The Huron Expositor, 1870-11-04, Page 2ti ° 11 No. ° 1870. To. raise by Way of :Lornz the• sem of'''' Forty 1/w'sand 3Dolkils,foi• the pp -poses 'there - in Ment'i zed hereat the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron, have resolved to purchase •the Northern Gravel .Road, stud abolish the Co leotion Tolls oil all the Gravel Rads. in the Co1nnty of ofT o 0 Huron, from and after the i! irst Day of January next. And, whereas to carry into •ef'feet 'the said re- ritecl object, it will be necessary fol the Council of the said Corporation', to 1•a;i.1e1tlle sum of i'ol ty : Thou'and Dollars in the manner hereinafte.Forty: Men- tioned.. - And, t 1tereas. it will require the 6.11111 of Four thousand folie liilnd.l ed ido41ars t to be raised an- iivally, by -special rate- for the payment of the debt, et Sa1C1e>�t:; anti ;iuitece�t- ,as sats a L �ic.u�aft ,-.,c tioned. And w l ereas+thc 'amount of the tvholt, rateable property of the said Municipality of Huron, ir- respective of any future increase of the same, and irrespective of any income to lbe derived from the r; rThere- inafter-mentioned - Fond her e temporary ulv�estmeTitrof the Sinking o inafter me ltio tecl or any part thereof, according: to the Iast revised and equalized Assesornen:t Rolls of the said•Munieipality, being for the year One thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine mwas Twelve millions nine hundred and sixty thonsa.nd four hundred and sixty-three dollars. - Ancl,- whereas' the amount of the existing debt of the said Munioipality is as fo1lows : Principal, Two_hundredand fifty -nmethous and eight hundred and thirty dollars, for= Gravel Road ` ebentur_ es, bearing interest at the rate' of six • per cent. per annum. And Two hundred and fifty-threethou ir- sand dollars to the Municipal.. Loan Funs1, bear - mg urg interest at the rate, of six per cent. per an - Muni, upon which last mentioned debt, there has • been kaki One hundred a,ncl ninety-one thousand. two hundred and nine dollars, iirdung in -the ag- gregate gre gate as the actual incletitediess the sum of Three hundred and twenty-one thousand six hundred and twenty-one dollars, upon which t ere is interest in arrear. The annual inter- - e. nn()t to be paid oLL the said debt is Thirty thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine clolltirs and eighty cents.. ` And, whereas for paying the ,interest and creating an equal annual Surkittg Fund, for pay- - ing toe; said sum. of Forty Thousand Dollars, and , interest as hereinafter eil after mentioned, it will require e . an •equal annual special rate of seventeen - fiftieths (17-59) of a indl in the `dollar in addition to all other rates and taxec'°to be levied in .ead3 year. Be it therefore enacted by the Council of •the. Corporation of the County •ot Huron 1st That .it shall -be lawful for the Warden for the tittle. being of the said last ule> tioned l;or'por- ation to raise -by way of loan from any person- or persons, :oody or b0.1i4s, c.