The Huron Expositor, 1872-07-12, Page 2El * • 2. MANIIMINIMMEg!affelANNsmagensam • AFTER MANY DAYS. 'Nathan, I have had a letter from New York. Mrs. Grinasby •writes that she.will spend the season in the White Mountains.' 'A h r Nathan ejaculated, in . his most far away manner', handling his knifeand fork clumsily, at if' they • were weapons of defence, And gaz- ing with a very mitNapan-like • expression away from the comfort- able tea table, with its delicate blue rimmed service, and the plaeid, good- natured Jails, behind the •monstrous tea urn, who sat with a curious air of puzzled expectatia. 'Are you not well, Nathan ? Is that all you have to say Down fell war implenaent No. I, the knife, at which a little color mounted• to the brown, handsome face, and then a grave,, sweet sthile that made one ferget in an instant the awkwardness of his every move- ruent "Good gracious, Annt Royal, what would you have me say ? fliat Mrs. Grimsby should have asked our consentabout the visit ,,tosthe White Mountains 7 She general ly spends the seasou somewher t's just as well -White Mau& Cape May. It's all rig pose.' ins a I • sup - • 'Nathan, I hope you don't mean to be featly,said Aunt Royal, pite- ously. You know I am not in the least appreciative. Mrs.. Grimsby's . design on .the White Mountains I nothing to d - foolish. moths had scorched them- selves, and crossing the worn crim- son carpet, checked with great bars of light from a summer moorticlimb- ing above the litUrel tree that grew againat the window, she gazed down on a still figure below with brawny arms folded, and finely p9ised head thrown back, a good-natured lion at rest. "Nathan is a good fellow. I think he once fancied Helen, at least ad- mired her bright face and com- panionable ways. To be sure there 'has been a great change in her, poor dear, but she would make an ami- able mistress for • Carlingsford—no one better. I wish .might bring this about ; it's quite time Nathan thought about taking a wife.' The next moiniag, to Aunt Royal's utter surprise and utter con- sternation Nathan- Carlingsford ap- peared at the breakfast table in • a gray -travelling, suit, with a linen Raglan thrown over his arm, and to her tallest of inquiry declared that he had suddenly conceived the idea of 'taking a jaunt fir a month or six weeks. She might have the Wil- lows t� herself, or to any company si e chcinse to invite down. She was all times to. have just what com- panions she desired, and for as long a time as she or her guests liked. Aunt Royal's prim cap frill had t in the knowledge of any one er seemed so amity and out of order; e soft gray hait, uniformly as sooth.as silk, was actually falling -wn in wispy little curls about the eet motherly face, and ' Aunt, yal presented :a disagreeable con- st to her usually placid self. no ev th • 8111 with the subject about do • which I wish to speak. Helen, after sw a long winter with those children, Ro must feel the need of rest and relax- tra adore She must be terribly tired of the city and her hard, uniaryirtg life of dependence. I wish it were possible to ask her don for a month or two.' • Not knowing just how this might be received, Aunt Royal hastily made another cup of tea, mistaking the salt spoon for the sugar tongs, in her efforts to look conaposed, eye- ing the broad -shouldered Nathan opposite; : 'I suppose you have written. to Mrs. Kavne, saying that thelaloors of Carlingsfircl are ever open to her. Always, so Jong as it would he pleas- ant for her to remain here.' _ • Nathan's smile was gone, and a 1 thin feverish light g,leamed down low in I fello he depths of his grey eyes. He I seaso stooped, replaced the knife that! had I in a fallen, with a sligh&treraor, scarcely I clean noticeable. i • fanci Aunt Royal left the cup of tea meat" she !lad in no wise wanted, it being , this a . 