The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-03, Page 44
• di
,abinetenakers 'Waeited--Scott & Sper-
ling. -
Male Teacher Waited, Section 4, Grey.7
Bull Calf for Sa.le—D. Woodall
To Farmers* -0. 0. Wilson:
Cabinet Factory—Scott & Sparling.
Wall Paper—Atinstrcong & Price.
Harper's Magazine for 1872.
Pulmonary •Balsam—Lyman, Elliott &
-List of Letters—S. .Dieleson, P. M.
MeOuteheon's Hotel, Clinton.
Notice— Ehzabeth Ramsay,. A41.11i/11S-
Female Teacher Wanted, Section 8,
Grey.! _
To all whom it may conceim
Auto expo5itor,
FRIDeelr, 1NO.V. 3, 1871.
Mr. M. 0:: CameronDefence.
The remarks which we felt called
-upon to last week, ei the
tortuous Ideeietnientary career of
_Mr. M. C. C!•en for the past iour
years, 11...e, ftrth from that
gentleman a nedy, which wilt be
found in another 'uuin. Instead
of au eeitet the ehatena which we
made and seseeed e;.;:r•iiaSt him; no
Cameron Sees ti C toagaia try his old
gameofthroWing dust in Cie people's
seweer and launebes forth in, a tirade
of personal abuse against the. Editor
of this journal, and. rhelters, himself
under the new worn:out pretext of
not "sowing discord; in the ranks of
the Refot•rn party."' in th•e article
which has raiaed the ire of Mr.
Cameron,. wet cletrge'd him itith bay-,
inse'inede felse statements a the Re-
form meetinet beld in Seaforrh a few
weeks ego. We also chaiged him
with gr;i d iveliction of duty as a
Reform representative, io so much
as he leel absented himself from
every which took place o
sevelol questions of the mnst vita
irnportence, „not -only to .the Reform
party, but. to the country at -large
• We bad hoped that Mr. Oamero
would at least have attemptpd soul
explanation upon these impoetan
questions. ‘vilbbe noticed, how-
- ever, that in this paecioue epistle he
does not make one word of direct re-
ply to these charges. The fact is,
the. charges. which we.. have made
against. Mr. Ciltufron are trite, he
isuows them de be true, and he can
not and 1n. lea• deny them.
note ie i'nEle -in this letters, the
tame of a hieh.t itentes from bellying
to widener. -,!•.-0 es really worthy of
rrotitee 'Kb • perautal allusiens, We
LU tsedite efeet; fo pass Over Fith
that nneetept weich such assertions
;i I: de.setve, s•dflice it
Lo s any- nerson who has been
tante: se•, --t • it eerate lying in order
to Id -de et-cot:pulp; as Mr.
never hesitated to di
tamper with the trut
What the cou .se
ITOR tOWard8
preVioqs to our et
we hate DO pers •
we are rejoiced o
Cameronb triself tl
son.- had th conra,
•deface to expose is
bare hi,s sherbet) hi
Week showed tint
shortcomings wet e
far between.
however, that NN
the facts and t;
vuth," bu& fails
tort -the facts, and
of TH ExPos-
., Cam ron ,-was
nnectio) with it
len ru f•otit Mrir
at our sredectisL
e and Indpen
failings and la3
igs,1 and -we las,
tese fail ne-s ant
eitrber few.not
Canter ) says,
have " istorted
wind ith the
ngle in-
the rec-
ot deity
O (nye a 8
e? .
Stanee to prove h:s 11atee ant
-assertion. We h tv , given
ords of Parliamet t te-our
for the charges which w
rtgainSt him, and hiti•dare
•them Do the Jou •nals Of the
Mr. Oamerarr„. " y"or'Fr • (if e tams
and ta:uper With lab'• truth ' Mr.
Pune-von boastful I y •ttys : .
"'These 'paper as kartS .1 en ruinated
on the•I2th October u te. in th- Town
Hall, Seaforth, in tl e wa,nirno s pass-
age by a large, Intel' ge • t anci in nential
representation of tlu le cling Li )erals of
S'auth Huron, of a re olition; th roughly
approving of my co rs in Par iameet,
and expressing potifi in me as- 'the
standard-bearer of t e 1ry for i.hetirne
„ He vet y convert
state in the above
an neglects to -
in older to
a •
have thie resolutio jsed,.1i.i made
stetements to thi. idte Liget t and
•influential repree nt tiou o the
leading Liberals f Soialt uron
which were not co .1.• t. Dr es Mr.
