The Huron Expositor, 1872-02-16, Page 3e 6. 1872,. RAtLAY . TIME TABLE. Trains Leave the Seafe allows t---- Expects, 2.37 r� TA' ig flat L rzprem 0.50 A. M. iu. rth station aan. 8.40 P. aaa ztram -8.00 A. Ar. 1 -WHEN you are in Seaforth, just' into frank Paltr�idge's< Photograph r: Gal.- leryr 'twill, do 3 cur heart good. Only I EFI=L per dozen. Scott's Block, Seaforth. augln 'bleb_ and PARTICULAR ' Ltio : TIO pro- - r leli- ve [,. ice was lie rl- ne lie mg s % .b Hees a Lot of LOQA SHAWLS, MANTL 5S: GOODS !Which he is anxious to Sell Off,. at Cost,. .� YES, BELOW -COST, any reasonable price that a customer. mays Therefore;.ladies, your will please eali stabs: lVanchester` Hoarse MARI STREET t oon„ sad get your pick of the Goods; before they ora all sold. Seaforth, Jay' 25,1871. wo EGM€IONDV"ILL •EY STORt. WM.. ITIOAPISON, (Late of Seaforth,) AS received at fresh supply of Choice Family Groceries, of eery description, embxaciagvenr Eine-flavored 'Teas, of various varieties. A iso, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Fish, TOB Biscuits and every oiher artalie in.* an of which he will sell at prices asllow vas can n he had at Seaforth or. in any Houxc in the County. BUTTER .AND EGGS taken in exchange fol goods as cash. J) OUR AND FEED of every description, keit constantly on hang;•. i>¢ cludizag Shearson d Co.'s No. 1. - A call is respectfully solicited;. WM. THOMSON. PEME_MBERTHE BRICKSTORE, � LOGA S OLD STAR. SHROUDS !° SHROUDS r ROBERTS.-ON, CABINET IrATUIR AND UNDERTAKE$;, - Johnsan's Old Stand, e street,. Seaforth, has now on hard a g oad assortment of NA eh he can furnish Cheaper than they can ba got elsewhere. 205. NOTICE TO D_EBTORS. ALL 1iCUOUNTS of the current year and also accounts and notes of other debts contract, - ed in pravious years must be paid on or before the - 10th clay- of January, 1472. Otherwise they wilt be placed in Court for collection, as my business mast be wound up at once. GRAIN of all kinds,. Pork, Butter, &c:., will be taker iia pa,, iuent of accour is "er ..hotel, ab the highest market price„ rap: to the above -state time. JOIN LEON. . inleysille, Dec. 6;1571. 20W ILK. MILK. rms. wishing NEW MTI I4 can have RLIYEREII AT THEIR RESIDENCES, IN 5.E Fag Tif, Every week -d4 morning. from date. } JOHN HABKIRS, North Boa& 206 November 16,1871. TE TO FARMERS. - HLTRY WANTED. The ttrxdersigned is nog* prepared to pay the Highest Price,. in. Cash,' For any quantity of good well-dressed: L T - f Y 7elirered at the Egg Emporium, Seafortlr. r ' The Poultry must all be dream. 1207 D D. WILSON. 3 ARLI G .SCOTTT HS ING purchased the wholesale department, of Thcrrna, Baru Furniture Shop,, we are uOW c.1'areci t€- StPLWHOF,FS---ALE ))EATERS WITH -PcrlTETjS, .. *aver than it ever was sold before, as we ; have `tde great additions to the machinery and in* ud Yaan,ufaeturing extensively. I?reties may be sure of good work,, as none but u(1 mechanics are employed. A. good, stook kale i 4tautly on hand.. lam- her taken in exchange. 1: arrtiug done on shortest notice. ` Thomas Bell's 01d Shop, Corner of Market Square,, SEAFORTH-,. 14.13 ° SPARLING & SCOTT. X16, 1.872. BRIEF NOTES. A.rs. Mill, in England obtained ,-a divorce, but, was ordered to pay her bus 500 a year. This, if tru tainly in the -words of "sauce for the goose." • -- The Inebriate Asylum liamton now contains ,102 The institution is . aid to supporting, althoug ;roan patients pay nothing for t —An.Ohio elan his be ed seventy-five years, and bis Mother-in-law as a boar ing the whole time. Alth is now 105 years old, there be no prospect of his, im _, , —The Prince Alamaya, so Tate Emperor TheodoreofA Sas returned to England, a - ing travelled in India and .e. native II has for otton• Til n e g age—the Abyssinian -and and • deports himself like .a English gentleman. — What can equal Yank nuity ? It is said- -that have been issued for . eve hundred and fifty washing -ma yet recently another one h presented to the Patent -office claims to. avoid every 'point prececlg ones, and to . work entirely new principle. . — Lord