The Expositor, 1869-04-09, Page 6It E $EArORTH EXPOSITOR. .11 has i'fAk e holffidiOh's Bay Company's officers in Montreal, that at the ineetiriai of the shaaelielders' on. the -Nut of Mar eh,' eil1ed to . consider Lard. 9-p,4.nyipei'l_._:p;oposal, lf cemalensa- tion. .for fai6ie-craittis, • the Obinpany agreed te accept the impeatittit .,offer. ?.r..x.,49sTos. A soldier of the Royal Candian Rifles -attempted t9 commitsuTcide .by cutting his threat,. whilst labeling un- der an attack, of delirium trongra. He :is now iiing in the Milltai.y Hospital in:a-ate:4 precarious conditim - • MONTREAi & Cason, wholesale clo- thiers, have suspended with pretty _ heavy - Frank Harris, a burglar, ,whoutthe police ba.ve belen after' 'for ssometime, was captured in the Albion "'z ote]. yesterday with his wife. Twenty-one Protestants and 76 Catholics :died la.st week. .Mr.- Howe 'left �n l Monday. for 'ants, He has. issued- a pamphlet contaiaing two letters to the Electors. lie declares that his change of policy resulted from no change of opinion but - from a conviction that repeal-, cod not be obtained. - He is 'severe opob. A.nanand Jones, and others -who - have taken a prominent part in the opposition to him, and says Am - mind's object in past delegations was the floating .;)f a mining Comparay, and another cieleation is; being advo9ated -fur thib same pnrpose. - • Its QUg1.31BC. .4.Dn Monday, at 2' o'clock p in, the Lieutennant Governor proceeded to the , bei of the Legislative Council in the Parliament Buildimss. The members of the Leisiskitive Council being as- sembled, His Excellency was pleased to command the. attendance of the Le- iiiishitive Assembly, aid that Reuse 1-"Jeina present, the various Bills passed durina the session -a -about 100 in num- 1,er—were .assented to Her Majesty's name; after which His Excelleney was _pleased to close the second ses4on Of the First. Parliament of the Province of Quebec with a, speedv. commend-a- tsry to the legislative abifity' displayed - darina the session. . 0 LONDON. It is stated en w -hat appears to be ft0Oli cLUi1Oi1ty, tliat the farm of Mr. `Vrif in. Elliot, ,barrister; LoOdon,Town- ship, has beqi selected as the site of the new asylrini aboutto be ereeted in this neigabourhood. E..irly on Saturday rneringatneflour etere of Mr, J. T. Simpson, Richmond s,:reet, was entered, and the cash box' Stolen, it contained.no money. Abont the same time Itoroley.s dye honS'e- (ilstrence- street was broken into and ransaeked, but nuthing -.appears to have guited the ' thleyes and they departed AVI.C11011.t obtainikg any booty. 'A min named -.Charles Mingles, f. ore Ingersoi,, arriveil in Lon- don on Monday 'afternoen with a horse esid .trap, and depired to trade -th-e and - Mal off. Ile naihseveral borse dealers 1.ait he could not effeet a sale until •call- iag on a Mr, Nichol,' with whom he tsaded offhis animal for another, and 50 to boot s After the bargain had wen made, Mi IN found &tilt with alai mare, and refused to- keep it, where 'upon Douglas proceeded to Hiscox's seables, and parted in a similar Manner Shortly afteistwo men a,rrived from logersol, and having hunted - up the thief, Mr. Hiscox obtained a warrant tied had birciairrysted.. It turned out that the paaty dit.der arrest.h:id hired tile liaise and buggy from a Mr. 