The Huron Expositor, 1870-12-16, Page 44.
PC011. 1871_
The largest and best gen-
eral newspaper in the Do-
iion---The WEEK LY GLOBE
--and the largest and best
local .newspaper in Huron
fourteen •months for $2.75.
The publisher of the Hu -
RCN EXPOSITOR will supply
the WEEKLY. GLOBE and the
Ho RON ExPosrrolt, from this
date to January 1st, 1872;
for $2.75 ; or paid-up sub-
scribers to 'the EXPOSITOR,
with the GLOBE .for $1.25:
The cash. must accompany.
the order. •
Trains leave the Seaforth station as
follows .
8-05 A. Y. • 2.256r. m.
W..50 " "
8.6.0 i g
1.35 P. W. 1.35 I
5.45 " 8.05 A. M.
Dec, 21,—Farm Stock, on Lot No. 25;
Oon. 8, township of Morris. Wm. Oar -
vie, proprietor, J. P. Brine, Auctioneer.
N. B.—Sales, /for which bills are printed
at this office, are advertised as above
without extra charge.
uron txpaoitor.
Official Paper of the County.
IN assuming control of THE HUR-
ON EXPOSITOR, we no not deem it
necessary to ,enter into any very
lengthy exposition of the Course
, ,
which we have marked out for our-
selves to pursue. Our principles are
Reform, and under .our management
the EXPOSITOR Will. coral,iue to ad-
vocate and uphold all measures
which, we consider will tend to ad-
vance the interests of the Reform
party, and also the gener•al weal ,of
the country to which we belong. in
saying this much, however, we do
not bind ourselves to support .any
Man, or party of then, unless we are
fully convinced that their i actions
are such as will eatiele them tce °kir
snpport. , We are not of thOse who
. can see 110 good in a political oppon-
mate or no evil in the 'men who be-
long to ear own party. We believe
that there are good and bad in both
ranks, and although we can fully en-
dorse the prilaciplee which form the
Ilasis of the political creed of the one,
yet we do' not pretend to say that
that party, and that alone, is infalli
ble. On the other hand, we believe
that the very foundation upon which
the principlesof the opposing party
rests, is rotten and insecure, yet not
withstanding this, we do :not say
thatthe members of that party earl do
nothing which is right:. This being
the case we, shall hold ourselves ft ee,
at all tines, to criticise the public
actions of the men who belong to
our party, as well as the actioes of
those who belong to the opposite
side. In doing so we shall endeavor,.
to 'the best of our ability, to deal
juetly with all. If a political 9p-
ponent does that which is considered
to be right, and for the best inter-
ests of the country, we shall not de-
ny him the credit to which he is
justly entitled ; and on the same
principle, if a member of our.own
party, commits that which may seem
to us wrong or reprehensible, we
shall not shrink from the task of ex-
posing his misdeeds. '
With regard to local affairs, we have
only to say, that neither trouble nor
expense, will be spared, not only to
retain the EXPOSITOR in its present
efficient condition, but to continually.
improve it. It shall ever be. onr
earnest endeavour to make it a wel-
come visitor m every family which
it enters, and to make every sub-
scriber feel that he receives mom
than value foe his money., We
trust that, erelong., eve .01811 be en-
abled to make sueh improvements in
the EXPOSITOR, as will place it, ii
every respect, second to no other
local journal in the Dominion. In
this endeavor we -feel confident that
we will be vigorously assisted by the
,people, not of Seaforth alone,pait of
the County generally-. I -*
It is asserted in Ottawa that the
arbitration question will be carried
to the English Privy Council by the
Province of Quebec, with the hope
that the award of the two arbilratora
may be set aside.
• No. 1 homemade kip boots for $4*:
vrico hide for $3.50, at Coventry's.
