The Huron Expositor, 1872-07-19, Page 7Vittorii Chemical Com I'ietOrg an Malt&letarere of the oak.. toeia Cerholie Preparationa. Labomtory e,eVieteria HA Melinda Street, Torontee meingeiennerte Pteparations ere field by sts. Be sure and ask for the 17X1lORLS.. 'IONS, and see that you got them, ria Carbolated Wycerhic Jelly. 1- is highly tneennneueled to Ladiee ae cable Preparation tor -the Toilet. pea g the Compeexion, anti reudering tese 3.Thite, Mar, and free front Dryness, le 'ale It will quickly remove all Rednesae e Tan, Freeklea, Pimples, and other in:a e For Chappeilliantle, ChilWFees* ;ore Lips -,it cennot he surpassed. Prkee torCarbedie, Toilet _Soap: peSeeSees &t tile ii.01/4OXITII Fuid disiateCtbag properties of Carbone eesibly scented, has a healthy Action on tevents irritation, eenweee the ofeeeta tion, and should lie regalarly used by Llholera, Smalipee lend Fever Patients wished with this Soap ; end its use by 5.1e to infectina will inateeially proyett4 et disease. Price 15 eente per Taw* ctoria Carbolic Salve. cure for all„ Skin Deseasee„, Rs, Beni" Burns, Sores, Moore, Rine- er, Eczema, Scald Head, SeureYt Able le, Pimples, &c. It possesses ali tie e eid healing eirtuee of Clirbolie Aced, een found by Physicians everywhere. rative qualities not discovered in any ea preparation. Pelee 25 ciente. ria Carbolic Gargal-ysina. is the most reliable and eflicaeleus - a eeSeS of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, ienehitis, Irritation of the Beerichial =non in this changeable e ensivo Breath, Ulcerated Gums, of the Mouths For Public Speakers it ie itivelnable. The illgredierltS big Glagie are used. by• all Physiciians, ;nre or the above disordera are now s the most popular in tiler eiteiraarsi. rice 25- cents.. x -la Carbolic Diaturectaikt.. eirensr is a. sarepreeentive of Typktit iFeeers, Cholera, Smallpox, artd. in - •=ages. It will prevent Contagion in ; also invaluable for Disinfeethig Wee• habits, Cesspoeds, Stables, Slaughter - mid for destroying nauseeas effluvia tr cause mieeng. It will- &ere aweey Voths, Flies, Cockroaches, &c.. Meat. j. be preeerved from. patrefactipn ley lee is Acid was selected by Her Majestre titoners. in Preference to all other :he hest Dieinfectant for the proven- ious diseases. Price 25 cents. tarp- -ening and Polishing LT:rTeX• IS unequalled in. its rapidity jg and Polielaing Cutlery. Table and e Bezels, Surfeit:xi Instraments, Shee- ts Plane Bits and Chisels, Ito. Noth- b€eidiscoeered wiled), hale sprung ty more quickly, or become a so t every hoaiehold end Workshop for nes& Price 25 coats. 2321 EMPORIUi\. iber hereby thanks his nmnarecte teem and comitry far their liberal *IT the past fire yea* and hopes tion to baseness to merit their eon- ra the fature• Re also wishes tat he is still prepared to pay IGHEST CASH FLICE oe any quantity of good H. -EGGS Delieered at the G EMPORIUM, 'TR PIE T, SEAFOR:TII. IX D. NeetisS0e.t. IALCOIVPS r EGG DEPOT 7 SQUARE, SFarteRTHe begs to inform the public gist -Ttenclect hi .e premises and is pre- pey the lii.gliest price for tiny. FRESH EG IS; :'ace of business., farket Pee e on EGGS. -WM. MALCOM. 25„ 1872- 225 - - 14.Alt NOTICE. L CAN Has a Lot of MANTLESi =leas to Sell Off, at Cost, BELOW COST? j price that a customer may offer youwill please call at the • ester House, kla STREET,: pielz of. the Goods before they ere all sold- '. 187/. 190, • EZEIVI.OVE0•4.. \-r, 4t.er aiel Undertaker, are -rooms to :Ge•I'S OLD- STAND, :street, Seaforth, reela superior stock of Menai- every dieseription. XD SEE PTXTNG t Mr. Thomas Bel e; HEARSE, tend funertih; on the shorteet. er country. 4S, Jill SIMS, hand. S SHROUDS,1 OaERTSON, It AND UNDEBTAEER, 'a 01d. Stand, has now on hand a good: esortment of CYCY-laS a elleikper thell thy can be as,share. 206 - JULY 19, 1872. Edinburgh .Bea!uty.