The Huron Expositor, 1872-02-09, Page 88.
Kutron prioitov. Usborne arid through the back part of
Hibbert to Seaforth ; or, through the
centre of Usbchne to Exeter, -.and, front
" thence to Seaforth by waytof Rodgerville.
1STRICT MATTERS. We believe thet the promoters of the
scheme have the ass/trance 'of the
officers.' of the Great 'Western, that if
their scheme .can be showu to, be feasible,
et -
ss -
ArST REeFfIV E D. & Co: take.
-pIeawere in informing their customers end the
public generally, that they have just received a
large lot, of the very finest:Me-tine Tee possible to
be procured. Also, a weLl-aSsorted steel of Tobae.-
aos and other goods. Give them a cell and try
their Dollar Tea and it will speak for itself.
BEATTY' kt Co. Carmichael's Block,
Main st., sogorth.
MONEY at PR CENT. -Interest
annehtly, charges modem e. 0,700 to Lend on
Landed Wacurity at the above rittes, if taken for a
narriber of years and in large slime. Apply to M.
ELDER, Ttickersmith„ or to War. BLACK, Ncwillop,
TRE MAN was never known that could
please everybotlee but Frank Paltridge
comes.the neareet to it in his line of
broiness. $1 per dozen, Scott's bloek, ,
- LEFT. TowN.--LAs Mr. George Graseie
hat. left Seaforth,lwe: have been request-
ed to state that aIi parties who are yet.
indebted to him Will oblige by paying
the seine to 'Mr. Alex. Stewart. As there
is still considerable clue, inmaediate'set-
tlement is reqeested.
If You -Wani spectacles t1ia assist your
Sight so that youl call see as well as in
youth, wear LaSarus, Morns & Co's.
celebrated Spectacles_ and Eye Glasses.
All those who- have used them pro-
nounce them the hest they haVe ever had.
Your sight will siirely improve and will
experience great ease and comfort.'
Postronno.---The Anniversary'services
in Connection with the Methodiet -Epis;
cepall-Clmrch Of 'this village, advertised
to teke place on Sabbath and Monday
evening next, have been postponed, ow-
anato the illness of the Rev. J. g.
Elliott, of Strathroy, and. his 'consequent
inability to be present.
Troupe, with a high sounding name , too r
long to write, advertise a perfornmnce in
the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday
evening next. This company is well
spoken of by the Press of other tenons.
whieb they have visited, and will, we no doubt, be greeted by a late
,audience en Saturday evening. ,
SOIREE. --We understand that it it
proposed at ail early day to hold a soiree
in connection with the Sunday School
of the Seaforth Presbyterian Church.
ahe occasion of the soiree is to welcome
home the inperintendent of • the tchool,
Mr. D: •I/ Wilson, whose return from
Europe is daily exPected.
be given by Rev. A. McDiarmid,
of Duff's, Church, MeKillop, in the Pres-
byterian church, Egmonclville, on the
_evening of Thursday, the 15th inst., at
half -past 7 o'clock.-- Subject, "Astral
Won ers." A collection will- be taken
aip ia aid. Of the Sabbath School.
and can be earried through, that t
company will render it the same assi
once which they have extended to
.Wellihgton„ 1Grey and Theme, andes
equip and run the road for all time
tome. Betides the Delegation the me
ing was addressed by Messrs, Log
Strong, Beatty, Stark, McDougall, Ki
• and McLean, all of wliom Were favora
impressed. with the scheme, and ei-pre
ed a desire for railway competition
this point. The following resolution a
Carried unaimnously :
Moved by: Mr. Strong; seconded
Mr. Logan'That this meeting agree
extend all necessary aid aod enceura
ment to the railway scheme under c
sideration BO soon as it assinnee a tan
ble shape.
versazionef sder the anspices of the.
Teachers' Aesocietion, was held in the
Town Hall, in Friday evfening of last
week. The 'attendance was not large,
but Nrery sel ct in its composition, and
orderly and ell-manneredin its condi-mt.
This was d ubtless owing to the 'fact
that o udinst el entertainmsnt which was
given ia Knox's Hall the same evening
drew away the disturbing element which
usually makes itself so unpleasantly and
annoyingly c
other public
J. H. Bens
chair. \A v
pared acldres
Forces," wh
first page of
Me P. Hayes
Messrs. Turil
ton, and bed.
Vercoe, of
presided at
nspicuous at coneerts and
eetings in Seaforth. Mr.
•the Reeve, occupied the
ry able and carefully .pre -
on the "Correlation of the
eh we print in full On the
his paper was read by Mr..
. Readings were given by
bull and Matheson, of Clin-
v. •Mn -Goldsmith and Dr.
Seaforth. Miss McDonald
he piano, and a very pro-
ficient" choir enlivened the proceedings
with eacelle t _vocal music. The enter -
character, a doia weswat fnaeott°b
tainment w highly
lona till the eichers give isinothet of the
sam°e. class.
