The Huron Expositor, 1871-05-12, Page 7-I2 1871.. RESERVATION UTNE G T COUNTER, 77- A H M A KER, ANTI JI,nVELE11,. 6'eafoth,, sole Agent for the sale nr Celebrated PERFECTED CTAGLES, eat Lenses of ch are ground bit us, front manufactnred espe- ly for Optic purposes. It ttre, hard, andlarillant, and tear Achromatic as can be ituced. The peculiar form iethie aeeuracy attain - by the aid of complicated costly machinery, war ta us in asserting them tc T E OST R ECTAt 'LES EVER MAN 'A UTI." E They assis Most:brilliantly ,con ;ease and comfort en th continuous and abidinn a the eyes, and last a grt 'without requiring to be :they are the CHEAPEST i3EST. :RCS, MORRis Co, re Dante St rat, (up stairs), Montreal_ no Pedlers. FEMALE R EM ED PERNICAL PILLS. able reediciue is unfailing 11 those painful and. den - e5 to -which the female con- Uthject. It moderates all tutves all obstructions, from e. ladies it is. peeuliarly ill, in a short time, bring rk period with regularity, !very poiverfal contains no - Ito the constitution. In all :Vous and Spinal Affections, 1,aelt and Limbs, Fatigue oit e. Palpitation of the heart,. id Wailes, it will effect a 1, other means have :failed. .1.- around eaelt package has 5 mid advice, or wdlbe sent iting for it, sealed from -ob- :F.w- VonK,OLE PROPPIET0y, eexttS for postage, cut- throp ce Lyman, Newcastle ferente for the Dominion, bottle coutainieg over 50 el mail. Seaforth by E. Hickson and Lunistlen ; A. St eidiens., S.(*maul's, Clinton, and itYealer's. & LYMAN, Neu -castle, k.le Agents_ 172-8 ?LiEEN nee Company RPOO L & LONDON. 0- - $2,000,000 Sterling. Queen Iluildings, Liver- raeechurch 1-',treet, London, RANCH OFFICE - Exehange ildinee Montreal. i. Mitrtitn, Esq., (I:airman; Ilavid Titrranee„ lthe lion. James Ferrier. elsonBei k ,ovisnes — Messrs. Ritchie, Jose. ,teneett—William Sutherland, —Thomas S. Scott, Esq. Thtenas IL JIi'n heti. SeeeETAItY AN1Y ;EN 1,XA Mackenzie Forbes, .13, St. treet, Montreal. ksigned having been appoint - r the above Company, parties insure against less by lice mit most ea tentrable terms. its granted on as advantage AlYV oftAt.r relfitt'ett.bie; 'OM- intstriessinCanada. tAMES IL BENSON.. Agent t 'NSW; & MEYER'S La.w Office, • Seaforth. v. 1870,. 1534E-- _ & MORRISON'S - - F)( 101tA"- f TIZ,EET, ibers feel thankful for the they have received litinte; business in Seafortb. intimate -to th,ir eestaresea f. tee nerally that they kevt, !tit. are Itta11%t fate uri lig alt ' yd. ork, eurti as ;:•••, TOP 1.11:1“ LES. 4tZ NTS1 AGGONSs _ -Expi:INEN( EI)•1V - y• t-ry hat:. t 0 1.10rSe-Slil(Will", attelitinn t:'tit` c:12‘401" irs With 1:11ViC i.viII,!.ft't gt.ot1 •••• :.ttiNr.tc tiL a. firsteelees car? -.try "hei,,, t.,1 , rat( s. taptly attt i1d to. LL u r, zee' teheiege k. )SIIt'e MAY 12, 1871. Now ' Whitewash That Will Not DEFERRED PA Wipe off. * The following sh It is not only a common, but a at Qiiebec i'rorn ,sea wholesome praetice to use whitewash. Royal, Oriental, (al It preserves woodwork, renders it cilenbe-rvie, and the disagreable as the habitation of in- sects, and promotes health. Thou, saads of dwellings are made cheer- ful by its presence on the ceilings 4 their rooms, and even the walls 4tre iffiebtEdto it, where paper and point cannot be afforded. It is cheap and easily applied. • The outsides of -barns are some- times whitewashed, arid horse stalls are quite frequently covered vvith it, Ind are keptkelean and wholesome by its use. (inc objection to it; as commonly used, is that it rubs off eftsily when touched, and spoils tlie.Sundey .et -fat or best hat. It is - annoying to go into church or throng!' the stre with a broad line of white drafrn (lea one's back, to say nothing of spoilm, the cloth. To prevent all this,ifthe wash is to be used in doors, mix half a pailful of