The Huron Expositor, 1872-07-05, Page 1SITNE 28, 187'2.
ritaiiiia l_tolase;
-rev Obttons,
Grey Shectings,
-White Cottons,
White Sheeting4
ipe Shirting's,
Check Shillings,
In Plain and Figured
Black and Colored Silks.
Costo e taotte in colors.
A. gooi itssortmcnt of Fancy Goods,
Collars, -
Sewed Muslins.
Cruder the charge of Miss Brent, from Mr, Jetra,
ELty's„ Toronto,) is especially attractive, being` -
supplied with stock of tit° latest styles, All& the°
uttaost attention may be relied on. in, titling °r'ler8'
11.10 cPeisIr1fl Stripe Shawl'
And the newc-St patterns in
Tize srpplyz rmths and Tweeds is large, and'
1•,. all tirdurs for cif lilnutt will be satitifaoterilly
The usual sz.t,urtniont
Phirt:"=,rT5e,. Th., 1lirs1 Fronts, Glove?:
relt, (.110h, SilL. Straw, Le• -horn said PallSr413-
s in CI etc.
A gOOti 'Erapvly of Groceries always on hand.
valne in Tms wilt be given. A good stook
to choose from, good value for the raone, gooas.'
marked in plaihi figures and only one Prioe*5137
U1 pritmiplee 'adhered to fit'
rooms. Pena) as wishing a pleasant boarding- Prices will egedoubt e pis y
, as a bran-him-hi:mac. clot
thna botci rates- 22.8 duty on the 1st Suly, but the price of 1 statements are entirely incorrect, I rane, of Biantford, to vesit them us a
vacaucies. Traue:ont boaniets accommodated at filiation of 10 per cent. in the American. 1 ment therefor. As your coreesp
hens- theedd Aprin AS t1lArA are at present a few
ship of Downie, lost a valuable cow ou by a vicious bull and killed. When
found, the young man was dead, and the
bull standing over his body, from vehich
with difficulty he was driven away.
Letter from Manitoba.- - Thursday week, the animal hal mg on
WINNIPEG, June 15. 1 killed by lightning. The poor beast Iced,
bas 1 taken refuge from the fierce rays of .the
Your correspotident, " W. S.," 1 sun under a tree in the field a short time
opened a subject in reference to the los-
1 before she was struck.
ses 'sustained by parties here during the
rebellion, and aLso comments freely on 1 -The First Presbyterian Church of
the compensation asked from the Govern- 'East" Orange, New Jersey, h.ave sent a
dent's pressing invitation to Rev. Mr. Coch-
191cLEA,N IIROVITERS. Pnihrishena.
1 53. 50 a Year, in sedvaiicee
VOLIT-Tm 5, NO. 21.
W110141E NO. 239.
B. WAAL IR, nisi's., Physician, Surgeon
+3. &C., Gradnate of Toronto. University, Associ-
ateCoroner for the County of Iluron, Wroneter,
.1-tAlirtl) AMC-HEIL, M. D., Graduate of Iricto-
.1.1 xis College, Physician, Surgeon,
etc..2: etc.,
ONT.--Coroner of the County of Aaron.
once sued residence, at r.Chorapson & Stanley's.
1-)11. W. R. SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, etc.
• -IL' Oillee—Opposite $oott Robertson's Grocery,
Itain, street, Sentortk. 53
TAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate of
Uoiversity, Montreal, Physician, Sur -
neon, etc. (Mice and Residencd-Brocetield.
Tilf L. Vtateon, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur-
geon, etc, Office and Residence, corner of
?darket and High streets, neat to the Paninn
- -
flR. CAMPI3ELL, Coroner for the County: Office
and Residence, over Corby's corner stbre, Main
street, Swarth. Office hears, from 11 to 4, each
slay, Rua all clay Saturday. 159
The wool season is now well advanaed
throughout Ontario, and we arein a
position to estimate with considerable ac-
curacy the extent and character of the
clip of 1872. From enquiries we have
made in different gnarters, there is every
reason to believe that early progehstica-
tions have proved to be correct, and -Opt.
this season's yield is below the average
M quantity. - • •
The greater part of the wool clip of
the Province has been •marketedduring
the past thiee weeks, and it•is admitted.
that deliveries have been larger in a few
localities than buyers at first anticipated.
But the cause of this is to be found, in
the high prices offering, which have
tempted the farmers to *take as large
sales as possible, thus leaving, much less
than usual for their own home use., As
proof of this, it is reported that not a few
ecieal carding mills are suffering from
want`of business, and it is quite evident
that when over fifty cents per pound can
be readily obtained fer wool,tmost of the
farming community will prefer to sell -
rather than manufacture it themselves.
