The Huron Expositor, 1872-02-09, Page 31872. &RUC LAit NOTICE,. LOCAN Has a Lot of illAWLS, MANTLES, -AND-• )13•MSS C-4'0 OID 'Which he is alai0I18 to SOU Oftt at Cast, YES, =OW COST, -any reasonable price that a enstonier may offal Therefore,. Ladies, yOizwiUplease-call at the rtfancilester House, MAIN STREET, on, art et your pick of the -Goods Wore they areull sold. '‘C-aforth, XolY 25, 1S71. 190 EGMONDVILLE ;ROCERY STORE. WM. THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) AS received a fresh supply of Choice Filmity !GrWeerieS, of every description, embracing very Fne-f1avored Teas, of various varieties. Sugar s, Coffees, Spices, Fish, TOBACCOES, aita and•every other article in theGroceryline, vf which he will sell Tit priees as low as can be Seaforth or in any House in the County. JJTTER AND EGGS taken= e•Uhange for goods as caeh. cIOUR AND FRED, ery description, kept constantly on hand, eluding Shearson & Co.'S No. 1. • .aell is respectfully solicited. WM. THOMSON.. EMEMBER TEE BRICK STORY? EGIIONDVILLE, LOGAN'S OLD STAND, I SHROUDS ! SHROUDS.! M. ROBERTSON, 10 MAKO AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's: Old Stand, street,. Seaforth,- haa now OD leina a good aseortment of • he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. 20.5. • NOTICE TO .D._?BTORS. AccouNTs of the current year and also L accounts and notes or other clets contract - previous years ranat be paid Ou or before the day of january,1872„, Otherwise they will cecl, in Court for collection, as my busin.ess be wound up at once. LIN of all kinds, Pork, Butter, &c,, taken in payment of accounts or notes at 411.est market price, up to the aboN-e-sta'ted. ; jOHN LECKIE. dile, Dee. &1S71. 209 ILK. MILK. tteiS wishing; NEW MILK can have it - LIVERE.Th sant= tE8TDENCES, - SEAFORTI4 week -day mornilig from date. - jOHN ITABKIRN, North Road. 206 ember IA 1871. MeNAIM .-Drespectfully intimate to the iithaLitautS of Seaforth and viein- ht he now carries on business at 81101', in rear of Killoran & a of allIdrids, and l'Iorse-shoeing promptly attended to. _Terms reasonable. tj• DAVID McNAUGHT. ...',OVA14 OF ROSS'S ...HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE. abscriber begs to state that he has re - to the Rending formerly occupied by tt,ibertstat as a -Cabinet rect.-01.3,-, liens the which he has fitted up in a suitable man- , t HottI. Ile invites all his old friends and to Ilia new quarters where he will be a attend to their wants. Firat-elass. Stab- larme yard hi connection. Parties going ill lind it to their advantage to patronize Line of Stages, which Start from this JAMES ROSS. ,•11. olvent Act of 1869 l.ND AMENDMENTS THERETO. natter of JOHN INGLIS,ef Wroxeter, may of Huron, -Province of Ontario, • an Insolvent. Atitp EVANS, have been appointed As- .ee in this reateer, and Creditors are To- ito file their citlims before me within one EDWARD EVANS, • Aseig,nee. eal,'eth january, 1872. sts P. BR I NEI -.sED AUCTIONEER for the County of m. Sales attended in al/ parts cif the" ; Ali orders left at Tilz. ExposITon Office' :omptly atttrided to. 198 TETI. 9 1 R79 . $ . sok di ONE SWEET K1SS, LOVE, E'ES, -WE PART.". • if. BY 30H1icARIcK. One more kiss, love, e'er cruel fate severs . Hearts, which so proudly in union • beat; i‘ • . - Hearts, which though burdened with sorrow at Parting; Neer thrill'd.'neath the pangs born by guilt or 'deceit. One More sweet kiss, love, and then tho' • thy journey •' Be far from the -home in the land ot thy birtli ; •• Yet still in this breast thrills the love I' have -borne thee, While thy heart's constant tenants are honor and worth. One more sweet kiss, love, and tho' e'er thy returning, . • Years with Time's changekfmay slowly move on; - Yet unchanged and unchanging, the young and true hearted W ill joy in the prospect of greeting thee ho One more sweet kiss, love, and tho' life's' • young morning Be spent in lone sadness, in sorrow and tears, -Yet again we shall meet, with the day- • dawn returning.