The Expositor, 1869-12-17, Page 3il this a.dop- of the salar- . Mr. ision Blake losition id the [Menthe of me_the seeds asocial rotteness deeply sown- The Man that violatea- the law , is a criminal, end is a scoundrel Of whom we should get rid of in the -meet aeetilable way, and all such ehould be sh u lined by e very res- peetable fie'rson. No honied expreselon of1,„ g qt,no exten t jug plea tan rene)ve ;lark and intet n d iglu a, t hit t wit fere ve1. uays, atta(-11 to crime. The lest eare for a 7-eadieglrepente1It el urderer is a 1,iece of :rope whielej judiciously applied to his neek., If had our Ieg 1 ellen:lists applied this remedy' a s eteet Itt1e tiftenet thin they do, our dee pe ae tteeiim, does might be a. little mere careful in a die -1 using f;re arms _clubs, or axes. • mittee.. u Com- liseuse- whieh County Conabil• (COnctaded from last weeil.). Trarnankv, Dec. 9, .869. reised diug en -idinent • For Overshoes and Felt work, go to Coventry's Council met pnrsuant to adjourn ent -,ort the The Wardeu 'introduced Mr. G lt't'ant6, nett ttte- gentlemart authorized to lecture 111 aid of a Sehool fer the Blind of Ontario, who addrees- ed the- Couteile_ Farren moved and tadca I Mr. Young see. that a grant of $25,.00 be tag made Mr Canton ta defray his and other ex- ete the penes- in that behalf, the Council having' vepbred already memoraiised the Legislature -Car- _ cnam= L• 'emt.try accounts were referred to Finance an.m a Committee. es:et-tent' Letter from President of Northern Gravel ed to Committee, treat, road reforr Letter from Mr. Grace wa3 real and or - tiered to be returned as the Council eonld. not wettlEi interfere in the matter loe Le- It was resolved to memorialise the Legis- lature to alter Act '22 Vic Cap 121 so that Plle blie accounts payable by the Council 4ur arto teg' ,be audited by a Committee of tho Council instead of the magistiates in session, Rev Mr Price was appointed L 8 of Schools for the Township of McKillop in place of Rev Mr Hae-hurst ,reSigned. The Engineer as instructed to furnish a statement of Contracts let for repairs to Grs.eel Roads, also the Contract price for the Ashfield Road, also the cost for repairs th the Roads Seaforth and Wroxeiter, Clin- pass troceed- tl being neral 1 -Tepee... Jae •or ,oken, a •,,„ ton and, Wino -ham, Bayfield and iSeaforth, Uaborne and London road 1867, 1868 and 1869 - Resolved that the Council 1 memorialise Lefialature- teat the Munici al Act be earriect n. Mr. reply amended 1)y adding to the 135 8ec after the "-fli words 'Head of the Council' the following, ,easures and that the Warden. be considered an o_ - ie Mr, ficer of the Council) g' 4 -Sundry Reports and accounts received. Engineer was inatructed to h we the fences •Passei, on each side of the embankment between the supply, two Bridges in Egmondville repaired aa as to - several keep the snow on the road during the_winter Resolved that the By-law for the collec- tion of Tolls remain as at present, . Moved that the Co -anal grant the Volun- teers with° Gunboat 25c per man per day . for their. time of serviee.