The Huron Expositor, 1872-02-23, Page 7FEB. 23, 1872. orth Foundry iZAPFE & CARTER wzmid desire to call a.ttention to their greatly improved tSJ{ERH& SEPARATOR' Thich is able to compete with any other Machine in Canada. Nmontr.its: many advantages, we call at- etition to the fallowing—the way the y-lintler is constructed—it requires less . power and is capable of THRESHING MORE AND GLEANER THAN- A.7s-v` ontr.R. The great cainiiiaint among Threshers lways was„ that they could thresh more' han they could clean, our improved drum es away with all these complaints ;,it SG construeted as to regulate the wind t• keep the riddles froin choking, without towing any grain over. We have also nproved our Mills -to prevent the grain Ding over with the straw. We -would invite Farmers and Thresh- -7s, generally, to giv-e us a call., and ex nine oar stock before purchasing else - here ; we can sell as cheap as any other stabIislunent,, one hut the beet Iviaterfal used, and the very best workmen. employed. The Machines we Sold last 3 --ear enable - to say tha.t they- gave better satisfac- * than any. other ever Sold in this FITS HORSE POWER I kept on hand at all times. We would also desire to direct the - attention of farmers to our AWING MACHINES r are capable of sawing froni forty- ' to tift3r cords of wood per day. verior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters,. ativators, Scnfders, Wooden and Iron - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, &c., 1 of which we warrant to give satisfac- ).n, and will be said as cheap as at any other Establishraent in the Pravince. EPAIRING AND CASTING OF EVERY OESCRIPTiON, Done' tin the shortest notiee and most reasonable terms. .APPE & CARTER. t3-1y— AERING'PROSPECTS FOR AN KrNDANT HARVEST -le present favorable Spring weather rats both farmer and meehanic king timely preparations for the com-- 1:tarvest. 4aPASON: at,WILLIAMIS ile thanking their patrons for the encouragement accorded them in the would cordially invite the atten- rmers to their choice assortment of Vesting Machines for 1871. Our - Combined Xachine, Johnsen's Improved Self-P.ake, has. u complete satisfaction for the past years, and is now Offered to the ic with the strongest ouarantee for Xitlity and perfect work? =We C'ayltga Chief, Jr., _Mower, cli has gained for itself a world-wide tation is again offered_ as the most ble, handy and best working Mower rn, being constructsd in the body of naehine entirely of iron and steel, sitla it we defy competition. We )tier the Answes Seif-Retking Szngle Reaper took first and second prizes atPro- al Exhibition, 1870. This reaper is- Arkdged to be superior to any other in now in use,. aOit oats perfectly, up lodsmi or tangled grain better any other rake or reel machine, and_ spially well from either side of the when wind is strong from any di- n, can be raised or lowered when in n and is very durable. „ invite inspection a our machines node of maarefacturing ior inir- rs before giving orders elsewhere- narantee hZdisia4ionin every ma - or no sale. • TERMS EASY. g agriculturalists of Perth anci ad- oottnties will not (we believe) be 4.1 to their own interests as to - their orders -to shops more than Iles east, :when there are first-class in theirrnidSt, building largely st machines, equal to any- of the „aachinesenade in the Province. r and see us, -send in your orders. or deal with our agents, as in istse you will get a perfect ma - and on t:te same terms as your - (hu- principles of business .es being established and uni- titer kinds of implements con - on bawl. . A NI -ENGINES BUILT, di kinds of MILL WORK dona ress OMSON & WILLIAMS; MITCHELL, Onta FEB. 23,i'872.. _ 41 -IE HURON EXPOSITOR; •,- The Deterioration of Cheese. With regard to the length of time which cheese should be kept after it is manufactured, and the beat sea - :sons at,which to sell, Mr. praig Woodstock, states that all experf- ence shows that May, June and July cheeses soon deteriorate.) All, his letters from England read Don't send me rank cheese. T4 English taste requires a melloW- flavored article." There was much loss in. keeping cheese.' He favored -selling the June,. July and August -cheeses as soon as they are fit for market The English cheese does ostot come into the market with the American until late in the season. Our early -made cheese going to