• " Atloevre'sconsummation in happier .sphes. • Zurich; Jan. 16th, 1872. -GAIETIES. "Excuse the, madame, but I • would like to aik why you look at tue so savagely l" "Oh, beg, par- don, sir; I took you for my bus - band." • —A farmer ,sa.w an advertised recipe to prevent wells and cisterns 111 from freezing. He sent his money • and received the answer : "Take in your -well or cistern on cold nights arid keep it by the fire." • ----" WeiI, Lauchie, how are you'?" "Man, I'm wonderfu' weei, consid- erin'." " Considerin' —what '?" "1 did last nicht what I've no done this = thirty year. I = gaecl to bed pairfutly Aober, -and I'm thankfd to say I got up this mornin' no a • bit the waur.' —In a French court recently, as a witness was about to eye his testimony, the advocate remarked : • "I wish to remark to the court that • this witness is entitled to entire con- ficrence, as he had not had time to consult hie lawyer." Atoyouth seeing a young wo- man , shedding tears over something in her lap, concluded it was a, book • and asked if it was ; Bulwer's last production which had affected her.' so acutely. "I don't know who.pro- dined them, but they were mighty strong onions," was the unromantic . . —Josh , Billings says: "Mot men concede that it looks foolish to see a boy dragging a heavy sled op hill for the fieetin' pleasure of riding down again, but it appears te me that boy 18 'ft sage by the side nf that younebman who. works all the -week anddrinks up his wages on Saturday night." Sesuaorritor. . Take your daily - bread, and be thankful; hut don't pray to lay up for you the loaves for years to come, to make you rich. -Many a man has died about the lime his gieat baking of bread came out" of his oven. ° • Every donkeythink itself worthy lto stand with the king's horses; every girl thinks - she could keepc house better than her mother, but thoughts are no facts, for the sprat thought itself a herring, but the fisherman knew better. a , When grasshoppers are so plenty as to make the pastures poor,- gob- blers grow fat. , Hard times is what . you thrivetin ,when tho Ponds dry up, the pokes get the pollywogs The natur of° matrimony is - one, • thing, and the naturof friendship is another. A tall man likes- a short owife; a great talker likes a silent w,o- • man—for both can't talk at once. A • gay man likes a diamestic gal—for • - he CA.11 leave her at hbine to nuss - children and make pap, .while he is enjoyin' of- himself at parties. .A. man - that aint any music in him • likes it in his spouse, and so on. It chimes beautiful, for they aint in each othei'a -Way. Now, friendship is the other way ; you must like the • same things, to like each other aud be frier*. A similarity of tastes, • stirdies, pursuits, and-. recreations • (what. they call congenial souls);. a? toper for artoper, -a smoker :for a smoker, a Aorse-racer for a horse - racer, a prize-fighter for a , prize- fighter----suid • -so on. Ma trilliony .likes Contrasts, friendship seeks its own counterparts. Thinks I to myself, a man -may be a 'president, and no great shakes either 7; for, after all, heis only the lead liore of a team. He has got the go in bins„ and that's 'all, but he can't hold back which is a great . . matt4r, both in statesmen and horses.. For if, he slacks up, ho is -rid Over by those behind him, and - gets his Leek broke --he must go or die. Work ; airn your own pork, and see how sweet it will be. Work, and see how well you will be ; 'Work, and see how cheerful you will be Work-, and see )how independent von will be. Work, and see hOwlappy your family will be. - Work, and see how religious you will ibe; for, be- „AMU" fore you know where you are, in- stead of repining at Providence,you will find yourself offering up thanks forall the numerous blessings you enjoy. "Punctuality,' sais Ty " ry • lord', is the soul of business. .There is an old sayi ', 'Take •care of ihe pence and the pounds will take c. re of themselves." Now) "take clit'e of the minut s," sais I, "and the. hours will tak care of themselves." Pounds are made up of pence, and hours offr.minii es. AttenO.on to one earns money or me, and the other saves it. - The e two. rule§ will make any rnan rich; and, in