The Huron Expositor, 1871-01-27, Page 7JANUARY 27, 1871. €teE To, Sl BSOR'IBERS. tNS WHOSE Subscriptions to- sxPOSITOR are overpaid will be iy Gln l•fc•Teax, who is also A to collect all unpatid subscrip- this particular we would urge e arrears the necessity of pith all possible -dispatch. WM, F. L1.-X.ToN.- rtlJ Frntudry CAE RTE R, ATTENTION 'F L E . 1s THIS '� �O � A 1`TE� TkO' 111 IAC°Rl 10. TO -THEIR �. I iPRt3� l.I lag Machines THE BEST RESENT IN USE, ac hires possess many inpr.ove- ray heretofore made. They are ring Machines of TWO SIZES,. Ry constructed for travelling: smaller size. calculated more 'or HOME USE. their large machine has.been it has given the VERY BEST MON. aniifactuz e the Pitts' -tired Horse Power. Ora to the above, the sul scrih- ;tire almost ever,- article its. such, as �rTA�� TING MACHINES,, sa . ing from 50 to 60 cards of wood per day. RAW CUTTERS, Ef a Superior kind. .l'ANG PLOW, e Latest Improved. TORS 'NTD PLOWS, li cannot be surpa..ssetl. - o---__ DESCRIPTION II'TION t)'F CASINGS I'1€11 SHORTEST NOTICE. highly approved pattern for SCOL DESK IRONS. Irl ALL BRANCHES. :ended to Promptly. ,enploy no Agents. and can ve the purchaser the at;;van- ,mmissioii. !toy none but the best skillet material, which, warrants nts Irauteeieg satisfaction. .PugMASERS wi.LB PLEASE A GAIL BEFORE BUYING FROM OTHERs.. ZAPFE CARTER { l,tenilcer, 1870. 143-1y- 'OHM THOMPSON his numerous customers for Herat patronage during the gars. and tritsta lie will re: attnuar nee, uu hand a large as a rt. el Sound emioc ! kt.ttsi:s tip• YL t= ive satisfaction AND DRAINING :ER, KIPT(IN HA.NI): O FEET OF PINE .t1D G=ENERAL PURPOSES. it}ffers on liberal terms, Or- r, xrouiptly attended to. A rated on the Tom -aline Hullett, 3 and i mike roii Road. aa.e. Itk, 1S70 84 -ti: _ INK. MATTER`# GE BROKER,, d dealer in Pure iICALS AND DYE STUFFS,, ERF`G MERY,; D TOM:ET ARTICLES" Sewing Machines. Money y terms. fines and Liquors for inedt- J.. SEATTER, . 1870. 59-th • JANUARY 27. 1871. How Brave Men Die. Both; Ftench and Germans have men of .heroic mould in ,their armies. A late letter in the Cincinnati Gaz- ette mentions two as follows : General Repat.ult is dead. y1 -1m- potation could not save him. As his breath shortened a :Sister of Char- ity said "Shall we pray :for you?" The dying soldier replied "Pray for France." Those were ilnsIlest words They were as eat nest as death. Thi scene was touching. But there was a more touching one at the Ameri- can ambulance. One of the Saxon wounded died. He had dictated' a letter to his parents, in whish he said : " I fell in the battle of the .1st before ° Paris. I l:opri my wound is not serious, but I am in God's hands. I send my love to all my brothers and sisters, andpray to -God to take care: of you.'_ Ever- -- thing has been done for me, and I am very thankful for the kindness of these good people. Your affec- tionate Gustave." In the delirious moments he exehtimed " How beautiful•the Spring time. 0 the flowers, how I should like to have setae." Some w et e brought. All in the large tent,were deeply affect-' ed. Soldiers sobbed on their pllows All, were melted and impressed by the pathos in the death of this sim- ple -hearted and devoted Saxon sol- -dier He died inhis beautiful de- liriuni of the spring ' time and its flowers, and his soul passed out of sight to where the flowers never wi- ther, and where there is but one i3 ea son, and that one season, an eter-, „al spring.". Horace Greeeley's First Start.. Horace Greeley, in the first of th;e series cf papers on farming he iQ now publishing in the Tribe, gives° th e following statement of his first ten years' work in New York City. We print it for the. encouragement • of those struggling for ' a foothold : "1 came to New York when not quite of age, with a good constitu tion, a.fair cow m on -school education, good health, good habits, and a pret- ty fair trade—that of printer. I ::think my outfit for a campaign against adverse fortune was decided- ly better than tv erage ; yet ten long years elapsed before it was set- .