The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-17, Page 1Nov. 10, 141.
1 c;••;...J:: 41 .... ;071/1*, Lot No, $, con,
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Ilt 't,: kr-. t‘j•:•*. to th Proprietor.
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witut-LE xo. 290..
0 VEMBER 17, 1871.
ittrun C.A.wsitor
Telt118.---•:n.50 per yearadvance, or $2 at the
end of the yoar.
-Ads-ell-Limit-1g Rates.
First insertion, per line, 8 cents ; snbsequent in
sertions, 2 een.ts each time, per line.
One column one yetkr .......
" hill f " ..... .
naif _0110 y Car . . . . ... . .
'‘" half "."
" 8 nionths
brie -fourth one tear ... .
_ " half- "
" months
One,teighth one -year . .......
;.‘ " half "
Ji ... .. . *..
" 8 months
One -twelfth one year . .....
" half
" a months .
l3 -sine- Oards, lines and under.14" year.. -
Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found.
not exceeding 10 lines -first mouth, $1-- after
)6,15° 0000
20 00
35 00 Then comp,
20 lifif blind
12 00 An4 take he home
20 00
12 00 Foe Nfeai-'iit the man shoul
8 0 ! -111t1 'f the I degai
12 oo
00 The waves f life abou
0(10° 11 He carce11 liftsi his
5 00 llama, wi tun the er
8 00 The wash f ancient
400 • If ever his sl ort-sighte
1'. Look forsy rd, he cat
Wit14peCt , cles upon
• Hltuffles up anti (
Of antique fashion ar
his napless hat is li
A huge great watch o
Keeps tithe in sun .
To the dull ticking of
Within hi's rusty b•
To see hini t the boo
And bar 'lin for the
With the od.I sixpene
And greet in his gr
piing seiz
month, 50 cents each month.
..,,dvertisernents of FARMS and REAL ESTATE1
for sale, not exceeding 15 lines -first mouth, $1 50;
taidi subsequntmonth, 75 cents.
Birth; Marriages, Deaths -Gratis.
Advertisements without' specific directions will
be inserted till forbid, and charged -accordingly.
Vistas of duty librarie
rrolont'd terandlY.
The mighty
Is as a sha
Ile walks tliro fe 1
orld of h
low di
ugh li
MeLEAN BROTHERS, ,1. • And all loos dark
Mrrt•DO Y. IfeLEA:c, t Publishers. But put hi a nose to 1
ALL tN NrcronAN.
And hold 1 efore his 8
Some prest 1 witlier'd
-• BUSINESS DIRECTORY. And all is 1 le and 4;1
11-1 DICAT,
T )ENTISTRY.--.T. G. BULL, (Licentiate of Den-
-1-1 (al Surgery,) begs to announce to the inhabi-
t • 'ifa Sealorth and surrounding country, that he
_hes opened tin office for the prectiee of Dental
Surge -try in the rooms formerly occupied by George
lic,rris, Dentist, where be will be prepared to fin all
kinds of wo:k expected of the profession in a sett's-
faefio•y Magner and on reasonable terms.- "
Omcf; HOURS—From 8 A. M. to 6 P. , 186
A-vm matmELL, Ar. D. Graduate of Nieto-,
' ria Colleee, Physician, Surgeon, etc.. cte,
Kixitt-nx, ONT.-Coroner of the County of Enron.
Mee and xesitlenee, at 'Thompson & Stanley's.
Tyft. W. R. S.MITIT, Physician, Surgeon; etc.
-I-' Offiee-Opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery,
Main street, St:atm-a. ' 53
TAMES STEW M. D., C. M., Graduate 0-
" McGill, 'University, Montreal, Physician, Surf i
goon, etc. Office and ltesidenee-Brucefield.
1 Nit think iiot as he wad:
His brain is dead and
His soul is th,.nkin in
Which Plate spa 7e of
And while. so - e grim
His quaint nape ; Wit}
He amiles, fo 1 Aristo h
Is joking in1lhis ear.
Arou-0 s :reteh'Ath
str. ne. shapes ut
110 pauses in dream an
- Great Op eel with iDe
Then, as:the f hey. fails,
In thou.& its that-go:an
Feels in hi po id) and is
At touch of ome-olit t
0 blessings on is hair se
And coat of lingy _1-4•O
May bargains • less hirn e
VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Phy-bieitan, Sur- As he goes up and dew
-1-1-• gem], etc:. Office aucl Residence, eviller of i -Long may the booksta,11
Market and High streets, in rear of Kidd's store. In dull tine , smile ag;
To see -him iriau d with, s
DR. for CAMPBELL, Coroner the Count • Office
the Joel
and Lendenee, over Corby's corner stores...Main
street, Seaforth. Office hour; from 11 to 4, each
day, and alt day Saturday- • 1.59
eCAUGHEY & HOESTED, Banisters, At-
. -LILL torneys-at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
Insolvency Notaries Public and Conveyancers.