Notwithstanding the stimulus of high
prices, however, the aggetgate purchases
this season, lip. to this time at least, fall
below those of- 1871, and there are, con-
sequently, good. reasons to infer .a defici-
enay, more or less marked, ie the extent
?f this crop. -
The quality of Our wool, we are glad to
learn, manifests- signs of improvement,
although We hear some, complaints in re-
gard to iniperfect -washing. The ex.cel-
lence of Canadian wool is, however, 'new
generally adtnitted, and. almost every
year ivitheases further improvement.
This arises no doubt partly from the fact
that, as the country become' better Clear-
ed and Cultivated. and • the yeomanry
better off and more greater
attentioil is paid to housing the sheep,
washing; and keeping the fleeces clean
after clipping. The principal cause of
improvement, however, is to be found in
the action of the larger and. more -prudent
buyers, ''ho are steadily introducing a
more strict classification of the different
kinds and qualities of wools, and are
regulating prices accordingly. This
precisely as it should be, and if a proper
system of classification were firmly and
universally euforcediby experienced buy-
ers, our wool crop would. seen take still
higher rank in the markets of the world.
TO the taha,bitants of Seaforth and surrounding
coontry. Dr. 3'. G. BULL -having been called
threugh sickness in his family, to suspendbusiness
tor some time in this place, has pleasure in au-
nounciag to tb.e poblic, that threugh a kiud Pro-
vidence he has been permitted to return. to the
'ZOOMS formerly oecapied by him, over M. A.. G.
lt/cDougall's Store. Main street, Nvhere he irttends
permanently to remain, anal will be pleased to see
leis old patrons and as many new ones ea may favor
him with a call. All operations performed accord-
ing to the lateet approved style, and fees as low as
to be found elsewhere.
Office hears from 8 to 5 P. M.
JLEET, Solicitor Winghaan, has been sp-
it' • pointed. AgeVt for the Colouita Securities coin
"any of England, be is also Agent for several pn-
vate Capitalists of Tenant°, who loaia Money at
very reasonable Tates. Interest payable yearly.
Chargee moderate.
Winghara, Dec. 15, 18'71. 213
AteCAUGHEY & nouttEsTED, Barristers, At-
A"- torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers.
Solicitors for the R.-0. B auk-, Seaforth. Agents•for
the Canada Life Assurance Company,
B..--039,000 bo lend at 8 per cent. Farms,
110A1888 and Lots for sale. \ 53
lOnESSON& METEU. Barristers and Attorneys
at Law, Solicitann Chancery and Insolvency,
Conveyarteers, Notaries Public, etc. 011h:es-Sea-
/ergs and Wroxeter. 823,000 0.1 PriVate Funds to
•inveat at onc,e, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable
wool, as of all 'ether articles, depends so
much on the lahv of supply mid demand,
that those enghged in the trade are, or at
least ought to be, best qualified ta.arrive
at -correct conclueions on the subject.-
Aionetary Times. .
JAL B. ISSIIS01,1. H. NV. C. MEYEll.
give the truth in reference to one of said
claims -namely, that of the Bishop of
St Boniface. The bishop was, after his
return from Rome, a priteener m his own.
house; Ise was not allowed to communi-
cate in any way with the English speak.-
ing popelation of the Province. Ri8
The Shannon.ville Aecid.ent. house was literally crammed
with tXie
THE sEcoND INQUEST. teers from Cana( a and his table
rebds eatil the appearance of the velum -
On WednesdaY of last Week, a second never cleared of unwelcome visitors dur-
inquest was held, at the instance of the ing that time. His horses, vehicles, etc..
County Attorney, at Belleville., who woe were taken .away and Beyer returned.
not satisfied with the meaner in which His forage was destroyed, thus entailing
the first inquest had been conducted. a great loss over the one head. He
Accordingly another coroner was notified could not prevent all this. Your corres-
Mg description of the second investiga- pendent says he WAB not the " person'
who would. suffer at the hands of the
and. smninoned. a jury. For the, follow -
tion we are indebted to thee Belleville rebels." ,He was treated. by the rebels
Intelligeneer :-" An engine and. special in a very harsh manner. And. why ?
car was placed. at the, disposal of the Simply because he opposed their 'wishes.
jury, and at 3:12 the Coroner and jurors, Had the bishop's advice been taken there
accompanied by C. L. poleman, Eat. would have been no rebellion. Biel
County Attorney, Dr. IcOmiltone of M- 1- would not be adkised by any one, but
rose, John Bell, Esq., Solicitor of the G. handled the reins himself. I would go
'T. R., several officials Of the road, aud farther into the subject, and show that
the representatives of the Toronto jeer- there was no " power behind," as the
nals and two of the local papers, started Globe chose to call the supposed influence
• of Bishop Tache, but have not time to
. ' tt
ew to settlement as pastor. The sal-
e y, as a matter of course, is temptieg ;
b t not more so than several offers the
✓ verend gentleman has received in re -
c yea* from the States.
from Belleville for the scene of the a e
melancholy a6cident. Shannonville was 1 present. But shouldns
reached after a. run of 15 minutes (28 call forth any writing 4 on the subject, 1
miles per hour) .ft Here a short stoppage Neill let the people of Canada know that
was made, after which thetrain steamed they have been gulled by the Globe's
on down the grade, running at a speed. of correspondentsin reference to the "power
about 35 miles per hour, to a short dis- behind the screen."
