The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-03, Page 76 Foundry- CARTER FCARVER attention. to their ty unproved - ATOR compete with any other- in therin Canada. ,advantages, we ealI at - rrl±lowing—the way thea - �r ceted—it requires less id is capable of ORE AND CLEANER t:4 V MIER_. la :at among Threshers they could thresh more ^•an,, our improved drum 1t these complaints ,- it it to regulate the 'wind f from choking, -w thout over, We have also s to prevent the gram: e straw. Farmers and Thresh- rive: us a call, and ex- efore Purchasing Else- f as cheap as any other Vf aterial used, and trier rklnen employed.: t sold last year enable gave better satisfac ger ever sold in this ILSL POWER t kd at all tutees :ewe to direct the farmers, to oar (TACK r ES of sawing from forty- of ortyrzf wood per clay., sighs,: Straw Cutter, rs. Wooden and Irn.. apeis, Zettlesr &e, tram[ to give satisfaac- ec. as cheap as at any ztt in the Province. LND CASTING 1 ESCRi1 T.ON, est [notice and most ale terms. UTE & CARTER. E' O PELTS: • r H R,VESZ tlk].e Sloriig weather:~ and )xuEr c hati ie in 1 •ttionS for the cora- W1LIJANIS r rutins for the lib- kt#e e rce:d them ill the: invite the attte n- .1Hk,t:e assortment of fer 1871. 1.: Uerr ctt Machine, [vest Self -lake, has 'action for the past row offered to the gest guarantee for t work. of, Jr.,; 11wet's itself a eve>rlcl-wide tiered as the most !St working Mower ctcd in the body of e>f iron and steel, :Competition. tition. \ -R(. a.tI.r .P, 4 Ft:t` k d J c € nd prizes at Pro" 79. This reaper is r = • er icx to. ' t r any other ,it cuts perfectly, Ifed grain 1-,r.tter «eft machine, and Ciller side of the mg from any r• lowered when in axle. • of our machines ct€,:ring by ptrr- trders elsewhere. ionin every ma - ASA'. >f Perth and act • - Lelieve) bar✓ interests - ."- tlo. :hers—more , thn >: e .ere are first -crag building Lar ely .l to an of the the Province. tR in y cur order[ air agents, as it A. a perfect Ina - s terms as your As. of business extished andd uni- ruplel tents cog-, S BUILT, ORK, [spite -l1,LL A stg t)'rlt'3nd5':. Nov. 3, 18 1. THE HURO The Old -Fashioned Mother. Thank God lsome of us have an old-fashon_ed mother. Not a vtranirirt of the per'toil, enameled and painted, with her great chignon, her curls and bustle,; whose white, jeweled hands never .have felt the clasp of baby fingers, but a deist,old-fashion• ed sweet -voiced mother, with eyes ir. whose clear depths the love Light shone, and brown hair, threaded with silver, lying smooth _upon her faded cheek. Thohe dear hands H#oi n. with toil, gently guided our tottering steps in childhood, aud smoothed our 'pit lt,ws in sickness ; even reach- ing out to tis in yearning tet'rde - ?less, when, her sweet spit it was hap- tized in the 1)t;arly spray of the river. Blessed is'the- m' -nit) •y of -•t-n ,ltl fash.otaed mother. it floats to us rnw, like the beautiful pe.rfurue of some woodland ltlossom.. The: music: of other voices may t)e Lost, but the entrancing memory of her's will echo in our solus Forever. Other faces will facie away and be 'forgot ten, out her's will shine on until the light from heave n's portals shall gh)- rift, our own, When In the fitful pauses of tiu life ourft et wander h tc'k to the a homestead, and, crossing the we worn tllrc'siie,ld, stand -once more the low, gttitint loom, so hallow by her presence, how the feeling c411ilelrsl] innocence and dependence Cannes over us, and we krtee-1 down in the 'motet' sUrtsuirie streaming through thp %ve.sterrr window—jest 'where, long years ago, we knelt 1 our, mother's