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The Expositor, 1869-06-18, Page 6
• H East Wawanosh.. The -Council met this' day, Juni 9th, pursuant to adjournlnet. All the mem- bers present. The minutes of last meet- ing were read and approved. A petiti- on of seventeen ratepayers in favour of Mrs. Moodie who is in a deet Bute state, was read, when she was granted $10. Account of Star office for printing min- utes, etc., $16, was orderedto be paid,. and also the account of the R Com'r. of W. " Wawanosh $1.50 for inspecting a job on W. division line: The Clerk was ordered to enter the N. 18, .7th Con.., on the Res. Ascessment=Roll to R. Brooks, and to ,put Thos.. Coad on Rg11 for S. , ,. and John Coau for N. f 34in theil2th Con. - On motion of Mr: James seconded by Mn , Scott the R. Com r -w, instructed to let,: without .delay, 'obs in twenty three different places in the; township, amoiintit1g in all to about $1000.. The Council ; appointed Ed.: James and R. Coad to see parties re- garding the purchaee of a road allow- ance lloy►-since round two hills in the 13th Con. and: to report at next meeting. John Harcourt was granted s15 for collect- ing the divisions of the' library, assiit_ ing at the division with W. Wawanosh renumbering_ the books and dividing' them into School Section divisions ac cording to motion No. 22, and writing the trustees to inform. them . when the books are ready ; and he was appointed librp.rian to . keep one division toex change with trustees who :may wish 'to do so, and who will receive as msny. vol. -nines as they deposit Mr.. 1Vlavlor received $47 for building a bridge on Cons. 6 and 7,.$10 for an approach to it. By -Law . No. 22 was read and pass- ed. The R. Cone'r received .$3.50 be- ing the ballance due to him tor inspect. ing the jobs which were let lase year. The. Council then adjourned to meet again on the 2nd Wednesday (11th;) of August next. JAS. TISDALE. Tp. Clerk. Hullet Council. The Municipal Council of the town - shill . of Hullet met at Loxids oorough, on Monday fast., pursuent to Motion of adjournment. A11 the members pres- ent Minutes -of former meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. W. Warner, seconded by Mr. R. Steph- ' eneon, than resolution No. 6 of last meeting of Council be repealed, and sthat.the sum of • $40. be granted to Widow Calery, represented to be in indigent cire:imstances.—Carried. Moved by Me.. A Monteith, seccon- cled by Mt. H. Snell, that the Council will pay for all gravel put on the roads, at the rate of twenty-five cents pert cord, for the currrnt year.–. -Carried. Moved by Mr. A. Monteith, . secconded by R. Stephenson', that the sum of $1,- 050 1,050 be. expended on roads and bridges, • 'as follows. viz :--$350 on west road division, under the directions of Messrs` Snell and Montieth ; $p50 on south= road division, under. the direction of Messrs Snell and Stephenson ; and$3- 50 on north road division, under, the direction Messrs Morrow, and Warner:, —Carried, Moved by 1V4r:. Warner, seconded by Mr. R. Stephenson,, that Messrs Morrow and Snell examinethe bill, con. road 8 and Relot lot 18 and also the bridge at the same place, and let the work that they, consider necessary, the money required for said work not. to be -included in the road division ap- propriation .—Carried Moved by Mr. He Snell, eecconrled .by Mr. Stephenson that the account of- C. Foster,. $2. 64 for plank be paid, and that Francis Fowler lee paid $4. 