The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-10, Page 74 i a e rG s tl th ain tIl 'ro do to Jik co (Chicago New& o s in New York Soon :after the 4reat tire a partys •of Ulaat-:tg,t newsboy:- put their heads together, alit', conclarding thet tner-'. " antife trensaactiotls iu their line; a, ere e'-rt.iir1 to become more or less hazardous by reason of too ;many dealers fir the toreitorv, they:resoly ed to pr' c e'1 in a body to New. York, Willi al view to impariiiug a little Chicago .plt.ck ,uxci•entet:prise to the t>u,ines ( the Eastern me- Ytropol is. 'I'irey = ere very cordially received and we ociuted by their bretlter ntEa`r It tots, tvl,t):rf -devoted an hour or tart) •'hosltitatlily at the newsboy ;asci having indulged dial itttereha•i e. of sent 'that, I't fort•e the ttssetn'; 1)(�r,ec1, s, we formal and •-tive exl>re sir)t1 of yn�l)at be grade. This idea beer( -per seal open she tniiul .of (0 bogy's—.a l(elder of a set" -suanmed up courage, an 'said : Ge�ttelt•trtc;e-You knt>w Chic,go fire, and that then --men (f,ointing to the ten Ob' are sufferers. I now wan , etn: that %ve't•(. sorry for e sul1SCril)tit r1 list i fir i l: u u heard .Mr. O'Got' nog sa, mount to 8 25,' welch t get, f,linu,ch. it's :�.tn it i', aa)' -d -inch nc'h as we'd like co. 'That lave to fi;'V, except chat ntltttnpt, stay here we'll po Another boy—Billy, pr s'�laition. GI l l v —1 move that we're orru f�>r the snff'erings of th �f- v nye and brief t>iaeke of Chica lata if tire}}> stay, we post 'e atanythi=gig wO Can do we' elp 'em, and that we're s t more than $8 25. Great_ ;:iiplaese followed ft e other boys. Otte of t.l)e Chicago youth se, after some hesit,'tion, ain Iliankee gents, for what ire, and if it wern't•that We go and . see soIne friends e to sr.;,v,. playbe, though nl e� ba ''-. " `1'he meeting then adjourned Herald. ter having to them s' lodging - .d in a cos- merit, felt lige =clis- authoitita by should me so im- ne of the —that he Ct, • tt tlg> about the e 'gentle- cagoans) t to tell' tn. Our p,andI y 'twill hey will not as is all I if these St 'ens. opose a awful news - go, and in, and 11 do to orry it .i • om al'l s then d said :. ye've have we'd we'll. •-1�iT • saw farm, v for rieh voice r"p'ro one bu t dr.. Yn aal hob fit.. farn bort Las tion fits of n bait ing t «rit,t Stet( Trot c, cog iii fits i Hu tit. form.: Agric C0'rrc.s corded who a Oj,idii ` • Gan a write Alt.l)ouglr 11 is f:rat is mainly -voted toTwIretit, 4et a considers fit eta of lira',I(lnw -and some pastu lt,as t,ce-ai regained. He riow ow a„on,• three hundred acres of lean .Tice yield of wJ eitt has bce*n for bushels dais year; a and in - form year•,, when the neighbors we reaping eight, ten, Or fifteen bushel. .le leas had thirty and f,rty. It r. John:stola saa�>s tile drsaini pas for :itself in • two seasons, sum tinee in one. rl'hns, in 1847, h bought apiece c e of• _ten itcr't, ', to get a outlet for his :inlets It was a per feet quagmire, covered with coars aquatic ,msec:~, and so t, ifrititfu that it would noc pve lack the See c sown upon it. In 1$48 a crop o Corn was taken from -it, whicl1 Was • mew -aped and found to he eight bushels per )(ere ; and this, because of the I,'i. h f a to i t1e•. core wee .worth $1 per bt steel that year ; this crop (paid not. uii1%' tIn- ('t1)e1}Sr of drain. - ewe but the first cost of t1;o land as Another pi ,ee of t verity acres, ad- j()iiiing, the laird' of the 1;.te John Del;atield, w is wet, asci would never 1 rift titre then :Leri bit Bels of -corn per acre. This was drained at. a great ()'t, nearly thirty c:ofI:ii:s pOt• P1i.c' first crop after this WllS ta41ity-titres; nut' St n1P ° odd pounds bort;. It was weighed l pee aetlrtrtl (, � '•shed stud IiIr. Debit -lett!, aid the C atilt ' y S"t ie'ty a warded to Mr. Ji)I1uso_n• Eight `; l)rt•nlin d alit acres and ki,Ao rods of this