The Huron Expositor, 1870-12-09, Page 510111.1•11111E Way Vere teo on tt their gf a line Eter to. port to fene- saper- r two &at -we ;e, and to keep ak good aces as ?-a- dated' tke pre4 ates, be ;binding pledged kppoint- ,mbIe is Gibral- ) pass in- ofepan y, therland red Stai- r which a Lhe mwth. - estroyed., William he will on Emu- Deatch- teltder Dnke of a Friday, _ usual. tie-- poieon is t the is- [` Ragusa, ted by the Afe2deck. ro freight, xi on Sa- was the ruction of he cause of iph oper- RAINS. 1ED for the Towlaship of - r the 10th of 1,75 perdaye Contractor. 153— the County will be let 871, in the 'on, on • r- •18P'0... - in advance. Month's rent *it two soli - whose names. e;inamediate- - BAY, - Surveyor. Tott, to be `:.tes within the collect cer- .0a1 toll gates (iarone on the Said County, and re - That the !shall be pay- K.ate upon the aunty of lin- -keepers are n, and receive passing each .,t1biect to all exemption of kties, viz !Fhen engaged who produce of the mini - that they ,are p�ii; ali In, - taros engaged te labor ; and 'ing from _Car- es. And pro-, te team, horse, S. shall be al - through the ibefere twelve A the follow - or otherwise., tr beast, eight se, or or other 4 four cents. ts. er swine, one number, one at attie„ two gate -keepers ,hereby a.utho- ar„ and recover erseen passing tes -within the lai.eies, horses, subject to rates, and to lee recovery- of enacted that ice and effect ieat day of De- r -Lew No. 12, ireley repealed r of Dectember 25th day ot PONS, Warden. 4-57e2 12 DEcnNthER 9. 1870., • T E• FmTto.N.;.gx.posyrorc.., e imannor -401.4...-:txttitoittit • bISTIUCT MATTERS-. There is an alteretion in the Grail(' Trunk, running time, See Time Table, in - another colimm. a An ametuer dramatic club, has been formed in this place, and we are promised, an entertainment ere long. A very interesting letter, on the Lon- don, Huron and Bruce Railway, ficom John I.-seckie, Esq., is in, type but is crowded out. Itevill appear next week. In our last issue, through an uniuten- tional error of our informant, Rev. Mr. McDermid, was -said to be the ...officiating clergyman at a marriage, which ahoulii have read Rev. Mr. Goldsmith. REDuanose rt4 TiLEGRAPki RATES;, -- The Montreal Telegraph Company lelaye reduced their ret'e to Montreal meet in- termediate place's to twenty five cents for ten words, and one cent for each addi- tional word over ten. Orere-FEteows' ANNIVERSARY.—Fideli- ty Lodge No. 55, of this village, propose celebrating their first anniversary by an entertaintoent, consisting of addresses, vocal and instrumental music, followed by a ball and supper, at the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening, the 21st inst. the Fe being adop d as the sal language am.ongat he na zation. Hee finished off by d veto rebuke to those w so confused. on matter school -boy should be b to lead them to speek ing as synonymous( w language. • The next meeting of the be he'd on Wednesday past seven o'clock. Dr. apaper upon the "Ori by„Darwin. All wao Society will please tt im 1 ali .e. se ft ti -fis of a le h ter i fo phee h ch . The org-an lately erected in the Catho- AC Church here, will be used foil. the -first. tinie at Divine service on Sunday heat, the Ilth inst. A talented speakerl, has been selected to preach e sermon. ore the occasion, after which a collection will be taken up to assist in paying for the or- gan. Morning service at 11 a. m. . Time of evening ser vice willbe ennounced from. the pulpit on Sunday. WELLS' ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL keF PIIRENoLooy AND PHYSIOGNOMY. FOIR 1871.—Besides Pertraits, Characters and Biographies of numeroUs distioguished Men and Women, it contains thirteen ; National Types of Female Beauty, Or- gans of the Brain-illuettated and defined; " \\hat Can I De Best" Personal Beauty, how Attained ; What is the use of Phrenology ? Just the thing for learm, ers. A rich and racy 25 cent book, sent first post. Address Office, Phrenological Journal, 389 Broadway, New York. - ., . ''' SCOTLAND; Yre."