The Expositor, 1869-04-09, Page 3dittai salt ansit actoi triode spirit of the dti1kfr litre they, tie- rotee- for , -e t a Try well since it sla ably se- eing it . utd the -the A meri- e is itt the Oa- . we answer, much woese'I for, of the American has te pay lus itilt to the door oft,tbe of the Canadian, whereas,. er CaSe, the tables would- be eL Then if the Canadian cannot eompate with eriean in Canada (which (jl's e cannot), how in the haMe of senses could be do so in the States? ith such fudge, under the name *etisria a few intereeted parties- / vor -tcy staff' the public, and d& - !I exponents of their shallow ness "no lovers of their not be be w't but better t man _ t tben. tie Irminnimmiminpommonomanwiler ERZ is cute rivalry just now eia threle of our Canadian eitieer, e honor of ha- ieg the Provincial and Dumb Asylum. They all, tit -A. have "axes to grind," and tbIe is to get }ns -axe ground first. eIieviile Intelliyencer haaa "Li &t site very cheap.' London, the boost of not a- few romantie n which such builclinge could be- recred; And 1-tami1ton, so lengt ed ith this peculiar.Institution, edmany tears if the Saint, ot reraovas their "candlestick." nder if IIuro CJountv has no at L What is Itaec Carling, the @aloes not -"speak un " for • constituency? Perhaps te _ read die nettspatsers, and of eannot be expected to lencw enine on. AND JURY: in their Present. the judge, at the Middlesex . last week, recommended aekets for := tlhose ‘ca:itnirral 111- 7ho may be confined in jail for e previous Ito their trial. We e this to be another illustration old saying, c!-Fetv doctors - heir town medicine." It would ere sensible for the said Grand recommend some m elhod of in - tion Which supposed lunatic* e at °nee removed to the Asy- t eared- for as fellow -mortals „ ie., Strait jackets . are far able for men who prettiad to ir Senses, but wile fail to use Teronte (Eo14 has been recent - sing the Otm -ativea to unite testiag against the north shore selected by the Getternment for tereitlenial Railway. We be- e advice, like many others given same Party,, will be disregarded. ard for the Ethiopian to change n. A party that has scarcery - e se to. she, thart one long re. extravagance will look upon peaditure of a few million dol - 1 a very light matter. It is far to keep Vartiar and. the Frenela ians in -good humor, than to about a trifling affair Iike r, which will not, at most,- coat 30,000,000. ilailmagaga"..."1"1.10MOMMI Operative'S_ in the English hotll s are now on a strike. A re - of ten per cent was to he made- wagea, and not beiug disposed, mit, they have struck_ work, !xeitenaent prevails, and unless -erms mutually _fatisfactory arss at, great distreea will soon pre - 1 revincial Gevernment has rat that the late Prime Miniater Isabella. Gonzales Bravo, stow n France, be exaartmed by thei- autlunities in regte'd to- a las been, been. discovered against this kdruiral Lapete iii which they - reason to believe that Bravo teemed.. x110.5ttet. # rastrzicT MAT r BLU.KVALR Temple "Com." tiest week. W.lirrNEY has seine, of that coal left, to which we afluded last week. TUE S. Agricultural 'Society 'Spring Show comes off on Wednesday next, at 13rucefield. QN Friday -next, the 16th- inst., the Grey Branch Agricultural Society Siniog Show takes place at Ainley - ON the 2nnd insh, Carronbroolo, a inan amed gh Conlongh wee acci while- dently killed chopping, by alirnb falling on him. Fnotf an editorial. in the Clinton /Vete Era on the Malady - ruurder, it appears that IChtie has made some very strong depesitions. - • - AlEssns. DUNCAN ar, 00:2 are at bonen again, and have some great novel- ties in their way. Read their "atty.,' it is 0, standing curiosity. We, kern with pleasure that until after the net Assizes the force at our County Jail is to be doubled. Snch precaution will we, think-, be heartilly approved by the nutlike—Sigma/. „ Mitsgas. rettoeneooe & GRAY an- nounCe -by " adv." in another -column, their. ;tbility to till odes for lumber, h peting, do., sash, doors, blinds etc., etc., This),shordd command the attention of parties about to build. TO3NIGIIT, 81litl'p's Hall, Airs. Simuis; assisted 1)37 m :my first class per- formers, will oil- e Con cert. he programme is an _excellent one, embrac- ing many very choice selections. See Progrit_ta me, Mn. 