Solicitors for the IL C. Bank. Seaforth. Agents for
the Canada Life Assurance Company,
N. B.-30,000 to lend ca. -.8 per cent. Farms,
Souses and Lots for sale. j - 53
13ENSON it: MEYER. Barristers and Attorneys
at Law, Solicitors in Chancery incl Insolvency,
Cort:eyaneers. Notaries Public, etc. Mikes -Sea -
fort i and Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust and Loan
of rpper Canada, and the Colonial Securities
,., of London, Eegland.- Money at 8 per cant. ; no
c annitithion tharged. 53
ja.s. tr. roixsox. IL W. V. ;NI I:1 -1,;)t.
I(NOX'S HOTEf (Late Sham's.) The under-
signed begs to thank the public for the liberal
par mew awarded to him in times past in the
bete' business. and also to inform them thatte hai;
again resumed business in tbe above stand, where
lie wilt be happy to have a cad. froni old friond8,
ea! iretuy /WV.' 011eti.
- •
71)-:{tXvIi OF WALES HOTEL, C,into, Ont.,
-IL C., MeCUTCHEON, Proprietor. Pirt-elass
ace inutodation for travellers. -- The Bar is sup -
.wt 11.• very best liquors- and Cigars. Good
sabing attached. The stage leaves this Hoes°
e:cry day for AVinhtun. 204-4t
-4J Cm,LAwav,, Proprietor ; ,f. Wmfaa-ms, (late !
of American Ifot-1, Warsaw, N. Y.,) Manager. %his
hotel has recently • been newly furnished, and re- 1
fittid throuhout, and is now one of the most cone •
form)* and 'commodious in the province, Good
Sanfple Bisons for Cowmen:lid Travellers
-- •
tztrt" Terms liftentl. - 123
I SC CI. 1_,A N11.10,104.
OoDING'S Banking and Exchange Office, in
N -T NV. S Itunt.tersoN's Store, Seafortb. Green-
becks, Anwriean Silver. and Drafts bought and sold.
Good Yariutt, Notes discounted end purchased.
1,01 JOT -IN WADDELL, Aent. -
Mee -At Murrays Htl, Senfort h. (food.
Ifor es and. first-class Conveyances always on hand.
Seaforth First-eless Horses tuid Carriages
always on hand et reasonithli tt.rin.
`11. L. SHARP, Propietor.
. .
T oirN n.lawfi'AMExehauge Broker, and Rail- ,
way Titket Agent, HoUhtns Hotel, opposite
• The -corner o
A good -old rag picker is
-Who followil g morn' an
The quick teetf , humani
Searches the -dust thea
He pokes the d tat,- he ai...
:He searches lose an a
Proud to. &Sem er here an
A treasure in the heap
The Lzt-t1 II
his /othes,
silver wrought
d rain
he thought
si tend.
in his hand.
the book, tall
rd track
change his m nd
him; heat,
wiled street
e-onhalf bli
tan ,••!
lowers of Gree
s along
le torigne
old ;
cabman 'sees
a jeer,
nian walks
ler trees,
tes ;
till inesh'd
come, -
ery day
eper's face,
fflin pace
ave ; •
with care,
let thri Fought the
A Tribui e' cor eaponden s visiting
terrible seefieS 0 Oesolatx 1 over wh
the great 'ort -west fii swept, a
sendsthat Ijouri al a clesc iption of
destruction of t e Willia isonsl Mil
in - Wisconsin. fter soul ,'- general
seryations upo ' the videz ces of
destruction evel where aii ible, he pro-
ceeds :
Some miles of incorrigib e waste -we
passed, and the prospect, spread out
4rnitiessly, :when the bu Iiiboard came !
to a halt o' the edge of ; Clearing that
the aching elve cdtild hart ly distinguish 1
from the ;miles of, Amnia le waste al-
ready traversed. I" This ere," said the
driver solemnly, rising inn ressively on
the tremulmia plat orm of t 1 buck -board ,
' .
liancy. Presently a - slender celumn of
Early in the night most Of the little
tepid/aim' in the hamlet were in -doors
banished from the tinalist inhabitanla
and tbe- last lingerina distrus°t was
gave grateful promise of comine *rain,
• losking light shoot athwartthe southern
.ky, and spreading rapidly west and
some knatiiy Providence detained them,
and the massacre was so much less. The
night eame oil tranquilly, the humid. air
)r in bed. It was still ' early when
the wood . When - night came,
hose casually astir outside saw a great
dire shot forward, and caught by a whirl- ,
1101tilWard, continue with dazzling
win d, came plowing through the solid
tinlbor toward the in ill. By. this time
the sleepers and .all had rushed from the
barrack in a wild, chnnering consterna-
-Three brothers, Williamsons, owned
Ic ire for therhselves, the brothers set
tie mill, and had in the 11ttle colony
• re°11t.-beHr' afsattilliyer,eshiastrgerusl,gwtilsirees, x)vi.,onitiliecnh iltdo-
flubbefore the hose could be brought to
a out saving the property if possible.
