The Huron Expositor, 1870-05-13, Page 8THE HURON EXPOSITOR. MAY 13, 1870. PARLIAMENTAR,Y. FRIDAY. , _ the meeting of the House Mr. Brous - eau, referring, to the map,of the Dominion just published by the Senate, said be be- lieved it to be correct,and added that le intended proposing to the HouSe a rnap of 'the whole Dominion. under the superinten- dance of the Printing Committee: Mr. Maekenzie asked a question respecting the CivilService Commission, and elicited the fact that in addition to the report. laid be- fore the House last session, a furthei report had been. made and acted upon, notwith- standing a pledge given that no 'such aotion should be taken without the sanetion of _Parliament. Hen. Mr. Tilleressayed some explanations, ,and Mr. Mackenzie remarked that the COUrSe adopted was quite on. a level with the mode in whieh Pailiament had been treated of tate by the overn- ment. • On. the Supperannuation B 11 corn- ing tip Mrjoly again moved --an mend_ menet exempting Civil Servioe em ioyers whose 'lives were already insured, eithe - from payment or participation in th ,bene- ftof the fUnd. It was defeated onl a, di- yislon by—yeas, 58; nays, 69. Mr. Godin then. moved an amendment Which would have the effect of putting the whole scheme - on the basis of a Life Insurance . ociety, administered by the Finance Depa turent, thied including the -widows and orplaans of employees iu its benefits. Sir F.. lucks •opposed the resolution, and said it would defeat the Bill, the object of 'which ¼vas to . immediately get rid of incapaeiated fficers. Sir George E. Cartier also, opposed he am- endment. Mr. Hanison.objected t it as eat of order, and, involving charges n the revenue not included in the messag from the Crown! appertaining to the Bill 'Mr. Dorion said the last speaker was qt. ite in error. .After a discussion, the 5 eaker ruled Mr Godin's amendment was out of erder,, and that it clid include other charges than those recommended in the m ssage. An amendment of Hon. Mr. Holton to ex- empt officers of the House of ' Co Mons ' from the operation of the Act, was d feathd by—yeas, 49, nays, 81. Mr. Goch then movedc an amendment which would ,p event any portion of the consolidated funds being applied to the purpose of the Bill. This was defeated by—yeas, 48; nays, 83. Mr. • Costigan moved a three month's hois and 'us defeated by—yeas, 38; nays, 87- The third- reading was then carried.- A mes- sage, was then received , from the Governor-General referring to the protection of Canadian Fisheries. MIL Mr. Mcdougall hoped the expense of these schooners would not now continue. Sir F. Hincks said the British Government would not do policy duty, and their vessels were unfit to follow tne Anaericans'. Hon Mi Dation wanted to know if the expense would be jointly borne, as in the case of the Northwest expedition. Sir Francis Hincks said it would not. Further discussion en- sued, in which Hon. Mr. Holton ' severely censured the Government for net placing the whole correspondence before the House. Sit George E. Cartier said they had been desirous of -placing the despstch just read befone the House without waiting for the preparation of the previous correspondence. - Sir George E. Cartier then in answer to a avestionfrom Mr. Mackenzie; expressed his regret at the illness of ,Sir John. A. Mac- donald, who had been seized with spasms as he was about starting for the House. As the Premier wished to be present at the dis- cussion in Committee on the Manitoba Bill - that measure, unless the House insisted .on proceeding with it: !Mist stand over till an - ,other sitting. Mr. Mackenzie expressed his regret at the illness of the Minister ofJus- tiee and assented to.the adjournment of the discussion which, being acknowledged by , Sir George E. Cartier, the House rose for recess. After recess, Mr. Bellerose Moved far the third reading of the rate of interest Bill. Mr: Oliver moved the three months' hoist. • Sir George E. Cartier expressed re- gret that the Government scheme, as at first brought forward, had not received the sup- port of the majority of the flOase. Hon. Mr. Bolton and other members haying spoken, a vote was taken, and at first the division stood—yeas, 54; nays, 56. Other members being called in to vote, some ob- . jealous were raised, and on a final cerrect- ion of the list the numbers were equal. The - Speaker being appealed to, ga-ve his vote ee • with the yeas, and the division standing— yeas 57; nays, 56, the Bill was thrown out. eromaki. • On the meeting of the House Sir George E. Cartier ha-ving alluded to the improve- ment in the health