land, at on , av(e` t e:(1 ninety four bushels side, ttiflialt► r or the advance of eighty-four Lushelt per acre; over what it w Lear before these insitr would tilers were berried in the ground. clay But this incl•e,toc; of crop nrotintl. the only profit of drain;i e; is not �Xf�latietotr trays that, ., ..,a' ; for 111: one-half the usclul at�-.rdraiitie'd Iitntl, til itt•c••f, atra'e Will Di aining Pay? tale- Johnston says he neve hundred acres iu any one t poetiott of it would pa dining.. Mr. Johnston is no r), wiry has c:.tri•ietl a f'a h •, without r'egar'd t.0 cost o Ile is a -hard working S ter, who commenced a poor 'owed to me2 to drain his gra(Iaaail\ extended his o s, and is now reaping the ire 1tavi�-',g crops of forty bushels heti& to t.iie acre. He is a gray - e o Nestor, who, after aceun ulut- h•e experience of at -long life,. is at sixty-eight years Gf age en to by stran>gers, in " every : in the Union for iL:f orm tion, tl'y Oii drainage matters, but all rte irranche; of fai'aning• He u hi;, homestead,: ii=,i•itatl)le boidt 1n his way, dispensing in- tim, cheerfully through onr tiltara1 1)ape's anti to private i>u,tdents, c)f whore he has re- d hundred and sixty-four pl)lied to him hist year. His uric are, th refore, worth rn rt'ist of theoretical men, w wicliuiit l)'rect-ce. t • �; c:otch man, land,. pera- )ene ore ho le - le re- d. ns tv er re s, ng e e 11 e 1 f suffices to -give n14imum crops. It its not di°fticult to* find a reason for this. When the soil is:4ddeu with water, air ,cannot enter tto any ex- tent :and 'thence oxygen Can not eat ofF the surfaces cif soil par ticI s and prep Te food for Plants , thus the ,plaut ninst, in Oat _measure,` de- pend spot the rminure, 'or suisten ance.a and, of couree, the snore this is th case, the more manure must beapplied to get good crops. This is o• ne reason, but there are others which, we might ad uce, if one good one were not.$ufffei nt, Mr Johndton sa believer made money +ti, i1 he drained ; and so con- vinced i e of the enefics :teeming from the practice; tat hie would not hesitate (as'he did n t whe the re- sult. w s mbch more nneeit ain than ,the pr sent) to borrow oney to drain.: Drains well made} endure, but u `less a-farmet ;intends doing' the j b well; lie had hes leave 'it alone, and grow poor, an go out west, and all that sort o thing. Occupants of apparently ry land are not safe in concluding t at they need not go to the expense of drain ivb ; fo f if they will but dig a three foot ditch in even the. dryest soil, water gill, be found in the bottom at the°c'ct of eight hours acid if it does come, then draining will pay for itself speedily We notiv n young lfai•mel in Ca- nada w o sold cne half his arm to raise rn Otey to undei•d •ain th other, and no% ;sells twice as much crops as hedi before. GREAT CLEARING ALE GIVING UP BU SINE S: The undersidsod intend giving up Busi ess thio Fall and they will CL .: t OUT TR W COST T ON THE OLE OF TH —AT -- IR STOCK E, F•R'C SALE 'W▪ ILL ,5 + ART FI ST OF And will con 'Inue Until the who, is sold out. Call earl an. l secitre kora '1'1-8 I SH. ,A UG TST, of the Stook The higher ipricib paid for Bane , efi,;c. All parties owing accounts Lyall lease ea and settle them, and save Iltihomselv-es fu her tro s bio- J. BdiNT`HRON & S N. Seaforth; An 41, 871. 