The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-10, Page 6{ • it (Chicago News. 07,r13 in ist Soon at:ftcrr the & reat fire .of Ultit••igtt nt=wstroy� l,trt< together, and, concluding •eantile transactions iu •were cert.litr to become r -haz,rrclutrs 1►3 reason of dealers f ,r the torritory, t ed to ftroc ed in a body York, wit!). a view to in) Tittle 01) lung() Alliott and - to the (tri i n e`ti, c f the :t vtroltt,Iis. `L'liey were very received and . wel,:�ot,re(l brother iiiet•t-li lilts, who rt`ft dev(�t ell ;In hour or__ two .host_►ita ,lv at the newsboys bo., and having irldttl• ed dial itrtet•t•ltartge of sena `that, 1,elbre the assem`;1 per-t•t1, s =t re' f 1rrinatl ititd a • tive c`xf)r•e-.sinn of-syn1f)ath be blade. This idea bec,t • p1 r i,,e•(f upon the mind of t). boys—a.r lrader of set" 1111.Mtr,t=cl uI: Courage, and, 'said 'G('i titins. —Yoe know a Chic;.gn fire,, and that these --roe =) (i ointin to the ten Old are sufferers. I uow want 'en' that we're s,,rry for era subscril�tit n list i;, ma kill' u heard 11 r. O'Cot'rnor say amount to :38 .25, Waith -tl get, thnugh it'> ;fru Ill, and much as ti'e'd like co.' That' have to s.4y, except that i gelrtiettym stay here we'll 1)o. Anotller' boy—Billy, pro Billy—I move that -we're sorry for the snffei•in s of the news ws boys a and 1'U )t bl eks of Chicago, and that if they stay, we , post 'em,- and that anything we can do we'll do to help 'em, and that we're sorry it amt more than $8 25; Groat at pyla tr•se followed from all the of her boys. ()tie. of the Chicago youths Hien =rose, after solve hesitation, and said : Fhatnk(.e gents, for what 'ye've done, and if it ‘vern't that we have to g and see some 'friends. we'd lilts to stay. Maybe, though, we'll conte hitt,.,." Tire meeting then adjourned.—N' I Herald. ew ork- - a party( heir heads' th>~ t mer- their line. ore or less too ,many hey -resod v-= to New. paring a en terpr•ise. stern , w e- _ cordially by their er hay=iug to ileal 'lodging - in a cor- ment, Welt age ,alis uthod►ita- y should me so 1m= le of the —that he r sing, bout the •gentle- oaoans) to tell. • Our p, and I 'twill ley will not as s all I f these st'em. pose a awful. Will Draining Pay ? Mr. Johnston says he never one hundred acres iu any one f but a portion of it would pay draining. Mr. Johnston is no man, why_ has c:irl•i(etl a fay hob1,v; without regard to cost or fit. /le is a hard working Sr farmer, who commenced a poor borrowed rrjtrn�et. to drain his 1 has grade Ill, extended his o1 tiow, a, MI is now reaping the b fits ie laving crops of forty bus of 1. "heat to the acre. Ile is a g haiietl Nestor, who, afteraccunrt ing the exl►(-of-o�f a long life now, at sixty-eight years tf written to tar strangers iri ev State in the Union far it:format] clot on'y of drainage matters, but cognate 1,i•anclre: of f(rrniri,.. sits in bis homestead, a v.,ritat Humboldt in his way, dispensing .formation cheer•ftilly "through . o Agricultural f apets 811(1 to prig: C0I rCSporlclrntS, of whom tie h:a.5 corded oir( hundred and sixty-f- al.ro applied to hint last 3::ear. olrilriu.IiS are, therefore, fore, vdrth n)o t .tilt at dost ()f theoretical Tien, w write without 1)rrtct:ce. . ,, saw atria, for rich ua ite l'''o- :otch man, arid,' )era- ene hers rI la t- , is tge, ery 00, all He bre in 'nr• Yate rr- our is re le ho Although his Esti is plainly d voted to wheat,, yet a cousiderab area of meadow and s(itiie pasta ].las t,0 -it retained. He riow ow flr(tit throe hundred utiles of Ian The yield of wheat has been fart bushels this year ; and in forme year,, when tate n.ti.ghi;ors wet reaping eight, ten, or fifteen bushel he has had thirty and f�,r•ty. I11r Johnston says tile' clrainin pays for itself in two seasons, some tithes in Thus, lllns, in 1847, h boullt a piece of tell alc'1•('r, to get _a cutlet foi itis ctr•at:ns. It was a peer fe'ct dtlagrriiip, covered