of Sir John A. Macdon- ald, the resolutions relating to money claus- es in the Government of Aranitoba Bill were considered, and referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. In Comraittee on the Bill, Mr. Ferguson objected to' the clause reserving 1,400,000 acres'of land to the half-breeds, and moved its oneissioel vSir George E. Cartier urged that the allotment was just, and some compensation to those whose counery they were appropriating, and in which the would require land for the British Pacific Railroad. Pon. Mr. Mc- Dougall opposed the clause, and spoke at • some length against it. He asserted that the mixed race had no claim as Indians, and said that the half-breeds could very well manage their own affairs, referring to Mr.! Monkraan and others as proofs of the intel- ligence of the race, The Indians were not provided for by the clause; and if the half- breeds wanted land, they could have a free t. Agriculture was not their usual avocation, and those reservations would only entail on the country the sad experience of Canada from the same cause, Sir F. Hincks defended the reservations, and admitted that it was pradically a bribe whereby to obtain peaceful s possession of the Territory. He teetrited Hon. Mr. McDougall Wi haring•Made a fir greater allotment to t fludSon By Company, and paid .th ,1300,1000 besides. ' Mr Mackenzie point out that, after' deducting the settled portio 7 --the Hudson Bay Company'ei claims—t reserves and land unsuited for cultivatio there would be , no space at .all- for imp grants. He favbured the giant of 200 tnelaci to the bead of every family, half breed white, indiscriminately. He pointed o that the Canadian delegates to London t cepted Lord Granville's proposals as those an arbitrator. He had already; last Sessi expressed his approval of the way in whi the GovernMent had acted in that matt He, Mr. Mackenzie, twitted Sir Fran With his ignorance of past events in Can da, and told him that ie (Mr. M.) was co sequently obliged to defend Sir George r Cartier fom. his attacks upon him: Aft some other members had spoken the Col mittee divided on the motion to omit t clause. The result was, yeas 37, mays 5 The Committee then rose and reported a the cla•uses as carried • Hon. Mr. McDo gall I argued against the costly and cun Lyons systern of government devised by tk • Bill. He took his share of the blan •attached to the Government for havin omitted in the Bill of last year to recog,ni the claims of the people of the Teri itory t a vote in the management of their own a fairs, but this Bill, he said, went to th other extreme. He referred to the groN ing dissatisfaction with the Governmen felt in the country, and said if this Bill pa sed it would,in Ontario, create great disaffec don. After E,Ymen lancing at, other adment he proposed to make, he referred to M Harrison's speech on, Satay, and j ustifi ed himself ;for issuing the proclamation Amongst other reasone for his firm °bene that the money was paid, he had a lette from a member of the Adminstratica dated-NoveMber 4th, saying that Sir Joh Rose was making his airangements to con _clulle the transaction. He bitterly corn mm plaed of the" inhuman act" of Mr. Howe who saw that he (Mr. McDougall) was tak ing his children with him into danger a that season of the year, in not warning him of what he might have to encounter. II conclusion, he nir ed the recoinmittal o the Bill for the purpose of • introducin amendments. G. E. Cartier taunter Hon. Mr. Macdougall with being a profesS- ed Liberal, and declared that the Conserve. fir ves wee the really. Liberal party. He did not approve of what had occurred at Red River, not yet of calling the people there rebels. They Ought to/drown the difficul- ties by liberal measures. The people were educated and the Confdence there would contrast favourably with the one at Quebec Mr. Mackenzie au ,s.otne length supporteci a temporary form of G e vern mein t, leaving it to the people to settle its details for them selves, and concluded by a motion as an amendment to that effect. MIL Mr. Howe defended himself from the attacks made up- on him, and repeated the account of his go- ing to Red River. In terms similar to those Used on a• former occasion. He had the bad taste to speak of the arrest of the party at Dr. Schultz's house as being_a piece of stra- tegy on Riel's part, and said he took them like fowls in a hen coop. 