The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-03, Page 8pion txttecoltor... DISTRICT MATTERS. RE.LIGI•T'S Norte-E.—The Rev. J. W. Thorne,' of Kington, iferefordshiree Eng; Cued, will preach in the Baptist: Meetiog lfieuse, next Sabbath inorning oteleven f ed with rehundant suceees.v Mr. Ken- nedy, onebehalfaof Mrs. Kennedy, made. a very ferIsling and appropriate reply, After prayer by Mr.. 1erwilligar, : the company separated. well iea.ed with the: evening's entertainment. Com.. , ' ' CHEESE , ALE. —We learn. that Messrs. Hickson &,• po. have mad another s de of the Brueeheld eheese a 101epe. db. .This speaka well for the quality o the Brucefield h.eeee, o'clock, andit the eveuing at half:past. Mess Goomee's CO:Noe:dm —Many of our readers witi be deliglited to learn thatehlies-Oarroll purposes giving another ef her iitteres t g en terta tiltn ts iu the Town Hidt; on the evening of Friday: • next From the sueeees which attended Miss Carroll's last entertainment; we have no hesitation ui predicting for her on this occasion a "bumper house." • A Goon Saurneo PLACE.—We would 'direct tile attention of ourereadoes to the (mid of tlie Prince AI Wales Hotel," Clinton, wilielt is:published in this iseue. 11-fr Met heeheon, -the genial end oblig- ing landlord. is one ot the few who know thow to properly run a hotel, and travellerewill tied with him Most cone- fortable•quarters at all seasons. THE C. I'. ( 'Truk ou.— Commit i on ser-. -vices will be held in the Canada Presby-. terion Church of this vil1a(4. on tbe sect ual -Sunday of the present menth, the .12th instant. he fast -day will be on the precedine, Friday, when services will com- mence at 11 &Omsk, A. M. There wiii also hu services on the following Al outlay `.1 -he Rey. r. -Scott, ofLondon, ex- pected to be peesent to essiet -in the Communion services DOMINION Tee eOleAPII This Company !lee now an office located in Seafortleewlech will be opened for business 'in e !few days. The place eel ect- ed is the surgical office of -Dr. Smith. Jr. Reid, assistant at the Grand Trunk 'Railway statin here, has been appoint- ed ag-ent. The appointment is a judic• ious one, and the -site sele.eted-for the of- fice convenient tor. bus in Thie Com- pany since their first orgonieation have showa -commendable Niterpase and pluck, aud are -deserving -of success. There. ie eu leie t business here to amply iremunerate both offices, aud we -welcome avith pleasure this new beanch, of enter- prise in our village. PORSONAL.— Mr. David -D. Wilson, of this village. accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, expect to have here oa Monday next, on a visit to the old country. The trip is made with a view to Ohe benefit of Mee. Wileon's treat th, which has been extreme: 1y poor for -ome time. We wide them a pleasant journey and safe retain, and sincerely trust that the object of their visit to the laud of their fathers may be fu Ily and pe rut an en tly realized We have pleasure in being able to state that Mr Wilson bee promised to furnish the read- ers of Toe EXPOSITOR. with notes .of his trip, and we may fairly anticipate for ,thenst.in these a racy and interesting treat. CHICAGO RELIEF FUND. --We hav'a been requested to -State fleet the Collec- tr yrs for this fund would oblige. by hand-. doe; in their Bets, together with the amounts subscribed -to the Treasurer, -Mr. thmuter, as early as possible, in order a that the fund may be closed and the pi.oeetets handed over to the Committee t e for transmission to the deeignated quor- s ter. We mey also state that several subscribers to the fund are of opinion that it would be more jeelicious to send the moneyraised tothe sufferers by the Mich- dgaa -Wisconein fires-- instead of to ,Chicago, as these seem to be in move pressing-neetPfor aid, and less adequately ,oupelied than are the sufferers from the Chieago fire. However, this is a matter -which will, no doubt, come _under the eons ideration of the Commit tee appointed In the meeutime we would urge upon -the Collects -ire the dnem desirability of iedi- iitely hi -tithing up their lists and hauling them to M. Counter. THE NORTHERN JOVPNAL.—Th the name of Th new weekly, lattly .sti.rteds in Montreal:- The Korthern, Journal is an advocate of manhood Y....uffrage, b llot- voting, and, ev.erything, else that is Demo- cratic: and rprogressive it is a -1--rge, well -printed. abirwritten !paper, and well worth '7'2 a year;'Which is the price of it.. • ,.; OCEAN EAME a eheitue 2Y. --Mr. lit. B. Moodie, agent of the Greed 'Trunk liail: way, Sertfotth, has been appointed igent foe the "N hith Star Li c "! of st am - ships, sailing between !New! York and Liverpool. This is a new line, started the present summer, and is compos -el of. entirely new boats, funnelled, with cvqry convenience and all the !atest imp ove- memo in steamship lMliIdiflg. Moodie is also agent for the 'Allan Line of steamers. • EURON EMOLE.—At mg of Hurn Temple; G. • T., held in the Te Sea:forth, On Friday ev 1871, at 7:30 P. K., thel were elected for the qua Nov. 1st, 1871, and e tang Jan. W. C. 