The Huron Expositor, 1871-04-21, Page 8•, 4ittron itIpOgito•- . • DISTRICT MATTERS. • ILEUNIoN.—A social, or reunion, will 'be held in the Canada Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on the evening -of 'Wednesday next. To DAIRYMEN.—The Messrs: Johnson, hardware merchants, of this village, have now on hand all kinds of dairymen's fur- nishings, of which they- give notice by advertisement. • • FOR RED ItIVER.—We learn that the. . :steamer Chicora will call at Goderich, 'en route to Duluth and Fort William, on the 25th of the iraent month. GREy e extensite saw mills 'of Messrs. Redford & Hayivard,at Stowe, in the toWnship of Grey, ha've recently been sold to a firm in Hamilton, for the sum of $25,000. FALL WHEAL—From all 'parts of the cocntry the most cheering reports reach us regarding the fall ivheat. In sections of the country whererit is largely "grown, it has not looked betor- more promis- ing for years. , Sr.• TT:LIMAS 011,URCIC.—The Vestry of S. Thomas Church, at a meeting held on Monday evening last, resolved that the seats of that church for the ensuing six months be free. . A Goon Cxarc.E.—We -notice with pleasure, that J. S. Sinclair, •Esq., Bar- rister, Goclerich, has betn elected a %richer of the Law Society cf Ontario. Mr. Sinclair well deserves the honor thus conferred tipon him. TEMFERANCE LEcTuRE,—Mr. McFed- ies lectured in the Temperaneellall, on 'AVednesday evening, 19th inst., on Ithe 'subject of 'remperance, under the ans- pices of the I. O. of G. T. A fair atten- 'dance was present. • • Lie-tions.—The Meg -ars. Jackson, of TEgmondville, liaise now on hand a supe- rior stock of wines and liquors of every description, which they willdispose of -eithof wholesale or retail at exceedingly low prices, considering the quality of the article. • NEw. MAP.—Messrs. Armstronse. & Price of the Telegraph Book Store, have for sale a large number .of the new maps of the Dominion of Canada and the North West. This is b, Most useful:map, and every business man wenild find it to his advantage to have one -in his possession. cial poin of .vi w ur citizens must rely mainly ti • In t 1 wn efforts for tlie at- tainmen of th dn. We hope, there- fore. to See alit. e i umber of tre s plant- ed during the Fire. e t year. t1e owner of real eitate h alants trees about his proporty' doea o or to increase its value, than by • any tI means to which the same amount •ney could be applied,, besides doing his s i are te beautifying the town. The CutI in passing this reso- lution have t k i a step in the right direction ; weqtr t it may be taken ad- vantage of to a lar se extent by property-,, holders kf the!, vill . ge. , . 4, t• I LAviNu t.i.Als DA.—Below will be found a correct statement of the number which have left Se6,fort1i and vicinity for the United St tes and Red River dnriog the mo ith o• March last, and to the present date f April ; also of the differ- ent points to ttliklithey have gone, and the number i each point, as designated i. by thi ticketsold at the Sea orth sta- tion : , Nardi, --S 1Francisco, 2 ; Leaen- w-orth, Kansa , l Omaha, Neb asha, 5;1 St. Paul, ,, Mi in., 11; Milwa kee, 2 , Chicago, 3 ; 4 -tehison, Kansas 1 ; St. Joseph, Missouri 4 ; Grand I Rapids, Michigan, 3 ; '''''0,. Cloud;,(for Manitoba,) 6 ; Fairbault, 1.4 -Total, 39, • Aprt/ --Atc1tison, Kansas'7 ; Kansa City, 11;. 0 ida„„o, 1 ; Awa„-ana, 2 Sault City, 1 Port Dodge. loida,- / • St., Cloud, (for Manitoba,) 7.—'Total, 30. . - For the aba-eifigures we are' indebted TERSONAL.—Dr. Mitchell, of Kinburn, smiled upon us a day or two ago to dis- , elaim all 'connection with or previous • knowledge of on advertisement which appeared in THE EXPOSITOR last week,. headed. Pnblia Notice, and recommend- ing him to the public, &c. In justice to the Doctor we _have tb say,-, that the advertisenient was not published at his • request, nor, do we believe that he had any previous knowledge of its pnbliea tion ; but was done entirely upon the responsibility of the person who, sIgned. it. • A ISInee-Geseffse Ox.