The Huron Expositor, 1870-02-11, Page 6Fe xaT L 187(),. ver Ruotioii • INTERESTING ACCOUNT BY .ONS or fart .AE- LEASICD PlititioNtR8. Mr, Stuscrt Hullo arrived in Toronto. last Tuesday too int ` ` having coins direct from;thesceue'of tr Voles in `thee North,` West, Mr. Mulkins was taken ,prisoneat' by the rebels on " the 7th, ofr pace ber, and �i % F k remained in con imilien�t until tai 6th `of January, when he was rebased. His ac- count of tlie-alfair is p u ticiilarly interest- ing. He sap 7- r ` f FOitT `t3AR '!' .: Proper, is composed of about thre4 acres of land, surrounded by a twelve foot board fence, two inches thick. The buildings within the enclosure are all built of logs or boards; none of them are f straw. Within _the Fort Mr. Hulking as con- fined. The prisoners were nerved with ra- tions, of which a strict account as been kept by the Hudson Bay Compan, in ord- er to charge the Canadian Govern ent with them. It is the intention ` of t e insur- gents to charge the Canadian Go ernment for everything used by the prisoners, and with that object in view at Riviere Sale they seizedG ►erne M 1's`furniture' as collateral security. &IEI.L. President Riell is a man standing about five feet eight. He is about 25 ears of age ; has light hair, is clean sba ed, and has a restless eye. From his a r ranee a stranger would not be likely to oke him for a half breed. When in conversation he looks his man.stra<ight•in the face with a searching eye, and it would lie difficult to deceive him. He is smart, beyond a doubt, but his nature is very changeable. When. Fort Garry was captured, be displayed his want of firmness on. several occasions. At first he ordered the gates of the Fort to be closed, but hardly had the order been exe- cuted when he countermanded it, and had them thrown open again. Another time he Gent : a. patrol through .the : ttlementr, but it was not opt up fonatiany• h Vis, Ow- ing to his want of pluck. Like a French- man, he bas a great deal of dash and show about him and when he does anything he lets the world know of it. She general impres- sion in the Settlement is that the i ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGY are at the bottom of the trouble. I One of the settlers said to Mr. Mulkins that he was prepared to take his oath at ny time to the fact, that before Bishop Tache left Rome, he told him that he (Tache) expect- ed troublesome times in the Settlement, and that if he could manage to obtain per- mission to remain away'. until -it was all over, he would do so. It is ` enerally thought that Bishop Tache .coald top the movement if he pleased, but he had made no effort to de. so yet. WIRE=PULLLRS. Every person of intelligence ac nowled- ges that. there are others behind R4eli who are urging him on. Bannatyne a4d Begg, fur dealers in the settlement, a e freely spoken of as wirepullers. They ave not yet come openly in support of him, and con- sequently nothing can be brough against them ; but there is no doubt that hey are in his favor. They don't want th 'country - settled, because they -think it wo Id ruin the fur trade. The Americans are working for annexation, while the Irish w nt to es- tablish an Irish Republic. r , A11NEXATI<6N Is out of the question, notwithstanding that the Yankees are working bard for it., The Indians, to a man, are loyal, and de- test the Americans. The Sioux Indians are particularly bitter. . All the traders will use their influence against annexation. It is impossible to say what the Sc4ch and English half-breeds will do ; bu, so far. they have played . the -arts .of cowards. They are perfectly . willing to drill for a dol- lar a day and their rations, but when it comes to fighting it is quite another affair. The French might oppose the -English and Scotch half-breeds, but if a strong force; was --brought against them they would make vet y little•OipP�- tion. Some of the Yankee . sol- ders talk of obtaining assistance ram the Fenians, hut this is out of theq uestion as it would cost $50 per man for: _ not counting the . cost of provisio they would be obliged tie supply. -6 COLONEL RTULTZMAN ransport, us which is a lawyer and office -holder at Pembina" and intends running for Congress next eIection.