lime and water, lake half a pint. flour and 'make a starch of it, and pour it into the whitewash while. hot. Stir it well and make it ready for thinning for use. A little glue_ will answer the same purpose. If for out -door work, add a little salt and boiled rice., niede thin. Scarcely.a, particle of the lime can be rubbed off, when prepared in this manner. GRAPHS lips have arrived,- - The Princess nallane Pombna,, hark- Chevalier. The Glenallan inade the passage from Liverpeol to, Quebec irt eventeeri in•l udinfifteen hours &ten- days,cg Itam by ice. Hon. James Mason, who was one of the Confederate 'State Ministers, with Slidell, and „ eiihese capture on board ,an English ship by an Arneri- ciin cruiser provoked Englend's ire, died. near Alexandria, Virginia, on Friday night last. It isireported that difficnities have arisen in the France -German Peace Congeess at Brussels on the subject of coxitilbutions and requisitions made in France by tlLj invaders since the conclusion of the armis- tice. The clipper ship Glena at Quebec yesterday fro in seventeen days, ve quickest passage on reco those two poi -s. lana rrived Liverpool ich is the • between THE T-41JRQN. EXPOSITOR. cheeks of beauty, and wetting tlie! silver hairs of age. Iti-ow touching the father, then the sbn ; her the mother, there the daughter. AS the spectre, so - plain to his entranced vision, advanced- to the chancel reil, and, as • hel'saw that his time had come, •hieL words strug- gled for utterance. He faltered.—, His weakened limbs,staggered. A gentleman who advanced to his as- sistance was waved back. For ten minutes he spoke, his words being Audible only to those near The ex - cit ment of the audience wasfearful. silence of death :PiRS only broken the words -he steove to speak. eetimes he struggled to continue; The governme t managetnent of the telegraphs in Englanli realized a revenue ef over. £500,000 sterling last year. . A. uniform rate Of one shilling for tea words, allover the d, with the u "saber set t, An- -renting of ers during of £500 ww- Care for Rheumatism. A correspondent !writes :---" As so many many are suffering from rheumatism, I could do notbir g better than give a it which I know is good. In the . Spring and -summer of 1S66, my wife was so e titicted with it that she could., not use her right ai RI and was una,ble:- to rise up it, bed. We tried many liaireents, receipts and medicines, but to DO purpose. Doctors said nothing could be done, only to give it time and let it wear away. One day an. Old German veterinary surgeon told me to take equal parts of the best oil of juniper and spirits • of turpentine, and apply it to the parts afflicted, I did so, and in 21, few days the .-rheumatism had eaatirley disappeared my wife was well. A few weeks latewhile at a picnic, she caught cold, and was soon as low as ever. Again did we apply everything we could' get, ealvanic batteries and all. We got the above receipt filled, both the oil and spirits being as clear as water, and in a few days she was again -well, and has remained so • for over two years. Always be sure to use only the best of oil a,nd spiritS." km-gdpm has been adopt resit of.increasing-the over 10,000,000 aniau 'other feature is the certeiri wires to ne*spa the night at a fixed rat year. ' The delegates from lodge of Paris have re Versailles,'Illiable to ace thi g. • They report., tie pre .ees the opinion tha arr" eement _with the mu e is inipossible. _ The En.glish. Telegraph. The accounts of the English Tele- graph system for the year ending the 1st April have been made up, and the result is a revenue t6 the, government of half a million pounds sterling. During the last half year 1 the rate was sligntly above these tgure La 1866 the receipts of all I,. ° the te1e26sph companies in England ° eves e X51.2,707, and the nunitter of 3: messages somewhat More than six iiitUnmAleseages are now sent I a fraud Practise° on t ell over England at a uniforin rate 0 Point it Qbariesp a registered of Ono shilling for ten words, and 1 tter cQtit4tlnhlig 639, which , was really Mtencleci for another person of the same name. This young man, at the inStiaat'on, he says, of a falbe hut arr sh 1 ib Ni lia. co Viated of high trees n, one of en- deevoring to seduce +Miens , from th ir allegiance to th Queen, and th 1 t is stated that no le dred priests have • sted in Paris. return of the nam conviets seem WS that the total rty- in England was -t4venty-four. e were also liberat Three of the priso a ia Th by Th - saying I am very sick, but T must say ,' Again he staggered. He fell into the arms, of Mr. C. B. gliess as he raised his band to nonce the benediction. Like' ses, the old servant, he was too weik to,, hold up his hands, which was done by Mr. Hughes, as he said last .pulpit words, 'To God the her.' The hand of death that lay his shoulder was too heavy for self, for his friends. His tongue used to speak; hie hands dropped. was carried to the rectory, ,I'here died.' ' e :Masonic urned from mplish any - t Thters ex - a peaceable Paris Com- lir Pr s than three 'ready been s of the Fe- ly released umber set at ' d in Austra- ers had been ex th on is rest of treasortelelo 3ense incurred in co release of the tw is liberated in Engh 4d. • very largei pro tims of the batele r ,Paris, are women, counting to - her those who have ieen killed by ident and those w io have per- ished sword in hand. ..ret Marseilles, w en took no little Art in the re- v lntionaxy movemen ly. -The total election with nty-four pris- nd was £755 he ortion of the at Nenilly, • THE' EiTEM1NATE M.—The e eminate man is a, weak poultice. lile is a cross between table beer and gi ger-pop, with the cork left out. A fresh -water meriaid found in a •cciw-pasture, with her hands filled with dandelions. Ffeis a tea -clip full syllabub; a kitten in troneerri ; sick :monkey, with a blonde miis- che. He is a vine, without any ndrils ; a fly drowned in oil;- a pa- r kite in a dread calm. He ves like a butterfly --nobody can 11 why. He is as harmless as a p nnyworth of stiga.r, candy, and as useless as a shirt button Without a hole. He is as lazy as a slug, and has no more hope than a last year's s miner fly. He goes through life op tiptoe, and dies like cologne wa- ter spilt over the ground.—The „Figaro. P et Office Offenoe- islumen A .very severe sent nce (say& the ontreal Gazette) ha., in. the Court Queen's Bench juai, closed, fallei, young man named Welliain nes, Who last autu o itain..from the Post -Severe Pun- a t= 1. n contrived to thee, through le Postmaster theiesalt of the' reduction has been a large increase in. the number, -which probably exceeds ten millions . ennually. The number for the ,,,ve.eL l,friend, yielded? in a weak n2oment, ending April 1, would indicate an annual number of more than eleven the increase,for that week over the same week last • year being nearly fifty thousand, The System has been adopted 1 of ienting certain wires to newspapers during the night 'et a fixed rate of £500 a year. This e ,hes waked exceedingly well, and the newspapers making such an errangemeot find it much to their advantage.