• tance beyond the spot *here the casualty Again your correspondent, comes to a
took place. . After backing up a short wise honclusion in reference to the
distance, the gentlemen composing the amount, of the claim referred to, and
party disembarked from the car and puts it down to the keeping of the dele-
made a niost mivate and searching hives- gate Scott. This is quite incorrect. The
tigaticin of the line in that locality. The c -h11111 %VOA for losses sustained_ nearly
rails Were unchanged, except at the spot three. years ago, and delegate !Scott was
where the train had. btoken and twisted taken by the sisters of charity a year ago.
some of them on leaving the track, au(' 1' This was an act of charity on their part
gang of men were then. at work repairing and they will keep him until that fatal
the ballast on the road. -bed, _which had disease consum-ption, carrieshim off
been disturbed by the same causeWest .
of this where the flange of the wheel had Now, kr. Editor, this slander is intend-
ed also for °sir sisters of charity, and I
been 1;roken and the engine first left the • ls-now that the people olethe Province,
metals, all was undisturbed- John both Protestant and Clitholic, would:
Bell, Esq., and Mr. Davis, ,Locomotive spurn sueh an attack on such charitable
Foreman, were very obliging in pointiug institutions, and will wee with Me that
out where the broken pieces of the your eOlTespondent has been led into rais-
flange of the unlucky 'wheel had been ' statements. MANITOBA.
picked up ; ;where the wheel had first ----seeereo-L-----'.
-• The! Kincaadine _Review, a staunch
onservative paper, speaks as tollows of
tr. Somerville, the Reform candidate
r North Huron : " Mr. Sometyille is a
calman of rare ability, if elected,
mild make a most efficient member.
Ve naturally differ from • Mr.
ille in politics, but we are persuaded
hat iu the House he would seek for jag -
ice to all, and would - be influeneed by
- Dr. R. Bretton, who was abducted
om London, Out., on the 4th June. by
United. States detectives, taken to York-
ville S. C., and cast into prison as a
1Ku klux leader, was restored to Can-
,ada under the Ashburton treaty, and
reached London on Tuesday afternoon.
the horse- took fright and ran away,
throwing her out and injurieXher severe-
ly. The poor woman lay on the road- .
side completely helpless for a consider- -
.able time before assistance rea.ched her,
those who caused the accident, passing
on without paying any attention to her
distressed condition. Such inhumanity
as this is deserving of the Severest
I - At a meeting of the Reform Con-
vention for Norfolk at Sirocoe last week,
Mr. John Charlton, of Lyndoch, was
unanimonety chosen the Reform candi-
date far the Coin -mons, in opposition to
the Intercolonial Commissioner, Mr.
Walsh, and he accepted the nominatioise
Mr. Charlton is a man of and
wealth, will receive the undivided. sup-
-port of the party and will be elected.
OONIMERCIAL HOTEL, enedersue, Ont., WM.
ANNETT, Proprietor. This Hotel is under
entirely new -management and has been thorOngly
venovated. The Bay is supplied with the best
Itiquots and Cigars. Good Stabling ead attentive
ostlers. -A First-class Livery in bonnection. 2'48
AZ-NOX'S HOTEL, .(Late Sharp's.) The under-
signed begs to thank the public for the liberal
patronage awaxded to hire in times past in the
:betel business, and. also to irtforni them that he has
4again resnokedbKisinessin the above stand, where
las will be ha, have a call trora old friends,
126 . ' THOMAS ENO'.
end many nent 01108.
-VDRINCE OF W.kLES HOTEL, 'Clinton, Ont.,
-a- C. S. 11001.5TCHBON, ProprietOr. Fir5t4e1ass
accommodation for travellers. The Bax is sup-
• plied with.tb.e very best liquore and cigars. Good
atabling atta.elnal. The stage leaves this House
every day for- Winghara. •
Lrir .
-The survey of the Hamilton and
North-western, Railway was commenced
at on Taesdey last. The
constructiori of the road, it is said, is to
be proceeded. with at once.
•-e A young man named A. Ballantyne,
aged about 22, was drowned while bath. •
ing in the Grand River at Galt, on Mon-
day last. Be comes from near Stratford,
and was employed in T. Hunter's photo-
graph rooms.