N. •
TH few jourh hi n this Province
who take 1elight n eking up every
Itttle, trill:Ink Deis a s which_may oc-
cur 'Ton the Gra d TrUnks Railway
t an time, and m gnifying it into
s met ing really •er ods, in order,
ossib e, to injur
t at r$ad, have s
righ on acciden
hich would nak
t at they rejoiced
ent 0id occur,
s met ing tangit
he B ighton acci
dly, melancho
affair, and we d
esire to excuse t
rele sness it occ
i ielin d, howeve
ood i' tendons o
ho [an shout
ver a / accident
rand Trunk, w
over a accident
riou a nature
reat Western,
oith of notice,
orth of comma
A sli ort time a
glect .f a eveitdbr,
train : n into ai fr
Great ilestern, tJj
was, t i e death of
engineer of one ia
the al ost total des
ti e authorities o
d upon the late
ith an avidity
almost appear,
such an acci-
heY might have
to complain of.
s was, nndoiibt-
nd unfortunate!
ot for a moment
Os through whose
ed. We do feel
o qnestion the
ose journalists
mselves hoarse
eh occurs on the
they can pass
early equally as
hthh occureon the
being scarcly
d entirely un-
sidera le amount
Yet, notwithstanding this, those
honest and conscientious journals,
suchl as the (?lobe and Hamilton
Times, could rel nothing in this
worthy of especial comment. But,
when a telegraph operator upon the
Grand Trunk negIects to perform
his duty, and I ilInto act according
to instructions given Jrim by his su-
periors and an ac identis the result
of his negligence, ,the whole of the
. .
Grand Trunk aut orates, from the
manag r down to a t ain dispatcher
are denounced ini t ie moat bitter
terms, as being in ble of perform-
ing the responsible dr ties with which
they are entrusted This looks is if
the good of the CO intry and the
safety if the publi ere far from
being he motive hich prompted
the mi. icfsms. The p blic generally,
e no beginning te look at the
atter in the same ight, and thus.
it is that articles s ch as we have
a hided to, corning f om thesie jolur-
n Is, are but 1 ale eeded. '
hrough the ne-
ht train, on the
esult of which
e fireman itnd
the trains, and
teuction of a don-
ot rolling stock.
The bali has owl
- fling. The a.sem led wisdom of
t is P ovine° liaye .een in session
cqngregated for1 upw rds of "a` week.
The. mincipal .Sulje t which has as
y t come under consi eration, is the
L eut, Governor's, ddress. This
document, as ' is t ually the case
with dcicuments of t4i kind, contain -
ea justabout as li t1 as, it possibly
could ' ild contai 11 nything at all.
The de ate upon i w s lively in the
extrem/ and . int In ixed to an al-
most tl sgraceful xt nt, with per-
sonaliti s. . It via fi ally, howeeer,
passed n -Tuesday la t, without ttoye
thing oue serious' esulting than
the en endermOnt of a vast amount
of iil .fe lingetreon st several of the
mernbe s of the op osing parties It
is not iroba.ble ti at much to the
s ape if work w 11 be done before,
the adjournment fot the Christmas
holiday . It is. Isa d that, asith fi om
pi blic :ills,. tit er are a large num-
b r of rivate Bill , which will take
u a co i siderable por ion of the time
o the ouse.
The measure wh
fo shad ) wed in t e Li
a• dress are,, so fLr as
a led ti judge, i n bj
vi.11, however, be
sr eLk i pon this p
B'lls a really
) OUSE)._ All whic
'e - is n doebt Ile
b doe in the
tI ink t at we ma
Ward i n an tici pad
s ssion. This bei
- I
een fairly !set
eh have been
ut. Governor's
we are yet en-
etionable. C We
better able to
int when the
ented to the
been promis:
ry, if it only
ht way. We
look for-
e of a profitable
the last session
ent, meMbers
n nous to do their
hey may 'have
hich to appear
it ents at 'the ap-
o the I resent Paull
gijnera1 y will be
best, i dder the
a good ecord wit
b fore heir cons
p oachi • g election
THE er giv
e s of or nto t
t e Op osition in
• otariol Le islatu
e enind, o±1 last
✓ spect one of the
I irs of the kind w
is this Province
ere te er five hu
e t, and the spe
t e ocd sloe were
d ntain d =con
hich 4annot be s
e en b the most
o pone t,s. The
g aph _1 nen the
U e GI lorih Sig
1 hich as presept
"Arund the
oy the Reform-
e members of
Doininion and
on Wednesday
was in every
mist successful af-
iish has been held
fo years. There `
drct persons pres-
cities delivered on
(sued, logical, and
rovertible truths
ccessfully refuted
ex ert and clever
f llosving pare-
ffal r we clip from
the editor of
11 were hung the
who for
the sig
ent to
ine Li
. .