- correspondent of the Cincin- nati Coranteivial, writing 'roe -Edin- burgh, says : In the crowds of elegantly attired people. ire constant, ' lotion along the broad pavements, the 'Highland costume, picturesque, histoaic and attractive, will often ar- rest.the attention of a stranger,for pot to the so-called Highland regi- ments of the Mash is the national costume of bonnie ,Scotia confinecj. na, but on the broad -shoulders and columnar legs of splendid men /ho stand six feet in. their soles, and carry the Scotch dirk in the . garter of the right leg, it is seeri conimoin sight in the streets of Edin- bare. Nor are sti-ch noble specimens of the physical man tam:dated: for • Scotland yet can boast of dames witia such. lips and eyes that the or- - dinary.pigmy must needs look up to before the bliss is reached. The ordinary type of Scotch beauty is not, however, tall. She is a little over medium height, a florid blonde, peifectly sweet and healthy. Her hands -and feet are euchentingIy— large and sensi41e looking, and her hair IS whatever color it pleases Heaven, and that varies from a flue, lax to a glowing red.' Troublesome liens. A. venerable minister adopted a • -shrewd and suceesSful plan to abate the nuisance of neighbor's hens One neighbor and himself kept there. • hens shut up. so as not to annoy others. The other neighbor, though often expostulated with, would let his run at large, and they made sad work in the gardens of the minister and his other neighbor. One day the man who kept his hens shut up came to the minister. in great trouble, saying, 'Mr. H., 1 really do not know what to do: I had just put my garden all in fine order, and .neighbor •'s hens have scratched the beds all up and undone all ray work. I don't want to make trouble in the neighborhood, but what can do - The venerable minister inamedi; .ately said : •'Look h.ere ; I have two hens I wish to kill. 1 will let them out, and they will go right into your ,garclen.‘ Yoa shoot them. You. may throw them over if you are a mind. to.' He went home. The hens were let out and were soon in his garden; and he shot them. , The news flew through thealeigh- )Dorhood that the man had shot the minister's hensl The other neigh - bee heard of it and said :to himself, 21f he will shoot the -minister's hens he will. mine,' and at once shut .them lip, and the annoyance ceased. a. Hint for Church Builders. , Raising money for church" pur- poses in (7111.in.a is sometimes attended with no ordinary self-sacrifice. A Buddhist priest who was anxious to raise money for buildinga church at Saoha,u, recently, went to Shanghai for assistartce. The project of erect- ing the temple had been started ten years previously, but only $4,000 of the requisite $13,000 .had been raised in the ordinary manner, and it was felt necessary to resort .to more energetic measures. --Priests were accordingly sent throughout, th e Province to beg assistance. The priest who was detailed for Shanghai labored for weeks witlout success. With a devotion more than worthy sof the cause, he determined to oleate a sensation, and thus excite interest in his -mission. He announced that he would allow himself to be locked up in a wooden box for seven days, - -during which period he would re- main in an upright position without food or sleep. He was accordingly placed in a cage two and a half feet wide and five feet high—just suffi- sciently large to admit him standing upright. The bottom of the cage was studded with nails so that. his' feet should have space only between the nails to rest. on, and a couple Of .slight bars in front formed a rest for his arms. The native public; were invited to prove the genuine char- • acter of the mortifipaqon by locking the devotee themselves if they pleased, and about thirV people brought padlocks of various kinds and secured the -door as many times over. The cage was a close one, - with a few open bars near the bot- tom for the admission of air. The -cage and the enclosed priest were placed in a temple situated on a ,great thoroughfare. During the - seven days, thongs of people passed in and out as spectators, religious. -exercises being meanwhile conducted by the priests of the temple. • The poor inon endured his painful inear- .ceration with remarkable fortitude, the only relief afforded being an oc- casional cup of water, and he emerged at the expiration of the seventh day looking little the worse. On exam- ination his pulse was found to beat .sixty-four, and was steady, while his skin, though hot, was moist, After his release the _cage was broken up and sold piece -meal to the Chinese, every nail bringing more than its weight in !silver, .The desirable. lie - suit of calling forth liberal subscrip- _ 2 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. *EV tions was obtained, amounts •fro4i $500 downwards being freely pai by wea thy Chinese. e • Pointed Praying. When the town of in Ohio, was settled, the - people -were ,poor. The early pioneers were from. 