'A Nath if yo . Nathan, you mean that you are not going to stay 'at home td wel- come the company you have invited down to Carlingsford. The fishing and fowling comrades you spoke of, you can't mean for them. to arrive and find the place without a host, Nathan Nathan smiled a little, and began a vigorous onslaught on the tea and muffins, but with an air of not relish- ing the repast- ' The fishing and fowling can wait, Aunt Royal, for a month lat • least. I surrender Carlingsford to you until I return. Have you not often vowed it would be a ,00d g to.get rid of a great, loutish w who tramps in and out at tint nable hours, keeping the house sad state of tumble and un - nets, with no mai of whims and es to reconcile ? You • don't to say you have not said all nd more, Mrs. North?' s if it were net yonr own house, an, to turn completely round, u choose,' said the good lady an aggeteved tone, and the very t approach to dissatisfaction t e third cup• newly drawn, and came round the table to lay- her hand on the dark, straight hair, and to tell Nathan how good.of him to,with grant her this. neares TT 1 cn has not been out (if town but once, T think, since her hits - 'band's death ; what a treat it will be------.Carlingsford is at its best; now t at w She design m d oo. alien \yule and ask her to I of vap come at mice ; 1 could not, certainly, I nozzle before naming it to yOu, Nathan. 1 kettle, Poor gill, what a surpriie it will) be.' the im Aunt Royal, as Nathan Carlings. ford called her, was a dear, good- ' I b soul, full of auriable schemes and meanssurprises, surprises, _ which, oddly enough, never seemed to turn out satisfac- torily in the end, more to .11er sur- prise than. to any one's of her ac - q u ain ta n e e. -Carlingsford Willows, one of the most beautiful 'farmhouses ha- the liedson River country, bad been left solely' to Nathan Clarlingsford, when a lad of 16, ten years before tlii as possible to her. . saw her well -intent s upon the master of Carl Villows disappear in a or, not unlike the steam of the diraiuutive hot which, ()tiring the progre portant tea making, occu a elbow. el ieve Nathan Carlingsferd to go on until the end cif the THE HURON EXPOSITOR. an chagrin after the receipt of it let er from her niece Helen, beg - gin to decline her kind' irivitatioa. 'Not for anything, dear Aunt No th, would spend any time at Car ingsford as a visitor, although if you were very ill I think I should do *hat I could. I am deeply sensible of your good motive in this, but am compelled to decline. I think I shall remain in nay prevent enipioy, and perhaps accompany Mrs Grimsby, to care for the child- ren, etc. . ot for anything spend any time at Carlingsford as a visitor.' Aunt Royal sat down in her cane - seat rocker with. a very blank fa.ce, and geld off the mysterious and of- ... fens ve epistle as cne would some re - fres ing entomological specimen, and 'e -read the lines quoted, from a safe istauce, with positively a faint angry flush in her cheek. And why not'?' indeed, very many youug Women would be hap- py at the bare mention of such a chance to catch a husband, to speak nothing of such a one as Nathan Carliagsford could be in spite ()fills manner. I really would not have believed such perversity of Helen Kayne—care for the children, indee Th arced in her amiable plans and nichinations at every turn, Aunt .Royal gave way to the die - tempo caused by so- many disap- point ents, and went straightway to bed in a cool west chamber, with ibis white dimity trimmings and great pink v ses full of double red roses and fa thery, asparagus sprays; had her h ad bound,up, and her little handin aiden Hannah to sit afar off, quite a the foot df the white cur- tains, nd just within range of her eye, d waft up and down—with the laz undulation. of a great wil- low b tigh—e. great, gorgeously - lined fa To t ink that 1 can have no in- fluence ith either of them, after all ,these y ars,' Aunt Royal muttered, vratchin with a dreamy sense of COM - fat the, approach and wavering re- treat f he peacock feathers. .4 in ?' innocent Hannah queri- the end of his slender walk Et blue veil belonging to s below on the rocks, and strc began to look fur a possible -He found, looking about where for the missing a slender little figuie in gr straying locks of damp, dark hair, and cheeks like dripping wa er lilies —as stainless and pure. Nathan knew that figure nd the. sweet, childlishly beautiful ace too well. What should he d ? Go away unobserved if he could ? No, it 'was too late; she rais d two wistful brown eyes, and flash d begpain- fully. your pardon—this yours, I believe,' and the veil wa awk- wardly presented. Taken in silence; a great pa se en- suing, till a big wave bad noted Up in white fringes and subsided, and the brown eyes looked up earnestly ng -stick me one Iling on_ owner. every - 'dole, •a y, with in the diaturbecl face of the whose heart just then beat against his bosom with the re lion of old pangs. Nathan Carlingsford, seven years before that, had yielded up hi good and generous heart wholly t this women, who stool before In for the first time since their patin-g, loved her with the only Jove f his life, beheld in her all the virtu graces he deemed any woman s possess, and fancied his passio wholly without return. All things -..