—We are inform- ed --by Mr. Willits* Jinkens, .of the Towiaship of Hulleet, that he has an ox • which is now.givine milk, and has been nince last fall. Th.e milk, in appearancel, •eould not be distinguished from that of a -cow. The teat from which the milk proceeds is as large as the teat of an ore Kiinary2cow, and. esn easily be niilked with the hand. This wonderful animal is working; every day on Mr. Jinken's farm, Lot No. 9, llth Concession, and. can he seen there at any time by the curion,s. to Mr.Aloodiel, the Alights' station agen here, mho -svil be glad to ?urnish intend- ; I ing emigiant with all necessry mfor mation. i Et BEZZLEMENT. 1 JEFF. W1tIG11T ABSCONDS WITH $800 BE i LON INC: TO THE EXPRESS COMPANY. _ On Saturday afternoon last, consider able excitement was caused in town bY the report fly t a yoUn.g man named Jef ferson 1,Vrigh , a printer by trade, wh has far the p st two years bcci employ ed by Mr. Cu 1, Express and ' elegrapl agent here, i i various capacities abou his office, had left for parts un - owinare. that he had t ken with him a consider able Burn of 1 oney belonging to the Ex prets Compa iy. The facts are as fol lows :--On•N‘ ecItiesda.y or Thprsday o lait wM eek, lr. Cull having odcasion t leave lionie for a few days, left Wrigh in charge of. the Express business, am -gave into his 'charge the safe keys, as h had previously been in the habit of doin ; When he left reieme. On Thursday even ing, Wright went:toMr. Armstrong, wh keeps the bck k I store adjoining the Ex lt press office, .a, d told him that he had t i go to Stratford that evening im urgen business, but that he would rethrn b • train the same night, or early in th morning, and requested. Mr. Aranstron to attend to lin office during lus absenc To this Mr.! ArMstrong consented, an received froni him the keys of the saf As soon asrislit left, Mr. Armstron 1 ss opened the safe, and. comparing the mo ey therein wilthl the entry books, foun I both to cm-14841nd and to be perfectl correct. ' Not inspecting that! anythin , • Cntetts: Cern.—A meeting of the Seaforth Cricket Club was held on. the . evening of Wednesday, 19th inst. The • Chairman, Mr. T. P. Bull, presented . a very handsome bat, the gift of r. E. W. C. Meyer, to Mr, jamas- H. Benson, whe made the highest average soore last fear.- The following officers were elect- ed for_the current year: Dr. Goninlock, President ; J. _Digby, Vice -President ;' • C. Armsrong, Secretary and Treasurer; -J. Curry, Ferguson, Stephen§-, Bull- and_ -Hol [aested, 1•A I anaging Committee; II. W. Myer, Captain. It was resolved that 1 the °due for the . current year be $1, • also thatMonday afternoons be devoted to pra,atich. _ BcsfNess NorieEs. —Mr. A. G. MC - Do u gall bas just returned from the east- ern markets with, a very choice stack of errine dry goods. His stock is well s worthy of inspection.—We direct at -ten - 1 tion to the mammoth. advertisemeut of Mr. Hill, which:occupies the 5th page of this issue. Mr. Hill has sa good. stock, and he knows how to take the best sfileasas of acqUainting the public V_ the • fisct.—Mr. AlcMulkin, of the film of Beatty & Co., has just; returned from the eastern mallets with a magnificent stock • oEdry goods and:groceries. Having per- . chased entirely for cash, they .are in a • pelsition to offer good inducements to cus- tomers. Sea advertisement 1 ' i - . was wrong, he reniained. perfect!y eas Until the afternoon of the fellsewing the. when, as Wright hacl never returned, began , to suspect 'that something w s wrong, and telegraphed to Stratford ascertain, whether or mot anything h, 1 been there seen or heard of Mr. Wrigh In the Meantime, however; a gentlema in Stratford, had written to a person. t • is villages stating- that he had, hursda,y evening seen Wright in a hot 4 in that- place, and that he appeared-- haye a larger amount of money at his di posal thah he should have. This info .