ktiee, Lisping " Oi Father. How is any time, whe the tempter lured tis ori has • tl memory of those sacred (lours, the mother's wore , her f.tith and prat ers, saved us ft em. pint T11, into t1- deep auvtis_ of sin ! Years have fil cal great drifts heoveen her and It but they have not hidden front of sig it the glory of her pure, unselfls n � 3 love. -soap. A Story About Her Majesty. The Court Journal is re onail 1 for the following :—eA. curious an most interesting scene took place; i a cottage iii Bushey Park the slat previous to: Her Majesty's depar•tur for _Ba lrnoral. The cottage is in laarited by an. old friend of He Majesty -when she was Princes Victoria, and its°intnate, grown to infirm[ to leave *the house, is frequent ly visited 1)y the Queen withou forewarning or ceremony. On th day l e fe.rrrd to, the lady of th cottage had' ixavi*ed a friend cf he owl. to lunch, and the.gu�est had jus sat dean to table when the Queer �4aa-i announced. Of course, gr'e'at tlearidation. Her Niajeesty. can no ley etiquette meet a stranger without previous a arratngenteut, and the, lady • 1st fol was corn pc!' led to ret ire 4 �: After a, while the Queen, in the rr►us kind and familiar manner, perceiv- ing, erceiv . r perhaps, i ] c -r t )f' i :)S l h, the natural bi • -- •..• ;�, 1 1 em r I AtSs rues of iu'r hostess, observed that her own visit must be shortened as she perceived a fly at the door, and was therefore lees to suppose ose the .atr- Cl. rival of a previous guest. " Oh, :Vont..najesty, it is only a lady from I'ai-is alto had carne to tell me .of the Mkt doings *there," said the hostess in .reply. " That ! at lady ft our • naris ! J t st at-rived-ecl ! I should like rn' tch Co hear her account of the eta e o2 the city, said the Queen. ": Pray invite her to enter." Thre- 11 )OLr the: iacl�y was a hexed into the Royal presence, and beibg a woman of the world, was soon shite at her eaa e, told her stories with So much -wit and gusto, ridiculing -with each vivacity- the " Princesses" of the (Commune, tliat the Queen laughed heartily, and oe taking '° leave de- (dared e- c 1.=t .c that laidt e= 1 it tt she 1 a,c passed the most pleasant hoist• imaginable, and atdd- irl , tra r over, tri it "laughter Thad se) lora; been strange to her lips that it were[ d almost as new sensation." A ) ternarkable Relic. �y td e'ner'gy as a.: catrle tweetr, id 11- assuredly cenferting srtbs amiss in :benefits up( n the cot) try. etl c f The Timber of Briti h polumbia il e The timber of Briti,lr 9ol(untii . is deeecribed as sotrlethit� r tn' I1elloiUS. NI r.: VVitkeson. speaailig c f the -trees at)our Puget Sound, hits] a •e not in any 'way superior to. lose i., many parts of the British tlr riftory, says : u " Many of theta are 250. f ,e,t in ie length atnd measure feet rn cir- ctlulfe=rence six feet froth t.]c root, and -will furnish 150 feet of clear.. e solid timuer under re;I branches. The masts to be had n Vancouvei Island ;WO superior in flcrxibi itv to the very best from Mei. ' Ivor ship- oft.bu Acing prig -poses the G o(,(1 su�o lied (� 1 the PatCifc coast etnn t be sur- tt Captain passed."' CL•. third, in bis .book on . BriCsh Coln i bi.i, speaking of the pins of that qua rt r, says :— "My- readers will sc re l - believe Y that a 'man '.laving n -t ]de a bet that he - would cut' down a choice speci- men with an axe in O. three weeks, could-- not in spire of 411 this efTilrts, accomplish, his task ; a '• d yet ;his is an iucontestrible fact," Tl e .Holy. S. Garfield, t;eputy to th • S. -Con- grass. front the district •t Washing- ton, ashin -ton, in - a