The Expositor, 1869-12-04, Page 5-r to infE i k"trt1 1. ' 0 OTas; i e farm - rola, HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE. such ; as FUR' ITIIREAREOOM Sir AL. ROBERTSON Importer and manufacturer of all kin is ..U.)DL .EIY SOF A.$LotY �rF . f CENTRE TABLES, DINING cC B1'�LA1IiF�k.ST'rl'�� '`s *0 €ty c<t; ll for :iii T3t:1El" •ext ti LI.. [1.1 �1t:.tt•iit Le eau ! ,. , E elt� IR , and it elan -Int , to a n tt r , z here.. BEDS 1,h D ,, 1n Great Variet;r,. Mr. R. has great confidence in oife.rig • nfo;. t•s. 7 o be au- ` goods to the pubic.1t as they are lµ has unt'�, and from Good Seasoned Lumber, and . b r or; f= 1"i • • , i - i 3 t r the want:, 4 t iti1LLeLl. truth 1, that all who Yt Olia'•t'. will have be ;t1 Ear &riven foal] i , ..Itt p, ; ,°:airs him s WOOD TURN l NG -ail i'tr.b ' c Done with Neal _Neatness ilii 4r t k sold b ]. . k/�. t)c'tC 1.. the nimble six -1 (�}rle .tilting �+ rerooms oms elve . :.‘,-;LI eharge l TWO DOOMS SO ITTIf liitP'` HOTEL laarly; are ac, know - C it r LEj':i r,: ' O On the Shortest Notiee. Maiu street. Seaforth SEaforth.: marl. titin, OLIVER, r 57-tf. PAZ. T V. etL 1...: •: �' . II ELLE ` I`T.,:ou want a . Watch that will keep the correct time, purchase one of ' , Mond, )lit E 1 A. 1112 ';' 4 . 4 LEL e e.r�t • 1tlr� _ 4 tl & Sou's celebrated' -Watches. :1 at a tris tense, ar,t stock of them for .aad , act he Si -4 -nal- Bookmay reiy Cs } SEAFOR �: H. ITe has also onhauc1 a large ass rtruent of ('locks. Jewellery, Farb. Goes, Toys, &c., ! all to be sold (.'Heap. for (ash. -. ;)"Every description of Watdhes, Clocks,'. and Jewellery Repaired On the .Shortest — :Notice, and W. arrartt-t:il to give satisfaction.: •, The highest price paid for Oleg Cold and M. 1•(... CO(.i Y T('r Seaforth, Ap ,-t}.,.� JA4. lTllr --F 4it, 1 8t,tr 53-1v J. SEATTL4a3 I'I.IC t de=lay. tf� TE1' LT 41010V.P1); to t -.s 4 -1 -k -j i -1-1 1--A Zit TIT -1 N.Tri T1: 3 t(l by E. Flick -1 I pay the high- , ttuft y of good 1 0J Main 644 dotty: of N o- rsig 1(d 'wif 1 lllrt:v Court al discharge C And dealer in Pure • 1 8 DCs, CHEMICALS & UTE &TUFF . The Drug department is under the special. care of au experienced (lu-niist. { .it_ M. I'E'A tSON. January 2Ist180. of-ly ffi ni734 P t; Y a. F.� u ruf f. THOS. Et -41 1 t has now on Mand the largest stock in Seaford', of ever des- ; c:riptit,LL of Furniture, from the commonest to the tincst, and all at the lowest prices. ity of material employed,' -and ed '-afd w.., . ; .s: � � otl�.m.an,_Iup, guaranteed. CTTD _ER;TA=IST GI- In all its departments, attended to in. a satin Lactory manner. A Hearse for hire. T. B E L.L'S PATE SPRING MATTAS .. Kept ctkr): tanrl-y on hared, and fitted to any 53-1.3e i,t-•_ tt•atl. `�t'Itia article i- the. f t,st and cheap - z, est 'mule, as attestt•d to 1ty all who Have us- edit.. \Tarrantod to vire satisfaction. f _Remelt" bei' the plaa3e, IDD t �� ' UL KIN'S .. Seafor ai, ;Aug. 5, 1 •;9.87-5 I:t 1 Or (_tet your llorrlemades Cut Out ..kti With uoi:Loray & Taste AT L 4 Z*)t Street. �:()t1(.`I'ic1, Street. a- 0- 0 ID A2[ti l Writ.,` te:hip {cuaranteetx, , " t"-"4 3 EliODEERATC EST DOMt, 1.'U , LUrflSC,, res— PUO Stora. luck, t&L i The First CEcumenicat Council, At the splendid city of Nictea, in hynia, in the year 325, assembled first of those great (Ecumenical C •ciIs whose decrees have so often con ;led the destiny of Christianity an, anankin.d. - ft was - an. 