbor, Stxatford,
in its good -fortune in havfug become the
place of habitatiou for se thrifty and
profitable a class of aitizanS as was reP-
resented at this excursiou.
Go UN OIL 3.1EKTING. ---- At the meeting
of couaeil lield on TueSday; July 18,
the fellowing accounts were ordered to
be paul : 8. Harris 835.87, john Walsh
315, and T. Lusk $8.12.t for work done
on sidewalks, it W. A deans $158.92,
for lumber ; W. Derrance $3.35, for
teaming. The following sidewalks were
ordered to be built : First, from. Gode-
rieh street to Temperance 'Fall, on West
side of George street. ;Second, from
Market street, along the East- side of
High street,to -Bonet's. A'motioli to
have a, sidewalk along the South side of
Market streeti, front Malcorn's corner tb
first corner East, was lost Ott a division
yeas, Messts. Strong and. Broadfoot;
nays, Messrs: Beatty. Seettmiller and
Benson. The Bisead Inspector's report
was received and adopted. The Council
adjourned till Tuesday, 7:11ily 20.
Second Meeting. Con /jell met Tues-
day evening, When the following aecounts
were ordered to be paid: S. Harris
$13.25, for work on sidewallis and tend-
ing Hall, John Walsh $elL 25, for work
on sidewalks ; R. W. Adams $116,. for
lumber, McLean Brothers $11.20, for
printing, Dr.Coleman $33.10, A. Strong
$18, G. W. Jackson $15.20, J. H. Ben -
„eon $16.20, M. 1.-e McLean $5, and J.
mg, at the eame time, to. recompense hint
for any Cti bra ex] (Mee' he might incur in
doing so. To, ti 13 request INely. Holmes
at once gave his assent, and. dispatched
his femme -II to the meetings,: with in to pr( (sure euch reports. On
the itIouday pi io • to the iStue-of the pa-
per in question: iLr. .kiolmes was called
fionr home mi bu iness, •and left his fore-
man to prepare hese reports and: have
them inserted in the paper. Taking ad:
-vantage of Jfl 0 ,ployer'a :Ibsen ce and_
the eoulidence re )osed. in him, the fore
man, inAtead .of ivriting an unbiased re-
port of the meal igs, motel out aud in-
serted in- the ed tonal colonniis ''-of the
paper an:entirely false and one-sided re
port, favoring M . -Greenway, the Con
sorvative candid te. Mr. Holmes re
turned home or cdnesday evening,
Stewart, Chrietopher Andrevr
ItFilson, Thomas \Vilsonattarah L. Yates
Latham.° :Mel:Metre, )nide- Mc-
Kenzie, 11Iargaret-McLelien, Kate Walk-
er, leseie It. Walker, Albert West,
Alexauder \Vett. .
Wroxot sr.
[GT °Rol: EY Wroxeteri Agent for tirN Ex.
PO:LETO:A Newspaper and doh friutitec Unice.)
.14-.:eenee-en John :Moffat, well
knew -nein th a part of the country, who
has been._ leaping store at the 'Portage,
to ba, fry_ some bine Oast, retu ned
to Wroxeter la -,t week, leoking freali and
hearty. ileptiennas Ili that i5 is his in-
teutian to lei bae,k to Matlitoba, next
aacoun t of his meeting with
all at; charretterialic of that
ividual. Mr. Moffat says
spring... is
Air. Wm. Sii
,fitectimes itu
he was walking elongethe sbreets of Fort
Garry, when lie heard. tho con-
undrum pro )(guided to him the voice
coining trolli piece,
wineww pet above hull ” Moffat, what,
is it that ezie.leeth closer tletn a brother ?"
Mr. Melfat having profeated hie inabi1ity
to solve this importa,nt question, the Pro-
fessor tri mph antly replied : Fort
Carry mud !"
Ow Retiring. from. —idle 13I•T Goodm
Xtusitecrin Scitforth.
Wo beg leave to inform our friends and
the public in general of this County that
we have. disposed of the dry goods depart-
ment of our bueiness to Messrs. Julius &
Thomas Duncan, of this place; and on
retiring from this portion of our exten-
sive business, we would like -to say a few
words to our old friends and customers,
most of them of years' standing. In
tendering to you all our sincere thanks
for your long and liberal patronage, we
do so with the feeling that we have serv-
.ed you to the best of our ability, and.
also with a proud and conscientious feel-
ing that we have tried at all time e to do
justice both to our customers and our-
selves, and the large business we have
done proves that you appreciated our ef-
forts and mode of doingA business, and
the result to ourselves in the end is also c
highly satisfactory.
