The Huron Expositor, 1872-07-19, Page 3LY_ A.T Ka. M, M ATIN reterr( thankr# to his customers and or their generous patronage since crs. eat the above works, anti begs tore.. ,union of AU who may require any - tie to the follesting list of prreess, at eepare€1 to fureish work of stqua y, e surprised in the trade i MUMS ... v 00 GATES. fora.—,..... :1 56 RACKS.. 7 00 LBA OWS.. -. _.... . d 75 BOT=1 'SBS.. X15 and upwards. exsatittom, per 1000--. ndl�eveledl3t .M,U)Il�.tx per1QOC1., 4 >AWING (tone by the piece or set. AIBGc MACHINES. ed' at tll times to repair the ng eead mowing nastchiuos, ;er machine that can be weir weed. lone& WAGON MAKERS. sneer would also beg to inform Wag 4aMakers that he keeps constantly Ads of Bent Stuff stuttabie for thea L Builders, Farruers-, and the pubiie heed of any of the above articles, 0 favor nee with their patronage, as ea,. I lurve facilities for Going this Each cermet be surpessed, JOHN M. MARTEN ty woks, treat. tta T I Fy VILT.i{ NING MILL, RAND BLIND FACTORY ber having bought oat the above. k fid- of the late fixe,is novr all orders in his line of business. aors and Moulding s €` HAND AND TO ORDER n; the Shoitest notice. .,;.E0 -3V PLANING Strictly attended to. JANERS BE NETP. Say ls, i672. 282,-47 EtTH PLANING MILL, EIR AND DDD FACTORY erbegs leave to thank his numerous or the liberal patxouage estezided to aiencing business in Seaforth, and eti.y be favored with; a eoutinuanee. ling to build would do well togive e will continue to keep en hand. a allude of E .PINE. LUMBER, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, GLES, LATH, ETC.. dent of giving satisfaction. to thous C hie, with their patronage„ as none orlanen are employe& attention paid to Custom PIFLnittg.. 4.11-DH BROADFOOT. ES A GOOD SUBSTA.NTIAL x a nice STYLISH BUGGY !AM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, And for sale a number of handsome double BUGGIES, all well finished red of the vers best material. A15o, JBERrWAG ONS, ile:nee of build,, and ease in running rived by any manufacturer in the OCR..AT WAGONS on hand, and RA.SSI-e1 sere as cheap as any other a the County. `I'LACKSMITtiltie Jot% Work attended to promptly. : THE; BEST. CHARD Cif WIN, KED By BUrea ' ANCE4sets )re,; New Hampshire. decidedly the best and cheapest en offered to the Canadian public. ls, works easily, and makes the best o simple and durable. , 47ARMERS • NO SLIT NO SALE. work satisfactorily- it can be re- can be seen at any time at John- ardvare Store, Seaforth_ O C. WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent. THE BEST . IG. MACHINES lade een be had at N. WATSON'S LMACHINE.DEPOT, SEAFORTH. .41TUI rE 170 -WE" s, in all( sty/Jti�chu}and sizes, and USBVx' chine in 'all styles. r has received a splendid supply of. es, which are pronounced by ex- ?) be superior to any others made. simplicity mud perfection of con. age of work, from light gauze to her; for beauty and exactness of the teusion beieg perfect and al- oth, ulyd er laud. lower threads, and eve machines are unrivalled. e warranted and instruetione given s hent out on trial, or rented by si'on:.ru1e parties. WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth.. JULY 19, 18 2. GAMIES.. What are yeti -digging therefor asked a loiterer• of three = men' § whb were digging a trench in the 'street. Money, stir, the = anawer` came. The pian watched the operation unt til the joke got through- the -roots Of his hair, and then moved on. F — George Thele, .Aunt Meryl What do you think of that' I ere'' the horse, and Ethel drew the jockey.' Aunt • Mary:. 'l'm ! • brit what wotii1Cd mamma say to ` you Jwing jockeys ° on - a Sritlay orge `Ali, but look lime! we've drawn Mill riding ' to church, you know.' --Panda —It is said of a now excellent and liberal Baptist brother, that when going into the water, som`; years since, to be, baptized, it wa suggested that his -pocket-book be taken out of his pocket during the administrationof th a ordinance. 'No,' was the reply, ' I want my pocket- book baptized with nie.' We do not know but we might ourselves go for immersion, if all Subjects for baptism. could . be persuaded to take thei>r:. pocket -books along with them.-=; Congrega. tionalist. - -- The Mormons tell a ;cod story of Brigham Young, Among the applicants for the special prvileg , of taking a second wife,.there came, one day, a brother of Very doubttul character, when something like`the following dialogue ensued : ' So you; .want anot1ier wife, do you r ';Yes,, if you please, Brother Brigham.' ' Well, the short of the matter is; that you can't have one.' " Why -- can't YI have one, as well as the other saints?' ' So you want to know the whole story, do you r 'Yes I should like to know why I can't have more than one - wife Sts well as the rest of 'em r ' Well, you. shall know, then, in short order.. I want your race ta•die out.' . ; -- ' Why, Ichabod, I thought your; got married more'n ayear ago r it ' Weil,, aunt Jerusha, was talked of, but I found out that the girl and - all her folks were opposed to. it, and I jest -give them all the