'J'—Brother N. ! W. V. T.—Sister M. W. S. ---Brother R. CI W. T,—,Olister E. Spa ling W. F. S.-h•Brother H. A. Carrier W. M.—Brat-4er R. IV: -0 reig, W. I. ,Gd—Sister. - W. O. Gsl-=Bhother J. a Willie s. Past W. C. Tr—Broth r Jas. Beattie. Temple Deputy, Broth r Wm. Badge. Thep.; Brother istere. We ks ; >es ; W. R. H. ;W . . <L. 8., ; regulareet- ; ).,,,,, ,,,. . of peeance 'fail, r ing, Oct.-1.,..7th, ' 'looting officers ter commencing •1st, (Muff. terha.m. n. • Appointed Offieers — Wm. Fraser.; W. A. 8., ; W. D: M.,' Sister M. Gri .6:, Sister H. McLellan - Sister efe,Brownell. THE ONTARIO SALT lourANY, AND OTHERS, VS. THE MEECH NTS -'1 SALT PAN V-, OF SEAFORTII.—T motion h r an injunction to restrain le defendi nts, the Mere -he -ate Salt COI pany, of ea forth, from With &ening omthe Ca ada Salt Association, and 'from eelling o de- „livering salt otheew 'use than as proy 'ded by the terms of agreemen for amalgr ma - tion was argued .in Toronto on Tue-day latit before Chancellor Sol agge, and j dee m en t was refeer ved etio Monday 1 ext. Counsel for the Plaintiff J. 11. Seel cer, Este, and T. Garrow. Esq. ; for the Defendants, Adam Creel e, Esq.. Q. C., M. Hayes, Eeq , and 8.. II ted, Esq. Judgment ou the d murrer, w 25 was argued on the th f Oetober, was deliveredonMonda3 last tgainst th de- fendants. The matters 'volved in this writ are of coosiderable importance, and the result of the motion fee injuncti( n is looked forward to with n Lich intere t. Tele MrrenoteL-AG.Itett. 'MEAL WO N.S. had an opportuni a. a few ( aye io of -visiting this est disinter:et, and Wore not alittle sin -prised ead gratiti .1 at he•dameneions it has asnlnIed. VI' in a uiatl countiy foutidry apI jobbing s t has arisen in the course of a few y al's to be one of the moet extensive and varied manufacturing ins itu tams iihe country. The an:Mont of wor various descriptions Whie is. here daUy -burned out is very , great:. There are • in the vicinity of 150 \Voile- een- regularly employed, and each &pal anent seems to he condoeted with the- greatest care, at- tention: and . skill. Not nnly are ;agrietiltural implemehts of every dee rip - tion monufactured ot the!oeost este') ive scale, but . very 1--rge .business is Carried. ciu. e understend that the; PrOP1-i(tOrsi of tbis estabihih- moot have. e• -e erica uidcpji.np1eted m ley of thebest mills now in olieration in liis Province, the entire 1 meta ieryllor wl has .been mannfacter ehat the.ir -establish.- Mont.- ..:They.heve also within a redent period conuneeiced Ihe moot-du:tore of h - branch!' of their seeut meg Vety .suc- itch -woelt of they con at- hichi sueh an Autertou Seosse—The number of •auc- tiou sales taking place in this vie -614 this fati ia unusually large. Scereely a day passeekound but there is au auction. sale in some of the ineiebborine town- slii pS. Our ;friends, - MeSSrS. -Bishop. Brine, toad Stretton, are kept busy bringing the goods ana chattels of their neighbors under the hammer, and realiz- ing for them the largest pdseible prices: -We are informeii that as a -ride very fair pricee a! e obtained; altheugh steek, -es- pecially horees and cattle, do not sell so r.eadily Roe bring such high prices as in former years. ihe prevailing. price for cows has riottged from twenty-five to 0141:y -five dollars. For horses, prices have run f roue ti fty to ninety- ti ve dollars. A few have gene over this latter figure, - hut, they Were superior animals. At all the sales we have heard of. sheep have met with ready spit and have brought good prices-. - • SURPRISE PARTY AND PR F.SENTATION On the evening of Friday, the 27th a co.mpany of ladies and -gentlemen nutn- 'beringa1)P1ti ninety or a hundred, eetere eel die \Vesleyart Parsonage, Seaforth, -cansing -ceeite a surprise to the inmates, and eliettubing t .e order and dome -tic .arraugemente elf the hon. ie, rout taking peesesaion of everything in the way of stovee :old dishes, etc. It was not long, lowevOr, netil the Revs Gentleman, ( Mx-. inet13.) and his wife,, were di- -vested of their lease. and. resumed the appearance of composure From the cheerful appeerauce of the visitors, it was apparent th .t no evil was intended, but ou the coutrere, they brought with them a number of be:elect's ha led with -edIldes of the very best kind, and when the hour arrived for tea, a bountiful table NI as tone .d, to which alh were hat Ofrer the company had partekea of the !geld thirties ero vided, the time was spent , 111 pleas oit conversation ond Llefole the company separated, atteution was called to another pleaeing :feature in the evening's catertainmeht. 