'occasion triumph and fond- congratulation, ±hr„ Christian church had just rise from a .1,eriod of unexampled hu ir;.tien ana suffering to rule over the man world, For .nearly three y celatl since the death -of the Divine Heat pious disciples 'had toiled in purity love, persecuted or scorned by the minaret pagans. for tl e con versio the human race; and the�liurulile persistent missionaries h(ld. sealed �unumecable martyrdoms and cease woes. t1Le final Criuuiph of their f, Yet never in ld1 its . earl history Y the CIiLiSttan-churc;i seeli_re.l so lea perfect extinction as In the .11`iiive per•;e�..tltiQIl.o Diocletian and his qui;, when the pagan rulers could b with; an apj)(�ilrance of truth that had extirpated the hated sect with turd sword Zu the year 04, excel) Gaut, every Christian tellple 1;'y. ruins, and. the terrified worshiper longest ve�titurei to meet' in their Sa zassertl 4w' ; ilii; -holy books had Mini ed, the c::luu c,h pi o �Jert C() lfisc,. property by the pag.ni magistrates, the chu members had' perished in fearful tort or fled for safety to the say.tge wil lsess , and throughout: ail the Rui world 110 Tuan dared openly to call is self a Christian. • - Gr•ac111a11y, with the slow prevale cit Colistanti.le the Groat, as iris vi riots legions passed steadily oi1 ti� Bern Gaul to Italy, a.ud from 1tal Syria, the tualiut d and bleeding vict THE SE FORTH EXPOSITOR .Bi- the. oun- trol- d of 11 of for 1 alp mili- tries. 1, his n of b`rr.t with ] ess tit1L. had tits rural: 0a - oast the, fire t7.n 1U S no c ed t)eeli i.ted tch tires der- eau er-uau 1UL- n.r e eto- `t't 1' cl y= to iuls ot persecution carne out fi•oixi their ing-1)la es,; and bishops and -people, ritied Uy sills; ting, celebrated once n� their holy rites 1n re'liewud Slii11')1L and faith. Yet it wits lion until year preceeding `:tire ; flrst-(Eetimeir. .Council that the Eastern Christians ceased to be roasted over slow- fires, cerated wvitll troll hooks, or olutila -with fatal tortures ; and - Lacaittius contemporary, could point to the ru of a city in l'l1rvgLa ;rll o whole po lation had, been burned to ashes • beca they' refa'ed ,to, sacritice to Jul.iiter• a Juno. A1uci nowt by a strange and s den revolution the u1artyr bishops t1 presbyters Lnui been suiliulone 1 fr -.their distant r'etreats.ui the -monaster of the T1let,aid or the salads of Arab from Africa or (Jaul, to cross the ch gerous sf:aS, the 1ncleiuent niouiltai and to - feet in a general synod pica a, to- legislate for tiie Christi world The bishops, -in nurnr)er three h und- t red and eighteen, together with naa priests and other 0 -facials, assenlhl l.,rouiptly at the cttll of the Ee.per 'and in Juni', 325, met in a basilica public hn.11 :in the centre .of rile cit Few particulars are preserved of tl proceedings of the glelt council, far we --are forced to gather from the iliu ons of the historians a g neral - tonne tiou of its characteL. Yet we kiln 1u was the 11tir•(St, The wisest, as well , the first, of all the sacred synods; th its 111eW()eia,_ tested in affliction an - .litlrltl)led by persecution, -preserve pUleh of the! grace and