The Huron Expositor, 1872-07-12, Page 43.•
Farm for Sale—W. G. Wilson.
Farm for Safe—Tames Eemiings.
Caution --Thomas Holloway.
Prof, Herman's Veraain pestroyer.
Tweeds ancl:Flannehr—N.1 M. Livingstone
Chain Found.* -
Servant Girl Wanted—Mrs. F. Paltridge
Farmers, Take Notice—E. Seegmiller.
Take Notice—John Govenlock.
House and Lot for Sale -4L R. Counter.
FRIDAY, JULY 112, 1872.
Centre Hurn1t.
It is, we believe, currently repott-
ed that Mr. Cameron ha S atated it to
be his inteution not to stand for
Centre Huron. WhetIlier or not
there is any truth in this report we
cannot say. All we' can say is,
that thus far, Mr. Cameron -has given
no official information tolthe Reform
Association of the Centre Riding of
any such intention on hie' part We
would euggest- that Mr. Cameron
give his decision at once 4 If he in-
tends to accept the non4nation ten-
• dered him( by the Reforta
tion, he should do so without further
e delay. If he does not intend to ac-
cept ef it, the sooner his iatexition
is officially and 1 ablicly made,
known the better. 1
South H• uron.
- Although in this riding there is
a good deal of political talk indulg-
ed in, and considerable quiet, pri-
vate canvassing by both parties, it
canuot be said that, the political
campaign has fairly commenced.
We believe that thus far no public
meeting,s have been held by either
of tbe candidates, and neither of -
them have as yet issued itheir ad-
dresses to the people. It is Impossi-
ble, therefore, tosay, what the ex -1
aet political professions of either If
the candidates are, and consequently
no just discustion of the claims of
either upon the people can be en-,
tered into. As soon as the pctlitical
faith of the aspirants for parliament
tary honors is promulgated through
ttreir addresses, we shall be prepared
to discuss, fairly and impartially,
the claims of each for support.
ifor him, will bb the first to lift their
iltaUds to slay hit% Mr. Kidd was,
[not many years ago, a zealous, in-
duential and valued member of the
party he HOW seeks to, oppose. In
times not long got's by, no man was
more villified, abused and maligned
by those who now beslaver him with
.praise. As they have done before,
so will. they do again, should he
ever happen to cross them or .their -
path . For this treason he should be-
ware of them.
IMIII11111111111111111mmummIDNIMIN . .
The London. Huron and Bruce
"A meeting of the BOard of DirectorEr
of the London, Huron and Bruce Railway
Company was held last night in the office
of the Secretary, Mr. Thomas Churcher,
to hear the views of a delegation from
Clinton and vicinity as to the desirability
of adopting the Central or Clinton route
for that • line. The Directors present
were Major John 11 alker, Vice-Presideut.
in the chair'Messrs. John Carling,
Isaac Carling, Robert Read, Charles P.
Smith, E. W. Harris and R W. Hyman.
The Board after hearing the explanations
and suggestions of the members of the
delegation passed the following :
Resolved, That this Beard recommend
to the Great Wester,. Railway Company
Board the building of the London, Huron
and Bruce Road by the Central route,
via Clinton and Wingham, in accordance
with the‘ survey and 'plans of George
Lowe Reid, Esq., and subject to such
modifications as may be necessary to se.
cure, the required bonuses from the muni-
cipalities."—Lonqon Free Press, July 9.
This action of the London Board,
has, we learn, created great rejoic-
ings. among ourClinton neighbors. It
will be'observed,- however, that the
above resolution simply recommends
to the Great Western the building of
the road by the Central Route. The
selection of th-e route rests, as we
have always held it Would do, en-
tirely with the Great Western,
This being the case, the friends along
the Eastern route have little to fear the passage of the above resolu-
tion. The Greta Western Company
are not so foolish and so blind t4o
theiriwn interests as to select the
route, which they know to be the
gest, the most difficult of construe -
n, and the least productive. If
• Great Western build the road,
y will build it with a view to
king it a paying speculation. To
this they will- select the route
ch will require the least outlay
construction, which will be the
t easily rnn and kept in repair,
which witl yield the largest
c support after the road is built.
y already know, and have acIr
leclged that the Eastern route
estes these advantages, and they
act accordingly, notwithstanding
big but bogus offers which have
made by out Clinton neighbors
, We fully expected that a resolution
such as the above Would be passed by
the London Board, and we. have not
been: disappointed'
We are glad to learn that Mr.