Camerou pretend 0 y that such a
resolution weuld hart been c rried,
had he told thos efoime •s the
plain unvarnished • t • thee -had he
told them that he only vote up•oa.
half the diVisions hill) had tak,ett
place during. the ot • eeSsi ns be
occupiel a seat in t House Or,
would that ieso1uj.i have beets
passed had be told th se Ref niers
thet he had shir ec -the s vend
divisiens which, to >lace o the
Manitoba esolutjoi . the Indepen-
dence of larliamenttIJ,t.he Inde-
pendence of the et ate bill; and
1- others? lo r we venture t say
that even r. Canter° , with II his
self-coneeit does riot e1ieve n his
heart that, had he to 1 thes mei)
the ti uth, they would
t aun such r solution.
7 , has received a
n , eh as respeent ble
peones, ,o „rest, woeld not r(J.,_ish.
Suitte,alentS, 110 W-
allowed to go uenotic-
senes;:-. letv, the effect ofleading
antoe e-ersys We shall, therefore,
Ln teii v le to the few el auees
ndoieL a, see tr., requir'e a paesing
net i ?„ n ht3 first place, tit en; Ma
1 I: ie the interest of the party
0:oative I• am, though by no
-n -.evil (thoroughly understan(1--
"IP. Ls
the sectional am' seltiih
.11:Lvt. at' your paper before aud
m it iv no harsher language, that
i` wit under your control) that
pia p iireist in your fruitless at-
taclz.i on - "
ir nu .„t,,,ks upon Mr. C:tmeron
are, : eaya, " ftetitlese," why -
shoe et he r en et their being- made?
eee eettlilv believe that in- his
i•tc‘r it:ter-me he does regret that we
h. ;d et sein 0tir teteks,"` bat
ierepernentetive who, like NIr. Cain-
-even. meld be guilty of deserting his
Jettav when -his services Were roost
again ,w It inns : -
"You no' - t t,
"pervcent oversy" _ i lii
- the colunnis if your paper',
',alleged polileal delinq
You must 1 now that
party point • ,if .view,- o
cdtild hard] y • • be • T
doubt k
it we id olid
tion to to my t (laical o
enemies Of di i.e Reform
but as it wauld not
strengthen_ , ii(1 consol
cause in. Sou h. 1.1 uron
could 'hardly_fit and . p
for engaging .he com i n (
1 0 ver!nliand irreSistilaa
unshaken am ranks nu
•.your invitati en."
N 0, no, Ir. Cam
no deSire. to "drag y
• - --,• ,
controversya ,at be
have passed
in Ca eron
a,g me into a,
you ti rough
to disc ss my
it it
in a
d the
ehcies. *
I ti result
4 ich a c
me gr
ease al
e goner lly—
ito e enCnt
e 'tbe L'beral
arch a c mtest
re the party
cion, u iited,
ithe col mins
enn,.1 d
I •
iitu a !-
desire to impose. eine such hall
pon oily readets, We tu
offered yon the use Of our coli
t bat, you, nuleln, Lane au ktpporti
of at • least !attempting to, rep
the daMeging chatlte, wbicl
proved- against you.
require no es ntrovere
son which, In Oanu.
not replying fo those
characterasti and
Nays " it iwot Id afford
talien tot, e eneed
form oause.i gen Prill I
would nqt tend to cen
en," &c.,111e leclines t
This is all aery tine.
fal utile " Ian( mine as
in an atteni) • to nei:•10;
w_ary, and di
!nein -issues,
the teet of
have made c
Mr. Canter°
gent.4 tive of
Now how in
y to
sh said
ut the re
!tot aSsign....fer
ha •ges ie
ge dolts.
ex retire g
f thee
but a
ie ,inyitat
Stich. "It
hie may styve
, :I the - 110 -
felt fronft die
tit w .11. not-, st
close cietnistin
sense could
urgently requirede is not likely. tti ;len -sere e
be sere :swish abeut pat ty intereets,
female, ,just in sp far as they all)“.ct
L is w n • We can asM
sure te Cam-
el:we with fdi sincerity, that :we are
actuated neither by "Selfish nor see -
tamed motiveN," OW' CO LirSe 'W-
W2 rd hint. We found. upon cum -
g 1 is etm n 8 At '0/ Er: con-,
i uou ts with his actions at Ottawa,
tb it they did not agiee, and we
deemed "it our duty as a 13,efoim
Info-a:dist to acert the. perty to
whie.h we owe alleeianoe of the dis-
ce‘ery we had made. \Ire can aleo
assert: 111 r. un Prop, with eqnal
p,,sitivene;s, that he cannot draw 118
Irnnt the quekions by raising
side iesties-stnh as the above. It.