-tied that I could remain* here and make any decided headway. Mean- time, T drank no liquos, used no to- bacco, attended no balls or outer ex- pensive extertainments, worked hares and long-wh.ei,ever I could find work to do, lost less that a month altogether bysickncss,and did very -lit- tie in the way of helping others. 1 judge that quite as Many dirt worse.. than I as did better ; and that of the young lawyers and doctors who try to pstablisli themselves in their professions, quite as many earn less as earn more than their bar board d'irina the first ten years of their struggle.':, • Great Trees from Little Morns prow. Bolivar was a druggist. Mohan -let Ali salts a barber. ' Virgil was tlae son orf.a potter. Milton was the son of a scavenger. Horace was the scn of a shop- keeper. Demosthenes was the son of a cut- ler; Robert Burns was a. ploughman in Ayrshire. , . t Shakespeare was the sort of a woul stapler. Cardinal Woolsey 'Wm the son of _a pork butcher. Oliver Cromwell was the son of a .Landon brewer. Whitefield held was the son of art inn keeper at Gloucester. Columbus was the son of a weav- err and a weaver himself. John Jacob Astor once sold apples on the streets of New York. "Honor and faire fromno condition rise, Act well your part, there all the honor lies { A SWTh DL.ING DODGE ON FARMER• S. —Swindlers in the interior towns of Greene County have been victii<,nis- ing fat_mers to a considerabe extent. The modus operandi is about as t+ol- lows :--Aaerts, or persons who re- present themselves to be such, call on farmers, and, after bargaining with them for their butter, will pay enough cash Own to bind the bar- gain and secure the consigntuent. The dairies are sent tt, the city for sale, and that is the last the farmer hears of his butter. The Recorder says " that quite a number of far- mers thereabouts have also been swindled by the old method of sign- ing an a, reement to acc as, agent for the sale uf some patent. This pa- per, which the swindler calls an agreement, and which at first glance appeals to be one, is a cunningly devised negotiable note. A man in '-; Catskill had toa1 p s $325 on- one." --Independent. . WISE PRovERBs.--Som a falls are the means the happier to rise. The lit T e sure t prophesying is after the event. It s a good divine that follows his own instructions. Ile that has ' a • good nose, thinks th seeakin _ of it W h'. over the same stone enshin. Hel who w mun'rsm e uth rust of meal. He that d till he ib dead, is. ra e tha.ii anoaher an's h is Lie's tep-sister. falls ; th rising agaii is wisdo which. is end. H pe is a' goo light verr asl �c,� � inside of ourself as The barber was asko at Court ; "The Kir ed,' quot' i he: t s e 11 fe h verybody is umbles twice ervcs a bro (1 Stop ever a great de s his.charit r libetal c wn. Excus ere must b s all. That dom in th auce, but oking glass 11 as outstd-e. hat he saw was ill -shay - 1 g 1 f Josh illings on I hav pent a grate ing, and um • money, t who waz the ftist whiss now I ars just az !nue on n the subjek+ az I w 1 kan ell who plane juice baro, and who be pan, and kilo the year ov a thou.: nd'stripgs ed in, bu when whi s infant, iz az hard for mi praye s in to dutc Whissl lig iz a win and iz di bi puckrin and blow ng; through Thare t int no tune o earth but what kan bp instrume t, and tha e s tune, Ya keedoodle, whissled 4ew Hath. Grate t linkers are seling. eat ov sarch- w find out er, hut up td uncivilized on tlhe fust t the -Rist tin hat the harp. az diskover- ing waz" an. tea*; say, az good . whis kant thin gins tew We cele good whis ov honor puckered Good w 75 years the desire offiss, haz this 'hones IflI ha sell, 1 do that giv the b muteh rat whissell f tew -play I woul tew whir • shun. 1 e Wim m lump are how I found