, bhar, thd,saving of life alone became the
I stake in !the dreadful encounter. , The
for a time
ve discre-
•tion of the
ush of the
ic plan of
orothers, as p•roprietors, seen
tc have been full of calm, br
tion, -and with the full realiz;
'midden danger. in :the first
tOrnado,- attempted systemat
P1 eservation. The women were directed,
as far as posFfible, to put on men43
thes • throughout, as offering less
el mice for the fire to.catch. So far as
he advice.
might not
t • ignoble
kaown, not a woman heeded
Ha 1 they done so. their lives
have been sa.crificed on th
-pyre. ;Even if life had not be qi spared,.
the mas-
he heart -
the last
.ed. of cohee ent conduct -among the
tened people. Swift whirling
mils of flame had cut through the in-
iening timber, and fell voraciously
the most revolting sights of
sa, 're would have been spared
br ken -survivors. This wa
ie light frame buildings. The
whirlwind lashing the trees to fragments
cat ght: the fire in roaring surgesa- and
flung it about in billmvy waves among
, the tree tops. . Slender tongues of fire
falling from above, played in malevolent
Ichildren -a terror as natural as fatal, for
cur Tilts across the clearing. A deapera-
tice of terror filled men, women, and
I had common fortitude led the group, not
a soul need have perished. With one
imPelse :the frantic mass, battling and
cro vding, rushed to the potato patch. t i
hardly, at the deepest part, two feet be: the
He e a rising ground was crowned by a an.
shallow pit, not six• feet around, mid th
ognition, lad to giv4 up the 1
ort, and plunging through the
lame, dashed his burning bod
vel 1. Earlier in the eatastroph
ozen heavy sleepers had found
heir -salvation from the potato
rid they darted into the timb
hich had: been earefully bur
1 ng before to keep the fire
1 ouses. Here, pm ne on the
iey protected themselves wl
a,d crowd .not ten yards away
ii their blindness. The fallin
c uld be guarded against, but
c )uld save from the encompassin
t clearings. (inc came, too,
f :ail chance of life -the meanest c
s rugghug in that hot pia,, wo
li ve refused, an old tottering, ha;
embling woman, mother of the
o th S e must have be
tten in the first rush, for wl
Inc toward the potato Patch. it
with a swarming crowd throw'
)611 their faces on the shallow de
e potato pit. -.Seven .of her I
teroic ef-
y the
e a half
that outside the clearing stretch cd a soli-
tude of safety; on. the contrary, die Ce118-
Jess explosions of breaking trill ks and
splintered branches were so terrific,
mingled with! volumes of flame in the
patch,: , tree tops, that the great part of the peo-
er belt; ple preferred to risk the dangers of the
lite- the selves, when the frightful merlin) ; came,
nett out open ground. But the thick w od had
from the its security, and with care the people
ground, that lay down near the edge founi them -
roasted substantially tiniujured.
g trees Here the Climax comes ; the ..thfrd
nothing tragedy in this one terrific pictu e ; the 1
g fire in light of the new day revealed m ly the 1
whose machinery of the horrid rnasterpie ie. The
reature, red glare of night had changed is to the
uld not bleak dawn, and the dawn had 0 ianged
If blind, into high noon before a helpfu hand
owners ; broke into the black Colgoth- TI
en for, ; barn -master Bush, when. silence 11 . d fat -
a -
- 11
w ithed in that hideous knot. 1
ce with decrepit step, the venerable •
m )ther, whose 84 years had not worn
o t:coolness and discretion, came upon a
gr:**at boulder near the edge of the tim-
du y, • and aided his mother - t
for 0111 refuge 13e that as it mav
a hick bipultet well wetted ov
bo y, and her skirts out of reach
ho incendiary sari, the brave oh
peached on that rock throngh th,
nig it of agony, every shriek of her
ing kindred splitting her ears, and
banning bodies •almost in reach o
bel fiese arms. Twits: through the
ten she len upon the place ,an hour or two before
was fill- dawn, took horse and attempted tc make
1 prone 1 his way to Litqe Sturgeon ; as w .11 try
pths of to ride through a stone wall L mying
cleared his horse helm d he struggled, y the
bright light of the burning pine. , and
after incaleulab).p trouble in the w. y and
out of the way, sometime about da oight
he came upon t reins of a hunbe man's
•zesbin, which by
Umbiog oh this, *hong
mated, she covel ed her head wi
rts, and, with clothes carefully
up frogi t1.4 running flames, k
-IN on the back of the uniqu
nder. The only son that can
of the fire with his-
. is said,' did not • ferge
el -JEAN IIIHOTHr RM, P!etylishers.
$1 50 n Year, in advance.
. _
. .
. ; ....._ _
yrfaitr]e.: son will leave his fathor's houNe
t )-immrow at 2 o'clock to go to the ,r;fi.;\ A.3. -
Rumors in. wet informul circles
s ate that the Ouch( e Government in
eat with the Onta i ) (Joven.maitt or
a 1 amicable settlemen of the arhitrati: a
d ffieulty, and at the recent, conferenee
i Montreal complete initiatory stet a
w -,re taken in that behalf.
