The Expositor, 1869-10-15, Page 22 tiO ' E. 'ii ADVEI;TI ERS New advertiser tints must be', given in by Wednesday noon. Changes of Advertisemerhh, Twhieh are s e- oially arranged for weekly, changes, by Tuesday noon. Changes. of Advertisements, .which : are,,not specially arranged. for weekly changes, by Saturday night. We cannot guars me tq�- insertion unless the above be complied with. The Official Paper sf the'` County. , (ZIOi1e ° .t fv. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 15th 1869: CYENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. The Prel.ident of the .Agricultural Association, til. his annual address, tired strongly the necessity of en- deavoring to cultivate Scientific Agi'i- \culture' as much .as possible. \Ve have now arrived at that educational status which Makes it discreditable to us as a. ')eolile, to discard those scientific aids to agriculture, which'.Lye planed at our disposal. The intense ac:ivi.is T which prevails in all the intellectual opera- tions cf the present • g e a.�e,11:1s led to roauly. clniuges 1't1 everything pertaining t dirties of the laborer./ The sliver of steam -..las completely revolt' do the mechanical world, and has ruore to pro7iiote,, nattonal advance than any . other discovery of nio tidies. We believe, that in refer to the application -Of , p l l..�l. agriculture,�t�n-_c,f 1' 1 principles of `a well understood -c istry, will effect changes,. not even a;ined by the husbaidmen of . the p e.at day: �V e are well amaze e that fa err, as a class are ame-Lag. the 'rel. } � ort tt,lligent iii the'eo intiy. :The spin self-reliance which they find necess to cultivate, together with -,the i pendeuce peculiar to their occupation, giyis them 1. dignity, not belongihg the same degree, to many other classes of the community: p But still, in regard to the lllilosophy of agriculture-in"re- gaard to the chemical nature of thesoil, and the ingredients necessat to make Y different soils produce different crops, P their •knowledge is very often purely accidental, and in rilany cases erroneous.. Besides the pecuniary advantages tai • be derived :front this source the pleas- ure of agriculture, would be matei°iall y increased. ' .We f sly recognise and ap- preciate' the advantages • arising from the modern Reapei-s . ever the ohmic siekle; and with all our love. for 1 h g lIl�S historic, we would lie very loath to re turn to the ancient and much venerated ini_plerrx�ents of our forefathers. ' Could, we change the 'present style of • g : F y a�rit.11l- trlre for one of a more scientific Mature, there is no doubt but we wonlcladd largely to: the g Y enjoyment of tlle� ]leis- haailctrnen..:V7:iewing the vagi b oris clla ]ages.. of decay and reproduction with the eye'• 1 • scholar, he would be able, to ai , r 1p e crate tilor3 fully the none tr letful �iro�:es es by which. all life—animal and vete table.—'is sustained- • and kn w' n n in,,, to effect which certail) ingredients woul shave 'upon the plants to which his a. t tention was specially devoted, .he wou1 •• lie --aisle to apply such means as WOLI cl bring about the result ;ieclu.iree1, • wit] unerring certainty. . We appreciate •fully the.ietelligent reflections of 31-2r; Mallory, Presi'lent of the Agricultural t sso:iiactinn of Otitis:: and we trust, .the -Se in "whose interests they were made, will not lose ,sight of the advant.igee which they ate calcula- ted to besto .v. For the cheapest Boots in ' Stia:L' forth acct rding to quality go to Cov- entry's. 87-tf o the i tior;i nised done I)10ISI t. cler.ii ence THE SEA 'ORT EXPOSITOR. perhaps, if that-woutd'rt work, it tlid'nt -know what, though it tried very bard to say something. Of course the posi- tion was an... awkward one, it knew as does everybody, that Mr. :'otter is un - 'dm; no obligations to Mr. Boyd g es for g iris situation, therefore anything tharrt he ]night say of the nianagemeht, favor- able or other_ wise, could not be constru- ed into an act f 'r