There are no reliable statistics as to
the total quantity of wool raised through -
lout the Province annually. According to
the last municipal statistics, however,
the number Of elieep in the various coin -
ties was 1;657.716. -If we estimate eadi
fleece at foil'. pounds, which cannot •be
ccinsidered an exorbitant- calculation,
the total annual production would be 6,-
630,864 pounds. 'Of this amount we ex-
port nearly omehalf, which finds its way
principally to the Unitea States and
Great Britain. •Dpring recent years our
exports of wool have remained almost
stationary, as Will be seen by the follow-
ing officialligeres of our sales to foreign.
countries :
Thar. Qtiant ty Value.
2.82Q:562 lbs. .$316,785
; _2,4162." . • .. 770,299
1871.: 2,89A-329 " ......; 839,145
-a-' 'Good Horses and Comfortable Vehicles, always
on hand. Favorable Arrtingetheuts made with
Carinnereial Trevellers, All orders `left at lino.a's
if mute will be promptly attended to.
• °Innen Ann STABLBS :—Thira door North of
Knox's Ilotel, Main Street.
241 • THOMAS DELL, Proprietor.
.61.1 l'entiaill& 0 US..
t(atlember of the Ontario Veterinary College,)
begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seafortan
and suinoanding country, that he has opened an
Olden in Seaforth, where he may be consulted per-
seinally or by letter, on the i)iseases of Horses, Cat-
tle, ete. Havirag received a regular and practical
education and having been awarded the Diploma
of the Vet'etheary College of Oaten°, T. S. Churehill
has every confidence of giving sa,tistation to an
who nray employ him.
Barna:a:Nees-A. Smith, V. S.,. Prineipal Onta-
rio Veterinary College; .Professor Dockland, Dr.
Therburn, Dr. Rowel, and - Wells, M. D., & V. S.
Veterinary Medit3ines constantly on halal.
All calls promptly attended to.
Office--Carreiehael's Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2m
mounted the rail ; the indentions of the Canada.
metal until it had finally yea off • and
• I P rrott the lecturer for the Inde -
the course of its compauion wheel 'be,
•tween the rails. -
Our representative aceoro.panied seVer-
al of the jurors in a walk westward from
the spot where the calamity occurred for
perhaps half a mile: he condition of the
road, in the eyes of an unprofessional ob-
server, if yet all that could be desired,
Was ! certainly not such as e to cause
any fear of the probable 'results to these
Who rode over it even at a rate of speed
much greater than that . of the ill-fated
train of Saturday lamming lest. Here
and there a rail might be seen which was
tolerably well worn in parts ;,ead several
of the " fish -plates " which unite the
rails bole evidence of long sereice. We
are thus particular, in this matter of de-
tail, as we wish ito show that our exami-
nation was not cursorily Made, but de-
- liberately and. carefully, in the eonspany
of •as gentleman. tOerably well versed in
such matters, whose leauings--if _he has
an -are asainst the Grand Trunk -Rail -
Of our shipmeiats during the last of
these three years, 232,263 pounds were
sent in British or Ooloeial vessels, :349,-
5 f9 in foreign vessels, aud 2:310,517 by
land oarriage--the most of the latter,
doubtless, to the United States. By com-
paring our exports with our total pro-
duetion, it will be seen that a large part
of our wool. is. coesurried by our own:
manufactories, and we trust the day is
not distant when our combing wools,,
Which now find. a market chiefly across
the lines, will also be; manufactured
among. ourselVes. The manefacture of
worsted geode has been successfully com-
menced at Hespeler, and doabtless other
reanefactoriee ' the sante description
will soon make their appearance. There
Will then be fio adequate reason why any
cimsklerable portion of our 'wool dip
sheets'', go from home to find. a market.
begs announce te the inhabitants of . JUL importations of foreign wool quite
e leen awarded th.e diploma of tb.o Ontaxio Veterin- Steadily on the inerease, This is at-
ellierses and cetee and all domeatie anidals. Ho •tributable to the rtipid progress -which is
ary College,
at he now prepared treat diseases
opened an office in connection with his horse- being made i • n the otoduetion of woolen
Seatortla rola surroanding donntry that he has exceed our exports. aud appear to be
- A woman who was a passenger on
the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway
train, which left Prescott ‘on Friday
morning, on arriving at Kemptville, left
the train, and shortly afterwards gave
birth to a chilcl. When the next train
from Ottawa passed down, she took pass-
age for Prescott, and while on the way
she got rid of her infant by pitching it
out upou the track neat. Oxford. The
body of the aim was fofind ebortlyafter
the train passed and suspicion being di-
rected' towards the woman she was ar-
rested at Prescott Junction, and is new
in jail awaiting a full investioation of the
horrible crimer'laid to her charge.