ge11tleness.of th _ilpostolle age ; that 11u - fierce anatli h 1)u ore city the ictal had 1d ted a Luis 1)11- use, nd u tid oru ies ia, ilt1- us� all, ny eel or, or y, id s1 - gas, line those:that fell from the 1il s o the pts}ail LiShops of Tent or CC,,n titnct defiled thcise of Ifosius or Eusebius that the pagan doctrine of persecutio hacl not yet been introduced, togethe with the pabrrai ritual, into the Christ an cliurcIi, tlidtli :o vain superstition were ire ilc:ated, and no c,rual deeds en joined; that no Huss or Jtlou.)e of Pra gue died at the stake to gratify the hat, of a doniinant:sect. and that no Luther o Calvin teas` shut out by the dread of r sin -filar fate frotn . sharing in the earli e-14 council of the Christian. world. Th roceeliugs went on: with dignity ant 111oclera�tion,`.and men of various shades of opinion, tilt Of equal nui•ity of life, weme 'heard wit4 attelltic�n acid respect;; tides ules of the Roman a. Senate were probably rlita tGd in the Cli ristian as- sembly s- seai ly; the Emperor opened the coun- cil in a speech -inculcating moderation,, and ami era of benevolence and love seemed about to open upon the triumph- an riumph- ailt church... A striking- simplicity marked the procediugs of the htst coulic.il. Hoci- us, uis11o1' of CortFlo:�a, presided, the only representative uf, Spain:; Gaul, and brit- leash . .A, prelate opened the meeting with a sl,ortaddress, a hymn.hymn.was sting, linen Uu'_istautine delivered his well- titiic d -speech oil harmony-, and the g%:neral debate began. ; St was cor.dnec- t;d ,Llt:.t,'$ with -vigor, sometimes w•it.h rude a.Tir•ity ; but when the wax : �f re- criminationl ruse too high; the Eni:o w11osee1u5 to have attended the si.`it.c rogrl1ztrl ,•, would inte•pose (aid c.•,tirti t',e ilt'lfE' sty sootl)nrigwords. The quer.l.-�n of (•iii cal marriages was dicteised,- a td -it was dett,cinined,,-by the arguments of i'aphnutius, the Egy,.tiaii ascetic, tLat- ,. es, the lower orders Should be allowed to . marry. The jurisdiction of the l,ishopa 1 was definc d all were allowed to be' elual ; but Rollie, An ioch, and Alec.-' :.uclr -L, the chief,cit,iee d the empire be - for Constantinople was built, held each a certain supremacy. The primacy- of St. Peter was never mentioned ; the worship of Mary, Queen of Heaven, was yet unklown but the earlier form of the Nicene Creed was determined, anal Arius was toiidemned, Twenty canolis were passed upon by the coun- cil, many of which were soon' neglected and -forgotten ; and when, after sitting for two months, the assembly separated, every y one felt that the genius and elo cluence of Athanasius had controlled both Emperor and Church. - trout (Ecumenical Councils," by `EUGENE CtAwranNC �, in I.Iarp.,ei's 11iaga;_ ine for laecernber. - Farming at the Malden Asylum. The farm at the Maiden Asylum, y comprising . 