mitten, and let the thing drop.' — M. Prudhomme, in the decline of life, was talking with his nephew. to whom he related stories of 'his youth. ' But, uncle,' suddenly ext claimed the young _man, ' what struck you most during your life ?' '31y dear boy, it was your aunt !.' —That was a sly old Scotcbman, who, on. marrying a very young wife, was rallied by his friends on the in- equality of their ages. = She will be near me,' he replied, 'to close my een.' ' Well, remarked another of the party, ' I've had twa, wives, and they opened my een.' -se 6 • Cooking Without Fire. There is a place in Oregon called the Smoky Valley, where the people have a curious way of cooking _he. donot havee Thy -che .trouble of making a fire every morning whe they wish to get breakfast. The just walk out with their 'ket Ies coffee-pots, and whatever else the need, and cook them, at the boilin spring. The water seeni's a greet deal hotter than the -common boil .> ing wafer, and all they need to do is to hang their'kettles it for a short time,': and . their food is nicely � cooked They are able even to bake in it, The bread is put into a tight sauce= pan, and lowered into the boiling flood for an hour or two, and then drawn up most exquisitely baked,. with but a thin rim of a' crust over ' it.. Meat is cooked here, and:heanS which are the miners' great luxury It takes but a't minute to cook egga, or to make af, pot of coffee or teal but if -there sihoulcl be a -' slip be,- tween the cup and the Hp,' foorl would be gone beyond recovery. -411,•s",. Science and Superstition. At a recent meetingof the Poly;; technic Club of the American Iiisti tote, Mr. Boyle told the followinit incident = " At a newly-erecte 1 lighthouse along the New Islan Sound an old sailor was recently ap- pointed as keeper. On one of the first evenings when trimming his lamp, he neglected his instructions to draw the curtains down, and the setting sun, shining through - one of the large lenses, hacl, of course, itt'. rays concentrated in the focus, and' as here the lamp is place(?, the heat • was sufficient to light it,_ to his ut- ter amazement. He put it out, but. had become 'so nervous for`the whole night, that his own image frighten- ed hint as be saw it reflected in the ,,hate glass of the lantern with the _(lark sky outside and the stron light inside. The next morning a day -break he but out the • light, when at sPhlrise the sun lit it up again, for the same reason as it happened the evening before. This was too much for the old salt. Ile immediately -picked his trunk and. left, without notice to any one, and was only•missed when at night the lighthouse remained dark. When found in the neighboring village, he declared that the lighthouse was be- witched, that Satan had lighted his lamp twice, ands that he had seen' him in propria persona during the whole night outside the tower, look- ing in at him.: It was, of comae, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. hs'own image that'hehad. seen. His su ppositioh was, to, be sure, not complimentary tb himself in regard to his own 'appearance, but he was not to be lnduceditto return at any price, and another keeper had to -he provided." . The Mdrnaon Women ---Saints and 'Sinners. A Salt Lake letter says : " When the congregation was dismissed, -the rustle of silks and the 'flashing of diamonds attracted my-, attention, and I saw manyof the poor Mor- mon women gazing with longing eyes on the rich dresses . of their Gentile sisters. _ The contrast be- tween saints and sinners was still further heightened by the conduct of the men, . The Gentile men tuck- ed the arms of .their . pretty wives under heir oivn, and -walked away. with a proud air, while the Mormon women trudged off alone. How could a Mormon man tuck the arms s of halfa-dozen: , wivss into: his .And if he escorted one, or even two wives, how would the rest feel ? If I wanted to break down Mormon- ism, I _ would put a ;dozen French millinery stores in Salt Lake City, give General Morrow, a'. military commander, $15,000 -or $20,000 to entertain with during • the Winter, and station e• strong corps of good- looking young army officers at Camp Douglass." An Honest Confession. Mrs. Phaebe Campbell was a very foolish woman. If she had hired her husband into this cou{try and then killed him, she would .have been triumphantly acquitted, and might have acquired acomfortaolef livelihood by lecturing afterwards. As she murdered him in benighted Canada, her trial was actually a. real one instead of a farce ; she was ao tually sentenced to death ; and she was actually bung. On the scaffold she said, " I now thank the jury for bringing me in guilty ; and I thank the judge, for my right sentence, and say for a truth they don_ a what was r;ght. * . * _ I deserve more, than I am getting. * * , Oh, I am so happy ! This morning is the hap: piest morning I think I ever spent. We believe thele is no inbtance on record. of a man's making such a speech from the. gallows. It is evi- dent that a woman is much --better adapted to be hung, aid we hope that American juries