-Lost. Soott'a Clinton foe ;tie:Ring. at this knd not Several with. s idment Girvin occupied the chair. Report of special Committee on AsSess- 5I1d. the'thent act was read and adopted. Resolved that the time of peyinent of the County ratea be extended to lst Felmary next. Sundry account referred to Finance Om- mittee, Report of Finance Committee read, and. adopted. Resolved -That the Engineer have the County Gravel Roads laid ott into conveni- ent sections and that the contract for repairs be let accoiding to these bections ; that all estimates or accounts given or certified by the Engineer be made separately for each section ; and that the Treasurer in . his ac - for the counts designate the eection on which the most payments are made, so that Reeves and others may See from, the public accounts the ere cost ef each section. her of- Anjourned to meet fit 7 p • m. Is away of man, I there lietion ; fi_ Reaolvedthatbeore lettgthe ToIl gates the Engineer state to the lessee -that the teams engaged in the performance of Statute Labour pass Toll free. - Adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock Friday morning, FieneAr 10 Dec. 1869 Council- met pursuant to adjournment. e The Warden being unable to preside, Mr go to advo- l'unish- t le pen - tore the nay by founda- -ty and gid en - anew murder, ittect, if ilow-be- proteet- -of self lessness • soon be n, per- etfe, life ana an I the ne- ieister d rela- gov ern- -and ire of the :.m,g the ethould ence„. re- govern.- nd pro. he Sarne- nds, so - Every wrt ease 7 o'clock. p, m. Council met purettant to adjournment Suudry accounts: referred to Finance -Come mittee. Report of Road and Bridge Committee read. and adopted. Report ef School Committee read and adopted - Adjourned to meet at g q'clock on Satur- .. _ day morning. - Saturday llth December 1869. Engineeea atatement of cost of repairs Ur Gravel Roade fur the year 1867, 1868 and, 1869 was read- , Resolved that it be returned to the En- gmeer for correction as it and the public ac- counts de not correspond, and to report at January meeting,- Reselved that the Clerk advertise for tend- ers for County Printing up to first day of January, Meeting of Council, and send tee each ,3f the Printers of the County a blank. schedule to fill up, so that the tenders may be uniform. Itesolved,,---That the Engineer be instructs ed net to expend any money on the gravel ioael extensions, such as ishlield, Belraore and Wingham Roads; but such Roads should be kept tip by the municipalities rnthe same manlier as the Bayfield and Huron Roads. The names were called for There voted for the motion, Marrow, McLean, Hannah, Doyle, Shannon, McCaughey, Snell, Fraser, - Young, Patton, Shepperd, Greenway, Ce.v rick, Simpson, Castle, Grant, Bishop, Broivia Mallough aiid Sproat Agetinst, Kelly, MeDentald, Perkins. and Fariall.• Majority for the motion 10. _Resolved that the thanks of the Council be given to the Press of the County for atete- tention received during the sessien. , Resolved that the thaiiks of the Council: be given, to the Municipality of Clhiton for rge, mux- ',. the free use of the Hall. a daily • Resolved that the thanks of the Council a well 1 be given to. Charles Girvin, Esq., for his gentlemanly an impartial conduct as chair - 18 ri- man in the absence of the Warden. ai 1e-1 J.kdjourned to meet at Goderich fourtir eaters Tuesday in January 1870, •••••••••••••••••-•-•-,-..--, TE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. xpaitor. • DISTRICT MATTERS. THE "Acnie” skate at M. R. Count - THE Skk.1--thig tiuk o en -on Monday evening. THE examination of the .E.