50 far 90 ,to tds of gravel,—The -Council then adjourned to meet again at Londe n or ou h on the ist Monday in .August next, at ten o'clock a. m.. JAMES BRAITHWAITE, Clerk. Ee citing Gallows Scene. [Nem the Weldon (N a) News, May 291 s Yesterday being the day for the ere- cution of Gus B•tker and Jim Thomas, w tivo l�Wade Ditcher murderers, at Bali- t ax, early in the day crowds of blacks and a, goodly num.kier of whites corn- r ;Rented assembling in the town of . w lIalif1 x, with the vain hope of seeing t the execution. The murder is acknow- if ledge to have been a most atrocious one, and -litl'e or no. sympathy was rnanifestecl on any hr'nd. ,All the pre- parations necessary for the hanging bad been made, an enclosure . some fif- e teen. feet i igh having been erected in 'hoot of the fall, with a rough but sub- an :stavtial scaffold erected at the south- th eastern side of it. . da aUp to Thursday- the prisoners had entertained .some hope of a respite er a corhmuting of the sentence, but upon tife arrival of the respite for George to `lB`\y.line and refusal l of the Governor to " h ing a different cell), and said there wee no justice inhanging him and Thomas, and respiting Bayline, when all three were coni ted on the same evidence. Such were his feelings that, we tarok he .would have murdered Bayline had the opportunity been offered. His -ap- pearama was that of a demon, and ex- hibited the true character of the man. Thecause of this hatred against, Bay - line springs from the confession maid by the latter a few days since, anti which they declare to be false. ' Thursday night they spent in endeavoring to court sleep. but without effect, except in one instance Thomas slept for s, few moments, from which he was aroused as , if fronn a terrible dream. Friday came, and as far as they knew they witnessed for the -last time the sun gladden the earth with its rays,nBreak- fast was served them, but they ate .nothing, only drinking a clip of coffee. Baker asked for a julep, which was fur- nished him. Between the hours .rf. 12 and 1 the execution was to take place 11 o'clock arrived, and with it a de- spatch from Governor Holden's Secre- tary at Raleigh 'demanding that the prisoners be not hung until Friday, the 4th of June, stating that the respite would be forwarded by mail. •• Sheriff John.Reid refused to ,acknowledge this /despatch as official, and so: telegraphel Holden's secretary. Shortly aftfr 12 o'clock a second despatch was rec4ived from Raleigh, requesting the Sheriff to stay the execution to the last moment ; that Governor Holden, who was in Bal- timore, had again been telegraphed to. At 12:30 o'clock the Sherriff arrived at the jail grounds, and proceeded to ar- range for the.execution. During this time the exoitement had been intense, owing to the various despatches, and the probabilities as to whether the - Sheriff would recognize any despatch as valid. The respite which came' in the morning was in answer to an urgent request from Mr. A. Conigland, olie of the prisoners' counsel (but which appli- cation was made without the knowledge of the prisoners themselves), who de- sired that time should be given Gus Baker to soe a Catholic priest, he (Ba- ker) having expressed an earnest desire to have one with him before be was executed, Mr. Conigland having 'tele- graphed Governor Holden early yester d.iy morning. But the Sheriff haling declared his intention to hang them, regardless of Horner's telegram, at 12 o'clock, Mr. Conigland, accompanied by two ladies, visited the prisoners' cell and read the services of the Catho- lic church to them and prayed with them, until interrupted by the entrance of Mr. Deputy Sheriff Horace Reid, the rites of baptism being administered after the prisoners were tied. ' The an- nouncement that the hanging was about to take place° caused the swaying masses outside to press against the wall and ,move to