ineees little difference to the Reform •
11. r y v het our m :Lives arty be. l'he
teue,tien far them to considee ;
Are the statements e have • made
trw> ot• false We cWv Clem -
Print to prove them fzi1-4-e-, nd dare
over hie own signature, to mak'e
the- a ttemlit_ aamerofi again
says :
For coer years your paper has per-
e:st I t ly unsr.pre.sented my political
- qought, lt 8ernple, to
1.1.h.rsDaZe From me tit confidence of tl
sleeteranf 8eutli eron el:nee" in nao ;
area ie. eider to a. :e mpleolk that object
have these
and refufed. ;Week] •at not
much more. i, meficial to the in
vets. of tl?..e natty to haveethern t ms
wet and efuted than Co ellow th
to. rankle in the re:Aida off his con-
etituents „ for two, . t1 €p. or six
rtain charges ' age nst
,..s the He ent re tre-
the Esfoi. u t'in-ty.
the 1111111 (I) Om
c talon
wea thitp. pa
en thei )
y el ponents to
-barges romptly- rot
be 's
izattnch =. Refi rtners Of the- 8outh
Riding alums daily,- that, if- he be
not the selection of the Muria don-
yeation, Mr.' Cameron will contest
,he.nonstitatency ou the "Indt peed.-
elt" ticket, shelteted by the friend-
! .
yl wing of th Conservative party,
ietwithetandii 0. the pledge whieli
•ht geve 4 t- the Lite- meeting in Sea-
orth. _If dein Cameron dues not in-
to do •this, why should he
tump the Rid' g,. whetbeeheis the
.th etnallest c nsequeece" whether
' Lieeral Parlat ..• late" or not3 IVIst-
clineron also says " thia it is , of
he, be tha Lihe•al candidate or not.
This" way be h s opinion, but we are
pretty safe•in predicting, aka, shalt Id
he carry out 1 is covert threat, he
Will find that le will* be col/it'd/4d
"to withdraw Tom pul-lic- life, trirl .
allow some ino favored individual
to -bear the Rh urea Banner itt Son h
Huron,' wheth e• he is '' willing" le
not.. The last Luise of Mr. Cam-
etonS productien. to which w shall,
refer contains a challenge, an reads
as follows :
e" I- shall not f il tia give You timely
notice of the time and place of these
meetings, and extend, to you and ?gar
blue book8 a eordial invitation to meet
me face to face Wale the ele,ctors." .
In the first place; we would say
to Mr. 'Cameron -that it %vas himself
who- refeiTecl us- to-. those " blue
books" he now utrt4c.s to spe-ak so
contemptuously - We did t•efer
to them, and we found by them that
,eitititi statements which- be had
math; to his constituents were un
true. It wet- Mr. daMeron'e
p;-eSent Purpose to belittle the
jourual.s of the -Dominion Paelia
merit, by•ditobinig the -in " your blue
atiol we have no dOiltA,
WOIrtid be nioet satisfactory to Mr.
Careeion, and S11C1) as he, that ne
such. trouldesot e reeordS
Wei e kept of the r proceedings. 1W.
these " "due bcolo" are juet as we
find them,—we clennot alter them.—
and, they set forth; the, glaring ,fact
that Mr. eitmoton shirked _nearly
tall'ehe divisions 'which took place
kuring the :tour sessions he
ha s occupied a :seat in Parliament.
rnis may be, and we have no doubt
is, very annoying to Mr. Cameron,
nit we are not tlo blame for that;
e the -second phice, with legard to
kin eatneron'e challenge. to dieenss
Vitlabitii at hiS OUbliC iniketings the
(1:harges we have Made agsdast him)
ee have ouly to eay that, such a proi
thsolutely and.w wily/ unneceseary."
eding would be entirely out Of our
rovinee as a ion •naliet, as well as,
W(liave made th , chargee ; we have
proVed thern ; w Late offered elr.
Carneron the pri -*liege of replying
to them Otough he same medium
in which'. they w re tnede•; he has
(tow trdly. decliu d the . invitation.
W It it More can •e ?
Iconcaision, Tor Mr. Cameron's
cation and .Peace of: mind; late
IO say that wo-are not yet done
1 him. T1 ose troublesome
ele Books" di:close many short -
co1tu ugs ou his p4rt
not yet euumeratiid to the public.
This being the. (a se, we shall not
shria k from,the tesk of diselosing
t e sAole truth, although for se
dOing we rney be subjected- to the
taunts and sneers of Mr. Cameron
end thoee who sail in the same canoe
with him. - •
• r
dor Hamiltop, of West Flaw -
of whom mary.of our North-
eders will have a vivid recol-
n, heliaving taken a prominent
,11;vitb the Rele ation from Ham-- a
ikon, in the ieteteSts of the Wel- i
Presentation it) a.Railway
ere r
Manager of the Great; Wiest/ten
Ruifwaiv,, witn a very • ilidsoine
covert:a ; ouggy and set of ha t•ness.