-inburn School •tskes place on. Friday next. TIT& Will41.1a)21 choolehouse. teok fire on - Friday -morning laSt. Thee flames were iixe tinguisbcd -before doing mach injury. - Tne Toll gates of the Cenrety of Huron let for the ensuing year for $9,799. ThiS ,e4e3 less than the rout of the current year. • HeY and Tuckersinith Connell pro cOodings, and other mittens are una- Voidably ciowdeci out of this iesee. The New Post Ofilee. On Monday 'the Seaforth 'Post Office will be removed to the new -and comino- 'diohs building, erected specially tor the purpoee, by our enterprising Post Mast- er Mr. Samuel Dickson. • JouN Campbells' waterproof blacking is one of the most useful articles, for sloppy weather. TIT ERE is a cOnundrum, in Hickson & Cos.' 11,thrertisem en t. Who can find it Ttiti Swies BELL:RINGERS, give a c'encert ni•l7;harps' Hall, this (Friday) eveeing. • The, buildieg ieenainly of ',tick -a,nd its ground size .29 by 45 feet. The front preser. ts a, very imposing %appear- anee, being finished with arc iede wind - o 8 eapped end ce n red with free -s' on . The ground lit is divided, and one halt of it ie 'finished in eequisite_- style as a grocery and liquor: store, - for which putpose it is °m. ied ,by Mr. -J. C. - L.1idLtW. - The intiernal armee ge men ts of the Post 0 tliee are certainlyof a Mo- del kind, and we doubt Whether -their equale are to be found in the Provinee, 'outside the city ofilees. The -lobby, Or vestibule, is about 12 x 30 feet. On the right hand side, by . the entrance, is the Regietered Letter •aild Money order ,(1*,e, which gained uy a sll.eciA ieg ineehirie het Monday, the leth he got Seaforth. Conn -oil made a grant of S-10 to tile Tuelierstnith Branch-. A g- rieut t Lie& s.keety, to aid detrLi.fing . the deift on iAle - ors, surmounted with a, hendeoine arch- . ed window, frosted in an art*ie man- e Logetn Ints: ClitiMinas presee_eis ner. 1.11 the woodwork is oak grained, ?for his.enstemees. For Pill'0•011Su's and the drawers 'Set 01 with gilt num- exit in anottiei col- 1,ers, The Aserting, de,livery rooule, . et., are all so arrangod'as to ensure tiike n that Robt. Gibbons.. greatest amount of order and e;,9edi- rdea, who 'ha,(1 to go Lion bueinees., . - home :iron) clineon t week., on account of no doubt, Mr. pickson. " Belo Bunaire-On Friday night last: the barn and stable on the farm of James Wat- son, occupied by Win. Brewer, lot 30, 8th con. fintlet, was co asumed by fire at 6;30. A span of horses and several calves'were-burnt. Ineurence, $700 on contents, and $4e on buildings in the Farmer's Mutual., The lhe is supposed to be the work of an iecendiar Mr. Brewer was absent at the time ef the fire, being at Clinton with load of grain. - New Bra. U-SB031,NE.i. FrOM our Special Correspondsnt. The Public _Examination. ot the schools in this Township will be held. at Smith's School house, on Thursday 23rd inst. Prez- ( s to the.eelue of about $100 are to be awarded. The yonng man, Geo. • Arm- strong, whose hip was dislocated • a few weeks ago at Francistown, isrecovering. notion several Doctors attempted toect the limb.bthey failed in gettine it exactly right and he will. be lame for life. - As Mr. John . . "• , of tb e Thames road \Pelle :skidding oplege for a saw - ii -doo7r, and- is so arrangeo that white it caughti betweea two of them as they rolled togeth4r and: lied one of his legs broken just . °are. e Very. con veniin leo for the trans- above the ankh, and the Otherlemised. action of 1)usiiie s II 1.1 terrui) badly, it excludes the person so enenfe,ed from the BIRTH Pest Offi,a1 matter. On the sane side DORRENCE*-6---011 the lith instthe wife of of die lobby are the delivery- wickets William Dorrence, Esq., ala son. mid letter boxes:. Of the former there FOR SAL. OR to Exchange for Wood, one 'double set of Teem Badness. sliver mounted. For partieul ars apply at this (Ace. Seaforth, Dec. 16th. 106-4in. MARRIEr are two, and of the latter two hundred ORIEVE-WALTON .