—Mr. Angus Fair: bairn, the second Kennedy, as he is call- ed by Some of OUT exchanges, will give one of his renowned concerts in ETriox's Hell, on Tuesday eveniog, 20th inst. Mr. Fairbaian's receptions have been every- where moat- enthusiastic; and the criti- cisms of his perfo , anees. by the press, rintr are most faverable. he Leader says in its notice of the first concert in Toronto : —"Mr. Fairbairn appeared in Highland costume, and in addition to a. very bene- crease to ighte volent face he possesses a sweet and pow- ••kahen-aes.. -e. is erful voice, which is capable of great .c caper than ev modulation, soft, expressive aed touch- fore \V oorig ing. The plaintive airs a the Old .Scot- prise. and , tish bards are particularly ada.pted to his he ,„,,..u..ii voice, and consequently* he/naturally cae- boot our 1 ries with likm the sympathies of his audi- 4. co. swm ence, , both when singing -the -plaintive and the jocular Pieces- -an aineile supply of which was pla.ced on the PrograMme. The entertainment was altogether one of those -which never fail to. stir up the warmest recollections of home,. and of the olden times, when Scottish and Irish bards were wont to appeal to the hearts of their countrymen." We Deed not sey, that a erowdecl house, awaits him in Sea - forth. vein Ver n of esire d: 11 1 10 in o iet et, at 06 wi he sp to jo AINLE ILL] NLARGING.—J. R. xrant tl Post Office Drug Store is e argil prem. ises. He is buildin-g ansedan:id' h lftthir- ty .feet lone, and the ig wicith as the store. .DIED. —On the 5th i st., Jehi L mont, sr., aged 74 years and mo' th OBiTUARY. --It is our p in ul duty, this week to record. he d h f Mrs. Elizebet,h Jones, wife of R v. S. Jones. , Deceased had during lier s or stay among us made a ve y gre t u ber of triends, and many of he p or st of eur 'villagers were among her 1 o i timate 'and staunchest f4eo s.• S e ha 1 for a naraber of years past been III et d with aieoplexy, but not thought b s riously, ill. On Thursday aft s e ell in. a, ied about h 'time she jean -- e se - were .very d,as pell the will half - 1 read. cies," n the le from the pen of .th scribe; thee tan be h veracity. This hig age—com telike—ma in our vi age at re the purposeapparentl .plete acc( nt of all ,business f !urea, etc. del ailed listof all th women and children ' has gainedfor hims by scrapi together, debtors bat haVe Wroxete along wit -!no dent; very int lie in general, but no ful to the enses of t it is Paid, a,ve take act. W compiler o publishe engravin We weeu to get hi :the folio sons me list," fu thor's la lic with urea ; a pretty B iongly a few WU of their and ben +(sleet cou therefor that it w have the picture ta ble; as it would be this unique little -vo of these, rather uncl doubt it will occup in .the next editon o Literati e." but a After de.tailing all your correspondent' qualific ions he ends by saying that h is ''cOIFESp0fldC11t f • r some of the leadin jouiiiais f the Po eg torresp _for mi DOIflU)I;011, and the Exposit f, it follow and co am sense in the uPUhOn of t leading journals of ly, Mr. Editor, yoi ted, with such a co such a (matter. his opielilon coincid opinio 1 1of the pe think that the EX best jo tnal in thi anom tit about two o'eloek, an half -vast five, thirin whi ct never recoaereecinse ousne was,a veteran'ira th atm her sudden death isalwarni mani Df fri fin al Wr n. . in hi warnings -to erring h day a large 'limber her remain to their Rev. George Bro n, o ed the funeral s rm. the sympathy of all, ment. s. ng y. es xe Ir. BL AL M eas. e eesi count of th mill 4lurin been stbnee whi Custoniere be able t them. BOOT FACTOR .- - ani shoe inanufaCtur has rented a large an in this e of ti e la blish not • rom ton, er of thek nten, confidence warr nt to p thingthey mayuY rem purpose, . R. recei . plies of th 4v 1)4stxui - tends in a men to he larg ru the- pas bligec to la are no com g f get hei ness sten running q teosive et don. It • any stock the Domi large num have -his own super Deceased, G d, and fearfui In Mon- s f llosved in e• plae.e' er, preech- ies has d ereave- s. ece on. tie- d cast m to their s etre 11(1 fall? ut i ne run of in o ki g order. n a el st nee will grits hu e with Ro s, Rae, .boot r, lett o inghani, co lice us busi- llag , nee intends -gest aid ost ex - s thisdde of Lon- a enti n 0 teurchasle he hol sal 1 wises in ut o k ep O hand a rWelass rk en, and lauhfact re nder his ence so tha he can with ir a ere any - For this in 1 rge sup- te ia , and in- to ha -e twelve e pe ts • to M- ore hm e sp g trade det 4 d to sell ownin hi part te h n iis enter- sine(re y ope that edingly; as it always see ,1 is ee ammoth fro, w ice seems t')inionr." No as we o r. e ve very mica heft' tin hi n b els ✓ xi atu luck, aa urish exc eart ood ing t an say busin -ss. MIMIC PAL. pal elect ons some att ntion ,berry). ur b lage of N ingha They hey prise ferent pa ts of meeting purpose son as R meeting, few pers ent Rees public, their ow raise the make an effo oubtc ct, al ey c nk rwar s pur Seaforth Literary and Scientific Society. The Literary and Scientific Society of this village, held its first meeting on the evening of Wednesday, the 30tle ult. Mr, Wm. - N. Watson read! paper on " The desirability of placing the English language on a Phonetic basis," of which the following is a brief abstract. Mr . 