and fro—only some fifty wit- nesses being inside, including several members of the 3press, " physicians, and the number allowed bylaw. The prisoners were then • led forth into the yard, and walked,' apparently. cool, upon the scaffold. - Baker was dressed in white pants, white shirt, and white gloves ; Thomas• in the same manner with the exception of colored pants. Sherrill Reid, assisted by Deputy -Sheriff' Horace Reid, then ad- justed the ropes around their necks, placed' the caps over their faces, and death seemed inevitable. But a few minutes remained until the expiration of the time allotted, and the Sheriff de clared his intention of waiting five minutes to See if any further despatches hould come. At 'thi juncture the risoner's counsel clailii d .thrat the time ad expired, and deem nded that the mrison ems' could not lie 1 ux•g after that lime without a positive iulation of the aw, and that by so doi g the She iff would lay himself liable, The Sherif own time wanted nine c.inu ti s of c ine, and many bystanders ustaiued him. Considerable excitement heriff avowing. his determination to s h 1 t 1 prevailed, the ang the prisoners vitllir .the time his_ itch called for ; but vc hen this met- er was being wan rely c'iscussed, .the risoners in the nle;,iltiwe starving eady to be launched into eternity, an ting only the knocking from. beneath hem 'the prop which held their life as by a thread,;a despatch came in fm ori Governor Holden, worded as follows Baltimore, Md., Rely z8, 1b69. To the Sheriff of Halifax Co., Ni. C. In resp •pFe to the urgent request of r. C'oeigland, the prim marls, Thomas d .BakkI r, are 1: ere] ►y •espi ted u., til P 9th day of June next, on. which y they will l.e exeeutet . W. W. j OLDEN, Governor of North Carolina The Sheriff at once de •lared this Carolina. . and of• co•mrse put an eitid to the dis- te, rho tgh the excitement was but tie alfa -ecj-a pistol bei lg tired at the melte (claimed to be aceidentali Re se l loran e Hays, v► y� by t I „ s, h {� had -brought brouglmt des,):tt;..'i) in. Some one - in tl rm1 1rferf u e tL le ger re :>i' of E ..cher st t 1 in the execution of the s 'n- i pu on Baker and Thomas, the two ' .it signed all Lope; but the man mole rpt easingthen feeliiEgs W a. R tinge, for, for, instead of cuumplaii, tLe thank God." The prisoners were then. released from their cap' and rope, and quietly conducted back into their caul -to be exeute1, on Friday the 4th June for the murder of Wade Ditcher in this place, unless again they receive Execu- tive clemency, which is by no means probable.. In the meantime, a priest will b sent to administer the proper rites to the condemned. And thus ended what came near being an execu- tion, forming in its details one of the most singular event s we have ever witnessed. TENDERS WAN1ED. IIOB the erection of a Hotel and Two Stores for Mr.. R. Carmichael, at Sea - forth. Plans, Specifications and Particu- lars can be seen at Mr. Henry Watkinson's, Architect, Seaforth. ' Tenders to be deliver- ed to Mr. Carmichael, not later than the 20th June, 1869. Mr. R. C. does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender. Seaforth, June 12th,' 1869. 79-2in. Olsen E -q E.4 At SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. as}sinIct pu3rI 6.4 n 0 O CD Cen G CD Cw s.t-r• Crq C 0 01.1 .O f et 0c+ out • 9 0 Merl .._ OFFICES TO LET, • wf h •Qwti fate, hiker lost tight 4. mnwtl o.:tade,c `_, r a- „ 1' cd, Lc me dcmw:r, Ba- • ]1OU1t excellent offices to let in Scotus m , ra Fl Le. -aped our:ae,s amid and. nifte, , er, to ,s4•hi.:la `r,ker 1-1c Sionied (re-1New Brick Block. Apply at r .tor tl � ,7 c� ,3,�ey);;�t,; 1 r. ,�v -> ucct:lm agrl Li:i c : c ; od '')+ ".elm n,y L. ucllel'McCA UGLIE'Y & ]IULMSTED'S. � �:eaforth. Jan. 27. 