— A gentleman who accompanied the
R hi. River Expedition to Thunder Baa
arts that. the alleged discovery of -
gt Id at Shebandowan`is a hoax, some-
dy having palmed ofT some gold a•-:,
ving been brought from that district -
e exfitement has died awak._
- case of small pox resulted fataTiy
a few days ago in the person of :Me.
Daniel McDougall, 18th con., East AN Pe-
lianiai It appears the deceased had been
-on y a, few days bac) from Scotland,
wl ere he had been vititing his friends,
when he was attacked by the fearful
se urge which in a few days proved fatal.
The Thyden Post Difiee, kept Ira
Richard .Tohnaton, has been rein0A e
b ut a mile further north to Palmerston,
n the W. G. and 13. Railway, aril
et kept at that place by Mr. Wm.
o vry. The name or the post (Ali, e
h rtly to be changed from Dryden to- -
al erstOn.
A Burlils of about 533,000 remaiiae
he hands of the Treasurer, after pav-
ing all exnenses of the Hamilton Centrist
Fay. The money will be divided. .
rat( between the agricultural societies of
Hal ilton and North end South Went-
wor and deposited. at interest for tha
ben )fit of the fair to be held in 1873.
A few days ago some evil -disposal
✓ cm made a bold attempt to poisen
e flock el sheep owned by Mr. Joshua,
ay le, of the townsltip of Moore, and
the regular path w s not
h half more than two miles from the mill Fie
th her had been hours In reaching it, and, worn
tuck- out by the lahms and agony of the light,
ept for he sat down to rest. Presently the own -
e sala-
t his
er came, -and tojether the two men -tart- P
ed. back to the liettlement.- They came
first to the w411: Merrill, appmently I in
quite dead, was taken out first.
o this 1 more came after, all dead, save a ,hild,
, with I crowded below its mother at the bo tom.
er her Merrill soon gale feeble evidence o life,
of the 1 and w cared f } once, ush n to
I lady the stone to aid the old Woman ; the
their liamson could bel found. Then they ame
e long. blankets were rolled away. The tone
roast- was bare, and no vestige of Mrs. Wil -
1 her upon the pit. Alp indistinguishable heap
night of arms, legs anil bodies, perfectly
and wholly naked, was all that i•ein.
of the mass that eame there in abu dant
life a few hours belt -ire. They wer all
(lead, and few of them recogniz sble.
Seven Williamsons perished in the g oup,
among others thel young girl, whose long
black hair was found clutched in ma -sties
in her uncharred hands.
The darkness -of a new night threw a
pitying veil over the scene .when the
first relief from outside had succeed d in
cutting a way through. , The wor of
she received succor, once from her son
wh carne up and wetted her cevering,
am once from the barn -Master, Bush,
wh( also bathed her head and gave her
coo water to driiik. Through the whole
tins )eakable °tragedy of piteous covardice
ran this vein of simple fortitude and
heroic endurance.
The mill blaeksmith, Miehael Adams,
stands hut as though of ;tamest - antique
mold. He was a man of gigantic figure
and grave, rough reserve. When the
danger came, he gathered his three chil-
en and baby in his great strong a
d with his wife strode to the cent
e clearing, where e calmly pi-
sistingthe hot torrents. with, .wonderful
in on wetted bl. ikets, and cove
m with his co t, quietly beo
ter in buckets an 1 saturated the
teetion. The fie nes hissed and. 1
ed about him but he never desisted. ;Re-,
ehdurance, . and even when itis hair was
ablaze, his heeds fleshless, and the coals
eating into his flesh, continued his eff
.for wife and child, The young engii
thein !tit calinly shaking his head
and lie barn -n aster shoeted to nit
fly t the woods.. He seemed o
1 low
1 thr
re of el
aced fo
ring d
ught feeble and -worn mit. She avas tenderly
anal began the next morning, and 1 fly
me were accounted for in the ata
earing. The venerable° Mother va
und on the road to Big Sturgeon th
ay after her terrible exposure, er.
he sur ace of the grolind• Men now the
g, who came almost unscathed wit
ugh that night of doom, tell how be pro
the evil time, when the fires were
g about, this spot hadbeen fixed on
place of safety, because almost in
the entre of the clearing, with no in-
; flammable matter near, it seemed to pro --
1 mise a breathing, in ease of a general
cenflagration. There hail been constant
1 • ) •
et) les and banter about this " centre
the ea %ration," and some one acta ally at
kb. twit •ted to. enlarge the (cavity, and. had
nd been driven. oft by good-natured ridieule.
the Evei as late as Saturday it h4t1 been
Is, used as a place of refue netwi listande
ob- nd. when the actual slang • came,
the it, •edulous mass rememberell '
nu. sweeping the air with
ed arm, was - tie • mill—
milf--where the had ti
roast that night that el
creature seen • lidn't see
was here. next day,'
cautiously. •.' " T tni Bus
master, was here all the
011 the peak of t le bard!
