The Huron Expositor, 1870-11-04, Page 8THE TOTAL XOL1PSE DEC. 22, 1870. • __Professor.Deliiet rpt : an article in:. ie s ar l y'of St. John,. Ne ., that. the eclipse of Dee. 22d, 1870, 'will be.§one of . the great of Modern total eclipses of the 'sun. Ile -: says — By the combined in- , $nences exercised by the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, and the -Earth-, all being nearly,' a right line, a configuration' that has not taken �;p�?� lace for satirise ; the effects on the earth will be - nsiderable creating earthquakes, uakes, y tidal- tyav s storms, hurnioanes a cyclones.-- imn lar configurations were present at the. time of the total eclipse of the 16th of Au- gutF, 1868, when Quito. and Callao were destroyed by an earthquake and tidal -wave ; but, even then, the.infiluence were somewhat. less_than they will,be =on the 22nd of De- cember next. The eclipse will begin in the North, Atlantic Ocean, the central line mov- ing in a south-easterly direction. 'Crossing , i one part of Spain and the Med torenian Sea; it enters Africa near Oran . and soon after- wards attains its southern limits. The Sha-: dove of the, moon new movin a nrtes o - h easterly. direction and leaves Africa, ..and crossing the •island of Sicily, the south of Turkey; the Black Sea, and the sea of Azof, disappears. ears. The penumbra of the moon de- creasing rapidly, leaves the earth with',the Letting sun in Arabia. The sun will be and d totallyeclipsed atr.00n in lat. P 36 38 north, long. 5 1 west, a little to ..the north-east of Gibraltar, and near the Lisbon Boast, creating tidal waves and earthq;'akes there of great severity, agitating the waters of -toe Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Fundy, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Col, Chamberlin was, on Saturday after- noon, presented with the sword of honor, - the token by which several of his friends express their admiration of his cdnduct on the Vermont frontier during the late Fenian rod. The ceremonytook place in the Sen- ate Chamber at Ottawa, in the presence of a large and fashionable assembly, and the testimonial was received from the hands of- the fthe Governor-General. His Excellency, after expressing the pleasure with which he be- came the medium of conveying the gift, ad- verted to the Fenian raid in warm and in- dignant terms,. ' Their warlikepreparations had been of an extensive nature, and had they obtained the slightest success it would have been the signal for hordes of deluged wretches to rush -to their`; assistance. But the promptness and valour of the Canadians had been as a " lion in the path" of these bands of pirates, who had been taught a bitter lesson. N� The question whether there' will be a new Chinese war still remains undecided. The French Minister in. China demands the exe- cution of the three mandarins who abetted the riot et Mien tsin and the frightful mas- sacres which, followed, Two of the man- - darins: have been removed from office, bat have not been further punished. The third. Chas not been visaed by any punishment.. The authorities! at Pekin ate apparently un - Certain how to act, the anti -foreign party being very strong at the Imperial court. — Native troops are said to be gathering at Tien-tsin, and at hist advices it r.was confi_ dently expected that the French Minister would haul down bis flag #d d begin the war on being reinforced. It is not possible, however, for rhe French to; send troops to China at the present