--By Rev. Mr. Barr, and sixteen.' In the partition; at the at .his residenCe Dec. 10th 1869. Joseph Grieve Yeoman, to .1ary Walton all of further end there are thirty drav;-- moKino.p. - -177-..r 1 read at, er leen • umn. We ere, 0131 to Esq., our reepeeted AV serous ilniess. is inu(,1) lict. ter, and. will pre-- . bablv be about agamin e few days. ' c-onscited taste, - in a measure1 in plan- ...._ nit% and finishing the building, it is by no means the case, that the business of • eulaiged, and is now equal in size to the office dues,. not require all the facah- the largest country paper in the °Pro- ties introduced. True, meny larger v ince. For ability the Rcview ralit:s places have far more' insignitigant poet' ld('0 __ 11. . - - °dices, but there are few people, besides Al UN T ceree.-Wc hear no start1in9; news the 1'°8tmaster` amt his a ssiscantS, from mi.; of tlie MunieipalitieS reeardsing the NV lie it z.i.Ve any idea of tli e am 0 u n t of eovelle' elections. '. in. iafortal as well as business done at this olliee. Not, how- . other p:anes, thines are eniet. W e have no • doubt. that the entii e Council will . be re- turned. by ecclama time THE r RIN CETON 1:11....V I ENIV, IIRS, been 1* SE APOR raaee. RCIIAN I OS 4 T ITSTITUTE.— The second le.ture of the sezison will be delivered by Pr. Oririston ou TuescLty • r-vening next, in the Presbytenan ever, itnfcrtunately for the Post .Master, local, but though business, upon which Fall Wheat, new, he does not realize the first cent. 'A Spriag do slight idea can perhaps be formed on the Oats, matter, if we tell our readers, that -up Barley, to this time, during the present year, Peas, something like fourteen thousand reg-: Church. Admission 25 cents. Lidies istered letters have asseu throte;le Butter, free. • - lh• • . . is being the case it appears to as a Potatoes, A FEW evtali.11gS Glace we vieited 'Mr, eeatortion of justice, that while in incor- Eggs, D. Tr6tt.'S VO al claSs. We were muCh poittedttiWns 8nd cities the Governn.e t Hay per ton, intereeted-iu the proceedings and amae- 1",ays a, rent for the buildings Occupied, Pork, o(r at the.scope and modulation that the ir does not do -so ie. other 1,1aces. So, humai voice can. acquii.e. Mr. Trott, it will be observed, that M.r. Dickson unque,,tionably, thotiongnlyeinderstands will realize no reward - foi 1318 extra the art. Re2 AAR. scholars .of the Sea - forth Presbyter ULU Sunday School will Tbarsaity a,d Friday p 1 bl WI Lich lattei, the business men (A -ha ar old baZaon 8eaforth, shonld express byeAnting next in one Of Garrilif..bael's new stores. The- proceeds me for the b'Peefit of the their boxes alid drawers forthwith, and 111 aceord->.1-ice with what is im.perative • '8eiwo1. (Jive Lhem a call. in other places, paying for tliem in THE :Market Fees will be sold on advance. . •Thurday nextby public auction. No The Seaforth Post Office is a credit fees NN ill )0 collected on butfer, in less to the °WWII' Mr. Dickson, to the archi- tects', -Messrs Swain & Orcoke, code i..h, to .the builders, MesSrs. Broadfoot & Gray, and an honor to the village of beaforth. THE COUNTY COUNCIL AT CLINTON.— THE . MARKETS.. oiriTISTRY. 