patronage, but was purely gratuitous. Mr. Potter care' to. Canada to look after the interests of the stockholders and not of the nlunatge- nlent, so that it does not come iu hit, way, to speak well or ill of the later only as he finds it, To ascertain all infor- mation posaiblt, on his, he haE not con- tented himself with . a ride from one end of the line to the other in the' -"Car of State." carefully excluded frum the patrons of the road, and. only hearing the story of the managers, but he has stopped at almost every station on the linty, and interrogated business men oh Hatters, and from the information tulle dduced we presume he hasd:rawn'his 1 wn inferences, and published his con - In at 0 elusions aaocordiiigly. Then we hold that v, l7aateyer sir. Potter may say is a remarkably fair index of the character of the management. On` 1 • b his trig, to. Uoderiell we nitre - •. s . el,,tasnd he couvel 51d with a gentleman of this. place on the subject, who most ;;rutiily. said, that clic when the Grand Trunk. was blltlt,.it a- forded __ )- ide d• all the rl hem_ ecessary transit facilities, im ]lilt its opening had accelerated the de res velopnuent of tare country: at a greLter rn]- rate than it was possible to pro provide1 in- po2•tionate rolling stock for the road, fa-rt,llermOre that the m�aaLnnaen-1 It it of b et of ar Mr. `Brydges wets all that it could be y r ode- •of any man, and much better th in of • the rnaajoaty,- under the saarne eircum stances. ,in if tf you want good value for your money in. Boots and Shoes–go to T. Coventry's. 'b 7-t '�•f THE FENIAN SCARE. No little agitation was causer.] an Sunday and alionda y last by the- oi€er that passed through- the countr f, b J't c the Voliunteers to be equipped, takin their accauir :idents home and holdi7 { ;l! then waives in immediate reatidiliesg for any fw.ther orders. "Fenrats 1„r of course was the wa .c:lwi rd. Very little official in. ormation could be Yat t b )l.ed on the subje t by thrg eager ublic: Rnrl 1 Tors were, and are, that the .authorities had • received informaation from their detect- • Ives that a Fenian :loovetent appeared their irnmicent, suppo ted by the certain fact oil t `t that �• hs t It the States ,,. ' . es VLI y large amUlwts of 1 to spe money Md Gerin raised in• - l 011 a augmenta t _ ileo of the ,'oiet funds v the of y within al last few; weeks. It was said ti e • re )u f i ih„i , 1 that pro ably' lar c4num lie , \ •. i g s would be u1 smuggled into, and tl roughoi,t the expel. t s- Country, aIle at all 1111c.►erSt' od tittle, .` min tire the drill -sheds and armories. What- e ever plight have beenstrength f A C b the strenbu.l of d the grounds for the fot•niatin i of this theory of attack, it ` a •` - tiV Y ,is satisfactory to i'tll 1 know that un to this time no visible 'when attempt has been made of �itlttitig it 'Saito 1.�'-nto practice. tOu1' 0« n Cl)inioii .Uf alncl to Fenian danger, is, that it i' all non- not (10 sense and if any commnjicaLtlonS of ` slriclav this nature were made, at. all, tc) the military authoriti(-)s, We�thirlk they'' ere back s the issue hof iiu�lgin.irion rather than of obsers'atiori. To. be- candid, we very ..uiricll doubt Fenian developments hav- i ig the least to do with this movement. t,ut?would rather attriljute'it to a cite Sire on the part of some ambitious ofli-• cial for self-glcrifieatiori, by -some corn - plicattion w -ell understood to llilnse] f'. Perhaps the action was a necessary , aud perhaps not. Ails' we11 t}]at s Weil. 1Vith. nothing rose serious ] the ,hitt-st scare, it will bean all right. the meantime we aah sift', tJ sl „1) rioter eyes. Trac-'lj, Tii'r Y.