and th
make ti
tario ac
one m
For t
f the old heroes of Reform,
orly led the van of prowess,
t of which was alone suffici-
tir the putsch and evoke **the
_ enthutiasm of every- genu-
eral. Between the glotidus
s of the dead herees, the in -
presence of the living leaders,
magnetic influence of true
s all round, a feeling of sym-
nity and confidence was en -
which will do n uch • to
6 great Liberal part of On
at the coming elec ions as
n in the interest if pure
ent and parliamentary inde-
Cheapest Boots eta hoes in
according to quality, o to Co -
The L• ndon, Huron and Bruce
able an
Leek ie,
we give an exce
convincing article fr
Esq., Reeve of Grey,
n Railway trestle
corneae d Mr. Leckiehi view
on to th earnest considered°
We also give, an excellent lettei
from W. Graham., Esq., of M rris,
on the same subject, which wi 1 re-
m perusal. The following ar the
letters :— •
To the Eiitor of the Huron Exposit .
SIR : Seeing letters from all di.
rections, with views and opi ie s as
to route [etc., for the project d Lone
don, II ,on and 13ruce Red ay, al-
low me, through the columns f your
valuable and widely circulated paper/
to give y humble views on tli
e first question at natur-
es is, does the section of'
hrough which it is p °posed
equire a railway. Yes, a
f country like Mic dlesex,
nd Brno as fine grictil-
ds as _can be'fOund i On ta-
containi g as indi strious,
naetic a cass of settlers as
und in • ny countr, and
It bed, ( in-develo ) un -
et, an a1niost inexha istable
i iches-- e cannot h bVO too
ilway ac •ommodati n. A
testien fr quently ar ed is/
I believe it will
speaalatio even
coir mercia tele=
een oursel es and
the other ide of
but withl a renewal of re -
which, no doubt, will take
soon as the extreme and
rotectionist policy preyed -
in sections of the iiited
rues to be viewed in tSHtrue
subside own to Lt re 'pro -
and of which the -6 IS SO -011g
a even `how,„ it w 11' un -
pay. Let any ma of ob-
take np his position, say on
running from Seaf rth to
r for one year, and s e the
stream of "teams," cattle
1 /
eep, pigs, etc., passing from
/ a line ofroad twe t five
, •
g, collecting a nett r v nue
5,-000, at a very m Id rate
1, and he will never sk- the
again, will it pay,or Will a
ilway running in t us di -
t anything to carry But
ion of paying is a sec / ndary
e ratepayers of the country,
ckholders look afteithat •
1 .7
• the farmer by giivi glim
nearer honse, milieu& n the
roperty and doveoping the
of. the cbuntry, the o ject
lished. The next q e don
ould the municipal iti s eve
and whet amount 'I Yes,
cipalities should al give
d just to that extent with-
nds of reeson and eco omy,
secure the benefits of the
railway for the reasons al-
ep and many mor that
added ; and, fmall the
d last question I' will dis-
e meantime is, ‘"V hat is
ute i" Now, endeav uring
the matter squaael -and
ny- bias - whatever, I am
he best and most ju ioious
a railway running fr m the
ndon to either Kiec rdine
mptcn, Would be b way
e Seafordn.Ainleyvil e and
. This route is near e ough
bore to diaw all Ithe rade
directioe, and far e ugh •
of the other rail a s east
ot to interfere wi h 'th
• of eitheh in that dir c ion.
running in this di e tion
asonably, expec t
of much_ More th
one township, ( xc
ints,) ori the east
y may d '
ree town
he savin
o engi
d figly
n the
t:f• our
t,er. T
ally ari,
.to run
tural la
rio, .and
and ene
can be f
with a s
der our
source 0
mach n
second q
JFitiitpsy9 Ye
pay as a financial
With th present
tions ear wag bet
our neig bourson
the line
place, so
ing cera
States c
light, an
per focus
dou oted 1
the road
contin ua
hoises, sl
the oortl
miles lo
of neai
rate of to
line of r
rection g
this ques
one fort
let the st
if it pay
a market
value of
is accom
put is, s
the mun
bonuses a
in the bo
that will
ready gi
might be
fourth a
cuss in ti
the best r
to look a -
route for
city of
or South
of Exet
Win glte
the lake
from tha
from any
of it, as
local trad
A rail w a
cannot, r
the trad
depth of
certain p
While th
two Or t
route, is
of any i
whole ro
a larger
this rout
spoken o
some of
nary sur
which is
glad to
n the
tit at
f it;
win the tr de of
•hips on th west.