: • Wroxete;.,
INI.r. George Evel is our authorized agent in this
place. All ordeitsleft with hiin 1 r subscriptions,
Job Printinc.; oil adwiii
vertising, ' be promptly at-
tended to. Mr. yvel is also erup wered to collect
accounts and g nt receipts fakmoney due THE
CREDITAB n -At a co apebitive 'ex-
amination he d lately in th High School,
Oshawa, Mit Maggie Gi son, formerly
a pupil Of IN roxeter scho 1, stood first
in Grammar and was al o one. of the
best in Geom try. s
Anil -Tors doo.-A number of gents in
this town; b mg suddenly possessed of
theconscioe ness that tobacco was a
filthy weed, fornied them elvee into a
small aociety and resolved o diecard its
use forever. They accord ngly entered
• into a bond b which any n ember violat-
ing his pledg forfeits a cei ana sum,• the
aggregate si collected t be 'divided
ho prove fai hful until the
nd of the y r. They are sticking to it
ike helves, ht we deem t our duty to
warn the pu tic not to s eak to those
uti-tobaccon sts otherwise than in their
landeet and most conciliting manner,
s their tem ;ern being elightly disar-
anged by w.1 t of their c Istomary nar-
etc, are ra her eccentric They have '
very woe‘l egone expre sion on their
sages, and smoke tea, 1 ops, etc., in,
tead of the t lthy Indian e eed.
ill's Gree
NEW SCHOITL HOUSE.- he people of
Chool Sectio a /tb. 3, Hay have deter-
ined upon' erecting a new echool house. "
he building is to be Of fr me, but will
e large and connnochous and will be fit -
6d up with 11 the:neeess ry apparatus
or, .the con enieerce anc comfort of
eachet and p pils. Seaie4 tenders will
e received fs the erection of the build -
'g until Sat rclaf the 24t1 inst., When
hey will be oeened by the Trustees at
Ir. McLeod' store% Plans and specifi-
caticeie -of th work can be seen at the
residence of I r. Hugh Love, one of the
among- those
SKATINC CAttNiVAL.-The.carnival at e •
the Skating Rini, on Monday evenina 1
last, was not verylnumerously- attended,
There were e fewefroin Clinton, but the a
principal portion of the skaters were
from Seatorth. There wereseverahvery a
handserne costumes worn by both ladies r
aani gentlenien. The following are the c
-names of the successful competitors for a
the prizes given : Best gentleman skater,.
IR liowa,rd ; best costume. R. Ilickeon. 5
Best lady skater, Miss Bay, Clintou ;
best etstume, Miss Houghton, Seaforth.
CATTLE FAIR.--fille regular monthly S
Cattle Fair curie off at Houghton's m
- Hotel; on Monday last. The Fair this T
-tune could neither be termed a success b
nor a feituree There were about seven- t
teen head of cattle on the .ground, sense: f
. of them line animals. Competition among
the buyers was not very brisk, but still b
there were some very good tales Made. n
The Messrs. Case, of Seaforth, and Mr. . t
-Shaw, • of Kippen, were tfie principal A
Ponscenets----Afr. George Grassie and
family left Seaforth an Tuesday last.
Mr. Grassie ,has gone to a. small village
named Black Heath, 1 about twelve miles
2touth ea -at of Hamilton, where he intends
engaging in the wagen-making and.
islanksmithing business with his brother.
He was amongst our oldest residents
,.here, -and was highly: respeoted by all
who ever had. businese dealings with
hien We can heartily recommend Mr
Grassie to his- new patrons as an exceh
- lent mechanic, and a straight forward
-business man.
NEW CHEESE, Pectonvt-We learn
that Mr. W. Scott Robertson of Seaforth,
has purchased fro rn D. Coleman 'four
acres of land adjoining the residence of
Dr. Sinheli, cm the North side •of the yile
upee which he intends erecting a
large Cheese Factory- and private resi-
dence. The factory will, be in operation
in time toe next summer's trade, and will
be one of the largest •andliest fitted hp
in this. section of the Province. Mr.
Robertson intends to furnish it with all
the modern improvements for Cheese
-making. Welearn that •during the com-
ing summer, lie intends to manufaetere
the Milk erf about. seven hundred cows.
Mr. Robeetoon it one of our most entee-
prising business men, and will, we trust,
reap a large financial beeetib from the
undertakiug which he has 'entered upon.
, -
Refl.:tee` RETI N G . -A Meeting of the
residents of Seaforth was held in the •
Town Hall, on Wednesday eveuing last.
will be rerne» bered that a few weeks
ago Mr. Tho as McMicha 1 advertised
through our •lunins that he had good
brood mares for sale. The advertise-
ment caught the notice of an American
in search of ueie. stock, ani we are in-
formed that 6 - last Saturc ay Mee Me-
Michaelhandsonie su of $380 do lars in gold
sold a splendid eam for the
and a two y -ear old filly fo • $150. iiCer-
taiely it pays to raise good. horses.: We
-understand he has yet a brood mare for
sale. Any p more, in want of shah an
animal „shout( avail, themtelves of the
opportunity, , r while we rejoice to see
the Arriericae tahing away our surplus
stock of good orses at good figures, we
gertainly eon ider it e dead less to the
country to a ow them to take away the
best of our brood. mares. '
CHEESE 'FACTORY nierrino.---The
nual meeting • f the patrons of Mo W
0. Fowler's eese factory- took place at
the faoryuu ccordance wi h announce-
ment previous y given. Th chair was
occupiecl by k It. G. E.. Cre , The
in imites of iht. last regular neeting:*ere
toad- and. adep ed. TheAu 'tor, Mr. R.