- .ination diii not reach Mr. Armstrong n - til Saturday -morning, and upon recei ing it, his ssispicions were areused, as d he felt confident that .all was pet righ ; but before .any informatien of a defini e nature Could be Obtained, Mr. Cull r turned by ',the afternoon -train, and col: firmed the snspicions which had been b fore, seieed. I -Upon reaching . Stratforl, Mr. . piall heard. of . the. occurrence, ai d iinmecliatelY upon arriving here, notifi el the authorities of • the company of wl st had transpired; and steps were at on e takenby them to procure the arrest f Wright, but the scoundrel had had t o long a stark -as eo far, no dee has ben -obtained ofhis. whereabouts, and. he s, doubtless, long ere this, -enjoying his il- gotten gains in some retired Spot in --t ie areat,Repiiblic. i No entry of ,this mon y e , can be found in the books, nor can. tr pe be found of the wasebills, which he has no. doubt ,deitroyed, and pocketed. the money.- The. amount which has b en taken, as . nearly as can be ascertain. -was.abcint,',$800. It is also stated tl. Wright took with him. from Stlatford young girl, Who was at one time empls ed asa servant at Mr. Carmichael's Hot in this village. The following is the i scrip -ion of both parties which was s to the deteetives who are on the look - for the, absdonder :--'".A young man, medium size,no beard, light nthenta • !--ra her long at sides of swot)* fie • coin' lexion,1 large sear On ..oins wrist, V little hair on forehead, and supposed be diesel:A-in dark ;clothes.The girl ;dark; &Lily, short hair, is - Oflow s and Isquints with one dye." We le that ;both parties Is -tem -teen crossing. riverst.Sarnia on FrideY lea. .. ,. . . . THE 1-11I11011 EXPOSI ing broken away fro 'they were tied, they Mrs. Day's Hotel, on their "dead best" end of the Wroxete Mr. Moran's bakery on the bri(ge, and they passed. Luckil THE BENEFITS OF ADVETITTSING.—:--Last: week Mr. Thomas Foster of this village ;sayer -timid a colt which ,had strayed from. himl'he advertisement appeared in 'Ins; Exeosrron of Friday last, and on the Monday fon( wing, the colt was re- turned to him by asperson from McKillop, Who had noticed Mr. Foster's advertise - :meat, and promptly returned the animal. weeks ago Ms. Malcom, of this village, advertised. a pair of boots which be had found onss,the road near Ainley- ville, and thisA.4aele they svere claimed: 'by the owner, a fatan er living- M the town - :ship of Grey, -who ascertained the where- abouts of his. property through the ad- vertisement which Mr. Malcom had inserted. Cohnnent is unnecessary. • PLANT ts-c; SPADE T E es. At the last eating of the Seaforth Couucil, a rese- Intion 'vas- passed granting thirty cents for the proper boxingof each 'shade tree_ that thay be planted in the Village. This is an eeeellent move. There is nothing goes so far to beautify end improv -e the appearance `of a town as a plentiful dis- play of trees along its streets and. about its public and. private buildings. Our town, it must liesadinitted, cermet boast of great natural beauty. Its scenery is slecidedly.tame and uninteresting. We have no meaiatlering stream or 'broad (flowing river to impart a romantic beauty — to our location, nor high hills from which a magnificent prospect _may be obtain- ed. If our town is to be made as bet:anti- fel and attractive in appearance as it flourishing and prosperous in a Conunete • the post to which tarted out towards the grayel road, a+, ate. At the north bridge. they met aggon just coming re a wheel off as , however, neither the driver of the bak ry rig, nor any of the horses sustained t ny damage. They passed along the road towards Mrs. Day's II tel where they wre stopps.d; neither gon nor horses owner of the team Moran for the dam him, but he has, wr believe, come to terms sinte. • wa ere injured. The efused to pay Mr, ges sustained. by 411 Ainleikville. PROSPECTS.