the _Market befoee the English cheese bas conae in, has this year created a demand for American cheese', and the taste of the English is gradually turning tour „cheese. The Scotch in Loudon. The tendency of the Scotch to migrate southward has passed into a proverb, but the South has never , been burdened very heavily with Scotch paupers. Two year ago some gentlemen interested in the matter took the trouble to obtain trustwolthy returns of the nunaber of Scottish poor in the metropolis receiving_ parish relief as indoor paupers. ' By the census of 1861 the population. of London was 2,- 804,989 ; the number of Scots in this stupendous aggregation of hu- raa.nity Was 35,733. _ The total num- ber of indoor paupers in the Metro- politan workhouse was 27;697, and in those thousands there were but .205 Scots. While, therefore, there was one Scot in London to every 80 of the population, there was but one Scot in every 1351 paupers in our London workhouses. -Or, to .put the case in another way, there was one English,adult indoor paiiper in .every 102i of the English popula- tion of London, while there was but one ScOttish pauper of the same •discription in every 1781 of its Scottish. population. -gni so- . , The Thimble. • The name of the Thimble is said to have been derived from. " thumt- •bell," being at first thumble and :afterward thimble. It of &toll invention, but was brought to Eng- land about the year 1605, by John - Lofting, who commenced its mann- facture at Islington, near London, and. pursued it with great profit and success. Formerly- iron and brass were used, but latterly, steet, silver and gold have taken their places. In the ‘ordinary • manufacture, thin plates of metal are introduced into a the, and then punched into shape. rItt. Paris, gold thimbles are manufac- tured to a large extent Thin sheets of sheet -iron are cut into die's of about two inches in. diameter. These being heated red-hot, are struck with a punch into a number of holes, gradually increasing in depth to -give them the proper shape. The thimble is then' trimmed, polished an in - 'dented around its outer sutface with a number of little holes, by means .of a small wheel. It is then con- verted info steel by the cementation process, tempered, scoured, and brou4t to a blue color. A thin shee f gold is then introduced into the iwerior, and fastened to the steel by means of a polished mandril. Gold leaf is. then applied to the out- side and attached to it by pressure, the edges being fastened in a small groove made to receive them. The thimble is then ready for Ilse. Those made in this manner .do not wear out, -as so many ordinary gold thimbles do, but will last for years. :The gold coating, if cut away by needle:se may'be easily replaced, but, the aiteel is of an. excellent quality, and very durable. - Bound to Have His Fare. Rev. Mr. F----, of, Boston, who had accepted an .myitation ; to preach out Of town on a certain Sunday- last winter, was delayed until the last moment and did not arrive in town until late on the morning he • was going to preaCh.. He hastened to the clerk Of the ho- tel, and requested -him to procure a carriage for him, which was corn - plied with, and he was soon driven to the church and got there with scarcely a moment to spare. He stepped from the conveyance, and h u Tried up the aisle, when to his great surprise, he beard a suppress- ed tittering, and a buzz of astonish- ment for which he could not account, -until chancing to hear a footstep 1be- hind him, he turned and beheld the cause. The coachman muffled to the chin, with a fur cap on his head, a whip under his arm, and_ a pair of cavalry boots on his feet, had followed him into the church. The -Rev. Mr. F. was about` to address him, when Jelm exclaimed: " Ye ain't paid i-ne. I want my fare." The worthy minister, greatly morti- fied, tried to explain to him that he had requested the hotel, clerk to xettle with him. " Oh, .yes," re- turned the hackman, "1 dare say. e,That won't wash—it's too thin. Cash Ion delivery is my terms. I don't. irnow you. I druv a fellow with • . • 7., a white neckle down to the cars last week; and he gave Me the slip, a d Lain't seen him sihbe, and that t me- I made up My mind there asn't no virtue in white neckties; cash up." It dwas growing very when ' the flop. n, a prominent mem- gregation, who was