- On one night in Sep- tember last three Edinburgh news- papers, each renting a special wire, received an aggregate of about__ 26,000 words. Theee dispatches were in addition to the regular reports •received froni the press asseciations. to that "oppoqunity" winch so often makes the thief, and he now unhap- i ily finds Iiiineelf,` as ,a consequence, eetence- d tofive years of incarcera- ion in the Penitentiary. Theludge, heavy: sentence, said A QUEER PLACE TO CARRY MONEY. --A gentleuaenly conductor was .collecting tickets from his • passengers. All handed over tickets promptly except on -fat' old -lady, who sat next the door, and who . . Seeilled to be reaching down as if to eet scanething she had dropped on . t°,1le floor. When her time cabin to pay she raised her head and thus eddeeesed the *blushing conductor : allers when 1 travels, catty my money in my stoekin,' for you sees, nothing can get at it that., and I'd thank you young man, jest to reach it foi me, as I'm so janamed in I Otilit get to it, I forgot to get a ticket at the depot." The conductor glanced at the other passengers; scene of' whom were laughing at his plight ; one or two young ladies among them blashed scarlet, and he boat a sudde 'retreat, muttering something abou not charging old ladies, etc. .11i cash was short that trip the fare. ono passenger. •-•-sa e Paris Othal m - ord eine that the mistresses of the Nationa Guards shall rank precisely lik wives in the reit of -widows' pe aious. n,passieg this ie regret LO alteruat,ijie n the -ery sever eing that there is ne the exereis portunity f ieting in it de,gree. Ti sible the d'sh principled portenities tion, the la this Ghee o fore, well 13.1* beari committed be widely a, has the law left him Tn penal clauses ost Office Act are the reason for this he Post Office service ssarily a wide field for f dishonesty, the op - r hieving certainly ex - o unavoidably large us to deter as far as pos- nest and the ;veak- rc111 abusing these op - and yielding to tempta- specially severe on to enders. It ie, there - that this feature in the oi frauds and robberies the Poet Office should wn andsim,derstood. own in the Pulp't,• , enjanfin Easton, first t r of rinity Episcopal al esto 175,5 stricken while Wieling inbus Slinday. The Galvest n descri s the affecting lw GRASS1E9 NEW SPRING GOODS. !. HICKSON Sc CO. Beg 1 ave to announce that they are now opening up AN EXTRA LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, In very department, and invite an early ins )ection from customers and the' public in :;eneral._ he goods will show for themselves, so C ME ON. ickson's Emporium, SEAFORTH. 175-2t ARRIACE AND WACO!' MAKER Coderich, Street, Seaforth. ---o----- LEIGHS, " CUTTERS, . ' CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 1 - 'WAGONS, &c., &c., Built in a superior manner, to order, on . short notice, , 00 -Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing arid General Blacksmithing. 163 Strieke The Re and only 1 Oh u ech, with cleat pulpit las _Yews thn scene :-- elle ing c E101 0 NEW BOWS. 10. REIGN OF LAW, .by Duke of - rgyle. :HUXLEY'S LAY SERMON:S. THEOLOGY ANT) SCIEN-CE,i (Brewer) CRITICAL NEW TESTAMENT. EA;DIES' BIBLICAL CYCLOPEDI A EAMES' BIBLICA L CONCORD :NOE.' JOSEPHUS' ORKS. HALL.LEOTURES: MOTLEY'S. DUTCH. REPUBLIC GIBBON RISE FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE, MACAULEY'S HISTORY OE ENGL ND. ilARKHAM'S HISTORY. OF • • ENGLAND, COTTAGE LIBRARY, ehoice and cheap • FAMITLY READING, -\=' SARBA.TH SCHOOL LII3RARTES, HYMN BOOKS, ETC. • —ALSO— D4Y BOOKS, JOURNALS) • LEDGEBS, CASH BOOKS.. WETTING -PAPER, ENVELOPES Commercial and fancy, at. R, LEMSDEN'S Drug and Book Store. Seaforth,- Nov. 3, 1870. . nded th pulpit. A nnounc- est, .' T ertc is yet room,' th the weight Ot. e referred to one ea of t e friends of his the c I inimical* of his t ha gone before. Then, thin, v &il that hides the ft in in i rtal vision had and h s eyes could see es,las no e can see and 10e, ell ipti v powers bent theme tieirtas Ile painted death th chu 111 door,passing up n all trembl' 4 bene 143 10.0 sie s.ge after aniit youth an church t as if the spiritual been ren such sce • his fine 4 selves to entering the broa a sle, la to the ribtJ and t bag his c lcb, cla SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. Read, Read, Read. 1-41AW. STORE JUST OIENED and SPRING GOODS received' daily. Goods Sold CHEAPER than ever. No,hing charged to show goods. TRIAL IS THE SUREST TEST. 177 • HOFFMAN BROS, MAIN STREET SEAFOPTH. TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY.1 HARTFORD 001iN .1 LIF AND ACCIDENt IN SUR &NOE. Cas AID UP CAPITAL,. $500,000. Assets......