'the New England States, and with a spirit of religie4s enthusiasrn demot- ed their lives to the building up of an ecolesiastical college, where young !men. could be educated, at ,small'expense, for the ministry. And the record of hirty years, dur- ing whieh time ove • twelve hundred young men and women have been educated and sent field of the home sionary world, gi the zeal of the earl • borne abundant frt. towns adjoining settled a very pe elder of the Meth was known as El worthy follower of had heard much of the town of 0 -- ed with a desire to, eyes if any good c the abolition Naze himself in his be cloth, and femvelop the stiffest of wh elder one day sta the new seat of in those days hi every important po ed there found a ho dent or one of his The elder, on hi to ahnost eVery and foreign. wis- es' evidence that inhabitants has In one of the there was • yous presiding dist church, who er Pope. This he Apostle Paul the reputation of and he Was seiz- see, with his own •uld 0.01110 out of eth. Arravine t Suit of broad! lig his throat in te neckties, the -tea on a trip for earning. no 'hotels, and 'soilage w.ho visit - e with thespresi- rofeesors. arrival in town, -was 'directed to the presid,ent's house. After making known the object of indly invited to self comfortable return. ive the story as ard told it at a uinbus : "After „ "for about two antily furnished, an opened the nd 'stared at me then retired with - When the even- , the sam.e large - e to share the re - as spread In. the there was a plate- d, and beside each ambler of water. told the president f the Methodist liVect 011 the ad - had heard much eculiar methods of ad I the slightest be made the spe- e of thenatill that nowt it, 0— forever in its pe - work without my ate it. After the • water had been to by the family, ith healthy appe- opened the fam- egan the even - Prayers were f all the prayers vas the most orig- and town were ered ; and, as a feelings when he ws : before thee Elder °west who Elder ler he is working 'of souls. Lord, oubt a great man tion, but he wants le him and make an of him." uch for me," said ould forgive his theG )per;rbalauitmi nbie.e4di. rn 11 his visit,- he was enter and make hi till the piesident's We will now Elder 'Pope after dinner table in Co waiting," said he, hours, in a rdom s a tall large -eyed sitting -room door for a moment, and out saying a word. ing raeal was read eyed man invited past. The table kitchen, and on it ful of Graham bre, plate there was A Daring the meal I I was Elder Pope ch urch,- and that joining circuit. of the president's prayer, but never idea that I was t cial subject of o evening. Had I •might have gone o - eulia r educational desili ingi to inveS ti praham bread an done ample justic who were blessed tites'the presicten ily Bible, • and- ing family servic then offered, and I ever beard that inal. The colleg especially remeta close, imagine my commenced as foll 'Lord, thou sees Pope. Thou k Pope is, and whet for the salvation Elder Pope is. no in his own esti= humbling. Hum -a thorough Christ "This was too the Elder. • "1 staring at me, and and water for su will forgive that 1 rayer as long as 1 live."--HaItiona/ aPtist• ' 111 111 IS 111 EDWAIIIDLOASH Is buying and'paying full prices for GOOD 1DARY BUTTER, In any cinantities. Aliso ANY ODD OTS OF WOOL Bee ht to town, F3R 0 E MONTH. Goderich-st., Seaforth, Juno 20, 1872. 237 RTANT TO KEEPERS. •FLOUR 1 AT AILL TIMES. W. A. .SHEARSON & co, Propertore of .the SEAFOR MILLS Are now M 174.111ILY ufacturingthe best „ • AST.RY FLOURS In teit; Dominion. Intending purchases in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon geteing from the following D M. Strong, John We.. Ault, Thomae Kidd. X. MoGin G. & H. Jackson, end 'IT Thomps and at the Seaforth M ls. Orders Market Sauare. will receive pronip Farmers desiring oexchan ur Fanfily and Pastry Flours alms, ONLY :—Thos, Lee, A. ah, Jaines 7J. Laidlites, Alex. , William Ault, n, Egmondville, left at our office, attention. e theirWheat . - for Flo4r, at the Mill, • May always rely uponi getting our best Family m PastryFlsour n exehige'in quantities according to the value their w, eat. . • W. A. SHEARSON & CO. aa