-The long -lost man, Thomas Secord,
who disappeared mysteriously from the
township of Burford about a year ago
and. who it was thought had been foul-
ly dealt with, gladdened. the hearts of
his friends a few days ago_ by appearing
in the midst of theta agAin, hale and
t as when last seen by them. He
An auction sale of thoroughbred
kshort-horn stock took place on the stock
farm' of Messrs. John Snell & Sole of
Edmonton, on Thursday of last weela
There were some 16 animals sold., the
proceeds of which amounted to the large
sum of $4,285. A bull calf was 'sold for
$200. Three yearling heifers' brought
$250 each. Two two-year-old heifers
sold at $260 and $325 respectivcdy. There
were five cows sold at the following
figures: $375, $320. $330, $460 ands $270.
After this, who will say that it won't
pay to raise good stock?
I was quite astonished to learn of the corn -
pendent Order of Good TeMplATS 111 On- 1 `
tdoorishille village of Harrison,. Re motion that his sudden. departure had
created,- and stated that he had been
tario, reports a proud distinction for the
'tates tat durina a short stay in that
prospecting M Manitoba and was so well
ace he witnesselemore dissipation and
pleased with that country that he intends
drunkenness than he had. ever beheld in
returning to it.
any city, Awn or village in the Previnee.
-The Mail states that Hon. Mr. Mor-
ris is appointed, Chief Justice of Mani-
otba ; that Dr. Tupper will take Morris's
portfolio; and that Mr. John O'Connor,
the,famous Essex M. P., will be appoint-
ed president of the. Couneil.
• A fearful storm of -wind• and rain
passed. over the city of Hamilton am).
vicinity on Monday last. A great many
shade -trees. in the city were either up-
rooted or broken off. *The roofs of some
houses were lifted, arid one of the turrets
of Macnab-Bt. -Presbyterian Church was
blown down, passing through the roof
and doing great damage to the ceiling
and gallery. The mese of stone weighed.
felly half a ton.
— A man by the name of Parker was
accidentelly -killed in the township of
Ashfield on Monday last. It appears be
was at a raieing, and while on the build-
ing attempted to jump from one -part of
it to another, but miseing his hold, fell
backwards to the ground, and sustained
such injuries that he died shortly after-
— Air. Pardee, 11. P. P. for "L'Irabton, --The Wellington, Grey and Bruce
Railway Company having declined to AC -4
has returned. to Sarnia from his trip to
apt of the offer of a bones from the On-
Orreat Britain, much benefited in health.
tario Goverument of $2.500 per mile from
---- It is stated that the British Ameri- Wingham to Kincerdine, on cendition
can Presbyterian, of Termite, which has that they should. give running powers to
hitherto been conducted as a private en- the Toronto, Grey-- mid Bruce Railway
terprise, is about to become the recogniz- over that portion of their line, the Gov -
ed organ of the Caua,da Presbyterian ernment bark offeeeci them a bonus of
- We regret to learn that Dr. Mc- portion of the lie - be under contract by
Deegan, of Goderich, who accompanied the 1St of September next,- but not Ifind-
he. 33rd Battalion to Windsor, is lying ing them to grant the right of way to the
fruatre line. This offer will be
angeeously ill at Sandwich Springs. lt naerew
is feared he will not recover. •
Church. $2,000 per mile, clan condition that that
• accepted, and the condition complied
- Mr. Phillips, of the township of with.
Fullerton, hed the hay of a ten acre field - Colin Murray, a Workmen on the
arnination such as *eba indicated, ex- all cut and harvested on the 1 o
way Company. This person after. an ea-
pressed his decided °pluton that the con-
dition of the road was not such, in any
as to accomit for the accident. In
this belief we fully concur,
To demonstrate beyond any doubt that eau cattle dealer, two 3 year old. steers,
the track was in good running order - the uuited weight of which was 3,370
and not a dozen spikes have been driven lbs. Re received for these antinalt the
into the ties since the acCident occurred handsome of $200 .
\ Gavin Fleming, of the v
ming shop, where hewiU be fonud ready to ate goods throughout the Dominion, -many
- t • Un Diseases • of the feet specially at,-
. of which fabrics are Made from Austral-
., -
tended to. Beside:ice, office ead sleep hi the rear
Killoren & liyau‘s new store. All kinds ofVet-
'Medicines kept constantly on hand.
Charges. reasonable. 229
ian, .0ape of Good Itope, ant o
_-Mr. "William Bell, a well-knosvn
stock -breeder, of the township of North
Eaethope, last week sold to an Ameri-
foreign wools. The following shows wha,t
our -.-.1-,,-, have been during the last
NDER HUNTER, Licensed AnctI-o'neer, t,11,-,7! Years ---• • 'ratite.