while the buildin ri was ct,
-vehile had come pon a tv
like a roadway, inclosi
clearing of five act sor mer
silence rested in atagn
seemed never to ave bad
the lonely corner. The sill(
ground lay in alternate str
and red ashes, with here am
u arcs where the bin dings
minding one h.orribly of a g
)oard, whose last game
G. T. it ay Station. Sea forth out. Through I 1
'rickets issued to all points in the Western States,
COifornia aled Red. River, at reduce-trates, affording -
the :ert•atest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary !
donna:ion given respeeting Land Agencies, etc. a
Grenbacks. Bonds. Coupons and uneurrent Money, : e
001,1 and silver Coin, bought and sold at best rates. h
R. CGO1'ER, Conveyancer, Ccuundssioner t
-• - Quen's Bench, Insurance and Genen•1 Agent. b
Agent for the following Fire, Life and Accident In- 1 E
,:orance Companies: The Beaver and Toronto :IN -
that and the Western Fire Insurance Companies,
the Reliance Life Assuranee, and the Hartford Ae- 11r
"...koN EY To LOAN on real estate seurity.
f.; ftt,, °nide, opposite Ross' Tailor Shop,111
ns Oise; iga,g- 1
clreadfu teat
a httman
the tire, but . 1
he added, 1
the barn-
h, paid t
Jong! spell, I
actually succeed in destroyina two of
Mr. Payne's and one beloneing to ft
neig thor. The poison ase.d was strych-
nine ,
The •young lad, Richard J. Spetti-
gue, son of Mr. J. -J. Spettiene, Of Lon-
don, who was shot in the neck about a,
week since by a companion who was
carelessly handling a pistol, f kiIN
from the effcts- of the wound at an ear-
ly h On Thursday morning hav in 4
suffe t se% es ely fia)in t,
he tame of re -
1 ceiviig the fatal shot mitil death- en-
sued- All efforts of the sureeens to 1e-
1 mo- the bullet failed.
y I — hem was, last week, in th
ship f Metedle, ()tote a, mat
frail cared for, and is in a fair way to regaii
'oar- what she can count but little -- he
health. One son out of three was spa] ed.
Her hushamr laid his gray hairs in the
terrible holocaust ; .her whole kindrea
passed away in the ravages of that dea Ily
lear by the 03111mittee' anti untl tl . t nl- 1
1 , fiat r. Mr. J. IP,. Moore wan i
• the 1) nds of w ellock to Nliss M1
1 1=leSsi ns, anti Ala Alfred Sessions, -(who
1 has i• el for some time a w dower.)
1 the father of the bride was also narrie 1
1 to Mt:a Moor, the widowed. in )ther ef
the h it1(11'00M. A Very nice event to
eorne honk lett the comunboar of re.-
valve 1.
orts night. o this day the woods are
mer clear of their dead. Bodies in ev
to stage of decay are constantly brounii
main d at his post As hia stren
un ut arable yearaing towanl. the help
groin at his feet then glanced aexiou
ship seems to be pretty deply
re- ea the grand. totallcan only: be a ma ter 1
and s ght began to fail, he,looked with
gth of conjecture.
towant the wood. ' 'Whether he st-tw t
was the better (thene of safety
er _ be knowta-; he reeled sudden
( ropped like a shot iii his trac
el help. came to that group the al
n unscarrea babe lay in the' ar
ng Of its dead mother, the father's a.
tit! both.. They were, ef course,
1, [but the father alone, with one a
; h o !, was unrecognizable, save-
giant -frame. . Even. the deg ti
«.4 smothering in the hot air a
ia an ecstasy of restless inotimi
eiit being roasted. on the hot sant
ei impressed•by this man's devotie
gi ig delil ion. enquiry with his ta
n erjectine s larp barks, he seem
n t to ply(' With ns ob !mate . maSte
11 ', Hopei -8 of recogition, then' he won
u poke Ilis nose under the wet blanket
1 and after thorough eooling emerge d
11 , as though deprecating the weal
w bile his master Stood eXposet
a 1 Sands growing hotter and hoter, Li
1- - forbear ug larate made fer the woods, hi
, in mid • ::areer and abnost in the perfoin
if a jig- hiS legs werekept -movin
1 ' '
InsiV nit'. , If that fatal spot had not-1"nev
been, if the whimsical belief had, not oh- and
tallied a firm ahold, there is not • the , Wh
she) est doubt but the 47 that perished day,
weld( have eScaped in the neighhori
wood. . Into that cramped place, crowd- 1 abo
ing, 1 uffetting; begging, cursing, implor- 1 den
ihg, 1 raying, shrieking, men, children 1 btu
and a omen, elbowed and foughtin the hi's
frenzy of a hideous desperation and ter- howl
rot-. ; - 'cat large enough to admit a dozen kept
by the closest paking, nearly 50 Wrestl- preV
ed and crowded, m and about the spot. i seem
With Ostrich instinct, in the abjectness 1 "%Vag.'
t their reasoning fear, men Plowed their ! amt. 1
Jurning heads under the living pyre. A
nextr cable pyramid of bodies, in a
arts of conceivable postures, stood i
he flame swept place. , .