1\TB. J. A. ELLIS. Surgeon Dentist, evil 1 be in Wroxeter, Playford's Hotel, the 20th December, for one week, and at Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth, the following week, for ilia practice -of his profession. _ 106-2in STRAYED CATTLE. TR AYED from the premises of thetsub- 0 scriber, Lot 17, Con 1:3, Bullets, two yearling Ileifers one red with a white face, the °the!. red.; also a two-year-old steer - all having a small hole pinched in each of their ears. Any person giving such infor- mation as will lead to their recovery, will be libefally rewarded_ - ALEX. SMITH. Constance P. 0 JOHN WALSH • Begs to inform. his old customers and tbe public generally" that he has on hand the ffnest and best selected stock of TEAS! -e Ever brought into this county,' which 1- is prepared to sell VANIER than any Montreal or Toronto Tea Company can. He will ,give you A Good Tea for $0 621e. per lb. A very fine Young Hyson, _0 75 " Extra Fine do do 0 874 Very Fine & Best Imported, 1 00 44 Try his 70e. Tea ! Bullett, Dec. 7th, 1839. - 10.1-tf A liberal reduction made to parties pure ch.asing Ten. Pounds and. upwards. STRAYED. -- 0TR A.YED, about three.weeks ago, from the premises of the subscriber, Seafortb, a red and white Cow, (dry.) Any person leavine at this Office or with. the ..itibscriber, such information as Will lead to her recovery, will be suitably rewarded, - A LEXAN DER MIT CE . Seaforth, Dec. 13th. • la Farm for Sale. He has also on hand a large and. wellese- lected stock of G CD 0 IR, I S WINES & LIC2UORS, Which he is prepared to sell Lower than any • • THE subscriber offers for sal the North !house thecounty, for Cash or Trade. Be - SEAFORTH, Dec. 17,1869 b h 1 0 72 to 0751 which is situated on the Gras el Read, 12 "t1 heat (Spiing) -0 us c., : 40 acres of Lot 20, Con. 8, Morrie, Wheat, (Fall) tit Inishel. 0:60 to 0:80 Barley te bushel, 0 :43 to 0 •-15 ' . , . mule§ froin Seaforth and 2 from W alton. ' 1 a witl a (-rood loci - house. stable, root -house, well, &ie., thereon. Appltcations will be receivedl until Monday, Jamuiry 3rd, 1870, when it will be given to the hiethcst bidder, if otherTi. e satiefactory, For'farther particulars apply to T. H. RITCHIE,. Walton, P.. 0. December 13th, 1869. 106-4in — - - MUNICIPAL NOTICE Oats bushel, 0:26 to 0:20 Peas -t? bushel, '0:4a to 0:45 Potatoes it't bushel, 0:50 to 0:60 Hay tT ton, 8:00 to 010 Eggs tf? dozen, 0:15 to 0:18 Butter, IP' lb. 0: to 0:20 0:20 to 0:20 Ducks, 8:50 to Hides; Pork, Sheep Skins, 6:00 to 0.40 to ColieeicslecE:.ns, 0.] 2 to Turkeys, 0:30 to 9:20 6:50 0:90 0:15 0.30- 0.97 to 0;07 ` CLINTON, Dec 5 .869. (New Era Report.) 0:60 to 0:75 0:70 to 0:77_ 0:28 to 0:29 0:45 to 0:47 0:49 to 0:48 4:00 to 0:00 0:20 .to 0:20 0:50 to 0:60 0:00 to 0:15 9:00 to 6:00 8:00 to 9:50 GODERICII, -Dec. 15, 1869. ( Signal Report. ) outlay in the, present instance, beyond . . . the convenience and satiefactaon it, will afford him, and the geatitude of the quantities teen a tub, .nor on • c eese, . .. eggfe. Or -pull i.y. It is also ) °posed to make the buyer equally r onsible with tlie- seller. - THE - GREAT l'ANO 11A51 A, Milton's .Pi r idise Lost and Regained, and ti e The County Council had a very pleas - Hely 'Land is to be exhibited in Sharp's ant .time during the ' _recent session at Hall on Wednesday ,aild Thiirsclity Clinten. The good people of Clinton evenings., .next. Undoubtedly, as a appeVed to scarcely know bow to ex7 work (-It" art:it is unexcelled, if not une- press their appreciation of the honor quailed. done their village. On Thursday even -e . ing the Council was enterteinea to a dinner at Rattenbitry).s Hotel. The evening following it was supplemented by all oyster supper at the "'Commer- cial," given i• by Mr. Luxton. The Ocuncil has de,cided in favor of the east. Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Oats, Peas, Barley, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Hay, per ton, CHRISTAITAS TEA M EETING.