The Expositor, 1869-04-02, Page 747: 000.*.• AM COLL DAR 84 turninathard-,s for past f.tvors, have pleasu% ofartuounciti! to the mere chanta and buainess mon. of .447forth Hatt they are pmpared fo receive orders for all kinds of DRAY WQRK. Vircloods hioulled with eare, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Jimuary 21st, Ilia 58-1 y S OITAIRMAlital. U-NDERTAKER &c. Latge Stook LL kinds of furniture kept constiantly on hand, cOnsisting of the best v'ariejties. alietes. Spring Matte-rsai. q Children's 'rries Coffins kept cox.staittly on hand. tYrk mach: on the premises. oi&-e A Hearse for hire. Wareroora op - e Kidd, & Mckitikine . Trilt.)S March,44 1S TO CAPITALISLM OR SALE! The unexpired EAE OF LOT NO COUINLO1111. suavrt On the East side of Xlain Street, in the' Village of. Seaforth„ OGETHER with the laril1in;17 erected thereon, viz --The store and :dwelling occupied by Mr_ William Ault, t'le building occupied by Dr. Smith as an Otli ;e, i. i. one occupied by Mr. Paltridge as a l'hoto4raph uallers, the one occupied by Thomas elimona As an Oyster Saloon, ac.; ah..0 the tnte occn- ied by the subscriber as a Flour.. Feed, tkoeery and Provision Store, to,yther with, the stock and lixtnres contain:4 therein, Also r6 acresof land south of the ttai1wa3-, which will be sold in viliag or pArk lots, in sizes to suit purchasers, and on reaeonabla terMS. N. R—Flour, Feed, Croceries and Pre- visions of all kinds kept constantly on hand th riber. G. T. JA.P.VTz--!. rtit. February 3rd, ista t;i.tf SPECIAL_ NOTICE. E CORNECTIOT fi1SIU/111 n-Jitta'#kK laA.RTFORD, CON:fg. Gt`Y R. Primrs, President. • Zerltaxiain rRESToN, Vice President WOODef4DGE 8. 0,1.,usrEo, Secretary. [ EDWIN IV. BRYANT, AOLU;ari, Lut..EAN S. Wxio uA cn ac.ana:nor, Degarrized ini846. 'Charter Parpetuat, • The Largest- elilutiial Life Insurance Com- tiany, numbering over 7kiti-0 niernbt is A purely Mtottal Gawp my, sAss..,ta be- longerg exelusively to its members. ASSuE.s„ $23,000,00-4. Aequireit by pru- nt and economical management of twenty- Lwo piarawithout the aid ofe sine dollar onginal capital. , Surplus Assets over $6,000,000. All pro- t's 41A -idea among the member& haen p0 - 40v .1telk1er is a member.. There are utt itockholdera. Jts taege Dividends'. They have average over ziu per cent annually. Total amount divie.lereds pd the members since is or - over $:i,00J,000. Its,Snecess Unparalleled. It has arrived. la the extraordinary condition where the in - reale from ,anitualinterest alone is. more thari guilicient to pay all its losses. 'I'otal amount 4 losea paid by the Co 'y7 over .46-s,000,000, Its Itesponsibility, For every_100 ol ialiilities, it has $154 of Assets. r - During its last fiscal year this: t.'onipan-7 mI to lello. ing mem.bere, twat to the. fam- is of its deceased menine.re,. Itearly 70, mut at the same time added more than Four rAlillions to its aceuroulated capital. The Whole Recoril oi this Ootaeany has- been one a prudent mar,a renh,3,1 r.da pros - pewits advancement. Among the older and aiailine, like insurance companies its average , ratio of e&perises to- income has, through it*. ,,..ntita history, been the lowest of any.. Amount deposited, with the lieeeiver Get> erg of Canada, $140,000. NUMher ot Pouc hohlers in Canada 1,086, Insurance $3,123,000. C.-4.rMedical. Referee Methereil sot Dr. Tracy, aeaforth. 0 nt. - DANIEL L , Genoral...‘_Lanagerfor e.:anacb& Feb.S69. 61- tif. .BOOTS & Itifilliaria McNally f,)..vist lately purchadett the- business - uLiaIn Barker, in \Vroaeter, .1 tad a large asso-rMtait of Boots apd, •-12o1...i. hut firatee:asa work mann- aaioua tax the. premises. Ord...re will reJeiVe itmlar attention. , done on the $.403: Cutilo ice. 