fact, my lord, they, have nade tho considerable well-to:do in t1is world, as times go. Thena that la ve more than their share of one thing; commonly have leas of another. Where l Caere is IL great strength, there aint apt to be much gumptio ,- A handsome man in a general - ay aint much of a • lean. A beautiful bird seldom sings. Them that lag genius have no com- mon sense. .A1 feller with one idea .growSrich, Whie he* who calls him ici. a fool dies poo . The world is like a baked meat .. ie ; the uprer crust is rich, dry, and puffy, the lower crust is heavy, doughy, and under- done; the middle is not bad gener- ally; but the smallest part of all is that which la•vors the whole.—Sant Slick. '0 - LONDON. • C077 espondence oil the Huron Expositor. • , Losmose; OA, Feb: 1, 1872. SLEIGH RIDING. London is enjoying a glorious sleigh- ride. The want of snow • during the latter part of Deceniber and the first of January, made it' • • [%, rather dull, but now that. sleighing is good 'alinaost e erybody is enjoying it. The nob ry (those who have 1: • more money thi.n Lrains) are vie- ing with each other as to Who will make the grandest appearance on. the street. The object is evidently .Jto, imitate the -so ' called nobility of England. Some driving two horses abreast, some tandurn, with driver and footman,4d all kindsoforna- merits on hems and 'sleighs This Undoubtedly suis thevanity of those engaged i • it, but it fails to to cronend i. elf to , the better thinking class ofourcitizens, THE MARKET. is largely .attended and every dis- cription of 'produce counnands a fair price, so that neither buyer nor sell- er has any great reason to complain. The quantity of pork sold on the market during the .past two months is truly astonishing. I am- not pre- pared to giv.e the tigu.• res. Loatnoss AND PORT STANLEY RAILWAY. , Some important changes have been made in the management of ithe London an6 Port Stanley Rail- road, the old City Directors are re- placed by new DON, , and the old President of the road M. .A riderson Rag., has been rsruovecl, and Alder- manEgan placed in the position. To accomplish to this change it was found necessary to secure strength enough in the City Council to order the sale of a .part of the 'City stock to private parties so aStto add votes for the City9 and hereby control the election of Directors. The sale is pronounced by many as bogus and the villany practiced only equaled by the New York •ring. Hon. E. Leorrard has prOtpsted and intends to push the matter to the farthest The road for the• present is in the hands of the lease party. ' LONDON TO BE A G EAT MANUFACTUR ING. C I - The celebrated Pullman Car Co. ;r. NTRE. has purchased seventy-five acres of laud near the Pity limits, for the purpose of 'erectinis mammoth shofar, in the Spiing, for' the manufactiir- . ing of their magn 6cent parlor and sleeping carsThe Michigan Car Co.'s -works are mostly built and work ,is .airea;dy going on in the re anufactu rine! of, cars. London seems destine:11 tol be a centre for this kind of mannfacturing. ' ' - BAYARD' TAYLOR. , Ere this reaches"' your readers the , citizens of London will have had the opportunity of listening to the cele; trated orator and, American lecturer Bayard Taylor. 'His . subject is " S-c1i1ler."1He will be greeted with a full hotise With tickets at 50 cents. WELLAND CANAL MARINERS' -MISSION. Rev. Mr. Bone, of Stdatlierines, is in. ate -City, holding Meetings and collecting money' or the 'Welland Canal, Mariners Mii sion. The work _ . is a good one, and commends itself to allright minded personsRe- vival -meetings, are DOW in progress , in the -Methodist ew Connection !:-and Episcopal Me hoelist Churches both of which are trogressing favor: ably. POLITI AL. The Reformers o this section are itibilantaver the cl .anges that have .taken place in the ntario Legislas tura?. We are confident that the 1, present administration will prove it- self infinitely superior to the last one. . r.. . Wrtss you are in eaiorth, just run into Frank Paltridg,e' Photograph"G al,. lery, 'twiE do'your heart gOpd.. Only $1 per