Peculiar People. People who like bagpipes. Peo- ple who dislike oy terS. People -who have no poor rela ions. People who dye their hair. P ople who like -get- ting up early in the morning. Peo- ple who have mole money then,they know what to do with. People who. give donations to street beggirs and organ -grinders. People who; take long walks before breakfast. People who light and leave off fires on fix- ed days. People who like paying income tax. People who give large parties in small romils. Peeple who have -the ice broken to enable them to bathe in winter. People who keep 'ell their olfl letters. i l'opl? without prejudice, - weaknesses, an- tipathies, hobbies, crotchets, - or favorite theories. People who have nothing the_matter with their dig es and can eat anything. People who take snuff. People who hold their tongues. --Punch, *wow Sec ond-ii abal Love -Letters. .A lady, recently married to e widower, was foulad one day walk- ing about in a state of violent ex- citement. She w s asked what was the wetter. Be only reply WAS, that "her husba d was a villain." After some time she added, with some hesitation, 'Why, I have dis- covered that sal f,T e love -letters that., :he sent to rus4. r t1 Areiy same as those he sent to is first e." 184-tf. HURRA FOR 1872. WM AULT, MAIN STR ET, SEAFORTH, • T.TAS ON HAND superior stock of FAMILY -eel- GROCERIES, bracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Reis s, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every ether article usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. P1{i1V1SL�WS, Such as Flow., Oat a d Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, Every description of tRE1170, Such ail Oats, Peas, 3ran and Shorts, all of which will be sold ohei.per than the cheapest. FARM, PRO91UCE. The- hest marke price paid for all kinds of Farm u liii m Remem er the p ee, Main 'street, East side, opposite Coventry's 1400t and Shoe Store, Sealed). 213 . WM. AULT. i LISTOF LETTERS 1 REMAINING uncelled for on 2nd JULY, 1372. Arbaeh, Peter Armstrong, Wm. Bell, M. ; Briton, John Brentenell, Mrs. E. . Bancroft, Rev. C. Bullard; A. .Clinton, Oraine, Mrs. Wm. Carpenter, R. Clark, Robert Oartwrigb.t, 3.13. Currie, Mrs. C. Cameron, A. D. Davidson, George Dunn, Thomas Evans, Thomas Ensley, J. Eakin, Mrs. Fleshhauer, C. J. Gray, Rev. John Grainger Alex. Gemmell, Alex. ilaywerd, Mrs. .14: - Morrison, Miss L. E. Manley, H. Maloney, George Meyer, Miss A. Marley, James McMullen, james McKnight, John — McKay, James 'McLean, Hugh MeEwen, H. Me0Iay, Mrs. Elleia McLean, Dnnecin McDonald, K. McClallum, Wm. MeLaveghlin, Wm. - McDonald, Mrs. K. Norkey, Johnston (2) O'Trener, H. O'Neill, Mrs. J. Patton, Robt. Rednione Mrs. R, Ithynord, Miss M. A. Smith, Sane Sewell, Mr. Ifart, John Sheppard, Cooper (2) Henderson, Mrs. Isabella Secord, John Hancook, Miss Jennie Sellars, Wm. Stenzel, Robert Stenzel, John Stoll, C. Smale, Mrs, Samuel Thompson, J. Taylor, George Wickham, P. Welton, M. Whitehead, Charles e S. DICKSON, P. M., Seaforth. Jacks on Vin.+Tin. Johnston, Wm. Jones, Edward Hester, earn. Icing, Thomas Kite, Margaret Lucas, Robert Lamb, Miss M. Lemon; Wm. 239-8 C LITICiN To the Public of the British Provinces of North America. BEG most respectfully to Jacquaint the public of the British North American Provinces- that in May, 1871, I causee the businese at 80 Maiden - Lane, New York, for the sale of Holloway's Pills and Ointment, which were up to that time pre- pared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the mann gemene of the late business had for seine years, ia many ways, been. most cor- rupt, and it may be ehat the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the care I have always de- sired. Those who do not Wish to be deceived by buying sptuions medicines., which are now likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere, to possese themselves of the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment, manufactured by me iii London, Eng- land, will do well to see thet oath pot and box bears the British Government steaup, on whieh is engraved the words, ‘ Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment, and that the address on the libel is 533, Oxford-sereet, Londei , where only they are cmanu- factured, and in no thee pare of the world.. The retail prices aro on the labels in British