The Expositor, 1869-04-09, Page 5440...0000.00.00401.00*4 1ar i8&7 - P ES, Manuf act rers. , L. C MENDON, Roin Hou8eoak, t, Toronto, St. Pau a armee, Branch Agency fo ea N-; WATSON. THE HOWE LOCK STIT H. MR A—Paneity 'Machine. Ell Bee -Family a.ud Main facturing . c me. - -ITER C --Best Leather and moth . nufacturing _Machine. .FITTER il—or Cylinder Machine, for Hamm making. Boob and Shoe iFittings, and Saddlery Work whore the form of the work must- be retained while Stitching, is the most complete and perfect in the worm. THESE WORLD- .#137(t WAVED SE117.- /AV el/Awls-ES were awarded the High- est Premium at thoWorlais fair in London-, 1862, and Gold "M*elal at Paris Exposition, -re .. . t They are °eta,i' I for doing . the best work, using a tune_ smeller needle for the .:me thread than any other machine, and 4y, the tintroduction of the most iniproVed ma- ellintiey, We are new able to supply the very beat machines in the world. = THE ()EtALmEs WITICIT RE(TOM- OESI) THEM ARE: 1. Beauty and Ex- aelleney oi Stiteh, alike on both aides of the fabric sewed. 2, Straigth, Firmness and Durability of Seam, that will not Rip. er Rai -el. i 3. Economy of thread. 4 At-- , , , .,.. - lean:tents 1 wide range of eppimation to. eurposes ailu iflaterjali. The aboee can be had at the Branch Offices he Seaford' from W. N- Wersote. - who is also Agent for the celebrated : IVANZ BE WISG IVA till LN LW, which - RT faci1i4 of management, neatness and ihtrability ttf stitch, aid widerarzge of seanii ma unrivalled as a Family Sewing Machine. Thread, Silk, Twist, !,;thuttles, Bobbins, Needlea, Sprnees. Oil, and ali machine ap- pliancesfer sale at the Branch- Of at Sea- torth, where machines_ may - be neatly re- eair- ed, - W. N. WATSON, Seaferthe kpeil 16tys68. 19-1v, _Street Street, Seaford:1 -1867. FRANK PALTRIDGE'S Old Established API! . GALLERY MOVED! g IY_aun:.*-ts customers and the public o 1 generitike -will please not forget that 1 iavoltemoeetAfroni the Old Stand to the -- ---„, aPPOSitt. SIDE OF T1IE STREET, , e Enta Scottie, Xew 3 story Brick Mock, next :o Kidd &7",atialk-in's stare, and diteetly outh of 1114, eeson's new store, whcre I have . built the be .,t Gallery in the County especi- Illy for my ,'. en. work, 'being large and come - medians, an; with the proper hotenie light ; heine the on ; Gallery in Seaforth Construct; - .. 4eon truehategraphie principles. 'The rfitly tight tht .:Gait,reyleet the true Feature& 1 Ratter .mysef.tha,t I can satisfy all who may cedi. Rene:: der, 1 don't want your money for nothing; , am bound to please or no pay. As merit,- he e had pictures in Seaforth, but Were tlissattefied, havine confounded my nanie with astother. I woad receist if you Want a gooti picture, properly made and 'durable, 'that you ask for Frauk Paltridge, Don't ask RA; Paltridgeis, only, but Frank, . I'altridge., 1 am thus explicit, becattse many' think they ke going to get a picture made ey Frank PaItridee; but by a mistake, in not. going tot Frank P.'s, get sadly elieap- ointed. tASK POR, AND GO. TO FRANK, the Brick Block, up ene flielit of stairs, 211(1 turn to the right hand. - My specithens at the door are all my own al -,4e, and are not bought or borrowed_ to .ecoy the public. Come any day, Frank is always at honic =din Good !Pauper. . Picturea (if decetteed oarefay- copied into any kind "of 'Picture desired. Remember, it is to trank Paltridee's von, ave ta ea toga a. good Photograph. r.:'%'ad rich'7'F-ariatture, Scenery, &c., that will melee our , picture look ifich, and worth sending to , your friends: Who does not know. PRANK PALTRiDGE t Seafo-rtla, Jan. 'Otte 53;,ly The Fact! THAT - g4 r ry 111- P C.-1- L.:L(4 (-a t.-9 0.5 GALLERY,. L e new complete with a Rcw- ,.0.1e4-1TLANDER INSTRUMENT. . xTEW 13Ackgrouutis, &c. None but lirst-class pictures taleen, and satisfac- 'doe g-aancnteed. GALLERY ever Dr. Smitite Office-, next door - .tatt titerer're Seaforth, efug. 1'.1, 1838. 36-6m. J. SETTER CHANGE BROKER' And dealer in Mire - St GliENIMAL3 & D $111 FS, - The Drug Department is under the 4,ecidt care of an experienced Chemist, • R. M. PEARSO.: 21St, 1869. 