Landeboro, re• d Ins reporb which was
approved and. doptcd as follows: Tuba
amount of ilk delivered, 571,461
pounds, total amount of cheese manncture& 52;5( 0 pounds; total amount
money re eived, $5,056 50 ; paid
meeting titian adjourned, all Seemingly
well satisfied. Mr. Fowler offered to get
Western -corn for seed if paaties-applied
before seed_ time. It is very valuable
for 'soiling, especially in such dry sea-
sons as the last, when the pastares begin
to fail -(Jor
NOTICE. -31r. C. R. COOPER 'Will ad bUSIRCES
agerit for '.2nn ExPosITou.iii Ainleyville and •ricin-
iry: Part, es requiring Iob Printing or Advertising.
can be attended to by calling upon Mr. Cooreu
He is also authorised to solicit subscribers for THE
BUSINESS •is rather dull. Still, there
are large quantities of Pork end (train
passing through here to the Seaforth
market. Some comes from Belmore,
there bcing no accommolation at Clif-
ford and Harriston, on account of the
store-holses there being full. Markets
in these places are dull, being ten cents
a bushel less on wheat than Seaforth
prctieVe:T"..11DRAAVer.-Mr. Duncan, who was
said to have bought out Wright & Ross,
has backed'out of his bargain.
RUNA.WAY. -On Friday, 2d inst., a
team of horses, belonging to Patrick
Blake, broke loose from M.uir's door, and
ran dow the main street, breaking the
'cutter . ncl nearly injuring the driver.
hey g t stopped by running against
Armstr ng's stage whichthey also broke.
The hor et we're scratched, but nothing
serious appeaed. • „a. • -
FELL INTO A WELL. -On Thursday,
the 1st ebruary; a fine horse belonging
to D. T \Voodriffe of the township of
Grey, sl pped his halter, und fell into a
well tha was being dug. With the ate-
sistance of a number of the neighbors the
?animal as rescued from the unpleasant
situatio but too late to save his life. •
Adtr ENT. -On Monday last as Mr.
Robert Hamilton, of the township of
Morris, was unloading sawlogs at Brown's
his hems suddenly started, caus-
ing one f the logs to roll off the sleigh.
The lo rolled.. upon Mr. Hamilton,
breakin one of his legs below the knee,
and can mg Other., injueies. He wa.s
naediate 7 placed under 'the medical care
of Dr. rahana, and We are glad to learn
than he oing as well as could be ex-
pected er the circumstances. • .
A G MoveernNn. -.Subscription
lists ha e been put in circulation by the
Grey B anch Agricultural Society to
raise su cieut funds to assist in erecting
a suitab e for the use of the society
during t eir e ibitiotts. This is an ex-
cellent ove lent, ,and will, we trust,
prove s cce fuL Heretofore the indoor
departm nt of the exhibitions has been
eld strong's Hall, but owing to,
the inc ing prosperity of the society,
and the ge increase in the number of
entries' this department year after
ear, th s hall. has, become entirely .too
inall. '1le officers- aerl directors of the
ociety ave therefore decided upon the
Abed ndicated for increasing the ac-
oriunod tion. This is a scheme which
11, if a rried out, materia,lly add to the.
-elfare • f the society, and should there -
ore be igorously and libera,lly aided by
iot only the citizens of Ainleyville, but
• y ever farmer within the jurisdiction
f the so icty. We 'feel Confident that
he sub criptions will be liberal, and
riven m grudgingly. We wish the so-
iety ev
• overlie
uch sup
he new
In the o
lay last
or the b
Moe R,
bout th
'th. clo
rom a di
put tha
ry success with their laudable
t, and trust they will receive
°Ito...4 will enable them to have
gricultural Hall ready for use
casion of the next Fall Exhibi-
MIRY COUNCt L. -The Turnberry
eld.a speciall meeting on Satur-
in 'Tichbume's Hall, fer the
f appointing the day for voting
•nus for the Toronto, Huron and
ilway. .One particular feature
meeting was, that it was held
ed doors. A large number of -
le ratepayers, who had come-
• tance, Were refused admittance.
since the meeting it has leeked
the election for said by-law
place on the .60. of March
Itietta Mantneo.-The 'villagers
mber of the ratepayers met in
'8 Hall last Monday night The
vas large: and there was e com-
r among the gauges for quite a
rid a n
• MIATRI ONIAL.-Our usually quiet-
, s been on the gal vive- for the. last
Week or SO. Cupid has beentrnakiog
'mile rat er unceremonious attacks on.
ome of our -villagers and those in its sur -
'minding neighborhood. -
Panan Ittnentson-Some of the•lead-
ng men of the place are taking up the
flair, ani. we have no donbt but it will
)e aesocpess. Go in, .Wingham, and win.