1869.. PSR COPY JUST ARRIVED Another' Car Load of PECK'S. Montreal Olt Nails At Johnson Bro's. Seaforth, April 9th. • 70 r poo 4.0 Petti -401 Poi ONE PRICE ONLY. NEW DRESS GOODS, 1 NEW PARASOLS, NEW MANTLES, NEW SHAWLS, NEW HATS, NEW BONNETS. NEW FLOWERS.. Miginery I CHEAP COTTONS, CHEAP SHIRTINGS, CHEAP PRINTS, CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP TWEEDS, CTTFAP HOSIERY, - CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. FRESH CROCERIES. PRODUCE IN EXCIANCEAT CASH RATES. Iming N• — ale LISTEN !!!: WHILE GAN SPEAKSII . z For his Stock of SPPINGGOOD WAS Never Eceiect In this Market. The Manchester House Then_ is the place for Satisfaction in Dealing. Seaf,,rth, May 4th, 1869. a1 -t T1M TIME. 12ME. IF you want a Watch that will.keep the correct time, purchase one of Thomas - Russell & Son's celebrated Watches. ' A large stock of them for sale. at . M. R. COUNTER'S S EAFORTH. He has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Jewellery, Fancy Goods, Toys, &e., all to be solei Cheap for Cash. $a -Every description 8 Watches, • Clocks. and Jewellery letpaired on: the Shortest Notice, and Warranted to give satisfaction. The highest price paid for Old Gold and Silver. M. R. COUNTER. Sfaforth, April 27th, 1869. 53-ly I� C] N 0 T.Ii TO THE CRE)DITC-mss OF THE LATS Jonathan darter, TIDURSUANT to a decree made in a eete tain cause pending in this tYourt, of CARTER Versus CARTER, The Creditors of the late Jonathan Carter, late of the VILLAGE of EGMON DVI .E;. IN THE County of Huron, Esquire. deceased, who died 011 or about the 30th day of April, 1867, are in person, or by their Solicitors, on .or before WEDNESDAY, 3OTH DAY OF JUNE,. 1869, to send by post, prepaid, to Isaac F. Toms, Esquire, (oderieh, Ont., the Plain. tiff's Solicitor, their Christian and Sur- names, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claim, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the twin - ties held by them, or in default they. will be. peremptorily excluded from all benefit under the said decree. Every creditor nolding any security is to produce the same before me,. at my Chambers, at the Town of Goderich, on Wednesday, the 25th day ©f August, 1869, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, being -the time appointed for `adjudicating upon te claims aforesaid. Dated at Goderieh . this 4th day of Sun. 1869. (Signed, ) HENRY McDERMOTT, Master in Chancery at ,Goderich. WILLIAM RUTHERFORD BAIN, "Of Goderich, Agent for Messrs. Pater- son, Harrison & Bam, Toronto, Soli- citors for the Adrninistratrix. 69-3 SEAFORTH MILL* ! SEED. STORL HE undersigned. have just received T IMPORTED DIRECT, 1,000 LBS. SKI RMINC'S. IMPROVER P li 1:`-T ” SWEDE, A quantity of Early GOODERICH POTATOES, Also a fresh stock of GARDEN AND AGRICULTURAL zazus. Will have constantly on hand a choice se- lection of Flower and other BEDDING PLANTS: SBORNE'S CRAMMED MEAT vs N .L possesses all the qualities of Farina and Oatmeal, for Porridge. W.A. Shearson Co.. Seaford', May 21. 52_ly, W.-QRASSE Desires to inform his old customers and the public generally, that he has re- built :Shops on the OLD PREMISES-. On a more extensive aerie than ever, and � consequently prepared to execute alI orders for everything in the way of LUMBER & DEMOCRAT WAGGONS, 323ITC41 IMS, ezC_ None but the hest material used, and first- - elass workulen employed. BLACKSMITHJN€- In all its branches, attended to in a satin- factory manner. a•"A FIRST-CLASS HORSE -SNEER. Employed specially for this branch of the business. - WM. GRASSIE. pTwo Good Village Lots for sale, 0,,• one of