Letter to Ir. Samuel %'Vi•lkeson. says — " The size of the pi es is almost incredible �io the inhat ita�ajits of the A t-Iaaric cast:. Trees sen measnie 320 feet ill ren rtb, t% o thir ?s of which are ithout a bid sixty, and even eight grow on an acre. 1a . tory journey made in 1c ed out -a medium tre3 down. This' tree tneasur with sittings tor. 160;000. uring 1870.1 th3 Prinit ve Me hudistI have built 109 chaps, 'costing two hundred and fifty tho sand *s.. Exportation of Ca> earn 1, attie. One of the most ainabl. ship- ments of cattle that las ever taken place from Canada, s v t - th Mon- treal Gazette, has just been n hese by Mr. Cochrane, of Cbwpton The purchaser is Mr. S. G. 1' eed, of Portland,; Oregon, wl?% has r3cently p'irchasi d some thous rids •' 01 tunes of land in that State, its► a iew to cattle -breeding on large scale. The sale eoml,rised. s entee short, horn an,mals, rno ly, in ported. stock ; one Jersey - c w I an calf ; told twee y cwo impo tee 0• tswold sheep As .tn evidei a of t e un- precedented success ahhifveeti by Mr Qochrane we tnayi m • ittton t• 1a.t he his :also s' ld to, a,'nob eman is Eng- ing calves, for the fat ulous nm of 4,300 egruineals. That; anadat :r`hoeld be exporting to Ennla id ptiz cattle is certainly a new plrtqse in tl is de- partment of agricultiural pursuit. Mr. Cochrane, by his treat skill and t t•- cit. - it l oti ht - #J e, d' n rs t c: t t t ar 1 s 1 • • nc I. Fifty, good trees an exrloral.- G , We pick rind. cut it c! 42 itches in diameter at 1,he ft>}t , ailhcl a., the first .. .. klratnclies, [stet c, is f.,00 feta from Frorn that r"{0 ft t,. tG -Would t of even ti 1 til. r3 tind -di- that dithat ulna., Titch:, fcur finite rare Cc - the ground 2-2 inches to the top were the otl '= rht,y found no acr tf )roduce less than 3 ,00 -fe imber; re,i , and 60,000 fe t nd 120,000 were about she -tier The timber trade rr'on Pu et S leas already reached folrn'clar,1 neusio:ls. It is said by 11' aerie here ate pines in Brit' h .olid Gvhose bark is- nearly • f of t rid those ascertained fto ! be 1u:nd ticsY �•old e�isare mind ounchat the Heart, -I is: no hiug to find 'pines in B itish u1n'aia 400 feet .in heigl t, and from 0 to 60 feet in circu ference/'-= Bechartye. • • Among-ailthe incidents of the great Chicago the, we have read [tone- more remarkable, or that seems more i:lnaculoars; than the following relaters ltv't.lhe New Yet !Tribune: I\Ir- AV .,D .•Baricker has brouidht Tt•oin Clticrgo a curious memorial of the great fire. A ruung the ruins of Y the \G`c'stci-n tieGG-s Corupany'sestel) - lishtiu'nt, whet e an immense stock - of periodicals and books was reduc- cid to a-ltes, tlieie was found a.singles leaf' f a quarto D'iide, charred mound the e•dees. It rontatined the first chapter of the Lamentations of .Jeremiah which opens with the fol•- lowing work: Ito v cloth the city sit seilitatty that 4•as full of people r. Iiow is she become as a window she tl;lat was great among . the nations and princess e s5 atlltirlg the piovincis. stow is she become tributary 1 She - wet -peat sore -in the night, and her tears a are.among, on het cheeks : among, arts hi -a• lovers she hath none to comfort her." Ancl that was the only frag- ment of literature saved from the News Company's*t~ (Treat depot_ titre 1 i irt11 e1G G' 1ltethodsts of 1 no'latnd report this year .3,707 t-.h:tpels,-%with sittings for 631,736, built at, a. cost . of over; five millions . ' dollars.I i] e. addition to these the. tleeomivation rents 2,813 - chapels,- . A Sensible R„-ol e. "Did you ever,hear sir 'hew it was that Edcyaards, the reason, gave ll) drinking?" [r "- t ltor 111.11 ?