—, The weather has been very unfavoral4 to the farmers for, the past week, nevertheless some of -the have sown quite larg The fall wheat prenti season if no einforeee quantities of grain. es a good crop this n mishap befalls it. RAILWAY —The p incipal excitement about the railway - ih the advocating of the bonus. Soine look on the matter rather coolly fer the following reasons They are /sure of it without giving much of a bonus; others, viz-, those around Jamestown, nesr they will vote: against giving a bonus, mileas they get a station in -that ontsif;the,way place. But if. we wishto have a railway we must make up our naiads both to give and to take, and remember that . every one cannot have a station at their own door. BUSINESS has been very. good for the past few weeks, and the merchants are still receiving large consignments of their spring stock daily, . SALT WELL. —Some of the people are beginning to think that this place will in future be .a large coabmining centre, as the berare of the salt well have came' in Contact with. a Subsiance resembling coal._ H such should be the case, and out to be large quantities, a ill be formed immediately for of sinkiee a shaft and brings there teen company -n the purpes Peg thismineral to: the surface; which will be a more lucrative: occupation than the manufacturing of salt:. • LonelesborO. Mr. ktilts, of Londe.sboro, came near losing a ltaluable cow by choking. It • was thou ht nothing could save her, when Mr. IT ohn Walker, veterinary sur- geon, arrived, and, under his skilful treatment, Wroxeter. EAuhv CLo§lico.----Most. If aiir n er- . ehants seem in favor of c osing ti .eir shops at 7 o'clock, p.m., during the st, m - Olen We hope all will' haye fair p ay , !enough about them to join in the mo -e- ment, for it is too bad to keep mercha ts .housed in till 9 or 10 o'clock ;at- night as ,many are at .present. . Desieres.-!—The names of the deba ers at the Clifford debate on the 4th. May, are as follows: On the Clifford .side T. Frood, (leader) A. Du linage; R. W.. ul- •` mage, ,;and A. . Allen. The Wrox ter team are—Thci s. -Gibson, (leader), (seo. Gibson, Al. L. Gibson, . and N. Allen. AV. G. Morrison, Surveyor. Clifford, vill act as chaisman. - 'COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION.—A. m d- ing is to ille held. in the Orange Hall, Leech vine, to -morrow, (Saturday), for the purpose of obtaiuing the. sigma res of the. different teachers in Howiek to a peation asking:the Council to gm t a suni of money to purchase prizes for the examination. =The meeting will open at that teach rs should attend, So as to save one .o'cloc , pm. It is very- desirable the troubl of having tlse petitions sent around to tlie teachers individually. Arrengemetnts ,for the examination will be made, snch as the selection of a suita- ble place, time of holding it, the getting up of a Airogramme, and the appoinlent of examiners. . RuNewAv.—Last Friday, Mr. Joseph Richardson's team took fright, and 1.a.v- d; at a y- 1, le- nt et of he id ry to as 0, rn he Ishe was Soon out of danger. ENTERTAINMENT.—On. Tuesday morn- ing about ne o'clock, our villagers were entertaine by a trio of vocalists fisacl comic per ormers, iunl, although at such an tinseas nanle hour, the greater ptit of our villag rs had. the ; benefit of their melodious voices.- This being their first appearanc before the public, it was an open-air ffair, but their next will be with close doors with tickets of admis- sion $1. mong the many songs which they sung I may zncntion one, Rule Bri- tannia, wth an entirely,tew chorus which sps J. k. highly of teir inventive genius. —PHILANDER. OR. first attempt, still tnere appeared to be no fear on their part. The best of or- der -prevailed and everything went well. The proceedings ca e to a elose about half -past 12, when the closing address 'was given. The andiente then dis- persed, apparently ell pleased with the proceedings.