this. out, es- it, it iz a good deal 1 in a hen. . Crowing iz an unla a hen tew do. I :Hare ften. heard aro, but. I ever knu o self j ustiss s A rocster kan kro hen kan k1uk well, at. one cv the stik tew t Kl.uckilig iz jist az this world az crowing, it iz well cid. Betlw ntitwell urid I am woul whist the r 1 what Whi, and ment Su siers, in fa !r ov nothi avhissell. lOm See a Bier, there s bright, in hissell. hisslers are go they w te-w:gi.t rite took the pu and eheerf a' boy, wh 't want tew ould feel a up for lose er he woul st rate, that second rate n't force :} ell agir biz n, az i a ki poor whizzl d b v h instrument, the mouth; hole. - the avliole aged on this lebrated old bin almost t apt tew be when. a, man thlen he be - al who is a grate deal sharp, well THE HURON .EXP( Tl -IE LONDON ©rm rota' Colla e AND. ► elegraphic Institute, 1 the oldest and best known in the Do - inion, and has furnished Principals and rofessors for several of the other Com ercial Schools. BOOK. -KEEPING, r y Single. nd Double Entry is taught on the iml3roved and superior plan of ctual Busines1 Transacton Thorough Instruction in Short Hand r sting and Telegtaph ng, at reasonable r, tes. For full information i regard to Forms ourses of 1 nstrudtion, etc., address JONES & BELL, 148— London, Ont. Bachelors SET MARRIED AT ONCE; AS ftTRNITTJRE ... I S 5 Per Cent Cheaper 4 m rHOS. qELL3s WAREROOM_ ori 1"IE Ii.. S. A DEI) teain' Power To his Faci kee, and is now selling ting skarse, ` lent Sl' Qles plenty, but r taw hold er out ov atuuzereent, uldn't w is understood, iberty, tew ut 1 would; no how tew o' kno how` eov kards, y ov mine tral incl ina or in t e I dontlc o t I am•glad.. ke crofting ike thing in ens tri tew tew do her - well, and a sa let each it trade. ecess%ry in speshily if rstood that -the ast inn on r•ckord Who 1 refuse a Wolnan a chancre tew ell if she was ce • sin she had ght ticker for it. ever k.ntt.a good aliissler but hac a good s.nstitushnn. sling iz conipozed ov pucker ins, ., ncl these the . ccomplish- . den( to vigor: . 1 11 peciple. alwus w i'ssell where thare iz da ger----this h do tew keep the ft. id out t v ti ' �n1. When 1 oras a oy�' I 'awn konsidered whiss ing .te next .best thing to a kand e to go -down cella with in the '' me. and Retail. SIJRE' T GALL *BEFORE P - RCHASING ELSEWHERE. o W ARE ROOMS POSITS THOMAS Ii DD'c. ORN,ER^OF MAR - YORK SHOP, KET 'SQUARE. TTJRNING done o11 the Slioi'tet Notice. FFI N lie t constantly on S „ hn*l. - A 'HEARSE FOR HIRE. SI AFORTH, JUNE 31), 187 )• C Golden nite t i c - Th : best whisslers T have ever heard hav sin amung the negroes (1 make this I mask with t ie highest respe-t to. the accouralia nnents ov the I. iter). 1 hav, • 1 a south karol ny darkev whisse 1 so natj d that a mocking -bird wolf d drop a worm out ov-has bill enc talk back to the nigger, - 1 d e+ nt wnt enny bet' r evidence ov th, gene al honesty tri . re iz` in a whiss e 11 th n the fackt hat thare aint nothing which a doy will an- uickor than the hissell ov ster, and dogs ail az good ov honestY,a z enn kritters az �' z sorer hiz in ,fudge, live. It i • haul work to p"f eel a dog nd it iz next to Mil ossible to inn tie .second tins t afr id to trust mall amount who once, a phool I ai for\a whissi I w on ore to tak r nny man z a good nldnleWant to, sell int a fat in it, kir I should ex ekt to hair the farm back of :r a while an iemove the tuoitgage iself. Yu ant whissell a neo:'•tgage oph from -a farm A f 1st rate whisseler iz 'like a middli g sized fiddler, gp d for no- thing ,Ise, and the. ws•ling may keep a man .from it ' o � tin. nesuni it g ,. wont eep 14m. from gitti g ragged. I ne er knu a bee hunt • but what waz a ood whissler, and dont kno ov ern e yi bizaness on the _ reast ov the ea th that will make man so lazy a, d -useless without acktually killin him, as hunting b.es in the wilder ess. Hu , ting writs bees and its .second g rate v rses are evidences p ' sum ge- nius, ut either of them ll unfit a man 'f r doing a good s are day's work. 1Yew York TFeek1 ? adlock ham' e e+ 0-1 Iv o (L'5, 1.4"" tti;r71-1Z =IP gmmi 1!1sa ?; F Ci.". 