Derby recently m an anecdote which seems to prima facie, that education . respects is "vaineiess." At ering- in. Australia not long four people met, _ three of were shepherds on a sheep One of these had taken a deg Oxford, another at Canbridg , third. at a- German University ti fourth was their employer, _ a ter, rich in- flocks and herd scarcely able to • res.c and much less -to keep his own acc — A petition for signatur been drawn up by the num friends of, the Rev. J. Selby W e wife murderer, praying "Home Saeretaryto respite the p dem:ned man. The grounds on w they urge that his life sho ll spared are his age • and hit blameless life. Mr. Watson, w still: in Newgate jail, �mauiain same calm demeano which characterized. his con I 'sine arrest. i' --- The Russian czar and :lis est son are not on the best of te former prefers to speak i German language, the languag his mother and wife ; while the who is the leader of the Nation Old Ijrussian party, converses in Russian, and -allows no o address him. in a foreign lang unless it be aa.• foreigner. He cards all those foreigh • cast which have heretofore been pre ent at court hence the breach tween father. and son. It is that the emperor strongly de that his brother Constantine be emperor after him. — In Smiles' -work on " Cha er," just published . by the -Harp is the following "personal" on late Lord. Palmerston, showing value of work, A gentleman day asked his lordship who'll() siclered a man to be -'in the prima. life. His immediate reply CC Seventy nine ! . but,"- he ad. with a -twinkle in his eye, '' have just entered my eighti year, perhaps •I ani myself a li past it." Macaulay wrote his " L of Ancient Rome" in the war o while Secretary of War. J Stuart Mill's principal works w ritten when in office in the India House. Gladstone, Bulw Disraeli, and Lord John Russ were always at some literary .wo while in office. GAIETIES. , recently it is. said, band .$1,- e, is cer- old saw, at Bing- 2atients: be self y* of the reatrent.. en marri- has had der dur ()ugh she seems to mmediate of the byssinia fter han- China. la.ngu dresses young ee inge- patents r 'eight chines as been which in all on an. t entiond show, ins some a gath- sin:ce whom -faun. ree at e, the The` squat- , but write, ounts. re has erotis atson, the con - hick d be herto ho is s the has e his eld- erms. n° the e of son, al or only on to cage die= oms be- said-` sires s raat- els, the the oris con- e of was ded, as I eth the ays ffice, Jo ere East er,• ell rk Sister B –"does hope that the new niniater will dor somethntg to rejuvenate the church it is getting so docile." s — " Haven't you any manners l" `angrily asked a young man of his sister, as she moved her chair, -on ,i the back of which his feet were gracefully poised. —An 'old lady says that " this going==tuff to be clocto-redis all well enough if folks are well to start .on but if they are sick she thinks they'd 1 ma better ,say at liorne." --A gentleman . �. in g m In one 'day at din- you nee was making away with a large the- puddingclose by, when he .was told 1 a d by a servant that it was a dessert. the "It matters not tom " I e, he said, plo would eat it if it were a wilderness." pos Pvizch pictures a parent coni laill- I(o ing to a peclagogee, " comp laid- see ye ve,);i�t T my son into grammar and jography.. one Now as I neither mean him to be a save midister or a sea -captain, its '- o no the - use. Gix>t, liim a plain business Cllil eddicaton "' - T • ---` Mamma," said a five-year old Nellie. "they sung `I want to be an angel' in Sunday School to -day, and I &sung with therm." " W1i jr,' Nellie !". exclaimed mamma, - tr could you keen time with the rest 2" " O. yes i kepi, ahead of them most all tits wtly_" A Wisconsin paper states that little girl, eight years old, is beg- Sing in the ;streets of Oshkosh, with a paper which c .rtifies that " the bearer is a widow•. ith five children, in destituLe circum tances." --- An Ohio fa •mer has shaved himself with the same razor for fifty-five years, an considers it to