George W. Ross is pursuing his can-
vass in West Middlesex with vigoie
and that his prospects of success ar'e
daily growing better. Mr. Ross, as
many of (war readers know, is a man
of ability, a realiable whe,
if elected, would makethis mark in
the House., We cannot conceive -
why the intelligent electors of any
constituency should hesitate a • mo-
ment in selecting him instead of a
notorious -railroad _jobber like his
opponent, Mr. . A.' P. McDonald.'
A man who, although he has had
ample opportunity fir years, hae
never used his parliementary posi-
tion for the benefit of his constitu-
ents, but has placed himself solely at
the disposal cf the Government of
the day, receiving as a reward for
his subserviency, more fat Govern-
ment contracts than, probably, any
pther representative in Ontario.
The Baltimore Convention.
The Baltimore Democratic Con--
iveetion which. was converted at Bal-
timore on Tuesday last; and termin-
ated its sittings on Wednesda-ye ale
i.most unanimously .adopted the
political platform agreed upon at
the Cincinnati Convention. Greeley
and Brown, the -nominees of the
Cincinnati Convention also received
the unanimous nomination with the
exception of the delegates from the
States of Delaware and New Jerse
We rejoice to learn that. the sec -1 will
tional differences which atone titne I the
existed among the "IteforMers" --of
South Perth have' been arnicabl
settle -I, and thatthey have at length
• chosen a candidate and have . deter -
South Perth, poss
mined to extend to that candidate,
their united and heaacy support.
At a convention held in St. Marys
on Saturday last, Mr. Thomas
Ballan tine, Reeve of Downie, receiv-
ed the unaitimous nomination. A
.; better eelection could not have been
made Mr Ballantine is an hone,• tt
- straight -forward man, who has ,gain-
ed his present position. and I the
•• • esteem, and confidence of his fellow
electors through personal integiity
and honorable dealing. A better re-
commendation than this no man need
desire. • He is a man of much more
than ordinary ability, and has
• cupied a prominent and leading posi-
tion in the Couneil of the County
for many years. • -Ile is also well
-versed in the political history of the
• country, and as a public speaker has
few, if any equals in the county.
If elected, as we trust he will be,
these advantages will be of the
• highest service to his constittients,
, and will enable him to take a stand
the Dominion Parliament. wh
;• will do himself and them • ere
• - In addition to this, he ia posses.
- of sufficient firmness and bta bility
character to prevent his being led
a.alitay by the all u re n ts of corrupt
and, unprincipled politiaians, no mat-
ter how great the temptation, and he
will never cast a vote unless he has
substantial and satisfactory reasons
for So- doine. With a candidate
Al as this, the Reformers -of South
Perth will set to work with s will
and determination which will over -
1; come all difficulties, and wipe out; to
a great extent, the,stain which -was_
• p/aced upon their constituency by
. the recent • election of Mr. T. B. whieli di
- 'Guest. • .
and 9 for
•• We also learn that Mr. Jose th afternoon
tic Conve
their offdc
address re
of Democ
out the co
party, and
be held a
ment of th
and Brea
New York
a salute of
City Hall
ed in the 0
was susped
videcl, 9 voting for Greeley
• B-ayarcl. On Weclnesda
, an anti -Greeley Democra
ntion also met, and electe
ers. They also issued aIiI
commending the formation
ratic Associations through
unary to stop the growing
from the true Democratic
that a call be issued for a
Deinocratie Convention to
Louisville an the 3rd
next. On the announce•
e nomination of Greelcty
n being made public in
, three field •pieces fired
a hundred guns in the
Park. Flags were hoist-
ity Hall, and a banner
ded between two •large
- Kidd, of Carroubrook, has accepted
the _nomination. of the Conservative
Convention, and has entered the
eontest ia the interests of the Do-
, minion Government. For Mr. Kidd,
personally, we have the highest es=
•teem. He is a • gentleman against
whose private character no man dare
say aught. We are sorry, therefore,
that he has allowed himself to be
led into bad company by those . who
I care nothing for him, but to use him
- for their own personal and political
r ends. If he should be successful,
I. all right ; but if unsuccessful, he
will find to his cost that - those who
; now profess the greatest friendehip
treeb in the City Hall Park, with
the inscription, that " Tarutuany re-
sponds to the nontioation."