with coattrs aquatic grasses, and so t.rlft•uitft.r that it would not p'l�'e-we the seed sown upon it. In 1848 a crop o earn. was taken front i1, which was • ! asur.ed and found to lie eighty . bushels per acre and this, because , of the r,a. h famine, coni; v+,s worth ._$1 per bushel that year ; this crop raid not, only tIi- 1 xf)(�Ilsr1 (,f drain- age, hut the -Cita cost of the land as Another pi 'ee of t verity acres, ad- joining the land ()f the late John Delafield, eF t5 Wt,•t.t, at 1d would never 1JriIIg more tbali ten bushels of corn per acro'. This was drained at a great cost, n�ta,t-lv thirty Collars per zlt•re. The first crop after this was ej Airy-tltree� and st Inc odd 1)o1 nds pi.r acre. It was weighed and �lr( tUrt:(1 l,v 1.ir. Detafieltl,-a€-i,d the C nutty 5tt, it=ty tnvazr(It to M. Jt)iltlsOri. Eight al 1,1f'niititn Dight ?Teles and t6t,rtrt= (rids of this land at one avtrr•.toe(l� ninth four bushels,Ste, trifling essence of or the bushels per arras: over what eighty-four l,t'ur before tl<ese insignificant tiles were buried iu t a clay Bret this increase ne ground. the; only profit ort drainageof . is not. Johnston s�, '�that, no 7 for Mr. ons-llallF'tht us,lEtl to' tclt•.tiri(,d latncl, t i--til.itc• (:f.1Ua n •.i.c 1 e, le re ns Ian( -v r s, g e Il e l suffices to give rimiximnm crops. ;t lis not,di'ificult to find a reason for this. When the soil issodden with •water, air cannot enter to any e*- tent, and thence oxygen cannot ear or the surfaces df soil particles and prepare food for . plants ; thus tri tplaut must, in great measure, d pend Upon the manure for suster ance; and, of course, the more this is the case, the more manure must ol. .applied to get good crops. This is one reason, but there . are others which we might adduce, if one: good one were not.sufficient. Mr. rluhndton say:: he -never made!., money until he dtained ; .and so con- vinced is he of the benefits accuring from the practice, that Ire would .not hesitate (as he did not when the re-, stilt was much more nneertain than thepresent) to ` borrow money to drain. Drains well made, endure;, but unless a farmer 'intends doing the job well, he had hest leave it alone, and. grow poor, and go out West, and all that sort. of " thing. Occupants of apparently "dry land are not safe in Concluding that they need not go to the expense of drain- ing ; for if they will but dig a three foot ditch in even the' dryest soil, water will be found in the bottom at the end of eigh t hours and if it does come, then draining will pay for itself speedily.. We know a young farmer in 'Ca- nada wbo sold cue half his farm to raise trroaey to urider•(lrairn the., other, and now sells twice as much crops' as he did before.' GREAT CLEA INC SAL' GIVING- UP BTTS:INESS. The undersigned intend giving np Business this Fall, and they will CT:FAR OUT TICE WHOLE Of T —AT- COST PRICE,' F EIR STOCK R CASH. TILE SALE WI7,L START ONY THE FIRST O AUGUST, And will continue until t e tiw ole of tho Stock is sold + tat. Call early and 'se4 gra .Ba7vaina The highest price pail f r Butter, dkc. t All parties owing accounts will settle them, and save themselves f J. BONTHR, Seaforth, August 1;1871. please call and u'thor trouble. N E Sciri. 1139 Warranted by tie Mabe THE. l ITJS EL. I') For Durability, ,,ualitlr, Ne tness,' CANNOT EEQJr4, A new stock of , th abos e %\ . roc ;red. FINE GOLD AND YE11`',LRY ALWAAS IN EAi- 'Watches, Clocks nci Jewel description repaircwith n( despatch, -and warn' rated to faction. ' 85,000 worth of ' ld Go1:d vented, for which t'le high cash or trade 4611 b paid. M. 1' . COLT lig. Main sti'e EaMoN•vi THE BAR HICKSO\ EW 1ALL IM tXPOSI'DOR. I'11P01.J L X11 000DS. ORTA TION S. AWING to the general act ance in DAY GOODS, Ye Irate bought early and very lar ely, both in England and Mon- treal, and w,uld invite an in,'pection of the stock, ars it is alto- gether too exten9ive to