be now only in the edge of its use fulness.' = Mrs. .Brown, .of North Ca:io- line, haying stated that she cured her ,consumption by partaking 43f kerasene oil, her example was quick- ly followed by - several neighbors. The` delusion was soon exploded, however. k .. --- A Minister at a eolored wed- ding, wisl`ing:to:make souse _hiitner- ous 'remarks, said, rc On such occas- ions as this it customary to kiss the bride, but in this case we .will omit`it To this ungallant remark the indignant bridegroom very ped: tinently replied, ""On` such occas•- signs as this it is customary t9 give the minister • $ 10, but in this case we will omit it. , ♦4.- Nolses. "Inja ns," the American huno •ist has remarked,. "is pison.". Let me note a few noises, which, • to y sense, are - more de,eterious than • Red Indians;. strychnine, or hyd rate of chloi al, .. Newsboys' are " piso». " 1 must e'en buy the newspaper --ion Sunday morning—but I hate lthe vendor. The key of the newsbnly's. voice seems to nie to argue hardened,: callous imprudence. Moreover, the young rougue intersperses his p•o- fos.5ional chant with catcalls sugges- tive of the threepenny 'gallery, and with refrains culled from the antle- ology :of . the music :halls. Iron hoops» again—hoops re " in" just now—especially when the conductor rattles ta whole giund of noises -on the : metallic circle w' th a metallic rod, • make a detesta le noise. A. handsome cab at full speed liver a freshly laid macadam is an abomina- tion ;, and under any ircunistances the noise made by a ra l way carrietj's van a8 *ell nigh unbe ruble. There can be very li of opinion, Il should s repulsiveness of the so' the tearing of calico, t doors, the passing of over silk,-the`endeavor obstinate glass stopper or the scraping .of, Concerning sounds, the of which is .sufficient teeth on edge, it is not say -much- more. The of stringed instal gents tra isalikewise obviou able to any person ha.vi music ; -yet -Donizetti, .composer, whose brothe d'orchestra to the Suite used • to relate that th scraping of " the -bowe with the Mair of the ho musical performance Commander of the with to take the -greatest regards' other musical point of thein being agr reverse stay. be consider .decline .to. offerany opinion 3dncerning orga There are times when gropnd organ discourses, sweet sounds, and I could embrace the brown instrumentalist from Genoa as my long -lost " brc ther. There are -other seasons' when I could sally forth into the street in my slippers Plyrs • shake the instrument- alist out of his brown velveteen jacket and his senses at one and the same time, and .deliver 1� ilii over to the tormentors, in default of his iin .mediately moving on. 1The same May be' said of Gertan bands. Whether you like a German band in London, or detest ir,' (depends to a great extent on a first gause actu- ating two other • ca uses. I; The pri Mary is the weather, which influenc- es your liver,- the state ,,of which' ie - acts upon your temper. The result is occasionally 'A state of excitement .on that ide`.•despair, and .. on -this. side homicide. ' The sound of the postman's knock is to some a death -knell ; 'to others a tiling of joy.: But some definite rules may be laid down with` respect to our friend Avid], the p} -rein tory ra+-tat. p In - the country the post • tle c[i ferenee y, . as' to ti e lids made e creaking .f .wet fing to remove a rona:a bottl , late penci bare thought to set you -: necessary t "tuning up'. in an orehe ly disagre g an ear fo the famou was m� aitr. Mahmoud eaco xhonu I s of .the cat se" "was the which the 'al was wont elig h t. As noises the eable or 'the d moot. I dogmatical grinding. the worst to ire, most n s knock is generally a boon— to wn it is generally a bore. Nine ug people out of ten like. to hear postman's knock ; eleven lout of ozen of middle-aged pe ple wish General os't office and its 'em- yees at.Jericho ; ancl!now that t -cards are established fat Hong ng to boot. I he noise of baby is unm'stakably that cannot be clogmati eci. upon, - to this extent, that