euerency, and not in dollars and cents. No representative t of mine vrell ever trtivel through any part of the British Provinces or he United States, either to sell or to take order e for my Pills and Ointment, aud as I have reason to believe that attempts will 'probably be made totteceive the public in this way by persons calling u On. mediteue vendor, falsely -representing that they are aceing for tne and with my knowledge and censent, I deem it advisable to put the publie on eheir-guard against any suth de- ceptions. I most etienesely ntreat all those who ay read ehis tidier isementethat they be pleased, ., min the public interes , to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their thoney by purchasing, perhaps, worthless imitation li of. the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment. I would ask, as a great favor, thee, should it come to the knewledge of any per - sun that spinious medicines are being made or sold in my mune, he be pleased to send nie all the par- ticulars heeean colleet respecting the same, that is to say, the name an addressOf the vendor who is selling the spurioue medicines, and likewise the name and address of the House in the United States or elsewhereavhich may have supplied them, so as to enable me, for the protection of the pub- lic, to institute proceedings against such evil- • doers, and I engage to remunerate very handsome- ly any person who May give me such information, the informant's men° never being divulged. Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these medicines, he will do well to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents in postage), one of the books of instruction which axe affixed to the same. I prom- ise to exansine it and send a reply, stating whether the medicines are genuine or not, so that, if spu- rious, he may apply to the person from whom he purclutsed thein to have his money returned. Chemists audDruggiserwhe desire to obtain the medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices, in quantities of not less than $20 worth— viz., 8s. 6d., 22s. and 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, net, without disceamt, for which remittance must be sent in advance. -Tie Ihave the honor to be, 'With great respect, - THOMAS HOLLOWAY, `553; Oxford street, ( te 244'Strandi) Louden, W.C., i Oct. 1, 1871. 240-26 REAP ERS & MOWERS. Mt, IATI1 WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Fa " to 'our - ers of the Counties of Huron and Perth Johnson Self -Rake Reaper, and Cayuga Jr. Mower, youwathelm"pilirotvletence:131 a. fes ith, ine etoonyanougr heitoiu‘n,etsite.s l'Inveyreca lg.eoantehbey, and. would say we have made some For the Season. f 1812. FIRST PRIZE ON , THE JOHNS ON SELF -RAKE REAPER 1 At the Provincial Exhibition in the Fall of 1870. The Johnston .11fachift was also Awarded he First Prize at Kingston in 3871. Also, the Firse Prize at the Great Reaper T/iai. nt Paris in the Harvest of 1871. , THE CAYUGA JR. MOWER Was awarded the First Prize at the Paris Tnal. This Trial was held. raider the auspices of the Pro- eineial Agricultur I Soeiety. We can with all confidence recommendthese two ma be eurpassed, if equalled, by any other tWo Machines It is a Bouree of mach satisfaction to us to know th superiority of our machines, and are willing to give us t and turning out a superior class of work, as regards ae high degree of finish than is practiced by themselves. mente which thus actuate them in giving an honest ex gret that there are Others so lost to all sense of propriet est and upright men in their dealings and ineercourse gaining popularity and notoriety, resorted to the dish tovering the nameand entering diem at Fairs and Tria of it reputation 'which we hare acqiiired by years of ho ns is of more value than eny money consideration. It is needless for us to warn the farmers to beware bettet judgment will teacb them that there it; no safety low trickery, in order to gain a selfish and mercenary e Repairs for machines will et all times be found at Seaforth. hines to public; knowing that they cannot de in Canada. t many eompeting Manufacturers concede the e credit of using a better quality of material uracy of fitting, exactness of adjustment and nd -while we appreciate the honorable senti- ssion to their convictions, we cannot but re - ns to