%e •�-`, .x� t B .eo e cold Weather seitC l telt. leg01 FLUNKYIS M. Whatever might have been Prince Arthur's estimate of the Canadian Col- onists previous to his visit, we feel cer- tain that after it, if. he possesses the ordinary_ sense of a ruin, he Caall rid but, at mast, an ordinary c'ne. y such as from• and sawed limber, which -haive only undergone one remove from tire natural- state, whilst the United States wishes the reciprocity to extend to all goods, wares, and merchandise, raw or manufactured. .fn this. point rant neighbor=s are clearly right, seeing fiat the whole ex -pence unci annoyance If ever 1 men made simpletons of them some of our Canadians have don this occasion, iii a superlative Such flunkyism as has been the p•Lnirrienfr` of Prince Arthur's through this Province, is snffici awaken the disgust of inn inbaa.bi. the 'Sout l Sea Iidands. The did.enough, but souse institution profess to, and in a great meas wield public opinion, did, and Ler. I doing the think to nainea--we re portions of the press. From the 11.11.11. set his foot on Canadian their readers ' have been gorged bd elaborated amounts of these mani selves, e so on sense. :error- tour lent to tont of ' factures, as olio of the ineidents of sair•11 a r �eiprcc'ity would'he a cowmen tar i`I masses for Cainnda tied the United States. It s that, r :ileo thought that Britain would never ure d0 consent, t•) such diserinlinaiit n against e .still of the double line of custom -houses and cnstonl-house c,fiicers n ust be 'kept - up if any class of articles is left out of re- ciprocity ; but Canada, on account of her colonial poeition, Cannot accede to this, because she would thereby aadn i American maaiarif ctures free, whilst charging a high duty on British mann Ii,1r:•-elf, and in order to carry a point for to felt to be to very desirable. sodic C.ina- diens long for independence, in or Ilei time that we might be free to crrn,ult oils soil own ; interests, untrammelled }�y- the with mother country. But, is it .rite cer- tain that a Zollvt,laeil could. not beTso arranged between Canada and the Jnr. t •cl States as to secure the hearty assent ti is as tl A th or 111 it tb wl to ga lei nio fr the .carr off the w' ai wa ent lea the of tar the pees thei dyis Let thei othe part .cis, .oche for ons of lickepittleisn. Tlis every 1 act has 1)een watched and reco s though the destinies of the na m epended- upon each of those s l nd they do riot even stop a a t this ey actually rearrt to fabricatio der to show the people ofthe:cou (1 to the proper )er standard of sin) 1 y. Here is a case in paint. 0 1 e Toronto papers, published ion P1 ince *went T t f •_ ice .�lrtll ur w out �ro]11 Lo Pettalia, irilt,ellse crowds of pe thered a>; the Kolnoltaa. Station to Ill, who a on his approach, iroa ' p i 1 ell, relit st hearty cheers, etc., etc. . oro : personal observation, we k exact facts, which. are as fo.low sides a number of persons . l s who of an excul•sion train lying tI1L1 Prince's tralirr to pass. a;- d a r. itilig to get on at that station, tea s positively not five individuals p and so far frail) there being st shout or cheer, theme was not best of our observation, the lift single hat, or the Waving of a s y kerchief.. We are certainly opinion, that • our people give b s sufficient scope for depreciat r inanliiless, by reporting their t in without resorting (U' falseho,d. those who are willing to knuckle to tocrac v and kiss its foot, do so upon . 1 - responsi bi lit -v, without ..1 ie . y . �, r and - inose sensible people into, icipiants in their degredation. How that are not worth of mention in Y 1 r people, can be fit • ; subjects .J column articles in Prince ;A r , 1S a matter that we canna Peron vith anything •bat an exister_ce of cites of barbarism not justifiable:, , � c Ulf; ay. nla`llly ln'ieciple. Canadians 1 others, are, the one, that should cliate this " accidwit of birth ship, inasmuch as it is they whose •ience pee -eminently teaches that d: is the measure of the nian." �___ ustoins Union. or Complete Reciprocity, - lio has not packed his trunk as s rt could hold of wearing��&j parel going p1i a visit to the United , and found . everything tuinblet1 said 011 crossing the frob tier, if ue, by ivay of . courtesy, et the encore Depot before 'starti:ag'? much the a,ame, only the ex• - ti