The Feeling in Nova Scotia.
Although the Dominion Govern-
ment have succeeded in bribing a
few • f the representative men of
Nov Scotia. to tapport t
their corrupt schemes, --ev
bartering of the earest
interest of that rovince
of thel people ther are no
hem in all
en to the
rights and
, the maps
t so easily
el keenly,
..has been
e of their
thus, they
hing elec.--
so basely
, and who
(tin only,
s, which
to by a
lifax on
e idea of
ns of the
e most
the peo-
Whereas, It is for the interest of this
Province that* the Dominion shall, dur-
ing her continuance in it, be governed
as honestly, economically and wisely as
PossiLle, it is therefore the duty of every
friend of Nova Scotia to do his utmost
to bring about this desirable consumma-
tion, and ,
Wkereas, The existing Dominion ad-
ministration is most corrupt, extrava-
gant and unwise, a fact which appears
from its whole past conduct, to take two
or three examples out of many, in habit-
ually buying or attempting to buy the
support of political opponents, in creat-
ing an unnecessarily large number of
Cabinet officers, besides useless and cost-
ly Boards a Commissioners for the con-
struction and operation of railways, ca-
nals and other public works, --in the ri-
diculous at d unjustifiable terms granted
to British i'olumbia, to secure her en-
trance into the Dominion, and in their
nbstird scheme for building the Pacific
Railway; herefore --
do what lies in his power to overthrow
Resolved; That it is the duty of every
Nova Scott n, whether Liberal or Con-
servative, Unionist or anti -Unionist, to
the existing .administration, and to re-
place it by one that will reform the
abuses now prevailing in every branch of
the public service, and will govern the
country with -wisdom, economy and hon-
esty. I
Resolval, That, in the opinion of this
meeting, n9 candidate foil- the House of
Comm.ons should -receive tlre Support of
any Nova Scotian elector who will not
undertake to give his vote and influence ,
agaii18 t the present Government, when-
ever the opportunity shall arise, and to
oppose all measures proposed by the said
Government, except such as are clearly
and unmistakeably for the public good.
bought. They fee ,and fe
the degradation which
heaped upon the by the
tnent through the issistanc
representatives. 4reeling
are bound at the approac
tions t punish th se who
theme,' t profitable nd rem
misrep esented the r views
have s ld, for per °nal g
interests the Province p
The f011owing re olution
were unanimously agreed
largely atten4d, arid most
tial meeting held at Ha
Monday last, will gave som
the ligllt in which the actio
Armin on -Government are viewed
by the eople of that city. We may
also sa that, the sOre feeling per-
vadea he mass df the people
throughout the entire P
The follarwing are the reso
and they are worthy of th
careful consideration, not
the Nota Sebtians,.but by
ple of the other Provinces as
Nine men and the boy were smoth-
ered to death.
The United States • Seeratary of
State has addressed a letter to Brig-
• ham Young, informing him that the
Government is apprehensive of hos-
tile action on the part of the Indi-
ans of the territory, and desires to
punish those guilty of disturaing
the peace, thanking him for his
kindness and asking his co-operation
in the work of restoring content to
the people of the territory. This
is; eyidently, a sweet pill thrown to
the man of many wives to secure his
vote and influence at the approach-
ing Preeidential election.
Josie Mansfield, the param dr of
of the late Jim Fisk, of New ork,
accompanied by two women. a pear -
ed at the Stokes' trial on Mo day.
She was elegantly dressed, a, d in-
tently watched the prisoner. The
prisoner's . counsel offere
plea of insanity. They want4d to -
prove that Stokes was defrauded,
persecuted and hounded on very
oceasion by Fisk and his iirme ruf-
• fians, and that the latter wa re-
duced to desperation by the knowl-
edge that his euemy controlled,: the
corrupt judiciary of the city. , All
this, they contended, should be re-
ceived as bearing on Stokes' insanity
when he met his pursuer. Judge
Beach, for the prosecution, replied
that all this talk was sina
feet the jury. Stokes sai
Fisk on the stairs; • Fisk
pistol to fire, and he (Stok
A United States reverie
has captured an arruecl Cub
off Newport.
By the explosion of a
lamp at Dr. McCallum's h
Montreal, Tuesday, a femaie
was burned to a cinder.
• "American Girl," Tuesd
the $5,000 purse, at Fleetw
three straight heats. Tim
2:14- and 2:24.