Of our successors we need hardly say
a word. Mr. Julius Duman has done
bueinese among you for a imbiber of
years, and is well known to you all, and
thej unior member of the new firm, ?Jr.
TO Tim
or TIM
it is well known to you that my Address
was published some ten or twelve clays before the
Reform Convention, on the 24th inst., at Seafortb.
This wan done at the solicitation of many -of your
iluIninbtehre. intereets. of the County and reform gas
free to submit my name to that Convention, and
all that rasked was to be fairly andhonestly treat-
ed, n.nd I expected to abide by its decision.
Since then I have :been crediblys tan:Derma etoti
tho action of tho Convention was not what it
would have been, if the ilthaeletghaastes seharriletbieeynoculiehsoen
bei -.1sitt3rhaoPefaPunernsaduiyatflonallibYt)ih 1:1 tyll IYrf Oornayenodurivbile:t has
t ere sts, and the
hest interests of the country, to give me simply
131DrepiniAgyfaullnay pluerslitualeed.ed that I have not been just-
ly treated, I ani still in the fiele, and, if elected,
-will serve your iutere.sts with the. same fidelity that
ithortly, and vrill then explain.
I cIveshar hall yivesidteyn,00u.
MY- position more frilly.
I aM, respectftilly yonrs,
Clinton, july 27, 1672,
At the urgent solicitation of niaTIV of my
friend!: in your Rbling, I :AM induced to present
myself as a candidate for your suffrages, at the
coining election, for the Holum of Commons. I
need not rendud that I have had some experi-,
ence public affeirs. For the last five years
haTe luel the honor to represont)-ou in theParlia-
mont of the Dominion. It appears iny ecindeet met
the approbation of these through whose influence I
wee elected ; for at a recent -Convention of the
Refornt perty of the then North Illeing of RarOas
I was seleeted yortr etandard-bearer at the ap-
proaching election. I em not nware that I have
done anything since that Convention to forfeit the
good opieion of the electors. On the eontrare I
think you will bear me out in stating filet I iters
faithfully advocated and promoted your interests,
both in and on t of Parliament, to the ntetest of my
power, since I beeatne your representative. As to
my votes, I claim, gentlemen, that hare stead-
fastly adhered to the principles professed :mato
the political party that supported me, during the
whole period of my Parliamentary serviee: I voted
with the recognized loaders of the Defonn party OS
all (1:leafier's of importance.. In only ono easedid
I tin.1 it impoesible to follow- there., viz,: on the.
Dill to give effect; to the Washington Treaty- end
even then I found myself in company with 2Ir.
11oltort and other leeding Reformers in The Rouse.
Seine of nay friends, I am told, complain of this
vote, but I be to nesitre them that I -never Toted
with naoro thorough convietion that 1Ni-wit right,
and that ray' • een and my country demanded it
rom rue.
I shall tale an early opportunity of ex-
plaining more frilly my real -5031S tor supporting a
ireate- which the Queen and draperial Parliament
had sanctioned ; and in the meantime I atu per-
suaded that you will eolith:me to extend to me the
outdone() hare so long enjoyed; anti width I
3712 earnestly endeavored t -o merit.
jnly 1S, 1872. 241
Thoma m Duncan, well known in par-
ticular to our customers, having been in OF THE
. our employ for the last six•years, need
no reconimendation from us as being ;
, most straightforward, energetic ant
obliging busine88 man. Thus we le.av
them to you, anti imp° you will continue
• to extend to them the' same libera
patronage you !MVO always beSt0Wed 01
us. We turn over to them a largo stock
of woolen goods, bought last _winter in
anticipation ot the., risT, which they can
aflbed to sell much less than the preeent
valne. For ourselvea we intend devot-
ing our time to the Drug and Medicine,
Crockery and Grocery bueiness and the
importation of these goods on a larger
scale, and will be happy to see all our
old customers, with new ones in these
Imes. And to our butter customers we
a t
remendous crash. All escaped but
the Professor's well -knelt -11 kv 0
poor Armstrong, and. one step to the side
"biota was .projected out of a
Eton -rut. ottt Frusses.—The following.
are the officere of Star Lodge, No. 500,
- I. a ( t. T. • for the ensniue quarter :
Brother J. E. Dodd, W. C. T.
Sister Hannah Orr, IV, V. T.
Th.otleay J. M„. ttaider, W. tt.
Bsother James Orr, W. T.
Brother ,lasucs Fersyth, W. P. 8.
Brother W. Akins,: W. M.
Sister J. KnUteson„ :D.
Histeni\laggie Lawrie W. I U.