'eaGGREGus *ill give one el his Popular, Humorous and Sentimental Concerts in Sharp's Hull, on Wednes- elay neat, He is' highly. spoken tof everywhere. We are sure that he is well worth hearing. See "adv." Ma iSfigna, we did not copy' our ful1report"_of the Assizes from your eclumns, had we so done, it would have been as inaccultete as your .0ern, itt point of fad.' Get on your "specs" and. take asiother look at t -,he two. EscaPED.—A. prisoner named Patrick Healy, Who was remanded till next Assizes, for stealing a Vest, -escaped from the prison yard, at Goderich, on Wednesday last, and up to this time has not been found. He is a lad of about 18 years. The detectives are on the search for him. • Sou—u. ere extreme: ly SO-ar up around. the Siettaiffi ,oce. It etaeds ue in the interest of justice,: abolt Cluunty "Adv." 'iu the ExPoSi- Ton, width his ; uescrimittating- judgment .coneideis to' t 'That." Tut, , tut, man ! - :Look at the minutes you printed, arid seethe unnecessary white paper. - AVe, have been using /21. copy for reporting, for the last -two months, and think it, will do a. year or two yet. It is true, the paper is pretty pool, but by pastitig three or four sheets together, ib is fully a„s thick as tissue paper, though not q Into so fine. • IN TI111) bury, on the 2nd inst., a far- mer trusted J. Ceason, was found dead in his bed. lIavihg been to Wingliam, Wh(tre he had partaken freely of in toxicating liquor, his death is attribtit- ed to that cause. C. J. Scott, Craeiner, held an ittqueste at which a verdict in accordance with the above, was 1*(1:3clerod ST.IDD DEATIT. . on Friday moruing last; a MISS McIntosh • droPped dead while laying the break- faet table. Dr. Tracey, Coroner, held an inque,t on the body, and a verdid as retiirned of "Deethefrons ratural .Catter?-. " The corpse did riot ass ti me all the appearance \kid] coin m only attend sletith, couSequently, some were led te believe tint& life was not extinet, there- fore the burial was deferi-ed for some -time, but at length the unmistakeable evidetices of ttesaY. began to show th einselvtis. Quite' an ;Igitttion was eauted Ly the q,abtfull rumors, afloat, and meny peopie visited the house Tee eeeeieted t,tas retsth esteemed, and her isueilden death lais st`eated quite -a trielanclioly in her neigh eoehood. 8. hoax, auutii ilia- death _ Iieuu'oij •the kip( r Ile is in Clroderi -le alive and well, or at least, tat )ie relented himself to the r. Wube the other dey. - lie does not coneider that the ''}1r,".riat,". do birn the over "amiable," by such „reports. -,‘Ve ougratlila e ' him on his. "vivaeiousness," despite ret potts toethe contrary, and hope he maylive them all down. Had the ,Siestai been fully alive to its,grand,missh n of torrerting &lee reports, emanating from ,tihe Hamilton ,Tintest iand. othei" seneta„ sources. "We should:probably ee feet 4ave beled astray, as it collies tO' 4 * 141-1E$EAF011.r:Fr E)CP tiOSITOR. band every week in the' foie S to get all i±$"lacal," We prize it tor this quality, and do hot e thet it will be Aprpt hereaftgra to eorred eurretat jettc- curacies in the first 11.48110i if not sooner. - A ditoicalet of new prints at Bon- thrcaish TUOICERSAI TH. The Council met this day (19th Mich) the house of Mr. Behinson, Village of Ignsonclyille, at the , hour ot 10 o'clock, a. pursuant to adjouin- ent. All the members preSent. t The Reeve .haVing taken the Clhtir, the minutes of - the last meeting we.re read and ' ailopted. Moved by lAir, Jackson,. sec.. .by Mr. McLean That the acceunt of Alessi's. R0Ss & Luxton, amounting to - $14: and 45 cts. be paid,' -e-Carried. On motion of Mr. Jackson, the COtincil tiroceecled t divi\de the Township into St tut labor ditisiens, allowing to eech Taihniaeter bis (4 -vision. of sach for the curient$ year. Moved by Mr. Ja111.r cksoa, see. by -. :Dallas That the following persons re- ceive the following sums as charity Mrs. Oral/Ins $5, Mrs Coember of liarpurhey,, $5, Mrs. Aldbern $5 ; the above. named ti,ersons. being in indigent circumstances ar —Cried. Moved by kr. McLean, see. by Mt. Dallas That the sum of $50 be granted to the .TuckersMith Branch of the Agri - Cultural Hall.