- ] sad d acr 1 �< < , hl] 1 ra , C his employer, one.day, I%vh n he was talking to him about tri ti, e, its of in temperance. "N o," said thelatter " how was it?" Well, one day E lwards was. drinking in a public 1 o se, when the, landlord's wife came tb . call her huslaind to dinner. " A What's for Jinn r ? said the man. " ' boast goose,' replied his ;laife. u is there apple -sang ?' hertJked. S Nn.' Well, go ancl :Mak , sC. ne ; I %%•ton't eat goose wit to it apple-' saluce.' " Edwards was so iml rased •ith. the soca ..he had %i itti cssed, ' lien the woman had left to 'reporcj this delirecv._, that for.' the first tint in 1 his lite, lie began to di -.ill : 'whit a fool he had- hien- - A 1Iere's this main,' aid h to himself, ' can't cat his cl''111e • of roast. -goose �� o5e n ltn(iat al, le -5, t.c,c, while Illy poor wife and ch•Idren at •get a #]ac nle are glad to �icz i`•inrr for their dinners and Very . � y o ten can't have that. Whose mors y, 1' sh mild like to know, goes to' Oro ide_this fellow with I good things h ine, and that of other poor foofs like me. Well, whit's clone cars'[ )e und•ne. It's of no use crying over si ilt n ill; bt;t that fellow shant di re of east; goose algain- at my caber. e.' "So he paid , his rec o • ing, Walked out of 'that pt ol'a h never to enter it again," s an d ruse SUMMER -IS GONE, BUT THERE 18 Just .. eceived A C0MPt LETS STOCK OF W00 LENS, Embracing th largest 1esigns in TWEEDS, BROADCLOTHS DOESxzrTS VENE-TI N p, &C., FOR FALL WEAR AT Cum in Pbell" Clothing I;situbliehm+ent; NEW YORK HOUSE, SEA W. C. wonlcl call spe1 ial atten of Canadian Tweeds, - bolo ht ver s class goods. 197.' on to somellne low, and first CA3IPBF:T.r,. FLOU i LO[TR! HINVG purchased and thoroughly refitted the mills formerly owned ,y the Messrs. SOOI3IE, I am now prepared to iur,ish FAMILY t FAMILY FLO R Second to NONE IN SEAFORTII, And that will - Compare favorably G+ith air in the Do- minion If you want A ]I Fil4OI;RS to th ,gothe following Dealers and ask for 31e SHAL7.l'S—Remember LStsiTAT,L's FLOUR : W. SCOTT ROBERTSONL J. WHITES'10Il, SIMON POWELL, JOHN O VAN A ;I•I, Wm. THOMON, iEgmondville, Or at W. MARSHALL'S stills. Orders left with V. S. R- OBERJSO�x3 = be promptly attended tn. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain tci receive proper quantity, and an arti- ele that will defy competition. W. MARSHALL. 180 -if IMP() TA.N,f HOUSEKEEPERS.' 000D FLOUR 1 AT A LL TIMES. - W. A. SHEAB,$ON & CO., - Prr?prietors of the SEAFORTII MILLS 1 Are now 3lanufa tnring the best 1111 L IT (C• P el.,$TP .1 r I+'L.O URS 1 In the Dominion. Intending purchasers ii Seaforth ' and vicinity cnn rely upon getting our llaniily and Pestrs Flours from the following Dealer:, O \ I Y :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Walsh,- Tames 0. Lii.11aw, Alex. Ault, Thornes Kidd. J. eGinni Will•nln,•AnJt, G. & H. Jackson, Emu( til .ills, and nl, the ,''atforth Mils. Orders left at out anise, Market Sonar,., vel] receive prompt attention. • Farmers desiring to exchange their Wheat for Flour, at the_MItl, May always rely upon getting our best Family o, Pastry Flour in exchange; in' quantities according to the valve of their wheat. _ W. A. SH i'ARSO .- & CO. 18•!