to al women cries of all -infix rets are ielicious. drys men would like t o 'bloke i'aby .fate • ftc»iilias winces ander_ the torture, ouL endures it smilingly. knew, bach e]or Forox One bachelor, indeed, I on and a remarkably crusty he was ; I will call him M. ---who professed to take huge de- light in the uproar of the .ursery. "I like to hear babiescry," he. would• say, with` a hideous grin ; READY -MA: " but't11en 1 like to hear a pig Leing killed, and, a. schoc�l.yboy bels caned. Direct • - _ ' o • E I- URO X:POSIT'OR. babies .cry 1 Because they've• got the stomach -a he. They're suffering, ha ! ha !" The oitse o a grand piano -forte. Hump ! Th point is moot again. Stay. A j pia o -forte in your own house, r over . the way, may be tol- erable. But , ext door, with a very thin pa' tition- all, and the perform- er vet i the i dimentary stages of the vase fro., 'Faust." Horror! With r Bard t.the accordion, and its sist r frena, the 'concertiena, I can onl regar them as insti uments of whit' the possession should not be permitted b the law of the land. Nay ; I regard the . abcordion as r e motely ani moral instrument. Note this, that whenever a shop -boy robs the till, dr a junior 'clerk ern• bezzels he petty cash it is invari- ably di covered that among the ar- ticles es lr ',. p chased by the criminal froml -o� i hi ill en funds, have been a. pistal arid an accordion. To- dis- miss mu ical noises, I riay hazard a suspicio $ that ost of us have a fur- tive fon. tress'r the banjo. The truth is that tie banjo is a kind of lute, and the lute is.a kind of fiddle; the most exquisite of musical instru- ments, a. done whose notes awaken nothing ut mirth, and jollity, apd sympath 9, and gratitude in the hu- rnar' bre, st!—t 1. the Year Round. a 5 c� U� c� rr C ra co P.' • .� r 5 p cD 1=i fiz ct- V VL It 0 O �=i 0 CD 0w o 1 • CD o CD crtH ca ` o arn a a Ce. CD C.Je cat 0 REMOVAL 4OF 'ROSS'S HOTEL is AND TAGE FFICE. Ta-6�Hsubscriber cgs to .s ate that he has re - 11r. M. Robertson ias'a Cabin t Factory, near the Station, which he' has fitted ti in a suitable maza- her for a Hotel. He invites 11 his old friends and Customers to his new quarte s where ho will be happy to attend to their wan s: First-class Stab, ling and largo yard in comic tion. Parties going North will find it to their ad- entago to patronize Moss's Mail=Luxe of Stages, ;vhieh start from this Hotel: 203 JAMES ROSS. Opening At the 777 -MAI`-STP SET, $ SIGN OF BL: NEW FURS, NE And They're all su$ring, Why do Which will 1 • AFORTH, K BEAR: SH e WLS, NE DRESSES, large lot of E C om Engle e sold v °THING, d, ry ry cheap. t TEWART, T OMPSON &CO'. AI 9LE YV1LLE i ARE SELLING OFF THE BALANCE OF THEIR FALL AYD WINPER STOOK. VERY LOW, To make room for Spring Importations. EDIT I,S'THE TWE TO SECURE BARGAITS. Call nd Examine for Yourselves u selves ..Before Purchas' ngg x Elsewhere. REM :EMBER THE PLACE—LEO'.ICIE'S OLID STALV.D.` STEWART, THOMPSON t CO. AINLEYVILLE, Jarwary, 1872. "DOMINION HOUSr.» CASH VS. CREDIT. FOR ONE MONTH, ONLY, N. M. LIVL\GSTOTE WILL ALLOW A DISCOUNT OF 10 PERGLENT. ON ALL CASH PURCHASES AMOUNTING TO 5.00 AND UPAV A.R-D. Just received, large and carefully selected stocks of - FRESH TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, &c.., All of which will be subject to the above discount. Now is the time to obtain ARGAINS. The above offer being genuine, will .he adhered. to in ever case when purchasers, pay CASH DOWN, y ' Goods marked in plain figures at the lowest market rates. Convince yourselves by making an early inspection, N� M. LIVINGSTONE. AINLEYVLLLE, January, 1872. NOTICE. ALTHOUGHBOOTS & SFI()ES, WOOLLEN GOODS, CROCK ERY, ETC. Have advanced from 10 to 20er p cent, WE WILL NOT Put u.�. .