169 Warranted ay _ the 1 fakers. THE RUSS a L WATiIT For Durability• uality, 1Tinish .. nd Nea nee.s, 1. CANNOT 13 t EQLIf.sle ED. A new stock of the above <j'iatches J •:rece red. A •C!0) PI,`i"I G s7'ort FINE GOLD) AND 1I- '.LRY ALWAYS S 'Y II N,I) Watches, Clocks kid Jeturyr - h f tve description repaired with lie tares a despatch, acid warra ted og eve sat faction. ° $5,010 worth of Old God r wanted, for winch -El je ltig rest cash or trade 'will be paid. 1; (J 11;�I COt,TN ER to street, I. ea,f6ft EG,MOiV ZLL,E, ILA ted ,Sily price NEW CROCE W.AT. TH 0 MSO (Late'or Sea forth, ) Base ter inform thei pi !hlic that opened a Gro'cery tStoi e, its THE BRICK .Lately occupied by Mr NEARTItrr D.l�'ILLE onl!liand s sTocxi ' OF 'rooerieS , Of e'v ry tieseripticiri) at prices• as reason- able as those of stn). other hou( e in the trait,. , The IIigllnst .M `r.l et Ip .i t rate leo Ge BUTTED, EGGS, &c.., FLOUR AND: F E, t'. F'i'heae he will l'ec•p A COMPLV.I'� Fresh IU1 rrsF John Log RIDGE, rt d 5-: 11 RY. r he b n, Rept constantly oz hand. A call is respectfull)f aoieitcd I; J tf ANTE 'HOMO j FIICKSO\'S EITPOR I Clli l NEW coons. JFALL IMPORTATJONS. AWING to the general advance in DRY' GOODS; Ave have bo tight early and very largely, both in Englan,l and Iilotl- treal, and w,ttlii, invite an inwpection of the stock, as it is alto- gether too extensive to advertise, but the`'goods will be walked at the eld prices. CALL EARY. E. aIECiCSOil9 & CO., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII. OUR CLOTTING DEPARTMENT is again in working order, under new management, with a splendid Stock of Cloths to choose from. Fits guaranteed. 11 t li7.-,T,74757-...7...1, r tii' F^•, l,i. -,,4tat'j,t� $i h +'a NEAT, AND DURABLE. MtINTYRE & WiLLtS "ULD inform the public that they havo just received a first -Glass; assortment of French and . +7ng1ish Calf and French and English tip, and ni+e now prepared to >nak^,e work at prices that d'fy monll_etitien: An assortment of HOME -\IAD + WORK kept an tautly on hitt d, as well as that of the best' oronto and London houses, which will be sold ahi,Tp. A g nal assortutett of Home-made Boys' Boot. kept always on hand. A call is respectfully solicited. Don't forgot tl place,—opposite W. Rob 'tsoia , Co.'s Hardware Store, and first door south of John Lo . an's. i 199 i THS CLRO[JLAR SAW Cuts through ali opposition. WM. ROBERTSON Have just received a large and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated makes CUT.LERY, R, Y, I� OKOLITE AND OTHER SILVER-PLATED GOOD, TEA TRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, ghtning :and Turn -table Apple Parer ss Ever; Family should have one. IMPO.\7ED CHAMPION LSD OTHER CROSS-QTJp SASS, STOpK'S CELEBRATED EXTRA DL-WHIiVE OIL ' lvarranted- the best in use: 'repairs for Abell's Patent Gear and Iforse Power, -And every other article required in the Hardware Lino—Shelf and Heavy. .198 ACK SCREWS TO IIIRE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAIL SAW, , A �ll. ROBDpr,SOY eC G'0• MTLLI,. EIVV. MILLINERY.. N T LTA N'El-t . ill I LLIN ERY.ILLIIJ;E= itis. rjA TEST FALL STYLES, .LATEST FALL STYLi;S.' i, TE>`r FALL STYLE LATET .FALL STYLES. LATEST FALL STYLES. CHEAPEST TN TOWN. 0HEAPEST 1,v TOWN. CHEAPEST IN TOWN. CAEAPJ Si IN TOWN. t)HEApST Lit TOWN. MI 197-13. S A. AT P ATTICUL R NOTICE. JOHN LC CA- Hots a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND— DRESS a.'0013 Which he is anxious to Sell Off, .at;Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer may offer • Therefore, Ladies, you will please cull at the' Manchester House, MAIN STPEET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods be+tore they are ell sold. ER Y���T IN'S,, I - Seaforth, July 25, 1871. . Igo Reynplds.' Bloch, .Near the Depot. OiLLI respectfully i?timate to the ricks itn.nts of Seat�forth and vicin- ity, that he now carries on business at his NEP 8 lOP, in rear of -Killoran & 1tyan's1 Johbmg of all kinds, and Bosse -shoeing especially, p -vnnptly attended to. ._ r-ir" Terms reasonable. I64-t ; DAVID Mc.NAUGHT. S;Hops FOR SALE-.. — FOR CAI`r), two shops and forty-1otu a,:et front - p w Main Stre -t, Seaforths, opp,;dite Gar -:I inielxtrl'a Hotel = ' I IlOI3Ej ThON Cabinet Maker and U ndertaker, AVT\ G purchased Mr. THOMAS BELL'S IIi�,1RSE, I tun prepared to attend funeralson the shortest notice, either in tote, -or counts) • COFFINS. , ALL SIZES, kept consta sly on hand. Wareruunis : Two doors south of Rrtt,b w note], and oppo:.ite \[clntosh and Morrisou'3 Carriage i+nctory, ]Main street, Seafurth. I87-tf- • NOTICE. ABORER,S wanting 3tur� for a Lew weeks will find employment MI tu \ (WEitNIIENT DRAINS,In Grey. IVAGE'S, 1. 