. .
Smut, -A grand social will be. held
n the We:sleyan Methodist Church ou
liursdae. evening, the 13th inst.. A aood
ime is expected.
SINGING. -Mr. Orr has again appeared
mong us, and otganized two singing
-lasses, one juvenile; and one. large
lass, which. meets in Mr: Ross' Hall on
Ionday evening!. - 1 '
.RAILWAY. -The Turnberry township
' uncilheld a special meeting on Mon -
lay last, to submit two by-laws, grant.
ng aid te the Toronto, Grey and Bruce
ailway. Company,. oue for $30,000 on
he township and the other on the oil -
age of Wingham .for 85,000. I believe
the Cons -poly is willingto give the Coun-
il security to the effect that if the town.;
hip. is legally entitled to pay the g28 -
i . 00 to the 'Wellington, Grey, and Bruce
'ompany they will not have to pay the
30,000. '
ITEMS. Business not very.. brisk.-
iloney scarce .-Great quantities of logs
corning into the 'Village for shingle pur-
p.oses.---S.10W is very deep and the
1 he object of the meeting wan -to hear a of
delegation from the town of St. Marys - pa
on the eubject constructing a, railway pa
fro in IikgerSoll via.. ldt.- aey , Seiforth, ! tiu
:and other points._ x:Ithe St. Mars's (Tele -el ja
egation was composed of Messrs. McDoncn
gall, Wilson, Belch, Poole •'and Sharp: tin
trous, $4,511 17e leaving a balance to
y working xpenses of $545 33 ; total
tuber of box cheese, 960. I -Afoved, b
mes• Mahaff seconded by Peter i -kik -
head, 'That W. G. Fowlee's.
'1 hi. chair :eels oceepied by Mre-Beeson, cee
ite.eve, and Thomas Kidd. 'aeted. aS he
Seotetary. The attendance Was vet), fair Fie
• andembraced many cif the business m011
n to menufa•tere cored cheese for twe
its per pau. • d and haul the -milk- for
If cent per -g lion be accepted. -Carri-
a. .. Moved y James Mabaffy, second -
ley B.' Kaite • That whilst this meet -
thanks Mt., "Fowler for his liberal of -
one pound of cheese from ten
'aide of milk this meeting, is of the
nitee. that th' eoarse fig•owed in fonn-
a- E. Johns That the following gen"-
eiare is pre, -Table for all parties.-
•ried - Afar ,d: by N. Coueins, second -
nen. be sa .co mittee. of management :
sers. jenies reatiloot, . Jas. Mahaffy,
ngis Ihnelei Jame,s Crich, 'Richard
,,Cudmore.-Carned. Moved . -by " F.
, Fowler, -seconded by ;Tames Broadfoot, .
That Robert Laudesboro be Auditor.-.
Carried. Moved by _Robert Landesborin
nded hy R. Chelmore, That W. 0.
Fowler be Secretaty.-Carried. The
am hoienaincs of the place, all of whom lag
neethe'l to take a deep interest in the 1. to
proceedinen The niembees of the dele-
nation laid their schema- -Which as yet is 01)i
eii vete - exude steta's-before the meet er
ing in a ve'ry plain holiest manlier. The 'Ces.
Scllente, az steerly as we eau underetend I ed.]
it, is to en ett a tailway' f rom Rome point f dei
ou Lake Janie to Ineersoll, and to iettend •tle
teepee to dit. Marys, Seaforth and Fin
tniete- to 'unite with the
Southern etteraion .of the Welliegten,
Grey and Bruce Railway. The -.coarse
the road wsuld pmehably take from St.
Marys to Seaforth would he first to Kirk -
ton„ ani from thtlset through a efireer of
.1,-•eather very severe durin the q) t
eek.--Jolin A. Gardiner sold hiis
store, &c, to Mr% arrow.--eWeddings
very plentiful the last two weeks -_a
g od sigu.-- Frank temoved into his new
• s lop.-.-Nfrs. Redmond announcesthat
siic will iestruct young ladies in plain
a4tcl faney •sewing, embroidery, &c.
• . CATTLE *Fem.--.The Show of cattle
a very large, between /0 and. lo head
exo on tl e ground about 2 o'clock, of
I which, we -e 1.1 yoke of working Oxen, in
d condition ; 1 yoke of fat steers ;
some beef news, mad quite a number of
mulch e.oweT the remainder ben% fine•
y ung stol. Weare sorry to bear of
so few sales being made. Buyerfrom a
di tame dicl not put M an appearance,
fo whom a supper was to be prepared at
Mr. Win. "hompeonh.4 Hotel in the eve-
ning. We may fifty that this is a good
point for buyers, as the stock is very
gofid and can be shipped from here direct
to the best markets, the W. G. 46 B.
Railway Cot have erected a tramway for
the loading of cattle at this station.
Volland, of the township of flay, was
choppingdast Friday,. in Mr. Thos, Wil-
son's bush„ -he was falling a tree which
lodged on another tree ; while chopping
the second tree, a limb came down on
Mr. \Tolland, causing a, deep :wound on
the right hand and other slight cuts
about the face. Ile was taken to Mr.