forget the principles which actuate hon. rith their f ' ellows and have, for the sake of net practice Of REPAINTING our machines, s as their own manufacture, thus robbing us este honorable and patient toil, and which to f such parties, as their own good sense and in dealing with men who will descend to such . ROBERTSON & CO.'S Hardware Store, 3. C. WOODS, General Travelling Agent. W. J. McCUTCHION, Local Agent, Clinton. WM - . MAY, 1872. GRIEVE, Local Agent, Seaforth. PATTERSON & BRO., Pattason, (nt. 2132-13* THOMSON & WILLIAMS' ,Agricultural Implements and Engine Works, vr c - 01\T'r_ •-• ..7•Ls-E ' • - we' at 00e -a liese a - 20 - Johnson s S4/Raking Single Reaper. AAT! recommend the above celebrated self -raking Reaper and the CAYUGA CRTF,F, Jet.'MOWER, as T I the beet harvesting machines now manufactured. We guarantee these two single machines, costing but $200, to outwear any two combined natiehiues, costing $300, and with less than ono quarter the cost in repairs. We also guarantee each machine , to do its work better, faster, and with much lighter draught, than any combined macbine. These two machines have not only it perfect lifting ap- paratus for the table and. ar, but have also the only perfect tilting, table and bar. We offer any trial the purchaser may desire of either or botlethese maclun• es. We also build the Ohio Combined Machine, with Johnson's &V -Rake, Which we guarantee equal to the best combined machines made in Canada, and we offer a trial to be- tereling purchasers. We also build Two -horse Wood Sawing Machines, and all kinds of agricultural implements, and machinery for mills and. factories. Steam engines a speciality. Address 235 THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ontario. "THE MAROH OF THE ..gITG." FARMERS, SAVE YOUR POTATOES By purchasing lime of MCDOUGALL'S DISINFECTING POWDER, A sure kill for the Potato Bug and Currant -bush Worms, to be had. at i STRONG & FAIRLEY'S, Main street, Seaforth. FAMILY GROCERIES. The beet and cheapest Teas. Sugars, all grades. Tobaccos, of the best brands, including the cele- brated MYRTLE NAVY. Fruits of various kinds and of the best quality, always on hand at STRONG & FAIRLEY'S. PROVISIONS. Fleur and Feed of every description delivered in the "Tillage free of charge. BUTTER AND EGGS. iThe highest prioe paid for Butter and Eggs. REMEMBER, STRONG & FAIRLEY'S CHEAT CASH STORE, SEAFORTH, Cannot be undersold by other house hi. the country! The shop is small, hilt the goods are A No. 1 EXECUTORS/ NOTICE. 140ITLDING & PAPER. NOTICE is hereby ll given to aparties having j claims against the estate of the late George I It. Ross, or the fi.rm. of Wright & Ross, of einley- ville, in the County of Huron, to hand the same to theu4dersigned Executo' rs or to Geo. IL Wnght, on or before the let day of July next, as, after that drite, the affairs of the estate will be closed up and. no further claims paid. Also, all parties indebted to the above estates, either by note or book aecount, are requested to call and settle the eitme forthwith. Payment of notes or accounts may be made to George H. Wright or to the undersigned executors. JOHN LECKIE, WM. GRAHAM, Executors. JOHN FERGUSON, A etee•yville, April 24, 1872. Lots 104 and 105 Ainley's Survey, in the village of Airdeyville, estate of the late George R. Ross, for sale. Terms, cash. 229 MONEY TO LOAN. T13:c I subscriber has MONEY to lean to any ameunt on good farm property. Interest, SIX per eent. per annum, when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and. 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. A. G. MeDOUGALL, 227-52 At cheap &Leh Store, sign of the Bear. MONEY TO LEND. undersigned has $3,000 and upward, private fiends, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, en Farm- preeerty. Charges moderate. Maaelege Licences issued. Apply to * .• •_ " 227-32- 1 W. CI, WILSON, Minch. „ undersigned has on hand a splendid lot ROSEWOOD AND GILT MO ITLDDIG. Also, a Fine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP: Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. C. ARySTRONG. 221. Main Street, Seaforth. Zitr, Alton (govottor IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, IN SEAFORTH. TERMS.