dozen. ScotFs Block, Seaforth. , T E I-1 LT RON EXPO SITOR: ft -P ltiejl7Mr DO YOU WANT CHEAP BOOTS. AVE on Price of ring stock. that our s ots and sh CUSTOM emember the re. ' Mc and a large leather, an Within th ock being es which w RK citte lace, firs NTYRE & W ELLIS, Main Street, Seaforth stS ;Sp 4. stock of Boots and Shoes which were purchased before the late rise in the which they are now selling' at coat price, in order to make room for their . past few weelni, lioote and shnes have advancedin price at least ten per cent., ow sold at forraer cost prices, an opportunity is offered for obtAining cheap rarely. occur. ded to promptly, as formerly. A good fit, and first class article guaranteed. door south of john Logan's, and opposite W. Robertson & Hardware ItIcINTYBE & E VERDICT OR THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE d DN R SEWING MACHINE I supe ior to any • I ving been o and by them a prrent year; V I C amine an arded Priz nd althou ORI now in the Market. • tried by the most skilful mechaics and best judges the country can produce, s at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the all the leading hMaagebbincenesawoceinrertioarrayed against it, the GARDNFA PATENT ITS OVER ALL COMPETITORS, upon lvery test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. SEF.: T‘itk Litow or PKIZES Fon 1 S 71; . irst Prize at Toronto 1 irst Prize at London -the great Western Fair. First .Prize at Guelpla-1--,th gr e • at Central Fair. First' rize at St. Catherines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of K r.it. First Priz; at Wat i•loo, County of 'Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Sinacoe. Fi at Prize in Mo o, Conn y of Peel First Prize in Caledon, County of Sinicoe. First Prize,- at !Wol- in dport, County' of Walla d. First Prize 'at Otterville, Count); of Oxford. Second Prize at Prov. cial s fulness y other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, Fair, Kingston, D ploma it Hatuilton, and various County Shows. • . This beautiful manner' 1 mechanical ability is it purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simpl city, durability, andlu or English roar ufatture. It will hem, cord, braid, uck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and 'light Manufacturing Wbrk, usin all kinds of thread. It has a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO O114111. If he price is: a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Ciroulirs and 8 pies. GARDNER- SE VING MCRINE COMPANY, HAMILTON;ONT. P. 5,--Intendinf ruche ers should no be misled by unscrupulous •agents of other Companies, [who keep Machines thy de not sell, in it dam ged state, to make capital for themselves. Call and exa-nine the Gardner before purchasing any other, atWrimr...TAm Gaessrs's Wareroonns Goderich•street, S afortb. Agents wantei. • PETER • GRASSIE, :79-52 Seaforth. IMPORTED CHESTER' WHITE BOAR. •tel s'Wea 0 e First Prize thorough -b ad Chester 1Vhito Boar, purchased from L. 33. SILVF.R, Salem, Ohio, U. S. I is claimed b breeders f Chester Whites, in the 'United Stites, that ,they make it greater amount of ork for tho h od con.surn d than any other /greed known. With ordinary attention they thrive very rap lly, weighin from 400 to 700 lbs., at from 12 to 14 months old, and no frequently killed weighing *gh as 1000 1 S. of Drosse l‘Pork. This bpar will be held for the service of sews at Egmondville. TEI 113. -Ono Dollar, Cash, with privilege of returning. so, an impro •ecl BEP ROAR, bx;ed by M. S. COCHNANE, Camptoni whose Berk- shir Pigs are a nitted to be the best iu Canada, his stock being imported from the beat breeders in En and. Service of thie boar at One Dollar per sow. • 43o, an imported POLJA,ND AND CIIINA BOAIL Tho Brat imported into this Country. Wil serve it limited number of sows at One Dollar per sow. , emondville 1 1871 7 Nov.• 7 , . 