Wilson's, then taken by Mr. Wilson to
the doctor in Zurich, who dressed the
-wounds, and _under whose care we are
happy to say is doing as Well as could_ be
IVIcKillop. •
SOIREE. -The members of L. 0- Lodge
No. 813, McKillop, are to hold a soiree
in. their Ledge _Room, on Friday, the
16th nest Several popular speakers are
expected to give addresses, and the
brethren will do. all in their pewer to
make the meeting agreeable and enter-
taining to their visitors_ Friends and
the public are cordially invited to attend.
Eorron. Exrosarote-StR.-- Some men
will try to gain h000r by self praise;
some will employ others te do it for
them, losing sight of truth and. honesty.
I believe and. feel sure that this, is the
Cabe with those who make a brag about
fast threshing. In: the first plaee, they
lose sight of truth, for in one case one
of the correspondents said that he was
-going to puzial. squib in about fast thresh-
ing, but not to believe it, for it was go-
ing to be all lies, -which no doubt it was.
In the second place they lose sight of
honesty. We read in the EXPOSITOR, of
February 2nd, that a hundred bueliels of
wheat were threshed in 45 minute. Now,
allowing this to be correct, I ask does
this thresher do so much to every
farmer, allowing their grain to be equal-
ly good? To show these braggarts their
dishonesty f will illustrate it in this
way: !Supposing I would hire for a dol-
lar a day to chop wood for A., I would
put up two cords a day; B. would hire
me for a dollar a day, I would have the
same kind of timber, and would only,
put up one cord a day, would I not -be
very dishonest to 13 ?.Threshers will thresh
one hundred bushels in forty-five minutes,
for one man aud it will take them an
hour and a Inilf t6 thresh one hundred.
for his neighbor, and the grain turn
out as good ' in the one case as in the
other. No oncler that those blower
are laughed . at by the honest farmers,
yet they are so loud. of blOWing that
they caunot see their own weakness ;
but when a hurricane comes, the nar-
rower the channel through which the
gale passes, the stronger the breeze.
OYSTER SUPPER..-LOn Saturday even-
ing last,. the people of Carronbrook and
vicinity,; gave a grand Oyster Suppeit ab
Carpenter's Hotel, in honor ,of Thomas
King, Esq., the newly elected IVerden
of the County of Perth. There was a
large attendance i among those we noticed
were : -Dr. Coleman Messrs. Thomas
Downey, Thomas Kidd, John ICilloran,
Wm. Mooney 4,ncl Robert Coleman. from
Seaforth; Drs. ilornibrook and Cum-
mings, and. Mr. Ricks, from Mitchell;
and Dr. Hanavan, from Stratford. Dr,
King occupied the Chair, and the Vice -
Chair was ably filled by Mr. A. Shaw.
The room was tastefully .decorated with
evergreens, and the walls were covered
with flags of different nationalities,* in-
terspsed with appropriate mottoes,
Over Dr. King's Chair was suspended a
beautiful banner of green and gold on
which were inscribed the words ..:,
"Next to the clear old land of my birth,
The loveliest spot to me on earth
Is Ilibberte noblest township s in the
County of Perth." ,
And underneath, "Vivo Le , Roidt
After the company sat down, the Chair-
man called upon Mr. Luke King, to open
proceedings, which. that gentleman did
by reading an original poem, composed
by him expressly for the occasion. After
the solids had been disposed. of, the cloth
was removed and the Chairman propos-
ed the toast of ," The Queen," which it
is needless to say was received with all
the honors, followed by the National
• Anthem. The Army and Navy" -was
the next toast, responded to by Dr.
Coleman, then followed The Learned
Professions" responded to, by Messrs.
Patton. Mooney and McCarty, after
which. the (Liman preposed "The
Guest of the Evening;" the Warden re-
sponded by thanking them for the hearty
manner in which they had drank the last
toast. He said he felt proud to see so
many of his friends together. He had.
long been a resident amOugst them, and
he was glad that his conduct as Reeve
met the approval of Itis townsmen.
After Mr. King sat down, three cheers
and a tiger were given for the Warden of
the County of Perth, then. came several
'volunteer toats, "The Manufacthring
Interests," responded. to by ltl.r. 0. G.
Anderson, "The Mercantile Interests,"
by Messrs. Lawrence Murphy and Thos,
Kidd, ".The Menicipalities. Of Ontario,"
by Messrs. O'Sullivan and Evans of
McKillop. The toasts were interspersed
by songs from Dr. Cumminta, -Messrs.
A. Shaw, John Killoran, J. O'Flaherty,
Thos. Downey, H. King, John Horan
and others. Altogether the evening was
spent in a very pleasant manner, in re-
gard to the substantial' pert of the
tertaininent Mrs. Carpenter sustained
on this, as on former occasions the re-
putation which has given her the title of
the Dehnonico of Carronbrook, and. the
tasteful manner in which the tables were
decorated with beautiful flowers elicited
the admiration of all present.