will heed the fact, and get the thanks of feminine murderers, and make theta "happy, by bringing in verdic4a jgri, that of these Canadians when t,ey " done what was, right." ---Chicago Tribune.. A''ennessee Court Adjourns to See a Circus Pass. The Knoxville Chronicle, of Juee 15, says : Yesterday morning the Circuit Court was in session; engag- ed in trying an -interesting case in- v'olving a question of commercial 'lay. Cot. C. had just taken his seat, after an impassioned harangue on behalf of the defence, and the tall om of Judge B. was about beiig raised-: to • conclude the argument. Just theia the_ noise of brazen music coming down Main street from Gay announced that the -circus band -wa- gon was approaching. An instant sensation was perceptible. Several gentlemen took their hats and start- ed for the door. The jury, influenc- ed no doubt by the presence of such frisky youngsters as Esquires Bran- don, Bishop and Nick te, and Dr. Nelson, began to be decidedly rest- less, and a suggestion was made that the Court :suspend until the proces- sion had passed.. Such a breach of judicial etiquette seemed to find no favor with the Bench; but just then o it genial legal friend H. suggested tL at some of the jury might wish to be excused, and rest, and wanted to be present when the argaitent was proceeded with. The . jury. caught at the suggestion, and in a twink- ling the jury -box and the bar were empty. What to do in--Sun-Stroke. Go at once tp the fallen man, open liis shirt -bosom, and lay the hand upon his chest: if the skin be cool, you may rest assured that, whatever may be the trouble, it is not . sun- stroke ; if, on the contrary, the skin -be burning hot, the case is certainly sun -stroke, and no time should be lost. The patient .must be carried, to the nearest pump or hydrant, stripped to the waist, and bucket- ful ucketful after bucketful of cold water dashed over hint until consciousness begins to return, or the intense heat of the surface decidedly abates— Galaxy. J M Paid.1/4 A few days since one of our pop- ular attorneys 'called upon another member of the profession, and .ask- ed his opinion upon a certain point of law. The lawyer to whom the question was addressed drew himself tip and said, " I generally o w. get paid for telling what I know." The questioner drew w a half -a -dollar " fractional. " from his pocket, hand- ed it to the other and coolly remark- ed, "Tell me all you know and give me the change." There is coolness between the parties now. Black Bear IS RECEIVING NEW SP1IINGr GOODS TO QLD BE SOLD AT PI?ICES. This is the Spot tb buy Cheap for Cash or Butter. Bear in mind, 777, MAIN STRJET, SEAFORTH. .A. GMcDOUGALL. • • FAEMERS SELL YOUR EGGS TO WM. THOMSON OF THE ECMONDVI LE GROCERY (Logan' Old Stand,) Who will pay the HI HEST PRICE in CASH, for an quantity of `GOOD FRESH' EGGS, Delivered at his store. Groceries Provisions FOR SAE CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED, of every description, k pt constantly on hand, in- cluding Shoa son & Co.'s No. 1. • Come One, Come the Cash. . with your Eggs and get WM THOMSON, Egmondeille Grocery. HA TESS, HARNESS. Alit' .• �E :,Grea AT w SEA Variety LSON'S ORTH. TRUNKS of all kinds VALISES -not a few, WHIPS—of 11 sorts, COLLAR '—all sizes. Brushes, Cu+ry—Combs, Cards. All prices rem 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets Circingles, Saddles, And in feet everythin nsmt.11y :found in a first- class Saddler's Shop, nd at prices extremely Iow. JAMES WILSON . Takes this opportunity f thanking his numerous friends and customers f r the liberal support ex- tended toward him for : he past year and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to merit a fair share of the pat. renege of the many. Remember the ,Sign of. the " GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 W. H. OLI f��" ec, rts oci 1c77 c3 Wcn z � 0 510 OF THE SCOT A choice assoi harness, whips, b kept constantly o Repairing pro charges moderate Sign of the Scotc Seaforth: 1G3tf - E R, l ' tat 11 H w al at 'R COLLAR. ment.of light and heavy lls, horse clothing, etc., hand. ptly attended to, and Remember the place ! Collar, Main Street, w. H. OLIVER. YV H •LAZARUS, R ORRIS & CO'S Sheetacles LIKE O1 T] BRIGHAM YOUNG IAL von MURDER ? NOTICE.—Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTII, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior now pattern Eye Glasses. LIE. f_ i flit E. 1L i ilii E. THE Subscribers, eying leased the Lime Quar- ry belonging to r. A. Wilson, Silver Creek, d new Eiiln on •ta splendid Il11 h and having , ai rt Se osP , the,most approved prrruciple, capable of turning out 200 bnstiols per day, tyre prepared to furnish any quantity of. '.,•. The Best, Air e; CENT No air.aleked Lime u lity of Lime, a, bushel. dept or sold. SLATER & BRO., Heron iload, seetortia. CROOERY DEPARTMENT. Best Teas, Tobaccos Canned Fruit, N ED C.A N FISH, PICKLES, RAISINS, PRUNES, COFFEE, CURRANTS, SPICES, COCOA, SOAP, STARCH, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, &c., &C., NEW AND FRESH, AT THE LOWEST PRICE FOR .COSH, AND ONLY ONE PRICE. LEE & SWI'TZER, Main street, Seaforth. CALL ASD GET SOME OF LAIDLAW'S 50 CE1\TT TEA, • Equal to .zany 75 cent Tea in Town. eat Inducements to Parties Buying a Quantal'. Lam• Try his FRESH GROUND COFFEE. J. C. LAIDLAW. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is superior to any now in the Market. Having been examined and tried by them skilful mechanics and best judges the country can produce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITORS, upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. SEE TILE LIST OF PRIZES FOR 1S'11.; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London -the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Central Fair. First. Prize at St. Catherines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simcoe. First Prize in Mono, Coruty of Peel. First Prize in Caledou, County of Simcoe. First Prize at Wel- landport, County of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Canadian invention; surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sowing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English mmnufaot*�ree. It will hem, eord, liraid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light Manufacturing Work, using all kinds of thread. It has a most complete SET OF ATTACK RENTS. BUY NO OTxr,R. If the price is- a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Samples.. GARDNER SEWING Iv7ACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intencling purchasers should not be misled by unscrv.pnlous agents of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. 4 Call -anct examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at W7r.r.re3r Cieessee's Warerooms, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. PETER GRASSIE, 1'79-52 Seaforth. FOR NEAT BOOTS .1 aim 10,40.:A " a r jss yi' J 1, aV irn.d�• 'Il�f am AEtt fir qVr '.Y 0[ Virtht'."Or;'Ir++ ,p..a..-11h41rv..w.: The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our' stock of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. °TSI'%[ J V Sa tAIf sPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.—The Best and Cheapest in the Market.-31eINTYIi.E & WILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, have just received a very fine stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's J8001s anti Shoes, suitable for spring and summer wear, all of which will be sold at the ern rulers, for cash.—The'very latest styles, and of the best and most substantial manufacture.—Custom- work of all lands promptly attended to. --A neat article and. a good fit guaranteed. Repairing—All kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the shortest notice. McINTYRE & WILLIS, First door South of John Logan's. DANIEL McGREGOR, - Iodized Coil Xrever Oil. Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, - TTAS just received a large Stock of the materials used in the businesss, and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with: REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS, OF AY RIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancj Cases Made to order. J OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at cityprices. Persons residing at a distance by � leaving their « ,, books C�oderi or,at b sat the € al Book S c S texts 'the "Expositor" Signal" Seafortl4 or at J. R. Grant's nos office, g Ainleyviile, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound.. All communications addressed to the undersigns ed, will receive prompt attention. D�INILL McGItEGOB, Seaforth, (Harparr1 .) __� THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron in perfectly pure Cod Liver Oil. It may tae .used in all sates where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be lotted greatly superior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in. Pulmonary Con- sumption, Scrofulous Complaints, Chronic Skin Diseases, and for all chronic disorder arising from defective digestion, assimilation or nutrition. It 18 also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Price $1. { Compound .Syrup of IIypophosphites. THIS is an agreeable Preparation, containing the Hypophosphites of Lime, 'Soda, Potash and Iron, with free Hypophosphorous AcidL This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility, from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly nseful in diseases of the bones (especially in infanta) and Incipient . Consum tionPrice $1. P The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and containing no secret ingredients, may be prescribed: by physicians without hesita- tion. Prepared by JOHN WILLIAMS, London, Ontario. For slue by—R. Lumsden, Seaforth; J.11. Grant, Ainieyrille; Powell, W,oEe4er, and Dru giste sesserelly. CD � '7:1 -I twit' CCD L ' CD ime oZ 0 rn 1--4 o I" • 02, 0 0 (dr, )1 CD CD CDi•-•3w r t:;:io C m O )—t 0 m 0 0 SUMMER 1572. K. ANDE SON, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, MAIN MEM; SEAFORTH. _ SUMMER CLOTHING, a SUMMER HATS, SUMMER CAPS,, SUMMER OOti7,ARS AND TIES, and everything else suitable for Sumner wear in endless variety.