—The an - n tual teo-ineeting of .t• he -Weeleyan - 'Church in this place will take place on the evening of Christnaas day. - A fine array of speakers is provided for the . . , - reitertainment of the gathering. On the Sunday followiug special sermons tell be preached adapted to the occasion. AeeiDeNT.--:On Saturday last as Mr. 'Robert INicAlichael and wife were driv- ine along the Town Line of Hu liett and -MCK.11-lop, the sleigh slipped partially over the emba, -4.1nt on. the North 3t. = side of_ the Maitian bridge, throwing Zei rs, Mi Michael out and breaking her .arm : Dr. Yercoe was immediately - •callecii and we understand that Mrs lc Mich t'i-e-T-ie--t ecoverin g. . PRESBYTERIAN AieeirVERS.ARY.—The- Anniversaey services of the Seaforth Presbyterian Church take place on Sunday and Mond av next. The fiist day Rev. W. Inglis will preach at the usual mornir4 and evening hours. The evening ot the day following the an soiree Will take place. Several very able speakers axe expected to be present, which, coupled With the low •• pace of admission, will doubtless en- sure the 1i -seal -large attendance. Etta!, A_CCIDEitT. -On the evening of the Itth inst; while out driving in company with a lady, 1V1r. Benjamin Bryan, tin- smit▪ h. of Manchester, was thrown from a cutter, and. his head was completely smashed. He died in the -course of a few hours. 11 c might have saVed his life by leteing the borne go, but his anxiety to save the lady induced. • him to bold on to the lines. Mr. Bryan was much- respected by a wide circle of acquaint- ances. Ile wee unmarried. The lady ee- oaped withouteinjuree---_Yeto Era. - There are 23 acres c tam , , Notiee is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF GREY, That asMeeting Will be held. in -the School House, Lot 16, Con- 11, Grey, Town Plot, on Monday, the 20th Dec., at 12 o'clock, -noon, for the purpose of nominating a Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and. Three Councillors, for • the ensuinb• year. and in case a Poll be de- manded, eue notice will be given of theiime and place for holding -the election. - WILLIAM GRANT, Township Clerk. Clerk's Office, Ainley vine, Dee. 7. 106.1 $0:50 to 0:75 0:70 to 0:76 0:27 to 0:27 0.45 to 0:50- - 0:40 to 0:40 0:50 to 0:55 0.17 to 0:20 0:15- to 0:00 _0-00 to 10:00 • TORONTO, Dec,16, 1869. (By Telegraph.) Wheat (Fall) lit bushel, 0:83 to 0:89 do (Spring) bushel, 0:82 to 0:85 Oats ft bushel, 0:30 to 0:32 Barley, a 50 to 60 Peak - 51 to 57 SEA.FORTH LITERARY SOCIETY.—At the last meeting the riroposition, c•Res- olved that Gompulsory Education should become law," was debated with - considerable vigor. ,An award in fav- or of the, affirmative was rendered. A large and intelligent audience Lvored the debate. The proposition • for dis- cussion next Wednesday- e, ehing is "Resolved,. that Capital • Punishment should be . abolished." For the affirm- ative Mr Dewar, leader'• supported Messrs. Ferguson and Reid: For the negative Mr. McMillan, leader, Sepported by Messrs Hayes, and 3 au.:..1 iesonf . We a,nticipate that this will be a debate of nnusual interest. . ti JOHN LOGA:\ HAS NoWheeltFortune NOTECE• low yi;u will find the *price of some of the Leading articles: 10 lbs Good.,BrightSugar for $1 00 25 " Goba Rice, 1 00 25 Good Barley, 1 00 20" Fresh Currants, 1 00 12 " Good Valentia Raisins, 1 00 Best Coffee for - 25c. per lb. A Good: Smoking Tobacco, 25c Good Old Rye, 90eper galL Extra Old. Rye and. Malt, $1 00 i He has also some of the finest WINES BRANDIES IMPORTED ! The celebrated Marsden Wine, -which is de- . dared by Chemists and Medical men to be pure and equal:_in qtality and flavor to the beet Port, and can be sold for less than half its price. 