59ely _..---- ---------4---______-_--._, Exsoutioa. tit UanstantinOpie. ._.–....... Another iare sacrifice to justice oct reined in -a-Ntreet near Ak-f* raia. The victim in this ease WW1 teMi4sulman Albanian named liansaii,. who 'about a fortnight ago violatedand then murder- ed a woman at Scutari. He had enter- ed_a house in a. 1One:31 quarter of the Asiatic suburbs, in.the daytime, and finding the woman alone, ' perpetrated his 'doable crime and afterwards de- camped witn what, light ve1nal:4es he could carry. off. The police, for a. won- der succeeded in -k. king him, and, as t7c he was identified b sortie one who had seeu him enter the house, he finally 'confessed the crime during the second or third examination st the •Zapieh. From the first thole, was no ehaTfle of his escapingca- pital punishment, but his sentence was, as usual, conee‘tlecl from him to the last. . The execution. had beea delayed for some. days 'owirg. to the difficulty of obtaiping a gipsY.--. the "'Simi finisher Of, the law in Stam- boul—to undertake _ the job fo' the Inodest fee offered bp the autho ties - 'The Zingoree, howevei holding ou for better pay, a. policeman -Was at le' gth induced to do the work, and, wit out Iprevious hint to his fate, the murderer `was ronsed from sleep at .sunrise on Wedn.esday, to go down, as he was told to a steamer to exile to Trebizone: On caching the spot 'selected, 'the party of police escortims" him _ halted;, and the first intimation the wretch had of . his fate was the question if he desired. to say Ails prayers. He replied in the ..ne„cutive, an the executioner advanced' -and attempted to throw a looped cord toyer his head. 'Manacled though he 'was, he resisted ,for some minutes, -scrugglig fiercely, and screaming in a manner whi di, early though the. hour was. speedily gathered a crowd into the previously empty street. i At length the cord was got around his neck, and, after a furthcr z'ihort resistance, he was strangled into insensibility. This doner, the body was hung up to a hook in the - door -step of a neighbouring butcher's. shop with: the feet barely ofi the grould and left to die out thus, under. watch -of a single rapitch. As Usnal there *was no excitement among the spectal •tors, and in less than half an hour after the murderer 'vas dead only "s.une three or four loiterers lingered near the spot. About I p in. the body. was cut .down, and carried off in a sack for burial. . THE SE THE lEttuor IN ,ENG.LAND.—Theltiel- ing �f x/Irrii at the extent to .avhich this intimidation has_now- spread is sp strong, that AO lOompiiik& yhicli io now to consider the mode of conducting elections can scarcely be said to set out with having the Ballot .reserved as" an open, question: Its real function will be muck more to consider what par- ticular form of secret voting shall, in some shape or other, be ,used is a reme- dy against intiniidation. No men have clone so much to prepaae public opinion for the Ballot as .the election. judges, for they have shown that the existing law is fittih3 against intimidation, and no other remedy, good or bad, has been suggested but the Ballot. It is. with great regreat that we see this.; for, if nieki could but have been gradually weaned from the evil habit of intimi- dation by a change in social opinion, - this would- have been far better than to -try to outwit 'petty tyrants by such a device as the ballet box. But it is im- possible to alio* the intimidation that marked the last election to continue, and, as some change must be made, the Ballot will have the advantage of being the may remedy visible in the field. - Fortunately,* it is not a ques- awl of pcditical parties or mob vio- lence and petty tyrannY\ are of no use to any party, and it willcertainly be the respectable, quiet; . and honorable classes ----.