advertise, but the goods will be mar ked at the old prices. CALL EARY. E. HICKS3.jg & CO., MAIN STREET, SEAFQRTH. OUR _CLOTIHINGG DEP I- TMENT is again in working order, under new management, with a 'Splendid Stock of Cloths` to choose from. Fits guaranteed.. - 1hr. air f rx. t NEAT, CHEA.P AND DUR113LE. MtiNTYRE & WILLIE WOULD inform the public that they have just eceived a first-class assortm English Calf and French 1 and English Kip, and h r e now prepared to mak4 nt of french work at prices that cleft and e 'coral)etitirtn. An assortment of HOME-11IAD �' WORK kept ct.0°>tantlt• on hand., as. Well as that of best Toronto and London houses, which will bo sold cho•rp. A g,enl assortment of !Hom - the 13 oo§s kept always on hand..A call is rospeetfni.y solieitel. .Don't a made e Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store, and first door south of John Lo. an's.mink ;an 190 forget the place,—opposite c,—opposite . THE CIRC[JLAR SA. Cuts through all opposition. tif MO R- T S O Have just received a large and s>]tlendid assortment o; Rogers' and other celebrated makes C1� TL E RY, NiCKOLITE AND Of HER SIVER-PLATED GOODS, TEA TRAY'COAL OIL LAMPS,' L� hfninand gTurn-table Apple Parers, Every Penally- should have ono. IMPROVED CHAMPION AND OTHER. tEOSS-CCT SkWs, - rs STOdK'S CELEBRATED EXTRA. MACHINE CHINE OIL rAT;CH Finish and LED. fiches-jutfft F ; SILVER y of every t>ness and i`•£ satis- lid ,Silver price in NE N G 00 WM. TII $ MSO (Late of Srofortli,) Begs to inform the p blic tha opened Grocer•ySto •e, THE' BIZI.dK i flEM1S s� Lately occupied b - Mr. John Logan, 'calor E h Rif. he has NEAR T.-rl BRIDGE, Where he will Lee on hand • A COMPLETE 1 TUCK OF' Fresh Gr cern • *6, Of ev ry description, aprices as• able as those of any other ho in the trade.' The IIigh st Market P-1ID Fc)ls. .I:3TJTTER., EGGS, &e., && FLOUR Ail f) FEE.1Tj Kept constantlyhand. A. call is respectfully a licited.. 1.; = 'P H OSI,SO , Egmondri, le e.son- ea. riee Warranted the best in use: Repairs for Abell's P atelrt Gear and Morse Power, And every other article required in the Hardware Lino—Shelf and Heavy-. JACK SCREWS TO IHRE. SIGN OF- T.IIE - CIRCULA1, SAW, 198 Tl ill I14B P7;30..Vri (. CO. P UL R NOTICE. JOHN LCC, MILLiNE,`.. MI LLI N ERY. MILLINI+iRY. MILLINERY. M1LLI. ERAT.. LA TEST FALL =STYLES: LAT EST If A LL STY.�., LATE 'r -FALL STYt, LATEST FALL STY ,ES. LATEST FALL STY l CHEAPES TN. -TOWN. 1 C1-1-EAPESr, 11\ 1 CHEAPES'' IN TO`S\'N CASE4PEs^t IN Tt' Ox�-VN. ( il.L• AJ? S t I2 TOWN. AT MISS A. ERWIN'S, Reynolds' Block, ;Sear the Depot. ES. D. 1VIc.NAUGHT OULD respectfully i itimate to the inhabitr.nts of Seaforth and vicin- ity, tat he nc w carries on business at t his NEW ShOP, in rear -of Killoran & Ryan's, Jobbing of a1 kinds, and Horse -shoeing, especially,"promiptly attended to Mas a Lot of SHAWLS, AT A.NTLES, --AICD-_. DRESS C -CODS Which he is anxious to Sell Off, .st Cost, YES, BELOW COST Or any reasonable price that a customer may offer Therefore, Lanier;, you will please cull at the Manchester House, 1 MAIN Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before then are all :sold. 1 Seaforth, July 25, 1871. 190 STREET,„1 • M ROBER11SO_MT- . Cabinet Maker l and Undertaker, JiAV1NG purchased Mi. THOMAS BELL'S HEARSE, 1 am prepared to attend funerals ou the shortest notice, either in town -or Noun SU IMEf IS GONE, BUT THERE IS a'st Refe 1'.e • :A COMPLETE STOCK 0 4NOOLLE Embracing tbeiargest aesi ns n TWEET) B RO DCLOT, VE'NETIANS, FOR FALL WEAR CatitpbelLs AT 3, 8 No r. 10, 1871. Seaforth Foundry ZAPFE & CARTE -R Would desire to tall attention to their greatly improved TI;RESMER - SEPARATOR hich is able to compete with any. other Machine in ('anada ftng its Ina,ily advantages. we e13I at- tion to the following—the wale the limier is cnnstruc ed—if re(lil,res less i ower an(1 is Capable of €V'ESIII i-MO?iE AND CLEARER TITAN ANY 0T171:12. • 