(F•pkate,.',iho -may Ix : wilting to advance the same upon the credit Of the. Debiinituies_hereinafter mentioned, a sem not exceeding iu the whole the sum of Forty Thou- , sand Doila,rs. and tri- cause the sane; to be. 31-. into the .hands of the 'Treasurer of dile (''oytnts' :aforesaid for the purpose: and -with the objeet above recited o " _ ; 2nd. That it -shall be lawfll foi the said War- • den to _0,ilse any number Of .Debentures to lie made for such surns of utoneie iic,t less than One. hundred doilais each, -and that the said Deben- tures "shall be sealed -with the Seal of the said Corporation, and be signed by the said. Warden. 3rd• That the said Debentures shall bei inade payable m twenty years at fi rthcst from the day hereinafter mentioned for this Beeplaw to take ef- fect either in, London in England, 01 sone place in Canada to be designated in the eaid'Deben+Mires and shall have attached to them i oup011S for the rllay-mt.nt of the interest half yearly. • 4th That the said Debentures and Coupons ,shall be made out in either Sterling Money.or the Currency of this Dominion at toe- option of the said Warden' so that th whole amount of said-- Debentures shall not ex& eil the before inentioned sum of Forty Thousand Dollars, and they shall bear inter 1st at the rate o six per cent, per an- num, which interest shall be payable on the first days of: July and January in, each and 6srery year during the continuance of the said Debentures tit the -place where the said Debentures are Trade -paysble. t , 5th. That( for -the purposes of forming a Sink- ing Fuucl for the payment of the -s-aid Debentures 1 and the fittest at the rate aforesaid to became i' due thereon an equal special rate of 'seventeen- ,. fiftieths (1750) of a mill in the dollar,' shall in addition to all other rates- and taxes be raised, levied and eollected i11 each year upon all the rateable property within the Vounty of Huron., during the -continuance of the said Debentures or any of thele. 6th. That this By-law shall take effect and. conte into Operation' upon the first day of 4 anu- ary, A. 13 One thousand eigllt..limehod ;and seventy-one. 7th. That the votes of the • Aluuieipal Electors' within the said County of Huron on this By=lala • «shall be taken at the day, hour =anxt•places as fol- lows, That is to • say, on , 31Or day, the Four- teenth Day of November, A.1). ). 1870; to con - : mence at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and, that the Polls shall remain open until live o'clock in the afternoon of the sante day, at the following places within the several Municipalities in the said County of Hurolx-, To -Wit : IN Tfil `1,'OW SHIP 0F-ASnFIELI). Division No. 1 , At Hugh- Chamber's House, Hugh Chambers, %Returning Officer. Division No. 2, at School House, Section 'No. ), Robert McCrory, Returning. officer. . Division No. •3, at School [:louse, Section No. (,, Robert ,Webster, Returning Officer. - Division No. 4, at kings--. . Bridge Sehoo1'House, Maurice Dalton, jr., Return- ing Officer. Division No, 5, at Dungannon Schoof House, John Cook, Returning Officer. - IN .c:UIM'roS. • At Core's Hall,- John A. NTclles,iReturning Officer. - IN CCOLBORRNE. At the Town Hall, James Tuesley? returning Officer. &ODBRICIi TOWN. AY. D visio ' No. 1, t To it Hall, . Zurich `Tl Wilson, etur o ing Officer. irr ).t0Wi0K. t Orange Hail School l ous+3, tiuitg:f icer. Div ,ion 11o. 2, 110088in, 1, Ezeklal ;Fair Re. , !One Corbett, RetOrn DiVisi, Zit No. 3, 'a ,' I fade's `Of- o►use,- V`ieion ,Divisic 0`eo g -e a' at. op- 25 3th A tat g ice • Bad 4mU flee , and Nh. 1, at Last rie, - eturi ,Oicer. • ; CSV' ]1'il i'I' i' Ford.'id 310,0i(: ' , at _(xorr a School :.. Tobin•' on; `tIeftirning Officer, - D Old 'ti ch; 01 House, ' Wroxeter, .13 illiam T {E illiam Division No: 1., • t;;Bruusden S \Vhpuam' Nag-. gon Shod, Le ciesborougM1, James Braithwaite, Bet until O, er. 1ivision No. 2, at Jo Vil- liall s' \\r Egg 8 Op, .lj i ' burnt '`L'henias Sloan, sen. Re uni 0 dicer. Divisi n 1\ of .1 1Villiam t'v=ails, Il at Lo.t 2113 b th Tet arniig' (j (Ti`• er. Divi i ti -1 Co cess: 1!'141; ni o'P } ` r .BlTl. e' litin, Divisin.. No 1, Thomas.rook, .Re Sell 2; at oldSch o H Rat -tuning Division ter Prouty, 1 • 1, ori IN Y.'�1 I V lsl n lit 1 ph, 1; Jame- 13111 •ay, No. 2, a Scho 1 Retitle -line' O er; House, $ ctri u Nu Officer: Di s'on Pur i.e3. _► ' a ; 'Ca 1. vision N . 5 tit Sc Che ney, Re'u - D visi Jai es -3 D visi uel A Di !*isi. Con essi Di visi James S e ab to bi• tak (roupC,,1 fro nh the the` VOAt day the taken th reo the said 'ounf,i teenth y of nth of tl e cloc clot - in +he aft • T N. wilt L1.1O1'. at School House,- Sec ion 5, turnin('' Officer. Divisi M No. Douce `s1on, J•ohn O'St liti an, . fl 330 N Sit. �r all t (,0t'�1�C�.1 I'�y� 0111u1 10! Il , Ina Officer, cer •r ;at -1'reingeiance Hall, Lima,. tinting Officer. Divisi . n No. use, Bayfield; Arthur H acke, • EIS wn's �1VIil'l, I,bt ' fes, dlieturning 0 1, 6th Beer.' \� 4T1t;PTiFv. >,t `l3otvn Hall, G' g (?fficei. TlCIh1Rsltfi1Tk . , • at School Secti n No, Ret hung -`Officer. D vi3ion Ouse; Section 3, John.oun , Division: Yo. ` 3, at 8school 4, \\'il iani"Fowler, Returning 0 4, at School House, • Har- pbe11, Rettirning Officer: Di-'' ool House, Egrnoiicl3ill, Hugh_. Officer: 7i7RNBERY. it ,No 1 at Lot 15, 7th gone n.stoll,..1` etufuulg Officer., � S1)0BNE. • Ne . 1; - • Ttowii Hall, Elimville lls, 1 etuoa g Officer. a ° x tsTkw4tivaxoan. n No. 1, t School House; Lot Jt es Tisdale, Returning Offi z ' ' i✓sr lvAWaxosH. • n No 1 at -Lot 17, 7th. Cone ott,•Petu, iii g Officer.', - ve s •mill f the (, firs 3) a t ssion, Sam- 6, .9th: err. srnon, NOTICE. I " me copy of a.prol)oseel 13y -law r c nsi,cleratiou by the Municipal Jou ty of Huron, after_ one month lb cation -of the said By-law, . in .11117 on L• • Iro, ito°i• Newspaper; the date of h pt blieat on was Piiclav, the Twenty-first of 0 tober, A.D. 1870, and that the votes of Elec o s f t e .said Municipality wil be t' the aforesaid -43011i11,sr places in of Huron, on lion day, the Four - OV tuber, ;A. D. 1870, at an 1 from - i 'the Morning, until five of the r;uooil. • - i PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. 