-the friends, in every rank and every party, of order, decency, and in- dependence—who will profit most by eleptions being conducted so that. the ina'ital license of election mobs shall be done away with, and so that each voter can vote with pleasure and without fear as he pleases.—Saturday Review. • • THE GULF STREAH.—The question whether the exceptional warmth of the British climate is owing to the Gulf Stream, wasdiscussed at the meeting of the Royal Geographical Sothety. Mr . A. 0. .C1-in1ay read a paper, in 'which he maintained that it is not. Mr. Finlay's argument was, that by actual mea-surment taken at the out- come of theCT'ulf Stream frem the Gulf( of Mexico, between Cuba and .Florida, there was not sufficient • body ..of 'water to produce the 'effects attributed to the Gulf Stream'. There was probably a great oceanic circulation in the Atlantic and in each of other oceans, which se2med to corrotorated by the great streams which flow northward from the Baha- mas in the same diteetion, and parallel with, but distinct from, the Golf Stre- Betweeh Havana and. Florida is high. submarine . mountaih, which con- tracts the Gulf Stream to a third of its supposed volume,, and it was impossi- ble for the tail' flim which constitieted the real Gulf Stream in the middle of the Atlantic, to proclure any effect up- on the English climate, which, however, the great belt Of warin trade winds passing over -the oceanic currents would suffidiently • influence. Air. Finlay's opinion WS controverted by Capt. Sherard Osborne and' Professor .FItixley; and Sir H-nry Rawlinson (who was in the chair), in summing up the debate, setiellie was glad to be able to retain some of 'ais faith in the Gulf Stream. - A fellow who has. been shaved in 'China says that the oarber first stropp-. --ed the razor on his' leg, and. then did the shaving -without any lather.' The "customer remonstrated -/ but was told that the -lather was entirely. useless, :and ha -ii a ten- dattcy. to make...the hair stiff and tough, and was 'therefore. never used by persons who had any knowledge of the ff.re and its appenda- .ges. After the beard had been taken • off—and it was done in a very short time—the barber took a long, sharp; • needle-shapect spoon, and began to ex- plore his customers ears. fie brought up from. numerous little crevices bits of wax and dirt thathadbeem accumula- tin since his childhood. The barber -sud4letily twisted I is saibtect's• n?,ck to -oneiside lil such .a meaner that it crack- -ed as if the vertebroa had been discoeat- d. "Hold. on.!" shouted the party, alarmed for the safety Of his neck. "All right," replied the tensoc, "me TIC hurt ;" and he continued, to jelk and twist the neck until it was limber as an old woman's disn rag. He then fell to beating the back, breast," arms, and • sides with his fists, sn1 pummeled the `mus::les until they fairly glowed with • the beating they had received. -Ek •then. dashed a oucket of cold water over his man, dried the skin With towels. and declared that his WOrk NruS done. .Brice two cents. _ FORTRigx:pparroRi. 4.0W4040.00.000040004000440/44400004111 AR NGSALE OF INTER COODS AT •Bonthron & Son's E will sell • /WINCEYS, COB URGS, • FANCY DRES SGOODS, • TWEEDS, A FLANNELS, • BLANKETS, • READY-MADE CIAOTHING! BOOTS SITOES, and all Winter Goods, AT COST 1 Tta-oling 8tones. A. CuRIOUS CEREMONY.—The Loud on correspondent of the Chicago Journal verites : "1 witnessed one day lag week a curious cne i oiy at one of the churches in my nOgliocetrhood. In the •year 1794 an .old lady died and was buriect in one of the -Vaults in that church. When her will was read it w.s found that Elle lnd b-queathed a cdnsiderable sum • to the church, the proceeds of which were to be annually ..distributed to the poor of the parish on the -26th of January, her own birth -day. The -condition attached to the bequest was, that Iter coffin sootild he carefully dusted- every year on the day in ques- tion. In case -this operation shoull be omnaitted on a single occasion, the en- tire principal of the bequest WaS to paSS. to the authorities of the adjoining parish. . Of course the ofilciols of the (there'll have