1.1 Cfq euL F.,s • SITOR. 7 MILLINERY, DRESg —AND— M� MIS NTLE MAKING. McINTOSH, TA KE S this opportunity of returning thanks for the liberal patronage ex- tended to her since coming to. Seaforth, and would respectfully intimate to cus- tomers and others, that she is still to be found OVER MR. McDOIJGALL'S STORE. : IL orders will receive the UTMOST • TTENTION. With regard to TASTE NEATNESS and theLAT EST STYL 8, cannot' be EXCELLED 1N SEAFOI TH. STRAW and HAIR- hiOItK C 1 ANED ON THE SHORT- EST NOTI E. SEAFORT , March 31, 1870. 121 BOSH F MITE UN eheap, of Grey, Co. this lot ar four acres o ance is tim excellent qi this latter t lot. The 1 CASH, or o For further ter, prepaid Seaforth, or tor. RO Thamesfo RIK FOR SALE CHEAP ERSIGNED offers for sale, of No. 30, Con. 15, township of Huron; about 70 acres of timbered with hardwood, which are chopped, the bal- ered with cedar and pine of ality. There is sufficient of m)Er to pay for the whole will be sold CHEAP FOR time. Title indisputable. particulars apply (if by let - to Adam Gray, PlaningMill, o the undersigned proprie- E R1CK GRAY, Thainesfbrd, P. 0. d, Nov. 9, 1870. 153-tf.— MONEY I ,000 TO LEND. THAVE e above sum on hand for investme ton good Farm Security, at 8 and 9' per ent.,—Private Funds. JOHN S. PORTER. SeAFO tTH, my 25, 1870. . 139 — HOUSE ND LOT FOR SALE. A BRIC barn and st planted wi bearing,, a park lot co less, in the newly drain down with fenced wit. fence. Thi. for a nurse above prope of Roxboro Maitland, -2 river, on 4 miles jroir ply to Me Killot) t LIV COTTAGE, 26 x 36, frame ble, half an acre of land, choicest fruit trees, all ood well, etc. Likewise a tainting six acres, more or gheEt state of -.cultivation, d and manured, and seeded timothy and clover, and a new. substantial board lot is admirably adapted or a market garden. The ty is situated in the village gh, on the banks of the feet above the level of the ' ood gravel road, and torn eaforth. Terms easy. Ap- ROBERT SCOTT, Roxborough. Dec, 14, 1870. 158-tf. Y STABLE. J AMES . 'OSS desiries to inform the public: t at he . has opened a New Livery Sta le in connection with his hotel, where parties can be aeeommod ated with t class horses and vehicles, at reasonabl prices, Sea:orth, an'y. 21st, 1870' 97 •tf. ti 1ioneGen • e unites signed I. Bum. FA ',M FOR SALE. OT 12, 0 n. • 9, - Township of Grey, containin 100 acres of land, 55 acres leered, with ood builclnige and orchard.. he farm ori be sold oneasy d terms l Apply to i.L McDER lID. II:trlrslrhey. 149. GREAT et. 12t11, 1870. KlDD'S E_IIPORIU:Vi FASHION, SEAFORTH, MITE subscriber begs to announce to 1 the public thathe has opened a Splendid Assortment O,F STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. The whole of the Stock is entirely new, and bought in the best houses in Canada. He is -determined to sell at prices that will satisfy the buyers. THOS. KIDDI Seaforth, Nov. 1st, 1870. . 153— TOYS & FANCY GOODS SELLING OFF A T. C0ST --AT M. R. COUNTER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR - Christmas Presents, AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Just received a complete stock of FINE COLD AND SILVER JEWELRY RUSSEL AND SWISS WATCHES. To be sold Cheaper , than ever. • M. Pi. COUNTER. 1eaingSde SsAF©Exit; Dee, 13, 1870. 52 .AT.- TORONTO MILLINERY. Olid roll & Soll'S MISS ERWIN, 1HItIUNDERSIGNED; INTENDING TO GIVE UP BUSINESS IN TFIE .'TAN D THEY NOW OCCUPY, W1.17,I. e+ ow" SELL FOII pod z: ei# C 0.4 LV Up sw 4# 0:1 ' I .P 5. ..e. e+ ,...., 1I; . � _ i.r cr. c. • _( C1 - 'CD PINK air r; is lea • FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HAT large and swell -finished Store and �oDwelling, wn as the Glasgow g g Varehouse, in the age of Wroxetor, he best Business Sta d m the. County of - uron. Apply to th Proprietor on the remises. JOAN FERGUSON. Wroxetor, 6th Jam, ) 871. 