This latter prese t was qdte a stu•-
.prise tothe DOCt.01', it 1111 WI S await-
ing, hirn upon hs retirem nt, from
the mains where the forme • present-
ittiOTP W,k,S nIde, Iwith his•o vn I horse
eittaehed to the buggy an& alldready
f1)1* hull: to step into it .11I d id •ive
home. 1Doctor Hamilton . nand in
his addrieee that, he bed -bee ai• resi-
dent of !West- FlaMboro for ON4g D5
yeare, aid that ft') 50 year. be had
not been abeeitt frem his own home
tot so long even as two mouthe at
one Unica His attention to IniSineSS
ints7thertfore been very cl se, and
n8 a result he has sifcceede in ac-
cemulatingit fair G anpetene 7, which
we trust he may long be si at to
Just Eike hire.
The linton ileto Era .of' thia
week -publishes Mt.. Oateerot '8 tetter
witineOlbillents r thereon, but meanly
.-witholds Our remarks upon Mr.
Carnerwes conduct, which N)irto:!nitg)ch;tt,
forth. that letter. We •In
space to day to refer to the nerierks
of this cringing, toads ieg, va 11 tieg
elseet, but. shall attend to th next
W( in the meantime, w Might
say that we have preferresl certain
charges against Mr. Catnerm . Will
the editor of the geio Era letve the
courage to say in Ins' tie . issue
tyhether 'these charges are rue or
- As we uederstaed Mr. Owner. on is to
accept the IfeKrosrron's invitation to reply
through its columne, we defer ur own
comments,' until we have seen the dee_
fence and' had time to look i to the
bOpe the Signal wi
1 ]ook
into the `-Fienres and that it will
have the 'manliness to give a read-
ers the result of its tesearchen We
wish every fflectot in South Huron
could look. iuto the. Figures Mr.
M. 0. Cii4teron --tells one story, and
veay smoothly.; bunthe Fig-
uves tell, another story,. and. tell .ii
vety plainly. Slioald Mr. M. Ce
Cainet on or the Figures be helieved 1
Mexico, froin one end to dr
is rapidly becoMing the se
military eVentsi and L, he tel
from that. country. are fr
with desceiptions of marches
ter. Entireties, sieees, capitulatio
uprisiege, which show tha.
guinarn opeiations ase progt
to the- interruption of all • p
persuits, anu it is loll occasio
it few dem tgognes jealous of
ez s popularity and their ok
suceeSs at the recent elections.
'Strikes- for a dit rinution
libels- of d
ne of
s' and
;f the
ail y labot• are spateding
on the Cortinent as' -ell as it nee
.; E e
land. The operatives of . t verity
mantifectoeies iit, Chemnitz, i Sax-
ony, have aken this method f ote
nulling ter. hour, it day and it creas
ed pay ft r °vet tithe work. The
stlike in Ghent is extendien sarong
cittes a wt le arian`gement• a /OD
all claeses. This ()tate of aill irs is
serious an unpleasant, and indi-
g •
woikieg men in thie . struggle with
caeital. -.
The articles of coneolidatim he-
n 1.11411,1
the Soulheastern Railway CO11 puny
were tiled in Col1111.1bas, Ohi ,, on
the :28th dlt. The capital o the
consolidated cempany is $10, 00,
000. Theinad will be called the
elliCog0 and Canada Southern lail
way, with the termini at Ch cago
nil at a point on the Detroit r iver,
. •
a the eastern- Ikea of Wayne Gun-
y, Michigan, -
1t i.:y prOpoSed to build the S nth-
rn Pacific Railroad- on the t tree-
oot guage,
Toranto, O. and. B. Railw
tween the Chicago arid Oi
ett thern v .00n, pany
To the Editor of the lluron 1:xpo4i-tor..
. GODEB1031, Oct. :30th, 1,871
Sia,—Your paper of the 23th ult. i•
before nie, containing a violent and un
justifiable attack on my political course
in Parliament, during the last four years.