'a Aprd 23, 1861 ly„ NOTICE. NT-0TE leq.ST. (}nor about. the 25th of _IA February last, a note of hand made by Leer Eniely anti George Patterson, of the To,:rnsliip of Grey, in favor of Joltn. Rod- dit:k or bearer, for the sum of ei9Zi en, dated. (Yeteber, /86S, and FtyaloTt: 14 month tf1or ask- This is to farbid at- person or per.,-, els purelta-iingor ne4otiating _said note, 4 payment thereof ha e been eteppeil. JOTIN Ur.ry, arelt Si IS 49, 63 tf TELE l‘IETael.DY TRAGEDY - •Quite a senition wass'eaused. by the appearance in the Globe„ hist Sat-uray of interesting develo*ents in this al - fair, For t'‘te information. of our read- ers,' we reproduce that nart:of it whieli they are-r.nob already conversant witF - In addition to what is contained • 0. therein we -may add that -Kehoe ha . beenre-errested, caused it is said b confeseioes he made to one' MeLaren. some time the mater remaine in abeyance, and nothing ferther wa done until neighbours, fearing tba the perpetrators of a heinous erim would escape punishment, -petitionec the Aaorney General for Ontario fo speci:il debective to endeavour to oh tain facts to,. bring' a case which all •ff‘l.t. cliiirgable to the children clearly home to thent. aecorchince ✓ ith .1 -he re p t te d representations, n W hith Illul.„iVes of economy were aseigu d as a reaeon for not undertaking.thc- nvesticeetiati, Detective Clark, former - y on the Previtteial staff, under Mr. Gilbert Me2,1i-..ken, was des. atched he seene of the murde er. On his r- ival he at on -0 ari-‘03 ed the remaining 101/3-1.01'S Of WO consisting of hree daughters, viz : Mr§. Kehoe, D ere. Donovan.° and the oungest and unnetrried daughter, with 10 leeetieee:s of the two formcr. homes 2-1.eiedve Ole eldest son, who ad rolueetd e- •frere 'the other side,: on eating rif father', death, v as also Tcste(i et Ms. Giarke_.'s instigation. Mr. Me ken, ipendierv trate, shorely afterw:nds arrived,. and having ex into the case, placed kt at Once- in the bands of Willkin an old and tried efii-er of -his own foree. He at once determined upon a et ew couree of action ; and , sr - curing Cos serviees of Mrs. Bond, wife of avetlier detective in -Cie • fore, placed her iu gteel on a c-lie-irge of co an terfeieinee' lent with .the re. 1 object of ascerteinieg hew nmeh the -girl Alice Melatly kuew of the facts. In cense- qiiem.e of the -way in whi-h the Case had been previonelv _handled, . Bond was V'ery Ytr•trjv received aneeng the reletives of the deceased, and t e;iri is CW0601100 to leer titt rcourse with Mrs: Bend, whom t'eavif.at once -suspected. 'Added ' to titis the ga•I wits found to be a sheewel„ kben obeerver ; and during -a two ittter-ourse in which they wei.e togetit-r oonstently, avoided anv refer- ence to tie0 elder:re on whiclt s1iwaS coulee ieted, Meanwhile, her tii.:11 be- fore Mr. 17,1e3li1%en (lad been 1e.1110\red to Si Enrol tit. _Six months, had cheesed fronted t.e. time whem the in u rder been coeinti ted, . and few addition- al:1 faets had beeu eli•ited to those ob- tain( d at the 0 )roner's inquest, Idi Stnich'e cOnneet,ion with the case only, !however, dated from. the 1st of D•eCe!ii-. ber -; auti he, finding the girl in her guard, coil n ed to her diseletrge at • the end ef two weeks frOril her ineer- eerati, in: The detectives were at the same time eaiout relea iog, Mrs. Bond, thinkiitg toe gtnle up in that direr tion velit;ti ethey- foi tit(' Oita, she ha'l stritok up an :Tie(' L]ljt,tflre with Nicholas' Mfe lady, eon:mem:hie, oK§the tenth of et.teb4-te. This was in a directien-tli:-..i no one anti ipttted, but, bv 'adviee, at on.• taok ',"1tIvantage Of the eircuiii_ Etat] hi• -;11 begif.r by her ..reeeiving. fellowine "1', teen Miss.