207 W. J. BAILEY, Proprietor. AIM\ fe !poi rY. exter T aining and Sale Stalks, T-111 BAILEY begs to infori .or Training nied $ • traizi4ng and developing them Kcait lay, with the asaistance rosul s from all nuder my chn to ha vo them trained and see I for good drivers and atm sell Train ing will receive their tim ing. We have as good a half - Horses Bought OfTIGE AND STABLES -S 206 6EAFORTH, ONT. tho Farmers and public generally, that he has specially fitted np Stables •Iling 11.orst.s, and purposea to HANDLE TROTTING STOCK by o the best advantage. Ho has engaged an old expbrionced trainer'from of cOmpeteut grooms and every facility for perfect and most satisfactory go. Persons having good youngsound free -stepping Horses would do well they cannot be made to trot feat. I am constantly in receipt of orders y number of good niovers at Axon FrouirEs, Parties havinr,t"Horses in every week, thus enabling them to sea the improvement they aro mak ie track as oan be foundln the Dominion for training Horses on. - Terms ResSonable. nd Sold. One or two good Trotters for Sale. uth of th,e 13. & L. H. R. B. Station and opposite the Woolen Factory. Address, A. H. BAILV.Y. Seaforth, Ont. CIRCULAR, SAW Cuts through all opposition. OBERTSON & CO. Have just received a la ge and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated makes • • UTLERY, •P 'MUTE AW OTHER SILVER-PLATED GOODS, TEA TIRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, Lightning nd Turn -table Apple Parers, 'Every Paling should have one. - IMPR VED CHAMPION AND OTHE.Ii. CRO ST CEL for epairs for A And every other -SH.CITT'.' SAWS, BRATED EXTRA MACHINE OIL Warranted the best in use. ell's Patent Gear and Horse Power, article required in the Hardware Line -Shelf and Heavy. JACK SC EWS TO HIRE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR, SAW, Waif. ROBE.RTSOX ti: CO. 198 Se. • • erUST RECEIVED, T THOMAS LEE • A. CHOICE -STOCK OF FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, • Comprising TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, 11.10E, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SOAP, t TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc., Allot Which he can afford to sell as cheap as any iu the town. , WAS FROM .60 cents TO $1, And watranted to give satisfaction to all. SHEARSON A& CO.'S No. 1 Flour and Feed, Of every descriptiou constantly. onhancL L And PROVISIONS • Of all kinds to be had at the lowest possible -rates. Simpson's Spice, the best Condition Powder for Farm Stock in use. Farmers, try it. The highest price given for Farm Produce of all kinds. Ilemember the place, SHRARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND, West Side, Main -street, SEAFORTH, Ont. THOMAS LE. s AL T. ORDERS For all kinds of Salt Can now be filledat GRAY, YOUNG f& SPARUNG'S , "ECLIPSE" .SALT -WORKS SEAFORTHs 4 OliTa Nov. 29, 1871; • 208-4 CUTTERS. CUTTERS. The best made, most stylish, most durable, and cheapest CUTTERS, PLEASURE SLEIGHS,' DEMOGRAT-CUTTE_I?S, Manufactured at • MbINTOSII & 3101IRISON'S 210.13 . Carriage Factory, 1 Main -street, Seaforth. W. H. OLIVER, CC cl5s 1---4 rkeL..) Cd f:l IP W.' •-zt C/2 i5g. 0) 1Z 11 ;1 &if I SCOTCH COLLAR. SIGN OE THE A choiee assintment of light and heavy harness, whips;bells horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges inoderate. Remember the place! sign of the bi'doteh Cellar; Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf ! W. H. OLIVER. QUEEN Insu-rance Company OF LIVERROOL & LONDON. 0 CAPITAL -7-2,000,000 Sterling OrtIces—Queen Buildings, Liver. pool, And Graceohurch Street,' London• . CANADA BRANCH OFFicE--Exchange Buildings, ,Montreal. BOARD -Wm. Morton, Eeq., Chairman: Henry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier. BANKERs--Molsonis Bank. LEGAL •ADVISERS - Messrs: Ritchie, Morris & Bose. MEDICAL ADVISER -William Sutherland, Esq. M. D. SURVEROR-Thomas S. Scott, Esq. AuDn'on---Thomas It. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL ANT, --A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. i Sacrernent Street, Montreal. The undersigned.having been appoint- ed Agent for the above Company, parties desiring to insure against less by fire can f do so on the most favourable terms. ' I Life Pohcies granted on as advantage Is ous terms as any other respectable Com- ! pany doing business in Canada. 