iv- rdcc, tions arise. ;but Ii, in n txy plic- neof that Lon ogle see forth +sr. no w s— got Lfor few erre pee- the to _ ing uli of. tete u)•g od ;Ae neas-ioe is -not so strict, when coining again. To thrust arnis clown api ny, underclothing!, a small army of Then is employed on both side S of the 1 ines, at, of course, con fort�a.l.)le lid mi le -s ; and .when any ni£1rchan-H e, produce, printer, or animals , have to be taken a'rt`s, Consuls' certitit:at;es, entries, and so'forth, are necessau'y, all involv- ing. delays and fit s, beside,, tt s .]mount of duties. which . may be payable. • if an article is sent either :wary which does not suit, it is almost })latter to al,aai:don it. to whoever choose:; finally-. t7) k'erp it, thain to go to the Cyper :E,, ai11c1 ti'teil+l'; of trying to- ret it i,,u•l I nnlees it ie worth While: p-ayrri ditties- 1,of.11 IN. aiy8. upon it. �c, one or .11 cif tiic-se very common troul,le;s must 1111N f< 11 o the lot of alu1ost every one of# ' ` on of business. iilen and trace -1- I 10 11 ive anithieg to,do oil the 1 (le of an invi>,il,;e 1ilit�, which 1 'o.s this whole' continent ; and 1 •ogaate amount csf artificial a.iid I us labor, -expein:e, and trent)] e, I out upon this doul,le later of houses, -and custom -f jure - pili- i i; I) ni e'rise. POTTER R AN) THE GRAND TRUNK.: • on e en d , ilr. Potter, • President of the. Grand ltien Trunk Reilway -Company, is. at present In in Canada on an. inVeetigatioe _tour. Wit WO suppo-se he has paesed over every mile of the roeci from Portiend to De- trott end from Ditahlo to cellare should Le hauled out anti coin-1°01er si• • Gederiele So far as his opinions have ioete 1, Liu( k, tither in tee held runs lea obtained publitity, they are ,by 110 or eleewhere. hece compost heap -i, 1 the eggs of uritain Let us see. If Oa171ad were to stipulate, as a Condition of cnan plete� reciprocity. and her adoption o r the :lmer•i.:'an -tarif, that tariff si)oul 1 he reduced five per. cent. on manufact- ured n muf act- u red goods, .Bri t• lz3 -' alt lel pro lial�l )ly gain Int)1e than she; would lose. Stip- pose the average duty'- on British men u- fictures alt present to be 35 per cent in the United States, then the . retitle - whether c n land or water, on both the(ofsaving sld� line, the saving of expense %vo, el be ust, so much the greater. , , the high eolntrartixig parties co L.ie,}r of antee, the other li_ ln't Orf o n it � raids frot�l its borders, and agree to ix111e71I1nf' parties injured �ed �, y all 1 ' j y any such saltie, if an ;wined expedition =-h. il;cl e<c•al,e til vigilance of the government t,i1 whose teri•itol'y it gathered.—JiGni:rctzl l •ct. nese. -- The Comity Shows. To the Editor of ?:Ice Ira poa,2trr . Ste?.—Tete twin shows of the, Count - of :anion, have certainly eters a ,-le,a t • s� success — the Stock. exhi j •ted 13i•Ing equal, if not superior, some of th classes SIl'own at the I'3'4Vinei x lately held in-London.'tele display on the grounds being a i1Vine'ingin.o �f of the rapid progress the County et tier_ on is ina-.ki.ng in intelligence and w'=:alth and there is 110 doubt lint Heart the glean, imnrovemer t in ' the waay. of stook I ais- ing, i'; in a great measure' clip: to the ambition created 1'v the As: y' , F .,licl,l a�Ial Shops, and should the Comity of ]lin'- on continue to make the the same, tett Cl S steres in, the p tr,e .of' irl,pl'O\}e'11.) 