The Expositor, 1869-07-16, Page 6or espbnde
To The Editor of Ulte Eccpoaztor.
DEAR San, --I tb ' k the congregaiion
of St. Thomas Ch chfcan congratulate
themaev es on the success of tie con-
cert in their beh if on Tuesday even-
ing 'the 7th Inst, ito. success 'n point
of attendance, m: y, had to go away
owing to the -very crowded state of the
house, and in. reg rd tomerit, every
one since has be n; speaking' in its
praise, The India Troupe, . eight in
i tmiber looked magnificent,—we . can
use no fitter term—and sustained their
former reputation for chore' me ody and
sweetness. Their j armony in. he vari-
ous chourses were e.�.Wfect' and, coupled
__ -with their native e se an gracefulness,
rendered them attr . eti S: a in every 'Way,
I am sure many w e pleased to see the
familar but kind fa e of chief G. H. N.
' Johnson, who,'ori v rious occasions, has
come up to Seafort_ !to assist*, •with
• no little personal convenience t6 him. -
self : He is truely _ representative. Man
of his sex, having 11 the natignal :dig-
nity and 'grace. w rich charact size his
people: It was a i4atter of a g od deal
of- regret, if not diSsapointment, that
Mr. Herchimer w s . prevented from_
coining, on account of the dangerous ill-
ness of his brother ; but I feel, that- the
audience 'v ere very ranch, if int alto-
gether compensate . by .the rich and
mellow tones , of r. Anthony's voice,'
be very-, ,.in Mr. H's place,
at .the very elev=. nth hour, not even
having time to go oine to get. his ; cos-
tume. The varion encores testified to
how.the wnite ama
atod, in` the pieces
ed. The Duett en
and sung by Me,4sr:
was indeed, in my
the most artistic (style. Mrs[Oollins
gave great , satisfaction:., espec ally . I
think in the solo, "Erin is my Home. "
Miss. Macdonald and Mr. .Collins,
showed how thoroughlythey were mas-
ters of their instruments in th',e. pieces
they perform The net profits after
paying all pends, atinount4 to the
handsome su of $50. At the close,
the following reso ution, proposed by
Mr. McCleary\and seccondedoy Mr.
1 :olmstead, . was - c rried unanimously
by all standing up.. " That the congre
gation of St . Thom •s church, Seaforth,
tender their gratef 1 acknowled*ements
to their friends of he . six . Nations and
Delawares, with w om. they wouldspe-
cially c^uplethe ane of •Chief G. H.
N. Johnsor, . some of whom ' for the
third time, have ev need their kindness
of heart and spirit f Christain fellow-
ship, by substantially aiding through -
the exercise of their -admirable italents,
the church, and Parsonage Funds, and
-this congregation w 11 long look back
with feelings of gra itude and pleasing
memory, to the visi to this place, of
-their agreeable refin. • d and warmhearted
fiends, from ,the c rand River. The
thanks .of the mem s ers of this church -
are also due in an e. pecial manger, and
are hereby' tendere to their esteemed
friends, the amatur s of Seaforth and
vicinity, for their enerous and appre-
ciated sn:.pjort on this occasion.
tan1ey Uouncil.
sures were appreci-
they sung and play-
;itled, «All's Well '
Cline and Johnson,
ruble on' ion, in
The Council met pu truant to acljo
at Mrs. Drysdale's• ho.
iust. All the membe
the chair. -'Minutes o
.adoptxl. The second
Inspector read and ap
'be filed.. The south,
-take a off the non-resi
to Thos. Baird. Mov
seconded by Geo.. Cast
to be spent patting in
side line leading from
el, on Monda the 5th
'present eeve in
the last meeting read
report of the Tavern
roved and ordered to
half of lot 21, con. 4
ent roll• and assessed
d by -Niman Woods,
e That $10 be granted
a . culvert on the last
he Goshen to the rear
of the Babylon, to be expended :under Thos.
Key's commission—Cairied. Moved by G.
Castle, seconded by N. Woods That $20 be
granted for improving the side line 'between
lots 14 and 15 on the
the Bronson; to be exp
rection of. John Johns
by W. J. Biggins, seco
Tliat Thomas Grange
ing in culvert and open
In?, near Granton, $5 f
opening Glitch•—Carrie
Castle, seconded—by
able line leading to
ended under ,the di-
in—Carried Moved
aded by Geo Castle
allowed $7 for putt -
big up ditch on side
>r culvert and $2 for
l ;' Moved by Geo.