Ttre were feiy in this .!wful time that 1.
he Thae-om tetit-ele, saes w,t
have ust purely- ed. and. ha'- now 5•1
our p assession, the veritable William
Lyon NIackenzie press which -perfoimed
ha:t rn, r• -4 I . „ SUC,
11 1' pat ireviors tot) -,e
lie first snip Ilt..11D of bram nom a,
Line, ef 1'7-. and which was throw -a
oall - ford by the 1,Vehlington Grey, and 13 ce into ,Lorrmtf) Bay. :rod erwarits
re -
cove) e 1 theefrom. Like an old Nyareme.
it 38 cr venal with sears and bruile,,
is stil able to do good work. sad
say, for the last few teare 11;14 hetet
enfeaW 1 in inintin an ultra -Tory
it wiI1te .1-i(-7::.1; needitrt./ 1-11 tes1/1; el;
The villltfe of Bradfoi 'IS rzpiX.:*
•eeoel ine• fro:" the effect: of the hr. f
ast summer. The 13rndl ord .Vrn "s• saN
he str ,ets con -Dunce to wear tIn ir °Li
pp: ai" me, 'nil 1;i:1:we 1001.••1
eii::: 111 it,,,,itwar : arrived at Guelph on Fridly
k• l lost. - '
at numerous' on the stree.t.
„I i Sattnalay sleighs and clatters were Ciu te
in Liday, oa Fraday - last, and an
— Snow to the depth oi six inches, f )11 ,
by ; —Another disastrous fire occur]. el .
within a mile of Port Hope on Pei .11 y
night last, reulting in the destructian if ,.
to a line flouring mill, abent 30,000 bualicls
• i of wheat, and a huge quantity of thin -.
tlh'Iltedii).rtsoilietarituyewas nsitred for about aire
le .; The lire is the woik of an Oteendiar_ T.
au.'." The - p
• ashen belt
an oolong ; 3'
Profound t
t air—life
h powdery
of lwhite ; w
here black
re, and re- j If
stly ches- ni
Ale and [)eat, and where hbaeatsbveeeean gi
Human 'annals do not rpass, in
qua time and space, th =tensity
nd intensity of suffering nd death
row dud into the meagre ep te me of one
our. Tbere were but four n on
he clearing the mill, th general
oarding ous .a store, and the bare.
conomy and' convenience, curious to
ay, haul lictated the selee ion of this
emote spt The timber in xhau.stibly
overed he place, and it vas of un -
'nailed ; a lazy little stream
eandern through the gn tied roots
reasant- to the eye than before th • lir
\bout one hundred 11u:es • f sine -s
and in ivate residencea have la•en
r are i the cour.e of erection, an
C emu hl -ed in aV(1W short an.1
is c)u melated that as Inni.y mere
till be tinialted beim e this time iex-,
a - Mr: James 0. Nelles, J. P., a hig,hly
Id • e8teemed and. well -ti -do resident of Cat
t- teinporary tit of insa , ity. Nelies' broti
(Ionia, cuiumicted 8 neute last week b
e- ) shooting himself, WI Ile laboring under
reserVell an. amazing equ tnimity • Thaet ness
netineer of the mill Byron Aferrill,
oungiellow of marked ch tracter and
• ce, battled reselut e ly the las
ncl on
ud t 1 danger of life beeame Obvioua
as If self imposed duty resigned.
it of romanee tinges the g aring picture
aweetheart was the latiye th
ill-owerS, Miss Maggie Villiamson,
rl '.s said, of rare beau y and attrac
1 er was shot down 1.1- or 16 • • I
le Townsend, a notorims ty robber
It of those days. ,
— Three ymme lads not more than if-
to aave his envie:ere' property 1 an(( i.
sl ly to keep liis .feet, from burnin
y when the fatilita of the effort 1 so In i,
Cidvnt fustiranue Company-.
.. • c
All ord•-•s iy: mail or °awn% ise promptly- attend- •
1.66-tf A ENLEYVILLE. • al:
would respectfully inform the public • 111
Viet he luta taken up his residence in the village of th
Delmore, where he ;will be happy to attend to all ; he
calls mede on him in his professional capacity. Mr. 4.1.