11,E k sols, a wing 'o th Voluntee ' C Cluff's, her abo e st nec ssar inf -%-iet on o to Seafo h, 0( RE W ASD. 8 is '0 ar epa fore oa 1114 o en .1 me evil disposed person ' or about et ).relongi y, ,on the he ' under� person: o ion that w� er or (ffen th, 1370. lr per - Sunday `last, break ng to the Seaforth range at Mr. R. signed will -pay the persons giving the 11 lead to the con- ders. T. 1'. BULL, .Capt. 149. Inso v 1'N C , N PROVING 0 (;bunt? 0 In .tl)e In tte? j' F "r venk er the udg of t the ) aid Act Dat d- at Se, ber, A. A 150-5t LY! Act of ,1864--'66, NT ACT '0r. 1809. In the County Court ^r°' xzo, of the County of 071. Y) Huron. .RltiIOuv`• ibr.q.LI-_:1.j1f IIIT1vg1 n Insolvent. - It he Twenty-fifth Day of No- xt, the andersi.gned will ai ply to e s id Court fora discharge under, fo -th 'this Thirteenth Day of ' Octo- i 3 8r1 • t RMOly WILLIAM HUNT, 13 -soy & MEYER, his Attorneys, ad lit tem. 0 an - the bell ere( of an( itors race • who die( are onto Te th to send Meyer, Huron, • their eh cription, stateme secnritie thereof t rd ma in of elc in be. r tt a su ANT f tIe'e Court o f (than o ade in ✓ a f the estate of David Camp - cause; :Scott against Mui o, the avi • Campbell, late of the village it tl'e County- (.f Huron, me chant, ab ut the month of Marc , 1869, tl.e -• r r a r b3 P oli • t digit 'shin th ft t o tl s (i.± hey; St. 1 ec rge s Ward, at Daniel ` Gordon• s' Shop, : the benaffit sof e on Wellington Street, Daniel Gorden, 1tetiil•ning hulling any s fore me. t-- y Ufficar. St. Patrick's Ward, at Firenum's' Hall, cityof Zone East3treet, Samuel Pentland, .Returning Officer, St. David's Ward, at Victoria:. Hall, Crabb's Block, Kingston. Street, 'Benjamin Hazelhurst Returning Officer" St. Andrew's Ward, at Alex- ander Wallace's Shop, West Street, .Frederick' Bluett, Returning Officer. of November 870, st p e raid tb Messrs Be son & rs, at $eaforth, lir the `,Co .nty of s 'orthe executors of died ceased ane sn�'namcs,. addresses a: d des - 11 )artieu,lairs I of their eQl ims, a eir accoluits, and the_natur • of the ny) h ld by ;them, or in efault 1 be jeremptorily excltid:d from the said order. Every reditor se I\ GOOE1ICit T0�!'�`S1ITY. Division No. 1, at Union School- House, Mur- dock Gordon, Returning Officer. Division No. 2, At Duggan's Corners, James Yatton, :Returning Officer. Division No. 3, at School House, 4th- Concession, th Cone' sion, Thomas Woods, Returning Officer. Division No. 4, :it James Richardson's House, James Richardson; Returning Officer. Division No. 5, at Hoimesville, John Rudd, Returning Officer. I`I. GREY. Division No. 1, at Lot 19, lst Concession, School House, Robert Laidlaw, Returning Officer. Division No. 2, 'at Lot 6, lith Concession, John Grant, Returning Officer. Division No. 3, at Lot 5, ISth-Concession, John Sillers, Returning Of'f'icer. Division No: 4, at Lot 29, 12th-Conces- cion Cas, McNairn, Returning Officer. Division - No 5, at Lot 23,, 7th Concession, Lawrence Dob- son) Returning Officer. • Twenty �7er, ty is to piocluce the same be- cli Tubers, on Ridout street in the n, 0 i tario, en the - econd Day of ,No Tem - oti' next, at Twelve clock, 11003, lrerig th time ap claims:' - Dated at Lo do er, A. D. 1830 JAM S fl. •R P : inti • lointecl for adjudication on the on the Seventh day of Octob- J. SHANLY, SER,1 • Master in Chaucer)y' ' re 149-4in. STR:A Ep er,l.t17, August, last, turned p Ito ers were las person o pees( lead to heir r by adds ssing. 