'Mr Bodwell se- verely censured Hon. Mr. Howe for the tone of his speech, and said he felt humilat- ed and disgraced at hearieg it. Hon. - Mr. Cameron. (Peel) blamed Hon:Mr. Howe for the injudicious tone of his speech. Mr. Jones (Leeds) had made a calculation, and found that kfter all deductions the Bill on- ly left 280,000 acres of land for settlement. The -House then divided, and Mr. Macken- zie's amendment was defeated. Yeas, 35 ; nays, 95. Hon. Mr. McDougall's resolu- tions were then defeated by—yeas,11 ; nays 120. An amendment. of Mr. Cartwright, giving Parliament power to fax the bound- aries, if expedient, was defeated by—yeas, 52; nays, 72. An amendment moved by Mr. Mackenzie, to fix thetboundary at 102 degrees west. This was defeated by—yeas, 47 -;nays, 74 ; and Mr. Ferguson's by— yeas, 49 ; nays, 73 Some other amend- ments were also proposed and lost, and the debate being adjourned, the House lose at 3:05 a.m, he em ed ns he 11, .es or ut of On ch er. cis n - E. er Ti- he7. 11 tt- 1- ie ze f. v- s - c. 1 1 TUESDAY. After routine business, and the announce- ment by Sir George E. Cartier that Sir John A. Macdonald was improving, though still very weak, the debate on -the Manito- ba Bill was resumed. Mr. Flrguson moved an amendment that all British Ski bjects of the age of 21, being bona 4de householders at the date of the first election, shall have votes. This was lost on a division. , Yeas, 41 nays, 76. Mr. Rodwell moved' as an amendment to the above amendment, that each British subject, who was a Nina fide resident for one month previous to the elec- tion, shall have the right to vote. This was also lost on a division. Yeas, 35 ; nays, 82. Hon. Mr. Macdougall moved in amend-, ment that no.person under airest, or who has been convicted for any felony, shall be eligible to be elected to the Legislative A$- sembly. Lost ou a division. After recess, Sir George E. Cartier announced that the Government were not prepared to go on with the Supreme Court bill this session. Sir George E. Cartier also -announced that the prorogation of Parliament would likely take place on Thursday next if the Senate had completed their work before that time. The .debate on the Manitoba measure having been resumed, Mr:Mackenzie moved that the children of half-breeds should be enti- tled to not more than 200 acres Of land on attaining the age of 18, under such regula- tions as shall be enacted by the Governor in Council, Sir Geo. E. Cartier opposed this involving the requirement of more land than the Government proposal. The amendment was lost. Yeas, 69; nays, 80.• Mr. Oliver proposed to strike out the educational claus- es, as likely to reproduce the troubles Of the past in this Subject. The amendment was was lost. Yeas, 34, nays, 71. Mr. Mac- kenzie then announced that he would not offer any further opposition to the Bill. As th a Government refused all the amendments offered, -they must accept the entire respon- sibility of the tnbasure. After some further remarks, the Bill was react a third time. Tne House then went into Committee on the item for the Northwest expenditure, the .dehate on which occupied the greater por- tion of the night.- Other bueiness. was got through, and on the item of $100,000 for Secret Service money being called, Hon. Mr. Holton objected to it, and Sir George E. °Artier agreed to reduce it by $25.000, after which it was passed. !".1wanrimminsw EASE AND COMFORT THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There is nothing so valuable as perfectsight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by using .Perfect Specteles, the difficulty of procuring which is -well known. Messrs. 4azarus & Morris; Oculists Optici- cans, Hartford, Conn.; Manufacturers of the Oelebrated Perfected Spectacles, have after years of Experience, and the erection of costly ma- chinery, been enabled to produce that Grand Desideratum, Perfect Spectacles, • whigh have been sold with unlimited satisfaction to the wearers in the United States, Prince -Edvaard's Island, and Dominien of Canada, a during the past nine years. those Celebrated Perfected Speotacles never tire the eye, and last 4nany year without change. Sole Agent for Seaforth, M. R. Counter, from whom only they can be procured. LA.ZARUS, MORRIS & 00., - Montreal. WE- EMPLOY NO PEDLERS. Seaforth, „Tan'y. 21st, 1870. 76-1y. Carriage Factory. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII, AND NEARLY OPPOSITE, SHARP'S HOTEL,„ THE undersigned would intimate to the ita- • habitants of Seal orth and surrounding country, that they have on hand -a large stock of first-class HICKORY BUGGY STUFF They are now reatty to receive orders for all kinds of Buggies, Carriages &c., made up by experienced Workmen, in the very latest styles. Old -Work repainted by a first-class Carriage Painter. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • CHARGES MODERATE. GIVE THEM A CALL. McINTOSH & MORRISON. Seaforth, Jan'y 21st. 1370. 111-tf. THE SIGN OF THE COLDEN MHE subscriber begs to inform the public that he has just received a great variety of Sad- dles and. TR UNKS, Which he is prepared to sell At Prices Alnzost Unparelleled. _ --o-- COLLARS of every description, warrant- • ed not to hurt the horse's neck. -o In the way of Harness OF ALL RINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money as any other establishment in Ontario. Quality of work and material, employed, inclis- . putable. •car SHOP. OPPOSITE KIDD s _ JOHN CAMPBELL. Seaforth, Jan. 31. 1870. • 52-tf. STRAW CUTTER. The subscriber desires to intimate to the pub- lic that he is sole agent in 3eaforth for the sale of MAXWELL & WHITELAW'S • Celebrated TRA.W CUTERS . IHORSE AND HAND POWER. Also for Massey's improved GRAIN CRITSIIER. A Stock kept constantly on ihand. OLIVE C, WILSON, Market Square. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 100. 192-tf NOTE LOST, T OST, on or about the 8th hist, a Note of 1,1 Hand, made by John (Joates, and in favour. of the undersigned, for the amount of $107, and • payable three months after date. Said note was also witnessed. by S. G. McCaughey. The pub- lic are hereby cautioned against purchasing or ne- gotiating the above note, as payment has been stopped 'on the same. THOMAS GILPIN. McKillop. April 14, 1870. 123-41n8. 'STRAYED COLT. TRAYED from the premises of Mrs. Ohristo- pher Sparling, Seaforth, on Monday, April 25, 1870, a bay, year old horse colt, with a white stripe down his face, and. both hind -feet white. Mane hangs to off side. Any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery of the same, will lie suitably rewarded. 1217.4.5zTf..- fiMRS. O. SPARLING,Kel • Seaforth, May 6,*18)0. • ig126-3ins. 'F1 -31Z;;;L:Nuil J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUCS. CHEMICALS. AND DYE STUFFS The Drug Department is under the special care of an experienced Clemist. SEATTER, Seaforth, ,Jan'y. 21st, 1870. • • 59-tf. MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANKS his numerous' customers for their liberal patronage during • the last fifteen years, and trusts he will receive its contmnanee, He has now on hand. a large assortment of Good Seund Green Hemlock! Which he warrants will give satisfaction. ALSO 2001000 FEET OF PINE! CUT FoR. BUILDING AND GENERAL PERPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Orders will be promptly attended to. He has also on hand a large assortment of WELL SEASONED ACCOUNTS To which he calls the attention of his old custo- mers, who will find it to their advantage to re- tire them promptly, and without legal proceed- ings. Seaforth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870, 84- tf: NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. • TEE undersigned have this day entered Partnership as BOOK -SELLERS, STATIONERS, NEWS AGENTS, into AND DEALERS IN F'.A..1\T CA -Q0 S, c:Sc c-, AT THE EXPRESS OFFICE, Where we trust by attention to the requirements of the trade to meet the wants of our customers. W. ELLTorr, • C. ARMSTRONG. I Seaforth, April, 4th 1870, • 124-3ins. INSURANCE, Insurance,Insurance. When you want to Insure your Buiklings,your Mills and Fac- tories, your Stock, your Crops, your Furniture, or your Life, Apply to WM. N. WATSON, SEAFORTH FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE INSURANCE ACRIT, FOR The Provincial Insurance Compani of Canada (Canadian). The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, (English). The Niagara DistrictMutual InsuranceCorapany.1 The Gore District Mutual Insurance Go.,, - anti The Star Life Assurance Society of England; which divides nine -tenths of the profits every five years amongst Policy Holders. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly settled. Farmers are specially invited to consult the advantages offered in perfeet security and in the extrein.e lowness of rates for insurance on all de- scriptions of Farm Property. • MONEY TO LEND, At moderate rates of Interest, and. to be re -paid by Instalments, -which is the most suitable and safest method for Farmers and others to pay off a mortgage. No Commission Charges, and ex- penses small. MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON EQUITABLE . TERMS. 0 SEWING MACHINES. The best Sewing Machines, for Family Use, as well as for Manufacturing purposes, are keptal- ways on hand, Both Single Threaded and Dou- blejThreaded, or Lock Stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. REMEMBER WM. N. WATSON'S Insurance Agency Office, and Sewing Machine Depot, North Main Street. SEABORTH, March 31, 1870. 