4 -RS. JA.RVIS bees to inform thepeople Ale of Seaforth and vicinity, that her School re -opens on Monday, the 31d. of Jan- uary. TERMS :-English and. Fancy Work $4, French 84 ; Drawing $4-; Music $6 ; or, all tee -branches $14 per &pater. Seaforth, Dec. 16, 106-tf. --- ----- INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. .AND Insolvent Act of 1869. Canada, In -the County Province of -Ontario, Court of the County County of Huron, • Of Huron. To Wit: In the Matter of MATTHEW RODGER, An Insolvent On Saturday tile 22nd day of January next, at eleven of the clock in tue forenoon, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the said Act. Dated at the City of London, in the Coun- ty\ of Middlesex, this fourteenth day of De- ceMber; A. D. 1869. pATTHEW RODCrER, By JAMES MAGEE, _10-td6 His Attorney ad litem REMEMBER! SANTA CLAUSE'S HEADQUARTERS No deluding buncombe, No free gifts of nostrums, No cheap traps to decoy one, BUT, He has On hand a la,rge.and varied stock of Comma. unication To the Editor of the Expositor. DEAT.t SIR,—As skAing is about to he commenced for this season, it might .be Well to wake a few rernarks'concern- !jug the last. At one of the masquer- i-ades1 heldat the Victoria Rink, some persons appeared in characters of Cardi- nals Priests, Nuns &c. Characters of per- sons represecting any religious denorn • illation (no matter what that denomina- tions, may be) should be, carefully avoided. To say the least, it is a slur on the peofession thus personated. I, arn Sir, Yours -truly Skater. - STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS READY-MADE MUM, GI- it 0 1=2, IPS! Good, and suitable for Clarittmekend New Year's Timeo, All of which are marked very low, in pit'n figures ; and to all Cash Purchasers of $5.0o and upwards, Pivepor Cent off will be allowed ASA SEASONABLE GIFT. Seaforth, Dec. 16th, 1869. AGENTS WANTED. 1$50 O5 ,Tens$4giplearranmteonectih. to claieleizufsatllx -oeu8 I agents who will take up the work, which is I Very light, as well as profitable. For eircu- ' lar and patticalare, address BOX 32, Seaforth, Ont. October 22, 1869. IS AT Seaforth, Nev. 19th. 994f. "NEW YORK HOUSE." The subscriber has JUST OPENED! M.R.COUNTERS JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS STORE, - Where he has on hand one of the largest stocks of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS and New Year's Gifts ever brought into this County, consisting in part of ,Toys, Fancy Goods, and. Jewelry, suitable for old and. young, rich and poor, male and female, all to be sold at the lowest price for cash life -Remember the Stand, -Opposite Car- michael's Empire Block, Seaforth. M. .R. COUNTER, N. B. -The pateni Self -fastening Skate for sale. • Se-aforth, Dec. lith, 1869. 53-17 —FARM POR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. LN SEAFORTII. rpHE subseriber will give in exchange for & • Ryan's latt Village Property, 100 acres of Wild Land, (60 acres being of good pine) within halt a mile of Lee's Saw Mill, being Lot 23, Con. 16, Township of Grey. For further pa culars al ply to JAS.. ROSS,- Proprietor. Se.aforth. Dec. ist. 10/4f. In the above House, A. SELECT STOCK OF FRESH GROOERI AND LIQUORS! AND FLO1C114 FEED! Ali of which he will sell al the LOWEST PAYING PRICES! The fact that the entire stock is Frusit from the wholesale markets, should be suf- ficient argument to induce patronage. FARM PRODUCE Taken in exchange for goods at Cash Prices. stand. PHILIP CLAPP. Seaforth, Nov, 20th. 108 tf,