Four young Canadian settlers in
Manitoba have been driven from
their claims by French half-breeds,
and the authorities, though they ad-
mit that the locality is open to
settlement, profess that they cannot
afford protection.
The Mexican revolutionists have
abandoned Matamoras. Just before
they left they demanded $1,200 from
an American citizen, as a forced loan
or threatened to give him 500 lashes,
He advanced the money. The Gov-
ernment forces occupy the place, but
the revolutionists have taken away
some prominent citizens as hostage's.
At the adjourned. meeting of the
Ontario Rifle Association held on
Tuesday, the President expressed his
regret that the usefulness of such an
institution was not more generally
recognized, and he afterward intimat-
ed that, in view of the fact that
Lord Dufferin was himself an ex-
cellent marksman, he proposed in-
viting His Excellency to fire the
fiist lot At the ensuing a
honor by his friends at Peterboro'1
on Tuesday evening last.
• The Toronto Leader reakes the
statement upon the authority of
private information received, that
the writs for the Dominion elections
will be issued on Saturday next, the
13ch inst.
That staunch Government oppon- 1
ea, Mr. David Stirton, has again p
received the unanimous nomination b
of the South Wellington Reform
Convention, and has entered ener- r
getically upon his caiwass of the e
constituency-. As yet no candidate In
has taken the field against Mr. Stir -
ton, and it will be little use for any
to do so, as he will be elected by an
overwhelming majority over any op-
position that may be brought against e
him. •
A Reform Convention for North S
Miodlesex was beld at Ailsa Craig, S
on Tuesday Seventy delegates •
were present and a crowd of spectaar
tors. Mr, Thomas ' Scatcherd, M. cu
P., received the nomination of the lo
Convention by a vote of 48 to 19 w
over Mr. Waters. The vote wes Br
then made UMMIMOUS in favor of Th
Mr, Scatcherd. • ov
• On Tuesday morning, a man call- yo
ed John McNeill was killed at ge
Paisley, by his team running away co
and upsetting a load of lumber upon do
ply to af- Fully 500 men employed in the I sshhol
d he met Architectural hon Works in New ) Th
drew a
es) fired
e cutter
an vassel
coal oil
ouse in
serv nt
ejtmY 127 1872
ent cities and towns, in all climates
meinletsertai(31;m00e0ntsbiyn asetadl agiitevetent,
i:;;;Ittataa.___ttosests. They have tra.......1,:ngnae,dsin5g5:„
d°afythoer wZirslsdingwa.itislioiurgtlelosperformanee
through illness or accident The
wife. The "little people ' hive begi
eceived with "the most distinguiela
ated a fortune, and has just corn-
leted a fine, residence apott2eilltiadtesdle-0
'Little General" long since accurate.
°rough, Mama the birthplace of his
is in
xTcitheemCeietey oofvCerilitchlarlemlillmas:xeijon_
fall th_e___.....__countries they hattetvisitedt
Murder by a Clergy:1:a
ainmistiteelrJ, :Bmraonwonfe,
idling of a boy • named Frank
chikk, acted 12 years,
Id now in his 860 year. The ea --
instances of the case are as fol-
ws : Some ten or a dozen. boys
nep7slaypinbfee, boa! Bble.oliwiinid, _art.:
e ball was accidentally knocked
er into Mr. Browne's orchard by
ung Schikk, who climbed over to
t it. Mr. Browne, who was lying
ncealed in some bushes with a
uble-barreled shot -gun loaded with
gs, guarding his fruit, fired and
t the •boy through the hearte
e alarm was given, and a ste
brother .of young Schikk 'climbed
over the fence and was proceeding
to where the body of his brother
lay, when Browne fired at him, the
ball passing a few inches above his
head. Browne then. hurried into
his house. In a few minutes a large
mob collected and were about to
proceed to Browne's house for the
purpose of •hanging him, when a
squad of police at and kept the
crowd at bay while Browne was
slipped out bv a back way
ed in the Oliver -street station -
e, where, after remainir
t time, he was admitted to bail
e sum of $5,000. • The crowd
of his being bailed, became
t •
fearfully incensed, and again started
for Browne's house, swelling, ven- .