149- i E STRAYED. ron the premises of the su jscrib- con 8, Morris, :about the lst of 3 y arliiig heifers, one all red and he other spotted. The a lieif at Mr. Rodie's,,Grey. Any 'ving such information as will ery will be suitably re arded ROBT. McCAL . Dingle, �. -EXPOSITOR,. ASU ,ER'S ND S COIETNT '' ki':HURO , '. rt - Y VI.lTUE 1116' Wit - of a Warr int under the ha d of the;fi4 arden of the County of. ' eart.l ( of 'the said Count` b �Huhron and he' Seal d p� 5 date the seve th day of July. A.D. 1870, tome di- � retied fort a collection- of arrears - of taxes fie on the under • entioned lands. These are tri ; re-_ fore`to' givo • oboe that -unless the said ` taxes, to get er t%ritli • l lawful poets and eh i,rges be 800 ter poi 1, `T shah bin WEDNESDAY DNESDAY tho 23rd dap of No ember, + .1). 1870,1at the hour of one o'cld,ck P. °l;3 .at the, 'out. House iii the town of _ -Go . er- telt proceed to Sell by Public A`iction the s+icl las s, or so n,i itch: thereof as may .15'e. suflicieu i to dis 'ha ge st ch arrea3s et taxes and • char _ es th eon. ` . 0 Pe • o O N; N. E, t.,of E;'.of 1� W q, S zof. S p,of N3 • VI. St p f 3.20 ' NSk1P OASIzTFJEJ ' . -, _ Y :MI� o Fr - . '. ;-4 f o �' r� 4J ,... m • 4t' ^y . .' r, c. +� ', e. icl V.,, sem'' 0 o° ca c . 104th 0.d. 2 0,p 192 37 3 17 • 95 4 9th i ''` . E 1 0 u p 90 94 *12 94 'r " 1. 11th1 131..01 0 ��0 p 3 E u 8- 12th! .`t 50 u p 30 61 1 77- 38. N 1.- 1 '6th3v d : 50.p.19. 57 1 35 20 2 _8th , " 50 p 12a 66 1 45 25 2 "dol 1000° p 45 11 2 00. 47 rV12 9t11.1tt ' 50 'p ` 5 80 1. 00 .6 pt -5• do69 p ' 34 69' 1 72 36 41 I" 75. 114th 29 GO' 3 - 35. 50 �, 1. 7 du! • .138 p 77 20 2 80.80 00 rt of pant - i • ' 1 28 n t Plot ., ' p: i 4 86 97 � 83 LEGE • e'F' TORT ALBERT INS.-. A,,;11-. 1- FIELD. ,; 54 06 33 38 92 11 11 80 ub 22 W Arthur st. z p 2 72 93 3 23 do 1 p 2 72 93 3 24 do p 2 72 93 3 25` do 1- p : 2 72 _ 93 3 26 do 1 p 2 72' 93 ,3 1 S Ashfield st. 5p` 10'43112. 11 2 do • 4p 9 7:3 1 •10 1 W 25Welluig street ' •3 p 8 13 1 07 E :30 dor 1_p 7 29 1 '05 8 -26 E Wellui on street Y p 12 42 1 17, 13 livisio is of ots 5 & 6 E LOW on Road •1 E Ll radon hood t • 1 P 2 GS 93 3 2 fto 13 p 268 93 3 do I p ° , 2 68 93 of do •13 p 268 93 6 do 1 3 p 2 68 93 - 8. do 1I P 268. 93 9 do j 3 P' 2 68 93 ' • 10 do f p 268 93. 2 S E street 14.1? =267 93 3 3 do 3` p 267 93 ; 4 - do ' 13 p•-267 93 6 do ' 1.3 p 2 67 93' `7 do '3 p 267 93 8 ' 1. do • 1: p 2 67 93 1 N William. street - '. PI 2 do 3 P : 2 do 3 p 2 do ° p 2 d E ,Ann street . I P '1 2 do .- - p 7 4 do` 1 P; 2 5 do I. p f 2) 67 8. do p 2 67 1 N W Ann street! P. •2 2 do -k. p., -3 do -3 pi's2 4 clo ;1 p : 2 5 do 3pt 2 do r 4 p; 2 do 4 p '; 2', do 1c P1 2 F DUNGANNON:I Survey p 4 T0I OF COLBN 2 s cj a 53 p 30 !Woad 100 p 54 F OLIN'': 67 t 9)3 67 •93- 67 93 67 ' 93 67 93 67 93 6"r 93- 93 93 6 7 8 VILL .GE. 28 Mallon gilt's 'v TNSHIP Lake h W Lake fLL4_G7 • 256. f.1 P 3 302 : - 3-16 p (i •16'1. 355 4 p o 41 93' - 357 4. p1. 1 83 • 9() • 730 -. - 4 P • 731. pi 826 4 P 1 892 .c P :3 953 ' ,c p 3 13 95 _.' 1222 W tattenbury's new survey f. o p 1 39 90 - TO 'VNS-I1:P` OF; GaODEE.IC.H. n of" of Il ijn lst Concession 67 93- 67 93 : 67 67 313 3 67 - $3 67 93 67 93 67 93 ASHPIE 09 • 9 48 1 (52 3• ON, .` 19 95 :)0 S8 1 99 8$ . 1 17 —90 1 91.1 Subdivisi. 1 - 1 6 157 2D 26 ( Su bclivisi6. 