always been Oaref uI"to per- form thi in te Testi ng ceremsn y, andit was (toile thieeyear for th6 seventy-fifth time, by the sexton,. in presence of the anya•wardens, and nein eT OUS spectators, amoug -whom as probably sone iuterested piety from the adjoin- ing parish to watch the proceedings." To make room for Spring Goods. • _A Choice lot of ROGERIES Always on hand. • BONTHRON SON. Seaforth, March 19th 1869. _ U‘Sa.410 NOTICE. MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospstal Street, tgrgOteai: „ Our Teas 'after the most severe tests by the best miedical authorities sad judge s of Teas, have -been pronounced to bequite pure, and free from any artificial;colormg or pois- onous substances so often used' to improve lthe appearanceof Tee.. Theyarounequalled for strength, Said. -1lavot . iheyc have been chosen for their intrinsie,. worth, keeping in mind health, economy,. ancra high degree of pleasure in drinking them We sell for the smallest possible profits, effeUting a saving to the CODSUMOT of 15e, to. 209. per lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 lb. boxes, and -are warranted pure and free from poisonous ' substances. ' Orders for four 5 lb. bens, two 12 lb. boxes, or One 20 , or 25 lb. box, sent carriage free to any. Railway Sta- tion in Canada; Tea will be foiwarded- im- mediately on reeerpt of the order by mail contammg money, or the money can be •. . col- lected on delivery by express -man, where there are express offices. In sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 lb. box would be too much/four families clubbing together could send for four t lb. boxes, or two. 12 lb. boxes. We send 5hem to one address'carriage paid, and mark each box plainly; so that each party get their own tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they ,are not satisfactory, they can be returned at our expense. Leaf, strong JgEte.,a---E , 4,5ncg. ,1 i 85h0cB. ;re_airtiaestn, Barowikeredn New Season do. 55e., 60c. and 65c.; Very Best Full Flavortd do. 75c.; Sound Oolong. 45c.; Rich Flavored do. 606.; Very Fine do. do. 75c.; Japan, Good, 50c., 55c., -Fine 60c., Very Fine 656., Finest 75c. I GREEN TEA.Twankay 50e., 55., • 65c ; Young Hyson 50c.e 60c., 65c 70c, ;. Very .B inc 85c., Superfine and! Very Choice 81; Fine Gunpowder 85c. .; Extra Superfine do, $1. Teas not mentioned in this circular equal-, ly sheep. Tea only Sold by this. Company,. tibl- An excellent mixed Tea couldebe sent for 60c. and 70c. : very good for common purposes 50c. Silver taken at par. For notes anu1 post- -office orders the Company will add the pre- Mium in tea to the order. •A complimentary- box of tea will be given to parties forming Clubs and sending for 251b boxes. Each box will be marked plainly, so that each brie will get his own tea. . • GarBeware of Pedlars and runners using our name, or offering OUT Teas in . small packages. Nothing less than a caddie sold. NOTE THE ADDRESS—The Montreal Tea Company, 6"Hospital Street, Montreal. Out of over on, Thousand testimonial, we insert the following : 1 • They have walking stones in Austra- , lia, and, as we are informed, they have travelling stones in.:Nevada.' Here is deficription ; They a.re almost per-. fectl y round,the majority of them as large as a walnut, or om. irony-, nature. When distributed alio at upon the floor 'table, or any other level surfac,e, with- in two or three feet' from -leach 6thef, travel toward a_ common ,centre, and there huddle up in a bunch, like a lot of 'eggs in a nest. -A single stone re- marked to a distance of three and a -half feet, upon being released, at once- startod off with wond.rful and some; arhat comical celerity to join its fellbers taken away four or five fea it remain-, ed motionless. Thcy are found in a, reeion that although • comparatively level,_ is nothing but barren rilck. Scatter,,d over this barren region - are little basins,from a few feet to 9 rod in • diameter, and it is in the bottom of these that the rolling Mlles are found. They are from the -size of a p'ea, to five or six inches in diametet. The -cause. •of thee stones -rolling together is doubt- less to be found in the Material of • which they are composed, which ap- pears to be loadsto_tte, or Magnetic iron lore. HOUSE &SIGN PAINTER. - erft :fire" fi • 4,2:.:;!;‘,;:‘,AA. • • tr. - etes , - :•• • • - 01ITHOGILAPMC.