Cranbrook. errey. P. 0. Sales attended on 1 r+-1/ - yuccntityi ,
znoaerate tenne. Commissioner in Queen's Bench, 1869 -........ 2,061,576 lbs......$549,694
Conveyancer„ Land, Loan and Genexal Agent.L- 1870- .......4,360,394 '' .. ... . . 799,944
' • ' , iL ail OonnianY, Toren- \With:such evidence before us -as these
• ,---Mr. Bell, after the jurors hat comp - .. .
ed their inspection of -that locality, caus- 1 of Geeemereis, has been ch0Sen a
ed the engine and caas which had brought 1 eanclidate to contest North Brant in the
the party thither to be run over it at a I Reform interests . at the next deetiou.
very high rate of sPeed. The train weal We believe. Dr. BOWL], the present re-
ruu back up the grade at a -rate of not-'-presenta,tive, has stated his deterMina-
less than forty miles per hour, and down ; tion not again to be a candidate. • Who
four venture- ; beenenade knowu.
Mr. Fleming's oppoeent will be has not
again at a thundering pace ---not less than 1
fifty, -. The jury: except
eome spirits who weat on the train, were 1 - Rev. C. Lavell,.M. A. preached -the
spectators, and watched cerecully the I closing sermon of his nunistry ie. Stele, -
effect -Of the train on the rails, as it flew. i ford on Sabbath laet. The _reverend
past them Then wase -of comae. a con- i gentleman will oegsuine charge of .14s con-
siderable vibration producal by the pass,
. : "re "ation here en San ay ne . ' - •
to .oscillate -slightly, bu----------- was I-
: heretofore extsting at Port yuren in the man, Esq., President and Vice- ieresiklent
of the English Board of Directors of the
-The restrictions and.. difficulties
, s ieed which caused Sattiteley
k . .
forsvarding ot goods from Cenada to the les e le e
A -A , eau Railway were entertain -
plainly shown that it eould not have been
Society, London ; Fanner's'. 1871* -* • •-: . .4,792,223 ' 4 . . .. ' . . ' '
938 473
_Also, Agent for the following Compenies, viz. :
'Huron and Erie Loan
to; Royal Inaurance Company of Liverpool and -s. tatiaties a,fford that:there is a steac t y
and Mechanics . as pia. -
Company. -Ann anmuut of money to loan at low of , vestigatiou revealed nothine of interest,
woo'l in the Donsinion, w --------------------------- ------------------ n, enions opened or their conteats 1
.surance Company and --------------- nal Iuranee increasing demand for and consumption • •
'Louden, Fire and Life; Caittarie Mutual Fire La-
, . 22e1-6na - ' with. ,
--,------e---- ' 1 f' r 187° was levier than that the wiled.
Harbor Works at Goderich, accidentally
fell off a scow on Friday evening, and
before assistance could. be rendered was
drowned. The body was found shortly
- A French paper says the writs will
be issued immediately after the dinner at
Peterboro' on the 9th of July to the moil-
bers of the Government, and that they
are now being prepared by the Clerk of
the Crown•
Hiring a:Clerk.
The following,is not a new stor% but
it is a true one,Tand will bear repeating,
we think:
Years ago, into a wholesa.le grocery
store M Boston walked a tall, muscular
looking man, evidently a fresh -comer
from some backwoods town in Maine or
New Hampshire. Accosting the fleet
person hemet, who htippened to be the
merchant 'hisuselfahe asked:
"You don't want to hire a man in
your store, do yon "
• " Weil," said the merchant, "1 don't
know. N.\ bat can you cite?"
" Do?" said the man; "1 rather guess
I can turn my hand to almost anything.
What do you want (lone?
" Well, if I was te bile a man, it
would be one that ceuld lift well, strong
wiry fellow -Lone, -for instance, that could
shoulder a sack of coffee like that yon-
der, and carry it across the store and
never lay it down."
There now, Captain," said the coun-
tryman, • 'that's just me. I cen
anything I can hitch to; you can't suit
me better. What you give a man
that can suit yon
" tell you," said the merchant; "if
you will shoulder that sack of toffee
and. carry it across the store twice and
never lay it down, I will hire you for a•
year at $100 per month,"
" Done," said the stranger; and by
this time e'very clerk in the store had
• gathered a'round, and were waitingto-
join in the laugh against the man, -w le,
walking up to the skeek, threw it across
his -shoulder with perfect ease, as if it
was not ,extremely heavy, and. walking
with it twice across fac store, went
quietly to a la.rg,e hook which was fast-
ened to the wall, and hangieg it up,,,
turned to the Merchant and said :-
" There now, it may hang there till
doomsday; I shan't never ley it down.