$1,600,000t THE TR VELERS INS-URANtg COMPANY, • OF IIABTFORD, CONN., Gran's LIFE and. ENDOWMENT POL.- icies ipon thi L )W RATE. CASH PLAN Whi h. combine ample security and: chea ness of cost, under a definite, cont act. "DVIA as i GMT AEI -AO MISSINIDBMWFME2=114•19 KOIS MILLS .FOR SALE OR TO RENT! TMHE SUI3SCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or to Rent, on easy terms, Mg his bc ny•hand the left; bresth- my breath on the EDWARD CASH, .Dealer La all kinds of aild _Dairy Produe, W OLESALE and 'RETAIL. UNCERTAINTY about the nt of premiuni. BOTHER about notes. ) INTEREST TO PAY for the use ur, own. money. ASSESSMENTS, pre_sent or pros - pea, ve. N DISAPPOINTMENTS in regard. to i possible dividends. N DEDUCTIONS of loan, notes, or oth r written obligations, when the poi - icy ecemes a elaina. N OVER PAYMENTS of premium. NO DOUBT but what you have all_ the iesurance you pay for. .1 0 QUESTION but what you have: Teri ble insUrance at lowest cost. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENTe I has issued over Two Hundred Thou - sail General Accident Policies, I dis- ibur ing in payment 13,742 claims Under he , a sum averaging about Seven HAM - (ire I Dollars per day for the entire pe- rio . tiring the last twelve months there we e written in -this department, 29,359 Ge*eral Accident Policies, on which the grdss premiums were $521,710 30. There we e paid. 1,319 claims for death or who - Iv sabling, injury by accident Of these 33 ere for fatal and. 1,286 for non-fatal, inj ies. W.:i\T. WATSON; J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, , And dealer in Pure RU CS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for ewing Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. n'er Pure Wines and Liquors formedi- cinal purposes. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. Clovet and Timothy Seed, C EAPER THAN -EVER. Plenty o S ED POTATOES Of the b st kinds. Goderich street, , SEAFORTFI. 170 tf April l2, 1871. 11 Agent, SEAFORTII, Ont CHARD- BULL, Esq., Manager, Hamilton, Ont. OS E. FOSTER, Ueneral Agent, Montreal, Q,, 166-13e POTATOES. FIRST -PRIZE POTATOES FOR SALE. ,HE subscriber has on hand, on Lot 1_ No. 25, C6ncession 4, McKillop, the following varieties of SEED POTATOES Which he offers for sale, .viz. :—Early Goodrich, - Early Hansworth ; Bally Rose; Gleason, and Callico. He has also the right for the County of Huron, to sell and. manfa,cture J. H. THOMAS' PATENT BEE HIVES. - Individual. and Township Rights for Sale. He will also have a few NOTICE TS H11REBY GIVEN, to all Parents 1 and 'uardians in the Township of Tuckers ith who refuse or neglect to give no ice to the Division Registrar of said. To 'ship of the 4irtla of a 'child, within hirty days fromthe date of such at they are liable to a fine of birth, t THE VARNA MILLS, from male to twenty dollars, with costs. All sti4 persons will do well to comply with the requirements of the Law, as the penalty -will be enforced._ WILLIAM MUER, Division Registrar mith, 18th April, 1871. 176.