-tf. ROOMS TO LET. T0 LET, in Scott's Bock, two commodious Rooms on the second flat. Apply to 19.5 McC:iUGJr1 T & noLIIST'ED. EXPOSITOR. HICKSOV''S EMPORIUM NEW GOODS. FALL IIIPORTA1iOS. WING to the general advance in DRY GOODS, we have O bought early and very largely, both in England and Mon- treal, and would invite an inspection of the stock, as it is alto- gether too extensive to advertise, but the goods will be marked at the old prices. C A LL EARY. E. HICKSON & CO., OUR CLOTHING order, under new manag to choose from. Fits gu MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. )EPAR'1'1VIENT is again in working ment, with a splendid Stock of Cloths iranteed. NEAT, CHEAP AND DURABLE. Mcl NT` WOULD inform the public that they .lit English Calf and French and English competition. An assortment of HOME -M. best Toronto and London houses, which wi Boots keptalways L hand. A .call is ros w'soi Robertson & Co.'s Hardware Store, and firs (RE & WILLIS ye just received a first-class assortment oil French and ip, and are now prepared to make work at prices that defy DE WORK -kept constantly on hand, as well as that of the 1 be sold cheap. A good assortment of Home-made Boys' ectf ll u y solicited. cited. Dn t forget th elace —o osito W. door south of John Lo an's. p pp 199 THE CIRCHLAR SAW Cuts ihi oug1i alt opposition. W 1911 . R O B RTSON Sc CO Have jnht received a large and splens`•d assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated males LERy cT-J NICKOLITE AND OT TEA TRAYS, Lightning and T ER SILVER-PLATED GOODS i COAL OIL ¶AMPS rax-table Apple Parers, -Every F gaily should have one. • t -IMPROVED 0 AMPION AND OTHER CROSS - UT SAWS, SL TO TRE -FARMERS OF HLJRO . AQSICVLTWSAL I1/iPLE1lIS31T l�1, FIRST PRIZE GRAIN CRUSH E'RS STRAW CUTTERS.. o. c. wrLsoN Sole agent' tar the 'County of Huron, for the firm .01 :A AXV: ELL St. W"H TLAW of Paris, is now prepared to furnish farmers with their celebrated rain Craishgra .and Straw Catteras, These machines took tho First Prize at the Pro. vincial Trial for agricultural :implements held ii Paris in July kat, and are without doubt the best anufaetured in the Province. Machines kept c•nstently on hand, and can be seen by intending p hasors at any time, at the Market, Seaforth.' Also a number of IKON PLOWS, of four Mi. re •ent patterns, received direct from the ebrated aeottish Plow Manufactory os J • HN GJAY & CO., GLASGOW, th ke tY t. .. ese plows can be sold nearly r5 pert cent. less sirniigr plows of Canadian manufacture. other varieties of agrieultnrai impleiuent-a t constantly on hand, which will be sold at - • nfaetnrers prices. 97 0. C. WILSON. T ROXBORO MILLS CHANCED HANI3S undersigned having purchased the Roxboro: Grist' Ing and Flouring Mills, increased the 3Ia- ery, and put the Mill in a thorough state ef repair, are now prepared to do - RISTiNG1 CHOPPING AND otherkinds of general Custom Work on the shortest notice. hey world also desire to etato to farmers and oth re, that as the work will be done under their' o :. supervision, they have no hesitation in guaran- tee h. g entire satisfaction. A trial is respectfully solicited; - B. SHANTZ & BROTHER.' ozboro ,June ;1871. 181-tf. M. GRASSIE, C RRIACE AND WAGON MAKER, O'alericiv-street, Seaforth. STOCK'S CELEBRAT D EXTRA MACHINE OIL • Werra ted the best in use. - Repairs; for Abell's P. tent Gear ancF Horse Powe,[, And every other article regnir ,a in the Hardware Lino—Shelf and Heavy. JACK SCREWS 0 IIIRE. SIGN OI+ T E CIRCULAR SAW, 198 - TVhl. ROBERT,SO"V" (C! CO. i ITLLINERY. MILLINERY. . MILi`,IN'ER1. MILLINERY. MILLINER)T. .,ATEST FALL STYL AT L51- 1 EST ASLI � YL Lt1TE'T FALL STY1 LATEST I''ALL S'I'YL LATEST FALL STYL CHEAPEST TN TOWN. CHEAPEST I eN TOW/Nr.— , c,Ia EA I EST IN TOWN. CA EAPENT IN TOWN. CHEAPEST III( TOWN. AT MISS A. ERW I ', Reynolds' Blot 1117-13. \ ear the 1)( Es. . H.'.