—his love, his hopes an bosom friend, John Kayne. sympathized with his position volunteered his services as e seder, as Nathan felt himsel equal to asking any woman to ry him. He felt his very wa putting it would be against and accordingly, as Kayne advi he wrote with trembling hain• that he could have urged, and it by his friend. The letter had been noticed or answered, and, beyond expression, Nathan had g away from borne for a year- or t RI1C1 Hel of Jo man, .hard ollec- 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. The cathartics used. and approved by the physicians of the various medical associations of Ontario are now com • pounded and sold under the na,me of Parsons' Purgative Pills. la' We copy the following from an exchange, which is important if true Chronic diarrho3a, of long standing, also dysentery, and all similar complaints cornmon at this swan of the year, can be cured by the use (internally) of John- son's Anodyne Linitnent. We know whereof we affirzn. HEAL. TH IS STRICNGTH-----TO prevent or conquer disease is .one of the grandest at- tainments ever aimed- at by lean; and Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers will as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling in the throat and pulmonary complaints, as war pestilence will destroy. Severe cold not attended to sooner or later lead incurable consumption, and the stren of the strongest soon fails if neglect The readiest and best means known the cure of these complaints is Brya Pulmonic Wafers, which have b thoroughly tried for the last 20 yea and have never been known to fa Singers and public speakers will also d rive great benefit from the use of them. SAS JULY 1872. AINLEYVILLE LANING MILL, 9 DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY The subscriber having bought out tee a prepare Mill, a ifo the good7 ill of the late firm, is to fill all orders in his line of business., Sasi Doors and Matildi ON HAND AND MA DE TO ORDER On the shortest notice. C STOAI PLANING_ Strictly attended to. JAMES 13ENNETT„ Ainley Die }ray 113, 1872. P.8147 IFORTH and 81? -1 s if SASII, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY to 'th TRH su )6criberit)hPgeglilbe:rval topattrilaonnekrjelisx11,"illted -Al-Inchugg ecorrns 1.1?iirmeing businesa in Seriforth, and ed. • for trnets t t he may be favored with a centireemte n's ofPthar°ti8:113 elendina, to build would do well to gift TilS: large stoc en him a call aa he continue to keep on head tr„ olftaYll kPlijilk".11ri: LUMBER, e - SA 1,4 rale Is, Solcl by all medicine dealers at 25 cents 8, BLIND, MOULDINGS' INGLE'S, LATH, 14.:TC. DOO Be feels sk who may 1 but first -el ne 201 n ' wHo w WAGO- ,8 per box. kv... Why will our friends run the ri of becoming blind by wearing comm spectacles, when they can procure. t most perfect article that has , yet bee made, by calling on our old friend, 11 R. Counter, the well-known jewelle and get a pair of Lazarus, ,Morris & Co. sand perfected spectacles ? Don't delay. TRAVE G- G G • • . MARK ould not Georgen's celebrated medicines are now for sale in most all of the stores of deal - hese ers in medicines. The attention of th aP- public is called to the fact that over 120, ,his 000 packages have been sold daring th who prst few years in a portion of the Pro and vince of Ontaiio alone, and more is re quired, as the demand is steadily increa.s ing. This of tb.eir curative powers is un- sufficient proof. They are warranted to tate purify, regulate, and strengthen the of whole human system ; not to cure any thing and every thing, but to be benefici- ] al in most all cases and hurtful in none. ed, They consist of pills, powders, relievers, all and ointments for the human system ; also liniments— and powdeis for horses, 1-1-°t' forth by R. Lumsden andj. Seatter. ent art M. GEORGEN & SoNs, Barrie, whole- ne sale manufacturers. cattle and other animals. Sol2d-min_6132S.ea- , 0, e e LTHE B on returning found that, his lave en North had- become the eaife d w ed, leaning forward on her brown, take dimpled elbow, opening her gray there .eyes conaternation at this new . the 3, evidence that her mistress wandered cross in her m'cl. Aun. Han ah Htirst, never care for Mrs. anybody welfare, and don't ever lay York up any p ans and hopes so long as 'II meeti cock feathers were quite thong In, and lay on the cool • Go mittal hn Tiayne, who had been dro*na thin the year. He longed; to her in his arms, feeling that could be no other women in 11 vorld tor him. He had ne er ed her since, and heard throe h t Royal, in a casual *ay, t Kayne was living in N as a nursery governess. elen.