3 1 `he great complaint among Threslacr, -always was, that tli(i ceu?d'thresh more -tlia •doe ti S - they could clean. our improved drum away with a,ll. the 'complaints ; it eonstrcaite(1 as to regulate the wind ee1)the ricltlles fr�,ni ehr,lcin�a^th[4 t - bIo '.ing any grain over. \Y-1 have :els. improved our .hili, to prevent the grafi: I moi g over with the; straw. \ 7e would invite: Farmers and Thresh er s, generally. n call, ) . t r� ti � c . i2. a 4 and tl re our stork before leu -chasing e°s • N ; 'we can sell as cheap as any othe blishn�ent. but the best Material used, and the very best workmen. employed. "e Machines we sold last )'ear enaLl . us to say teat they gave better satisfnc- ti,tn than any other ever sold in this coun -y. ITIi'S DOES] POWER.! kept on ]land at all times A\ e would also desire to direct the attention of farmers to our S± WING MACHINES Whit i are capable of sawing from forty ) fifty cords of wood. per day. Supe or Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters, Cu1ti tors, Sculllers. Wooden and Iron - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, &c., All of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and wit) be sola as cheap as at any other Establishment m the Province. REP kI12ING- AND CASTING • or IV•Elly DESCRIPTION, Don : on the shortest notice and most reasonable lei ins. 1431 '-- ZAPFE & 'C��.RTEf:. limn C1 ,thing 7i*'t,tabilisin ien;i. i tSfht' ' Fsta Non 7' NEW YORK HOUSE SEAT{ O1TTI. W. C. would call special attention to some rue of Canadian Tweeds, • bought very low, and :first class goods. CA3IPi3E 197. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 000D FLOUR I AT ALL TIMES. W. A. SHEARSEM & GO,, Proprietors of the S,AFORTH MILLS f Are now i'annfacturing the best F11 pili LY cC I',L.S'Tli Y ,Pram IL'li, In the Domiuien. Intending pm -chasers in Seaforth and vicinit- can rely upon getting our 1 aMilyand Pastry flour - from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Leri:, A ItI. strong, John Walsh,: Jeune, C: L�tit1htw, Alex Ault, Thomas Kidd. '. 1IeGinnis, WillAnn, & H. Jackson. Ewan i tl 'ille, and at the Settforth Mills. Orders left at our office, 'Market Snare, will receive prompt attention. Farmers desiring to exchangetheirWheat for Flour, at the IYlill, 'I'tny always rely upon getting our bust Family of Pastry>;ktur in exchange, in quantities according 4 the valve of their wheat. W. A. SIHEARSON k CO. 184-tf. 'LOUR FLOE L. i I AVI G purchased and thoroughly: refitted the ! mills formerly owned by the Messrs. S(OfIE, 1 I am now prepared to iurui,;h I FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFO1LTH, And that w$I1 Co pare favorably with any in the Do - 4 Ili 101 on, - -- If you went A I FLOUR, ;"r, to the following 1 1 Dealers and ask for MARSHA LL'S —Rowena ber 111.1..B.iIIALL'$ FLOUR : COFFINS, ALL SIZES, kept constantly on hant].. WarAroum s : Two doors ;south of ext,,, .. Hotel, and ;opposite t McIntosh and Morrisons Carringc; Factory, Main street, Seaforth. - gir _ermis reasonable. 164-t AVID McN A L'GHT. SHOP$ FOR SALE. on Main S rei•t, Sw.fortlx, opposite Car M. ROBERTSON. weeks will find employment -on tne f-lOVERNMENT DRAINS', Enquire of t5e foreman on this work. or apply to the agent at the ofiice Jas ply tu 0. BLAIN, Contractor_ 1 Air.. SCOTT ROBERTSON, 1 Or at W. MARSHALL'S Alills. e promptly attended to. Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON will be n .1 re id Parties who wish to f r !Exchange Wheat for Flour,- . • A Are etirtain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- 2 a de that will defy eompetition. • CH AB ER1NG PROSPECTS von AN The resent favorable Spring weather warran 8 both farmer and mechanic in making timely preparations for the com- ing harTest. TKO SON & WELLSAMS eral enc mrairement accorded them in the past, 1,V 1(1 °Cordial:1r invite the atten- of Farm ..rs to their choice .assortment Of Harvest ng Afacbiries for 1671. Our 0 /iv Combined Machine, with Jol nson's Improved SOH talee, leas given complete satisfaction for the past owo yea s, and is now otre.red to the public w th the strongest guarantee for durabilit anu perfect work. The :vayuga Chief, Jr.,' Mower, Which h; s gained for itself a world-wide reptitatio is again offered as the most durable 1 antly and best working Mower known, baing constrnetcd in the body of the mach and with also offer Johns ne entirely of iron and steel, it we defy competition. We 4S'elf Raking Single Reaper, - which too first and second prizes atPro- acknowlec ged to be superior to any other pattern in w in 'use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or toneea grain better than any other -rake oi reel machine, aud euts equal y well from el her side of the field when wind is strong from any di- rection, cal be raised or lowered when in motion ai.1( is very duranle. We invite inspection of mar machin.Pq ore giving orders elsewhere. We guarar tee satisfaction in every ma - TERMS EASY. oining counties will not (we believe) be o blind to their own inteiests as to ive their orders to shops more than 00 miles e. st, when there are lirstclase mks in t icir midst, building largely be best m .1).ines, equal to any of the s me maelii les made In the Province. Can and .ce us, -send in your orders mail, or leal with our agents. as in line-, and o the same terms as your Our principles of business prices being established and uni- m. 11 other ROOMS TO *RT. TO i -ET, in S'cOtt's Block, :two eommodious 14.411m on tne second tiat. Apply to kinds of implements eon - STEAM ENGINES BUILT, A d all kinds of MILL 'WORK done. ddress :MOMS eV WILLI A MS, 14 Oatmeal When e writer burgh, the celeitrat called his af.tention the livetage size of greati-r thall that of iOn in the world, even he. Engl aue EIO hi: a'61)111) ted for t that he thought it. was to tLe Indeed, the writer onst table at 'almost every houses of the rieh a poor. in the morni mush, and in the eve ditionai about - he daily u -e On o decay III 01.-rf' and offering, is root, We 1)11141 ask, le the bas _he Man itoba C.+431 A Fort Garry etirrt. forms its that the repot - gold on Lake” She that. numbers :ere lea which are font' prnident tells ns, t dared ,,tliat tlie Mines known to them ftor lie Ivo us strangers, ho know the loi,ality tin good dyke, h e ti 1 it ii ti years ago stones A-} ere sv-3 venting the fa billois dept er in the White Pine i and there, too, the onlikk vagant rnutors were lite:. f.) apla-tared and sw re 1118! The tonsequeeee was the whim 4e. rt'Stlit'S 116a, rounds that tho men 1:-.1beliandowan. and that ;,- voloutoers belonging to _ Will desert and resign t the i,iek-;ixe. The ean that gold exists in the 1_,;! -or region, but we would ii: who have visioins of ma fortune to wait until tin diseovery has been then: tinned,. As to what the - Indian is mail ro say, i inz around Lake Shehantl wititer season ; and the turn who stakes uut liiii months of tbe 'nit inteM 11, to speak -Of le ving to thut the mine. will be 1: ,ti. the report tur out tr0 possession uf mo- own 1 miners have biliteto beet to f -•ell theit good fortune cans, ninny (4f whom NO fortunes which might, i mauled in Canada. If good thing let ins try ane, it ourselves,— Tomah, Tel The PMS141i'lli of Yale eently gave the follo.e the stutkntts of that inst: Young num. Von are the of :,vonr own f4n-tuties. Take for your star, faith, honesty, and it seribe on Your Lanntn, fool, plueli is hero.' and steer your -own sin nundeer that the, great a mantling is to tal:e fa the wodr, Don't prat -ti. humanity Think well position, Put /plat( es Over a rough go to the bottonit. Fire mark. yon intel.d. V) ah0Ve the -en k4<)!1S and Energy, invinollt dote that 'neve the e .1 1)on't die W. nt net S111111 novels,. Den't marry to: 'kith it. DAT roar G I self reliant. De gel:emus.