1,Vatson began by saYing that a civilized nation was as much distinguish- ed , from a sa.vasee one by the power it possessed to hold communion with the thoughts of the absent and the dead, through the medium. of written language, as man himself was elistirignished. from the brute, iby the attributes of .reason and speeeh., and that he is indebted for the benefits which are the concomitants of civilized life to the gralel ideas and truths which have been made permanent by means of alphabetic writing. From this be argues the importance of every diviaual being posseasei with an easily a.cciuired femilierityeseith the art of read- ing and writing. Hearing then explained what spoken languages really consisted olf, he showed that the original ideas of alphabetic writing was simply' to tepee - Sent the phonetic elements of speech by - characters which could be easily traced by the hand. Pointingout the phonetic elements which belooged to the Engli3h language, le showed the disa,dvantages which arose from a departure from the original' idea --alphabetic' writing be showed the fundamental defect of our present alphabet, of attempting to retire - sent its 34 phonetic elements by only the 2-2 effective letters 1which the alphabet contained, and howlfiom the irregular aneEcapricious use of the letters, nthe pre- nouciation and spelling of eh -nest every word of the language had to be learneddi individually, instead ef making the 1 t- ters of the alphabet to be a perfect key a, written board, as reason and , online n sense would dictate, ortheopists had ac- cumulated page upon page of abortive at- tempts to reduce English spelling to sys- tem ---that the evils of our present ortho- graphy were perpetueteci by the narrow mindecloess, the conservatism and pedan- try of portentuens learning that stupidi- ty parades the art of calling things by ther wrong names, "the proper method of spelling words." He showed wherein lay the real pbstaeles of popular educe- - sstiorte. ieteErud as well as in Canada, and holy -the obstacles could be at once effectually removed by the commen sense plan of dealing with the letters of the al- phabete as in dealing with Anything else, which 'was of having a name for every- thing; and of calling everything by its own name, and not by calling, for exam- ple, a certain object a stool at One tine, a etove at another, snd a (boot -jack at an- other, which was precisely the way adopted in the use of the letters of our. alphabet. He summed up with a brief statement of the disadvanteges arising from the present spelling and comparing these severally with the advantages- which phonetic spelling would confer - one of which advantages he pointed out . the more general use Of our languages,-- imongst toreigtiers as -a pre -requisite for o be f sele eve f e u ns w e on ound sel ambi who un and, in f • ces if t don't th atraightf Reeee h I years, s, ems, uftatiimohs ap the township. CATh, cattle, on•Mon ber of seine g fairs.wi epposit .cletves 11. h Di Hall; o number Squier„- Mr.• J. Seafort „ wer ANG S FA vocalist is, w relative likely • •if the. were .t him to trying - b. S, • So Soire Iwas Turnb rry„ o _Quite ,'4 num ter Sal o John were ( Wroke rie, The c ant- ti. Foa' Doubl beeves two .of —n26traserazzingisrmematomat Stores wandering tb.e people of Huron ea a whole,if they doubt of its 'strict h voted for the By-law,thy only y talented person- .I( ked- to their OWD ,, personalbenefit. es his appearance Tie reason why the two northern town ular intervals, for snips did uot vote for the By-law, is this of giving a com- they have the railway fever. It is true the bankruptcies, they pay a lerge amount in tolls, but they that occur ; and a imagine that is past, as they expect a inhabitants-mn, railway through their townships, and if of Wroxeter. He sticia .happens to be the case, they will If quite a notoriety 1y little or nothing in tolls. .Now ha. all the " insolvent there been no eapeetations of a railway been in trade in their vote would have been entirely dif sundry other items f rent: As for the two townships in th eating to the pub- south,they travel very little on toiled particularly grate- roads, as they can take their produce ose persons who, as market without d.oing so. • Now, Mi. the benefit of the Editor, you will see there is not so much tear. it is t e intention: f the o or due thoh.e iodependent ratepayers this " 1+,ck list" te get i s Mr. McMichael imagines; also *hat y Will sooner pay