I regret, in the interest of the part3
whobe representative I am, though -by h
means surprised (thoroughly understand-
ing, as I do, the _sectional and .eohish
motives, using no harsher language, that
have actuatedi,' your paper before and
since it passed, ander your C011 tr0.1) that
you should nersist in your fruitless at-
tacke on me. You appear, however, to
be one of those unfertunate intlayWnals
who cannot profit by experience., ---who
do not appreeiate a " snubbing," ---and
who never thoroughly understand a de-
feat. For four years your paper—a pre -
fusee(' liberal organ, but only a profmed
liberal organ—has persietentiy misrepre-
sented ely political course, -- sought,
. without Semi G;kr3, ttealienate from ine-the
confidence the electors of south . Huron
placed in the ; . and in 'order to accom-
plish that Object, never liesitatod to dis-
tort the facts, and tamper with the
truth. These " paper aesaults" -culmi-
nated on the 1.2th Oct., ult., in the _Own
hall, Seeforth, in the unanimous paaag:
by a qarge,- in and influential
representatien of the leading liberals of
bouth Huron, of a resolution, thorough-
ly approviink of me, course in Parliament,
a,nd expres ing coulidence in mo as -
'the stanch rd bearer of the party" for
the tune berig. You, Sir, were present
spects myself, had for months been pre
at the meeti ig. You, jedgit.g Imam tile
tone and te,uper of your paper as re -
paring to " annihilate" me politically.
exery oppoitunity was afforded you be-
fore bhe cona;--ention—onr common judges
—of. substantiating your. accusations
against me, in my presenee, and when I
was in a position to expose the hollow-
ness of your !preteusions, and the ground-
lessness of your cbarges. You did not
avail yOurecg o f Met t opportunity ; ou the
coutrary yon had neither the manliness
to eepose die resolution by your vote
nor the cou*e to resist it by your veices
Yon mew desireeto drag me into a " paper
controversy"' :with you. through the
colunms of your Raper, to discuss my
alleged political delieenincies. What-
ever your objeet may be, in thue invok-
log a - paper war," after having not very
courageously retracted f romean open. and
manly one, (and I think few wili credit
you with purely patriotic motives), you
must= know that the result, in a party
point of view, of such a eontest, could
hardly be problematical. No doaht it
would afford extreme gratification to my
political opponents, and the enemies of
the Reform cause generally ; but as it
would not tend to cam ' en t, sti engthen, and
consolidate the " liberal cause" in South
Thiroe----as such a contest could. hardly .
fit and prepare the party for engaging in
the coning election, united, powerful
and irresistable, with columns unshaken
and ranks unbroken—I decline yoltrillli•
.In order, however tbat you may be ' e
made in aceordence with a - )
which was originated by his pi ede
cessor. - The nation could not lint.
be gratified by the economies effeet-
ed by the present governmealt
through the abolition of offitial J)tt
retrace,, ethe concentration of the-
military and naval forces, the_seen/.
drawl of troops from Claiada arid
New Zealand, and the hureductione
of a system of arm v eeerress
There was reason for Rilleb congrat-
olittion over the abolition of the.
purchase system in the army. Thee
House of Lords might need iefwn
but noebing should be done preeip-
itately. The Lords had not acted'
wieely in rejecting. the Ballot Lill
which would again --oe introduced in
JariIi;went at the nes t seseion.
The contagions diet:else . act would
again- be dealt with, et the next
session• in a manner to commend
the sympathiee of the netion. Other- would be nreught forward
lihich be lensed wenld meet
the approvel of' Peril t merit and the-
countr v. At the milt leeion of his
a Idn ss, a resole ion welcomieg and
thanking Mr. Giadetene WAS put
and. carriedrwith enthusiaetic dem--
onetrittions of apprev:d, there being
ordy about 200 dieseetiter voieee.
An Extraordinary -Murder in.
Last night, she Diets
acting under the order, of Inepentor '
Davis, were busily engag,ed in ens.
denvoring to aecertain ftets time -
might throw some light upon the
mystery of the Murder - of Mrs,
Anne Watsen, and during the'
course of their enquiriee, th•ey tts--
certained the foilowine facts :
On Monde v morning, which is •
preaumed to be the morning of Che -
lay on which the 133 order waS
flitted,. Rev. Mr. Watson, the hue -
band of the lea
'enSed, entered the
bop of Mr. Turner, a packieg-cnse.
naker, 61.n -sting on _business et, Nti.
?ID- Clapham road, and requested to
-•ee the proprietor. The ieverend
sentlemah was then very cool and
ollected, and upon Mr. Tunaer
akitig his 'appearance, be ,said to
" 1 want you te make a large:
'hest for me, and .1 want it done
harp, and it must, be air and water -
ight, for I want to send it by tail."
Ir. Turner asked hint whether he, -
vould wieh.the chest .to be planed
nd• iron bound, and Mr. Watson
pded in the affirmative. He was
without ex-cuse for the course you seem
bent on pursuing ( a course. apparently
for the sole benefit of the common enemy)
-I may say to y_c u (as I do not intend to
naive. your acensations through the
columns of ae newspaper again) that be-
fore the next meetieg of the Dominion
Parliament, and at all events long Were
the next. general election, L intend.,
whether L an the "Liberal candidate"
or. not (and that's but of tbe smallest
coneequence), visiting every section of
the Riding, discussing, openly, and fair-
ly, the many political ,questions, that
have. oe.eupied or are likely to occupy 4,
the attention of Parlianient; tonether
hen asked to give the dimensiens of
he .box required, arid he said, -I
ish it to be two fset nine inches in
lennsh and-two_feet three inehes in
width, awl one foot nine inches in
depth, and it IS to be made of deal.