What shall I go about, Mister ? Just
give me plenty to de and a hundred dol-
lars per mouith and it's ali right."
merchant, discomfited yet satisfied, kept
to his agreement ; and to -day the green
countryman is the sealer partner in the
firm, and worth a million dollar%
The clerks broke into a laugh, and the
South-western. Stock Raising-.
-- The Manitoba Liberal, of the 20th
-ult., thus speaks of the crop prospects
that Proviuce 'From all parts of the
country we hear the most fa.vorable
news regarding the crops. The wheat
looks remaraably well. and the•prospect
is that we will have the large -it, best
yield that we have had for some years.
All other cereals are equally good, and
shonld nnthing unforeseen happen, we
hope to have enough to supply the de-
mand.s caused by immigration."
age, of the • train end the eneme seemed b 6
- Sir Thornas Dakin and Gibson Ho-
• ,
1. 6 atin have beeu. reineved, and; ea at a grand_ banquet by the citizens of
tlic of that terrible accident was elsewhere 1 Ile cilauPapi'e Heaniltun ou the evening of Friday .
guaee cars
f thee
morning's catastrophe, but that the cause , .
to be soneht for. The (so peny bad 1 Grand Trank Railway cell now go ( utct The banquet took place in a tent on the
• 1 revious to the accident, to 1 throve...,
-takee St. Louis and Csucinitati,
to the Arts of entryof Gisicaeo
. beautiful grounds adjoining Dundurn
•Castle and WaS largely attended by the
1 without their co-utents being tranehipped,
-relay this portioreof the road with new 1 i • -
A re -embarkation took place, and after- exarlined. or eppraised, at the -frontier
steel rails, -Nszhicia will shortly be clone.
a short rue, the train was again stopped. port of Port Huron:. But certain Ameri-
a . eustoins -pa.pets are necessary, M
the otnt up to which the track - had can
. enable the conspany to have
beets. examined, and a number of the gen- 1 „.rcler t. °
tlersien alilited and walked to Shaamon- ! t, -a.
e eats s ,
coded in Canada 1):/ the Ameri-
th t the •otlscter of the 1 arrow, of Bluevale, was una.nnueus y
ville, where they re entered' the cer, which ten. coluse,F, so . a. , Pott,.. ii .
utiou chosen the standard. bearer. • There was
h d - ireceded tbem. This further in- buites. States customs at
i -great enthusiasm
may allow the cars to pass withoet bei -ng •
" terfered. i - It is stated that over S15,000 change
1 ed hands during the first two days of the
rey ex- ' Hamilton races.
b ssiness and professional men of the
city, aad railway dignitaries generally.
-- A lame Conservative Convention
was held at Winghsan on Saturday last.
-Over 200 persous were present. Thomas
=Les of intment. Severzil good Farms for sale, 0
t have been able th report that our could hang a, theory as to thesbreaking of
C t / After reaching Belleville, on. s
-cheap.. Tb t 'tio the
- Queen's Dencla, Insurance and General Agent, already said, we. bdieve the fact o tarn from the scene of the accident, the - -
cationslor Loanale•omptir attended. to. fOr 1S7.1, which show that a, very arge in the seine previously de-
t'es hete been delivered on the ground., 1 aee but fortunately injured. no person.
Ot - e cons rue n
• f - -tension of the • Toronto, Grey at
as Ally Compay &Mug ImainesS in Canada. Applin f the Trade raisins ,
tee broken Wheel which was found to be and fencine has already been done,- the 1 17i73$ hurled through 'Life -window of Jr.
SavingaSociety cf. Tbrouto, Wiliam rates are as ow jury proceec ed. to examilie the .en ain e and. tl9n.
tew -will be
R COOPTM, Contnyanter, Go stoner in 0 'any previous year. But, as _we lia,ve
Iteilway ss rapidly emit ea
d Bruce - Last week while some blasting was
coeiple- , being done on Wellington street, Ottawa,
' IldS
The_ gre.ater pact of th-e• grading 1 a mass of rock weighing a ou
principal bridgee are, Well under way, the 1 Enright'e shop, doing considerable dare-
OFF.W.0.-01,KinSita .oss' Taikn: Shop, export of sheep ain 1 t ok la,ce to seribed and testified. 'th-,- namely, showing 0
Agent for- ,he Fearebehl Permanent Baildillg and. 0 thenvi,1 • ,
e and corroboration of. this
• -Durine the month of June 3,075
and altoeether the work is well advanced.