'kthwas this : The presentatiox to Mrs. Ketaletly of a beautiful purse, -coutaining $24. in mast:a ting the purse, steam engines,' whi tah silicas they are pie cest-fally, leteing hoe as 4 this destriptioli 011 hand a tend to, The ininCes establiehment as. this mus eonter upon a place is very great, In, -met !it is the 'mein stay of the vi lege in which it is ; situated. The only thin poseessed by - our neighboring villa ,e wh eh We envy is its fine aeri eltural i nple ent ostablish- no( nt. With such an etalilishinent, Sealorth, surrouncli cl as 1 is uttb snob a beautiful country, e a 151 elhafford to bid. defiance to all th- rai vroye and rail- way schemers that c uld, e laleight for- ward.. A tieit of.. nepe tien; to, these -works by any of op re, lereIwonld be well repaid, and we are urel that the ge n tie -manly and old ging protkieters or rn foremen would he st happy' to show theni all the attenti n, .and give then/ all the information io their poiyer. We .are sure- that our ag4culturiel friends in ji particular would be eleesedahd gratified with what they, wottll there.see. - • t - 11,1MIONARII MEETING.H-The .Anniver- BarY • Missionary sate ices t coulee ion with the Methodist Episcdpal Church of this Village. was held thelehurch on Wednesda,y evening last. The el air was occupied by Rev 'M Pastor of the -congregatieki. herd '1'he attendance was not large. '. Able .and. in • teresting addresses were. (10livered• by Sjelh. J. SV, McKay, f Manchester, }?CV. S. P.tMonlen, of Bayfield„ and .by the ReY, Bishop Richardson of'-' Torotte.•,' Tlie Rev; J. A. Dark of Godeeielo was also present, but eixeused him.aelf from delivsring an hlress in order to - offerd Brshop :Thchardsen 1 Inge tinie for his remarkhe s, . Taddre s Of the Reverend Selehop -as particular el tquent and .in - in rn ti th street:eve. and was ltstened to with tole plea:sure, and we fillet profit, by m audience. We mey hive 't ate that is Reverend Father rtf the Ohara has etniguished himself In the army as well in the ClrarCh, having taken part in e great and raernorable-stauggle of 1812. bile taking. part in an engagerneut hieh took pike before Fort Oswego, he received a leaflet w tindI in the arm, which rendered amp tatiOn necessary. He has since that tim euj 3 -ed a pension orn the British theyteinnie N'otseith- ending the many i_rnharciehips he has dergone. he still s 'tes vieorous and arty, and we trust that he church he ably SerVOS will not ler any 'veers to oar eu he ded noon te eseaflhr Lis lo. i. loewnell read the fellowing address :di "Aire. Keened y, —I feel highly honored as in beisie eepointed to present 3ou with a th small Token of the esteem with whieli AV Ion and Mae Kennedy are held amoug w year tr-ende in this place. But their appreeiiition o -f you both met not be jes.lged in premortion to what this puree cotatains, fo.r it far exceede thot of gold fr aed And as your introduetion st amongst us is ef a pleasing arid harmoni7 un oos eharaeter, ose pray that it may still he emit i n1i during your etay Seafortb so at botii ye-eel:thane moo lid intend- co At the csmelysion lection AvaS taken fund. , f tie addreeees a col - w Mdeif the mission. •e Ainl No.rios.—Mr. 0. R. OOPER will at 08 business itgent for -TIM ExTOSIT 11 in Ainleyvillo-and viein Parties l'Oquiring oh Printing or Advertising can be attended to by calling upon Mr. Cooven. 1.1c - is also anthorized t solicit subseriberEffor THE EXPOSITOR. ” THE FIRST SX91%%_. :.r.aSt 'Saturday we received aeslight*c. 11,froh !Old Winter. The night previous some two inches of snow- fell, but it I as new ientirely die- appea,red, giviegplece to intid aici ride, the latter being:mu.h weleor ed. Such a scarcity of .water i ever WO, known be• • fore in this place, s tne peat le having to. draw it one or two NEW CHUR0115-- Ile new church is fast approaching chropl tient 1 he -walls.are finished and the eel f on. The contractor is now busily ealgeged in erecting the spire, which is seeii towering heavenward high above the lest of the village. Mien °completed it iNgoie t be an ornament to our village. . REBUTLDING,—IC r. Vinetone is busily engaged preparing for the erection of a saw mill M place of the One that was , • !burnt. This speal s well ,of Van - stone's perseverane :and endurance amidueh heavy lessee. ;A. Coast , P.1.OVE —A meting of the. bus•iness Men of. leyville was held on Tuesday evening et, to take ihte Oon- sideration the -hest means to be adopted for rendering assist -Ince to Mr. Valuitone to relni id his iflill.. Toe meeting was largely attended an all were unanimous to milder every ass- stance' in thee. power AO lighten Mr. Van tone's less. - A com- mittee was, appoir fed to prepare and Circulate subseript on lists. We trust that not only the eople of Ainley but also those of th surrounotng country • will respond libera ly to the call of this .Committee. The leery loss -which bee fell Mr, Vanstone , e‘y fell up m any- of es at any virile, a id it is but ite duty ewhich. we 0NNie, one 0 the other, to render every assistance in our power to those upon whom misfo tune falls In .this case it is riot only o tr duty to aesietO but in assisting we are (inferring benefi tdup- On •ourselves, Th destructien of M r. ivapstone's extereet0 wo: ks was a 1os to every villager, as ell as every farmer in the vicinity of -0 e villaze, and itis re - erection will be a g neral benefit to ell. DANGEROUS PR.5 NKS —ome of our young " biocide " N1 ho have more spare tune than commoi sense have been amusing theme:eh e. on se.verel Smithey eveeings paste liy t ing ropes 1101 055 the side -walks in \emigres places, so that parties coming troll church might trip ever then). This is rather dangerous spent, as a person walkitig hurridly along might very easily r•teeive such a, fall ,by tripping 00 one of ti ese ropes as to break a limb; Or in other Whys inflict serious injury. - We w1id advise those who have heretofore Ind dged itt this.sortof - amosement to desi t therefrome or they will receive such ptunshment as their mischievous actione entitlethem' to, as they are all known.! II AMWAY EXTOVON.