Send it home to ply houee to-naor-
r wafor 1 want to peck aowe things
i it and send it Of." Turner •
slid to him, " Are you going to send
on a sea voyegei" and he replied,
No, bet I want- to keep it free
-oin water." The box. was• made;
it id On TueSday et ening Mr. Wat-
s u called again at
se id, " E do not want it SelTh nomad
my house to der." fie paid Aii.
tater for the Isax; and 11,e then ap-
red to be ratht r thoughtful and
iceut. A measnrement of the -
itched body of. the deceased lady
V shows that her corpee could have
11.- fitted into the box whieh was
statement that the Rev, Mr_
',son was; at tha: tithe the murder
commttted, headmaster of Stock -
1 w Gnarl -mar Sellool is incorrect.
had been headmaster of that -
Se iool for t
_wen ty years, but laet
Cl ristmasi conseqtrence of nom-
ints /nude 'againet hina and others,
to the manner in which thesehool
conducted, he and several ether
olmasters were removed front
r position by the committee of
inetitution ; and since. that time
as been noticed that 1 exits very
with my own course and views thereon.
I shall not fail to give you timely notice
of the time and place of these meetings
and extend to you, and. your blue books,
a cordial invitation to meet Inc face to
face be.fore the electors, when, after
having heard, your accusations and my
explanations, ?if the electors of South
Huron do not deal with you and your
calumnies in the same SUMM. try mamier,
as the " Convention " atSeaforth
shall - wiehdraw from public
life, and allow some more favored indi-
vidual to bear the "Reform banner"
n South Huron for the next five years.
In the mean time,
ara; &e.
_,1%,-\ •
minomminnemiummoni -
Speech -by Mr. Gladstone.
, ,,
lingtt 1,1, d-re,y a 1.1C1 :Bruce Railway, f
in th campaign of 1 few mouths ago
in th 'townships of Grey, 'Morrie, f
an 1 urnberry, vvas made the . re_
ie t, a few' days ago, of a band
some aud costly prIsent, as a 'mark -
of Lli esteem in whieli hewas held d
liy 1.IL ny of his frieids iu Hemilton. B
rhe rvesent cnnsistid of . a etnagniti- d
cent i antle-pieee ornament in the .e
hape of . tt very valuable chiek.. \
Th. e iseful ot•nitinet t ie very heavy,. g
lie a Ost costdv v ood and highly p
Ind t te case and sti nd are made of ti
tolielled black -amble, , a lld richly, 'I'
lesigt ed • at d highly troaniented.. v
It 'is s u Timm n ted. - by two 41ronzo: it
artisti. figures or stuns:tees, repree h
aenting a shepherd teaching the Euta. P
tO a boy. 14 has -the following in, fi
.stription tgstefuliy engraved on :its e(
lase.: Presented to James Ham- 1)
ikon, }AL. ll., of. West •Flitinboro!,' la
Out., ley a few frieuds in Hamilton m
as a slight token. of their regard and: sh
esteem. Aley, 1871." It was maeu-
factured .by 11.1.r. _Bennett. maker of
watches', clocks and mathenia tica I
i nstru men ts, . Cheapside, London,
The Leader understands that the
ireetors of the Toronto, Grey and
I1106 Railway have decided to pen
oe line formally bY•it celebratit n .t -Lt
Mingeville on the 3rd of Noven bee..
Ve learn that trains will col ve.y
uests from. both Toionto and Are
3ur to Orangeville, where the ()m-
any will provida a cold culla ion.
I -le enterprising people of Ora we
il:e are alteady astir, and are ak-
ig the -most ample •prevaration. for
aving gela day. The line is low
ettrly ftni .1 :d t n iles
out Torouto—and evil' be ext •nds
I to Mount Foresteby the end of
ecem ben _A rrangein en te 1 eve
.en made to extend the line inn
ediately into Bruce. . The To vn-
ips of 0 u 1 toss, flo Wick -and- Al 1 ntoe
have already submitted oy-1 (\vs
;Jilting bonuSes. fir the extens 041,
d the other townships interfeted
O anxious to, do likewiee?s. T1 ere
therefore, every likelihood- of the
zol 'leiter 'Melted right. into the
art of nrude. The (lir ectors and
. •
en o t great work lay
jnetly cotegiattalated npon be
success which lnis attended ti eir
months, as .tr. Cetnerou proposee
to-do? The fact of. the matter is,
I Ate e 1. '- 6-nre note (untie out
manfully at ineet ieni. and ho
ca n not re: 0 te ILIVITI. It will suit his
purpose In me e better to allow them
to pass, Ututif he thinks they will
partially, rave disappsnred from the
molds ef the people, then to :tome
forsvaix1 a d endeavor to covfir them
up, as bost he can, with his oily
4...on.gue and smooth wordsli. .._
- -But. the niost wondeifui part of
this most wonderful letteir we have
yet to refer to..