moment, and unless there are! sufficient French forces in Cochin Chinas the outbreak of the war may be in-, definitely postponed. -Et ii The amours of the Emperor Louis Napo- leon -and the traces of them raked from the secret papers of the Tuileries • have formed -the subject of severs -nsation.al despatches across the Atlantic. The latest revealed scandal shows the careful and munificent provisions made in 1854 for the notorious Countess Beauregard; also known as Mrs. Howard. She was then consoled for the loss of the Imperial affection by nearly a _ quar- ter of a million steerling,`- many jewels, and • valuable real estate, so runs the deed or schedule, so that her possessions exceeded in value the united wealth of the mistresses of Le Grande Monarque. :Some portions of the fortune consisted of bonds of American cities, and debentures of American -railways. The elements are warring against Cuba. :.Another cyclone, almost equal in violence to that which swept over a portion of the island on the 7th and 8th inst., devastated thewestern. section 'on the 19th and • 20th inst. Vuelta Abajo suffered most, - . Towns and villages were levelled with the ground. Crops were destroyed andmense damage done to property, Reports of loss of 'life and shipping. are beginning to come into Havana, though telegraphic communication and travel with the devastated section is yet suspended. The stern of the Carnbria has drifted ashore at Islay, Scotland.. So far as is known in Liverpool or Londonderry there . Is ..but one surviver of the disaster, Mr, McGart- land, whose narrative of thesinking of the ship has been already published. The four missing boats of the Cambria have been found empty on Giant's Causeway. No traces .of the passengers or crew have been discovered. LEA'V:*lNC HURON. jOT3iN THE 3rdCONCESSION, T'LLTT, Better known! as the WIL1I►M TH'ONIPSON FARM, ,Is offered for sale, it is admitted by all who know 2 this Lot, that for erops and stock it has no supe- rior in the county: Address, BOX:173, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov; 3, 1870. - 152— i -T :Wheat, Wheat ( Barley Oats SR Peas 0 u Butter, 19 Ib 'E. s, Hes, sheep Skins, Apples Potatoes '- J. J. Duncan Hats for the Fail) Fin ueh, Fall Wheat, Spring Whea Oats, per bus Peas, per bull Barley, ,per b Butter, per Eggs, per do J. Duncan or ready mad 3 Sly FokTII '041.m,14111 - b, )0 sh . el, :1870.. 0 ' 1.16 :05 to _ 1:16 P to:. 0:50 :36 to 0:, 6 9:58, -to 0: 0 0:15 to 0 8 0:15. to 0: 5. 7:00 to 7: 0.40- to 1, 040 to 0 0:25 to 0:. as re • eived his . first instalment all tr 3 e—latest styles. LINTON, hel, Q ushel, I :.t �lev. 3, 1870. HO to 1; 2 1:10 to 1: 4 0:31 to 0;' 2 0:55 to a;+ 7' 0:46 to 0; . 8 0.18 to 0; 5. 13 to 0; 3• is and Sietes either ordered c . eap as the ,chelpest. . s Fall Wheat, ppr us Spring Whea Oats,, per bush] el, Peas, iper bushel, Barley, perbush 1, Butter per lb. Eggs, per doz. MARYS, el, uahel, Niov. 3, 1870, :08 to 1 :14 to 1 0.32 to 0 . 0:50 to 0 5 0:40 to 0 0, 0:16 to 0 9. 6:16 to '0 7 ]ha f The ms ost . styit 'in J. Duncan as White Wrote' Spring Barley . a Oats,:. Peas._ 11 stock of Collars and Tie Seaforth. ` tf, LOrn.?o 1t, Nov. 3, 1870. rtiger Report.) t $1 05 to $1 2 ., 1 20 to 1 2 040 to 05 0 35 to 0 Butter, in kee, Eggs, .. , ........L. ,.:... ,-.060 to 06 018 to 0 ..G.::017to 01 J. Duncan beeps and Shoes from the Fall , Wheat Spring Wheat - Oats • Peas Barley Potatoes 'Butter Eggs complete assortment of Boo est Cana Tian rnanufactare s ODERICl3, Nov, 3, 1870. nal .8 1.0 1 06 0 30 0 53 35 0 0 16 0 00" to to to to to to to to 11 11 03 05 04 b4 h 02 00 S. VIO I N(. !. S ATI , R, E)t CIA GE ROKER,. 