-tf Consisting of a Flour, 0a.tineal, and 3a1v Mill, aLl of which are in good running order. The Flour Mill contains Four run. of Stones and the interot is well finished, and all the machine,ry in first class con. 1 dition. There is in connection a good Dam, and an abundant supply of watei to run all t'he -mills the year round. , •These mills are situated in the centil of a, splendid Agricultural ceuntry, and a rare chance is offered to any person desi- rous of embarking iuthe milling business. There is also an exctllentl opportunity of BoRnic FOR SALT on thepremises, all the works for which could be driven by water. The above property is situate& Six miles from Clintm ; Six from Bayfield, and Eleven from Seaforth, with, good gravel roads leading to eachpla,ce. For farther particulars .apply to the proprietor, on tile premises, oxlto Varna P•0. T VARNA, August 11; 1870.. , ENE'? • • .140— Tucke FAX' FLAX! MH undersigned is now' prepared to 1funiSh F1.4.1C SEED to all parties who wsh to embark in the cultivation of F1ai during the coming season. The FLAXSEED! • SWARMS OF BEES! For Sale in the Spring. 168-tf R. GOVENLOCK: MR. JOHN THOMPSON MHANKS his numerous customers for 1 their liberal patronage, during the la , ist fifteen years and trusts he will re- , alive its continuance, He has now on hand a large assort- ineut of Good. Sound Green HeDalbell Which he warrants will give satisfaction. ALSO FENCING AND DRAWING MONEY!. •-$5,000 TO LEND. THAVE the above sum. on hand for investment on goocl Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent.,—Private Funds. JOHN S. PORTER. SEA7ORT1t, July 25, 1870. 139.— can be had.at the Stores of under- signed.: Scott Rabertson, Killoran and .E. -ati, J C. Laidlaw, Grocers; John Logan, E. Hickson At Co., S. R. Corbey. : in vain every advertised remedy, has a and A. G. 'McDougall. The Seed can i ; si3nple means of self -cure, which he will be had from any of the above parties, on I send free to his fellow -sufferers. Address and after the 20th of i",,larch next. J. E. TUTTLE, 78 NW= st., New 1 169.-tf, B. SHANTZ. 1Yorli. I(12 -Gm. the LUMBER, ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. • —ALSO— .200100 FEET OF PME CUT FOR BUILDING AND CENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal ternis, Or- ders -will be promptly attended_ io; The Mill is situated on the Townline of McKillop and Tiullett, 3 and. miles, froin. the Huron Road. Seaforth, Nov. 16, 1870. 84- tf: oncE is hereby given to aitpersons• not to cut any tirnber or trespass on. lots N. 18, E. 1- 19 and 20 int the 5th, concession Hay, as tb.e owner, PAUL D. BELL, is determiped. to punish to the utmost extreme of the law all so doing. 165-tf MUNICIPALITY Of 'SEAFORD'. COURT OF REVISION. The Court of ,Revision for the Munici- pality of Seaforth will be held in the Council Room, Town Hall, Seaforth, On TUESDAY, May 1.6, 1671, At the hour of 10 o'clock. • All persons interested will please gov, ern themselves accordingly. T. P. BULL, , Clerk -Seaforth, April 10, 1871. 175 -td VOID QUACKS.—A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debil- ity premature decay, etc., having tried THE rur on ti 5;t1. tor, IS .PUBLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY :\1041\aNG,, gEAFORTIL TERMS. $1,50 per annum, in advart4e ; if not so paid :32.00 will be charged. No subs- cription taken for ia shorter pgiod than. three months. ADVERTISING RATES. ,. TRA NSIE.N T. Per rin, first insertion, 8 cts ; eubse, quent insertions, 2 cts, each time. Ad- vertitemeite measured by a -scale of solid; brevienh No advertisement taken for' les iii -than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATES One Column for One Year. -' = 360 00J , " e" • " Six Months, -' - 35 00 - - 20 00 ' One Year, - 25 00- " Six Months, - - 20 00 I C b 6 ' " Three " - - 12 OG Quarter " One Year, - 20 00 . it, i4. " Six Months - 12 00 It it • " Three " - 4- 8 0 " 'One Year, 4 - 12.00' " Six Months ; - 800 - 500 Ct. ‚4 Eighth 14 " 4 "Three " A avertiseraents, without specific diree- tions, -will be inserted. till !forbid, awl eharged. aecordingly. licLEAN BROTHERS, NIIRIDO NeLEAN. PubliShe t� ALLAN 7ffeLEAll.