---He has no legs, but wadles along on a couple of stumps about i P sx or eight inches in Length. He is a fire-eater in spite of his crippled condition. BRUCE hstmoOtegd ,•w ith e. remanagement of the morem nt, now that Riell bag been ap- pointed President ; but Mr. Mulkins could not say whether he has withdrawn. from it altogether or not. I ri . T CQLwthe. Messrs. Ross & Colwell, had ompleted their arrangements for issuing the Pioneer, and had their forms on the prec when were seised be the rebels. Ross at Vitelcritti.U.Airbrk for the lay 1 party, R th fiat but Ire afterwards took the oath.. ,It is gen- erally believed that he is playing double game. No one knows much abut Mr. Colwell, as h. keeps matters to I himself. He is veryquiet, but is -believedto be on the square. CAPTAIN KENNEDY is particulaily hot against Canada. He sel- dom knows his own mind for any length of ti `i ,� u' o Ly,two or three years ago that Ie was a, strong -supporter` of Canada against the Hudson Bay Company; hitt now he can say nothing too bud against Canada. :fit'°111a 01:443 f # w'14,t .st?• ;!As St hut ifeti Wit ►ers . he would have nothing to do with the move- inent, nor would he permit his sons to participate in it. THE CAUSE OP 'tete TROUBLE. The Hudson's Bay Company never were favourably impressed with Mr. McDougall. He told too many disagrees ble truths con- cerning them set ..stip° < e negotia- tions in Enghitiv b iiiiintrahat they in- fluenced the priests against him, and that the priests incited the half-breeds to insur- rection, INDIANS • p The O hippews, Cress, and *.Siem : c Abe relied upon as favorable to Canada should their services be required. Many of the. Indians have medals presented to them by Great Britain, and these they value beyond estimation. It would be impossible to pur- chase one of them for a gallon of the best rum, and. that , irk the greatest temptation an Indian can be offered. - - 5 r, OTE' M STEAL. The Revd. " llf°eesrp. -eI eafi, 'Yt4b Black and Gardner are in the Settlement. Mr. Gardner said that he always though thatthere were some fighting men in the place, but pow he c oulslaio itqarstand the turn affairs = hacl talon: ` Airtdis time that volunteers were called for, Mr. Gat d- ner tells a story of three great stalwart men who took their horses -anti made- for the bush, where they concealed themselves until they th gught the danger was over. THE TRANSPORT OF TROOPS from Canada`s the Settlement could easily be accomplishd in the spring. is only a twenty-one lbs' march from Foft'.William to Fort Garr'`i'and there would belno diffi- culty in sendin `-a couple of re ` vents on the opening fifnavigation. It *snot like- ly that the people would ;fight a nst troops if they werekaent up in the stating. The troops oncein this country would make short work oil pit. The " Fortsy'!ht are so often spokent,,about, amount to'Wing, as a well dreeted v' shot from a si:>;pounder would demoliob• any one of them •' The re- bels have seine 50 or 60 breech -loaders but all the either arms they ` have are old flint and peroiion locks. Some deserters from the American army have recently taught the half -Breeds bow to fire off the big guns. The half-breeds are afraid of an Indian war, and as the India4s,are to a man with the Canadian Govet t4ment, it is not likely they will risk the cgt4aequences of opposln ` ,ny force sent frow Canada. 4; -•.