'Grant, ut ingervil, •ELAXILTON. :It is understood here, on' verylgood isitellority, that the Deaf_ and Dumb Asylum is to ;be erected at. Belleville, not at Hamilton. Probably one of the s central peisons . will be located laze instead. The, "ambitious city" is quite agi- tated ' on the trichoniosis qUestion. sL•ane, of the pork dealers are iridianant at the remarks of the "Press" rest. it ratty injure the ,y‘ biz." One firm are shippiag a &go of "pig meat" to; China. Two irighway robberies were attein1- in i.te night last week: One of VIO iatended asictims was a ,citizen of the k otlax a stranger from ,n lats. cases, however, thievegot alarmed befoie accom- iAishInk, their purpoSes. istaecaison is "some on most. things, Apei. flita *it excels, a:. e the bit j1j A c ‘,1 wheeled1.3velocipede perternitince"naa been 'Previously announced, in a cer- tain locality whieh caused ‘a, la go, as- • semblage, who at the Appointed hour, had the pleasure of 'seeing one olored gentleman wheeled out other from an alleyway., in a wheell flrrow. Doubtless, they enjoyed he 1.4; • TpRONTO. A HOW' velochedef has been in ha virig three wheel's, can be u ladies as well gentlemen. T tion aPplied y pully. - The old rickey machine of a railway, ihas at ength changed having been urchased by Riely. It iscoaidered that Oa paid very ("early for it. ente.i by Le mo - sat nr ed es t, essrs have A man name Gaston;who ha- figur- ed rather conspi .uously as aspol co in- former lately, his now a char e pee- feiTed against iniSelf of robbi g the Osgoode -Hall some two months since. A meetingof II e Board of Tra e was held a few days since for the c nside- ration of the trat ing act. Many of the members favourad petitioning t e -Le- gislature to annt 1 it altogether, h it the voice of the me ting was to h. ve it amended. • Mr. Wethyss in this city on Sault St. Marie o the sitting ef at Ottawa. Mi. on the road, . sleighs and snow' impson M. P., a lived aturday night frail u his way to tittend: Dominion Legis ature Simpson was 15j days d travelled by .clog - hoes most of th way. A special melt Council of Onto, passing- tne by -la of holding electioi the provisions of Mg a Board of E g of the Medical io, for ti?e ,purpose of regulating the mode s in accordanc with he new Act, ap oint- aminers, &c -UNDER the ne order of tllin.s at the 'South, very, iberal provis 01 • has been made in.mt ny of the Stats by the conventions.° Legislatures f r the support of school. The State of Flo- rida has just ado •tied a school law pro- ving for the that -meal -1 oraanization cif a - . 0 e, schools throughout the State. The source of revenue for the support of s the schools are very liberal, and guar- anteed by the orgatic law or constitu- tion, and not dependent upon .the year- ly vote of the legislature. The !ques- tion of cot9r is settled by allowin . the 1 !' whites to have sepat.ate schools i they choose to pay for them. It is sa isfa.c- tory to see that the ignorance of the net...bTo votel4) of Which so much has I , been said, does not ireventthe Legisla- tUres and CORventioils, in which they itre largely reprosenited, from making infinitely more d'enerous pl.ovisionS for eopular educa,ticin than N5 as ever made before in the Sonth. —Globe. TWENTY Tula') annual statement of th.e cenclition of the Connecticut Mutu- al Life, Insurance Co , Jauntily 31 .. -it 31st.. 79 ; 37, - rest, 186_9. • Balance per etaternent Jaanary 1868, Net $1,636,530 Amount received as premiums $7, '718,50; Amount received for int( 61,556,723,21 ; Amount received for ret s $8,787,12; Total $8,302,21 .83. lietuct paid salaries, medieal exaniipa- tioasi stationary, printing, advertiii4ng, &c., 99, 13. 14 ; Deduct com milsion paid to dagdnts, 776,946.60 ; Deduct paid taxes, 100,-452.08 ; Deduct divi- dends paid, 978,577.00 ; Deduce pLticf s &Tendered • policies,4,470. 31 ; Deduct notes on forfeited policies cancelled, 263,996.66 ; Deduct loSses paid, 1,266,- 675.00 ; Total $3,490,709-79 P4nii- u-inS in the hands of the agents 345,449.- 19 ; Interest • aecrued- and value; of bonds and atock over cost, 706,519.45 ; Total $5,863,477.68 ; Balance 3 -1st of January, 1869 $23,550,008.47. As- sEacs,—Oash deposits, 384,845.71 ;1 -)-re- ) mium notes, 6,977,775.63 ; Real este at cost, 126,362.63 ; LOaD.8 On b ild and mortgage ofreal estate,7,518,580.