—I saw yon every day with itieler Alice, and would like to • speal with. you. I noticed you. skull,- hingthe,other day in .the werds, NICHOLAS MELADY."' The aequaintance was kept Up by letter, the rules - the pr:son prevent- ,. . ing tiel,ir being togeter ; but that he ) confide in her; was evident -frovn the -fact of bis shortly a,ftefwards askrinz her in a letter not to tell anyon'r; they- sve&e 'earresponding, as his lawyer: had warned iij.n to beware, of bee. The art angement of the cells wits such titat 11114. Bond,' when "out during; the Klayrim the yard, co-P:i.el speak with him thre.igit the grating of his cell, and thus oue.e in the day at least they- Awould have.d conversation in tliis man- ner 'f while a Lid 'emplieyed n carryina fuel to elle cells was at :other eriod' ps'. of the daq, made the post -boy for their correspondence. In all these irate]. -views, Mrs.. Bond led her lover to un- clerseaud that she was 'in for counterfeit- ing, and that she was connected with a rich gatig. This led hiun to the. idea that hcr assistonce would be of materi- al ovaiJ to him, and suggested -that she shoul.i. obtain her brother's (a,notbei- g9Amterfeiter) assistance by moitey and other wise to bribe the jury at 66 trial; and buy tip evidence to rove an qlibi. $ She tiegnieced_ in the pr poeition, and had letters written from 'hex, brother in Dail° assenting to the, proposition on his volunteering to join a -JO gang when released. Still, during all this time she never asked hirn the cause of his incarceration. preferring -to allow _ such to come from himself, as showing his complicity in a more direct manner, Gradually his letters became more de. tailed, and, at_last, they; commenced to 7°17:I!. 5gAT*01,1,.T714 • g".„.: hint, and also to , detail broadly, the cauSe of his:ineareeration, his connec- tion with the crime, and the manner in which -it had been committed. -Mean- while his desire -for freedOm, increased, and believing that her release would; in some way secure his, *asked his law- yer to udertalee to bring bet'. out. ,This the latter, still suspicious' willingly did by discovering that, thecommitment .detaining her contained a flaw that made it ; unwilluig to go, she still bad to subinit to his persistent re- quests to get her. -to see her friends in his behalf. Mr. Smith here returned on the, scene, and while pertending o ue after MIT. Bond bad her tem'oved by a conveyance to Stratford, "passing 'eleaforth on his way south.; "Here he stepped into the Court then stting. to investigate under Mr, MeMlcken, . and • while the woman was really in the sleigh, announced that she had ,been arrested while; attempting to escape, at Sarnia, and was on her way to Godo- rieh._ The attorney for the aefence, in returning from Seaforth to Stratford the saute night, saw her in -charge of Trainer, a constable, on the same train, aud at Qtleg;3 concluded that she had- been arrested as stated. Her le- ette4ii made Melady's Confidence in her stionger, and inilnediately on her re entering, about the first uf January List, 1. e re ;timed his epistles, whit h proceeded to detail more precisely than nyer the facts of the murder. .A.bont ai.s.ty notes passed- between them dui -- the month subsequent to this, in the •majority of which references were nide to. the/murder. In one be statee Otat•one .good circumstance in his favor was' the faet that -.bo .cl,anged lns pant: iiramediatily after the Murder, a ftvrt is!i.it the constableWere .unaware o in another he mentions that Da .i Donovan bad. bured iiis (Mela(ly's) ti un.k as it 'o.nt:tined evidence a,gainst hint, Or he would send fioi.. some 1i things he bad in it to make a pi eSent .to her. After all, be said he felt pretty Sure no one saw him. He wrs lcd, he s it one, to undevetand that :some maneWaS going to S..wear that 1.te saw him and Dorovan going ,tiad- coining front. the ,house that night, but with her ssistanee he could be bought off. One letter ran as follows :e "GAEL. gl DEA JENNIE.