" I intend, whether I ant Liberal
candidate a • noe(and that's hut of the
aiviallect cbi sequence), visiting Pr.erV eee-
tion of th 1.-Z id ing,. r ( nis
and fairly .he many political (pn's'ions
that have occupied or are likt ly to °con-
py the atteoition of Parliament, tegether
with My .osalea irse and views thereon."
The abevedooks very much like, a
threat, and is coefinnatery Of the
opihien wi-ich we hear cxnresaed
Leg The presentation was made is,
by Mr. !Price of the GI eat Westein ro
itai-kvnv,. and was accompanied by he
a suitable and complimentary ad- •1 •
dress. Phe Doctor -Made a lengthy be
and feeling reply, after which sever-
al other prominent members of the
party deliveeed congratulatovv and
or 1-
dinlelitnry speeches. ...At the
etsion of the proceedings, D-eet-
um il ton was also 'west-4110de by
Thoinas Swin.,,,ard,', late
PERUVI.A.1.4 SYRUrp. — This valu, ble
mOicine ie becoming a 111CeRS r
icle fonv.very howe. Far Dyspepsia,
or for introducenig iron to the
tem, it is univirsally used arid lik.d.
force \NUS )
An it:Dawn-se gathering .of the in.
habitants of. Greenwich took' place- P1'
on.Black heath Common, on Satin- as
day, 28th ult., to, hear an address w'
from .Mr. Gladetone. It is estimat-
sci 0
ed that neatly -12,000 persons were th•
present. Mr. Gladstone arrived itt.
the speakers' stand at noon aceoln- it
pitied by his !wife, and was greeted
with vocifer us and, lead mgt.(
cheering, He said he was profound
ly • impressed ,by. the grandeur (4'
this welcome aind was sorry his du- ;
irr table. and hes devoted himself to
Ilit rature. For some time past he
_ lea. been principally eMploved in
tri 'elating and correcting works for
ondon publishing bonse ; and it
is s ated that his imsome recentl1 fell y
off from that source.—Londeee,
Sia tdardi Oct. 13.
ties as the had of, her Majesty's
Gove,rument prevented him from
oftener,visiting bis .iunnediate con-
stituents. H6i, them proceeded to
discuss the suf,.jects which agitated
the public. The chief complaint
agairst the Gel eminent was that it
attempted to ;do toe much, but a
nemssity exist4d, for stating viewS
and producnif.; D3ail.S111C8 on more
subjects thanaiti was possible to carry
inti, effect, The •preseet
Liberal administrati•on has.lia 1 tl
lengest life of Lny adwinis•-.
tration since 832-33,• and there
a as reaeon to believe that, its
strength WAS 1111illIptired.
Gledetone then delivered a glowing
eulogy cf the Queen, and epeke in
warm ternis of raiee of his col-
leagues in tile Government. Tlulif
labors had been arduous,. sud the
result showed that they had not
becii in -vain. lreland.seemed well
xthisfied the last, theaaures of
conciliation, and there was every
reason to hope for a future of eon -
tent in that Mend. Tne ficts con-
nected with the dismissals from the
dockyaads had been possibly exElg-
gerated. 1.16 tOtal tr111.11ber of men
diseharged was Only 1,463, and
!Id ak.tion the for - '
41:fast Boring in the Mitchell salt weir •
indi -ations of salt. At a public meeting
now reached 1,555 feet, and still no
ie ratepayers held last week, k. rest.,
n was mo elto -ask 'the caerpora t len
to g ant an additional bonus of 81,000 -to
furt 1..roeeente, the cnterplise. This
:to ution was lost by a couside- able lila-
! Uri y. Mr. MeEwen, the eon, r.,otor,
al it as his opinion at the Meeting
that it would be useless to bore further.
as reze was no prospect whatever of
vett lict salt The probabilities are that
()per itions at the well ill shortly be sus -
pen and that the work will be aban-
ago de for the prestnt, at least.