•a. TYAVELLI tci STONES. -They have walk- ing stonestliet Australia, and, as we are in- formed, they'ave travelling stone$,in Ne- vada. Heim' -is a description :--"whey are almost round; and a -majority -ofethem as Iarge as a walnut, and of an irony nature. When - distributed about upon` `the floor, table or any, other level surfei within - two or threefeet of each othee'' they im- mediately begin travelling tow'iml a com- mon centre, and then huddle up inn a bunch like a lotjof eggs in a -nest. A single stone removed to a distance of three and a half feet, upon being released, at once started off with wonderful; and somewhat comical celerity to join its fellows ; taken a way four or five fet it remained motionless. They are found in a region that, although comparatively ,level, is nothing ;'bait` barren rock. Scattered, over thel barren . regions are little- basins, from a fe4v feet to 9. rod in diameter, and it is in the bottoni -.of these that these rolling stones ai'e form '. They are from the size of a pea to 'five or six inches in diameter. The cau t of these stones rolling together is doubtless to be found in the material of which tlrey ale composed, w)1nch' appea r to be l oatl stone or magnetic iron ore. -THE ARK or THE COVENANT. -A new - paper correspondent says : In connection with the exploration now going on in Pal- estine, I wonder ' whether it -has occurred to those who are so much interested in the • matter, that there is a Jewish tradition that, at the time of the captivity, Jeremiah concealed the Ark of the Covenant in a se-' cret chamber underneath the tet 1ple. Noth- ing seems More probable. There i4 no mention of the;ark, which was overiaid with gold, having been carried with the rest 'of the sacred:v; s els and utensils Co Babylon ; or 'taiying been brought back from, thence. Infect nothing. is known of it, except by tradition. Probably the matterc:is known to the explorer's, though I have riot seen it adverted to. It would be an interesting object for search. The discovery of it would be one. of•the greatest which- could be made.. I ha -'e thought that some of =our readers might know something more about r. it than I do. 4RMERS GO TO M'NAUCHT AND TEEPLE, FOR WAGGONS, BUGGIES. AGRICU.LTrURAL • IMPLEMENTS, and in fact, anything drawn by the horse. A large assortment always kept on hand. And for first- class HORSE SHOEING & JOBBING thatis the place. A large Stock of Dry Oak, and other Lumber, also Dry Waggon Spokes, fol' Sale. - Seaforth, . Fte e 4th, 1870. 11-1y. oran . vani Artiloftring • ". ,,Engels CASH BUYERS •,!. IN THE GROCERY' AND WINE 'TRADE. The Stock is very large, and MUST- st SOLD` To itade•room for further purchases; It comprises the following `staple articles ;--•- 200 half oheste Fine Young Ityson Tea, - 100, boxes. New;Raieinsr. ►; 50 bestete New currents, 10 hods, Bright Cuba Sugar, 1t)l) b irre1s "Yellow Ref next Sugar, 200 - barrels. ' - No. • I Labrador Herring*, 50 do White Fish, fill catch, 50 • do Trout, " • 100 barrels Superior Windsor Whiskey, 50 barrels Old Rye and Malt do Also a large and well _selected stock of GENERAL GROCEI IES i Too- numerous to mention. a Give them a call 'and see for yourselves. KILLORAN and RYAN. JUL• }• 21st- 1870. 111-3m. SIGN OF THE CIRCIILAlt SAW rn. Robertson c' vi ALFRS IN AAA. KINDS OF SHELF AND HEA V'Y HARDWARE Paints, Dill, Glass, .Putty �c•� ietDr a M Organs A N6 s � 'MANUFACTURED TORONTO ONT. .•s. L18T OF PRIZE I TAKEN BY R. S • Williamo' ' Instrumen UNION EXHIBITION, TO,ONto, I FIRST PRIZE AND UIPI4dM'A FIRST 'PRIZE Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, 1862. FIRST' PRIZE. AND 'MUM Provincial Exhibition, lthzgeton, 1863. FIRST PRIZE ANI} HIGHLY COhiMEh] Provincial Exhibition, I tunilton, .1864. Provincial Exhibition, Lone 1865. First Prize and Rig Recommended,- Provincial 1 hibition, Lower. Canada, M treal, 1865.