'i1C: fee � .; 11 1 - 1, tiler future .' s bah bet;:1) done for the last f i' f tw years, it will } e Iltiroi,'a destiny, C I raid that at no distant day, b � , to ,c ranked as one of the Heist class-c:onntie�s r.f the D:aninion. The 1'irectors of the oath. ll.iclii,g Agricultural Society of Neuron, are elected broadcast over the Ri,lrii and in order • that full justice : e . done as fir as os, il,lt', to ell may �� f l parts O� *ion would bring . - it down to '30 per t (.ell overa population '. >11 sat nn 1 of 3 millions, l 1 n s and the difference multiplied by the i,opiilnti nl. would be 3.1x5-1 Q in favor of Britain, whilst the Canadian t_u i ff, being inci eased 15 per cent; to bring its present rate tt_) 30, would only i.l affect fourmi,lions, or 15x4----,60,—that is to .say, Britain would gain iii din)inn tic)n t,X duties, and consequent freedom I en t ' of intercourse with North America, nearly three times as midi as she would lose. It may, indeed, be alleged that 30 per cent would constitute a prohi- bitory dirty, whilst 15 would not ; but facts do not bear out this view.The tinforts of the United States from Bri- tain, even under their present high tai if are enormous. Nor `'is the ergiiment cogent that Canada would sacrifice the power of Self-government in respect of her tariff if she bound herself to conform to - the American tariff, for the obligations would be muteall. With tlieseexplanations, what waeld onr readers on both sides of the lilies think of the following heads of a "PB0 F0I I A" CUSTOMS "UNION. The United. States and the Dominion of the Biding there- s,1104- is cc end net 11e loo e.a.i year • 3lc )tic 1 i I r , i l _, lases yc:.ai ing held in Exeter, the present' Tt1 waa, held in the show gi, t. , ; , �., 01,11 L -el ing to the Tutkc'1s nit'1 Blanch, at forth. The sale of tickets at the for enterance to the e ow ground lized $372, which sum is 1 stn red to the treasurer of. the Society, erns part of the funs, of the 'o_ The flit ectors of the North Riding ri' ultizraal Society of tiie Count Huron acre- el,,cted 1)y the peol le in airoui).d Clinton, and in consequence North Riding Show is allnuall v g 1. there, on a plot of ground contaai about- seven nc°a cs, the private prop of a bast v piquant ()mistily, nunii,e orer_tifty shareholders, who have the last two �'e;ns i'eaaliied for tie] 51)1L1 for enter:nee to the show gr�ou the It-:ndson)e slim. of 800 from exhiliitors of the North Riding, wh%h will in n -great measure ae o for- the action.taken at the l.at gen ieeting of the North aiding Agrice al Society of the County of Hin hen the Re:e're of Clinton al porn >y proclamation that day as a• fatal aliday, and the consegeeni a s lops were closed •and the; 1a ess for the day suspended, wll le great n iajor. icy --of the CI anites took advantage of oy In.irch n procession with- baanners frying ondesborough, for the very •_- i _ e � I.�..ntl,a �i-rpose of outvoting the agrienl -ui is of the North Biding, But it i ; e aglculturalisls of the North Rdi say how long they will allow this Cant company tb control there agr c ral interests.- Til coiielusibn, l litor, it seems to be a matter of d to whether or not the twin sh o 111 be of any utility, to the county, ery reflective mind merit see that tb eft- 011 -.. it be- ar - it nag - Sea, gate rea- ov er and iety. y of and tile; held :ling erty ring for ;eta nd, the and alnt� oral liar on, .ed' tic the ich i a ing to bee tor ng 131- al- ter. is - WS as ly e the same silos., with a very few ex- - the and the i•tonsequexi�ces result - g from the. two shows .Lec.nn e i the'r urit;l)s than beneficial to the a.r Mural interests of ; lie rolinty. :Would riot be better if it.could be so aarrang- that the Branch , Societvs hold there )WS before, rather than after the inty Show 7 and then they need only e: there prize stock to the County ows as at present, (the one, in several 1l 1) (the latter with the consent of the sl .British Government) agree to abolish, mus tl tush} , all restrictions upon the intercourse t1 between the two countries ,and to establish free trade as completely between them, as" if , they were one. country (including.freedoin: of 1.. navigation, transportation, and fisheries) L .upon the following conditions ;— , , T � 7 t 1 -Ziac :- -United Mat's to reduce atoxrce.. by :ave per cent., its tariff on manufactured l� goods imported from other countries than t)i C :n.Lela. and af'erwards to 1 e fret' to make to snob further reductions as it yeas lit, hut in 1 i;�ase to add to its customs duties without ° ti the content of Canada. iii 2nd Canada to conform to the United Ft States as above modified and restricted, and Pu also to conform to the -United States' excise w' laws. 3ru.