—Com. Win hrop. GOOD TEMPLAR—The following is a list of the. officers Petalled in the Good Templar Lodge, I. O., Which was insti- tutet in this plac shout three weeks ago Brother Andrew 1 oveniloek, W. C. T - Brother W. French P. W. Brother Jelin Gove lock W. R. S: Sister Janet Goven oak, W. Treasurer. Brother Samuel Srith, W. F. S. T3rother Dougal Allan, W. Chaplain. Sister Ca,mpbell, R H. S. Brother John Stew rt, W. L. H, S. Brother Geo. Bake , W. Marshal. Brother Wm Smitl ,W; 0. G. Brother John Stes art, Temple Deputy. We are happy ts be able to state that this new Temple i in a most flourishing c mdition, awl with so energetic and com- petent a staff of off °ere, its progress will undoubtedly be ram id ; and its influence have a most bPn ficial tendency. Al- though as yet only three meetings have been held, the lis of membership num- bers 36, and the rospect is, that each night of meeting •r a considerable time to come, there will be a large increase. The Temple meet every Tuesday night in the eOrange Hall one mile east of this. • I ick. Ho! FOR MANIT BA. —The; whole .cry here is Red Riser. ,itieveral families are to leave in June: FALL NI PEAT. -1 he fallwheat is this - Township looks r markahly well, and. gives eye y prosnea of being an abun- dant els') Soot r tlemen n vative As appointed Geo. Stro esident ; William Wade, Com- mitteeen 'n. • iiFORMED —A number pt gen- Gorrie have formed a miser • ()dation for the Township, and. the following office -beaters.; g President - John Jacques, Hay. SAD B REAVEMENT. -Last week, we inad-Seita itly failed to notice the sad death of Mr. Richard WilsOn, son of William Wilson, Esq., Clerk of this Te-wns i . • About two weeks ago as this young m n was driving a load. of rails aleag t ie road with a team of horses, his horses b .came unmanageable, -and ran. away, Cr rowing him ;from the waggon, e erely ;injured bins as to cause his de t a few .dayS afterwards. Mr. • Richar L Vilson vas ja yoimg man Who posses e the respect ;and esteem of all who ei jo ed the pleasure of his acquaint- ance. •I. his early and sudden demise will be d seply rege'etted by many.- This is the 4011d son *hose death Mr. Wil- son hal ecu called upon to mourn with- in thel • t year. ;We sincerely sympa- thize our esteemed. friend. in his sad bereav ent. • EXAMINATfON.L,A public ex - 71. of the pupils of School Section ay. taught by Mr. Duncan Mc - o place on Thursday, the 23rd proved eLineutly successful in pea. The I school room wen decorated, -sea large platform -fir the vssztors., and everything t e Walls exhibited no ordinary neatness; cleanliness, and good :here werh oyer seventy visitors and about eighty pupils. This, we 'wide .stand, is the largest number of ver known to .be present at an, ion M this section. To assist ty'o proceedings there were six achers present from neighboring - The eXermees commenced at a. m,, and centinued till late in SOH amina No. 2, Leod, ult., aid eyery e tastef 11 erecte wi thi degree o taste. - present, a it 0 10 B ytri. NORTH HURON Annual Spring Sh der the auspices ron Agricultural Blyth, on Wedn In horses, the sh provemerit on forn ber and quality of is the prize list : visitoi s examina in the d School t sectio 9. o'cloc the evening; each --class - in the venous branche thorougl of the m excellen This di s. taught having undergone a and searching; examination. One st 'noticeable features was the order maintained by the pupils. not seem the result so much of fear as of affection. In fact throughout the whole of the exercises there seemed to exit a perfect harmony and under- stand* between teacher and pupils. As regasds he progress made by the pupils, we .nee only say, that all who were present estiliecl that a great and notice- able ads ancement had been made' since they ea e under Mr. McLeod's manage- ment. t the conclusion of the exami- nation, he Chairman, Mr. Case, deliver- ed.'a sh rt address, in which he spoke in the mos laudable terms of the condition of the s .hool, ' . —1st, J. Bailey, " Sir Archy," 2nd, J. NiaPe.11ovv, Youpg t3ir Archer." isr EXHIBITION.