toll than allow tl e in book fo , withea, fin steel of the author for a fronti piece, pe ple ot Huron to compliment.the towin , by the way, advise the uthor of Goderich with forty thousand dollare. picture taken immediat ly for They go on this principle, ." A penny mg reaf3o e-esome of t e per- saved is a peony ganied," but ;they care tioned in the aforesaid ' black net who suffers by it,. -My reasons for y appreci te the talent d au- ' aupposing Mr. McMichael to have taken L dable desit to furnish t e pub- a elfish view of the matter, are the 01 - account f all their lit e fail- lo eig : lst. Mr. McMichael is so placed a we under tand. they ex ressed that he can take his produce to mar. et esire to leave a few Without paying toils e . 2nd. That , the steem on his classic, Market fees are a great source of trim le tenance. . W think, tO, him, simply beceuse they touch is uld be advis ble to pocket. Had Mr. McMichael to pay t il en as soon a possi- 'e ery time he went to market, I rat er great pity o ate doubt he wotild have been silent abut , nine impaired b . any It edefeat of the Byelaw, as his hatred to ssical blemis es. No It e market fees show this, as the market 1 bonspicuou place If es are only a toll that farmers have I to p y for being allowed to sell their p -o- f the "Curie ities of bout the com i ent. dice. Now a person would think tha a s man, so much opposed to -market fees as e Mr. McMichael, would also be oppo ed be taken at ear as payment for the rents of the incommg year, but by the notice served. -us sometime after, we have only received value for itat thereto of 80 cents in the dollar. 'Upon consulting parties' -who ought to have known, we -were told that they thought we could be made to pay it. The consequence was we were obliged. to begin collecting it from the community travelling at that rte, but I atre sure there is not a gate -keeper in the County but would rather have lost six times over what percentage he had on his owe part than had the annoyance of collecting, it; nay, to this day sume men whe ought to koow better seem to think it a matter in -Vented by the toll.-13-eeper Th iapproa hi re eginnin in his towns eth lin in 't e a1reaky ed oticee ost th to ip, eld tsai Ila tin la fit an th ens , in • er tend, is go o areoppose t om privet, r , who hi h purposes b 011 f the ig• in to gain e y „ivould 1 ke ultht ine°thn r ey en ce course whi h ued jdeirin h o meetrevel of the ra I i g muniei- e attract 1Pste( Tr en the stir. • in calling' a •e, for the roper per - ear.' The up - by a the pres- thee than to gain trying to hamites to ev toge:thP' lit,1' nsinp, offi- • but we d, for the he present Peeln past teeitt h t epayera of li ROX TE , 1 c.,Wa hjelAd :talVill.r E FA I. • ay, t e 2Stil Nov. attle .we 6 on th ocl 's les were p 1 in f tur be held Mrs. Day's Hotel ON OU 11.. --'--The 1 ision Cort Was h Tues lay, the 29t of c ses Was disp of Do Is Squier, .Bssoi14, of Be p sent. RB IRN..— be lieve, Abe in 1 eeswater, ive a entertain Wro et.0 Liteta ina e an i effort ome o Orroxete t leas • co NCIL u Day's, m in nef ea nwdt tn. as bentu e rorter, bound $48.2' isidrde1 a ' Alex. - 6 and 8105nth, °ante egoga -John bmesu o 011 job or Move Mwionff. t, $3,1,0 secon the 1 in ret C° that1in to him Galt, fsaara id1 tecl i lease seco lecto with Gra Mmod i Bf3iess oaliehirdr aklo taii epov Mo aut (W. to b ins be Sco By - and 187 Ja rie Mr jou W1 De or the sale of. ay's Hotel, Q ite a num- round , and ee ed. , These n he grounds sit ing of the 1: in Gofton's lov. A large sed off. Mr. Ge derich, and so & Meyer, • 18 11 th REE,..— A S bl eld in Cee mi flurs4a3re D er of childr n bath Se ool Niter p emmill ' 'presid d, a elivered.' by R. v. S er, Rev e 'Mr. Kc. e . Josepi Anders n, arch was crowded n e was stient.dtH CHRISTIAAS: —Me dee pUreleesed a e for the Christm our leading farme Miller • of Morris, dis Mr. Win. Douglas, Tu teen. FiVe cents pe 1 the lot. GRAVEL ROAD. ---A in Wroxete ghert purpose of adopting sem the read between this Day's hotel, gravel' d. business men in the ill mers in the vicinity ter up in a busines probable result is that road. gravelled before lo ly Much needed. SNOW.