or adoptin this
in cost o con-
eering diffi tildes
• n the
, that
d by
• thers
, are
and the last reaso
us can be obtain
than any of the
These Mr. Edit°
views, and the p
and canvass for
lace will
t or wrong.
city Of T
m rig
at th
• (1
•,-••44 ••.••••• •
has taken hold of this rbatter with
, I
such energy and seeming determina-
tion to prosecute it to th end; but
I havebe)en astotished t at a push-
ing and ambitious yilleg like Sea -
fur theetiut one that is so Vilely in-
tereated, has scarcely letc a word to
say on this matter ; and, especially,
that you, who is always i friend of
progress and generallyk eps march
with the of eivilizati n, are net'
pitching in before this ti le e. Wish-
ing the project every st ccess, and
feeling fuIly confident tl at lookiug
to their own intereets, th Press, the
rate -payees of Seaforth, a d all the
township i interested •wit be found
in the right place when' the proper
titne comes.
lam, i
Youre, ve y treqy,
Ainleyville, 6th De-. 18 0. •
JOHN Wantams, ESQ.
DEAR SIR :—In peruei g the cir-
cular issued ey the Lond n and L.
IL R. Conimittee, I ob ervo your
corsesponoeot from Blyt strongly
adypeates th9utebyO11r ton, Blyth,
'Wifinahe ; etateas being thet most
'eligible. really canno conceive
from what ata he airive at .such a
Now, ricontend that th following
croute whieh has been pre sously pro-
posed is preferable—via, vui Exeter,
Hay, Seaforth, Ainleyville ; thence
to Wingham, Teeswitter, Riversdale
and Kincardine; or should South-
ampton be the favored terminus via
Wroxeter;, Belmuae, Pais ey,, and so
on; add that, too, for the very same
reasons Which your cor espondent
advances—viz., the " eas est built"
and the "best paving." .
Everyone who has tree elleci both
routes knows that the earer you
approach the lake in this route, the
more undulating becomes e surface,
hence the, more exteesi grading
and. sleepei• cuttings, also the closer
proximitylto anycoast line whatever,
the wider he stream and he heavier
the eridgieg requited,. no unimport-
ant item. 'ii such an unde taking.
That the Seaforth route ill be the
best -paying ene 18 patent o all who
will Consult the map of the Province.
It Equally' divides the qu 'drilateral
space now supplied by ra'Iroa.d ad-
vantages, bounded by t e Grand
Trunk on the south, Lake Huron on
the west, and the projecte Welling-
ton, Grey and Bruce Ri1t ad on the
east. thus securing mor carrying
trade from each side, and urther re-
moved froni lake competition on the
west Again, toll gates on the Clin-
ton route rent for $800 a year, while
corresponding ones on th Seaforth
line command$1.300 giss g substan-
tial evidence and matherna ical proof
that the last-mentioned li e must se-
cure more local traffic in the ratio
ofthirteen to eight. This last point
, .
merits some notice. Fure are
stubborn aagumente, diffic lit to con-
fute. - The agricultural re ources of
tl tis district are unrivalled. We have
no such indutemenre as"eat bogs,”
which your eel -respondent holde out
to you as [bait. The Lin here is
composed, of g( od, available soil, ca-
pable or :producing abundance of
everything—bulrushes exeepted.
In concliusiom we cannot but ad-
mire and endorse the spi ited and
enterprising manner in 'hich you
and other prominent citize is of Lon-
don have taken bold of th matter.
Trusting you will still per evele 4n
surmountiag every obstacl and se-
lect the line which will do the great:
est possible good to the gr. atest pos-
sage number, and your e Foits will
without ddubt be substan ially ap-
preciated in the shape of tandsome
bonuses frau) the townsbi through
whieh the contemplated line will
pass. Yours, hc.,
. W. AHAM..
Morris, 1,tceinber, 6,187(.1.