Musicale -Peden Habkirk's singing
.class is still - largely -attended. His
superior niethitl of teaching is meeting*
with great success. On Wednesday,
21st inst., a grand concert will be given
in Tuck's The different echools in
the nenehlicuhood combining in one on
this occasion. As the programme.. is ae
, attractive 01,10 there will no doubt be a
full house.
Doe TAX. -Since the abolition of the
Dog Tax in this township, we notice a.
lam) number of the Ca.nind race have
made their appearance which formerly
were placed durance vilet this sea -
eon preparatory to the annual visit of
the Assessor. Should they continue to
increase in the same ratio until the dog
days, we fear the aid of our town COD;
Stabulary will have to be called in to
create a diminuticui of their numbers.
The Two Manifestoes.
a The Directors of the London, Huron
and Bruce Railway give positive assur-
ance that the rumour circulated in Heinine
and Bruce to the effect that they are
About to sell their charter to the Great
Western, and that the latter company in-
tend to construct the road -via ;Seaforth
to Ainleyville, is entirely without found..
ation. They state that they never con-
templated anything. of the kind, and that
no offers or proposals looking toirards
such a scheme have ever been submitted
or entertained."
DIREC•TOR-erE, Ate Let men,
February 7th, 1872.
To he Editor .of Ike 11111'01Z lixposit or.
,Referring to the above "ukase," I an
instmeted to say that the Directors of
Our Board give positive assurance -,;o
their constituents and the public general -
lea that they never had, nor have they
now any intention of opening negotia-
tions for an amalgamation of the Wel-
lington, Grey and. Bruce Railway, and
the so-called London, Huron and Brute
Railway, at this or any other point, and
further, they never seriously enterter-
tamed the -idea of negotiating in. anv
manner whatever with the Directorate
of that visionary narrow guage London
scheme which -the " Voice of the People,"
in North Huron, has already condemn--
ecl in the inest emphatic manner. By
Order, "Vox Porttt," President• .
TnuE ECHO, Secretary.
A Ramble ThroUgn Hay and
To, the Editor of the Ii-4ron ExpoRitor.
SIR -As the sun. made its first appear-
ance on the morning of the 2nd instant,
your correspondent deteerdined to take a
drive to see how the country looked af-
ter the severe storm *Mali had prevailed
for some (lays previously. The first place
of note which we came to in the couree
of our ramble was
This place seems to be quite a smart,
• thriving little village. Most of the travel
from Hay, and a good. deal from. Stanley
goes through it to the Seaforth and Clin-
ton markets. There are two Blacksmith
Shops, one Waggon and Carriage Shop,
one kood Store and Post Office. which
are kept by Jr. Meths, two dtrurches
and one Hotel. The Hotel is kept by
Mr. Shaver, and. if you should happen
this way, and require a good square meal
I would strongly recommend you to give
Mr. Shaver your order, and he will set
before you a table, the like ,of • which it
would puzzle soiree of your Seaforth-Ho-
tels to come up to. Leaving Kippen, and
driving on through the township of ,Hay,
I passed a number of Saw _Mills, all of
which, judting from the /lumber of logs
in the yards, seem to, bei doing a good
business. In a few years lumber and
_aeclar posts will be scarc4 and. dear in
this section, as -the bush;_ lands cannot
long withstand the heavy drain which is
being made on them year after year. As
I drove along it was most gratifying to
noticethe amount of material laid clown
on different farms preparatory to the 2rec-
tion of new buildingsin the spring.
Amongst others, I noticed. that my old
friend, Robert Ferguson, 'Esq., has a
large quantity of brick and stones ready
for a fine new house which he intends to
erect in the spriag. I wish him success.
A few minutes more and I arrive at
This is a smart villt"-, populated princi-
pally by Germans, wind are in the main a
frugal, industrious people, and make ex-
cellent and almost invariably prosperous
settlers. There are in tide place tree
stores, three respectable hotels, and ma-
ny other business establishments -such as
Grist and. Saw Mills, &c. Mr. Carrick
seems to be doing a large business in both
his flonriug mill and saw mill. Mr.
Brown also seems to be dning a large
trade in the dry goods line. He has
mantefriends in this place, and deserved-
ly so, too, "for he's a jolly good fellow."
Passing on, I called upon Mr. Volland,
who has a fine larm of one bemired and
fifty- acres within a short distance of
Zurich. The land in this vicinity is
much more rolliog than it is in the front
of the township, and 1 should say much
better adapted. to the growing- of fall
wheat. After reaching Mr. \Tolland's,
and enjoying a comfortabledimier, I took
a stroll out to view his stock, which is
truly worthy of admiration. He inform
ecl me that he threshes his grain as the
stock uses the stra-w. Having a thresh-
ing machine placed in his barn, he has it
in his power to thresh at any time he re-
quires draw, so that in this waythe
straw is always fresh, and must be much
better fat, stock than that which has been
kept font mouths in the stack or barn. A
short distande from the barn there is a
beautiful spring flowing out of the bank,
and which is conducted. by means of
pipes, into a large trough situated in the
yard. This spring seems never to be af-
fected by the frost. • Leaving Mr. Vol..