- 68 ; Unitod 8tates securities at marka Adue, 3,266,700 00 ; State of Connec- ticut bonds,1,030,000.00 ; City and State bonds, at 48,900 00 ; Bank and railroad 'stock, at 86,475.00 ; Loans on stooks and bond, as collateral, 248,- 065.00 ; Balance due irom agents and others, 20,454.63 ; Premiums in the bands of tigeuts, 345;449.19 ; Intel est ace; utd, estimated, 416,400,00 ; Total assets, . $23,500,008:47. LlitniiiiTIEs. —Amount of lasses unpaist not yet due 346,100.00 ; .Amount of losses during the year, 1,448,575.00 ; Total tiarmant et losses paid to dart, 8,135,200.00 ; Total amount el dividends paid to date, 5,375, i 19.00 ; Toad la ii in 2 wr of polic ieS, Issued during the year. 11,900.la Total nualuer of poliaies ia force, 56,867 : total atuotaita ef rists thereon ,§1i 4,- 196,162,00 i sasamearealeaseeeeeree dg. LOT FOR SLE. alIQR awesin tii Village of Sea ort1. a ill good Plaine Dwelling "louse, with gar- den and Stable attached, near the Temper- ance Hall. .. For further particulars, apply to ' MICH.Atle MADDIGAN. itaiefe:t1, April ath. 70-tf PADES, SHOVELS, SPAtTID MANURE GARDEN RAKES, HOES; 81.0., In Great Variety, At :JOHNSON BA° s. FORKS; Seaforth, April. 9th 1869. 70- . SEA FQIni:14' SASH, DOSR AND BLIND. FACTP1141 rpHE subscribers beg leave to tender their sincei.e thanks to, their, numerous cus tomers and the public tit large, for the very liberal patronage received since commencing business in Seaforth. And as they have now a very large stock of Dry Pine Lumber OR hand, and having lately enlarged their pre- mises and added New Machinery (thereby increasing their facilities for doing work with despatch), they feel confident of giving every satisfaction to those who may favor them with -their patronage, as none bat first-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custom plan- ing. • BROADFOOT & GRAY. P. S.—An Eight-Hoi-se-Power Engine .and Boiler for sale,- all complete, of Goldie & iVIcCullock's make. 70- Z3m Can cee ° 0 0 0 f-0 efok ukao I.'? you WANT A PLOUCH! GET A "Victor" or Improved "Yocum." Steel Mouldboard, From JOHNSON Bno's. FINDLAY M GREGOR THE GREAT SCOTTISH liumorzsii OR GANOPHINIST, AND. COLLOQUIAL VOCALIST!!! Will give one of -his 'favorite enter- • tainments in SHARP'S HALL, Wednesday April 14th. tPrFor further particulars, pee the Pro- grammes... TICKETS, 25 and 50 cent; to be had. at Sharp'slAatel. April 9th:1869. 70-1 I UST ARRIVED t ANOTHER CAR LOAD Odf PrCK'S Montreal C it Nails At Johnson Bro's. Seaforth, April 9th. • MILLMERY AND MRS. GUTIIIi'lE & HMS CLEGG' AILE now prepared to execute all orders CALL EAR • LY AND SECURE in Millinery, Dress and 3V.lana1e Make nig, in thelatest Style audPashion.- Par- 33 it ca. I.N„T. ruiar attention devoted to 8traw (40048. ()orders left at the house of Mrs. Guthrie, Main Street, will receive iimmeiliate atten- ro-tf. - SGaforth, April 9th, 1869. AT Scott .Roberts • HIRAM COLUDAY & SON, TN returning thanks for past faio,rs, have - „IL' ASNIL0MTel°Tthile fG0111.0ocwier4 allIrndl::8:teeedl ehantsand business men of Se forth that -they r I the pleasure of announcing to tile less.' Fresh and Prime . are prepared to receive orders for all ltincte et DRAY WORK. ! Ili -Goods handled with care, and satiefee.