Brother J.- \V. Black, 1V. als
when the/ paper as all ."thade. up" and.
ready to go to p pss, add, although no-
ticing that the re iort appeared in a more
prominent part d the paper thhai he
agreed to insert i ,clid not read it over,
aed 'consequently vas unaware of its true
contents until th( whole issueowas print-
Prettioos, h weYer, to the papers
being 'printed; Holmes inserted the
word " Adver tise ent "'osier -the-report.
He -did this, .as he alleges, because it ap-
peared in a . more proMinent part of the
paper than :he -ha agreed to insert it.
On the night n question—Wearies-
dayt-Measrs. Ca eron and ,Greenway
-held a meeting in linton, and -after the
meeting, a numbei of the papers contain-
tad have saved:him, but it \Val llOt to
, ao cz'u,slied to death in an instant,
as he NI as not noticed to give a sigh or a
groan. A Coronces inqueeib aut. held the
neN..4,; day, mainly, we believe, at the re-
quest of Slemmon, who was extreme-
ly anxious that the matter' shopld bo
taoroughly mve.stigated. The verdict
wad, ef course, in aceor(lan'ee with othe
above facts, " Aceidentallyikilled." The
writer's re one6tions of Mx. Armstrong
date from earliest boyhood. Previous to
' coati og to Grey, where he has.reeided fm -
twelve oo tldrieen yea -s, he wae long
redidt.7.iit of. the Vinage of Ayr, Watejer-
loo County. Ont.-, was for many.
veure a worthy elder in the Free Church
there. Jr. sl rmstrong wan a brother -in -
, ei.;..1 Lor:.!. 8r., Hay, and
Brother J. ,T. Epplett, W. C. for
Brother W. McDoonell. W. A. 8. it.eq
Sister E. J. Kunteson, W. H, 8.
. Sister A. Hannah, W. L. H S. wil
Brother Ge. Eyvel, P. W. C.T. and T.
_ tent.
.-4-1ARVENT. The Fall wheat harvest
will be pret y well advanced in this
neighborhood by the time this is in
o of Mr. Andrew young, Of 'Sea-
th. He wai relate(' to a large and
iectable circle of friends in the town -
is of Blenheim and Dumfries, who
I be thrown into mourning by his un -
e ditim. The deceased would be
e 55 or 56 years of age ; he was a na-
of Northumberlarol, England, but
been in Canada for well nigh 40
years. Peace to his ashes.
1 hate reeeived the 1:MilliiillOOS Vote of the
Reform, Convention held Senforth, on Weiluese
dny, 24th inst., nominating 31.18 to represent you lit
the House of Commons of this Don311.1iO3a.
• • -
might say, that for the present im tterA0E 11014TON.
Iu accepting this nomination, gentleraen, I ilare
simply to state that, haying been a resident in
t".de County for the past thirty-nine year;, my per
eic;11 opinions as a coneistent Reformer are well
understood and generally known. If elected as
your representative, I will record ley otea forthe
best intotest a the cetmtry, emiecientiously, ac-
cording to my best judgment, and us near_ as
may be in accordance with your NiONTS.
Trusting to receive the same generous support
at the polls that has already been accoeded tee
by the Convention,
I remain, gentlemen,
`Yours truly,
and other prodifee will be bought as
usual, and checks furnished the dry
goods, boot and ehoe and clothing depart -
men ta, as well tie greceries, drugs, dye
stuffs, &e., so that customers can trade
m every department as usual; and to our
cheese patrons we would say, conic alone
as before and buy through the houee. 80
wishing you every euccess, and full gran-
aries viler threshing, wO still remain,
very reepeetfully yoEur.s,ih(-.KsoN co. \
Bay -field.
e‘. CCI ;)EN're. —While a inunber of
field people were returning from Air.
flreenway's meeting, at Varna, OD 111:1011-
, e of accidents
day of last Week ft con 31
occur -red, the most serious of -Ilia_ v•-• -
the breaking of the arm of Mr. V. Hoh-
loon, by a, eon of Dr. \\Tama. It appears
the crowd stopped at Chiettst tae?to ou
the Way, and were drinkiwt pretty- freely.
Holman was about to get up front the
chair on which he .was sitting to have a
glass of beer, when he was forced down
by :tonne Woods, who in his virdente
ircw oahman on thie floor with his- al in Lucknow, Jnly '22,1872.