65 aetes, carried on under the au:Spit.es of Dr. Ll.ndol•;'the inmates of the A.Sy] urn furnishing the. labour, is an interesting economical suc:ce s. ! n addition to the supply . of fresh ver( - tables which the garden fuinislies. the Iar111 maintains tliirtee11 cows 111 good milking condition, Four .gorses are sidlic ic:lit for the heavier operations of ploughing, harrowing, ire. The grass laud is eacellt-�lit, out llo less than 150 sheep are being fattened upon •che roots I that lr.lve been raised. The oats that ate grown supply food for the .horses, and tie straw is used for the patients' heck, tllougll Some tLCl(titional quantities have t.o be purchased for this purpose. A score or so of pigs fed luxuriously up- on the edible leavings of the institution. The potatoe crot, of this year has teen excellent, and no less than 4,(J1) bud,L- c,ls nave I) 1 lax. e been raised.E�. 1:, thejudicious Cll By� .,lolls use of labor and land the exp(n;es .€f the A.sylutu are thus much reduced, while l,lie health of the initiates is; r a- !noted, • Dr: Landor, it, seems, proves to be a capital f';u rner, aud when . he is removed to the London Asylum, as we presume he will be, he will lave_ fill sc:opc: to deuloust] ate how 11eally such •1ILStitutione can be made self-sus.,aiutng, Tie arrangeiiiilts for saving an t de- odorizing the sewage will place in his hands a large quantity iof the richest 1C1oI1111`(, and: we look forwcirc1 to the time:, not_ long hence, k.thenn the 'swamp' wilt afford the most pl oliti•s crops in the county. An inference, not altogethor unnatural, is, that of ler 1ahher—that of prisoners, for exan)ple_niiglit Le more profitably eiuployc:d than it is at pre- sent, and that iin to lid of lieaith being deteriorated and dispositions made gloomy by inc<1.rceratioii in.dark, dreary e€1h, habits of industry.and happiness i1liglrt be developed under the sun -light, and amid pure air and soothing scenes. Lu, do71, ,ld°tertis The Toll " Gates on the County of f Huron Gravel Roads will be let 1YAUCTON For thecar 1870. IN CORE'S 'LOLL, CLiNTUN. Commencing -at 1 -o'clock, p. -m., on Friday, Dec., loth, '69 The rent to be paid monthly in advance. i ach Jea:.3e to deposit one- month's rent an th(' tray of sale, alt:tl furnish two solvent free- holders 41,S ree-holdersa,s surety, whose names -will ,be re• quired co. the lease innnedieetely the gates are let Further particulars will be given on the day of sale. , E ,S'i�rtcrl, ,5ictr, and Stratford Beacon, to copy throe timers each. A BAY ()minty ottrveyor. Clinton. Nov., l8th, 13():i, 101-3in. BEAUTIFUL Mils NATURE'S GROWN. ' •. You EA Cultivate i GRAY HAIR - 9 I,: a cerrai2 indication o1 Dcouy at tike Roots. 111.S. - S. A. A:LLEIT'S- Haar Restorer Restores gray 'hair to Its natural color and beauty and producos-1.usuriant growth. It gives the hair 1 beautiful gluas and delightful fragrance. - blanufi etory and Stiles Offices, 35 BARCLAY STREET and 40 PARK PLACE, N. Am) 2G6 HiGH HOLBORN,, London, Eng. bSeattor and Rolls, Druggists, agents •oa Seaforth.' For Sale everywhere 1- _January 28th. 1t 69. n -r1 µp is to c,:rf iry that Beier), rhnart. I � of the 'l'„tvu hi a of. Ilzv, in the e'oulity I 1 Id Huron, Province of Ontario, fixe, c .�i)3rlit(I Ifor and obtained Letters Patent for the I'ro- vintces (,t Quebec and (lntariu, for 1 machine for lir:u, holes in the ground. fur fence pont , styltal ' lllt,tri s Fen 'e Post -Hole 13or-r," and this is to forbidpany person or persons vending- or using the same, without • obtaining a- • riztrt for the Saute from me ; and all persons so v•'riding or using the same wilibe dealt w.itilwithas the law directs. - "NB--Coun.' and uwnstip Rights tan be obtained from the patentee. by applying to him in ,1., said `.