which has a Dwelling house and other improvements thereon. Seaforth, May 21st. 76-3ra M'GREGOR & SON, BOOKBINDERS, N ILL.ET. AEX prepared to execute binding in every style. Persons residing at a distance by eaving their books a. the Signal Book Store, Godericlr, or at the ".ExxohiToR' office, Seaforth, stating style, mr.Y rely up- on pon thein being well bound AT THE LOWEST PI I ES, And retuned without delay. Seaforth, June 11 1869. •8-tf. BRITATI'. undone .June 10 curable Gath one Hardy given in . Leanainl0n, y ni speech dgail st the risk itte said d -establishment cyession to Fennism, ad jury to l oya i of en tai' • been ui.tra=ityZ:eal0liUS in;tee drown, for the sake of tors. These men n sere to It was the tenure of land, 'Irish Church, which lay the grivances of Ireland. for hint to say what theB were to do with the Bill. accept the verdict as tt and c,)iiStitutinuaal decHjo country should" receive wt London, June 1I—.es Cork state tl a.t robber e aIi]tiJ unat3ofl are of da m]' thro,agliout the southern p Suspi:don in all eases fastei of the Fenian or:ganizatio dinary precautions have the authorities to guard .i outrIag,fi. 3In the House of Loads Lord Bateman asked] for t Of the Government in ;rc Irish ,Bilin' Bi]1. tai and 1,zam•cl Carine opposed as . unnecessary and. .mn x present time, Berl Gr u vi; of Stat, for the Colonic l and i t refer.uice to outtinl the Gover urnent had t Lo depart from the course, tit - the I{vase of Commons of A.l,.' :on presented a citizens of Belfast a taming 80,0t30 signature., dis.estai,lishnient of the In his remarks be said tit' tion emanated from the: in 'demonstrations ever fide: He showed the great de toren place in the, sent' people since the general hard lie 1>eliev}cd the Noe were not ; ingul°ar tri th He believed the change "'rapidly, and certainly whole countre on accoa j ustiee and partiality o' t London, June 12.–+I Detnonstiations haveeliee n various parts of the Made Mester .ever 20(3,000 7 es lit. Resolutions tagainet the passage of 'Ch rr• •li Bill were reseed,. sten petition embodying of the resolutions Wa.s Derby ler p, es€. ntaition t; ) Lords. At Liverpool 50, Sent. Speeches were guislled persons, and t 'miens against the dia• thea Ir'isli Church tinaniM London, June Lords, to -eight, in _ as nor del';l:Le on the Irish calm vas g full 'atte elanee .all the seats on the flooi ed . a t the opening of t !A int' ; ni g)li :, .t \ vicinity of the Homes great Hearn of l(( In the biter=s{:, nem it emelt 1 ail:rrnet the, 'r , vl _hem .:ryd the its to tend re elie f 1 be ?a1,lVaaystmc'di ib air• h \':tS ae 114,10 fill t, iu 1)•i iliorrl f:1'V eel; *r:';t it vvas a grc. t, ch rall�l ,{' :1t•gls �a,i(`'.d in wtr i :arra? Trull.. anti- wxa . yhe:h1; F".ri'1 4i3j: the l e5 Dier aeli Ministry sho'we; an: c •.f' x 1,s do *•i -ion tf fame e4*C#r>esta,,lisla;aiia: do's eat t. After e.plaa •us s,f the Belt rind • ver cl:ratylrt did . tint desi3 coiaia -'tion; between Irl .lal:arrr ]ac's. JIe ex;:l 3 a- t Joos of the art toff; eve s. 1 e de netiri�i: :Aof t=he , s !grelit,h,fe the tB tin 4.13 v.al alm tll.it Art thaw it w.te of uii:altt# it be ell•awed to stare measere 1 ] ('" deemed im e esse fort v crf the people in enci3 in- Ireland nit feet; en the Royal Stir referring to the tlii c t; and ro mrlmmentn g on the° #tinea, lore elepee ed to Bjislr a S tt: vei,;li tea' 1.'IOtL11!g .IS n'31e 5 { paint the 1)r'ineiple o Cher '11 st.i.rads :is the i ng1i h ()h ell itis Vic'. sten nee net aprelrittc blisli3nent nx the lette to thelipositioii to C O ft; {orf the Hoiise, and xt to allow the Bill indor; f the people to payors. Peers dee great power there is one thing it d iv has not more Dower'