-.-Fadi country to well and faithfully ev ll co ect its customs and excise duties, keeping alt an exact account of the `same.; and the whole eel to be divided annually, according to popula- tion het een the respective countries ; and if in. either i 1. er country has collected more than its J own share, as thus ascertained, it shall pay cu over the; diffcrenee to the other: it Now, let us supnose, a Zollverein es- ed lee( from responrivility and danger • Canadian farmers, lumbermen, and manufacturers, would have to pay more for their imported goode, mid for all market for all their prodnetions over the whole of -this continent: which would be moreethan an equivalent. . ft,111.0e United States, hut it m.-aihl °Main al it;he` the duties on importations from of entire freedom over tl3e whole North ligher rate of duty on goods imported m tlie old world, 'which would pro - more than balance the loss. The free vade principle wonld suffer c roue] v by the doulding of our du: on knropean. goods; hut it wou-d meant derogsitory to the enanegement if well made, will not fieezet :lint no ivatult ) will otsvizir in the spriog they custom come out fine and admirable for al- aIrSI iS o ie road. Tne fact that Mr. Potter the:lea, haS either annoyed some por- tions of the Canadien Press, so inueb 5`), that le hes eqnivocally inainuited that Mr. Potter (11,1 not know what coe- All1P-1 lean continent. The -United Ste -tee in•e our nearest and best market anuu dints of our -farms, forests, and minee and theT would, in Me manner., tbv r...-ustotners fur our man ufant ures of other). Let the Worth and South unite WI ere frinde and ha ve _one grand Chunty Shot:, conclueted on -the moveable print the funds the prize- list coiald be, .gleatly- extended, new -classes intro -- (bleed, and the result would be a would give more general satisfaetionn Hull -eta Ottober 8th 18•69. RITE-CNA/7SM and air other ecaes ana pains leave the body on application of Jacobs' Rheumatic qui d. We 'will warrant xt te cure Burns, Frost Bites, Chilblams, Som Throat Laine Back- or Side, Sprains, S031113 of the eures it has effected are almost too wondeiful for helif.f. Many have b(ol. sarcd by it from impending ath, and re- stored to life and health. No famiry is ea% zs 'day 'without it ; hundreds of valnablo lives -and thousands of dollars may he saved mos any puepose ; d they may rir!t We say gratutions, for both sides I any valid arg-ument ap.-slinst a complut t;t4;°138 only wove .er four times the bulk. I would be great g:t1 11(,l's; by fre,) Castoms aeon equitable 'princi- altrs i•efund the money, if it does owels. correct the Liver, cl–ir il'ie Com - ii. aril rs.-novate the sy.sttrn ; they aye :Tts",,c-.,,if.y tsoofitik...biry t.i.e.: iXt:,:taatlirttirlzil.ary r.r.lrative k)11t: Of three or, four • times the Valae,-Icorir, and both, NVF: are safrzfled, earn- -nies, betWeen Cv..itada aod the Uni:e c,.-,mro .taat the manure woucl have had, had , eFt1y def -ore such freedom.- The only 1)11t and great erg:um:eine cencti an if it went the length ' intetcourse inn; w prodIrcts, and those, of swee:,itig away all armaments propka POOR COPY the Ting t7t,I:utti • zwe AVE U 11 readers to tl 711143 progra well worth y rite i31 its nriine the who wise tit Metherell supper .tit seent in the stock w at store array. coui ifilroicrse.taont;1.1::.1.11:;;; N. ere else zio:th wethie week highly este 1337tirlyg-aLe.ut iininvrous i_state, an ucelinivrrtarst:Ibiltiiej py couple Let, 146 lust ship of tlrey: ° Watson bete damaging Ms give one half ing clearly pr not to kiiSiegiJ that the Brea Soiree on, th view of inakie ed the sefYieei the Ea-Provi WI -stern Can ing pn: feel matte the atii of the, puhlie„ arties ed rate. Pis 33 Batt. Bair Buell elwire.; pietureS, 000 W011112,117s Wig to be disposed The prt) Tieihr :leativeiensiiii:g1