1 Aid dealer in re DRUGS. 'CHEM! 1 ALS. AND -DYE STUFFS, FAN Y`ND Agent for a .vein on easy term. ,ti' Pure Wines poses. FUME Y, i TOILE -A TICLES. Machin s, Money to le td nd Liquo: for, medicinal pur- �J. FATTER, Seaforth, Nov, 3,I 1870, • E - 59-tf.-- O CiC REIGN {JF L W, HUN. LEY'S L TH OL OCG A CPITIGAL ADE' EADIES BIB ICA JOSEPH US WO E- 'ER HA M 'TL Y'S GIBBONS' RISE & MACAULEY'S MARS{ S CO:TA E•L • M ILY .SA BAT DAY BO! JO KS, FRN LEl y Duke of. Argyle. SERM D SOII+ EW TEr' IBLICA CONC KS L LEC,URES.1 UTCH REPUBLIC. - FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE, ISTOIW OE ENGLAND. ISTOR, Y OF ENGLAND. BRAR.y, choice anpl' cheap, -LEADING, SCHOOL LIBRARIESI, HYMN BOOKS, ETC. A LSO - ONS. NCE, (Brewer). ;TAMENT. L CYCLOPEDIA. )RDANCE. LS, ►GER CA.S BOOKS, WRITING- PAPER, ENVELOPES (Homme cial and fa i cy, i at . - Dr ig� • and Book Store. Seaford, Nov. 3, 870.1 AUCTI . N SALES. ALL BILLS FOR AUCTION SALES, print- ed by C. H. C the EXPOSITOR free Novi 10th, on cession 9, Morris. Oilman, Proprietor. Seaforth, Novemb L, I will be `advertised ;in charge. , " ortli half Lot No. 21, Con - Farm i Stock `&c. Patrick J. P. trine, Auctioneer. 3, 11870. 152-tf.— STRA ED BULL. ►� TRAYED from .t a e premises of the subscri1 ber, Lot 22, .Con: 9, Morris, about the middle of Sept. last, a ear ' g bull, all red, Any person giving such inf rmati . ' as will lead to the recov- ery of the sam will e suitably rewarded. GEO, KELLY. Walton Noe. . Walton, P.O. o 3, 1:70. i - .. ` 152-4— 'ORE OR 52-4—'OREeOR SON, ' BOO BIND RS,' -HUILETT ARE rep ed to execute binding in every styl - P rsons residingat a distance by leaving their -oks at the 'Signal Book Store, Goderich, or a the EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth; stating style ay rely upon them being well bound: AT ` T E' LOWEST PRICES d eturned without delay. Seaford , J 'yf 21 1870, si lit iTOR. R CRIN S'COOPS 11 SPADE -& SHOVE S,, LI GHTNINGI U1'PLE k?ARERS _USD W GLASS, 1 I ' c EST 13111:N DS. I r 1 -ri Oshawa Steel ouldboard loves, o ly $13. ABELL'S pAT DNT GEAR & I -OR E-POWE CASTINGS Always o 1 i hand. MAC ZINE OILS CH `' ..amts$ and Oil? WAV P,S' MATER WATERL AP AND- 0001). of all kinds. ALS, ME, ANP CALCINE PIASTER. Shell Hardware of e ember the the 'ricular Saw. ny description. ,pot. Sign o Seaforth, Ont, .P.8.-411 proved Champion Cross cut Shws wit patent handles, warranted to cut tviri a tis much in the same time .as the cam on salw. Be sure to see them. Jack crews to hire. ROBERTSON S 00. Seafort : Sept, 113, .1870, b 112--.• BACUELORSl E 25' t• THS nNC FT3 ROTI IS er cent. Chea,per AT )MAb BELL'S - :D, E, AS TTE STS HE HAS A : DEL M1 To i is Facilities, ani is law selling TJh, les4le a d Retail. — o Be Sire to Call ,el'or l'ur� C ` i asing Els whe .e. o WARE 111 OMS OPPOSITE KIDD & McMUL- KIN S. WOR; SHOP, CORNER OF MARKET. SQUARE. TUR IN_ G done on the Shortest f Notice. - - COFFIIts kept constantly on hand. �1 HEARSE. FOR HIRE. SEAFORTIli JUNE s0, 1870. WATCH ES WATC,lielS WATCHES WATC ES -i PPATCFES PATOI.ES TATCTTES WATCITES WW,ATCHES WATCHES WATCHES CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS LOCKS LOCKS ;LOOKS 1LOCKS LOCKS OCKS LOCKS Onepf t e Largest and :.st Assorted Stock in this line I s to be found a M ' R Q NTER'$ OPPOSi`1' ' • CARMIC * S HOTEL, ' E.Bon�, March 31, 1870 52— i 1 Go to the