—kN. telegram Was received in tide village on Tuesday even ing last, frol» Col.! Me:the:ern, President of the Millington, Grey and Brnce Rail Way, stating !a at arrange- ments for the yid-C-111:0bn of•(he Southern - Branch, from Lucknhw to Ki card ine had been completed. Wro • WiteonER.-- We tiful weather this N day) aftPrnoon it h anil there is vet-m.3(p wet Hallowe'en. . rete.r. Ileac loul some beau - k, but tide anus- es been reining hard, eobability of a very .Bishop Hell Muth preached yesterday (Monday) in. the Episcopal Church, Leecitville, and announced that the 4aoon would probably soon he supplied win a minister, amt regular serviced. Peowe Atelt. — The lJlOvii1g Match- Of the Howick Branch Agriculture al Society was held Mot Tnesday, on the fartn of M a • Robert &hough lin, Howick The weather was rather un- favorable, but the numlier of competitors was very large, and the -work was ex- tremely well done.. We are unable to obtain the prize list in time. for this week's E.X_POSITOtt, but Will endeavor to send it neat week. , Hullett. , RELIGIOUS NOTICE. —The quarterly ,thrvices of the Wesleyan Methodist ahurch will beteld at Kinburn, on Sun- day hext, at 10 A,. LI The Rev. Coverdale Watson is to preach the semen. On Monday, Nov: 6th, four days' services will eminence at the Wesleyan Chorch, Tu rner's neighberhood, Tuckersmith. Three sermons daily at 10:30 A. M., 2:30 end 6:3kOn re et. The Rev. Messre. Graham, IN-medy, Milliken, and Tall - Man are to be present. Rodgervill . - CHEESE 'SLUR—Mr. :Malcolm, of the P-odgerville • cheese factory, last week sold. a Car lead. of (cheese to Gales & Brown, of Hamburg. They weve a very fine; lot. The price paid for them was 101c. per pound. This is an extremely high, price this season. This -figure ."leas not been -reached Ohl season by any factory` in Canada t let we rno;y of, by half a cent per runt .—Com. • Stanley. SUDDEN DEAT1I:—We learn that a sad 1 !event took place on the Bayfield Road, ;township of Stanley. on the eight of the Tith nit., by whi1 t; a much respected iehabitant of that township came to his hath. It appears that on that evening A; -re Dtmean McEwen, of this townshin, h d a loree that took sick, and be ht - t pried to it the fore part of the night in -0 enpany with his aged father, wheel to- wards 2 o'clock in the morning he -said. lie would take ont the.horse awl ride him in the field to make him sweat. His father offered to help him on the horse, hut he said he would get on in the field, and left, leading the horse by the bridle. Hour after houe passed but man hr horse returned not, and- after a time search wag made, lint in the dm -loess he eould not be found. After daylight broke the on - fortunate Min was found in the field, dead, the horse feeding near. A wound was found on the -forehead, ,whieh was the only mark on the body. A• tele - gam was sent to TYr. Campbell-, of Sea - forth, requesting him to hold a Coroner's Ioquest on the body, which he did. The, verdict' of the Coroners Jury was, that. deceased came to his death from concus- sion of the brain, which they believed was caused from falling from his horee. A;good deal of effusion was fonsid about the base of the bred; and it as the opinion of Dr. Stewart, of Bruenfiviti, elle of the witnesses, that, death must havebeen ittelhateneousi Peceayied 115 1.111.linarried anti aged 54. .The fiEineaI took plea< .<e Beet .d Ly, n ve y! tar. e number loll', wieg :the mortal. o " the hone< appeinred. <for all liyine The Rey, Arch:lined .MciSiarini(1, Of the Canada, Ihi.dhyterian (31ittreh, 2, 111cKillop, pls.:ache!. a funeral seri.:aii th.e occasion, Mope s int, the peopW with the uncertidetry f humen life. ',mid 4,1- visiJig then4 to melee their. aiel electiou sue " while health aml stroll tfil, were. A:ouch:at ••1, d riodanceho y ev I like the pruseet ,v •11 the true h ft.ise the real:lel:limo! in the Diviee Volume. that " at stich 8.11 ho ir as we tient; Ant, the SOU of mean comet It " Mo•Kili op. Yonne Men's -M keel .1 m ',rove - moot .A.