. Woods That $2,50
be granted. to John .Malnson for putting iii a
• site lot 3 in the 10 &
. Moved by!James
' J. Biggins hat the
build a bri ge over
oncession if necess-
by Niman' Woods
tle That -a by-law be
is of Polling subdi-
Vic. 32, 'statutes of
ed by Niinan Woods.
e That a By-law be
raise the following
yi and township pur-
viz . ' , -
sawn cedar culvert opp
11 concession—Carrie
McLeod, seconded by ti
Iteeve be authorized to
Scobie's creek, 6 and 7
ary Carried Move.
seconded by George Ca
passed fixing the lim
visions under Act 21
Ontario—Carried. Mo
seconded by Geo. Cast'
framed and passed to
sums for general coun
- noses, for the current ye
For county purposes -
Municipal loan fund -
Sundries - - -
Local improvement
Loss 'available funds . :
acid school
- .$4939 38
;800 00
450 00
which will require a rat
dollar on the whole real
ty'of,the last revised a
Tied. By=laws nos. 5 a
the ft rvoing • resolutio
rased. Moved by N -
Ja ties McLeod Th
now ad; o:aru to meet on
Align -t; a.t 2 o'clock p,
1200 00
°700 00
7089` 38
1'800 00
5289 38
of 11 mills n the
and- personal -roper -
sesstnent roll --Car-
d 6'giving effect to
s !were- framedan d.
an Woods, se ndecl
t this- 'Corm do
thefirstMone any it
at Joslini's hotel,
"Tp. (Ick .1
pointed Ofll.cial Assi,� see forNthe Comity
Oface at SsAYoR,TK,—J. S. , Po rpns,
Office at GoDERzcn,.--D ctly oppositethe
Post Office.
Goderieh, March 5th, 1868. 13
Duncan Co.'s
•• •
omrnence Next Thursda`
Make 1100111 for Fall Goods
To tontinue for
Four Weeks
The Sin of the
Farm for Sate.
HE subscriber offers for -sale the farm'„
ing Lot No.. 9, in -the 2nd Concession,Townsinip of Tuckeu pith, consisting of
acres, nearly all. cleared- There is a good
Frame House on the lot, and a large Bad a
never failing springy creek runs through the
farm. Eor particulars apply -to
At the Seaforth Carding Mill..
Seaforth, July 2nd- 82-2m-
? fin; -
,3,000 TO_
THE above sum isin my hs
vori goo ut fay to property at 1A
per centestment interest, and no charges.
June, 18th..1869
ARE prepartd to execute binding in every
style. Persons residing at a distance
by leaving their books at the Signal Book'
Store, Goderich, or at the " Pxr'osrron,'
'office, Seaforth, statim style, may rely upon
ahem being well bound..
And returned without delay..
Seaforth, June Ii, 1869. 7S-tf,
TRAYED from the premises of the sub•
scriber,about the middle of May, a
yearling heifer, all red, excepting whiteface.
Any person giving such information as will
lead to her recovery; will be suitably reward-
Seaforth, July 7th. - 83-tf
Insolvent Act of 1864g
In the County Court of the County of Huron.
in the matter of JAMES HATT,
An Insolvent.
Dominion of Canada,
Province of Ontario,
County of Huron,
To Wit :
k—OTICE is hereby given that on Thursday
IA the Si ti-teenth day of September next-,
at ton o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon as
Council can be heard, the undersigned will
apply to the Judge of the said. Court for a
discharge under the said Act.
a Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of July,
A. D. 1869. -
83-tf. His Attornies ad Li ent.:
In the Matter of JAMES ELLIOTT,
of Seaforth, an Insolvent.
HE creditors of the Insolvent ate noti-
ed that he has made an assignment of
his estate and effects: under the above act, to
me, the undersigned Assignee, and that they
are required to furnish me within two
months ` from this. date -with their claims
specifying the security they hold if any, anti
the value of it, and if none stating the fact,
the whole attested under oath, with the ,.
vouchers in support of such claims.
Dated at Goderich, in the County of S3ir-
on, this 25th day of June 1869.
Official Assignee.
Goderich, June 25. 1869. 82-tf-•
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the -County Court of the County of Huron;
In the matter of EDWARD PENTON.