• ` . FIRST. PRIZE, Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, 1866. FIRST PRIZE & SPECIALLY RECOMM DED, Provincial- Exhibition, Kingston, 1867. We have kept no record of County +" xhibitio at which our Instruments have always takei FIRST' "Pttusr., whenever exhibited: 'in competition with others. PIANO.CORTE Our stock will be'found large And well Bele ed, and comprise first and second-class approv makes, and the new Union Piano L-ompan Piano. - 'An inspection is solicited before buyii Address, R. S. WILLIAMS, Toronto, -Jany. 28, 1870. Toronto, Oi 112-1y. IT IS UNDEWIABI.L ilia °tlie' uckmau Ms chine is not only the Latest but"also the be of its kind, beferre the public, TT IS UNDENIABLE that the 'Lockman; 1 chine,: althougn not mnuckil?ccoedin in 'lira g p c the very chestiest ni$chine " manufactured• an writ , is yet Incomparably Superior to any chew machine yet brought out. I T IS ' UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma chine has achieved an immense ,ppopular-it; in the short tuna it has been before- the,people I' UNDENIABLE that the Lockman MA JT chine already occupies a position only itcorii ed to other,, after year of toilsome a fort, , In'IS UNDENIABLE that the Lockman Ma chine, by the mets force of its inherit gooc qualities, is bound to become the iiriiye,rsal favor ite of the Canadian public. IT IS UNDENIABLE that every family, lith er in country, town or city, should have "sewingMachine, and it is equally under abl1 �. that none is so well adapted ter uuiverjaluse a the Lockman. - - AATIFE, Sister and Father within -the tentt> Y� , of our happy land, importune their re- spective. TJUf_4BAND, Brother and rattier. until the' Iron, Millenium ;which is sure to follow the universal introduction of the Sewing Machine) has been inaugurated. Steel;- �1 II.�S('N. Ite�y Mn ti Co. Hamilton. Jan. 21, 1870, 2I i-tf, BIacksmith Coals, INSOLVENT " ACT 0''' = 1869. Hubs, In the Matter of HENRY HARVEY SMITH, An -Insolvent. The insolvent has made au. Assigr`iment -of his. Estate tti me, and the Creditors• are 'notified, to meetatthe store where lie carried. on.,'Business• situate in Ville .e.f. rSeaferth, in the , 'County • of Huron on Saturday -the'5th day -of Feb/ai ry; Spokes, 1870, -at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the fore- noon,' to receive statements of, his afia,ra, and to appoint -air Assignee, 1 . Dated at Goderich this 17th - day of January, Weavers'Supplies of all kinds. A -n , 1870' , , JOIIN_;HALDFN JACK SCREWS TO HIRES ., BoisoN & M•i�xx':; lrtttlem Assignee. 56>i+,fort , J ,` - olicitcrs far ,Seaford,. h sit y- 28, )'I1ty, i t? Seaforth. Jaid „.2S, 1971. 112-3ins. Rims, . i • n r "' • S. 51.' '' kr*General. 1. .• l'1LLt rly. ,x- i1'- as, at- ed y►s ig, it. •` _,, , ..' - . . '` . + ✓ - . In He Quality - _ _ . . W• = OF HARTFORD. `iJe A:°TENSING, - - - - W It:GILBE:IRT THIS THIS Company „OEM Certificates berslup on the popular plan •lilt` it- Single membership, $7„00. Joint . ''fora man and wife, $14.00. • - Thie, vision ir�ur�esy�enf life for $ar,000. -7 iY A�• .a Freida of ,MI adopted prik , n?eniilleelf in a full . HONE Benfit I - -to be will/int System of I , - it, • fearl, arguments •. - - - offers first-cic _ for Ontar. P.O. -canvass si then,. 10.E-tf- WANTED AS AGENTS UNBIASED, : INTELLIGENT` FEARLESS MEN, for the Mutual Justus/ice Company. - e-, They must be unbiased enough thoroughly investigate its ire* Insurance. _ Intelligent enough to appreciate Honest enough . to prefer it. And when convinced of its superiority and able to use its unan werable crushing all opposition. - TO SUCH MEN The , Mutual Benefit Company inducements. Address,, - A.' C. A 'DDUUAL-L, Agentpjj r , Seeforth,> N. B ---Persons prefe read who can cessfully =wag people who www No misrepresentations needed.. January; 'gilt, 1870. TD SION OF THE. .Z ; .p.j <., - . .. !