—Aftcr 1 commenc- e& to trust you, I fe1. as is i could notdo , withcut you; and now i cannot beat. you out of my sit. I eettei trust you more than my oivii -fiiends, for iear ..E.itey _turn on me ? have never 50(3(1 etre that I loved more eeAcl believe nre- reti,Lio i will love you until i tiraW 111V it breath. You are the only vefin e4.er,leved and if Ican get out eve will it (itver Rift. We will -.get, married an e yon willshowme how to make tee ...ountet wonev and i know lots oi 111cc-Where wh can pf.tm it off.- No (me- saw me. co -it and if • they hrii evident:. e against' me you can buy it off. • "Yours for ever, • "NICHOLAS MELADY." Many of tb lettv;r6 eqn thin ed siutieu- admieeions, some o -c even a inoi-e duo eltaract Air, -1. Bond as at last dis- eharged. h')'0 -tit a nienth ago, and thee informea Melody that she was going to Bnife'io. A coritespidenee was kept ep till the tone tC)tit, few d:tys ago ;. o• cOui'se, is a,_1 letters had to be inspe, - e.1 by the.. gaoler; nothing occurred in thew' touching the nuirde.r, ancl they oaly breathe the affection and adora- tion tio appears,y) have felt, • peon) rtet possibly, more by the of es( e (Alan in real regard. j10 correspm denee only closed and 1).lie parties di closed their hands, when the case wnj.s ready for trial. A fesv clus before, the ,evidence against the parties thus accat•niulatect was showli to Donovan, who immediately asked to 1:e allowed -to make a deposition, 'with the wish, evideiei-ily, to protect himself. The first deposition he made was as fel- 1 • lows :--- " Teis is the staterraent el', Thomas Donovan, made this 18th day of.March, 1869, in relation :to the ,intirder of s , Melady • and Ellen Men dy- (his heiieve that Themes Me--. lady,..e.lice Melody, and i1i S Eelloe are aware of,„ the uanaler of Nicholas Melady and Ellut gelady, (his wife) ; _Ireed feeetretee-thate-I know Nicholas Melody was the murderer, Or one of the !. • Murderers• . "THVAS. DONOVAN. Taken and subscribedbefere-ine at GodetiCh this :16th day.of March, 1869, JOSHUA CALLOWAY, JR., J. P." - • A MISERAI3LE specar,en of humanity, known by -the name of Cudlip, • moved a revolution .in the New Brunswick Legislature for the annextion of that Province to the United States. .As might be expected from the loyal Blue Nosey his motion- was. greeted with hisses, net being even honored with a eeconder. 'Let Britons still be Britons true, Among themselves united, For never, but bv British hands, WieuldeBritish wrongs be righted." ,1 osrrort. THE SIGN 'OF THE COLDER rpHE subscriber begs to inform the public I that he has just received -a great -variety of Saddles and Which he is prepared to sell , A t Prices Almost Unparalleled. rIoLLA RS of every description, war - S' ranted not to hurt the horse's neck. In the way or Harness, .OF ALL KII\TDS, He is; as heretofore, in a position to give his customers as good value for their money as any other establis_hanent in Ontario. Quality of work and material employed • indisnatahl e. !Pr SHOP OPPOSITE KIDD & Mc LT LKINS. JOHN O.A.MP13ELL. Seaforth,\ Feb. 12, '69. 63-tf. SEAFORT.1.1 FURUITURF WAPEROOMS! • Al. ROBERTSON, Importer and Manufactrirer of all kinds of HOPSEHOLJD• FURNITURE, •Such as • LQUNGE's. ' VENTRE TABLES, • MATTRASSES, DININ & BIZ.RAKVAST TA_BLES, BUREAUS, • , CHAIRS, and BEDSTVAPS, .• • In Great Variety Mr. R. bas great Conlideib offering his !pods to the public, as they are made of tk)oa Seasoned. Lumber, and oy. 'First -Class Workmen. • COFFINS MATO ORDER On the Shortest Notiep. , WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and „Despateh. • War ero o TITS TWO DOORS SOUTH, SIT.