-zsocialb.n. -' li ES beat 0".:1_ ir. d. in this- trwvThip I.,,r, the p o pose ft .t1F, mental impro venit-u1; of its Mein he -s. by the cultivation ofgr, a sjiiri of - or Ma,- 01<servation at idtheerch and. or a f• • :i"!:!, of friendship ani eeoperatien. :Ili first. nil etieg was !teld in Selmsd 1 on- 1, sectioo No. 4, on l ictoher the 27th. .Th, subject of diseussion being. " Iles lved, that tlie moue:it-don o: the. fartime; more beneficiel th the cemumnity than th it lit the me :ham -ie." Captain on the a.fire - ative, Mr. George Merdie, elle!on the n eeati v e M a. tieerge Th m nets o ie 1 The subject was; wel discussed the chef:mon giving his itneision in favor of the a ntive. Mertm Ste lee:land, cloth The Associet ion holde *eta meetings second Friday, so that the next on will be- liehlE, on Friday the 10th Nr vein - her, the 'subject of disauesion at thensxt meeting beie* l• Resolved that the pen has tendeil-More to. the advamenwee of civilization ;titan the sword," (;pain on the affirmative, Mr. Mai fin 'SU land, and and on the negative Mr. thee tte iMurdie. The Association prom:s -- to be a useful one; and all young num iii the district ought to take thE earlit :5 porta/111;y Of enrolling themselves as mem bees. —Cum. i (. 10 ['NCH, MEETING. -The OM n di met. pnrsuant to adjoionment at Chen bees' Hotel, Oct. ;21, 1871, All the member . preeent ; mieutes of last I veutine I read ,and approved, Moved by James 11113;e, secomlee by, JM ohn alone, That •I‘1,11 palling be paid $2 for repairing ei lyert on side lioe120 811(1.21, 'eon. 4 ; oleo flriloiu Menerv, $G5 0, f ir enenoeing -n. i:,1 In the river mothe 8th con , aid that the: . bridge at Pat Cahillte old place be: nip tir ed, and W. II. oleumon be inetructed to get the hid! at Mrs. McKee-le:his elk au cording -to alan and epecilication, not ex, ceeling the engineer's estimate, atel that Walter Cowan be paid $4 ri.e: gravel, cer- tified by John Elliott, nithmaeter. — Carried. Moved by Thffin-18 Moreity, Sueoncied by dohn hialone, That the 'bridge at Johnston's, con. line 10 nod 11, be repairetti and a midge Inuit on side road 5 and 6, cen. 9, superintendeil by Thom:tee-NI uherty, that John Sheet be peid $6.50 for ell-pair:3 on eine line 2 a el 3, lots- 5, ale° I that $5 be paid to Wi liam Deane f. ir extra work on his con met, and Michael McGrath $5 for extinettislo< nig fires on 'Side road 10 and 11 ,- -Ca tie& Moved by JOhn Horan, seconded b3 Jas. Hays. Thalli /Robert Hanna,h be paid $6.85 for gtavel, certified by the Path- master,- vide, John Summerville, lex• and er R obi ipson. Joh n Cowan, and A n - dim Cowan, also 30 colts to VI alter Cowan for ' gravel, certified.;--aCat riedf Moved by James. Ilays, seconded iy J. 1foran, That $30 be expended in lin mov- ies; 6th and. 7th concession line, -en. oeite .fete. 30,—i:tarried. Moved by John Horan, stele!' di d - by . James I, ays, That with I enspect to the piRion 11, of Daniel Idempbell and others per ying for a ne.w school sectioo, that no attimi he taken 01 tit next meeting, andethat the clerk be ustracted to notify all Mter- ested parties to attend, eiz , the trustees of each respective school sectien le the township exieept the Unions.—Cat tied. Moved by Olin Horan; seconded by Jas. Hays, That this council do now ad, ou rn to meet at Morraeds Hotel, Seaforte on Saturday, the 23tli of Noveinher he t.— Carried, ; I Joine.O'Sureavotio, Clerk: Tuekersmith. COUNCIL NIEETTN0,--;The C000Lll met this day, 20th October, 1871, in the vil- lage of Egmondville, persuant to adjeurn- • nicht ; the fleeve, Depity Reeve, al d all the members present. The minutes of The Clerk produced he verified Poll laet meeting were real and oppheived. Books of the several r turning officers, containing the votes o the freeholders, for and agaiest the By law, for granting a bonus of ten thousan 1 dollars to 'the Lond' on liu eon and BrOce Railway Com- -party. The majority against the By -Jaw was 126. On motion of Mr. Sproat, a 110 tuber of small exements for gravel and other niattere weee ordered to be paid. Moved ty Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Walker, That a grant of $20 be made to widow McCesh, she Wing in poor cite culiistanees With a young family to sup- port, and that Mr. Daelid Sproat -receive , the said sum and expend. the same for the benedit of the fa/Min—Oar-tied. By - 1 law No. 3, .for lesryn g and colleting taxes for 1871, was rea( a thi d time and finally passed. A.loved by Mr. Dallas, seeonded by Me. Welker, That this Council do now adjoudri to meet again at W. Van-Egmond's hotel, Egmotelyille,1 on the 4th of December hext, at 10 o'clock! A. M. Carried. ; Molesworth. PseoWItee.- MATC11.--The annual phew - :Mg match, under theauspices of the MolesWorth Mutual. iniprovement (dub, , took place on lhursd.iy, 19th ult., en the farm of Mr. Wilfrel. Th0mpso4 1st Concession, Wallace. t. ., here were six competitors in the first-class, four in the second, andtwo in the boy's class. I Be- low are the oarnes of the suceessfel am- petitors, with the yalu4 of the prizes :— First Classo—lst, Who Hay, Wallace, value $15; 2d, Alex. Forsyth, Grey, 50 ; 31, John Cs. Ca iipbell, Wallace. -$3 75 ; 4th, Thomas Gibson, HoWick, $1 50. Second Class. ----let Thorna.s McKee Wallace, $7, 50 ; 2,1, James Meuzies, -Wallace, $4 DO ; 3d, Antlrew McKee, Wallace, $3' 23: 4th, James Brown, ;Wallace, $2. - ; Boy's Class .