01' THE
Hating been nominated by the Reform 'Con-
vention as their .cendidete at the coniieg Election
for the Commons, end heving heartily rtec:!pted
the nteeieation, 1 (tome befere you eoliviting your
intention to held pub]' Meetingi
throughout the Riding to frilly eeplain my tiews.
will only etete here that the riabition of your
Charter of Confedenn ion, the aesuruption by the
Beettitiri.t of the duties of the representatives, the
tearrender of yoer rights by the Treety of
ton, and the !vetoed extrtvagenee of the llini.dry,
s.zonely condemn, and enth tneasur s will al-
weys be neer on my pert by oppotsition, lehile those
or the good of the venial:ye emanate from whom
they ieree will Awoke My eOrtlial &invert, and to
advocate and plmnOle your iuterert3 will be my
constant care,
haee the honor to be
Your most obedient servant,
Ver11014.1t IN4
33. f-4.7dA.Zee
eee, cireenate
ate Ormater for th.
T1 AV TI") !ti Tel [EL
TIE. W. R. smta
Main street, Bee'fort
fGi11, ITniveraie
geon, ete. Office aeld
-1--1-• germ,
Market and IfigbStrc
and lleeide.nce.
street, Seaforth. 0111
Bay, and. ell day Satre
rpo the. inhabitants r
conntry. 1)r. J. C
throneli eiekness b
for seme thee in thi to the publi
vidence hs ha-; been
rooms forinerly t;scap
McDoaealre eitere,
permanently to melee':
his oll patron; an.1 se
hira with a call. .111
ing to the lete7t uppre
to be formi eleewhere,
()Mee boatei fr.(
M. L'r:ET, Soli
pointed. Agent for
pany ef Eeglaucl, he
yate Capiteliete ef
very reasonable rete.
Charge; tunderete.
Winghem, Dee. 15, 3
ce.k.COil.r.Y S:. 11
itieri at Law, 1
Insolvency, Notaries
Solicitors for the /LC.
the Canada Life Assure
N. B.--e430,11e9 to le
R0USCH and Lots. for ss
— - - -
^ritENSON IS: M1:1175il
at Law, Soli.dtere I
Conveyr.ueers, Notari .,'
1 orth :Ind Wrozeter. :7.t.
invest at MUT, :St Eight
JAS. it, narteers.
ANI-...! 1,, Propriel
entirely TIOW manneeme
renovated. The Dal.
Lkpmrs and Ci4ars. 01
Hostler.-. A First-clasi
-1- C. J. Met:4:TCHEO
accommoderion for tri
• plied with the very beet
stabling at I eeheci. The
every day for Whighenn.1
quiet Horses and Firel
on hand. Convoyane-es
Travellers on reasonable'
GOOL1.1140rSeS ;Ana COI
Favorable A,
Commereial Trarellers.
E0lem, wili bo promptly!
Orsacte STantees
E.noes Hotel; "Snit). Stre
221 TlION
rp J. CITURCItibL,
j“ (Member of the On
begs to intimate to the
v.ted surrounding touniry.
Offiee in Seaforth, Irberee
•senany or by letter, et
tie, el Daring re.ceire
education, and haring he
of the Yeterittax-yCellee
has every conndenee o
'who 'may employ him
tie Yi.-terinary College; .J
Thorburn, Rowel,
:Veterinary Medicines cc
AD eft1.114 In -4)311
Mee—CAI-mit-1)104's Heti
v V.Se 'bees to annoin
Seatorth and sarronnelie
been awarded the dipiontl
etry College, and ie now m
of Hones anallatiema-A
has Opened an f,tiie4 iiieel
elmehig !Amp, where heed'
-tend to tails. 3)iseases
tended to. Residente, eft
of Eilloran & Ryan's new
erinary Medicines It
Charges reasoneble.
Cranbrook Grey P.
moderate terms. Connote]
Conveyancer, Land, Lemi
Also, Agent for the foil
Ilnron and 'Erie Loan..Sol
land Mee/Jetties' Se rings ne
to; Royel Inennnee Cor
London“Pire minj Life:
euranee Co.:nil:my and the
1Compan4-. Any amount a
rstes iuterest. SMVM.
11. COOPER, Convey
Qfleen's Bench, Ins=
Agent ler the Freehold P
Savines Societe- of Toroutr
a.sitny -Centre:tie- doing busj
eatione inr Leinns prompt.31
-Orries..---(teeetixe 1
166-tf AINLEr
ev" erier
G. Stationl
Tiekf.ds ireenel to ell eointel
California end Red Ili\ meat
the greatest faeilities to Et
nOna.A. A-IMMO
431OldRu.tIgih-er Coin, beteel
Is kr:lee; and p:*11
In evy .quantit
ANY 01)1) LOT]
Fail ONE