Best ! THE BRITISH AMERICAN BRYANT,'STRATTON & ODEA., O11SOLIDA''ED BUSINESS COLLEGE, Now the largest, most extensive and complete USINESS SOH OOL in the country. It has he largest staffiof Teachers, the most practieal d best adapted business' forms, and the best rranged and most commodious apartments. It is under the management of thorough basi- ess men, fully alive to all the requirements of he business community. The advantages and facilities afforded in this institution are unequalled in the country, and no young man should enter a .business career with- out fully availing himself of its benefits. We ere awarded the First Prize in Business Pen- mansbip At the late Provincial Exhibition at London. As rth this is the -SIXTH consecutiv a yea t we have a there can e fait en this prize, we feel confident thatt be but one opinion as where to go to learn to write. For specimens of writing, bank notes, circulars, &c. -address ODELL & TROUT, 148— (Toronto. is { ESTRAY HEIFER. - t.- CAME into the premises of the Subscriber, on Lot No. 12, South Thames Road, of Uborne, about the end. of August, a Black Heifer. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. WILLAM PASSMORE, Osborne, Oct. 19, 1870. 150-4t SIGN OF THE Golden Padloc1! 0 cf 0 f3 rig •t alS Ld paint Seaforth, Sept. 21st, 1870. 104esemesseemmeameseese - TORONTO MILLINERY. MISS ERWIN;.- ESIRES to respectfully inform the ladies of e 1 1 Miss Erwin would also take this opportunity 4f saying that she has very considerab increas ed her stock which consists of ' MANTLES, HATS AND BONNETS, . Ready trimmed. DRESS CAPS, &c., &c. Orders for all kind of work, such as ANTLK • AND i DRESS -MAKING, TRIMMING, BRAIDING, ETC. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A stock of piece Satins of all shades on'hand. Seaforth, Sept. 21st, 1870, 146-tf— Seaforth and vicinity, that she has r moved }ter Millinery. Establishment to t REYNOLD'SAYBS1OC, ! NEAR THE RAILW MONEY! . $5,000 TO LEND. HAVE the above sum on hand for invest- ment on.good Farm Security,at 8 and 9 per Funds. heat.,—Private Fds. $NORTH, July 25, '1870. JOHN S. PORTER. 139,— Carriage and Sleigh Fatory, I TUESubscribe would intima and surrounding c a La CARRIA DEMO( Made up of 2L t4( s, thankful' foe past favours, e to the Inhabitants of Seaforth �uftry, that they have on hand rsre Assortm nt of ES, BG G I E S t� y s RATS,., &c., lie Best aiteria7, and Latest ; tpi In order to o kenfor WI TER WORK Y will sell EAP >` O ' CASH. they H ' Intending pttrehasers wool I dowell togive them a call before . g urchasin else' here. � CC-I- Remembbr t;he, Stand ,• First door South oft e Foundr T. Main St. MCINT SH®;RRI ' N. � S� Seafotth Septe ber 1,:1-870. '', 111- Pron$ptly attended SE.A.FORTH, OCTOBER 6, 1870. 0 1_4 n 1 • LTA 411116, d cofaith. too. CO' D; ims i TKSJR car, tat S4 4 WM. N. WA SEAFORD! FRIE, MARINE INSURANCE AGENT The Provincial Insurance Comp (Canadian) . •The Liverpool and London and 1 :Company, (Enghs The Niagara DistrietMutual Ins The Gore District Mutual rn and. The Star Life Assurance Socie which divides nine -tenths of the years amongst Policy Holders. ,Losses liberally adjusted and p Farmers are specially invited advantages offered in perfect' sec' extreme lowness of rates for inau scriptions of Farm Property. MONEY TO L At moderate rates of Interest, :a by Instalments, which is the and safest method for Farmers and o a mortgage. No Commission C penses small. • MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON TERMS. SEWING MAC The best Sewing Machines, for well as for Manufacturing purpo, ways on hand. . Both Single Thr ble Threaded, or Lock Stitch supplied. Perfect satisfaction instructions given to purchasers REMEMBER WM. N. WATS Agency Office)) and Sewing Mach Main Street,' SEAFORTH, March 31, 1870. E, SON, MP LIFE FOR ny. of Canada lobe Insurance mace Company, *stance too. , of England, refits every five omptlysettled. to consult the pity and in the once on all de - N D, d to be re-pai t suitable an hers to, pay off urges, and ex- QUITABLE INES. Family Use, as s, are kept al- aded end Don- hiines can be aranteed, and rads: WS Insurance e Depot, North 121— C U S T OIVi TAILOR G. tr(HANKING the public for the r liberal patron - 1 age extended to us since co' ineneing bust- Hess, we hope by strict attention; to merit a con- tinuance of the same. CZ7TTi rC Parties who May require Cuti have it executed with Accuracy, Despatch} atMODERATE PRIM inf done, cast: ,Neatness, and ES. SUTIO BROS. SEAFORTii, September 1, 1870. 82— OFFICES TO L T. WOoffices on the second fiat • Scott's Block. 1 The Best,, and most eonvenie t rooms in the 'village. Apply to McGAUG lid' & OLMESTED. Seaforth, April 14, 1870. Itf Whi. WM VOL. NO. 11) 'i i'. TRACY, M. r .. LA Huron. Office as East of the Methodist E Seaforth, Dec. 14th, I C. MOORE,M.' D., University, Monti &c. Office and resideu burieh, Sept; 7th, 18 AMES STEWART, ' of McGill Universtt iSurgeon, &c Office a COOK'S, Varna. 1L W. IL SMITH, , O;ce,Opposite .fence --i am -street, Nor Seaforth, Dec, 14, 18 L. VERCOE, M. D peon, etc.. Office, of Market and High 8tre of Kidd & McMulkin'a 8 Seaforth, Feb. 4th, 18 • CAMPBELL, M. D „ Gill University, Me geon, etc., Seaforth, OLS Post Office Building, up A found by night or day wi Seaforth. July 15th:, 1 E 191 F. WALKER, Ati licitor-in-Chancery,.; Public, &e.Office of t •Coart House, G-oderich, N.B.--Money to lend Lauds. Goderieh, Jane 28 'C AUG HEY & 110 • Attorneys at L and insolvency, Notaries; era Solicitors for the, Rs Agents for the Canada; 37. 11.-430,000 to lend al Houses and Lots for sale.: Seaforth, Dee. loth, 181 B*NSON & MEYER, 11 at Law, Solicitors in; <ency, 'Conveyancers, Note fices,=-Seaforth and ' roe Trust and Loan Co. of U Colonial Securities Co; Money at 8 per cent ; no t IAS. jr.: BENSON, Seaforth, Dec. 10th 186 D NI G. W HAT ficial Denture latest improv care taken fur the presery tender teeth. Teeth ex" Rooths over Colliefe Store Saeforth. Dec. 14, 1868. Laird, pr-oprie,tor, modation for the travellin„ ..and bar are always eh markets afford.- '%xce., ONX'S HOTEL (LAI deisigned begs to thq liberal. patronage awarded in the hotel business, an that he has again resumed steal, where he be from old friends, and mane Seafortia-May .ret 1870.. T P4 ROSS, Proprietor '2'. e j begs to inform tile pe by travellers.. A good sta.) alwaye on hand, Regular Sea ,orth, Feb. 8th, 1869 ONT., CALLAWAY, WILLIAMS, (late of Americ Y.) Manager. This hotel ry furnished, and refitted tl one of the most cninfertabi the Province. Good 8ami cial Travellers. Terms lib Goderich, April 14, 1870 MISc 11A+RP'S LIVERY S tat Penni. First 'Clue alwayi on hand at reasonali Seaforth, May .5th„ 1870. ter's, Plasterer's. and Meese etore, Court -House Square', of Conveyancing done with Next Adoor south of Sharpis Seaforth, Dee. 14, 18U. BIIAZLEHURST, Lio ,„ the County of Particular attention paid tt Stock. Farm Stock Sales Tern's. Goods Appraised, First Division Court for Goderich„ June Rth 1