age nce, and in the meantirue a large
force of police had oeen sent there,
and the house was surrounded by a
strong guard of them. The where-
abouts of Browne is unknown, and
it is stated that a large party are
searching for him, and, if found,will
hang him to the nearest post. -
Browne is worth some half million
inal founder of the Cincinnati
dollars, and it is said was the orig-
ay, on
ood, in
e 2:21,
. NEWS OF THE WEEK.• toilr4a
. Ate
It is's-tatted that the Gcvernor July 9
General has'•
allowed to
residence a
ion A uthori
gotiatina foi a surtable.residence for.
b •
il i Ill in that ity. -
Two tho sand sewing machine
workmen in New- York, have res-
umed work t ten hours. The strike ,
of the iron a d metal workersis also,
declared at a I end, ar.d they are al-
so going to work again on the same'.
terms. - • - •
A Berlin despatch states that Bis-
marck has received assurances from
three great Catholic poweis consent.lug to 'a conclave of Ca -edit -oils in
order to have aeperfect understand.-
ing between the Cardinals end Gov-
ernments .interested in the Pope.
In a rowing match ;between a*
white man, named Coulter, of Buf-
falo, and a colored man named
Berrie, of Toronto, at Buffalo, . on
"Monday last the rowing took
mace separate' on time. The white
nian first ice. ed over the courtee
and made his hree miles MI twenty..
four minutes., ' Cuffy ' went. over
the same dist- nce in twenty-three
minutes and thirty seconds. At
man, but after the conclusion of the
the commence entof the race, bet-
ting was ten o one on the white,
lacethe man. a ebon hue was more
thought of.• ,
A boy named Schikk was ,
shot and killed by R v. San -id J.
Browne, an aged local preacher of
the Methodist Church, on -Sunday
last in Ciacinaati. ' A ball was
thrown into Browne's yard ; young
Schikk entered to recover it, and
, the old man shop him. Mr. Browne
was Etrrestecl ad subeequently re-
leased on fifty t ousaud dollars bail.
- Lieutenant -0 lOnel R. B. Sinclair,
Deputy Adjuta. t General of n.iilitia
Isla.nd of Santa Cruz and
for Nova ScotiaJ, at twhaesDbaunriiesdh
there with military honors,: on the
20th of June.
The new coal, mines,_ two miles
north of. Linitivillle; On the Cleve-
land -andtPittsbarg Railroad, took
tire about three o'clt;ck on Wednee-
day afternoon. There were twenty
men and one boy in. the mine when
•the fire began. . E even indu escaped.
rrible explosion occurre
, in an extensive flour m
w. The fia.mes burst out
ely after the eiplosion and
lding was entirely destroyed:
persons buried in the ruirs
expressed a desire to be Glasgo
ake up his permanent ruediat
Quebec. The DOWIL1- the bui
ies are, accordingly, ne- _Eleven
York city, have resumed work on
the ten hour system. The boss
printers of the same city have met
and passed resolutions that they can
neither consent to a reduction. of
the hours of labor nor an advance.
A London, England, letter says
that a repot t circulating there that
Mr. Stanley did not tell all lie
knew; that Livingstone is mar.ried
to an African. Princess, and does not
care to return.
Four hundred and forty-six Mor-
mons have arrived at New York
from Europe en route for Salt Lake. hous
Six Mormon missionaries accom- shor
panied them across the ocean. in. th
Cotton caterpillars have appeared '
in many counties of Alabama, and
cause much depression among plant-
A telegam from Orillia on. Wed-
nesday says the Press Association
excursion arrived there at 2:20 P.M.,
after a pleasant trip by the North-
ern Railway to Belle Ewart, thence
by steamer Emily May. After din-
ing at the Queen's Hotel, the !arty
proceeded by seeamer Ida Burton
to Washago, and thence to Brace
bridge, where the President's ad-
dress was read and the annual meet-
ing held for the election of officers.
gr. McKindsey has resigned his
office as Sheriff of Halton, to accept
the Conservative nomination to ran 1 n tiie
against the sitting •member, Mr. from F
The silver wedding of Rev. Henry heeeds.
Ward Beecher on th o c- pronou
nnual tober, witl be made the occasion of . denten
• Four young Cartadians, •settleiet
laver Seine, about six
ort Garry, have bee-nd
their claims by French
The Crown Land A
nces the locality free fo
a but says he can affor
ion to the settlers.
ow Quill, the Indian •Chief,
half -
r set -
d no
a four da) s' celebration by the con- I protect
'11 I Duudure. Castle in Ilamilton• ,the wliese
d o r ti
g ega. on of Plymouth Ghurc• h, - Yell
were burned to death, and twelve!