- tion guaranteed. _January 21st, 1869. White, Belgian Carrot, Skirving's Imported Swede. Sharpe's • do ;do .Purple Strapleaf Turaip. •Long Red Mangel: • Rape Seed. Early York Cabbage. Flat Dutch do 'Drumhead do Butter Beans. Early China Beans. Adams' Early Corn. Eaely Sugar Corn. Gherkin' Cucumber, Tom Thumb Peas. Dianna O'Rotike Peas. • Red Clover Seed, White Dutch do Alsike do ,Yellow Treyfoil do Hungarian Grass, Mixed Lawn do Tar Is, or Vetches. Seaforth, April 9th. 0-tf. 300 KEGS JAMES' rrE 1 AND 0 NOME. BEST QUALITY LINSEED OIL BOILED AND RAW. T1JRPENTINE, BENZINE, VARNISHES, GLA6S, PUTTY, &c„ At Johnson 13riO's. Seaforth, April 9th. 10 .....GREAT....ST OF N1W SPRI:_VG.GOQD THE Containing all NOVELTIES OF THE SEASP, At Hick,son s. e'alk tom.J *et Cgg cc1.2, e# E •-•3 LADIES, POOR COPY u= AT HICKSON'S. 58 -la • T. L3177"174'' 3 a itau dame CABINET & MUIR MAKER UNDERTAKER &c. A Large Stock - I ALL kinds of fartiiturekepb constantlyoa hand, consisting of the bCst varietiee, 'Krughruff s Spring Alattrasses, Children's. Carriaeres.° Coifins kept constantly on hanil. 'Work made on the premises. - do- A.. Hearee fer hire. Wart,rOOM ok- posite Kidd & 1,1:.11.0S'. BELL, March 24, 1-8eS. TO CAPITALISTS. „ F O'R S The uneetp1re4 LEASE OF LOT NO. 9, CA.01.1113.LOCK SURVEY' On the East side of Main Strcei, in the . Village of Seaforth, OGETIIER with the buildings erected thereon,vie etwo aild oecupied byMr. -William Ault, the occupied by Dr. Smith as an ofliee, the one oceupied by Mr. Paltridge as a Phelograpli - Gallery-, the one oecupied by Thoirtas Simone as an Oyster.Saloon, ex.; also the one oeeu- pied by the subscriber as a Flour, Feed,. Grocery and Provision Store, together ss itle the stock and i'..x-nr8S contained therein, Also 16 acres of land south of the Raileva,y, -which will be sold in village or peak lots, in sizesto suit purchasers, and en reastmabl temz.e e - R —Flour, Feed, Groceries and' I've- visiens of all kinds kept constantly on hand by the subscriber. • 0. T. JARVIS. Seaforth. February :3rd, 1809. 61.1 SPECIA L Nb T THE CONNECTEUT'MUTUAL iifr '(;!4 nouraure HARTFORD CONN. Gtr? R. PmtLPs ihresidsnt ZEPHANIAH PRESTON, ViCO President. etioaenelnoe S. OLMSTED, Seerc-cary. Eusa's W. BRYANT, Actuary; Mallets S. Weaeoet. ;Medical Examiner. Organized in 1845. Chart3r Perpetuaa The Larges b Mittual Life insurance Com- pany, numberin ST, over 75,0140 menibere. I .A purely Matual Company, i its ekesets lea - hewing exelusively to its members. ifsse le' $23, 000, 000. Acquired by pru- dent andeconomieal management of twenty. two years, without the ath of a. single dollar of original capital. Surplus Assets over/ $5,000,000. All pro- fits divided =Ong the members. Each pp- licy holder is a member. There are , stockholders. Its Laege Dividends.. They have avera ed over 50 per cent annually. Total amount of divilemts paid the naemhers since its or- ganization, over $5,000,0N. • Its Success Unparalleled. It his arrived -at the extraordinary condition where the in- come from annual interest alone is more than sufficient to pay all its losses. Total amount of losses paid by the Co 'y, over $8,000,900. -Ics Responsibility, For every- 81w0 eV Lialfilities, it has $154 of Assets. - . During its last fiscalyear this Compaq paid to its living members, end to the fann- 1 nes of its deceased m embe s, nearly $2,00,- 000, and at the same time' added more tbau Four Millions to its acciur4llattel capital The Whole Record oi this Company hat been one of prudent maaairement and pros- perous aelvaucenaent. Among the alder and leading lite insurance compamea its average .- eatie of expenses to income has, through eve - entirt history, been the lowest of any. Amount deposited with the Receiver Gen- eral of .Canada, $140,000. 1Sennber tit Poiicy holders in Canada 1.06& Insurance $3,123,b0Q- • Oa. Medical Referee --Dr. Metherell and. Dr. Tracy, aeaforth Ont DANIEL L. SILLS, . Getter/I Maaa,ger for Li•anada.' Feb. 24 1869. 1 BOOTS & SH3ES. Vlilhar.a•MbNally 1 TAVI,N0 lately purchaeed the buseneas & 11 withaniliarker, in Wroeeter, wiil keet, on hand a large assortment of boots and, Shoes. None . but first-class -week 'menu- fractunealon. the premisee. 