An Insolvent.
Dominion of Canada,
Pnovn of or O1 rABio,`.
County of Huron,
To Vit , . -
TOTICE is hereby given that on Thursday
the Sixteenth day of Se1Jt_rnber next,
at ten of the clock in the forenoon, or as soon
as Council can be heard, the undersigned will
apply to the Judge of the said Court for _a
discharge under the said Act.
Dated at Seaforth this 7th day of July,
A. D, 1869.
° His,Attornies ori Litem.
Next do�r to Scott Robertson's.
SEAFORTH, July 150, ` 1869.
All work done in . Fast -Class Style; Dr'
ders to be left one `door Nh. of Dr.:Smith's
E$T, FO E (
Anthony .'
d, - has been. api
.°nor - - Sey m our
s has been a
sin Great .ii
flit, te Fill prnv
res l0r of lIfC pier;ge v
d -agoneof I7to i 6
A:yto tn. cabled atbent
application cif the CT('
the Car adia:. Iu.tercolonial
anc1 `moved a resolution, th=
option oftho Hr�nuse such:
ett On. of public funds was co
terms ofthe Dominio*c1
the ,
n the . surd no fust
antees hou'd be given e ee t'
orm a"s 4iliroadinsure apphcatipr
is reporon,
fed that: Howder
appinted Minister of England:
tendon, July 9.—In the
s, to night, the Irish 'Chu
,me `up for reports fro . the co
D. the unction of Lord. Ca
date lst ofmay, ,187 1. was tib
for :lst January, 1872, thro€ g
Lord RedP�sd.ale roved
ent that t>ie represen .ara
Irish Church and Catholic - Sj
cases of vacant Bishoprres,
three persons for- the Orown '.
-and that the Crown be
-red to summon one Arcbb
two Bishops Irvin each Clrurcb
The Esri. of c4-ra-
the part of the Roman. Catholi
the aruendrnent which he des
= tt:erly.ina m ssable, and it
The Marquis of Clanraear4
that clause 28, giving power
additional land to the : Chircl
restored to its .migiva'1 •forua.'
that the daises, asonow-am
-ivied, -Protestant ascender'-
angst hopeful form, giving t
lards to the Church body, b
them to Roman Catholics a
terians, . It was certain that t.
-hunt and the House of Com.
never sanction the amendme
'The_ Marquis of
tion to restore clause 2,
one of 40 to -91.
_f he amendment, embraeln
pcsal of 'Bail Granville, to p
million sterirng n money;
haanding over private •.en
created before 1664, was agr
#The rport was then: recelv
The Earl of .Chacar.•ty ga
t yet when. the Bill Mme np
ding, he would, move a
aneent of this reading for thr
The Marquisof Salisbury i_
x moving the amendment.'
plated similar grants to tb.
a nd Presbyterians, accord n'
Bright's original proposal;
Gladstone has endorsed ;
that• the retention of -their,
by the IrishChurelr was .o.
After further dseussior
The Earl of Denbigh ate:
the klatholits had decided u;
glebe lands or residenee,s,
• New York, July 11.
,.;le speeial from Londenf'
;states that the agitation
the Irish Church Bill. tht
clone serious. Prepar .t
being made for intposin
Glauston3, who hay
ted to encourage the
Consented to give semi-oc.
4jpa. the gr ou a.1 that the Lori
• cual:fy their opposition to ;
Government and people o`
of a pretended change in
meat; ; It is certain ,'owe
Commons Will refuse to
Lords their amendmeuits
three points not aff-eetin
tf the Ball. It• rs e'•pec
Open-air meetings'wi.11.
error known, be
New York, July
special Loudon :says ; --�
meeting field yesterday t
that the Government -w'
in any of the amendmen
Church Bill that will in=.'
pair the principle of
,meat. It is rumored that
don Granville, and -Harri
a disposition to yield, but
oet}rruled by the other
ndtea, -J ulv 13.—T
the Irish Church Bill
Lords 'was resumed las
ancarty moved that i
be postponed three men
Earl Derby Was stial 0
tut. favored the``
ord Clan rt motto
Lord Derby gave noti
mer a protect against th.
The :'sill' was then
Au aniendment wastl
80 to 82 omitting the
Bhons . to retain the,
viSo Was adopted by 1
'vi�ling ` f`urn bed resider1