• taken out badlysinjured. Cause of
explosion unknown.
The House of Lords was crowded
on Monday, 8th, when the Ballot
13i11 came up again. It had been'.
passed with amendments, which the
House of Coinmons refused to ac -
'cepa and had been returned to the
Upper Chareber for final action, so
a contest between the two Houses
was expected. Amid unwonted ex-
citement, their lordships voted, 157
to 138, not to insist on their amend-
ment, making use of secret ballet
optional. but by a -vote of 117 to 58
they adhered to the amendment
making the bill provisional. Other
impor tent amendments were aband-
oned. The concessions will probab-
ly, satisfy the COW mons and secure
the passage of the bill.
Prenaier Bismarck, in order to
have a perfect understandiug with
-the Cardinals of Europe, has address-
ed a cernmunication to • the four
power e having a right to veto the
election of a new.Pope, to make the
'necessary arrangements and condi-
tions for a future •conclave of the
Cardinals to be held in Rorue. To
this comm unication three of the
powers have respomied, announcing
their consent to the ineetiftg at which
the representatives of plio Church in.
their dOininions will be th•esent. -
In consequence of the bi-centen-
ary of , the nativity of Peter the
Great, it has been decreed by Em-
peror Alexander that sentences pro-
nounced against the Press, and dat-
ing back more than a year from 30th
July, shall be remitted.
Late ad vices , from Tennessee,
Northern Georgia and Northern
• Alabanaa represent a most favorable
condition of the cotton crop. The
increase of acreage in Tennessee, as
compared with last year, wilt reach
15 per cent. more than the estireate
of the A.gricultural Bureau. The
labor supply has been regular and
reliable ever the eotire State.
Sir John. Maccienald wile enter-
tained at a banquet given in his
• residence of the late Sir Allan Mac- from w
nab, with the adjoining grounds, at Port
have been disposed of by private with th
sale. Donald McInnes, Esq., is the; arrange
and tht
The English Papers cordially wel- work.
come the nontiaation of 6'r -tent and It h
Wilson, and are bitterly hostile to names
Greeley and Brown, The fact is of pliment
little import, except as showing how bald.
•English sympathies tend. •' name ap
it in a 1
The Writs.
The Hamilton Times of Wedne52 A ban
day says: "We are informed from • •
band drove the surveyor
ork a few days ago, has been
Garry and had an interview -
e Lieutenant -Governor. An
ment has been arrived at,
surveyors are to return to
as been demonetrated that
were forged to the late com-
ary address to Gov. Archie
Archdea.can McLean, whose
petered thereon, repudiates
ocal paper over his own sig -
el of horse -thieves are oper-
ating in the Province, About
thirty horses have been stolen re-
• a reliable source, that the' writs for
the election of Inernbers for*the
House of Commons will be issued
on or about the 15th of this month
tuna e fifty days. This makes John
the time yet remaining for prepare- an alums
ion very short, and the snecessity the New -
activity must be evident to all." Railroad
July 3.
Ontario Rifle Association. wild bee
Menagerie 'Wrecked -
Robinson's circus met with
t irretrievaule disaster on
York and New Haven
early on the morning of
The cages containing the
sts, the tents, and all the
ralia bad been shipped from
t on a freight train to this
passenger car for the ac -
n of the pet formers, dri-
attendants was attached
ar of •the train. As the
passing under a road -way
o miles west -of the city,
fell. The falling timbers
k the platform ears, on
-e the cages. Twelve of
were smashed, and six of
-were swept off in an in -
ring the track for several
et with their broken frag-
he caged brutes thus and -
from their imprisonment
in every dieectiora The
ere the first out, followed
two young lions and a
A valuable tiger, three
ngaroos, and several- of
s were crushed and hi-
ed. Most of the engles9
rere was a valuable col -
away, as also did several
er birds. The train. was
opped, and it was aseer-
our of the circus drivers
ed severe injuries. Mr.