+ milE subscriber begs to Worni 1 he hes just received a great variety . . (Iles and TRUNKS, - Which he is prepared to A t . Prices A. lmo t ' nparelie - cOLDEl • - the Rulili's`ths of Sul sell - warrant Harness to give lit money ata iridis. KIDD - - - - 52-tf COLLARS of every alescription, -ed not tohitrt the horse's_ necl: the way of OF ALL HINDS, is, as heretofore, ' in -a position- customers as good value for their. any other establishment in Ontario; • sof work and material, employed, hatable: ' Wr SHOP OPPOSITE: io.d f eLl .I1Y' S. •' . JOHN (CAMPBELL. Seaforth Jan. 31. I8'70. - ,- t k: _at '. this P • `r • - Now BUSINESS the and ranged' ness &R r institution young out were FIRST taken be: write.• kc., 0TOTHE BEST. . ODEL and complete • It has practical the best ar busi- of in this. and no with- WE . WRIT/ It.+ London. As we lir there esu to learn to - - circulars, ' . - Toronto. The British . American AND BRYAN T, STRATTON & .-,CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS DOLLEDE. the -largest, most .extensive - SCHOOL in the country. largest staff of Teachers, the most best'adapted businessrforms, and and most commodious apartments. Its wider the management of'thorough men, fuliy'alive to'.a11 the ' requirements ite business cocanit b ty, ' Thl4 e tdvantagea and facilities afforded are unequelied in the .country, utim.=should enter a business :career fully availing himself of its . =benefits. awarded.the - , PRIZE IN BUSINESS the late. Provincial Exhibition at is the Sixth consecutive year that this prize, we feel confient that but one opinion as where to go - • For sppeecimens ofwritiug, banknotes, ad nes, ' ODELL & TROUT, - ' Boots If you want good value for your money in and Shoes go to T. Coventry's. 87-tf according For the cheapest Roots and Shoes in Seaforth to quality. ge to 'Co'`veutry's. ' 87'tf. • .I cleared ` ion, . one, adjoining dis letter'prepad Or FARM JIBE I+or to Grey, FOR SALE, Acres of` Acres of cultivat- Lot, No, Road, Tittle 1n- or by - SON, Grey, I', O. 112-6ins - _ Subscriber offers for Sale, fifty ' good' land, from forty to forty-five and fenced, and in good state being composed of South -half of 'on the l Ith ebn; Grey on the Gravel the village of 'Ainleyvifle. ratable, further partieula.i apply personally to g{- + D. MOLLI J. P. Blume Seaforth. Jan'y. 28, 1870 NOTICE TO CHEESE M - , The Thames Road Cheese Factory, which is . `sitwrtted':in the'Tovnship of Hibbert, .County of Perth Which°as situated in a first-class , locality; is for sale or rent. - Sealed Tenders en he taken up to the 15th Feb, next, 12 o'eleek noon: . For further particulars apply on the 'premises. ANDREW •F+-ALCOLM. Farquhar, P.4 - Ribbert, Jan'y, 2$; 1870. . 11.2` at. T, s if. t). e- le• the or Bcriptu • once." "I attenti0 s of •-anaturr1 come ac+ of Him by those gate the why y‹ eh ectg II part n;t scribes to *esrt a8011 blsinI in a time arts ere - results a necessity .strongly ncquisiti facility bf such india tthl' eihe r infinitel 4)f whin nexion em"m laity of Their l rpron treated history,. means abusing gp.ce -glee, which the heat iinaginat xiaent, *ui -to rea .But the trfenve let the, take hie attportiiz the requ cultivate tritio - iat the tso. s of t of r-etur form, in of inipro Wint aarnial sg� reclit ver' sprig p cora bet liable to prey ton stent pick may be ,; d cr�t•n 'which is beef eaDa4sr wheat - a •arses -mot wn ty t cattle c. all they .aught#+ become well on.s3 4 dont• sad slops Goers give the feed, )Vh quarts o oil-nrea,l 'roots for eat. Thi' until gni. elf is of -e to le ' a good anti crew H€>�E feed and ahoein.g =having 1 t?r is they thug eto �nouih Etaily. Ear,• 'Warm -q 'the -crit -Bh€inld much of B�aflrj ci sc aise, in quant pa i upon the `•al�d.wnte: •acebl plan Z1E:re full sha1tE them to `v r in a.' ay