-VRP'S HOTFL Ai-ain Street, Senforth, .Tan. 6th. 1.86'zi, • LOOK OUT •FOR F. IMAM. -ARE Selling off the balance of their Ini:Pr Et* AT A VERY LOW FIGURE1 Coniisting 'of DRESS Goons, wirioms, Hoops, 32..5AWLS, scAri.Ps,i SHIRTS, PANTS, AND HEAVY CLOTHS - To make Room for ,Soring Importations. • They have a Large Stock of I , BOOTS & SHOES, Which they areselling Very Cheap. Their Stock of GROCEPdES! • Is!Very large, a,nd will be sold at prices. 'which defies coMpetition. GIVE THEIR ,EAS I A plIAL. What they sell for a Dollar, is the best that can be bought in the market., 1460 -Give them a call when you come to town, and see for yourselves. They_have a large quantity of ONONDACO, CODERICH AND CLINTON, S A LT _KIDD & McMIPLKIN. Seaforth, March 10, 1869. •CREAT ATTRACTION THE L,ARGEST STOCK OF DRESS •GOOD THE NEWEST STYLES OF THE CHEAPEST LOT OF artv Is 6111.0 THE BEST VALUE IN Tweeds and Cloths. THE NICEST STOCK OF CLOTHING ! AT HILL'S -THE PRETTIEST incLuNER1 AND THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS, w.. NEW BRICK STORE, OPPOSI THE LARGE BRICK HOTEL, SEAFORTH1 1I•MME BRITANNIA HOUSE. ODERICH • 1. '0...0.-.MIYILE RC UAL .AiD MATHEMATICAL. . M Y., ESTABLISHED OCT. 1St '66 YOUNG MEN Wishing to -qualify themselves for busi- ness, wotIld d well to attend this institution. ITRAIS For Whole Course, $20.00 in advanee e Books and Stationery, $9,00. or Course of Study, please send for _tire lar. Go A. rvi KELLAR, erieb, re,b. 24, 1869. 64-3ra SELLING 'OFF faztif AT JOITI LOGAN'S, 8 A STREET LARGE St:00K OF ST.A4E AND FANCY BIIY_G-001)$;... • R4ADY-MADE CLOTHING, &C.. 4 1 T A GREAT. duetiolt in Price. . , Se f1/4;rth, Fal)..4th, 1869.- r)./1, PINFITS NEXT 17111,4-R •tifected before the 30th -of AOr'ir Maxt, in the - 3A ADALIFEASSURANCECO. OTAIN a ear's additional profit's over ater entrants, and the great success of he - Om any lisaarrants the Directors in re- .;omn en mg this to Assurers. , 4 um A ssu red, - - 55,390 000. -Nano int of COital & Funds, - . 1,,o00,000. ..-l_nn.i al InconA, - - . - ,200,000, As ets of Amt. $150 (exclusiye of the un- ealle( capital ifor reach $100 of liabilities. he i come ,r , interest upon investments .3 no v alone S Gcient to meet the elalins by !eat . A contimrisou ofethe rates of thi rnnh,4 ny, wi4]others, cannot fail to clemen- t rat , the adahiaitage of the low premiums, whiz 1, by theiligher returns from its invest- nent , it is enti,bled to offer., If preferred, tssur-Ts need. only PAY ONE 1--IALF '014'.' ,A.0 I 'YEA. ••15 PREMIUM IN CASH dui. • :ng t e Whole jt4rrn of policies on the JO- pay- rneil plan, or k:).r 7 years on the whble life plan for thm e filliapaid portion of 'Premius NOT eS are inftict required by this: cAimpaaiy, . so tie t assure ri are not "jape tb, be , called upon or paymint of these, nor for assess- , inent, upon *m, as in the case of Mutual Carn allies. Zizery facility and advantage whic can be afforded, are offered by .thia 1 . . Cora? ny. '. G; RAMSAY, Manager. II. T ACY, k,:.e' i D., Medical Ada-iser. 1• - ' 1101111$ALD MCDOUGALL * Agent, Seaforth. Onf.; Seaforth,-MareN. 1869. -67-2m. • t i ONTAI RIO HOUSE • The Only Ortneral Stoi.e in Seaforth. FRESH TEAS, NEW FRUIT, 1 AND GROCERS OF ALL KINDS. Stevie and' Fancy DRY G 00.D S, Suitable for all Seasons. igar'A genera stock of HARDWARE 4 GLASS, CROCKERY & LAMPS, Furniture Rens, Spinning Wheels. &e. On Itamd a fine lot of CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEM, • CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. .EDWARD GASH, , Goderieh Streut,Seafoith. Seaforth, Afar& 4, 1869:- 53.1y, Make Your Own . SUGAR, 1,00o Sap Buckets • At SOOTT ROBERTSON'S. February 19tki869. . 4