with Mr. F—, and settled the Jehu retreated, tering tp himself, r wljite necktie that e nbartassing, lchard Warr b r of the co 'S ell "acquainte h» stened forward b 11, • whereupon c uckling an1 mit Too much f erne." 4 Fireproo A was/h, cs*po a id fine sand or the ordina is said to ren er s ore safe ag- irist f lling cinder, o fire in the e penses. an 1 s rving influe o the weathe ather-beaten ti re benefit' 4eriv. e generally nor ugh and craeke tin of wash by w suirface, restores th n. 1 or first fovea t ces between th lithe and sand, cki, prevent th e ific fourn4. a ro Roofs ed of lime, salt, ooil ashes, put on y of whitewash,' ingles fifty fold taking_ fire from therwise, in case ianity. It pays the rthdr a fold in its pre - tie geinst the effect T e.',..oltler and more e' shingles, the d. Such shingles or less warped, . The applica- tting the upper in to their origi- ekeby closiing the shinglesla and by filling up the warping.--Sci- sp cr Anecdote o Mr. Tom ctod,wi ye rs was attalched T eatre, tells a g ferring to the lat He had- been: Nay Winkle," " Col. other charactefs,w wlen suddenly he t storm with his won age of " Felstaff!! this ternarlealle teMpted to try his ge y, and at length essayed no less a character than "Hamlet." On one oceaaion- he ' was playing this par to itt very full house on the evenin of St. Patriclea Day In the " play suene " in the third act the winI in- struments go behin4 the scenes and L l play a march to bring on the mg; Queen. and courtier. Paul Chris -tian, the. clarionet layer, was t los what to play for the oya pa ty. Accordingl he a,ppli d to Ni ds, the horti-pl. yer who or a bit of mischief, suggested "St. PPatrick's Day l in the Morning.' Pahl was delighted t_ the idea, and the cue being give lost no time in briskly striking up the abeve men- tiene21 air, in whi h " the gods." (there was an upp r gallery) most heartily joined. e royal party wa convulsedr H ckett was in a fearful rage. Hackett. who for many to the old Park (2c1 anecdote re - Mr. Hackett. ng "Rip Van. Wildfire,"' and th much success, ok the town by erful irnperson- Emboldened by ucce.ss he was 'fortune in tra- An Invol tar Deserter. During on of Napoleon's markable cam aign detach of a caps, co rum ed by Da occupied the Isle o Rugen, w they were to evacu te. They barked with siach p .ecipitation they forgot one, of their sentit who was posted in retired spo deeply absorbed in the perusal newspaper con.tainin an accoti one of the emperor s splendid tories, as to be tota. ly unconsc of their departure: 'After goin ctirs and retu and fro for map§ I post, he hist pa ienc to the guard -room hich he found empty.. On inquir, he lea ned -with desPaii Nklat had happe ed, and cried : " Alas, as!'I ' shal be looked upon as a des rter ; disho or - ed, lost, -unhap y wr tch that I m." His lamentatio s excited the com- pasSion of a W rthy tradesman, vho took ,him to 11. holt e, did all itt his poWer to consol hi , taught him to roalKe bread, fo he as a baler, nd after some months g ve him his nly datighter, JuStine, in marricre. n 'S Fi e years afterwar - a strange sail wa seen to approl ch the • isl nd. The inhabitants floc ed to the b ech and soon discoviered 'n the ache nc- fug party, a qtaitni et of soldiers, . wearing the unifori of the .Freich array. . "I'm ,clone for now my bre d is baked," die the disma ed hus .and of Jus;iiiie. An idea, h w - 1.1.'e• suddenly.ocCur ed to him nd re-viived his con age. He ran to his ho -u e, slipped Lit° h s.uniform, , nd, „seiz lik his firelo9k ieturned to the bea h, and .posed hi nself as se try at he moment th Freneh %vete lan lug. "W$0 go s there r' he- crie 1, in avoice like t under. "N, ho goe there, You self V replied on in the boat. "W o ae you", 'A se,n in.el." ' "1 ow ong have . ou been on guard ere?" "Five years," rejoined our nv n. aoust laug led at this quaint ieply, and gave a dis- ohaig,e, in due orm to his involun-' tar deserter. re- ent (1st, ern - bat els, , SO of a t of vic- ous to his ned An Lai ude Trick. A, PiutsburglIpape - gives the fol- lowipg "A rather unny story is told of Rudiger, one of the paries sent to jail to await ial for fel n- ious v entering Force' tobacco st re. It is stated thil a fe v days ago he Went to a rat,- varehbuse on P nn Street, and,. pa4sing around to the rear where was a vast collection of , lags i