—Mrs. Kayne, this is ng I .bad not expected. lit you were—' ing headlong to a grand co. , Nathan stopped, and color( illy. came down a week' ago wit Grimsby. There she is now we join her?' o; at least not just now Something must come, if he died for it, his heart was full to overflowing with a tenderness he fancied had you live.' The pe out of si checkered matting, and Hannah's gray eyes suaden e. 'Do poi about as ti Yes, . . blinked at,.Aunt Royal's ergy. hear, ahild ? no b9pcs, no e on, and let things come es, will.' ioued a'a.m,' said Hannah, be- ings- ginning tiarin to set the air in mo - whirl tine -with the green and purplish from gold fan. viter Aunt R yal's sense of her wrones ss of and *her st pied and fainter chapter, eating bread like a vi in his own, house, without one tiF to What is to. become of him ing all. the years to come, and' t) painft I Mrs. shall N at IV a 11 I - 1 tains no alcohol or other volatile liquids, cense- d quently loses nothing by evaporation. Il'herever applied you get the benefit of every drop ; whereas And NORTHROP & LYMAN, N'ewca.stle, Ont., with other preparations nearly all the alcohol is . h eat in that way, and you get only the small quan- tity of oils which they nia:v emttain. / S. N. THOMAS, Plienns, N. I. Sole Agents for the I/mai:den. LuinNose:e.:-. Electrie--Selected and Eleetaized. Sold in Seaforth by L. Iiiekson. & Co, and R. Thomas' Eclectric On, WOItTII TEN Tflims ITS WEIGHT IN GODD. DO KNOW ..sairmumm, OF _IT 2 IF NOT, IT Is TIME You Dm There are but few preparations of naedi which have withstood the impartial judgment the people for any great length of time. On these is THostAs' ELEcrn/o OIL, purely a pre,' ation of six of some of the best oils that are kno each one possessing virtuee of its own. Scient physicians know that medicines may be formed several ingredients in certain fixed proportions greater power, and producing effects which co never result from the nse of any one of them or confident of giving satisfaction to these vote: him with their patronag,e, as none ss workmen are employed. -ular attention paid to Custom Pianing. JOHN H. BROADFOOT- TS A GOOD SUBf.IT , or a nice STYLISli BUGGY t WI LIAM GRASSE SEAFORTH, AS h Ind and for sale a number of handsome single nd double BUGGIES all w 11 in.hea and manufa„tured of the very best mate. 'al MBER WA.GONS, ?:ceilenee of build, End easein rnadag assed by any manufacturer in the MOCRAT WAGONS on haw au& L Which, for cannot be s Province. A few D more nt akin WILL GRASSIE sells as cheap as any ciatm establiehree t in the County. BLACKSMITHINC And Gene al Job ,Work attended proinidly. T THE BEST, ANCHARD CHURNI 'ANL -FACTORED BY' • PORTER BLAN6NARD & SONS, You I C011 eine This Churn of that has ever e of It churns rapi nix- butter. It is wn, tile of of um TRY ON ini different cambinations. Thus in the prepainti of this oil a chemical change takes place, formin —g I turned. These Churn a compound which could not by any poseibility be I made from any other combination or proeortions of th e ingredients, or any other ingredien and entirely different from anything ever befo thatle, one which produces the most astonishing i sults, and baying a wider ranee of appli.mti than arty medicine ever before discovered. It co ord, New Hampshire. R decidedly the hest and cheapest ,en offered to the Canadian publja. ly, works easily, and makes the best .o simple and durable. I AR:INTERS , SUIT NO 8ALE., all 1 '1 11 does not work satisfactorily it can be ree can be .F e en at any -time at 41331-- tS, son 13rothers' h raware Store, Seaforth. !'e 1 e.- 0. C. WILSON 280 n- Aliculture' Implement Agent. been q 1111 rrounclinglegrew fainter I taken and understanding her I, sorne y release fro these, symptoms, Han- ' way, I nah-went s ftly out cf. the loom, dos- more c care I or an asparagus -spray, to stay day I just -no ing it up vith a delicious sigh of I could vii I gladness th t she was neither a.rose I as it la dur- and night withiti four white walls, j 'Ans eat- with only a drowsy elite bottle buz- r1 tienclied. • -s. Kayne, if you could ha notice of my declaratioe mad eats ago, answered it in som thiuk should ha\ e fe ontent than I have. I thin have borne a plain "no," liar olid have been, better than --- thing at all.' wer what9 What do yOu mean, Mr. Carlingsford ? I never received a declaration of any des- cription from von in my life.' The brown eyes were staring in geand surprise full at poor Nathan, Ne andthe pretty cheek growing paler retu and paler. 