—An exhibition was given in the school -house, school BULLS. section No. 2, Hay, on Monday evening, -i THOROL-GII-BRED Dcnrseer,—Over Two 27th Ult., by the pupils of the school; Years.—lst, qeorge Chesney. Under under the. superintendence of their teach- Two Years. -1st, Alex. McLaren; 2nd., Duncan McLeod. The school- s tastefully decorated. for the , and. was crowded with specta- r. rfeavy Draught 1st prize, W. McGregor, owner. ' 2d prize, "Rob Roy," Owner W. Robson; 3d, "Young Comet," lifiwner E. Main General Putts° e Horses—Five en- tries; lst, "Cap ain Wallace," owner John Mason; 2d, 'Hard, Fortune," own- er Gee. A skwith ; 3d, "Xing Alfred," owner, T. Brea& ot. - • Roadsters—Fiv entries; 1st, "Hard Fortune," owner P. G. • -White ; • 2d, "Young St. Law nee, owner, J. Thorns son ; 3d, "Royalf George," owner W. Pestick. t CATTLE. Thorough -bred Durham Bull, over three' years—Three entries; lst, H. Snell; 2d, Thornas Taylor; 3d, Ed. Manning. Thorough -bred Durham Bulls, under two years—Two entries-; lst, S. Bow- den. ; 2(1, -John Washington. • Grade Bulls --21 Robt. Reid ; 2d, .Ed. Manning. _ The -Judges, were John RattenburY, W. G. Hingston and George Anderson. President, H. 11. Snell, Viee-Presi dents J. Beggins Directors, C. 'Proctor, John. Mason, Thomas Taylor, J. Fisher and It -Cole ; Secretary, 8. Maledmoon, Clinton. MELANCHOLY Acc'IDENT WTe regret to record: the sail accident which happened. to Mr. 'John Miller, near Blyth. It aps pears that Mr. Millet was drawing a loa€l ef hay from a neighboring farm -; after coming out ;of' the gate, he stepped onth tongue of the waggon in oid.er to get on - the load, and while in this position the - horses started, and being very fractious, theybecame unmanageable. He was 'thrown on the ground, th waggon pass ing Over his body, inflicting many bruises and. breaking his back bone. In this state he was carried to his house. Drs. Sloan and flutehison were soon in at- tendance, and after an examination,: pe0r,. nounced his case hopeless. He still lingers, though in a very low condition. SHOW.—The w of entire stock mi- d the North Hu - Society was held in sday, the - 19th inst. w was a decided im.- er years, both in num.- stock, The following RSES. Horses --Five entries, tleborne. To the Editor of the Huron Expos' tor- e`filitf —In your issue -of the 30th ult., an article appeared from the wouldbe ,notable '"Lumby Debating Club" in -which . they were &WIT forth their claims to honor a -e orators of some renown. As I read the paragraph, it reminded me of the old fable about the jac dais in borrowed. feathers. In justice to the public allow me to strip them a little of their false plumage. In• the fi st place they paint in glowing colors their imagin- ed) victories o4 the " Farqufia - Now, sir, tbeii last debate w th that Club showed sudh dishonesty as i seldom to be found in "Literary Sociai s." The evening of the 1debate they re used to proceed unless the chairman wo ld make such overtures Ss would secure . o them the victory. A respectable aud'enee be- ing present, to prevent disappo'utment, the debate teoklpla,ce ; the decieion wan to the effect that if any standard diction- ary be consulted as to -the defi ition of the disputed word, the" Farquh. r Club" merits the decision, but if the d finition (of the wiseacres of Lumley b taken, (of course) they wtuld have the decision; the public can therefore judge ho had the best rtght t8 it. I might a so here mention that the " Farquhar Club" had but four speakers, not as they rep esented '1 five on each side." In tbe seem d place, where they have had six challenge de- bates without losing one, they conch their language in such a dishonest cl4ak as to icad. the publie to suppose thety gamed them. Of the six debates mentim ed there were two in which no decision ilvhatever was given, and of