—We had 8 to -day (Monday), buts ty as to make the reads better. COMPLIMENTARY. L containa a very high only to yotorWrox r c also to the Expositor its I sr y one journa in the jeurnal is th Huron by the laws f. logic hat the Exp sitor is e writer, one of the he Dominion. Beal - must feel q ite ela- pliment.comi g from e air glad. to mi. that .s sol exactly ith the pre of Wrox er, who ositor is decid dly the .County, at le st. MEETI GS. ERRy. —I le e Council met at Mrs. °v.' 17th, pursuant to djourn- le, embers a I present. T e Reeve hair. Wieutes of last meeting a,pproved . The following jobs were rep rted finished, and: de - granted ir the same., Samuel jobs on 2)th side line, rom the y to the gravel road, 1amount William litehell, job on 25th $2; EU erd Fair, job at Ben - Beaver m adow, amou it $10 ; cDonald, -epairing culv rt, cons., $2 ; Ro )ert Johnston. job on e line, con. 8, $30; Tho. Simp- 's bridge, $2 ; Peter . line, $13.86; David line 50 and 51, $16; b on B. lin, $8.45. out but not inished : a job of cro swaying , and -Edward Fair, a nd.16, graven ng, $11. ottt seconded by Mt. ecoiuit ef William Ir - s fees, be paa ;1mile-ant Moved by Mr. Scott, ogg, that referring to Caldwell Brown, Esq., road convey d tc the erry by John:I. Fisher ; eyance be not returned or the money paid t Mortgage t Th Mas erty, is disc arge 1, A & ifl pOsi- s rer 4 COttl o at Gre o a job on , fob on sid i cEwan, j e orted let 1 Lockridge B., $27.5- ide line -5 by Mr. S that the a 0 constable .... Carried. d.by Mr.. er of -j. W ence to th of Turn e said con Fis her the exist said pro he road is ed, but th he bank t —Carried. r. il celebrated 6 0 VilE it some will very t. Perhaps Association 31r, coalcl. get It is worth ath School Fs church comber 1st: om Wroxe- esent. Mr. d speeches Snyder, of ie, of Gor- and other& a very pleas - . Hinde & ad of choice arket frem Mr. Richard es se of six, and b rry, of four - as pa.id for et g was held e ago, for the an for getting e and. Mrs. ost of the ge and the he- y t ken the mat- e way, and the Ills have the • It is certain - t fall of snow s all a quanti- w lee instead of e rn 4,11 55 a tte tolls, but no, the reason of win h, readers, you youraelves must imag,i e. He goes for free markets and tolled to s Goderich and Seaforth go for maraet es and free roads Now fellowmen, ou must judge which ia the most seltis of the two, Mr. McMichael or the peopl of Goderich and Seaforth.I will now b ing. this to e close, hoping that I have sot •Ibeen trespassing, and for the prese t I beg to substribe myself " ALIQUI. Ainleyville, Note 300, 1870. for his own especial benefit. In nclu- sion I would t$tate that so far as I am concerned, I would rather see the gates off the roads ,to -morrow, but so long as thry are maintained justice should be impartially dealt to all parties, without fear or favoe. Hoping that 1 have not trespassed too fir, Mr. Editor, upori your space or patience, I remain, A TOLL KEEPER. concerned, de , crib t the money be d 11 Said mortgage oved by Mr. d by Mr Haugh, that th co bond be accepted by the Cdunel ueston Gibsen and Robert A. n as suret ott, secon ntufe be ds given t ard was by Mr. , that a v at the mu . to consic g the sch Carried. ed by Mr rizing , the ham e \ to Id an add' section, , seconde w be pass lection of at Lot 11 s Johnstoi Moved augh, th to 'meet ham, on mber next • JAM • Toll Gates and Toll Keeper To the Editor of the _Huron Expositor. the heat of the discus upon the late By-law where so m.uch been spoken and written upon both s thereof, there is one class of individ who though often mentioned, and sup ed to have some interest in the m has hitherto kept Went upon it, viz, toll -keepers. They have been repres 'ed as realizing each a splendid inc pouncing out upon the unwary trav Who may be unfortunate enough to their way and conapellince him to s (in the cold) and deliver his money 10 per cent. discount as legal tende short, a -a very drones i -n the hive of in- dustry. No doubt a great d.eal of license should be allowed for what may be said , as pen e of so re- Itp- gether unquestioned might. imply either .—Carried. oved by led 'by Mr. II ugla that tainted. to Jas McGuire Mrs. Blansh rd. Mrs. ranted $10 s charity. cott, second at. by Mr. te of the ratibpayers bci icipal electio I. of 'Coon- • , the prepr ety Of 're- ol sections in this Own - Moved by Ir: Scott, Moffat, that he y-lelse trustees of . S. No. 4 orrow the s m o $31)0 ion to the sehool houise or the term o five years rried. Move 1 by Mr, by Mr. Mo at, that a d to hold the' ()ruination Councillors f r the y ar , con, 7, and appoint g eturning cer. 1- y Mr. Scott, seconded y t the Council do now • d - at Foster's all, .Lo er, Tuesday, th day of at 10 e'cloc a.m. 9 JOHNSTON, f'p Clerk RRESPOND NC I/ ion has des ials OS - ter, the nt- me ller ass and ith , J.. Duncan & Co, keep a full. stock et all sorts of lerther. tL G DERICH, Dec. 8, 1870. Fall Wheat * Spring Whea Oats Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs- Pork SPECIAL NOTICES. . AFFECTIONS or TIIE CHEST