land's, I pursued my way to Mr. John
Zimmer's, who is, by the way, the cham-
pion grape -grower of the township of
Hay, if not of the County of Huron. He
has about eight orten acres of an orchard
and vineyard, one acre of which is taken
up exclusively with barapes. Owing to
Mr. Zimmer's absencefrom home at the
time I called, I,m-as unable to ascertain
the amount annually realized from this
orchard and vinery, but judging from ap-
pearances I should. say it must be a toler-
ably profitable investment This latter
•hirneigic, and WHines,. of Turnberry ;
of. Guelph ; S. Neil, of the
erh3arma i;::
1 tfoilucornt,Fle en
t) rTnyiiiiiEligaile.,1 Bx. 11:r.exs.s-goolg east, fro t of
the track between. Allya and. Elora, at
the -same time liaN-ing.a slight sinash up,
which, detailleil Q.c Mail train coming
-NI-est, so that it (lid not reach here till -->
o'cil,oEc.lAtv(gi.;Siuli,,AdratitylsinT(0)ri.Lingirr. ) smith,
formerly a resident of lIarpurhey, Ulo.
has :been living here for the past. two.
years, is returning this week. to 1.‘....s old
home. Mr. Smith has done well here;
but would prefer being amongst hi%
fiiends, who, DO ClOtbt, Will give him'
. and his family a warm reception on their-
arri val.
..-Ste.--waFTr:°e.ninvilig the exainr4e °I.the e"ii-
ty Council of Perth, the county council
of Waterloo, last week- -granted a bonus
of St•90 to aid in sinking Still deeper
the salt Well at Waterhio village.- The
Chronkle says ' ' the shareholders are
-einking the well more with a viewof
testing the matter thoroughly than of
making their'flartunes by the specu4-
tion." The well is now 1,600 feet deep,
and it is stated " there are strong indi--
c?---tionTsheaatnhneuballinnYieeeltetnoti't'he -Hibbert
AgricnItural Society was held. recently
at Staffa_ The a-nnual teport, which was
read and adopted, showed the society to
bein a prosperous condition, having a
balance on hand of $115 63. The officers .
appointed for 1872 were as follow ;.--
President, Mr. George Hamilton. Vice. -
President, Mr. R. FL Soaves. Secretary -
Treasurer, , Mr. John Carmichael. Di-
rectors, Messis. 'osepli. Kidd, Thelma
Gourlay, A. McLelland, John McCon-
jiloehil'n' GGeaorrdgine'erA,111-inie'irilialVilliorlrrias,ThiPolit
St Marys Ar( 'pis says that en
Sunday last two little Igirls, daughtera
of Mr.. Hawkshave, who' drives oneof the
stages between Lucan and Londoia, died
very suddenly, within 1 a few hours of
each other. The disease is said to he -
spotted fever, and seems to be imusnally
virulent in its'nature. The children died
, within a day or two of the first appear-
ance of the sympthms. i -
FRANK PALTRIDGE li4s been working -
like a brick, and. has gal all thingsfeady
to make you a &Oen photographs this.
winter ; only $1 per dozen.- Scott's
Block, Seaforth,
ITHviNG- purchased the wholesale department
of Thome.s Bell's Furniture Shop, we are now
prepared to 1
. Cheaper thtm it ETer was sold lbefore,lis we have -
made great additions to,,tEelmachineia end in-
tend manufactming extensively.
Parties may be sure of goodrwork, as none but
good mechanic:8 are enaployed. A good stock kep
constantly on hand.
Lumber taken in exchange.
Turning done on shortest notice.
. Thornes IlelPs Old Shop,
Corner of Merket Square, SEAFORTH,
204-13 & SCOTT.
NOTICE is hereby given to , all parties having
1.elaiins against the estate of the late NYLLI.TAlte
ra.mial, the elder, in his lifetime of the Townehir
of Hibbert, in the 'County of Perth, must send in.
the same to the undersigned, properly attested, on
or before the first day of 3Iarch, 1871 All claims
presented after that date -a -ill receive no attention
as the affairs of the estate must be -finally wound -
up by that date.
AL:1mi xeT,AIIEN,
I Executors.
Tuckersinith, jan. 1'7, 1872. 2L3 -td.
T"}" Partnership heretofore existing between
ARMSTRONte' it PRICE, as booksellers and
stationers, in the village -of Se4forth, is this day
dissolved. All debts contracted by the said fum
will be paid by C. ARMSTRONG, and all accounts
due the same will be collected by him
Seaforth Jib. 12 1872.
The book and stationery Otare known as the
" Telegraph Book Store" will be carped b'S the
undersigned, -e-ho will do his best to -please; his
LOST, some time during last.week, two NOTES
-"of -hand, one dm-wn by ..A.uguet Brodhagen, of
the Township of McKillop, in favor of either of a/3
undersigned, for the sum of $27, and due On the
1st of January, 1872, the other was -drawn by
EtlWarci Luntly, of the. Township of Morris, inla-
yer of either of the undersigned, for the amount Of
and due on the 2d of September, 1872. Tile
Public are hereby cautioned alpinist purchasing or
negotiating either of the above notes, as payment
of the same has been stopped. -
2 -
Teeswater Yen. 18 14370 • 2154
rpleit, subscriber has for sale two well-bred BULL.