`. E . —A3'vD— i4 Li l DP,ESS GOODS: Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer may offer s.:. Therefore, Ladies, you will pita_[ call at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before they are all sold. Seaforth, Jnly ?5, 1871. 190 B est P gen ' IGI_IS,. CUTTERS, C ARRI AGES, ' BUGGIES, WAGONS, &e., t in a superior manner, to order, on the short- iotice. rticular attention paid to horse -shoeing -And- ra blacksnrithing. 167 P k1RTICULAR NOTICE. is lr giro all JOHN LO CAN IIas a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES r' To e, D. McNAUGHT w -OTLD respectfully i 'timate to he �,. r enh.. inhabitants of Seaforth s.,, fur tri � tand vim - i. i - that he now carries on bnr rhes at his TEW SLOI', in rear of Killora 1 & Ryan's. Jobbing of all kinds, and `Iorse-shoe'ng especially, promptly attended to. Arit Terms.reasonahle. 164-t DAVID MINAG'GHT. SHOPS FOR SALE.. T'OR SALE, two shops and fort' -four feet fr nt- ager on Slain street, Scaforth, oppoei a ter- micharl's Hotel. Apply to 19;i-tf, $EATT c. 1 M. ROBEITSON Cabinet Maker and TJ ndertaker, 1T AYr11 pt rehn:e el 1141•. • TIHOMAS - BELL'S 1HEARS1-, I sin; prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or count*.1 COFFINS, ALL SIZES kept Cobs -Ol , I tar, yon hand. War'eroums : Two doors south of 1 n ,.., Hotel, and opposite ld'slntosh and ltlorriion'a Carriage Faotorc, Main street, Seaforth. ' • M. ROBERTSON. NOTICE. T ABOREh., Wanting work for a few we 1ekt't will fir'{rd employment nn the 0OVE10.1A ENT DRAINS, In Grey. W A (i *, $1 25 per day. Enquire of t )e, foreman on this work. or apply to the argent at the office, 'Jae, 187-11 .T. Blain. G. BLAIN, Vontraetor. Grey, May 12,,;13;1. - 180 tf -11 ANIEL M'GREGOR,, BOOKBINDER, HULLETT AS just received a arge S tocr GS the- materials hematerials used in the business; and ow r fully prepared to execute on the nest notice and in the - latest styles, niers he may, be favoured with; eglsters, Ledgers,.. AND - ii : BOOT OF ANY RIND, tied,- Printed and Made order, on the shortest notice, and a prices which defy competition. AOIES' WORK BOXES AND . ANCY CASES, blade to ortl:er- JD AND D J BOOKS JOiV U.YD al N1) J EPal /RED At city prices. Persons residing at' a, distaix.e by leas ing tl sir books at the ,Signal 1100 Sto -e, Goder•ic•h, or at the I xpCMl'•ulr oifi e. Seaforth, or at J. R. Grant's, Ain- ley%elle, stating style, inay rely ujum thei being well hound. 11 coruniuirications addressed tc, i he and rsigned, will receive prompt atten- tion DANIEL MV; IfECOR, Constance, f'. 0. JIullett. Sea orth, NOT. 9, 1870. 1:9.3-tf. ---- OI FAILING EYE PRESERVERS. rpTrl: Fur+: proof of the h:,pet•C o t t 4 I. LAZARt,s, Mr,Itltls S, e't).',5 Perfected Spectacle s is the la, e and increasing teemed. We are satiaut d thtt they routes: l.o appreciate•( here es csh,ewh,-re.. ctn.l- that the reality of the a•lvan a r:e, offcrod to wearers of the lieacitife,1 leveed, viz.: the ease and _comfort, r .. the aaru.e•1 and readily ascertained improvement cf the sight, and the bnLUa„t ,:ssi •arca rr', e they give in all cases, where in themselves so emu: - runt on trial, that the result coe'.1 not be otherwise than it has, In qhs asl:nest gel .ear adoption of the CELL-. BRATEI) Pl• 1tf ECTED SPECTA- CLES by the:rtrcide>nts of this locality. Vitt, a full knos:=Iedge of the ve1t..e of the feeertioi,, we cleiiu that th_.,,- Lire the nowt perl£ci, optie'al aids ever i:annfactuied. To these needix g Spectacles, in or4h r to afford an op- portunity of procuring ,the lest and. most. desirable, LAZAT: ['TS. MORRIS & CO. Have appointed as Arent, M. R. co-eNTER, Sea1orth, —..__.._._.-.=..rte