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Dallas,. -sec. by- Ail;. McLean That the salery of the following Township officers' be is follows for the , current year :----Clerk $100, Trea,suter- $65, Asseasor M, Collector $90, Auditors -each. $5, Selectors of jurors $10, in-. specter of tlareriss $10, end that By- law. No. 4 be passed confirmne confirming ta;p- pointments ef all the Township officers . together with the fohegoing. sala-ries.— Carried. Bytlaw No. 4 was' then read and passed accordingly. By-law No- 5 respecting Taverns and Tavern °Licen- ses read and finally passed. Mo.vedby le Jackson sec. by Mr. CouSins That his Corincil do now adjourn to meet gain when notified by the Reeve.-- tarried. • WILLIAM Tp(. Clerk MARRIED. ; Gnreve--McCtielat.—At the residenee of the bride's father. Mr. John Grieve, by the 'Rev. Mr. Barr, Mr, Francis McCulla to - MiSs Agnes Grieve, all of McKillop. J. P.- BRINE% AUCTION REGISTER. -- Sale of Farm. Steck, on the 17th inst. R. & J. McKay, Proprietors. Lot No. 8, Con. 10, McKillop. Sate of Livery Stock, on the 27th inst. A. M. Strong, Proprietor. At -the Stables, Sea -forth. Illt3 MARKETS'. SEAFORTII, April, 9th, 1869. \Vheat, (Fall) bushel. 80 90 !Wheat (Spring) UY bushel, IS 80 -64 85 IBarley bushel, 1 08 ® 1 15 Clover per bush. 6 00 ® 6 50 Timothy per bush. (60 '113S) -1 50 ® 2 50 Oats tt? bushel, 42 ® 50 Peas 1,/. bushel, )5® 65 _do (large) 95 1 00 Potatoes If? bushel, 60 ® 65 Hay LI ton, 9 00 64 11 00 Eggs lf? dozen, 12 ® 14 Butter 11 11, 20 ® 22 Turkey per lb. 06 07 Geese 25 30 CLINTON, Ain:il 7th 1869. ( Prone the _New Era.) Wheat (Spring) per bushel, - $0 82 a 0 85 •dO (Fall) - do 0 SO a 0, 90 Oats, Barley, ,Peas, Butter, Potatoes kfgs, 0 48 a ,0 50 1 10 a I 15 0 65 a: 0 65' o\22 a0 25 . 65 a 0 -70 0 12 a 0 GODERIOH, April 7; 1869. . (Prom, the Signal.) Fall wheat per bushel, $0 80 a 0 83 Spring do 0 80 a 0 82 i , TOIIONTO, April, Sth, 1869.-, . e, (By Telegraph. ) Prices declin o• Wheat (Fall) tr? bushel. ' do (Spring) V bushel, Oats rd, bushel, Barley 0 bushel., Peas Ii/ buiheL, Buiter. $0 95 to -100 0 85 to 0 90 53 to 1 15 to 1 20 70 to 75 28 to 33 inmergeminesterergalemersomsrtinni IWKILLOP MUNICIPAL NOTICE. -Kr OTICE is hereby given that tbe 111 lop rimmed will meet at Alexander's totel. on Monday the I -..?th day April, when they will hear and decide. the eliams of all parties' against the corporation, rtspeating the errors on their taaes. • JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Tp. Clerk.' McKillop. April 2, 1869. AGENTS WANTED. rpo take orders for Fruit Trees, &c, auring I_ the coming summer, for a First -Class . Rochester Nursery, at present doing a hirge business in. this County. Liberal Con -miss:. -ion allowed. References required. Apply by letter, postpaid, to WM. CAMPBELL. Gen, A gent, Goderich. April 9th„, 1869, 704i LEASE v Tb* SELL (Of -- •.****,-*** COMFORTABLE- T*41ing House to sell or lease, situated near the Baptist Church, Possession given on May 1st .t.pply to EDWARD CASH, Ontario Rouse: Seaf 4ril 8th, 1860. 70-4. FARMS TOR SALE. BEING Lot No, 6, on the 14th Con. of :Grey, Co. Heron, eentaining 00'4.cres; eleared and well fenced with new cedar raila into ten acre fields. Thereis on the premises a good frame barn 40x60 feet, and a stable, also a never -failing iream of spring water runs through the property: It is situated 11 miles from Seaforth, and 24 fiomiAinleyvilh3, on the gravel road. Also .Lot.No. 5, in the same. Con. and Township, containing -thesaint) quantity of land, with so, acres eleared, well fenced, and in a crooci stateofcultivation. There is on the ioremises a, good log house, barn aud stables, aud a living stream alsorunsthrough this fad m. Situated the same distance from Seaforth and Ainleyville. Apnly,_ on, the premises, to PATRICIC BLAKE. Grey, April 9th, 1869. 