CgiLVES, got by a thorough -bred Bull. Also,
• two STEE'R CALVE& For terms and other par-
ticulars apply to
217-4* Mill Road, ersnu h-.
Fellows' Syrup.
place lb situated on what is called the - 1
Brownson line. On thii. line are the best SHOSHONERS EMEDY.
buildings 1 li.d seenin the tonship slnce'
I left the London., Road. Many of the
barns along here are built on the sides of ALLEN3
the basements of whieh afford -most -BALSAM*.
ex9eileut shelter for Ethel,: during our
long and severe winters. Leaving- this
line, I Proceeded to re -trace my steps,
and, - going at a 2.40 rate soon again reach -
ed the London Road, and home, which,
"let it be ever so humble, there is no
J. C. .
p ace e omc.
•01 the. abov
FORTY HILLS. -This point on the Wel- Ce/ehta te i Patent Medici, les'
lin /tom Grey and Bruce Railway, le now
-in working order, and the freight train RECEIVED.
- hoe passed. on to Walkerton.
CATTLE FA IR , - The m on thly esti'
fair which es new au established ineti- Z.. i L U IN S D E ,.1N
tution in this place, was held on 'Friday, 1 r
the 2nd inst. This fair was almost a CORNER DRUG STORE, SEAFORTH.
1 success in as far as the number of buy-
erS attending and the quantity of stock ,
offered was concerned, but the market
being low many farmers es -cull not sell I IVIPS'iON'S
As near as could be ascertained, t2,700
changed hands. rl'he following are bey- 0 ELEB
ers who attended this fair : Ctiessre. Core
nay, P. Kinnear t.iul R. Kinnear, of To-
ronto; W. Herron Geo. Puddy, R.
Strachan, W. Speocer, 1.I. Roberts, J.
McQuillean R C h f
, oc remand D. Marshall,
.'or Fattening Cattk.
For Sale Wholestite and Retail.
-, end of th§, yro
daie cola
44 42
One-fourth oue
.0ne-eiglith 01
-One- ifth (et
4f • hal
E 71
134hie5s Cards
' 1O exceedina I
3:n4)1th, vent
for ,saie, not exe
each subseqaen
be insert -ed till
keen() Y. MO"
-&-•'-geons arid J.
/mit lit, Then
and the Ri.ayel 1
Residence -4)r.
'C'alls promptly
'`' aim Colleer,
-Mice arelfreelact
DB. 'ff. 11;
Main street, Seat
McGill, r uiv,
goon, etc.
IT L0Z11,:t71.
Irariatand High
• clixt,BEL
--R-7 and Ilesidenc
street, Seaforth. -
day.,•and all day S
T M.
Point -ea Aout
pauy er Bnghuid,
vete Capitalists
-v-ery reasonable
Charges• moderate
Winginure Dee.
torneys at 1,7
NoOlvkluoy, Notni
Solicitors for the P
the Canftebt Life As
N. B. -$30,D00
Rouses and Lots 1
at Law, Solicit;
-Conveyancers, Not
forth and Wroxeter
Co. of Upper ram
D. of Loudon, Eng
comroission tharga,
liatronag,e awardeil
• hole businesg, Ana
• Again ro fluted Ims
he will be ha.ppy :
and many new ones.'
• 100011INCY: Or W.A.
O. T. Meer -Tell
aecontru&lation Tor
leice with the very b
stabling iittat-htet.
evety datt for WhIgla
J. C.ILL.A.w.tY, Fr
40f Anicaii,.an
hotel has rixentIv
ttte,j throug-hout,
fortAillE *Ed COPORIO
Stinalale 3looms ferC
Tttrin., liberal
- Gilice-At Mn
Horses und in -A -class]
s`j Sealortia.
alwax).lYs ohand at Mai
way Ticket Agent.
-GT. Baftwav ;s:tath
Tieketsi.,sned te ail p
California and lled
the greetcet facilitiee
• informatien
4l-reenbaelv$, 1ijd tTa
and tiilver Coin.
fi It. Ctle.WEll,'
‘-14 ‘4111.t WS Leech1..
Agent for lat!
suramet. ;
tuna an1t}4, We,tern
the Relit:1,14,p 7jti Assu
,eicivnt 1::/szont,ea.
All ordeni by Ins il ;
. 48a to.
J. .
• tMenther ' the
laiigs to itatimatt to
and $vrro:ntialiug- .unxn
Office la Statfortle slii
senally or by letto-, ;Lai
tie, etc Having r,•lee
Aducat'ov, atoi ha;
of the Ve- inary CoUrl.
arer3 ,:ontitienee
who rnaylt*.?ploy
3.10 Vettrinhey
a'horhurn,lM1Zowel, 4
,AlloA,Ils pro
above, amount
Itundred Dollars at
tereht Irina 71 to 5
yearb or half yetarly.
anorisb tun P.