� the (DUDS now ju - TStock FOR A SHORT TIME.: E. HICKSON Sc CO. MONTR1,4L HTOUSE, SEAFORTH. j. 999. C. WILSON Has --purchased and increased the stock formerly belonging to S. Powell, and has now on hand a first-class Stock of-,,. ROC h;1tI N;S,`VISES = I[iIQUORS, FLOUR, FEED ar. PROVISIONS, Also, a stock of Spencer's and Carling's Al4P, In Casks, Half Casks, . and Quarte;; Casks, VERY CHEAP, Goods delivered in any p art.of the e town. Remember the place, Powell's Old Stand, Opposite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth. 213 ;GUELPH SEWING,MACHINE THE .0SBi Z 40 CR c.5 G� C. W' ti's W •,•rte z " Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE Thousands throughout Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested beyond .allu estiorr make.the favorite lock -stitch, alikee on both sides, and are- pr pounced superior to any other machine offered, the public. For wide range of work, perfetion, beauty and excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine' Has No Rival. sar Improvements have lately] b€en made, , enabling the manufactur rs to 4 claim it as the lie plus ultra of Swing machines, Hundreds of testimonials ate being rle1 received daily from ois well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities; Will - d o all kinds 61' do- mestic sewing, from the finest ea.inbric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARANTEED TO BEAS RE/PRESENTED, OR NO SALE, WARRAN=TED FOR TRREE. YEARS. • z'Ai The i Osborn Outfit is complete •and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for lima= chines doing a like range of work, the manufacturers being determined to place it within the reach of every farnily in the country. A TRIAL FEFOnE 'PURCHASE Will CM - vin G e all that our machines are ullx equaled; THE GUELPH REVERSILE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelotn_s success. Will de al-ivvar•ieties of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle : do., $17. each - machine guaranteed. IV Agents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to - GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. W. . WATSON, Agent, 180-ly . SEAPORT: THE AGRICULTURAL • MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION QF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE ... .... I,o'�fi01' ONT. Licensed by the Dominion government. CAPITAL, FIRST OF JANVARY, 1871, $23!1,242 25. Cash and Cash Items, $72,289 55. This Company continues to grow in the public confidence. On the lst January, 1871, it liad in force 84,528 Policies, haying, during the year 1870, issued the immense number of 12,819 Policies. Farmers, patronize your own CANADIAN Company that has done such good service ainongst you. For Insurance apply to 203 CHARLES MORROW, Agent, Clinton P. 0. 'PAINTING. . JAMES WLLIANIS Begs to intimate to the public that he has removed from McIntosh & 1VIor- i'iso n s Carriage Factory, and iias rented Mr. William- Grassie's Paint Shop, Where he may be found at any time. Mr. Williams is prepared to :execute,.of the shortest notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, Sign. Painting and Ornamental Work. Give him a call. Remember the place, opposite Murray's Stables. 170-13t NOTICE TO DEBTORS, riviRE -17 undersigned desires to spate that he has received instnictions to extend the time for the payment of debts due the estate of G u 'rM Dawns, until next Court day. All debts clue at that time will positively be sued, without respect to persons. 205 Jv S. PORTER, Seaforth. SHOPS FOR SALE. FOR SALE, two shops and forty-four le -et front- magel's onHotelblain . Apstreet, plyto Seaforth, opposite Car- 195- td. 8 J. MATTER. D. McNAUGT OULD respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and -iehi- iter, that he now carries on business at ;his NEW S110P, in rear of .Killoran& Ryan's. Jobbing of all kinds, and Norse -shoeing specially, promptly -attended to, Terms reasonable. 164-t DAVID McNAGGIIT. J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUTCT101 1EER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Country. All orders left at THE EXPOSITOR office will be promptly attended to. - - 198 CALVES FOR SALE. THE snbseriber has for Salo two via -bred BULL i CALVES, got by a thorough -bred Bull. Also, two STEER CALVES. For terms and other par- ticulars apply to SAMUEL CAB dCHAN, dr., 217-4* Mill Road, Tuckersraith,