AND TilRoAT. --Persons afflicted, however slightly, with any weakness of Chest or Throat, involving the either the Larynx, Traches, _Bronchial Tuues, or the Lungs them- selves, should. on the first symptoms commence with Fellows' Compound Sy- rup of Hypophosphites, as by its lege, die - eases ot these organs (even Consumption in its primary -stage), are speedily cured, and more Alarming symptoms prevented. Price $[:50 a bottle; 6 for $7 50. Sold by apothecaries and by F. Cundill & Co., wholesale agent, Montreal. in the heat of a sharp contest, wher you know, -when a, fact may not ha to be at hand a Very slight exerci the imagination may fill the vacanc well that it may pass with Many a liable, but that such should pass 51 egnal Report) htoi 1.2 1 OA to ii 0 35 to 0.40 0 55 to 0 58 0 40 to 0 43 0 37 to 0 40 • 0 16 to 0 53 0 20 to 0 95 5 50 to 6 00 Special attention paid to the maTinfw- turin,g of Boats & Shoes ofeljskincls. ge- pairing dote on tse sh gest possible •notice at J. Dune= & CO. )3. tL - DR. WisTER's BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY.—This Balsamic 'compoinid has be- come a home 'fixture. Let all who suffer, and have in vain attempted to cure their coughs, colds, bronchial or pulmonary complaints, make use of this -unequaled remedy. It can be relied upon, the mass of testimony that has been published since its introduction, being ample proof of it e efficacy. or The efficacy of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in curing Coughs, Colds, and- all Bronchial affections, and cheering the af hided,. has pessed. into a proverb. la the United States, where till se marvel- lous Wafers ere known, they bear down all opposition and eclipse all rivahy ; the demand. for them. has steadily inereased for the last twenty year, until now the sale average over one hundred thousand boxes a year, Eminent 'members of the medical profession withour num.ber admit that they know of no preparation pro- ducing such beneficial results as these wafers. When taken in season they ef- fect a permanent cure. , Sold by every druggist and most Of the respectable stores throughout the Pro- vince, at 25 cents per box. that such statemeots were in the ain true, or the want of the proper spir t. to reply to ithem, therefore as one of that class, I take the liberty of offering eine remarks thereon which may, or may Lot, be of interest to your readers. The County Council or rather Counties ells who built those roads having ju ged it best that tolls should be collected poo them had. the el -Aim' of either eolle ting the toll themseltes or of farming the gates out as is done in the meantime, o be eep- n for n of ness, Id go these lough )erate e as tha res ou e. wish it to be distinetli widerst )d we do not hold. ourselves in a y 1 ay onsible for the opinions expre se by Corespondents.) To PR,—While perusing yoii ult., I noticed a letter homes McMichael, ref at of the County By -la e of the Northern Gra abolition of the Toll Ga ould have hes% better chael left the defeat o the B -law ne. Now, Mr. Editor, hat is • ere re disgusting than to he r of e p rson ting of an action that i a sham and sarace to a civilized community. Now s is the ease with Mr. It cMichael. He is boasting of -a defeat„ th is an jus - ti e to the people of Hu on, espe ially t se along the Northern Gravel ad, t • t is looking at the subj ct in 1 road w, which is _the only way p rson s ould look at -such subje ts. r Mc- gichael says, " In reviewing th v etc of the several municipalities, here ee s to •a strange iimonsisten y froin what night have been expected rom the each- gs of the united press ef Miro se no inco e • istency wha . ef in th t r. "Mr. gleMichael has enly sho t e mark, ied taken th wrong ships as an xample. Th people tOvenships e e • t he toOk et. an ex e pecia.11y t e e ones in the orth, t s.me view of the matte that Michael di,: viz, a narr w and The' did not loo and i1iuch bene t they woul have d he Editor of the Huron 25 of de ch th it .al bo a ( th t week's Star pliment, not pondent, but, lf. A.s it opines CO and here obViouely the piniciple kept in view eVa,s, this, that the -toll- - er was entitled to a fair remunerati his time and. trouole, the protecti the law- in theprosceution of his bus and that the other proceeds shot. into the County treasury. That principles aie sometimes -violated,. t far be it from me to say with a delil intention, I will endeavor to 'pro follows 1st. The system hitherto purs ed of Dec. 21,—Farm Stock, on Lot No, -a, setting up gates at any upset price is not Con. 8, township of Morris. Wm. Gar - just to the toll -keeper where no attention -Vie proprietor, J. P. Brine Auctioneer. s are ut is ounty nder. lweecs he in. Xpoptor r issue ef the. ver the ne me rring to the , for the I ur- el Road, and es. I- think had Mr. Mc - NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. 