mon, the treasurer of the
id a narrow escape. He
in the ticket wAggon,
smashed into _splinters,
At the annual meeting of the On- pataphret
ario Rifle Association held at To- Btidgepoi
onto, on Tuesday alast, the follow- city. A
ng gentlemen were chosen to repre- comodatio
ent their several military districth vers, and
1. the Council of the A ssociatmil : to the re
District No. I—Judge McDon- train was
ald, Lieutenant -Col. Ross, 33rd Bat- bridge, tw
t Ilion, Major Baird, 22nd Battal- the bridge
in, and Hon. Archibald McKellar. first struc
District No. 2—Mr. Gzowski, which wet
r. Street, Me. Mason, and Major the latter
artnell. the largest
District No. 3—Lient Col. Bol- saint, stre
tfin, Captain Crowther, Lieut-Coj. hundred fe
Hamilton, Rev. Mr. atementi. ments. T
District No. 4—M. Allan Gil- denly freed
mour, Lieut -Col. Buell, Lieut-Coi. broke loose
Rees, ard Major Gemmel. monkeys w
quickly by
om. Thumb and his Chums. wild cat.
General Toni Thumb has grown striped ka
h as well as famous. He and his the animal
•ty have just completed a three stantly kill
rs voyage round the world, and of which tl
have gone over the groend with lection, flew
much pecuniary profit. The par- of the small
included his - wife, Commodore Pl'al-b1)61Y at
tt and iNlinnie Warier', and coin- willed that f
ed in all thirteen perions. They had sattaia
t overland to California, thence G. N. Robir
apan, China, Australia, the Eest company, hi.
ies, returning via. the Suez Cenal was asleep
gypte tee Continent and Great inch was
22, ,
JULY it]
Scatter ing the
alien, but he
.atisr:Fittcilamatend itei and its ii
of the °vertu/.
. i,ral it' ligil; on adsti..:7;11:3;teirst 1,2:1
.b ii TA ghe
*Dick, after lai
/Anions, sptan
. el" innglii)iteeder°ffanuti
Ihyettir b yweiltisa., iiIT'*1
.ainins3:1,1altln.edr tlieleumdbil
.direction as
conip2, OBS
.ed, aft:: mo,
talesnakes was
. slwatasr iit.ecit :seen0 rt iai this
hd octoii i:
athnadt siemIthoirl
ternation ret
enagerie, are
seident looking
-of :five 123 3.1.BS of
ilarge party, ar
whets, are scot
r. Stan, July
.Lynch Law
A despatch fro
that some three h
bled on the nigfit
-took from the jai
Tithe were arreete
ina Mary Seeor, a
hanged theni to a
men who were
Kimble, Jacob
MeCioud. The f
Kimble, was /let
was through his
--others were arms
proved that he
.concerned in the
The mob suiround
securing the gna
three men and p
the spot where th
;and hanged them
the terrible rtrime
=Comm—At ma
7th inst., the
of :a son.
&RAMA N. —In
the wife ef Mr.
• daughter.
Brtama.—At Lon
innt., the -wife
.Catnit—Ittoats. -
the residence o
Goderich Mills, h
stock, Mr- H. C
daughter of 3. TA
vestry, Hamilton
Rev. J. (1. Gad&
Miss J. Mooney,
BAttinv.—At his re
concession of the
ich, on the :30th
Bailey, aged. 30 y
'TtaT.—On Tuesd
Robert Tait, of
Grey, egad 83y
Nle 1LS
Butter 4 34,343
Flour ......... ... 112.4.2225!
Petatee8 4.*
Rides; ... ..............,
-Sheep Pelts.....
Lomb Slins, .. _ . , . . ..
. .
.Calf Skins, (Teal) per
Salt (retail) per barrel..
Dried Pork—Baeon......
1)rled Pork—Ham.......
Tan Bork .............— ...
Oatmeal -t--> brl........ ..
Fall 'Meat
Spr'n Wheat
g .
4.33'13* . * ******
Peas.. 4. .42
33utter -
'nay, per ton,
-Wool, per 1121
• Spring IN' -heat..
.. . .
Butter -
.. .
Potatoes. — —
Dried BEdon., . .. 4 V,
Dr1441. 111
GrIten Irides ... .
Lamb Skins•
Salt, 1,4' bbl...... .
d a
Fy 7 -el; T1 i weree°Inlv:ea rT
Extra was steady, th
reported. being of II)
whieh were not made
reported in fancy. ;_la
ordinary superfine;
wheat, extra, in bans
1 5.ri.f4e.c ;400 brfs,
f or spring. fTolriewrhe ib 1
out inducing sales. T
is very limited, and in
ers looking for hielie
•;pence of loml scarcity
Oats—Were to be b
track, th.e same priee b