--Ist Jojni Howe, Wale !lace, $4; 2n4, John Ro ph, -1lowielt, $3. ! The dudgee were 2114ssrs. Wm. Dick - 'son, of Elmo; MeRea, of Ainleyville, h) imp' McAllister, 'of Grey 1 The total amount of oney expended. !in prizes was 11:519. 11 e foregoilig de- hisions 'were given by the judges with seine dfficulty in some cases, hut every one interested seeme.d to be satisfied. The competitors seesned to work bard at the plow, and excellent work was dooe, _ • O usdderiug the very dry etate of the lin& but -when they presented them - Mrs. Thompeon's meth. ou would sa,y they were in • selves before spread table o :meet eaineeb. Mrs. Thompson and her daughter :3 weTe noe ignorant of the in- ereeem. They met them in splendid it he and eseuleed them with lotie of ap- p tire. Mr W. R. Wilson, of theDinele Fartnilry. Al1nIeyviJhl. meele. the plow eiteti ao the first prize • he. WaS present al d iy, and took greet interest aretpeid gr --a - at ten tien to the work done by the Gr.ent kinds (A plows. - -.1 aui satiefied. Mr. Wil etie is a :skilful meet:a:de ; he e:towe da exainple to 111 nofitetux- rs-; it is the. Meet peters!elr-Lee to jadoe p w. 1 think if agricultural societies \Leith t net give any in izes for phovs at the'r bows, hut give the prizes to the b oreing pheve at a phi -wine match, „, wo:ed be much butt, r, hholy good plo,‘ won C et. tell agouti nlotsi ili Ehey see it work. ;al r. 11-.1 is:01 . Ii,uj. seven o the tielit if is ineke x of them to 'K. priz. s. fi Imo% insw '1 -- GTli:riretiteeertyers of the( a el Pe nee lway, WI- me a lei nis to the 'Toronto, Grey vi 'tete are un thineme on the Eyel tw for • 1,Eit A L.. ---N, eh vs. Prondlove.• This wry. an .1.cti.a4 tried beiore Mr. Juedee • to reelover three minks etelen frem the plaintiff. Verdi t ler plaietift —d 111)1, S $ 8, roe- s'-2 e- kelet. • Renwev.---The ers of this vil- lage and sul emu ding C011111:1*-,* ark* Str(M4' 0.-111:-Q saddli lig tile township- Will/ any additional debt for rail:vats, he - 'sieving ihet we, ore eccommodauel HU .. fieiently no -,v ay hoeing the V\ ellington, L. rey ;reel .11113.01; .Itai !way, liow.ci. t The eneineer of the Toyeete, they and Bruce R. ile ay ha !OWD:ihip aiel located toe Jjt aml stetione. We be hole the lee ttion ( f the stations ie ver3- satisfaeO 10,e- to linth Wroxeter and. Conde. N.Ve 2ve the lereitis . will be passed by 'a large m (jority. -- A great deal of dissatisfaction is, ex- pe:sse d against the Council- Inc giviog the publishment of the By-law to the 'Shoo Mewed of piling it. to the --paper ne trer at handl It is felt here that hie ne mere Dor liege than a jeb to help to seetain it ia iti dying hour. This, to- gethee with some more of their doings, will send then from public life next Janwary. —Colt. • SeeoroNsie, -BO NUS. OX eter hoe with les wonted liberaliry petitirmed the treenail to submit a sectional 'boeui for $3,51.0 Why has not Gerrie yet done rutything? -We believe it is contemplat- ed to submit a bonus for Gorrie for $1,500, P1 (seeress !halloo — The plowing ma rei as ad erased, came off on Tues- day, Oct. 31st. There were • twenty - live entliea : The following were the suceeseful competitors : Claes let, 1 Men.—lst, Wm. Mc-- Kercher ; 2(1, A. lion-de:in ; 3d, Aleer., Foray I II ; 4th, Thomas Gibson ; 5th, Wm. Pointon. Class' 211(1, Mon. -1st, George Brown ; 2d, A. Eingston ; 3d. John MeLateehlin ; 4th, rtobeit McLaughlin; Edh, J. G. Ca mploll. Boy's, --1st, John Adams ; 2r -V, James MeLanghlin ; 311, Wm. N.ewbigeten ; 4th, Jain, s ttetven ; 5th. Ceo. Inelerwood ; fit h. John Ralph ; 7th, Robert trwin ; 80, j. Thompson. Juilges.-1,obert Moffatt, Thomas Heritage and Thomas Sanderson. CouNen, MEE'reao, — The Howick C ameil met on the 181li Oct., in Wrox eter, i -le Mr. Jan Packet's hotel, pur- :man t to adjournment from bat meeting The Reeve in the chair.' Members all prisent. The minutes of la•st meeting were read and approved, ' By-law No. 4, . 108.11 a Lieeoed 6:nee—Carried. Accounts rendered; Kasper Harley, $31, work on Con. el4 ad 15, lot 23; William flare, $10 80. work on Core 14, lot 1 ; Mark Graham, $47. work on Con. 17, lots 5 and 6 ; Wm. Finlay, $13 70, work en Con. 14, lot 2 ; Alexander Walker, , d'gging ditch on ao:nth hoe, lot 3; George McIntosh, $20, covering cross- way on homology, lot 29 and 30. Moved by Alexander tlibeon, seermiled by Thomas Wilson, That the Collector's securities be screed with a statement of the arrears of Inet yew's taxes; also, that the Collectors have been severol times requested to pay in the arrears to the Treasurer, fend have not done so, and they be re queeted to pay them in full immediately, —.Carried. The Reeve laid before the Council a letter from the Sec- retory or the V\ ellinaton, Grey and Bruce Railway Company, <requiring that the helms debentures be given over to the Company. After consideration, it was moved by Mr.: \I eir, seconded by Mr. McGuire, That the Clerk be authorized 1 to write to the President thereof, stating that we are tioti satisfied, that the road is not completed. !according to the by-law, and as the newl bola was never fully ex- ecuted. on the Part ot the Company, the Council is poepered to hand over the de- bentures (whic1. they hold) with all the proper coupon e- to the President, who we desire to come to Gerrie far the purpose of executing bend and receiving deben- tures and coupons on any day.after the 30th day of Occober, inst„ that he may fix, and notifiy the Reeve of the same a few daysprevioes.