25 per day. Enquire of t5e foreman on this work. or apply to the agent at ` the office, J As, T. Blain. ill : .li t )BER.TSON. girl%s3 to lii� t1 J. SCATTER,i 01ey, May 1 0. BLAIN, Contractor,. I ') s;1. l� 1 � ti.{� SUMMER IS GO BUT THERE IS Just Receiv A COMPLETE STOCR OF WOOLLE TWEEDS, BROADCLOTH /VENETIANS, 8z. FOR FALL WEAR NEW YORK HOUSE, c. would oan special attention. to some fr of Canadian Tweeds, bought very low, and class goods. WaI. CAMPBELL. 197. Seqforth Foundry 1•Vould desire to call attention to their greatly improved FIRMER & SEPARATOR INrhich is ahle to compete with any other Machine in Canada i Ami rig its many advantages, we call at !tent on to the following—the way the l'Cyli der is constrnefed—it requires less Terwer and is capable of THRESIIIIC MPRE AND CLEARER THAN ANY 01'11E21. y 1 Th great complaint ninling Thresh,.. -rt! aiwa '5 was, that the3 ei uld thresh mere blowi rg- any grain over. Wo lin ve also ,doe. way with all theAe elm:plaints - it 1 is so onstruzited as to reenlate the wind than hey could clean. aur improved drum tc ke I? the riddles from choking. withont I -going over with the straw. . We would inV11-c! Farmers and Thresh- ers, ,ty,c,nerally, to give ns a call, and ex- amine our stot•li before 1)11."Cbil,ina Os e , where ,;: -we can sell as cheap as any other 8ry best werkthen employed. Estill) iShment. None tit the best Material used, nnd the ? The Machines •we sold last year enable II us to s y that they gave better satisfac- tion t ian any other ever sold in this kept on hand. atall times We would also desrre to direct the attention of farmers to our SA ATING MACHINES! Which are capable of sawing from forty io to fifty cords of wood per day. • TO 000D FLOUR AT ALL TIMES. Proprietors of the Are now "..11anufacturing the best • In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and lit:I:iffy can rely upon getting our Family and Pastry limns Irmn the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Walsh, :Tames C. Laidlaw, Alex. Ault, Thomas Mild. .7. McGinnis-, Williain Ault, G. &II. jackson. Egnu ntiville, and at the Sea forth Mills. Orders left at our office, Market &mum, win receive prompt :lite/160n. Farmers desiring to exchange theirWheat for Fleur, at the Mill, May alivays rely. upon getting our best Family oi Pastry Flour in exelutfige, in quantities acme -ding i to the value of their wheat. FLOUR ! FLOUR! rrAVING•pnrchased and thoroughly refitted the -"-milis formerly owned by the Ilessrb. SOOBIE, I ant no's- prepared to iurnish FAMILY FLOUR, 1 Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably. with any in the Do - If yrin want A 1 FLOE' re4 go to the following DealerS and ask for MA.RSHALL'S—Remember W.1SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITE8IDE, Or 4t W. MARSHALL'S prOillptly attended to. Partit. who wish to lixchange Wheat, for Flour, Are cert cle that in to receive proper quantity, and an a/1 -i - W. MARSHALL. superio Gang Ploughs, Straw Cuttere, beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, Sze., All of "k Mei) we warrant to give satisfac,. tion, an 1 will be soLi as cheap as at any other Establishment in the Province. RE PA RING AND CA SIIN Don n the shortest notice and -most reasonable tet ms. CHEERING PROSPECTS Folt AN ABU DANT HARVEST The p esent favorable Sp ing weather 1 warrants both farmer and mechinrie in I making imely preparation for the corn - While th nting therr pr.trons for the lib- eral erre° rraeement aceor (led them in the past, woi Id. °cordially invite the atten- Harvesting 'Machines for 1671. On,: given eon son's Improved Self-J:alze, has plete satisfaction for thy past. ow() year , arid is now offered to the public velli the strongest guarantee for durability anti perfect work. .The Caynga Chief, Ir., Zower, Which has gained for itself a world-wide reputation is again offered as the most dtrable, handy and best working Mower known, being constructed in the body of the machine entirelY of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition. 