CooK has at:ended to several 005(8 1! both horses
Una eat tit. which were given. up by other practitioners ha
anti effected perfect coxes whit -ii can be proven hi
Et-attic:it-8 signed by over 200 gentlemen. • Por
1 Pe
id soft st offered -a suppl of watr,
tough th artesian wells t driye the
ill ma,c1 'fiery It is cheapr to work by
e great legs into martekable shape aet
re, whe.e they were right at hand no
an estal fish the mills on the lake or th
v and d ag the immense t mber over . un
etched roads. The fiery ex- ro
Hence ofaithe west shore—ot the whole, str
rthern Vise°. nsin, had been the exe,
g teeu years ot ee; were seen to ellier-'e
from a hotel in Mitchell One day la
week in a beastly state of intoxiettion
This looks encouraging for tue 1-1:1n.
generation of this village.
--- A ang of clothes -line atrippers, but
ter thie es, and general -rbbers, bay
been 1111 arthed by tlie pollee til
county (1 West Uxford. They have baen
brougut to trial, and imprisoned in the
county ail at 'Woodstock, when: toy
ill y spend the winter months.
—he tt loegingly as if remin.fing
the mai that this Was the way to safety.
. N° h -•et was paid him, and with paitiful
O • hmb and piteous whines lie returned,
and et ling his feet on the blankets,
eagerly his maater. His peer
1 It oily was.fonnd in that attitude •
11) ' elltured beyond his kind, regarded. witl-i. 88i:grtte
ton. The 37ounct fellow, bright am
, favor int affection for Many a mile
amain', had won her heart - and the twe
with lie kindred had fled to the potato
were to have been - marrialri. The gir
'adobe .nd here, suffocating with smoke,
t1 ir ga, meats in flames and. writhiug in
as ae ony the young feilbw found the
el ief p, rt of the people. He tried to
sc tter the, infatuated gro ip ; with his
' In t pre. sca closely over his mouth and.
m stills, he airected the group to break
and take.shel ter in the edge of th • timber.
' Hopeles ! The. roar of the hurricane,
ev n th, blood -curdling sh!rieks of the
su feiers drowned his VOlee.. He tried
main force to tear the hideous mass
nder; hot the strength of .egiant could
ovably fixed to the fatal spot, aim
have broken the maddei ed clutch of
• wret'hed 'suffrer8. The group was
e &on burning sand. a fiery Laoceon
iggint t. with the coding flames.
r111.1 1 astily I etching wetted blankets,
ew th m :over the nearest sufferers,
uttim shouting to them to break for
tim eta! not twenty steps away.
les. With the skin hanging in
as ill on his hands and fondle td, he
aed ater and poured it on the in-
ated roup, while the ignoble crowd-
weut on , madly aiming the swiftly
tang ( rowd.. - Ihe -tumultuous strug-
had 1) en, from the first a loatht-ome,
moiling tear, a mothent's -cordness, a
ient's ceskation of the frightfal effort
t-dge dov, 4 ward. Would have given
to a . The time cam, bola -ever,
n the faithful Mertill, stripoed al-
- La ch.. • and LULL LW. 1m °Li re-
1 of loN
. eat
house, a wretched group had taken ref -
1 - nge—net only at, but in it. Mix people
' flung themselves into this 1at resort,
count nd Confidently on it as a place of
security: Finally, wlien crippled by the
• lire, ntl exhausted lay• his long efforts
the yr.
• mind
1 had v rylittle chalice.- The frail Wooden
e anif duty • -
the wed, which stood nearest the •
testitimuials see posters.
Mr. COOK win attend at Airdeyville in the fore- 1
rintee of this. wood -immersed hamlet.
noon end at the Town Plot, in the TtaITIlship of pe
186 r weeks incssant. laborious baffle '
aged- night and da f
(free in the afternoon of the first and third TUTIS- •.•
DAY of each month. .1 0
(Membr of the Ontario Veterinary Colleee
bogs to intiinaut to the inhabitants of Seaforth
and .,urrounding country , that he has opened an
Office in. Seaforth, where he may be consulted per-
sonally or by ltter. on the Diseases of Horses Cat-
. etc. Havinv received & regular and practical
edn•ation, arid having been awarded the Diploma
Ot the Veterinary College of ()and°, T. Y.- Churchill
hag evc,T." confidence of giving satisfaction to all
tale) :nee employ him.
iter:; Es—A. Smith, V. S, Principal Onta-
rio -Veterinary Colh•ge; Professor Dockland, Dt.
IrIctru, Dr. Rowel, and - Its M. D., it V. S.
Veterinary Metl-ines constantly on Int-tL
•••• tirt•-01.4 tv.