There ist goud reason to hope that
President ;Grant has at length de-
cided upon a fit and pro er person
to represent the United 'fates in
London, as the Washingt n corres-
pondent ot the New York Tribune,
writing on Friday niglit sr, stes upon
the "highest authority" th•tt the po-
sition hes I been formally , ffered to
Gen. Schenck, and aicep ed. His
appointment is to be ann unced of-
ficially in a few days, the
Senate for confitmation a Ld if that
august body be in a gracidus: mood,
the Generel will, according to the
programme laid down by the Tri-
bune correspondent, sail wi hin three
weeks. .
The title of Emperor of
has been accepted by King
at the request of the King
ria, seconded by the King o
and. chiefly urged theret
promptings of his own anabi
North German 1 arliament
session, have been informed
Bismarck of this step of
master. The federai trea
the South ,German States 1
signed, and Prussia is ther
the stronger. It will be
to Francis Joseph to have
witness the aggranaizeme
powerful riyal, and the a
a title once belonging
of Bava,-
by the
tion. The
now in
by Cloun.t
is Royal
ies with
ave been
by made
o quietly
Lt of his
option of
his an -
Below will be found a daily digest
of the telegiaphic news, anent the
Franco-Prussian War.
The official report of the battle of
Orleans shoWS thet the Prussians at-
tacked eac,h corpsi of the army sepa-
rately in greater force, thus repuls-
ing the left of the _Army of the Loire
and turning Orleans, so asi to render
the evacuation of the tow rr necessary
Gain betel has issued a circular to the
prefects saying ;—" The situatien of
the ramy is good. Heavy reinforce-
ments of artil toy are arrivirg, and
the forward movement Will soon be
resnimed. The opposition a reattem
mg the circulation of fathe 111MOVITS
discourage and demoralize, but
theft- assertions may be -Confidently
denied." Yesterday two Prussian
officers arpeared before the town of
Peronne'in the department of Som-
me, and demanded its surrender.,
They alleged that a grussian army
corps was encamped immediately in
rear of the town. They were prompt-
ly arrested end locked up. The rail-
way to Albert will be restored at
once, A movement of troops
is in progress here. The Bankers of
the city uf Berlin on the 3rd inst.,
',aid in thirty-four millions of the
new loan of one hundred millions re-
cently authorised by Parliament.—
They announce their readiness to take
seventeen millions_ morel The Xing
of Bavaria has sent a note to Ring
William inviting him to assume the
title of Emperor of Germany. The
assent of the authorities in the other
States is also expected. 'The King
of Saxony has received a teleiram
from Prince George to the effect that
the enemy retired the day before be-
hind the Marne, and that furthei
offensive movements on the part of
the besieged were impossible. He
give e the tutal leas of Saxons in the
late engagemen ts as fellows: Officers,
2161 rank and file, -2,100. The city
of Orleans was evacuated by the
Fre ch at 5 o'clock this moining.
leans was occupied by the Prus-
on last Sunday evening. There
o resistance to the entrance,
evet al cannon and a large num-
lber qf prisoners were captured, ac-
cording to the report of King Will-
iam, though other despatches make
the Prussian advantage much more
decided. in the north the French
have been again defeated in a severe
engagement, but no particulars, are
furnished. The report also comes
that the army of the Loire has been
A large number of the prisoners
had arrived et Paris, captut•ed in the
battles at the east and south 01 the
city on the 2nd. The Prussian s in
their attack hurled over a hundred
and twenty thousand men against
Ducrot; yet be held his ground and
repulsed the enemy. The World's
Tours correspondent, of be 7th, says
that the Army of the Loire is at its
old quarters, but the hicality, is not
given. Despair has seized some here,
and the epirits of others have 'risen
to meet the desperate condition of
affairs, The Government declares
that its reverses were only of tem-
porary importance. Many railway
trains, loaded with cattle, sheep and
provisions, hadoeen concentrated
near Cirleani for the succour of Paris.