1,1 ERSON WHOSE Subscriptions to 1 the ExpOSITOR, are overpaid will he supplied. by MR. itIoLEAN, who. is also empowered to collect all unpaid subscrip- tions. In this particular we would urge upon those M 'arrears the necessity of settling, with all possible dispatch•. WM. F. LUTON. Seaforth, Dec. 9, 1870, STRAY MARE. CaTRAY1?,D jute the premises of R. A _ O. Graham, Wingham, about the 10th November last, an aged Brown Mare, with a small white. spot on ter face. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take .the same away. R. A. GR A11157A.3_MT Winghare, Dec. -7. 1870. MUNICIPAL AtoTio.e. TO THE LECTO,R.S OF THE MUNI- CIPALITY 01? SEAFORTH, The nominatiOns for a Reeve anelfoeer Councillore, to serve for the ensuingyeare will be held at the Couneil Room, Tows( Hall, Seaforth, at noori, on Mentleee the 19th inst. T. P. BUITLileil,age tir Seaforth, Dec,. 7th, 1870. 157-2— ESTRAY SHEEP. riAME into the premises of the wale - k_.) scriber Lot No. 32 Con. 2, 13sborne, about the ,Ist ugust, 'One Ewe and tura. ewe lambs. The owner is requested te. prove property, pay charges, and take them away. THOMAS C6RNISH, Rodgervilie P. Os Usborne, Dec. 7, 1870. 157 -3 -- FARM TO RENT. BIRTHS. WILLIS.—At Seaforth,.on the 3rd the wife of -Mr. R. 1illis; of a son. ` MCGREGOR.—In Tuckersmith, on the 14th ult., the wife of Mr. John Mc- Gregor, of a son. MARIRIAGE S. MCDONALD—FOLLA_CK.—At Seaforth, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. W. Price, W. M. minister, Mr. George McDon- ald, to Miss Milicia Follack, both of the Townehip of Hay. McCeerrenEY—RAwerNes.--In Seaforth, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. T. Gold- smith, Mr. W. H. MeClatchey, to Miss J. Rawlings, both a St. Mary's. _MCINTOSH --1V1oLEA.N. — Mansfield, Egmondville, by the Rev. W. Graham, 011 the 6th inst., Mr. Wm. MeIntesh, to Miss. Sarah McLean, both of the Township of Tuckersmith. DEATHS. CURRIE .--In Harpurhey, on the 5th inst., Claristina Margaret, only daiughter of Mr. Andrew Currie, aged 5 years and Months. sseasea. AUCTION SALE REGISTER,. - is paid to the fact that some. gat yearly beceming of less value, 1 sonietimes aloe -cc ef loss to the when sueh gates -finally are let by 2nti. A toll -keeper who has paid his rents duly and, who with tention of paying all he bids, who has re- liable security to furnish, may. fi d the gate knocked 'down for one della nage, to some adventorer whose securi les are worth about as reuch'a,s himself, a d who besides causing a loss of both tie e and money, to the honest bidder, may the County in both useless and ex litigation. • 3rd. It may be knocked down inexperienced person, who, foodl ines that fortunes are to be made keeping, and the next we hear is t applying to have his amount which if done is certainly not ju competitor. • A certain great historian hes said judging a,son to al char- - mat - pest ovrn- f the ple, k the . Me - elfish how ne to 1.)ec 1 5, —Farm Stock anil implements on Lot No. 26, Con. 6, township of Mor- ris. John Mooney, proprietor, James Stretton, Auctioneer. - N. B.—Sales, for which bills are printed at this office, are advertised as above without extra charge. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTII, Dec. 9, 1870. nvolv e Wheat, (Fall) IP bushel, 1:05 to 1.13 iensive . Wheat (Spring) la bushel, 1:15 to 1:25 '' 0:40 to 0:47 o some t toll- BBaurtlteeyr, bth. at he is E usliel, imag- Peas $ bushel, 0acrtgss‘tif bushel, s Hides, t to hi educed Sheep Skins, _ Apples •Ppootrkatoes 13ENTLot No. 16, m the IOth Cone K lop, 80 acres,cleared arelnear- e°il ly free from stumps, -with dwelling home and barns. For particulars apply to Vac proprietor. ' S. G. MeCAUGHEY. Seaforth, Dec: 7, 1870. 