—A late i85; u e of the Galt Ref( enter COD tained a notice of a; scrimmage at a tavern in Hawks i1Ie, which did not suit the taste of one of the.particina.nts, who furnished the fol- lowing re.L‘arkable succinct statement in correction thereof : some Kus hes bin rightin to yu ann Sane as bow thas wussii big fit Inn this toun Toad _or mornine at, the angel 0 merkan its a Doll darn li tlru. NVIIS (mull a lit ell Rats Sliug enplg Inn furfon on its fals aboat them four •Tea Rods dew yoo Spos beewodin drink nothin h isself ,welmehbie • yevister Deib furawl Eye No -e Ann Ef, he rights annie :Room Nuncents :to .430 abou_ Hogsville yoo Icneedent poot i Inn,yure Noose - paper Ef yoo dew i1e tel aUtl thin bout hym en i ges tAhisitel =Sta.?. two. A YEAR'S TRIAL. The Montreal Tea, Company : Montreal, 1868. • Geente—It is nearly a, year sinceI perches - ed. the first chest of Tea from your house. I have purchased many since, •and 1 am pleased to inform you that the Tea as in every case proved most satisfactory, as well as being exceedingly chea•p. Yours very truly. •• F. DENNIE. Montreal Tea Companye G-ENTLEMEN—The Tea 1 purchased of you in March has given, great satisfaction and ; flavour of it is very fine. It is very etrange, but since I have been drinking your Tea I have been quite free from heart -burn, which waulcl always pain me after beeakfast. I at- tribute this purity of your Tea, and shall continue a customer. . Y ours respectfully. FRANCIS T. GREEN. 54, St. John Street Montreal. Moutreal, April 1868.—To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospttel Street, Montreal —1,Ve notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we have forewarded to you to different parts of the Dominion, and. we are glad. to find your business so rapidly ncreas- ing. We presume your Teas are giving gene- • ral satisfaction, as out of the large amount forwarded we have only had. occasion to ee- turn one box, which, we understand, was ess nt out through a mistake. Santa qaus has Made hisheadquarters for 01A preFerit Fiettlion at the stete,of , _ Where R. OUNTE , exhibiting one.; of - the largest steels of • ado Ever 1ught into, Seatorth. Everything suifitble for Chrisiniate Presents and New Year's:Gifts, AT -PRICES •CNE ER THAN THE CHEAPEST:, Tixositivho Wish to gratify their children or frienObeebestowing upon thein a beauti- ful prent, should can early; as a -Great Rush wi1 undoubtedly made to 'Santa - Claus' Headquarters. R.44f-EX.11,ER..,THE PLACE, Seaiort R., Counter's Jewellery & Fancy Goods Store. Dec. 9th. SHEFFIELD" ARE To 'OIO-NSON Chopping Axes, oad* Axes, [Frainers' Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Coopers' Tools. All work done in First -Class Style. Or- dert -be left one door North of Dr. Smith's office. 67:3m. G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian Express Co. HARD ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. Messils YouNo .& OILAMBERLIN,—S TS, I feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as to the public to inform you of the most wonderful cure of Consumption, accomplished in my person, by the use of the, Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. 