the three oth rs it was the unanimous opinion of intell gent au- diences that they did not merit it, at least in two lases. These re facts. Thirdly, "their ambition is entij ily satis- fied they intend to live retired Poor souls, their 0511bl-time was of a very low nature, and easily satisfied, only1a month ago they were nes* fledged:" Public Speakers." comllusion, Mr Editor, "it is not always thst self prai eis com- mendable." think the publi s can ap- ply the maxim in . this, case. There is, however, one thing at which it ?route/ be hard to be beat the LumleyiteS, that is —Blowing their own trumpet, they do it well. FAIR PLAY, wo entries ; 1st prize, • SPECIAL NOTICE. A DISTIVSSING COUGH causes the friends of the sufferer almost as much pain as the sufferer himself, and. should receive immediate attention_ Dr. Wis- tar's Balsam of of Wild Cherry speedily cures coughs, eolds;influenza, sore throat, etc. It will also relieve conm suption, and in many well attested. ease it has ef- fected a perfect cure. W • e have not yet heard. of a s ngle fail- ure in curinge'Bronchitis, whei Fellow's' Compound Syeup of Hypophos thites has been used, and feel satisfied that it is a specific remedy. Price SI 50 a bottle; 6 for $ 50. Sold by apothecaries -and by F. Cunldil & Co., wholesale ag,enta, Montreal. 1 . - WIs health worth having If it is protect it—it it ajewel as easi y lost as Ffibb eft. SPRING Sisowz:L-The -Hibbert Braach Agricultural Society's Spring Show'for the exhibition of Entire Stock, was held at the village of Carronbrook, on Friday last. The weather, although a little cold, was not unpleasant and the attendance of visitors was quite large. The show of horses was 0"ery good,—there being some splendid animals on the ground. The show of bulls, however, was rather infe- rior. In this class, Mr. George Chesney, of Tuckersmith, showed a really superior animal, which carried off the first prize as thorough-beed !Durham. In the former class,—that of horses, —the Cu onty of Huron was well represented, there being four very superior aninials from this County. Mt. Leonard Hunter. of Us- borneetook the second prize for hisgen- eral purpose "Young Coach- man.i' Mr. Hunter also took the first h prize at the Fullerton show on the previ- ous day, wale the horse which took the first at Hibbert, took the second, thus exemplifyingthe fact that j lidos" will differ in opinion as well as " doctors." Mr. Bailey to the first prize in the "coach and casnage" class, for his thor- ough -breed. staijion, "Sir Archy. V This horse was imported from Kentucky last fall, by 111r. Bailey, and is certainly one of the finest looking animals of the kind. we have even seen. Mr, Dixon, of Brucetield, also exhibited. aYery superior horse, in the general purpose " class. Mr. Carling, of McKillop, had OD the ground, although not for exhibition, his fine dark grey stallion, which, was well spoken of by farmers and others present, who professed t� be judges. The follow- ing is a list of the prizes awarded-: HORSES. Hrav-v DRAtYcirr,—Three Entries.— 1st, ;Thos. Colquhoun, "Captain Watt;" 2nd; Thomas Greenwood. Purcheron." GENERAL PURFOSE,-Seven Entries.— 1st, Richard •Netters'"Young Hard Fortime ;" 2nd, Leonard hunter, "Young Coachman." COACH on CssnesecE,—Four Entries. er, Mr. room ; w occasio Peter Campbelll. . Hamilton. lncter Two Years,—lst. tors. DEVONS, —0 3r er Two Years. -18t, Wm. t 8 o'clock, M_McCall, Tres - tee, Wa called to' the chair, who after a Win. Hamilton. . ing 1-(1.dress. Two boys then canis for- John Barr. APRIL 21, Int ARDWA E SIGN OF THE z-4 SPADES, SIOVELS, HOES. Ut CNAILS, PRES'D NAILS. T. HINGES, virtue, and in many cases as ifficult to recover. In this dimate, and, ore par- ticularly at this aeason of the ear, peo- ple are very apt to take col and suf- fer from sore throat, coughs, pitting ef blood and pulmonary complai ts gener- ally, which if not checked i emediately lead to serious consequences. —e The ques- tion ariseshich is the qu ckest and most effectua m reedy ? Br an's Pal - monk Wafers have been befor s the pub- lic for twenty Years, and h -e always given perfect satisfaction, and invariably effect permanent cures whe taken in season. Sold by every druggist and most of the respectable sores throughoul the Pro- vinc;e, at 25 cents per box. few brief remarks, called upon the 'open- AYRSHIREs,.