70-4in EXTENSIVE SALE OF LIVERY STOCK Poraprising Horses, Carriages, Bug- . gies, Clutters-, Sleighs, Waggons, arness, Buffalo Robes, &c. WITHOUT RESERVE. ILL be s -old by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, April 27th, 1869, at A M. Strong's Livery Stables, Seaforth, the following valuable Livery Stock :--1 horse 9 year old, 1 do 8 yrs. old, 1 do 7 yrs, old, 1 do 5 Yrs. old; 4 Mares, 8, 5 4, and 10 yrs. old,; 6 buggies, (2 nuarly new); 1 Plimton, 1 Democrat Waggon, 1 heavy four-springed waggon 6 cutter, 1 lista sleigh, 6 zeta light single harness, 3 sets light double Hara.eas, 1 covered carriage, 1 three -seated earriage,-1 twiy-Seated carriage, number waggon, one pleaSnre sleigh, 3 -fair bob -sleighs, 10 buffalo robe, 1 wolf robe, 1 bear skin robe, 1 saddle andliridle, extra poles, whippletrees, neck - yokes, blankets, cireingles, halters, &c, one agrieultural fiirnaee, 6 bar -room chairs, one sugar kettle, 1 iron scraper, --1 plough, 2 bier - pumps and pipe, 1 heifer 2 years old ; a qua.ntity of Household Furniture, and a umber of other articles. • The connnodiou 3 Stables and Driving Shed win hoe offered on lease 19r a term of years on the. day of sale. , The above properey will be sold without reserve. ,as the subscriber has leased the pre- mises of Mr, Cardillo, and intends carrying On the Provision, Feed and Bakery business in all its branches. TERMS—Allsums of $10 and under, cash ; aboVe that amount 7 months crediton fOr- nishaug approved endorsed no40. Ten per cent pef,anniam for cash pa rants over $10. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock precisely. . A.' M. STRONG. Proprietor. T. P, BRINE, Auction,:ler. TAMES Gitl.Kel.LN 6, importer al English, afi. French, and American Seeds, Dutch Flowering, BUlbs, &c. - Seeds, Roots,' Shrubs, and Vines, wholesale and retail, Loudon Seed Store, City Hall Building, Richmond Street, London, Ont Greenhouses and Grapery, Westminster, near Clark's Bridge. ALL PRBERS PUNCTUALLY ATTE4E0 TO. March 25th. 1869. '63-4in. BEAUTIFUL BAIR, NATURE'S CROWN. You MIA Cultivate it, GRAY HAIR Is a col -rain isidication of Decay- at the Etonte. MRS S. A. AL:LEN'S Hair -Restorer Restores gray hair to Its natural color and beauty and produces luxuriant piowth. 11 gives the hair beautiful gloss and 4 Ie1Ignfu1 fragrance. Manufactory and Saes 011ie, 35 BARCLAY STREET and •40 PARK PLACE, N. Y. AND 266 HIGH HOLBORN, Leaden, Eng. Seatter. and Rolls, Druggists, agents oa Seaforth. For Sale everywhere. • January 28th. 1869. 60-1y. . FOR SALE. A GOOD Stand for a Tavern, in a rising 11 Village. Enquire at this Ofhce. Seaforth, April 2m1, 1869. 69-4 glremtr 'GR ND TRUNK RAILWAY. S4'rnrner Arrangements. Train will leave the Seaforth Station follows: GO NO EAST. GOING WEST. 10:0 A. M. 2:00 PM. 6:08 A.M. 10:30 A.m. 2:22 r.141. 9:20 A. M. S'1"..A.C4-MS i Leave for Ainleyville, Wzioxeter, Leeehe ville, Bayfield and tAeter, on the arnval o 1 Trains in the afternoon. FRESH ARRIVALS AT ` FrEr...aECia:ta4.P1-1 BOOK STORE WINDOW BLINDS; IN GREAT VARIETY. "Niintee's Popular Tales," "Tales of the Borders," - "St. Patrick's Eve," ‘‘.11aLd Times," "Morning by Mornine,e " by Spurgeon. "The Prodigal Son," by Punshon. "Light to the Path," by Hamilton. "Kinglake's War in the Criinea," "Chase's Receipes," Bibles and Testaments in large and • small print, - ALBUMS AND FANCY GOODS. British and American Magazines supplied to order. "Secrets of the Great City," expected very shortly. CHOOL BOOKS, Foolscnp, Letter and 0 'Note Paper„ always on hand; also Law Fonns, Blank Notes, Day Books, Ledgers, &c. roa-SEAFORTH ``EXPOSITOR." Daily Globe and Daily Telegraph for Sale. iarn Elliott. Seaforth, April 2, 1869. 