'We also oifer the 80 71' JS'elf Raking ,S'ingle Rea per, wbich took, first and second prizes at Pro- vincial Exhibition, 1870. This reaper is cknowledged to be superior to any otin:r tattern now in use, as it eats perfectly. takes up lodged or tangled gram better han any other rake or reel machine, and ield when kvind strorer from any di- ectinn, ear be raised or lowered when in °ton and is very auranic. We invi e inspection of our machima nd mode of manufacturing by pnr- ha.sersireff re giving orders eiseWhYre. Ve ipiaran ee satisfaction in every ma. - hint, or no sale. ERMS The agriculturalists of Perth and ad - ining tour ties will not (we believe) lie ) blind to their own interests as to ve their irders to shops more than )0 miles t, Ni hen there are firsteliere mks in tl eir midst, building largely e best ma hines. equal to any of the me machix es made in the Province. Call and s m us, -,send in your orders mail, m deal with our a,gents. as in ery case y m will get a perfect ma - and or the same terms as your igh bor. nu- principles of business tb S. CN be fo 00FAS TO LET. noon* on th.e seetand fiat. Apply to I11 other nds of implements Coll- STEAM- i:NGINES BUILT, d all kin ls of MILL WORK done- ddress ITCI 0 -ch unmet°, A 1 W,hen the writer 1117,1„ebii,ieg.,:fasiezi,ittiuoin. t i great4-r I ban that of lion in the world, even the English, and how he aci:,,oniited for re that he. fluillght it 'WAS - rlittleLee(11:11t ihNi•lel:rilittel:'•1.0.-T-iti4! table at ahooet every : poor. In , mornin pan -h, tool he eveil than a SIM -dried i trick: eenfirmation on this inyi nen, let Um wrifar add: found a great . .id vent e child IN hose teeth came atarved eondition et) the: tlf 'oatmeal. A. Fore Gerry eiu'reei fOrllis 11:i ilia till, report! :4-e'ef lig::,144g1 e,-"IT-1-teitrit :itl'Sarhileilli,; nes, whieh are font. in pCiiik111. tV1111 MI, ;dm), vio.red that !Tile MilleS1 k-noWn to them fur ye) the find is WonderfullY \k„litilweth.:1111,11:,),,,:idsistyfotil,ial good advire.: ;The raip- hes induted thousands :t fortable homes only td; w:•Ives duped by A vita - years ago StOlies were se' -cernittg the fabulous dep; er in the White rine! 4.oid there, too, tile .onall the ultimate Tsillts diha] ;and hunger. ,A report i rounds that he men ell government works i;t ;Sheliandowan tind that i., "rolonteerS la longing to 1 tion now 011 itS wail to ! illat gold exists in the or region, but Ace woul who have visions of iliseoVery has been t.lio. firmed. As t ) what the - Indian is ma; e to say„ ing around La -e lielland be 'anything but, pleasa whiter season ,, and the tUrel who sta4vs out his, must 1)(3 prepared to months of the tuo6t inten. ..t.,iok -solr)eAsiti!cve'i'fi fleaeYtilolgf t:), '1 the report turn out t that the min0 will be possession of dur own p miners have hithrto be to f-lill,theil wod fortune vans, unAny of whoa; 'ha, fortunes whivh might, ' prud-nte bad been used mained in Canada. If good thing le us try at it ourselves,--ToroRto n, Goc5d Advice, Tile President of Yale of your own fortunes. 1. your own strength of bo Take for your star, :. faith, lionesty„ and in seribe on your ;1;annet, and steer your ov,ti I:l the work. Don't practi,. humanity Think well position. l'ut p, ;tatces over a rough rum], and 8 go to the nottom. Fire • inark von intol,d to above envIons au; dete Don't chew. Don't sup. .4upnort a De in hell' reliant. Be generous. Read the p ;per,. Adve