157-4--- 'that William III, of England, by her public men, had good r think rather meanly of her natioi acter." So I should say that any one judging by the conduct of those Who pass our gates would be very apt to arrive at a similar conclnsion. In fact it seems to be a settled. conviction with many that a toll -keeper is fair game for any species of deception; and trickery and what .is his remedy? To go to a magistrate lodge an information (in: case he can identify the offender which may not happens i once in 50 times) have him fined, and lose his time, and money, besides; I am not even, aware that he gets his toll whichle lost pockets, as well become so heard criminal ustice, a leave to wn opin- cil, when a means ght to be generous enough to give them the- same privilege they would have had for them- selves, had they been the collectors of the toll: viz, the fine for their tree ble or at kast givie them a moiety. Tile change made , in the tolls this last eeting of Council i will] make this matter even worse; for few toll -keepers will be able to recollect With certainty- every person that has passed within a spare of 48. hours, and parties knowing this will govern themselves. accordingly, and the odds will be entirely in their favor— When the toll gates were let in 1869 we were positively assured that s while the County magnaau.mousl the fine. In practice it is abou to let them go unless it shoul _rather too boatmon. I have a that some compound with th father than bring him up to proceeding abeut which I woul every manthe freedom of his ion, but surely the County Cou they are willing to use them as of collecting Money for them, o REGISTRATION. rilHE undersigned would notify al/ tetested. persons, -that it is impera- tively necessary that all Births, Mar- ragesIand Deaths should De registenal. within ten days, otherwise penalties will -be incurred.. T. P. BULL, ' Division Registrar, 157-1-1 Seafortla_ 0:40 to 0:41 0:58 to 0:60 0:13 to 0:16 0:18 to 0:20 7:00 to 7:50 0.40 to 1:00 • 0:40 to 0:50 0:30 to 0:35 5:50 to 6:65 A splendid stock of r,ollars and Ties at J. Duncan & Co.'s. tf. lver would CLIICTO:".•.1, Dec. 8, 1870. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1.00 to 1:15 Spring Wheat, per bushel. 1:10. to 1:15 Oats, per bushel, 0:38 to 0;40 0:56, to 0;58 0:40 to 0;45 0.15 to 0;16 0.12 to 0;15 5:25 to 6;00 Peas, per bushel, Barley, per bushel, Butter per per, lb, Eggs, per doz. Pork • A nice lot of cloth and fur Caps, also a full stock of Felt Hats, English and Canadian, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. tf. ST. MA_RYS, Dec. 8, 1870. Fall Wheat, per bushel, Spring. Wheat, per bushel, Oats, per bushel, Peas, per bushel, Barley, per bushel, Butter per lb., Eggs. per doz. Dressed Hogs • 1:05 to 1 13 1:20 to 1 25 0.40 to 0 42 0:64 to 0 67 0:44. to 0 52 0:16 to -0 20 0:19 to 0 21 6;00 to 6:50 CAUTION. IIERIEBY CAUTION all partiesjx- chasipg, or negotiating fat foliow- nig ur- pronussory notes, dated Wroxetger, Nov. 25th, 1870, ODE, payable January 1871, the otherpayable thirteen months after date, each for $8, made by me ia. favour of James Vitie or bearer ' as 'have received no value therefor andpayment will not be made. 1 THOMAS AleEWEN, GreseiDee 2, 1870. ' 157-3— e CHRISTMAS SHOW. _ HE TUCKERSMITH 13 BA NCH Agricultural Society will hold their First Annual Christmas Show, on. Tuesday, December, 13, '70; At th4 Society's Grounds, Seafortle, when the following prizes will be awaesl- ed 1st. 2nd. Sok Best fatted ex or steer - $4.00 3.00 200 " cow or heifer 4.00 " pair fatted. sheep 3.00 2.00 1,00 ROB'T. GOVENLOCIC, Seaforth, N:v\P%.7;331680i:Mle781:° 7.°0. A full .assortment of Baots & Shoes always on hand at J; Duncan & Co.'s. tf. LONDON, Dec. 8, 1870. (Advertiser Report.) White Winter Wheat $1 10 to $1 14 Spring do 1 25 to - i 27 Barley 0 45 to 052 Oats 041 to 042 Peas 0 65 to , 0 68 ;Butter, in kegs, 0 14 to i 0 17 Eggs, 0 22 to 1 023 / Dressed Hogs 6 00 to 6 65 H ARP'S LIVERY STABLE, MAIN 0 ST., SEAFoRTIL First Class Horses and Carriages always onhaad at as reams - able terms. R. L SHARP, Proprietor. Seaforth, May 5th, 1870. 3 THE G-'REAT FEMALE REMEDY; JOB- MOSES' PERIODICAL NUS.. - Tide well known mediCine is 310 impel- sition; but a sure and safe remedy for Fe- male pifticulties and. Obstructions, frees any cause whAever, and although a pow- erfulemedy, they contain nothing hurt-- fli- it°o married laTlais peculiarly ala- i; ed. t will, in aishort time, bring on the onthly period with regularity. These Pills leave never been known to fail where the directions on the 2n4 page . of panipblet are well observed. Por full particulars, get a pamphlet freeoofMOSES, the agent.NE J B YORS, SOLE PROPRirr. OR- Si!O0 and 121 ceats for posta.ge, en- closed to Northrop & Lynia.n, Newraatle On, general agents for the Dominion, will in.sure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. 157-8— Auction 'Sales. it • LL BILLS FOR AUCTION-SALE:8e 1--1_ printed by C. H. CULL, will be in the EXPOSITOR free of charge. 152 -it. Lave Fate of Cutters, Sleighs, Car- riages, Buggies, Waggons Tools, =mfr. rial, &e. MeNa•aght Teeple will sell by auction. at their shop, Seaforth, the whole stook, without reserve, on Setille- day,, Dee. 2.4th. J. P. Brine Alllegialar-- eer.