-rttnder Two Years.—lst. ward, and delivered' an instructive ad- •0 ennEs,—Ovier Tivo Years.=lst, John sdress, after -which dialogues, recitations Gardiner ; 2nd, J ohn Jefferson. Under and singing Were the•order Of the even-- Two Years.—st, Andrew McLaren ; cThe pupils were dressed to suit ; 2nd, John McCuunell ; J. Hedgins, (re- - the occ:sion, and although this was their ' commended. • DISSOLUTION -OF PARTNERSHIP. Elliott and C. Armstron , as Book- MHE ParthOrship existing b tween W. sellers and. Stationers, is thi day dis- solved by mutual consent. Mr. C. Armstrong authorize( to pollect11 debts due -to said firm and -ettl allclaims upon it. W. ELLIoirr, 1R. A11.61RONG. Seaforth, .April 4, 18714 The above Business will be carried on by the undersigned, under th n.aine of Armstrong & Price, who will -attend. to all orders entrusted to them ir the above line of business. C. ARMS RON-G, , J. E. PR1 N. B.—Every -one -who- Wan ts to get a good Map of the 1.)orrimion of tanada and_ the North West, call at the Telegraph. Bookstore and get one that is a Map. 176-3t BARN1ROOR HINGES, Bankrupt S ock $5000. ir R. C. YE0 has receiv d a large consignment of Goods, being part of the Stock of D. LEWIS & Co., Mon- treal, which. will be Sol off by PUB!...10 AU ION, At his Store, Seaforth, Commencing on Sa urday, the 22nd instant, and contiu ing all next week, Afternoon Sale et 1 &clod . Evening Sale at 6 p. For list of goods see sm 11 bills and. posters. C. YEO, kuctioneer. Seaforth, April 19, 1871. 176-tf ryl A. SHARP'S LIVER Stables. Office—At Mu 8eaforth. Good Horses, se Conveyances, always on Lan and SALE ra.y'sHotel, d. tiist-class L 168-tf CHARY'S LIVERY STA I ST., SEAFoRTII. 'First C and Carriages alWat ays °ran hie terms.' R. L SHARP, 1. Seaforth, May 5th, 1870. ese. LE, MAIN lass Horses at as reons- roprietor. 8--tf (Blacksmith made.) DRYBURG'S PLANES. AMERICA N WATERLI ME —AND-- CALdINED I)LASTE JACKSCREWS TO HOE JOHNSON I3ROTH RS IRON -CLAD MILK CANS, IRON -CLAD DAIRY PAILS CHEESE VATS 1 —AND— CariFying Cas! M de to order. DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES, Of all kinds, KEPT ON I _ ND,1 JOHN 1 0-tf. ON BROT.UERS- Main .Street, .SE..1.1 Wall/ • seep P FOI TrIs UNDERssl+ at lot ennith, Li. S., ass- fo6 of the folles lInse, 1741'1V t ; T4OUSOD. lie will 1 'nn the aliove peent. want 1,44 it4 peta 'each 167-13t1 ;iiTiONTO m !SS Iliss opened nut a coMprisitig Latest, Styte., Drees and s Promptly attended. S'tamping done. on StraW and Hair A -executed in this tie latest etyies. 2172--tf 3:epos' At.; EN" LOOKMA N'sessIN -TeleA-raph ADA Ex .CANADA LIFE • Issuer of Mar Anierlean Partieuler latent JOB 1 & Store, Sessforth PAIN JAMES Bogs to intimate to froni Wberebn nisse be Mr, Williams is pr the shortest notiee, Carriage lrnamis Give hiM a call. R opposite M turav's St; TWO VALti A FOP 0 AA's, guar 111V1 N esv Frame. Barn, 7:5 acres eleaissil -Ike farm is situated from Wroseter to 1 !t;•31S00, ilair 'ash iv rot) :3th Pentrallybvtwvvn NV/ JiarriNton, avres -house, 1 5 /4cros tlraihed. hn Priv --t!7111 .1 11)1 FI-1;.;uvr part ire la re WM- 176-3* If you wa): TR W. P. P GALL kiposit a, "'it tZol, Main Still. l'UOTOGRA P44ec eriptiore -neeurpassie Duren. Mr. Rugot s gallery, t1aou:.:11 sma poaran8e, i ; t: tluetion 4 Jf '2,1_ • s BUSfri FARM; FO. JIE Grey, vo, If 11 lin a thiA ;are four :r-- ,f u ance 4,1 ;Ai I./cot:Dent tinallty. A this latter tint!. r lot, 'nit. 1 ;.• ,ir :nu.% For 11111114 1 1 t tor:, prepaid,. 1., :zoaforth, to to t tr. .1;.11 Thame47,t.t., flETh EXT1ACTED