15 W•pa:t • 24 N E part W part, 9 N Wpart 46 Centre pa 105 ,10 '15 92 94 ✓ dart 111 37 1 39 39 401 555 90 95 96 110 .1958 :1115., 118 t. 131 1323 :W E�. E . n of Lot lst 1st 2ncl 7B Maitlan t or 5 p 14 5 p 9 5 p 9 4i p 8 5 p, 0 5 p 9 1 5 1, ' 9 0.tlstCo• :10 l p. 8, 40 pi v 10 401221. 731101 731101 60 1. 07. 541191' 54 1. 10 1 54 1 10 1: le 0 cession 301 07, ' 75 1 15 1` 91100 2a 66 1 37 2 p .5 80 1 00 tt� 20. p 17221301' part f W half t' 36 p 3C1 1 7>7.i3 GODER, OWN OF 00 CH. .• p 21001402 p 1 34 1 20 1 p17411301'71 17.41 1 30 1 71 p l 66'1 00 66 t3 pp 41 11 1 47125071 72 48 P 34 1 10 1 44 ' 75 93 3 p 1 50 1 20 1 4 p 1 241 271 3 p 1 34 1 35 2 9 p 1 22 1 35 2: 57 4 P 4 72 95 4r 67 ., p 1 31 1 25 1156 3 'p 65 95 60, 1=5 p`-, 1 41 90 31 1*20 p -- . 84 • 88 72 1-5 p ' :.92 95 87 1440 p 33. 88 21 1.-5 p 1 2;`;, 90-4 15 65 65 65 65 65 • NOv �mi:i 4, .87t . Lot. Con. Ac. Pt. Taxes Cost, kotat 1324 • 1-5 p 1 25 90 .? 15 133, " p , 2 05 93 • 2 98 1-3611 " p- 2 24 93 3 17 1302 " p 224 9:3 3 17 70 Subdivision of lots 2 & 3 eon. AE "t 1 23 90 2 13 p 77 " p 4 06 97 5r 03 1 ,Subdivision of lot 4 con. A. 1 t. p 5 16 1'00 ) 16 - �3 " p 5 16 1 00 0 16 6 « 5'11165 6 1 00 ;31t "~7 . ° t . 1,1)) 5 l (i 1 00 ii 1 G 10 p' 123 90 2 13 1,2 ` P 1 23 90 ',? 13 14 `t' p 1 23 9(l t�, .13 16 t ` : p 1 23 90 13 20. p ' ` 'p 1 03 J0 1. 93 22' h. 1 03 90- 93 2 ..4 p 1 E3 90 93 24L33342:61-'045: 1(1' t. p 1 0:3 90 1 93 30 L 1 03 90 93° 32 p -1 03 90 93 34 p 1 03 90 1 93 tt t c � 3 1 Z3 JO 13 � r 4(i t P 1 23 90 2 13 4F' 1� 1 23 90 ` 12' 13 45 it 1 23 `iO - 13 �. 4 <t .p 1 2:3 90 1 13 4) ( p 1,23 90 12 13 50 t p. 123 90 2 52 t p 1.03 90 1 54 "" p 1.03 90 -�V1 51(j. tt p 1 03 -.90 }1. 64 t t P 1 03 90 1. E 60 `� p 1 0:3. 90 Il or p 2 58 • 93 3 69 « p 1, 32 90 2 71 p 1 32 90 2 - 7:3 t, p 1 04 90 1 c • 81 Subdivision of lot 10 con. A. �t p -40 88 1 Park and Al'arwood's survey S E . S Toronto street - 1 1-20 ) 64 88 1 1 E . - Cedar st 1-10p 76 88 -S L 1 8 do 1-201, 38 88 1 a 20 Con. 0 10 p 5 13 100 (i I Subdivisions of lots 17 +,x.18 con. 0 -r . 6 5 1 ' �1 00 6 1 0 6 � P Subdivisions of lots 330,' 377 & :3 7S , 1 front ing Toronto st. 86 ft. front? p - 1-26 88 O. do •3 do 40 ft. front p'= •3 29 95 , 4 24 do 4 do 40 ft. front 3 29 95 do 6 do 53 f . front - p 4 48 97 7 fronting on Piston st. 53 ft. fro3 t p 4 48 97 TOWNSHIP OF GREY, it CC tt tt 91- 93 96 99 100 101 119 120 130 136 138 140 141 93 ft 30 a 93 It fkaxes Coo Twat - 3 340 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 4 40 88 1 28 4 81 88 1 60 4 111 81 88 1 69 p 81 88 431 69- 49 88 1 eg 40 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 4 -4 40 88 1 28 40 88 1 28 34, ./.1 $409 21 287, p 58 88 1 46 • VILLAGE OF SBAFORTH - Beattie and Stark s Survey I 33113 2 31 93 3 24 p 4 26 97 14 Jarvis' Survey a 61 45 55 24 5th 100 p 42 76 1. 95 44 61 61 61 61 61 6.1 60 60 60 60 60 60 7:3 58 71 85 03 • TOWNSHIP OF TIA-Y. Corner , VILLAGE OF RODGERVILLE IN HAY, TOWNSHIP OF HOWICE. 60 8 part 30 2nd 60 28 8th 60 13 9th E 1 23 10th 60 1 11th 60 6 13th 60 25 14th 60 E part- 28 41 60 23 B 60 10 90 14, :14 73 87 87 07 76 -08 29 62 83 67 64 64 64 13 35- 9 26 10 11 E part 13 Range A 14 P 24 61 1 07 26 08 Part 11 N- Bdy1 VILLAGE OF 0' 50 p 40 14 I 87 42 01 11-09 79 14 2 85 81 99 ED1TON IN STEPHEN. . Centrepit fqi 1st Hi ron Road Survey 131LLAGE OP EG.3fONDV1LLE IN TUCKER SMITIL C 60 56 13 2 27 58 44 100 nip 32 25 1 67 33 92: 1' WINO HAM1IN TURNBERRY. 