ad been 1,1
men, and
the exha,us mg contest. It
that all daiiger was warded
wide belt, fully a mile deep,
burned outivaaal, from the clea
serenity of assinted safety had
the people wheal the black ci
tion was e nipleue--the very
fore the calamitt • Ou that
day mornin the mill operaciun
et' , aud the meii who had het
neighboring towns of Big a
Stureateu made zial earle eta
y, re e s of
yen t wornen„taki •• turns in Us
'RS hoped shi-
ft when a • ca
had been fat
ing. rliet ing
ome upon roa
night he- -un•
fatal Sn'E-
suspen4- to
05 m the life
11 Little - wh
eel feta:
rine man .N.Terrtll threw himelf into
low t e pit also, the place wa::
L ' When: here Ins presence of
valIt all that saved a lile where life
marlin g 1)o\ -e the mouth had taken tire,
and t , e lames began to run downward
tierce] --. The paralized group dared not
put o it . their heads, lest the flames
shoula snnher thein. But - Merrill,
withoi t au instane_s hesitation, uprose
and fit ng the dangerous thing away, and
the ba ;n -Master, hovering- about the edee
of th Woods, presently refreshed the
1 small re4 Victims by a bucketfill of
water. Ile well was notwathstanding a
place tf death. The Baies, sweeping
savage y ipver the clearing, I lurched and
spit d avi hatefully into the crowded
pit, an 1 spoe the sre uly blaze from with-
-'i,in ind cal-
ed the fate of phe.. inmates
Merrill still held his mind and resisted
the fla ell. In this he Was aided by
Bush ,hhelped him to hia final de-
fiveran .e. I He aided all who', woulll listen
to him mianfully, and to him the few
that were!saved, in a large 'measure, owe
their livesi He tbrought water tfrom the
ceek to ad the group on thepotato at •I
=I kept Ihe sheltering blanketla saturat-
ed as long!as he dared venfiire. i) -ie the
1....,,, ef ;la I.:, It ;JILL ... IRA ':04.; •t. !k.a...,-et.L
--- At in auction sale in the township
of Bleuh •im, county of oxford, tile price
of cows anged at from twenty to thirty
dollars, .nd steels and huiteis from 11,e
to ten dollars. •
Mr. Carlyle. County Inspector of
schools r the County of Oxtor(1, an-
! Imes hat Certiheates issued by an-
ti tile 0 11 County Boards, su bbe,itient
to the p. 'Sing of the neW Act 311
1871, are not legal certificates, and that
Trustees nd Teachers interested shouid
govern th )meives accordingly.
Wol es are plentiful in the back
township of Lanark. The Perth Cue riPr
says they are increasing, and even fre-
quently d spute thz passage of hor.semen
on the In hway.
Mr. Page, Government Engineer,
estimates that the widening of the St.
Lawrtaiee river channel below Montreal
to :500 ft, t, with 0 depth of 22 feet
would etrst $80(1, 000 ; but to 41 0 feet,
with a del tit of 24 feet, :2500,000.
Mr. Andrew Burse, of East Ox-
ford, prod Med on his farm this year. po
tatoes we riling 2)1 lbs., and wane of Las
pea vines yielded trim" 250 to 260 p183.
Mr. B. thi las this is unusual productiv-
nesS. •
— A cl rgyman, the sphere of whese
labors i$ a tiouriehiug vatage in the coon-
ty ()xi' .1. white annoncht-•or a fthieral
lite WI pJle
1st tpi;
the township of ( aii Hord.
of Went7A-orth, and in
borderiin, on it, the se treit
(if Wafer i4 /Wei/111111g a 1,erious 111 itte)'_
winell, for veurs past, MN-.
• .
Dot fadi d to snynly Taal waer, hat -
110011 (11'k' WV0k4, and nt1101%,
1) ;We be 1 tofore been otmsid-red pof f
no1 hist drv('sf :wawa) have at la -4,
failed to ;arm IT more ti Ow Itm
RupnIv. 1stnne -tei!tions the iiinori
have to rive the live stock to -a la) ;id-
e/lade di !fanee. and then 1 -an -onlv
thein rpetional part if what fility
10111,1 (1 ink if left to their own elm te.
A n old genleman; eanied
field, for many years a re-4ent. of Mi-
chell. an: who. linfortnnItelv, has lie••1
afflicted 'ith SII violi.nt a tenper that
bis wife trul family have liail
him, at milted to .01141 his life a few
nights ago hectan t1)0y wool,' not re-
turn to him. I oeknf himself it), his
tied; 811 ornee Of laudanum.. lie had
4-1ken tin D cauion. how -ver, 1,11
Y Itom t • f informing a MI s. Piireo
of his int•
ha.,-tf net!
ed out ea
11t1011, and slie•-good "rely
'ver in time to sce him --tr,-if;..h-
t 0 floor ieensileie Nfeilien
ll o
up again lla; linee been 1-11-61113 Do -1
1_ir, trh[..
BREAK r sa-r Eee's at; earnene
knowleda of the eatural laws wient
If:1r)it‘f-r"illilotlib.4 a (i'tii)f'rl::;i %sal 11.8.-i"
of -well sol -eted ceeratt, Mr. Eh et lite.; vre •
vided nor brenkfa•ttahlei ith a di 1 .-
cate'y flaV ired beveragt• hiel may
ns many dnoors'
Go:rite. - Made eiloply fling w --
ter or Milk, irteket 1.4 1 lbeted
,) A MX8 * Houneo),•athit"
'hetnisf 8, London." A !we mak ers
Epp'a M v Unita 'team and Cola
danaed Mirka
lie a rliarolit'a
ai •