162-3: • ON' MONTH 1 1 HE WZ` n �, , I -T T,T. OF THEM STOCK OF i T\iY ! • Clothing, Tweeds, &c. FOR CASH, At Cost Price. Dress oods of all kinds, At Cost Price. Clothin English a cl Janadian Tweeds, At Cost Price. (Ready-made), DESIRES to respectfully inform the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity, that she has removed her Millinei;y Establish- ment to REYNOLD'S BLOCK NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION. MANTLES, HAT, AND BONNETS, Ready trimmed.. - DRESS CAPS, &c.5 &c. Orders for all kind of work, such as Mantleand Dressmaking, Braiding, Trim- ming, etc. -- Promptly a;.tenden to. A stock of piece Satins of' all shades on hand. Miss Erwin would also take this op- portunity of saying that she has very considerably increased her stock which consists of Seaforth, Sept. 2Lst, 1870, 146-tf— At Cost Price. CUSTOM S:iawls a d liackets._ At Cost Price. R e also se 1 a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES of a Sltnall Advance on COST. This is n humbug. Parties want- ing Cheap oo s, will find it to their acvantage • g ve them a callbefore put- chasing els wli re. All parti . s o " g accounts will please call and se le hem, as they wishto close their Book at resent. J. B U Nr'HRON & SON. Seaforth, etol er 3, 1870, 132 • l'A1LUI�Ih G HANKING theublicfor theirl ber- - al patronage extended to us since commencing business, we hope by strict attention to merit a continuance of the safne. CITTTINC - 1 .Parties who may require Cutting done, ca>shave it executed with Accu- racy, Neatness; andDcspatch, at MOD- ERATE PRICES. SUTHERLAND BROS. SEa.FoRTit, September 1:: •1870. 82 WANTED ! 20;000 DRESSED TU R KEYS, E GEESE, CHICKENS, --AND- 33 TT 'S _ rb.. HE subscriber r e �'ll pay the highest P Y h,,, gest /�1 cash :price for the ,above quantity of well -fatted and nicely :'dressed poultry, delivered at the Egg Emporium, Main Street, Seaforth. The poultry should not be drawn and the heads and feet should be left on. Cash paid for Venison, either saddles or whole deer. D. D. WILSON. Seaforth, Nov. 3o, 1870. 125-tf. 100 BUSHELS LS ! DRIED APPLES VERY CHEAP ax TAM- CASH ;M CASH STORM, W. S. ROBERTSON. LEAVING HURON. 4 -OT 3, 1N THE 3rd CONCESSIt3Ir. HUL�ETT� Better known as the WILLIAM THOMPSON FARM Is offered for bale, it is admitted by all who know this Lot, that for erups and stock it has no superior in the county. Address, B0X175, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. .15 2 - LL Z C� co GO TO THE e� 0.0 Ami M°DO U AL . 0 THE GREAT FEMALE REME13Y, JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dan- gerous diseases to which the female con- stitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may `be relied on. To marries ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will;, in a' short tithe, bring on- the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken by Fe- males during the First Three Months of Pregnancy, as they are sure tb bring ou Miscarriage, but at any other time the3- are safe. fn all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation Of the heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will . effect a cure when all other means have failed s and although .z pow- erful remedy. do not contain iron, calo- mel, antunony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which shoald be carefully - preserved, - 'JOB HOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPJtIETOR. $1.00and 121 cents for postage, en- closed to Northrop -%f: Lyman, Newcastle Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return -mail - lrSold in Seaforth by E. Hickson and Co,, and R. Lumsden ; A. Stephens, Mitchell ; J. S. Coombs, Clinton. and all Medicine Dealers. NURTHItOP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Sole Agents. 163-a