rolled scales. door cratcla and loose piles, he one of the crates on to the Ther stepping t the back d to the bo k -keeper, only perso in the uested ° himi to weigh for that crat of rags. cting clerk carefully tg's ai*1 paid he fellow fer that whi h alieady e firtit. Tw or three d, avcoridin to the W went bac to the eated the pe formance of the pro rietors of called out th's time to lug, and im e crate asone he had for, and ma ked the udiger prot sted : that he case, and said that r would wa t there a ould bring man te nership of he" rags, waited, and Rudiger at man' and did not e call who as th store, [and re and pay him The imsusp weigh4 the r the fu I price belon .ed to t days ifter wa story, .Rudig place nd re ip par. On the pI ce was do the weigh recognized th receiv d, pai day before. , this w4s not 'if the proyrije moment he prove his o The proprieto wentj. ter ' t come/sack." • • GUELPH' SE INC MACH THE OSBO Lock -St tch Se . 1 MACHINE. _ , Thouohnds throughout Ca ada are now using thes machines. 1hey have been tested beyond all question, make the fa.v rite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, aiiid are pr .nounced superior to any other machine offered th public. For wi e range of work, p rfection, beauty nd excellence of m chanism axiaptab 'ty, strength and durability, The 0.1bonz Sterinq Machne Has No Rival. Aar I provements have lat ly been made, enabling the manufac urers to claim. it s the ne plus ultra o sewing machines, Hundreds of testim nials are . being re eived daily from oli well as new op rators attesting its onderful capabilities. Will do all kin s of do- mestic sdWing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or uppe leather. GUARANTEED TO BE -AS REPR :ENTED, OR RN'r0 SALE, WARRANTED OR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is coin lete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of ork, the manufacturers being determine to place it within the reach of every arnily in the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE ill con- vince all that our machines are un- equaled. THE GUELPH REVE 'NSIBLE Is pr&erairiently the best Singl -Thread Machine i offered to the public—. ence its marvelous success.Will do all varieties of dorneatic sewing' . PRICES REDUCED . Hand [achine, with full ou Treadle do., $17. 6137- Each guazante d. ing • 17, Pr A g nts wanted'everywher did indu ements to make money. .Applylo -GUELPH SEWING MACHIN CO., I GUELPH'CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agen 180-ly SEAFORTH. 0 REA.TLY ht, $12; machine . Splen- $4ch in Time saves 9 F y u want to get the best 'Fain ly Sewing Ma Wile in the Province of Onta io, go to GEORGE IgLLI.N, Wroxeter, Who is Ageirt for the celebrated R. INT SEWNGH MACH NE. N. B.—Sewing Machine NeetUes of all kinds, always kept ori hand for sale. Also, AGENT POR E. R.. SH REY'S ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES-WRIN ER. Office at Miss Millin's Fashionable Dr ss -making Establishment, directly opposite the P st Oftige, WrOxeter. 219 THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATI ON OF CANADA. 1-4 NAD OPIfrCE, LONDON, ONT. Licens d by the Dominion Goverment. .CAPITAL, FIRST OF JANUARY, 1871. $231,24225. ' Casci and Cash Items, $72,289 55. This Coni any continues to grow in. confidence. On the lst jayuary, 1871, force 84,528 Policies, having, during the issued the inncnse numbersof 12,319 Po Ler Far ers, patronize your o-wir Company th it has done such good servie you; For IliSlarallee apply to CHARLES MORRO , . 203 Agent, Clinton P. O. PAINTING. IJLMES WILLIAMS Begs to intimate to the public that he has removed frorn lIcIptosh. & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, and h s rentecl he public it had in year 1870, icies. CANADIAN amongst Mr.Willia,m Grassie's Paint Shop, Where he may. be found at a Mr_ Williams is prepared to ex the shortest notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, Sign tainting and Ornamental Wor Give him a call. Remember t opposite itlurray'aStal.44. time. cute, of • e place, 17Q -13t STOP AND REAP! And by so doing you will ascert in that you can puraase every description of BOOTS AN STIOES At Prices that defy Competition. To know this to be facts, we wo ld. advise our numerous customers to call early and examine our stock. We keep constantly on hand every desc made in the latest style and by iption of CUSTOM WORK first-class workeeten. All may call and be c nvinced that . SPURR (S. SOIV'S BOOT 4ND SHOE STORE is the spot whic411 the public has long beenlooking. for and. has come to light at last. Stxlct attention pad to repairs. Remember the spot, in GRIFFITH DAVIES' Old Stand,. two doors South of the Post 0 ce, Main st., Seaforth. SPURR & SON. N. B.