They were,all saved. Most of the
iguns taken] by the Prussians were
I mounted naval pieces. The World's
London special of the 7th says . the
town is full of rumours purporting
that Paris will capitulate on the
10th. Great contractors are known
to have prepared i menSe 'quail tides
of provisions to be despatched' to
-Paris, and special *contracts have
been made for railway transporta-
tion. A despatch from.liingWitliain
to Queen Augusta, confirms the re-
port that 10,000 prisoners, 77 Can-
non and 4 gunboats .-vrese captured
at Orleans. The King adds, "Ven-
tiensten bas can ied Gidy, Janvey
and Prinis, by storm, and Manteuffel
occupied Rotten after A victorious
encounter. Goeclen now holds the
city. Eight heavy guns were found
in the entrenchments." A telegram
from the Grand Duke of Mecklen-
burg states that the loss of Mecklen-
burg troops in the battles from the
2nd to the 4th was 3,000. The enemy
lost 2,000 killed and 1,400 prisoners,
The prospects of unfortunate France
have certainly grown no brighter
during the past two weeks, and, if
the reports are not exaggerated, the
proud French peeple have to sustain
fresh reverses. Gen. Ducrot admits
in a proclamation to his soldiers tlat
his sortie from Paris was fruitless,
and that after two days' brave fight-
ing they 111115t re -cross the Marne,
and prepare to return to the leagured
city. The Prussian eordon is gra-
dually drawing closer, and inside the
masses must suffer a great deal of
inconYenience. That the fall of Paris
is expected shortly may beinferredecrrpeid
fromthe reportthat English
talista and speculators have ro.ade
contracts for the sueply of the citi-
zens as soon as that event takes place.
They may yet have to wait longer
DECEMI3ER 16 187().
than they anticipate. For tune seems
leo have deserted De Paladinee who
was offering such a brave resistance
in the south-west, and tete °lice more
smilled upon the Prussian conmetra
der, "-The Army ofthe Lire is re-
•Orted to be demorithied, and the
Prnssians are marching on 'hors..
They left Orleans last Wednesday,
ind have had a _successtul engage-
ment with the French at Meung, on
e way. The Tours Govertment
tie preparing to leave Tours, -and
w*1-1 gb-to Bordeaux. In the north
d e Gernfins were hourly expected
invest tfJ av re, and other cities and
t wns in that part, of the country are
• ticipatting a visit from the invader.
T enFreneh are in the meantime re -
ti wing their effort to check the
P ussians ; but Gambetta has given
el/ the struggle_in despair, according
to a Tribune report,
The war telegrams, this morning,
do not report the occerrence of any
important events, but movements ore
evidently taking plitee which will
undoubtedly lead to decisive results.
Gen. Ducrot is still outside Axis,
near Charenton, and is preparing for
another desperate attack in force on
the Pi ussian lines. Gambetta is a-
gain infusing his patriotic ze4 and
fiery determination into the Army
of the Loire, which is Making 4 vi-
gorous stand against the PrusRana
under Prince Frederick Charlen The
report that Gambetta has given- op
in I despair and had proposed an ar-
mistice is believed in well-informed
circles to be a stock -jobbing inven-
tion. The provincial armiee are still
in positions to give a great deal i)f
trouble, though the Prussians cost -
side/. that it is imposeible for thein
now to come to the relief of Pa
owing to the failure of De Paladin s
to reaCh Fontainebleau. It does n t
neeessarily follow that alt hopes n
that direction must be abandoned
as the army gathered at Lyons will
soon be actively operating against
th Prussians around Paris.
The French Provisional Govetii-
ro nt have established theirofficesn.
Bordeaux, and tire prepared to maipa--
taiin.a vigorous resistance to the i -
va ers. They are reported to be -
hu rying forward large reinfor 13 -
Torts from the - Southern depa t -
'm nts of France, which will sw 11
th4 ranks cf the Army of the Loi
Thle French still evince a strong t e-
te minetion to fight. to the last.
or No. 1 home made Shoepacks,
o ¶fhoa Coventry's.
n the 1st instant, Mr. W
St venson, 2nd con., McGillivra
sh t a magnificent white owl on
far n. .
ilitary schools are to be re &a -
tai liehed in Toronto (whenever su t-
abl accommodation for •the same is
pr( vided), at Kingston and Mont e-
el, wherever 20 approved candidates
pr cnt themselves for admission.
hree millions of pounds sterling
of the loan recently authorized by
the North German Parliament axe
to be alloted to subscription in Lon-
The political factions in Spain a
reported to be violently attack-
Geeeral Prim and the party suppo
ing, the Duke of Aosta. Their o
position will - probably decrease n
time, as the young King becona
better appreciated.
A fire in Trenton on Friday morn-
ing last destroyed several fra e -
buildings and caused a loss of aboi4t
eight thousand dollars. A boynanhl
ed Scam mahern, standing near one -
of the burning buildings, was struck
on ';ne head by a falling chimney
and instantly killed. .