1 JAMEs II. BENSON, Agent 'P OFFICE—BENSON & MEYER'S Law Office, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. 15.34f.- 1 Seaforth Pound ZAPFE (st CARTER Would•desire -to call attention to their greatly improved THRESHER & SEPARATOR Which is able to compete with any other Machine in Canada. Among its raany advantages, we call at- tention to the following—the way the Cylinder is construeted—it requires less power and is capable of THRESHINC MORE AND.C!.EANER THAN ANY OTHER. The great complaint among Threshers a ili a ways was, that they could thresh more' t an they could clean, our iniproved drum doeaway with all these complaints; it is so construoted as to regulate the wind tc keep the riddles from choking, without Mewing any -grain over. We have also improved our Mills to prevent the grain going over with the straw, We would invite Farmers and Thresh. 'ere, generally, to give us a call, and ex. amine our stock before purchasing -else- where, we can sell as cheap as any other Establishment: None but the best Material used, and the , • very best workmen employed. 1 The IVIachinea we sold. last year enable us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than any other ever sold in this , % county. PITT'S HORSE POWER ! kept - kept on hand at afl times. We would alto desire to direct the . attention of farraers;to 'Our SAWING MACHINES! Which are capable of sawing from fOt ty to fifty cords of wood.per day. Superior ng Ploughs, straw Cutters, Cultivators, Seuillers. Wooden and Iron - beam Ploughs, scrapers, Kettles, Svcs • } All of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, -and will be sold as cheap as at any other Estahlistment irithe Province. REPAIRING AND CASTING • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Done oh the shortest notice and most reasonable terms: 143-1y— ZAPPE & CARTER. CHEERING PROSPECTS FOR A. ABUNDANT HARVEST • The present favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic in making timely preparations for the COm.. ing harvest. THOMSON 41 WILLIAMS While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral•encouraaement accorded them in the past, would °cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combined .Machina, With Johnson's Improved Self -Jake, has given complete satisfaction .for the past owo years, and .is now offered to the public with the strongest •guarantee for durability and perfect work. The Cayuga Chief, Jr., fliower, Which has gained for itsdfa world-wide. reputation is again • offered as the most durable, handy and hest working Mower known, being constructed rn the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition. We also offer the J01112.9407il8 Self-1?aki22g Single Reaper, I •-which tool"( first and second lizes atPro- vincial Exhibition lbi 0. Tins reaper is acknowledged to be superiorto any other pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangled grain better • than any other rake or reel machine, and cuts equally well from either side of the • field when wind is strong from any di- rection, can be raised or lowered when in motioii and is very durable ; We invite inapection of our machines and mode of - manufacturing by pur- chasers before giving orders elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction inevery ina. chine, or no sale. TERMS EASY. The ae-rieulturalists of Perth and ad- joining counties will not {-Ice believe) be so blind to their •own interests as to give theu. orders to shops more than 100 miles east, when there are first-class works in their midst, building largely the best machines, equal to any of the sa-me machinft made ni the Province. Call and see us,- -send in your orders by mail, or dealwith our agents, • as in every case you will get a perfect zna. chine, and on the same tems as your neighbor. Our principles of ‘business and prices being establish.ed and nn-t.orm. All other kinds of implements V.,0110, tautly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, And. all kinds of MILL WORK Anne romptly. Address . TROMSON 4is WILLIAMS, MITCHELL, 180 -ch ! Ontario