—No advance put on goods on acc unt of the rise on stock, 215 `xaong S U[Aa est - 'SOUS NOSNMOP awed 11••1 Os▪ d kw) sm■i frat =mi r•mi • n ° p °I1 c gri (i) sum+ `soxv ItddQt1l 14,1' rie71.4 ses lesssi D. McNAUGHT WOULD respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and viein- ity, that he now carries on business at his NEW ShOP, in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Jobbing of all kinds, and Norse -shoeing specially, promptly attended to, gt-r Terms reasonable. 164-t DAVID McNAUGHT. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. THE undersigned desires to state that he has -I- received instructions to exteud the time for the payment of debts dee the estate of Graerrni DaviEs, until next Caart day. All debts due at that time will positive y be wed, without respect to persons. 205 J. S. PORTER, Seaforth. SHOPS FOR SALE. POR SALE, two shops and forty-four feet front- age on Main fitreet, Seaforth, opposite Car- nii.chael's Hotel. Apply to 195 -ti. 3. SRA TTER. J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, for the County of -I-4 Huron. Sales attended in all parts of tha Country. All orders left at Tux EXPosIT013. Mee wRI be promptly attended to. 196 DO YOU WANT TO SEE SbMETHING NICE? THOMAS B.ELL, Main -street, Seaforth, Can show you something worth leoldng at in the FURNITURE line. He has Just received a large quantity of NEW 1URNITURE Of every description, which, for CHEAPNESS, ...BEAUTY, and QUALITY, Is really worth going to see. NVarerooms Opposite Robertson's Hardware Store. 217 W H if' A R E LA-ZARTIS, MOR1gS & CO'S Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER? NoncE.—Any person sending the answer to the above- to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new pattern Eye Glasses. DANIEL McG-REGOR Bookbinder, Hullett, JJTi -As just received a large Stoek of the materials AS in the business, and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS .4% BLANK BOOKS, OV ANY ]UN, irded; Printed andinade to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancy Cases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the "Signer Book Store, Goderich, or, at the "Expositor" office, Seaforth, or at 3. R. Grant's Anileyville'stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. All communicetions addressed to theunlersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIELonAlsicarceEIG,.0„Hullett.011, c LU TIrE SEAFORTII MBER YARD. MA.BEE (S.r. MACDOIal ALD PEG to inforin thepublic that they have opened Lui ber 'Yard in -Seaforth, /near ShearsOn's Mill, On t "eruturd. formerly 'used as :a Lumber .raril, 4.Thornas Lee. .They -wifl keep -constantly on hand a good -assort- ment of 4LL RINDS OP LumBER, dresked and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of whic.h tin y are prepared- to sell at the loWest pusal- blc li)iiideC'esrssncliorCa Builder,-nd others will find it to their advant- age to in our stock, and aacertain our prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we are in a position to offer es od inducements to cash purchasers. . 160 MABEE & ALICDONALD LIST OF LETTIERS 11Q,E3LUNING in Seaforth Post Offiee, uncalled -Lk' for, oh the 6th February, 1872 : Burton, Miss Nettie Brodie, Charles Mss L Berry, Mrs E Coldwell, W E - Curtin, Theroes. Carlin, Thomas Clayton, Charles Dwight, Thomas Holleran, James Hutton, George Mosgrove, John Merk, John MalT, John Morrison, Mist E Maloney, Thomas AIudge, 11 C Martin, Mrs R Niehil, Mrs jane Mies A Naftinger, Miss M O'Brien Jerry M Wiser, C Purcell, Jahn McLellan, Samuel McLeod, Allem A MeDougall, J A McIntosh, John 31cDong-all, McDougall, A S AleDonell, Widow Alex Robson, 8 Ross, Miss James Robson, Miss Jane Sperling, Airs A Shelbie, M Sperling, AI Smith, Mrs E Saunders, Mimi Somerville, Samuel Warkey, W 13 Williarns, T R Watson, T T C R 'Whitehead, George Wismore, George S. DICKSON, P. U. IMPORTAN:r TO HOUSEKEEPERS. COOD FLOUR - AT ALL TIMES,. W., A. SHEARSON & Proprietors of the SEAYORTH MILLS ! Are now Ilanufacturingthe best FAMILY ce; PASTRY FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity: can rely upon getting oor Family and Pastry Flours from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lees& M. Strong, John Walsh, Zanies C. Laidlaw, Atilt, Thomas Blida. 