121 - $50 000. TO lend on the security of Real Property in the • County of Huron at from 01 to 10 daer cent., by DOYLE & SQTTIER, 117-6m„ Barristers, Goderich. • MONEY TO LEND. ON _Farm or desirable village property at per tent. Payments made to suit the bor- rower. Apply to A. G. McDOUGALL, tnsuranee Agent and . C • or to JOHN SEATTEROMIlliSSloner, Seaforth,, Exchange Broker,eaorth. March 25th, 1870. ly. JT IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma- chine is not only the Latest but also the best of its kind, before the public. TT Is UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma - 1 chine, although not much exceeding in price the very cheapest machine ma.nufactured any- where, is yet Incomparably Superior to any cheap machine yet brought out, TT IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma- • chine has acnieved an immense popularity in the short time it has been before the people - TT 18 UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma - I chine already occupies a position only mord- ed to others after year of toilsome effort. TT IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma- • ▪ chine, by the mere force of its inherit good qualities, is bound to become the universal favor- ite of the Canadian public. TT IS UNDENIABLE that every family, eith- • er in country, town or city, should have a. Sewing Machine, and it is equally undeniable that none is so well ,adapted for universal use as the. Lockman. YVTIF,E, Sister and Fa.ther within the bounds V I of our happy land, importune their re- spective. ITUSBAND, Brother and. Father. until the Millenium (which is sure to follow the universal introduction of the Sewhig Machine) has been inaugurated. • • WILSON, ROWMAN & CO. Mr. 0. H. CULL, Agent, Seaforth. Hamilton, Jan, 21, 1870, 111-tL Victoria Organs AND MELODEONS MANUFACTURED MANUFACTURED BY R. S. WILLIAMS, TORONTO ONT. LIST OF PRIZES TAKEN BY • R. S. Williams' Instruments. UNION EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1861. FIRST PRIZE AND DIPLOMA! FIRST PRIZE, Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, 1862. FIRST PRIZE AND DEPLOMA3 Provincial Exhibition, Kingston, 1863. FIRST PRIZE AND HIGHLY COMMENDED Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, 1864, Provincial Exhibition, London, 1865. First Prize and Highly Recommended, Provincial Ex- • hibition, Lower Canada, Mon- treal, 1865. • FIRST PRIZE/ Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, 1866. FIRST PRIZE & SPECIALLY RECOMAfEN- DED, Provincial Exhibition, Kingston, 1867. We have kept no record of County Exhibitions, at which. our Instruments have always taken FIRST PRIZES, whenever exhibited in competition with others. PIANO FORTE Our stock will be found large and well select- ed, and comprises first andtecond-elass approved makes, and the new -Union Piano Cornifany's Piano. Ark inspection is solicited before buying. Address, R. s. WILLIAMS, Toro1n1to.,1Qy.nt. • 2 Toronto, Jan'y. 28, 1870. a F. LU VOL. -0 TRACY ellete Huron. East of the Seaforth, D TTLVER geon, et of Market ard. of Kidd &- Seaforth, T\R W. R. ID Office„ --4 am -1 Seaforth, D CAMPBE Gill MAI. goon, etc., Seat Post Offite Bat,. found by Men Seaforth, ,3`1 •lat• F. WAI • liciter-in Public, &e. Court House, N. B: Lands. Goderieh, it ArALGoirrxx aaid. Insolvenql ers: Solicitor, Agents .for Bt—$30,0 Houses and. V! Seaforth, 110p ENSON at Law?, ti -enty, Con;Oya es'—Seaforfg "Trust and La* Colonial Seena, Money at 8 pe., TAS. E. BENS03; Seaforth, ffi care taken forl tender teeth. Rooms over 04 Seaforth. -OMMERC11 Laird, prof • modation for ti and bar are allsi markets afford. f ]K MX:8 H dersigned. liberal pa:trona!' in the hotel biu that he has aga stand, where 1 from o141 friends Seaforth, T It ROSS, P • begs to infi the travelling eq first-class accom by travelleraa always on handl e -very necessary Seaforth, Feb -Do RIT1SH 'EA .14 Or., J.(! WILLIAMS, {lata Manager. ly furnished, an one of the most the Province. eial Travellers, • Goderich, Apr MISC HARP'S Ll SEAVORTIT. ,ays -011 113,114_1 • Seaforth, - • MA1LL & and Spec* ter's, Plasterer1s1 and. valued. 011 store, Court -Hon rGoderich, Apri &W. McPI veyov, of Conveyalaeing G. M;Phillips, 'Next door south Seaforth, De; T S. PORTER J. sheap Eking. naents made on n Insurance -agent price paid for g Main Street, ei Hardware Store.! TF HAZLEH1 I). the Colin Particular atten Stock. . Farm. St • Terms. Goods 4 Landlord's- War Tint Division Oa Goderich, Jun'