—$1.50 per year in advante, or $2 at the end of the year. .eledeeer risen g Rates. TRANSIENT. First insertion, per line, 8 cents; subsequent in sertiens, 2 cents oath time, per line. CONTRACT RATES. One column one year . $60 00 tf hall t 85 00 " 8 months 20 00 one year • 85 00 half " 20 00 " 8 months 12 00 One-fourth one year 20 00 ti tt hall it 12 00 " 8 months8 00 One-eighth one year 12 00 ti it hale e 800 8 months • • • • • • • • • 5 00 One -twelfth one year 8 00 • . • • . • .. • • • 5 so Hell eg it it '14 it hale tt " " 3 months 8 00 Business Cards, (6 lines and under, te year.. 4 00 Advertisements- of Stra)ed, Lost, round, &e., not exceeding 10 liues—fust month, $1 ; after first month, 50 cents eaeh month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 15 lines --first month, si 59; each subsequent month, 75 cents. Birth, Meninges, Deaths—Gratis. Advertisements evit.heue specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and chargee accordingly. MoLEAN BROTRF,RS, Menem Y. MeLnis, Publishers. Aeeein MeLEAN. f FOR THE CH EAPEST AND BEST FURNITURE, GO TO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE. Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-52 To Cricketers and Base -Ball Players. CRICKET AND BASE ALL. CRICKTeT BATS, )3 A TeeS, GLO LEG Gums, WICKETS. ALSO, Base Balls and, Clubs For Nen and Boys, AT R. LUMSDEN'S DRUG STORE, SEAFORTH. FOR SALE. The Iron Foundry belonging to the Estate of Zapfe & Carter, situated IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, with the stock aral machinery is for sale. It con- sists of Lots No. 42 and 157, on Main street. The buildings are of brick, and the machinery in good order, so that a purchaser can make a beginning at once. As Seaforth is situated in one of the nniee prosperous sections of Ontario, there is seldom a better opening offered, and to an enterprising me- chanic with some Means, such a favembie chance is not often found. To a suitable party or parties favorable tenni will be offered. ADAM HOPE, Assignee - Hamilton, 24th Jeine, 1872. 238-4 FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN., INMAN LINE OF VATT* STEMERS SAIleLeIG es- from New York, EVERY 'THURSDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY, Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and the Continent, at as low Tates as by any other line. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15, Broadway, N. Y., or JOHN SEATTER, 230 Seaforth._ J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEE _ fer the Comity of *Huron. Sales ate) e in all parts of the Country. All orders left at Ter Ex.fosreon Oflice will be promptly attended to. 198 Divisions C ourts---1872- Division Courts will be held as follows: °f Wee:Glenn, • Wednesday, 10th July. WROSZETER, SEAFORTR EXETER, CLINTON, DUNGAN'S 0 N, BAYFIED, GODEMCE, ROOMS TO LET. TO LET, in Scott's Block, two commodious Rooms on the second fiat. Apply to 195 McCAUGH 14Y & EfOLMSTED. COOPERS WANTED. ANTED I MM EDI ATE LY, Eleven good lioopersi to work at Salt Banele. •. Apply t5 . • !: AME,NT. Seaforth, May 22, 1872. 283 . Tuesday, 28rd hi • Wednesday, 24th " Thureday, 25th .Friday, 26th Saturday, 8rd Aug. Monday, 5th " weanesday, 7th * " The Courts open at 10 o'clock, a. in, each day. i A Chemical Food and leen tri rive Tonic. -Lee- —The great popularity of Dr. Wheeler's Com- paimd Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya is owing to its perfect reliability in building up constitu- tions run down with diseases of the Stomach, Liver and. Kidneys, witith arise from Dyspepsia or Feeble Digestion, and result in pooe blood and breaking clown of the general health. I1 effectual- ly relieves pain or a sense of fullness in the Stom- ach after eating, Heart -burn, Flatulence, Constipa- tion from torpid liver, 13ilieue Headaches, Inite- tion of the Kidneys and Bladder from the red de- posit in the Urine, irritability and restlessness followed by nervous prostration and general debii- ty, which inevitably arise from the one -common cause—Dyspepsia or Feeble Digestion. All these delicate constitutions that lack energyemdvitality, j and are •unable to arouse themselves to any exer- tion or undergo any fetigue, -will be astonished at the rapidity with which the whole system is raised out of this prostrate conditien end energized and vitalivee under the use of this preparation. It is harmless, delicious, does not lose its effeet, =aim, not followed by a relapse. soia. at