1 coughed a 'great deal; clay and night, expectorating a. great quanti- ty of matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. I had cold chills every day, and severe night sweats everynight, and between thereeking coueh- and (treat sweating, I was almost deprived. of sleep ; by -these miseries RE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: A splitta' did assortment of CROSSCUT ••and MACHINES SAWS 250 KEGS PECK'S Montreal Cut Nails GLAS% P-PTTY, PAINTS, • OILS, lARTWRIGHT, as well as the loss of appetite, I was so le- I Surreeri Dentist, „ teatford, Ontario, begs mostt re- duced tl iat could hardly stand alone. I speed illy to inform the inhabitantt of was under. the care- ohnthng f a phyeician for a he l as opened . Ditic;TAL iberniegliCiliffoefr'enttillireeceiaelds, and°threoultieafn, y1 Seafo th 'and surrounding e.ountry that MR 1-I ICKSON'S DRUG ST Olele, I good. effect. Squire Peterson !of Batt, re - I commended me to use the Great Shoshonees over -• .4.rein1:7treet, Settforth, and has procured the assist lice of Mr . J. A. Ellis, Surgeon Den- ' Remedy ; I procured three bottles a once, with the Pills, so soon as I commenced using tist tq take charge of the same. Mr. Cart- it I began to get better, and when. I had. lin, weig t will -continue to visit. Seaforth the ished this complement, the cough, expectora- sc..,cou 1 week of every month. All work warranted to give perfect satiefactioii. Teeth extracted witl httle or no pain by the tien of matter, pain about t ung, c s, sweating, &e„ left ; and by continuing itause I becaine strong and healthy. It is use of the Narcetic Spraywhich produces- now over two months since I quit the rerne- local anesthesia, (went of pain.) Charges dy, and there have been no symptoms of the ModerateRAFEREN6rES : Terms dash—Dr. Smith, Seaforth ; disease reterning, and I have beeir, and am now;healthier 'and better than I have been . '.' Dr. Shaver,, Stratford, ; J. Dutton, Chemist, for years. I trust you willmake this known Stratford ; P. R. Jaeeis, Esq, stratford'g; to the public, that they may be aware of the • Dr. Whiting, Berlin ; .1)r, Rowans, 'Peculiar virtues of this truly wonderful In - nen h.• Ib3 claims; guaranteed or moue't 1)5:371:30. ; REV. W. F. S. HARPER, 3/r. C. will be at the , Commerciel Hotel, ' than CferliedY' PETER C. V. MILLER. e Dr. 'Bray, Chatham: ---." . Clinton. the third week of every month,' ErnanetsitoAwridain; Cgctnoinnt, yoonftaLreion.nox Seaforth, Dec. 17th INS. • C..A_MPBET../L'S To all to whom it may ccme.—This 'is to TENT VENTriLATOR 1 i above. mentioned gentleman, Peter C. V. DAMPER AHD DEODORIZER. ' known him always to be of the very high; Toe ROMOTING Health, Comfort and Econ- est respectability and a very candid and JE* . emy, the enly coMplete Ventilator and creditable person, and I am confident that 1 Double Damper in use, for Kitchen, Office, can safely vouch for the truth of the above, Parl r Or Bed-ltoom saving its cost in one or any other statement made by him, , c, ., PA yARNISH4 &C. As Me- ap as any House in the Trade at JOHNSON BRO.'S S OVES ! STOVES! A comete assortment of Cooling, Box, and Park Stoves, Stove Pipe, and Tinware of all descriptions, V V CHEAP, • At JOHNSON BRO.ift, • WSIGN 07 THE Jilli4i1110271 COOfING STOv.e. - SeaftitheJen. 6th. 1869 , certify that I have been acquainted with the Miller, Esq.,. for many years, and have • • refu isle& Seetestimoniele from score* of 44-ly Rector of Bath, Ontario. Prof ssional and Scientific gentlemen. 1 Fer Sale by LOFFT, • Agent for Seafarth. February 11, 1839, - • • , 63-tf Met% NEW NESS SHOP. Tlifts...undersigned, LLIAM OLIVER, Begs tee, announce to the inhabitants of Sea - forth and. surrounding country, that he has, opened a First -Class liorness Shop, Tam ZIMMERMAN HOUSE, W1t0XE- .1 'rElt. JOHN Zateftnereet, Proprietor. Dec. 14, 1868. 53 -ti 1444440.00404.4.4:- 0.40-00.000-4 Op osite the Post Office, MAIN STREET. He as had over twenty years experience in thei.busineas, and for the lest seven years has betel in the employ of F. Myers. wi,o sao.13.preA1,ciihedilaspyao. h..is aS-ti Workman. Having bought ont MR. rAIT'S Stock, LAROE SUPPLY QF GOOD MATERIAL, He is prpared to sell . AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHERIESTAB- SHMENT ± THE COUNTY, fu Scotch and Fancy Cf0 t.1 MI A. Mt :TEAM AND LIMIT HARNESS; He fit* rs, no comieetitibte G..1* him a Call, and gave You' 'Money. , • WM. H. OLIVER. Seaftetth, Jane 7th, 11869. 57-tf. S"RP'.G S eneral StagOffice Main Street, HOTEle,"Livery Stable, ant! se.attsrth, Jan. stat 1L8.69SiHARP, Proprietor. 0