—Carried. The Coun ail adjourned to meet again in Gerrie, on tbe 23rd of November next., in Mr. Hasket's hotel.' GEORGE DANE, Clerk. Jamestown. MATRIMONIAL. — 011 the 20th ietst. our highly esteemed townsman James big Hant Esq., conveyancer and Fire In- rot, surance agent, was united in the bonds ef matrimony to Mrs. Whiteford, late of Smiths Hill. We wish him every success in his connubial enterpriee.--Cora. iS*0.st. •3 1-871. tarmo for Ur. FARM FOR SALE "MORRIS, ?Olt SALE, on reasonable terms, Lot X. 8-; Cop, 10, Morris, containing 64 acres, over 20 of Nchich are cleared, seeded to grass and well fenced ; the 14,ala1)ce is well timbered with hard -wood. It is situated on the Northam Gravel Road, 1 mile alai a half trent B13 tb, and 113 miles film t trhir There is tto waste land: 'nem: i on the Promises a new frame hQw;e,0 x 1310, with good Cellar a: d 0 tt-hoildings. A good spring 00 the pre-mises. For further.perticulaks apply to the Piotr;t tor 0 the pro/irises; or, (if by IA ter.) to Myth f?. 0. 188-tf. RI:TCHIA,r30,111:1,i1 FARM FOR. SALE. oil sale. Cheap, Lot No. 20,- tith Township of Brum-, Comitv of , 1. g neres,. about 3i of which are tie:L.; .1„i„ - b dance well tireb=. red -With bet....di and Lut3,,,.. N., -vs sto land. There is .a, never-lailirg ru.,11,1 w (ter running through it. .t is s1.lna:e.1 miles from :the flomishing vills3.30 of 1 o1gh which the on, Grey... mud 'Way will shortly be tinning, 11 the is Ay is not sold, it will be leasysi for a. /,,ria .1 v• are for the impr vements, itt;.a. apply to THE EX vosnost (incur:, sr: July 18, 1871, FA RR/ POR SALE. .Jflhiirsi1121.,I ion; oJ ; 31? ; W neh 11:1, elearcd and fluel from t-rk1.! .-„, o. :ievend coneesf-ion, 1 ildlett. 1. . 1,1 f )9k01 from Seaforth and hve miles a. ,1 h.- .1 frata Clinton, and is altogether one in ti,--1ir '1;1'e 1 eti")b.aniderYs.rable.h. ctir(cg,'./4:;(1t ,11tC.;211, (.;'; 0: the furin. FOr tt_rtiultn: Jv to he - tor, on the premisea, Or by 1-zter to b - rLLL.1 11A.11M:T.T.. FOn) f, -,0E SALE, the booth bad .1.1 Lot No. a in Conccsslo/,1 Murris, coo- 11,0 111 • ;22 01 '0 frame hou.,e, 11r str.hb.; y,..u, ; there ark, • 1,1-.1. 1..„:„. r. , .p17 1: - OR the premhs fi; 4.r to A NeCAUGILEY 19\143111* FARM FOR S.41'_r_-, .111 11'7011 Sale, on 3O11taaat1510 te‘111,5, I', 4, f!t1,, C.A147e.;sion, Tuel_ersmili, If. IL 8., 100 Items, eigItly of whieli me-eke:191, and in it good stake of cut:hot:on, :.nfl eons.,:i's- ab Le pit/4ton of it ott.teAirait./, T'ae ; , all good, also, a (webs- tts ;;;; failing wt11--;nn1 n ihing.3131ing. Thu 1=4 e jaiis, ;41.1 will be 'sold on 'easy te.Los, 101 tit. Pr -.-- 1)6401" 01 ileSiroitS g -nen furioi farther particulars to 1 it r: • rtie tfortit, or to the 1,701-,let..r n the p!1,11.; • • o . JONCHRISTiAN, A h'COUNTANT, EAFORTH. Bok S Porift*.1 and Dalaneed. Estates wound no. Bonus to the Farmers OF G RE Y.A N D FARMERS,' beware IA persons, in tho shai * if PeAltilers and agents, p.010o1),,1.1t lug the con5.tr.,,, flu eing a sale of it:1,2Am- in:;-leao lit 4. urage home manuf.e.tures, and yen will find 11. snpetior artitde at reslutall 3)2 1(2' The subscribift would re:Tor:full:, iettnn his cere thanks to the farmers 45 (Tey, Isfort is miti rounding townships for thlir most liberal ago in the pat,t., and ii,,m1;1 inform them toat La vii keep constantly on hare.I, at 41it; eitE FOUNDRY, iron Plows, Wood Plows, ()aim, Plovs, Cultivatorq, Lund Rollers, ;itraw-Cutta rs, Ou aranteed of the beA spuility, -and at prices to (11''y ttompetiti on. • Ile would specially call at tett. tit to the " Partners' 1'10w," which 1,,,ives gt 2i,l/.1 satihfaction wherever introluved. .,)oxl,rrs for .411 the principal. Plows kept co:: etantly on hand- pri,e pal, for i lugs. 11; pairing done promptiy 4/21 'very ri.asonat;c: teirus. W. R. WILSON. 199 N OTI C E.7 disposedt6elfqx-Lityk148toek-in-Trale and "A 4" E111.10MIL)-10 MPES2-8. Thollilw NV1.21 Win Open Olit i31 .020 201010 prortli.P,4; 1111 .11;t1 Ilff*r the Oth flistnUt. 1 wonld aolteit for th.-'o on myself for many years, know in -2 that ilea tee riti eel firm:mime of he v013- patrotatg, bey.,,ve O po,iiion to do well for all ,ht, may, favor,r with. n calL And I also beg Itlave 11:1,1:11 a;1 pal ties indebted to 100, eirb.tr by "loth .or book a • cot ta. now due or past due,' that the same must set -led at once, as I intend to have tItiaTottiny MC, SO 140011 SS 2fly bosinoss C.1111 115 clost”1. will always pay the hi3thest imaket-inice for all kinds of grain, pork, Vett r. etc., on notes or iw- coLuts, and also in cash. AinleyvillP, Oct. 5, 1871. 