15000 ul!).) 128 76::33 (1)77 1:S1 88(0) 1\8 11))a7‘tb - 344 i.st 26 lith . 100 f" 11 47 1 15 112 62 VILLAGE 34 p 11 11 1 15 12 26 1173 15 p 12 79 1 17 ip 96 227 6 :37 1 02 2 Main st N p 69 88 Marrietta st W 1-5e p 88 38 12 -Newman st 88 88 4 76 VILLAGE OF HOWICK IN HOWIC13. 143 1-5 p 7 93 1 05 8 98 VILLAGE 'OP nELMORE 1N4`HOWIC3, 11- 76 VILLAGE OF EXETER., IN :11813011NE. 4 97 ( 8ubdivision of 17 & 18 con 1St t9 91 -I 21 McConnell's Ourvey 5ubdivisi ft of lot 20 con 1st - VILLAGE OF ALMA' IN TOWNSHIP OF 03 28 170 VILLAGE OP BLYTHE IN E. WAWANOSH 20 21 S 28 p 88 12 3 p 24 88 12 TOWN HIP OP- '1.33EST WA.WANOSH. 100 p 87 31 3 05 90 33 9 .4:211 100 p '91 00 3 15 94 15 VILLAGE OF _IIANCIESTER IN NV, WA 113 VILLAGE OF ST. HEINII:S IIN1123233 W99(:'.AW22 A222- 116 NOSE - 33 'VILLAGE 013 SUMMERHILL 1N HULLIN'T. 9 4 OF MANCHESTER IN HULLETT. TOW.NSHIP OF MORRIS. 3. s8 412 9 lst 100 p 23 03 1 45 24,48 N;L: 25 8th 100 u.p 64e2 97 87 61 40 VILLAGE OF AINLEYVILLE IN MOIRIS. 90 91 03 VILLAG 80 54 68 51 69 143 3 p 48 88 1 36 144 I p 48 88 1 36 1 Mather's Survey " N118 • I T- 7 V1LLAGE OF DUNN.GracON INN- WAWA , °4''s Tir5e6ao25,- 8 61 A. M. ROSS, Co. Huron. 3 71 95 4 66 MeMath's 'Survey 36 Co. Treasurer's Office, Th -e following iriPriluessLan. olficer before' us. Thq rthige,atSawxeonfisawat concealed by au. to our left the tillery as they bu ,cision among ueen Aug* battaliOn. Of came next.- T 1 :gaining ground. avain in .12, ,ilifrht- Now we are fo is a quarter to we get a taste of i„sv:thino4tetdh.',,roujo-b. 3u-ddenlv in. the t j'ihe a .e nv ya-,11134u;ilny e t At first- W.4.'are they come, from the heights at least 1;800 pz doubts are set at really before 113., tO suffer very p ward! Spreadin -enemy, to great 1,000 paces from breath before we paces rigb.t into al fire a few, shots, a "At last st ough to eke g out of their hill. By tbis tirn len, and we. Iralte Irtends opposite. niru *as shot in t ting in our MIAs ot the Company. in. his breast, whe Finding we could ,run. to with Now, at least measured the dist -InwemillIsatisr5Iti-reo"ti Von Fabeck- -as was shot four me We 'were in skim ting to melt '21.1 the Fre h stood very ey *4 should have t; our numbers had :rtehdeuactIdemIth;tt. -we c tamed the often 1 9r killed leverv Practice they itepll satisfied with shill The thing beca and there arose a that we bette1 and knock down; there was any of moment Captain -of our Brigadier, remain where ''we being -taken pris our ground. until -7-ernaillgadtta()nucer once more op. though trity possessed upder case they 'could no part,, and,perhal officers vet renran feet equainimity dagitcainher-d ag.1-‘lvin that they over the Sadowa in- con • hausted, and we 4 the dead 'an latter RS had a. sp 111-0eadentte:en4osaid8ev'saie'lli.s:Ittarliiti had. given. ,orders I in our .-.,7ossessi ' even after We laf long suifq()o_ skit Charge -with the on the ground 'W and :shoulder-bla ous sounds to my men, fierc command, Cha alasl there were sPoiewnwahtoo my call. wliole of my m