0, the villian,' said Nathan, in rage, which lasted but a ing with downright injustice e good Woman who ought to be 0 ,, was when the wrong-hea ma was ° nuite gone—nn tresstress hei Tiiis yonug 11 v OS tige • summer evening, when we find i room die him taking tea with his housekeep- 1 thinas, er, fietee. [nethr friend and adv.'s- 1 NatLi, er, Mrs. Not th, a distant ia lative of ; scraps Of his father's second wife, who had pot her of ar zurvired. him a year. Aunt Royal or Cha,ra bad grown to look on the cheery old from house, W i th its Kniekettbocker drawers gables and ponderous stoub flaggings, (peculiar as her -home durint the lite time of with all the last Mrs. Carlingsford. - After be at, the het- deilease, the D]ace, without a and utter , mistress, fell into -ruins, and young W0111a11; w Nathau, woefully feeling the neecl Ittehousek of a woman allout the house to keep he calm . him from sharing the common fate Airs. N when}ie ieterned from his studies, priety and humanely offwed her 'the posit. , lace cap t and it was aratefully accepted She,I - s on w ... bad elnairted all those years, mak- ever been itg a weak pretence of going back to Nathan Vermont every year though the ofth t , The Grent Fe2unte neinedy. THISinvaluable medicine is unfailing in the JOB atosna' PEIlloDICAD mr.r.s. I cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases 1 to which the female comtitution is subject. It rauderatns all excesS. and removes all obstructionia Q To • ladies, .. anansiinaideeail,1:7.1.2.g. 1. . y suited. It 'will iu a short time, bring on the monthly period with If: regularity. k Tnese Pills should not be taken by Females d during the firt.it three -months of Pregnacy• as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other 4ine zing against the highest .pane in the window, a cl Aunt Royal lying very still behind the spotless bed ded drapery. t a Freedom kas what Hannah long - of him remainine save inatitled of a few farnil to see which was to and a perfect ocean of pap elci letters and a vast nu tic:les almost without na cter, which had result strange mode of cleari and packing portmantea fo men like .Cat-lingfor things on top which shou bottozn, and such confusi • desolation behind as ith a well regulated, orae eeping turn of mind cou uder. ortif was a model of pr neatness, froni the snow o the hem of the grey stli tc no speck- or spot ha seen. in his mannish disregar . . fitness ot things, had no. and intimate acquaint a great trial to her. Sh PtF:ntly followed up be Minas with scarcely th t she- had hoped and ex d at last had submerge esires about Nathan in themes of marrying him e orderly little woman, /ling with neat and fresh sand a young energy, ie accomplish something iption of this castaway. ing of debris from Nath - 1 chamber, and the re - iar see er, use the ed ng 118 d) can no Id 0- Y good Nathan had never failed to ef- d wino. a lo . fectually discourage this preject. ;nice, been - Aunt Royal went away with hr hail peri bed-roo-m camile, and sat for a long early-. teac -while over a letter to her niece, good effec Helen Rayne, anxious thab it nlight; pected, an be couched in just the wordst. iat itil other woald brnn- her down to the pleas- the grand s c-, .ant old house for a..fow- weeks. nfrto soul 'Such a dear girl as Helen, earning, i who, begin the bread sho eats by a life of drudg- principles, lusty tyrants. I dare say those 1 in the reclen i ery and serfdom to three over -fed, !nightla tin Grimsby children have worn, her to The clean a mere shadow.' . . an's deserte The delicate affaitt was at lengqi I storing of it despatched the letter cluino. lijtli a apect„with sequent upo for her niee pected daily, ,, tempeF and ed for, and g4ting clear of the white garden gate, withits yellow honey- suckle drooping oVer, she ruehed o a terrific over clover links and purple heart- I mieneet.• ease, down thaough. a meadow reen ' 14 time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limb; filtigilt Oil blight ex- ertion, ptdpitation at the heart, hysteric, and ' white, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed: and althongli a powerftal remedy, do not contain iron, calemel, antimony, or a.nything hurtful to the constitutien. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Jol M Now 'York, Sole Prorietor. $1.00 and 12i cents for postage, enclosed to:S:011110p &Lvitan weastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominon. • I insure u bottle, containing over 50 pills by in mail. Ikea- Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co. and R. Luinsilen. as velvet, qu which a narr over its -peb reflected the nodding pluu ers; and Ha face and ro about a wealr gold flag, And now Nathan. e, te at the further side of 1 Kayue d w stream ran kutgling fessing n I les, and in which was be my NV inc patch of pure sky, '1 .neN es of white alder flow- after we nail's brown, gypsyish great agi nded arms, clasped pain and of monstrous red and been -spa) and wild sweet pea. that tette co rrieible t Did not John eliver a letter to you con - love, and asking you to ife, seven. years ago?' ,er had one wOrd"from you parted,' the woman said, in tation, thinking bow mueh heartburniug would have ed her had she received r. 'Helen,' the man's voice trembled and grew husky ae he was about to e ak- a qtesuion which had ieeen d Ignorina a certain horror to b had of such fla intuags up and down if at the ver ti e when he con 'd ,e( d , the whole wet ld had better stay at J home and keel quiet, Nathan deter d I mined for J/1C to spend his summer as other men did, in eating, drinking - and idling over sultry beaches, e I knocking about shells and sea rocks r I with .. his boot heels, and wishing e i himself, we di q not doubt, 50 times - 1 a day, in the 6de, cool avenues. of ct s • few affectionate remarks, lay en- veloped and sealed With the great pretentious seal of the - Royals, which had remained in the good lady's pnssession an untold number of years. Aunt Royal extioghished the candle, in which very many -t to itsiwonted. wholesome the stir and bustle con upreparing apartments e Helen, who was ex brought back the even I calm spirits for h Nathan had also a great dislike, to noise and dress, and the confusion attending a fasl ionable resort. His awkward movements and reticent mannersheknel hewbuld findithard to counterbalan eeven with so much money, and Intl ared to see the poor result in his f von by the side of other men. He wes not one to de-. 1 sire the fine opi ion of many; the only one in all tie world he cared to think well f him qeite hated him he knew r some niiknoevn reason; and it N1r• s nothing now that ther won3en dui egarded him. Walking on alne, over the hard, ellow beach, the third day after his rrival at tile seaside, he caught on c o Aunt Royal North was so well not-! ed far and wide.. We will not dwell on herurprise ay 7 ov deep in his. heart uncovered for years, could you have returned my love then ? What would have been your answer' to me 7' should have said "yes," and accepted your love as the one thing . kvhieli seemed good in my sight.' 'Aly own love! Aly -darling.' Nathan Quiligsford took her in his aims, his long lost Helen, ' th frequent thanks, arid felt that out of the storehouse of the (sods he had received the most priceless treasure they had to offer him. - A tint Royal remains at the 'Wil- lows, sometimes threatening the young pecple to leave them t thein.. selves, out of ill -will that they- should at last fall in love and 1 - mairied without aid from her. Sometimes as Hannah sits with her peacock feathers stirring the dull air and white bed curtain.s, leaning on her dimpled elbow as of old. Aunt Royal remembered her caution to her little handmaid, and endea ors to reconcile the past and the pe,sTehnitn. gs do come around, Hannh, in their own way; only let them be.' _____igassaamizmuwzmagai 07-6 • - RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TraiiiS leave the Seaforth -station as i2 foilo... :— Express. - Mia ea . Main 1.02 P. ar. 3.35 . M. 8.45 P. 31! GI 01 II G EAST. Express. 10.50 A. m. 2.20 r. M. 8.00 A. M. GOING WEST. VICTORIA HALL. THE Subscriber has opened iew HOTEL and -I- EATING nousE, mai 1-atret Seaforh, first building North of ' and Trunk Depot. urninhed at all h irs; good accommoda- tions, stabling, &c.; the beat liquors alwa s hand. In connection with this hotel there is a hand- Somely fitted ICE.C1tEA1 PARLOR, with suitable apartments for ladies and gentlemen. 288-13 C. M. DUNLOP. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAI.N. • '4.-- ----Ira (11111g7- .;• ,_ li • -....11,..,,,,...-z 9 .,... , . ..,..