3.01IN L1:CH I X, 11.5) THE 'TIVING MACHINE (Manufacture(1 at Thunilton, Ont.) la Leknowledged by all ilmt,class notchinibts to 1.,* th most ;Simple and Dura.bie „Mathine /no v in the market. In design it rehorribles 111.4 Fit nib' Singer, but the principle of the wnr1.31 pat ta 38 entizely diffe.ent, having no gear of al; v kin 1. All the /notions aro deli1 front the sane. sh 11, and all the usnal complicated 1.huttle 11:111 fee movements being avoided, it is as nearly noiseless as it is possible to make a St:Whig mu - obi e, GARDNER has token wires this Tear. 18 1, as follows: First prize at Western 'Pain Lo ultra ; first prize at Central Fair, Guelph; di- plo na at littnnRon Central lair; lust prize /t.s St. Catharines Fun Fair; pilize at the Pt ovine:LA For in Kingston. Also inizes at Toronto, GlIa4.- ham and Waterloo. T811lt: elall. „tGAIgleiNst.Fr..ffie tutobisii/nolukst aoii .,,tjelitstlhiner,.0o.tton., Linen, Fine and Cuarse Cloth awl will Don, Cord, Braid, Turk, Qeilt, Gr.t115 , and do all and every kind of family mal SOWIII.Y. A complete set of tlot t approved atta.thinents, and full int,truetioni nt free of charge. riC0 within the resell of all. Terms of pay- ets)171.1 attsenitl LI-eorachanyl)urvceittnertailltlit:J'gnthji'cli.f ali and examino the &miner heti purehas- any other, at WILLI /31 GRAS IE`S \\*we- e -GodeAdi-street, Seaforth. gents 'vroutea. PETER GRASSIE, 9-52 Sea -forth. Fel 1015 /no giv me chi ti STAGE.—We lhave hiei informed that D. IL Matthews, of the Anderson Estate Jamestown, and J. E. Briggs, Leather Meechent, lneportero: Ilidgand Taney , Brucefield, inteud establishing a line ot stagee between Jameatown and Kippen. Mr, Shaver, proprietor of the Kippers Hotel, acts as business agent. They will iro doobt realize enormous profits. -COM. RE -ORGANIZED, —On the 27th filet., a 7 large number of our influential citizens, 'met in the Rooms of the Mechaties' In- stitute, for the purpose of re -organizing the Yoong Men's Christian Association, 1 _feu which they.satisfactorily ellheted. he 1-taens officers elected are as followe ; J. Welch, Idd Esq., President; H. Minto Patrick, Vice - President; and j. C. Baird, Secretary and Treasurer. Meetings to be held as a usual, at the residence of Mrs. A. j. Mary's.—Co. , ..UM:BER1 L1JMpER..-1: LATH and SHINGLES. HE Undersigned have on hand it their Mill, one half mile North of Ai ileyville, a large Stock of Dry Noe Lu nbe-r, part (about 35,000 feet) of w13i1.1.:1 is reseed lei and 1••2 Flooring, 'They haere•also on hand 000 f t. of Strip Lath which Ile warranted first-claes, and no slabs. ir Shingle Machine will start aboat 18th instant, After which date a supply of of SHINGLES will be kept on hand. rompt attention given to orders from 'stance. M. & T. SMITIL logic, April 12, 14)711 176-tf. • . 1• 111D1 4. WHOLE ,N4. t,h3. and :1, 7.:s 4". BUIN 'sS DIRE 1.:!..;T•sTin-, • .1.0. 311-1,1„, 1 ,-,:„.1 I.•.; ;., s -I, it -1 o. :it .'• - 412'23 1 1'" *1,,• !rt.: 12Lri-14, 1/-1 -I ),.• lzio.1‘. 1".,. 1 23! • la..I4TV Qt 1.21 11.o-11,, 1'0o • s 1 NA':11) '.:4131'4'v3E1I„ Y.0 ,1 •-, r..rfain. -4 the .54-1,:4-.1.•,:ro. at 1 homl Jill. NV. 11. SI; 1 11I, seee • :nate _Teetos.etruwana, aze- gren, f T is voia . 32, ei .1111.1 :at i • 411131S, iL22.014 -1)15. 1..111 1., r h 4e.r 7'214i, 14- , 41,A, tiItt )3tINI'E-`4 1. e .1. )1,5'1 prip rs.,..itk , 12111) 1 11•• arr.:- 115,1 ti.1 j$Irt, 3.41144i.! ,t .t11 :tt b•Ifie 1.. vt-ry r It 1*"11.11a4_1. 1 ellfee 1, .1* -1, t4r2. 114.,,.. • I,s1' ti, 1.:1, thr (4,1 1.1!,- • 4 01'.1:• .• t'An-p,1 N, toi ut I„ - kpr Z. A 111;Nr,IN MEV: t i 4N, ("0"if-'1.. • ill 1411W,i1, for• th :0 1 \', (.'-,1 2, ; 2, 't 112 ek4. r t. I ' 1. 11. S 11011.L., I l:k1.. 1 haLl, ulr s: .• a ward; ,1 blot 1 252 1.3.11s las -5,1(15.1 14! 1, to infot, 25.1,,,2!1 1. >1111.. 1 3.t,.j14.., 01 th.,52 witi 1. 11:4ol.y 14,ika:e a call nod 102.1* It 144244 1:11; • .1:74.•..!„LAr. • 14 t'lIt21iIj1 s\;_a 10,143,101... 24-213t:tj., !I 1,4 11,ci fut. 5.1, t brateleee us, 1 ow.% 1/11.1 1,, :111444.1. 221 SIII I - 'Iowa* f..r C.115....1.1eidi *Du: '1. mat I - 35 NVE:3AI.ALN . . _ (f)INi3*S knikirir , . 1)2121 Watt anti tio 3 011211 1',, 3i3..4f,.. 410-v111171 1.11 .14.f1I7 IN AI j'rA, ".", - 4411..4. At :11n123lv'0 110.4.1, :net -elm+ otn..1.,-„a0r,, H k-.1,11Alitt's EICY', STA13.1% 111,-rt.rs: abva3 a 452 hand at 34 a-o35.sii31- 1.11-... 11. Ltql -Till's 1tit1033j,, Ilrf 1,51...„ A.,5•155. 114.0.1:1- / i. T. itai;v.ay Station, So.a-C-.1-5h, 1711. itlI:,--11:151'1111/45;1.1 1t .5;r. • 1,4 I-„„ i114 . 42 . 1-5 e t. -4 . I:::a:4,1. ,:i R .42,*t 22 fo.- 1.. ;'.,0 11W i i. 1 41. 41 CI1 F .1: 3L1 4 .-*- - 1 1 tr., I 21 „Z-, • 3401- 1-"YVI 1.1 141-1"it;;f• 1. 1I.IZINAIIN SI!1.5;1:(1:‘,. I P-11 ,rs!13t 11 that te II .takrnbi- 1. ro. 1. R4.3 111 * -1-;1.13,-, 1,1t- on hint in ) 'Az, al'1"11.):4..141.4-3 ▪ ftfitl 'Ayr. ;24 V1,114'1,7,4 an 1 . 11" rt. "t Vr. Verl t3 .1, e11111,51III,1„ YETERINA la0,11-eriatzrar, ini51:15:11 ; 4,4,5 t 5,23 it 1113:tit in Sulib,/ lb, v,,Lt..:rt 111;1:: 04' 1Z44;1101.2.. 411 by 34111-r, th.- lie, el,. llfl'V5.!lg 311, 1• 111 11111-111,1 1.441-•,1 204,14,1-44 v.11,1 niav 4.zopl.:s hint. )0-7+ 211-"154 V. a, 34 22.1 V. it ri•Itt-y CA13-11-; 111,n -burn. 1)).. Lna - w, Vetvaultry ice —Lsrn4.j'-;..7.:1...1.11S 1:l'.