54- tf. "CANADA WAREHOUSE,"" In Scott's Brick Block, SEAFORTHI. THE subscriber has received his first in- stalinent oe PRINGGOODS LADIES 81:MISSES! Brown, Bla,ek, Colored ad White SUNDOWNS. GE1NTLEMEN'S Straw, Canton, Panama, Felt, All -Wool " and Merino HATS! Decided. Bargains in Union, All -Wool and BRUSSELS CARPETS. AIso some very choice.Gunpowder, and. 1.-4 _A. 0 I -r S Sugars, Syrups, Coal Oil, &e. CLOVER AND TIMATHY SEEDS. A large stock of BOOTS _ES & SHQex- pected in a -few days I 0;4 -Highest price paid for Butter, EggS. &c. ARCArciALD MeD0UheALL. Seaforth, April, 1869. 53-ly MILLINERY! DREss, AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS ItTINTOSH lc11,7* SHES to announce to; the ladies of V Seaforth. and vicinity, that she is pre- pared to exeoute.all Orders with neatness and • despatch arid in the latettt style aSd fashion of tile season, From her experience in the abovebusiness, she hopes, by unremitting attention to the, wante and tastes of those who may favor her with a call, to. merit a liberal share of public' patronage. aarBOOMS over Corby's Store. Entrance Second. Door North, of the Telegraph Office. Seaforth, April 2, 1869. 69-3m, More of Those 12 Dollar Suits! AT GLE HORN'S, ALSO Choice Selection of Silk -Mixed and West of England TWEEDS t AT _Law P.ZZICES—A few Sewing Maehines for S p. thait bare been rtaf fora short ale time. Just the thine- for Tailors 4.,r Dress... mai„..ers. Call and See them working. Seafoatla March. 18, 67-3m FIRS,T-OLASS 'TINGLE FOR: SALE AT SMITH & ORO'S. FACTORY; AIN LEYVII.LE. ;TIRE subscribers, haire on hand a quantity of shingles, which they offer for sale at .atoderate priets, -shell- oteain Factory. Aioleyville, March 4 67,- I m TOURS undersigned will receive Tende ers n. til 12 o'clock, noon, on San( turday, A lur,h day of April, 1869, for the :erection of a brick 'building in the Village of Seaforth. Plans and specifications can be seen at my office. The proprietor does -not bind himself to atcept the lomat or any fender, -oldest; Bats' facto' ry. - SAMUEL DIXON. 3esiorl h. April 1st, 1869, LO -2 JUSTICE abouittitt ONTARIO. THE ATTENTION' OF', ICOONERS5 :CONSTABLES; skaaiothers interested, is called to the ' following extract from OrderinCouncil 11)'ated Toronto, 2nd day of March, 1869. at all accounts conneeted.with the t)MINI§TRATION OF Criminal Justice FOR Tift. PAYMENT OF VillICH THE Prbvince of Ontario is Liable, be rendered, rn duplicate, to ' the Of each County, dr nion ofeounties, on or before the seettad,Monday next after the eittings of 't,F!t' e respective Courts of Assize and HisjkPri-us and General' Sessions of the „ 1-e;toc, and shall include all demands of theikarty rendering the same (payable as aforesaid by the Province) -up to the tinaof such render:3)g, and reference to th-e, authortty for the charge. at each account shallebe .by elle oath of the party, that it is Just andit;orrect to the best of -his knowledge t ; A aud i ‘7elief, and insases where Mileage : is clettnged, thel'e shall be an affidavit - stattag the places from and to -which the !'Mileage is reckoned, as well as the - nuntiser of miles, and in no case shall mor0 than antauti miles travelled be alloWed, ortts (treater rmmber of miles. tuaakthe distance from the Court eourie' , to t place of service,. (Signed,), GEO, MATHE,WS., counts. for which tbe Province .ie Lieb „include .all charges' in* coneft- - -tioni with Coroner's Inquests, except. medieal e-Sitlence, and all charges int cas 'tried, or'to be tried, at the A - size General Sessions of the Pewee,: A Treawrer, • Co, Huron.- • Apia lst, 1869. 69r3in „ Agents Wanted. , 4ENTS wanted to,,cativass every tower Ahila ill the coaisty of 4broi, for ROBERT' PATE:ITT RSE HAY FO end 009227741:84i,gi, AillOWeCt, "Whip RightS for ,6a4e. 14+inti Bemired the exclusive rigid for the Copily of :Huron for the abeve invention. any iieraon or pereous Making or.vending the sam4 Will be prosecuted acaoadaig to law, JaktiEFaa PUIWIS, Eeaforth. 69 -•:Aa ,Oteavith, Ap 11 2 eete