-ow-.usinp of .flay, Zurich Post Office! . Amus.. lith, 1809, - 99-tf. O NEW FALL it; WINTER GOODS. KIDD & M'MULKIA ARE prepared to show the Largest roc S kf 0 Y Consistingof the Latest Styles of Dress Patterns, in Irish and French Poplins, all wool Plaids, French Merinoes, and Twills of various kinds; ever offered in Seaforth. • Their IVIiixinery De- . partment Is furnished with a large assortment of Hats, Bonnets and Mantles of'the Lat- est Fashions, VERY CHEAP. READY MADE-: CLOTHING ! For the Million. 000D TITLED SUITS FOR TEN DOLLARS.' BOTS& SHOES "CHEAPER THAT EVER. Also a very Choice Stock of Fresh Groceries , Be sure and call for their $1 Tea. - 25 11,s. Rice for $1 11 lbs. Raisins and 10 ills. good bright Sugar. �LYR AND COARSE S4ILT Give them -a call. . 1S IDD MOMULXIN. Seaforth., :Nov. 8th, 1869. pas• CiD raieW ftwth- Nrcinui a pro vt tD ezail coto Pet etzl twa- Paw ormid F1OR DYE STUFFS, 1 ROLL'S CAN'T Bt BEATEN, Either in Price or Quality.. o -o FOR LAMPS, CHIMNIES, d� CIT.ANDALIERS, BUTRNERS, WICKS, and COAL OIL, . Go to ROLLS' Opposite Foster's HoteJ;' eaforth. N.B.—Prescriptions . carefnlly pre pared. Seaforth, June 10th, 1869. 79. LISTEN g!! a WHILE SPEAKS. For his Stock of FA.LL GOOPS WAS Never Excelled In this Market.` The Manchester House Then, is the place for Satisfaction. in Dealing. FA 0 DRESS GOODS. MLTSLINS TICKING S, CHEAP PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, LADIES' STRAW HATS, GENTS CC Ci GENTS FELT Ready -Made Clothing, GOTS &SHOES. Also a Nice Stock of . Fresh Groceries. To be had at >< Bonthron & Sons3 Opposite Hickson's Old Stand. Seaforth, May 7 .5 -tf Money r Money!! jHE subscriber has received another latae r:. remittance of money ' for investment on ,rood farm property. at 8 per taut ; or 10 . per cent, and no charges. JOHN S. PORTER. Seaforth, Sept.29t;i. 93-tf. $1 Canada Tweeds for 80 et& AT The Th - York House. lIStoc NOW COM PLETE At the New York House. A Large Stock of WOOLENS AND D READY-MADE CLOTHIN O Campbell. WALL PAPER. - Border Paper, _Hall Paper, N DOW BLINDS Plain Blue, Plain Green, Plain But f and Figured. AT THE TELEGRAPH BOOK STORE. ' ELLIOTT. Seaforth, July 22. 54-tf. ,+ . ; e WAGGONS, t BUGGIES. A N) all implements for farm use mann. factured by . M'HAUCHT & TEEPLE, Good and Cheap. Remember the iitand. NORTH 0 AD SEAFOTH. Seaforth, Feb.20, 1868. - 11-Yy I LAD SIIIITH SHOP.. THOMAS WATSON Begs to inform the public generally that ito still carries on general B1acksmithing i his +Oltl Stand. NEARLY OPPOSITE ARMSTRON'S HOTEL AINLEYVILLE Spezia attention paid to Horse -Shoeing. Ainleyville, Feb. 9th, '69, 63-ly TIE SIGN OF THE' GOLDEN THE Subscriber begs to inform the public that he has just received a great variety of Saddles and R TS 47 Which he is prepared to sell A I Prices A fin-ost. Unpara leled. . - O O LLA R $ of every description, 'war- ran aaanot to hurt the horse's neck. C, In the way of Harness, OF ALL KINDS, He is, as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money establishment as any other lista-ollshmc>ilt in Czltar-ro. Quality of work and nate al emplo:ted indisputable. SHOP OPPOSITE .XLDD _ Melt ULE LY JOHN CAMPBELL Seaforth, Fob. 12, ';;f}, 03-tf.