01:ders will receive particular attentiose. Repairing done on the shortest notice. W. Ale! ALLY. April 43, 1863.. NOTICE'. 'OTE LOST. On or about the 25th of IA ',February last, a note (If hand made by Peter Emely and George Patterson, ei th* Township of Grey, in favor f John. Rea - dick or bearer, for the SU= Of $95 GO, datid 27th October, tb6S, and payable 14 menthe after date. This. is to forbid any person or persons purchasing or negotiating said not* as payment thereof has been stopptd.'' JOHN 1.1.ADD1sa1e Grey, Maavh 18409, - 66 tic LATEST FORI ETTRO.P London April The recommended the enactinei recognizilig naturaliaatiana aiionating British subject. Oliegiance to, England, and. total abolition of the alis :aliens to hold landed firoper Lond'on, April - collerv explosiOn eobured :ttthP Oxley colliery in T w en ty-eight perSor.s, were right, and many others baidty Madrid, April 4.---1\1ar glertitintis(Ittg-rof it :Isvcaorn,s ti: ih;e,n_ Men for the ailty for Madrid, April 6,- •-Inforinf of the members of the major Constitutent Cortes, have abd have resulted in a iei port; ex -Ring Fernando k) fOr the throne of Spain. T of Ministers havp also -decide the majority of the Cortes in intl a- deputatim Sid ustia!nd Phagaga at its hea. tti Lisbon to invite King Ve' accept the candidature. Paris, April 4.—T1'e ac lition of the Ava)1.3 r,f the Lnxembura bas commenced. London, ApTil dest Alexanth ia says another pli aeeinate the Ificery of Egyp <tiscovered 'and frustratei. bomb was found under.his cI theatre, Mid NVIOlaralV- e ploded. A • large number lia-ve been made a susiTe • itondon, Aptir '5.—In' of 'Commons to -day, the Bill abolition of imprisonment I pap,sed its• second reading. :London; April: —In the Commons this evening. J1r.' imemberfor Fermanagh a Con roposed to extend the establishment to England la11:141;fdri'd, 6.Fears tuned that, the Carlists 2.anosher atteMpt at a -genera The'Government is taking -evl: caution. to prevent it. . It is reported that King Tositively declines the Cr Wtaington, April Cemmittee oir Foreism. Affs morning instructed (fen. Beall iort the joint resoin don, decli' ymnathy of the American pet he Cabana in their efforts to s flepenclance, and pledging sail the President whenever he deed edient to recognize their indep ut one member,- Mr, Willa oted. NPAV York, April 2, 3 p.1 ommercial says the President rmined' to send Mr. Motley • Washington kpril ,•oni San ..Ju -1n, De Los Ronedi particulars of the mas$ enora Arrelondo ,ano, seven, 'Iildren. Her lius)and had ja insurgents and she WilS.tntiee .;.,„the 6partisli lines with her fan 'der pretence of -meeting her 1, Wheh the whole party were la! i,be infuriated voluteers, The President to -day sigil modified tinure of office bill a y Congress. a Hartford Con, April 2.— returns have been rece;.ved to in election of Ilessrliall Jewell a tire Repuidicart State ticket. amommimumemi THE 3/limit* 13u-sntEss Oi -perior is looking up as there reason to believe it . We learn by news irect from Fort William, t r of assays taken. from silvei lotiging co the Thunder Ba .2noilgneeCsooinfpasnily,vergalivoenali.leacav rock. An immense quantity of has been uncovered which crushed for, thirty -cents a to1 lisping 'Hill' 710* going 114 ntreal Mining 'Company t rate at Thunder Cape, are al on, andgreat results are an ng towing season: ms to be a mistake in spe,a3 Montreal Company, whish Thundr Day Mining nally ti a mine worked bj, knoWn. as the MeIntire, ed after Mr. 31eInt,1* ie liudsores Bay Company liam. Tiber -a are only three iThunder Bay yet develOped, at Thunder Cape, will& w ov4red last, summer by Mr is also the property of thel Company.- Thore Can be n miners- -Ivin.g obtained. 4) de io rh, ee xbt, ey Itphs pievrr no pi 7.iangtgi 0: .bssmitii„