--,„,-4-- J,........,,r-,.. a2,2:,... • - - ',. • ,....,_ ,,......_.s.s..— T IE BEST SEWIN falle can boiled at ' WM. N. 'WATSON'S Wile* Pi ACHTNE DEPOT, S ,AFOTIL MACHINES "TIIE CEA 1.11,17E ITO E Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and "Til OS.130 " Maz ne in all styles. The subscriber ha • received a spIondid supply -of both thoh.t Machines which aro pronounced by eye erkneed. /nds to b superior tunny others 111/1.4r0. ror strength, elm; ieity and perfectien a co struetion ; for range of work froni light gauze Pa neal ee alert lean:or; for beeeiy and exactness tit stitch, owing to abe t. melon being piufect raid ale ways equal on both pp. -.r and lower threads, and for dtuabilify these al :whine!, are unrivalled. Everrnmenine wax anted and instructions gratis. liachines sex t out on trial, or rented- by Ole auonth to respe3:4'11e parties. 2:3 W`d. N. WAT()N, Seaforth. rt_ CAIITAVIZIGIIT L. D. S„ Surgeon Detist, ,'• extracts teeth 'withot pain by the use of the lsli rous-Oxide Ga. Offic—Over the Fountain of Fa hien, Mr. Pewter's store, on the Market Squar04.. ttendance in Seaforth, at linox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ;in Clinton, at he Commercial Hotel, on the following Thum - his Stratford office. dal's and Pridays The rexuainder of the time at arties requiring new teeth are requested toltall, if at Seeforth and Clinto, on the frrst days of at. texalance.. . Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by thense of the Gas. at Dr. Coulton's offices, New York. 208 CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at L01.1D'S HOEL SEAFORTII, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday in each month, BEGINNING ON noND, oint'0.11Eiti 2, 1811. Large numbers of buyers will be in attendance, ket prices. and parties haviug stock may rely on tho hest in. In connection with Loyd's Hotel (HOughton's are large and cemmodiatm stables and yards, 108 DO MI'gr'0t ViSrE ht... li SOMETI 'NG NICE? !lb x,11:11 TITO-VA SY 13E Man-stre t, Seafrth, Can show you sometitin worth looking at in the FURN TURE ine, He has just reeeiv a large quantity of NEW NITURE Of every description width, for OHBA Pic&SW, BE -41. TY, : and QUALITY. Ia ieally worth going to see. Warerooms— Opnemitu Robertsos Store. Hardwtere 217 13 GAI " Mamma," k bad been sent to the fire, "is it brown. 7" --An Irishman cap store,. and st lit in the paper $ur T -f Yes,' said 'and I distinctly tions must be ma faith an' it's Ines ure,' said Pat ; a —A South Cir bis paper free raw who brings him t melon of the Bea': time he intends t aens that don't tak Mother,' s wrong to break tainly note my mother; 'birt wia silly questions for just dropped the I eggs in it," replie story is t performance of farmer took his grand music, an with apparent en became suddenly of the choruses have gone =tray,' xano VOitO excl like sheep—e' voice uttered, in tones 'We all, 1 ITN the singers ▪ We all, like fib dor exclaimed partner, 4 like 1 .1 can't bearpheei --A minister through the settle zin, doing good He tarried for tl the pioneers' eab man, while prei tered into conve itor, and the f took place: Stra you be from r 31 Shelby County, tranger, hope rata anought you be ▪ Madam, I'm seal sheep of the bieus jriolihnt;liseh4tedt r°ethisbf stranger alt the County, Kentudi just bet my haired old rem ti Jot for be last IiisL111:1;o''a have 3set' said one ger 'es, poor little five months -old. could for it. W bilateral its head tard poultices all nine calomel po timattao nledicin lesi had it week's illness it —There is a s talit21clle 91taWd1 a deceased eitize A train steppe Jay, and the b planner of his el; inside the door. 'Hanna,' loud a lady,pp oosent eg )bar e9 bp. shocked at his fa 211 acquainta TICE thunder -cloud al youportrait of iiir painter to liaN 4 But," said he, no _ r Ai%u.thy lartr trious man. I as looking -out will. But whe me, I \vizir to not to be thoug ing too ninch tii "Vry hail be done s mill and the miller looked a saitgiellie" out?" buL 44 whenever one you kaosv, yol preserve your c "That's right the miller. 4* rill in the mill so; that will do Good News We learn tha =an named (1 autimalitarian t, vented a eteel take the place o ng matehes. not been actual-. ,to prevent eruel avowed objetta limited sport stall cost;" • bit comes widely a lent ideas of farthered. witho stern rigors of ti tion is called a conssts ef a ste much like the aerial top. Tb by a rotary met pring. Tne cently onexhib a Fire Arms,