• JOT& irunterees, Exchange• Broker, ADA P.ail- 1870 we sold to our neighbbrs 147,375 6
186•41 A PCLEYVILI.F. the United States cluring that year. Irk •
T. Railssety fittraeon, Seaforth; Out. Through we increased our sales to no less thee.
valued at $38-8, Jo', but last year
we.y Tieket'Antern Hotiebton's Hotel, orposite sheep,
California o na Red Rn.ce, rates, annenen 3. 13,619, the value of ev.hich is St do
Tickrita issned to allpoiuts in the Weetern States
the greatest facilities t:-.,cs Emigrants. AU necessary a r
n the aeries at S329,362, but was
'Geese:bases. Bemis, Conpona uncurrentMoney,
poi tation was no erY
doubtless a great deal more. This ex-
treertnetien given yeseeeetene Land Agenciee, ete:
Geld and ails or Coin, b-mght and sold at bestratea. tr much bC1ONV 20
• t f the whole number of sheep
. .
h I et in Toren-
had been broken off, and thet there had merston, on the Southern. Extension of I to. Of this number 745 were English,
not been the slightest previous flaw or the Weliiugton, Grey and Bruce Railway, 1 210 Irish, 370 Scotch, 850 German, and
fra.ethree. The broken part was still as on the 20th. ult. A man by the name of 1 900 Norwegian. 1,325 remained in
brieht as when chipped off, except about John Weir, who was engagekl as a- fore- 1 Canada,- and 1,750 passed. through to
f r0 'BIC road fell dead, and Dr. I. the thlited States. In the correspond
Nichol -was called. upon to hold an ine , ing month last year 6,161 arrived, By
-t -After a cerefal exa.mination it the returns for the six months enrling
Saturday last, it appears that 10,523 al:
inehes on the circumference of the wheel - A suclklen. death occurred near Pal- emigrants a,rin te a ,
that a portion of the flange nierssunnee
Steele rising is carried on in the
South-west on a scale of grandeur which
is almost inconiseivable to pereons living
in the vicinity of the great cities of the
North and. East, where land is worth ten
thousand dollars an acre, and corner lots
sometimes sell for t•:100,000 aeiece. For
example, there is a farm, or ranelee, in
• Texas, which coutains 142,0et acres. It
is known as reklikleaux Randle, and lies
between the Neuces and Rio Grande
rivers. It is a peninsula., running far
out into the Gulf of Mexieo, and the
head is emarded by 30 miles of plank
fenee, with heidsmen's residences at in-
tervals of three miles along the whole
distanee. If a man had a terra in this
region as large as the island. of New -
York, it would be looked upon as a pretty
good-sized piece of teal estate ; bet this
Texas ranche is more than ten times as
large as.the island of New York. And it
is stocked on a seek commensurate with
its extent. Thirty thousand beef cattle,
and tent; of thousands of horses, mules
and sheep feed over its grassy stretches, ,
and: yield. a vast revenue to their owner.
There are other ranches la Texas, com-
prising respectively over 100 square
miles --64,000 acres -and stocked by
thousands upon thousands of cattle,
horses, mules and sheep. And HO favor-
able to ,stock raising are the soil and
climate of that State, tIlat the increase
of stock is shid to average 25 per cent.
per annum.
two inches, where earth irom the tooto
the embankment down which it had rue,
• p 1 •
e dimin.ed it :slightly.
attie.—At Mnritty'a Hotel, Seaforth. Good lts.elf to account for a coneiderable The jury, after a considerable amount -a-wes found that the deceased had come
Fforses and firea-class Conveyances alwaSs 011 ing off in the prodnction of wool this se 6
of inteliieent conversetion, roceecleci to to his death b drinking to excess. NVe I rived, 5,948 of whom did not remas .
vocter s Hotel, -where, after') a short dis- learn that the deceas.ed has a wife and 1 the country.
A. SHARP'S LINTON AND SALE STABLES. in the country, and ie a circumstance in
bse:s‘ I:iililittahineerpirpeut high pi.* of wool
This ie a question cussion, it was agreed to acljourn until child in Scotland, and inteuded to send
to meet then for the hearing of evidence.
the afternoon of Tuesday the 2nd of July, 1 for them shortly.
-Mr. Thomas Thompson, of the town, Dunwich, Connty of Elgin, was attacked
man named. Peter McVannell, Jr. of
-On Tuesday of lest week a young
Travellers en reaeonalde rattee largely asked in almost every n aa
quiet aad. First -Glass Vehicles a we: .
on hand. Conveyannes tunialied to Commercial
market -place, but we need hardly add,
it is much easier asked than answered.
A R- We understand most of the American
TT COLIADAY has leased the large And corn- purchasers have withdrawn -from the
reoeseoe hotise, on the Salt "Works Grounds, Province, but whether fn consequence of
g pewee as concerted
adjoiaing the Railway Sin tion, andhas fitted it np the bi h ked or freni
d comfortable and. prudential reasons; does not appear.
- On Wednesday of last week as Mrs.
Thonta,s. Lineham, of the township of
Elma, was on her way home from Listo-
wel, driving a horse and light wagon, a
few young folks in a double wagon drove
up along side and tried to pass, at which