At the outbreak of the Franc
Pi ussiaxt s ar tbceo French, -CORI po
tors, engaged in the Citizen °Bic
Ottawa, left their em'ployment an
sailed for Franco to fight in defen e
of their country. We 119W lear
that two out of the three were kil
ed, the third one chronicling t e
A very sudden death occurred in:
the township of Plympton last Fri-
day evening. A respectable' farmer
by the name ofMason had just s t
down with his family to Suppe
when he suddenly fell forward o
wife and eight children to mourn h s
quite dead. The deceased leaves a.
it:se:able and when taken up, w
The Hamilton Times announc s
that the Great Western Railwa
Company, through its solicitor and
its staff, has purchased and paid fo'r
the right of way along the whole of
the Loop line, from Glencoe to t
town of Simcoe. They left Tilso
bourg last Thursday or Friday
proceed eastward to purchase. th
right. grihtelofway between Simcoe and
The weather in England has bee
tempestuous, and much damaee
reported to the shipping. The bGe
man steamship Union parted amid
ship at Rolroy head, and has gone
to pieces. She is a total loss. Th
barque Ansgar, Liverpool for Phil
delphia, has been lost at sea. Th
captain and eight seamen- ai missing. _
-EDERsoNs w'Fros,
the ExPoseroa al
supplied by MR. Mel,
empowered to collect,
-Lions_ In this particu
upon those in arrear
setting., with all pals
Seaforth, Dec, -9, lo
The County printiri
of Perth, last year, co
'The thriving village
-population -of about 11
Lucky litlealla
The Good Templav
purpose holding a boil
2nd of January.
An effort is being mil
form a joint stock cots
pose of boring for salt
Mesar ISimpson
are about to aommenes
of bricks on an -extol
vicinity of ihat village
Remember the clear
ies, Wines, Liquors,
The Rev. Dr. David
the Baptist Church, o
ing. Dec. 91st, at half
Collection will be tak
of the service,
We are Diem
Borrow, Reeve of
some time been suffe
attack of .erysipelas
-nearly recovered.
Mr. -CaViLliagh;
is =wring great p
Christmas trade.tEle
ehoich stn..f eonee
gee his advertiuement
At a late meeting
Board. of School
was made by two .47)
Board to prevent t
usual Christmas and
-days. Shame en the
The Wesleyan Me
lage will hold the;r an
Chinch, on the even
26th inst. Several
from a distance in ad
men of the 'village, ha
be present.
The Clinton New
has induced tome e
second growth. Amo
had laid on our tab
perfectly formed Sib
from the farm of Mr,
.8tb con. Hullett.
he anniversary ser
with the 'Canada Pr'
beaforth, will take
next. Serviees at tht
ing and evening; also
Sabbath .School chil
n. A special cone
np at the close of
the building fund,
Save your money
Christmas Groceries a
We learn that Mr.
has been teaching
about to take up his
'which place he
tead er in the Blythe
songratulate the tra
school in having seem
so competent a teache
proven himself to be,
.The anniversary of
55, LO.O.F., Stafort1
the Town Hall, on th
nesday, Dec. 21st,
will consist of addre
strumental music'-wh
ed by a Bali and St
tairnaent will, no do
the season, and is aux
MCGREGOR vs. lir-
eonuneeced by Mr. I),
burn, against the ea
after a preliminary:
been deferred until
probable that the ma
by arbitration_ The
a claim for dams.ges
coming down wa
Inidge on the highwa
not being capacious.
throngh---Ne.24 Era.
We learn that
Usborne, has resigne
school, in Section NI
Usborne, -of which
for some cansiderab-
k...ey's object in SO 410i
ursue his studies at
‘ontreal; for the
We wish onr young
possible sueeess in
labour, and feel co
prove as efficient. a
We are in receipt
and argumentative le
mer of South Huro
question, which, ow
at which it was ret
to publish this wee
plea.sure; however,
week. This new ra
important one to th
more thoroughly it
tilated by the poop.
shall, therefore, he
munieations either
any quarter.
When trade gre‘
due, th.e merchant's
bine; his dreams w
the night, with sh
s' ht. At last his
se up at once,
get your paper, ink,
tise to all good. m
goad wife advised.,
vertised. Crowds
all he h.; his
dreams were gl
this day, bow