3. McGinnis, William Ault, G. &H. Jackson and W. Thompson, Egmonaville and at the Settfoith Mills. Orders left at our offtee!s Market Sauare, will receive prompt attention. Fanners desiring to exchange theirwireat for Flour, at the Tell, May always rely upon getting ow best Family ox Pastry Flour n exchenge, in quantities according to the value their wheat. W. A. SHEARSON & CO. FLOUR! FLOUR. HAVING purchased and thoroughly refitted the mills orraerly owned by the Messrs. SC0B1E, I am now prepared to iurnish. FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do- Tniniort, If you want 2t 1IrisOlfals go to the following Dealers and ask for laRSHAT.T.`S—Rernember All.RSITSTIL'S FLOUR : W. SC1OTT R013ERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGH, Of at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON 'will be prom tly attended to. Patties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Fkur, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy -competition. W. MARSHALL. 186-tf 4 NOTICE: J. W. FULLERTON • (EOBIIIINLY Or CLINTON-0 WELL known to the people of Seaforth and T surrounding country as the DOMINION LANDSCAPE ARTIST, wishes to notify the people of Seaforth that he has cortunenced Busi- ness in the PORTRAIT LUNE First door West of Mr. Lumsden's Drug ,Store. My long experience in the at enables me to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a trial. The latest style of Pictures can be obtained - Children taken from 10 a., ra. to 2 p. nt. BRING THEM ALONG. Yomig persons wis.bing to learn the art would do well to come to me, as I can give them my expe- rience of over eleven years. .3. W. FULLERTON. Artist, 217 Seaforth. PRO BONO PUBLICO. WATCHES & JEWELRY M. R. COUNTER JJAS just Ireceived a very ehoice and 'superior stock of ieweb-y of every description, also, Clocks,' Watches and Musical Instrnments. A very choice lot of Violins, also Violin Strings in endless variety. Every description of 'Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and warrantestto give satisfaction. It is needless to say more, as; Coun- ter is well enough known in the County of Huron, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to nil parties having elaiins against the elitate of the late WILLIAM ELDER, the elder, in his lifetime of the Township of Hibbert, in the Comity of Perth, must send in the sank to the imilersigned, properly attested, on or before the liret day of March, 1872. All claims presented after that date will receive no attention, as the r ffairs of the estate must be :finally wound up by that date. , ` JAMES MURRAY, ALEX. McLAREN, Executors. Tucliersmith, Sen. 17, 5872. 215-t4 REMOVED. REMOVED. 1. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and. Undertaker, H-A.S "REMOVED his Iva -A -rooms to - JOHNSON'S 07:4) STAND, Main -street, Scaferth, Whore he has on hand 11, superior stock of tare of every deseription. CALL AY') SEE .IT. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas; Ben HEARSE, I ern prepared to attend funerals on- the shortest notice, either intown or country. Coffins, AD. Sizes, Rept co stantly on hand. FELLOW'S' , HYPOPHOSPHITES. ,ik.31°NGST the diseases Overcome by the use of Felilows' compoundrup of Hypophospliites, are Conetipation, A.sthrini, Consumption, Laryngit- is, NerVous Debility, Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchit- is, Chronic Dian -heed, Melancholy. Debility result- ing from Typhoid and other low fevers, Diphtheri tie Prostration, Hs:Atria, Hypochondria, Areenontrea, Chlorosis, Anemia, Lermoixhrea, Nervous Excita- bility, 14.11.raermis or Wasting of the Muscles, Apho- 1 nia, or Logi; of Voice, Chorea or St. Vitus's Dance, Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action of the Heart, Suffocating Feelirgs caused by rations obstructions of the Lungs and Air Pas- sages leeding thereto, and Debility from various esitses, many cases of which appeared. hopeless.. „/ Sold by Apothecaries. Price, t1.50; Six for $7.60.. / I6aiF45 L FELLOWS, Chemist, St, Ian, N.D. ..