JILT WGFIAM - In Straiford, on the 24th
u1.,the wife Of W. Buckingham, Esq.,
ed tor of the Beacon, of a son.
I.ReiR5.--On- Tuesday, Oct. 24th, the
of Mr. Thomas Inglis, Carrick, of •
gho—fMr. terilnN',\.;i
edohines‘11Z;re, blacksmith,
Oct. 25th, th
wife a
Wroxeter, of a son.
floveT.,s,—At New Glasgow, on Sabbath.,
Din ning, Oct. 1st, a coueumption,
bo ne with rare meekness and patience,
in he 19th year of her age, Margaret
Al xandra, only daugh+er of A. M.
Holenes, and grand -daughter of Hon_
Jtilni 11911E10s.
the 21th pH, by it, vr
\1k) 'r; at the -
1,ride's brother, Mr -
Mr. ArthIar 1.4pottene
Johnstoe,lboth ef
1;i.irtvrIT 4:ASSTIrf --At
ley RI
33ireh. Zdiss Mare 11,
• Hollett, by 1
Mr tr;..ctge Crick 0
• .11:si1111"cr
bride's f
7'4 I NI'S Itri:11ANAS.--Ati
il31ilitic31!..inan.I both of till
l'iavasEND -2111.,'CR.LE4.r
on 4 tut, 14,1,
Ja7,11,-4 *1'1) a
siden ef the bridel
i's E. ;1 irnisi!
~. 4, 011
'on:+e: • . I jop,
,S:fm,, 6, on
onees:eon, tanlev, 7
inithements. Win..Evitt,i
i. 1.!,roie, autioneeri.
Tue.-Mita' e 1, Lot
( 'one ..."ahorrite,
) emen te, amee John
Bishop, Alietignieer.
Friday, Nor. 10, on
reneessien, Ci -borne Hefei]
bred Qattle. R.abert
John limiter‘
13ishop. tii)11,'
Sit11•111v, Nov.. 11. on
I '441/et:55; 1)11, 8te,dien, Faro
:0-lenie11t% &e. Mrs. Ford,
A. Bishop, Anetieneer,
• Tu N . 14,rn
4 'levees „joie. Paean
' ilobert • Falls.
And inip• 'cin• nfts, J. W. ,N
tor ; J. P. .13iiiire, Auctipoe)
"Wetillesd..rv, Nor. 15,
•(;torge 13.
preprietor ; J.- P. Brine, *.
Weduesday„i N,)v. 15, elf
sisal, Farm 8to,•k, linp!enn
Prretor ;.A„ e
„Thereday,'..;1v+-ol,-7. 1 on
tress ; J. 1:). • nrine, Afactile
r1.1 1 1 1'41 Ai
-spring VI'Intxt
1', 11.1.0,es 1-• „ ..
sh•t-c-p ..
rand/ Skint;
A Ai 17-4,,ins,ltt+r ll)"t
Ni."Att,41, 'per owl. -4
•41.1t 0:retail) per 11arit1,
A lartre stock of gat ate
herriees just riectivel at
eon's. Look tint, for valvert
eerhie Wheat
.. .
e -
1;a3•4141... . . .....
•-iticr 14-----------
'S,JuIes Daihl *heat, bra
1 nalituelr-7.S1 24,4to rill 9,9; 14,4w
..13ir. to Mr.; Peas, We.
ra .10e,.
Mti!..?:111) Art 00.4
FLora.-Mrroket **may, witbg
sLpers tr laYlo lo.titor. rattan
a.r...or,tirg to loentiot.
. \via; vr.-kktiers of tar lots tlpp.-
/:•,.. ; Tea Itin;IC1*.j $3. 34
• nenrer, Inni in 4
131.---Pureiy nominal, in the
; Cattle
' ears.
Prise three clays, ....175
Past 30A 245
P a three daye r67
Past week ... 2S1
Previous week.... 404
The market opens at an,
moneuen stOck of 4 to 4c4 a
en prime stock.
Sales comprise 4;112 belul
41 for ngaiizst
.$3 75 to •P.1; see,.
Taylor ta & Ita 14
laa4s, at $5 371.
Taylor to L. & 11.7 30 lid
1,122. at $5.
-Gilbert to L. Is.• R 53 ha M
av 1270, at FS6 121.
Sidner to Coon, 51 ha Ohio
Renee/ to L& 11,341d d
at 1:5.5 lee
Follington -be Mooreh.ouse,
av in79, at ,$4 874_,
Trotter to Thiimpeeoe,
av 1047, at $4 30.
Watkins to Baldwin,
1142, at $4 75.
Sidner to Coon, 33 hd
eeowood to -Monroe. 1
a? 1331, at $5.
roster to Farthing. 43
L90, a tz